Re: [jQuery] What I need to know?

2010-03-02 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Danjojo  wrote:
> Is it possible with jQuery to update a database / call a stored
> procedure when I update an Input box that represents Quantity of an
> item?

There are some AJAX tutorials targeting jQuery use linked to here:

Re: [jQuery] Get the previous element matching a class

2010-03-02 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 9:20 AM, debussy007  wrote:
> I would like to have the previous TD element with class "time".
> I tried : $(this).closest('td').prev('td.time').html()   (where "this" is a
> div element inside a TD)
> But it only works for a div inside a TD that is *directly* following the
> td.time element.

Yeah, prev only gets the immediately preceding sibling; prevAll gets
all previous siblings so I think you want something like this:



Re: [jQuery] Slide down / Slide up, stop repeating

2010-03-02 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Paul Collins  wrote:
> My problem is that if someone hovers over the .content multiple times,
> the JQuery remembers and keeps popping the menu up and down


We can create a nice fade effect without the common problem of
multiple queued animations by adding .stop(true, true) to the chain:

$('#hoverme-stop-2').hover(function() {
  $(this).find('img').stop(true, true).fadeOut();
}, function() {
  $(this).find('img').stop(true, true).fadeIn();

I don't like how this jerks the in animation to its end then starts
the out animation - it would be nice if it would freeze the in
animation and start the out animation from there but things get messed
up with jumpToEnd (the second param) set to false.


Re: [jQuery] Newbie Question: Finding and manipulating an element

2010-03-01 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Aaron Johnson
> The top level list has an ID and associated css, I'd like to add a class to
> each of the nested  elements in order to style them differently. I
> cannot manually add a class so wondered if I could do it with jQuery.
> I'm looking for a result like this:
>      class="portal-navigation-label">Home

If all of the inner uls are styled the same you don't need a class,
just add a rule to your css: > li > ul {
  /* style stuff */


Re: [jQuery] Re: Accordion help ....

2010-02-28 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Erik  wrote:
>  { $(this).removeClass("ui-state-active"); }

No, don't do that - that'll screw up the accordion, I expect. I mean
something in the css like:

.ui-state-active:hover {
  background-color: inherit; /* or "none" or some specific color */


Re: [jQuery] Accordion help ....

2010-02-26 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Erik  wrote:
> My accordion is working great, but I need to STOP the hover on the
> selected item.

You should be able to deactivate the hover for .ui-state-active elements.


Re: [jQuery] Quirks with Tablesorter

2010-02-25 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 5:28 PM, West415  wrote:
> I don't need the headers to repeat though.  I'm trying to have a visual
> separator between the rows.  I don't have to use an  tag, but the
> problem is, it tries to sort every row as if there is data there.  I'd like
> it to ignore that row when doing the sort.
> Any idea?  I'm happy to replace my  tag with an image but I'm afraid it
> may try to sort that row to

Yeah, I'm sure it will.

What determines whether there is a separator between two rows? I
expect you'll have to re-apply that logic each time the table is
sorted; just add a class to the trs that you want to have the
separator after (or before, I suppose). Remember to remove the class
before you re-apply the logic, though. :)

Good luck.


Re: [jQuery] Quirks with Tablesorter

2010-02-25 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:34 PM, West415  wrote:
> I am using a jquery plugin called tablesorter.  It works fine but I've found
> a quirk and can't seem to fix it and would love some help if possible.  When
> you sort, the sort works, but for some reason all the  tags which render
> a horizontal link end up getting placed at the top of the table.  So the
> data sorts right but something is going on when i use the  tags.

Sounds right to me. Instead of rows containing hrs, how about some
border styling on the trs or tds?


Re: [jQuery] Help: Iterate through unknown number of elements, apply function

2010-02-23 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:20 AM, xstaceyamayx  wrote:
> Anyway, I have 2 select boxes. I can populate SelectA with items from
> a database, move the items from selectA to selectB and back again by
> clicking "add" and "remove"...

Change your HTML to look something like this:


  add >>
  << remove


Then your Javascript to something like:
$().ready(function() {
  $(".input").each(function(i) {
$(this).find(".add").click(function() {
  var container = $(this).closest(".input");
$(this).find(".remove").click(function() {
  var container = $(this).closest(".input");

See it in action here:


Re: [jQuery] Re: Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-22 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:10 AM, rafald  wrote:
> ok...I see on you page it works...I double checked my code.
> ...
> but the problem is I need accordion as well.

If you update the jsbin page to how you think it should be (i.e., add
the accordion) I'd be happy to look into what's wrong. :)

Go to the page I made:, make your edits,
save a "New revision", then forward the link.


Re: re[jQuery] fresh tabs

2010-02-22 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:20 AM, whynotter  wrote:
> page 2

Check this out:

You will need to do some more data localization (I've done it for
currentPosition but left totalVideos and maxMove) but I think it
should have you on your way.


Re: [jQuery] Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-21 Thread Nathan Klatt
Hi Rafal,

In what way does it not work? I transcribed your code into jsbin and
it seems to be fine, though I don't have any roundbox styling being


Re: re[jQuery] fresh tabs

2010-02-21 Thread Nathan Klatt
Perhaps you could point us to your page? Or set up an example at or something?


