[lace] Lace scarve

2015-05-03 Thread micki cameron
Now there's a thought Liz, but I might make curtain tie backs using your
idea.  Bought curtains yesterday for my son and his lovely girlfriend and
thought the curtains needed tie backs.

I think a large scale project like this could be very positive and
encouraging.  Great idea, thanks!


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[lace] Return to lacemaking

2015-05-03 Thread micki cameron
Thanks for the welcome back Bev, and also for your and Sally's welcome
advice. Sally touched on something that worried me from day 1 when I first
started making lace  Posture and position at the cushion.  Pity there
isn't a group of recommendations to follow: cushion at such and such a
height and angle, height of table etc etc.  I think that I will have to
find a working position that will maximise strengths and minimise aches and

I cleaned my pillow last weekend and let all the tools roll in my hands,
and I sorted my bobbins and looked at beautiful threads and silks.  So much
joy there.

>From Scotland where there is a promise of a sunny day tomorrow

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[lace] Returning to lacemaking after long

2015-05-03 Thread micki cameron
I have not been making lace for best part of four years and suspect that it
won't be easy to return to it, as I suffered a bad injury to my right
shoulder with chronic pain as a legacy.  But I think the time is right to
give it a try.

At the time of the accident I was at beginning of intermediate level I
would say.

Where should I start? Right at the beginning doing bookmarks etc? (it's my
inclination to make a couple to refresh my knowledge and skills) but I am
curious re what you would advise.

I know I might not last long at the pillow initially, maybe never, but feel
I need to at least give it a go.

Scotland, united kingdom

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[lace] Wild silk from Africa

2009-05-13 Thread micki cameron
In my travels on the internet I came across the following site - a community
project where hugely under-priviledged people from Namibia are working
together to aid farmers and live stock and to make a living for themselves.
I quote from the homepage

Kalahari Tussah is a development project in Namibia, Southern Africa,
focusing on utilizing the cocoons of an indigenous African silk moth,
Gonometa postica.

Though these cocoons have been utilized for millennia by the indigenous San
communities of the Kalahari as a delicacy, or for making dance rattles, they
have escaped the notice of the modern world until recently.

Though it was known that the cocoons consist of a high quality wild silk,
most of the cocoons was allowed to rot on the African veldt. However, with
the advent of commercial farming in the Kalahari the cocoons became
notorious for causing the death of livestock in some areas. Farmers started
to insist that something must be done to eradicate the scourge.

This initiative was born from the realization that a realistic solution had
to be found to resolve the problem; that communities in the Kalahari are
destitute with few opportunities for poverty alleviation; and that the silk
cocoons represented a valued luxury natural fibre resource.

The site is http://www.kalaharitussah.com/index.php

Interesting read.  


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[lace] Spider Raffle

2008-11-07 Thread Micki Cameron
Hi there

could you please enter my name in the spider raffle, the spiders sound just

thank you


Greetings, Gentle Spiders!!

I am following the lead of Vicki who raffled spider socks a few days
ago!  Wandering through a shop the other day, I spotted "Christmas"
ornaments for us!  They're funny little spiders to hang on your tree!  I
bought several so that I could share.

So, if you're interested in having your own spider for your holiday
tree, send me an email privately and put spider raffle in the subject
line.  I will have DH draw three winners on Friday, November 14, and
will send them anywhere in the world.


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RE: [lace] Midlands bobbins - spangling

2008-09-28 Thread Micki Cameron
Apologies for getting the continent and Britain mixed up - head is full of
everything and anything today.

Of course the continent is where it started.

I did come across an interesting article this afternoon, by Brian Lemin,
where he prods and talks about 'bone lace' - amazing what the internet can
bring into our orbit.

Thanks for the feedback

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[lace] Midlands bobbins - spangling

2008-09-27 Thread Micki Cameron
I have been trawling the internet a bit to try and find out more about
spangled bobbins and their history and besides uncovering tiny bits of new
information, I haven't really come across anything to indicate why there is
a difference between continental bobbins and midlands bobbins.

I know that both types of bobbin have means of adding weight to the bobbin,
either by a heavier bottom or by spangling and that the spangle stops the
bobbin rolling around on the pillow.   What I don't get is the following:
presuming that some continental laces came about because of English
lacemaking where spangled bobbins were used, why did they (continental
lacemakers) decide to stop using spangles and go with the heavy bottom
variety of bobbin instead?

And who had the thought initially that using a threaded circle of beads at
the bottom of a bobbin would be a good idea in lacemaking anyway?

I have to add that this journey of seeking information is a rather enjoyable
one, i had a look for the Springett's booklet on spangles and superstitions
too, but apparently it is out of print.   Any feedback on the book and its


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[lace] OT - Australian magazine

2008-09-09 Thread micki
Jeri Ames mentioned the Australian magazine " Inspirations " - I recently
discovered this magazine and find it just as the name says:  inspirational.
Certainly one I am considering subscribing to.

from crisp autumnal Scotland

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[lace] tudor rose or english rose / thanks

2008-08-12 Thread micki
One of my fellow lacers here in Scotland is looking for a tudor rose or
english rose pattern to make in lace.   Any suggestion of sources / books /

Thank you too for the responses to my query of blogs v. websites.
Interesting observations and responses.

from the scottish highlands where the hills are cloaked in beautiful flowering

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Re: I haven't got the patience - was [lace] Declining lace days

2008-06-25 Thread micki
That statement seems to be pretty widespread!   I ask then what their 
interests are and they often come out with astonishing replies:  they make 
intricate tapestries, do advanced beadwork etc etc.   If then asked if that 
does not take patience they seem astonished that I should think so, before 
the penny drops:  if you love doing something, having patience is something 
you do not associate with your pastime!


