KR> Cleveland brake question

2016-07-04 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Joe I has the same issue several years ago and it turned out that the red brake 
fluid gelled in the lines, I'm not sure why but it took quite a bit of air 
pressure to clear the lines, after that I refilled with fresh fluid and problem 
gone. Of course it could be something else.
Good Luck!6399U

  From: n357cj via KRnet 
 To: KRnet  
Cc: n357cj 
 Sent: Sunday, July 3, 2016 12:08 PM
 Subject: KR> Cleveland brake question

Hey Guys,
I have had a developing issue with the right brake. It has continually been 
degrading in its effectiveness. There is plenty of pressure at the pedal but is 
not working well.
The left brake can just about spin me around if I hold it. The right brake I 
have to just about stand on to get a little right turn. There is no spongy or 
soft feeling and the fluids are full. I have not taken the wheel off yet to 
check the pads and i do have new pads that I can install. It just seems like it 
something else like maybe the caliper hanging up
Any suggestions before I tear into it. I am working on the annual so I am ready 
for OSH. But I would like to be able to stay on the runway this year
Joe Horton
Coopersburg, PA

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KR> VW + Prop

2015-12-23 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I have a 54/48 on the front of a 2100 Revmaster in my 2S. I originally had a 
54/50 but wanted a better climb so I had it repitched. I'm 3000 static and was 
just slightly less before the repitch. Cruise speed (135 mph ) at 3300 didn't 
really seem to change much.
N6399UKenny Wiltrout 

On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 10:29 AM, Jeff Scott via KRnet  wrote:


Your first prop was closer to what you need, but quite honestly, you just don't 
have enough engine to turn the prop at that density altitude.? People get all 
wrapped around the axle about pitch, but tip drag is also a big issue.? You 
don't say what the displacement of your VW engine might be, but it's pretty 
clear that you are pushing it's limits.? With the Density Altitudes you are 
looking at, an 80 HP VW isn't going to make more than 60HP.? You are going to 
need a short prop to turn the RPMs you want, so the prop efficiency is going to 
be off pretty badly on take off.? Even with an optimistic number of 75% 
efficiency during take off, you are only getting at best 45 HP to pull your 
plane into the air.? 

When I ran into this problem with a VW powerplant on one of the planes I built, 
I sent the prop back to have some pitch taken out of it.? When I got the prop 
back, it made no detectable difference in RPM.? After a discussion with the 
prop maker, per his direction I marked off each prop tip with 1/8" increments 
from the tip.? I'd fly the prop, then cut off 1/8" and fly it again.? It was a 
trade off between picking up engine performance at the cost of prop 
efficiency.? With each cut, I got an improvement in RPMs.? I kept going until I 
picked up more rpm, but lost performance due to decreased prop efficiency.? 
That was where the prop stayed for the next 40 or so hours.? Ultimately I 
concluded that while the 2180 VW I had on that plane had sufficient HP for the 
application, and would be a decent performing aircraft at sea level, the high 
reving engine and slow airplane combination with marginal power at my high 
altitude airport just wasn't going to be safe to fly.

FWIW, while my KR is a bit lighter than yours, I am significantly heavier than 
you and fly my KR at 1200# gross based at an airport at 7200' MSL.? I operate 
with density altitudes from 7000 to greater than 10,000'.? Even with my hopped 
up O-200 powerplant, depending on the DA and weight, I never get off in less 
than 2000' and if heavily loaded on a hot day can take up to 3000' of runway.? 
Additionally, I see a 550 rpm difference between what I turn at full throttle 
on take off run vs what I turn in cruise when the prop starts to unload.? 
Thinking about it in those terms, your first prop may very well turn up to 
around 3300 RPM once your plane is airborne and pushed over into cruise.? Those 
that have seen me operate at sea level can attest that my KR is not a ground 
loving pig and in fact is a pretty good performer under normal conditions.? 

That's the price we pay for living up in the mountains.

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM


Hi Guys,

It feels as if I've hit a brick wall. I had a 48(pitch) X 52 prop on my KR2S
(haven't flown yet). The max revs I got was 2,760rpm static.

I then bought a 45(pitch) X 54 prop to see if I can get to 3,000rpm, but I
only got to 1,850rpm. Stripped the 2 Stromberg 175 cd carburetors and had
them rebuilt - no difference. The main problem with these numbers is that I
can only get to 65mph IAS and it takes 1,500 feet to get to that speed. The
main reason for wanting 3,000rpm is that the vw max torque is at 3,000rpm
and I think I will then jump to heigher rpm and thus more thrust and then
higher speeds.. What am I missing?

The KR2S has got wing tanks and tri-cycle gear and is 4" wider in the cabin,
weight is 876lbs empty, so she is a bit heavier that she should be. (I am
176lbs and 5ft 8in) My altitude is 5,500feet ASL and the temps we had is
between 89 degrees and 108 degrees Fahrenheit. (32 degrees - 42 degrees

Hope somebody can help!



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KR> Belly board

2014-12-26 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
 I tested the board both ways. The holes seem to help slow it down.Kenny 

 On Friday, December 26, 2014 12:47 PM, Dan Branstrom via KRnet  wrote:

 I always wondered about the holes in a belly board.? The T-28s I flew 
had them on the belly mounted speed brake that was flush with the 
fuselage when retracted.? I could only imagine that the holes gave it 
greater drag because of conflicting vortices generated by the holes.

At the KR gathering, I noticed that our British friend had holes in his 
belly board.

I've noticed that the speed brakes on jets don't have the holes. Even 
retracted, they cause some disruption of the airflow because the surface 
is not smooth because of the holes.? At the higher speeds of jets, since 
parasitic drag goes up as the square of the speed, holes like that could 
significantly add drag.? A T-28 usually cruised at about 200mph.? That's 
just about the approach speed of jets.

Of course, as home builders, by using foam and fiberglass, bumps made on 
the belly could fill the holes retracted, but at the speeds of a KR, the 
drag caused by the retracted speed brake may not be significant.

Dan Branstrom

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KR> gear legs

2014-12-14 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Dan I built 6399U (KR2S) with the Diehl landing gear and have had no issues 
after 13 years of flying. I was so impressed with how stiff they were that I 
did not wrap them in fiberglass, I installed them as I received them. No 
problems so far.I have had several hard landings over the years with no ill 
effects.?6399U is a tri-gear with a 2100 Revmaster.Good luck!Kenny 

 On Sunday, December 14, 2014 6:23 AM, Dan Heath via KRnet  wrote:

 I am really curious about the reason for these posts.? Why are not the Diehl
legs the best for the KR?? I am sure I must have missed something along the
way.? Or, is it just the overwhelming desire of KR builders to do it

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Peoples Choice at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

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Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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KR> Bellybrake

2014-11-30 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I operate mine manually, I thought I might need to retract it fast in the event 
of a botched landing. I was going to go with a lineal actuator but I assumed I 
could bring it up quicker.

 On Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:35 AM, Kenneth Wiltrout via KRnet  wrote:

 I started with a belly board that had no holes in it and then I made one with 
holes. The brake w/holes works better. I believe that is because with out holes 
the board creates some lift.Kenny N6399U 

? ? On Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:25 AM, Dan Heath via KRnet  wrote:

 It is a mystery.? Mine had no holes and performed very well.? No holes is
easier to implement, so, for me it seemed to be the most logical choice.? I
use an electric servo that I got from Steve Glover.? It has an automatic
stop at both ends of the throw.? I started out with a momentary switch so I
could put it down a little at a time.? However, found that full throw was
always what I needed, so changed it out for simplicity.? Switch down, board
down, switch up, board up.

Manual activation may be better, but it takes up precious room in the
cockpit, so I never considered that option.

See N64KR at? <> - Then click on
the pics 

2105 KR Gathering - McMinnville, OR.? September 3 - 6 -- See U There.

Peoples Choice at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best KR at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Interior at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Paint at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Firwwall Forward at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Interior and Panel at 2008 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-Original Message-...Can anyone of the experienced
"bellybrakers"explane ,what kind of bellybrake are the most efficent? brake

.Is it useful to make holes in the brakeshield or not ?

what is the most efficent deploying angle of the board ?

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KR> Bellybrake

2014-11-30 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I started with a belly board that had no holes in it and then I made one with 
holes. The brake w/holes works better. I believe that is because with out holes 
the board creates some lift.Kenny N6399U 

 On Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:25 AM, Dan Heath via KRnet  wrote:

 It is a mystery.? Mine had no holes and performed very well.? No holes is
easier to implement, so, for me it seemed to be the most logical choice.? I
use an electric servo that I got from Steve Glover.? It has an automatic
stop at both ends of the throw.? I started out with a momentary switch so I
could put it down a little at a time.? However, found that full throw was
always what I needed, so changed it out for simplicity.? Switch down, board
down, switch up, board up.

Manual activation may be better, but it takes up precious room in the
cockpit, so I never considered that option.

See N64KR at? - Then click on
the pics 

2105 KR Gathering - McMinnville, OR.? September 3 - 6 -- See U There.

Peoples Choice at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best KR at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Interior at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Paint at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Firwwall Forward at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Interior and Panel at 2008 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-Original Message-...Can anyone of the experienced
"bellybrakers"explane ,what kind of bellybrake are the most efficent? brake

.Is it useful to make holes in the brakeshield or not ?

what is the most efficent deploying angle of the board ?

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KR> Modifications to Meet Sport Pilot Stall Speeds

2014-11-17 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Well Brett I would suggest to you that it stalls at 49 mph. I can assure you no 
one other than you will fly it to find out.

On Monday, November 17, 2014 10:51 AM, Brett Loewen via KRnet  wrote:

I?m interested in starting a KR2S build project, but I have
a few questions before I start. 

Are you able to simply extend the wings to meet the
stall speed of 51 mph for a sport pilot? 
Mark Langford briefly commented on this being an option in his EAA webinar,
but I haven?t been able to figure out what?s really involved in doing so.  Any 
advice on how to determine the additional
length required?

Would the additional weight of a Corvair engine
(compared to a VW) have too much of an effect on stall speed to be able to 

Can I build the fuselage before making a final
decision on whether or not I need my aircraft to meet the sport pilot operating

Short self-introduction to the group...  I?m 34 years old living in Dallas, TX 
as a Project Engineer for a large general contractor.  I?m interested in the 
10,000 projects
associated with scratch building an airplane and the new skills/knowledge I?d
learn in the process, so I am not looking for the fasted way to complete a
project.  I do not have my pilot?s
license yet, and would like to have the option of only being a sport
pilot.  Ideally, the 3rd class
medical will either go away or just be easier for me to maintain (I?m type 1
diabetic) so that I can build/fly this aircraft at higher speeds.
Brett Loewen
(469) 401-9598

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KR> Stick imbalance

2014-11-08 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
If you are 3.5" aft of your forward CG I'm surprised that you are pushing 
forward so soon. Is it possible that horizontal stab is off?? Just a thought. 
On 6399U and full fuel in the header tank my trim tab is slightly down and by 
the time I'm at 1/4 tank its all the way down. With a passenger and full fuel 
its all the way up and I would never fly below 3/4. I'm about 235 depending how 
close the moon is to the earth.
Good luck,
Kenny Wiltrout 

On Saturday, November 8, 2014 8:16 AM, Rob Schmitt via KRnet  wrote:


Congrats on your 1st flight!  I had the same issue with my ground adjustable 
only trim tab as well. You'll just need to adjust it till it is set for level 
flight for you and no pressure added. It took several flights to find the sweet 
spot. Mine ended with the trim tab down about 15 degrees. I use a bungee cord 
on the stick to adjust it in flight for instance when I have a passenger.


Rob Schmitt

> On Nov 7, 2014, at 9:42 PM, John Bouyea via KRnet  
> wrote:
> During my entire flight today, I had to hold forward pressure on the stick.
> This made my takeoff more exciting than it needed to be while I figured that
> issue out. Landing became more an issue of reducing some forward pressure as
> opposed to increasing back pressure. I'll head into published readings about
> this imbalance and specifically how to cure it. 
> I'm pretty sure my weight and balance is correct and with pilot and fuel
> loaded, I'm 3.5" aft of the forward-most CG. That leaves the trim tab
> "neutral position" is set incorrectly or it's just too darn small. I'm
> taking tools to MMV tomorrow to make what adjustments I can before further
> flight.
> Can anyone comment on facing & curing the same problem in their KR? Thank
> you.
> John Bouyea
> N5391M/ KR2
> OR81/ Hillsboro, OR
> ___
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KR> Photos from flight and Gathering

2014-09-07 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Great pics Jeff, My KR N6399u  here in Pa ( approx 35 mi from Joe H ) is 
waiting for an engine case and Cyl's. Can't say I would have tried that run 
with a cruise of 135. I'm rooting for everyone to arrive home safely though.
Kenny Wiltrout

On Sunday, September 7, 2014 4:41 PM, Jeff Scott via KRnet  wrote:

When I got home, I pushed the contents of my camera to my web site.  So while 
they are not necessarily in any kind of order, there are a number of air-to-air 
photos of Joe's KR en route to and from Chino, a number of photos of the lineup 
of planes, the forums, and the banquet.  So, for those of you that couldn't 
make it and want to see a bunch of familiar faces as well as some new faces, 
take a look at the link below.

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

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KR> buying a KR and flying it home

2014-08-27 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Absolutely ?Trailer it home and get used to it on the ground first. Just 
having a pilots license really doesn't qualify you to just get in a KR and go 
without some some training on the ground and a good check out of the systems.
Stay safe and alive.

Kenny Wiltrout

On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 8:13 AM, Mark Langford via KRnet  wrote:

Mike Stirewalt wrote: 

What a bummer!? Bobby Muse's KR2 was one of the most beautiful KRs I've ever
seen.? It looked like it rolled out of a factory when I saw it at Covington.
See for pictures I took that day...1993, I
believe it was.

I have a lot to say about buying a plane the way I out somewhere
on an airliner with the intention of buying a plane and flying it back.
I'll write more on this later, but it's a really bad idea because you
"think" you are forced into flying into whatever the weather looks like, and
cut a lot of corners on fixing things you know should be fixed, and more
importantly, getting familiar with the plane and how to operate it, and
whatever peculiarities are built into it.? Finding all of this stuff out on
takeoff or in transit is not the way you want to do it.? KR history of full
of crashes and deaths on takeoff or landing on a "first flight" by a new KR
pilot.? Trust me on this...trailer the thing home instead!

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML at 

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KR> Roy Marsh's plane

2014-03-02 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I have the Roy Marsh Kitplanes magazine. If you can find the January 1995 copy 
it's on the cover. I sat in it at Oshkosh and spoke to Roy for a bit. I was 
hooked at that point but knew I would need to raise the canopy since it was on 
my head before it closed. The Duck Tape on the wings was due to over stressing 
the wings in a high G loop on the way to the show.

