Fatal Internal Error drawmgr.cpp 2961

2004-03-15 Thread suresh.r
The application which i had developed was running fine, had used the
help icon, where it displays how to resolve any errors when the vi
does not function bcoz of some error. Now when i run my vi it displays
 Fatal Internal Error Drawmgr.cpp line 2961 where i have to reboot
my system. i tried removing  running the Vi but still the error
remains. can u hep me sort out this . Iam using Labivew 7.0

How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically in LabVIEW?

2004-03-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How can I change waveformchart history data length in Labview during a
VI's running?

Re: run ssh command in labview

2004-03-15 Thread I have a similar problem
Well, no one of the solutions that you gived to me seems to be what I
want ... because I need to run ssh command and enter the password
without the user know it ... I need an automatic process that only
will be used to change the atributes of my executable file. And, to do
that I need to be root ... if there's another way I don't know how ...

In my case I use the object executevi and first I enter the ssh ...
then I enter the password ... and in the end I enter the chmod ... but
this doesn't work ...

Thks for your help


Re: multiple simultanious measurements using daqmx

2004-03-15 Thread juopa
Yes,so if I've understood correctly the thing is that when you want to
measure for example voltage and temperature at the same time one has
to place two Create Channel vi:s on the block-diagram. One for voltage
and one for temperature measurement. Then wire them together and on to
whatever you want to do with the measurement data. But if you want to
measure say voltage from two different channels then only one Create
Channel vi is needed? And you just add the physical channels from
which you want your measurements?! I'm I on the rigth track now..?

Cursor Coords

2004-03-15 Thread AKirsanov
How do I obtain the cursor coords in LabVIEW 6.1 or 7.0 without using
Event Structure?

Re: How to save output image after IMAQ-FFT to the file

2004-03-15 Thread Pavel
Hallo Filip,

you cannot save Complex Image to file to be readable by other programs
- see link:

What you can do is convert Complex Image to 8-bits BMP file format and
save it then. This question was answered already - see example at:

Hope this helps


How do I prioritize DMA transfers in Labview?

2004-03-15 Thread RGA
I am taking 40 channels of AI while simultaneously doing 3 buffered
counter operations.  The 40 AI channels are coming from PXI 6608's
(which have plenty of onboard memory to handle the acquisitions).

The problem is that the 3 counter DMA transfers are hampered by the AI
channels reading the onboard memory across the PCI bus, so I get very
low bandwidth on the counters.

How can I define the counter DMA transfers to have priority over the
AI transfers?  I want the AI data to just stay in the onboard memory
until the counter DMA is finished, then transfer to the PC memory
buffer.  That way, the PCI bandwidth is being used where it is needed.



Re: How do I write data to a new file every 24 hours?

2004-03-15 Thread soleater
I tried using the build file path but it keeps asking me to choose a
file to write instead of writing to the file I specified with the
build file path.

Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically in LabVIEW?

2004-03-15 Thread Ben
I have wanted to do this a couple of times myself.

This can only be changed at edit time,
it must be done via the pop-up.

What problem does this cause? There may be a work-around.


a href=
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: I am using an HP34970a and I want to measure temperatures...

2004-03-15 Thread HoSk
Sorry you missunderstand me. I mean the attached file didn't include
all your vi's in the program. You have to use Save with options--
Development distribution to be sure to include all vi's in a program
when you move an application.

I think you should use solution 1, configure the Agilent to check the

Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically

2004-03-15 Thread Greg McKaskle
 How can I change waveformchart history data length in Labview during a
 VI's running?

Since this buffer is pretty integrated into the execution of the 
compiled VI, it isn't possible to change it at runtime.  It will 
automatically expand to allow new plots in the 2D array case, but the 
circular dimension is fixed at compile time.

If you are using the waveform datatype, the buffer is measured in 
waveforms, which can each hold any number of points from zero to 2B.  So 
this datatype does give you another degree of flexibility.