Re: [jQuery] Scrolling Problem

2010-02-20 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 9:13 AM, macgyver47  wrote:
> div1 class="post"
>    div class="title"
> div10 id="post"
>   div class="title"
> I am trying: clicking on div#title belonging to div1 scrolls to
> div#title belonging to div2 and so on

$().ready(function() {
  $(".title").click(function() {
var thisPost = $(this).parent();
var nextPost =".post");
if ( ! nextPost.length ) nextPost = thisPost.parent().find(".post");
var positionOfNextTitle = nextPost.find(".title").position(); // or offset()


Re: [jQuery] Multiple select box line wrap

2010-02-16 Thread Nathan Klatt
'Course it's a good idea!


On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Paul Collins  wrote:
> Thanks Nathan
> That's a good idea actually, guess that would work even if you had scripts
> turned off...
> Will put that to use, thanks again.

Re: [jQuery] Multiple select box line wrap

2010-02-16 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Paul Collins  wrote:
> I'm have a fixed width on a multiple select box. The problem is, some of the
> options are longer than the width and by default the lines won't wrap. I'm
> wondering if anyone has seen a way of making lines wrap

Multiple selects are a HTML/CSS/browser weakness.

My recommendation is to use checkboxes, styled so they highlight when
:selected and the box doesn't show, named as an array, e.g.,
name="multiSelect[]"; put them all in a ul or ol and make wrapping


Re: [jQuery] jquery.validate in chrome field loses focus on unhighlight

2010-02-11 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 2:36 PM, jrallan  wrote:
> Any suggestions? You cannot add $(element).focus() to the unhighlight
> function because it runs on blur() so can never escape the field.

Have you tried returning false from a blur handler or something along
those lines?

Good luck.


Re: [jQuery] Superfish text color with parent - Really need help, thanks

2010-02-10 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 9:15 PM, Gary Herbstman  wrote:
> So ".sf-menu li.sfHover > a"
> Applies that style to any A element that is a child of li.sfHover that
> is a descendent of sf-menu.


> What in superfish is happening? Is the code setting the attribute
> sfHover to the item when you traverse its children?

Just about - it looked like superfish was adding the sfHover class to
each item as it was hovered over and its menu expanded.

You can use the Firefox addon Firebug to watch the classes and styles change.


Re: [jQuery] Popup

2010-02-10 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:56 AM, dtirer  wrote:
> I'm using the following JQuery Popup code to make smooth popups:
> (
> popup-using-jquery/)
> I was wondering how I can use use this to load external pages into the
> popup?

This tutorial should prove helpful:

If you don't want to use an iframe I believe you'll have to send the
request to your own server and have it fetch the external page you
want to load since most browsers don't allow XSS. If you're going to
do that, though, be careful!


Re: [jQuery] Re: how to make this really beautifull pattern

2010-02-10 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Jonathan Vanherpe (T & T nv)
> How about you just look at the source code?
> There's comments and everything


Re: [jQuery] Replace URL parameters

2010-02-10 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 5:48 AM, Jakub  wrote:
>    function Dummy(){
>      adress = window.location.href;
>      regex = "/^&(.*?)?$/";
>      adress = adress.replace(regex,'');
>      alert(adress);
>    }

One problem is you don't want to put quotes around the regex.


Re: [jQuery] Replace URL parameters

2010-02-10 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 5:48 AM, Jakub  wrote:
> I want to replace all parameters, but first. I don't know what is
> wrong .. :-(

Could you give an example of what you want to happen? I.e., an input
string and what you want it to look like after the replace?


Re: [jQuery] how to make this really beautifull pattern

2010-02-10 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:27 AM, hno  wrote:
> I have seen this pattern in .
> there are news menu in the left side . Please visit this site . The
> news will be change with a really beautiful pattern in every 5
> seconds

Just animate the position and opacity or color.


Re: [jQuery] Superfish text color with parent - Really need help, thanks

2010-02-09 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Gary Herbstman  wrote:
> Cool, That did the trick, THANKS!

You're welcome.

> I would love to understand this better. What exactly is this doing?

Well, what's happening is the cascade. Where there are style clashes,
whatever rule is the most specific/has the highest specificity will be
applied. Read through this first link - or even just the table at the
top - with an eye for the rule you had and what I added and I think
you'll get it.


Re: [jQuery] Superfish text color with parent - Really need help, thanks

2010-02-09 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:23 PM, garyh  wrote:
> I am new to superfish and generally have the menu working except for
> one problem. When navigating to a sub menu the parent is properly
> keeping it's background color but the text color is reverting to its
> normal color. There is a link to the site below to see an example.

Hey Gary,

Not having easier access to your code I'm not sure if this is the best
fix for your issue but adding the specifier ".sf-menu li.sfHover > a"
to line 93 of your superfish.css file (currently has .sf-menu
li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover, .sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover,
.sf-menu a:active) seems to do the trick.


Re: [jQuery] Find nodes

2010-02-05 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 8:14 AM, san82  wrote:
> I have the below HTML assigned to a variable in JS.
> #ChevronSPAN4 <<  #ChevronSPAN4id= >>
> Please let me know using jQuery how can I search the variable for SPAN
> elements with class="cheveron".

I'm guessing your variable got munged, eh? Do you mean you have a
string of HTML? If so, you could DOMify it then search in that.

var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
tempDiv.innerHTML = (your variable);
var cheverons = $(tempDiv).find("span.cheveron");


Re: [jQuery] popup form

2010-02-05 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 3:51 AM, Oguz Yarimtepe  wrote:
> At my web application i am using jquery for updating some div areas. I also 
> need
> to update some tables which are produced after executing some queries at my
> db. So i am planning to open a popup form that will show the current values of
> the row that is shown at the table. Changing and submiting will effect the db 
> also.

