[jQuery] Re: Listen for location anchor change?

2008-09-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich
I think he's looking for something more along the lines of IE8's
onhashchange event[1]. Unfortunately, this is something that, to my
knowledge, no other browser implements.
[1] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc288209(VS.85).aspx

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Javascript has the built in property location.hash that will return the
 value of the anchor along with the # sign.


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of mario
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 3:09 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Listen for location anchor change?


 I was just wondering if there is anyway to listen for changes on the
 location bar when a link sets an anchor on the same page.


 current location: www.something.com/

 I click on a link and it takes me to:


 Is there anyway to listen for this change/event with jquery?

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: missing ) after argument list error

2008-09-19 Thread Aaron Heimlich
Works fine for me (Firefox 3 on Mac OS X). What browser gave you that error?

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 4:13 PM, switch13 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't see why this wouldn't

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Appreciation

2008-08-25 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 11:20 AM, GLP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Huh, what Javascript groups  :) ??

For those of you wondering, I believe the javascript group that john6630
was referring to is the comp.lang.javascript newsgroup[1]
[1] http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.javascript/topics

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: autocomplete plugin incompatible with jquery.ui ?

2008-08-22 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 12:42 AM, Ca Phun Ung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The development version of UI introduced a new autocomplete widget

jQuery UI 1.6's autocomplete widget is actually a port of Jorn Zaefferer's
Autocomplete plugin[1]. The API has probably changed some to comply with UI
conventions, but if this is the one that andrejk is using, then there should
be few problems switching to ui.autocomplete.

[1] http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete/

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Why (function($){ ...})(jQuery) instead of (function(){var $ = jQuery; ...})()?

2008-07-04 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 3:08 PM, benjam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What exactly does (function($){ ... })(jQuery) do?


function($){ ... }

is an anonymous function. Because functions are first-class objects in
JavaScript, they can be treated just like any other object; which means that
you can immediately execute an anonymous function by doing this:

function($){ ... }(jQuery)

However, because of a quirk in JavaScript syntax, to be able to do this
properly, you need to put parentheses around the anonymous function, like

(function($){ ... })(jQuery)

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jQuery upload progress bar, maybe for form plugin

2008-06-25 Thread Aaron Heimlich
How will jquploader2 compare to something like SWFUpload[1] (besides the
obvious fact that jquploader2 will leverage jQuery)?

[1] http://www.swfupload.org

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 1:03 AM, hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When will jquploader2 be done?

 On Jun 24, 10:54 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 7:25 AM, hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have been reading different posts that talk about a jquery upload
   progress bar, but none of them gave a good solution.
   Is there a good solution for a upload progress bar, that can
   accurately progress, for file/image uploads, so that the user can see
   how long it is taking?  Also, is there a way for the size of the
   upload to be calculated from the client machine, and set on the page?
   Similar to how a file input field shows the file name right away?
  you would have to use a (hidden) flash file, that's the way most
  upload service go (such as vimeo, gmail, etc.) i'm working on
  jquploader2 that will do just that. jquploader1 used a flash file also
  for the graphical UI, jquploader2 will let the developer customize
  looks and behaviours via html/Css and javascript.
  Alexandre Plennevaux

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Validating forms with identical input names

2008-06-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 3:52 AM, Jörn Zaefferer 

 So I recommend to rethink your serverside. After all, the
 square-bracket notation is just a handy convention

A handy convention that PHP just happens to transform into an *actual* array
on the server-side. So, IMO, he'd end-up making his server-side coding more
complicated in order to accommodate the limitations of your plugin. Example:

input id=date1 name=date[] class=required size=10
value=2008-06-24 type=text /
input id=date2 name=date[] class=required size=10
value=2008-06-25 type=text /
input id=date3 name=date[] class=required size=10
value=2008-06-26 type=text /


$dates = $_REQUEST['date'] // you really should use $_GET or $_POST, but I
don't know which method owen's using here

foreach($dates as $i = $date) {
echo date $i is $date\n;

// date 0 is 2008-06-24
// date 1 is 2008-06-25
// date 2 is 2008-06-26


, but nothing you couldn't achieve in a different way.

I'm curious as to what those ways are (honestly). Example?

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Validating forms with identical input names

2008-06-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 6:28 AM, Jörn Zaefferer 

 How about indexing those names?

That would indeed work (if potentially be a bit cumbersome). I have an idea,
though, for how you could support names like date[]:
 - You have several inputs with the same name
 - These inputs are part of a collection, so all of their values are
intended to be submitted (and thus need to be validated)
 - All of these inputs have the exact same validation rules applied to them

I propose a new config option called multi. The value of this option would
be a list of input names that are associated with a collection of form

As a convenience to the developer, if, when searching for elements to
validate, you come across an input whose name ends in [] (or is a
select-multiple, since the basic logic of this idea could apply to them as
well), the input would be automatically added to the multi list.

When validating the input, a check would be made to see if the input's name
is in the multi list. If it's not, then validation continues as it always
has. If the element's name is in the multi list, then you would collect
all of the values for all of the inputs with that name and run through the
validation rules you have for that input name on each of those values.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: onRighClick method?

2008-06-18 Thread Aaron Heimlich
The ContextMenu plugin you're referring to (
http://www.trendskitchens.co.nz/jquery/contextmenu/) works by listening for
the contextmenu event, e.g.
$(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
// do cool stuff...

We use it pretty heavily (although with some mods to allow for activation on
left-click as well) and I can't think of any issues it has with Opera of the
top of my head.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Opera doesn't support it? Interesting. I'll take a look at the ContextMenu
 plugin, but it's a shame that jQuery doesn't offer a rightclick method.
 Besides...who really cares about Opera?


 *From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Isaak Malik
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:38 AM
 *To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [jQuery] Re: onRighClick method?

 The reason that they don't implement this directly into the jQuery library
 is probably because of the lack of support by the Opera browser.

 Also the contextmenu plugin may be a little old but it still works

 On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is there now, or are there any plans to have, an onRightClick method
 in jQuery?

 I found a ContextMenu plugin but it was last updated almost a year

 Alternately, are there any other plugins out there that would offer
 ContextMenu support for right clicking?

 Isaak Malik
 Web Developer

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Does jquery's ajax method's identify requests as being ajaxed

2008-06-18 Thread Aaron Heimlich
jQuery (and many other libraries) adds a custom header to the HTTP request:
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest

Your server-side scripts can look for this header to determine if the
request was sent via Ajax or not.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:21 AM, fambi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What I mean to say is, do the native jquery ajax methods append any
 parameters that can inform our server side scripts that the request
 was submitted using ajax? (e.g. ajax=1)

 If not, what could be done to implement this so that we don't need to
 repeat ourselves on each and every form?


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Select lists in 1.2.5

2008-05-22 Thread Aaron Heimlich
$(#q).val(3); -- notice that I used a string, not an integer
works. See


On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 10:22 PM, Photic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sure no prob.
 Here you go:

 On May 22, 6:29 pm, Wil Everts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can you point us to a web-sample so we can Firebug it up? (The console is
  your friend).
  Best Wishes,
  Wil Everts

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jQuery to create dynamic HTML-Content in a table

2008-04-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 3:31 AM, KnoxBaby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 E.g. I don't know how to combine $(this) in the each function with
 another selector.

 $(this + '  img').attr('alt') didn't work to get the content of the
 'alt' attribute (which serves to be the UID)... Same with the tid ...

Try this:

jQuery(' img', this).attr('alt');

jQuery() has a second parameter which allows you specify the context
(basically, where to start searching from) of a selector. It defaults to
document if not specified.

 On 24 Apr., 09:18, KnoxBaby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I thought to do it perhaps this way:
  -First read the header (columns). Thererfor, I have to provide
  something like div id=%uid%/div in it so that jQuery can read
  out how many names there are and save their uids in an array
  -Secondly: Go throught each tr and prove wether the first td
  contains a date mm.dd. (if not, than it's a perhaps the row with
  April 08 etc ...). If yes, save the tid (therefor, provide something
  like: div id=%tid%/div)
  -In this tr (if it's a date) go through each td and insert the
  html code with the %tid% and take the uid from the uids-Array
  Could somebody help me with it since I don't know much about it :(
  On 23 Apr., 22:13, KnoxBaby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a big table. It has a header on the right side (dates) and on
   the top (names of persons).
   Each date has an ID (tid) and each person an user-id (uid). This table
   is generated in PHP:
   Each user can set for himself a preference (Yes, No, Perhaps) to a
   Therefor, he hovers in his column a row and the following html-code
   comes up (marked pink):
   To achieve that, I do the following:
   I use an ID ($cell_id = $tid . $uid) for each cell and print-out
   something like that:
   div onmouseover=toggleOn($cell_id)
   show here the actual status symbol ...
   div id=$cell_id
   ...the 3 links to change status to with their symbols as link
   You can imagine that it's a lot of code. The filesize is about 1.3MB
   and takes ages to load (the person that runs the date-planer wants
   it like that; to show up all dates and persons on ONE page). Now I
   removed the code that makes the hover and the hidden-div with the
   change-links and get only about 177Kbyte.
   Now I ask myself if it would be possible with jQuery to manage it
   somehow ...
   Any ideas?