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Re: [lace] Table-Mate

2008-06-15 Thread micki

Item number: 330243991261

there is one on ebay.uk at the moment


- Original Message - 
From: "Clive & Betty Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Table-Mate

Hi Spiders,  For those who want to have a look,  www.searsroebuck.com and 
fed Table Mate in Search. It is the same table I got at Bed and Beyond 
last year on sale for about $12.  It is handy for various projects.

Clive's cousin in England has one that she got at one of the chain stores 
there; so English lacemakers have a look at the Sears photo and google 
your own shops.

Happy Searching,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA 

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[lace] gimp loops

2008-03-10 Thread micki
Would someone care to explain what a gimp loop is?   Or even point to a
website where it is explained?  A search of google has taken me down
interesting paths, but they were definitely not lacey paths 


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[lace] lace pricking - proceeds to charity

2008-02-12 Thread micki
I am looking for the website that has a lace pricking on it (for a section of
a christmas tree garland?) - lacemakers could take part in a sponsorship with
proceeds going to charity?

does this trigger a memory?  I know this was discussed recently, but my mind
has gone blank, I don't even know what to search for through the archives.

please help

thank you

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[lace] travel pillow instructions

2008-01-25 Thread micki
changed my search criteria on google and found the following:




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[lace] travel lace pillow

2008-01-25 Thread micki

I found these instructions (Posted by Jenny Brandis) on a French site with
pictures on how to make a travel lace pillow.

I translated some of the French into English via Google, but am stumped as to
how to construct the lace pillow.

Mid April this year I am travelling to my home country, South Africa, and I am
very keen to take a lace pillow with me, understandably this travel pillow
instructions appeal to me!

Is there anybody who can help translate, instruction or give assistance as to
how to make a travel pillow.  I think if I knew what I was intending to make,
the photos would make sense, but the majority just had me baffled.

thank you

Micki Cameron

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Re: [lace] bobbin winder

2007-08-18 Thread micki

Hi Shere'e

excuse my ignorance, but what is a birdcage spangle, and what else would 
constitute a fancy spangle?

from an extremely wet and windy scottish highlands
admiring the determined festival goers braving extreme conditions to attend 
the Runrig concert next to Loch Ness


You can't do fancy

spangles like Birdcages or anything like that however if you use a simple
loop spangle it works fine.


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[lace] buttons on lace pillows

2007-07-01 Thread micki
can anybody tell why it is considered good luck to have a button on a
lacemaking pillow or have I got this wrong?

from rain-sodden Scotland

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[lace] Character bobbin winner is

2007-05-10 Thread micki
Congratulation to Maxine Diffey whose name came out of the hat first, Sir
Lancelot will wing his way to New Zealand tomorrow:
Maxine Diffey

and since there were 79 entries for the raffle I decided to do another draw
for the other Sir Lancelot I had and he was won by :
Sue Babbs

sorry to the other who missed out and thank you for your warm, at time
humerous and always kind messages.

in a decidedly chilly scotland

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[lace] disaster! and raffle messages

2007-05-02 Thread micki cameron
I had a huge disaster a couple of weeks ago:  decided to try out a pattern
using an unknown silk thread given to me by one of the members of my lace
group.  The lace worked up so beautiful that I decided to make an edging for a
little curtain for a little window on the upstairs landing.

Then I realised the pillow was wrong:  I started on a mushroom pillow and
should really be on the block pillow, so I worked up a felt mountain, secured
the bobbins and had to put it all to rest at that point.

We have been staying nights at my mother-in-law who is unwell and so I decided
to spend the time staying with her working on the edging except when I pulled
the pillow out of the carrier I realised I had left the work in a very
precarious point and before I could do anything else pins started to scatter

Last night I set up the pillow on my lace table at home, switched on extra
lights and positioned the magnification to try and salvage all, but soon
realised I had a disaster on my hands, so I pulled all the pins out of the
lace ready to cut off the threads and start all over.  I realised the lace was
lying nice and flat and without the pins I could see where to start the
salvage operation - and hour later and the work is saved.

and do you know what gave me the courage to retry?  All those of you who
recounted pillows being knocked off tables and who had the courage to let the
messed up bobbins untangle whilst holding the pillow upside down.

Last count 66 entries in the raffle - what warm messages you all write, and
how terrible to just have the one item to raffle
from another lovely day in warm Scotland

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[lace] character bobbin raffle

2007-05-01 Thread micki cameron
O! the excitement got too much and I gave the wrong date:   thanks to
those who spotted the mistake it is MAY and not APRIL 

and to those who offered to pay postage - thank you for your kind offer but
the pleasure of posting is mine, I think whoever wins this bobbin will like it
as much as I do.


