[lace] Signing Off

2005-04-10 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Gentle Spiders,

As soon as I send this, I will unsubscribe 'cause this old PC is gone and 
George our computer guru is to transfer all the files onto to a new computer 
tomorrow.  Should be back on line by Tuesday.  The new PC will be ready 
tomorrow but it'll take this roadkill-on-the-information-superhighway 2 days to 
relearn which buttons to click.

You all behave yourselves and keep

Happily making Lace,
Betty Ann in Roanke Virginia USA

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[lace] 1981 Member

2005-04-08 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Well, can you believe I belonged in 1981?  I joined when we lived in Bucks, 
England and a lacemaking friend there gave me the May and July 1978 issues of 
the Bulletin.  Her brother in New Jersey gave her a one-year membership as a 
Christmas gift, but she never renewed after that year.  

I joined IOLI in 1980 and received the bulletins for that year, renewed my 1981 
membership, but never received any more bulletins.  We moved back to Virginia 
in 1981 and I forgot about joining IOLI. I had joined The Lace Guild in 1977 
and was quite impressed with their efficiency!  I have continued my membership 
with The Lace Guild up to the present.

When I was sorting my American Express GBP/USD bank account after we settled in 
in mid 1981, I found the check had cleared, but I had been lost to their 
membership.  It took quite a bit of letterwriting and I finally got the 1981 
bulletins early in 1982.  Needless to say, I was not impressed with IOLI at 
that point. Since I am missing a couple of years of Bulletins in the 82-83 
period, I must have dropped out.   However, we've come a long way, Baby, and 
have an organization to be proud of - no matter what we call ourselves.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Clay wrote:

I have just won an auction for a number of porcelain thimbles, one of which
says, "IOLI 1981".  So is there anyone on this list who was a member then? 
I'd love to see some comments (about ANYTHING!!)  from Lacemakers who were
making lace then.  Alison is a contender, to be sure!!

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[lace] Re: Demonstrating/ American Frontier Museum

2005-04-06 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I'm posting to lace to clarify some points to Tamara's posting.  I don't belong 
to chat.

Tamara wrote:
>To each her own moral values/philosophy :) I suspect that if all of us 
>adhered to your precepts, there'd be very little lace demonstrating 

There is nothing wrong with my moral valules/philosophy. If I wanted the money, 
I'd just put on scrubs and do a couple of shifts of nursing. 
The people at the Frontier Museum, at the time, did not value lacemaking the 
same as they did the other demonstrators. The grant was for one purpose: for 
expenses of demonstrators.  I demonstrate and give talks to many private 
organizations and if I am offered a gratuity, I do not accept.  
I NEVER accept a stipend or gratuity from a non-profit organization, and I 
demonstrate for several of them. Recently I gave several needle-tatting lessons 
to 8 & 9 year olds in an after-school program at one of the inner-city schools. 
I also volunteer many many hours every month at the Veterans Hospital and at 
the Public TV station.  

> But I live closer to Staunton than you do (35 miles one way). And I don't 
> mind their making a buck off of me, >since they're doing a very good job of 
> showing what we need to see. 

Have at it.  They'll love to have you, I'm sure.  And if they have a grant for 
demonstrators, they can double the fee given to the other demonstrators.

>Reynolds Tobacco/Aluminum has so many millions of bucks, they can barely wait 
>to do something free for the >public, for a hefty tax write-off. *Quite* a 
>different story from non-profit museums (like the 
>American Frontier).

No, no, no.  Reynolds Homestead is owned by Virginia Polytechnic and State 
University, aka VPI, a Virginia supported school.

'nuff said, and I do love you, T -
Betty Ann

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Re: [lace] Re: International Old Lacers

2005-04-06 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Right on, Aurelia!

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

-Original Message-
From: Aurelia Loveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 let's get rid of "lacers" too. We 
aren't "lacers." We're lacemakers! Come on, Jeri, wake up the old 
Madison Avenue and find us a name! --  Aurelia

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[lace] American Frontier Museum/demonstrating

2005-04-05 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Gentle Spiders,

First, let me say how pleased I am to have read about CRLG Lace Day at BMA.  I 
am also pleased that Laura was able to use my registration since a sudden death 
of a friend prevented my going to Baltimore.   

I have to chime in on the discussion re demonstrating lace.  I made a pact with 
my pocketbook many years ago  that when I was asked to demonstrate lacemaking 
at a venue where admission was charged, I requested a stipend to cover my 
travel expenses.  

Case in point - Many years ago the Frontier Museum in Staunton asked me to come 
demonstrate for 2 days over the weekend.  I knew that the Museum had gotten a 
grant to solicit crafters and demonstrators.  However, they refused to give me 
any monetary consideration.  The drive is about 70 miles each way, making the 
total for 2 days almost 300 miles.  The admission to this Museum is not cheap 
either.  I do know that some demonstrators were paid from that grant.  The 
blacksmith and cooper for example.  I was told that "they make a living doing 
that so they expect a salary."  What am I, cottage cheese?  No thank you.

However, the Reynolds Homestead (the home of the progentors of Reynolds 
Aluminum and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco) at Critz, Patrick Co. Virginia invites me 
twice a year to demonstrate in the parlor or on the porch - its my choice.  I 
travel 70 miles each way and do this willingly because they do not charge 
admission for their Spring Frolic and Open House.  I've been going there for so 
many years that now I can tell the history of Hardin and Julia Cox Reynolds to 
the visitors.  I and a weaver are invited to meet with the docents who come 
from the tobacco Reynolds estate in Winston-Salem, NC to meet the docents at 
Critz.  We have lunch, tell about what we do, and generally have a grand time.  
I am given a small stipend for this, but would do it willingly without any 
compensation except  enjoying the country beauty, quiet, and peace of this farm.

I also demonstrate at the Historic Fincastle Festival in Botetourt County, 
about 20 miles away.  I sit on the back porch of my friend's historic home and 
make lace for 2 days.  No admission is charged and I ask for nothing but a cup 
of tea which I can make myself in Bea's kitchen.  

In June, I've been invited to demonstrate at the Wilderness Museum in Pulaski 
Co., Virginia.  There will be a quilt show and the coordinator thought that it 
would be fun to show how quilt embellishments can be made.  She'll be tatting.  
That will be fun.  

As many of you know, Friend Husband Clive and I travel quite alot in our motor 
home.  We stop in an RV Park about 2 p.m., set-up, put out the awning, and I 
begin lacemaking.  It doesn't take long before I have several visitors checking 
out "tatting" and my getting lots of compliments.  "I could never do that!" 
Wonder if I can turn in those hourshum

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] free day at convention

2005-03-24 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
 Alice Howell wrote:

>Each host group sets the class profile for their conference.  --snip--

Yes, but with the concurrence of the Convention Oversight Committee - remember 
the new bylaw...

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia

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Re: [lace] Dollar vs GBP

2005-03-22 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Hummm - In order to ascertain that the cheese is still on my cracker, I had a 
look at my old check register - I kept everything from England  - Examples: 
I paid 10 GBP ($20) to Brian Suttie, the optometrist in Chesham, Bucks.  Rent 
was 135 GBP ($270).  So, Jean is right and the cheese *had* fallen off my 
cracker. I posted it backwards; should have posted 1 GBP to $2  the rate 
*is* about the same now as it was 1977...No need for further corrections.  
Sorry about the cross/exchange.

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA
From: Jean Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Betty Ann,
The exchange is the other way around now though. We get almost $2 for 
each British £.
Jean in Cleveland U.K.
On 22 Mar 2005, at 06:16, Clive and Betty Ann Rice wrote:
Betty Ann wrote:

.. but the exchange rate was near what it is now.  I recall counting $1 to 
2 GBP when I recorded 
> pound checks, and only came a bit ahead at the end of the month.  

> Clay wrote:
> --snip--
> ...We came to you when the dollar was
> strong, and now you can come to us and enjoy our big country while the
> dollar is weak.  I'm hoping this is a temporary situation, but I'm not
> betting on it for at least five or ten more years.

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[lace] Dollar vs GBP

2005-03-21 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
When we lived in England 1977-1981, we had one bank account with American 
Express in London and could write checks in USD or GBP. There wasn't any such 
thing as an ATM card then. It was a bit of a task to balance/check with 
statement every month, but the exchange rate was near what it is now.  I recall 
counting $1 to 2 GBP when I recorded pound checks, and only came a bit ahead at 
the end of the month.  Guess I'm used to 2-for-1 so don't feel the crunch when 
ordering anything from the Motherland.

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Clay wrote:
...We came to you when the dollar was
strong, and now you can come to us and enjoy our big country while the
dollar is weak.  I'm hoping this is a temporary situation, but I'm not
betting on it for at least five or ten more years.

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Re: [lace]Comments re Convention

2005-03-19 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Could have been but wasn't - One *could* shop on a non-class day, but would 
have to pay!  I don't pay to enter Wal Mart or Sears...  That Convention is 
past, I hear it was not a happy time for many, and I'm sure the IOLI Board now 
has the clout to oversee the planning...'nough said...lets move on...

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

>The business meeting could be moved to mid-week to make it easier for 
>part-week attendees to come.  I do agree about not being able to shop on a 
>non-class day, as there's so little time to shop on class days.

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Re: [lace]Comments re Convention

2005-03-18 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Yes, Clay and Others,

I very dismayed at last year's planning for Convention and chose not to go (I 
think the word used was "boycotted").  I complained to the Convention 
Committee, posted to Arachne, and most important of all, wrote to the IOLI 
Board with suggestions concerning a change in the By Laws that gives the IOLI 
Board more control over the Convention organization. I am pleased to say that 
there is now a Convention Oversight Committee chaired by IOLI Vice President.  
Any changes made in the Convention plans will have the approval of our IOLI 
Board (through the V.P.) and we can't complain with that.  Hooray!

