[lace] commutative

2009-10-28 Thread Jo
If halfway some continious lace you would unpin and repin reversed, you
would have to cross the pairs and twist the centre two bobbins.

> Yes, but the maths is interesting too!  And reminded me of the word
> "commutative": twists and crosses are non-commutative 
> operations - it really does matter in wuich order they are 
> performed .
> Margery.

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RE: [lace] Re: Braid Theory & bobbin lace

2009-10-28 Thread Jo

> However, I've not seen yet any practical 
> application except a mention of its use in partical 
> physics--analyzing the tracks particles make in whatever the 
> modern equivalent is of cloud chambers.

At first sight I did not see practical use until I read the remark above: I
still have a challenge to tension the virtual threads, the paths of the
threads should be shortend to as straight as possible within the complex
contraints. Until now I was just thinking about Bezier analysis. But I'm
afraid the math of both might be beyond my rusty math experience. 


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RE: [lace] correct link..

2009-10-28 Thread Jo
> Why make something so easy look and sound so difficult?
> Ruth

The late proffesor that launched the project of scanning
out-of-copyright-books was a professor in math. So we owe more to math than
meets the eye.


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RE: [lace] easy lace vs hard maths..

2009-11-01 Thread Jo
The math is less strict, we don't move odd bobbins to the left, or even
bobbins to the right. Unless we use gimps or pairs as bobbins.


> Yes, I agree that lace is easy compared to the math analysis, 
> but I thought it was fascinating that there even was a math 
> analysis of something so much like our bobbin lace.  Thanks 
> Margery, I'm not alone out here!!
> Nancy Neff

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RE: [lace] Re: Accomodation in Tonder 2010

2009-11-04 Thread Jo
I went to Tonder two or three years ago. Not at festival time:-( but
nevertheless it ws worth the detour. We were with a caravan and I dont
remember the showers on the campsite were that bad (in the south of France I
once had a much worse experience, you had to pull a chain so had just one
hand free, the little spray vapourised so quickly my belly did not get wet).
Renting a camper might also be a good idea. Danmark has tons of open air
musea, for free, usually with a lace class room.


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[lace] New release of BobbinWork Diagrams

2009-11-17 Thread Jo
Hello spiders

I thought I could make a happy dance tonight, celebrating a new release. But
the dance is limping. I wanted to make it easier to launch, but Java
WebStart reports some denied access. So I still problems to solve.

But with a relatively new system you might give it a try. It is still an
incomplete pilot, but what it can do should now be more intuitive. The left
panels are redesigned. Just walk through the desccriptive instructions and
the corresponding part in the diagram is highlighted. Or click in the
diagram to find the corresponding description. Hover over buttons for hints,
repaint threads or replace stitches. Tell me what is wrong. Note that the
user guide is not yet updated. As the guide is in a wiki, you can help out.

You can download the new version from http://bobbinwork.googlecode.com/ If
the command "java -version" prompts with 1.6 or higher you can run the
program with the command "java -jar
YOUR/PATH/TO/BwDiagrams-rel-2.1.450.jar". On some systems you can simply
double-click the jar file. If your java version is lower, see
www.java.com/getjava/ I tested on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu). My Mac tells
me my java 1.5 is the latest and greatest though
http://developer.apple.com/java/ seems to tell there is a Java SE 6.

For the google-paranoid spiders: it is not a google application but mine, I
just happen to choose google to host it.


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[lace] BobbinWork trouble shooting

2009-11-21 Thread Jo
Hello spiders

I uploaded a new version that should work for up-to-date mac users. If the
command "java -version" propmts with version 1.5 or higher, you can launch
the program with the command:
  java -jar "your/path/to/BwDiagrams.jar"
You can download the jar file from 

In the meantime I also translated the program into Dutch and it is ready for
translation into other languages, see 

I would also like some help with further trouble shooting. Though the
program works when launched as described as above, it sould also launch with
the following link:
or tynied: http://tinyurl.com/yjt2pn9 
However, in this case it might not show any diagram. I would like to know if
anybody can show any diagram when using the jnlp link.


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RE: [lace] BobbinWork trouble shooting

2009-11-21 Thread Jo

A screenshot of the may version is still on

I was trying to talk about todays version, screenshots on
http://bobbinwork.wikispaces.com/quick+start+for+diagrams are a mix of
todays and the may version.
I looked further into it: I told the compiler to produce 1.5 code but that
does not seem to be enough. They say the compiler itself should have been
executed with the 1.5 version. So I'll have to try again. 


> I've downloaded the (May) version, the new one won't run on 
> my intel mac using Leopard.  However it doesn't show 
> anything, what is it supposed to show?

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[lace] RE: [bw] BobbinWork trouble shooting

2009-11-22 Thread Jo
Hello spiders

I managed to compile it on Mac. I replaced the download link


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RE: [lace] BobbinWork trouble shooting

2009-11-24 Thread Jo
Nancy and other vista users 

> FYI (I can't offer any help with this): with either link 
> below, the app produces the error message 
> "java.security.AccessControlException  access.denied 
> (java.lang.RuntimePermission setIO). 
> I'm running Vista, so it may be a quirk of my PC/OS.
> --Nancy

You might be right with suspecting vista, see
An update of java might fix it.

A workaround: 
- save the jar file from the download section of
http://bobbinwork.googlecode.com/ on your hard disk. 
- Open a terminal. 
- Type the command "java -jar /PATH/TO/YOUR/FILE.jar", of course replace
parts in capitals.
Should that be added to http://bobbinwork.wikispaces.com/trouble+shooting ?
Please go ahead.


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RE: [lace] Faces on beads

2009-12-08 Thread Jo
What about a tip of nail polisch applied with a tooth pick? Never ttied it

> Does anyone know how to put faces on pearl beads?
> Pene in Tartu, Estonia

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[lace] Mary Niven OOP?

