RE: [W] unknown DLLs & executables

2004-03-22 Thread Andrew Johnson
But if you don't know what will be loaded by your user later on...? I 
am working with a situation where users can link in their own VIs 

At 12:52 AM -0500 3/23/04, Michael Aivaliotis wrote:

When building an app, you must specify dynamic VI's with the "add
dynamic VI" button in the application builder. This triggers the app
builder to include any related DLL's or extra VI's... NO?
Michael Aivaliotis

 Now, what happens when your application loads a VI dynamically... and
 it needs a DLL? The load will fail unless the DLL is nearby... in the
 "data" directory. Still not a problem if we know with some certainty
 which DLLs might be needed.
 But suppose we do not? In that case, must the entire "resource"
 directory contents be moved to "data", in order to support any
 possible VI? And if that unknown VI uses/needs vi.lib support, then
 should the entire vi.lib directory also be placed next to the
 executable? Is this allowed under the LabView EULA?
 - Andrew Johnson
 - WireWorks West

RE: [W] unknown DLLs & executables

2004-03-22 Thread Michael Aivaliotis

When building an app, you must specify dynamic VI's with the "add
dynamic VI" button in the application builder. This triggers the app
builder to include any related DLL's or extra VI's... NO?

Michael Aivaliotis

> Now, what happens when your application loads a VI dynamically... and 
> it needs a DLL? The load will fail unless the DLL is nearby... in the 
> "data" directory. Still not a problem if we know with some certainty 
> which DLLs might be needed.
> But suppose we do not? In that case, must the entire "resource" 
> directory contents be moved to "data", in order to support any 
> possible VI? And if that unknown VI uses/needs vi.lib support, then 
> should the entire vi.lib directory also be placed next to the 
> executable? Is this allowed under the LabView EULA?
> - Andrew Johnson
> - WireWorks West 

[W] unknown DLLs & executables

2004-03-22 Thread Andrew Johnson
Normally, when making an executable, LabView will copy any DLLs that 
the linked subVIs required to a data directory that can reside next 
to the executable. This is fine, thank you NI.

Now, what happens when your application loads a VI dynamically... and 
it needs a DLL? The load will fail unless the DLL is nearby... in the 
"data" directory. Still not a problem if we know with some certainty 
which DLLs might be needed.

But suppose we do not? In that case, must the entire "resource" 
directory contents be moved to "data", in order to support any 
possible VI? And if that unknown VI uses/needs vi.lib support, then 
should the entire vi.lib directory also be placed next to the 
executable? Is this allowed under the LabView EULA?

Thanks for any thoughts from people that have already worked these wires...

- Andrew Johnson
- WireWorks West

Re: Where can i find the classID list for Labview 7.0

2004-03-22 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
As PJM Labview already knows there has been a special forum setup for
related discussions on LabVIEW Scripting. PJM has also kickstarted the
discussions there by posting some bonus code. I invite all who are
interested in playing with these new discoveries to join in on the fun

Thank You
Michael Aivaliotis

Re: Is the conflict happening when I used two same subVIs in VI?

2004-03-22 Thread John Lum
Without further details, it's almost impossible to provide anything
useful here.

However, I think the relevant topic is reentrant VIs, or reentrancy in
LabVIEW.  I would suggest reading the "Simultaneously Calling SubVIs
from Multiple Places" section of Application Note 114 in the DevZone:

John Lum
National Instruments

[W] Data link Serial port

2004-03-22 Thread R. Glenn Givens
I am writing a data link to communicate between a PC running LV 6.0.2 and an
industrial computer. The link on RS232C will run @ 9600 baud and the
throughput is such that I'm using 1/4 to 1/3 of capacity. The industrial
computer sends the data and has a 500 byte buffer each for send and receive.
But the data is all one way from the industrial computer to the PC. The PC
will save this data to disk continuously and also present displays etc.

It sounds like there are many ways to operate the serial port in LV (maybe
VISA, maybe direct port manipulation, more likely old-fashioned serial port
VI's?. I haven't done much checking but I wondered what the consensus was
for the best method for this type of application. Since PC's only have a
buffer of a few bytes, I would prefer to have something automatically handle
the interrupts and have a big input buffer that I just read from time to
time (say every 50 to 100 msec). I used to do that interrupt handler stuff
in assembler in the DOS days.

The LV application will be compiled/built to an EXE. I'm writing both sides
of the link so I can impose whatever design I want.


R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada

Re: Need help duplicating rows of 2D boolean array

2004-03-22 Thread DavidT
Sorry, like I said, im fairly new to this also and im out of ideas.
Perhaps you should repost your question and stipulate the version of
VI that you using.

Re: how to control a digital projector with labview

2004-03-22 Thread Marty G.
Tristan J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> John,
> Unfortunately Labview does not offer the support to directly control a
> second display device. I would recommend using the dual monitor
> configuration and letting the operating system control what image is
> displayed on the projector.
> Regards
> Tristan J
> Applications Engineer
> National Instruments

Sounds like a good application for an ActiveX control.

Re: Does anyone know of resources for IBM ISA AD/DA cards?

2004-03-22 Thread Marty G.
Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Hi Bill,
> Have you concidered using the microphone input?
> That will let you do analog in on most PCs.
> Still trying to help you get started.
> Ben

The game port also provides analog input potential.

Re: Serial communication with Labview 7 and multiple COM ports

2004-03-22 Thread Marty G.
COM Ports have had problems in pc's ever since IBM's Peanut.  Correct
use depends on RS232 parallel communications as well as serial
communications.  UARTS, the IC's that provide serial connectivity, can
lock up in ways that require power-on resets.  Very few serial devices
use the RS232 handshaking timing correctly.  Your ports can be
configured to cause IRQ and address conflicts.  If you use USB devices
or a modem, a conflicting IRQ may not be directly associated with the
serial port.  You can have two devices attempting to use the same
IRQ--an idea that only works well in theory not generally in practice.
 Your ports and cards must be configured consistently in BIOS as well
as Windows to operate correctly.  In addition, some serial cards have
straps or software configurable settings that must be addressed.  Hope
that this gives you a few places to look.

Re: How do I access existing visual basic modules (.bas) files in LabView

2004-03-22 Thread Marty G.
Dennis Knutson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> I'm not sure why you want to access the .bas files. There is no way to
> convert basic source code to LabVIEW. Some things like declarations,
> memory allocation, are not required in LabVIEW or are done for you by
> the LabVIEW compiler. Constants, local and global variables, user
> defined types in the form of custom controls, all exist in LabVIEW but
> in general, are much easier to use. Maybe if you post a snippet of VB
> code, someone can translate it into LabVIEW.

Labview provides a way to use custom ActiveX controlls.  This would be
the preferrend interface.


Re: Controlling Second Computer Keyboard using LabVIEW

2004-03-22 Thread Marty G.
craigr54 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Is it possible for my computer with LabVIEW installed on it to control
> a different computer booted only from a floppy (the floppy contains
> programs written in FOURTH used to test hard disk drives therefore the
> second computer has no operating system) The hard disk drive being
> tested is connected to the IDE 1 connector of the floppy booted second
> computer.  Currently, the operator has to enter the FOURTH commands
> via the second computer's keyboard.

I recall a device called a "Wedge" that was inserted between a
keyboard and pc to provide input from a barcode scanner.  This device
should also provide access from a second serial port on the Labview


properties of XY graph

2004-03-22 Thread tim wen
Dear list,
I have a multiplot XY graph.  Is there a way to make all plots blink?
(the 'binking' property seems to work only for the 1st plot).
also, is there a way to change the line and point types of all the plots 
using properties?
(again, I seemd to be able to do it only to the 1st plot).