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: [Validation]How to make two field check output one message?

2008-04-12 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Jacky See [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have put up a page to test.

Link should be: http://www.seezone.net/dev/dateValidation.html

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Testing...not receiving mail...

2008-04-10 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 3:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is just a test... had this been an actual...

emergency, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by
official information, news or instructions.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: [POLL] Online jQuery Training from John Resig

2008-03-06 Thread Aaron Heimlich
Count me in as interested

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The jQuery team is looking to gauge interest in jQuery training
 delivered in a live, online format by jQuery project lead John Resig.

 Nobody knows jQuery better than John and in terms of JavaScript, he's
 considered one of the best in the world. So a training class delivered
 by him would surely help anyone become more proficient in JavaScript and

 So, if you could take a couple of minutes to participate in the
 following poll, that would be a big help in determining how to proceed:



 The jQuery Team

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jQuery won't recognise attribute names containing [square brackets]

2008-02-11 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Feb 11, 2008 10:07 AM, Dave Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Aaron,
 Good styles there with the name attribute stuff. Not so good if you
 want to grab other entities such as selects

This should select any form element (input,select,textarea,button) whose
name attribute is foo[bar][baz]:


You're gonna wanna restrict it, though, so it doesn't search the *entire*
page. Something like:

$(#myFormsId :input[name='foo[bar][baz]'])


$(:input[name='foo[bar][baz]'], domElementForMyForm)

You can read more about jQuery selectors at http://docs.jquery.com/Selectors

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jQuery won't recognise attribute names containing [square brackets]

2008-02-08 Thread Aaron Heimlich
Actually, according to the HTML 4.01 spec, the name attribute on input
elements[1] is defined as being of type CDATA[2], which is very permissive
in the kinds of characters it allows. There is a section in the XHTML
1.0spec that talks about restricting the allowed characters in the
attribute[3], but since it's talking about fragment identifiers, I'm not
sure whether it applies to form field names or not (that would suck if it
did, though).

As for the OP's problem, this has worked beautifully for me:

$(input[name='foo[bar][baz]']) // notice the single quotes around

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#adef-name-INPUT
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/types.html#type-cdata
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.10

On Feb 8, 2008 10:53 AM, Marty Vance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All Browsers assign form data variable names according to the name
 attribute, not id.

 PHP uses square brackets as a shortcut to automagically build arrays
 from the request data.  Like Karl said, this is illegal in HTML, and
 still seems not allowed in XHTML according to
 http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/PER-xml-20080205/#sec-common-syn (XHTML is
 XML, remember).

 That section has a paragraph beginning The ASCII symbols and
 punctuation marks, along with a fairly large group of Unicode symbol
 characters, are excluded from names..., which leads me to believe
 square brackets are still disallowed in XHTML names.  The allowed
 unicode ranges given exclude the ascii range #x5B to #x7F (square
 brackets are #x5B and #x5D).

 Assuming I'm reading the spec correctly.  Most of the expanded
 characters in XML seem to be in a much higher range than ascii.

 Personally, I wish PHP didn't do this with square brackets.

 On Feb 7, 2008 4:29 PM, Dave Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  OK - this is the best I could come up:
  function $$(selector, context){
  return jQuery(selector.replace(/(\[|\])/g, '\\$1'),
  It adds to the global namespace (so won't work with prototype for
  example, which also uses $$) but it does do trick.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jquery newbie test

2008-02-04 Thread Aaron Heimlich
Your test has succeeded!

On Feb 4, 2008 6:00 PM, CFMike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Please ignore. I am new to the jquery list. I am just testing my access.
 Thank you for your patience.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox Media Viewer

2008-01-29 Thread Aaron Heimlich
And you got my extensible file extension -- plugin mappings request in
there too! Woot!

On Jan 29, 2008 4:29 AM, Michael J. I. Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 Just wanted to let you all know that the jQuery adapter has been updated
 to include the kind of sweet jQuery functionality that Mike is talking about
 in this email. Head on over and give it a shot if you haven't already.




 On Jan 25, 2008, at 4:20 PM, Mike Alsup wrote:

 I'm putting the finishing touches on a media viewer application that I
  coded up recently (think Thickbox). It can be used with jQuery or any
  other library. I created an adapter for jQuery, and I thought that
  somebody on this list might be interested.


 I really love what you've done with shadowbox.  But I dislike having to
 add specific markup to drive the behavior.  And as a jQuery user I really
 want to invoke it like this (for example):


 So if you're open to suggestion, I'd love to see a minor modification.
 Here's what I changed to make it more amendable to the jQuery calling style.

 1.  Added this method to shadowbox.js (just below the current setup fn):

 Shadowbox.setup2 = function(links){
 for(var i = 0, len = links.length; i  len; ++i)

 2.  Added this to shadowbox-jquery.js:

 jQuery.fn.shadowbox = function() {

 Now I can call it like this without having to change any markup anywhere,
 so it becomes a drop-in replacement:

 $(function() {
 var options = { /* whatever */ };


 Of course there are more restrictions than one might expect from a
 traditional jQuery plugin (like not being able to pass options on a per-call
 basis), but it's a pretty minor change.  Food for thought.


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox Media Viewer

2008-01-27 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Jan 27, 2008 2:20 AM, Michael J. I. Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What file types are you wanting to play?

I'll have to double check, but the only thing I can think of right now that
Shadowbox doesn't support is PDF files.

 The application is really suited best for viewable content, not audio.
 From the list you sent me, I didn't see any picture or movie types that I
 don't support (besides RealPlayer, and that was on purpose).

Well, Mike's extension -- plugin mappings for Quicktime are bigger than
yours, but with extensible extension -- plugin mappings that won't matter

 3. Make the extension -- plugin mappings extensible (this is particularly
 useful for the external player)

 Good idea. ;)


 [1] http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/media/jquery.media.js#L180

 On Jan 25, 2008 3:45 AM, mjijackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello all,
  I'm putting the finishing touches on a media viewer application that I
  coded up recently (think Thickbox). It can be used with jQuery or any
  other library. I created an adapter for jQuery, and I thought that
  somebody on this list might be interested.

 Aaron Heimlich
 Web Developer

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox Media Viewer

2008-01-26 Thread Aaron Heimlich
Very impressive stuff! A couple of comments:
1. Everything that Mike Alsup said
2. You should take a look at the file extension -- plugin mappings in
Mike's media plugin[1] as it's much more extensive than yours for roughly
the same list of plugins
3. Make the extension -- plugin mappings extensible (this is particularly
useful for the external player)

[1] http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/media/jquery.media.js#L180

On Jan 25, 2008 3:45 AM, mjijackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,

 I'm putting the finishing touches on a media viewer application that I
 coded up recently (think Thickbox). It can be used with jQuery or any
 other library. I created an adapter for jQuery, and I thought that
 somebody on this list might be interested.




Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Performance Tuning Help

2008-01-23 Thread Aaron Heimlich
Try this (untested):
$('div.box').each(function(count, box) {
$(box).append('div class=summaryp class=sml' + $('dd p',
box).html() + '/p/div');

On Jan 23, 2008 5:01 PM, Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was wondering if anyone knows of a less processor intensive way of
 doing the following code?

 I am trying to loop over all classes of a certain type on the page and
 then append some html that is contained within that particular class.
 What it is doing to the user is collapsing the search results into a
 summary of each as the length of the original result set can be long
 to scroll through.

 var count = 0;
$('div.box:eq(' + count + ')').append('div
 class=sml' + $('div.box:eq(' + count + ') dd p').html() + '/p/
count = count + 1;

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: dynamic form: how to allow several inputs with same name ?

2007-12-15 Thread Aaron Heimlich
This really depends on what server-side language you're using to process the
form and how it handles form input.

For example, in PHP you can use its array syntax to group multiple fields
into logical groups (or allow a single field to have multiple values). For
more info, check this FAQ entry in the PHP manual:


On Dec 15, 2007 5:05 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 this is slightly off topic as it is more a javascript/html question than
 just jquery, but it will be implemented in jquery so i thought you guys
 could be bothered with this :)

 in short: i have a form where i ask how many weeks  via a text input,
 that the user must reply with the relevant number.

 Now, i need to embed a dynamically display a small form for each week. So
 if user says 4 weeks, i need four times a small questionnaire asking 3
 questions to describe that week, where one question asks how many groups in
 that week. Again, for each group i need to let the user describe it in
 another duplicated questionnaire.

 My question is: since this week info is duplicated, what should my html
 markup look like so that the submited form reflects this structure ?

 Thanks a lot for your advises,

 Alexandre Plennevaux


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Ok, I give... where does the ; go in this code?