We regularly use Flexigrid, jqModal, and the jQuery Form plugin for
this purpose.

The author of Flexigrid hangs out on so that's a good resource for


Re: [jQuery] [Maybe OT] Table width 100%

2010-02-05 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 12:41 AM, Steffan A. Cline  wrote:
> I have a div set to 600px wide and 400px tall. Inside I load different
> height tables so I have overflow: scroll to make the div scrollable.

Have you tried overflow:auto?


Re: [jQuery] Forms Plugin - Button Id

2010-02-04 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 9:21 AM, neojquery  wrote:
> I have two button on the page I need to know which one has
> been clicked and trigger an event based on this.


Re: [jQuery] “(validate)”

2010-02-04 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Søren gruby  wrote:
> How can I validate, say a textbox inside a specific div element that
> has a specific id?

Validate validates forms so to validate a field, it has to be in a
form - doesn't matter whether it's in another div or what. Each rule
entry refers to a field's name.

>From your example, it looks like you have a form with id="aspnetForm"
but you don't specify what your input's name is; if it isn't txt_1 or
txt_2 then it won't be validated.

You can find some samples here:


Re: [jQuery] Update div content after dynamic select creation

2010-02-03 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Shinnuz  wrote:
> Database works, but if you see div#result doesn't update with "prova3"...
> why? where i'm wrong?

I do believe your problem is you're creating the nation select AFTER
you've set the handler for the select. Move your declaration of
$('#sel_nazioni').change(function() into $.post("selection.php",
{id_cont:cont}, function(data){, a la:

$(document).ready(function() {
   var cont = $('#sel_continenti').attr('value');
   $.post("selection.php", {id_cont:cont}, function(data){
   var id_naz = $('#sel_nazioni').attr('value');
   $.post("result.php", {id:id_naz}, function(data){


Re: [jQuery] Traversing to next class?

2010-02-03 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 11:28 PM, Photonic  wrote:
> Now the problem I am having is with "  $(this).next
> ('.textDescription').hide();   ". What am I doing wrong. I was under
> the impression that it would select the next object with the class of
> textDescription and hide it... but it isn't.

You need to use nextAll(), not next().
.next( [ selector ] ) Returns: jQuery
Description: Get the immediately following sibling of each element in
the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
.nextAll( [ selector ] ) Returns: jQuery
Description: Get all following siblings of each element in the set of
matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.


Re: [jQuery] (validate) Validation following server-side submit

2010-01-31 Thread Nathan Klatt
You might consider using the "remote" option:

Or, have onSubmit submit the form asynchronously and redirect if the
submit is successful.

In both cases you'll want to re-validate the submittal but if it's not
successful, who cares if you handle someone being an ass in a graceful
manner? :)


Re: [jQuery] Tabs not working... NEED HELP!!!

2010-01-29 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Erik  wrote:
>                var activeTab = $(this).find("a").attr("href"); //Find the rel

Delete the find("a") bit and you're good.


Re: [jQuery] Tabs not working... NEED HELP!!!

2010-01-29 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Erik  wrote:
>                var activeTab = $(this).find("a").attr("href"); //Find the rel
> attribute value to identify the active tab + content
>                $(activeTab).fadeIn(); //Fade in the active content

What do your hrefs look like? Any chance you could send a link to your
page? Or set up a small example at or something?

Re: [jQuery] Re: Help with Column Navigation plugin (list page by selecting a element with particular ID)

2010-01-28 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Asharudeen  wrote:
> Assume, if the li element and anchor element have unique IDs. Is there a
> way list by using their IDs. Or is there way to list the childs of the
> particular element.

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking but, yes, you could find all
children of the clicked menu item:

$("#myTree a").click(function() {
  var immediateChildren = $(this).next().children("li");
  var allDescendants = $(this).next().find("li");

Those will find the li elements but you can modify it to get the a
elements or the href values or the a text or whatever.

Hope that helps - like I said, I'm not sure what you're after, exactly.


Re: [jQuery] My first clip

2010-01-27 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Tiffany  wrote:
> Hi to all. I'm Tiffa , and I have create my small first erotic movie.
> Is it looks fun?

Beginning of the end?

Re: [jQuery] insertAfter('.address')

2010-01-26 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Nathan Klatt  wrote:
> newDiv = createElement("div");
> newDiv.load(""; + $(this).attr("id")
> + ".html");
> newDiv.insertAfter(".address");

Whoops, be sure to turn newDiv into a jQuery object after creating it.

Re: [jQuery] insertAfter('.address')

2010-01-26 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Bas  wrote:
> $(this).next().insertAfter('.address').load('
> search/view/Id/' + $(this).attr('id') + '.html');

You're trying to insert $(this).next() after $(".address"). What you
want to do - I'm guessing - is create a new div loaded with the result
of the load call, yes? You need to load the new content into a fresh
div, then insert that after $(".address").

newDiv = createElement("div");
newDiv.load(""; + $(this).attr("id")
+ ".html");

Something like that, I think. :)


Re: [jQuery] This code is too complex for a noob, can someone break this down.

2010-01-25 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Bugman1400
> I still get the Error "$ is not defined" in the console. What could that be 
> from?

That means jQuery isn't being properly included.