My main objection to last year's Convention was that one might want to take 
classes only offered the first of the week, have to pay to shop the other days 
of the week, and loll around the hotel to attend the IOLI Business meeting at 
the end of the week.  Very poor planning in anybody's opinion.

We have officers that we elect to head IOLI and I know they listen to us.  They 
may be on the List or not, and I'm sure they don't want to have to go look at 
the Handbook to see if a commenter is a member of IOLI.  Therefore, IOLI 
members write/post to our officers if you have a plus or minus to say.  
Remember, they appreciate our positive comments as well as the negative. Hey, 
they run the show without monetary gain, just our undying gratitude.  

Can't wait for Convention this year...And, I like it the way it is...

Happy Lacemaking 
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Clay wrote:
> After what I think many regard as a very disappointing convention last hear 
> (where many
of us stayed away in droves...), 
>So it suggests to me that as a group, our informal group has a lot of
impact.  lots of people made up their minds about whether to go based on
information they had gleaned from our postings.  
>Certainly, we're already seeing that someone was listening
 - to us as Arachnids? - maybe... to us as members of IOLI?  not
as easily done, actually.  Our democratic process works, but I wonder if
our Arachne forum isn't doing more than we realize?

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Re: [lace] Jean to USA/IOLI

2005-03-18 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
From: Jean Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>1. Would I need something to prove that I have a steel knee joint?  

 Nah, they'll check you carefully and may look for the operation scar, but if 
you're concerned, just get your doctor to write a note on his letterhead that 
you have one.  

>2. What would be the reaction at US customs (or even the airlines) to me 
>carrying 11 different prescription drugs? 
 The last time we were in England, it was for 3 months so I had to take lots of 
medications 'cause I require many prescriptions - I had a special small bag - 
sort of a big purse with medications, prescriptions, and medical info such as 
doctor's name, diagnosis, etc. (we nurses are sticklers for detail)
Be sure all your medication is in its proper prescription bottle and any OTC 
(over the counter) drugs are in their original containers.  Have a paper copy 
of the prescriptions on your person.  Carry all drugs in carry on baggage.

>3. Would I get travel insurance - I understand my only hopes would be Saga
or Age Concern ( or it might be Help the Aged)?

 When our relatives and friends come from England, they always get a health 
insurance policy from their travel agency.  It is relatively inexpensive, so 
I'm told, and should you get ill and require medical treatment in the USA, it 
is VERY expensive.  And it is possible that one may not be allowed to leave the 
US if a bill is owed.

>They're just the more sensible questions, so in the end I decided that it was 
>just too much hassle (at least in my mind) and I'm not going.

Aw come on Jean, I will be looking forward to meeting you!  Go for it, Girl! It 
won't be difficult, you'll see!

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke Virginia USA

Jean in Poole

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Re: [lace] IOLI convention

2005-03-13 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Weronika,

I missed last year's IOLI in Harrisburg, PA, and it was the first I've missed 
in many years.  They've been held in the East, the West, and in between, and 
each one is the best money you'll ever spend, and the best time you'll ever 
have.  The cost is not expensive when you consider what you get.  The classes 
are taught by the best in the world. The vendors are to dream about, and the 
whole hotel is filled with Lacemakers.  There are often other hotel guests who 
soon get the gist of what we're about and are quite amazed!  The Bulletin gives 
you the agenda which doesn't vary much once you get registered.  They'll give 
you a day by day schedule when you check in and you'll find it easy to follow.

And this year, we're pleased that the hostess Guild has arranged a luncheon for 
us Spiders!  Isn't that great?  Thank you Rocky Mountain Lacers.

One of the best things about Convention is the comradre you will have with 
other lacemakers.  Always prepare to sit in the lobby, atrium, or wherever 
there is a spot light enough, and you are free, to do some bobbin lace for the 

As for affording it, I wrote my last will and testament long ago, "Being of 
sound mind, I spent it all."  Having a supportive husband helps as well.  Go 
for it, Gal - you won't regret it!

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA 

-Original Message-
From: Weronika Patena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Who's going to the IOLI convention this year?  And for people who've been
before, what's it like?  I'm thinking of going, but it is pretty expensive, now
that I've actually added it all up - do you think it's worth it?  

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[lace] You Go Girl

2005-03-11 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Lacemaker Jenny,

Hey Girl!  Lookin' Good!!

Not to worry...Those beginning strips will curl.  You're learning tensioning, 
placing the edge pins at the right angles, and manipulating the bobbins.  Also, 
remember, you do not have any pins to support the threads in the middle of the 
strip, so the threads have to give each other support.  I also agree with Lee 
Daly, the half stitch (a pain in the butt for support - I hate half stitch) 
probably lends itself to encourage curling.

Leave your lace on the pillow for awhile - that helps. You will never be fully 
recovered from the lace bug.  It is a chronic illness for which there is no 
recovery, no vaccination, no prescription except "more threeads, more bobbins, 
more pillows, more books..."

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] You Go Girl

2005-03-11 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Lacemaker Jenny,

Hey Girl!  Lookin' Good!!

Not to worry...Those beginning strips will curl.  You're learning tensioning, 
placing the edge pins at the right angles, and manipulating the bobbins.  Also, 
remember, you do not have any pins to support the threads in the middle of the 
strip, so the threads have to give each other support.  I also agree with Lee 
Daly, the half stitch (a pain in the butt for support - I hate half stitch) 
probably lends itself to encourage curling.

Leave your lace on the pillow for awhile - that helps. You will never be fully 
recovered from the lace bug.  It is a chronic illness for which there is no 
recovery, no vaccination, no prescription except "more threeads, more bobbins, 
more pillows, more books..."

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] Halcyon yarn lace kit

2005-02-28 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I stand corrected.  Sorry.

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Subject: Re: [lace] Halcyon yarn lace kit

 ...No, I would have said that a highly-respected member of the Lacemakers of 
Maine made recommendations for the kit...

From: Betty Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I believe Jeri Ames of Maine advised Halcyon yarns of Bath, Maine in their 
> putting the beginner's lacemaking kit together.  Dear Lacemakers,

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[lace] Halcyon yarn lace kit

2005-02-27 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I believe Jeri Ames of Maine advised Halcyon yarns of Bath, Maine in their 
putting the beginner's lacemaking kit together.  So...one knows that kit is 

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Subject: Re: [lace] Hello from a newbie (more)

 A kit from a lace supplier should be just fine, but stay away from kits 
sold by non-specialists (although I hear Halcyon yarns in the US has put 
together a decent kit).  

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Re: [lace] Rhiannon's work tiny address

2005-02-20 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Patty, How did you do that?  Never mind; I'm still roadkill on the Information 
Superhighway and could never do such. I am constantly amazed at the versatility 
of lacemakers!

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

-Original Message-
From: Patty Dowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Feb 20, 2005 1:11 PM
To: lace@arachne.com
Subject: [lace] Rhiannon's work tiny address


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Re: [lace] Re webshots

2005-02-20 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Thank You, Carolina...It worked!

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

>From: "Carolina G. Gallego" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Here it is the link:
>If does not work for you. Enter the home page of Webshots and click on 
>Search box: Arachne
>Once inside, click on Rhiannon's creations

Carolina. Barcelona. Spain

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[lace] Re webshots

2005-02-19 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
>>I would be very appreciative of any feedback..
>> http://community.webshots.com/scripts/editPhotos.fcgi?action=viewall&albumID=276800987

>I have tried to access this site on a couple of occasions but it just says the 
>page can't be found.
>Shirley in Corio,Oz.

I can't access it either. I know I am roadkill on the information superhighway, 
but I usually can "click" on when the URL is given. 

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] Needlelace pillows

2005-01-27 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I don't do needlelace, but my friend used a pressing ham - those hard packed 
ham-shaped things that all  dressmakers have in our sewing rooms.  

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace]cookie pillow

2005-01-24 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Christina in Virginia,

Welcome aboard!  If you're ever in this area, do drop in.  I've been lacemaking 
since 1977 and taught the original members of the Cardinal Lace Guild in 
Lynchburg to make bobbin lace.  I learned at the "Pillow of the Masters" in 
England.  You've got a super teacher in Susan who also learned at the "Pillow 
of the Masters" in England. 

To paraphrase your previous posting, "the class I will take at IOLI in 

No one is *guaranteed* a specific class. I understand that there were fewer 
attendees at IOLI in Pennsylvania last year and everyone got the classes they 
preferred.  That is not always the case.  We will register by March 1st and 
give our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th choices for classes.  It is best to wait until 
you are notified which class (es) you have "won" before getting your supplies.  
I have been attending IOLI Conventions for many years (until I chose to not 
attend in 2004) and I would not presume any class until I am notified.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Cause of Lace

2005-01-21 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Gentle Spiders,

Any lacemaker worth a reel of cotton should have the*Digital Archives of 
Documents Related to Lace* Volumes 1 through 4 in her/his library, and 
anxiously awaiting Volume 5.  I have spent many a pleasurable hour perusing 
them and can't wait for Volume 5.  The cost is nominal and the contents cannot 
be surpassed.  If you don't have any or all of them, why don't you treat 
yourself to a Valentine present?  You love you - don't you?

We are eternally indebted to Tess and the Professor for making these CDs 
available to us. Thank you both for your dedication in the Cause of Lace.

Usual disclaimers.

Happy Scanning, Tess,

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA where it is happily snowing as I write...
-Original Message-

.By the way, I have just had CDs1&2 reprinted, so we now have plenty in 
of all four CDs.   And yes, we are working on number 5!

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Re: [lace] Roseground Supplies

2005-01-13 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Right, Jean, I'm 71 years old (but that's better than the alternative), and my 
will begins, "Being of Sound Mind, I spent it all."  I shall order books, 
bobbins, make lace, give it away, wear it when and where I please, and the 
Devil can take the Hindmost.  