2007-12-14 Thread Aaron Heimlich
script type=text/javascript
window.onload = function() {
$(.image).dropshadow({left:6, top:6, blur:3}); // semi-colon
definitely goes here
}; // I think one can go here too

On Dec 14, 2007 10:05 PM, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi, all…

 I'm getting this error message:

 missing ; before statement

 window.onload=function() {\n

 for this code:

 script type=text/javascript

 window.onload=funtion() {

 $(.image).dropshadow({left:6, top:6, blur:3 })



 I tried putting the ; everywhere in the code, but

 couldn't figure it out.



Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Ok, I give... where does the ; go in this code?

2007-12-14 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Dec 14, 2007 11:33 PM, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  $(#shadow).dropshadow is not a function

   $($shadow).dropshadow({left:6, top:6, blur:3});

It's dropShadow(), not dropshadow()

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Ok, I give... where does the ; go in this code?

2007-12-14 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Dec 15, 2007 12:01 AM, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  That was it!  Thanks, Aaron!

No prob. HTH.

  I keep forgetting how case sensitive js is…

I get slipped up sometimes too when going between PHP (generally
case-insensitive) and JS, so I've made a habit of simply assuming that all
languagues I use are case-senstive.


 *From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Aaron Heimlich
 *Sent:* Saturday, December 15, 2007 12:48 AM
 *To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [jQuery] Re: Ok, I give... where does the ; go in this code?

 On Dec 14, 2007 11:33 PM, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 $(#shadow).dropshadow is not a function

   $($shadow).dropshadow({left:6, top:6, blur:3});

 It's dropShadow(), not dropshadow()

 Aaron Heimlich
 Web Developer

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Creating an empty jQuery collection

2007-12-12 Thread Aaron Heimlich
var emptyJQueryCollection = jQuery([]);

On Dec 12, 2007 7:32 PM, McLars [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there an elegant way to create an empty jQuery collection? The only
 way I've figured out to do it is like this:

 var jqObjects = $(this).not(this);

 This seems rather stupid to me. There should be a simpler way.

 I need this so that I can fill it with jQuery objects that I create
 inside a loop, and then I return the entire collection.



Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Need help with the value of a Macbook

2007-11-08 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Nov 7, 2007 3:26 PM, Aaron Heimlich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (I don't think you can upgrade cross-platform, but I've heard of people
 talking to Customer Support about it and arranging something).

Here's more info on cross-platform CS3 upgrades:

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Need help with the value of a Macbook

2007-11-07 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On Nov 7, 2007 1:24 PM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A co-worker of mine said that a friend of HIS is selling a Macbook. Since
 I know that's an Intel machine I was curious
 so I asked about the specs.

Here's a spec list for the Late 2006 MacBooks:

 Can you guys tell me what you think this machine
 is worth?

The current models run from $1,099.00 - $1,499.00, so probably not more than

 It's a late-2006 Macbook. 2GHz Core 2 Duo with SuperDrive. He upgraded the

 RAM to 2GB and the hard drive to 160GB. The model number is MA700LL/A
 (Google says that this is a 13.3 inch screen). But, that series is
 called the Late 2006 Macbook. It's the white 2GHz one from that series.
 got all of the original packaging, accessories, disks, etc.

 More importantly, I'm needing a new machine to work on. My PC is nearing
 end of it's useful life and so I'm wanting something that kicks some
 I need to run Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. on it. I also need to run code

The MacBooks use integrated graphics[1], which borrows system memory to do
its work. This could be an issue for you, though I've never used any of
those programs on a computer with integrated graphics, so I really can't

 At the moment I only have CS2 and I've heard that CS2 is pretty slow on
 Intel Macs.

I've heard this as well, though can't personally confirm it. On the
(somewhat) bright side, upgrading to CS3 Web Premium is only $499 from CS2,
it comes with Photoshop and Illustrator, and it's supposed to run much
better on Intel processors (I don't think you can upgrade cross-platform,
but I've heard of people talking to Customer Support about it and arranging

 Finally, I need comparisons on this computer to a newer Dell workstation.
 prefer to have a desktop machine, but if I can get away with a laptop that
 can run fast, can run Windows, and can be hooked up to a real monitor,
 a laptop is okay.

You might wanna take a look at these benchmarks:


What I got out of it is: 3GB+ memory plus 7200 RPM hard drive = very very
good, especially if your running Parallels Desktop[2] or VMWare Fusion[3]
(Fusion's my personal choice -- it seems to run a lot more efficiently that
Parallels). Photoshop seems to particularly like the 7200 RPM hard drive as

Note, however, that the Late 2006 Macbooks can only support a maximum of 2GB
of memory, while current models can support up to 4GB. Since any of the
current generation MacBooks would fit into your budget (most are actually
cheaper), you might wanna consider buying one of those or a low-end MacBook
Pro (which have a dedicated graphics card) and pick up some extra memory and
a better hard drive from somewhere like http://www.newegg.com or

 Amazon has this price listed for the machine:


WOW! Amazon is seriously overpricing that thing; Not even Apple sells a
MacBook for that much.

[1] The Late 2006 Macbook uses Intel GMA950 (
http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/gma950/); Current MacBooks (Late
2007) use Intel GMA X3100 (
[2] http://www.parallels.com/en/products/desktop/
[3] http://www.vmware.com/products/fusion/

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Need help with the value of a Macbook

2007-11-07 Thread Aaron Heimlich
You're welcome. HTH

On Nov 7, 2007 3:49 PM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Aaron...thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for! Appreciated.

 *From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Aaron Heimlich
 *Sent:* Wednesday, November 07, 2007 3:26 PM
 *To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [jQuery] Re: Need help with the value of a Macbook

 On Nov 7, 2007 1:24 PM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  A co-worker of mine said that a friend of HIS is selling a Macbook.
  Since I know that's an Intel machine I was curious
  so I asked about the specs.

 Here's a spec list for the Late 2006 MacBooks:

  Can you guys tell me what you think this machine
  is worth?

 The current models run from $1,099.00 - $1,499.00, so probably not more
 than $1500.

  It's a late-2006 Macbook. 2GHz Core 2 Duo with SuperDrive. He upgraded
  RAM to 2GB and the hard drive to 160GB. The model number is MA700LL/A
  (Google says that this is a 13.3 inch screen). But, that series is
  called the Late 2006 Macbook. It's the white 2GHz one from that series.
  got all of the original packaging, accessories, disks, etc.
  More importantly, I'm needing a new machine to work on. My PC is nearing
  end of it's useful life and so I'm wanting something that kicks some
  I need to run Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. on it. I also need to run
  code on

 The MacBooks use integrated graphics[1], which borrows system memory to do
 its work. This could be an issue for you, though I've never used any of
 those programs on a computer with integrated graphics, so I really can't

  At the moment I only have CS2 and I've heard that CS2 is pretty slow on
  Intel Macs.

 I've heard this as well, though can't personally confirm it. On the
 (somewhat) bright side, upgrading to CS3 Web Premium is only $499 from CS2,
 it comes with Photoshop and Illustrator, and it's supposed to run much
 better on Intel processors (I don't think you can upgrade cross-platform,
 but I've heard of people talking to Customer Support about it and arranging

  Finally, I need comparisons on this computer to a newer Dell
  workstation. I
  prefer to have a desktop machine, but if I can get away with a laptop
  can run fast, can run Windows, and can be hooked up to a real monitor,
  a laptop is okay.

 You might wanna take a look at these benchmarks:



 What I got out of it is: 3GB+ memory plus 7200 RPM hard drive = very very
 good, especially if your running Parallels Desktop[2] or VMWare Fusion[3]
 (Fusion's my personal choice -- it seems to run a lot more efficiently that
 Parallels). Photoshop seems to particularly like the 7200 RPM hard drive as

 Note, however, that the Late 2006 Macbooks can only support a maximum of
 2GB of memory, while current models can support up to 4GB. Since any of the
 current generation MacBooks would fit into your budget (most are actually
 cheaper), you might wanna consider buying one of those or a low-end MacBook
 Pro (which have a dedicated graphics card) and pick up some extra memory and
 a better hard drive from somewhere like http://www.newegg.com or

  Amazon has this price listed for the machine:

 WOW! Amazon is seriously overpricing that thing; Not even Apple sells a
 MacBook for that much.

 [1] The Late 2006 Macbook uses Intel GMA950 (
 http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/gma950/); Current MacBooks (Late
 2007) use Intel GMA X3100 (
 [2] http://www.parallels.com/en/products/desktop/
 [3] http://www.vmware.com/products/fusion/

 Aaron Heimlich
 Web Developer

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Validation Plugin 1.2 ETA

2007-09-25 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Is there an ETA on version 1.2 of your validation plugin?



Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: test

2007-09-18 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 9/17/07, KushM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: use validate plugin in ajaxSubmit

2007-09-13 Thread Aaron Heimlich

 var options = {

Get rid of the trailing comma after '#output1'. Other than that, I can't see
anything wrong with your code.