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[lace] raffle - character bobbin

2007-05-01 Thread micki cameron
I am so excited!!!I have a lovely character bobbin (midlands) to raffle -
I have taken part in many of the Arachne raffles and been priviledged to win a
couple of them and now I finally have something to offer too:

Please write directly to me with your name and the subject line reflecting
that it is a raffle for the character bobbin - he is described as Sir
Lancelot, although there is nothing written on the bobbin to indicate that it
represents him.

Last day of the draw 10th April

from warm scotland

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[lace] A resource for children's or beginner lessons, or demonstrators / Highlands Arts and Textile wall hanging update

2007-03-21 Thread micki cameron

Dear Julie,

your resource is just perfect, thank you!We are having a demonstration 
day here in Inverness, Scotland on the 14th of April and this will come in 
just perfect.  with something so well thought out I think it will create 
interest in lacemakeing and get new people interested in the art of 

And for a little update on the HAT project:   three wind turbines were 
completed by the last monthly meeting date, and the above demonstration day 
will be part of the HAT project:  we will be sharing a stand with weavers, 
dyers, embroiderers and spinners all demonstrating what they do.  The 
'quiters' will be there too, the last time I looked the HAT website have 
still not corrected their typo and understandably the quilters are hopping 
mad about the typing mistake LOL

in a decidedly icy scotland

A resource for children's or beginner lessons, or demonstrators 

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Re: [lace] polar grid

2007-03-04 Thread micki cameron
Thanks Agnes, the graph paper site you sent was just perfect! 
http://incompetech.com/beta/plainGraphPaper/ Thank you too for take the time 
to answer my question.

And thank you too to Eva in spain for her kind offer and advice to use a 
pastel yellow for working with black threads.


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[lace] polar grid

2007-03-04 Thread micki cameron
Could someone point me to an electronic version of a polar grid to use for
lace design?

I had a look at Jo Falkink's bobbinmaker programme but am lacking the time to
learn it at the moment.

What I need it for is to design a table cloth for an oval table - in
miniature.  It will be a table cloth for a witch so I want to make the table
cloth in black silk.  Found marvellous miniature skulls on ebay which I will
attach to the edges, and apart from reinforcing the witchy theme it will also
add much needed weight to help the table cloth to drape.

I understand this table cloth will go into a Halloween scene, obviously the
witch (and the tablecloth covered table) will be in the scene.  Quite grim

My second question is this:  what would be the best colour for the pricking
and film if I am using black silk?

thank you

from scotland

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Re: [lace] My new website

2007-02-28 Thread micki cameron
Jean I enjoyed seeing your collection and also looking at your various items 
of lace you have made - lovely.

Just thought I would mention that some of the links didn't work for me, I 
use standard internet explorer as a browser, so nothing fancy there.

from wet scottish highland

- Original Message - 
From: "Jean Leader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:29 PM
Subject: [lace] My new website

One of my New Year resolutions was to make this the year when I got my own 
website together - I've been thinking about one for over two years but not 
getting down to it until now.

But it is now up and running at

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Re: [lace] blog

2007-02-23 Thread micki cameron

Brenda Paternoster wrote:

BUT at the very bottom of the very long
page there are three English bone bobbins - they are MINE!  The
pictures have been taken from my website without my having been asked
for permission and without any credits.


While I know you are incensed at the 'theft' of the photographs from your
websites, I am so pleased you posted the link to your website, it was
interesting to see all the different types of bobbins AND I was especially
pleased to see a ruler in the photograph.   It is a big bugbear of mine when
visiting websites (showing miniature items) to be confronted with a coin, or
paper clip or some other item that would never in a million years indicate
the real size of the item.

from scotland who is glad it is Friday, it has been a long week for no
particular reason.

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[lace] Highland year of culture - Inverness Scotland

2007-02-10 Thread micki cameron
Regina, i do agree it is a beautiful design, we saw the original artwork for 
it last night.  Earthy colours etc.

Will keep the group posted, I expect there will be much hilarity at our 
first design meeting this coming Friday, we all had the giggles last night 
when we realised we got wind turbines and not horses' hoofs as had been 
suggested earlier.  The use of wind turbines is a highly contentious one 
here in the highlands and I was glad to see laughs and not snorts of 
derision when the wind turbines were first mentioned.

I will have to go and see the highland quiters - what a typo to make!!!


How absolutely beautiful - what a gorgeous design!  I would love to see it 
completed.  Can you post photos and keep us in touch with your progress?

Don't feel bad about being renamed Highland Lacers - there's another group 
listed there called the "Highland Quiters" and that would be worse.  I 
hope they don't live up to their name, or the work will never be complete 

Regina Haring 

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[lace] Highland year of culture - Inverness Scotland

2007-02-10 Thread micki cameron
We are celebrating the Highland year of culture in 2007 and the Inverness Lace
Group is participating in a very exciting project, namely making lace for a
large piece of community textile art.  Lacemakers, quilters, spinners,
weavers, dyers, feltmakers and embroiderers are all contributing towards this
piece of work.

