[lace] Re:

2011-05-15 Thread Catherine Hill
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[lace] Re:

2011-05-14 Thread Catherine Hill
My friend helped me to rid of eczema. He ordered for me drugs on-line which can 
really helped me.. http://nightlyhooker.free.fr/friends_links.php?orapage=72j6

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[lace] Are you new to lace or was it passed on?

2009-05-25 Thread Catherine Hill
I learned to make lace from my mother, but she only learned to make it three
months before I did.

We were both entranced with the idea of bobbin lace from seeing it
demonstrated.  Mom had purchased a book and bobbins, but neither one of us
really had the time to sit down and figure things out.  When she had the
opportunity to learn bobbin lace while on a travel sabbatical, she jumped at
it.  And when she proudly told me of her lessons, I invoked the family
tradition of When one of us learns something, she must teach the other. 
Over the summer break - I was in college at the time - she taught me the
basics.  Then she sent me off with Cook's The Torchon Workbook and I kept
right on going. 

My daughter (5) has a pillow of her own now, but we haven't worked on it
much.  I have the feeling if I worked on mine more, she would feel the need to
work on hers.  Must remember to set a good example.

Cathy Hill in Newark, Delaware

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[lace] Re: I haven't got the patience

2008-06-27 Thread Catherine Hill
Along the same lines as many of us have already said, my mother's answer is
Patience is for things you don't  want to do.  I will also ask them about
their interests, how they relax.  Many people who do handwork can relate to
the zen state that doing their work brings them to.  Others will see my
reaction to their choice of relaxation activity (Jogging? Better you than
me!) and recognize that different people achieve their zen in different ways.
Cathy in Newark, DE

That statement seems to be pretty widespread!   I ask then what their
interests are and they often come out with astonishing replies:  they make
intricate tapestries, do advanced beadwork etc etc.   If then asked if that
does not take patience they seem astonished that I should think so, before
the penny drops:  if you love doing something, having patience is something
you do not associate with your pastime!


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[lace] Twists on edges

2008-04-29 Thread Catherine Hill
-  Angela Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Now the question.  Do you put an extra twist on the end of the row in
stitch?  If so why?  It doesn't say to do this in the instructions I am
following at present, but I keep feeling I should.  What do you

A teacher (I think Holly Van Sciver) explained twists on the edges to 
us this way.  

If you turned the edge with no twists on the pair, your threads could 
separate and leave you with a rainbow.  There would be an inner loop 
of thread surrounded by an outer loop of thread.

If you have one twist, the threads could still separate, leaving you
with twin arches, kind of like the McDonald's symbol.

With two twists, the threads can't separate.  

I used to always forget to do twists at the edges, until I had this
explanation.  Knowing why I did it, made me much more likely to do 

Cathy in Newark, DE

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[lace] What are you working on?

2007-02-18 Thread Catherine Hill
I think it was Tamara who asked this question in the middle of an e-mail.  And 
I thought, Once again I am knitting socks, which has nothing to do with the 
lace list.  But then I realized I am knitting *lacy* socks.  I am using the 
Drooping Elm Leaf pattern from Mary Thomas's Book of Knitting Patterns.  I 
started at the toe ( a relatively new experience for me) an have four repeats 
of the pattern to go the width around the sock.  I had some problems with the 
pattern.  In row 7 there's a slip one, knit TWO, pass slip stitch over, which 
kept completely throwing the pattern off, so I 've only been doing a slip one, 
knit ONE, p.s.s.o. and that seems to do the trick.  This is the first pair of 
socks I've done for myself in a long time, so I am looking forward to wearing 
  Cathy in Newark, DE, U.S.A.

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[lace] Lace activities/bragging

2006-10-01 Thread Catherine Hill
I am working on a small piece of mimosa I started at convention in Montreal.  
It's a triangle which I wil be using in the inset of a v-necked t-shirt.  This 
week I will also be starting a piece of Cantu' for a demonstration this 
weekend.  The piece is supposed to be an inset, but I think it is perfectly 
shaped for a bookmark, so that's what it will become.  
  While I am writing, I have to brag.  So far this year I have completed three 
lace pieces, a small Bedfordshire heart, a Cantu' mat I started at convention 
in Harrisburg two years ago and Louise Colgan's Milanese moon.  This is very 
exciting to me, as this is the first year since my daughter was born three 
years ago that I have managed to complete anything!  My son who arrived a year 
ago also added complications into the lacemaking.
  I have to thank all of you on arachne for being a sort of lace lifeline 
during this period.  Even if I wasn't making lace, I was reading about it and 
felt myself to be involved in it, even in a small way.  So thank you.
  Cathy Hill
  Newark, DE USA

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[lace] Lace in relay

2006-02-01 Thread Catherine Hill
  Margot Walker wrote:
  It would take some organizing, but it looks like it would be possible to 
celebrate the British National Lacemaking day all over the world!!! 