Timothy Wen
Applied Physic Lab/U of W
1013 NE 40th St., Seattle, WA 98105
206-543-1300 (Voice)/543-6785 (Fax)

Re: Alternative info-LabVIEW list

2004-03-22 Thread Kevin Valentine
On 03/22/04 14:04:17, "Bookwalter, Dan" wrote:
> I would like to see Info-LabVIEW on a news (NNTP)
> server.
I sure hope this doesn't happen... I have tried and tried
to get our IT guys to open up NNTP for me. They simply  
won't do it... I am sure there are many others in the  
same situation
You can use Google for reading and posting.  I've only used  
it for reading/searching archives so I can't comment on its  
ease of posting.

Does this settle your connection problem?  Let me know of  
any other obstacles using a news server.



2004-03-22 Thread tim wen
has anyone used a USB-to-mulitiport RS232 adaptor with LV ?
i need up to 8 serial ports, or 2 of 4-ports.
Timothy Wen
Applied Physic Lab/U of W
1013 NE 40th St., Seattle, WA 98105
206-543-1300 (Voice)/543-6785 (Fax)

Re: WebCam vi?

2004-03-22 Thread Jeff Shama
This is exactly what I was looking for.  Thank you for the info.

Michael Noll-Hussong wrote:
> In order to use USB-webcams with LabVIEW you might look here:

your suggestions for the list

2004-03-22 Thread R. Glenn Givens
I like your idea of the person asking the question to summarize the general
conclusions & alternatives in one final email (unless there were just 1 or 2
responses of course). I have done that sometimes and the response in my
"Sent Items" folder is there for me as a summary too.

R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada

RE: Alternative info-LabVIEW list

2004-03-22 Thread Kevin Valentine

I've been trying to follow the suggestions.  It looks like  
two other, separate threads of a similar content have  
started up.  I may be duplicating some of their comments.

I'm not a big fan of mailing lists for a number of reasons.   
Searching their contents is never a trivial task.  Threaded  
topics are easily broken.  They get mail bombed, spammed,  

I would like to see Info-LabVIEW on a news (NNTP) server.   
The beauty of comp.lang.labview is that I can read and post  
from a news reader and search its archives with Google.  No  
need for a web interface.  I know, news groups can also get  
spammed and flame wars are more common, I just like them  

I was looking into how to set one of these up for LabVIEW  
discussions.  A group like alt.comp.lang.labview ... or  
something like that.

Any plans for something like this?


WebCam vi?

2004-03-22 Thread Jeff Shama
I'm looking for any information regarding the use of webcams with 
Labview.  I'd like to design a face recognition/motion detection type 
vi.  The sites I have found only provide sdk's for qualified developers. 
  Can anybody point me in the right direction for such information. I'm 
using Labview 7.0.

Thank you for any help you can offer.

RE: Let's have election!It is fun:)

2004-03-22 Thread Michael Porter

Michael Porter
Porter Consulting, LLC.
" ... after all He's not a tame lion... "

I guess my vote would fall on the side of maintaining the basic
functionality the same (low-bandwidth). If somebody needs a way of posting
examples of code or such there are at least two other LabVIEW-specific
channels for that sort of traffic.


Michael Porter
Porter Consulting, LLC.
" ... after all He's not a tame lion... "

Re: prorgam works in Diagnostics mode not in natural mode

2004-03-22 Thread Sam
GUys, thank you for your kind response. 

I am running an HP 4284A precision capcitance voltage meter and a
keithley voltage control meter.

regarding posting of the actual code, I wonder if I can do that
because Labview programming in done in graphics mode (atleast dummys
like myself do it in graphics mode).

Re: Capture and manipulate rs232 binary data

2004-03-22 Thread Sérgio Correia \(Sapo News\)
Use Number to Boolean array.

"jorge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu na mensagem
> Hello, I am very new to lab view 7 and I need to do the following for
> work.  I am using the rs232 serial port on the computer to communicate
> with a prototype circuit.  The communication is a simple 8bit (byte)
> of 1's and 0's to and from the computer.  How do I take this byte and
> sepearte it to individual bits, so I can display the results in the
> front panel?  I would need to both create the byte from 8 individual
> controls then concatinate the bits, and send through the serial port.
> Also take the byte from the serial port and seperate the individual
> bits.  Thanks alot for any help I can get in pointing me in the right
> direction.

Re: Let's have election!It is fun:)

2004-03-22 Thread Michael Porter
( Sorry in advance to all the international list reader who probably won't
get this joke, but... )

I heard a rumor somewhere that there are many world leaders who have
privately told Michael A. that they hope he takes over the list...

Michael Porter
Porter Consulting, LLC.
" ... after all He's not a tame lion... "

moving the list

2004-03-22 Thread R. Glenn Givens
I think Scott & Michael and, if necessary, a few of the main contributors to
the list should get together (electronically) & decide who will take over
the list. We need to make sure there's just 1 list.

R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada


2004-03-22 Thread Michael Porter
The answer to your question depends on the database you're inserting into.
For example, you can pass data to Oracle in any format you want as long as
you tell it what the format is (and I would suspect that other DBMS are
similar--though the particulars may vary).

Assuming a table called "blah" with a single column "blah_dttm", in Oracle,
the SQL syntax for an insert would be something like:

 (to_date('00:50:29 18/03/04','HH24,MI,SS dd/mm/yy'));

The part in the first set of single quotes is the string specifying the time
and date. The part in the second set of single-quotes is a string telling
Oracle how to interpret the first string. In this case:

HH24 = 24-hour clock hour
MI   = Minutes
SS   = Seconds
dd   = Day
mm   = Month
yy   = 2-digit year

Hope this helps...


Michael Porter
Porter Consulting, LLC.
" ... after all He's not a tame lion... "

Re: Let's have election!It is fun:)

2004-03-22 Thread Scott Hannahs
At 2:51 PM -0500 3/17/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Let's have election! Primary?? It is fun:)

I'm from Florida, so I'll count the votes!  Kathy Harris taught me how to do it!


Hello again...

2004-03-22 Thread Michael Porter
To paraphrase the old movie...

"...I'm ba-a-a-ck..."

Things have been crazy in my world the last year and am just now getting
back to getting reconnected to the list (not sure how I got off, perhaps an
email weirdity).

In any case, the guy with the tag line about tame lions is back, and hoping
everyone has been well in my absence.


" ... after all He's not a tame lion... "

Serial Protocol Analyzer

2004-03-22 Thread R. Glenn Givens
For port monitoring, look for portmon in google.

R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada

RE: Alternative info-LabVIEW list

2004-03-22 Thread Scott Hannahs
Ok, I will be public about this.  I have offered to take over at least two of Tom's 
lists and host them here at the lab using the same software that he uses to host them. 
 If Michael wants to do this that is fine, since I also use the Igor list I figured 
that I could do this with the least disruption.

I (and all of us) are waiting for Tom to decide what is the best way to transfer this. 
 In the meantime the system seems to be chugging along (those dang Macs just don't 

At 8:39 PM -0500 3/16/04, Michael Aivaliotis wrote:
>As far as we can tell, it's just a matter of time since Tom's personal
>server that hosts info-LabVIEW goes "tits up". In the long-term we just
>want one list of course. Since Tom has asked for help in transferring
>the list, I am just stepping up to the plate and making the first move.
>If there is anyone out there that wants to host the list or has any
>other prior arrangement with Tom then please feel free to say so. I can
>assure everyone that the new list will follow in the same footsteps as
>the previous one and maintain the independence that was inherent in the
>previous list. It will also stay a text based list and prohibit
>attachments. In addition, it will be monitored and maintained on a daily
>basis and will be in the hands of active LabVIEW users.