Re: [jQuery] This code is too complex for a noob, can someone break this down.

2010-01-25 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Bugman1400
> What is the best way to check the JS console? I am currently using MS FP.
> Should I switch to something like FireFox?

If you don't want to switch environments, IE has a devloper toolbar:


Re: [jQuery] This code is too complex for a noob, can someone break this down.

2010-01-24 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Bugman1400
> a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick='$.get("dotest.php",{ cmd: "approve",
> id: "57" } ,function(data){ alert('What the Heck'); });'> Approve /a
> ...
> How come I get no response? Is there a further way to debug? I've heard that
> Ajax errors may be silent unless you specify.

Well, this is gonna piss you off, but the problem with that particular
example is you've got unescaped ticks inside of ticks - check the JS
concole. Change to the following and it works:



Re: [jQuery] Re: loading osx (eric martin) to show errors

2010-01-24 Thread Nathan Klatt
Works great for me:

Make sure you set up the click handler before you execute the click. :)


Re: [jQuery] Re: loading osx (eric martin) to show errors

2010-01-24 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 4:05 PM, infojava  wrote:
> when we click on the a.osx it calls this function !
> but $("a.osx").click; doesn't work

Sorry, dude - I'm at a loss. I assume the lack of parens after click
(should be '$("a.osx").click();' not '$("a.osx").click;') is a typo?
Could you point to a page that does this? Or maybe put together a
small example of the issue at one of the collaborative Javascript
sites, like, or something?


Re: [jQuery] Re: loading osx (eric martin) to show errors

2010-01-24 Thread Nathan Klatt
On 24 jan, 16:39, Nathan Klatt  wrote:
> $().ready(function() { $("#osx").click(); });

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 2:29 PM, infojava  wrote:
> Thanks but it does not work !!!

Okay, well what's the #osx element look like? What's its click handler?

Is the php file being accessed directly or via AJAX?


Re: [jQuery] Are API docs in sync with latest jquery library

2010-01-24 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Talisman  wrote:
> I'm trying to use jQuery.ajax() and passing in a "success" callback.
> The data is loaded and the callback is invoked, but I'm not being
> passed in the XmlHttpRequest object as expected.  I've been looking at
> the documentation here:

Poking around a little I see the ajax method has been around since
1.0; I wasn't able to find if the interface changed at all, however. I
assume you're using 1.4? This does sound strange - I look forward to
seeing the resolution. What are the contents of textStatus?


Re: [jQuery] iframe on another iframe

2010-01-24 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 7:05 AM, DOTS D.O.Technology Services
> how i can put iframe on top of other iframe in html,

Re: [jQuery] loading osx (eric martin) to show errors

2010-01-24 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:22 AM, infojava  wrote:
> i use a link (wich shows the demo) wich i should active if an error
> occures, but it doesn't work !!!

Wrap it in a $().ready function?

$().ready(function() { $("#osx").click(); });

Re: [jQuery] This code is too complex for a noob, can someone break this down.

2010-01-22 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Bugman1400
> javascript:void(0); " } ,function(data){ $("#approve ?>").html(data); });' ?>" });'>Approve
> The do.php is a query that updates a database and sets an Approve column to
> '1'.

More context plz, that fragment makes no sense.

Re: [jQuery] Re: New Forums

2010-01-22 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 3:13 PM, John Arrowwood  wrote:

> What if the forums were 'published' to the mailing list, and the mailing
> ...
> The mailing list could be set up so that nobody except the forum 'bot' could
> post to it, which would make spam go away.  People that have accessibility
> issues or just prefer to get their information via their email client could
> continue to read things that way.  And you would have all of the benefits of
> the forum.

Oo! Man with a plan.

Re: [jQuery] Putting a table inside a HTML drop down select box

2010-01-21 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:16 PM, fachhoch  wrote:
> is there any way to put table inside a  HTML drop down select box

If you were to carpet Florida, how long would it take to vacuum?

Err, what I meant to say is, why would you want to do that? What
functionality are you hoping for?


Re: [jQuery] Jquery and Dynamic assignment

2010-01-21 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:54 AM, West415  wrote:
> My question is how can I use jquery to assign click handlers without having
> to do this:

Re: [jQuery] Re: Bindind keydown function to a form - submit on keydown (value change)

2010-01-20 Thread Nathan Klatt

function setFamily() {
  $('#family').css('font-family', $('#family :selected').val());
$("#family option").each(function() {
  $(this).css('font-family', $(this).val())
$('#family').bind("change keypress", setFamily);


Re: [jQuery] Re: Bindind keydown function to a form - submit on keydown (value change)

2010-01-20 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Mircea  wrote:
> Thanx Nathan,
> It works. It does change the class to the #family form. Is it possible
> to make it change the class to the Option element?

You mean style the option element?

function setFamily() {
  $('#family :selected').parent().andSelf()
.css('font-family', $('#family :selected').val());
$('#family').bind("change keypress", setFamily);


Re: [jQuery] Bindind keydown function to a form - submit on keydown (value change)

2010-01-20 Thread Nathan Klatt
function setFamily() {
  $('#family').css('font-family', $('#family :selected').val());
$().ready(function() {
  $('#family').bind("change keypress", setFamily);

As a bonus, this will work if they press the first letter of the
option they're selecting - it's all good. :)


Re: [jQuery] replaceWith bug in jQuery 1.4?

