> I have no idea what Jo's Bobbinwork is supposed to do. I'm 
> probably being thick, but there doesn't appear to be any 
> instructions/help file on what to do with it. 

Under the links on the right of http://code.google.com/p/bobbinwork/
you will find links to user guides.

> I've managed to 
> get a couple of grounds in the window from the sample files, 
> but what I'm supposed to do with them after that, I don't 
> know. 

You can make variants, such as reduce a "vierge" (or however that is claaed
in English) to a roseground or whatever is in between. You can change the
colors of threads to see how the threads run through the ground and plan
some "Dick durch dunn" variation (http://tinyurl.com/4b935xg). A twist more
or less can have a big influence. The "how to" is available in Dutch:

A tinied automated translation: http://tinyurl.com/4jtvhpj
If the slightly more computer literate contribute by adding an English
translation or their own way of explaining, or even add more how to pages to
the wiki, I might (don't hold your breath) get encouraged to resume
development some day.

> There doesn't seem to be a simple way of drawing fans, 
> marking rose ground, tallies, spiders, etc as there is with 
> Lace 2000/R-XP, so I suspect it's intended for something more 
> advanced than I'm interested in.

These functions are "not yet implemented". Please stop suspecting and start
reading: compare the "what" and "in practice" on the home page
http://code.google.com/p/bobbinwork/ following the link to the issues might
be a bit too technical for you but that could also shed some light on my not
yet implemented intentions. Except solving technical puzzles I desperately
need gui designers to help thinking. So Achim, a chance to turn your general
critisism into something practical and reply to isssue 33 ;-)


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