[lace-chat] Closet Survey Final Results

2004-02-02 Thread Webwalker
You may recall that I got some responses after reporting results and 
decided to recompile with data received thru 1/31.  Here are the final 
results (original totals shown in parenthesis).  Total participants 52 
(42); females 40(31), males 12(11).  Number who make no effort at order 
13(11); females 9 (7), males 4(4).  Females who care: 31 (17) face left; 
9(7) face right.  Males who care: 6(5) face right, 2(2) face left.

$.02 worth of analysis.  About 25% of people don't care: of those who do 
care, females are 3 times as likely (I'm pushing it here) to prefer 
their clothes facing left, and males just the opposite.  (Originally, I 
suggested the preference was only 2 times as likely).

But we all know there aren't enough numbers here to provide anything but 

Susan Webster
Canton, Ohio
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Re: [lace-chat] Closet Survey Results (long)

2004-01-28 Thread Joy Beeson
At 08:59 PM 1/27/04 -0500, Martha Krieg wrote:

>One small gritchy: . . . I 
>have NEVER had a closet with a free rod. They are all attached all 
>along their length to a curved metal plate that joins to the closet 

Not a small gritchy at all.  It would drive me to wiring in a broom handle.  

Well, the one time I did put a broom handle up in a closet (a cubby not
meant to be a closet at all, but *almost* big enough to hang shirts in), I
used a roll of sheet metal strap with holes in it meant for hanging things
-- I wrapped a piece around the handle, matched the holes in the ends, and
hung it on hooks a previous owner had installed.

My laundry room is smaller than one of my closets.  My late father-in-law
installed a shower-curtain rod across it so my late mother-in-law could dry
stuff on hangers.  (One end is now occupied with stash -- including some
yarn I hung up to dry and never took down.)

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where the sun is bright on a fresh coat of thoroughly-blown snow.

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[lace-chat] Closet survey (again).

2004-01-28 Thread Webwalker
I've had a number of responses since I thought I had all had all the 
answers I was going to get, so ... I will redo numbers using anything I 
have by Sat (1/31) and report again.

Susan Webster
Canton, Ohio
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Re: [lace-chat] Closet Survey Results (long)

2004-01-27 Thread Martha Krieg
Dear Susan,
Thanks again for helping me move!
To me, it depends a lot on the fastening rather than the front or 
back of the clothes. They don't all end up consistent, because 
sometimes my husband puts things away. We share a large closet with 
deep, inaccessible ends, so stuff on my side at least tends to drift 
into never-never land. We seemed to try to get the fastening toward 
the center of the closet, thus the fronts of things could be reversed.
One small gritchy: In the 23 years that I've lived in Ann Arbor, I 
have NEVER had a closet with a free rod. They are all attached all 
along their length to a curved metal plate that joins to the closet 
shelf. Not only does this mean that all hangers have to be put on 
backward (the open part of the hook has to face forward), 90% of the 
closet accessories are useless, since they assume that you can snap 
something totally around the rod. Grumpht.
Martha Krieg   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  in Michigan  With still more snow 
today, and maybe even more tonight. But rejoicing that both eye and 
ear exams checked out OK!

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[lace-chat] closet survey

2004-01-26 Thread Helene Gannac
Hi, Susan, that sounds interesting! I always wondered why I did what I do,
now I might learn why! :-)
Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

1.  Do you know the direction your garments 
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  “face” without looking in the closet?  

2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? Yes
If not, go to question 6

3.  Do they face right or left? Right

4.  Are you male or female? Female)

5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (Righthanded)

6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to 
The window is on the right, so is the door to the room where the closet
is, but then, I also hang things the same way in the spare-room cupboard
which faces the other way...
My husband is left-handed, but he also hangs things to the right.

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RE: [lace-chat] Closet Survey

2004-01-26 Thread Margery Allcock
> 1.  Do you know the direction your garments
> (jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  “face” without looking in the
> closet?  (Y/N)


> 2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
> If not, go to question 6


> 3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)


> 4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)


> 5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)

> 6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to
> another?

I really hadn't thought why.  I like them all to face the same way, with the
hanger hooks all facing the same way too.  When I go to choose a garment, my
right hand takes the nearest shoulder of the hanger and pushes it to my
right so I can see its front; if it's the one I want then my right hand
already has hold of it and can unhook it easily.  If my clothes faced the
other way, the same action would have to push the garment to my left, and my
arm would be across it - too awkward.

So when I hang up clean clothes, I put all their hangers in the same way -
shirt (say) facing me, hanger hook open on my left.