On Sunday, March 2, 2014 9:24 AM, Mark Langford  wrote:


Roy Marsh's plane came up this week, and his top speed of something like 
190.5 mph at the Sun100 Race.?  Given the clipped wings, thin airfoil, and 
that he had a turbo on that Revmaster, it's not a huge stretch to do that 
kind of speed, but it's still pretty impressive for a KR2S with under a 100 
hp.? There's a little more info on Roy's plane at , which came from the Barnstormers ad last 
time it was sold.

And while I was looking for a copy of the Kitplanes article that documented 
Roy's plane, I was reminded of the nice resource that Don Reid put together 
for us, the collection of KR Sport Aviation articles located at .? I'm still 
looking for that Roy Marsh kitplanes article.? I have the hard copy of that 
issue somewhere, buried in the attic, no doubt, but I'm sure it's out on the 
web somewhere...

Mark Langford
ML at
website at

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KR> Engine run

2011-12-29 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Make sure that air filter is good and tight!

--- On Wed, 12/28/11, P.Byington  wrote:

From: P.Byington 
Subject: KR> Engine run
To: "KR2 Net" , "Parley T Byington" 

Date: Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 11:02 PM

Hey fellow kr-netters, 

I just pulled N54PB out of the garage and started her up.  This is the first 
time I have run the engine in about 3months,  she started on the first try and 
ran like a dream.  Ran her for about eighteen minutes, checking pressures, 
temperatures, rpm, cylinder head and exhaust temperatures along with manifold 
pressure.  Everything looks good.

I plan on doing a weight and balance on her sometime this week and then out to 
the dry lake for some high speed taxi tests, (love these dry lakes in southern 
Nevada).  By the way, the weather here is forecast to be in the mid 60's this 
week, all you northern flyers eat your heart out.

Regards and happy/safe flying to all.

Parley Byington
N54PB  Kr-2
Henderson, Nevada
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KR> Grounded

2011-12-06 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I had an issue with brakes ( Cleveland ) several years ago on my S and it 
turned out to be something very unusual.The brake fluid gelled in 
the lines, it came out like runny pudding. I did have the red fluid in and 
never really understood why that happened. I blew out the old fluid and 
refilled the system.

--- On Tue, 12/6/11, Mac McConnell-Wood  wrote:

From: Mac McConnell-Wood 
Subject: Re: KR> Grounded
To: "KRnet" 
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 4:04 AM

Dan  -My brakes weren't all that brilliant and I put it down to the plastic
hydraulic pipe expansion taking up some hydraulic pressure

KR> V Numbers

2011-04-07 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I have a Type 1 VW and Joe advised 3200 should not be exceeded.N6399UKenny

--- On Thu, 4/7/11, Dan Heath  wrote:

From: Dan Heath 
Subject: RE: KR> V Numbers
To: "'KRnet'" 
Date: Thursday, April 7, 2011, 5:48 AM

For engine numbers, I suggest that you contact Joe Horvath at Revmaster, but
my VW suggests that 3600 is the max RPM with 2800 to 3200 used for cruise.
Stall speed is where you find it to be, so the 52 could be correct, but I
think it may be a little higher than that.  VNE is also what you consider it
to be.  If your plane self destructs at 220 MPH during the test phase, then
I suggest you set VNE at something around 200 or less.

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2011 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN
There is a time for building and it never seems to end.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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KR> V Numbers

2011-04-07 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I have a Type 1 VW and Joe advised 3200 should not be exceeded.N6399UKenny

--- On Thu, 4/7/11, Dan Heath  wrote:

From: Dan Heath 
Subject: RE: KR> V Numbers
To: "'KRnet'" 
Date: Thursday, April 7, 2011, 5:48 AM

For engine numbers, I suggest that you contact Joe Horvath at Revmaster, but
my VW suggests that 3600 is the max RPM with 2800 to 3200 used for cruise.
Stall speed is where you find it to be, so the 52 could be correct, but I
think it may be a little higher than that.  VNE is also what you consider it
to be.  If your plane self destructs at 220 MPH during the test phase, then
I suggest you set VNE at something around 200 or less.

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2011 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN
There is a time for building and it never seems to end.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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KR> Cruise Speed/Dive Brakes

2010-09-27 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
6399U ( KR2S ) has been flying now for 10 years, the first 2 wo the belly 
board. All I can say is the difference is remarkable, if I need to I can get 
down on an 1800' runway I can, and wo I used up at least another 500' minimum. 
With the KR it's all about killing the float. I tried brakes with and wo 
holes---I think the holes helped.
Kutztown, Pa

--- On Mon, 9/27/10,  wrote:

Subject: KR> Cruise Speed/Dive Brakes
Date: Monday, September 27, 2010, 2:55 AM

I've always assumed cruise speed meant, for a normally aspirated engine,
full throttle at 7-8 thousand feet.


My belly board has holes.  It came that way.  A long time ago I was
wondering if it would be more effective if I filled in the holes and so
did some research regarding why WWII dive bombers had holes in their drag
surfaces.  It turns out that lightening the metal was a consideration,
primary however was that without the holes the planes became very
difficult to control once in a dive.  Putting holes in the metal helped
with this control issue, but it also reduced drag.  

I found that in covering up my holes with tape did make the drag flap
more effective.  The tape was a periodic hassle to replace though, so
until I get around to cutting some wood to exactly match the
various-sized holes - that is to say, doing the job correctly - I'm
living with the holes.  It only goes down about 45º degrees, if that, and
does not make a lot of difference.  But it helps, so I always use it.    

Jim Morehead's has the right idea for a drag flap.  It is large, goes
down to almost 90º, has a very nicely designed deployment lever, and
worked beautifully.  It really slowed the plane down with no fuss.  I
would copy Jim's design if I were building a KR with a belly drag flap.  


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KR> The see PA. tour

2010-09-14 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Now that's airport hospitality Joe!


--- On Tue, 9/14/10,  

Subject: KR> The see PA. tour
Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 6:36 AM

Hey Guys,
If it is any consulation to the folks that drove to the Gathering it took me 22 
hours and 10 minutes to get home. Most of the trip was good flying at 9500 
above the clouds until The weather radio near the PA. Maryland boarder should 
IFRat all the reporting stations ahead. I dropped down through a big hole and 
went on with only 2 mountain ridges to cross until I would have had all 
unobstructed valley to travel. That was not to be. I ended up hopping about 25 
to 30 miles at a time every couple hours until I ran out of daylight and laded 
at Deck in Myerstown  Pa. 50 miles from home. I slept on the floor over night 
in the office and got up around 6 am and headed home over another fog deck 
under the blid faith that the report at the home base was correct and it was - 
at about 4 miles out it opened up to about a 10 mile hole and a nice clear shot 
at the airport. Total flight time ended up bieng 5 hours and 30minutes with 
over an hour of that being turning
 around and going the wrong way  a lot and 4 new airports visited and 7 total.
At the local club meeting last night a reprsentative from swift fuel did a 
presentation and I took a lot of notes. I'll post more on that when work is not 
in the way latter to day.
Joe Horton,
Coopersburg, Pa.

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KR> Oil Leaks

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Sorry to hear that Joe---Seems like the hits just keep on coming.
Do you think the crack was there all along and just got bigger, or something 
else caused it ie heat etc.

 Ive lost some compression on the LS and need to get that head to Revmaster for 
seats and valves this winter.
Good Luck!!

Joe H Horton  wrote: Well Guys.
I have been chasing an oil leak in the front of my engine for a
few weeks that seemed to be getting worse. I even dyed the oil and kept
cleaning and running the engine to locate it. This morning I took the top
cover off again thinking that the leak was in a scratch or something like
that in the top cover area. 
What I found has me a little more than upset. There is a crack in
the block as viewed from the pilots position in the front right inside
corner. It is about 2" long at this time running vertical near the center
line of the case. then another smaller one in the top 1/3 of the case and
jumps back about an inch. They are not near the #5 cylinder sleeve but
more favoring the actual front  corner of the block.
I did not look at it any further at the moment, I just know it
ain't good and walked away.
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.

Search the KRnet Archives at
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KR> short VW plugs plus rainbows

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Randy2 yrs ago I went from Aviation plugs to auto plugs in my 
Revmaster and got so much static in the radio I went back to aviation plugs. 
Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Randy Powell" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: KR> short VW plugs plus rainbows

> Bryan,  Do you know the brand and plug number  you are using ??   If you 
> can
> give me some more info I will be glad to do some research for you at work
> tomorrow.  The company I work for owns a couple of auto parts stores.
> Email me the info off line.
> Randy Powell
> Wachapreague Va.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Brian Kraut" 
> To: "KRnet" 
> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:25 PM
> Subject: KR> short VW plugs plus rainbows
>>I have a Revmaster engine with those ridiculously located bottom spark 
>> holes that require you to remove the valve covers, rocker arms, and 
>> plates
>> on the head where you can insert a socket to get to the spark plugs.  I 
>> am
>> adding a Great Plains style electronic secondary ignition with automotive
>> plugs and I might be able to get the plugs out without tearing the engine
>> half apart if I can find plugs that have a short insulator on them. 
>> Would
>> anyone happen to know of a part number for a short insulator 14mm spark
>> plug
>> that has the correct reach and heat range?
>> On another subject, I flew last weekend when there were some showers
>> around.
>> There was a beautifull rainbow while I was doing the preflight and I have
>> always wanted to see one from in the air.  I now know why I never was 
>> able
>> to find the pot of gold at the end when I was a kid.  There is no end of
>> the
>> rainbow.  When you get up a couple thousand feet it turns into a rain
>> ring.
>> It was an entire circle with the center at about the same altitude as me
>> and
>> it made a complete loop with the bottom near the horizon.  Wish I had my
>> camera with me.
>> Brian Kraut
>> Engineering Alternatives, Inc.
>> ___
>> Search the KRnet Archives at
>> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>> please see other KRnet info at
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/430 - Release Date: 8/28/2006

KR> Tires and tire pressure

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I found that getting all of the air out so the tube is really sucked 
together wks best for me, also use lots of powder.

K Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Ronald Wright" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 12:47 AM
Subject: KR> Tires and tire pressure

> The biggest problem I have seen is LOW TIRE PRESSURE..
> Most of these small tires easily run 50 to 90 pounds
> air pressure but most people only run them around
> 30-35..
> Tires can and will spin on the rim at low pressures
> during landings..
> Another way to stop pinching the tube is during
> mounting take a plastic bottle, like a milk bottle or
> bleach bottle, and cut a strip about 2 inches wide
> around the bottle.  Place this inside the expanded
> tube before installing it on the split rim..  This
> will eliminate the possibility of pinching the tube
> when pushing the wheel halves together.
> Check the tire pressure regularly..  Keeping the
> pressure up also makes the tire run cooler.
> Ron
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/430 - Release Date: 8/28/2006

KR> short VW plugs plus rainbows

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Joe at Revmaster said they were resistor plugs. He couldn't understand it.
Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: KR> short VW plugs plus rainbows

>Can you get resistor plugs ?? Virg
> On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 11:20:06 -0400 "Kenneth Wiltrout"
> <> writes:
>> Randy2 yrs ago I went from Aviation plugs to auto plugs in my 
>> Revmaster and got so much static in the radio I went back to 
>> aviation plugs. 
>> FYI.
>> Ken Wiltrout
>> Kutztown, Pa
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Randy Powell" <>
>> To: "KRnet" <>
>> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:34 PM
>> Subject: Re: KR> short VW plugs plus rainbows
>> > Bryan,  Do you know the brand and plug number  you are using ??   
>> If you 
>> > can
>> > give me some more info I will be glad to do some research for you 
>> at work
>> > tomorrow.  The company I work for owns a couple of auto parts 
>> stores.
>> > Email me the info off line.
>> >
>> > Randy Powell
>> > Wachapreague Va.
>> >
>> >
>> > - Original Message - 
>> > From: "Brian Kraut" <>
>> > To: "KRnet" <>
>> > Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:25 PM
>> > Subject: KR> short VW plugs plus rainbows
>> >
>> >
>> >>I have a Revmaster engine with those ridiculously located bottom 
>> spark 
>> >>plug
>> >> holes that require you to remove the valve covers, rocker arms, 
>> and 
>> >> plates
>> >> on the head where you can insert a socket to get to the spark 
>> plugs.  I 
>> >> am
>> >> adding a Great Plains style electronic secondary ignition with 
>> automotive
>> >> plugs and I might be able to get the plugs out without tearing 
>> the engine
>> >> half apart if I can find plugs that have a short insulator on 
>> them. 
>> >> Would
>> >> anyone happen to know of a part number for a short insulator 14mm 
>> spark
>> >> plug
>> >> that has the correct reach and heat range?
>> >>
>> >> On another subject, I flew last weekend when there were some 
>> showers
>> >> around.
>> >> There was a beautifull rainbow while I was doing the preflight 
>> and I have
>> >> always wanted to see one from in the air.  I now know why I never 
>> was 
>> >> able
>> > to find the pot of gold at the end when I was a kid.  There is no 
>> end of
>> >> the
>> >> rainbow.  When you get up a couple thousand feet it turns into a 
>> rain
>> >> ring.
>> >> It was an entire circle with the center at about the same 
>> altitude as me
>> >> and
>> >> it made a complete loop with the bottom near the horizon.  Wish I 
>> had my
>> >> camera with me.
>> >>
>> >> Brian Kraut
>> >> Engineering Alternatives, Inc.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> Search the KRnet Archives at 
>> >> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to 
>> >> please see other KRnet info at
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Search the KRnet Archives at 
>> > to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to 
>> > please see other KRnet info at
>> >
>> >
>> > -- 
>> > No virus found in this incoming message.
>> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>> > Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/430 - Release Date: 
>> 8/28/2006
>> >
>> > 
>> ___
>> Search the KRnet Archives at 
>> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>> please see other KRnet info at
> Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
> Miami ,Fl
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/430 - Release Date: 8/28/2006

KR> Flaps

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I used 3/16 AL-Put a 1/4" plywood doubler on the bottom of the fuse 
directly behind the rear spar, that stiffened everything up and gave me a 
good mounting point for the hinge. My board and mechanism was my design, it 
works like a mouse trap, spring loaded in the up position at all times, that 
way all u need is a 1 way flap handle setup.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Heath" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Flaps

> What metal did you use and how did you attach the board?
> See N64KR at - Then click on the pics
> See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for 
> building
> is OVER.
> Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
> ---Original Message---
> From: Kenneth Wiltrout
> Date: 08/18/06 21:20:19
> To: KRnet
> Subject: Re: KR> Flaps
> I used an extruded alum hinge flush mounted and had the metal shop put a
> very slight arc in the belly board to conform to the belly of the plane, 
> my
> speed did not change at all by not fairing it in. Just not sure it is
> necessary with the air flow etc. One thing I wish I would have done was 
> try
> the board before adding the lightening holes, maybe i'll put duct tape 
> over
> the holes for a test.
> Ken Wiltrout
> Kutztown, Pa
> - Original Message -
> From: "Larry Flesner" <>
> To: <>; "KRnet" <>
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 6:38 PM
> Subject: RE: KR> Flaps
>> At 04:47 PM 8/18/2006, you wrote:
>>>I have been reading this thread on flaps and nobody has mentioned one
>>>extremely important factor.
>>>  Dan made a
>>>special point to show me the differance in approach attitude with and
>>>without flaps.  The most important factor in using the "stock" flaps
>>>according to Dan was that they lower the nose so that you can see where
>>>are going to land.
>>>Bob Lee
>> +++
>> I guess my statement:
>> "The entire runway, including the touchdown point are visible
>> over the nose in my KR right down to the flare."
>> didn't state it clearly enough.  That's exactly what happens when
>> I lower the speed brake.  I actually get a "nose up" pitching movement
>> when I lower the brake and I have to trim considerable nose down
>> to keep the speed up.  My approach to landing visibility is as good
>> as in a C-172.  I'm still convinced that the speed brake is the easiest
>> to acquire drag available when you consider building complexity.  As
>> for faring in a belly board, how much work is there to building a 1/4 
>> inch
>> ramp on the lead and trail edge of the board that conforms to the shape
>> of the fuselage?
>> Larry Flesner
>> ___
>> Search the KRnet Archives at
>> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>> please see other KRnet info at
>> --
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>> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.3/423 - Release Date: 8/18/2006
> ___
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> please see other KRnet info at
> ___
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> -- 
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> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.3/423 - Release Date: 8/18/2006

KR> Gorilla Glue (urethane glue)

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
The long and short of this glue thing is that T-88 is proven to be the best 
product available for this application. It has years of KR's behind it, if 
it ain't broke ???

