[jQuery] adding #current position / #total to jquery cycle paginator?

2009-09-15 Thread Luciano A. Ferrer


I was looking this jquery cycle plugin option/paginator:

it will be too complicated to add a current #currentslide /
#totalslides between previous/next?

you know, to have something like:

previous  3 of 9  next

best regards, and sorry for the bad english :)


[jQuery] Re: how to align right (not left) images with variable widths?

2009-09-08 Thread Luciano A. Ferrer

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Mike Alsupmal...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was implementing thishttp://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/after.html

 it works ok (you can see it clicking siguiente  anterior at the
 left side menu/descriptions)

 but... I need the images (that have variable widths) aligned to right,
 not left...
 I have tried using some css variants and nothing works... float, text-
 align, right:0...

 then looking at the jquery.cycle.all.js file I saw a lot of left
 strings... maybe I need to change some of them, to make it align to
 right? any idea? maybe there is an option in jquery to change them to

 Cycle needs precise control over the position of the slides in order
 to manage all of the possible transition effects.  If you need right
 alignment then your best bet would be to wrap your images inside a
 div.  Cycle will then treat the divs as the slides and you can right
 align your images inside the divs.


Thanks a lot Mike!

that worked great! :)

best regards

[jQuery] how to align right (not left) images with variable widths?

2009-09-08 Thread Luciano A. Ferrer


I was implementing this http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/after.html
here: http://relojurbano.com.ar/actual.html

it works ok (you can see it clicking siguiente  anterior at the
left side menu/descriptions)

but... I need the images (that have variable widths) aligned to right,
not left...
I have tried using some css variants and nothing works... float, text-
align, right:0...

then looking at the jquery.cycle.all.js file I saw a lot of left
strings... maybe I need to change some of them, to make it align to
right? any idea? maybe there is an option in jquery to change them to

best regards, and sorry for the bad english :)

[jQuery] Traversing not

2009-06-30 Thread Luciano

I'm trying to use the function Not ():

when I run the command on the TAG A and works
$ (this). find ( a). not ( '[href ^=/]'). attr ( target, )

when I run the command on the tag IMG not working
$ (this). find ( img). not ( '[src ^=/]'). attr ( target,

what may be happening?

[jQuery] Re: Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-13 Thread Nic Luciano
Hey Nic,

I have a couple small recommendations- hopefully one will fix the issue.

Try using $.get() instead of $.ajax, and specify type option as html-
alternatively, you can use $.load() if your ultimate purpose is to inject
this HTML into DOM.

In addition rather than using find(), just select by ID as a subset of the
DOM node..

alert($(html).find(#test) becomes
alert($(#test, html));

Hope some of this helps... cheers!

Nic Luciano
Senior Web Developer @ AdaptiveBlue

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Nope, that does not work either.

 On Apr 13, 12:20 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
  Maybe try:
  success: function(html){
  I had some issues in the past using form id's with the jquery form
  plugin, but usually getting it using 'form' worked.
  That said, since the response isn't in the DOM yet, I'm not sure if that
  might present an issue (too/instead).
  - Jack
  Nic Hubbard wrote:
   Yes, this is very odd. I have tried it quite a few ways, but I can
   never target the form.  Any other ideas?
   It is frustrating because I really need to target a form in the html
   On Apr 13, 11:45 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
   That's strange. I can't get it to work either and I'm getting the same
   results as you (I can get #test2, but not #test). I've even truncated
   the response down to as if you're only receiving the form part and
   it still doesn't work. I'd be interested in seeing what happens here
   On Apr 13, 6:47 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
   Test page to show the problem:http://www.puc.edu/dev/tests/ajax-test
   On Apr 13, 9:33 am, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
   I am pulling my hair out over this.  I swear that this is a bug.
   For some reason, I CANNOT target any forms within the html response.
   I have tried very simple examples and it still won't work.  Here is
   what I have, that still returns undefined:
   form id=test action=http://test.com;
   span id=test2this is my text/span
   success: function(html){
   #test2 works, but #test never does, and it seems this is because it
   a form.  Have I done something wrong here?  Can I not target a form?
   On Apr 12, 4:35 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
   I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my
   Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is there,
   can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
   attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I
   wrong here?
   success: function(html){
   $(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
   var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
   var form_action = $(this).attr('action');
   I have tried to not use each() and that still returns undefined.  I
   don't get it.

[jQuery] Re: Accessing a JSON property from an unknown variable?

2009-02-13 Thread Nic Luciano
Oh wow, I didn't realize JSON would act like an associative array in that

Thanks guys!

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Josh Nathanson joshnathan...@gmail.comwrote:

 foo[fooProp] // returns barVal

 Is that what you mean?

 -- Josh

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
 Behalf Of Nic
 Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 4:06 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Accessing a JSON property from an unknown variable?

 For instance,

 var foo = {
 bar: barVal,
 baz: bazVal

 var fooProp = bar;

 How can I access barVal through fooProp?

 I know this isn't exactly jQuery group discussion but I figured since
 it was part of a jQuery system I could get away with it. Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: $.getScript - passing the response.

2009-02-12 Thread Nic Luciano

Close but You should be using .get() for this, with an onsuccess  
callback (also see datatype). .getscript is solely for loading  
javascript files to execute.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2009, at 11:13 PM, brian.overl...@gmail.com brian.overl...@gmail.com 

I'm using $.getScript to get XML from a remote server.  How do I pass
the response text from that request to another function?  Here's the

$.getScript(getURL, function(){

How do I pass the response text to processXML?