Last night, at our monthly meet, Joan Baxter - a texstyle artist - who
designed this piece of work came to speak to Inverness Lace Group about our
lace contribution.  If you want to read more about the project you can go to
the following website:  http://www.highlandarttextiles.co.uk/index.htm.  We
will be making the wind turbines you can see under the third panel (the last
panel on the right).

The project will be unveiled on the weekend of the 31st August, 1st and 2nd
September and during this time members of the public will be invited to
classes held by the various 'disciplines' (for want of a better collective
word ) which brings me to my request:

Inverness Lace Group (or Highland Lace Group as the project renamed us) will
need to have a lace tutor on hand for Sunday - someone who can perhaps
showcase his/her own lace work, hold an informal class etc.  Any volunteers
from the British contingent of Arachne?  We can contribute to your costs and
provide accommodation.

Please contact me off list if you are interested

thank you

Micki Cameron
Inverness Lace Group Secretary
from a dampish morning in Drumnadrochit, Scotland

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[lace] Leif Christensen

2007-01-17 Thread micki cameron
I wonder if someone could give me the contact details again for Leif and Bodil
please.  I have taken out my second last reel of their ultra thin silk and
would like to re-order more to replenish stocks.

thank you

from the north of scotland where we saw the first snows of the winter - far
away on the mountain tops

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[lace] ] aficot

2007-01-17 Thread micki cameron
The shuttle under that catalogue number is like you describe it, in lovely 
metallic colour.  Yummy


 It is

item #7292A in the catalog -I haven't checked the web site,
There is a fine point on one end and a more oval one on the other.  3" 
long in

metallicized plastic.
It appears to me that it could be used as an aficot.


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[lace] aficot / needlelace guild

2007-01-17 Thread micki cameron
Tamara, I know about Lacis from my miniature knitting forays, never thought 
they supplies lace items too, so thanks for mentioning them.

I had half decided to ago ahead with the mangling until I read your words 
about silk being at its weakest when wet - of course, duh! don't know why 
that fact forgot to emerge from my brain cells.

Eve thanks for the link to the needlelace site, I have been to explore the 
site and will join them - I love needlelace!


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[lace] aficot

2007-01-16 Thread micki cameron
I have been trawling the internet for a lace supplier who sells aficots.  And
trawling I still am, have been reading interesting bits and pieces about other
items used to polish needlelace 'rolls', like a cow's tooth or a lobster's
claw, but since I suspect the first will not surrender a tooth readily and the
last time I saw a live lobster was when one resolutely clickety clacked his
way across the tiled floor of the Cape Town bistro to freedom.  Then I didn't
know one could make lace and even if I had I would not have interrupted that
dash for the sea for anything in the world.

Can anybody help?  I mean, point me to a vendor who sells them (aficots I

I have been sent home sick today, but a hefty dose of paracetomol later and I
felt a lot better.  In between sleeping I sat at my lace pillow and finished a
little silk table centre piece I had started on the weekend.  Hated the sewing
up and wished I had 'magic threads' but am so pleased with the end result.  I
am toying with the idea of mangling it (as per Arachne discussion many moons
ago).   Would the silk tolerate mangling?

Next on to-do list is a needlelace 1/12th scale 'flapper dress'  oh, for

from an overcast and chilly scottish highlands

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[lace] Lace Glossary

2006-08-01 Thread micki
Thanks for the glossary, Jo, I received a copy of Annelies de Kort's booklet 
re lace in 3D, and while I read and understand Dutch, I wanted to make sure 
I got the lace terms right.  Your glossary will do the trick nicely

from the scottish highlands where the rain is pouring down

- Original Message - 
From: "Jo Falkink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "arachne" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [lace] Lace Glossary

| Dear (not so) multilingual Spiders
| I've still to catch up about 400 lacy emails...
| I've collected a few web pages with glossaries on
| http://www.xs4all.nl/~falkink/lace/lnk036-NL.html
| I'm glad to add more if I missed any.
| I also added a glossary with about 80 items in 4 languages (assembled from 
| few books years ago) to the database of
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bobbinlace
| Any member of this group can add and change items, please do. Ask me for 
| new languages. I intend to add more accessible copies of the database to 
| website. This action was just a quick win.
| Jo Falkink
| -
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[lace] lace brochure

2006-07-15 Thread micki
Helen, Aussie in Denver

should you have more time in future, I would also be interested in the 
tri-fold brochure you mentioned in response to Jenny's email.  At our recent 
lacemaking weekend, the numbers were down, hugely so, and as secretary to 
the group i have been thinking of ways and means we can promote lace as well 
as the lace group, well - in addition to what we are doing already.  There 
will be a few fairs where members will be doing demonstrations etc., and at 
present all that is available in the line of promotional literature for 
these demonstration, are little cards with scant information printed on it. 
I think a trifold would do the job so much better, especially for people new 
to lace, or who thought making lace was restricted to bobbin lace only.

in very hot scotland - i got a burnt face and arms from working in the 
garden, despite wearing sun protection cream

The RMLG has a nice tri-fold brochure (currently under revision) that
includes a potted history of lace, with a brief description or bobbin
and needle laces and tatting, with a photo of each, and a very brief
description of other main laces - knitted, crocheted,
embroidered/decorated net, tape lace (like battenberg).  It includes
contact details of the Guild with a tear off page that can be returned
to the Guild with a request to join or just go on the mailing list.
Helen, Aussie in Denver


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[lace] secret pal

2006-05-10 Thread micki
My secret pal parted with beautiful beads this month, for which I thank you, 
they are so unusual and will be treasured.  All your past parcels have 
contained delights and treasures and this one is no different:  there is the 
clever mat that will stop my pillow from slipping and just in time for use 
this coming weekend at our spring lacemaking weekend.   I also have a 
beautiful Arachne bobbin to put into action and since I am going to make a 
start on my Bucks Point practice piece I will use the Arachne bobbin and 
think of you.