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: ajaxForm and validate question

2007-09-11 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 9/11/07, Bruce MacKay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 submitHandler: function(form) {

This should be

submitHandler: function(form) {

ajaxForm() binds an event handler that (among other things) calls
ajaxSubmit(). ajaxSubmit() is where the form submission actually happens.

More details: http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/#api

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Request: Quick tutorial on jQuery filtering/limiting methods

2007-09-05 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 9/5/07, Pops [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes,  $('#foobar') returns the 1st one, but you can have as many
 id=foobar your applications needs and use this to find them all:

While that's technically true, IDs are meant to be unique to a page. For
what you're describing, using CSS classes is more appropriate, e.g.


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Request: Quick tutorial on jQuery filtering/limiting methods

2007-09-05 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 9/5/07, Pops [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In practice,  element ids are meant to be unique for practical
 purposes but there is no standard restriction that it there SHOULD NOT
 be more than one defined.

Actually, but HTML 4.01[1] and XML 1.0[2] specify that IDs must be unique.

From the HTML 4.01 Spec:

id = name [CS] (CS means case sensitive --Aaron)

This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be unique in
 a document.

From the XML 1.0 Spec
Validity constraint: ID

 Values of type ID MUST match the Name production. A name MUST NOT appear
 more than once in an XML document as a value of this type; i.e., ID values
 MUST uniquely identify the elements which bear them.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/global.html#h-7.5.2
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#id

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Request: Quick tutorial on jQuery filtering/limiting methods

2007-09-05 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 9/5/07, Pops [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, I am not describing CSS.

Perhaps CSS classes wasn't the right term to use. What I really meant was
that you should be using the HTML class attribute if you want to assign an
identifier to many elements; it can be for many more things than just CSS

The class attribute, on the other hand, assigns one or more class names to
 an element; the element may be said to belong to these classes. A class name
 may be shared by several element instances. The class attribute has several
 roles in HTML:

 * As a style sheet selector (when an author wishes to assign style
 information to a set of elements).
 * For general purpose processing by user agents.

In practice, when it comes to the element attributes and HTML design,
 there is really only one attribute that MUST be unique for a properly
 operating design - FORM field names simply because its serialization
 depends on it.

And even this is not necessarily true[2]. I've been able to do this:

input type=checkbox name=spam[] value=email Spam me by Email
input type=checkbox name=spam[] value=phone Spam me by Phone
input type=checkbox name=spam[] value=postal Spam me by Snail Mail

in PHP for quite some time now. On the PHP side I'd get an array named
'spam'[3] that would contain the values of the checkboxes that were checked.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/global.html#adef-class
[2] Though it might be if you're not using the Form Plugin (
http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/). I've never done form handling without
it, so I wouldn't know.
[3] More specifically, $_POST['spam'] or $_GET['spam'] depending on how the
form was submitted

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Trigger global event is slow in 1.1.4

2007-08-28 Thread Aaron Heimlich
I wonder, would it be possible to optimize




On 8/28/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yep, unfortunately there's really no way around that. We had to make
 that change so that there wasn't massive leaks and slowdowns on adding
 events. IMO, having fast event adding and no leaks is better than
 having slow global event triggering (which is pretty rare).

 I should clarify that we only run this query if a listener has been
 bound for it. If not, there's no hit.


 On 8/28/07, Fan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  jquery-1.1.4.js line 1520:
  // Only trigger if we've ever bound an event for it
  if ( this.global[type] )
  jQuery(*).add([window, document]).trigger(type, data);
  I think jQuery(*) is slow when the page contains large amount of
  elements. This makes some global events very slow ( ajaxStart with
  blockUI ). In, elements with global event are stored in an
  Any ideas?

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: attr({'type':'hidden'}) in IE6

2007-08-26 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/26/07, Minh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If it's validated then I  need to disabled or hide
 it so the user can't edit it.

Try using the readonly attribute instead of disabling or hiding it, e.g.

$(#inputID).attr(readOnly, true).

But I have to ask: Why would you want to do this?

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.1.4: Faster, More Tests, Ready for 1.2

2007-08-25 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/25/07, Pops [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And my final point on this thread,  the memory leak that I see is
 related to clearing the XHR callback, which is understandable anyone
 can originality miss that.  But jQuery is not using the XHR callback.
 So that should had not been an issue.

Originally it was, though, which was what brought up this issue[1] in the
first place. The timer was implemented as a solution to memory leak issue
(no event handlers, nothing to leak).

[1] http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/991

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-08-20 Thread Aaron Heimlich
Is it me, or is the DOM method a little bit faster than the CSS one (FF Mac OS 10.4.10 Intel)? I would think that they'd both be the same
speed. Having said that, seeing the DOM move all the blocks in unison like
that is f'ing awesome!


On 8/20/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've re-done the original demo using jQuery's step function (dunno why
 I didn't think of this before). Much improved:


 On 7/9/07, Sean Catchpole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 7/9/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   A big question in my mind is:  On a slow machine with ONE
 animation:  Is
   doing it this way smoother than not?   Does CSS manipulation of a
   animation make it smoother?  What is the gating factor for a slow
   CPU or Ram or Video card?  Or all three?  How can one test this?
  On slow machines the problem is redraw speed. With the CSS method all
  the elements are lined up together, but there is still lag between
  each redraw.
  Since this method might be a good deal more bloated than the jquery
  animate function I also recommend not including it in the core, at
  least for the time being.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Simulate foucs on any div, really get Firebug and use it

2007-08-20 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/20/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you have a clue as to why 100% wont work?

Put the height: 100% on htmland remove the height from body, it should
work then (at least it did for me in FF Win XP).

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin Killing me

2007-08-20 Thread Aaron Heimlich
Firebug sez:

missing } after function body
Line 16

I think that code should be:

$(document).ready(function(){$('#birds').click(function() {

Instead of

$(document).ready(function(){$('#birds').click(function() {

On 8/21/07, Mitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Im having a heck of a time getting the Cycle plugin to work.

 Cycle is at http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/ and appears to be the
 best slide show out there.

 Here is my incredibly simple jQuery program:


 Can anyone see what I have missed?



Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Simulate foucs on any div, really get Firebug and use it

2007-08-19 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/19/07, Mitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I make it auto it works great, but when I click on new search the
 frame shifts to the left a few pixels and I am stuck on why.

I got the same thing, and I don't think you're causing it. When Search
History is collapsed, the entire application appears on screen, so there's
no need for a vertical scrollbar. When it's expanded however, part of it
extends past the bottom of the screen, so the browser creates a vertical

Since you have both margin-left and margin-right set to auto (because the
centering technique won't work without this), they auto-adjust themselves
whenever the width of the viewport changes. In Firefox, Adding the vertical
scrollbar causes the width of the viewport to change slightly, causing the
margins to auto-adjust themselves, which causes the shift we both noticed.
The solution, then, is to force the scrollbar to always appear -- if it's
already there when Search History is expanded, then there are no
left/right margins that need to be auto-adjusted. Something like

body {
height: 100%;

Usually does this, but I don't think it'll work in your case since you seem
to have a bunch of wrappers that are absolutely positioned, so you may want
to use an explicit value that you know will trigger the vertical scrollbar

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Simulate foucs on any div, really get Firebug and use it

2007-08-19 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/19/07, Mitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I suspeced the table was changing size

I actually did try ditching the table, but the New Search button stopped
doing anything, so I left it in. It probably doesn't need to be there any
more, though.

but I didnt think about the scroll bar.

Neither did I until I caught it appearing and disappearing out of the corner
of my eye.

Thank you for finding that and giving me a solution.

No problem, dude. Happy to help.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Simulate foucs on any div, really get Firebug and use it

2007-08-18 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/18/07, Mitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am pretty sure I can get the outdiv to float in the center of the page,
 I just
 have to remember how to do it.

I believe this is what you're looking for:

body {
position: relative;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
width: 797px;

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Looping through data object

2007-08-13 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/13/07, bleen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 foreach( options as option){
   do stuff

If this were PHP, I'd agree with you. But the JavaScript syntax is:

for(var option in options) {
// option is a key in options
// options[option] is a value in options

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Detecting AJAX calls - Controlling Ajax Injection Vulnerabilities

2007-08-09 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/9/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 jQuery sends along an extra header:

More specifically, it's:

X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Aaron Heimlich
You might find this useful:


It's a speed comparison of various (non-jQuery) ways to create a 50x50

On 8/8/07, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I had read somewhere that IE didn't support .innerHTML for the tbody
 element.  Will I have to recreate the entire table HTML?  Sorry for
 the noob question; I'm still a fish out of water in javascript at


 On Aug 8, 8:18 am, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
  the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
  takes so dang long on IE7. After all of this rambling, does anyone
  have any options for me to try?
  Sorry, for the self-dialog here.
  Just for testing purposes, you might want to test in IE by just using
  DOM property innerHTML to set the table.
  This will at least tell you where the majority of overhead is coming
  Is it from jQuery's processing routines or for the actual DOM creation.
  In my experience IE6 is sluggish when trying to generate large tables on
  fly. (This is pre-jQuery coding as well.)