Kenny Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Fred Johnson" 
To: "'KRnet'" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:00 PM
Subject: RE: KR> Gorilla Glue (urethane glue)

> Great info Mark.
> There's also another glue from Loctite called Sumo glue, it is
> advertised as being stronger and quicker than Gorilla glue.
> One thing about urethanes not mentioned yet is there weight, urethanes
> seam to me to be a little lighter than epoxies. Any comments on that?
> Fred Johnson
> Product Manager
> T.E. West, LLC.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Mark
> Langford
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:54 PM
> To: KRnet
> Subject: Re: KR> Gorilla Glue (urethane glue)
> The technical data sheet for T-88 is at
> .  You may notice that the lap
> joint
> shear strength is 1800 psi for maple, but that's material failure, not
> glue
> line.  That may also be the case for the 1700 psi number that I got from
> the
> Gorilla Glue folks.  Still, apples and oranges.  The reason I post this
> link
> is because its full of good information on the use of T-88...stuff I
> never
> knew.  It even has aluminum joint strengths at various temperatures.
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> see KR2S project N56ML at
> email to N56ML "at"
> --
> ___
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> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.5/425 - Release Date: 8/22/2006

KR> Ocean City

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Today at 7 am I left 9D4 for Ocean City, NJ, my original plan was to head to 
Atlantic City for the THUNDER OVER THE BOARD WALK AIR SHOW that included the 
Angels and T-Birds, however Bader Field was closed by Notam from 8:30 am 5 
pm so I woulda had to hang around longer than I liked to depart, I also was 
told Bader is closing very shortly and no fuel was available So I went 
to 26N had breakfast, strolled the Brd walk and headed home. 2.2 on the 

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Jones" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:37 PM
Subject: KR> Sunset Flight

> WOWGod could not make the scenery more beautiful for a KR sunset 
> flight. I just watched the huge red ball in the sky melt below the horizon 
> and logged .4 hours of day VFR and .6 hours of night VFR. Can it possibly 
> get any better?
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Wales, WI
> Visit my web site:
> E-mail:
> ___
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> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.5/426 - Release Date: 8/23/2006

KR> Flaps

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I built 6399U W/O flaps and after 4 yrs of floating indefinitely decided to 
go with the belly board. If you fly final at 70 and then pull it to full 
deflection you will hit the corn unless you add some power. The biggest 
issue as I see it is that when you really start slowing the KR down you ( at 
least in my case ) must go to a nose high attitude which can be an issue if 
you are not familiar with the  runway etc. Make no mistake-a 
properly sized board will claw the KR to the ground, Last week I went in to 
a 1800 ft turf strip that I never in a million yrs could have done w/o the 

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Langford" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Flaps

> Serge Vidal wrote:
>>> I wonder which design would be more
> efficient, aerodynamically speaking? That one, or the one described in the
> plans?<<
> I can't answer the part about whether or not the plans version of the 
> flaps
> are effective, but Ken Rand commented that he didn't know how bad he 
> needed
> them until he had them.  Orma would tell you that they are worth it also.
> He has them and likes them.  He retroffitted them later, so he knows what
> it's like without them.
> As for split versus "plain" flaps, the split flaps will give you almost as
> much lift as the plain flaps, but you'll also get a lot of drag to slow 
> you
> down on landing...similar to a belly board.  I'd go for split, personally,
> but you'd expect that out of me.  Mine work great, and lower my landing
> speed by about 5-6 mph, but mine are pretty big (see
> at
> .  I shudder at the thought 
> of
> landing without them deployed, because I come in shallower and faster,
> burning up more runway (which I don't have a lot of), and I'm moving 
> faster
> when I touch down.  It may be that I'm just not used to landing that way,
> and I do practice it sometimes just to remind me how nice my flaps are.
> I added up my hours and landings the other day, and I'm up to 755 KR
> landings in less than 1 year of flying.  I've actually gotten fairly 
> decent
> at it, finally.  I three point the thing, if you can  call it that, but 
> need
> to extend the gear to get the landing speed down a little lower.  Right 
> now
> I touch down at about 65mph, but I'm still flying.  Taller gear will let 
> me
> drop the speed a little more.
> The other day I started doing touch n goes on my 2600' strip, and 
> wondering
> why I've been practicing on 5000' runways...
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> see KR2S project N56ML at
> email to N56ML "at"
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.3/423 - Release Date: 8/18/2006

KR> Flaps

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Mark---Does it vibrate the S much when landing? The turf I landed on 
looked really nice but it was a wid ride.

Ken Wiltrout

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Langford" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Flaps

> Ken Wiltrout wrote:
>>Last week I went in to a 1800 ft turf strip that I never in a million yrs
>>could have done w/o the
>> belly board.
> Yep, I fly into Moontown's 2100' grass strip all the time.  I should point
> out that my split flaps presently only deflect about 25 degrees due to my
> lack of vision into the future regarding the linkage, but I've since 
> figured
> out a way to easily get 45 degrees, so I feel a change in my landing
> performance next time I takes the wings off and take the time to move some
> pushrods and bellcranks around a  little...
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> see KR2S project N56ML at
> email to N56ML "at"
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.3/423 - Release Date: 8/18/2006

KR> Flaps

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I used an extruded alum hinge flush mounted and had the metal shop put a 
very slight arc in the belly board to conform to the belly of the plane, my 
speed did not change at all by not fairing it in. Just not sure it is 
necessary with the air flow etc. One thing I wish I would have done was try 
the board before adding the lightening holes, maybe i'll put duct tape over 
the holes for a test.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Flesner" 
To: ; "KRnet" 
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 6:38 PM
Subject: RE: KR> Flaps

> At 04:47 PM 8/18/2006, you wrote:
>>I have been reading this thread on flaps and nobody has mentioned one
>>extremely important factor.
>>  Dan made a
>>special point to show me the differance in approach attitude with and
>>without flaps.  The most important factor in using the "stock" flaps
>>according to Dan was that they lower the nose so that you can see where 
>>are going to land.
>>Bob Lee
> +++
> I guess my statement:
> "The entire runway, including the touchdown point are visible
> over the nose in my KR right down to the flare."
> didn't state it clearly enough.  That's exactly what happens when
> I lower the speed brake.  I actually get a "nose up" pitching movement
> when I lower the brake and I have to trim considerable nose down
> to keep the speed up.  My approach to landing visibility is as good
> as in a C-172.  I'm still convinced that the speed brake is the easiest
> to acquire drag available when you consider building complexity.  As
> for faring in a belly board, how much work is there to building a 1/4 inch
> ramp on the lead and trail edge of the board that conforms to the shape
> of the fuselage?
> Larry Flesner
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.3/423 - Release Date: 8/18/2006

KR> Turff Landing

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Today 6399U and I put 2.5 hrs on the clock, we left 9D4 at 8:10am and was on 
the ground at N38 ( Pa Grand Canyon, Wellsboro Pa ) at 9:10am, distance 
covered was 120 mi+or -.
Then I dropped into a 1800' grass strip near Morris, Pa ( PN0 ) approx 15 mi 
away. That was the wildest landing yet, as smooth as the rwy looks it was 
just the opposite, it also has a low spot in the middle, so rather than wait 
for the S to settle I had to force it in or run out of rwy.  The plane 
vibrated so bad that I couldn't find the brakes,JEZ, thank God for 
fixed gear!!! I did some sightseeing over the mountains as well, 4500' 
to,5500 from ,all total the GPS said I covered 280 mi's. in 2hrs 22 min. Not 
bad for 70 HP.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa 

KR> Turff Landing

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
10/4 JoeI think I'm gonna get a couple of JATO assist rockets to get up 
to altitude quicker. Straight and level, that's my thing.

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe H Horton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Turff Landing

> All right Ken,
>That is the route that I had up on the GPS (to the grand Canyon)
> but I had to take off to the East so I just kept going that way. I picked
> out a corridor just South of NY control zone and went to the NJ beach. I
> flew South for about 50 miles and turned around and retraced the route
> back home. 1.5 hours,7 gal fuel, 155 average ground speed. I did pass by
> Lakehurst NJ. Those hangers there really are big. They make quite a
> landmark. Sorry I didn't come your way, It would have been fun
> Joe
> On Sat, 12 Aug 2006 14:11:02 -0400 "Kenneth Wiltrout"
> <> writes:
>> Today 6399U and I put 2.5 hrs on the clock, we left 9D4 at 8:10am and
>> was on
>> the ground at N38 ( Pa Grand Canyon, Wellsboro Pa ) at 9:10am,
>> distance
>> covered was 120 mi+or -.
>> Then I dropped into a 1800' grass strip near Morris, Pa ( PN0 )
>> approx 15 mi
>> away. That was the wildest landing yet, as smooth as the rwy looks
>> it was
>> just the opposite, it also has a low spot in the middle, so rather
>> than wait
>> for the S to settle I had to force it in or run out of rwy.  The
>> plane
>> vibrated so bad that I couldn't find the brakes,JEZ, thank
>> God for
>> fixed gear!!! I did some sightseeing over the mountains as well,
>> 4500'
>> to,5500 from ,all total the GPS said I covered 280 mi's. in 2hrs 22
>> min. Not
>> bad for 70 HP.
>> Ken Wiltrout
>> Kutztown, Pa
>> ___
>> Search the KRnet Archives at
>> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
>> please see other KRnet info at
> Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date: 8/11/2006

KR> Turff Landing

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
One thing that I will do the next time I hit the turf-drop tire 
pressure from 35 to 25 to soften things up a bit.
Ken W
Kutztown Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Bernard McLean Sr" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Turff Landing

>I guess I'll feel better about the 5 x5.00 tires I bought for my KR 2
> tail dragger!!
> I assume they'll;
>* Add prop/ground clearance.
>* Soften turf landings.
>* Generally, add shock absorption qualities.
>* Look like tundra tires ;-)
> Does anyone know if there are low profile tire that'll fit  the 5 x5.00
> wheels (Matco) that I have on order (in case the 5 x 5.00 tires are too
> huge)?
> Bernie McLean
> Poplar Grove IL
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date: 8/11/2006

KR> still searching

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Good Luck
Kenny W

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe H Horton" 
To: ; 
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: Re: KR> still searching

>I want to thank every one that has given suggestions. It has been
> a real help and I did investigate every thought that was thrown out there
> and some of them several times. I have found nothing to date that would
> tell me why the engine quit. So I've decided to sell N357CJ  to some poor
> unsuspecting sucker-- No No - just kidding. I flew this morning for a
> little over a half hour and I was not shy about putting it through her
> paces. I ran at full throttle with it leaned out and I ran at partial
> throttle settings. I dove , I climbed , I did hard turn reversals and
> just all around had a blast with the roller coaster style flying .The
> biggest change is the weather(humidity about 50% and 75 deg). I have
> adjusted the carb richer and all the temps were great this morning as
> well as exhaust temps. ( I now believe that exhaust temps on the ground
> are not accurate) The head temps stayed within 15 deg. of each other and
> the exhaust temps never got much more than 60 deg apart through the whole
> range.
>For now I'm calling N357CJ cured and fit for flight into sever
> VFR conditions. I did one long speed run and calculated true airspeed It
> worked out to 173.4 mph at full throttle. That put me closer to the west
> coast than KRA or KRB-(right Jonesy)
>Any way thanks all again and if you can't tell I am pretty happy
> again
> Thanks, Joe Horton
> On Fri, 4 Aug 2006 20:48:19 -0700 "George Harris"
>  writes:
>> What's the latest Joe?
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Joseph H. Horton" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 10:24 AM
>> Subject: Re: Re: KR> still searching
>> > 
>> > > Is your fuel ok?  Ethanol, water, poor octane, fuel mixture, etc 
>> > > Try 
>> > > removing what you got now, for a fresh few gallons and see if 
>> you 
>> > > can make 
>> > > it fail then.
>> > > .
>> > Fuel  has been drained and check and new fuel put in. I'm 
>> running
>> > 100LL and didn't expect these troubles.
>> > Bill Clapp wrote me last night and said he had the same 
>> problem
>> > in test phase. He thinks that I have not adjusted rich enough in 
>> the
>> > needle. I may try something more aggressive in the needle 
>> adjustment
>> > tonight. Temperature is over 100 with high humidity now so it 
>> should be a
>> > good test.
>> > Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.
>> >
>> > 
>> > ___
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> Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
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KR> rolls

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Brian could you walk us through the entire rolling process, ie entry 
speed,left or right roll, ( VW ) etc.Thanks.
Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa.

Anyone hear how Joe Horton made out today???

- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Kraut" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:39 AM
Subject: RE: KR> rolls

> Sounds like you are doing the exact same wrong thing on rolls that I was
> doing at first until I went up with an aerobatics instructor in his Pitts
> and he corrected me.  You start the roll by pitching up so that when you 
> are
> done your nose is not pitched down.  After you get the nose up to the
> attitude you want you have to consciously get the stick forward to the
> neutral position before you start the roll and then keep it there.  Pause 
> a
> half a second there if you need to.  The tendency is after you pull back 
> to
> get it in the nose up attitude to keep a little back pressure on it.  That
> gives you something more like a badly executed barrel roll, higher Gs than
> you should pull in a roll (should not be much more than 1), and a tendency
> to come out nose down with a loss of altitude.

