[jQuery] Re: How can I create an element dynamically using jQuery

2010-01-08 Thread Virgil Spruit
If you want to manipulate the DOM you can find it documented here;

As for your question, you could either do the following;

$(#foo).after(ptext I want to insert/p);
$(#foo).before(ptext I want to insert/p);

Or more neatly;

var pToInsert = $('p/').append(text I want to insert)


On Jan 8, 8:07 am, kimbaudi kimba...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, but I searched
 for the term 'create element' on the jQuery Google Groups and didn't
 find the answer. I basically want to create html dynamically and be
 able to add it to my webpage. Suppose I have the following html:

 pThis is the first paragraph of my webpage./p
 pHere is some more stuff/p
 pand some more/p
 p id=fooand even more/p
 pand even more/p

 How would I be able to create the html ptext I want to insert/p
 and append it into the p id=foo tag? I'm hoping the new html DOM
 structure would look like this:

 pThis is the first paragraph of my webpage./p
 pHere is some more stuff/p
 pand some more/p
 p id=fooand even more/p
 ptext I want to insert/p
 pand even more/p

 How would I be able to prepend it into the p id=foo tag? I'm
 hoping the new html DOM structure would look like this:

 pThis is the first paragraph of my webpage./p
 pHere is some more stuff/p
 pand some more/p
 ptext I want to insert/p
 p id=fooand even more/p
 pand even more/p


Re: [jQuery] Re: ie8 and title text value

2010-01-08 Thread graham


$('title').html() works fine in both IE8 and FF, fixing my problem.

But I don't understand why the difference in behaviour on title: 
surely if there's only one title element than the innerHTML of the first 
matched element should be the same as the concatenated innerHTML of all 
matched elements? But if I try to print $('title').text() in IE8, it 
prints an empty string.

In any case, you fixed my problem for me so thanks a lot!


Šime Vidas wrote:

The, html() method works in all browsers...

text() = returns the concatenated innerHTML properties of all matched
html() = returns the innerHTML property of the first matched element

Generally you don't use text() to retreive the contents of an

BUT, if you want to write to the innerHTML property, then ...

html(blablabla) = sets the innerHTML property to the given string on
every matched element
text(blablabla) = sets the innerHTML property to the given string on
every matched element, AND escapes  and 

Re: [jQuery] Multifile - help

2010-01-08 Thread jayakumar ala
Thanks ... this will surely help me...

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 5:39 PM, brian zijn.digi...@gmail.com wrote:

 OK, I think I understand now: you need to have separate groups of
 files, each with their own MultiFile input and, thus, one or more
 files for each group? In that case, you can check for the existence of
 elements with class=MultiFile, which is the class name given to the
 automatically-created file elements.

 var intVal=2;

/* I've given the form id=the_form
return false;

 If you need to have separate totals for each group you should add a
 class name to the group divs. This also makes it simple to get the
 count for the number of existing groups when creating a new one.

 Also, your HTML was incorrect (missing body tags).

 !DOCTYPE html
 html dir=ltr lang=en-CA
 script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery.js/script
 script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery.MultiFile.js/script
/* get the number of existing groups
var group_index = $('.SomeClassName').length + 1;

var elStr = 'div class=SomeClassName id=group'
+ group_index
+ 'Please specify a file, or a set of files
 (dynamically):br /'
+ 'input type=file class=multi name=df'
+ group_index
+ ' id=df'
+ group_index
+ ' size=40 //div';

/* create elements, append, and initialise as MultiFile
$('#df' + group_index).MultiFile();

/* run through each group and count the number of MultiFile
/* note the 2nd parameter 'this' which sets the
 * as the particular group
alert(this.id + ': ' + $('.MultiFile',
return false;

 form id=the_form action=doUpload enctype=multipart/form-data
 div id=outerVal
div class=SomeClassName id=group1
Please specify a file, or a set of files:br /
input type=file class=multi name=df1 size=40 /
div class=SomeClassName id=group2
Please specify a file, or a set of files:br /
input type=file class=multi name=df2 size=40 /
input type=submit value=Send /
input type=button class=button value=Add File
 id=addFileButton /

 On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 4:33 PM, jayakumar ala alajay...@gmail.com
   I our requirement i need to add this file elements dynamically for each
  file path. And for each element i need the count of files that are
  under that filepath.
  Hope you understand my question now. Help is apprecited.
  On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 12:56 PM, brian zijn.digi...@gmail.com wrote:
  You shouldn't need more than one file element to begin with. The
  plugin takes care of creating new ones. Or, perhaps I don't understand
  what it is you're trying to do.
  On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 1:27 PM, jayakumar ala alajay...@gmail.com
   Anyone can help me on this..
   On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:39 AM, jayakumar ala alajay...@gmail.com
   I am using Multifile plugin to select the multiple file. I am trying
   get the final file count for each browser selection . Any help is
   Here is the sample code i am using
   script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery.js/script
   script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery.MultiFile.js/script
   var intVal=2;
   function addUploadFile() {
   $('div id=addVal'+intVal+'Please specify a file, or a set of
  'input type=file class=multi name=df'+intVal+'
   form action=doUpload enctype=multipart/form-data method=post
   div id=outerVal
   Type some text (if you like):br
   input type=text name=textline size=30
   div id=addVal1
   Please specify a file, or a set of files:br
   input type=file class=multi name=df1 size=40

[jQuery] Tabbed Pane

2010-01-08 Thread Gilbert

I've just downloaded the plugin and I'm starting to play around with

Firstly, on first display, the selected tab is defaulting to 1 rather
than 0 as documented. This looks odd with the second tab selected
rather than the first. I see this in both 1.8.0 and 1.8.1

Secondly, I'm starting with 11 tabs with lengthy titles and the
initial layout starts with three rows. Row 1 looks fine with the tabs
left aligned. Row 2 looks like the tabs are being right aligned and
Row 3 is left aligned again. Depending on which tab I select, the
layout shuffles around with tabs at the start/end of a row moving up
or down a row. Is this contollable through the tag or am I going to
have to go digging around in the css?


[jQuery] Re: ie8 and title text value

2010-01-08 Thread Šime Vidas
Well, maybe the guys at jQuery optimized the text method only for
elements that can appear more than once... I don't know.

However, text() should not be used for TITLE anyway, so this bug is
not a problem.