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Fading element opacity problem using Interface FX!!!

2007-08-06 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/6/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is hide a legal keyword for opacity?

Technically, no. But, IIRC, jQuery uses it as a hint that it should supply
some sort of default animation for the property.

sentence of the third paragraph)

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Fading element opacity problem using Interface FX!!!

2007-08-06 Thread Aaron Heimlich
You're definitely not the first to experience that bug[1]. The good news is
that it's been fixed in SVN[2]. The bad news is that the fix happened after
jQuery was released, so you have a couple options (I'm assuming
you're using here):

A) Revert to jQuery 1.1.2
B) Patch your version jQuery so that it includes the fix[2]

[1] See http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1396
[2] http://dev.jquery.com/changeset/2423

On 8/6/07, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It doesn't matter... even if I set it to 0 or 0.0, the same thing
 happens. Any reason why and any solution?

 On Aug 6, 9:30 pm, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is hide a legal keyword for opacity?
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Nazgulled
  Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 11:25 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Fading element opacity problem using Interface FX!!!
  What's the problem? Why does A work and B doesn't?
  A: $(this).animate({ color: '#ff' }, 200);
  B: $('div#cpblock').animate({opacity: hide}, 3000);

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Two words for Jquery

2007-08-01 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On 8/1/07, Matt Stith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 O rly?

Ya rly

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Good Javascript editor or IDE?

2007-08-01 Thread Aaron Heimlich
I highly recommend you check out Aptana (http://www.aptana.com)

On 8/1/07, Matt Penner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've just started developing with jQuery in the last month.  I usually
 use VS 2005 or Notepad++ for my JavaScript.  It's features are pretty
 much nil as far as intellisense goes.  Mainly all they do is syntax
 highlighting and formatting.

 What recommendations on JavaScript editors or IDEs does anyone have?
 Is there something sophisticated enough that can have intellisense
 with jQuery or my own objects in external js files?


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: good newsticker or rss ticker

2007-07-29 Thread Aaron Heimlich
Check this out:


On 7/29/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm looking for a good jQuery plugin that lets me display rss feed
 content from collection of sources.

 The ones in the plugin area are primitive.



Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: vs '

2007-07-26 Thread Aaron Heimlich

For that code...absolutely nothing (that I can recall off-hand, anyway).
However, there is something you should be aware of:

If you want to use a ' within a string that is delimited by 's, then you
have to escape it, like so:

'Mitchell\'s code'

The same goes for :

Aaron shouted \jQuery rocks!\ as loud as he could

Escaping quotes tends to make your code harder to read, though, so most
people, when they know a string will contain one type of quote, will delimit
it with the opposite type. For example:

Mitchell's code

'Aaron shouted jQuery rocks! as loud as he could'

On 7/26/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This going will make me sound really dumb but what is the difference
between using single quote versus double quotes in jQuery, e.g.

$('#spincursor').click(function() {




$(#spincursor).click(function() {



Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Toggling an objects visiblty without show and hide

2007-07-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 7/24/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What does hit mean

A jQuery object is an pseudo-array[1] that contains all of the HTML elements
selected by a give selector. So


is a pseudo-array of all of the div elements on the page that have the
class foo. By hit, I mean that toggleVis() will toggle each and every
one of the elements selected whatever selector you use (that's usually what
you want).

and what is the chain?


I don't want everything to become invisible, just the one container I


That's exactly what my plugin does. Only the element's selected by the
selector that you use will be affected.

Wont th is work just fine?

jQuery.fn.toggleVis = function() {

if(this.style.visibility == 'hidden') {
this.style.visibility = 'visible';
} else {
this.style.visibility = 'hidden';

No it won't. In that context, this refers to a jQuery object, which does
not have a style property. To iterate over the contents of a jQuery
object, use the each method[2], as plugin does. The each method accepts
a function, and within that function this is set to whatever element is
currently being iterated over. The each method returns the jQuery object
it was iterating over, which allows users to continue chaining method calls
onto each other.

The concept of this is certainly one of the more confusion aspects of
jQuery (and of JavaScript in general). For now, I direct you to
although there was a post by Michael Geary some time ago[3] that explained
this concept very well (as he always does).

[1] It's not an actual instance of JavaScript's Array class, but it acts
enough like one that it can be used mostly in the same fashion. You can
iterate over it like an Array object, and you can access indexes (foo[0],
foo[1], foo[2], etc.) like you can with an Array object, but that's about
[2] http://docs.jquery.com/Core#each.28_fn_.29
[3] I believe this is it:

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Toggling an objects visiblty without show and hide

2007-07-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Well you should have mentioned that in the beginning. But, that doesn't mean
that my plugin isn't usable.

On 7/24/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a link called 'Change the cats visibility'. I have a div with a cat
image inside it. I would like that particular link to change the visibility
of that particular image inside a div.

I want to be able to give the link an ID and the routine to toggle the
visibility a function in jQuery.

Using my original plugin:

Note: You will have to edit the selectors to actually find the proper
elements, as I have no knowledge of your page's structure

// Find the Change the cats visibility link and assign a click event
handler to it
$(a.changeVis).click(function() {
   // Find the div that has the cat image in it and toggle the image's
   $(#catDiv img).toggleVis();

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Toggling an objects visiblty without show and hide

2007-07-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 7/24/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 jQuery.fn.toggleVis = function() {

if(chesireCat.style.visibility == 'hidden') {

   chesireCat.style.visibility = 'visible';

} else {

   chesireCat.style.visibility = 'hidden';



That works for you??? (works as in functions properly, not as in I'm ok
with this), because I couldn't get it to in either Firefox or IE 7.

In fact, I was expecting this not to work. As I explained in our off-list
communication, that cannot possibly work because there is no variable named
chesireCat defined within the toggleVis(). If I correct the spelling
mistake and change chesireCat to cheshireCat, then it works, but only in
Internet Explorer (which is generally a Bad Thing, you *want* things to work

If my original solution was too complex for you, here's a simpler solution
(although it lacks the reusability of mine):

 /* toggle visibility */
 $('#toggle').click(function() {
   // Remember, a jQuery object acts like an array of all elements
selected by a
   // particular selector (in this case, #cheshireCat), so we
access individual
   // elements through numbered array indexes (starting with 0)
   var cheshireCat = $(#cheshireCat)[0];
   if(cheshireCat.style.visibility == 'hidden') {
   cheshireCat.style.visibility = 'visible';
   } else {
  cheshireCat.style.visibility = 'hidden';

[1] jQuery helps *a lot* in this regard, but it doesn't handle everything.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: test

2007-07-12 Thread Aaron Heimlich

You are excused :)

On 7/12/07, Salvatore FUSTO [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

excuse for this test

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Subclassing in JavaScript

2007-07-11 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Perhaps Dean Edwards' Base library would interest you?


On 7/11/07, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Michael Geary wrote:
 It may be interesting to note that Doug no longer favors that approach.
 now prefers a much simpler technique that works directly with
 prototype system instead of trying to turn it into classical


Thanks Mike. Unfortuanetely that still leaves open the question of
method overriding and calling super methods. Maybe I'm just too used to
Java class system and therefore can't see how to effectively replace
those calls with something appropiate in JavaScript.

Jörn Zaefferer


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: What's happened to $.expr['@'] in jQuery 1.1.3?

2007-07-05 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 7/5/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yeah, this was a really unfortunate change that had to be made. We
really wanted to keep the extensible functionality of [EMAIL PROTECTED] but it
ended up being just to incredibly slow. Moving all of the code
internal was the only way to receive any sort of speed up. Sorry about
that guys.


Is it possible to attach an else to the if statement that replaced it[1]
that checks in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[1] http://dev.jquery.com/browser/tags/

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: What's happened to $.expr['@'] in jQuery 1.1.3?

2007-07-05 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Basically, I'm wondering if something like this is feasible:

if ( (type ==   !!z ||
type == =  z == m[5] ||
type == !=  z != m[5] ||
type == ^=  z  !z.indexOf(m[5]) ||
type == $=  z.substr(z.length - m[5].length) == m[5] ||
(type == *= || type == ~=)  z.indexOf(m[5]) = 0) ^ not ) {
   tmp.push( a );
} else {
   // Check jQuery.expr[@] for custom attribute selectors

On 7/5/07, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to help but you've lost me there Aaron...

Is it possible to attach an else to the if statement that replaced
 it[1] that checks in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 05/07/07, Aaron Heimlich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 7/5/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yeah, this was a really unfortunate change that had to be made. We
  really wanted to keep the extensible functionality of [EMAIL PROTECTED] but 
  ended up being just to incredibly slow. Moving all of the code
  internal was the only way to receive any sort of speed up. Sorry about
  that guys.

 Is it possible to attach an else to the if statement that replaced
 it[1] that checks in [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Aaron Heimlich
 Web Developer

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: question about Firebug...