By the way, I haven't asked for a Roseground Catalogue yet. I'll just wait for 
IOLI Convention and save postage. Pat and David should be in Australia by now, 
and I'm sure Pam has everything under control. 

Happy Lacemaking,

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA where the temp has been in the 60sF but 
flood warnings are out now because of heavy rain
-Original Message-
From: Jean Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Got Roseground Supplies new catalogue this morning. ...

 know I've been told that, at my age (I'm only 61 for goodnes sake!), it's 
time I
started clearing out rather than keep accumulating, but I intend to leave
this life with 2 pence in my bank account!

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[lace] Re: Lace Guild Newsletters on Professor's Site?

2004-12-31 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I need not orate my "discussion" at Jeri's invitation since Tamara has written 
my opinion so eloquently.  You go, Girl!  

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA where it is warm and not at all like January.

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[lace] IOLI Bulletin

2004-12-30 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Usually I get the IOLI Bulletin, scan it a bit, and wait until I have a quiet 
cup of tea to peruse it.  Not today!  Tamara you are a delight, and I concur 
with the honoured Professor that you do write well.  I also concur with T about 
Devon's article; just delightful.  Everything about the Bulletin is excellent.

If there are any Gentle Spiders who don't belong to IOLI, you're missing 

The Convention in Denver is already making me yearn for July.  I have already 
filled out my registration and am deciding on which classes and tours to take.  
The Arachne luncheon is a given.  Thanks Rocky Mount Lace Ladies. Looks like 
you have done well. 

Later I'll write about our visit last September to Robin and Russ in 
McMinnville, Oregon and the day we spent at the Lace Museum in Sunnyvale, 

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA  

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[lace] Demonstrating

2004-12-18 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Diana.Pickford writes:
>Betty Ann in Roanoke Virginia said, "Many years ago I demonstrated lace at a 
>"Craft Fair" in my hometown - only
>'cause it *was* my hometown. One of the comments that has stayed with me came 
>from a teenager who stood 
>and watched me do bobbin lace for awhile then said, "Goly! I'd bet you'd 
>get five dollar a yard fer that stuff!"  >That was my last "Craft Show" 
Liz in London writes: 
>It's all part of the fun!!! of demonstrating.  Personally, there were two 
>things I liked doing at a reenactment - cooking or making lace - and making 
>meant that I got pieces finished that I wouldn't have found the time to do 
>else where because when else do you get two whole days to make lace and people 
>bring you food whilst you do it!!

I surely wasn't negating demonstrating lacemaking *anywhere* when I made my 
comment about doing so at "Craft Fairs."  I love being able to sit and make 
lace all day, have all the attention focused on my art, and enjoy conversations 
with the passer-bys. Lunch is usually included and sometimes I get a stipend 
for my travel expenses.

With all the other facets of my life, volunteerism, UDC work, charting family 
cemeteries, genealogy, study of the American Civil War, and travel, I pick and 
choose my own pleasure.  I have only so many days I can devote to 
demonstrating, so I choose historic homes and historic venues over the craft 
fairs.  I don't actively recruit anyone as a student of bobbin lace; if they 
are interested, I give them a card and they can contact me.  I also give them a 
ball park figure of the cost of pursuing this art. 

The Blue Ridge Lace Guild has two "beginner pillow starter sets" with 
everything included and each is lent for 2 months; instruction included. They 
have to put a deposit on the equipment. During that time, I used to help the 
student make (or made it alone) a pillow, lending them bobbins, thread, pins, 
pricker, card, etc. Then I decided that I wanted to spend more time making lace 
and less making pillows, I began telling the prospective students up front what 
they'd be expected to order from the vendors during the time they were using 
the loaner kit, and I guided them in the selection of pillows, thread, bobbins, 
etc. from the vendors catalogues.  Works for me!
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia 24019
Just my $2 worth; I don't come cheap


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[lace] Lace on ebay

2004-12-14 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Loreli said:
What makes me apoplectic with rage is when somebody asks me what price I
would want for a piece of lace I'd made, and I give them the hours times $10
Many years ago I demonstrated lace at a "Craft Fair" in my hometown - only 
'cause it *was* my hometown. One of the comments that has stayed with me came 
from a teenager who stood and watched me do bobbin lace for awhile then said, 
"Goly! I'd bet you'd get five dollar a yard fer that stuff!"  That was my 
last "Craft Show" demonstration.  I only demonstrate at historic homes or 
charitable events which aren't usually frequented by those who want to purchase 
a wooden spotted cow to put in the front yard. 

Trying to educate these dolts is a losing proposition so I prefer to not have 
to deal with them, and at my age I can deal with whom I please...

However, I once bartered with my lace.  I got a lovely scarf for a wedding 
garter. My friend spun the wool and wove the scarf and got a wedding garter for 
her future DIL.  

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke Virginia

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Re: [lace] Guild Info needed

2004-12-06 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
From: Ruth Rocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Dec 6, 2004 9:35 PM

My hubby and I will be moving shortly after the first of the year to the 
Dayton Ohio area. I've contacted the IOLI director for that region but 
she didn't know right off  if there were any guilds in that area. So I 
thought I'd ask here. Do any of you know of any in that area? Ruth in OK

Ruth, Get an Atlas, the IOLI Directory, and you'll get the best answer to your 
query.  The IOLI person you contacted would have to go to the Directory to look 
it up, so you can do it at your leisure. You'll see by the Atlas that Dayton is 
just a few miles on I-70 to the Indiana line.  Is your husband is the Air Force 
and being posted to Wright-Patterson? If so, you might find some lacemakers on 
base - a posting in Family Services or the community room might bring results.  
Good luck, and keep us posted.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA - which is one day's drive from Dayton - 
wish we were closer...

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Re: [lace] Greetings from Michigan tatter

2004-11-29 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Hey, Jana, I was ready and willing - Tamara and I discussed it at length, then 
heard nothing more.  I'm not on Chat, so if you discuss it again on Chat, copy 
to me.  I even had a bunch of the Lacey Nudes sold to friends (^_^) who would 
pay a price to see me in the buff with a lace pillow...The doggy calendar is 
great - I looked at the sneak preview.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Conservative Roanoke, Red State of Virginia

-Original Message-
From: Jana Nicol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Too bad David Downunder and I couldn't talk y'all into the nude lace 
calendar. I did one of nude women with dogs, you can check it out at 
www.sillydogproductions.com. It's really funny (and tasteful)!

Jana in Michigan
(aka Miss February)

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[lace] I'm Away!

2004-08-11 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Friends,

Clive and I are leaving tomorrow, and I am unsubscribing from Lace as soon as I post 
this. I have received such welcoming invitations from lacemakers everywhere.  You are 
a generous, hospitable group, and we thank you.  If possible, I'll ring some of you 
and who knows? Maybe we can meet even for a cup of tea in the RV Park!  Goodby until 
mid to late October - have to get back by November 2nd to Vote!

Happy Lacemaking and Thank you all,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Travels

2004-08-08 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Clive and I are leaving Roanoke on Thursday, August 12, in RV-w/car-in-tow. We'll go 
to Maine for a family reunion, across Canada to BC to visit friends in Richmond then 
through Washington, Oregon and into California for the USS Oklahoma City ship reunion 
in San Jose the weekend of Sept 24, 25 & 26.  

I surely will visit the Lace Museum in Sunnyvale (I got their newsletter yesterday) 
and if we should be in the area of a lace gathering, I'd love to stop in and say 
"Hello."  I'll travel with IOLI Handbook,  but no computer, so should any lacemaker 
want to send me a contact should we be in your area, I'd love it.  We have no time 
schedule except the last of Sept., and no agenda, and will be free as the 
birdsAnd, you don't have to dust should I be invited!

I will unsubscribe to Lace on Wednesday.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] I'm being a bit dim here ...

2004-08-08 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Jen, If you scroll past the signature on any lace or lace-chat posting, you will find 
directions to unsubscribe, then use the same directions to subscribe, changing the 

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Roseground

2004-08-08 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I must chime in here about the bobbin I ordered from Roseground...

Pam Sharples, Pat Hallam's daughter, is running the bobbin part of the business, and I 
ordered the D-Day bobbin as soon as it was available.  It is exquisite.  I chose the 
wooden one, and the minute painting of the landing scene is amazing.  Pam beaded it 
with beading that is the color of the sand with gold spacers.  It is beautiful; a real 

The National D-Day Memorial, dedicated in 2003, is located just 20 miles east of 
Roanoke in Bedford. There is another story about Bedford and the D-Day landing, but 
not for "Lace."

I know that the former Springetts/Fountain bobbin shop is in good hands.

Usual disclaimers - Pat or Pam didn't solicit this posting, and I'm not getting any 
freebies :)

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] political statements

2004-07-27 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
To Susan in FL and Other Spiders,

My comment, "who is *very* happy to see T's signature," was not an endorsement of her 
political views. Which, I might add, are directly opposite from mine.  I merely meant 
that I was *very* happy to see T back safely from her travels.  Susan, you're making 
much ado about nothing.  Did you used to live in Tennessee?

Betty Ann

-Original Message-
Subject: Re: [lace] political statements

In a message dated 7/27/04 1:05:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  who is *very* happy to see T's signature, >>

It is upsetting to those who support the current administration, and pleasing 
to those who support the candidate running against him.  If the lace list 
wants to be divided in that way,  then I'll be unsubbing.  I have no dog in that 
hunt, and just loathe the hurt feelings and sniping that goes with politics. 
Susan in FL

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RE: [lace] travel pillows

2004-07-27 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Whoever got that travel pillow from you is very lucky.  I got the last two of them
that Russell (SMP) had for students of mine.  I think the lady who made them
for him had to stop.  I love mine.