The lovely folk art kitchen towel is appreciated and I like the additional 
crochet hook at the top which means I can hang it close to my cooking range.

Your kindness is appreciated and I smiled at your apology about a 'lack of 
special' wrapping - there is no need to apologise: your parcels are so 
beautifully packed and presented they are a treat in themself to open.



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[lace] Lace day events

2006-05-08 Thread micki
Hmm, I like the idea of making lace on the train and did consider it on my 
recent visit to Edinburgh - but since there were no lockers at the station 
where I arrived I was stuck as to what to do with the pillow while I walked 
and explored Edinburgh, so the lace pillow stayed at home.

We have a lacemaking weekend coming up this very next weekend and I am so 
excited:  I have enrolled for the needlelace course and will also take the 
(almost completed) garter with me to get expert help on how to join the two 
pieces.   Two and a half days of lacemaking and nothing else, just 

from the scottish highlands whether the sun is shining and the breeze gently 

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[lace] dublin and portugal

2006-04-19 Thread Micki
Thank you for the suggestion re lace in Ireland and Portugal.  while I have 
no problem finding my way in English, it will be interesting to see how my 
non-existent Portuguese fares!



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[lace] Dublin, Ireland

2006-04-17 Thread Micki
could anybody suggest places to visit in dublin where I could possibly stock 
up on anything to do with lace - threads, carrickmacross books, needlelace, 

We will spend four days in Dublin this coming June.

Any ideas for Faro, Portugal - any museums, shops etc., worth visiting - we 
will hopefully visit Portugal in September, possibly even do a day trip to 



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[lace] meaning of 'lace'

2006-04-17 Thread Micki
No. 4 caught my eye, love it!

   4. Ornaments of fine thread curiously woven.+++

from Loch Ness, Scotland - where the spring rains are beating a tattoo on 
the ground and the roof

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[lace] Fan exhibition at Holyrood Palace - Edinburgh

2006-04-13 Thread Micki
Yesterday I accompanied my twins to Edinburgh and while they explored I 
walked to Holyrood Palace to see the exhibition of fans.   Well worth the 
visit - saw four sizeable lace fans, one of which is a Carrickmacross fan, 
two Honiton fans and not too sure what the other type of lace is called, 
vaguely recall it being a continental lace. Lots of other fans executed in 
different materials and styles, even some using ostrich, jay and other types 
of feathers.

Beautiful postcards of fans on sale in the shop.  The girl who was selling 
tickets to the exhibition told me that the Faberge fans were her favourites, 
I also thought they were rather special.  However the intricate lace fans 
were breathtaking and done so expertly.   One of the Honiton fans had a very 
dense ground which made the lace look darker and quite solid.  The hardback 
book which accompanied the exhibition was in the hall for reference, and 
they commented on this fan - can't quite remember what they said. The 
Carrickmacross fan is so beautiful and since I like this style of lace it is 
encouraging to see an expert piece up close.

A few anxious guards at the exhibition - there is one particular fan which 
is liberally crusted with diamonds - and the diamonds were not small either!

from the scottish highlands


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Re: [lace] smoke smell?

2006-03-07 Thread Micki
To use a tip mentioned on SmallStuff (for miniaturists)  put your book in a 
bag where you have sprinkled a deep layer of cat litter and leave it 
there(changing cat litter from time to time) till smoke smell is gone.

I inherited my mother in law's cookbook, and to be honest, I stopped using 
the book soon after I got it since every page seem to be steeped in the 
smell of smoke, haven't even had the inclination to try the tip mentioned 
above.  Would love to know if it works then I might 'de-smoke' the cookbook 

from the Scottish Highlands where the snow is slowly melting

| Hello lacemakers,
| I just got a lace book in the mail that I purchased on ebay and it smells 
| smoke, is there anything I can do?
| Otherwise the book is great, I picture myself using a noseclip while 
| lace from this book!
| Irene Whitham
| Surrey, BC
| -
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Re: [lace] garters

2006-02-24 Thread Micki
I think the finished garter will be just on 30 inches, the pricking I am 
using is about 7.25 inches long and I am making four repeats.

I take my lace pillow to work and it is wonderful to see it grow bit by bit 
after every lunch half hour!