Greg McKaskle

Problem with Run Vi Invoke Node

2004-03-15 Thread AstroMed Glen

  I have been  having some trouble with the Run VI node. A button
  on the front panel dynamically lauches a VI. Which VI I lauch is
  selectable. Some of the VIs lauch right away without problem. Others
  require me to hit the button several times before they are lauched. I
  have a chain of Set Control Values before my RUN VI. There are no
  errors along this chain at all (not even at the end). There are no
  difference (that I can see...execution, opening) between the VIs that
  work fine and the ones that require multiple attempts.
Has anyone experienced something like this before or am I special?

Thanks in Advance,

Re: How can I insert a C++ programm in labview 5.1;

2004-03-15 Thread Brian Powell
You do not need to write a C++ program to read data from an RS-232
port.  You can use the VISA Read and VISA Write functions to read
and write from a serial port.

If you still want to write a C++ program for some purpose, you have a
couple of options.  If you turn it into a shared library (e.g., a
DLL), you can call it from LabVIEW with the Call Library Node
function.  If you just want to make an executable (e.g., a .exe), you
can invoke it with the System Exec function.

I hope this helps.


Writing a new file every 24 hrs

2004-03-15 Thread soleater
I am trying to write data to a file by using the build path function.
I set the base path to a constant and set the name/relative path to
the current date.  This should write a new file every time the date
changes (at midnight of every day).  Yet, when I run it, the write to
file refuses to recognize the path (it shows not a path).  How do I
fix this?

Can I access a file while it is being written to by a different system

2004-03-15 Thread dlbuhl
I am trying to read data from a file over the network.  That same file
is continuously being written to on a windows NT 4.0 machine by a
non-labview program.  For some reason I get an access violation (I am
assuming this is because the file is being written to at the same time
that I am trying to read it).  I know for sure that this is not a file
sharing issue, as I can copy files to and from the file location.  Any
suggestions are greatly appreciated!

I am trying to output a sine wave that increases its frequency every cycle.

2004-03-15 Thread mlusmore001
am trying to output a sine wave that increases its frequency every
cycle.  I have the data in an excel/txt file to import.  But cant seem
to get labview to read this using 'simulate arbitrary signal' or 'read
labview measurement file' VI's.  I am using Labview 7 and will be
outputting the data through a daq card.

Re: Problem with simultaneous DIO with PCI-6024E

2004-03-15 Thread tbob
You are correct in assuming that the port is reconfigured each time in
a loop iteration when using high level VI's.  One solution would be to
use one port (bits 0 to 7, or Port 0) to set your output bit high.
Use a different port (Port 1 or 2) to read your required inputs.  If
wired correctly, port 0 will always be an output and will keep your
bit high while reading port 1 or 2.  Using high level VI's, you will
not be able to write one bit high and expect it to stay high when
reading other bits on the same port.

Re: démo et diagramme de commande

2004-03-15 Thread Kerouac

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le lien pour t=E9l=E9charger le driver
d'instrument du HP34970A (interface s=E9rie, labview 6.0).
Il vous fournira les VIs de haut niveau permettant de construire votre
application. Il fournit =E9galement des VI exemples Getting Started 
Application Exemple.


Bonne continuation.

National Instruments

Re: Looks like a bug in Scan String for Tokens function...

2004-03-15 Thread tbob
I have LV7 and I see the same bug.  I can put a blank entry (space,
then backspace)into then operators array and then I get good results.

Re: I read data from RS232 port in bits format 0 1.How i can convert these inputs to useful data?

2004-03-15 Thread tbob
Use Serial Read function to get a string of characters from the serial
port.  Pass this string into the String to Byte Array function.  The
output of this function will be an array of bytes (numerical).  You
should be able to work with this (extract elements, extract bits,
etc...).  Of course I am assuming that Labview 5.1 has a String to
Byte Array function.

Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-15 Thread Randall T
Find your channel in the automation explorer where you set up your
virtual channels. Select properties for the channel configured for
temperature. You may specify the CJC Source select built in by using
the drop down box.

In the devices where your SCXI Chassis is listed, you will need to
make sure you have the correct terminal block attached to the module.
For the ll02 you indicated in your question you have the 1303 or the
1300, check your terminal block and make sure you have the correct one
selected. This is important.

