[jQuery] jQuery Tabs -- Long content in hidden tabs

2009-11-09 Thread ripcurlksm

I am using jQuery tabs and when I have very long content within the tabs, my
browsers scroll bar reflects the content in the tab with the most content.

Example, Tab 1  Tab 3 has a very long scroll bar, even though it has no
content (because of Tab 2) and you can scroll down through the empty space


Is there a way I can hide the content in Tab 2 so that my browsers scroll
bar displays correctly in relation to the content in the active tab?
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[jQuery] Combining old Tabs design with new Progress Bar

2009-10-01 Thread ripcurlksm

I love and use the old jQuery Tabs on jquery 1.2.3:

I want to integrate the new Progress Bar UI feature on jQuery 1.3.2
and  jQuery UI 1.7.2 :

When I combine then however, the new tab style of jQuery 1.3.2 takes
over as seen here:

How can I insert the new Progress Bar into the old Tabs, without the
tabs reverting to the new design?

[jQuery] I think I'm using the wrong syntax for radio button name

2009-09-30 Thread ripcurlksm

I have three radio buttons, and when a certain radio is selected I
want to show a series of checkboxes. If the other two radio buttons
are selected, I want to hide the checkboxes. I *think* the problem is
that I am using the wrong syntax to call the click() function on the
radio name attribute.

Example/Code here:

$(product_id).click(function () {
if ($(#multimarket).is(':checked')) {
// showcheckboxes
} else {
// hide checkboxes

input type=radio class=checkbox id=market
value=1/Single Market
input type=radio class=checkbox id=multimarket
name=product_id value=2/Multiple Markets
input type=radio class=checkbox id=full  
value=3/All Markets

[jQuery] jQuery Validate -- how to require series of checkboxes when named as array[]

2009-09-23 Thread ripcurlksm

I have a working example of jQuery validate working in the link below.
The newsletter checkbox is required and working. However, the colors
checkboxes are all named as an array ( ex: name=color[] ), and so
the problem lies in the validation code, where it uses the name of the
element to require elements ( ex: newsletter: required ).

rules: {
// how do i name colors below?
// colors[] ???
// fieldset#color_preference input:checkbox  ???
colors: {
required: true,
minlength: 1
newsletter: required
messages: {
colors: *Required,
newsletter: *Required

Here is an example:

[jQuery] jQuery Validate -- how to require series of checkboxes when named as array[]

2009-09-23 Thread ripcurlksm

I have a working example of jQuery validate working in the link below.
The newsletter checkbox is required and working. However, the colors
checkboxes are all named as an array ( ex: name=color[] ), and so
the problem lies in the validation code, where it uses the name of the
element to require elements ( ex: newsletter: required ).

rules: {
// how do i name colors below?
// colors[] ???
// fieldset#color_preference input:checkbox  ???
colors: {
required: true,
minlength: 1
newsletter: required
messages: {
colors: *Required,
newsletter: *Required


input name=colors[] id=1 value=1 type=checkbox / label
input name=colors[] id=2 value=2 type=checkbox / 
input name=colors[] id=3 value=3 type=checkbox / 
input name=colors[] id=4 value=4 type=checkbox / 
input name=colors[] id=5 value=5 type=checkbox / 


Here is an example:
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[jQuery] validate - if other checked -- require input box

2009-09-21 Thread ripcurlksm

I have a How did you hear about us? with a series of checkboxes that is
working great, however there is an option for Other, where they can fill
out their answer.

I want to modify the script so if the checkbox for Other is selected, they
are required to fill in the input box.

I have this working here, but I cant get the input box to be required if
other is selected:
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[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete: implement result() to link a selection

2009-09-09 Thread ripcurlksm

Can anyone offer any suggestion to allow for me to get this to work? 

If I type something like Green and click on the suggestion, I want it to
go to a page like page.php?id=1. 

If I type something like Red and click on the suggestion, I want it to go
to a page like page.php?id=2. 

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[jQuery] Autocomplete: implement result() to link a selection

2009-09-03 Thread ripcurlksm

I have autocomplete working for a list of colors(red, green, blue, etc). I
created an array of $id's to match each color.

For example if someone types and selects red, I want it to go to a page
like mypage.php?id=1. 

