Re: How to build a graph to display displacement x time?

2004-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It will be that  you save this program for me in a version of LabView
6 and order for me
Thank you


Re: pc-dio-96

2004-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you are reconfiguring your port in order to read the port, the
port will be truely reconfigured as read inputs with the default state
being pulled up.
If you use the same task ID that was generated from the write config
in the read port function, you will be able to readback the written

Re: Generating High/Low Limit Waveforms

2004-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do you simply want to offset the magnatude of the waveform or allow
for time shifting of the waveform as well?  One method I have used is
to offset the waveform and rotate it forward and reverse taking the
maximum value of all three waveforms for the new upper limit.  similar
for lower limit.  If you have multiple known good waveforms, take
the maximum values of each waveform as your starting point.

Re: ModBus/tcp with LabView

2004-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I will post a library when I get back to the office.  We use WAGO
controllers fairly often.  Give me an e-mail to send them too.

Re: convert vibration units in spectrum

2004-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
first convert your raw acceleration units to ft/sec/sec (or whatever
unit you want velocity and displacement)  Then use the integrate
function (twice for displacement).  You may use FFT for frequency
content but it does not help for velocity or displacement.  If you
have already tried this, you may have seen undesirable results, you
will typically have to filter the accel signal in the range of your
mechanical system response.  If your system can not vibrate faster
than X, you should filter just above this frequency.

Re: Operations Menu Problem

2004-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
did you set the connector pane without relinking to the sub-vi?

Re: Why does my computer locks up after some time, no memory...

2004-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does your code hang or just timeout.  You have a 10 second timeout.
When your program does not respond, open the diagram and turn on
execution highlighting, where is the code?  Your while loop has a loop
counter exit but closes the session after the first iteration.  Lower
the timeout, don't close the session on the first iteration, look at
the characters that are returned to see if it indicates an error from
the device.

Re: can i print out two or more graphs at one time?

2004-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
you can pass a reference to each graph to a print all four vi that
can get all of the attributes of the graph in order to reproduce them.
You can also construct an HTML report with all four graphs laid out.

Re: write data to file periodically

2004-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Are you reading the 15 minute data file and computing mean?  how
about, writing the data to file as you are but adding the running sum
of each value and dividing by N at the end of the sample period.  This
will eliminate the file read/compute  accumulate the running sum as a
double so that you don't run out of headroom.  (or divide by N before
adding to the running sum).

Re: How to control a solenoid using LabView w/ a NI PCI-MIO-16XE-10 DAQ?

2004-05-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes this will work fine.  Please add a flyback diode to your solenoid
current.  That is a diode to flow current from the negative terminal
to the positive when you cut current to the solenoid.  The back EMF
spike can be quite high when the coil field collapses.

how to install and use labview goop wizard in labview 7.0 or 6.1

2004-05-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
is there any tool kit for implementing my application using goop

Re: How to control a solenoid using LabView w/ a NI PCI-MIO-16XE-10 DAQ?

2004-05-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
With the equipment that you have, a good choice would be Opto-22
series for the G4 series of the Opto-22.  Select the screw terminal
base and an ODC module appropriate to your power/voltage requirements.
this will use the TTL digital output to control a power solid state
relay.  If you look to the other signal conditioning products from NI,
they will allow you to do the same thing as well.

Re: Aborting a SubVI

2004-05-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The while loop combined with a state machine breaking your problem up
into pieces allowing you to check for abort at the end of each piece.
Works well.

Re: Can i make the communication of Raynger MX4/MX6 ?

2004-05-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thank you

How to modify header (.h) file included in CAB file created with labview app builder

2004-05-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When you build a shared library with LV 7.0, the .h file is
automatcally generated and included in the distribution cab file.
How to replace this .h file with my own .h file?

Re: Why do some older instruments require waits between writes?

2004-05-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Indeed the older instruments may not have been fully compliant.  The
response time of the micros in these instruments running @ 4 Mhz is
just not good enough to respond to (or even change bus states) back to
back commands from a 3 GHz processor.  They may also have depended
upon one of the other forms of handshaking requiring you to test for
device ready before communicating again.  The developer tester of the
time would not have encountered a problem depending on the test
methodology.  Even today, a rush to market will leave untested and
non-compliant corners of device interaction.  Nothing to do except
hope that you are working with a company that is responsive to your
needs.  My opinion.

Re: Best way for recording instrument commands

2004-05-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The IVI model for labWindows/CVI instrument drivers typically keeps a
state for the instrument under control to solve exactly this problem.
When you execute a get state method for the driver, you get all
parameters even though the instrument does not support query function.
This is the best way of supporting what you are describing.  The
method you describe would require you to replay the entire
transaction to reach the same state instead of just the state.
Writing a driver with internal state is not trivial because you have
to model the instrument completely (in order to support the complete
state).  You may choose to inplement only what your application
requires or if the instrument is one of the IVI supported classes, you
may want to look to IVI.