For changing the resistors I recommend you read the documentation for
the device to make sure you change the correct channels. Also you will
find this documentation better written and pictures help illustrate
the instructions.

If your thermocouple is not grounded and you do have the 1303 terminal
block, the factory shipped configuration will work. But it is probably
best for you to set up the block as suggested for thermocouples. The
10 Mohms (10x-1-106) resistor is recommended.

As I mentioned the documentation supplied with these products are a
bettor source of information for some of the questions you are asking.

Re: Create a digital output and an analog input

2004-03-15 Thread Jorge M.
you could check this example. It generates a variable frequency and
duty cycle pulse train on a counter's output.


If you want to synchronize this output with an analog input capture
(one point), you can wire the output of the counter to the appropiate
input (AI Convert or AI Scan Start), and use one of the External Clock
examples to acquire the analog sample(s).
Hope this helps.
Let me know if you need further help,

Re: run ssh command in labview

2004-03-15 Thread David Duffey
Unfortunetly, I don't know how to script in a password for ssh.  SSH
closes the stdin and re-opens the tty that you are logged in at.  This
is actually a security feature.  As well as a way to send stdin to
remote programs (otherwise your password would get in the way.)

If you don't need to ssh to a remote host, and you want to chmod
something on the localhost, you could use sudo instead.  With sudo you
can specify certain users (or all users) to run certain commands.  (so
you could make a shell script to chmod for you).

I don't know your exact needs, but I think that a public/private
keypair could still work.  In your authorized keys file on your root
account, you can even specify that this public key does not get shell
access, and can only execute this one command.  This would probably
be the most secure method.  But it requires the user to have the
correct private key as well.

If you know that won't work for some reason, then maybe you could
setup a inetd process that will execute a command whenever someone
connects to a certain port (then you could use LabVIEW's TCP VIs).

Or, if you are not connecting remotely, you could setuid your LabVIEW
executable (A VERY BAD IDEA!).

Also, it is possible to script telnet.  It would of course transmit
your root password as plaintext, but trying to script your ssh session
would also embed your password in your LabVIEW VI.  Out internet
toolkit for LabVIEW has some helpful telnet VIs.

May I ask why you want to chmod something on a remote system that
requires root?  Sounds like maybe you should create a LabVIEW
application on the remote side that acts as a daemon (running as root)
and accepts connections and commands and does the chmodding for you.


Re: AT command CDMA LG phone diagnostic mode labview, after t

2004-03-15 Thread BeckyB
Hello -

It appears that your question actually has to do with your LG phone
and not LabVIEW.  Do you have a manual you can refer to for
interpretation of codes?

Good luck with your project.  Have a great day!

Becky B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: help debugging an internet toolkit/telnet program

2004-03-15 Thread sysint
Hi Ben, thanks for the input. Unfortunately it isn't the 'byte written
2', it isn't the ASCII situation, and I have no LED to indicate that
the password worked correctly and logged me on. The only thing I have
is an led letting me know that there is information being sent to the
unit remotely. If there is any other suggestions you have they would
be appreciated. Thanks again.

Re: Control the LPT voltage

2004-03-15 Thread Craig H.

Here is a super brief definition of TTL:

Definition of TTL/a.

For a more involved definition try this link:

of a TTL Compatible Signal/a.

Please post back with any other questions.

Craig H.
National Instruments

Re: Publication Quality Image Files [.TIFFs] of Waveform Graphs or Waveform Charts?

2004-03-15 Thread tarheel_hax0r
Okay, I installed the HP PostScript drivers, but, as far as I can
tell, there is no option to 'Save to File.' [Such an option may be
there somewhere, but I looked all over the place, and I couldn't find

Besides, the idea of saving to PostScript, and then running some
program like 'ps2png' or 'ps2tiff' is not very appealing to me, for at
least two reasons:

1) It's very batch-file-ish in nature, i.e. I've got to download some
monstrosity like Ghostscript, get it installed, get it configured [no
trivial task in and of itself, believe you me], then write some
batch-file-ish thingamabob to open the PostScript file and process it
- I'd much prefer to [at the very worst] make a call straight to a DLL
from within a Labview VI. But that's only the start of my woes; once
I've got a PostScript file, I've got to figure out some way to cut
just the picture of the Waveform Graph from the larger picture of the
VI window - I suppose I could use some sort of a Clipping Path or an
Encapsulated PostScript Bounding Box, but at this point we've clearly
crossed over into the realm of what I would call 'hideously ugly,
grotesquely inelegant, batch-file-ish hack.' Plus, my gut instinct is
that it would take a bare minimum of a week or more to get such a
thing up and running efficiently, when, if I could make a call
straight to the Labview printing infrastructure, I could do it in just
a few minutes.