How can I (1) parse the ids in the array and (2) implement the result()
function so that it links to a page and posts the proper $id? I have a live
example with source code here: 


Thank you for your time, and if you would be kind enough to be as explicit
as you can with examples on how to make an autocomplete result link to a
page and pass an $id.
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[jQuery] count checkboxes selected

2009-08-07 Thread ripcurlksm

I have a script where a user can select any 10 out of 20 CD's. I am using the
jQuery Field Plug-in to limit the users selections to 10.

My question is, how can I display the number of checkboxes selected, and
remaining? I want to say:

You have 3 CD's selected.
You have 7 selections left.

Here is a live example:
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[jQuery] Re: count checkboxes selected

2009-08-07 Thread ripcurlksm

I dont want to use an alert, I want to  use ajax or some method to show how
many checkboxes are selected in REAL TIME.

So when you select one checkbox it says on the page:

You have 1 CD's selected.
You have 9 selections left. 

When you select a second checkbox it says on the page:

You have 2 CD's selected.
You have 8 selections left. 
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[jQuery] Re: count checkboxes selected

2009-08-07 Thread ripcurlksm

Thanks James, that was really helpful -- I've placed the code, but I can not
get it to populate the div. Did I place it in the correct area? 

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[jQuery] jQuery toggle question

2009-08-05 Thread ripcurlksm

For once, I have a script fully working... I have four tabs that pull down
when clicked. If a tab is open, and you click another tab, the opened tab
closes first, then the selected tab opens.

Here is a working example (Open Tab1, then click Tab2 and note how it closes
quickly, i want Tab1 to slide closed, then Tab2 slide open):

The problem is that the open tab closes abruptly when changing tabs. Is
there anyway to smooth it out? Here is my code, with highlights.

Source Code


// first close any other open panels

// then open the selected panel
$(this).toggleClass(active); return false;

// first close any other open panels

// then open the selected panel
$(this).toggleClass(active); return false;

// first close any other open panels

// then open the selected panel
$(this).toggleClass(active); return false;

// first close any other open panels

// then open the selected panel
$(this).toggleClass(active); return false;

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[jQuery] Error: Load a jQuery Flot chart inside a jQuery tab

2009-06-24 Thread ripcurlksm

I am trying to load a jquery chart (Flot) inside the second tab of jQuery
tabs. It works fine on the opening tab, but if i bury the chart in any tab,
it breaks and throws the js error Invalid dimensions for plot...

I looked around and the problem might be that because the second tab is
hidden at page load, it is breaking something... I dug up a possible jquery
fix/plugin called frameReady, which allows for you to load iframes, but I am
not sure how to apply it.



Any clue how I can enable the second tab to show the chart? 
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[jQuery] Re: Error: Load a jQuery Flot chart inside a jQuery tab

2009-06-24 Thread ripcurlksm

fixed it... i changed the css to

.tabs-hide {
/*display: none;*/
position: absolute;
left: -1px;

ripcurlksm wrote:
 I am trying to load a jquery chart (Flot) inside the second tab of jQuery
 tabs. It works fine on the opening tab, but if i bury the chart in any
 tab, it breaks and throws the js error Invalid dimensions for plot...
 I looked around and the problem might be that because the second tab is
 hidden at page load, it is breaking something... I dug up a possible
 jquery fix/plugin called frameReady, which allows for you to load iframes,
 but I am not sure how to apply it.
 Any clue how I can enable the second tab to show the chart? 

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[jQuery] jQuery AutoComplete - how to post a variable if option is selected?

2009-02-03 Thread ripcurlksm

I am using a jQuery AutoComplete plugin which fills in text as you type. I
need to find a way when the page is submitted (submit.php) to determine if
the user choose a company from the list, or if they typed in their own
unique company. 

If an option is selected, can i have jQuery post an extra $_POST variable
like new or existing so I can pick it up on the submit.php page? Or when
an option is selected, can I have .js write a hidden tag which contains the
variable existing?


Source Code:

The end goal here is to post a variable on the next page if the user
selected an option from the autocomplete list.
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[jQuery] Re: In a pickle -- JavaScript Pagination vs. PHP/MySQL Pagination

2009-01-08 Thread ripcurlksm

Could you post some example code if you get the chance Jeffrey?