[jQuery] Problem with using autocomplete on Firefox - asp.net

2010-01-08 Thread venustus

I have a search interface on my site http://www.govforyou.co.uk/Default.aspx
that allows users perform multiple kinds of searches. You can try it
out by typing in the text box at the top.

It basically contains a drop down which has 5 options and a text box
next to it where user can type search query and a Go button. Now,
the Go button is displayed and should be applied only for the first of
the five options. When user has chosen any of the last four options,
the search box is attached with jquery autocomplete plugin and when
user clicks (or presses ENTER key) on one of the suggestions, the page
refreshes to take the user directly to target page.

However, this ENTER key binding with suggestions is not working in
Firefox. To reproduce the problem:
1)  Goto the above URL and select any of the last 4 options from the
drop down.
2) Type something in the text box and the auto complete will make sure
that suggestions are shown
3) Scroll down the suggestion list using UP and DOWN arrow keys and
when one of the suggestions are selected, press ENTER.

The above should take the user to a different page. But the Go button
takes precedence to the autocomplete callback. How do I make sure that
ENTER key is bound to the jquery autocomplete callback and not the Go
Button when an autocomplete suggestion is selected?

This is occurring only in Firefox. I've tested on version 3.5. The
issue does not occur on IE8 or Google Chrome.

Thanks in Advance,

[jQuery] simple testing of selectors returning empty result

2010-01-08 Thread Stepan Kabele
In many situations I use jQuery selector and I want to check that
result is non empty. To make this simple, I use this code:

// jQuery extension to test non-empty select
$.fn.notempty = function()
if (this.length==0)
throw('Empty jQuery selector');
return this;

...and than use it like:


I use custom error handler for javascript errors:

window.onerror = function(desc,page,line,chr) { /* my error reporting
*/ }

...but uncaught exception does not end in this handler. Is there any
way to report file and line where this test failed (I mean file and
line with $(#someID).notempty()... from my example) ?

Thanks a lot for any hint.

[jQuery] JQuery UI Draggable Thumbnail Filmstrip

2010-01-08 Thread Ray
As a learning experience (and to get the look I wanted), I hand wrote
HTML/CSS/jQuery code for a photo gallery with a thumbnail filmstrip. I
started with a few ideas of how to slide the thumbnails underneath the
main panel of the gallery, and figured the easiest and smoothest way
would be to initiate a draggable() function call on the ul selector
or containing div of the list of thumbnails, constraining the motion
along the x-axis.

This works well, but I have a few problems which I'm not quite sure
how to attack. I want to set a left and right bound for how far the
filmstrip can be dragged and stop animation (even while mid-drag) once
this point has been reached. I know this is possible if the parent
div is larger than the draggable element, but the parent div I'm
working with is smaller than the draggable element.

I'll start with the HTML code for the filmstrip:

   !-- Thumbnail Filmstrip --
   div id=viewing-area
  div id=thumbnails
 ul id=thumb-strip
liimg src=images/thumb-1.jpg width=130px
height=80px //li
liimg src=images/thumb-2.jpg width=130px
height=80px //li
liimg src=images/thumb-3.jpg width=130px
height=80px //li
liimg src=images/thumb-4.jpg width=130px
height=80px //li
liimg src=images/thumb-5.jpg width=130px
height=80px //li
liimg src=images/thumb-6.jpg width=130px
height=80px //li
liimg src=images/thumb-1.jpg width=130px
height=80px //li
liimg src=images/thumb-2.jpg width=130px
height=80px //li
li class=lastimg src=images/thumb-3.jpg
width=130px height=80px //li

First, I initialize the thumbnail filmstrip by calculating the width
of the strip and setting the width of the parent div (#thumbnails),
using the following code:

function calculateWidth(){
   // Accumulate width of each list item to get total width of
   $(#thumb-strip li).each(function(i){
  listWidth += parseInt($(this).width())
   + parseInt($(this).css(marginRight))
   + parseInt($(this).css(paddingLeft))
   + parseInt($(this).css(paddingRight));

   largestMargin = (viewingArea - listWidth);
   $(#thumbnails).css(width, listWidth);

The #thumbnails div is a child of a div with the id viewing-area,
which is the static width window where the filmstrip is viewable - for
this particular case, the viewingArea is 800px and the listWidth is
1238px. I want to ensure that the filmstrip cannot be dragged outside
this viewing area, and the variable largestMargin is used to account
for the largest amount the filmstrip can be shifted left before the
LAST picture is completely viewable in the viewing-area.

I have found that it is difficult to stop the filmstrip from dragging
past the point where the last thumbnail list item is. I tried to
assign a function to the 'drag' event which checks the left CSS
property to determine if it has passed this point, but the filmstrip
still drags beyond this point.

Also, when you release the mouse button after dragging, the thumbnail
on which the mouse is over is clicked and loaded in the main panel. If
possible, I would like to disable this so you cannot select an image
on the start or stop event of dragging.

Suggestions anyone? Help is much appreciated, Thanks!

[jQuery] Hello all , this is my first venture with Jquery , I am trying to build a Dropdown menu with Menuselects in the Dropdown please take a look

2010-01-08 Thread GP305
I in IE 8 and Firefox , Opera , and Safari it works fine but im having
problems with IE6 and IE7 for some reason when i mouse over and try to
move down the box dissappears ... it is a modified version of Plain
Drop Down Menu


in IE6 and IE7 it doesnt work can someone please help me ???

Thank you very much

[jQuery] JQuery or JBoss RichFaces Which is the best?????

2010-01-08 Thread hferreira

I work for some time with JBoss Richfaces and I like it for several

However now it was requested to study the integration of JBoss
Richfaces and JQuery. I saw in the Richfaces demo that's already some
kind of integration between the two (Richfaces and JQuery).

However, from your point of view until here can the integration go?
Can I use for instance components from both? E.g. use a JQuery menu
and Richfaces table in the same page? If this is possible how can this
be made?

Thanks in Advance

[jQuery] Help with async ajax inside a loop.

2010-01-08 Thread slmnhq

I have a block of code which iterates through a list of urls and
performs an asynchronous ajax request on each url.
The call back function assigns the returned data object to the key of
another object. The key is the current item in the list that is being
iterated on.
The problem: The key is always the last element of the array when the
call back function is executed.
I think this is happening because of the way closures work in
javascript. How can I accomplish building my data object the way I
want to?