2) It's very, very difficult to venture into the realm of PostScript
software [especially Ghostscript] and keep your project from becoming
contaminated by the GPL, or worse [the Aladdin license agreement ain't
exactly a stroll on the beach].

Re: Writing a new file every 24 hrs

2004-03-15 Thread tbob
Attach your code.  You have some kind of error in building your

Re: New Control Labels are bolded

2004-03-15 Thread RobertVR
It worked! Thanks for your help. Tried everything else in the Font
options but this.

Re: New Control Labels are bolded

2004-03-15 Thread RobertVR
ToolsOptionsFonts are all use defaults. Changed this for
application font and it changed the VALUE part of the control but not
the label. Changed it back no effect and it still bolds the labels

Appearance settings are the same as another windows 2000 system which
does not bold label when controls are placed on front panel.

Any other ideas?

How can I take the data every 3 s?

2004-03-15 Thread chrisboo
What can I do if I would like to take data every 3s when the data are
generated continuously?
Can you give me an example?(version6.1)

Equipment simulation in NI Explorer for Labview CVI

2004-03-15 Thread wedge
What is the easiest way to simulate an instrument?
I want to fix an app on a pc that is not hooked up to the actual
instrument - can I just use the existing driver to simulate actual
instrument behavior.
Any suggestions or examples?

Re: Urgent! Web browser ActiveX control size messed up.

2004-03-15 Thread Shea C
Hello inhaler,

Thank you for your question regarding ActiveX controls. You mentioned
that the size of an ActiveX web browser control is not correct when
viewed on another machine. It sounds like the application was
installed with 800x600 resolution and even after changing the
resolution to 1024x768, the size of the control is still too large. I
tried to recreate the problem by building an executable in LV 7
(Windows XP, IE6) with an ActiveX web browser control and then run the
executable on a Windows 98SE (IE5) machine with 800x600 resolution.
The browser was large but this was expected with this resolution
setting. After changing the resolution to 1024x768 the browser window
seems to be sized the same as the window on the XP machine. In short I
wasn=92t able to recreate the problem you=92re having. Could you provide a
simplified executable that demonstrates the issue and attach it in a
response? I have access to a 98 machine so that I can test the problem
that you=92ve encountered.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Shea C.
Applications Engineering

Re: UDP address!

2004-03-15 Thread Shan
Check out the shipping example UDP Sender.vi.  It can be found in
\examples\comm\udp.llb or search the help for udp.

Basically it uses the string to ip function so you can input your IP
in XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX format


Re: pass complex array into matlab scrip

2004-03-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
The matlab script node does not take complex numbers.  You might try
passing two real arrays into the node--one for the real component and
one for the complex component.  Once inside you can try to merge the
arrays or just use the information separatly.  I do not have matlab so
I cannot offer example code.

Re: VISA Find resource VI and TCPIP devices

2004-03-15 Thread Dan Mondrik
This is expected behavior, at least to me.  VISA Find Resource returns
the resource because you manually configured it locally.  You really
don't want VISA doing a lot of unnecessary ethernet traffic at that
point in time, just to see if it's really there.  Obviously, though,
NI-VISA doesn't follow this behavior for local bus types, because the
latency is much much smaller.  So I do understand why you may see this
as inconsistent.

What you may want to consider is writing a small sub-VI that wraps
VISA Find Resource, VISA Open, and if necessary, VISA Close.  Then you
can filter out the ones that you can't access.