2010-01-20 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:43 AM, teknoFX  wrote:
> There appears to be a bug in the jQuery 1.4 implementation of
> replaceWith.  If you try to replace an element with just plain text,
> jQuery removes the element altogether and does not swap in the text.

>From the replaceWith documentation, emphasis mine: "Replaces all matched
elements with the specified HTML or DOM elements. This returns the JQuery
element that was just replaced, *which has been removed from the DOM*."


Re: [jQuery] jQuery +

2010-01-20 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 12:34 AM, Mateo  wrote:
> var selectedId = $("#mySelectElement").val();

Returns the value of the select element but you want the value of the
selected option element under the select, hence:

> var selectedId = $("#mySelectElement :selected").val();


Re: [jQuery] Re: Multiple elements slider

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Mircea  wrote:
> This is strange,
> The element is selected after I had click and drag it, change its
> position. It have the class 'selected' dynamically added to it. If I
> create another static element Some text -
> the text resize work on that new element.

You need to have the selector inside of the handler - if you select
it, save it off in a variable, then reference the variable in the
handler, it will be referring to whatever met the selector when it was
executed. E.g.,

onChanging: function(percentage, e) {
   $(".resizeable").css('font-size', maxFont * percentage);


var resizeable = $(".resizeable");
onChanging: function(percentage, e) {
   resizeable.css('font-size', maxFont * percentage);

You know?

Just a thought.


Re: [jQuery] jquery iframe hide div

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
Assuming you do not control the content you're embedding in the
iframe, online consensus seems to be that you are SOL.

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 4:05 PM, DOTS D.O.Technology Services
> hello all any one on this ?
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 1:34 AM, DOTS  wrote:
>> hello
>> these days i am also working on same and trying to hide few of the div
>> inside the iframe of some other domain. just  wanted to know can you
>> help me with the solution.
>> Thanks

Re: [jQuery] Validate jquery plugin problem

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
2010/1/19 Niagara :
> My code with  jQuery validation plug-in 1.5 work correctly, but with
> the new version NO.

In what way does it not work? False positives? False negatives?
Console errors or silent refusal? Help us to help you. ;)


Re: [jQuery] Selection broken in Firefox 3.5.7

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Jeff  wrote:
> if ($("input[type='checkbox'][checked]").size() == 0)

Think you want:

if ($("input[type='checkbox']:checked").size() == 0)


Re: [jQuery] Simplae JQuery/Ajax question - GET variables

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 2:29 PM, parot  wrote:
> so you could have something like
> $("button#prevMonth").click(function() {
> loadMonth(--currentMonth),loadYear(--currentYear); });

Well, to handle year and month you'll want something like:

var currentMonth = 1;
var currentYear = 2010;
function deltaMonth(delta) {
   currentMonth += delta;
   while (currentMonth < 1) {
  currentMonth += 12;
   while (currentMonth > 12) {
  currentMonth -= 12;

Re: [jQuery] Multiple elements slider

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Mircea  wrote:
> I have one slider that have to resize font-size on 4 different
> elements. At this time it works on all 4 of them (span) but I would
> like to make it work for any individual element that is selected.

Have your selector add/remove a class, say, "resizeable", then modify
the slider to only manipulate elements with that class, a la:

   onChanging: function(percentage, e) {
   $(".resizeable").css('font-size', maxFont * percentage);


Re: [jQuery] (Validate) Checking once an Entry is Change

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 6:42 PM, Scott Wilcox  wrote:
> Pastebin of code:

Hiya Scott,

What's the code at the other end look like - i.e., /api/check/existac?


Re: [jQuery] Simplae JQuery/Ajax question - GET variables

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 1:45 PM, parot  wrote:
> I want to scroll back and forward through the months on a calendar without
> refreshing the page. I have the php calendar, but I don't want any page
> refresh which I can do with PHP and just send the GET to the page.  so
> ideally what I need is 2 links back and forward with the month variable i.e.
> 1-12 (Jan - Dec) passed to JQury/Ajax. I have been looking at a number of
> scripts, but all to far complex (i.e. do more than I need) just I cant
> fathom out how to pass Back (Jan go to Dec) or Forward (Jan go to Feb) and
> so on. just need 1 month at a time, nothing fancy etc.

How's about something like this?

Previous month

Next month

var currentMonth = 1;
function loadMonth(newMonth) {
$().ready(function() {
   $("button#prevMonth").click(function() { loadMonth(--currentMonth); });
   $("button#nextMonth").click(function() { loadMonth(++currentMonth); });

Re: [jQuery] Simplae JQuery/Ajax question - GET variables

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:32 AM, parot  wrote:
> Very near, but it is more basic than that - how do I get the variable
> ?trythis="changable value" into var trythis="";

Maybe a sequence diagram would be helpful. Here's what I hear you asking:

Could you modify that to better explain what you mean, maybe?


Re: [jQuery] Simplae JQuery/Ajax question - GET variables

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:06 AM, parot  wrote:
> What I cannot do and I do not seem to get a sensible, easy to follow and
> understandable answer from knowledgeable JQuery people is find out how to
> pass the valiable trythis to the page tryit.php and then return the result,
> in this case a simple php echo.

I must misunderstand you...

var trythis = 57;
$.get("tryit.php", { trythis: trythis }, function(data) {
$("#resultsGoHere").html(data); });


Re: [jQuery] JQuery Trigger Event

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Asharudeen  wrote:
> Unfortunately, It seems trigger is not a issue.. I am trying to list dynamic
> file tree using JQuery. It seems to be work fine in Firefox. But in IE, it
> has not working.. I thought it is related to trigger event.