RE: Alternative info-LabVIEW list

2004-03-22 Thread Jim Kring
OK, my turn...

I believe that Michael Aivaliotis would be an excellent info-labview list 
administrator.  He has repeatedly demonstrated that he is technically capable 
of this task through his management of the LAVA mailing lists, discussion 
forums, and the NI Week Blog.  I have found him to be very accessible by 
email/IM and ever-present on the various LabVIEW community forums.  I am sure 
that he would keep the info-labview list up and running like clock-work.

Best Regards,

-Jim Kring

Scott Hannahs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Ok, I will be public about this.  I have offered to take over at 
> least two of Tom's lists and host them here at the lab using the 
> same software that he uses to host them.  If Michael wants to do 
> this that is fine, since I also use the Igor list I figured that
> I could do this with the least disruption.
> I (and all of us) are waiting for Tom to decide what is the best 
> way to transfer this.  In the meantime the system seems to be 
> chugging along (those dang Macs just don't quit!).
> -Scott
> At 8:39 PM -0500 3/16/04, Michael Aivaliotis wrote:
> >As far as we can tell, it's just a matter of time since Tom's personal
> >server that hosts info-LabVIEW goes "tits up". In the long-term we just
> >want one list of course. Since Tom has asked for help in transferring
> >the list, I am just stepping up to the plate and making the first move.
> >
> >If there is anyone out there that wants to host the list or has any
> >other prior arrangement with Tom then please feel free to say so. I can
> >assure everyone that the new list will follow in the same footsteps as
> >the previous one and maintain the independence that was inherent in the
> >previous list. It will also stay a text based list and prohibit
> >attachments. In addition, it will be monitored and maintained on a daily
> >basis and will be in the hands of active LabVIEW users.


Re: LabView 7 Express and Imaq Vision Builder 6.1

2004-03-22 Thread Minty
Thanks for advice. I do apologize for the long delay before replying, but I've not 
been in the office. 

The frame grabber I have installed has no LabView wrappers to my knowledge. 
Apparently, I need a NI grabber board for Vision Builder. With that in mind, I'll now 
concentrate solely on learning/using Labview 7 to create the applications required by 
my company to work with the non NI card I have installed.


Re: Controlling Voltage Ramp Time

2004-03-22 Thread Ziad Ashour
Thanks for the reply.  What I am trying to accomplish is creating a
test fixture with variable voltage ramp times of the +5VDC output of
my power supply... so yes, I am trying to create custom waveforms
using Labview.  Any more expamples you have access to are greatly
Thanks Again!

"Russell G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Ziad
> There is a great example in Labview called  Output DC Volts.VI.  Go to
> Help > Find Examples.  If you search on  DC  you should be able to
> find it.
> This example will at least give you an idea of how to start outputting
> DC voltages on your power supply.  You can then modify your program
> accordingly.
> What do you mean when you write that you want to  Control ramp times
> of +5V up to 500ms+ ?  Are you trying to create a custom waveform with
> your DC power supply?  Any other information you can provide would be
> helpful.
> Russell G.
> NI Applications Engineer

prorgam works in Diagnostics mode not in natural mode

2004-03-22 Thread Sam
HI genius people of Lab view,
Here is a situation that will test your wiz. A labview program that
was working fine in a slow computer--333MHz does not work in a 2.4GHz
computer. However, if I run it in diagnostics mode (ie with that
little light bulb on), then it works fine. I have tried putting delay
all over the place but it was of no use. Could you please suggest why
the program is acting funny and how I may be able to get around it.

Thanks. Best wishes. Roshan.

How do I determine available COM-ports in LabVIEW 7?

2004-03-22 Thread Thomas Gajda Joergensen

I need a nice and easy way to determine available COM-ports from my LabVIEW

Best regards

Thomas Gajda Joergensen
YORK Marine & Controls

Re: How do I determine available COM-ports in LabVIEW 7?

2004-03-22 Thread Thomas Gajda Joergensen
Hi Michael!

Thank you for your answer. I think I did not express myself clear enough so
I will rephrase my question:

How do I determine the available COM-port at runtime? I need to get a list
of available COM-port programatically (or what it is called in english)


"MVestjens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi
> Take the "Visa Resource Name" Control.
> On the front panel -> all controls -> I/O -> Visa Resourse Name.
> You will have a pull down menu which lists all available COM (and LPT
> ports). These are derived from the settings in the Measurements and
> Automation Explorer.
> I hope this helps,
> Michiel.

Controlling Voltage Ramp Time

2004-03-22 Thread Ziad Ashour
I am new to LabView and am currently running 7.0 professional.  I am
looking for guidance, reference design, etc. that will enable the

1.  Use of an HP (now Agilent) E3631A power supply
2.  Control ramp times of +5V up to 500ms+

I have installed all the required drives and have established
communication with the E3631A.

Best Regards,

RE: Table cell width: settable programattically in terms of number of characters?

2004-03-22 Thread Menjoulet, Scott
Unless you use a fixed-with font, any kludge you come up with will be
inexact.  You may get pretty close to the actual width, but there will
always be times when you will over or under shoot the size.
And if you want to change font size, etc., you'll have to revisit your
algorithm or account for it up front.

Fortunately there is a function that will give you the dimensions of a
text rectangle.  It is "Get Text" and is located in the Picture
Control tools (Functions>>Graphics & Sound>>Picture Functions).  It
should be self-explanatory from there.

Good Luck,

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Don J Roth
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 10:40 AM
To: Info-LabVIEW Mailing List
Subject: Fwd: Table cell width: settable programattically in terms of
number of characters?

>Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2004 11:39:44 -0500
>To: "Info-LabVIEW Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Don J Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Table cell width: settable programattically in terms of number
>I am currently have a table control with column headers and I would
>to have all of the cells of any particular column to have their widths 
>equal to the number of characters in the header string of that column
>this possible to do programmatically?
>Currently, I see the cell width and height may be settable (despite
>property help says) but only in terms of pixels.  I suppose I could 
>determine the ratio of pixels to character size so as to cludge a way
>come up with cell width in terms of number of characters.  Any

Opening and Reading

2004-03-22 Thread Rochefort, Paul
Thanks, I missed that the connection (bad pun).  I tried your suggestion on
my test vi and it worked as you predicted.  I will check carefully the write
function before I change anything.  

Paul A. Rochefort 
Chalk River Laboratories

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Ammons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 March, 2004 15:33 PM
To: 'Rochefort, Paul'; 'Info-Labview (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: Opening and Reading 

The 1 is actually wired to the deny mode, not the open mode.  I would
probably save a copy of the vi with a new name and change the open mode
to read only.  I suspect that would fix it.  You would need to be
careful though, because you would have to use the original version when
writing files.


Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
(810) 687-4288 Phone
(810) 687-6202 Fax

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Rochefort, Paul
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 2:47 PM
To: Info-Labview (E-mail)
Subject: Opening and Reading 

My problem is opening read-only files using the waveform file open vi.
At the heart of this vi in the "Open file" primitive with mode input set
to 1 (open).  When I try to open the file, I get the following error
"Error 8 occurred at a Open File in Myvi".  To confirm my assumption
Open file primitive was the source of the problem, I did a quick test
trying to open a .txt file set to read-only and got the same error
message.  (The file are set to read-only because the file were burned to
a CD and then transferred to another computer for analysis.) 

Obviously I am not first to discover this behaviour so I checked the
Info-search without any luck.  Is there a good way or utility to opening
and reading  this type of file while preserving its protective state.