KR> rolls

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Does it matter which way you roll?? If you need left rudder to counter the P 
factor will it roll easier to the right??
Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Dana Overall" 
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: KR> rolls

> Brain is correct on the setup for rolls.  It is important that you unload
> the wings prior to rolling.  By that I mean (and Brian), pitch up, neutral
> on the elevator then roll.  If you pitch up to your roll attitude then 
> roll,
> you will still have back pressure on the elevator causing altitude loss 
> and
> positive G's on the nose low pullout.  Remember, pitch up for roll 
> attitude,
> unload wings via releasing back pressure on the elevator, PAUSE, then 
> roll.
> As always, proper instruction is recommended:-).
> Dana Overall
> 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
> Richmond, KY i39
> RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
> O 360 A1A, C/S C2YK-1BF/F7666A4
> do not archive
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KR> engine out

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Joe did you have it running for a long time static ( idling ) on the ground 
before take off. Before I directed a blast tube at the gasolater early on 
which corrected the engine cutting out after landing and a long taxi on a 
hot day. What would happen is after landing the engine temps would come back 
up and when I applied throttle to speed up the taxi it would burp fart and 
carry on, after the blast tube that was no longer an issue. This was only an 
issue on the hottest of days 90 and above.


- Original Message - 
From: "Joseph H. Horton" 
To: ; 
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 8:30 AM
Subject: KR> engine out

> Guys,
>The short and sweet of it is that I have gone over and checked
> every piece of engine, fuel and ignition.
> Reassembled with all the same parts. It started right up. Flipped back
> and forth between the 2 ignitions and no problem found. I ran it for
> about 20 min last night.
>I will replace everything on ignition #2 tonight (condenser,
> points, wire, and coil) the other change that I am going to make is in
> the ignition switching to a switch that instead of being on #1 or #2  is
> a switch that will be #1- both- #2. This would allow both for take off
> and landing.
>   Any and all comments
> Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.
> ___
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KR> engine out

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
10/4--FYI Myerstown will have a RC jet modelers rally on 
8/4--8/6 the airport will be closed 9-12 ea day.
This is a pretty big deal.

- Original Message - 
From: "Joseph H. Horton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: KR> engine out

>I have a housing and a blast tube around the gascolator and the coils
> Joe
> On Thu, 13 Jul 2006 08:51:42 -0400 "Kenneth Wiltrout"
> <> writes:
>> Joe did you have it running for a long time static ( idling ) on the
>> ground
>> before take off. Before I directed a blast tube at the gasolater
>> early on
>> which corrected the engine cutting out after landing and a long taxi
>> on a
>> hot day. What would happen is after landing the engine temps would
>> come back
>> up and when I applied throttle to speed up the taxi it would burp
>> fart and
>> carry on, after the blast tube that was no longer an issue. This was
>> only an
>> issue on the hottest of days 90 and above.
>> Kenny
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Joseph H. Horton" <>
>> To: <>; <>
>> Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 8:30 AM
>> Subject: KR> engine out
>> > Guys,
>> >The short and sweet of it is that I have gone over and
>> checked
>> > every piece of engine, fuel and ignition.
>> > Reassembled with all the same parts. It started right up. Flipped
>> back
>> > and forth between the 2 ignitions and no problem found. I ran it
>> for
>> > about 20 min last night.
>> >I will replace everything on ignition #2 tonight
>> (condenser,
>> > points, wire, and coil) the other change that I am going to make
>> is in
>> > the ignition switching to a switch that instead of being on #1 or
>> #2  is
>> > a switch that will be #1- both- #2. This would allow both for take
>> off
>> > and landing.
>> >   Any and all comments
>> > Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Search the KRnet Archives at
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>> > please see other KRnet info at
>> >
>> >
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>> > Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.10/386 - Release Date:
>> 7/12/2006
>> >
>> >
>> ___
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>> please see other KRnet info at
> Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.
> ___
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KR> / C of G

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I weigh 235 in the seat and have test flown with 160 lbs of sand bags on the 
pass seat---My S is built as per the plans and with a passenger and 
or ballast the aircraft is incredibly tail heavy on take off. I would never 
take off with a passenger unless the header tank is FULL. My aft most CG was 
still 1.5" forward from the rear most CG. Point is, when flying with a 
passenger get a little more speed on take off  ( 70+) and it will be ok. I 
flew my wife's girl friend ( 135lbs ) several years ago and it was no 
Ken Wiltrout

- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Flesner" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 8:17 AM
Subject: KR> / C of G

> At 01:19 AM 7/8/2006, you wrote:
>>What weight are you guys carrying in Pilots & Passengers in KR2 + s's ??
>>Phillip Matheson
> +
> I have standard size tail surfaces with a 24" stretch on the fuselage.
> I weight close to 200 lbs with cloths on and pockets full of pennys.
> I've carried 170 lb passengers on several occasions.  You can
> really tell the difference in the way my KR flies as I start to add
> passenger weight.  It kills the climb rate and it's much more
> tail heavy on takeoff and landing.  However, Willie Wilson said
> after a ride in my KR that it was the best flying KR he'd flown
> with two people on board.  That may no longer be true as I think
> he flew with Langford after that.
> Larry Flesner
> ___
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KR> more on engine out-details

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Great job Joe---I've had 3 engine outs on landing prior to 
getting the Revflow straightened out. ( I think I told u that though ) Ive 
been out of business for 2 weeks now due to my oil cooler splitting over the 
mountains south of Myerstown, Joe ( revmaster ) sent the new cooler and it 
arrived damaged, now I'm waiting for the 2nd one to arrive. As far as God 
goes, did you ever stop to think he's just torturing you? HA   HA.   Keep us 

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe H Horton" 
To: ; 
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 2:34 PM
Subject: KR> more on engine out-details

> This may get long if you bore easily- The ending first for those that
> won't be able to read the details-
>The pilot is fine - Airframe is fine- The engine is unknown at
> this time.
> History
>About 4 weeks ago I noticed an oil pressure drop while waiting
> for take off at an away field. The drop was substantial to me as normal
> idle is above 35# and the alarm went off at 20#. Pressure came right back
> up with an increase in throttle. I flew it home that morning and raised
> the question here on the list. I investigated everything that was
> suggested from that. The pressure remained constant although slightly
> lower than the previous levels by about 4 or 5#. Normal full throttle was
> now about 42#. I flew for several more hours over the next week or so and
> no further cause for alarm
>The plane was out of service for the past 2 weeks for it's annual
> already. During that time I preformed many normal preventive tasks. With
> respect to the engine - oil and filter, cylinder leakage test tune up,
> timing, and check all blots nuts and screws, plus retorque the prop. I
> finished up the inspection on Friday and signed N357CJ back into service.
>Saturday morning I took her for a test flight. All temps and
> pressures were in the normal ranges as I took off to the west. I climbed
> to 4500' with everything staying normal. I was watching temps for head
> and exhaust all along. I was watching head because I had added 2 small
> deflectors on the inside of the cowl in an attempt to get more air on the
> middle cylinders on both sides. That appeared to be working as the head
> temps in the climb were all just over 400 deg. and as I recall within 10
> or 15 deg of each other. Oil temp in the climb was 225 deg.  The exhaust
> was being monitored because I had just installed a new mixture meter.
>Shortly after leveling off and while fooling with the mixture
> meter the alarm light came on the EIS.   I  almost ignored it as It has
> been a constant problem to get accurate RPM numbers  as the instrument
> temp increased. I glanced at it and saw it was a high oil temps warning
> and the temp was at 275 deg.
> I reduced throttle and went full rich and started a turn back home at the
> same time. I was already between 10 to 15 miles out. The temps dropped
> very quickly (about 5 or 6 seconds) I continued to circle while I tried
> to figure out what might be happening. The temps dropped to the normal of
> about 215 deg. I leveled out and thought about weather to continue on or
> not when it did it again, this time hitting 300 deg. I again reduced
> throttle hit the GPS for route home and turned on course. The temps again
> returned to normal very quick and remained that way for the remainder of
> the flight and landing and in fact lower more yet on decent which would
> be normal. All this time the engine never skipped a beat and no other
> number deviated from normal including oil pressure.
>I had all day to think about this plus a new EIS replacement to
> install this morning. The only thing that I found that I thought might
> make the oil temp act like that was it,appeared that a piece of the alum.
> baffling might be touching the sender wire. I isolated that and installed
> the new EIS. The new EIS has absolutely rock solid RPM readings and
> checked out with the digital tach during warm up. The oil pressure at
> idle was 37 psi.
>After run up I called a take off to remain in the pattern. The
> oil pressure was low to mid 40's oil temp was about 145. I was off the
> ground in about 500' and started a shallow climb while speed increased to
> about 83 mph and then increased climb to 900f/m. I was treating this as a
> test flight and doing this on purpose for cooling. This climb and around
> the patch was uneventful and all in the correct readings. In fact on down
> wind I remember thinking how smooth and well the engine was running. I
> landed and taxied back to go again. This time I was satisfied that I
> could climb straight out and repeat Saturdays flight to see if I could
> get a repeat or if the wire had indeed been the problem.
>This time I gave it full throttle upon turning on the runway and
> lifted off at 65 indicated and stayed shallow till it hit 80 

KR> post mortum

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Joe when it stopped was it instantly or did it act as if it starved for 
fuel or flooded? That POP could have also been part of a very rich issue due 
to the fuel system dumping fuel into the exhaust and igniting it before the 
eng quit. Even in a climb the prop should not lock up unless something 
seized, you ruled that out already. Ignition issues will not lock up the eng 
in flight unless the timing gets so far outa wack that a cyl fires while its 
way advanced. I'm betting on the fuel sys or ign.
Kenny W

- Original Message - 
From: "Joseph H. Horton" 
To: ; 
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 9:06 AM
Subject: KR> post mortum

> Guys,
>I did not get back to check the engine until this morning. I had
> not touched anything before tearing into it. The prop was still in the
> same position as when it stopped. I did move it a couple degrees back and
> forth to verify if the crank was still connected through and it was. I
> could also feel that it was going into compression on what ever firing
> order it had stopped at.
>First thing I did was remove the top cover. Suspecting bearing or
> connecting rod familiar. When I opened the top I was almost kind of
> disappointed. There is nothing broke bent or other wise in nothing but
> the pristine condition that it was in when it was originally closed up.
> There is no visible sign of metal in the case or the oil reservoir. I
> grabbed onto each connecting rod and tried to shake or move them. The
> only motion was the side to side in parallel with the crank.
>Next I moved the prop to see if everything moved together and it
> did. I could see most of the cam and lifters and they looked OK from
> above. I slowly swung the prop through a half revolution and everything
> continued just the way it should. Nothing at all to make a sudden stop.
>The next thought was the distributor. I pulled all the wires and
> took the cap off. The rotor was at a position that was pointing towards
> the opposite side of the motor ( I think at #5 but not sure right now) I
> moved the prop back and forth again just a couple degrees and the rotor
> moved instantly in both directions.
>The next thing I will do is pull the plugs and try to see in the
> cylinders for anything. But I don't have much hope at this point of
> seeing anything in the heads for a couple of reasons. I am looking for
> something that caused an immediate stopping at full power. If detonation
> was a factor I would think I would have found metal already somewhere. If
> swallowing a valve or more I would have expected a loss of power first.
>I guess looking for some good news the replaced EIS instrument
> seems to be working flawlessly just like I observed in Mark Langfords
> panel. And I found where a small oil leak was coming from that had been
> pestering me the past few weeks.
>Right now Just looking at the engine I would defy anyone that
> didn't know it had quit from looking in there and saying looks great
> Let's start it up and go fly.
>Thinking more about detonation - Would there actually be any
> debris left over or would it burn up and exit the exhaust? Could it be so
> quick that there would not be any signal of a problem?
>Right now I'm sitting at work and just shoot at this blindly from
> what very little I think I know.
> Please any and all comments. The reason that detonation has come into my
> head is that I can not honestly say that I remember making sure that I
> was full rich at the start of the take off roll.
> Thanks,
> Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.
> ___
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KR> post mortum

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
What I meant was that while traveling forward you are already getting some 
rotational assist from mother nature, for a prop not to windmill even the 
slightest seems unusual to me. You may be right though, the Vair may have 
high enough compression to lock it that rapidly. My experience with cars, 
tks, & heavy equipment is that when engines lockup under power it's bad 
news---the worst. Lets hope its fuel or ign.
Kenny W

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Langford" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: KR> post mortum

> Kenny W wrote:
>>  Ignition issues will not lock up the eng
>> in flight unless the timing gets so far outa wack that a cyl fires while
>> its
>> way advanced.
> I'm sure you're not saying that something like a shorted condenser wire or
> high voltage coil wire that's come loose wouldn't stop that engine
> instantly, but it's sort of worded that way.   I once pulled my "throttle"
> out on crosswind since I was almost to pattern altitude, and the engine
> stopped pretty much instantly.  It turns out I'd pulled the mixture out
> instead of the throttle, and that's all it took to kill it, and I had no
> clue as to what'd happened.  Fortunately Bill Clapp was sitting next to me
> and leaned over and stuff the mixture in and restarted it while I was 
> still
> processing that the prop was dead in front of my face!  All of this took
> about three seconds, start to finish.  With high compression and small
> diameter props, if anything happens to the ignition or fuel, the prop's
> going to stop pretty quick, in my experience.
> I'm glad to hear that Joe's problem might not be in the bottom end...
> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
> see homebuilt airplane at
> email to N56ML "at"
> ___
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KR> Insurance

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
SkySmith Insurance Agency
518 SW 3rd St, Suite B
Ankeny, IA  50023-3048

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert L. Stone" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 3:22 PM
Subject: KR> Insurance

> Hay guys,
> Who knows of a good insurance company???
> Bob Stone, Harker Heights, Tx
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KR> Re: wing loading test

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Never in a million years would I do that to my aircraft unless the design 
had inherent flaws--which it doesn't.

Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "George M" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Re: wing loading test

> Here is the picture :
> If you need plans of the stand I have it.  It was included with my
> "KR-4" Plans  :-).
> GeorgeM
> Long Island NY
>>The fus should be at an angle, but not sure what it is.
>>Kinda like pulling out of a dive, Virg
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KR> stick

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I agree-Keep the stick short and the range of motion minimal. This 
is what makes the KR unique.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:42 PM
Subject: KR> stick

> Only problem making the stick longer as the solution is that it makes you 
> have your arm unsupported while holding on to the top of the extended 
> stick. Not only is this very uncomfortable, but makes it difficult to be 
> very accurate with your inputs on a plane that doesn't have high control 
> surface loading like the KR2 and S.  Several current KR pilost have stated 
> that you want to have your arm supported and wrist fly the plane, which I 
> agree with. Having your arm up in the air unsupported is like holding on 
> to the top of a bus steering wheel while driving; you can do it, but it 
> gets VERY old quickly.  It is very akin to flying a helicopter which I 
> have also done, which experience in the KR2 helped with. The whole flight 
> range is about a 1/2" in every direction until just before landing.
> Several of the original drawings lack something to be desired to put it 
> nicely. Also, Ken was not good about updating the original plans with 
> changes that he made to the original design, which is what makes the net 
> so good.  Follow what KR drivers are now flying with success and you will 
> YEHAWWW much sooner...
> Colin
> N96TA
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KR> Oil Cooler Failure

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
This morning on a short breakfast flight  ( due to poor visability ) to 
Lancaster Airport I noticed a couple drips of oil on the ground after I came 
back to the plane  to depart, after landing at Myerstown,9D4 the bottom of 
my S was oil covered, after removing the cowl and prop I started it up and 
the oil just streamed out of the cooler, it cracked near the rear most oil 
line fitting. Good I wasn't going further. I cd Revmaster and Joe has a new 
one coming 3rd day air.
Always something!!
Ken Wiltrout

KR> oils and stuff

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
When my Revmaster was built in the early 80's they recommended 40 weight, 
now they say 20/50.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 7:55 AM
Subject: KR> oils and stuff

> Phil mentioned running only straight 40W oil in his RG2000 by 
> recommendation. Just for the record I will say this is foolish and 
> potentially catastrophic.  Straight weight oils went out of use by all 
> engine manufacturers including aircraft by the mid 1970's. 
> Multi-viscosity oils have been used and continually refined to being 
> better and better since that time.   With such a superior oil protection 
> and ability in modern oils it doesn't make sense to use old technology. 
> The temp range of operation for straight weight oils is much more 
> restrictive than a similar weight multi.
> Most of us are running some version of an auto engine and so we need to 
> use the products that get the most life out of auto engines in hard or 
> severe use. My humble opinion...
> Some years ago I read an article in Plane and Pilot where they took a C 
> 182 (I think) and raised the horsepower from 230 hp to some 265. They 
> quoted some history on previous models with lower HP and then went on to 
> test the higher rated engine. They used a good old boy assumption that X 
> HP gave this much speed and raised to 230 gave this increase, so raising 
> HP this much to 265 would yield a constant rate of speed increase. It was 
> a practical exampl of proving the aerodynamic principle that if you double 
> the speed, your drag increases by 4 times. HP alone will not significantly 
> increase speed. Climb speed was increased dramatically. This is due to the 
> fact that climb is a reflection of any HP above what is required for level 
> flight is available for climb. So 35 extra HP means better climb 
> immediately at the same speed.  But due to no decrease in drag, only a 
> nominal increase in speed was seen both at cruise and wide open throttle. 
> You can add an RG2000 or O 360 to a VP 2 and it will
> climb great, but will not gain near as much in cruise speed due to the 
> design does not lend itself to low drag.
> For us KR drivers look at Trop Petteway's plane on Mark L's site, and 
> compare to anyone else's. He probably does not have much more HP than 
> Larry F, running the same family of engines, as was Marty Roberts. Yet he 
> was defintely faster as Mark L can atest.
> Colin
> N96TA
> ___
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KR> Material "Super-Fil"

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Super Fil is a light weight filler, unlike Bondo that would be used on cars 
etc. I found it to be excellent to work with and very sandable.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "dubi gefen" 
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 2:38 AM
Subject: KR> Material "Super-Fil"

> Hello KR builders or fliers.
> In many picture of KR construction I see the material "Super-Fil"
> What is super-fil?
> When I use with super-fil?
> Where I can get this material?
> Regards
> Dubi Gefen
> KR-2S Builder.
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KR> Building Question

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Kacee you can build it, but how it turns out depends on your willingness to 
commit to the project.

800 hrs to build it is very low in my opinion, I have around 2000 hrs and 
others have broken the 3000 hr mark.

$10,000 in 2006 is wishful thinking, $20,000 and up  is probably closer to 
reality but that depends how much fabrication you do as opposed to going 
with premolded parts etc.

I did not have dual as there were none in the area I was aware of, just get 
the feel of it on the ground 1st to build your confidence and ask questions 
on the KR net.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Kacee Kelley" 
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 6:34 PM
Subject: KR> Building Question

> For a long time now I have been looking at building a KR2. I have never 
> built an airplane before and mainly have flown Tri-Pacers, Cessnas and 
> Cherokees for around 500 hours. I think I am of average mechanical 
> ability.
> What do the people that have built / building this type of aircraft think, 
> am I taking on to much for a first project?
> The information that I have seen estimates 800 hours of building time and 
> a little over $10,000.00, does that sound correct?
> How about flying this type of aircraft, would it be necessary for duel 
> instruction in type and is that possible?
> Thank You Very Much for any input you have to offer!
> Kacee Kelley
> Ragan, Nebraska
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KR> Update

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout

Joe I've had three flats in 99U, In my case I think it was air pressure 
related, I used to keep the pressure low to help with a bad landing but all 
of my flats occured due to the inner tube pinching, now i run 35 psi and 
plenty of talcum powder when assembling. I also carry a spare tube and 
enough tools to get the job done. My flats always occure in uncivilized 

Or could it have been that the tire distorted from the 200MPH fly by at 9D4. 
Like I said that thing sounds like a Bonanza---Way Cool. That climb 
out should qualify you for a rotorcraft ticket.
I was gonna go to Ocean City, NJ today but the Funk was terrible, so off to 
KTown again for breakfast I went.


- Original Message - 
From: "Joe H Horton" 
To: ; 
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:03 AM
Subject: KR> Update

> Guys.
>   Happy Father's Day, Not a bad week so far. I flew N357CJ  seven of
> the last eight days for close to 10 hours. I did get a flat tire again
> yesterday on the left side this time and the small hole was at the exact
> same place inside sidewall with nothing being found that would make the
> puncture. It went flat will I was getting a soda pop after fueling up and
> it sure made it tough getting it back to the hanger.
>I have a little trouble this morning to investigate. Will sitting
> at another airport waiting for traffic I noticed the EIS flashing which
> is nothing new considering the way it acts when the instrument gets hot.
> But this time it was the low oil pressure warning and that never happened
> before. I did a run up and it came up to 42 psi from the 28 that it was
> showing at idle. I choose to fly back home which was only about 10 min
> away. I kept a eye on it during flight and it didn't drop below 38 psi. I
> did just a base to finial to shorten the time in the air and carried a
> little power for the approach to keep pressure up. During roll out it
> dropped back into the 28psi range again. There was no evidence of loosing
> oil so I need to start looking under the  hood to see what I can find
> I'll let ya know what I find.
>Kind of a bummer as I had planned to take my father inlaw for a
> flight on for Father's Day.
> Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
> ___
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KR> WAF Bolt Sheer Load

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I'm in my 6th year flying 6399U with 1 bolt per attach point, been in 
weather bad enough ( windy ) to give you some religion if you had none 
previously. Personnally I prefer 1 bolt per attach point, If 1 bolt shears 
you still have 3 per spar end as opposed to 2. But why are we talking about 
this? If any body ever sheared a bolt in flight I would think that person's 
inclination was to over torque during assembly.

Ken Wiltrout
Ktown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Heath" 
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: KR> WAF Bolt Sheer Load

> That seems to be what all the engineers say.  And, I am sure they are
> correct.  I just can't make myself do it that way.  I used 1 per attach
> point on my first KR, and it worked, so I feel comfortable with it.  I 
> think
> it is the thought that if any one of those bolts fail, it is all over.
> See N64KR at - Then click on the pics
> See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for 
> building
> is OVER.
> Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
> ---Original Message---
> A better design is to use one long bolt with a
> compression member between the WAF pairs instead of paired short
> bolts, placing the joint in a balance double shear.   This is my
> considered opinion as a professional engineer.
> ___
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2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
 Serge- The idea is to just get the bolts snug, the pine will just start 
to crush if you over do it, i'm not aware of a torque. I put a flox mix on 
the bolts before sliding them in to take up any clearance that may have 
existed-yes they are in for the long haul.
Kenny Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 4:28 PM
Subject: KR> WAFs

> Netters,
> I should start rebuilding my KR2 tomorrow. One of the tasks is to put the
> WAFs back in place, with new bolts and locknuts.
> Questions:
> 1 - How much torque must I apply to the nuts for front and rear WAFs?
> 2 - Can I put some sort of lubricant on the bolts to help them slip in the
> holes? (And maybe help to seal the wood)
> Serge Vidal
> KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
> Paris, France
> ___
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KR> small setback

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Did you not center the engine mount on the fire wall 1st??

Kutztown, Pa
- Original Message - 
To: "Ken Walter" ; "KR List" 
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 10:04 PM
Subject: KR> small setback

>I had the whole EAA club here today for a critique and fared well. Good 
>builders pointed out some not so obvious fixes.  After they left I ran a 
>straight edge along the fuesalage on both sides from the cockpit to the 
>nose.  I find that I have mounted my engine 1" to the left (pilots side) of 
>where it should be. This explained the cowling not fitting well on trials. 
>Sooo, I'll be pulling the engine and mount and moving it soon. One weekend 
>further from the first flight.
> --
> Paul
> KR2 Stretched
> Derry, NH
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KR> Blue stuff / parts/Optimism

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I never trusted the RR sling seat, I was afraid I'd fall through it when 
getting into the plane.
Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert E Kirby Sr" 
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Blue stuff / parts/Optimism

> Steve Bray ask if anyone had a sling seat? yep I have one that, I'm not
> going to use
> E-Mail me or call.
> Bob Kirby
> 770-385-2979
> Covington, GA
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2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout


Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

It slightly resembles
what a fabric covered wing would look like. Is this normal?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:30 AM

> Hi I am currently in the proccess of buying a KR-2. Before I seal the deal 
> I
> have a few questions regarding some components of the aircraft.
> -First the engine is a HAPI vw conversion equiped with a slick magneto 
> model
> #4216. I had heard some sqwaks regarding cracking of such models??
> -Secondly the carb is a tilloston om-41a. Has anyone heard anything about
> these, I believe they were widly used by chrysler and on outboard boat
> engines.
> -Third when taking a close look at the wings there are slight dips in the
> glass covering between each rib on the upper air foils. It slightly 
> resembles
> what a fabric covered wing would look like. Is this normal?
> I appreciate any information or advice in regards to any of these 
> components.
> Thanks, Ryan Cahill
> -
> This mail sent through IMP:
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KR> Virginia KR meeting

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Have fun guys---6399U is heading to Ocean City, NJ  Monday, Today 
the Goldwing ( and wife ) is heading to the Pocono's.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe H Horton" 
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Virginia KR meeting

> OK - I'll buy Mark's hamburger and anyone else that shows up. We should
> be there around 10:000 to 10:30 am local time. (Sorry your ion your own
> for the fuel tab)
> Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
> On Fri, 26 May 2006 22:25:00 -0500 "Mark Langford" 
> writes:
>> The BKW trip is postponed until Sunday morning, same time (11AM,
>> maybe).
>> This will literally be a hundred dollar hamburger.  $95 for fuel, $5
>> for the
>> burger, assuming we can borrow the former police car to drive to
>> town.  I
>> strongly suspect it will only be me and Joe, but that's OK too...
>> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
>> see homebuilt airplane at
>> email to N56ML "at"
> ___
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KR> VW 2180 Idle

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Simple-Idle it down as far as u can without stalling it. My idle 
on the 2100 Revmaster is around 650rpms

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Steve Glover" 
To: "'KRnet'" 
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 8:07 PM
Subject: RE: KR> VW 2180 Idle

> Dan, are you flying now???
> Steve Glover
> KR-2 N902G
> AJO, Ca
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Dan Heath
> Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 4:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: KR> VW 2180 Idle
> I have a VW 2180 and Diehl Wing Skins ( float on landing ), with a 52X50
> Sterba Prop.   What is the maximum acceptable idle RPM for this
> configuration.  I have no drag devices.
> See N64KR at - Then click on the pics
> See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for
> building is OVER. Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
> ___
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KR> VW 2180 Idle

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
For me it still is 650 rpm's-The KR is so slippery that 
anything other than windmilling is unacceptable unless you land at JFK 

Ken Wiltrout

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Heath" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: KR> VW 2180 Idle

> Thanks, but the question was  What is the maximum acceptable idle RPM
> for this configuration.
> See N64KR at - Then click on the pics
> See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for 
> building
> is OVER.
> Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
> ---Original Message---
> From: Kenneth Wiltrout
> Date: 05/07/06 20:29:29
> To: KRnet
> Subject: Re: KR> VW 2180 Idle
> Simple-Idle it down as far as u can without stalling it. My 
> idle
> on the 2100 Revmaster is around 650rpms
> ___
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KR> Vertical Card Compass

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
If u don't turn too fast they wk ok.

- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:02 AM
Subject: KR> Vertical Card Compass

> Has anybody got experience (good or bad) with Vertical Card Compasses?
> (Fore those who are not familiar with them, these are new type of 
> compasses that are proposes as a replacement for traditional oil-filled 
> compasses. They are dry, and have a dial that looks like a Direction 
> Indicator dial).
> Serge Vidal
> KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
> Paris, France 
> ___
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KR> kidney stone

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
My FAA Dr is just the opposite---this guy can't make a decision 
to save his ass. Every year he needs to consult with Oklahoma, in the last 6 
yrs I have never walked out with a medical, its always 1 or 2 wks later. 
Next time I'm going through the yellow pages.

ken wiltrout
kutztown, pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Steve Eberhart" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: KR> kidney stone

> This is something I can speak to with some experience :-)  My next AME
> medical exam, after my first kidney stone was blown up with lithotripsy
> (sp?), was a non issue.  Just needed a letter from my Urologist that I
> was stone free.  Medical issued during the exam.  The next stone episode
> again required lithotripsy to blow it up.  I contacted my AME before the
> exam and he contacted my Urologist and got copies of a current CT scan,
> etc and the letter stating that I was once again stone free.  He
> contacted Oklahoma City and got authority to issue me a two year medical
> if everything else was OK.  It was OK so he issued the medical but with
> a one year restriction.  I had to prove after one year that I was still
> OK.  That was fine with me.  About three weeks after the medical was
> issued I received a letter from the FAA with a new, un restricted two
> year medical certificate.  Said that after reviewing all of the
> supporting documentation from my AME and Urologist they were issuing the
> unrestricted one and just send them the restricted one in the enclosed
> envelope.
> I think several things are important here.  My AME is a SENIOR AME.
> They have a lot more authority to make decisions on their own.  My AME
> is also in my local EAA chapter and goes the extra mile to work with
> problem cases.
> Just a story where I was very impressed with my AME and the FAA.  How
> often do you hear that!
> Steve Eberhart
> Yeh, I have played around with things KR but now my hands are covered
> with metal cuts.
> Larry Flesner wrote:
>>At 08:46 PM 4/26/2006, you wrote:
>>>Having had a kidney stone I can testify that they are largely transitory 
>>>generally would only debitateyou during the event.   Believe me
>>>during the event
>>>you think you are going to die.  They generally do not cause the
>>>kind of chronic
>>>problem that would knock you out of the sky.
>>Don't take them too lightly, depending on your history of passing them.
>>If you experience stones on a regular basis (God help you) or have one
>>lodged that could pass at any time,  you will be corresponding with the
>>fed's on a regular basis.
>>Larry Flesner
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KR> Diabetes

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I had a kidney stone 4 yrs ago at 48, I made the mistake of being honest 
when i went for my bi annual--never again.