Jeffrey Kretz wrote:
 I solved this for my own project in this way:
 1.  Server-side code renders the first page of the grid, also passing a
 value of total results.
 2.  If the total results are few enough (season to taste), fire an ajax
 that immediately loads the entire result set into memory.
 3.  As the user re-sorts the results, re-sort in memory and display the
 correctly sorted/paged results.
 4.  If the total results are too large to make this feasible, do an ajax
 call for each paged/sorted result set.
 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
 Behalf Of ripcurlksm
 Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 6:48 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] In a pickle -- JavaScript Pagination vs. PHP/MySQL
 --- here is a picture of me
 I have a jQuery sortable table with jQuery pagination, which is being fed
 from PHP/MySQL-- and now that I have it setup, I am in a pickle. It
 I can only have cake or eat it. I want a table that loads fast from MySQL,
 that I can paginate (for performance) AND i can sort, however when you
 the SQL rows returned, you can only sort the table based on the limited
 results (ie- sorting a table based on 40 returned results, instead of
 sorting based on the 800 total rows that the query yields)
 [B]Javascript Pro:[/B] Sexy sortable tables  pagination
 [B]Javascript Con:[/B] Must load entire MySQL result to allow proper
 sorting, however the database query is taking ~12 seconds to load
 To demonstrate, take a set of results broken up on two pages.
 ---new page---
 My problem is that when I sort this column (highest to lowest), it only
 sorts whats loaded (in this case 3 rows):
 When I want this:
 Possible solutions:
 1) Static Output -- Everything is working fine, except for my 12 second
 for my table to load from MySQL. So I could create a hack to load a static
 HTML file instead of querying the database. The issue I see with this, is
 when a user does complex searches, I will have to output multiple static
 2) Ajax-ish output -- I have the tablesorter and pagination currently
 loading from an Ajax-ish file, which does the SQL query, handles the
 offset and returns the proper rows to the page without doing a refresh.
 if there is some way to modify this ajax script, so that it can also ORDER
 BY the SQL query (in addition to its current offset function), however
 would need to be some sort of callback when a column header is clicked in
 the javascript, to the ajax script, to add the ORDER BY clause and return
 the results... eh.
 So Im in a pickle, keep in mind I have everything working, sortable table,
 pagination, but my 800 row query is jsut taking too long to load (its
 joining several other tables as it loads.)
 Here is my current code to contain the table results, and ajax file to
 the SQL and dynamically handle the results without needing a page refresh.
   $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM company';
   $res = mysql_query($sql);
   $total = mysql_result( $res, 0 );
 script type=text/javascript
 script type=text/javascript


 script type=text/javascript
   function pageselectCallback(page_id, jq){
   var first = (page_id*10)+1, second = (page_id*10)+40;
   $('#Searchresult').text(Showing search results  + first + '-'
   data:'offset=' + first + 'limit=40',
   success:function(msg) {
   $(#pagination).pagination( ?php echo $total;?, { 
   num_edge_entries: 2,
   num_display_entries: 8,
   callback: pageselectCallback 
 div class=pagination id=pagination/divbr clear=all/
 div id=Searchresult/divbr /
 div id=ajaxContent/div
 test-ajax.php (to load the next page of MySQL results)
 $offset = $_GET['offset'];
 $limit = $_GET['limit'];
 $conn = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'root', 'mypass');
 if ( is_resource( $conn ) ) {
   if ( !mysql_select_db('foo', $conn) ) {
   echo 'pCan not select db./p';
   $result = mysql_query('SELECT * from company LIMIT ' . $offset . ','
   if ( is_resource( $result ) ) {
   while ( $row

[jQuery] base tag breaks jquery pagination

2009-01-06 Thread ripcurlksm

I have jQuery pagination working in my search results, however, I hit a snag
when trying to view the next page's results, because of my base url
integrating this into my page and the pagination is showing up, but the
links are broken because I am using a base tag. For example:

Normally the pagination links (previous, 1,2,3, next) to this:

But with the base url implemented on the page, it looks links to this:

So now when I click the pagination to get the next page or results, it
changes the results, then a second later, the page redirects to my root
directory because of the base tag.

Can I modify the javascript? How can I fix this? 