I running Windoze 2000 with LabVIEW 7.0

(Oh how I wish I could use my mac)

Paul A. Rochefort 
Chalk River Laboratories

[w] making elements of a Boolean array invisible or disabled

2004-03-22 Thread R. Glenn Givens
How do I make individual elements of a Boolean array invisible or disabled
but not the entire array? I have LV6.0.2. I thought I did this a long time
ago but can't find it.

R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada

LabView 7 Express and Imaq Vision Builder 6.1

2004-03-22 Thread Minty
I'm new to Labview and Imaq Vision, in fact, they were installed only a few hours ago. 
I won't bore you with the reasons why my company has purchased this software, but I'm 
the one stuck with learning to use it. 
Does anyone on this board know how to make Imaq Vision work with a non NI capture 
card? I have a non NI card installed but, as Imaq Vision doesn't recognise the card I 
can only run simulations. 

Thanks in advance for any help.


Re: BUGs

2004-03-22 Thread Greg McKaskle
> But what metric is used on the space of cost/risk/benefit?  Of course, 
> ultimate responsibility of the corporation to its owners means that 
> cost/risk/benefit are all judged in terms of fiscal income.  The argument 
> that this is bad or good is irrelevant, but this is the standard against 
> which those terms are judged.  The point of the interview I posted was that 
> bug-fixing is low benefit, high cost using that metric.  For me, the high 
> cost is mistakes controlling equipment which for one of the long standing 
> bugs (which is high cost, low return) is that valves get modified on actual 
> equipment at times the operator did not intend to actuate things.  This 
> involved a rather kludgy chunk of code to get around, and then it is high 
> cost (to me) to maintain, since explaining this obscure code takes 
> time/effort/cost.This end user cost needs to be translated to cost to NI.

This information about causing a user to unintentionally modify a valve 
is exactly the type of information that I was talking about at the 
bottom of my post.

The metric isn't a numerically accurate technique, but the bug reports 
are classified as product liability, crash, internal error, incorrect 
behavior, cosmetic, and suggestion.  This is often something of a guess 
until the bug can be reproduced, and even then, it is a fuzzy 
classification since under the right circumstances, anything could be 
elevated to a product liability.  So, this is where the human element 
comes into play.  You look at the typical result of this bug on the 
Average user.  If many users will be affected, you may round up. If the 
user has to stand on their head to even find the feature that the bug is 
in, then it is rounded down.

It is common for the values to wiggle around as a bug is investigated, 
and one possibility is that a bug gets deferred to be fixed in a later 
release.  Before release, the deferred bug reports get reviewed by some 
pretty picky members of R&D management, and again, a balance is struck 
between delaying the schedule and shipping with known bug reports.

I understand that nobody likes being a squeaky wheel, especially you, 
but giving a good explanation so that the right triage choices are made 
is once again the best advice I can give.

To try and draw an analogy, designing defect-free software is hard and 
expensive, sort of like designing rockets or planes that never fail.  
And even with big budgets and big brains, NASA and the other space 
agencies around the world aren't even able to achieve that goal.  What 
we can do is set up a system that makes sure that bug fixing time is as 
effective as possible, then set up a cost system that encourages the 
fixing of bugs and innovative products.  That system includes forums 
like this, web sites that list pesky bugs that continue to get deferred, 

Like I said, this is a difficult conversation to have over email.  If 
you have specific questions, I'll try to answer them, and if you make it 
to NIWeek again, we can have a better medium for philosophical 

Greg McKaskle

Re: text selection - text color bug?

2004-03-22 Thread Greg McKaskle
> It may not be considered a bug, but it is a royal pain in the you know what! 
> It essentially makes the ability to add color highlighting to changing text
> too difficult to be worth the effort in most cases.  (in my opinion)

This is doable with the reference to the string and the string to place 
into it.  The problem really comes down to one of policy.  Are the 
character locations of the colored text what is important, the line 
count/word count, or is it the phrase that needs to be maintained.

In the end, for UI, probably the right thing to do is support html or 
some other markup codes within a string.  The issue here is that this 
string is likely to head from a terminal or connector pane to file or 
serial port or file.  Marked up strings are not too nice for that, so 
having separate formatting codes allows for fancy UIs, but it makes it 
difficult to apply new text and keep the old formatting.

Greg McKaskle

RE: Converting integers to binary

2004-03-22 Thread Menjoulet, Scott
In the odd case the software you're using is expecting full zero-padded
8-bit data (such as 00011001,1110, etc.) then use %08b as your format

Scott Menjoulet

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Scott Hannahs
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:46 PM
To: David Macleod; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Converting integers to binary

At 15:47 + 02/18/2004, David Macleod wrote:
>Hi there,
>I'm a new LabVIEW user and I'm using it in my final year University project
(an ultrasonic scanner). Basically I am storing an array of data in LabVIEW
and I want to convert it to a suitable state for the imaging software. The
software requires a text file which contains the data in 8 bit binary
numbers, comma seperated. The array I currently have stores integers. Is
there any way that you know of to convert integers to binary in LabVIEW? Or
if there's some function that writes binary to text files? I'd appreciate
any suggestions anyone has on this.

"array to spreadsheet file", function and give it a %b format string with a
"," (comma) delimiter. Convert your array to U8 first so it is only 8 bit

 Dr. Scott Hannahs, Head of User Research Instrumentation
 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University
 1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr., Tallahassee FL 32310, (850)644-0216/FAX 644-0534

"Mac users enjoy a love-hate relationship with Microsoft--in which love is
defined as 'resigned tolerance' and hate as 'lava-hot rancor fueled by the
fire of a thousand burning suns.'"
-- Macworld

Serial comms

2004-03-22 Thread R. Glenn Givens
Here is a software port monitoring program for Windows. They also have file
monitor and registry monitor.

R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada
On Feb 13, 2004, at 11:30 PM, Scott Hannahs wrote:

> Many systems have a way of snooping on serial port communications.  I
> can give you a good way for Mac OS X..  But I am going out on a
> limb and guess that isn't your host system!  :-)  Others can suggest
> software for various winders versions.

Okay, I give...  what is the good way with Mac OS X?

cheers, Mona

PS Funny about the various (repeatedly reported) unfixed bugs...  I
believe in the tooth fairy and that the bugs will get fixed one day

MAC driver for PCI-MIO

2004-03-22 Thread Juergen . Buhrz

Is there anybody who has written a driver for MAC OSX10.2 for the 
following cards
PCI-MIO-16XE-50 and DIO 96 

Any help


GKSS research center
Jürgen Buhrz
Max-Planck-Str. 1
21502 Geesthacht

Tel.  +49 (0)4152 87 2708
FAX +49 (0)4152 87 2727

Re: Datasocket, Linux, and C

2004-03-22 Thread Kevin Valentine
"George Gatling (Contractor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
I have a datasocket server (WinXP) that is currently handling six 
labview applications (also WinXP) quite happily.  I want to add one 
more app, written in C and running on linux, that will publish to the 
datasocket server.  Being a simple labview programmer I don't know 
much about the ins and outs of include files and all that stuff.  
Beside me is a C programmer that doesn't know diddle about Labview.  
heh, what fun.  Can someone bridge our knowledge gap and explain what 
we need to get a C app on linux talking to my datasocket server?
I'm on the WALUG mailing list.  Last month we had a DS discussion.
Perhaps some of the URLs that came up could be of some use to you.  We 
were mostly interested in what DS actually was: TCP or UDP.  Turns out 
it's unbuffered TCP. (Sorry about the long URLs, you may have to paste 
them back together)

Greg explains what DS is:
Discussion of DS benefits and application:
Using DS through a firewall:

Re: OFF TOPIC:Test Chamber advice

2004-03-22 Thread Kevin Valentine
Hi Dan,

I haven't used one of Thermotron's chambers yet but I know of others 
that have.  The website doesn't show the specs for the thermal shock 
chambers but it's worth checking out.  I use a piece of junk Blue M and 
a 20+ yr old Ransco.  What you're looking for is definitely top-shelf.  
Expect to pay big $$$.