DH's shirts in his wardrobe face the same way as mine because I iron them
and hang them up.  His other clothes hang randomly - he isn't the same kind
of control freak as me. 

Susan, are you going to tell us the results of your survey, and your


[EMAIL PROTECTED] in North Herts, UK

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[lace-chat] Closet Survey Results (long)

2004-01-25 Thread Webwalker
Thank you all for your help.  As one of the 25% who make no effort 
toward consistency within the closet, this has been educational and fun. 
 I had no idea it could matter so much to so many.

This all started due to an off-hand comment within my family.  When it 
grew to the point where a survey seemed in order, I was merely 
interested in seeing if there was a correlation between the direction 
clothes face and sex or handedness of the owner, but other issues have 
added flavor.

So these are the results.  42 people participated; 31 female, 11 male. 
Of the 11 who made no effort to have clothes face in one direction, 4 
were male.

Turning now only to people who “cared”, only two man’s clothes faced 
left.  Of the females who cared, (24), 17 faced their clothes right and 
7, left.  There were several people who reported ambidexterity and a 
couple lefties, but not enough to judge.  So I conclude that females are 
two-thirds or better more likely to have clothes face left as right, and 
men tend to think oppositely (stats very low here).

There are a few other considerations like closet design and which side 
the door is hinged on that may enter into the mix, but I’ll need the 
gov’t grant to pull that together.

I did learn two things we all knew.  People all want the hooks to go 
from the front to the back and if clothes are hanging in a “staging 
area” prior to being placed in the closet, they are hung facing away 
from the wall or door on which they are hung and/or facing the world 
(instead of the wall).  One woman got so annoyed at her husband for 
failure to follow the proper guidelines for their joint coat closet that 
on a bad day, she would hook his coat with the hook coming from the back 
in order to have the coat face properly; she said, “Let him deal with it”

Its perfectly obvious, but how the clothes will hang on the rod depends 
upon the orientation of the hook at the time the clothes are placed on 
the hanger.  For those of us who end up the clothes facing both 
directions, I think its because we don’t have a preference for how the 
hook faces while putting the garment on it.

One woman maintains several closets and how clothes end up in the 
various closets depends on where she hangs that person’s clothes after 
she irons them.

Three people (2 M and 1F (see above)) said they would change the 
direction of the garment if it was wrong (but this wasn’t really learned 
from the “one-owner/one closet” concept), so that could be more prevalent.

Only one person (Tamara) cited any reason for hanging that had nothing 
to do with the clothes or closet design themselves (sentiment).  Two 
people mentioned efficiency of removal/dressing when hanging the 
clothes.  Another matter to take up with the grant money will be an 
exploration of the tendency to remove the garment from the hanger while 
the hanger remains on the rod versus removing the hanger as well.  ?

One man said that not only did all his clothes have to facing correctly 
(R), but that they had to be equidistant from one another before he left 
the closet.

You may recall that the first two questions were, “Do you know without 
looking which way…?” and “Do they all face in same direction?”.  Results 
showed that people who answered “Y” to the first also answered “Y” to 
the second:  with one exception, the converse was also true, but one 
woman was surprised to find that all hers faced alike.

Several people asked why I was doing this, but only one asked if it was 
a joke.

Y’all might think I have nothing to do, but that isn’t true.  I have so 
much to do I don’t know where to start, but this was controllable, so I 
did it.  Thanks again.

Susan Webster
Canton, Ohio
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Re: [lace-chat] Closet Survey

2004-01-25 Thread David Collyer
Definition:  For a garment to "face left", the front of the garment must 
nearer the left wall of the closet than the back of the garment  (Left 
wall is the one nearer your left hand as you stand facing the closet). 
Reverse for  "face right").

1.  Do you know the direction your garments 
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  "face" without looking in the closet?  (Y/N)

2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6

3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)

4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)

5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)
R (ambidextrous)

6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to 
David in Ballarat

Many thanks. (No, I'm not going to apply for a gov't grant):)
Susan Webster
Canton, Ohio
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Re: [lace-chat] Closet survey

2004-01-25 Thread Liz Beecher
I was going to answer this like Jean has done until I got to question 3 
- do they face right or left - my clothes all face forward.

Am I being surpressed by my parents because of their closet arrangements?


Jean Nathan wrote:

 > I maintain the closets.
 > 1.  Do you know the direction your garments
 > (jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  "face" without looking in the closet?
 > (Y/N)
 > Yes
 > 2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
 > If not, go to question 6
 > Yes
 > 3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)
 > Left

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[lace-chat] Closet survey.