2007-07-05 Thread Aaron Heimlich


The function documented here can be called from anywhere in your JS.

On 7/5/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I see that FB has a console...is it possible to print variables to this
console as my JS code progresses?


Andy Matthews
*Senior ColdFusion Developer

Office:  877.707.5467 x747
Direct:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer
inline: dealerskinslogo.bmp

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-05 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 7/5/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The CSS option (http://www.sunsean.com/cssAnimate.html) doesn't run for
me in IE7.

It worked for me, but only once.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-05 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 7/5/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DOM Profile (1705.165ms, 119624 calls)
CSS Profile (286.028ms, 143 calls)

So does this mean the dom was faster even though it had so many more

No, it means that DOM took significantly more time to complete and made
significantly more function calls.
Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: sprintf or printf for jquery?

2007-07-02 Thread Aaron Heimlich

You might wanna check this out:


On 7/2/07, Robert O'Rourke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

I'm having fun with Kelvin Luck's datePicker plugin but I've run
into a snag where I need to display a number with a leading 0 if it's
only 1 character for the thing to work. I'm pulling out the startDate
and endDate from the maximum bounds of the select elements I'm using.
Does jQuery have something like printf() that will do this for me? There
are a couple of functions out there that people have written but they're
pretty meaty for my purposes. I was looking at
http://www.vladdy.net/Demos/printf.html but the code is beyond me.


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: fadeIn w/jQuery 1.1.3?

2007-07-02 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 7/2/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Returns 404 Not Found

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: How to Rotate an Image 90 Degrees

2007-06-26 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 6/26/07, Su [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


swfIR, IIRC, is geared towards text, though. The only way I know of to do
image rotation in JavaScript is with canvas[1] or SVG[2], both of which
don't have enough browser support to make the effort worthwhile (assuming
you're doing this for a public web site). Flash seems to be the best way to
what you're looking for.

[1] http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/HTML:Canvas
[2] http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/SVG

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: How to Rotate an Image 90 Degrees

2007-06-26 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Since when does IE have native canvas support?

On 6/26/07, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 JavaScript is with canvas[1] or SVG[2], both of which don't have
enough browser support to

Huh? Canvas works on IE6 (with excanvas), IE7, FF since 1.x, Safari
and Opera. What other browsers are you looking for?


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: How to Rotate an Image 90 Degrees

2007-06-26 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 6/26/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

r u kidding... IE doesnt... excanvas simulates canvas behavior in IE.

Which goes back to what I said about their not being enough browser support
for the effort to be worthwhile (ON PUBLIC FACING WEB SITES). If you can
convince your IE users to download and install excanvas, then more power to

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: How to Rotate an Image 90 Degrees

2007-06-26 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 6/26/07, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You misunderstand. It's a javascript file that you include on your
page just like jQuery. It's no more installed than jQuery. Just fine
for general public use.

Well then, I stand corrected.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Overlay plugin?

2007-06-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich

I got this error on FF (Mac OS 10.4.10):

e.css is not a function
Line 59

Stack trace:
showZoom(a matt-big.jpg)easeBox.js (line 59)
(no name)()easeBox.js (line 27)
(no name)(click clientX=0, clientY=0)jquery-latest.js (line 1398)
handle(click clientX=0, clientY=0)jquery-latest.js (line 1302)

On 6/24/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dimScreen is great.
Check it out:

Although, I changed it slighly to use $(window).width() instead of
This might only work with the dimensiosn plugin included.


On 6/23/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 It should be Rey Bingo!
 That's exactly it.  Awesome.  Thanks. :)


 On 6/23/07, Rey Bango  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  Glen Lipka wrote:
   I can't find it, but I vaguely remember someone had a plugin that
   puts a 50% opacity overlay over the page.
   Sort of like a thickbox thing, but without all the other stuff.
   Does anyone know where it is?
  BrightLight Development, LLC.
  954-775- (o)
  954-600-2726 (c)

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Hash to array

2007-06-22 Thread Aaron Heimlich

var obj = {var:value, othervar:value};
var string = '';

for(var i in obj) {
   string += (i + '=' + obj[i] + ',');

// the loop leaves a comma dangling at the end of string, chop it off
string = string.substring(0, string.length-1);

On 6/22/07, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Warning this is a real noobie question. if you don't mind my asking: what
is the simplest way to convert a hash into a string via jquery or javascript
, so that

obj= { var:value, othervar:value} turns into
var=value,othervar=value ?

thank you for your time!


Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
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Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Ajax call - lost event handlers

2007-06-21 Thread Aaron Heimlich

If you need something that works *right now* with 1.1.2, I suggest you take
a look at event delegation[1].

[1] http://icant.co.uk/sandbox/eventdelegation/

On 6/21/07, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

AJ wrote:

 It is true and it will be officially released once jQuery 1.1.3 is
 If you don't mind using jQuery 1.1.3 alpha and getting your hands dirty
 inline docs and minimal examples ... then you can start using it now.

 Wow, thanks! I am in a real crisis with a site right now, so I'll go
 ahead and try it with 1.1.3 and see how it goes.

Being in a crisis is not the right time to play with nightly builds ;-)


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: create an empty jquery object

2007-06-20 Thread Aaron Heimlich

I believe it's

var $emptyObj = jQuery([]);

On 6/20/07, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just a quick question, is there a way to quickly create a jQuery
object that contains no elements at all so you can add() them as
needed later in the script?

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: getJSON w/ PHP

2007-06-18 Thread Aaron Heimlich

This assumes, of course, that you:

A) Are using PHP 5.2
B) Have the json extension installed from PECL[1]

If neither of those apply to you, then there a bunch of pure PHP packages
listed in the PHP section near the bottom of http://www.json.org.

[1] pecl.php.net/package/JSON

On 6/18/07, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 json_encode should also produce valid JSON, which this isn't:


That is a valid JavaScript object literal, so it will work in most cases
when the JSON code is being loaded by JavaScript, but if you ever need to
feed JSON into a strict JSON parser it won't work.

Valid JSON for this would be:


IOW, all labels must be quoted, and all quotes are double quotes, not
single quotes. See http://json.org/ for the full syntax.



   json_encode is very cool, and it looks like it would take care of
everyone's problems...

On 6/18/07, Jake McGraw  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think Jake nailed it, when using php and json, why not use
 json_encode? Observe:

 echo json_encode(array(ok=true,state=OUT-DECOMMISSIONED));

 php-json is native in PHP 5.2 and above, and available as a plugin here:


 and will always* produce valid json from arrays.

 - jake

 * - As much as I've used it, I haven't come across a single problem.

 On 6/18/07, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  do you have variables named OUT and DECOMMISSIONED?
  or did you mean 'OUT-DECOMMISSIONED'
  as in
  echo {ok:true,state:'OUT-DECOMMISSIONED'};
  On 6/18/07, Brad Perkins  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm trying to use getJSON to return some JSON from a PHP page. I can
   see that the request is returning the expected response with
   but the getJSON callback isn't firing?
   My PHP is simply
   echo {ok:true,state:OUT-DECOMMISSIONED};
   Do a need to set a special content type before returning the JSON?
  Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ

Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Lame fix but working - google toolbar takes over the div

2007-06-18 Thread Aaron Heimlich

This is already dealt with in 1.0 Final, but it's a good tip for people
still using older versions.



hey, in jorn's plugin and in serval more, if you put a div named
email or firstname or whatever its writes ANNOYING message such as
Google can fill this field for you (and i say : no thanks ;))

anyway i slove it with in that way

lets say you have
labelemail/labelinput type=text name=emailaddress

just stick a comment within it:
labele!--blahblah--mail/labelinput type=text name=emailaddress

and its should work
hope its helps

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: JS regular expressions for matching decimal numbers

2007-06-13 Thread Aaron Heimlich

You're very welcome. Glad I could help.

On 6/13/07, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Aaron Heimlich wrote:
 Try this:

Thanks, that works great.

Jörn Zaefferer


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: SlickSpeed CSS Selector TestSuite

2007-06-12 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 6/12/07, Benjamin Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(I thought it was on learningjquery.com, but could not find it) an article
a couple months back.

Could you be thinking of
http://aheimlich.freepgs.com/javascript/jquery-11-selector-speeds (server
seems to be a bit funky today, so watch out).

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: JS regular expressions for matching decimal numbers

2007-06-12 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Try this:































On 6/12/07, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


has anybody some regular expressions at hand that work in JS to match
decimal numbers, eg. 100, 100.4 or 100,120.124

Thanks for sharing.

Jörn Zaefferer


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: SlickSpeed CSS Selector TestSuite

2007-06-12 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 6/12/07, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It has a link to a speed test I threw together, and also to Aaron's

Just so nobody's confused, Karl's link[1] and my Firebug-enhanced speed
test[2] both deal with jQuery 1.0, not 1.1. I have yet to upgrade my
Firebug-enhanced test to jQuery 1.1.