Good luck,

Opening and Reading

2004-03-22 Thread Rochefort, Paul
My problem is opening read-only files using the waveform file open vi.  At
the heart of this vi in the "Open file" primitive with mode input set to 1
(open).  When I try to open the file, I get the following error "Error 8
occurred at a Open File in Myvi".  To confirm my assumption Open file
primitive was the source of the problem, I did a quick test trying to open a
.txt file set to read-only and got the same error message.  (The file are
set to read-only because the file were burned to a CD and then transferred
to another computer for analysis.) 

Obviously I am not first to discover this behaviour so I checked the
Info-search without any luck.  Is there a good way or utility to opening and
reading  this type of file while preserving its protective state.

I running Windoze 2000 with LabVIEW 7.0

(Oh how I wish I could use my mac)

Paul A. Rochefort 
Chalk River Laboratories

ActiveX Events

2004-03-22 Thread Sérgio Correia \(Sapo News\)
How can I transfer data from an ActiveX Event Callback back to the main



SysTray icon

2004-03-22 Thread Sérgio Correia \(Sapo News\)
Where can I find an ActiveX Control to control a systray icon with labview?


LabVIEW PDA for iPAQ HP 5550

2004-03-22 Thread Juergen . Buhrz

Is there someone who has experience wit LabVIEW for PDA  with  iPAQ HP 
5550  (Windows 2000)
My problem is that the emulator does not work

I have already installed the update for PDA

Any help


GKSS research center
Jürgen Buhrz
Max-Planck-Str. 1
21502 Geesthacht

Tel.  +49 (0)4152 87 2708
FAX +49 (0)4152 87 2727

RE: data comparison for custom indicator

2004-03-22 Thread Rochefort, Paul

You need to work out which direction your motion system is going.  One easy
way is to create a while loop that reads the position periodically and loads
the value into a shift register.  The direction is determined by comparing
latest measured position to the last value form the shift register. Feed
comparison result to Boolean arrow indicator and voila.  If you want to be
fancy, use a separate conditional so that when the values are equal the
indicator disappears (create a property node and write to the "visible"
property). Be sure to put an appropriate delay in the measurement loop (say
100 to 250 ms) so you do not load down your system.


Paul A. Rochefort
Chalk River Labs
Ontario, Canada 

-Original Message-
From: Brett Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 25 February, 2004 4:13 AM
To: Info-Labview
Subject: data comparison for custom indicator

How can I do a comparison in that, I have a machine witch travels up and
down and the linear transducer sends this data position (displacement) to my
application, I have a vi witch will accept a t/f and will flash arrow
pointing down or up . I want to wire this up to the rest of my app so when
the displacement increases it makes the arrow flash accordingly, Basically
have done everything except the bit were I make a comparison and send the
T/F ,to my little custom indicators. Any help or example code in V6 Base
would be greatly appreciated.

Problems since upgrading to XP, License manager

2004-03-22 Thread Lewandowski, James R.
Since my machine was forcibly upgraded to Window's XP strange problems have been 

Sometimes when I launch a vi that lives, not on my local machine but on the network it 
takes about
1-2 minutes for the vi to open.  During that time if I use the Window's Task Manager 
it says that Labview
is "Not Responding",  if I wait it out the vi will eventually open.  

An IT person here informed me that XP does not keep network connections open for 
longer than a few minutes or 
something like that.  

A seperate problem, I was installing LV 6.1 onto my newly acquired desktop yesterday 
and the installation failed. 
Now there is a "nilm.exe Application Error" dialog box that will not go away.  If I 
say "ok"  another one appears, then

Not sure who to contact about this.  Any ideas? 

Jim Lewandowski
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Indexing Event structures

2004-03-22 Thread Lewandowski, James R.
I'm wondering if its possible to index the data in an event structure.  I want
to be able to click on a list of data and have each click write the data to an array. 
Right now I have the event structure inside a while loop, that is indexing, and it 
seems to work ok.
It would be nice to eliminate the "while loop" from the process. 


Jim Lewandowski
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Reading file names from a directory

2004-03-22 Thread Lewandowski, James R.
I'm trying to read all file names from a directory into an array and then choose the
ones to process.  The "List Directory" vi implies that it will do this but
I'm not having much luck.  

The vi will produce a list of my available drives if I do not give it a path name. 

Any hints on making it work?



Jim Lewandowski
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

PC time

2004-03-22 Thread tim wen
does anyone have a VI or DLL that can read PC (windows) time
to millisecs?
Timothy Wen
Applied Physic Lab/U of W
1013 NE 40th St., Seattle, WA 98105
206-543-1300 (Voice)/543-6785 (Fax)

RE: LV Scripting Forum at LAVA?

2004-03-22 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
Well, I just couldn't resist. Sounds exciting, here it is:

Thank You
Michael Aivaliotis

-Original Message-
Behalf Of PJ M
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: LV Scripting Forum at LAVA?

Jim and all.

>Perhaps a LAVA discussion forum could be created for
>the purpose of investigating these newly discovered Scripting toys.
>way the Advanced LabVIEW user-community could help provide basic
>tech-support and documentation.

That sound like a great idea !

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

Re: LV Scripting Forum at LAVA?

2004-03-22 Thread PJ M
Jim and all.
>Perhaps a LAVA discussion forum could be created for>the purpose of investigating these newly discovered Scripting toys. That>way the Advanced LabVIEW user-community could help provide basic>tech-support and documentation.
That sound like a great idea !
PJMDo you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

Time-Dependent Function

2004-03-22 Thread TexLepomis
I need to create a triangle wave that will be time-dependent.  In
other words, if the time is between 00:00 (midnight) and 12:00 (noon)
I want my function (temperature) to increase linearly from the minimum
at 00:00 to the max at 12:00.  Then, from 12:01 to 23:59 I want my
function (again temp) to decrease linearly from max at 12:00 to min at
Ideally, whenever I initiate the program LV would know what time it is
and determine the target value for temperature.
Is there any way to convert those ridiculous seconds into meaningful

Re: Wrong solutions using „Non

2004-03-22 Thread John Lum

I see that your test Y data was derived exactly from the function
you're "guessing" at here, so indeed your example should return the
exact values that you expect for a0, a1, and a2.  (it does for me when
I run your test)

The answer almost certainly lies in the "Target Fnc & Deriv NonLin" VI
that is a subVI of the main Nonlinear Lev-Mar Fit.

On the block diagram of that subVI, I would guess that you--or some
other user--has entered a different function into the "Function f(x)"
formula node than the default/shipping y=a0*exp(a1*x)+a2 function that
you're expecting to be there.  This is the heart of the fit, and if
the functional relationship specified there is some other equation
than the above, then LabVIEW is simply doing its best to return
coefficients that provide the best match to the Y points in your
test--horrible though that match may be.

Now to get up on my soapbox: though powerful and useful, the Lev-Mar
fit that ships with LabVIEW is very nonintuitive in that it's one of
the only functions that requires you to modify _shipping_ code in the
vi.lib folder before it is of any practical use.  If this is part of
your confusion, then I advise you to search for LabVIEW and Lev-Mar in
the forums and elsewhere and examine other examples of the tool in
action.  One good solution (in my book) is to leave the shipping pair
of Lev-Mar VIs alone and make copies to modify and use in your various
curve-fitting exploits.