2009-12-14 Thread Jo
May be just the first edition.
I bought a reprint between 2003 and 2007.
That is when the paperback was published respectively when I entered it on

> Meanwhile, try Michael's Flanders book...  Holly and Lacy 
> Susan both carry it.  Another excellent book is Mary Niven's 
> book on Flanders, but it's OOP...  but not impossible to find.
> Clay

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[lace] Java webstsart wizzard among us? Not OT

2010-01-10 Thread Jo
Dear spiders,

I'm afraid you have to jump through too many hoops to run the lace software
I'm developing for you for free. 

Do we have any Java developpers among us or our relatives? Someone with
experience with Java Webstart might lend a helping hand to solve next issue

An alternative would be to edit the wiki page that describes the hoops. My
wordings might be too technical and chaotic for the less computer literate. 

Please help me helping you

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[lace] Please proofread (just a few lines)

2010-03-11 Thread Jo
Hello bi-lingual spiders

I just discoverd the possibillity to offer translated versions of
The central part of the page should appear in the language of your
system/browser, as far as I master the languages or got some help
previously. I would be delighted if you could verify/complete the versin in
your mother tongue.

I still have to figure out a trick to make the project home page


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Re: [lace] Please proofread (just a few lines)

2010-03-11 Thread Jo
On the right 'locales' presents the other languages.
> well, it works in English ;)
> I suppose I would have to reset my computer language to see it in
>>  http://code.google.com/p/bobbinwork/wiki/WikiHome

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RE: [lace] Please proofread (just a few lines)

2010-03-12 Thread Jo
Dear spiders

I'm afraid I caused some confusion. 

Some updated the wikispace intro pages. Not what I tried to ask but great
too. So thanks Antje and anonymous.

Comment/discussion sections on wiki pages (any wiki) are intended to
communicate about the content on the wikipage. So that reaction is ok too:
If the content of the page is clear as mud, it needs improvement. I tried
just moments ago.

My intention was to get the english and bad phrases replaced on the
following pages
Sadly enough a google bug prevents to do that the wiki-way*, but mail me
your version and I can submit it. Corrections on the 'en' and 'nl' version
are welcome too.

*: well you could join the project as a developer, install subversion, check
out trunk/wiki... Lost me? forget it. Not lost? Go ahead and welcome!

> Jo, I see the locales, and have followed the links; it is the 
> WikiHome I'm looking at, for another language which I thought 
> was what you meant. BUT I see it is for communication with others. 

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[lace] Webshot pop ups

2010-03-24 Thread Jo
I like to see your laces, but the popups of webshots make me paranoid. My
Firefox 3.6 does not block them. What is the experience of others.

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RE: [lace] Webshot pop ups

2010-03-27 Thread Jo
I have the checkbox ticked. Problem is it is not a traditional pop-up.

> This is not directly related to lace, 

But it is related to a website heavily used by our list members. The ads
used to be acceptable but are currently so agressive it renders the site
almost useless for my taste. I'd rather keep my system safe.


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RE: [lace] There must be a better way!!

2010-04-08 Thread Jo
A variant on the tuning forks are bycicle spokes. Bend them around somthing
and you have a half open safety pin like device to scoop up the bobbins. The
little knob prevents the bobbins from rolling out. Works for continental
bobbins. Not for unspangled midlands.



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RE: [lace] Lacemaking group wanted

2010-05-04 Thread Jo
lists a honiton tutor in Wellington, she might know more


> Does anyone know of a lacemaking group in the Tiverton UK 
> area that I might be able to join?

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RE: [lace] Thread amount per bobbin

2010-05-18 Thread Jo

The question is answered before in general. Search the archives

You might try to study how the threads run through a design with my program
on http://code.google.com/p/bobbinwork/ but that might still be too
elaborate and it still requires a learning curve. 

It might be too short for a runner. Rather than knotting, you could try to
plan working with double threads to lengthen. Work double through one or two
tctct's and it will hold. The twists are the most important, both to hide
working temporarily with double threads and to keep them firm in place. You
could also attach extra lengths to the threads that is just used to wind on
the bobbins. In my experience: use thread with the same twist, others seem
not to mind.


> I have a question about thread amounts per bobbin, when the 
> directions donĀ¹t give that information.

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[lace] Running out of thread (was: Thread amount per bobbin)

2010-05-18 Thread Jo
> Thanks for these.  I am not sure I understand about the 
> double thread method.
I'm afraid you don't. 

Hang up a pair with one bobbin that will run out very soon. Knot a temporary
thread to the short end. Before you reach the knot, add a new bobbin with
plenty thread on a temporary support pin. Work the short thread and new
thread as a single bobbin. Twist them firmly so they become a single thread.
Work this double thread through one or two stitches. Throw out the short
thread. Don't use this trick in ct/tc area's, preferably avoid ctc area's.
If even the ascii-art attempt (use a monospaced font) doesn't clarify, may
be someone else could jump in with other wordings.
|   |
|   |
|   |
| | |
| \ |
|  ||
|  ||
|  | \
|  |  x
|  |   \
|  |\
|  |
T  T
|  |
T  T
O  O
O  O
O  O
O  O
V  V

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RE: [lace] Re: Thread amount per bobbin

2010-05-18 Thread Jo
Another idea: use th tencels as a gimp in patterns with lots of gimps.

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Re: [lace] lace on airplanes, was Bobbin lace carry pillow

2010-05-21 Thread Jo
Lately I tend to make wire lace. It needs few pins and is easy to repin so
a miniature pillow is enough. So I wrapped a fleece shawl and placed it in
a food container, pinned wire lace on it and arranged it as shown on
Imagine how all that metal looks on an x-ray image scanner... I had to
open up and explain but otherwise no problem.

The pillow can actualy be smaller than the pattern. To have a larger
working space, I pin a 'skirt' on the pillow. A kind of semi-circular cover
cloth padded with undercarpet. There is always something at hand to put as
extra padding under the 'skirt', another sjawl, gloves...