Re: pwm in closed loop

2004-05-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The PWM function should work fine.  Check out the DAQ examples for
counter timer PWM functions.  The second part of the question is
closed loop control.  How fast do you need to close the loop?  How
accurate does the loop need to be?  6020 Certainly you can close the
loop at low rates (10 Hz for the 6020).  Higher rates can be achived
but you have to look at the requirements tighter and the communication
overhead of the 6020

Automatically creating a new config file in an application

2004-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My application automatically creates and/or modifies an .ini file to
save key settings in the software.  This works fine when running it
within LabVIEW itself, but when I run the .exe application file
created using LabVIEW 7.0's application builder, the software always
uses the default settings I provided to the Read Key VI, rather than
creating a new file.  Why does this happen and how can this be

Re: change display size of plot area

2004-05-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Simple way would be to place a transparent boolean button over each
graph so that you can use the button event to pop up a big graph and
put it away.  There are other ways as well.  If this doesn't work for
you, comment.

Re: synchronising cluster graph problem

2004-05-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Turn off run with multiple threads option.  You are probably seeing
the effects of user interface thread not getting any time to update
the graph.  Also set front panel smooth updates.  This may not yield
the performance that you want but it may be the answer to your

Re: teststand pxi instrument id between embedded and extended chassis

2004-05-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the DAQ function on the pallet that will return the device name for
each device number.  use this to create an abstraction manager to
reference named devices.  Keep going with the approach of reuse
without hardcoding info.  It will be worth it.

Re: Can i make the communication of Raynger MX4/MX6 ?

2004-04-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hallo Dennis:
Thank you for your help.
But i don't know how can i  add the Serial End Mode for Writes to the
VISA Instr property node and use TermChar as a value. Can you send me
a example.
thank very much.

Can I run Labview or CVI program withoug engine installed

2004-04-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have some questions about running Labview or CVI programs:
1. Is it possible that I can run a Labview or CVI program in a
computer that doesn't have corresponding engine installed? Sometimes I
need to run such a program in another computer, but I don't like to
install the engine just for that program.
2. I have seen some people mention here to create an installer when
you build the executable. Is the installer an option of exe builder
in Labview or it is another tool like exe builder?
3. Can I run an exe program built by Labview 6.0 on a computer with
engine of Labview 7.0 or higher installed?

Thank you very much.

Where is this file?

2004-04-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I tried to download a patch from your FTP site last Thursday, then
again today.  The file is not found on the FTP server at this URL:

Can someone please tell me where this file really is located?  I need
it to patch my product.

Re: break a for loop

2004-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Tommy,

forget it - not possible - use a while loop


How do you write to a 3D array?

2004-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I know this is probably a very simple questions, but for some reason I
can not think of how to write to a 3D array. The application that I am
going to use this for is that I have multiple graphs with x and y data
points, and I want to be able to write all the graphs with their data
points to a 3D array instead of having a large amount of 2D arrays. My
main goal is to be able to use this 3D array with a graph so that I
can click through all the graphs after I have done my measurements. I
appreciate anyone that can give me help on this matter.

Incrementing a GPIB parameter in Labview

2004-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I an trying to product a program in labview that increaments a GPIB command
to a Function Generator.
The command format is:  FRQ 1.0E + 2 (this equals 100Hz).  I need to
increament this up 1MHz so,

I have written a bit of psudo code to demonstrate what I require.

For i = 1Hz to 1MHz

// Send freq requ. to function gen //

//QUERY Function Gen to ensure freq has been changed =Q //
If Q=FRQ then Next
Print Error: out of sync!


Wayne Lawson

How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically in LabVIEW?

2004-03-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How can I change waveformchart history data length in Labview during a
VI's running?

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's still not going by the music..

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have Windows XP.. :-/

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have a few things that I don't understand on the picture..
1. After the unboundle function I need to put on each one of the exits
a LED?
2. What is the EQ Display clusters? What do I need to put on them or I
just need to create them by the create -- indicator ?
Please explain me the VI because like I said I'm very new on LabView..

Reiss Rotem

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I still don't realy understand.. Can you please show me the front
If you have MSN Messenger or ICQ please write me the adress/number and
will talk in there..

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You build to me a demo equalizer this is not the real signals that
coming from the sound card.. I want the equalizer to show me what
coming out of the sound card.. Do you understand?
10x again

Re: Control the LPT voltage

2004-03-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, I know.. This is 1 more thing that I want to talk about.. what is
the LPT port voltage? 5v or 12v? I think that 5v but I'm not sure..

10q very much..