I took Pat Hallam's Travel Pillow class at IOLI in Indianapolis and got the title of 
"Glue Queen" because I hate glue and I failed glue class in kindergarten.  I did 
finish the pilliw though, and like to use it for wider lengths of lace.  It only has 
roller, no square.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

From: "Panza, Robin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I used to have two travel pillows.  One I recently sold (I'm moving and
*really* need to prune) was a really nice box from SMP in England.  The base
was a square and had a block that could be replaced by a roller. .

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RE: [lace] political statements

2004-07-26 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
She was probably referring to Tamara's signature referring to a No Carb diet...

Betty Ann in Roanoke who is *very* happy to see T's signature, No Carb or HI Carb.

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Re: [lace] travel pillows

2004-07-26 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Eileen, I probably am not a good person to answer this because I rarely ever fly, and 
when FH (Friend Husband) and I travel, we do so in our motor home and tow a car.  I 
have space to take whatever I want and take whatever I am working on.  I have a couple 
of travel pillows and I use regular midland bobbins with them. I've also taken my 24 
inch straw pillow in the RV.  I have a folding stool from Wal-Mart that has a home 
behind the couch and my lace stand can be housed beside the DVD player in that closet. 

My idea of camping is our own loo, our own queen bed, and a micro/convection oven with 
central air and heat
FH Clive and I are leaving mid August and will be in San Jose, California, traveling 
S. from BC, in September.  Where are you in Northern CA?

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Eileen Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
Since it's summer and many people are traveling, I was wondering:
1. What kind of pillow do you travel with? (travel pillow?)
2. Do you use travel bobbins?
3. Is there any problem going through airport security with a million pins?

Thanks for your help,
Eileen in northern California

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Re: [lace] Asking lace questions

2004-07-26 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Naw, Alice, it's a courgette, but you're in the ball park.  A marrow is a summer 
squash and bigger than a courgette. I do miss my kitchen garden.  I only have elephant 
garlic and jerusalem artichokes.
Betty Ann

...Alice in Oregon -- headed out to the church garden in search of a zuchini.
  (That's a marrow to you across the pond, I think.) 

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[lace] IOLI

2004-07-26 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Welcome back, T, and it is fun to read your funny account of your trip and workshop.  
We've missed you.  And David, my love, it is great to see your posting as well.  Maybe 
I'm missing stuff by not being on "Chat" and this probably should be there. No...it 

All IOLI members need to download the proposed revision of IOLI Bylaws at 
www.internationaloldlacers.org and read them.  The Bylaws Committee has worked 
diligently to bring us a document that will determine how our organization is 
structured, defines the rights and authorities of all the members, and determines how 
those rights and authorities can be exercised. 

Sharon Broughton, Chairman with Marion Jones and Bette Manfre have done an excellent 
job and I'm sure it took lots of patience, hard work, and deep thought.  We are very 

The Convention Guidelines Committee, led by VP Louise Colgan with Debby Jenny, Shirley 
Stone, and President JoAnn Eurell, has developed a Convention Manual.  This Manual 
will assure our having future Conventions that will conform to an acceptable standard 
and under the ultimate control of our IOLI leaders. We elect these leaders, support 

You will be voting on the acceptance of the revised bylaws at the Convention in 
Harrisburg.  Remember, if you do not read and understand them, you only have yourself 
to blame for chaos. I have read this document and agree with every Article and Section 
of it.  It should pass without dissent. If anyone feels the need to "tweak" something 
during the discussion before the vote, don't "tweak" less you destroy the document.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia
Giving her $2 worth; I don't come cheap..

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Re: [lace] Arachne meeting at the IOLI Convention

2004-07-22 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I got spiders for our name tags at IOLI in Hackensack, NJ last year.  I found them at 
Wal-Mart in the craft section, but haven't had a look for them this year since I'm not 
going to Harrisburg.  Someone who is going might have a look at the local craft store 
or Wal-Mart.  I *will* have spiders in Denver next year, thoughI still have a 

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

-Original Message-
From: Jane Viking Swanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Last year in Ithaca Tamara had stick on
spiders for our nametags, that helped with identification.  

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[lace] Inspired by Lace

2004-07-21 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Gentle Spiders,

When Noelene let us know that she had finally gotten her book of poetry, *Inspired by 
Lace*  ready to share with us, I checked the exchange rate, went to my Pay Pal 
account, and ordered a copy.  Nolene put it in the post immediately and it seemed to 
have arrived overnight!  What a treat!

The "little book of lace-inspired poems" (to use Noelene's description) tells our 
story with humor and excellent insight.  We can see ourselves on every page.  Thank 
you Noelene for having this printed and making it so convenient for us to obtain. You 
are so talented.

No lacemaker should be without *Inspired by Lace* because it tells our story with 
humor and understanding; great fun... (usual disclaimers)

Happy Lacemaking
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Knitted Lace Book

2004-07-01 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Spiders,

In reply to someone's question about a recommendation for a lace knitting book, I like 
Marianne Kinzel's *First Book of Modern Lace Knitting*  ISBN 0-486-22904-1 

This book has excellent illustrations and technique descriptions. For the patterns in 
the book, she has charts as well as written instructions.  I bought my copy from 
Amazon last year for a pittance.

The 1972 edition that I have is a Dover book and written on the copyright page is, " 
This Dover edition, first published in 1972, is a corrected republication of the work 
originally published in 1954 by Artistic Needlework Publications in England.  It also 
contains a new Preface by the author."

A Dedication (by the author), "To England refuge through centuries of the persecuted, 
the proscribed, the people without a country, where my husband and I sought haven in 
exile and found most happily a welcome, a country, and a home."  This is enough for me 
to love this book!  I wonder if Mrs. Kinzel is still with us

Happy Knitting,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] hazard of lace addiction

2004-06-30 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I wit cha, Alice, (^_^)

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

From: Alice Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

They don't have to figure out how to store all those pillows and bobbins when not 
in active use. 

Loving every minute of it...
Alice in Oregon 

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[lace] I'm Away

2004-06-12 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I'll be away for the coming week and will unsubscribe as soon as I post this message.  
Tamara (Arachne) and Suzie (UDC-L) please do let me know of any earthshaking 
developments I need to know from the lists. Thanks.

Any private postings will be attended to when I return at the end of next week.  
Everyone stay happy and (^_^)

Luv, Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke, Virginia USA
  aka dixiedolace

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Re: [lace] Applicant for Arachne-7--anyone dixiedolace?

2004-06-11 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Hey, that's me!  Not a spammer! I thought I had to have a yahoo address, so I gave 
them that... When I got a reply back, it came to my "Alternate address" which is what 
I thought I had to have a yahoo address!  Have had no mail addressed to dixiedolace, 
but that's me and how can I cancel it???
P.S. that was a smashing Lace Day in Chapel Hill.  Thanks to the Sir Walter Raleigh 

Thinking I had it right
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

-Original Message-
From: Susan Lambiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jun 11, 2004 9:41 AM
Subject: [lace] Applicant for Arachne-7--anyone dixiedolace?

I've had an application from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to join Arachne-7. 
This isn't an address that subscribes to lace, lace-chat, or either 
digest, and a direct reply to that address hasn't gotten me a response. 
Anyone here recognize or claim that alias--and could someone please 
forward this to lace-chat in case it's a chat-only person? While I 
don't want to keep anyone out, I also don't want to let in some cunning 
and unscrupulous spammer

For those who have wondered, it is *not* necessary to have or acquire 
a yahoo.com address to sign up on a Yahoo group, and if you have already 
done so but would prefer your e-mail to go to the same address as your 
Arachne correspondence I will be happy to send you very detailed 
instructions on how to change that. We have a nice bunch of people 
signed up already but always welcome more!

Best wishes,
Susan Lambiris
Raleigh, NC

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Re: [lace] found people

2004-06-10 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Merlene, I have heard that you're having a "sensible" (my word) Convention, and if so, 
I'll be there with bells on.  
'couse I doubt if I'd be missed anyway. 

Happy Conventing 2005
Betty Ann, Certified Curmudgeon

From: Merlene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jun 10, 2004 6:37 PM
Subject: [lace] found people

...We are working on the 2005
Convention and teachers make the convention.  We hope
to see you all here.


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Re: [lace] Re: Noelene's booklet

2004-06-07 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I just got back on [EMAIL PROTECTED] tonight after an absence of 6 weeks (I'm not back 
on Chat yet), and want to know what about Nolene's booklet.  Is it ready for sale, am 
I to preorder, how do I get one?  Anxious to find out the details...I have sheets of 
her poems that she posted, but *I want the whole thing!*

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke, Virginia USA where it is cooler than London, England

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[lace] Unsubscribing

2004-04-18 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I will be unsubscribing Lace and Lace-chat later tonight.  My dear friend from 
Chesham, Bucks is arriving tomorrow and we shall collect her at Dulles Airport near 
Washington, DC.  She is here only for 10 days, and I'll be back on the lists after she 
leaves.  I'll be reading private messages, though.

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Re: Lace "Rare" Lacemakers Oil Lamp

2004-04-10 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Diana and Others,

I experimented with my "Lacemaker's Lamp from the National Park Service," and given 
the size of the globe and by experimenting with the candle at different heights, I did 
get a bright spot in my lace pillow. My eyes, having been attuned to an Ott light, 
would be hard pressed to work much lace by that light.  A bigger globe would have 
given a bigger spot of light, of course.  The NPS Lacemaker's Lamp is a conversation 
piece and the Blue Ridge Lace Guild gave one as a wedding gift to one of our members 
soon after I got mine.  My catalogue is dated 1998-1999.

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

From: Diana Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Apr 9, 2004 5:56 PM

Some years ago I experimented by filling one of these lamps with water then
lined up candle, lamp and pillow - couldn't see a thing ;)))

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Re: [lace] Rare Lacemakers Lamp on E-bay

2004-04-08 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Yes, Donna, They make them with and without the handle.  Depends where they are blown 
- Jamestown or Williamsburg as well as the whim of the glassblower, I suppose.  The 
one I saw last year in the NP had no handle; mine does.  