[jQuery] Re: Removing all styles from an element-

2009-02-12 Thread Nic Luciano

I considered it, but because of the ambiguity I run into I just need  
to specify every single Css property... Thought there might be  
something clever I could do with jquery but pobably not... Thanks

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2009, at 12:08 AM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com  

You could a use kind of CSS reset for your container. I usually
don't like '*' declarations but this seems fit here:

#myModule * { margin:0; padding:0; font-family:Arial; color:#000;
height:auto; width:auto }

On Feb 11, 11:09 pm, Nic adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:
The scenario: I am developing a module that will live on any page  

requested to live on (any website). The issue is that if the website
it's on has a broad style definition (ie. p { margin: 20px; }), this
will affect my elements (in addition to the styles I define). Is  

a way I can ensure that only the styles I apply are used, or to clear
all styles of my elements before I apply my own? So if someone has
such a definition on their page, it won't effect my module. I know I
could explicitly redefine the style myself, but there is no way of
telling ahead of time what styles will be defined (without defining
every single css property for every single element)- so a catch all
would be nice.


Sent from my iPhone

[jQuery] Re: how to differentiate between click and dragend events?

2009-02-11 Thread Nic Luciano

Try starting a timer on mouse down, and only register the click event  
if the timer is less than x milliseconds. The fringe case for this  
would be users who click for seconds, or who drag in milliseconds.  
I'm .positive. this is not the best possible way to handle this, but  
it could be a last resort.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2009, at 7:43 PM, legofish pen...@gmail.com wrote:

no takers?

On Feb 11, 1:54 pm, legofish pen...@gmail.com wrote:


I am using the drag plugin (http://blog.threedubmedia.com/2008/08/
eventspecialdrag.html) to design some interactions for a UI element.

The element foo, needs to respond to a click, as well as to a drag
(different responses for each). The plugin gives you handy drag  

to work with.

So I have:
$(#foo).bind('dragend', function(e){   dragged()   });
$(#foo).bind('click', function(e){   clicked()   });

When foo is simply clicked on, then clicked() is executed and all is
However, when foo is dragged, dragged() is called and right after  

clicked() is called as well.
I don't want clicked() to be called when foo is dragged, but I can't
seem to figure out how to avoid that. Help is much appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: how to include JQuery from a page loaded by AJAX?

2009-02-11 Thread Nic Luciano
The reason, if I had to guess without playing with it, is that your
.corners() execution is run on load, and sets some styles inline. When your
new elements are loaded, they don't have these inline styles (because they
were just appended). If this is the case, is right after you append the data
in your success callback, just re-execute your .corners() function.

If that's not right it should point you in the right direction... cheers!

Nic Luciano

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Davis ywk...@gmail.com wrote:

 hello Donkeybob,

 many thanks for your reply.

 I just use standard AJAX call a php and render xmlHttp.responseText
 ( return from php ) result back to the page. AJAX approach work fine
 without jquery inside any  normal page loading.

 also, i tested include a JS alert() inside a AJAX loaded page, it
 seems didnt trigger that JS at all...I thought it just normal load a
 page and then run those JS inside that page, but no luck..:(

 function display_nickpage_tab_content(uid,pid,tab_id,tab_page){

xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject()

if(xmlHttp == null){
alert (Your browser does not support AJAX!);

xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function(){

var loader_menu = document.getElementById
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4){
var res = xmlHttp.responseText;
loader_menu.innerHTML = res;

} else {
loader_menu.innerHTML = 'img
 images/page-loading.gif style=margin:5px; alt=loading /';


var url = ajax-display-nickpage-tab-content.php;
var params = uid=+uid
+ ;

xmlHttp.setRequestHeader(Content-type, application/x-www-form-
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader(Content-length, params.length);
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader(Connection, close);


 many thanks for your help./Davis.

[jQuery] Re: Finding the last sibling.

2009-02-11 Thread Nic Luciano
$(div :last-child);

(or this wacky way I tried before I learned CSS selectors
$(div).children()[$(div).children().size() - 1])...)

Nic Luciano

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi James, apologize for not being more precise. I'm using the input
 element as my base reference. So using that input element, I want to
 get the last sibling under the div. You are correct that if the span
 is not then the input is what I want. I may need to add more tags
 later (I'm sure you know hoe the development process goes when
 customers are involved. :) ), so a reliable way to get the last tag
 would be nice. Thanks!

 On Feb 11, 7:21 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
  When you say last sibling in a parent, what does that mean? Which
  element is your base reference?
  In your example:
input .. /
  Do you mean your div is the base reference, and you want to find the
  last child (thus, span) relative to that?
  And if span is not there, you want input?
  On Feb 11, 4:12 pm, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com wrote:
   Before I accidentally hit enter, this is what I was trying to type: :)
 input .. /
   The span might or might not be there, so I would like to just get the
   last sibling in a parent.

[jQuery] Re: how to include JQuery from a page loaded by AJAX?

2009-02-11 Thread Nic Luciano
You need to be executing the Javascript in the callback of your AJAX
function, NOT in the head of the document you are loading.

Aside, if you are using jQuery anyway you should consider using it's own
AJAX functions...

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Davis ywk...@gmail.com wrote:


 first,  i just want to make sure it will trigger any JS from that AJAX
 loaded page.
 so i just put a single JS code without anything else inside loaded
 page, but it didnt trigger that alert() JS, what can i test it
 further ?

 script type=text/javascriptalert('z');/script


[jQuery] Re: how to include JQuery from a page loaded by AJAX?

2009-02-11 Thread Nic Luciano
Hey Davis...

So, the issue is that your calling corners once, it executes on all the
elements currently IN the document. When you load new elements via AJAX,
they are appended AFTER corners has already done it's magic.

So where it says...

if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4){
var res = xmlHttp.responseText;
 loader_menu.innerHTML = res;

} else {
 loader_menu.innerHTML = 'img
style=margin:5px; alt=loading /';

You need to reapply .corners()

if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4){
var res = xmlHttp.responseText;
 loader_menu.innerHTML = res;
 $('#guestbook').corners({radio:5, outColor:'red'});
} else {
 loader_menu.innerHTML = 'img
style=margin:5px; alt=loading /';

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Davis ywk...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello Nic,

 Thanks for your quick reply.

 So would you please give me some simple example about callback ajax
 script ? also what do you meant using own AJAX function co-operate
 with jquery? sorry I am still newbie for ajax and jquery.

 many thanks/Davis.