  It would be neat if we can get something like this organized.  This might 
also be a great opportunity to get lacemakers into the media.  Perhaps 
participants could get some exposure in local media: Twenty four straight 
hours of pillow talking - A celebration of lace.
  Cathy in Newark, DE, USA 

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[lace] And how did you find out about making lace?

2005-10-26 Thread Catherine Hill
I had seen bobbin lacing at an event and thought it
was really neat, but being in the middle of college, I
didn't really have time to pursue it.  Lucky for me,
my mom also thought it was interesting.  
When my parents were on a travel sabbatical, my father
ended up in Colorado doing some Air Force Reserve
stuff.  My mom had days to herself, so she looked
through the local yellow pages to find all the
yarn/craft/hobby shops.  One of the shops she found
was offering bobbin lace lessons, which she
immediately got involved in.  And luckily for me, my
mom and I have this arrangement:  Whatever she learns,
she passes on to me and whatever I learn, I pass on to
her.  When she came back (and I had summer vacation),
she taught me half, whole and cloth stitch and then
handed me Cook's The Torchon Lace Workbook and a
love affair began.  
I have to admit, I am currently in a non-lacing period
of my life.  Having a two year old and a newborn
really bites into my lacing time.  The pillow lives
upstairs where my DD can't get into it, but it means
that I rarely get into it either.  But I am looking
forward to making lace again when I get my act

Cathy in Newark, Delaware, USA

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[lace] Bobbin lace and patience

2005-09-01 Thread Catherine Hill
When I get the patience question while
demonstrating, I will sometimes ask the person what
they do to relax.  If they tell me some form of
handwork, I will tell the person that lace works the
same way for me as perhaps knitting or quilting for
them.  For those who tell me computer games or
sports (I had one woman tell me she jogged to relax
- *shudder*), activities that would make me crazy, I
will look at them with amazement in my eyes and
explain that their favorite activity would be the
thing I would least like to do.  I think it makes them
re-evaluate, realize that people have differing
opinions on what takes patience or what is fun.

Cathy in Newark, DE USA 

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Re: [lace] Wear More Lace!

2005-01-10 Thread Catherine Hill
No, we shouldn't be giving modern lace to the young
and beautiful in our circles of acquaintance.  We
should be teaching them to make their own modern laces
to wear.  It can replace knitting as the next big
thing that everyone who is anyone is doing.  I
started teaching a college age friend to make lace
today.  While she herself would not tell you she is
trendsetter, I figure she has more access to them (the
trendsetters) and can send them my way to get them
started on the road to lace.

Cathy in Delaware who figures if she teaches enough
people she can make Delaware the first state in lace.
Devon wrote: 
Tamara also points out that it is a pity that I am not
rich and famous and  that Julia Roberts' chest
probably gets a lot of attention. This is true. Even 
my friend Sarah, who appears in the photo at
Centolire, pointed out that it  should be my daughter,
a natural born trendsetter, who should be wearing
modern  lace if we really want this campaign to take
off, not me. I don't know what to  do about this.
Should we all be giving modern lace to the young and
beautiful in  our circle of acquaintances? 

- -

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[lace] Language clarification

2004-08-25 Thread Catherine Hill
I know this is probably a chat topic, but in her
e-mail to lace Liz used the following phrase

I remember her spitting the dummy about her HC!  

Can someone translate the phrase spitting the dummyy
into American English and also tell me what an HC

Cathy in Newark, DE

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[lace] Corian

2003-11-28 Thread Catherine Hill
Corian is a DuPont product that is used for things
like counter tops.  It has a stone effect and is very
pretty.  Someone (I think Kenn VanDieren) told me that
it is difficult to turn bobbins from; it is not strong
enough to do the neck of the bobbin.  It would make
sense to me to see it in combination with bone, with
the bone as the neck and the Corian as the body.  I
think it would be quite pretty.  I may have to look
into it myself as I am a fan of bone bobbins.

Cathy in Delaware (Home of the DuPont chemical corp.)

- - Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Corian

 What type of material is corian? On ebay I've seen
new bobbins of 
this in
 combination with bone.

 Jean in Poole

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[lace] Was time vs. pieces, now bobbbins

2003-08-14 Thread Catherine Hill
Liz and Diana both mentioned having favorite bobbins
and knowing the memories that go along with them.  I
feel the same way about my bobbin collection.  My
mother is a lacer which has its advantages.  The
Easter bunny doesn't put a lot of chocolate in my
basket, but I usually get a pair of bobbins.  And yes,
I like to use my Easter bobbins together.  I have a
pair of bobbins that my mother in law gave me for
Christmas this past year.  They are special to me,
because after showing her a midlands bobbin, she went
on the web to find a pair which she thought I'd like
to completely surprise me.  It's amazing how many
memories can attach themselves to a little piece of
wood or bone.

Cathy in Newark, DE
who is awaiting the birth of her firstborn and trying
to figure out a bobbin to commemorate the event.

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