>From: Paul and Dona Bushong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Apr 9, 2004 12:17 AM

>Hi Betty Ann,
>I also have one of these reproductions from NPS at Jamestown, VA, except
>that mine has a handle

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Re: [lace] Interesting item on eBay web site item# 3285954173: Rare LACEMAKER'S OIL LAMP

2004-04-08 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I bought the same thing from the National Park Service (USA) some years ago for around 
$45.  Mine also has the exact same "Pontil mark" on the bottom and is the exact same 
size as described by the seller.  The National Park Service also sells them with a 
wick and a metal cover, also described by the seller.  She/he apparently got all their 
information from the NPS.  No amount of persuasion by me could get the Park Service to 
change their description or stop selling them as patio lamps, even though they are 
described as "18th Century reproduction of a Lacemaker's Lamp."  I kept the catalogue 
from which I bought the lamp so I am certain of my description.

They are handblown in Jamestown and Williamsburg, Virginia for the NPS.

I can't remember which National Park gift shop I was in last year (FH Clive and I go 
to alot of Civil War battlefields managed by the NPS) and they had the lamps in the 
gift shop for around the same price, including the wick, if I recall.

Lordy, someone will think they have a rare antique (3 of them??) and pay foolishly for 

With Mouth Agape,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Apr 8, 2004 4:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: [lace] Interesting item on eBay web site item# 3285954173: Rare  LACEMAKER'S 

>This seller has three rare lacemaker's lamps for sale!
>It does look like what I think is the real thing.  Pretty pricey 

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Re: [lace] making a roller

2004-03-28 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Ann-Marie,

I have made roller (bolster) pillows for my lace class, and Friend Husband made 
table-top frames for them to sit in. I went to the local carpet shop and got the 
rollers the carpets come rolled on.  They are made of *heavy* stock about 1/2 inch 
thick, 4 to 6 inch diameter, and hollow in the middle, and they are free! FH cut them  
into the proper lengths in his wood shop.

I wound them with strips of felt I bought by the yard at the fabric store.  I have 
found that good quality felt works well as a padding; stretch it well and use strips 
not so wide as the base 'cause it will stretch easier.  If one has an old wool blanket 
or coat, the last few winds can be wool, but the felt alone is fine "on my watch!"  
Then cover it with muslin followed by the final cover.

I don't particularly like bolster pillows and still have a couple in my pillow stash.  
Handy to have tho should I ever decide to do a 15 inch wide piece of lace ...

Lori probably has a roller (bolster) pillow directions on her web site.

Happy rollering,
Betty Ann in Roanoke Virginia USA

Ann-Marie Lördal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
Subject: Re: [lace] making a roller 

At 01:29 AM 3/28/2004, you wrote:

>  I am making a roller pillow as the ones I have are not wide enough. I have
>  started with a swim noodle and added extensions of the same kind to make it
>  thicker. But I need to make it even thicker! What is the best way to do?

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Re: [lace] re: [lace-chat] doo-dad by David..or Manie?

2004-03-11 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I posted my correction; Bev must have not seen it.  

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Hi everyone (and David)(and Manie)

When David said he hadn't contributed the instructions for the pillow
tidy...I began to wonder if it had been Manie in South Africa that the
correspondent had been thinking of -...

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[lace] Re: doodad for pillows "pillowtidy"

2004-03-09 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I stand corrected!  The pillow tidy I used was from Manie  instead of
David, and is the one on Lori's website! With two such wonderful
gentlemen friends, I *cannot be forgiven for mixing up what I got from
whom! I don't believe David printed one of the pillow tidys. Anyway, the
one I use is the one on Lori's website.  The correct URL is:


With eyes downcast in shame,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] Re: Elizabeth Kurella books

2004-03-03 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Ah, but Diane,
Elizabeth did not have *The Secrets of Real Lace; Is It Handmade or Machine*
when we were with her at Sweet Briar College last September.  That was when I
began the search for a copy. Did you google a copy of the particular book I
wanted?  If you found it, your google is better than mine

Happy Lacemaking
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Diane Z wrote:

> Elizabeth Kurella has a web site www.elizabethkurella.com where her books
> are available.  I also just googled her and there are a few listings of
> shops that are carrying her books.

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Re: [lace] Gotcha!

2004-03-02 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Huh! Tamara, who do you know in the US Postal Sorting Service!  Mine should be
here as well, but isn't.  Maybe tomorrowMy Lace couldn't be far behind.
Betty Ann

Tamara P. Duvall wrote:

> My issue of Lace came today (via Switzerland, afterall, not India or
> China )

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[lace] Hooray!

2004-03-02 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Clay and other Gentle Spiders,

I have had Amazon.com looking for Elizabeth Kurella's book, *The Secrets
of Real Lace: Is It Handmade or Machine* since last fall.  Persistence
has paid off and I have just been notified that I HAVE IT!!

Just had to share the good news.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] Optical illusions

2004-02-23 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Since I haven't gotten Lace 113 yet, I had a look at Lace 96, and the Bucks
stars *can* look like blocks!  Now I'll be anxious to see Lace whenever it gets

Happy lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA
Jacqueline Bowhey wrote:

> ...Have a look at the Tumbling Blocks on page 33 in Lace 113. They do look
> like
> blocks. Right?
> Then look at the Bucks Stars on page 35 in Lace 96. They do look like stars.
> Right? Now look at them with one eye. They look like blocks. Right?

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[lace] Re: Machine on e-bay

2004-02-18 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Mary, who seems to be having a time replying to the list, asked me to
post this to the list...
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Mary Derrick wrote:

I am having no luck getting on the spider web site and there is an
article that a few are questioning what is it.  I went to google and
typed in the name of James Moffat Yeovil and had to scroll down a bit
but it is a late 19th century Yeovil Glovemakers sewing machine.  Pass
that on for me.

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Re: [lace] How to describe BL

2004-02-13 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Jane, how about "the pins support the threads that form the pattern."

Betty Ann

Jane Viking Swanson wrote:

> ... while the pins hold the *shape* of the pattern"?  Or hold the stitches.

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Re: FW: [lace] Take Camera Discussion to Chat, Please

2004-01-30 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Jean, please don't go off the list, and you need not apologize, because of one
person's opinion.  I affirm that your question DOES fit the criteria for
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Jeri does come off as self-determining and judgemental, but
it is her opinion, not the opinion of most of us, I am sure.

Happy Posting; keep it up,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Jean Peach wrote:
>My apologies for putting this onto lace, I happen to have
>1000 lace pictures that I DON'T want to loose,  I won't
>bother to post on Arachne again I will come off the list.
>I also have hundreds of lace photos that I have taken over
>the years that need to be looked after.

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Re: [lace] Re: expensive bobbin

2004-01-27 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Tamara, the seller was in Richmond, *not* the buyer. For those who don't know,
the Valentine is in Richmond...

There used to be lacemakers in Richmond and around Richmond.  Back in the 80s,
they hosted a Chesapeake Regional Lace Day in Richmond (it was just outside
Richmond at Short Pump).  I remember Christine and Carol Burley; Christine
taught bobbin lace in Richmond, but her name is not in CRLG directory any more,
and I don't go to their Lace Days to find out where everyone is.  I recall that
Christine had some lovely bobbins. Wonder if that was one of hers?  Wonder where
she is?

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA
Certified Curmudgeon

Tamara P. Duvall wrote:

> On Jan 27, 2004, at 7:35, Clay Blackwell wrote:
> > Just thought some of you might like to see the most
> > expensive bobbin in the world!  It sold last night for
> > $511.77!
> To someone in Richmond, VA. In the 6 yrs I've been judging lace entries
> in the VA State Fair (which takes place in VA's capital -- Richmond),
> there's never been a single entry from that city. There's -- to my
> knowledge -- no lace group in that city;

>  ..Though, I suspect, her next step is likely to be to donate the bobbin to
> the Valentine Museum and claim a tax deduction

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Re: [lace] Re: patterns

2004-01-22 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I agree with those who want full-sized patterns for the same reasons Tamara
has.  It's not because we're obsessive; we're both LIBRAS and like balance and

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Tamara wrote:

>In general, I prefer patterns in full size; as someone else has
>mentioned, enlarging "dilutes" them. It also enlarges the pin-dots,
>making it more difficult to prick accurately (yeah, I know y'all think
>I'm nuts to insist on half mm accuracy, when some of you don't
>pre-prick at all, but there's no reasoning with an obsessive

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Re: [lace] Lace Crafts Quarterly... on ebay

2004-01-22 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I have all the Lace Crafts magazines that were published.  It was a marvelous
quarterly published in Tallahassee, FL by Elaine Sein.  I don't recall why she
quit publishing, but she did ask me to submit an article but I never got around
to it.

The Premier Issue was Winter 1987 and the last one was Fall of 1992.  I
subscribed after I found it on the local news stand and liked it so much that I
bought all the previously published issues.

The last issues, Vol. 5, Nos. 1, 2, & 3 were 8½ inches wide and 14 inches tall
and were labeled *Designs from the Past,* and printed on a beige coarse paper.
They didn't fit in my book case (too tall) and many of the articles were not
complete with pattern working directions stoping in the middle of a sentence.
However, I treasure the magazines and they would be worth bidding on if I didn't
have them.

The newsstand price was USD $5.95 for the Premier Issue and $5.00 for the rest
of them.  The last issues, Designs of the Past, were $3.95.  I don't recall the
subscription price; I got these prices from the covers. This will give you a
comparison.  They're worth more now, I can guarantee.

Usual disclaimers,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Clay Blackwell wrote:

> Does anyone on the list remember this magazine?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3581971802&category=1140

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Re: [lace] IOLI Convention

2004-01-20 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I had meant to say no more about my not attending this year's IOLI Convention,
but some have misunderstood my boycott. Here's the skinny about my stand:

1. I object to having a 12 hour class on two days, i.e. the class I would hope
to take would be 6 hours on Monday and Tuesday.