[jQuery] Re: how to include JQuery from a page loaded by AJAX?

2009-02-11 Thread Nic Luciano
PS - Again, I don't even know for sure if this is the issue. :)

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey Davis...

 So, the issue is that your calling corners once, it executes on all the
 elements currently IN the document. When you load new elements via AJAX,
 they are appended AFTER corners has already done it's magic.

 So where it says...

 if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4){
 var res = xmlHttp.responseText;
  loader_menu.innerHTML = res;

 } else {
  loader_menu.innerHTML = 'img
 style=margin:5px; alt=loading /';

 You need to reapply .corners()

 if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4){
 var res = xmlHttp.responseText;
  loader_menu.innerHTML = res;
  $('#guestbook').corners({radio:5, outColor:'red'});
 } else {
  loader_menu.innerHTML = 'img
 style=margin:5px; alt=loading /';

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Davis ywk...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello Nic,

 Thanks for your quick reply.

 So would you please give me some simple example about callback ajax
 script ? also what do you meant using own AJAX function co-operate
 with jquery? sorry I am still newbie for ajax and jquery.

 many thanks/Davis.

[jQuery] Re: A small incompatibility about selector on Jquery 1.3.1

2009-02-11 Thread Nic Luciano
Hey Jack-

I think this is the right group for these issues:... :)

Nic Luciano

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:53 PM, jack datac...@gmail.com wrote:

 The following works on before Version:
 $('#zz input:not([readonly]):first').focus().select()

 On Ver 1.3.1, it won't work unless you change to:
 $('#zz input:not([readonly=]):first').focus().select()

[jQuery] Re: how to include JQuery from a page loaded by AJAX?

2009-02-11 Thread Nic Luciano
You should think about using jQuery's ajax (
http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax#options) while you're at it... if
you did, you could attach your .corners() function to ajaxComplete (
http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxComplete#callback) so you wouldn't have to
include it in every call. Glad to help !!

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Davis ywk...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello Nic,

 THAT IS VERY HELPFUL, it work fine once after I put those JS/jquery
 after ajax callback.

 THANKS very much of you and Donkeybob those previous help.


[jQuery] Re: Status Codes = docs

2009-02-11 Thread Nic Luciano

Something like this?

I might be misunderstanding your question, but I don't think statuses and
datatypes are related if that's what you mean. Status codes (linked) are the
status of the call.. (ie. a return status of 200 means everything went OK).
Data type is the format of the data you are expecting to return (html for
plain html to insert into your document, json for js objects, etc)...

Nic Luciano

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Tim Johnson t...@johnsons-web.com wrote:

 I would be grateful if someone could point me to documentation
 on status codes.

 Example: $post() expects a callback function whose second argument
 would be status.
 What statuses should I expect and what datatype for statuses
 should I expect.
 Links to docs would be more than adequate.

 _Thanks In Advance_ and thanks for all the help I've had so far.

[jQuery] Re: Click Links in the Nnavigation Bar

2009-01-30 Thread Nic Luciano
What exactly are you trying to do, what is the issue? Maybe just preference
here (and I'm also just guessing what you're asking) but I don't see a
reason not to put the events on the elements themselves

$(ul li a).click(function() {

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:07 AM, Pedram pedram...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear Karl ,
 I know You are Expert in these Issues do you have any idea for me

 On Jan 29, 5:44 pm, Pedram pedram...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Folks ,
I have some links in my Navigation bar such as below , I Used FIND
  in my code , does anyone has any better solution for me ,
I also used Event Delegation in the system .
lia href=# class=activea/a/li
lia href=#b/a/li
lia href=#c/a/li
lia href=#d/a/li
var clicked=$(e.target);

[jQuery] Re: var divcount = $(div#div2).length; --- returns wrong value

2009-01-19 Thread Nic Luciano
Hey Bartee,

I think your problem is that .length() returns the number of elements in the
object you're acting on. In you're case, there's only one object (a text
node). So, it should return one. What you're actually looking for is

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 12:25 PM, bartee bar...@gmail.com wrote:

 My alert always returns 1 as the divcount value ???

 What's up with that.. I have read and tried bunches of things.

 What am I missing 

 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en-AU
  titleJquery Test/title
  script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.js/script
  script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
  var divcount = $(div#div2).length;
  alert(start= + divcount);
  div id=div2asdf/div
  div id=div2asdf/div
  div id=div2asdf/div

[jQuery] Re: jQuery in a Firefox Extension...

2009-01-18 Thread Nic Luciano
Anyone? I was looking forward to using jQuery in the extension but I might
have to do without... :[

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Nic Luciano nic.luci...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hm, that makes sense. So, I suppose I could do something like

 var doc = window.content.document;
 jQuery(#id, doc);

 Which would solve the issue that jQuery doesn't live in the HTML anymore
 (and lives in the browser). But how would this work on .ajax functions? Do I
 have to edit the instantiation/references in the first couple lines of
 jQuery to point somewhere other than window? Or will functions like .ajax
 (that don't browse the DOM) only work when there is a document to access (as
 opposed to on load of Firefox)?


 On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm pretty sure the problem is that jQuery is defining itself in it's
 header section as something like window.jQuery = jQuery = $ or some
 such referential transitive equation strand. I'm not an expert at FF
 plugins, but I have gone through the motions of building one that
 modified current pages only. And to get to that page, you had to
 invoke a special call to get access to the current tabs current page

 I'd look into that, and get to the point where you can alert the
 innerHTML of a page element. That's how I first started to learn it. I
 just wish I hadn't already forgotten. :P

 On Jan 15, 11:37 pm, Nic nic.luci...@gmail.com wrote:
  It seems like this has been asked a million times, but nothing seems
  to answer my question.
  I include it in my .xul above my other scripts- (I checked the
  location and it's correct).
  It's the first time I've used jQuery in an extension, so I'm trying to
  run some commands on load just to see if it works. The following below
  throws no exceptions:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }
  Below I'll list a bunch of things I tried with their respective errors
  to maybe help give a glimpse into whats going on... What's going on
  here? I'm sure it's something obvious, or simple...
  The following:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }
  TypeError: n.find is not a function
  The Following:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  $.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data) {
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }
  TypeError: $.getJSON is not a function
  The Following:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  jQuery.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data)
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }}
  TypeError: jQuery.getJSON is not a function
  Thanks, guys!