Here is a sample of the jQuery pagination script:
jQuery.fn.pagination = function(maxentries, opts){
opts = jQuery.extend({
link_to:#, /* can i inject something here? */
callback:function(){return false;}

Here is the full jQuery pagination script:

Here is a working version of the pagination script:

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[jQuery] In a pickle -- JavaScript Pagination vs. PHP/MySQL Pagination

2009-01-06 Thread ripcurlksm

--- here is a picture of me

I have a jQuery sortable table with jQuery pagination, which is being fed
from PHP/MySQL-- and now that I have it setup, I am in a pickle. It appears
I can only have cake or eat it. I want a table that loads fast from MySQL,
that I can paginate (for performance) AND i can sort, however when you break
the SQL rows returned, you can only sort the table based on the limited
results (ie- sorting a table based on 40 returned results, instead of
sorting based on the 800 total rows that the query yields)

[B]Javascript Pro:[/B] Sexy sortable tables  pagination
[B]Javascript Con:[/B] Must load entire MySQL result to allow proper
sorting, however the database query is taking ~12 seconds to load

To demonstrate, take a set of results broken up on two pages.
---new page---

My problem is that when I sort this column (highest to lowest), it only
sorts whats loaded (in this case 3 rows):

When I want this:

Possible solutions:
1) Static Output -- Everything is working fine, except for my 12 second wait
for my table to load from MySQL. So I could create a hack to load a static
HTML file instead of querying the database. The issue I see with this, is
when a user does complex searches, I will have to output multiple static

2) Ajax-ish output -- I have the tablesorter and pagination currently
loading from an Ajax-ish file, which does the SQL query, handles the MySQL
offset and returns the proper rows to the page without doing a refresh. Now,
if there is some way to modify this ajax script, so that it can also ORDER
BY the SQL query (in addition to its current offset function), however there
would need to be some sort of callback when a column header is clicked in
the javascript, to the ajax script, to add the ORDER BY clause and return
the results... eh.

So Im in a pickle, keep in mind I have everything working, sortable table,
pagination, but my 800 row query is jsut taking too long to load (its
joining several other tables as it loads.)

Here is my current code to contain the table results, and ajax file to load
the SQL and dynamically handle the results without needing a page refresh.


$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM company';
$res = mysql_query($sql);
$total = mysql_result( $res, 0 );

script type=text/javascript src=include/jquery-latest.js/script
script type=text/javascript

script type=text/javascript
function pageselectCallback(page_id, jq){
var first = (page_id*10)+1, second = (page_id*10)+40;
$('#Searchresult').text(Showing search results  + first + '-' +
data:'offset=' + first + 'limit=40',
success:function(msg) {
$(#pagination).pagination( ?php echo $total;?, { 
num_edge_entries: 2,
num_display_entries: 8,
callback: pageselectCallback 

div class=pagination id=pagination/divbr clear=all/
div id=Searchresult/divbr /
div id=ajaxContent/div


test-ajax.php (to load the next page of MySQL results)
$offset = $_GET['offset'];
$limit = $_GET['limit'];
$conn = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'root', 'mypass');
if ( is_resource( $conn ) ) {
if ( !mysql_select_db('foo', $conn) ) {
echo 'pCan not select db./p';
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * from company LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' .
if ( is_resource( $result ) ) {
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) {
echo $row['story'];


Any thoughts on how to allow sorting of tables with pagination and not make
the user wait 12 seconds to view the content?
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[jQuery] jQuery Pagination and MySQL $limit, $offset

2009-01-03 Thread ripcurlksm

I am trying to use the jQuery pagination plugin with my PHP/MySQL website -- 
It appears I have to either use Ajax or use PHP to write the jQuery
pagintion header so I can control the $offset and $limit, in order to
control the pagination --

What is the best way to combine javascript, PHP and MySQL so that they can
communicate with eachother? Here is my PHP page and SQL

script type=text/javascript src=include/jquery-latest.js/script
script type=text/javascript
link rel=stylesheet
href=include/tablesorter/addons/pagination/pagination.css type=text/css
media=print, projection, screen /
script type=text/javascript

function pageselectCallback(page_id, jq){
$('#Searchresult').text(Showing search 

// Create pagination element
$(#Pagination).pagination(300, {
num_edge_entries: 2,
num_display_entries: 8,
callback: pageselectCallback


div id=Pagination class=pagination/div

br style=clear:both; /
div id=Searchresult
Showing search results 1-10 ...