// I want to build 'dict' so it looks like this:
// dict = { u1 : ..., u2 : , u3: ..., u4: ...};
// The values come from the requests to the server.

var base_url = /some/path/;
var dict = {};
var urls = [u1, u2, u3, u4]
for (var i in urls) {
  u = urls[i];
  $.JSON(base_url + u, function (data, message) { dict[u] = data; });


[jQuery] Re: SimpleModal (probably something really stupid)

2010-01-08 Thread slmnhq
Did you look at jQuery UI's dialog plug-in?

It's very easy to use: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#modal-message


On Jan 7, 10:57 pm, polarwarp polarw...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am using the jquery simplemodal code to display a div on a page.

 I am pretty much calling .modal(); on the div, which has a class on
 it, and I'm styling up that class - some issues though:

 1. How do I add a close button.  Have seen that I can add a closeimg
 style - but I can't get anything with this class to appear.  I figure
 I need to set the closehtml property to something but haven't figured
 out what.  As this is embedded in c# I might have stuffed up my string
 string termconditions = @$('# + pnlMemberAgreement.ClientID +
 ').modal({ closeHTML: ''});;
 I also tried a href=#Close/a instead of just '' - but either its
 making no difference or I can't figure out what quotations to use
 within my c# string.

 .simplemodal-container a.modalCloseImg {
   background:url(../App_Themes/Images/Ecommerce/x.png) no-repeat;


 2. Whilst the div is made visible, it sits under my content - its not
 being overlayed over the top, nor does it have a background colour
 going on.  I grabbed from the sample site:
 .simplemodal-overlay {


 .simplemodal-container {
   border:3px solid #ccc;


 Is this an additional option I need to set?

 3.  The div is not acting like a modal object - I can still click
 other buttons and stuff on the same page and leave the page!

 4. I'm confused with the styling.
 what do I need to put on my div so that the right styles get applied
 to it - or should I be doing this in options?  ie. I have my tc
 inside a panel, and I tried putting a css class on that for the
 container part, but where do I put the overlay - or should I not have
 to do this.

 It sort of looks like the basic modal example does what I want it to
 do.. but I can't figure out what I have missed in my implementation of
 it :(

 I pretty much have this in my c#
 string termconditions = @$('# + pnlMemberAgreement.ClientID +

 and want to apply some basic stylings so that the frontend guy can
 take over but it will do what its supposed to

 Thanks for any assistance!

[jQuery] Jquery UI tabs lockable ?

2010-01-08 Thread URBY
Hi i was wondering if it would be possible to lock out other tabs so
the user is stuck on one ..until a user hits a button.

For example an Admin is adding someone to a database- the Admin is on
the add user tab but after enacting this add process(by input) they
cannot leave this tab until either cancelled or accomplished (both
done by a user input button). so again would it be possible to Lock
out other mobility to tabs locking on just one?

[jQuery] Can we use jquery for paging and sorting in asp.net 2.0 ?????

2010-01-08 Thread Jackson...!!!
Hello All,

Using jQuery can we include asp.net 2.0 gridview, paging sorting and
in-place editing.

Waiting for a favorable response.

Thanking you,
Jackson C.

[jQuery] My table tags are getting stripped out.

2010-01-08 Thread choboj...@gmail.com

I am using jquery form plugin http://jquery.malsup.com/form/

I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but it seems to be
stripping out my tr and td html tags when I send stuff back from the
server and I am not sure why.

I have an asp.net MVC ContentResult that returns some html code. When
looking at the stuff the content result is about to return it looks
like this(a small portion of what is being returned)

trtd class=OtherMonth DateBox id=c_12272009div
class=DateLabel OtherMonthHeader27/div/td

Once it returns back to the jquery code it looks like this

div class=DateLabel OtherMonthHeader27/div

All the tr's and td's are stripped out and this is the case for
all everthing I returned. Every single tr and td is removed and I mean
every single one.

This is what I have for my jquery


var options = {
dataType: 'html',
success: function(response)
jAlert(Import Complete);


Am I missing something?

[jQuery] :contains nbsp; in IE doesn't seem to work

2010-01-08 Thread Jonatan

I've just recently started to use jQuery, and it has already proven
extremely useful for formatting tables (and other things as well!). I
get raw html-tables into my page, and my only way of styling them are
css and, now, jquery. And it's worked out fine.

But now I've run into a problem. Which seems to depend on which
browser you use.

I'm trying to give the table rows with the last cell containing
nbsp;, a specific style by adding a class. In FF/Safari/Chrome it
behaves as I expect it. But Internet Explorer gives me no result at

The code:
$(tr td:last-child:contains('\u00a0')).parent().attr

And I'm stumped. Is it because of how browsers handle the whitespace,
or am I missing something in my jquery?

Thankful for any help!

Best regards

Re: [jQuery] Re: img src replacement

2010-01-08 Thread Mark Kelly
Hi Glen.

I'm late to the thread (and this is probably a bit off-topic for this list) 
but up until the point where you asked for the cross-fade, everything you need 
can be done with vanilla CSS, no need to involve jquery at all.

In the page:

a class=available-button href=whatever.php
Currently accepting new jobs

In the CSS:

div#availibilty a.available-button {
  display: block;
  float: right;
  width: 169px;
  height: 222px;
  border: none;
  background: url('images/avail.png) top left no-repeat;
  text-indent: -3000px;

div#availibilty a.available-button:hover {
  background: url('images/availhover.png) top left no-repeat;

I put up the example above using your images:


One advantage to this is that it works in browsers that have javascript turned 
off, and also that screen readers etc. will still see the link as text (try 
looking at it in Firefox with styles turned off to get an idea what a screen 
reader sees). Improved accessibility is always a good thing.

Hope this helps, if not for this (CSS can't do you a cross-fade) then maybe 
other projects,


[jQuery] Getting Div to Show after mouseout

2010-01-08 Thread TheHatchet
function () {
var month = $(this).attr(rel);
$(#m + month).fadeIn();

function () {
var month = $(this).attr(rel);
$(#m + month).hide();


I have multiple div's acting as buttons, when you over over them it
will show the respected div, but I would like this respected div to
stay visible until the user hovers over another div(button). In the
code above, as soon as the user mouseout the div hides. Please help,

[jQuery] (validate) Adding in custom validation

2010-01-08 Thread echuang, chew
Currently I am adding my custom validation (messages, rules) into
jquery.validate.js directly.
Anyone know how to adding in own customized validation into another js
file and if possible, make the jquery.validate.js UNTOUCH.

[jQuery] looping through form elements.