[jQuery] Re: rating using thumbs up thumbs down.

2009-01-18 Thread Nic Luciano
It's unlikely there's a plugin to do what you want to do since javascript is
client side, and saving to any sort of database would require at least some
web service.

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Pragan pragan...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am looking to implement a rating system using thumbs up thumbs down.
 So far with my search, I was able to find only star rating system. I
 would like to do the following thing:
 1) Show two images(one for up and one for down).
 2) when clicked, it has to store the count in the mysql db and show a
 message saying thanks and hide the images.
 3) I like to have just four fields : 1) id 2) URL 3) UP 4) DOWN
 id - primary key
 URL - site for which it has been rated
 up -increase the count if this is clicked in any url where the script
 is implemented.
 down - increase the count if this is clicked in any url where the
 script is implemented

 id   |  url   |   up   | down
 1abc.com 22  34
 2example.com  10  6

 Please let me know, if there is any plugin that already exists which I
 use to learn or how to do this. I am trying to avoid a page refresh so
 I prefer to just show the thanks message.
 I can explain it again, if this is not clear.


[jQuery] Re: How select first link??

2009-01-17 Thread Nic Luciano
The reason it's not working is you're using the first-child selector. What
you're doing by using that is selecting every anchor that is the first
parent of it's child (which is all of them since they lie immediately under
a list item). The selector you want to be using is just first (a:first),
which will return the first matched element on the document only.


On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:

 IE7, FF3, GoogleChrome..ok, check this page

 On 17 Led, 19:41, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:
  What browser are you using? I am using firefox 3.0.5 and jquery 1.3
  and it is working!!!
  I have just triple checked...
  $('#menu a:first').remove();
  removes the first anchor in the list.
  Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howt.o.blogspot.com
  On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:
   of i add .remove() of course
   On 17 Led, 19:32, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:
   I tested it, but it remove all a, so sry, it doesnt work :-(
   On 17 Led, 19:21, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:
Removing li solves the problem:
$('#menu a:first');

Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:
 Hi all, I am playing with jQuery 1.3 and I have provlem with
 a first link in code below. Can you help me how how it should look
 like jQuery code and also for case, if Home will not be a link, so
 Rules will be a first link. My traditional way from jQuery 1.2.6
 doesnt work now. ('#menu li a:first')
 Thx for help in advance.
 div id=container
ul id=menu
lia href=#Home/a/li
lia href=#Rules/a/li
lia href=#Pilots/a/li
lia href=#Briefing/a/li
lia href=#IGC/a/li
lia href=#Results/a/li
lia href=#Forum/a/li
 /div- Skrýt citovaný text -
- Zobrazit citovaný text -- Skrýt citovaný text -
   - Zobrazit citovaný text -- Skrýt citovaný text -
  - Zobrazit citovaný text -

[jQuery] Re: How select first link??

2009-01-17 Thread Nic Luciano
Simple correction, I meant the first child of it's parent*. Just in case it
wasn't clear.


On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Nic Luciano nic.luci...@gmail.com wrote:

 The reason it's not working is you're using the first-child selector. What
 you're doing by using that is selecting every anchor that is the first
 parent of it's child (which is all of them since they lie immediately under
 a list item). The selector you want to be using is just first (a:first),
 which will return the first matched element on the document only.


 On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:

 IE7, FF3, GoogleChrome..ok, check this page

 On 17 Led, 19:41, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:
  What browser are you using? I am using firefox 3.0.5 and jquery 1.3
  and it is working!!!
  I have just triple checked...
  $('#menu a:first').remove();
  removes the first anchor in the list.
  Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howt.o.blogspot.com
  On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:
   of i add .remove() of course
   On 17 Led, 19:32, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:
   I tested it, but it remove all a, so sry, it doesnt work :-(
   On 17 Led, 19:21, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:
Removing li solves the problem:
$('#menu a:first');

Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:
 Hi all, I am playing with jQuery 1.3 and I have provlem with
 a first link in code below. Can you help me how how it should
 like jQuery code and also for case, if Home will not be a link,
 Rules will be a first link. My traditional way from jQuery
 doesnt work now. ('#menu li a:first')
 Thx for help in advance.
 div id=container
ul id=menu
lia href=#Home/a/li
lia href=#Rules/a/li
lia href=#Pilots/a/li
lia href=#Briefing/a/li
lia href=#IGC/a/li
lia href=#Results/a/li
lia href=#Forum/a/li
 /div- Skrýt citovaný text -
- Zobrazit citovaný text -- Skrýt citovaný text -
   - Zobrazit citovaný text -- Skrýt citovaný text -
  - Zobrazit citovaný text -

[jQuery] Re: How select first link??

2009-01-17 Thread Nic Luciano
That's true, but that's exactly how it's supposed to function.

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 3:35 PM, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:

 No he is not!

 Suppose you have this scenario:

 div id=container
   ul id=menu
lia href=#Rules/a/li
   lia href=#Pilots/a/li
   lia href=#Briefing/a/li
   lia href=#IGC/a/li
   lia href=#Results/a/li
   lia href=#Forum/a/li

 $('#menu li:first a').remove() - will do nothing here, since first li
 has no anchor in it !

 Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

 On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 1:28 AM, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:
  Well, you are right, thx for explanation. Now it is clear!!
  On 17 Led, 21:04, Pedram pedram...@gmail.com wrote:
  hi Guys , I know what should you do ,
  $('#menu li:first a').remove()
  this is the code you need , jquery has no problem when you use this
  code $('#menu li a:first').remove(); the selector checks each li and
  removes the a so all of the links will be removed so in your case
  your code should look like this $('#menu li:first a').remove();  the
  selector selects the first li and removes the a
  that set,
  I am just following john Resig in twitter it seems he is going to
  release jquery 1.3.1 maybe he found some little bugs.