$limit = 10;
$offset = 0;

$sql = SELECT * FROM emt_company LIMIT $offset, $limit;
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){

$name = $row['name'];
echo $namebr;



(sorry for posting code--- is there a [code] or [html] setting to wrap
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[jQuery] Re: TableSorter Pagination -- Breaks when wrapped in table [example]

2008-12-30 Thread ripcurlksm

Why would my script break when I wrap a table around it?

ripcurlksm wrote:
 still looking for a solution...
 ripcurlksm wrote:
 I have a working version of the jQuery TableSorter but when I wrap the
 div in a table, the pagination stops working. This appears to be a CSS
 issue when the table is wrapped?
 Here is the broken pagination, with it wrapped in a table (try to click
 the next page button, its broke!):
 Here is the same example as above, but not wrapped in a table and its
 working fine:
 Here is the source code for both examples:

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[jQuery] Re: TableSorter Pagination -- Breaks when wrapped in table [example]

2008-12-22 Thread ripcurlksm

still looking for a solution...

ripcurlksm wrote:
 I have a working version of the jQuery TableSorter but when I wrap the div
 in a table, the pagination stops working. This appears to be a CSS issue
 when the table is wrapped?
 Here is the broken pagination, with it wrapped in a table (try to click
 the next page button, its broke!):
 Here is the same example as above, but not wrapped in a table and its
 working fine:
 Here is the source code for both examples:

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery Tabs -- Are disjointed tabs possible?.

2008-12-10 Thread ripcurlksm

Hey guys, i dont know what happened but I posted a picture/mock of what I
wanted and now the photo is gone.. ??

Anyway its solved-- I wanted to have one tab on the left, then a series of
tabs on the same line, but on the right side... someone suggested floating
the tabs I wanted on the right and it worked fine.

Thank you for your time. :handshake:

Todd Rafferty-2 wrote:
 I wonder if he means tabs that are connected to nothing? o_O Wouldn't
 they just be called... buttons? :)
 On Dec 9, 9:51 pm, donb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First, we have to know what 'disjointed' means...

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[jQuery] jQuery Tabs -- Are disjointed tabs possible?.

2008-12-09 Thread ripcurlksm

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[jQuery] jQuery Tabs -- Are disjointed tabs possible?

2008-12-09 Thread ripcurlksm

Is this possible with jQuery tabs? To seperate certain tabs and push them to
the right?
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[jQuery] CSS bug when combining Tabs and TableSorter

2008-11-29 Thread ripcurlksm

I've got a weird bug in my CSS with using (jQuery Tabs and jQuery
TableSorter) where every time I have a link, or span on the page, it prints
a background image that is used for the jQuery tabs.

Here is what the problem looks like:

Here is a live example of the bug:

It appears that when you place a TableSorter table inside a jQuery Tab, it
makes  the background image bug. How can I combine these CSS files to live
in harmony? I've always wondered this with projects like these. Can you
rename some of the CSS to name everything by ID? Any suggestions would be
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[jQuery] Re: CSS bug when combining Tabs and TableSorter

2008-11-29 Thread ripcurlksm

thanks Ill give it a shot

ripcurlksm wrote:
 I've got a weird bug in my CSS with using (jQuery Tabs and jQuery
 TableSorter) where every time I have a link, or span on the page, it
 prints a background image that is used for the jQuery tabs.
 Here is what the problem looks like:
 Here is a live example of the bug:
 It appears that when you place a TableSorter table inside a jQuery Tab, it
 makes  the background image bug. How can I combine these CSS files to live
 in harmony? I've always wondered this with projects like these. Can you
 rename some of the CSS to name everything by ID? Any suggestions would be

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[jQuery] jQuery Countdown

2008-11-28 Thread ripcurlksm

I am trying to get the countdown to work from this example
(http://keith-wood.name/countdown.html), and I cant get it working.. What am
I doing wrong?

script type=text/javascript
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=jquery.countdown.css /
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.countdown.js/script
var newYear = new Date(2009, 1-1, 1); 
$('#defaultCountdown').countdown({until: newYear}); 
$('#removeCountdown').toggle(function() { 
function() { 
$('#defaultCountdown').countdown({until: newYear}); 
div id=defaultCountdown/div

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[jQuery] TableSorter Pagination -- Breaks when wrapped in table [example]

2008-11-17 Thread ripcurlksm

I have a working version of the jQuery TableSorter but when I wrap the div in
a table, the pagination stops working. This appears to be a CSS issue when
the table is wrapped?