Dan Mondrik
National Instruments

Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-15 Thread wwert
I checked my document, and now I have some idea about it. Also I check
the connection, the miniconnectors for SCXI-1112 are right, and I have
not use connectors for SCXI-1303. In the SCXI-1303, all the sockets
are filled with the 10Mohms resistors. And there is not grounding
All the above seems ok, right?
what should I do is specify the CJC source to 'build in'. Hopefully,
it will work well.



Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-15 Thread wwert
I am sorry. I found all the bias resistor are 10ohms, when I checked
SCXI-1303 again. So should I Change all the four bias resistor
network, or just change the need one. Now I am using channel 0-7 to
measure temperature and microvolt. Can I just change the network in
RP1( For channel 0-7)? If so, when I change the setting, should I use
other channels(8-31) to measure microvolt?


Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically

2004-03-15 Thread Ben
any number of points from zero to 2B

Is that 2b hex or to be determined or a typo?

I never noticed an upper limit. Is there one?


Re: Invoking the Tools-Compare VI's functionality from my LV program

2004-03-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
Compare VIs is a VI.  You should be able to find it in
.\labview\project\procmpheir.llb. I did not check to see what was
password protected.  You will not be able to get the passwords from
NI, but you might be able to use the subVIs.

Re: Cursor Coords

2004-03-15 Thread djadjok
Hmm... I wonder why you do not want to use event structure (as it's
available for both those versions), but, anyway, there is a couple of
other possible solutions:
1) Overlaing interested area with a transparent picture control -
this allows you to use its mouse property (but, this approach
imposes a number of limitations);
2) using a call to appropriate system utilities via dll (i.e. using
call library function node)

Re: Publication Quality Image Files [.TIFFs] of Waveform Graphs or Waveform Charts?

2004-03-15 Thread zou
Greg McKaskle provided another way.  See this link:


EMF should be better than raster image file format (such as BMP, PNG,
TIFF, etc).

Invoke Node/Get Image uses raster format.  The highest resolution is
the screen resolution.  While the print subroutine probably using
vector format.

George Zou

Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-15 Thread Ben
Hi Richard,

As a quick test to rule out the following, could you pull the serial
cable being used by this loop?

Just pull it and verify this loop does not hang.

If it does hang post and I will explain my theory. Its not worth
troubling you with the details without knowing the answer to the

Trying to help,


setting up differential and single ended connections, multichannel scanning also

2004-03-15 Thread St Augustine
i am currently using the PCI6014 i have set up the 8 input digital
channel, three differential channels and one NRSE channel. I would
like to know how to scan from the three differential channels as well
as set them up. Also since i am using a NRSE does it mean that i
connect AISENSE to AIGND? Channel 0 is used as the NRSE channel and
19,210,311 is used as the differential input.

Re: I get internal error 2349!

2004-03-15 Thread Russell
I wasn't able to find any specific information about that particular
error code.  Often times errors during installations sometimes due to
previous uninstallations that did not execute properly.  That may or
may not be the case with you.

There are some alternatives you could try to get the NI-SWITCH
software installed, but if you're not actually using any hardware that
requires NI-SWITCH, you might just not install it at all.  I'm only
assuming this might be the case with you because I believe the
installer automatically installs it by default no matter what hardware
you have.  Look at the a
download page/a for a list of products that require NI-SWITCH.  If
your hardware isn't listed, choose custom installation the next time
you try the installer and deselect NI-SWITCH so the installer does not
try to install it.

Now, if your hardware really does need the NI-SWITCH software, try
deselecting it anyway.  Download and install NI-SWITCH separately from
the link above and see if that changes things.

I hope this helps!

Applications Engineer
National Instruments

while loop causing problems with sent commands?

2004-03-15 Thread sysint
For some reason the commands sent to my instrument, an intellegent
power control unit, are not responding properly. The commands are
definitely recieved (I can tell by an led light that flashes everytime
info is received) so I know the connection is there. My question is
could it be the while loop that is messing it up or maybe it needs
some carriage return? The commands are usually sent through telnet and
are very picky about what it will accept IE if you put a space before
or after the command after entering it, it will not work, and if you
enter the command and hit backspace at all it won't work. Does anyone
have any suggestions?