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RE: [lace] Re: Pricking Material/Libraries (Evolved to Copyright)

2010-05-31 Thread Jo
> For me, it always boils down to "doing unto others as one 
> would prefer done to you."  (Golden Rule). If this was 
> minded, then laws would be, by and large, unnecessary.
> Best,Susan Reishus  

It is not that simple. I know lace designers who are just happy when their
designes are loved and used as it is their hobby, I also know who try to
make a living from their designs. These two would prefer to be done
different to themselves.


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RE: [lace] Strange magazine received

2010-06-08 Thread Jo
You could also try an automated translation on
http://www.kantinvlaanderen.be/ (just stripped the email part up to the @)


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RE: [lace] announcements

2010-06-15 Thread Jo
> I'd like to start over with new listings, but while I could 
> probably manage to put it together, keeping it up to date 
> going forward is just going to continue to be a problem. 

Why not create http://arachne.wikispaces.com/
Then anyone can help you maintain whatever list or faq you (or someone else)

I have one and experience no spam even though I configured it completely
open without even requiring to sign up to make changes. Should spam become a
problem, you can tighten security with a few moderators to accept newbees.
User friendly and for a free scheme the adds are not very dominant. No
affiliate, just a happy user: http://bobbinwork.wikispaces.com


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[lace] Pattern drawing software

2013-06-14 Thread jo


You can find several overviews in the software section of

Perhaps more than you might want to know yet.


@all spiders


If anyone sees out of date information, please join and update.




Couldn't you share some of your templates, why let others reinvent the
wheels? I shared my baby steps on
http://bobbin-lace.wikispaces.com/software+reviews but never tried to walk
the lane any further.


@spiders using http://www.gimp.org 


I just wrote a tutorial for grids on
http://bobbin-lace.wikispaces.com/grids#Tutorials-Gimp but still have to
learn to connect the dots efficiently. Any hints?



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RE: [lace] Pattern drawing software

2013-06-14 Thread jo
Hello Ruth

The website of Easy-lace seems still alive.

I made some adjustments to
http://bobbin-lace.wikispaces.com/design+software+compared but I might not
have all the details right from the description page, could you fill me in
on the question marks and other details I missed. For example is it only
available in English?


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RE: [lace] Belgian Lace Tour

2013-06-15 Thread jo
> would be very grateful for people's recommendations of where to see lace

Have you checked http://www.lokk.nl/musea/index.php ?


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Re: [lace] the Greek Lacemaker

2013-06-30 Thread Jo

As well as lace, among my obscure hobbies I do folk dance

Me too, we even practiced a dance called 'kantklossen' which is bobbin 
lace making. I did not recognis


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[lace] drawing with svg editor

2013-08-14 Thread jo
Hello spiders


Sorry for cross-posting, but for those not on the IOLOI forum I'd like to
announce the result of my research about drawing thread diagrams with
InkScape. It is especially about generating variations on grounds. You can
find the result via http://kantelier.wordpress.com 

Reviews and other comment are welcome.



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RE: [lace] seeking Milanese advice

2013-09-22 Thread jo
Sometimes a patterns anticipates a curve, while lacing you think you need 
backstitches, to discover you soon need backstitches on the other side, so 
after all you didn't need a single backstitch at all. Instead of counting to 
get proper curved braids, I draw lines on a copy of the pattern. A zigzag line 
for plain cloth stitch, or just connect opposite dots with parallel lines for 
decorated braids.


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[lace] ridle in Binche kompakt

2014-04-12 Thread jo
Hello Spiders


I'm working the pattern http://tinyurl.com/BincheKompakt and don't
understand the half-stitch area in section 21. The copy of the finished lace
is of poor quality. Has any of you done the pattern and figured it out? The
horizontal connection between the cloth-stitch and half-stitch area is
clearly drawn as a tctc, in ascii-art: "><" between the pins, the diagonal
connection is drawn as ">--<" but no red color indicating a tctc. I found a
better picture http://tinyurl.com/BincheKompakt2 It is the symmetrical
corner at the left bottom. It looks like tctc all around.


Thanks for any advice


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RE: [lace] ridle in Binche kompakt

2014-04-12 Thread jo
I looked more carefully now with better light. I thought the lines were
green, but you're right, they are blue.


> Hello Jo,
> When referring to the diagonal connection, do you mean the blue line?
> Because if it so, then it means that it is a briad.
> Maria
> from Spain

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[lace] archive.org and link rot

2014-05-03 Thread jo
Hello spiders

The archive.org is one of the tools and services under development to fight
link rot in (scientific) articles. Link rot is not only about pages and
websites that disappear, but also about pages with changed content. You
might have learnt by now to recover a lost page by pasting its address on
http://archive.org/web/ but it requires some luck. 

In case sooner or later you forget or somehow become unable to maintain
links on your site, you can improve the luck of your future visitors. Try
the above action when you create a link to a valuable page. If the archive
does not has a capture yet, a link is presented to save the URL. If the
capture is outdated, the lower right form allows you to create a new
capture. The techies among us may prefer to prefix the original URL with
http://web.archive.org/*/ respective http://web.archive.org/save/ Much more
is explained at https://archive.org/about/faqs.php#The_Wayback_Machine  and


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[lace] RE: Mathematics and lace

2015-02-03 Thread jo
Hello spiders


> Actually Veronika Irvine, one of the authors of this paper


I'd guess she is not just one of the authors but the major author, the other
author one is "just" her supervisor.


> Veronika also has a computer code based on her work (DiBL - Diagrams 

> for Bobbin Lace), see  <https://github.com/jo-pol/DiBL/wiki>


I can't help but defending myself as the mayor author of the DiBL project.
Veronika's output was my input. She's the giant, I stand on her shoulders.
Her InkScape extension were first published (and still are) on her own
website  <http://web.uvic.ca/~vmi/> http://web.uvic.ca/~vmi/ and later
bundled together with extensions by me at DiBL. One of my extensions is a
simplified version of an eight year old (way too complicated) polar grid


Jo Pol

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[lace] Bruges without official OIDFA support

2016-08-14 Thread jo
Without blaming or shaming anyone for the incompatible Belgian laws and
OIDFA regulations, or whatever more contributed to the problems, reading the
interview "canceled" was a wrong subject line in my opinion. The content of
the message may explain more, but the first blow is half the battle. Some
may not read beyond the subject line.