Here is the broken pagination, with it wrapped in a table (try to click the
next page button, its broke!):

Here is the same example as above, but not wrapped in a table and its
working fine:

Here is the source code for both examples:

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[jQuery] jQuery Tabs: CSS Bug

2008-11-12 Thread ripcurlksm

I am having problems with the gray line that is supposed to appear at the
bottom of the tabs. Instead it is appearing at the top of the tabs as shown


I have a copy of this displaying correctly, when I add it to my site it gets
tweaked. Ive DISABLED all CSS except for the jQuery tabs CSS and its still
showing like this. Ive also tried to use FireBug to examine the CSS that is
used and I cant find the problem.
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[jQuery] Re: TableSorter Pagination: Move pagination to top

2008-11-10 Thread ripcurlksm

no I am not using drupal, its a page I made using PHP and MySQL

bharanikumariyerphp wrote:
 hi , r u working in Drupal
 On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:20 PM, ripcurlksm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ... still working on this.. it appears that the pagination div is
 positioned, so that if you have 10 results set to show, it will assume
 vertical height that 10 rows would take up.. as a result, if your last
 only shows 5 rows remaining, it will still assume that 10 rows are
 which is why this white space demonstrated below is showing.

 Am I off on this?
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 உங்கள் நண்பன்
 பரணி  குமார்

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[jQuery] Re: TableSorter Pagination: Move pagination to top

2008-11-09 Thread ripcurlksm

... still working on this.. it appears that the pagination div is relatively
positioned, so that if you have 10 results set to show, it will assume the
vertical height that 10 rows would take up.. as a result, if your last page
only shows 5 rows remaining, it will still assume that 10 rows are printing,
which is why this white space demonstrated below is showing.

Am I off on this?
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[jQuery] jQuery vs. jQuery UI

2008-11-05 Thread ripcurlksm

What is the difference between the jQuery packed version and the UI packed

For example, I want jQuery Tabs, and jQuery Table Sort to run on the same
page -- do I need to have both the jQuery and jQuery UI packed version,
along with the plugin scripts for Tabs and Table Sort?

It gets confusing to me when I have to combine the two scripts together --
usually CSS conflicts or other weird quirks come up and I dont know where to

Table Sorter

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[jQuery] TableSorter Pagination: Move pagination to top

2008-11-05 Thread ripcurlksm

Is there any way i can move the pagination div to the top of the table sort--
because the last page of the table sort always has a white gap between the
last row and the pagination buttons. 

Two ways to solve this would be to either move the pagination to the top or
fix the pagination div so that it adjusts to the last row of the table,
instead of assuming the rows are full and staying way beneath the content at
the bottom, causing a gap(see image below).

Any thoughts?

Here is the gap, when its limited to 10, which seems small, however, when
you limit it to 30 or 40 rows, it becomes a HUGE white gap.

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[jQuery] Re: ThickBox Bug - Back Button in IE

2008-10-31 Thread ripcurlksm

OscarGodson wrote:
 ripcurlksm wrote:
 I’ve had some users that accidentally hit back on their browsers when
 trying to close the thickbox (instead of hitting the Close Button)... is
 there a way to make it so the user can click back on their browser and
 it’ll close the thickbox, instead of the browser going back to the
 previous page in the history?
 Or as an alternative, could I disable the back button while a thickbox is
 open? This only happens in IE, FF closes out the thickbox, but IE is a
 You can in no way disable the back button. This would be a security threat
 if programmers could directly access the browser.
 You can make it difficult to leave the current page, but if you want to
 add a function that when you press the back button in IE to call tb_Close
 (thickbox close function) it's not possible as far as I know and I also
 googled it and found nothing as well.
 Also, I don't think this is a bug isn't this more of usability issue?
 Your users are deciding to go back when its a pop up/module window? Maybe
 I am misunderstanding this entire thing. If a user presses back when a
 ThickBox window is open, no matter what browser, it will go back to the
 page before. ThickBox is simply putting a sem-transparent div and then a
 div over the top of that one on the current page.