If I'm wrong about the problem you're facing, then go ahead and follow
up with more information.

Best Regards,
John Lum
National Instruments

Re: Manipulating RS232 data into array of boolean

2004-03-22 Thread jorge
Actually there is one more thing, I would like to lable the array, but
what I have read, and tried, if I change the label on one, they all
change. Could I have done the previous manipulation of address and
data using a cluster as the indicator, so that I could easily label
the indicators?  Thanks.

Re: Manipulating RS232 data into array of boolean

2004-03-22 Thread jorge
Thanks to both of you.  That is exactly what I was after, now I can
move on, hopefully I will not run into anymore problems, but if I do I
will know were to come for help, thanks guys.

Re: Scanning an array.

2004-03-22 Thread John Lum
See answer in the "Extracting numbers from a file" answer thread that
Ajit asked previously.

--John Lum
National Instruments

LV Scripting Forum at LAVA?

2004-03-22 Thread Jim Kring
That's pretty cool, David!  The possibilities really makes the mind wander
and wonder.  I'd be interested in hearing about and seeing some examples of
other neat utilities people have been able to put together using these
"exposed privates".  Perhaps a LAVA discussion forum could be created for
the purpose of investigating these newly discovered Scripting toys.  That
way the Advanced LabVIEW user-community could help provide basic
tech-support and documentation.


-Jim Kring

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Edwards
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 6:16 PM
> Subject: Warnings & coercion dots (Was - All those things)
> Stephen:
> LabVIEW now has the very nice warnings feature that is very good for 
> improving code reliability.  Unfortunately, coercion dots do not show 
> up as warnings.
> Finding the "diagram" property in the code Norman pointed to, allowed 
> us to write a nice utility to scan a complete project for coercion 
> dots.
> David Edwards
> FemtoTek, Inc.
> > Standard warning that anything "that we try to hide"
> > a) may or may not be supported in the next version of LV
> > b) probably has never been introduced to tech support so 
> they won't be 
> > able to help you c) may break (read: crash) if used outside of very 
> > specific context.
> > 
> > Proceed on the theory that if you're using it, you're on 
> your own. We 
> > don't typically hide things that we think customers can actually 
> > safely use.
> > 
> > Pojundery,
> > Stephen R. Mercer
> > -= LabVIEW R&D =-

Re: flatten to xml from variant

2004-03-22 Thread Jim Kring

Refnums (especially VISA/DAQ/IVI refnums) are tricky.  We'll work on
it.  I have generated a feature request.  You can track progress here:



Re: Need help duplicating rows of 2D boolean array

2004-03-22 Thread clg6621
ARRGGGH!!!  When I tried to open the first VI you posted, it
couldn't b/c it said that version 7 is newer than version 6.i.  Now it
won't open the 6.1 VI b/c it says that 6.1 is newer than version
So apparently I guess I need a version 6.0 VI???
I'm really sorry for the trouble!  If you have time to post a 6.0
version, great, if not, I understand!  Thanks!  (and I hope I can
repay the favor one day!!!)

Let's have election

2004-03-22 Thread William Rance
As there is to be a handover of the list management, I believe that this
could also be a good time to upgrade the software so that we can have a
"running no" for the list - in this manner we can tell immediately if we are
missing any of the list, as sometimes they appear not to come through
(probably due to servers being down for example).
Thank you

FPGA extended memory initialization

2004-03-22 Thread kirsten222
I've been given someone else's FPGA vi. It contains a 32x16K memory
block sub vi and returns error code 6 when I try to compile it. I've
downloaded the extended memory files from ni, but I don't know what I
need to run to initialize this memory block. Do I need to create the
block from scratch or can I use the memory block vi that they have
sent me?

How to use a USB-to-parallel adapter to communicate with my switch device?

2004-03-22 Thread kelvin
My computer doesn't have a parallel port, so I must use the USB port
and a USB-to-parallel adapter to communicate with my switch device.
Unfortunately in WindowsXP printer configure that show USB001 Virtual
printer for USB. How should I control my USB-to-Parallel converter to
send the Pin1 and Pin3 high? How should I decide that I/O address in
Labview (traditional LPT1 is 378AH) ?

RE: Make current values defaults

2004-03-22 Thread Jason Dunham

As you found out, you can't save the default values in run mode, because
that's an edit operation.  You would be changing the way the VI is
stored on disk.

Even if it were possible, you might not want to store user values as
part of your source code.  Whether or not you are not using formal
source code control, it's useful to know when a VI has changed, so it's
better to store user data somewhere else.

There are some excellent (and free!) OpenG Tools for saving
configuration items like this.

Jason Dunham
SF Industrial Software, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Yang Yang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 5:07 PM
Subject: Make current values defaults

Dear List,

How to use VI's "Make Current Values Defaults" method inside of program?

I just want to call and open a subVI, let the user modify some control
values, and when the subVI closes, set the control changes to default
values. I think the process is in run mode. "Make current values
only works in edit mode? So how to do it?



RE: The Future of Igor and Info-LabVIEW Lists

2004-03-22 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
Well, I would like to thank YOU Tom for setting up the info-lv in the
first place. I know it was a valuable resource for many first-time LV
users (like myself) way back when there was nothing else out there. I'm
glad the decision has been made and now we can all move on to talking
about the usual.

Take care Tom and again, Thank You.

Michael Aivaliotis

> Good afternoon, all. As you know, there have been a number of 
> problems which have impacted the availability of the Igor and 
> Info-LabVIEW mailing lists recently. I've asked the readers 
> of both lists for their support in moving those lists to 
> another server and in taking over the administrative tasks 
> I've been performing.
> As I fully expected, given the fine caliber of folks who use 
> Igor and LabVIEW, a number of folks threw their hats in the 
> ring. I'd like to start by publicly thanking Michael 
> Aivaliotis, Scott Hannahs, George Gatling and Arlen Walker 
> for doing so. I'm quite sure that all of them are fully 
> capable of taking on the job and making sure that it will all 
> happen. I have asked Scott Hannahs to take the reins...
> As I slowly fade from the scene, I'd also like to thank all 
> of you for making this a really great experience. Way back 
> when I was a heavy Igor and LabVIEW user, the lists made a 
> tremendous impact on my ability to do my work here. Time has 
> marched on and I do different things now, but the value of 
> user communities like these is clear and real. You all can 
> give yourselves a big pat on the back for making that happen!
> Take care...
> Tom Coradeschi
> Excalibur Systems Engineering

Re: how to send data as a stream to web site

2004-03-22 Thread tomsch1
you are correct i was refering to labSQL.

I need to better understand how how to write the labview to connect. i
use mysql alot and the terms used from the labview side are not always
the same or are better known by a different term. ie. DSN for one

I have the latest odbc drivers including myodbc3(mysql)

I know SQL.

beyond this i'm lost at the moment.

I am used to logging on to the db from linux.

if you had an example of how to connect to a db other than a micrsoft
one that may guide me better or a location of a how to.

Re: Anybody using Zetron 1730/1732's using LabView 7

2004-03-22 Thread rekholm
Thanks.. kinda have gotten the feeling that Looout was the software of
Choice!! But, as this got dumped on my lap 2 years after we bought the
software, I'm trying to figure out a way to make this work, and
soemwhat easily for myself. I'll continue to look at the OPC item in
Lookout and see if I can figure it out!!

Thanks for your help!!

Re: Urgent! Web browser ActiveX control size messed up.