>I am making a Torchon garter - almost half done

Excellent, more company! How long will be the actual lace?

bye for now
Bev in Sooke BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins

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[lace] garters

2006-02-24 Thread Micki
   I am making a Torchon garter - almost half done

Micki Cameron

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[lace] Z and S spun threads

2006-01-07 Thread Micki
   I just had a wee read about Z and S spun threads on Brenda Paternoster's 
site because I am actually keen to use this tendency to spiral as a design 
effect.   A while ago there was a link to a site where members had designed 
spirals as christmas decorations and I made one of those spirals, wound it 
around a dowel and sprayed it with hairspray to make it stay put in a 
spiral.  Afterwards I thought it would be great if you could make a strip of 
lace and have it curl naturally.  hence my interest in the Z and S spun 

Ages ago I printed off a document from the YLI thread site re threads, must 
go and read that and see what they say about spiral.


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[lace] patterns for newbie / advanced

2005-11-27 Thread Micki
As a newbie I have to say that Irene Tomlinson's Torchon patterns are 
brilliant, so well thought out and already printed on brown card ready for 

I hope to start learning Bucks soon and with that in mind  I bought some of 
her Bucks points patterns at our recent lacemaking weekend; because I know 
they will work for me, and work very well.

I know she has a website somewhere, cant find that, however found this 
American site selling her patterns 

from damp scottish highlands 

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[lace] Luton - lace

2005-11-12 Thread Micki
recently there was a brief discussion about (new?) Luton museum lace 
Can anybody tell whether this is in addition to the book that already 
exists - I think Kate Reilly did that one?

from windswept scotland 

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[lace] Leif Christensen

2005-10-23 Thread Micki
Could I have Leif christensen's contact details too please


.  At the moment I am making a rose motif in Chantilly lace
| in a thread which is a pale blue/grey colour and is unboiled 3 ply silk 
| thickness (very, very fine).  I got the thread from Leif Christensen in
| Denmark after consulting with you wonderful people 

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[lace] Lace Day and Lace Fair

2005-10-21 Thread Micki
| As one who travels mostly by armchair, I  appreciate comments and
| reports about lace days, conventions, and other get-togethers  - not a
| rundown of what the speaker spoke, necessarily, but the little things,
| like how many attended, in what sort of place, and what the weather
| was, if you saw someone wearing a particularly special piece of lace,
| if travel was complicated, or direct, if there were new lacemakers, or
| other Arachnes - and some descriptives - the speaker was fascinating,
| and one bit I thought was most interesting was..(etc.).

Bev in Sooke BC,  we have a lace weekend coming up middle November here in 
the Scottish Highlands.  As I am interested in design I have listed myself 
for the Lace Design class.  it has some snappy name which eludes me at the 

I will happily report on the weekend - in general - since as a lace rookie I 
havent got enough knowledge yet to comment on anything else . 
Torchin lace is starting to lose its terrifying aspects for me and I look 
forward to the day when I will transfer my attention to Bucks. but first I 
want to 'knit' torchon into my bones so that it becomes a pleasure to do, 
from beginning to end.

The highlands of scotland have put on its autumnal finery and the light is 
so sharp and crisp

from Loch Ness, Drumnadrochit 

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[lace] secret pal thanks

2005-10-21 Thread Micki
thank you to my secret pal, who once again send me a delightful parcel. 
Thank you very much, every item is a pleasure to own and to marvel over.


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[lace] pillow bags

2005-10-04 Thread Micki
for those of you who are challenged by sewing seams in the round - why not 
buy simbal bags from a music or drumming shop.  I have two - one padded and 
the other not both have a large pocket on the outside.   Carry handles 
complete the minimalist black look.

They zip shut and neatly hold a block pillow or mushroom pillow.  I have 
abandoned my fabric pillow bag and will definitely buy another simbal bag 
for my third pillow.


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[lace] subscribe Lace-chat

2005-08-12 Thread Micki
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[lace] Jeanette's rosa libre fish

2005-08-08 Thread Micki
The fish with the "rose" eye and "roll" scales was from Jeanette
Fischer (also an Arachnean) and the most inventive way to use the
Rosalibre technique I've seen so far.


Jeanette have sent me a photo of this lovely fish a while ago and i thought 
he was wonderful too.  Not that i know anything about rosa libre, but the 
fish had such attitude and was so 'lively' he could almost swim off the 

Congratulations again, Jeanette.

Changing the subject, can anybody tell me to subscribe to Lace Chat?


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[lace] wire needlelace and gemstones

2005-06-26 Thread Micki

I was looking around of the web for examples of needle lace - the link above 
leads to a jewelry designer using wire to surround stones with needlelace 


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[lace] perfect picots

2005-06-11 Thread Micki
If you forgive my layman's terminology, here goes with what was demonstrated 
to me last night:

twist the pair(s) that will be used for the picot, 5 times.

with the left thread (if using one pair of bobbins  or bobbins - split the 
number of bobbins in half and use the left half - if using more than one 
pair of bobbins) in your left hand, push onto the thread(or bobbins) with 
the pin that you will be using to pin the picot.  Loop the thread up and 
over the pin and pin up outside your pricking (thread is going around the 
pin clockwise).

with the right thread (or bobbins) loop the thread clockwise around that pin 
and carefully lift the pin out of the pillow and pin up in the pricking 
where you want to picot to be.  Gently tension threads as you are doing it 
and the picot will be tight when you pin up.

Twist your thread twice and that is the picot!

Golly, it is hard writing this, I can see it happening in front of my mind's 
eye - just hope the words reflect what I was trying to say.