Yes, its just that my boss in particular was having this issue and Ive
noticed that FF will close the modal window when Back is hit, but IE
actually goes back to the last page. Its definitely a usability issue,
nothing critical but defiantly an annoyance for traditional users who are
not familiar with it. I have seen others post questions about this same
issue, but no answers. Thanks for your time
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[jQuery] Re: ThickBox Bug - Back Button in IE

2008-10-31 Thread ripcurlksm

I am on FF 3.0.3 on Windows Vista Pro

OscarGodson wrote:
 That is strange you can go back. I just tested it on a couple sites with
 ThickBox on it and I can't go back. It doesn't add hashes to the url
 string even. I'm using FF 3.0.2. What version are you using? I can't seem
 to get the back to close the ThickBox on Firefox. If I go back it goes
 back to the previous page in all the major browsers, and I couldn't find
 anything in the ThickBox code to override the back button.
 Are you using a key command or just pressing the button and what version
 of FF are you using?
 ripcurlksm wrote:
 OscarGodson wrote:
 ripcurlksm wrote:
 I’ve had some users that accidentally hit back on their browsers when
 trying to close the thickbox (instead of hitting the Close Button)...
 is there a way to make it so the user can click back on their browser
 and it’ll close the thickbox, instead of the browser going back to the
 previous page in the history?
 Or as an alternative, could I disable the back button while a thickbox
 is open? This only happens in IE, FF closes out the thickbox, but IE is
 a problem.
 You can in no way disable the back button. This would be a security
 threat if programmers could directly access the browser.
 You can make it difficult to leave the current page, but if you want to
 add a function that when you press the back button in IE to call
 tb_Close (thickbox close function) it's not possible as far as I know
 and I also googled it and found nothing as well.
 Also, I don't think this is a bug isn't this more of usability issue?
 Your users are deciding to go back when its a pop up/module window?
 Maybe I am misunderstanding this entire thing. If a user presses back
 when a ThickBox window is open, no matter what browser, it will go back
 to the page before. ThickBox is simply putting a sem-transparent div and
 then a div over the top of that one on the current page.
 Yes, its just that my boss in particular was having this issue and Ive
 noticed that FF will close the modal window when Back is hit, but IE
 actually goes back to the last page. Its definitely a usability issue,
 nothing critical but defiantly an annoyance for traditional users who are
 not familiar with it. I have seen others post questions about this same
 issue, but no answers. Thanks for your time

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] ThickBox Bug - Back Button in IE

2008-10-30 Thread ripcurlksm

I’ve had some users that accidentally hit back on their browsers when trying
to close the thickbox (instead of hitting the Close Button)... is there a
way to make it so the user can click back on their browser and it’ll close
the thickbox, instead of the browser going back to the previous page in the

Or as an alternative, could I disable the back button while a thickbox is
open? This only happens in IE, FF closes out the thickbox, but IE is a
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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Validate with bassistance local bug

2008-09-22 Thread ripcurlksm

Thank you, I will try that.


On Sep 20, 5:37 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Try to download the complete package, which includes the demo and it's
 PHP files for remote 


 On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 2:23 AM,ripcurlksm[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On this demo:

  I cant get the email validation to work on the second try locally. The
  above link works fine. If you submit an invalid email address it asks
  you to reenter it. Great. So I try to move it locally.

  I downloaded jQuery and the validation plugin. Everything works...
  except if I try an invalid email.. it throws an error, so I fix it to
  a valid email and hit submit... nothing.

  As a second try, I visited the above link, and downloaded the entire
  source using my browser... same issue. If you type the wrong email in
  and try to fix it, it will never validate.

  This demo works and this issue is not seen in the demo. What am I
  doing wrong?


[jQuery] Validate with bassistance local bug

2008-09-19 Thread ripcurlksm

On this demo:

I cant get the email validation to work on the second try locally. The
above link works fine. If you submit an invalid email address it asks
you to reenter it. Great. So I try to move it locally.

I downloaded jQuery and the validation plugin. Everything works...
except if I try an invalid email.. it throws an error, so I fix it to
a valid email and hit submit... nothing.

As a second try, I visited the above link, and downloaded the entire
source using my browser... same issue. If you type the wrong email in
and try to fix it, it will never validate.

This demo works and this issue is not seen in the demo. What am I
doing wrong?