2004-03-22 Thread Shea C

I still wasn't able to reproduce your situation regarding ActiveX
containers displaying with the wrong size. However, the problem has
been reported and is beening investigated. In the meantime it seems as
though this problem does not exsits when using LabVIEW 6.0 or 6.1.
This might not be a viable option for you but I thought I'd relay the
information. I will continue to attempt to replicate the problem and
update this thread if I can find anything.


Shea C
Applications Engineering

Re: Anybody using Zetron 1730/1732's using LabView 7

2004-03-22 Thread Khalid

Hello Rod,

As you may have found out, the Zetron controllers use Modbus protocol
for communication.  Your objective will be to establish a
communication between LabVIEW and the Zetron controllers using this
Modbus protocol.

There are several options for this:

1. The recommended solution is to use the Modbus Server from the
Lookout Protocol Drivers (LPD; which are nothing but OPC Servers) with
LabVIEW-DSC (which has a built-in OPC Client).

2. You can also use DataSocket from within LabVIEW (instead of
LabVIEW-DSC) as an Client.  Again with LPD serving as the Modbus OPC

3. Implement the Modbus protocol yourself in LabVIEW.  This will not
be easy, but is doable.  People have done this.  You may search the
NET for some Modbus VIs.

I hope this gives you a big picture of what needs to be done.  Write
back if you have questions.



Re: RPC + LabView

2004-03-22 Thread Marcus G
>From what you're saying, I understand that you'd like to use RPC calls
in LabVIEW to communicate with a VXI-11.2 compliant instrument via an
ethernet connection. If you're interested in doing such ethernet
communication, then you can install the appropriate VXI driver and use
LabVIEW VISA VI's to communicate with the device. VXI drivers can be
downloaded from, and information about VISA
communication is available at the following url:
If this information doesn't answer your question, then please clarify
the issue and I will try to resolve the matter.

Thanks for contacting NI!

Marcus G.
National Instruments

Re: How do I access existing visual basic modules (.bas) files in LabView

2004-03-22 Thread Dennis Knutson
I'm not sure why you want to access the .bas files. There is no way to
convert basic source code to LabVIEW. Some things like declarations,
memory allocation, are not required in LabVIEW or are done for you by
the LabVIEW compiler. Constants, local and global variables, user
defined types in the form of custom controls, all exist in LabVIEW but
in general, are much easier to use. Maybe if you post a snippet of VB
code, someone can translate it into LabVIEW.

Re: Fw: [W] Sentinel SupePro Automatic Protection

2004-03-22 Thread Irene He
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Reed, Christopher"
> To: "LabVIEW Mailing List (E-mail)"
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 1:41 AM
> Subject: [W] Sentinel SupePro Automatic Protection
> Dear List,
> A while back there was some talk about using LabVIEW
> drivers
> for Integrated Protection with the Sentinel Security
> Key from
> Rainbow Technologies.  
> But has anyone managed to use Automatic Protection
> (ie. wraps
> a security shell around the LabVIEW executable) on a
> program?
> Everytime I try to run a "protected" LabVIEW
> application it just
> displays the message. 
> "This is the application template and cannot be run
> alone"
> Technical support from Rainbow are a bit baffled
> with this since
> they have not heard of a programming language called
> and so are not really sure what the problem is.

I read this text from the "Developer's Guide"
"If you are shelling an application and you try to
encrypt a .DLL which is a dependency of the
application you are shelling, the .DLL will not be
decrypted at runtime because the operating
system tries to load the .DLL before the shell has a
chance to decrypt it."
So I guess maybe at runtime, LabVIEW try to load the
application before it's decrypted.

Irene He
Yahoo Messenger ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Analog Output buffer delay

2004-03-22 Thread Ken S

I=92m certain of what you mean when you say that =93the waveforms in
output have a delay equal to output buffer length=94.  Do you mean that
the output waveform values should be changed and the buffer size
should stay the same size?  Or do you want to add new waveform data to
the end of the waveform you created with the Initialize Array VI?

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: I am getting time lag between NI 4452 and NI 6602

2004-03-22 Thread Jeremy R.

What you are seeing is expected and you were almost exactly right with
your formula.  The DSA boards use a digital filter to remove frequency
components above Nyquist.  This introduces what we call Filter Signal
Delay.  This spec for the 4452 is 42 samples, so the formula is

(time lag)=42/(sampling rate)

The good news is that you can always expect this when you are using
digital triggering, so you should be able to account for it since it
is essentially a constant.  Just use the formula you figured out to
adjust the time stamp in software and you should be all set.  Let me
know if the work around is not so simple in your case and we can think
about other solutions.

Best Regards,
Jeremy R.
NI - Applications Engineer

How do I access existing visual basic modules (.bas) files in LabView

2004-03-22 Thread Todd at Ormec
First post here so be nice.

For several years I've used Visual Basic as the test platform for
production tests.  In addition to the form code there are typically
several modules (.bas files) associated with a given project.

I'm attempting to prove to management that LabView is a better long
term solution for production test and VART test.  I'm new to LabView
and am trying to get up to speed quickly.

One thing I haven't figured out is how to access the .bas files from
LabView.  There are several user defined types, public functions,
constants, declarations, etc that I don't think can be done in the
graphical environment.

I would really appreciate your feedback.



Has anybody built a BERTS generator and detector over a network?

2004-03-22 Thread jayrl
I'm using LabView 7.0 and I was wondering if anybody had developed a
BERT's generator and Detector using LabView 7.0.  I will be using it
over a TCP/IP network.

Re: how to send data as a stream to web site

2004-03-22 Thread Dennis Knutson
Okay, then from one of your other answers, I understand that you don't
have the database connectivity toolkit and are having problems with a
free version. Is this LabSQL that you're trying? If so, what are help
do you need? Have you defined a DSN for connecting to the db? Do you
need help with the SQL statements? Do you have the latest version of
Microsoft's Data Access Components?

Controlling Second Computer Keyboard using LabVIEW

2004-03-22 Thread craigr54
Is it possible for my computer with LabVIEW installed on it to control
a different computer booted only from a floppy (the floppy contains
programs written in FOURTH used to test hard disk drives therefore the
second computer has no operating system) The hard disk drive being
tested is connected to the IDE 1 connector of the floppy booted second
computer.  Currently, the operator has to enter the FOURTH commands
via the second computer's keyboard.

Can I create an ActiveX DLL from Labview?

2004-03-22 Thread hspec
I am new to ActiveX, and have only found examples related to activeX
servers for Labview exe's. I would like to create the equivelent to an
Visual Basic ActiveX DLL. Is this possible?

Re: Repeatedly Launching Reentrant Front Panel

2004-03-22 Thread NIBOUND
Would you happen to have or know where i can find any examples of this
would you?

Re: I am getting time lag between NI 4452 and NI 6602

2004-03-22 Thread Scott R
Hello Daniel,

I have a couple of questions regarding this problem.

1)  What kind of signal are you using to trigger the counter and the
analog signal (Is this the pulse train that you referred to?)

2)  Do you have the DSA device set as the master?  The DSA device must
be set as the master for the triggering to function properly because
it cannot accept external sample clocks.

3)  How are you connecting the RTSI signal in software?  Are you using
DAQmx or Traditional DAQ?  What version of NI-DAQ are you using?
NI-DAQ is up to version 7.1 now, and DAQmx has built-in functionality
for using RTSI cables to synchronize two devices.

4)  How are you obtaining the timestamp for your counter?  What are
you using as your timebase (t0)?  If the t0 value is somehow
inaccurate, then that would throw off the time measurements by a
constant value.

If you could give this information, it would help to provide a
reference for solving the problem.