> 2018 OIDFA Congress in Bruges cancelled




No affiliation with either party. I didn't hear about it until I visited the
Arachne archive.


Jo Pol

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[lace] GroundForge

2016-10-15 Thread jo
Hello Arachnids,


As a few of you might know I've been working on a new ground generator in
spare time for more than a year. As I don't want to make perfection the
enemy of the good and before the screen casts get too outdated, It's getting
time to let you all know about it. 


It's an online application, so no need to install anything though tablets
let you enjoy only part of the fun, real web developers are welcome to jump
in on that aspect. The application allows you to design your own ground by
configuring matching pairs of thread and pair diagrams with variations of
the corresponding pricking. Some patterns may be quite common, many but not
all may have been published before somewhere but anyway you can give the
grounds your own twist, pun intended.


I tried to add enough explanations but don't hesitate to ask. Questions are
important to make me improve. Please go ahead, look and play around and note
that even the footer is part of it all.


Here is the link: https://d-bl.github.io/GroundForge/ 



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[lace] using thread diagrams as pair diagrams

2016-12-25 Thread Jo

Hello Spiders

Thread diagrams of a plain Torchon ground (with respectively ctctc, ctct 
or ct), are pair diagrams for Binche, Flanders or Paris grounds. As a 
Christmas gift to all off you I added a page to GroundForge that draws 
up many more patterns following the same principle.



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RE: [lace] Bangle patterns sizes

2010-06-22 Thread Jo
 If your bangles are of another size, you might consider rezising the
pattern and use other thread.
You'll find various links to that subject on

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RE: [lace] Lacemakers in Arizona

2010-06-23 Thread Jo
You will find lacemakers in the region at

the map-assistent of the lacefairy

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RE: [lace] Visit to The Netherlands

2010-10-27 Thread Jo
Don't miss http://www.museumpakhuiskoophandel.nl/
The page "lokatie" shows how to walk from the train station, or which bus to
You can plan your public transport at http://www.9292ov.nl
36 minutes for direct trains, 50 for other trains.
In this case you might go together with your husband in a weekend.

Lists 2 lacemekers in Groningen. You can find Roelien via
She might not speak English.


> There's a wonderful costume museum (with lots of lace) in 
> Noordhorn, a short bus ride from Groningen.  See:  
> http://home.kpn.nl/pilat004/ frame.html

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Re: [lace] subscription

2010-11-15 Thread Jo
What about a tray with a built-in pillow at its bottom?

> Avital
> Arachne moderator, typing in bed with laptop on my lap (if someone can
> think of a better arrangement so I don't have to balance this hot
> thing on my thigh, I'm open to suggestions)

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RE: [lace] Help Needed

2010-11-30 Thread Jo
Hi Karen

You could try to play with
Explained at http://bobbinwork.wikispaces.com/quick+start+for+grids
It counts in mm and wants at least half a circle on a page.
But you could try as if mm's are cm's and enlarge 10 times.

The help is a wiki so anyone is welcome to improve it. 

> So the question is this: How do I calculate the outer circle 
> size and the size of the grid for that circle? - I can work 
> on a torchon grid. How do I then calculate the sizes of the 
> inner circles as I move inwards? 

Founder of this Open Source project

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[lace] Museum map

2010-12-03 Thread Jo
Hello Spiders

>From time to time we get questions like: I'm going to spend some time in ...
can anyone reccommend something lacy in the region? 

To make it easier I'm proud to anounce http://www.lokk.nl/musea/
There is different technology under the hood, and also different (Dutch)
wording because of the different purpose, but it works more or less like the

So I invite yo to add all the lacy musea, permanent and temporal lace
exhibitions on the LOKK map you know about that are not yet represented.
Whenever you encounter a closed museum that is still on the map, please use
the contact link at the bottom of the pop ups to inform the moderator. For
more translation you might copy text into an automated translator. Viewing
the whole page within such a translator might disable functionallity of the
map and not everything gets translated that way.


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RE: [lace] Index of world lace bobbins in Drawings ?Help please

2010-12-05 Thread Jo
This one accidently did not go to the list

> > It is a Dutch catalogue of a contemporary bobbin maker:
> > http://www.kleinhout.com/GB/bobbins/
> >
> >> I have copied and edited the following sets of images on these URls
> >>
> >> http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=11&u=13882551

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RE: [lace] Downton bobbins

2010-12-11 Thread Jo
 Jeri and others

Would you please be so kind to put information like this on
The more contributions the better the map becomes. Together the spiders must
know a lot more than is already on map.

Who wrote the code under the hood of this map  

> There is a lovely museum in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, 
> located diagonally across to the right from the front door of 
> Salisbury Cathedral,  called Salisbury Museum.

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[lace] English help for Museums map

2010-12-13 Thread Jo

Thank you so much for your offline feedback and encouragement to write an
English help page. When I have the Dutch equivalent of the page, I will put
a proper link on the map page, as now I don't know were to put it. But you
can find the explanations at http://www.lokk.nl/musea/help-en.html
So now I expect either more contributions or further feedback on unclear


> How absolutely fantabulous!!!  It's a lot easier than asking 
> every time.  I had been hoping something like this could be 
> accomplished.  This is truly wonderful.  I'm so very, very 
> glad there is now a way to see where the lace-related places 
> are.  Thank you so very much indeed.  lrb

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RE: [lace] "bobbin lace" vs "needle lace" in print in English

2010-12-18 Thread Jo
I'm afraid the scientific use is debatable. Much depends on projects
scanning books and offering the scans to google. So the books searched might
be very biased. And the bias might differ by period. After all it are just
about 4 percent of all books ever published. (I would like to know this
percentage by period) some more explanation on

It is interesting to zoom in for example on "bobbin lace" from 1940-1980 and
follow the link for 1959 respective 1960-1979. 1959 has some general textile
and antiques book on top, where the latter period has many about bobbin lace
on top. Where ever the links at the bottom of the graph shows a period (as
opposed to just a single year) there is a chance you can narrow the plotted

A combined graph for different lace terms http://tinyurl.com/35rvgyk
I know spangles just from bobbin lace, but from this graph I guess it must
have other uses too ;-)

It would have been interesting to have different types of curves in the
graph. For example just counting publications that mention
bobbin/needle-lace at all, counting titles with containing the search term,
counting books that mention both needle-lace and bobbin-lace as opposed to
just one of them etc.