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[lace] unflappable picots

2005-06-11 Thread Micki
A mere handful at last night's monthly lace guild meeting in Inverness, but 
I came away with a giggle in my heart and encouragement re my lacemaking.

I have been struggling with a torchon pattern for a miniature fan.  Unpicked 
it three times this week, and despite reading the instructions over and over 
could not figure out where I went wrong.  Thursday a friend and I took a 
jolly along to a pottery way up north and of course I got lost - did the 
typical "road sign says turn right and I turned left" navigational error, 
and once we retraced our steps and reached our destination something must 
have settled in my sub-conscious mind because I came home and re-read the 
instructions:  where I now read:   clothstitch RIGHT through two pairs and 
not as I misread it before:  clothstitch LEFT through two pairs, LOL.

We had a good laugh about that at the guild meeting.

My tutor said that at our last lacemaking weekend she learned to do the 
perfect picot, which she showed to the group and I promptly tried it and 
will now have 'unflappable picots' in future.   Yipee. My picots will now 
stop waving their two arms in different directions.


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[lace] OT - missing mail - Duchess pins

2005-06-10 Thread Micki
I have written to Barb off list re bouncing emails and so on.  But it got me 
thinking - someone else from the UK sent me a box as well and when I sent 
out a little thank-you to both her and Barb, I put a custom label on her wee 
parcel too with the description of "confectionery" - realised too late that 
she was in the UK but decided to just leave the label on anyway.

Did you receive your parcel and thank you, if not could you contact me off 
list please?


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[lace] Michelle - craft shops

2005-05-27 Thread Micki

if you go to the followng website  www.hobbycraft.co.uk you will find the 
nearest shop to where you will be.


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[lace] Mary Shields

2005-05-16 Thread Micki
Jane in Vermont mentioned being taught by Mary Shields.  I had a look at her 
two books on Carrickmacross, and thought they showed a great love of this 
type of lace.   There was a choice of Carrickmacross books to refer to when 
we were practicing our filling in stitches and Mary's book is the one that 
actually got through to me.  Generally I have great difficulty learning from 
diagrams but something clicked when i went through her instructions.

A great part of the magic of Carrickmacross, for me, is the filling-in 
stitches.  How ingenious and resourceful to use those little hexagons in so 
many different ways!


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[lace] Carrickmacross

2005-05-16 Thread Micki
Simon Reeve was mentioned as a possible supplier by my tutor, she said his 
mom used to do lace supplies but she wasn't sure that Simon carried on in 
the business.

So, thanks for the encouragement and the sharing of enjoyment of 
Carrickmacross.  I like the idea of using colouring-in book pictures, there 
are some wonderful ones to choose from.  Thank you too for all the possible 
suppliers, always good to have more than one source, just in case.

Our wonderful weather fled in a storm of hail stones today - back to toe 
nipping cold winds and gusts.

Loch Ness-Scotland. 

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[lace] lace-making weekend

2005-05-15 Thread Micki
Today is the third and final session of our spring lace-making weekend in 
Inverness, Scotland and this is the second lace-making weekend I have 
attended since joining the Guild last year . At my first weekend, I learnt 
how to draft and make my first bookmark and hopefully I finish my little bit 
of Carrickmacross lace today, which is what I have opted to learn about this 

There are two tutors present, Kitty Mason and Irene Thomlinson, who is 
tutoring my group.

I have to say that I have falled in love with the delicacy and beauty of 
Carrickmacross!  There are just the two of us who is learning this method of 
making lace while the rest of group is doing Bucks Point and it is very 
soothing listening to the soft click of bobbins while couching around the 
design of the wee medallion I am making.  The weather is superb and all the 
big tilt windows have been flung open to let in the sunshine and bird song.

Yesterday Scottish Lace Supplies set up their table and I stocked up on more 
thread, and so on and to my delight discovered two boxes of Newey pins in 
the very short and fine size that I like.

I would love to know who in the UK supplies the organdy and tulle that is 
suitable for making Carrickmacross.

... and finally, Irene had a bit of antique Carrickmacross lace to show us, 
so very beautiful and gossamer you could but marvel at the patience and 
skill that went into making it.

Loch Ness - Scotland 

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[lace] Duchesse pins

2005-04-12 Thread Micki
good afternoon

I hope one of you would be able to refer me to a supplier of Duchesse pins.  I
have tried Jo Firth, who says her suppliers tell her the pins are no longer
being made; and i have also tried Theo Brejaart in the Netherlands who is out
of stock too.

thank you

in Scotland

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[lace] Emily Hobhouse lace -Tiny URL

2005-03-31 Thread Micki
This should take you to my photos where you will see the South African design
done by Emily Hobhouse



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[lace] South African needle lace

2005-03-30 Thread Micki
I saw a brief web article about a piece of lace designed by Emily Hobhouse,
during the Boer war or perhaps more specifically after the Boer War. I have
been in touch with Janis Savage who sent me a copy of a newspaper article re
this lace.  It is termed Wag-n-bietjie, which is
Afrikaans for a type of thorny tree whose thorns catch on your clothes and
make you stand still while you extricate yourself, LOL.  I have uploaded the
article in my photo site and would love to hear what you think of it.  It is
in an album called south african lace.