[1] http://www.learningjquery.com/2006/12/quick-tip-optimizing-dom-traversal
[2] http://aheimlich.freepgs.com/tests/jquery/speed-test-firebug/

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: SlickSpeed CSS Selector TestSuite

2007-06-12 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 6/12/07, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Plus, what happens if you have:

div id=bam /

span id=bam /

What if you need to retrieve the span tag? If it's checking #bam first,
won't it only find the div / element?

The DOM2 has this to say:

getElementById introduced in DOM Level 2

Returns the Element whose ID is given by elementId. If no such element
exists, returns null. Behavior is not defined if more than one element has
this ID.

Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html#ID-getElBId

I would think that the first one the browser finds is selected, but I can't
be certain of that as I've never actually tried to do this.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: SlickSpeed CSS Selector TestSuite

2007-06-12 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 6/12/07, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This just isn't exactly intuitive and can be confusing to people who'd
expect a valid CSS selector rule to work in jQuery.

Except that, while the selectors are syntactically valid, you can't have
duplicate IDs on the same page, so you're basically at the mercy of how the
browser decides to handle this situation. As has been said before, scripting
on top of an invalid DOM is asking for trouble. If you cannot avoid doing
this (i.e. the HTML is generated by a CMS that you have no control over),

$([EMAIL PROTECTED]'bam']).append( -- pink);

is probably the best workaround.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Input Selector

2007-06-06 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Try this (totally untested):

$(form table tr.required).find([EMAIL PROTECTED]''],
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'']).filter(function() {
   return this.required != false;

see http://docs.jquery.com/DOM/Traversing#filter.28_filter_.29 info my usage
of $().filter()

On 6/6/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to construct a selector that finds empty elements in a required tr.
However, I want to ignore inputs that have an expando value required=false

Something like:
$(form table).find([EMAIL PROTECTED]'']).not([EMAIL PROTECTED]'false']);

Does this look right?

I also want to find selects that have a value of  too. :)
Would that be:
$(form table).find( tr.required [EMAIL PROTECTED]''],[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]''],).not([EMAIL PROTECTED]'false']);

How do you tell the currently selected item in the select?


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Ext Calendar on top of jQuery

2007-06-05 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 6/5/07, IGx89 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This doesn't seem to have made it into the v1.1.3a test release; any
chance of making the final?

It's there alright:

And here's the latest:

On Apr 17, 12:52 pm, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Moving to addEventListener and attachEvent is on the todo list. When
 will it be done? Soon :)

 It will involve a lot of regression testing to make sure we don't
 cause any problems in the transition.

 Brandon Aaron

 On 4/17/07, mdelmarter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi John and all,

  I am using Ext with jQuery which is working perfectly together -
  except in one area. There is an issue with the Calendar when moving
  between months, it basically moves one month and then the onclick
  event no longer works. This issue is documented on the Ext forums and
  seems to be a problem with jQuery using legacy event handlers instead
  of addEventListener / attachEvent.

  I am wondering if there is any movement on this issue John? Is there
  likely to be a resolution or should I forget about using the Ext
  Calendar? Does anybody else have a fix that can be used here?

  To read about the issues on the Ext forums:

  To see an example of the issue I have a calendar buried in a blog
  entry on my site - open the sample application by clicking on the
  screenshot and then click on the dropdown menu button. You will see
  that moving between months stops working after the first click. The
  sample app was built with Ext 1.0 Beta 2, but nothing has changed
  since then:

  An update on this topic would be appreciated :)

  Matthew- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Effect Queueing Plugin

2007-05-25 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Looks great in Safari 2!

On 5/25/07, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Check this out: http://erikandcolleen.com/erik/jquery/fxQueue/random.html

Only tested on FF. I think that's doing what you want. The plugin
doesn't have a concept of doing animations sequentially vs
simultaniously; it only does sequentially. But the plugin does make it
easy to use any animation function. So for the simultanious part, I
created a custom animation function (called randomAnimation) that just
randomly moves/resizes stuff. The only tricky bit it to make sure you
only call the callback function in randomAnimation when the last item
is finished animating. Check out the source to see how it's done.

I also fixed a few substantial flaws in the fxQueue plugin. Feedback
is always welome.


On 5/25/07, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just downloaded it and am experimenting, so far I'm really
 impressed.  Thanks for the effort, it really is appreciated.

 I do have one question though, I'm not sure if this is possible or
 not, but I need to be able to animate a group of objects together, but
 with unique effects (they all need to move to different locations).
 This moving effect will be bookended with a fadeout effect beforehand
 for elements that are not included in the user's selection, and a fade
 in effect afterward for elements that were excluded the previous
 selection but which are to be reincluded this time around.

 I'll cut and paste what I put in the other thread for you because I
 think it gets across what I'm thinking a bit better.

 In reflection, I think what I need is a queue into which classes of
 animations can be inserted.  All the animation events in a class get
 executed together, but each class in the queue is executed one after
 the other.  Maybe something like this:

 animQueue.addClass ('hideClass');
 animQueue.addAnim ('hideClass', $('.toHide').fadeOut ('slow'));
 animQueue.addClass ('moveClass');
 $('.moveClass').each (function (){
 animQueue.addAnim ('moveClass', $(this).animate ({
 top: Math.floor (Math.random () * 1000),
 left: Math.floor (Math.random () * 1000)
 },(Math.floor (Math.random () * 1000) + 500) ));
 animQueue.addClass ('showClass');
 animQueue.addAnim ('showClass', $('.toShow').fadeIn ('slow'));

 animQueue.execute ();

 Obviously the syntax is totally made up and possibly totally not
 appropiate for what I'm trying to describe, but I hope yo ucan get the
 gist of what I'm gatting at here.  Is it possible to do this with your
 plugin? Because, if so, then you've come up with pretty much the
 perfect solution. :)

 On May 25, 4:08 pm, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello all,
  In response to a thread yesterday, I put together a little framework
  for effect queueing. My version yesterday, and subsequently Brandon's
  version aswell, don't correctly deal with effects applied to multiple
  elements, like when using classes instead of IDs. See here, and notice
  how the later effects all bunch up and don't run 
  This version deals with that correctly. Other features include:
   * Multiple queues that can run simultaniously
   * Pausing/resuming of queues
   * Works with any effect (just requires the effect function to take an
  on effect finished callback as its last parameter) like show, hide,
  animate, Pulsate, Puff, Grow, etc
   * Additional effects can be added to queues after they've been created
  I've only tested it on FF1.5/Win and IE6 (I'll test OS X when I get
  home later today), and for some reason one of the demo pages doesn't
  work right on IE6.
  Plugin src (with a little inline documentation!) and a couple of
  examples can be had here:http://erikandcolleen.com/erik/jquery/fxQueue/
  I mainly did this as an exercise for myself, so it won't hurt my
  feelings if it turns out this isn't really very useful, or if it's
  already been implemented in SVN or whatever.
  Is this useful to anybody? Is it worth polishing up a little more?

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Feature/Plugin request - Animation queue

2007-05-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Pretty cool stuff Brandon!

Small typo though:

jquery.fxqueue.js line 37:

$this = $( args.shift() );

should be

var $this = $( args.shift() );

On 5/24/07, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Glad it is working for you. :)

I just updated it to fix the scope of the callback and you can now
pass params just like you can with animate. Check the new test page to


Brandon Aaron

On 5/24/07, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Brandon, you're a total lifesaver :)

 On May 24, 2:41 pm, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just updated the test to include an empty selector as well.
  Brandon Aaron
  On 5/24/07, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Here is a pretty quick and dirty implementation of an fxqueue:
   You can see the test page here:
   And I just checked it into the plugins SVN.
   Let me know if it works, doesn't work ... etc. :)
   Brandon Aaron
   On 5/24/07, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've already posted on this topic before, but I really am gettign
quite desperate as the project deadline looms and I still don't
have a
I need several animations to happen, but I need them to happen in
sequence rather than all at once (first animation: hide unselected
items.  Second animation: Move visible items to new locations to
occupy space taken by unselected items/make space for currently
selected items. Third animation: Reveal currently hidden selected
I tried using the callback method, but this has a serious drawback
my purposes, in that if one of the animations in the chain doesn't
occur (because no items were unselected but some new ones were
selected, for example) then all subsequent animations don't occur
either.  If a jQuery selector returns 0 results then applied
aren't executed.
What I need is some code that will ececute my animations one after
other, but which doesn't depend on all animations in the chain
triggered for the subsequent animations to play.  Is there a
for doing this? Or is it slated as a new feature for jQuery?  Or
anyone else come up with a solution to the problem?
Sorry to keep asking this but like I said, it's getting pretty

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Safari, Thickbox 3 and rolling over images = glitch?

2007-05-24 Thread Aaron Heimlich

I can confirm your client's issue on Safari 2.0.4 (419.3).