2. It is very tiring for some of us, regular supporters of IOLI and attendees of
past Conventions, with chronic illness plus some years under our skin, to go for
6 hours a day when the classes could have been scheduled 3 hours a day for 4
days. Always was before.

3. I would have to stay in the hotel until Friday to be able to attend the AGM
and banquet.  Sure, I could take more classes, but I only want to learn what I
have time to master, and what I WANT to learn.

4. I would have no admittance to sales room  *without a fee,* except on the days
I am registered for class.

5. I have NO OBJECTION to the prices charged except for the sales room fee noted
above.  I can afford the Convention, I can afford to stay in the hotel for a
week or a month, I can afford to take more classes, and I can afford to make

6. I don't want more classes and I don't want to hang around the hotel paying to
shop on the days I'm not in class just to attend the IOLI AGM and banquet.

5. I am using "boycott" by abstaining from the 2004 Convention as a means of
forcing change. Look it up.

6. I am free; I can stay away; I can encourage change to this year's schedule; I
can influence you to do the same. I am American and I like George Bush

7. I am NOT advocating Keystone Lacers go in the hole financially to let me shop
if I'm not in class.  That's ludicrous.

8. The scheduling of classes of previous IOLI Conventions was "not broken so why
fix it."

9. Many of you who are posting, "don't have a dog in the fight" - if you support
the way this Convention is planned, then go.  By the way, join IOLI as well...

As Ever, Still Boycotting Betty

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Re: [lace] Convention planning

2004-01-18 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Thank you, Ruth, for sending us your experience with the 2004 IOLI Convention
Committee. You are an expert, I believe, in teaching Lace 2000 computer
designing.  I had heard indirectly about the forms for tutors to submit for this
year's convention, and am pleased you let us know directly.

Clay, you have asked a question that we to which we would all like to have an
answer.  Does this committee have ANY defense for their actions?  Apparently
they didn't seek the advice of the IOLI Board, and yet IOLI is supposed to feed
the kitty when the cat food sack is almost empty...

> It would be a matter of curiosity for me to know the
> credentials of the conference committee members with regard
> to their experience in IOLI conventions specifically, and
> their awareness of the needs and wishes of the members of
> IOLI in general.  Given the scrutiny they chose to apply to
> potential teachers, they surely wouldn't object to
> publicizing that information, if asked
> ...  If the committee works without the consent or
> advice of the leadership, they should bear the burden of
> risk.

Boycotting Betty

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Re: [lace] IOL Convention-good developments

2004-01-17 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Devon and Other Prospective Convention Hosts,

I surely agree that these points you made are certainly a plus for the Convention
goers.  Rocky Mountain Lace Guild and future convention hosts,  take note

Betty Ann - The Curmudgeon who has the "Courage of her Convictions


> ... Keystone site and would like to point out three things that they are doing that I
> hope will be picked up by future conventions.
> 1. ... credit cards
> 2. ...all registrations received before March 1 as having arrived on March 1...
> 3. ... They have written very good descriptions of the skills that will be taught in
> the class

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Re: [lace] Vendors at IOLI convention

2004-01-16 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Kenn, I don't think the problem we're thinking about is the sales room being
open...it is that, for example, one registers for a 12 hour class, Monday and
Tuesday, 3 hrs am and 3 hrs pm.  One won't be allowed in the sales room *without
paying a fee* except for the days they have a class or meet the "color code" as
described in the Bulletin.
Betty Ann

Kenn Van-Dieren wrote:

> Traditionally the vendor room at the IOLI convention has had limited hours
> and is secured during the remaining hours.  As people register for class
> purposes few are about during the class hours and the vendor room is closed at
> that time
> So if you spot that "must have item" there are times available.  Or possibly
> a friend that will be there later.  And as all the vendors do mail order,
> this would work as a last resort.

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Re: [lace] Re: Question about Convention

2004-01-16 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
IOLI Bylaw, Article IX, Section 6 Convention Committee:
a. shall plan and and hold an annual convention.
b. a chairman shall be appointed by the Executive Board

Article VII, Section 4 duties of the First Vice President:
a. shall be chairman of a committee to establish convention sites.

Thus, these two bylaws do not spell out the actual duties of the Vice President.  The
Convention Committee Chairman, according to that bylaw, is to "plan and hold an annual
The First Vice President "shall be chairman of a committee to establish convention

Does this mean the Vice President (who is always First without stating the fact) is NOT
the Chairman of the Convention Committee but just approves the site? Is the Convention
Committee the local one who is to host the convention?

I was told by a couple of members of the Board that they only advised *if asked* by the
host Guild. And I understand that they were not asked and if advice was given, it was
not heeded.

That's why I shall submit a Bylaw amendment in a 3 column format, i.e. (1) the present
bylaw(s), (2) the rationale for amendment, (3) the proposed amendment.

Since I'm boycotting the Convention this year and I want to be present to speak, if
necessary, for approval of the amendment, I shall submit it at the 2005 Convention.  Be
warned, Gentle Spiders.

I have chaired conventions of a heritage organization that were 5 days with banquets,
luncheons, Historic evenings, business meetings, and many activities every day
including business meetings a.m. and p.m. There was a minimum of 350 in attendance;
some years more than 500.  However, I had to report my plans to the General or Division
Board, depending on which convention it was, for approval.

That's why we need the convention to be mandated "by law" to report to the IOLI Board
or their Committee for approval before the plans are published.

I'll shut up now, get off my soapbox, make lace and watch E! or Oxygen TV, the
smuttiest channels I can get without PPV...

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA


>  When we had 200 attendees in New Jersey in the previous NJ convention, I thought it
> remarkable that roughly 10 percent of the membership attended the convention. The
> most recent New Jersey convention had an attendence probably closer to 25%, which I
> consider an incredible figure. It seems oddly anachronistic that for an event so
> important to the members
> of the organization that there is so little input from the National Organization.
> One thing that has not been addressed in this conversation is whether it is
> fair to put one small group out there to take all the responsibility for a
> national convention. The local sponsoring group is not only making all the
> decisions but it is taking all the financial risk for a venture that now involves a
> lot of money. When a local group puts on the convention they don't have the benefit
> of having done so every year..

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Re: [lace] IOLI Convention

2004-01-16 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Yes, Robin, you can pay a fee to shop the days you are not in class. Debra
Bender, co-chair of the Convention quoted me $7.  That's like charging admission
to Wal Mart!

Betty Ann

Panza, Robin wrote:

> This seems poorly thought out to me.  If I'm taking class all day, that
> doesn't leave much time to shop!  I'd want to have an extra day before or
> after my class day(s) to shop.  I wonder if the committee can be persuaded
> to relax this rule, at least.  Can't people who enroll in shorter classes
> have one extra day to shop as part of their package?...

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[lace] Re: Question about Convention

2004-01-16 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Gentle Spiders,

The following is sent to the list in response to the many messages of support I have 
received about the Convention. It will explain that I did not go off in a sour
grapes mode, and it will save my sending privately to many of you.

I wrote privately to Debra Bender with a copy to Mary Derrick, my friend and the 
Southern Regional Director. This was after I got my IOLI Bulletin and analyzed the
classes, fees, rules, etc.

We heard rumors at last year's convention that the Convention would be a different 
format, but the Board could do nothing according to the Bylaws.  Apparently the
IOLI Convention Committee is in an advisory capacity only,
and only if asked.  I will propose a Bylaw change the next time I go to IOLI
Convention, you can be sure!  We need Convention and Class Guidelines!

I wasn't going to say anything, except personally to my friends. I maintained  that 
Keystone Lacers had the right to set the Convention classes as they wanted, and I
had the right to spend my money elsewhere.

Had Deb not sent the exact same reply to Mary Derrick, I would not have posted her 
message, sent to me, to the list without her permission. However, when I found
that a BCC (blind copy) was sent to Mary, I decided to go to the list.  I know I'll 
get a lot of flak for going to the list but I don't give a rat's tail...

Happily Boycotting,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Re: Question about Convention

2004-01-16 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Deb,

Thank you for replying to my inquiry, but since this year's Convention is geared
to those who cannot attend the whole week, I find that I will not attend at all.
This will be the first Convention I have missed in, I believe, 6 years.

The only class I am interested in is on Monday and Tuesday, 6 hours each day.  I
then would have to pay a hotel bill for the rest of the week in order to be able
to attend the banquet at the end of the week.

It is very intense to take 6 hours in 1 day. There is no time for "homework" in
which one can identify problem spots and have them ready for the next class.
THAT is the best use of the teacher.  I teach Bucks and Torchon, and I know the
importance of "homework."

I think this Convention is planned by someone who has never been to any IOLI
Conventions, and it is geared to one-time attendees and your local lacemakers.
Other IOLI members are disenfranchised.  I didn't start lacemaking intensely
until I was retired and had the time and funds to do it.

I will spend my Convention funds elsewhere.  And what do you mean? PAY $7 to
BUY?  You must be kidding! I doubt if I'll be the only one cancelling their plans
for IOLI Convention this year.  Many have voiced their concern to me privately,
and hopefully to you. I hope others join me in a boycott.

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA


> Hello Betty Ann,
> Thank you for taking the time to write and share your concerns.
> Expenses for the convention are considerably higher than in the past.
> Airfares, even for US teachers, have more than doubled since 2001. Because we
> must cover all the expenses for lodging, meals, transportation, etc. in
> addition to the teaching fees for each teacher, we have scheduled classes in
> such a way as to make the best use of each teacher’s time and expertise, as
> well as to minimize the costs that need to be passed on to each participant.
> In a survey taken last year, it was made quite clear to us that persons with
> limited time and income have been left out of the convention over the years.
> To that end, we are offering more classes at the end of the week and on the
> weekend to allow persons with limited vacation time, or time they can be away
> from their families, to participate.
> Any package, except the Fancy, can be upgraded or added on to. If you should
> decide to register for the 12-hour package, you can pay the additonal $7 for
> unlimited admission to the Sales and Exhibit Rooms.
> We trust that you can understand that a Convention Committee must meet the
> needs of a broad base of participants, while keeping an eagle’s-eye on the
> budget.
> Thank you again!
> Deb
> --
> www.keystonelaceguild.org

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Re: [lace] newest Bulletin

2004-01-13 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Thank you, Clay, for all your compliments...You are kind, and I can tell
that your first piece of lace was definitely not gauze bandage! You do
have a
way with words, tho.