Ken Wiltrout

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Smith" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:26 PM
Subject: KR> Diabetes

> Hey Knetters,
>  I'm 48. About 5 years ago I discovered I had Diabetes type 2. This was 
> after I had discontinued my flight training. I have 25 hours. I am going 
> to start training again. Where will I stand with my medical? I don't take 
> medication at all, and control my desease with diet and exercise.
>  When I go in for my 3rd class med, what do I say on the application as 
> far as the Diabetes is concerned? I am concerned that some yahoo Doctor 
> will exclude me even though I have no real problems, now that I watch my 
> diet.
> Ron Smith
> Kr2ssxl
> Cypress Ca U.S.A.
> -
> Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great 
> rates starting at 1/min.
> ___
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KR> Fire in The Grass!

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
That's why I rented from Thrifty

- Original Message - 
From: "D F Lively" 
To: "KRNET" 
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 9:42 PM
Subject: KR> Fire in The Grass!

> Netters:
> No one mentioned anything about this at the "Sun-N-Fun"  fellas.
> Did some pilot start an "Auto Roast"?   
> Don Lively
> Paul DeLand wrote:
>> I don't believe I forwarded this true story to the group. It concerns
>> this year's EAA fly-in in Lakeland, held a few weeks ago. The parking
>> is on grass near the airfield. It was dry grass. Some fellow in a
>> Maserati pulled in and parked in the midst of a lot of cars.
>> Apparently his car was so low to the ground, and the catalytic
>> converter was so hot it ignited the grass..By the time firemen got
>> there and put out the blaze 24 cars, including the $175,000 Maserati
>> were destroyed. How'd you like to return to your expensive sports car
>> and find it a heap of rubble?  Bet he didn't identify himself to
>> anyone either...The folks around him might have beaten him to a
>> pulp!Paul
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KR> another data point

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
MarkI was always told by CFI's etc that killing the engine would 
shock cool the cylinders, possibly damaging your mill. Be carefull.

Kenny Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Langford" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 9:52 PM
Subject: KR> another data point

> NetHeads,
> A few weeks ago we talked about windmilling or idling propellers having 
> more
> drag than a stopped one.  A few days ago I flew to 10,000' and timed a 
> glide
> down to about 2000', and the best I could manage was about 650 fpm decent 
> at
> 83 mph IAS (any slower and things started getting wishy-washy).  Today I
> went to 10,000' and switched it off, and got exactly the same results, 
> best
> I could tell.   It sure is smooth and quiet that way though!  Restart was
> instant, since the wind through the prop really makes it easy on the
> starter.  This is about 11.3: 1 glide ratio.  This will improve with stuff
> like wheel pants and spinner.  I planned to test gap seals today, but got
> preoccupied with my radio, which apparently sounds fine to me, but is
> totally unreadable to everybody else.  I pulled it out this afternoon, and 
> I
> plan to breadboard it up to prove that it's not the installation that's
> suddenly started causing the problem (I sincerely doubt it, given the
> symptoms), and I also wanted to troubleshoot the built-in intercom also.
> I hit 199 hours today...
> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
> see homebuilt airplane at
> email to N56ML "at"
> ___
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KR> landin or how to scare the bujeepers out of ya

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Joe- I always fly final at 80 mph, and then on very short final pull all 
the power out. This works best for me, otherwise I have the same control 
issues in a good Xwind.  With the speed brake it comes down quick after 
chopping the power.

K-town , Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe H Horton" 
To: ; 
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:50 PM
Subject: KR> landin or how to scare the bujeepers out of ya

> Guys,
>Ya know the feeling don't you? I went to the airport yesterday
> knowing it was about 45 left cross at 5 to 10, but you know this landing
> a KR is old hat now. I had done some work on oil leaks and wanted to get
> some run time to check it out. Warm up and takeoff was uneventful and I
> was just going around the pattern. For some reason that I still have not
> figures out I could not get trimmed up right and kept loosing speed.
> Still stuck with it and followed thru to finial. There was more wind
> aloft and I had to hold a crab on finial and still struggling with the
> speed getting to slow and sink rate was all over the place. ( I should
> have gone around then)  I had to add power to make the runway and that
> screwed up the rudder. So we bounced her in and managed to keep it
> between the ditches. That wasn't to bad so I decided that I could get
> better than that. This time I flew out of the pattern and got the trim
> and speed situation under control. That being done and everything feeling
> normal I entered the pattern and had everything fine until over the tree
> line and everything went to crap again. The plane got bounced and pushed
> and I got way behind real fast. I did stay with it and kept the inputs
> minimal as she seemed to straighten her self out some. We bounced down
> the runway a second time with some side loading and using all 40 feet of
> width. Put it away while it was still useable.
>Went back tonight and the wind was 5 to 10 maybe 15 deg from the
> right. A beautiful clear night and an hour and 20 min of fun flying only
> to return to a right 90 deg. cross at 10 to 15 and still a little bouncy
> at almost sun set. This time speed and trim and sink were fine but I just
> could not hold center line down finial and when we went over the tree
> line I got pushed even further off. This time I gave it up quickly and
> went around. The thing that I was not prepared for was the sudden
> increase in power from the 3100 corvair and the amount of rudder input
> that was already being held. This turned me almost sideways to the runway
> and took a second to get corrected and under control. Pulled up the flaps
> and climb out was fine. I had a few minutes to plan a little more and
> decide to use more speed on finial and get the crab angle kicked out
> sooner. This worked pretty well and I flew down at 75 to 80. Still got
> pretty beat up over the tree line but it settled down  over the runway. I
> was still a little fast and touched down on the right main. I let the
> nose wheel drop on and was able to keep it straight for a fair roll out.
> All and all I was pretty happy to be on the ground and have it still
> useable.
>In hind sight I think that I just went out to complacent
> yesterday and was taught a lesson for it. Today was a jump in the
> learning curve as it has been a long time since i had a strong cross on
> finial. I hope that it all adds up to new and better skills and
> judgement.
> Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
> ___
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KR> Armoural

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I think we got enough mileage out of the ARMOURAL thing guys.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Armoural

> If it worked why is the S.R. 71 flat Black?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Kenneth Wiltrout" <>
> To: "KRnet" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:37 AM
> Subject: Re: KR> Armoural
>> That's amazing---I wax mine every year and don't notice
>> much
>> if any increase in speed.
>> ken wiltrout
>> kutztown,pa
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:31 AM
>> Subject: KR> Armoural
>>>I have washed my KR2s then applied Armoural to the surfaces, and noticed 
>>> considerable increase in speed, has anyone else attempted this? if so
>>> what
>>> were your results?  Now there is a lot at play here, temperature
>>> especially, as we all find our planes fly better in cooler air. However,
>>> Taking that into consideration i have found  my plane fly's about 10 kts
>>> quicker...
>>> ___
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>>> please see other KRnet info at
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>>> Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.1/309 - Release Date: 4/11/2006
>> ___
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>> please see other KRnet info at
> ___
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KR> Armoural

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
That's amazing---I wax mine every year and don't notice much 
if any increase in speed.

ken wiltrout

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:31 AM
Subject: KR> Armoural

>I have washed my KR2s then applied Armoural to the surfaces, and noticed a
> considerable increase in speed, has anyone else attempted this? if so what
> were your results?  Now there is a lot at play here, temperature
> especially, as we all find our planes fly better in cooler air. However,
> Taking that into consideration i have found  my plane fly's about 10 kts
> quicker...
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at
> -- 
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.1/309 - Release Date: 4/11/2006

KR> Sun 'n Fun

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Just returned, I was there tues & wed.  Mucho fog in the am tues that kept 
the ultralights in hibernation. Not one KR did I see. To everybody that is 

Just before I left I decided to do a compression check on the 2S and found # 
3 to be low, pulled the head and found the exh valve partially burned, that 
head is on it's way to revmaster for new seats and valves, after this season 
the other head will get the same treatment.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa 

KR> Home again

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Now you know how the Harley guys feel.

- Original Message - 
From: "Brad Ankerstar" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Home again

> "I swear that plane will log more trailer time than any plane out there."
> I don't think you are close.  Mine has been from Colton. CA to Andrews 
> AFB,
> MD to Waverly, IA to Solon, IA to Lebanon, OH.  That's in the neighborhood
> of 4500 miles.
> Only one more trailer trip planned.  That will be to the Butler County
> Airport sometime this year, I hope.  Of course it will have to come home
> after testing for mods and paint but that's only about 15 miles, and you
> stop counting after the first flight.  I think.
> KR2r N84BA
> ___
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KR> KR on eBay

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Definately not Crawfords

- Original Message - 
From: "Frank Ross" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: KR> KR on eBay

> Dan,
>  That picture looks a lot like Tom Crawford's plane. He built a beauty and 
> had it up for sale a couple of years ago when he decided to build a RV. 
> Has anyone heard of where his KR is or what has happened to it?
>  Frank
> wrote:
>  Has anyone ever seen this one before?
> Dan.
> From: "Mark Jones"
> Date: 2006/03/27 Mon PM 12:56:24 CST
> To: "KR Net \(E-mail\)"
> Subject: KR> KR on eBay
> Frank Ross,
> EAA Chapter 35,
> San Geronimo, TX
> RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
> Visit my photo album at:
> -
> New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save 
> big.
> ___
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KR> Verticle stabilizer effectiveness

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I've got about 10 hrs in twins ( senaca), in rough weather they wallow more 
than the KR.

ken wiltrout
kutztown, pa

- Original Message - 
From: "larry severson" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Verticle stabilizer effectiveness

> At 08:30 AM 3/23/2006, you wrote:
>>The KR2 will bobble around a bit in rough conditions, but I don't
>>think that any amount of tail surface would do anything to remedy
>>that situation.  I believe that it is due to the short coupling.  I
>>believe that the 2S improved on the short coupling, made it less
>>short, and that is what made that situation less of a situation.
> All you have to do is research the GeeBee from the 1930s to know that
> the above is true. It also points out the problems that come with
> extended wings.
> Larry Severson
> Fountain Valley, CA 92708
> (714) 968-9852
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at
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> Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.3.0/290 - Release Date: 3/23/2006

KR> Cockpit noise

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
My 2S is about as loud as a 172 W/0 the headsetsI think??

- Original Message - 
From: "D F Lively" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Cockpit noise

> Listees:
> Jim points out (2) verry importent factors when dealing with noise ans 2 
> very simple solutions.
> The 1st was the treatment of  his 182s tail-cone adding the material 
> strategically to the "Cone" that looks like a "Giant Megaphone'' in a way 
> provided "Destructive Interference " to the aircraft shell and the light 
> weight partition that interferred with length of the vibrating column of 
> air in the tail cone.  The (2) was interfereing with the free movement of 
> "High Velocity" air which can generate a lot of audible noise and worse 
> yet inaudible noise that can be stressful and you not even know it.  A 
> plane just moving though the air at 100 to 200 mph can make a lot of that, 
> just consider a strong wind blowingthrough the tree disrupting the 
> airflow.
> Don
> Jim wrote:
>> This may not transfer to wood aircraft however I bought sound deadening 
>> material from a company called E.A.R  it was a sticky foam with an 
>> aluminum back it stuck on like tape .I did this on my Cessna 182 and got 
>> more than one comment on how Quiet my airplane was . I put it in the 
>> center of two bay aft of the cockpit and added a thick paper partition 
>> aft of that with cut outs for control cables .After I did that I started 
>> finding small little air leaks. The one thing that made the biggest 
>> change that was immediately noticeable was adding wind lace around the 
>> doors. Wind lace looks like a piece of rope with a fabric flange on one 
>> side that you can bend around curves to fit the opening.
>> You may want to try this to get a quieter cockpit it sure worked good in 
>> my Cessna.
>> Jim B K.R.-2 S Wichita
>> ___
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KR> ELT requirement

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Not sure where I saw it but you can buy a watch that actually has an ELT in 
it. I'm not certain what has to happen before it goes off though. Your hand 
may have to leave the scene of the accident.

Kenny Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Flesner" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: KR> ELT requirement

> At 01:31 PM 3/4/2006, you wrote:
>>I crashed my Mustang II within 4 miles of the airport with the ELT
>>working. I left it on to see how long it would take to get a response. I
>>never did...
> I'll remind all the flyers again about changing those "C" size batteries
> in you ELT on every annual or at least inspect and test whatever
> battery you have in your unit.  I didn't check my batteries on the first
> annual as they were only one year old and had a date of 2010 on
> the batteries.  I put a change date of two years on the ELT just for
> peace of mind.  On my second annual, just completed, I found several
> of the batteries with broken cases and oozing crap all over the inside
> of my ELT.  I don't know how long the unit has been inoperative.  I will
> now change them every year even though the new batteries are the
> ones specified and have a date of 2012.
> Larry Flesner
> ___
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> Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 268.1.2/274 - Release Date: 3/3/2006

KR> another interesting flight (painfully long)

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
No idea how it got flat.  It was a small hole in the tube, and it looked and
> rolled fine before takeoff, and takeoff was perfectly normal.