On 5/24/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't run a Mac, or have access to one, so I'm asking you all for a
little assistance please. A client running Safari had this to say
about my implementation of Thickbox:

When you roll over a certain area, mostly right on the outermost
border of each picture, then the header blinks in and out and looks

Here's a screencap he sent me:

And here's the page itself:

Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? It works great
in IE and FF for the PC as well as FF for the Mac.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Help Test jQuery 1.1.3

2007-05-21 Thread Aaron Heimlich

I can confirm the same issue on Firefox, Safari 2.0.4 (build 419.3),
and Opera 9.20 (build 3669) (all on Mac OS 10.4.9)

On 5/21/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Working tabs plugin with 1.1.2

Broken with 1.1.3
http://www.marketo.com/temp/tabs.htm (Same source except different JS)

Bug detail:
Browser:  In IE6/7
OS: Vista 32

Steps to reproduce:
1. Click on a tab (works).
2. Click back to the first tab (doesn't work)


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: callback

2007-05-21 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 5/21/07, james_027 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The Wrong Way (will not work!)

$.get('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack(param1, param2));

Try this:

$.get('myhtmlpage.html', function() {
   myCallBack(param1, param2);

Wrapping the call to myCallBack in an anonymous function should fix that

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jquery.us

2007-05-18 Thread Aaron Heimlich


On 5/18/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, that's just weird; definitely trying to make $ with adwords.
This is the type of thing that you can ban a site for.

Here's what everyone can do:
1) Go to the site and click Ads by Google in the Adsense block.
2) Click the Send Google your thoughts on the site or the ads you
just saw link on the subsequent page.
3) Check The site is hosting/distributing my copyrighted content
3) Click Also Report a Violation? and check the website
4) Complete the form and submit it.

We'll have this guy banned in no time.


On 5/18/07, george.gsgd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone seen this:

 http://jquery[dot]us (not linked so as not to aid their efforts)

 Obviously someone trying to cash in with google ads and spammy keyword
 stuffing. But I got a hit in my referers so they must be doing
 something right (even though that's so wrong).

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: * Important: Repent, Completely trust in God only and, Love Him with all of your heart.

2007-05-15 Thread Aaron Heimlich
 and evolutionists cannot answer a valid
 question, they say, It's an Unexplained Mystery. Thus, they have
 blind faith.

 32. Experiments with fruit flies failed to produce something else
 than a fruit fly.

 33. All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever. If
 God is real, atheism loses. If God is not real, atheism still loses.

 Resource sites:


 If you refuse to accept the truth, it's not my loss. You have been
 given a chance. Trust in the Creator of the Universe.


 Notes for Christians:

 1. Don't waste your time with those who don't want to trust in God. It
 is enough that we warn them only ONCE. If they refuse to repent, it's
 because the Lord did not transform their hearts.
 There are millions of people who have not yet heard about the Lord
 Jesus Christ.

 2. You are not required to make donations nor any service to your
 church. Tithes were for the Levites. Numbers 18:24. God does not
 need our help, but you are encouraged to serve. Also, please read
 Colossians 2:16-17.

 3. I recommend the Authorized King James Version of the Bible.

 4. Salvation cannot be lost. Fact: Our God does not make mistakes. If
 you sin, He will discipline you. Hebrews 13.

 5. Hell is eternal. Isaiah 66:24; Matthew 25:41. The more sins a
 person does, the greater his suffering: Luke 12:47-48.

 6. Faith is a gift of God. You have nothing to be proud of. Ephesians

 7. Live by faith. Don't be too strict with the law.

 8. Interesting topics:

 Sovereignty of God - The Lord rules over all. He follows His own

 Characteristics of God: Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence,
 Spirit, Triune, Self-existent, Eternal, Immutable, Holy, Truthful,
 Loving, Just, Merciful.

 Trinity: There is only one God, and God has three persons: Father,
 Son, and Spirit of God.

 Total depravity - Humans are totally corrupt.

 Unconditional Election - Before God created the Universe, He has
 chosen those whom He will save.

 Particular Redemption - The Lord Jesus Christ died for those who trust
 in Him.

 Irresistible Grace - All those who were chosen will be saved at the
 appointed time(s).

 Perseverance of the saints - Because of God's help, those who trust in
 Him will continue for all eternity.

 Elements of human nature - Body and spirit.

 New Birth - the Spirit of God transforms those who trust in Him.

 Resource site: http://www.monergism.com


 If you accuse me of lying, hypocrisy, etc., I'm not affected with
 your accusations. The Lord knows my intentions.

 About the atheist's Invisible Pink Unicorn: if she did not create
 the Universe, then it is not important to me if she exists or not.

 Repent, then trust in the Son of God: The Lord Jesus Christ. Please
 share this article for God's glory.


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Return a reference to the root DOM object

2007-05-11 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 5/11/07, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I haven't really spent any time looking through the parsing engine, but
wouldn't it be faster to find elements by ID and then filter by the tag?

IIRC, that's what the selector engine does currently (that or something like
it). p#myId used to take a very long time because it would go through
every p and look for one with an id of myId. I'm quite sure that jQuery
doesn't do that anymore.

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Return a reference to the root DOM object

2007-05-11 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 5/11/07, Aaron Heimlich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

IIRC, that's what the selector engine does currently (that or something
like it). p#myId used to take a very long time because it would go through
every p and look for one with an id of myId. I'm quite sure that jQuery
doesn't do that anymore.

FYI: I blogged about jQuery selector speeds a few times:


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Changing type input on IE

2007-05-10 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Just to clarify, the correct way would be:

$(#test).after(input type='button' id='test' value='submit');


$(input type='button' id='test' value='submit').insertAfter(#test);

both of which say create an input (with the attributes set as shown) and
insert it after #test in the DOM

On 5/10/07, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


$(#test).insertAfter(input type='button' id='test' value='submit');

Is the same as:

$(input type='button' id='test' value='submit').after(#test);

Which is insert #test after a newly created but not in the DOM input
node, which doesn't do anything unless you go on to add it the DOM


On 5/10/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is sort of strange.

 $(#test).after(input type='button' id='test' value='submit');
 Works in IE

 $(#test).insertAfter(input type='button' id='test'
 This doesn't.

 In the API it says, Same as $(#foo).after(p)

 Im confused.


 On 5/10/07, Glen Lipka  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What about finding the elements, and removing them, and inserting new
 inputs with the right type?
  $(#btnEnviar).insertAfter(input type='button'
  Its only slightly longer, but would work in IE.
  On 5/10/07, Harlley Roberto  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I need to do this:
   $(#btnEnviar).attr(type, button);
   But accordind to my googled, I think that it's not possible on IE
   How can I do to solve my problem ?
   Desenvolvimento de sistemas e sites

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: click - Basic issue

2007-05-09 Thread Aaron Heimlich

this should work:

$(p).click( function() { window.location = 'http://localhost/home'; } );

but why not just use an plain old link?

On 5/9/07, Mario Moura [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all

I am trying

$(p).click( function() { alert(Hello); } );

but I would like open in same window a page(link) like

How can I do that?

I can only receive popups with click() function



Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jQuery svn browser broken. Some documentation unaccessible

2007-05-09 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Out of curiosity, how are you planning on dealing with the fact that Trac
doesn't support remote repositories[1]?


On 5/9/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you for providing the alternate repositories. You might want to
 put this information on the official jQuery site. Or at least make it
 more prominent if it's there. I've been poking about the web for some
 time and didn't find it. Sorry to hear about the recent misfortunes
 with the official site.

It's already on the site, under Downloading jQuery:

To clarify, this is now the official repository - we may provide an
alternate mirror, but the one on Google should be treated as official.


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jQuery svn browser broken. Some documentation unaccessible

2007-05-09 Thread Aaron Heimlich

Sounds like a plan (I really like Trac's timeline and diff viewer, which is
why I asked)

On 5/9/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Out of curiosity, how are you planning on dealing with the fact that
 doesn't support remote repositories[1]?


It's actually really really easy with SVN 1.4 - you use svnsync to
pull down a copy of a remote repository, then point trac at your local
copy (and just keep it updated with a cronjob).

And since Google Code uses SVN 1.4, it's easy! (Plus we'll be able to
have mirrors of the SVN repository now, too.)


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Text editer suite in jquery

2007-05-08 Thread Aaron Heimlich

On 5/8/07, Leonardo K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Beta version with several bugs.

Like not working at all in Firefox

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: Form plugin shows just result

2007-05-08 Thread Aaron Heimlich
On http://www.orpatec.ch/termola/index.php?page=contact.php Firebug gives me
the following error:

validateInput is not defined
Line 30

On 5/8/07, wyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm playing around with the form plugin yet when I press the submit
 button only the result (in my case true is shown afterwards. The
 full form is gone. My code is rather simple

   script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
   var options = {
 beforeSubmit: validateInput,
 dataType: 'json',
 success: processResult

   $('#kontakt_formular').ajaxForm (function() {alert (data[0]?
 'success': 'failure')});

 Yet if I remove the var options nothing is done at all. See


 O. Wyss


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

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