[jQuery] Re: How select first link??

2009-01-17 Thread Nic Luciano
Ah, Karl, I see the issue now. I was also confused with the original usage
since the discussion was about :first but he was using :first-child. So let
me ask, in your test, li a:first should only return one element (as per
docs, :first should always only return one element), correct? And
first-child would be what I originally expected (returning 7 links)?

Can't believe I overlooked that-  I stand corrected :D

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.comwrote:

 I know this isn't the dev list, but I'm curious about how come these
 bugs weren't caught by the test suite?

 On Jan 17, 6:50 pm, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
  Actually, it is a bug, at least in the sense that the results are
  different from those of any previous version of jQuery.
It isn't just about :first, though. It has to do with multiple-
  descendant selectors in general. I've provided a test case athttp://
with side-by-side comparison of 1.2.6 and 1.3, showing the number of
  matches (and I also posted an update to the ticket).
  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com
  On Jan 17, 2009, at 3:39 PM, Nic Luciano wrote:
   That's true, but that's exactly how it's supposed to function.
   On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 3:35 PM, jQuery Lover
   ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:
   No he is not!
   Suppose you have this scenario:
   div id=container
 ul id=menu
 lia href=#Rules/a/li
 lia href=#Pilots/a/li
 lia href=#Briefing/a/li
 lia href=#IGC/a/li
 lia href=#Results/a/li
 lia href=#Forum/a/li
   $('#menu li:first a').remove() - will do nothing here, since first li
   has no anchor in it !
   Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com
   On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 1:28 AM, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:
Well, you are right, thx for explanation. Now it is clear!!
On 17 Led, 21:04, Pedram pedram...@gmail.com wrote:
hi Guys , I know what should you do ,
$('#menu li:first a').remove()
this is the code you need , jquery has no problem when you use this
code $('#menu li a:first').remove(); the selector checks each li
removes the a so all of the links will be removed so in your case
your code should look like this $('#menu li:first a').remove();
selector selects the first li and removes the a
that set,
I am just following john Resig in twitter it seems he is going to
release jquery 1.3.1 maybe he found some little bugs.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery in a Firefox Extension...

2009-01-16 Thread Nic Luciano
Hm, that makes sense. So, I suppose I could do something like

var doc = window.content.document;
jQuery(#id, doc);

Which would solve the issue that jQuery doesn't live in the HTML anymore
(and lives in the browser). But how would this work on .ajax functions? Do I
have to edit the instantiation/references in the first couple lines of
jQuery to point somewhere other than window? Or will functions like .ajax
(that don't browse the DOM) only work when there is a document to access (as
opposed to on load of Firefox)?


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm pretty sure the problem is that jQuery is defining itself in it's
 header section as something like window.jQuery = jQuery = $ or some
 such referential transitive equation strand. I'm not an expert at FF
 plugins, but I have gone through the motions of building one that
 modified current pages only. And to get to that page, you had to
 invoke a special call to get access to the current tabs current page

 I'd look into that, and get to the point where you can alert the
 innerHTML of a page element. That's how I first started to learn it. I
 just wish I hadn't already forgotten. :P

 On Jan 15, 11:37 pm, Nic nic.luci...@gmail.com wrote:
  It seems like this has been asked a million times, but nothing seems
  to answer my question.
  I include it in my .xul above my other scripts- (I checked the
  location and it's correct).
  It's the first time I've used jQuery in an extension, so I'm trying to
  run some commands on load just to see if it works. The following below
  throws no exceptions:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }
  Below I'll list a bunch of things I tried with their respective errors
  to maybe help give a glimpse into whats going on... What's going on
  here? I'm sure it's something obvious, or simple...
  The following:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }
  TypeError: n.find is not a function
  The Following:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  $.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data) {
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }
  TypeError: $.getJSON is not a function
  The Following:
  window.addEventListener(load, function() { init(); }, false)
  var init = function() {
  try {
  jQuery.getJSON(http://www.google.com/;, function(data)
  } catch(e) { alert(e); }}
  TypeError: jQuery.getJSON is not a function
  Thanks, guys!

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-16 Thread Nic Luciano
This might work for Superfish but isn't it also a possibility by doing this
you could do the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish, as this
could also override any other third party CSS you're trying to use? While I
guess it's not technically incorrect, there's no reason to include
!important in every one of your properties. If you must, it should only be
done on elements that require it to function correctly. Ideally, you should
just modify your CSS to not even use this on your properties (via unique
names, inheritance, etc)...


On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 12:31 AM, johny why johny...@gmail.com wrote:

 trying to integrate a 3rd party css candy into your site may result in
 conflicts between the candy's css and your site's css, resulting in a
 rendering mess. stuff that works beautifully by itself blows up when
 you put it into your website. this trick may not find you a new
 girlfriend, or butter your bread on both sides, !BUT¡  it may
 instantly eliminate your css conflicts. it instantly eliminated ALL of
 the rendering conflicts i was having with superfish (and other css
 menus), when trying to integrate them into my site.

 open all your css files, and globally replace: ; with  !important;


 (don't forget the space before !important;)

 for example, this:

 top: -999em;

 will become:

 top: -999em !important;

 the !important property forces that style to override all other css,
 whether style-sheets, inline-css, header-styles, and whether above or
 below in the css hierarchy.



[jQuery] Change mask onclick, how do ?

2008-10-08 Thread Luciano Mazzetto
Hi guys

I have the problem when go change de mask, i`m using maskedinput

my code:
input name=tip type=radio  id=tip_j title=Jurídica
input name=tip type=radio  id=tip_f title=Física



the mask change, but not function and is a problem..

[jQuery] Change mask onclick, how do it ?