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[lace] my first two bookmarks

2005-03-14 Thread Micki
While I am still doing the pricking for the miniature stole, and no doubt will
do so for a while more (I thought half an hour tops but three half hour
sessions and I am not even a third done yet, LOL).

I have created a yahoo photo album and uploaded a photo of my first two
bookmarks as well as a photo of my cat who resents the lace pillow big time,
he usually tries to sit on top of the pricking, so as a trade off I allowed
him to sleep next to the pillow this one time!

Scotland, UK

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[lace] Noelene's post - evening stole

2005-02-27 Thread Micki
Yes, I have done bucks ground before, in my first bookmark, not that I knew it
at the time, it was pointed out to me afterwards, LOL.

I will attempt the pattern on Thursday when I have a day's leave, the pricking
is tomorrow night's job.

I did a lace weekend with the Guild last November and drew out the pricking
for the abovementioned bookmark and have finished it, followed by a another
bookmark which went much quicker.  Once my scanner is up and running again I
will post a photo of both the bookmarks.

thanks for the help.


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Fw: [lace] evening stole with fringe

2005-02-27 Thread Micki
Thanks Sue, when the diagram come through I will have a good study of it and 
then try it on Thursday on my day off.

Your help is appreciated.
who is off to bed now.
- Original Message - 
From: "Sue Babbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] evening stole with fringe

I've found the book and pattern and send you a diagram showing you the 
order of working

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[lace] evening stole with fringe

2005-02-27 Thread Micki
thanks for the help and suggestions and sorry I got you all worried on my
behalf, LOL.  I went and fetched the book to see what it says, rather than
quote from memory.  The book is Roz Snowden's "New Ideas for Miniature Bobbin
lace" and it says the following:

The stitches used is Double Stitch, Cloth Stitch diamond and Bucks Point
ground.  I obviously made a mistake with the Torchon, must be just my fevered
brain going into overdrive there.

It starts by telling you to hang pins as follows:

two pairs open on each pin (5 pins)
two pairs open on 16 pins
2 pairs open on each pin (5 pins)

Twist each pair and cover pins with cloth stitch and twist
Work Bucks Point ground stitches in diagonal ros so that the ground is even

Work clotch stitch diamonds where indicated

... and so on


I assume that I would twist each pair and then do the cloth stitch and twist
from the left to right

and then what?

thanks in advance

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[lace] Hello from another newbie

2005-02-27 Thread Micki
Well, I am another newbie, with just two bookmarks under my belt.  I am
using a flat block pillow and Midlands spangled bobbins.  I did try the
Honiton bobbins, but they don't behave too well on a flat pillow, LOL.

I did try to learn from books but just faced this huge mental block - what I
read and then tried just didn't look like the photos or anything resembling
lace so i joined the Lace Guild which proved to be the right thing to do,
for me at least.  Unfortunately they meet only once a month and often I come
across a problem well before the next meeting so I either resolve it or have
to wait.  Right now I am stuck with a problem and hope you can help.

I want to make a Torchon miniature shawl which starts on a straight line.
The background is Bucks which I don't have any problems with but I do not
understand how I work the ground on a diagonal when I start from a straight
line.  Can anybody assist?


from freezing cold scotland

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[lace] Cause of Lace

2005-01-22 Thread micki cameron
Oh, wonderful, I had a brief look and there is a fantastic amount to look at
and digest.  Thank you for the link.


> Hello Micki,
> Go here : http://www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/index.html
> It's old books, publications, pictures 
> Ralph and Tess big free job.
> You can download or buy cd's directly to Tess as you want.
> Sof from France

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Fw: [lace] Cause of Lace

2005-01-22 Thread micki cameron
could you please explain a bit more about these CD's - I have just joined
the group and as a newbie to lacemaking am very interested in books,
journals, etc. relating to lace.

> Any lacemaker worth a reel of cotton should have the*Digital Archives of
Documents Related to Lace* Volumes 1 through 4 in her/his library, and
anxiously awaiting Volume 5

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[lace] Unsubscribe lace-digest micki@bleilysgems.com

2003-11-29 Thread Micki Bleily
Unsubscribe lace-digest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[lace] Re: lace-digest V1 #3691

2003-07-27 Thread Micki Bleily
> Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 19:22:47 +0100
> From: "Jean Nathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [lace] 'Bobbin Lace: Form by the Twisting of Cords' by Kaethe and
Jules Kliot.
> I noticed a copy of the above on ebay. There are also several secondhand
> copies available both in the US and UK, some extremely cheap. The cover
> looks interesting, but what's inside? The description on ebay says "You'll
> be inspired to try your hand at wall hangings, lace blouses, belts,
> necklaces, pendants, tapestries, curtains, 3-dimensional forms." Really?
> *Sounds* as if it covers more than the basics. Is it worth buying?
> Jean in Poole

I have this books and it is very interesting to me.  It give some history on
bobbin lace and then goes into
contemerary use of the technics used for bobbin lace.  There are a lot of
wall hangings and pictures shown
made with large fibers and home made bobbins.  It shows the basic technics
to start and goes on from there.
There are patterns for some of the hangings and it goes into grounds later
in the book.
Hope this helps you.
Micki in Idaho
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