Re: Displaying a custom graph

2004-03-15 Thread mkess
 I was wondering if you recieved any of my previous comments about my
problems.  I will periodically check back.


Re: not able to type into string control

2004-03-15 Thread Ben

Check to make sure the control is not disabled!

pop-upAdvancedEnabled States Enabled

I believe it was Dennis that helped me out that day.


a href=
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: Looks like a bug in Scan String for Tokens function...

2004-03-15 Thread djadjok
Ok, so this bug is still there... Anyway, this one is not a simple one
to find out, so no wonder that it rests unnoticed.

Re: not able to type into string control

2004-03-15 Thread sdzg'lkmarekngroe
It is enabled. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Re: not able to type into string control

2004-03-15 Thread DD
Right click on the control and make sure the third line is Change to
Indicator.  Is the control included in the connector of the vi?  If it is,
at run time you would not be able to change the value.

sdzg'lkmarekngroe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a couple string controls on my front panel. I can not type text
 into the controls when the application is running.
 I have looked at all of the front panel settings as well as the string
 control settings.
 I've never had this happen before.
 Does any one have any suggestions?

Re: Generate Report From Template (Excel).vi don't understand to fill the cells

2004-03-15 Thread Michael Munroe
You can get the answer to your question by reading the following

The short answer:
To setup or modify the Named Labels in your Excel template, use
Excel's Insert - Name - Define command.  A name can be defined as a
single cell or a block of cells.

Michael Munroe
Certified LabVIEW Developer

Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-15 Thread Richard Swent
No, the loop doesn't hang if the cable is unplugged. The Error LED
comes on, but the other loops continue. When the cable is plugged back
in again, that loop starts communicating again.


Re: Sorting 1d array of alphanumeric strings

2004-03-15 Thread stephen . mercer

Read the numeric value out of the string as a number, create an array of
clusters of number, filename. Sort the array (clusters are sorted by
sorting the first element first, and if there's a match, breaking the tie
based on comparing second element, then third element, etc). After sorting,
pull the filenames out of the array.

Stephen R. Mercer
-= LabVIEW RD =-

| |   Kalyanramu   |
| |   Vemishetty   |
| |   Sent by: |
| |   a.army.mil  |
| ||
| ||
| |   03/11/2004 11:05 |
| |   AM   |
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Sorting 1d array of alphanumeric strings   

Hi all,

I am working on an application which involves sorting of filenames.

The problem I am facing is that,

If I have filenames such as


Then using the sorting of sortings, I get
data1.dat, data11.dat,data12.dat,data2.dat,data3.dat.
But the result I want is

I undertand why I get the result(because we are comparing strings.

But inorder to get the result as I want what should I do.

What would be the quickfix for this problem in LabVIEW.

Any help would be appreciated.


Alternative info-LabVIEW list

2004-03-15 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
Well, I decided to put up an alternative Info-LabVIEW mailing list.
Since it is a fact that many people refuse to use web based forums, I
think a mailing list is still essential. Right now, the original list is
up and down. Here is the link to the new subscription page.  


I'm not trying to bully my way into anything. I just want to help the
community. Feel free to sign-up and send messages. Time will tell of
what will happen to the original info-labview list. In the meantime
let's move on. If the original ever gets revived then I will shut-down
my list.

Thank You
Michael Aivaliotis 

Re: DAQ Time Chart

2004-03-15 Thread Shea C
Hello AeroDesign,

Sorry for the delayed response. I had to refresh my memory on some of
the data types you were using. The problem that you are having is
becasue the data comming from the AI Read.vi is waveform data and has
a system time attached to each data point. You can strip the data
points of this system time by using the Convert from Dynamic Data
function and selecting 1D array of scalars from the pop-up window.
This will create an array of your data that will display on the chart
without reverting the x-scale to system time. I hope this helps you
out! Let me know how this works. You can find this function by
searching in the functions palette for Dynamic Data.


Shea C.
Applications Engineering

Re: New Control Labels are bolded

2004-03-15 Thread Greg McKaskle
 It worked! Thanks for your help. Tried everything else in the Font
 options but this.