> (explanation is at http://tiny.cc/cwwy0 for anyone who missed 
> my previous post.)
> Nancy
> Connecticut, USA

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RE: [lace] Nancy's graph

2010-12-19 Thread Jo
Mixing all the lace terms mentioned so far in a single diagram
Had to play with the order for distinguishing by color


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[lace] wire lace with insect pins

2010-12-29 Thread Jo
Hello Spiders

As my old site is too elaborate to maintain, I just started a blog. My first


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[lace] Drinking straws (was ... metalic thread)

2011-01-15 Thread Jo
Though used for another reason (a replacement for hooded bobbins) shown on
> If the thread is thin enough, another solution is to cut 
> plastic drinking straws to the length of the bobbin's neck 
> and then slit them lengthwise and slip over the thread.

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RE: [lace] Question concerning metallic thread.

2011-01-16 Thread Jo
Hello Spiders

I happend to be assembling a blog-post on wire bobbins, part own images,
part links to images. Like Brian I cloud use some help on missing links. May
be French spiders could get the help from mono-lingual lacers for the origin
of the faked top-right image.


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[lace] Bobbins for Brian?

2011-01-20 Thread Jo
Perhaps someone to contact


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RE: [lace] lacemakers sought

2011-01-29 Thread Jo
Has at least one with an e-mail address only 30 km from Munich


> I email with a lacemaker from the Munich area, and she told 
> me that she does not know of any other lacemakers or groups 
> in the area.

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[lace] RE: [bobbinlace] App for lace designers with Macs

2011-01-29 Thread Jo
There is even a free (open source) alternative: http://www.gimp.org
available for all/most operating systems, havent explored it myself for the
purpose of lace yet, as years ago I bought
http://www.knipling.de/knipling/knipling-kn30en.html and later I started to
develop http://bobbinwork.googlecode.com/ for a slightly different use case.
Also available for all/most systems.


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RE: [lace] RE: [bobbinlace] App for lace designers with Macs

2011-01-29 Thread Jo
Hello Achim

> I also own Knipling - nice program but again in a different 
> price category and not very Mac-like

It runs on windows too. I just mentioned it to explain why I did not try
wether "The Gimp" could do something. After buying one of the first versions
of Knipling I volunteerd as a beta tester for later versions. I was not very
succesful in convincing to improve usability. Way too much and too complex

> And I think there's no 
> development for it any more, so if it stops working in any 
> OSX update we're lost (I just checked on their webpage and 
> indeed the Mac version is discontinued already).

I suppose too few people bought it to pay a serious developers salary. Most
software developers need to make a living... 

I never even considered a comercial version for my Bobbinwork. It isn't half
way what I imagined and you can see the estimated costs thus far from the
statistics. Estimated by a third party by counting code lines, not
includeing the time spent on the user guide what should not be
underestimated too. If I would consider to sell Bobbinwork in its current
state at the same rates for Knipling, I would need to sell 1800 copies for a
break even, just to get a developers salary and not even counting the costs
of running a business. I'm afraid the market is not that big. If no one pays
nor participates in developing, nothing happens anywhere. I'm not asking to
be pitied, I did what I did for other reasons.


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RE: [lace] App for lace designers with Macs

2011-01-30 Thread Jo
> I have no idea what Jo's Bobbinwork is supposed to do. I'm 
> probably being thick, but there doesn't appear to be any 
> instructions/help file on what to do with it. 

Under the links on the right of http://code.google.com/p/bobbinwork/
you will find links to user guides.

> I've managed to 
> get a couple of grounds in the window from the sample files, 
> but what I'm supposed to do with them after that, I don't 
> know. 

You can make variants, such as reduce a "vierge" (or however that is claaed
in English) to a roseground or whatever is in between. You can change the
colors of threads to see how the threads run through the ground and plan
some "Dick durch dunn" variation (http://tinyurl.com/4b935xg). A twist more
or less can have a big influence. The "how to" is available in Dutch:

A tinied automated translation: http://tinyurl.com/4jtvhpj
If the slightly more computer literate contribute by adding an English
translation or their own way of explaining, or even add more how to pages to
the wiki, I might (don't hold your breath) get encouraged to resume
development some day.

> There doesn't seem to be a simple way of drawing fans, 
> marking rose ground, tallies, spiders, etc as there is with 
> Lace 2000/R-XP, so I suspect it's intended for something more 
> advanced than I'm interested in.

These functions are "not yet implemented". Please stop suspecting and start
reading: compare the "what" and "in practice" on the home page
http://code.google.com/p/bobbinwork/ following the link to the issues might
be a bit too technical for you but that could also shed some light on my not
yet implemented intentions. Except solving technical puzzles I desperately
need gui designers to help thinking. So Achim, a chance to turn your general
critisism into something practical and reply to isssue 33 ;-)


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[lace] RE: lacemaker map delete

2011-02-06 Thread Jo
Sister Johanna from Cincinnati, OHIO

If you are on the list, 
Joillet Caroline From Aarschot in Belgium
on http://lace.lacefairy.com/Lace/Map/
wants to contact you.

If Johanna is not an arachne-member but some spider knows her, please
forward this message.