Scott Romine
National Instruments

A baffling File delete problem under LV 6.1

2004-03-22 Thread E. Blasberg
Well, folks, I'm stumped. This bug defies all logic and any attempt to kill it.

Here's the scenario: launches dynamically. creates the 
file Temp.dat which is used to store data until it can be safely 
written to the final data file (time consuming scans are occurring 
and if the computer crashes for whatever reason, Temp.dat is used to 
recover what was already acquired and to continue scanning from 
there). creates Temp.dat using the New File function (with 
Overwrite = True) and stores the reference in a cluster which is 
accessed to write to the file and then close it and delete it at the 
end of the acquisition.

Because the reference is in a cluster and because I always use 
Unbundle by Name, I was able to change the name of the reference in 
the cluster to find every instance of it (thus verifying that 
Temp.dat wasn't being opened more than once).  However, no matter 
what I do, after I Close the reference (which returns with no error), 
I cannot delete the file (error 8). exits (unloading it from memory).  If is still 
running, I also cannot delete the file from Windows Explorer.  Once I 
exit (with LabVIEW still running, but loaded but 
not running), I CAN delete Temp.dat in Explorer.  All of this is in 
LabVIEW 6.1.

Now here's the kicker: the same code loaded into LabVIEW 7.0 DOES 
manage to delete Temp.dat without any problem.

I cannot understand how this can be.  Even if I didn't close the 
reference, once stops running and is no longer in memory, 
I should be able to delete the file in Explorer (I confirmed this by 
creating a small VI which creates a temp file- as long as the VI is 
running I can't delete the file- once the VI stops running, I can 
delete it even if I don't close the reference to the file in the VI).

Furthermore, only accesses Temp.dat once- when it starts up 
it looks to see if Temp.dat exists (if it does, it reads from it, 
stores it in a real data file and deletes it).  How is it possible 
that Temp.dat cannot be deleted while is running when has no reference to Temp.dat?  None of this makes any sense.

If anyone has ANY idea why this might be (setting permissions didn't 
seem to help), I would be most grateful.  One last comment: also creates a file called TempHdr.dat (which holds a 
temporary copy of the data's header- it is located in the same 
directory as Temp.dat).  However, this file is created and closed 
immediately and is deleted successfully (in LabVIEW 6.1) before exits.  Other than having Temp.dat's reference open all 
the time and written to at the end of each scan, there's no 
difference between how the files are created, closed and deleted.

If you've made it this far, I'm impressed.  If you have ANY idea 
what's going on, I will be eternally grateful...

-E. Blasberg
iDAQ Solutions Ltd.

Re: Simulate serial signals in LabVIEW 7.1?

2004-03-22 Thread Christopher M. Balz
Thanks all for the pointers!
 - CB

Conseils <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> If you have a P.C with two serial ports or an old P.C.
>  1) Write a Labview application to 'simulate' the external device.
>  or
>  2) Use the Terminal Program and load a text file.
> 1 has the advantage of ensuring that you understand the protocol
> before implementing.
> For a project I worked on I did this and then made the simulation
> program available for others.

Re: Repeatedly Launching Reentrant Front Panel

2004-03-22 Thread G Hacker
Sure, it is possible assuming that there is no shared resource between
them cannot be accessed concurrently.

Re: How disable and groyed the bottom until i want appear it!

2004-03-22 Thread Fonsi
Thank you dennis for the fast reply. Simply perfect!.


Re: how to send data as a stream to web site

2004-03-22 Thread tomsch1
On the other server is a web page that will read a mysql db and post
the last 10 readings

Re: Can I search and remove a specific string/text from a queue as you would from an array?

2004-03-22 Thread Randall T
You could use the get queue status to return the array of elements in
the queue then search the array then if found remove the elements you
wish to remove. The flush queue could be used to remove all items from
the queue then index the new array of information back into the queue.
The flush queue could be used in place of the get queue status if you
plan to remove an element each call.

Unless you are set on using the queue method another choice may be to
create your own version. You could write a vi that includes a state
machine allowing you to handle all your array manipulations based on
the call to the vi. Various states could be insert, search, remove,
sort.  Use a shift register on a while loop to hold the array and an
enumerated control to signal the state to execute. Use a string
control and indicator to pass information in and out of the vi.

I hope this helps.

Re: Implace Array Functions

2004-03-22 Thread BJD1613
Thanks John,

It is ok.  This was kind of a shot in the dark.  I know that there has
been lots of questions about this concept in classes and on the
developer zone. I just wanted to help students understand and
contribute to the LV community the best I can.  I do agree that the
posting is probably an internal KB entry.  If you can find any info I
would appreciate it.  Thanks.

Brandon Dineff
Certified LV Developer/Instructor

Re: Alternative info-LabVIEW list

2004-03-22 Thread PJ M
Jean Pierre et all,
> I don't mean a public USENET newsgroup but maybe a private news server accessible > only to the list subscribers.
I like that idea.
 Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

Re: All those things - UPDATED

2004-03-22 Thread stephen . mercer

Standard warning that anything "that we try to hide"
a) may or may not be supported in the next version of LV
b) probably has never been introduced to tech support so they won't be able
to help you
c) may break (read: crash) if used outside of very specific context.

Proceed on the theory that if you're using it, you're on your own. We don't
typically hide things that we think customers can actually safely use.

Stephen R. Mercer
-= LabVIEW R&D =-

| |   "Norman Kirchner"|
| |   m>   |
| |   Sent by: |
| |>  |
| ||
| ||
| |   03/22/2004 02:23 |
| |   PM   |
  |   To:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  All those things - UPDATED 

I found the specific unprotected files in the LV70 Dir

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MAX\Assistants\LVCGen\LV70\

Looks like someone forgot to protect the clusters 

Re: Alternative info-LabVIEW list

2004-03-22 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet

> >I would like to see Info-LabVIEW on a news (NNTP) server.

> I sure hope this doesn't happen... I have tried and tried to get our IT guys
> to open up NNTP for me. They simply won't do it... I am sure there are many
> others in the same situation


Would it be possible for the mailing list to be mirrored on a news server?
This way one could browse messages by threads with one's favorite news client.
 I remember having read somewhere that some company (is it NI?) does that internally 
to distribute the Info-LabVIEW mailinig list.

I don't mean a public USENET newsgroup but maybe a private news server accessible only 
to the list subscribers.

Jean-Pierre Drolet

Can you have nested event loops?

2004-03-22 Thread Boeing
Can I design my program to have nested event loops?

Re: LV crashes while loading my llb, but the built app. functions correctly???

2004-03-22 Thread Ken S

As I understand it you=92ve basically got several subVIs which cause
Labview to crash (on two different PCs) when they load, regardless of
whether these subVIs are in an llb, etc.  The only exception to this
is when you build an application using these VIs or you use your
splash screen program to load them into memory.

One thing to try to fix this would be to do a Mass Compile on the llb
which contains these VIs.  To do this, open a blank VI in Labview (you
don=92t have to open the llb to do this), and from the menu choose
=93Tools->Advanced->Mass Compile=85=94.  It will then prompt you for the
location of the llb file.  After choosing the llb file hit the =93Mass
Compile=94 button.

If this doesn=92t fix the subVIs, could you post one of the offending
subVIs so that I could see if I can repeat the issue you=92re seeing?

Ken S.
National Instruments

Can I search and remove a specific string/text from a queue as you would from an array?

2004-03-22 Thread alexi
I need to enter text into an array in a specific order, so queues are
great for this, but I also need to remove specific text from the array
(that may be in the middle of the list or anywhere)thus I need a
search and remove for specific strings. Please help...

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