It might be worthwhile for you to put together a simple example on one
of the collaborative Javascript sites (e.g., so
others on the list can easily see it for ourselves and play around.


Re: [jQuery] need help with simple jQuery problem

2010-01-19 Thread Nathan Klatt
That seems like a lot of code for something so simple. Why don't you
just follow the example from the docs:



Re: [jQuery] Re: Validation on a Modal form does not work

2010-01-18 Thread Nathan Klatt
> On Jan 7, 10:39 am, Elan Noy  wrote:
>> I have amodalform that I want to validate.
>> Themodalis based on the simplemodalplugin and thevalidationis
>> based onvalidationplugin.
>> Thevalidationworks well on a regular (nonmodal) form. ANy ideas?

Re: [jQuery] Re: selected accordion background

2010-01-18 Thread Nathan Klatt

Looks like it no longer sets the class to selected for you; just gotta
do it yourself.

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 12:31 PM, spiderling  wrote:
> bump :-)
> On Jan 15, 7:13 pm, spiderling  wrote:
>> I'm using an accordion which functions perfectly. I was using jQuery
>> 1.2.6 with UI 1.6 and was able to have a different background image
>> displayed when the section was expanded using .selected. I upgraded to
>> jQuery 1.3.2 with UI 1.7.2, and the selected / expanded background
>> image no longer works. Everything else works fine. Any suggestions on
>> how I can get it working again with 1.3.2 and 1.7.2?
>> Thanks
>> Pasquale
>> // jQuery
>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>         $("#accordion1").accordion({
>>                 active: false,
>>                 header: '.heading',
>>                 collapsible: true,
>>                 autoHeight: false
  .bind('accordionchange', function(event, ui) {
$(ui.newHeader).   addClass("selected");


Re: [jQuery] $.ajax call doesn't complete on 400 bad request response

2010-01-18 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 11:05 AM, anton  wrote:
> Can't seem to get any response from an ajax call which response is 400
> Bad Request
>      $.ajax({
>               url: url
>               type: "GET",

Hey, is that missing comma after url a typo?


Re: [jQuery] $.ajax call doesn't complete on 400 bad request response

2010-01-18 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 11:05 AM, anton  wrote:
> Can't seem to get any response from an ajax call which response is 400
> Bad Request
>      $.ajax({
>               url: url
>               type: "GET",
>               dataType: "json",
>               success: aj.dataLoaded,
>               error: function() {
>                 alert("error");
>               },
>               complete: function() {
>                 alert("complete");
>               }
>             });
> When server responds with error code 400 neither the error function
> nor the complete function is called, any tips on how to correct this?

What is aj.dataLoaded doing? I believe a 400 will go to the success
callback; after that finishes (assuming it does so :) it should call
the complete callback. Can the call to complete be disabled by
returning false from the success/error callback?


Re: [jQuery] JQuery Trigger Event

2010-01-18 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 10:30 AM, ashar udeen  wrote:
> $('#parent1').trigger("click");
> This code seems to be work in Firefox. But when I tried the same in
> IE8, it does not work. Could any one update me, how to fix this.

Have you tried just $('#parent1').click()?

Re: [jQuery] new forums used?

2010-01-18 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Octavian Rasnita  wrote:
> If some of the users won't like the forum, they would be able to use the
> mailing lists, while if other users wouldn't want to receive the emails from
> the mailing list they could just unsubscribe, so the mailing lists won't
> hurt anyone.

The mailing list is great but what's expected to happen shortly after
they stop moderating it, reportedly a significant effort, is the list
will be overrun by spammers. Hopefully their fears are unfounded but
I'm not holding my breath.

Nice knowin' y'all. ;)


Re: [jQuery] Re: SlideDown Issue.. help!

2010-01-18 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 6:19 AM,  wrote:
> Hi, can you tell me the alternative to make it only work on the select
> 'a'

Simplest way is to give the 'a' an id:

Custom Alias

Then set its click handler this in the Javascript like this:

$('a#alias-box-link').click(function () {

Otherwise, depending on what else you have going on, you could do
something like what Waseem suggested or something like this example:


Re: [jQuery] Validation plugin

2010-01-18 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 4:55 AM, perkin5  wrote:
> All fields have a class of 'required' and the email field has

The fields that aren't validating have typos in the class setting -
they're missing the equals sign: class"required" instead of

Re: [jQuery] Select part of text and add a CSS class

2010-01-18 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 6:02 AM, Mircea  wrote:
> I am trying to create my first jQuery script. I want to have a text in
> a , select it with the cursor and add a class to it. I know that I
> can use the .select and .addClass functions.

I bet you need to wrap the selected text in a span - you can't apply a
class to an arbitrary block of text, you know?

Might not be the only problem with your script but I bet it's at least
part of it. :)

Good luck,


Re: [jQuery] background mouseover fade effect

2010-01-17 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:25 PM, <> wrote:
> I need to add a mouseover effect to the navigation for a site that I'm
> building.  I need the backgroundColor to fade from none, to black, and
> then on mouseout, I need it to fade back to none.  This would be easy
> if I were using two colors, but since I'm using 'none' as one

You probably figured something out for this by now but, if not, one
kinda ugly way would be to position a black div behind the element,
hide it, and fade it in on mouseover and back out on mouseout...