Re: Control the LPT voltage

2004-03-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm feeling very stupid because I've alreasy forgot what is TTL.. :-/
I looked in my book of the basic course I and I didn't find nothing
about it but I read the part on the LPT connection.. All I remember is
that TTL realated to a squre signal or something like that.. please
remind my.. :-( But from what I understand from you I need to use high
TTL and I can adjust it to send 1.7v to the pin that I need?? (1.7v
because this is the LEDs voltage.)

Thank you,
Reiss Rotem

Re: Control the LPT voltage

2004-03-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi again,
Thank you about the link I'll read it right away.. but I don't think I
explained my self very good I'll write to you exacly what I Want..
I saw a guide on the internet who to bulid a LEDs organ And what it
do is turn the LEDs on and off when there is music, by the rate.. I
don't know how to build it but I want to know how to do the first part
at least - To build an LPT cable that in is one side there is the
computer and on the other side led on each pin.. If its not the way it
has to be done please tell me what is my mestaiks because I know I
have lot of them..

  Thanks again,
  Reiss Rotem

Control the LPT voltage

2004-03-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just completed the LabView 7.0 Basic Cours I..
I'm playing in LabView to get to know more functions and I want to
control the LPT voltage is that possible to do with LabView?

  Thank you,
  Reiss Rotem

Re: creating a LabView VI from LabWindows application

2004-03-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What I learned so far is that in LabWindows you can create an IVI
driver, you need the fp and dll parts. The wizards walks you through.
LabView and LabWindows sits on top of this. The IVI process creates
the c and h code and must be written correctly.  Then in LabView you
can import this and if the IVI is written correct LabView wires up a
VI correctly. This is how it is supposed to work (I think) I know of
folks who have done this, our NI folks at local seminars tell us that
this can be done but there is not documentation. That is why I

Thanks for responding

Lou Eichner

creating a LabView VI from LabWindows application

2004-03-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What is the process of turning a LabWindows application into LabView

Receiving SMS texts instantly

2004-03-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I need to be able to receive SMS texts sent from a mobile phone
instantly with Labview. Firstly, what kind of GSM modem if required -
can a standard PCMCIA laptop modem be used (i.e vodafone) or should I
use a serial modem with full Hayes AT support.

Secondly, how is labview configured to look out for and receive the
SMS text messages. If a Hayes AT compatible modem is used would you
simply read the port status as you would with serial comms with a data
acquistion system ?

Thirdly, how would a serial Hayes AT command set modem act when
receiving multiple incoming SMS text messages ? Can it only hold 1 at
a time ?


Mike Newett

Re: Memory leak only when compiled

2004-02-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks Randall, the problem was related to file I/O.  I found a subVI
that was using converted LabVIEW 5.1 versions of the configuration
file VIs with references opened with the LabVIEW 6  The
reference was passed back out and closed with with the LabVIEW 6
close, but apparently there is some incompatibility here that only
shows up when the application is compiled.


Re: I want to make a arrow picture blink when The Load cell is travelling down

2004-02-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
nice to hear this .

Why are shift registers are so slow

2004-02-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am dealing with large amounts of data, arrays in excess of 65000x15.
I need to build the array in a loop.  When I use the shift register
approach it takes forever.  The fastest way I have found so far is to
write the rows out to a spreadsheet file and read them back in.  This
is fairly quick, but seems rediculous to have to do.  Memory should be
much faster then a HD

test message, please ignore

2004-02-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
this is a test message

Memory leak only when compiled

2004-02-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have a memory leak problem with an application built under LabVIEW
6.0.2.  I have found that the source of the problem lies within a loop
of code that runs every minute.  It reads numbers from a remote data
socket server and appends the numbers to 75 text files using the Write
Characters to  The code also does some calculations with
these numbers using formula nodes and discrete multiplication,
addition and subtraction, but it does little else and does not contain
any of the usual suspects for memory leaks.  This code will run
happily in LabVIEW for days, but when I try to build the application
and run it, the memory it uses and the number of handles shown in the
windows task manager gradually increase for 12 to 18 hours until the
app stops responding.

Is there a difference in how the VI and the compiled code access data
sockets or files that might contribute to this problem?  I have tried
compiling this on two computers and running it on a few others, so I
don't think that the problem is unique to the run time engine or
compiler on my computer.  I don't want to tie up LabVIEW to log this
data and I can't tolerate interruptions in the data collection.  In
addition, several other computers need intermittent access to this
data, so I don't want to get rid of the data socket communication.
Where can I turn when the compiled app does not work?

Re: I need a Program or a Driver for the NV 40/1CL

2004-02-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear germannubie,

what is   NV 40/1CL   ???

Pls enlighten a german-oldie


Re: LabView7 and NT4

2004-01-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
no problem