2010-01-08 Thread rich
Hello all, I'm relatively new to JavaScript.  I would like to loop
through all the elements within a form and grab their values and what
type of input they are.  So far I came up with:

$(':input').each(function(idx, item) {

The alert is placed there to see if it loops and it works as
expected.  I'm not sure how to alert the input's value and what type
it is.  Any help is greatly appreciated.


Re: [jQuery] Can we use jquery for paging and sorting in asp.net 2.0 ?????

2010-01-08 Thread Jon Banner
take a look at jqGrid


I rarely use asp these days but i think there is a component available.

good luck


2010/1/8 Jackson...!!! jacksoncouti...@gmail.com

 Hello All,

 Using jQuery can we include asp.net 2.0 gridview, paging sorting and
 in-place editing.

 Waiting for a favorable response.

 Thanking you,
 Jackson C.

[jQuery] Re: Go through XML nodes only 1 level deep

2010-01-08 Thread Frank Peterson
I just checked the headers and they seem to be outputting correctly.

Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2010 13:47:32 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch
mod_ruby/1.2.6 Ruby/1.8.6(2007-09-24) mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6
Content-Length: 454
Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=98
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/xml

200 OK

[jQuery] Re: looping through form elements.

2010-01-08 Thread Rick van Hoeij

Maby this will help:

   alert('Value: ' + $(this).val() + ' - Type: ' + $(this).attr

That should do the trick. Just let me know.



On Jan 7, 11:33 pm, rich dottedq...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello all, I'm relatively new to JavaScript.  I would like to loop
 through all the elements within a form and grab their values and what
 type of input they are.  So far I came up with:

 $(':input').each(function(idx, item) {


 The alert is placed there to see if it loops and it works as
 expected.  I'm not sure how to alert the input's value and what type
 it is.  Any help is greatly appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: Getting Div to Show after mouseout

2010-01-08 Thread Rick van Hoeij

I would add another class to the div you want to show. That way you
can keep it selected until you go over another div. Like this:

   function () {

  var month = $(this).attr(rel);
  $(#m + month).addClass('selected');
  $(#m + month).fadeIn();
   function () {
  var month = $(this).attr(rel);
  $(#m + month).hide();

On Jan 8, 12:40 am, TheHatchet barry...@gmail.com wrote:
                         function () {
                                 var month = $(this).attr(rel);
                                 $(#m + month).fadeIn();

                         function () {
                                 var month = $(this).attr(rel);
                                 $(#m + month).hide();


 I have multiple div's acting as buttons, when you over over them it
 will show the respected div, but I would like this respected div to
 stay visible until the user hovers over another div(button). In the
 code above, as soon as the user mouseout the div hides. Please help,

[jQuery] Object position on mousemove. Failed to set up easing.

2010-01-08 Thread Tobi Eggger
Hello there,

Obviously I've a problem :)

An object's position is updated relatively to mouseposition on
mousemove (opposite direction). Works perfectly well, but I failed to
set up the code with smooth easing as result. The code works in
Actionscript in Flash (of course in proper syntax) but it doesn't work
in jQuery syntax and code-elements. Strange is that nearly the same
code works in Actionscript and there WITH easing
In jQuery, I used css() to position the object, animate() with
easing produces a messy animation.

Any idea how I could implement an easing to this animation?



var position = $(this).offset();
var position_x = position.left;
position_x = 0;

var windowwidth = ($(window).width()/2);
var endX = (windowwidth)-(e.pageX);

var speed = 5;
position_x += (endX-position_x)/speed;


}); });

My result: a href=http://www.eggger.com/index.php;www.eggger.com/


[jQuery] Re: Getting Div to Show after mouseout

2010-01-08 Thread Rick van Hoeij

I would add another class to the div you want to show. That way you
can keep it selected until you go over another div. Like this:

   function () {
  var month = $(this).attr(rel);
  $(#m + month).addClass('selected');
  $(#m + month).fadeIn();
   function () {
  var month = $(this).attr(rel);
  $(#m + month).hide();

Something like that. Hope this helps.



On Jan 8, 12:40 am, TheHatchet barry...@gmail.com wrote:

- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
 function () {
 var month = $(this).attr(rel);
 $(#m + month).fadeIn();

 function () {
 var month = $(this).attr(rel);
 $(#m + month).hide();


 I have multiple div's acting as buttons, when you over over them it
 will show the respected div, but I would like this respected div to
 stay visible until the user hovers over another div(button). In the
 code above, as soon as the user mouseout the div hides. Please help,

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On Jan 8, 12:40 am, TheHatchet barry...@gmail.com wrote:
                         function () {
                                 var month = $(this).attr(rel);
                                 $(#m + month).fadeIn();

                         function () {
                                 var month = $(this).attr(rel);
                                 $(#m + month).hide();


 I have multiple div's acting as buttons, when you over over them it
 will show the respected div, but I would like this respected div to
 stay visible until the user hovers over another div(button). In the
 code above, as soon as the user mouseout the div hides. Please help,

[jQuery] Re: Getting Div to Show after mouseout

2010-01-08 Thread Rick van Hoeij

I would add another class to the div you want to show. That way you
can keep it selected until you go over another div. Like this:

   function () {
  var month = $(this).attr(rel);
  $(#m + month).addClass('selected');
  $(#m + month).fadeIn();
   function () {}

Something like that. Hope this helps.



On Jan 8, 12:40 am, TheHatchet barry...@gmail.com wrote:
                         function () {
                                 var month = $(this).attr(rel);
                                 $(#m + month).fadeIn();

                         function () {
                                 var month = $(this).attr(rel);
                                 $(#m + month).hide();


 I have multiple div's acting as buttons, when you over over them it
 will show the respected div, but I would like this respected div to
 stay visible until the user hovers over another div(button). In the
 code above, as soon as the user mouseout the div hides. Please help,

[jQuery] Re: img src replacement

2010-01-08 Thread Glen_H
Hey Mark!

Thanks for taking the time to respond! That is a great way to do it. I
am learning jquery so I wanted to see how to do it in jquery. As you
can see im having a tough time with it lol.

thanks for the feedback though


On Jan 7, 9:53 pm, Mark Kelly wastedti...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Glen.

 I'm late to the thread (and this is probably a bit off-topic for this list)
 but up until the point where you asked for the cross-fade, everything you need
 can be done with vanilla CSS, no need to involve jquery at all.