Mark, I had a similair experience several years ago flying back from the EAA 
flyin at Dinwiddy County Airport near Petersburg, Va. I landed at Bay 
Bridge, Md on my return flight home for fuel. While I taxied out to the 
active I noticed a bumping on the left side that got really bad quickly, the 
tire was flat as a pancake. My experience was identicle to yours, it was 
Sunday on the island, Western Auto was open and sold me a tube for a riding 
tractor front wheel,- exact size. This happened in 02, however I had the 
same thing happen last summer after a short hop to Pittston, Nj. By that 
time I  smartened up and had a spare tube from my pevious experience. 
Neither time did I have a holethe tube was pinched-like 
it had an overlap.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa 

KR> VW and former VW people

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Get a piece if thin soft rope about 3' long, put as much of it in the plug 
hole as possible, slowly turn the eng by hand till the piston is pushing on 
the rope. The rope will now be holding up the valve.---total 
savings is $ 80.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Heath" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 8:46 PM
Subject: KR> VW and former VW people

>I need to borrow a tool.  I would buy one, but they cost around $80 and I
> only need it for about 30 minutes.
> It is used to replace valve springs, particularly when the heads are still
> on the engine.  It has a shaft that is just like the rocker arm shaft, 
> with
> a long handled lever on the shaft that slides to the valve spring you need
> to compress.  It comes with a spark plug insert for putting air pressure 
> in
> the cylinder, to keep the valves shut while you are working on them.
> The reason I need to replace my springs is because this engine sat around
> since 1988 with pressure on the springs, only being turned a few times
> during that period.  I suspect that these springs have remembered some of
> the shape they were in, and that all of them are not operating the same. 
> I
> suspect that this may be the reason that the engine stumbles so badly when
> advancing the throttle.
> For those of you who I have not told, Steve fixed the engine for me, and 
> it
> is installed and has been "run in".  I am now trying to fix an oil leak 
> that
> I think I caused when swapping the oil screen plate for a side drain 
> adapter
> that I got from Revmaster.  Once that is done, I can get to some real Aero
> Carb tweaking and then on to flying.  Oh, I am installing the O2 sensor, 
> so
> expect that the tweaking will be much easier this time.
> See N64KR at - Then click on the pics
> See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for 
> building
> is OVER.
> Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at
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> Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 268.2.1/277 - Release Date: 3/8/2006

KR> OT: B2 pics

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
If anybody ever gets to Dayton Oh- Be sure to stop at Wright 
Patterson AFB ( The Museum) they have it all there including the B2, 

Kenny Wiltrout
Kutztown, PA

- Original Message - 
From: "David Lininger" 
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:49 PM
Subject: KR> OT: B2 pics

> Got this from another (non-airplane) list. Don't know how long it will
> be available, but I've got a soft spot for the B2 since I lived only a
> few miles from Whiteman AFB when they first arrived there.
> -- 
> 73,
> David, kb0zke
> Rev. 2:10c
> ___
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> N133RM

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
was wondering if it is flying againWas it involved in an accident? 
I sat in it at Oshkosh sometime in the 90's. He told me the reason for the duct 
tape on the wings was that he looped it and put to much G on the wings and 
wrinkled the skin. Is Roy still with us? I still have the Kitplanes issue from 
1/95 with Roy and his KR on the cover.

Kenny Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Flesner" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 6:41 AM
Subject: KR> N133RM

> I was going through some photos of past Gatherings and was reminded
> of the really nice KR that Roy Marsh built, N133RM, and was wondering
> if it is flying again with it's newest owner.  According to the records it
> belongs to:
> : PO BOX 6082
> :EUREKA, CA, 95502-6082
> Does anyone know this gentleman and/or is he on the net?
> Larry Flesner
> ___
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Tim Haynes engine information

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Every group or organization has a few verbose individuals that from time to 
time put their mouth into gear before their brain. Truth of the matter is 
that the KR is pound for pound the most economical way to go if you have the 
basic skills required for such a project. If I hit the powerball jackpot I 
may try on a TBM 850.

Ken Wiltrout

- Original Message - 
From: "David Kopanski" 
To: ; "KRnet" 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 1:26 AM
Subject: RE: KR> Tim Haynes engine information

> Yea, well said Gary! I don't own an aircraft yet as I'm still not in a
> position to do so, and I'm looking at several different kits. Following
> some of the conversations on this site makes me want to buy something
> other than a KR.
> David Kopanski
> Kirkuk, Iraq
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of olson gary
> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 3:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: KR> Tim Haynes engine information
> I have had the privilege of belonging to several e-mail groups where
> everyone enjoyed helping each other achieve their dreams and goals of
> building an aircraft. Recently there has been an incredible amount of
> griping from a few of the members of this group. It is directed at
> others
> simply trying to tap into the vast knowledge base that exists in this
> club.
> I had recently posted an item for sale on the site that was purchased by
> another member. The item was extremely popular and I received several
> e-mails regarding it. I thought it best for everyone including myself
> that I
> forward one of the e-mails to the group with my reply that the item was
> sold. My intention was to let any other interested members know that it
> was
> sold and not to waste their time or mine by inquiring about it. Lo and
> behold, I was sent an e-mail by one other fellow that accused me of spam
> mail. His e-mail to me "by his very own definition" was SPAM. I did not
> want
> it or ask for it, but he felt it was his job to dress me down for
> wasting
> his time. Wouldn't it have been easier to just click the box along with
> the
> rest of the posts that you had no interest in and delete it instead of
> going
> thru the trouble of sending me a accusatory reply? The reason that we
> belong
> to these groups is because we are not all-knowing or perfect and
> sometimes
> we make mistakes with regard to posting items. We are looking for help,
> not
> to be scolded like a 2 year old. For all of the truly good hearted and
> helpful people on the list, thank you. I am sorry for wasting your time.
> For
> the other few, perhaps a little tolerance of those who are not as
> perfect as
> you would go a long way!!
> Gary Olson
> Oshkosh
> ___
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KR> water in the fuel?

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Dan shouldn't you have changed the subject line to Reaming?

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Heath" 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:57 AM
Subject: RE: KR> water in the fuel?

> OK, I am going to give this one more try  Maybe when you want 
> to
> change the subject, that means that you want to discuss something other 
> than
> what is indicated in the "subject" line, you would consider changing the
> text of the "subject" line.  In case anyone does not know what that is, it
> is usually the last line in the box you use to address your message.  It 
> is
> also what shows up under the title of "Subject", when e-mail is received.
> To be very specific, please change the "Subject" line when you want to
> change the "subject" of the thread.  PLEASE!
> See N64KR at - Then click on the pics
> See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for 
> building
> is OVER.
> Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
> ---Original Message---
> From: Doug Rupert
> Date: 02/11/06 21:35:36
> To: 'KRnet'
> Subject: RE: KR> water in the fuel?
> Standard operating procedure with the Fiesler Storch. Hitched a ride in 
> one
> with a crazy assed Spitfire pilot that asked be the same question and 
> after
> he radioed the tower for a special approach we flew backwards & forwards
> while we lost altitude and landed on the numbers and turned off on the
> taxiway at the entrance end of the runway. What a rush.
> Doug Rupert
> Simcoe Ontario
> --
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> Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.15.2/252 - Release Date: 2/6/2006
> ___
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2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Then do what I did-unscrew the draincock on the gascolator and 
make up a hose that relocates it somewhere near the bottom of the fire wall, 
I access it through the bottom of the cowl where the hot eng air is vented 
to the outside.

Ken Wiltrout
Kutztown, Pa

- Original Message - 
From: "Larry H." 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 12:38 AM

> My only dissadvantage  is that  I can only check the gascolator (mounted 
> on
> firewall) when the cowl is  off.
> Bill and 431768 GA
> Hi Bill,
> I remember some of the older planes, might have been 60s model Cessna 150s
> that had gascolators you could drain with a handle in the cockpit. It was 
> a
> mechanism that was spring loaded and then had a flex line going into the
> cabin. I don't remember for sure but I think they were mounted underneath
> the instrument panel on the side wall. I have also seen some that have a
> knob you can reach inside of the oil check access door. Since it may be a
> problem to take the cowling off to check yours before flight you may want 
> to
> look at some of the old airplane junk yards and see if you can find one of
> these so you can place a lever/handle some place that is easy for you to
> pull to drain your gascolator before flight.
> Larry H.
> ___
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KR> Kitplanes completions

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Thanks Joe-They got the signed off date wrong though, it was in 

- Original Message - 
From: "Joseph H Horton" 
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 8:57 PM
Subject: KR> Kitplanes completions

> Congratulations
> to Ken Wiltout for his fine looking bird in this month's Kitplanes
> completions pictures
> Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
> ___
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KR> My Unveiling

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Jones" 
To: "William Wynne" ; "KR Net" ; 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 8:54 PM
Subject: KR> My Unveiling

> Ok guys and Gals, I have just updated my "Photo of the Week" page with the 
> very lastest and most likely final version of my fuselage. Take a look and 
> tell me what you think. Here is the link: 
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Wales, WI  USA
> E-mail me at
> Visit my NEW
> KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> KR's for Sale

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I just read somewhere a guy 100 still flys Bonanza's-you still 
got 23 years.

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert L. Stone" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: Re: KR> KR's for Sale

> Ron,
> If I was 27, the answer would be not yes but hell yes but I am 77 so I
> think my days of blasting around in anything are over.
> Bob Stone
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Ron Hoskins" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 6:36 PM
> Subject: Fw: Re: KR> KR's for Sale
>> Bob Stone wrote...
>> Mark,
>> I have a feeling that a good many builders decide after building and
>> flying their KR for a time that they really need a four place so they 
>> sell
>> out and end up in a four place spam can.  I am one of those who did just
>> that.
>> Bob Stone
>> Hey Bob...
>> Dont you think you should build a KR1 so you can get out and blast around
>> like a fighter pilot for fun???
>> Ron Hoskins
>> Chattaroy, Wa.
>>> ___
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KR> KRs and slipping etc...

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Depends on what u call crappy--A good slip means u can fly, I 
was always slipping 6399U in till I installed the belly board. What a 
difference now

- Original Message - 
From: "Steve Glover" 
To: ; "'KRnet'" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 12:21 AM
Subject: RE: KR> KRs and slipping etc...

>I must be a crappy pilot because I always slip my KR in No speed
> brake or flaps but make decent landings.  Any of my previous passengers
> on the net have any comments on my landings?  Honestly, it won't hurt my
> feelings...
> Steve Glover
> KR-2 N902G
> AJO, Ca
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Fuselage / skin

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I built mine as per the plans-after the sides are done u can put 
on the plywood, after the sides and the bottom are jigged up, cover the 

I tink?

- Original Message - 
From: "Eduardo Navarrete" 
To: "KR List" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 2:22 PM
Subject: KR> Fuselage / skin

Already im building the fuselage, and I need to know
in which moment i can bond the plywood (skin) in the
sides of fuselage, when already is armed all the
fuselage? or when just the sides are builded?


Eduardo Navarrete
+593-9-8243079 (cell)
+593-2-2344568 (home)
+593-2-2906898 (office)

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KR> Sun'n Fun

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Anybody know if there is a KR forum at Sun'n Fun. I just looked at the web 
site and nothing is listed so far. 

Re: Réf. : KR> revmaster spark plugs

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Let me jump in here before you make the same mistake I did. I went with 
Joe's auto plug conversion for the same reasons your thinking about doing it 
( $$$).
The kit cost 160.00 and the plugs were around 1.50 apiece, not bad you would 
think. After 1 day of converting to auto plugs the engine ran 
great---but the real problem started when I turned on the radio, NOTHING 
BUT RF NOISE. And when I pushed up the throttle all I heard was a loud 
buzzing, I had absolutely no radio what so ever-0. I called Joe and 
advised him my radio was useless, he said get an RF suppressor, I said I 
have one already, I asked if he got any other complaints, he said he did 
hear of some reports but blamed it on the wires. Long story short I had a 
brand new custom harness made and installed 8 new aviation plugs, now I have 
the quietest radio possible. Total cost of this venture was around 
$500.00.--BIG MISTAKE.
Your results may be may vary, but not by much if I had to guess.

- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 4:42 AM
Subject: Réf. : KR> revmaster spark plugs

Absolutely. That is standard automotive plugs.

Who would want aircraft spark plugs anyway? They cost ten or twenty times
more, and are very old, inefficient and unreliable technology. The only
engine I know VW engine that does that is the Limbach, and that's because
it's a certified engine, and the authorities would not give them a
certification unless they went that route.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

William Zink 

Envoyé par :
02/02/2006 08:53
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 02/02/2006 08:53

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> revmaster spark plugs

Just wondering if the revmaster 2100d uses automotive spark plugs.  I
spoke with Joe at revmaster and he said that they were 14mm so I am
assuming this is an automotive plug since aircraft plugs aren't sized
in metrics.  Is 14mm a standard size plug?

  Bill Zink
  Columbus, OH

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Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : KR> revmaster spark plugs

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout

There is a BIG difference between auto resistor plugs and aviation plugs, 
aviation plugs send any RF directly to ground, into the eng block, auto 
plugs  do not ground the shielded part of the ignition wire. Joe or someone 
advised wrap alum foil around the end of the plug boot then run a ground 
wire to the block. I went through all that and reduced the noise by about 
50%, it was still totally unacceptable.
I will say this, if u get the antenna farther away from the eng then u are 
less prone to rf in the radio. I have a ribbon antenna that is just behind 
my seat, had i placed it farther back during construction things may have 
been different.
Good Luck

- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 7:46 AM
Subject: Réf. : Re: Réf. : KR> revmaster spark plugs

Well, I have no idea what causes RF noise, nor how you efficiently
suppress it. But I suspect it comes through power supply, since at first,
when my radio was operating on battery, I never got any.

Now, a spark plug is a spark plug is a spark plug. If they managed to
shield the aicraft plugs, I see no reason wy the same can't be done with
automotive plugs.


"Kenneth Wiltrout" <>

Envoyé par :
02/02/2006 12:32
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 02/02/2006 12:31

Pour :  "KRnet" <>
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : KR> revmaster spark plugs

Let me jump in here before you make the same mistake I did. I went with
Joe's auto plug conversion for the same reasons your thinking about doing
( $$$).
The kit cost 160.00 and the plugs were around 1.50 apiece, not bad you
think. After 1 day of converting to auto plugs the engine ran
great---but the real problem started when I turned on the radio,
BUT RF NOISE. And when I pushed up the throttle all I heard was a loud
buzzing, I had absolutely no radio what so ever-0. I called Joe and
advised him my radio was useless, he said get an RF suppressor, I said I
have one already, I asked if he got any other complaints, he said he did
hear of some reports but blamed it on the wires. Long story short I had a
brand new custom harness made and installed 8 new aviation plugs, now I
the quietest radio possible. Total cost of this venture was around
$500.00.--BIG MISTAKE.
Your results may be may vary, but not by much if I had to guess.

- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 4:42 AM
Subject: Réf. : KR> revmaster spark plugs

Absolutely. That is standard automotive plugs.

Who would want aircraft spark plugs anyway? They cost ten or twenty times
more, and are very old, inefficient and unreliable technology. The only
engine I know VW engine that does that is the Limbach, and that's because
it's a certified engine, and the authorities would not give them a
certification unless they went that route.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

William Zink <>

Envoyé par :
02/02/2006 08:53
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 02/02/2006 08:53

Pour :  KRnet <>
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> revmaster spark plugs

Just wondering if the revmaster 2100d uses automotive spark plugs.  I
spoke with Joe at revmaster and he said that they were 14mm so I am
assuming this is an automotive plug since aircraft plugs aren't sized
in metrics.  Is 14mm a standard size plug?

  Bill Zink
  Columbus, OH

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KR> Brakes

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I have Cleveland brakes on my 2S, and not knowing any better I charged my 
brake system with automotive brake fluid that caused the o-rings in the 
calipers to deterioate to the point where I always had brake fluid running 
down the calipers, after replacing the o-rings and going with the red 
aviation stuff everything is ok for the last 3 yrs now.