Re: [jQuery] some basic questions

2010-01-17 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 12:03 AM, Enoch  wrote:
> I have a tabbed page using jquery themes with the tabs structured as
> s.  The first tab has a form that you can fill out.
> The second tab, when clicked is supposed to bring up a summary of your
> form and offer a submit button.

Aside from the jQuery documentation ( I have
no specific tutorials to recommend. If it helps, though, I've
implemented a quick, but annotated, example of what you described:

Good luck and have fun!


Re: [jQuery] Re: hide() works fine - fadeOut() is not working - Don't understand....

2010-01-17 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 6:17 AM, Reinhard Vornholt
> After switching to jQuery 1.4 everything works fine.
> My guess is, that it had something to do with the css of my . It
> had a position:fixed attribute. But thats just a guess.

Glad you got it figured out but it wasn't the position:fixed styling
or, at least, not only that.

I just like to play on JSBin. :)

Re: [jQuery] javascript loaded via ajax

2010-01-13 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Michael Geary  wrote:
> In your example, the hello function will never be garbage collected, because
> the window object has a property named 'hello' that holds a reference to the
> function.

Thanks for the correction.


Re: [jQuery] javascript loaded via ajax

2010-01-13 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 1:53 PM, nihal  wrote:
> is there anyway to remove the newly added function from the dom?

Wrap the code you want to be removeable in its own  element,
give it an id, then remove it just like any other element. As has been
discussed today, removing it doesn't mean *poof* it's gone, just that
it could be removed by the garbage collector, so you'll likely be able
to continue calling the function after it's been removed.  See:

<a  rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

<script id="removeMe" type="text/javascript">
  function hello(msg) { alert(msg); }

$().ready(function() {
  setTimeout("hello('three')", 2500);

The code gets removed from the DOM (verified using Firebug) but the
function still works 2.5 seconds later.


Re: [jQuery] Sceptic about JQuery

2010-01-13 Thread Nathan Klatt
Using a Javascript framework is definitely a Good Thing. It allows you to
step back and focus on what you want to do rather than on the details of
getting it done in a way that will work efficiently, in various browsers,
etc. Unless there's some external force compelling you to use jQuery, it
would be a good idea to at least consider the alternatives, a good starting
point being the Wikipedia entry, of course,


Re: [jQuery] Re: Cloning a table row that is not in a table

2010-01-13 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:58 AM, RhythmicDevil wrote:

> If its not in the DOM why do I see it in the source? I am having a
> disconnect here. I have fixed it as I said above. But I am curious I
> thought the DOM represented the HTML that is present at load time.

Maybe I misunderstand what you mean by "in the source" - do you mean when
you do a View | Source it's there? Because that is merely the text sent by
the server to the browser. It's what the browser uses to generate the DOM,
it is not the DOM itself. Know what I mean?


Re: [jQuery] please can you help me with with :contains? :)

2010-01-13 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:54 AM, happysmile 
> It works only the first time you click on the button (changes from
> 'show' to 'hide'), while it remains almost always 'Hide' in all the
> following clicks.

This won't help you understand :contains but I think it does what you want:

Assuming this markup:

  Show details
details details details

The code:
$('.show_profile').click(function() {

  // toggle link class to change the arrow background image
  var jThis = $(this)

  // toggle visibility profile
  var jDetails ='.directors_details')

  // change show/hide text in the link
  if (":visible")) {
  } else {

  return false;


Re: [jQuery] Re: Cloning a table row that is not in a table

2010-01-13 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:36 AM, RhythmicDevil  wrote:
> I did not think the selectors would enforce that.

It's not the selectors; the problem is the tr never makes it into the
DOM because the invalid html gets ignored by the browser. Because the
tr isn't in the DOM, the selector has no chance of finding it. :)


Re: [jQuery] Cloning a table row that is not in a table

2010-01-13 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 9:15 AM, RhythmicDevil  wrote:
> So it seems I can only select a row if its in a table? That makes no
> sense?

Makes perfect sense; a table row cannot exist outside of a table.


Re: [jQuery] Converting a javascript to jQuery

2010-01-13 Thread Nathan Klatt
This is totally untested but I expect it should look something like the


function initShowHideDivs() {
  $("div.breakbg").each(function(breakbgIndex) {
  .attr("id", "ssdm"+breakbgIndex)
//  .className=="ssdhead"
.attr("id", "ssds"+breakbgIndex)
.css({"display":"none", "height":"1px"})
  .css("top", (0-contentDiv.offsetHeight)+"px"
  .attr("id", "ssdsc"+breakbgIndex);

// I imagine this could be further jQuerified but, not knowing what your
needs are...
function showHideContent(e, inputId) {
  if (yatrassd_slideInProgress) return;

  yatrassd_slideInProgress = true;

  if ( ! inputId ) inputId =;
  var numericId = inputId.toString().replace(/[^0-9]/g,"");
  var answerDiv = $("#ssds" + numericId);
  var imgId = $("#arrowimg" + numericId);

  objectIdToSlideDown = false;

  if (":visible")) {
 slideContent(numericId, (yatrassd_slideSpeed*-1));
 yatrassd_activeId = false;

  } else {

if (yatrassd_activeId && yatrassd_activeId != numericId) {
  objectIdToSlideDown = numericId;

} else {;

Re: [jQuery] Are numerical properties/indexes supported?