 In the page:

 a class=available-button href=whatever.php
 Currently accepting new jobs

 In the CSS:

 div#availibilty a.available-button {
   display: block;
   float: right;
   width: 169px;
   height: 222px;
   border: none;
   background: url('images/avail.png) top left no-repeat;
   text-indent: -3000px;


 div#availibilty a.available-button:hover {
   background: url('images/availhover.png) top left no-repeat;


 I put up the example above using your images:


 One advantage to this is that it works in browsers that have javascript turned
 off, and also that screen readers etc. will still see the link as text (try
 looking at it in Firefox with styles turned off to get an idea what a screen
 reader sees). Improved accessibility is always a good thing.

 Hope this helps, if not for this (CSS can't do you a cross-fade) then maybe
 other projects,


[jQuery] Re: Can we use jquery for paging and sorting in asp.net 2.0 ?????

2010-01-08 Thread Mike Alsup
 take a look at jqGrid


jqGrid rocks!!

[jQuery] Re: How to define/access public functions for a plugin?

2010-01-08 Thread Kevin Dalman
You could consider modifying your plugin to follow the jQuery UI
Widget format. This takes advantage of the widget factory, which
provides ways to access the methods and properties in 2 ways:

1) Through the element the plugin is applied to, eg:

2) Or by getting an 'instance' of the widget, eg:
var myList = $(#myElement).data(smartList);
var val = myList.getSelectedValue();

If you don't want to go this route, then you need to return an
'instance object' instead of a jQuery object. This means your plugin
is not 'chainable' - ie, it must be the last method called on the

To return an instance, create an object with pointers to your public
properties and methods...

return {
options: options // property
,   getSelectedValue: getSelectedValue // method
,   insetItem: internalMethodName

There are a few ideas to get you started.


On Jan 4, 5:08 am, mehdi mehdi.mous...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've just developed a plugin that mimics the combo box control, albeit
 it's a special one. That's being defined as follows:

 (function($) {
         smartList: function(settings) {
             //prepare settings, blah blah blah...

             return this.each(function() {
                 //whatever code goes here...


 You know, to use this plugin, I could easily write the following
 JavaScript code:

 var $myList = $('myElement').smartList();

 No problem so far. Now, I need to define and access some functions
 that's specific to the smartList. say, e.g., getSelectedValue,
 insertItem, and the like. The problem is that I've got no idea how to
 address such a thing in JavaScript. i.e., I need to write things like:

 $myList.insetItem('foo', 'bar');

 But this isn't possible, since the $myList variable is a jQuery

 So I just defined some functions, say, $.smartList.getSelectedValue
 and the like... but in this approach, I've to pass the jQuery object
 to this functions as a mandatory parameter and this really sucks.
 i.e., I need to get the selected value of $myList this way:

 var value = $.smartList.getSelectedValue($myList);

 Is there any better approach to address such a thing?

 Any help would be highly appreciated,


[jQuery] Re: Can we use jquery for paging and sorting in asp.net 2.0 ?????

2010-01-08 Thread MorningZ

as professional programmer who exclusively does .NET, allow me to tell
you that getting into jQuery changes *everything*  .NET's built in
controls and jQuery (or any AJAX library in general minus MS Ajax or
whatever they call it nowadays) do not play nicely together...

in the case of thinking ASP.NET GridView + jQuery pagination,
sorting, etc, it is much better in many ways to think instead:  use
ASP.NET and SQL Server to do the actual paging/sorting and feed that
resultant data into something like jqGrid

At this point in my programming career, which just entered year # 10,
I barely do anything with asp: controls anymore, ASP.NET is simply
the tunnel I use between my client script and the data

But this is just my personal experience  your mileage may vary

On Jan 8, 10:12 am, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  take a look at jqGrid


 jqGrid rocks!!

[jQuery] form.submit not function error jquery form plugin

2010-01-08 Thread -null-
I'm trying to get an upload popup working with the jQuery form plugin

When I click a link I load a form html from the server and add it to a
container div by setting the div's html attribute.  I then attach a
submit handler to the form so I can call the ajaxSubmit function of
the form plugin.

$('#' + popup.popupId + ' form').submit(function(event) {

var options = {
dataType : popup.dataType,
success : function (data, textStatus) {
popup.successHandler(popup, data, textStatus);

$('#' + popup.popupId + ' form').ajaxSubmit(options);

The ajaxSubmit function however throws a form.submit is not a
function error.  I've tried debugging in firebug and form is an
object so I don't understand why the error.

Thanks for your help

[jQuery] Re: Go through XML nodes only 1 level deep

2010-01-08 Thread Scott Sauyet
On Jan 7, 7:48 pm, Frank Peterson fictionalper...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well the xml file is not on my server, but I'll try to shoot them an
 email and let them know, they should set the headers.

Are you sure that you're not running into cross-site scripting issues?

Security restrictions will prohibit you from AJAXing content from
other servers.

One solution is to create a local proxy on your server to pass through
the calls.

For example, this page will error out:


But this one will work:


The only difference is in the URL that's called:

url: http://ipinfodb.com/ip_query.php?ip=; + $(#ip).val()
url: proxy.php?url=http://ipinfodb.com/ip_query.php?ip=; + $

If you're using PHP, feel free to steal the PHP code (which is quite
possibly horrible; I don't know PHP that well):


This is a very limited proxy, proxying only these requests.

  -- Scott

Re: [jQuery] :contains nbsp; in IE doesn't seem to work

2010-01-08 Thread brian
Do these cells contain *only* the nbsp? If so, you could go at it another way:

if ('' == $(this).text().trim())

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 7:41 AM, Jonatan jona...@kig.se wrote:

 I've just recently started to use jQuery, and it has already proven
 extremely useful for formatting tables (and other things as well!). I
 get raw html-tables into my page, and my only way of styling them are
 css and, now, jquery. And it's worked out fine.

 But now I've run into a problem. Which seems to depend on which
 browser you use.

 I'm trying to give the table rows with the last cell containing
 nbsp;, a specific style by adding a class. In FF/Safari/Chrome it
 behaves as I expect it. But Internet Explorer gives me no result at

 The code:
 $(tr td:last-child:contains('\u00a0')).parent().attr

 And I'm stumped. Is it because of how browsers handle the whitespace,
 or am I missing something in my jquery?

 Thankful for any help!

 Best regards

Re: [jQuery] My table tags are getting stripped out.