For Goodness sake, I don't want anyone to feel crushed because I
hollered at
Janice for posting a synopsis of the latest IOLI Bulletin! Fact is,
asked who bit me?  I didn't mean any criticism, just a personal
observation.  I didn't have to read Janice's posting. She is a
delightful person
and a talented designer and lacemaker. I shall miss seeing her at IOLI
Convention in August.

Wasn't the IOLI Bulletin stunning?  Debra gets a "high ten" (five isn't
for every issue.  The pictures and articles are the best of the several
magazines that I receive. And I admire those who send articles,
pictures, and
patterns for publication.  I'm too lazy. I'm too old as well. Thank
goodness we
have Arachnid who do get published.  Love you all

A Certified Hillbilly FFV Curmudgeon,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA,

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Re: [lace] IOLI Bulletin

2004-01-12 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Unuh, it was me, the Certified Curmudgeon who wrote that posting, not Clay.  Credit 
where credit is due!

Love, Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Janice Blair wrote:

> Clay wrote:
>  You've given a synopsis of the magazine so we won't have any surprises!
> Next time I see the title I'll delete without reading the posting...>

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Re: [lace] Bulletin Volume 24, #2

2004-01-11 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Janice Blair wrote:

> I got my IOLI Bulletin yesterday and have had a bit of time to glance through it 
> today..

Well, Janice, now I don't have to read the Bulletin when it comes! You've given a 
synopsis of the magazine so we won't have any surprises! Next time I see the title 
I'll delete without reading the posting...

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Question

2004-01-02 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Thank you, Gentle Spiders, for all your suggestions of sources for
thread nets/Nifty nets. One thing is for sure, "You've got questions?
Arachne has answers!"
 I visited my local Viking Sewing Machine dealer today and found that
she has two sizes - *very* reasonably priced. There are also a couple of
mail order sources that I will investigate - less expensive than locally
and a good source for goody bag favors.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Question

2003-12-31 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Do you Gentle Spiders remember our getting a (for want of a better name
to call it) "thread holder" in a goody bag at a lace event?

The thingy is a tube of stretchable net that fits over a spool or tube
of thread.  So handy.  Does anyone know where this can be purchased?
Apparently it can be cut to any length, is a but stiff, but pliable.

This is about as clear as mud on a dark night, but can anyone help me?

Happy lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] Re: A T-shirt for the "in" crowd?

2003-12-15 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
O.K. Spiders, Lori gives us the solution for a top quality, perfectly executed
long-lasting shirt. Anyone who has seen Lori's work can attest to her ability.
Her prices are very reasonable as well.  Thanks, Lori, for posting.

Give Lori the idea, she can design the shirt, take the orders, do the work,
deliver the shirts, and we pay her.  Simple? You bet! I'm on board...

Lori is a business woman; it is her profession. No one in their right mind would
volunteer to furnish about $500 seed money for 100 tees (usual minimum order to
have a variety of sizes), have them printed, store, and mail them without
personal compensation, IMO.

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Lori Howe wrote:

> Yes I still do embroidered t-shirts. See here for designs I already
> have. I can also do custom designs.
> http://lace.lacefairy.com/Embroidered/Shirts.html
> Lori the Lacefairy

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Re: [lace] Re: A T-shirt for the "in" crowd?

2003-12-13 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Maybe this needs to be moved to "chat" but I'll not do it.  O.K. by me to be

I think Tamara has a smashing idea, and I have gotten tee shirts printed (3
color-all cotton-Hanes or Fruit of the Loom) for less than $5 apiece - that was
a couple of years ago; may be more now but I doubt it. The reason the
"home-made" tees don't do for the long haul is because the commercially made
ones are screen printed from the design and I believe they are sealed with
extreme steam or heat (I could be wrong, but think that is the reason).

One has to choose a good, commercial tee shirt printer, and the initial rum is
no less than 100 to be economically viable.  Then we come to the sizes:  small,
medium, large, XL, XXL, and how many of each to include in the initial printing
of 100.  The XL and XXL cost more as well.  However, another organization I
belong to, made a neat profit on our first printing of 100.

Tamara, shall you and I become entrepreneurs? 

Happily Musing,
Betty Ann in Roanoke Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] thimble for lacemaking

2003-11-27 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Rieko,

Are you pre-pricking your pattern?  If you are using pricking card or card
stock, you will need a larger needle in your pricker. The hole in the pattern
should be as large, but not larger, than the supporting pin.

If you're using a paper pattern with contact paper and are pushing the pins
through without pre-pricking, no wonder why your finger is sore!

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia who is back on "Lace" but not "Chat".

Rieko Tamura wrote:

> (in reply to Rieko's problem with a sore forefinger from pushing pins in Bucks
> Point...)
> Does anyone has a good idea ?

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Re: [lace] Romanian Point Lace - URL

2003-10-27 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Sulochona,

Your work is beautiful! You have inspired me. I don't do needlelace, but have
had a burning passion to do Romanian Point. I probably won't get to it in this
life, but who's to know later...

Happy Lacemaking
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Sulochona Chaudhuri wrote:

> http://community.webshots.com/user/sulochona
> ( click on needlelace)

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[lace] Bookmarks

2003-10-26 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Hello Spiders,

I was paired with Holly Anne in California and was foolish enough to send two
bookmarks, one bobbin lace and I believe one was tatted, to her after very nice
postings between us.  She notified me that she received them, but that was it. I
did not receive a bookmark from her. She did not respond to any of my queries to
her either. Ahhh...but there is more...

After I reported to the list that I had not received a bookmark, our Dear David
from Downunder sent me a beautiful Bucks Point bookmark to make up for Holly's
deceit.  I treasure this bookmark more than any lace I have.

Happy EXchanging,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Clay Blackwell wrote:

> ...a year or two ago someone initiated a bookmark exchange among members of
> Arachne.  ...We made a bookmark which we mailed to our partner, and we also
> got a bookmark!  It was fun.
> books.

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Re: [lace] It isn't a lace bobbin on ebay

2003-09-26 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Doesn't look like bone to me.  I have something like this from FH Clive's
English auntie's sewing tools.  She used it to push out the corners when sewing

Betty Ann in Virginia USA

Jean Nathan wrote:

> ...So has anyone got an idea what it is?
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPIdll?ViewItem&item=3244596103&category=114
> or search for item number 3244596103

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[lace] Tess and the Professor's CDs

2003-09-22 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I will attest to the value of the CD.  Wonderful, and I can't wait for the next

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA who, unlike others nearby, only had limbs,
twigs, chestnuts, and walnuts blown down during the storm, and who is SO GLAD we
sold the cottage on the Outer Banks of North Carolina 2 years ago!

Adele Shaak wrote:

> ... http://www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/lace.html#books
> Tess and The Professor are gathering up pre-1923 (copyright-free) books
> on lace (among other topics), scanning them, and putting them into
> Adobe PDF files so that anyone with the Adobe Reader (free to download
> from http://www.adobe.com ) can either download them off the website or
> purchase a CD of the books.

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Re: [lace] Recipe and Questions

2003-09-11 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
This should be on lace-chat, but since Margery posted to lace and I'm not sure
she is on chat, I'll reply.  Pardon if anyone is offended.

When we moved back to VA from England, I had some recipes from FH Clive's
aunts.  Since they were in weights and I had my kitchen scales, I
measured/weighed the most common ingredients.  I found that the American
tablespoon is about the same as a dessert spoon in England, and the teaspoon
doesn't veer far from the teaspoon (as with a cup o')
Here they are:

Cake flour - 1 cup = 3 oz
Plain flour - 1 cup = 4 oz
Unbleached flour - 1 cup = 5 oz
Sugar - 1 cup = 8 oz.
Icing sugar - 1 cup = 4 oz (this is the same as confectioners sugar)
Brown sugar, packed - ½ cup = 4 oz  1 cup = 8 oz
Solid vegetable shortening - ½ cup = 4 oz
Dry, uncooked regular oatmeal - 2 cups = 5 oz
Raisins - 1 cup = 5 oz
Chocolate chips - 1 cup = 6 oz

Happy Baking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Binche - Was Thinking person's lace

2003-09-11 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Oh, Liz, that is a classic!  Love it!

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia, USA

> So I would go through the 'price ritual'.
> I'd scratch my head, look pensive and say 'well, about er ... yes, that much thread 
> - yes, call the thread £30'.
> They'd be getting their wallets out at this point to rip my arm out of it's socket.
> Then I'd say, without any emotion, 'of course it would take approximately 500 plus 
> hours so at £15 an hour that would make it just over £7,500 for labour - heck, I'll 
> throw the thread in for free'.
> This is where the 'client' would be doing a goldfish impersonation - you know, the 
> mouth opening and closing but nothing happening.
> The 'client' would then splutter 'but I can by one from (insert name of any general 
> store you like) for only 15 quid (indignation, indignation.'
> 'Hey', I would reply, 'if that's all you want then fine'.  At this point, other half 
> would walk past in his handmade, blackwork embroidered shirt and ask how I was doing 
> with his lace for his cuffs - I'd always say, 'no problem love, you'll get it 
> shortly' and he'd say 'brilliant - it'll look so good and authentic'.
> Yes, I'm horrid.  Yes, I enjoyed it.  Yes, they are ALL cheapskates.
> I earnt £15 an hour doing my day job and my lacemaking was far better than my work I 
> did there.  So wasn't I worth the same amount if not more?
> When you then tell them that lace was one sold by placing soverigns along the length 
> you wanted to buy they go off in a huff.