> I have some models for religious lace, I am from Belgium, but 
> I don't know how to contact you.
> I am just a new "member" Much greetings , Caroline Joillet 

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[lace] RE: [bobbinlace] Chantilly lace fan

2011-02-06 Thread Jo

Somewhere I read about a (rather destructive) test: somehow melt a litle bit
at an invisible spot. If my memory is not tricking me, the real material
should smell like burning hair. Don't shoot me if I'm wrong.


> Maybe some of you could give me some information about the 
> fan stick material (the seller said "faux tortoise", but I 
> think it might even be real tortoiseshell)

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[lace] RE: [bobbinlace] Chantilly lace fan

2011-02-06 Thread Jo
 But perhaps a macro picture of the damaged ends offers enough information
to a specialist.

> Achim
> Somewhere I read about a (rather destructive) test: somehow 
> melt a litle bit at an invisible spot. If my memory is not 
> tricking me, the real material should smell like burning 
> hair. Don't shoot me if I'm wrong.
> Jo
> > Maybe some of you could give me some information about the 
> fan stick 
> > material (the seller said "faux tortoise", but I think it 
> might even 
> > be real tortoiseshell)

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[lace] Looking for Sister Johanna

2011-02-06 Thread Jo
Sorry for the odd previous subject

> Sister Johanna from Cincinnati, OHIO
> If you are on the list,
> Joillet Caroline From Aarschot in Belgium on 
> http://lace.lacefairy.com/Lace/Map/
> wants to contact you.
> If Johanna is not an arachne-member but some spider knows 
> her, please forward this message.
> Jo
> > I have some models for religious lace, I am from Belgium, 
> but I don't 
> > know how to contact you.
> > I am just a new "member" Much greetings , Caroline Joillet
> -
> To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing 
> the line:
> unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to 
> arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site:
> http://community.webshots.com/user/arachne2003

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[lace] Special bobbins for brian?

2011-02-20 Thread Jo
Bobbins with a detacheable head

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[lace] Lace Dragon

2011-02-24 Thread Jo
Did you mean this one?
The second link on


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RE: [lace] magnifier/jewelers loop

2011-03-04 Thread Jo
If you meant viewing while making, I have some arguments listed on 

> What he found is a magnifier which uses a convex and concave 
> lens stuck together so you get an even magnification instead 
> of having a focal area surrounded by some distortion.

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RE: [lace] Bobbin Lace Instructions

2011-03-05 Thread Jo
Do you mean re-produce? As producing a good video is not easy at all. I once
tried it myself for a very tiny peace of lace. There are lots of problems as
threads are hardly visible by the camera, some movements are too quick to
capture, the viewing angle, proper contrast. You have to cut and paste in a
logical way, etc. So it takes a lot of time and as time is money...

> This seems a really said thing when it is so easy to produce 
> DVDs on a home computer.

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RE: [lace] lace days

2011-03-05 Thread Jo
Everyone can help to collect exhibitions and musea all over the world on
Implemented by me, kindly hosted by the dutch guild


> May I ask the same for the US?
> (...)
> > Where can I find a list of planned lace days for September 2011 in 
> > England/western Europe.

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RE: [lace] Bobbin Lace Instructions - Written Out for the Teacherless

2011-03-05 Thread Jo
I definitely started as an activist. Observed a demo and tried it from
memory at home. But then I decided to be pragmatic and turned to a library. 

> I am definitely an activist!!  Cannot understand written 
> instructions so I barge in and solve problems as they arrive!!!

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RE: [lace] Lace patterns

2011-03-05 Thread Jo
Reminds me of how Ulrike Loehr structured her "Maikaefer, flieg!". The first
patterns have lots of instructions, the latter less and less. I try to
encourage my students to draw their own route-maps when they find a pattern
with too little instructions. Consider it a phase in learning levels.

> I always worry about the modern trend of making lace 
> fillowing route map charts.  This is only another form of  
> 'making lace by numbers'. A true lacemaker is able to 'read a 
> pricking'

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RE: [lace] Spanish language lace

2011-03-06 Thread Jo
Would a Spanish/Portugeese help page get more of them on
than the automated translation does? Then please help me to create such a
help page as I don't master these languages.

The map assistent of the lacefairy

> Yes, there's Latin American lacemakers (Spanish and
> Portuguese-speaking) and the actual Spanish, and we are 
> everywhere, he he he 

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RE: [lace] Spanish language lace

2011-03-06 Thread Jo
> I haven't tried it, but if you googled the 
> words for lace from the 'International Lace Dictionary':

But you would also get a lot of rubisch, such as the philosopher Immanuel
Kant, and the Dutch kant just means side, everything about other side back
side etc. The German Sptize means pointy so you will get more church towers
than lace, and the French dentelles delivers more mountain ridges and even
wines. Even in plain English you would get shoelaces too. So you would need
to be more specific. 

I added row for needle lace and tatting to

The knowlegdgebale could add columns for the missing languages. It would be
helpfull to complete at least the rows for bobbin lace, needle lace and
tatting. There are now two rows for the languages: English and the native


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[lace] Dunning Kruger effect

2011-03-06 Thread Jo
When developping software and trying new techniques, I frequently say
something like: "not disturbed by any knowledge" I acomplished ...

Way back someone explained the difference between an IT-profeesional an a
mathematicion (or me and him, or a pargamatic versus ...) with the same
words in different order: an ITp does not know why it works, a M does know
why it does not work. Hmm, in English one of the words spells differently. 

I also heard about the evolution: Uncounsiously incompetent, counsiously
incompetent, counsiously competent, incounsiously competent. I guess Darwins
phrase or the Dunning Kruger effect is about the "counsiously competent".


> Darwin; "Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than 
> does knowledge".