2010-01-08 Thread brian
I can't see what might be causing that although you could change these 2 lines:


... to:


That's if you're not using thead, tfoot, and tbody tags, of course.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 12:16 AM, choboj...@gmail.com
choboj...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using jquery form plugin http://jquery.malsup.com/form/

 I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but it seems to be
 stripping out my tr and td html tags when I send stuff back from the
 server and I am not sure why.

 I have an asp.net MVC ContentResult that returns some html code. When
 looking at the stuff the content result is about to return it looks
 like this(a small portion of what is being returned)

    trtd class=OtherMonth DateBox id=c_12272009div
 class=DateLabel OtherMonthHeader27/div/td

 Once it returns back to the jquery code it looks like this

    div class=DateLabel OtherMonthHeader27/div

 All the tr's and td's are stripped out and this is the case for
 all everthing I returned. Every single tr and td is removed and I mean
 every single one.

 This is what I have for my jquery


        var options = {
            dataType: 'html',
            success: function(response)
                jAlert(Import Complete);


 Am I missing something?

[jQuery] Re: click event is not working

2010-01-08 Thread CreativeMind
thanx a lot!

On Jan 8, 3:07 am, Charlie Griefer charlie.grie...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 2:01 PM, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:
  i'm appending a child div in a parent div. parent div has already
  child div's which have classes ws_c1 and plus.


  but when i try to do this
   $(.ws_c1.plus).click(function() {alert('test');});
  It works on other child div's but not on the appended div's. I've also
  tried with Id's.
  can you plz help me.


 Charlie Grieferhttp://charlie.griefer.com/

 I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
 wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

[jQuery] reference dynamically loaded form select

2010-01-08 Thread sonicDivx
Been trying to find the best answer to a problem a co-worker is having
with a form select field that gets loaded via an ajax call into a
table cell.

He has a form and when the page loads based on the value of another
form field he makes an ajax call and loads a complete select

the ajax load is fine, but when he makes a select from the new select
this it is not recognized and passed with the form submit.

How can I get this select field to be recognized by the form?

Thanks for any insight.

[jQuery] Re: looping through form elements.

2010-01-08 Thread rich
 Thank you for your response.   I was able to figure out $
(this).val() grabbed the value and you explained  $(this).attr should
do the trick with grabbing what type the input element is. I
appreciate your help.  I had to change  .input to :input since I'm
filtering out by the element not by a class named input.


On Jan 8, 7:11 am, Rick van Hoeij rickvho...@gmail.com wrote:

 Maby this will help:

    alert('Value: ' + $(this).val() + ' - Type: ' + $(this).attr


 That should do the trick. Just let me know.



 On Jan 7, 11:33 pm, rich dottedq...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello all, I'm relatively new to JavaScript.  I would like to loop
  through all the elements within a form and grab their values and what
  type of input they are.  So far I came up with:

  $(':input').each(function(idx, item) {


  The alert is placed there to see if it loops and it works as
  expected.  I'm not sure how to alert the input's value and what type
  it is.  Any help is greatly appreciated.


[jQuery] hidden values associated with options of dropdown

2010-01-08 Thread CreativeMind
I need the ways to solve the problem.
scenario is: I have a dropdown and 4 textboxes, which are filled
through a callback function.
dropdown has multiple values. on selected index change of dropdown i
want to fill the text boxes with associated values. e.g
dropdown has list of countries.
when i select country, the four textboxes are filled with country's
four city names.
like if india  is selected , then textboxes should have delhi,
if uk is selected, textboxes be filled with
if usa is selected then newyork,washington,pentagon,texas be in four

what i'm currently doing is:
-- in code below i'm appending the new dropdown options retrieved from
callback function, and also appending the associated cities in hidden
input types.

  var sourcedropdown = $(e.target).parent().parent().children(:nth-


var cityval=text[1];

$(sourcedropdown).append(input type=hidden id=hid+leftval+
value=+rightval+ );


bydefault [select country] is added in dropdown with no associated
// how can i get cities in textboxes

generated code of my above code is:

select name=source id=source0
  option value=-1Select country/option

option value=0 england/optioninput
type=hidden value=london id=hid1/input type=hidden
value=birmingham id=hid2/input type=hidden value=liverpool
id=hid3/input type=hidden value=leeds id=hid4/

this is ok for one country but not ok for more than one country.. any
different way to associate cities with countries?


[jQuery] Re: form.submit not function error jquery form plugin

2010-01-08 Thread -null-
sigh...several hours later I find out it's because the submit button
has the id submit :(

Re: [jQuery] Drag and Drop and Remember Position?

2010-01-08 Thread West415

Yes, please.



kippi-2 wrote:
 The way that I was doing it was to store the HTML into the database.  
 Once I get to work I can get an example if you would like?
 Chris Owen
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 8 Jan 2010, at 06:52, West415 malik.robin...@gmail.com wrote:


 West415 wrote:


 I have a page where users can drag and sort a set of divs.  Each  
 div is
 like a widget and the code below allows you to move divs around  
 easily.  The problem for me is I want to somehow store and retrieve  
 position each div is in so when the page reloads they appear in the  
 order or when the user logs out and comes back in, they are in the  

 How can this be done?

 I have the following code:

 script type=text/javascript
  $(function() {
revert: true

 div id=sortable

  div id=divA
Panel A

 div id=divB
Panel B

 div id=divC
Panel C




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 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: [jQuery] SUPERFISH - submenus not

2010-01-08 Thread Charlie

site isn't loading jquery , or superfish css and script files. Suggest
removing one version of jQuery and only loading one. 

Check the paths to all these files. If they are avaialbel at the
correct path you should be able to open them in a browser.


Doesn't exist at this URL

assur3 wrote:


Thanks for a great module. Everything seems to work well except I
can't get the submenus to "hide" with the Suckerfish effects. All
submenus are displayed with no mouseover. I must be doing something
terribly stupid because no one else seems to have this problem!

Forgive my dumb question, but I've tried various settings, checked out
my template.css file, etc. but everything seems kosher.

My site is www.assured-it.com. The template I'm using is the new
Dominion template from Rockettheme with the Gantry architecture. In
case you need administrator, you can use the "brock" login with
"susukuu" as the password.

Any advice you can give me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.

Brock Hotaling


[jQuery] 2nd Trigger for images hover function

2010-01-08 Thread Jordan
I recently implemented the Image Cross Fade Transition (http://

It works great, and I'm hoping to add to the code to enhance the
functionality. Currently, if I hover over the image, it runs the cross
fade transition, which I would like to keep. I have another div on the
page that I would like to trigger the first instance when hovered over
as well. Is there a good way to add this?