2010-01-13 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 2:03 AM, Dean  wrote:
> Any jQuery object currently has numerical properties/indexes that
> store references to the DOM node elements matched in the search.
> (E.g., $("div")[0] is a reference to the first matched DOM node
> element in the search.) Can we rely on these properties remaining in
> jQuery indefinitely?

Every time $("div") is executed, it queries the DOM. If you want to
save the results, save them: var divs = $("div"). Then, access them in
the documented way: divs.eq(0). If brackets work now, as they are not
mentioned in the documentation then, no, you can't count on that
working in the future.


Re: [jQuery] Append prepend?

2010-01-12 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Dave Maharaj ::
> I cant seem to understand the logic behind these functions. append prepend
> appendTo, prependTo

Methinks you're very close! This what you're getting at?


Re: [jQuery] Re: Get Value. Please, is kind of urgent. Thanks.

2010-01-12 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 3:42 PM, shapper  wrote:
> And is there a way to check if GBrowserCompatible is valid?


if (typeof(yourFunctionName) == 'function') yourFunctionName();


Re: [jQuery] Get Value. Please, is kind of urgent. Thanks.

2010-01-12 Thread Nathan Klatt
Like so?

if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
   var gmapsUrl = "/Google/Map";
   if ($("#Place").val())
  gmapsUrl += "/"+$("#Place").val();
   $.getJSON(gmapsUrl, Initialise);

Re: [jQuery] getScript - Site does not finish loading?

2010-01-12 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 3:53 AM, chricke  wrote:
> as i understand the getScript function should be asyncronous, but when
> i use it the website won't finish loading (in firefox).
>        function getCounter(){
>                jQuery.getScript(''+get_url_param
> ('id'), function(){
>                        jQuery('#counterfu_online_count').text(count);
>                        getCounter();
>                });
>        }
>        getCounter();
> });
> getCounter() calls itself so the counter this script is used for is
> updated - all works well, just the page keeps loading...
> so whats the problem here? why does the website not finish loading?

Okay, you acknowledge you've got a recursive function there (sorta -
is there a special term for recursion through a callback like that?
Anyone?) but do you admit to infinite recursion? If so, could you
point us to a page that causes the problem? Or expound on what you
mean by "the page keeps loading"? 'Cause, yeah, it's gonna do that as
written. :) You need an exit case for the recursion, possibly
something like the below, though it's hard to comment when I'm not
sure what the reason is to get the same script two times.

var getCounterCount = 0;
function getCounter() {
function() {
if (getCounterCount < 2) getCounter();


Re: [jQuery] Re: long-term browser support strategy

2010-01-11 Thread Nathan Klatt
> IE 6 use is 3 times that of Safari (all versions) depending on whose
> statistics you believe. Why not drop support for Safari while you're
> at it? And Opera and Chrome?

Because you don't have to do anything to support Safari or Chrome or
Opera - they actually work. To stop supporting them you'd have to stop
supporting standards.

>> I work with several clients that do
>> not want to "lead the way" in this respect, and need to support IE6 as
>> long as it has a fair usage share, which may be for several more
>> years.]
> That is a sensible decision

Anyone clinging to IE6, at this point, has gone wy beyond not
leading the way!


Re: [jQuery] Re: can anchor tag be used in jquery to define areas

2010-01-11 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Oliur  wrote:
> I am trying to figure out how would the user sees Faq section as they
> click on the link. Problem is Home is the default tab not the FAQ one
> and hence not visible by default.

Hopefully someone will post a better solution but what I do is check
for the hash in the URL then, if I find one, call


Re: [jQuery] The form is not submitted onKeyDown

2010-01-07 Thread Nathan Klatt
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Andre Polykanine wrote:
> var validator=$("#myform").validate( {  });
> $(document).keydown (function (e) {
>if (e.ctrlKey && e.which==13) { validator.form(); }
> });
> then I'm trying to submit. If I do something wrong (for example, leave
> a required field blank) and press Ctrl+Enter, Validator gently tells
> me that yes, that field is required, go on and fill it in. But if I
> fill in the field and do everything correctly, pressing Ctrl+Enter
> gives absolutely nothing: no errors and no submit.

It's not submitting because you never tell it to. I would first try
replacing the call to validator.form() with $("#myform").submit(). I
would assume that does the validation check first. In case doing that
bypasses the validation, check the return value of validator.form()
and submit if it's successful, a la: if (validator.form())


Re: [jQuery] Need your opinion you ALL!!!

2010-01-07 Thread Nathan Klatt
> Someone wants me to use FULL DIRECTORY PATHS for every page

Assuming you're generating your html on the back-end, just use a
variable for the base URL and no worries.

Stict with UNIX through the learning curve and I guarantee you'll
never go back, at least not voluntarily. :)


Re: [jQuery] Another "Why doesn't this work in IE"

2010-01-04 Thread Nathan Klatt
Then I'd say you ought to try making the load the callback of the post
and see if that works, something along the lines of:

$("#TOAppr").live("click", function() {
$.post("webapps/hr/admin/actions/act_adminHR_handler.cfm", {
desc: $(this).attr('desc'),
pk: $(this).attr('pk')
function() {

return false;

Re: [jQuery] Another "Why doesn't this work in IE"

2010-01-04 Thread Nathan Klatt
Is it okay if the load happens immediately after the data is posted?
Or will it be loading something based on the DB actions having been
successful completed? As it is it's not waiting for the post to
complete before issuing the load.


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