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[lace] French speaking spiders

2011-03-13 Thread Jo
Hello French speaking Spiders

If you have as helpfull lace groups as Arachne is, could someone ask to help
find the web page where I found a bolted bobbin like
http://tinyurl.com/45egxne on http://kantelier.wordpress.com/2011/01/16

If my memory is not playing tricks I might have seen it on
It tried to google with "cuivre site:www.dentellieres.com" and  "fer
site:www.dentellieres.com" but have no iedea wich other words I could try.
But It might also be another site.

Thanks in advance

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RE: [lace] French speaking spiders

2011-03-13 Thread Jo
A problem is the French have a single word for wire and thread: fil

> If you know the French for wire bobbin...  lrb

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RE: [lace] Old pic of Lacemaker

2011-04-07 Thread Jo
In the '80th, before the web and before I discovered the LOKK, having just a
handfull of books, I discovered a significantly younger woman in the street
were I lived with her pillow in the window. It wasn't a touristic or crafty
neighbourhood at all.  Thought I was lucky but she wasn't into tutoring,
neither knew someone who did beyond office-hours :-(


> When I was in Brugge last fall, I saw a younger (but not 
> *much* younger) woman sitting in a doorway just as this woman 
> was, making lace on a similar pillow.  In Brugge, it seems 
> that time has stood still in some respects!
> Clay

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RE: [lace] Disaster?

2011-04-08 Thread Jo
Not of much help now, but to prevent disasters I use transparent cloths to
cover my pillows. Preferably good quality fine woven smooth glass curtains.


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RE: [lace] first pillow

2011-04-18 Thread Jo
My first pillow was a roll of about 10 cm wide and a diameter of 5 cm,
filled with ... Sand!
I soon discovered I must have misunderstood something on the street fair.


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RE: [lace] first pillow

2011-04-19 Thread Jo
I know too little of needle lace to know wether sand is a good or bad
filling. But it does not hold the pins in place for bobbin lace. Now I know
it is good to put brass pins in a *pin cushion* not your *lace pillow*
filled with sand for the bottom of bird cages. The constant movements sands
of the (green) corrosion. In Dutch pillow and cushion is a single word, so I
must have mixed up these two.

> A friend made a needlelace pillow for me and filled it with sand.
> Jay in Sydney

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Re: [lace]strip tablecloth

2011-05-29 Thread Jo
 a variation on the previous solutions (repinning previous strips, wrapping
in tea-cloths)

Sart making the odd strips. Then while making strip 2 join it alongto strip
1 and 3, while making strip 6 join it to 5 and 7 while making strip 4 join
it to 1-3 and 5-7 while making 4. 

To avoid ending and starting each strip, you could zigzag with corners. In
ascii art the start looks something like:

v  <<
v  >v  ^v  ^v
v  ^v  ^v  ^v
v  ^v  ^v  ^v
v  ^v  ^v  ^v

Then on you way back you fil in the missing strips. Or work circular, inside
out or outside in. Note that depending on your tension unpinned sections may
shrink and hard to repin.


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RE: [lace] Blood on lace, how to remove.

2011-10-08 Thread Jo
> soak item in cold highly salted water. 
> Take a piece of the same thread you are using for the lace, 
> make a small ball of it, about the size of a large pea. Put 
> the ball in your mouth and soak it with saliva.  Now use that 
> ball of wet thread to dab the blood off the lace.

You might not have salt available at conventions or wherever
You allways have your own salive with you


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[lace] modify, combine, and create new patterns

2011-10-15 Thread Jo
See https://kantelier.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/pommegranite/

> On that note, teach design along with the lacemaking itself. 
> No young person I know would be satisfied just knowing how to 
> follow existing patterns, or recreating old lace. Teach 
> what's needed to modify, combine, and create new patterns, 
> and we will.
> -Katelyn Schreyer

> Here is a better/bigger picture.
> http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6110/6239775603_188ec0183c_b.jpg
> Natalie

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[lace] Demo / christmas

2011-10-24 Thread Jo
You could make a start with christmas stable figures and have the rest of
the patterns on display. Or mix your lace figures between other type(s) of
crafty figures.


> I'm definitely going to see if I can get to mind the church 
> while our festival is on, and take a lace pillow, even though 
> I've not got enough time to display a tree.
> Alison

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[lace] SWAT PPT / how long does it take

2011-10-27 Thread Jo

Hello SWAT-spiders

With christmas we are asked to do something with our hobbies at work. 
Of course that's a lace demo / have-a-go by me. But it might be nice to 
add a powerpoint presentation. Couldn't the virtual lace-SWAT team 
assemble something at for example http://www.slideshare.net/ with a 
creative commons license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/

some thoughts about hte content:
* the SWAT poster turned into a template
* a slide in the FAQ category: a baseball bat next to a bayeaux bobbin: 
"size matters"
* modern examples of lace: both stunning pieces of art and simple yet 
attractive pieces

* various types of pillows
Do you have other suggestions?

another question to prepare my demo, how many time needs an average 
unitiated adult to make the famous fish, how many pairs/rows go in that 


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RE: [lace] Lace classes

2011-10-28 Thread Jo
Hi Nita

I have not much to add to Lorelei's suggestions.

I started tutoring with a longer lacing history but without previous
education experience. I started with a single newbee and slowly the number
grew. I took rather a coaching approach than a schoolish approach, except
for the first one or two lessons. It worked for me and most of my students. 

What took me by surprise at first was a reflex when letting them make tapes.
When the worker returns, they tended to make mirrored stitches, that is the
cross with the 3rd bobbin over the 2nd and the twists with the 1st an 3rd
over the 2nd and 4th.


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RE: [lace] Lace classes

2011-10-29 Thread Jo
> but it might be worth 
> considering that your students might have been damaged by a 
> previous experience.

Happened to me with one: it appeared she could not bear at all with undoing.
If I had known I would have fiddled something but even the first time
appeared to be fatal. Lesson learnt by me: _allways_ ask "do you want to
live with an imperfect sample"? After a few times you know the attitude.