Here's what I'm using for the first instance:

$(document).ready(function () {
$('div.tv').hover(function () {
//hover in
var div = $(' div', this);

if (div.is(':animated')) {
div.stop().fadeTo(500, 1);
} else {
}, function () {
// hover out
var div = $(' div', this);
if (div.is(':animated')) {
div.stop().fadeTo(1000, 0);
} else {

[jQuery] Superfish separator

2010-01-08 Thread eddybaby

Only found superfish today, and man oh man do I love it! It's
fantastic, and so customisable. My only problem I am having, is
getting a separator to show between the menu items! I have tried
editing mod_superfishmenu.php and in the xml file and just can't get
it to show up. Tried stuff with the CSS as well, and for love nor
money (not that I've tried money) can I get them to show!

ANY help would be appreciated, even if someone just told me which file
to look in!!

Thanks again for the awesome project!



[jQuery] Jquery validation remote problem

2010-01-08 Thread Jeffrey

I'm using Jquery.validation  to  remotly test if an e-mail is already
in use, it works fine, but... if i do a remote check, it returns the
correct response e.g. some...@abc.com already in use but when i
click on the field, and then somewere else the message changes to
filename.php already in use.

Try is on http://www.red187.nl/milk/

This only happens when i set the return vale to 'false' in th eremote
file, when i return a message there is no problem...

Can someone help me please?

[jQuery] Superfish - Working locally but not working live

2010-01-08 Thread Jason Camp
Very confused.  Working on a Wordpress site/theme and integrating
superfish for the main (pages) navigation.  Everything is working on
locally (running XAMPP on an XP box), but on the live site, child
pages are not appearing as dropdowns.  I can see in the source that
the children are being written into the page, but they are not

Currently staging at: http://mobileepiphany.com.previewdns.com/ -
there should be two children beneath ABOUT.

Once again, this IS WORKING on my localhost: ABOUT has two children
and the menu adds a #187; arrow to indicate that it's a dropdown.

Any insight/help/pointers would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Resource interpreted as script but transferred with MIME type text/html - Resolved

2010-01-08 Thread xanghe
I saw this warning in Chrome's console for the first time today while
loading a jquery.js file in a new site.  I used the same script tag
I've always used, but for some reason this page wasn't parsing the
javascript file.

I finally found the solution, although the warning message seems
completely unrelated to me.  I thought I'd post it here because I
couldn't find anything online that lead to this conclusion.

The permissions on the jquery.js file were not allowing the internet
user (me) to access the javascript file.  That's why Chrome didn't
warn me that the file did not exist - it did exist but it wasn't
letting anyone access it.  I changed the permission on the file and
the browser can now parse the file and my functions are working
correctly (although the warning message now says it's transferring the
script with MIME type text/plain).

Just thought I'd share. :)

[jQuery] Jquery Validation on Dropdown list Question

2010-01-08 Thread newbie198
How can I validate this as one hidden field.I have 3 dropbdown list
month, day, year and I do not want to validate each separate on so I
would like to combine the strings together and validate the hidden
field. Pleas and thank you for your help.

!-- DOB --
fieldset id=section-dob class=group
  legendspanBirth date/span/legend
  !-- Month --
label for=dob_monthMonth/label
select name=month value= id=month
onchange=document.getElementById('birthdate').value =
document.getElementById('month').value + '/'
+ document.getElementById('day').value + '/'
+ document.getElementById('year').value;

  option selected=selected value= Month/option
for($i=1;$i=12;$i++) {
echo option . $i . /option;

  !-- Day --
label for=dob_dayDay/label
select name=day  value= id=day
document.getElementById('birthdate').value =
document.getElementById('month').value + '/'
+ document.getElementById('day').value + '/'
+ document.getElementById('year').value;

option selected=selected value=Day/option

for($i=1;$i=31;$i++) {
echo option . $i . /option;

  !-- Year --
label for=dob_yearYear/label
select name=year value= id=year
document.getElementById('birthdate').value =
document.getElementById('month').value + '/'
+ document.getElementById('day').value + '/'
+ document.getElementById('year').value;

option selected=selected value=Year/option
for($i=2005;$i=2008;$i++) {
echo option . $i . /option;


[jQuery] jquery 1.2.1 script not working with 1.3.2

2010-01-08 Thread jay0316
I've been working with this script that is used within to group a
parent row with it's children, and then expand the children rows out
when you click on the parent.  I'm having trouble getting it to work
in internet explorer using jquery-1.3.2.min.js  The original script
was using jquery-1.2.1.js.

Is some of this code outdated? and what could I replace it with?

$(function() {
.attr(title,Click to expand/collapse)

It doesn't list any error on the page, it just doesn't toggle the
children to visible when you click the parent row.

Here is a demo page where I got the script from:


[jQuery] Re: jquery 1.2.1 script not working with 1.3.2

2010-01-08 Thread Dave Methvin


Get rid of any @ for attribute selectors. In jQuery 1.3 we went to css
standard syntax, which does not use the @.

[jQuery] Re: My table tags are getting stripped out.

2010-01-08 Thread Dave Methvin
 Am I missing something?

Well, *we're* missing something, like the markup that goes with the
code. Can you point to a sample page maybe?

Is #CalendarBody the TABLE tag? If so, you should be appending a THEAD
or TBODY tag to it.

Instead of returning HTML fragments, you might want to return JSON
with just the data and then have the client do the formatting. I'm not
familiar with the asp.net MVC ContentResult so I don't know if that's
possible or not.

[jQuery] Re: SimpleModal (probably something really stupid)

2010-01-08 Thread Eric Martin
I would strongly suggest downloading the one of the demos [1], like
the basic one, which will probably help answer all of your questions.


[1] http://www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal-demos/

On Jan 7, 7:57 pm, polarwarp polarw...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am using the jquery simplemodal code to display a div on a page.

 I am pretty much calling .modal(); on the div, which has a class on
 it, and I'm styling up that class - some issues though:

 1. How do I add a close button.  Have seen that I can add a closeimg
 style - but I can't get anything with this class to appear.  I figure
 I need to set the closehtml property to something but haven't figured
 out what.  As this is embedded in c# I might have stuffed up my string
 string termconditions = @$('# + pnlMemberAgreement.ClientID +
 ').modal({ closeHTML: ''});;
 I also tried a href=#Close/a instead of just '' - but either its
 making no difference or I can't figure out what quotations to use
 within my c# string.