- Original Message - 
From: "Martindale Family" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 2:03 AM
Subject: KR> Brakes

> Hi Jeff
> I'm using a Castrol automotive DOT 4 green fluid. Great Plains says to use 
> automotive rather than the aviation red mineral stuff because automotive 
> seals are used. Nontheless I reckon you are on the right track with the 
> fluid expansion.
> Today was hot, the brakes locked and I cracked the slave bleeder for less 
> than a second just off then on again...about a zillionth of a drop came 
> out and they released right up.
> So the issue is in the master where I cannot find any external venting at 
> all!! I think this must mean the fluid expansion must be via a port 
> around the plunger that is uncovered at restbut is there one and how 
> critical must the plunger location be for it to work. I've emailed Steve 
> Bennett for an explanation and I'll post the answer in due course.
> Oh, and Frank, I have found that by landing upside down I can get around 
> the southern hemisphere problem but then another thing gets me 
> stumped...I can't work out why the canopy locks up instead of 
> the wheels. :-)
> John
> Martindale Family
> 29 Jane Circuit
> ph:  61 2 66584767
> email:
> web:
> ___
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KR> New build : what do I buy first ??

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Lot's of spring clamps
get a bunch of bar clamps ( 36-48" )
Do u need a space heater where u live?
U will need all the power tools, ie band saw, belt and disc sanders, drill 
press, etc.

Just a few things that come to mind.

- Original Message - 
From: "curry" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:01 PM
Subject: KR> New build : what do I buy first ??

> Ok my KR-1 plans will be in this weekso besides building the table,
> Spruce and ply from wicks, and a quart of T-88What should I be looking
> at buying to get going ??
> I'm excited to join the KR movement !!
> curry
> ___
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KR> prop strike

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
- Original Message - 
From: "Colin Rainey" 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 8:16 AM
Subject: KR> prop strike

>I had a nose over that broke the
> prop. I called Revmaster about the need for a rebuild. Joe said try
> to start it first.
> Sorry gang, but I am on a soap box this morning.  Larry I normally agree 
> with most of what you say, but read what you said again..
> To me that is totally irresponsible to post to a bunch of builder would be 
> pilots who might not know any better.  Standard procedure in certified 
> engines is a complete teardown after ANY prop strike.  All the testing on 
> the ground you want to make will not show you the cracks, nor will it 
> prove it is not cracked.  I knwo of three netters on this list alone that 
> have had crankshafts crack after they were told no, but later found out in 
> fact their planes sufferred a prop strike.  Do what you want to but PLEASE 
> don't tell people that it is acceptable or correct to fly an engine after 
> a prop strike, without having the crank removed and magnafluxed.  The only 
> possible exception would be to ferry it to a location to get it torn 
> down...
> Colin Rainey
> First National Mortgage Sources
> Lending Solutions in All 50 States
> 386-673-6814 office
> 407-739-0834 cell
> ___
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KR> buying KR plans

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Don't forgetalong with the plans comes a construction manua.l

- Original Message - 
From: "Frank Ross" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: KR> buying KR plans

> Bob,
> I have to think that you and Mark Langford are right
> about the price, but cannot understand why she would
> not take the money and retire. She'd still have her KR
> friends all over the world and the time she needs to
> enjoy her family and life.
> I do think she cares enough about the plane to want to
> keep it in business, even if she's not running the
> company.
> Hope you're having some great flying weather in Harker
> Heights. We had a beautiful day here in East Anglia
> and tomorrow just promises to be even better. 
> Frank
> --- "Robert L. Stone"  wrote:
>> Frank,
>>  I heard that Mark Langford by himself or with
>> some other people tried 
>> to purchase the business from Mrs Rand and the price
>> was so high that it was 
>> obvious, she does not want to sell.
>> Bob Stone
> Frank Ross, 
> EAA Chapter 35,
> San Geronimo, TX
> RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
> Visit my photo album at:
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KR> Landing gear bracket. Flox to spar?

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Good morning--The flox serves 2 purposes, 1 as a filler to even up 
and irregularities, 2 as a adhesive. I would rough up the back side of the 

- Original Message - 
To: "KRNET" 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 9:51 AM
Subject: KR> Landing gear bracket. Flox to spar?

> Good morning everyone.  I am setting my Diehl type landing gear brackets 
> today and was wondering if people are floxing them to the spar?  If so? 
> mine are powder coated and should I remove or scratch the surface?  I did 
> a search in the archives and found 206 listings but gave up reading with 
> no luck.
> Steven Phillabaum
> KR2S; 5048; corvair;
> Auburn, Alabama
> ___
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KR> plans

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Guys I said this before and I think it needs to be re-stated. Unless you are 
some sort of aeronautical engineer the average joe will still need a 
construction manual that out lines construction techniques etc. There are 
actually people that think you can go to Home Depot and get everything you 
need there. Does the name Justin ring a bell.

- Original Message - 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: KR> plans

> Larry,
>   Thanks, I wasn't aware that you did not have to have
> the original matching plans and serial nos to register
> tha aircraft. You have cleared this matter as far as I am
> concerned.
> Joe
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Larry Flesner" 
> To: "KRnet" 
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:23 AM
> Subject: Re: KR> plans
>> At 11:21 AM 1/21/2006, you wrote:
>>>After reading all the plans emails, the overall message
>>>seems to be.
>>>If you purchase a project:
>>>1/  Attempt to transfer the serial no. to your name.
>>>2/  If no 1 fails then purchase a original set of plans
>>>with serial no from RR.
>> +
>> Or if option #1 and #2 fail, option #3 is to go ahead and build the dang
>> thing.
>> In the U.S., the fed's don't care who or how much you paid someone
>> for the plans, if they are registered or not, how many aircraft were
>> built from them, etc. and the insurance company could give a hoot
>> either.  If you are planning to use a "non-aircraft" engine most
>> insurance companies won't talk to you anyway.  You will most likely
>> register the aircraft with your name and pick any number you like.
>> I registered my as a "Larry Flesner" built and used the serial number
>> of the plans for the A.C. serial number but I could have used my
>> social security number or just the number 1 if I wanted.  Mine is
>> registered as a "KR 2 Modified".  I wanted to make the changes I made
>> obvious in case something ever happened the entire KR design would
>> not be questioned.
>> Do you best to comply so your conscience is clear and move on with life.
>> Larry Flesner
>> ___
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> ___
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KR> ruder pedals

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Whatever works best for you.

- Original Message - 
From: "Keith & Martha Crawford" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 10:00 PM
Subject: KR> ruder pedals

> Hi all
> just a quick question.
> what are the pros and cons of hanging the rutted pedals vs mounting  
> them to the floor?
> Thanks
> keith crawford
> ___
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KR> Nitriding

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Don't u need to buy a set so u get a serial # from Rand Robinson

- Original Message - 
From: "Quique Alvarez" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Nitriding


Hi Guys,  Are there  any complete  plans of the Kr2-S on "sail"?


Kique Alvarez
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KR> buying KR plans

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I purchased the plans for 6399U in the very early 90's-even then 
getting hold of someone at RR was a project. None the less I did recieve 
everything ordered, it just took a while. If your looking for technical 
advise---stay with the KR net.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Langford" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: KR> buying KR plans

> Frank Ross wrote:
>> When Jeanette gets tired of running this business, it
>> will probably be bought for a small fee by one of the
>> competitors ...
> It won't be for "small" feetrust me on that!  And for that reason, I
> don't believe it will ever be sold, but will simply roll downhill to the
> next interested heir.  I'm not sure that buying the company makes any 
> sense
> anyway, as years of liability would likely be purchased along with the
> company.  I think the sure-fire way to get plans is to send her a money
> order of the proper amount including shipping, and you'll eventually get
> them.  See and click on the plane of your choice to
> get a price list that includes plans and shipping prices.
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> see KR2S project N56ML at
> email to N56ML "at"
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Crankshafts and testing

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
I've always wondered why some pilots with a VW that is designed to fly at 
3200 rpm cruise it well beyond that. The same can be said for Vairs as well. 
Over rev any engine for an extended period of time and your flirting with 
disaster. My honest cruise at 3200 is 140 mph, if I wanna stretch the truth 
and tell people it cruises close to 150 then I should tell them I'm running 
it WOT as well.

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Glidden" 
To: ; "KRnet" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Crankshafts and testing

> Bob Glidden
> Eminence,Indiana
> KR2S N181FW (building)
> Corvair 110
>  Like Ron said, maybe the way Bill Clapp and Steve
>> Makish flew their engines has much more of a factor on the cracks then 
>> the
>> machining.
> I don't know about Steve,but I have seen Bill fly several times and he 
> gets
> his moneys worth out of that corvair.
> ___
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KR> KR jailbird

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
He's alive-I'd say that's a good landing.

- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Flesner" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 10:46 PM
Subject: KR> KR jailbird

> I got this from a friend on the Quickie e-mail list.  Anyone know
> anything about who the pilot might be?
> Larry Flesner
> +++
> Yesterday, a KR-2 pilot landed in jail here in the Puget Sound.
> William left Olympia for Tacoma on a flight over Puget Sound via McNeil
> Island - a state prison.  He had 7 gallons on board verified by sight 
> gage,
> electric fuel gage, and visual sighting thru a gas cap.  After 15 minutes 
> of
> flight time, he ran out of fuel and had to make an emergency landing in a
> cleared field on the island.
> The engine is a Revmaster with Revflow carburetor.  There is only a header
> tank with 14 gallons capacity.  There is a fuel tank vent under the 
> airplane
> similar to the Q2.
> He cleared the trees on the high point and landed on an upslope.  When the
> nose gear touched, it broke off and the airplane pitch poled onto it's 
> back
> landing on the canopy and the tail.  The canopy frame held and the 
> vertical
> fin broke.  William was not injured but complained of soreness and
> stiffness.  He had a 4 point harness.  The canopy plastic broke and 
> William
> crawled out.  There was no fire.  There was no fuel on board and there was
> no evidence of fuel leakage.
> I helped William recover his airplane with some friends and relatives. 
> The
> guards had helped William right and disassemble his airplane when we got
> there.
> The NTSB did not come out but will examine the airplane at Williams place.
> Access was by the prison barge which is pushed by a tug and manned by 
> prison
> inmates.  We were prohibited from talking to the inmates.  We used a 16 
> foot
> trailer.  We were escorted by a guard during the recovery.  There is no 
> news
> in the papers about the accident as the entire event occurred on state
> property.
> ___
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KR> CG and the KR2S

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
The problem with these things is that everything you do changes the 
CG-including leaning forward. Somebody needs to invent a sliding 
counter weight. ( just kidding)

- Original Message - 
From: "Colin Rainey" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 7:24 PM
Subject: KR> CG and the KR2S

> Kenny and Bobby
> My initial post was in response to a question posed by a builder in 
> reference to whether or not the CG location and limits were different from 
> the original KR2 and the KR2S.  I had stated that they were not if both 
> aircraft were built to plans. Kenny your plane being flown within 2 inches 
> of the aft limit basically puts the aircraft at the "sane" limit that all 
> who are informed about the KR2 and S agree on.  A quick weight and balance 
> check of the shifting of the CG slightly aft as you take off and begin 
> climb would probably reveal that you are in fact in that last 2 inches 
> during the climb, and so need to take measures to keep the CG forward at 
> all times.  I am loading everything that I can that I have to put in the 
> plane anyway in front of the main spar in some way or another.  The more 
> weight that I can transfer to right at or just ahead of the spar, the 
> harder it will be to move the CG rearward due to the volume already 
> forward. Also, I plan to have a small fuel cell used when
> flying with two, behind the seat so that when flying long distance, and 
> draining the header tank, I can re-fill it with 5 to 6 gallons to maintain 
> a safe CG in descent and landing, while manipulating the CG aft while in 
> cruise. Yes there will be 2 pumps to transfer fuel so that I cannot get 
> caught with an out of CG plane...
> New latch in the new gullwing. Back to sanding the nose bowl to shape...
> Colin Rainey
> First National Mortgage Sources
> Lending Solutions in All 50 States
> ___
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KR> 2100 Revmaster

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Just wondering if you guys with the 2100 are cruising at more than the 
recommended 3200 rpm's??? I hear lots of talk on the net about running at 
wide open throttle.My cruise of 140 is based on 3200 
rpm's.---Just curious.


KR> CG and the KR2S

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
With 6.5 gal fuel in the header tank ( max is 13 gal ) and a passenger,  my 
2S is 2" forward of the rear most CG, and I can tell you that it's a handful 
on take off, the tail drops noticeably. To counter this I increase my take 
off speed to 70 mph or top off the fuel tank.
Your results may vary.--I'm 240lbs and the last passenger was 
135 lbs.

Kenny 6399U

- Original Message - 
From: "Colin Rainey" 
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 7:24 AM
Subject: KR> CG and the KR2S

> Bob
> I do not believe that the CG limits were changed for the KR2S from those 
> already designed for the KR2. They are still the same, which is why the 
> standard modification is to add one bay forward and one bay rear for the 
> total stretch.  Others are going alittle longer and enlargening the tail 
> feathers, but their CG will still need to fall into the same range as 
> before. Adjustments are just made as to locating battery and such to 
> compensate. I also believe that it is understood that the last 2 inches of 
> the originally published limits are considered unusable by builders and 
> pilots of today...
> Colin Rainey
> ___
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KR> Merry Christmas

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
Back at ya my friend---stay out of the trees.

- Original Message -
From: "Jaco Swanepoel" 
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 11:49 PM
Subject: KR> Merry Christmas

> Merry Christmas to all you guys and girls. May you have a wonderful
day and a blessed new year.
>   Best Wishes,
>   Jaco Swanepoel
>   South Africa
>   KR2S, ZU-DVP
> -
> Yahoo! Shopping
>  Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo! Shopping
> ___
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KR> Stretching the KR2S???

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth Wiltrout
   Ron be sure to calculate this additional aft arm before u do this, KR's
have a very short CG and pushing the entire tail section aft will most
certainly affect it. U will need to move something forward and that could
even mean the engine. I have a 13 gal header tank and after an hr of flight
w a passanger it becomes quite noticable and I need to trim the nose down.
Be safe.

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Jones" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 6:27 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Stretching the KR2S???

> Ron,
> When stretching the fuselage, you do not need extra longerons just longer
> ones. Make sure when you buy your spruce kit that the longeron material is
> sufficient in length. You should avoid splicing or scarfing the longerons
> all cost. This is also true of your cross members. There have been some
> planes built with spliced longerons and cross bars but it is best not to.
> Just do a few simple calculations and make sure you order the correct
> for the job.
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Wales, WI  USA
> E-mail me at
> Visit my NEW
> KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 11:54 PM
> Subject: KR> Stretching the KR2S???
> > I am starting on a KR2S and im adding a extra 14" bay to the aft end,
> will be widening the cabin 6" also. I have heard where I would need to add
> extra longerons for this and others mention nothing of this...   I need to
> know the proper way of doing this so I end up with a safe plane???   I
> appriciate any help I can get.
> > Thanks.   Ron...
> >
> > ___
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