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RE: [lace] Lace classes

2011-10-29 Thread Jo
> Sometimes you have to live with an inperfect sample as long 
> as the planned  piece is perfect. 
> After all, there is no point in keep undoing a sample 
> and being put off for ever.
> Maureen

I totaly agree. I just had to learn that some people are putt off very very
quickly. My patience did not get a second chance. 

Another one I managed to resque. Out of my knowledge a third lady putt her
off with a very critical remark about her work. She prompted that remark by
mailing me she would quit. I phoned to learn why, she wisely refused to tell
the name of the other person but I could convince her to stay. Her work may
not win prizes, but that was no point for me. She loved to do it and put
effort in it. So I declared that were two strong reasons for me to also put
effort in her. She stayed and slowly but surely progressed :-)


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RE: [lace] diagrams

2011-10-30 Thread Jo
> The colors in that book don't correspond
> to the system as we know it know.

Allways make a legend when publishing, and look for it when reading

> a verbal description has to be translated
> into an image in the student's head
> before she can follow the instruction.

The image is like a roadmap and woman are unfamous when it comes to reading
roadmaps. You still have to translate the diagram into decisions when to
make a stitch with which bobbins. Like roadmaps we sometimes need a person
or gps-gizmo sitting next to us telling when to turn left or right.

> A colored diagram, which instructs pinhole by 
> pinhole just doesn't afford such freedom, 
> or give such responsibility to the lacemaker.
> Is this good or bad?  I don't know.  Might be necessary. 

Perhaps we need both. Reading diagrams to start learning. Transform
prickings or photographs into diagrams as a next step. On the go discover
your own road to adjust, alter and finaly design.

> Yes, Lorelei! I've always felt like the
> diagram was a diagrammatic version of a
> computer algorithm.

Proven with http://bobbinwork.googlecode.com
Like the gps-gizmo it shows diagrams together with verbal instructions that
do exactly match. No more mistakes in the translation. Drawback: there are
allways different working orders possible for a single diagram, the
application shows just one. You would have to create the diagram several
times to show the different working orders. On the other hand, the diagram
can prove that different working orders produce exactly the same diagram.
Like the 3-pair star is broken down in two different systems/rythms of
actions on https://kantelier.wordpress.com/category/english/


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RE: [lace] Lace diagrams

2011-10-30 Thread Jo
> Also you are one of the 'thinkers' ...  Many do not and 
> faithfully continue follow diagrams for years without 
> thinking about how it all works.  They are my concern.

Why worry so much? One mans ceiling is another mans floor. Of course you can
try to encourage.

Someone called teachers with diagrams lazy. When one of my students finds a
pattern with too little instructions for her skills, I'm usually too lazy to
create a full diagram. I just make snippets for the spots where they have
problems or I expect difficulties.


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RE: [lace] lace facebook / bone lace

2011-10-31 Thread Jo
> Could there be Facebook for Lacemakers? Call it  iLace ?
> Who could start it?

There is aready flickr, seems to have some active members, not me. 

We have had some discussions in the past about bone lace. 

Two and two put together:
Which contains


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RE: [lace] Ravelry

2011-10-31 Thread Jo
> Search engines won't find any online content that 
> is specified as "private".  Ravelry could solve that problem, 
> but evidently have not.

And they should not. That is the whole point in marking something private.

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RE: [lace] Lace diagrams / twist

2011-11-02 Thread Jo
> I recently took a class where 
> the teacher said she doesn't mark the twists. This creates 
> confusion.

Drawing twists makes a diagram more error prone. Better no marks than wrong
marks. So it is better to teach them by mouth in those situations they don't
come natural with your level of understanding of the lace.

It also depens on whether you are a tc-er or ct-er where the twists should
be drawn. No twists makes the diagrams universal.


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RE: [lace] Jana Novak PDF books

2011-11-09 Thread Jo
> Thanks for the information, Liz.
> This site however, does not show the 4 "Scan Books" on the 
> Moravia site. 
>> http://www.ateliermb.ch/

3 of the 4 covers below properly link to PDF's


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RE: [lace] Making lace in beautiful places

2011-11-15 Thread Jo
> Where do you make lace that is pretty?  

I worked on a milanese palm tree on the Nile with the actual trees floating
by on the banks of the river.


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RE: [lace] Lace site with pattern downloads (and lace for kids)

2011-11-17 Thread Jo
 to get a frame trasnslated, you can right-click a frame to open it in a new
tab or window, then paste the following in front of the address

Below some links to save you a few clicks and keystrokes, though you might
have to paste the lines together
Hjem = home =
Nyheder = news =
Download =
Links =
Vestival 2001 =
Vestival 2001 =

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RE: [lace] Re: Hanging in bundles and sequence

2011-11-18 Thread Jo
Debora an other spiders

For a false footside, hang bobbins in abab cdcd then you have already one
twist. Hang them abba cddc for a twistless false footside. If you start with
some cloth stitch braid where the end meets the start, hang your bobbins


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[lace] crapponne

2011-11-28 Thread Jo
Hello Spiders

I don't know the exact details of the recent disussions about croponne, but
I just stubled about these albums.


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[lace] cloth stitch edge (was: roller pillow and pins)

2011-12-09 Thread Jo
> I would suggest, however, that you chose a pattern that does *not* have a
cloth stitch edge passive that never sees a pin. 

I'm actually working with such a type of pattern and having no trouble at
all. The cloth edge passive sees one just twist per repeat and I'm reusing
pins after about three repeats. The thread is linnen so not very slippery.


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RE: [lace] cloth stitch edge

2011-12-09 Thread Jo
Clever solution Alice. Changing back would only be needed when you have less
thread for the passives on you bobbins. One could also consider changing a
single thread per pin. 


> I solved my problem of straight passives by switching threads 
> once a repeat... doing a change stitch with the worker pair 
> on one row, and switching back with the change stitch on the 
> next row.  This anchors the threads really well.

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[lace] Perfect leaves

2011-12-12 Thread Jo
Hello spiders

Unbelievable perfect leaves!


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