2008-10-08 Thread Luciano


I have the problem when go change de mask, i`m using maskedinput

my code:
input name=tip type=radio  id=tip_j title=Jurídica value=J/
input name=tip type=radio  id=tip_f title=Física   value=F/



the mask change, but not function and is a problem..

[jQuery] sort table by class

2008-05-20 Thread Luciano

i want create sort table in 3 tables byclass

the code:
$(.box table).tableSorter({
sortColumn: 'name',
sortClassAsc: 'header-asc',
sortClassDesc: 'header-desc',
highlightClass: 'highlight',
headerClass: 'header',

but, return ERROR:
$(.caixa table).tableSorter is not a function

[jQuery] Re: how i can access classes in my div?

2008-05-14 Thread Luciano Mazzetto
all OK. thanks

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 5:02 AM, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 13 Mag, 16:29, canadaduane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I wonder if you're looking for 'filter' instead of 'next'?

 well... first of all I'm not quite sure about the html Luciano posted.
 I supposed something like this:

  div id=box1 class=box
   div class=bloc-topcontent top/div
   div class=bloc-centercontent slideToggle/div

 because the code he posted at the beginning contains the class
 selector $('.bloc-center'), but there is no class=bloc-center in the
 sample html.

 anyway, filter() will not work in this case, because bloc-center is
 not inside bloc-top, but it's next to it.
 so I'm using next()

 but maybe I went too far.
 correct jQuery for an xml like this:

 div id=box2 class=box
 bloc-topcontent top/bloc-top
 bloc-centercontent slideToggle/bloc-center

 would be:


Luciano M.

[jQuery] how i can access classes in my div?

2008-05-12 Thread Luciano

how i can access classes in my div?

$(#box1.bloc-top).click(function () {

$(#box2.bloc-top).click(function () {

$(#box3.bloc-top).click(function () {

div id=box1 class=box
 bloc-topcontent top/bloc-top
 bloc-centercontent slideToggle/bloc-center

div id=box2 class=box
 bloc-topcontent top/bloc-top
 bloc-centercontent slideToggle/bloc-center

i tryed this it but no success

[jQuery] Re: how i can access classes in my div?

2008-05-12 Thread Luciano

hdfsuahd it`s ok ok..
i forgot space..#box2. bloc-top

On 12 maio, 20:35, Luciano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how i can access classes in my div?

 $(#box1.bloc-top).click(function () {


 $(#box2.bloc-top).click(function () {


 $(#box3.bloc-top).click(function () {


 div id=box1 class=box
  bloc-topcontent top/bloc-top
  bloc-centercontent slideToggle/bloc-center

 div id=box2 class=box
  bloc-topcontent top/bloc-top
  bloc-centercontent slideToggle/bloc-center

 i tryed this it but no success

[jQuery] Re: how i can access classes in my div?

2008-05-12 Thread Luciano

how i could do it`s commands?

On 12 maio, 22:35, darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you could even use commas in your selector so that you aren't
 repeating your statements.

 On May 12, 5:51 pm, Luciano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  hdfsuahd it`s ok ok..
  i forgot space..#box2. bloc-top

  On 12 maio, 20:35, Luciano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   how i can access classes in my div?

   $(#box1.bloc-top).click(function () {


   $(#box2.bloc-top).click(function () {


   $(#box3.bloc-top).click(function () {


   div id=box1 class=box
bloc-topcontent top/bloc-top
bloc-centercontent slideToggle/bloc-center

   div id=box2 class=box
bloc-topcontent top/bloc-top
bloc-centercontent slideToggle/bloc-center

   i tryed this it but no success

[jQuery] Re: how do it?

2008-05-07 Thread Luciano Mazzetto
I try do your example,  but no make upper-case,
so i try:


and got success without problems, onkeyup all upunts make this value for


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you're trying to get the value of an element with an ID of search,
 and make it upper-case, do this:


 Karl Swedberg

 On May 6, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Luciano Mazzetto wrote:

 sure!, but i need do it ?

 $('input#search').toUpperCase();  // ???

 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux 

  first, get your markup correct: if you need to use several times the
  same ID, then use a CLASS instead. ID are for UNIQUE entities.
  besides that, this
  $('input #search')
  should be
  Hope this helps!
  On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Luciano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a input = search and a form = form-search,
   well i need create action keypress on input search i do this:
  $(document).ready(function() {
  $('input #search')
   but no sucess,
   so i try it:
  $(document).ready(function() {
   it`s ok but i want especify input first, i have two more objects with
   this id, no inputs normal divs..
   exist ?
   $('input #search') or
   $('input  #search') or
   $('input search')
  Alexandre Plennevaux

 Luciano M.

Luciano M.

[jQuery] how do it?

2008-05-06 Thread Luciano

I have a input = search and a form = form-search,
well i need create action keypress on input search i do this:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('input #search')

but no sucess,

so i try it:

$(document).ready(function() {

it`s ok but i want especify input first, i have two more objects with
this id, no inputs normal divs..

exist ?
$('input #search') or
$('input  #search') or
$('input search')


[jQuery] Re: how do it?

2008-05-06 Thread Luciano Mazzetto
sorry, i do this it and return ERROR no function..

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Luciano Mazzetto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 sure!, but i need do it ?

 $('input#search').toUpperCase();  // ???

 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux 

  first, get your markup correct: if you need to use several times the
  same ID, then use a CLASS instead. ID are for UNIQUE entities.
  besides that, this
  $('input #search')
  should be
  Hope this helps!
  On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Luciano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a input = search and a form = form-search,
   well i need create action keypress on input search i do this:
  $(document).ready(function() {
  $('input #search')
   but no sucess,
   so i try it:
  $(document).ready(function() {
   it`s ok but i want especify input first, i have two more objects with
   this id, no inputs normal divs..
   exist ?
   $('input #search') or
   $('input  #search') or
   $('input search')
  Alexandre Plennevaux

 Luciano M.

Luciano M.