I'm coming in on this late, but I'd guess that what was actually changed 
was the Current Font definition.  If you select something and change the 
font, you apply it to the selection.  If nothing in selected, you are 
changing the font specification that will affect things that adapt the 
current font, like free labels and the name labels of controls.  So, if 
you have nothing selected and you go to the menus and choose Bold, 
subsequent free labels and name labels will drop bolded.  Ditto for 
making the font be Sand or some such.  To put it back, have nothing 
selected and choose App font or uncheck the other setting.

Greg McKaskle

Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically

2004-03-15 Thread Greg McKaskle
 any number of points from zero to 2B
 Is that 2b hex or to be determined or a typo?

2B is my shorthand for ~2 Billion, or 2^31 - 1.

This is effectively the upper limit on LV arrays
since they use a signed I32 to store their size
for each dimension.  And of course we are already
having to look forward to the day that we bump this
to a 64 bit number. Joy, joy.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Event Structure recognises clicks on diasbled buttons

2004-03-15 Thread FerozP
In LabVIEW 7.0, mouse up event is still queued on the event structure
even if the button is disabled.  This is expected behavior.

The rational for the mouse up event is you can still want to know that
you have a mouse up event even if the control is disabled.  All
disabling should do is not allow you to do a value change.  On the
other hand, the value changed event should check to see if the button
is disabled, but not the mouse up event.

National Instruments

Re: Displaying a custom graph

2004-03-15 Thread JDesRosier

Thanks for getting back with me. I hope your vacation was relaxing.
Things have been a bit hectic in the office this past week, but I did
look further into your questions and have come up with the following:

First, I understand you wish to change the order in which the data is
plotted on the waveform graph. The only way to do this is to re-route
the order of the data signals into the build array function that pipes
into the waveform graph indicator on your block diagram. The first
(top) data signal into the =93Build Array=94 function is programmatically
placed into the first column of the array. By default, this first
column of data is plotted as the top signal in the plot legend of the
waveform on your front panel.

This brings me into a solution for your second problem. In your screen
shot, I noticed that your top (white) line is expected to be the max
power plot. I could not see your blue data point plot on the output
waveform, but I think that this plot is actually your max. power plot
(according to the max power signal being appended to the bottom of the
array in your block diagram). One thing you may want to try is
swapping the wires that enter your final =93Merge Signals=94 function on
the block diagram. Doing so should place the max. power plot as the
top signal in the plot legend, and you can track it on the diagram
accordingly. Make sure that the max power data point representation is
different than the other signals, because two circle data points will
appear as a single data point on your graph (hiding important data).

Finally, I have one piece of advice that may solve your problem with
the =91freezes.=92 Try adding a =93Wait (ms)=94 function into your While lo=
This will cause your program to allow system resources for other
processes such as mouse movements or window movements that, with your
current program arrangement, will not occur upon demand. To add the
=93Wait (ms)=94 function, [right-click] your block diagram and select [All
Functions][Time  Dialog][Wait (ms)].

I hope this helps you sort everything out. Please let me know if you
need any further assistance.

Good Luck!

Joe Des Rosier
National Instruments

How to close certain subvi front panel?

2004-03-15 Thread lihui
Hi, i have a program with many subVIs and they open at different
situation. I need them to be open until i click a button in my mainVI.
The mainVI button is suppose to reset and close the subVI FP. Is there
a simple way to do it because i have many subVIs? I tried close FP
method but the problem with that is if my subVI is not open...
clicking the button will hang the program.

Can I use LabView Run-Time Engine on Windows XP?

2004-03-15 Thread Taher
An Application uses LV Run-Time Engine 5.1, i want to use this
application on windows XP, can i use the same version of the RTE, if
not, what is the solution??

Re: Invoking the Tools-Compare VI's functionality from my LV program

2004-03-15 Thread andyboy26
Thanks Jeremy. This llb included the 'Compare VI Hierarchy' Window but
I am particularly interested in the 'Compare VI' window. I couldn't
find that in this llb. Please let me know if you know where I can find

run a executable created in Matlab

2004-03-15 Thread Ted W
Can I create a executable in matlab and use it in labview?  What if
the executable takes in input and outputs data.  Can labview handle