2004-01-25 Thread Shirley Meier
1.  Do you know the direction your garments
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  “face” without looking in the closet?  (Y/N)

2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6

3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)

4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)

5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)
Right handed

6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as
opposed to

Shirley in Corio, Oz.

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type Image/gif which had a name of 

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[lace-chat] Closet Survey

2004-01-24 Thread Clive and Betty Ann Rice
1.  Do you know the direction your garments
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  “face”
without looking in the closet?


2.  Do all the garments face the same direction?


3.  Do they face right or left?


4.  Are you male or female?


5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed?


6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to

Yes, I like order and reason.  I am a Libra and demand balance and
I am also a Registered Nurse and in that profession, we're trained that
FH Clive's side of the walk-in closet is the same way.  if he doesn't
hang in
order, I sort the closet (and him ) out

Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia,
Certified Curmudgeon

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Re: [lace-chat] Closet Survey

2004-01-24 Thread lynn
> 1.  Yes
> 2.  Yes
> 3.  Do they face right or left? (R)
> 4.  Are you male or female? (F)
> 5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)("hand bedextrous (at least
that is what my nephew calls it)
> 6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to
> another?  No

Lynn Scott in Wollongong Australia

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re: [lace-chat] closet survey

2004-01-24 Thread Bev Walker
Hi everyone

Does anyone have a closet where the rods hang out from the wall and your
clothes therefore face you (or, less likely, face the wall...cf.  the 5
red shirts observation...)?

bye for now
Bev in Sooke, BC (west coast of Canada)

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Re: [lace-chat] Closet Survey

2004-01-24 Thread Alice Howell
At 06:32 PM 1/23/2004, you wrote:
1.  Do you know the direction your garments 
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  "face" without looking in the closet?  (Y/N)

2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6
Yes - mostly.

3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)\

4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)

5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)
right handed

6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to 
l. When the hangers are inserted into clean garments, I hold the item in my 
left hand with the front opening away from me.  Right hand has hanger with 
hook facing left.  Insert hanger.  Garments all face right.

2. When I reach for a garment (shirt - coat), I reach with my right hand, 
and grab the item on the right collar area.  The garment is positioned 
correctly  in my hand to put it on -- left arm in, flip around and slide in 
the right arm -- without having to move it around in my hands.  This only 
works with button-front garments.

DH has a separate closet, but since I do the laundry, his clothes get hung 
up the same as mine.  He doesn't care which way they face.  What he hangs 
up may go either direction.

Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] Closet Survey

2004-01-24 Thread Jane Viking Swanson
Hi All,
-Original Message
>1.  Do you know the direction your garments
>(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  “face” without looking in the closet?
>2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
>If not, go to question 6
>3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)
>4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)
>5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)
>6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed >to
It's a walk-in closet and the bar is on the left wall.  There's a lot of
"junk" on the far wall so, if I want to see the front of the garment (which
I guess I do) I stand to the left and look at the clothes.  DH seems to have
his clothes facing left too.  He has an armoire and the door is hinged on
the right side so it's easier to stand to the left.

Can't wait to hear why you want to know .

Jane in Vermont, USA where it was -0.7F at 8:30 this morning.

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[lace-chat] Closet survey

2004-01-24 Thread Jean Nathan
I maintain the closets.

1.  Do you know the direction your garments
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  "face" without looking in the closet?  (Y/N)


2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6


3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)


4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)


5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)


6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to

Never thought about it before, but when I'm deciding what to wear I
naturally move the garments along the rail to the right with my right hand
so that I'm looking at the front of the garment I currently have my hand on.

DH is left handed, but does some things with his right hand. He's never
complained about the way I hang his garments, but I just looked, and things
that he has hung himself face in both directions. The ones I've hung face
left. His answers are:

1.  Do you know the direction your garments
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  "face" without looking in the closet?  (Y/N)


2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6


3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)

4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)

5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)

6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to

No, I just hang them up. It doesn't bother me which way they face.

Jean in Poole

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[lace-chat] Closet Survey

2004-01-23 Thread Webwalker
I’m conducting a survey.  All help welcome – provided only one person 
maintains the closet in question.  If you happen to have two closets 
maintained by two different people, it would be great to have a response 
from each owner.

Definition:  For a garment to “face left”, the front of the garment must 
nearer the left wall of the closet than the back of the garment  (Left 
wall is the one nearer your left hand as you stand facing the closet). 
Reverse for  “face right”).

1.  Do you know the direction your garments 
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  “face” without looking in the closet?  (Y/N)

2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6
3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)

4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)

5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)

6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to 

Many thanks. (No, I'm not going to apply for a gov't grant):)
Susan Webster
Canton, Ohio
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