[jQuery] Re: how do it?

2008-05-06 Thread Luciano Mazzetto
sure!, but i need do it ?

$('input#search').toUpperCase();  // ???

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 first, get your markup correct: if you need to use several times the same
 ID, then use a CLASS instead. ID are for UNIQUE entities.

 besides that, this

 $('input #search')

 should be


 Hope this helps!


 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Luciano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a input = search and a form = form-search,
  well i need create action keypress on input search i do this:
 $(document).ready(function() {
 $('input #search')
  but no sucess,
  so i try it:
 $(document).ready(function() {
  it`s ok but i want especify input first, i have two more objects with
  this id, no inputs normal divs..
  exist ?
  $('input #search') or
  $('input  #search') or
  $('input search')

 Alexandre Plennevaux


Luciano M.

[jQuery] load http:// with load() ??

2008-04-24 Thread Luciano Mazzetto

I need loading http request inside my div content.

I do this it

but not OK ??

How i can load this page in my div ?


Luciano M.

[jQuery] $(#content).load('http://www.google.com.br') is a possible ?

2008-04-24 Thread Luciano Mazzetto


I need loading http request inside my div content.

I do this it


but i hadn't sucess

How i can load this page in my div ?


[jQuery] post ajax jquery

2008-04-24 Thread Luciano Mazzetto
hi, i tryed do it

but my form do submit normal, and not in ajax...
so no return callback function

somebody can help-me ?



script type=text/javascript src=lib/jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=lib/jquery.form.js/script

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#myForm').ajaxForm(function() {
alert(Thank you for your comment!);
var queryString = $('#myForm').formSerialize();

// the data could now be submitted using $.get, 
$.post, $.ajax, etc
$.post('teste.php', queryString);   




form id=myForm action=test.php method=post
Name: input type=text name=name / br /
Comment: textarea name=comment/textarea
input type=submit value=Submit  /

[jQuery] Re: Using animate within an IFrame

2007-11-29 Thread Luciano G. Panaro

I think what's going on is that you are trying to access a dom element
of the Iframe doc, and AFAIK you can't do that directly with jQuery
selectors. However I found a discussion where this is solved:

Hope it helps!

On Nov 29, 6:04 pm, t3k [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying desperately to figure out a problem using animate, iframes,
 and jmedia.  It goes something like this:
 I have a piece of media (youtube video) displaying inside a definition list:
 dl id=myDL
 dt id=myDT

 embed id=myVideo width=240 height=180 bgcolor=#00 autoplay=1 

 I'm trying to call animate on #myVideo to resize it when the user
 clicks a button.  When the page is viewed normally, it works great, but
 when the page is viewed within an iframe the height doesn't seem to be
 change.  The animate code is:
  $(#myVideo).animate({width: 60px, height: 45px}, {duration:

 To make things a little more complicated, I'm using jmedia to embed the
 video inside #myDT.

 Has anyone else grappled with this issue?  It seems that there were a
 couple of questions in the past, but no solutions.

 Any help would be much appreciated!



[jQuery] Re: Edit database rows

2007-11-22 Thread Luciano G. Panaro

I don't know the details of configuration, but that plugin includes in
its features list:
* Inline row edit.

I guess it explains in 
the steps needed to make the ajax call when editing a row.

On 22 nov, 07:06, Kaare Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Luciano,

 Not sure what you're telling me. I will fetch the rows with Perl in my
 backend and send it to a page. Will jqGridViewcould make Ajax calls when

  Actually you will need something in the middle, that is, an exposed
  page (PHP, ASP, whatever) that would act as a proxy of your postgres
  database. That way, the jquery plugin will be able to access that page
  when trying to create / edit / update rows.

  Hope it helps!

  On Nov 21, 6:39 pm, Kaare Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I need to edit a number of rows from a Postgres database in one go. As I 
  see,http://jquery.com/plugins/project/jqGridViewcouldbe a good plugin to
  use. Is it?

  Any other options wit jQuery?


  Med venlig hilsen
  Kaare Rasmussen, Jasonic

  Jasonic Telefon: +45 3816 2582
  Nordre Fasanvej 12
  2000 Frederiksberg  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[jQuery] Re: Edit database rows

2007-11-21 Thread Luciano G. Panaro


Actually you will need something in the middle, that is, an exposed
page (PHP, ASP, whatever) that would act as a proxy of your postgres
database. That way, the jquery plugin will be able to access that page
when trying to create / edit / update rows.

Hope it helps!

On Nov 21, 6:39 pm, Kaare Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to edit a number of rows from a Postgres database in one go. As I can
 see,http://jquery.com/plugins/project/jqGridViewcould be a good plugin to
 use. Is it?

 Any other options wit jQuery?


 Med venlig hilsen
 Kaare Rasmussen, Jasonic

 Jasonic Telefon: +45 3816 2582
 Nordre Fasanvej 12
 2000 Frederiksberg  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: jQuery Fx Queues

2007-11-21 Thread Luciano G. Panaro

Just to let you guys know, I've just updated the plugin. The functions
were renamed and the issue when a queued animation that has a wait
time set is stopped (there is a still an issue regarding that when
starting and stopping repeatedly, I'll keep on looking at it).


On Nov 21, 6:17 pm, polyrhythmic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ahh, very cool.



 On Nov 20, 3:31 pm, Luciano G. Panaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  jQuery's core queueing method does it only for the selected element.
  But when you want to do it for different elements (first fade in #1,
  then slide down #2, etc.), you need to do it by passing callbacks to
  each animation.

  This plugin does something similar to what there is already in jQuery,
  but for global queueing.

  On 20 nov, 16:11, polyrhythmic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Very useful.  I thought that jQuery already had the ability to queue
   fx and process arrays of fx similar to your 'scope', however.  What is
   the difference between your FX Queues and the core queue method?



   On Nov 19, 5:30 pm, bigethan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any comments, bugs, enhancements, ideas, whatever are more
 than welcomed :).