 .simplemodal-container a.modalCloseImg {
   background:url(../App_Themes/Images/Ecommerce/x.png) no-repeat;


 2. Whilst the div is made visible, it sits under my content - its not
 being overlayed over the top, nor does it have a background colour
 going on.  I grabbed from the sample site:
 .simplemodal-overlay {


 .simplemodal-container {
   border:3px solid #ccc;


 Is this an additional option I need to set?

 3.  The div is not acting like a modal object - I can still click
 other buttons and stuff on the same page and leave the page!

 4. I'm confused with the styling.
 what do I need to put on my div so that the right styles get applied
 to it - or should I be doing this in options?  ie. I have my tc
 inside a panel, and I tried putting a css class on that for the
 container part, but where do I put the overlay - or should I not have
 to do this.

 It sort of looks like the basic modal example does what I want it to
 do.. but I can't figure out what I have missed in my implementation of
 it :(

 I pretty much have this in my c#
 string termconditions = @$('# + pnlMemberAgreement.ClientID +

 and want to apply some basic stylings so that the frontend guy can
 take over but it will do what its supposed to

 Thanks for any assistance!

[jQuery] Re: Jquery validation remote problem

2010-01-08 Thread Jeffrey
I figured something out.. in de js file of the validator is the next

formatAndAdd: function( element, rule ) {
var message = this.defaultMessage( element, rule.method 
theregex = /\$?\{(\d+)\}/g;
if ( typeof message == function ) {
//message = message.call(this, rule.parameters, 
original line
message = 
jQuery.format(message.replace(theregex, '{$1}'),
rule.parameters); // replaced line
} else if (theregex.test(message)) {
message = 
jQuery.format(message.replace(theregex, '{$1}'),
message: message,
element: element

The first time the field is validated the script goes to the else
if, the second time you focus/blur the field the first rule of the
if kikck in and returns the filname or [object][OBJECT]...

So I replaced the first if with the same statement as the else if 
and it seems to work fine now. I know this is not a neat solution, and
i also don't know why it works now as it does...

if you know a better solution, please let me know!

[jQuery] Re: 2nd Trigger for images hover function

2010-01-08 Thread Šime Vidas

How many DIVs of class tv do you have? One?

And you want an other DIV to trigger the cross-fade on the tv DIV?

If that is the case...

$(document).ready(function () {
$('div.tv, #theOtherDiv').hover(function () {
var div = $('div.tv  div');
if (div.is(':animated')) {
div.stop().fadeTo(500, 1);
} else {
}, function () {
var div = $('div.tv  div');
if (div.is(':animated')) {
div.stop().fadeTo(1000, 0);
} else {

Re: [jQuery] hidden values associated with options of dropdown

2010-01-08 Thread Charlie

you'd likely find this a lot easier by either using a database or
array search

here's an example using JSON. All of the information is stored in JSON
until needed and can be searched easily with $.each


CreativeMind wrote:

I need the ways to solve the problem.
scenario is: I have a dropdown and 4 textboxes, which are filled
through a callback function.
dropdown has multiple values. on selected index change of dropdown i
want to fill the text boxes with associated values. e.g
dropdown has list of countries.
when i select country, the four textboxes are filled with country's
four city names.
like if india  is selected , then textboxes should have delhi,
if uk is selected, textboxes be filled with
if usa is selected then newyork,washington,pentagon,texas be in four

what i'm currently doing is:
-- in code below i'm appending the new dropdown options retrieved from
callback function, and also appending the associated cities in hidden
input types.

  var sourcedropdown = $(e.target).parent().parent().children(":nth-


var cityval=text[1];

$(sourcedropdown).append("input type=hidden id=hid"+leftval+"
value="+rightval+" ");


bydefault [select country] is added in dropdown with no associated
// how can i get cities in textboxes

generated code of my above code is:

select name="source" id="source0"
  option value="-1"Select country/option

option value="0" england/optioninput
type="hidden" value="london" id="hid1"/input type="hidden"
value="birmingham" id="hid2"/input type="hidden" value="liverpool"
id="hid3"/input type="hidden" value="leeds" id="hid4"/

this is ok for one country but not ok for more than one country.. any
different way to associate cities with countries?



[jQuery] using .live() with Beauty Tip - is it possible?

2010-01-08 Thread Jesper F
I'm using Beauty tip http://www.lullabot.com/files/bt/bt-latest/DEMO/index.html
for example such as:

content: 'test content'

which displays a nice tooltip.
But how can I use it with jQuerys live event so that dynamically added
classes will also work with the tip?
I can't get the syntax working. Thanks.

[jQuery] Anybody ever come up with a good way of doing dynamic CSS?

2010-01-08 Thread John Arrowwood
Basic idea is a template:

.card .ct-$(type) {
  width: x

John Arrowwood
John (at) Irie (dash) Inc (dot) com
John (at) Arrowwood Photography (dot) com
John (at) Hanlons Razor (dot) com

[jQuery] Re: Anybody ever come up with a good way of doing dynamic CSS?

2010-01-08 Thread John Arrowwood
Sorry, I hit tab/space which auto-sent.  Let's try to finish this...

Basic idea is a template:

.card .ct-$(type.id()) {
  width: x;  /* etc. */
  color: $(type.color());

In truth, it is a little more complicated, because I have to make lots of
rules for all different classes, but the key element is that they have
different colors (at least), and I want to be able to define them based on
configuration that I loaded via AJAX, which defines the types.

Now, I need to take the existing CSS file, loop through all possible values
of object 'type' and then generate new CSS and make it be included in the

I've seen the 'rules' plugin.  I suppose I could fetch my 'template' css
file, do find/replace on it to substitute the appropriate values (once per
type), and then use the Rules plugin to add the rules to the current

But I wonder:  Is there a more elegant (client-side) solution?  Has anyone
else ever done client-side CSS rule generation based on data returned from
the database?  I'm just looking for people's ideas of 'best practices' since
I know that CSS doesn't yet support macros (right?).

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 11:20 PM, John Arrowwood j...@irie-inc.com wrote:}

John Arrowwood
John (at) Irie (dash) Inc (dot) com
John (at) Arrowwood Photography (dot) com
John (at) Hanlons Razor (dot) com