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[lace] Press Release

2003-09-10 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Many years ago I wrote a couple of pages, double spaced, for the news people who
appeared at a demonstration to interview me.  I simply handed her/him my "Press
Release." It gives a synopsis that clearly defines what I am doing as well as a brief
history and techniques of bobbin lacemaking as well as my qualifications and the lace
organizations I belong to.  I define the difference between tatting, crocheting, and
knitting.  I always give the reporter one of my cards and ask for a copy of the
newspaper if I am not a subscriber of their paper.  I have had a couple of newspapers
simply print my "Press Release" as their article...(Did I miss my calling? )

When I am demonstrating, I also have tatting, crocheting, and knitting lace at hand
for those interested in other laces.  Since I don't do needle lace except a bit of
Tenerife, I don't demonstrate that type, but have a piece or two of Tenerife on my
exhibit board.

It is especially good to have a tatting shuttle on my exhibit table I can pick up when
the "Tatting Lady" stops by and says, "My grandmother did what you are doing (while
looking at my bobbin lace pillow) but she used a different thing to do it." I've heard
different versions of the same thing for the 25 years I've been doing lace...(^_^)

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Re: Crazy-Daisy Winder

2003-09-09 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear Jeri and others who sent help and suggested Tenerife,

Thank you all so much for the suggestions and ideas. Isn't Arachne super?

BarbE gave me the specific directions and said her mum had one like mine back in the
'30s.  She even graciously suggested her mother would be the same age as my 
or even great grandmother..." Hey, I'll be 70 years young on October 11, and I 
it is better than the alternative...Thanks anyway, BarbE.

I have made Tenerife lace, and could probably use this to make the medallions for
Tenerife, but my mom or MIL would not have had anything to do with Tenerife so I am
leaning to the baby's coverlet type daisy.  Mind you it could be used to wind Tenerife
medallions, and I shall have a go with doing that sometime.  Anyway, my Crazy-Daisy
Winder won't end up on e-bay!

Happy Lacmaking,
Betty Ann

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[lace] Need Help

2003-09-08 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Gentle Spiders,

I'm going through some of my late MIL's sewing things, and came upon
this little box , 2x2 " square and 3/4 " deep. On the box is
"Crazy-Daisy Winder for Finer Hand Weaving." It is manufactured by Ralph
C. Springer Co. 11411 Joanne Place, Culver City, California. Inside the
box is a brass object. Two circles sheets of metal with a knob on top
and when the knob is turned, 12 pins pop out from between the sheets of
brass (tin?)

It looks vaguely familiar; I think my Mother may have had one when I was
young, but I don't know how to use it.  Dear MIL had a habit of throwing
away directions to everything, so there is nothing to tell me what
marvelous things I could make with this pretty little "Crazy-Daisy

Anyone know?  Thanks for any information.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia where it is glorious, the mums are
blooming beautifully, the nights are cool, and the chestnuts are falling
to happy squirrels.

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Re: [lace] Thinking woman/publicity campaign

2003-09-08 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Devon, I vouch for the fiber-art designation for making lace.  Somehow I cringe when I
hear it called a "craft."  Of course, in Roget's Thesarus, "craft: art, cunning,
deceit, shrewdness, skill, stratagem, technique, vocation."

Guess it's the Southern hillbilly in me, but when I hear "craft" I pick "cunning,
deceit, shrewdness" aka "crafty."

Then, too, I see the image of the wooden yard ornaments, sold at "craft shows" that
depict a woman's behind stooped over the hedge or black spotted cows grazing; objects
that are common to any well-appointed front lawn all across the Southland along with
the truck tires painted white lining the dirt driveway. ((^_^))

By the way, I'm not "crafty" nor do I have any "crafts" on my lawn!

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann, American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God


> ...that if we didn't go with "MENSA of the craft world" as our campaign slogan
> ...Perhaps "fiber-art using lace based technique"...

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[lace] Channer mat - reprinting

2003-09-05 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I can vouch for the quality of David's book.  It is fine; the pictures are clear
and well-defined and the print is perfect.

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA who is happily waiting for FH Clive's cousins
from Surrey, UK to arrive next week for a 3 week holiday...

David Collyer wrote:

> For those very reasons, I put off publishing a book for years, and assumed
> I would never be able to afford it. However, with modern technology, when I
> did publish, just a couple of years back, the local printing firm simply
> received a copy of my book as a .doc file on a CD and I have copies printed
> as I requite them for sale. It doesn't matter whether I require a run of
> 100 or only ONE - it's all the same to the printer. And the quality is
> fantastic.

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Re: [lace] Copyright -- again :)

2003-08-29 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Tamara, You do have a way with wordsAnd, we're going to miss you at Sweet
Briar in October...


Tamara P. Duvall wrote:

> -- her customers didn't know a URL from a U-Haul... I finally said that I
> wasn't ready to enter the tax quagmire for the "cut" I might be expected to
> get, and she gave up pestering me...
> Not a bad idea. Though "Uncle Tom's Corner" seems an inescapable title
> for the column and I doubt he'd like it :)

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[lace] Re: Miss Channer/jurisdictional issues

2003-08-28 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice

> I propose we send a delegation of Indian lawyers to call on Ruth Bean and discuss
> jurisdictional issues and the fascinating subject of Indian copyright law and how it
> has developed in the post-colonial sub-continent. I think this will finally bring
> them to their knees :)

Devon, You *are* a devil! ((^_^))

Betty Ann

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Re: [lace] Hi...IOLI thoughts

2003-08-23 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice

>What does IOLI mean to me...

Well put, Sherry,

Betty Ann

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Re: [lace] Re: jumping around

2003-08-22 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
dominique wrote:

> new definition :
> arachne lace frog : a lovely  frog with lace frills and a spider on her
> back sitting on a cobweb ...

You've got to add, "making retrolace"

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Thead stores

2003-08-20 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Annette Gill wrote:
>... And does anyone remember "The Needlewoman", that used to be in Regent St.
>about 30 years ago?...

I well remember "The Needlewoman Shop" on Regent Street. It closed while we were
living in Bucks sometime between 1977-81.  In 1977, there were few, if any,
bobbin makers but one could get ugly, slim plastic lace bobbins at The
Needlewoman Shop.  They were very utilitarian and I smile every time I run
across one of them in my stash (I never discard *anything*).

Does anyone remember the bead shop just off Regent Street?  It was the retail
outlet of the manufacturer who was at Hyde Heath, Bucks.  When we were there in
1996, they were selling out all their strands of seed beads and I got lots of
them.  I also went to the warehouse in Hyde Heath and understood at that time
that they were closing the warehouse sales room.  Any information?

Happily Musing,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] sage advice wanted

2003-08-01 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I had never used tatting cotton for bobbin lace untill I took my first
Bloemwerk class at IOLI from Judy Zeiss. I enjoyed that class so much that
I took the advanced Bloemwerk from Judy the next year, and have used
tatting cotton for bookmarks and motifs ever since. Of course, adjust the
pricking for size. You'll like using tatting cotton, Barbara.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia who is all packed for IOLI and ready to stop
in Lexington for Tamara in the a.m. and I'm going off the List now.

barbara pierpont wrote:

>  Is tatting cotton OK for bobbin lacemaking?
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Re: [lace] Selling continuous lace

2003-07-28 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
I have some of the old parchment Bedfordshire patterns that were used during
the "cottage industry." The patterns are very simple and quickly worked; not at
all like the intricate patterns we do today.  Mind you, some of the Bucks
patterns in the Luton Museum were more intricate and many of them are narrow
and can be worked quickly.

Just my thoughts
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA
who has unsubscribed from "chat" due to my not having time to read all that is
posted. Nothing personal, of course.

Jean Nathan wrote:
>What length of lace did the average lacemaker make in a week?
>Unless they were superhuman, the lacemakers would only have made a >very
few yards between visits of the buyer.
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Re: RV: [lace] Moving lace

2003-07-21 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
Dear AntjeGlenzh,
See my explanation below your question...
Betty Ann

AntjeGlezH wrote:

> Sorry but I have the same problem of understanding with Betty Ann's
> explanations.
> > 5.) Secure the bobbins and move the lace and pattern just before you have
> come to the end of the styrofoam.

> Does it mean that you need two patterns? The one you lift with the
> styrofoam, the pins and the lace and then a new one to put on the pillow?

The styrofoam (or felt) is put *under* the pattern - between the paper or card
pattern and the pillow.  Then the pins go into the styrofoam (or felt) instead
of into the pillow.
After you have worked 1½ inches of lace with the pins ONLY through the pattern
and into the styrofoam for support, you will move the same pattern with the lace
and pins intact. All will be free of the pillow.

Don't mind asking again if this is not clear; I know language is a problem on
Arachne. Perhaps someone who knows how to draw on e-mail can draw this.  My
attempt (^_^)

 >   Pattern>  Pattern
  ___>  Pillow>  Styrofoam or felt
 >   Pillow
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Re: [lace] Moving lace

2003-07-20 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
One of the handiest techniques to use when moving lace, is to
1). Cut a piece of thin styrofoam (used in packages of meat) 1½ inches long and
a bit wider than the pricking.
2). Slip it under the pattern about 1½ inches before the move needs to be done.
3,) As you work the lace, remove the pins at the top of the pattern that are
still in the pillow. This frees the lace/pricking from the pillow.
4). The pins go in the styrofoam instead of the pillow as they are freed from
the pillow.
5.) Secure the bobbins and move the lace and pattern just before you have come
to the end of the styrofoam.
6.) Continue working the lace with the pins going now into the pillow.  Remove
the styrofoam after enough lace is made so no pins are in the styrofoam.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann
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