Sweet stuff.  Though in my rabid clicking, I found a glitch.

Using: Mac Safari 3  and FF 2


If I press 'Stop' after the '7' has moved, but in the 2 second wait
for '8', the '8' still slides over.  And occasionally the '8' will
slide out a bit after the animation has begun (eg: around the same
time as the '3' or '4' fires).


[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: jQuery Fx Queues

2007-11-20 Thread Luciano G. Panaro

Regarding the 7-8 issue, I've just noticed that. I'll be fixing it
today I guess =)
But the 8 moving when 3 or 4 is a bit odd, since the animate for
that element is not launched yet (well, at least it shouldn't be
launched =P).

Thanks Ethan!

On Nov 19, 10:30 pm, bigethan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Any comments, bugs, enhancements, ideas, whatever are more
  than welcomed :).

 Sweet stuff.  Though in my rabid clicking, I found a glitch.

 Using: Mac Safari 3  and FF 2


 If I press 'Stop' after the '7' has moved, but in the 2 second wait
 for '8', the '8' still slides over.  And occasionally the '8' will
 slide out a bit after the animation has begun (eg: around the same
 time as the '3' or '4' fires).


[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: jQuery Fx Queues

2007-11-20 Thread Luciano G. Panaro

jQuery's core queueing method does it only for the selected element.
But when you want to do it for different elements (first fade in #1,
then slide down #2, etc.), you need to do it by passing callbacks to
each animation.

This plugin does something similar to what there is already in jQuery,
but for global queueing.

On 20 nov, 16:11, polyrhythmic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Very useful.  I thought that jQuery already had the ability to queue
 fx and process arrays of fx similar to your 'scope', however.  What is
 the difference between your FX Queues and the core queue method?



 On Nov 19, 5:30 pm, bigethan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Any comments, bugs, enhancements, ideas, whatever are more
   than welcomed :).

  Sweet stuff.  Though in my rabid clicking, I found a glitch.

  Using: Mac Safari 3  and FF 2


  If I press 'Stop' after the '7' has moved, but in the 2 second wait
  for '8', the '8' still slides over.  And occasionally the '8' will
  slide out a bit after the animation has begun (eg: around the same
  time as the '3' or '4' fires).


[jQuery] New Plugin: jQuery Fx Queues

2007-11-19 Thread Luciano G. Panaro

(Sorry if I'm double posting)


I created a new plugin that reimplements the queueing system, allowing
the possibility of having global queues for jquery's animations
(similar to what Scriptaculous has).


New arguments added to animate:

* queue: (string) Name of the queue. If it doesn't exist, it creates
the new queue.
* scope: (string) Name of the scope.
* queuePosition: (front|end) Queue position where animation (or
scope, if passed) is queued.
* wait: (int) Milliseconds to wait before starting the animation.

A queue is an array that may contain animations to perform and/or

What happens if you needed to enqueue not a single effect, but a group
of effects to be played altogether? This is where scopes come to save
the day. A scope is an object that can be contained in a queue. It is
an array that contains only animations to perform. When a scope is
dequeued, it automatically plays all the animations it contains.

This is just a brief introduction, but I hope you get it and find it
useful. Any comments, bugs, enhancements, ideas, whatever are more
than welcomed :).


[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: jQuery Fx Queues

2007-11-19 Thread Luciano G. Panaro

Thanks for your feedback. I'll see if I can work on the code these
days to pulish it (probably I'll extend the original fx object to make
it simpler). Thanks again =)

On 19 nov, 17:59, Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I like it :) , the use of jQuery FX is, at least for me.. a bit
 IMO, you should shorten the name of methods a bit, to make more jQuery-
 For example: jQuery.fxQueues.clearQueue, I'd remove the 'Queue' part,
 as it is obvious what are you clearing.
 Very nice.

 Ariel Flesler

 On 19 nov, 15:56, Luciano G. Panaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  (Sorry if I'm double posting)


  I created a new plugin that reimplements the queueing system, allowing
  the possibility of having global queues for jquery's animations
  (similar to what Scriptaculous has).


  New arguments added to animate:

  * queue: (string) Name of the queue. If it doesn't exist, it creates
  the new queue.
  * scope: (string) Name of the scope.
  * queuePosition: (front|end) Queue position where animation (or
  scope, if passed) is queued.
  * wait: (int) Milliseconds to wait before starting the animation.

  A queue is an array that may contain animations to perform and/or

  What happens if you needed to enqueue not a single effect, but a group
  of effects to be played altogether? This is where scopes come to save
  the day. A scope is an object that can be contained in a queue. It is
  an array that contains only animations to perform. When a scope is
  dequeued, it automatically plays all the animations it contains.

  This is just a brief introduction, but I hope you get it and find it
  useful. Any comments, bugs, enhancements, ideas, whatever are more
  than welcomed :).


[jQuery] how to use scrollto to scroll in other elements?

2007-08-06 Thread Luciano A. Ferrer


I have a left menu, with a few links in there...
And a main section of content with a few ID (it is a div with fixed
width  height, overflow hidden), I need each ID related to each link,
and the scrollto function working on that main content

Can be done that?

TIA, and sorry for the bad english! :)


[jQuery] mootools accordion, all items closed at page load?

2007-07-05 Thread Luciano A. Ferrer


I need to use mootools accordion, but just with 1 item...
so, it would be nice to have it closed when pages loads...

Do you have any idea about how to achieve this?

(I am stupid using javascript... :( )

TIA, and sorry for the bad english :)


[jQuery] Re: mootools accordion, all items closed at page load?

2007-07-05 Thread Luciano A. Ferrer

On 7/5/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you using jQuery, MooTools or both?


only jquery... I have solved it!

changed the line

This is the right way?


 Luciano A. Ferrer wrote:
  I need to use mootools accordion, but just with 1 item...
  so, it would be nice to have it closed when pages loads...
  Do you have any idea about how to achieve this?
  (I am stupid using javascript... :( )
  TIA, and sorry for the bad english :)

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