Re: LI Here is the definition of sex Mr. President

1998-03-16 Thread Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff

"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi there - I might have mistyped, I meant the victim must have been a
statue. Oh well... long as it gets cleared up! And anyway, who knows? :)
Sue Hartigan wrote:
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Jackie:
 Dr. L. explained it as a statute.
 Still doesn't explain why it was allowed in the Paula Jones case. :(
  Hi Sue and Kathy
  No luck in my two cj. dictionaries.  Of course, sexual relations are not
  usually against the law I guess.
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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy:

You know that I have been waiting for something to come out that really
made sense.  Well I think it finally has.  I also think that Kathleen
Willey was very credible.  :(  And his lawyer didn't come across too
good.  It looks to me like Clinton is really in trouble now.  :(

I saw the lawyer on Sam Donaldson this morning, and it didn't look good
then either.

After reading the depo's, and listening to her, he had better have some
answers for everyone, and pretty darn quick.

 After watching 60 minutes tonight and thinking back on the official word
 from the WH concerning these allegations launched against the Prez, all
 I can say with 100% certainity is we have the most bewildered and
 shocked president in the History or this country! During tonights
 interview I counted Bewildered and shocked being used at least eight
 times each concerning the reacton from the president!
 So now we can say we had Reagan in the 80's running up our debt, and we
 had Clinton running up our confusion with all his shocked and bewildered
 Me? I'm personally fed up with the same old statements no matter what
 the allegation. And I did watch that interview closely, all I can say is
 Mr. Prez Kathleen Willey was VERY believable and your PR person wasn't,
 and for the first time I do think Mr. Prez is in trouble if the
 statements made on 60 minutes are true, especially about perjury and the
 Prez denying her allegations in his depo.

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Re: LI Re: EMF/Jackie

1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

You know most people feel that weather has something to do with crime, suicide, etc. 
rates on the
thinking level, but seem to forget this when they do things.  I use the LA riots as a 
good example of
this.  I have them figure out how time of day, the day of the week, the time of year, 
and the weather all
were a factor in explaining the riots.  It is not only negative things that seem to be 
affected by the
weather, etc.  Look at the stats on infant births.  And, even the day of week has an 
influence.  What is
amazing to me though is that way back when--can't remember the exact historical 
period--they wrote about
the time of days babies were more likely to be born.  They also wrote about the 
effects of alcohol before
we discovered (?) FAS/FAE.  Have been reading a little about adult FAS/FAE and I shake 
my head sometimes
at the researchers.  One of their profound findings, according to the way they write, 
is that FAS/FAE has
long-term effects and will affect the person as an adolescent/adult.  *Duh*

But at least now they are identifying the areas of the brain that are affected, even 
for those who do not
show mental retardation (wish there was a better word).  They are recognizing that 
many are not being
assisted in school because they do not qualify for special education based on present 
criteria.  Another
positive outcome is that the person is not being misdiagnosed and treated chemically 
for a psychological
disorder such as depression.  I read a letter written by an adult person who finally 
was diagnosed
correctly and she tells how she was misdiagnosed for years.  I can send you the file 
privately if you are


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 It also gives you an insight into why kids turn to gangs.  :)

 Did you know that the stats on suicide also run high in the hot, humid
 weather as well as during full moons?  They really do.  Don't know why
 but they do.

 I am anxious to hear what you think of that book.

  Hi Sue
  That should be an interesting book.  I know that sometimes they do look at 
specific crimes and note
  a seasonal trend.  I have heard there is speculation that this is why the crime 
rates tend to be
  higher in the southern states, in addition to differences in culture, etc.  I can 
hardly wait for
  the book now--you have peaked my interest.

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Re: LI Friday The 13th: Evil Or Excuse? It doesn't hurt to be prepared:

1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

Now the big question--if I go to the site and want to included the address in an
e-mail to someone, how do I make a link??  I know I have an insert icon and it
says link, but I really don't know what to do with it.  Oh the brilliance of me,
sometimes.  I have all this modern technology, but don't know what to do with what
I have.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 Oh, You are more than welcome.  :)  Yes just click on the address and it
 will take you right to them.  I checked out everyone to make sure it
 worked.  :)

  Hi Sue
  You sent all those sites on superstition.  There were a few that will be
  great for cultural differences and cultural beliefs.  To make those links do
  I just highlight it and then go to insert or what??

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I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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LI Jokes for Sunday

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Top Ten Signs You Might Need a New Roommate:
Another Original by Scott Pam!

10.. Has posters of creepy Newsweek covers with "Doe" and "Lewinsky" 
over his/her bed.

9.. Sings the ending to the Flintstones as "an all gay time..."

8.. Mumbles incoherently to a now green piece of cheddar cheese.

7.. Frequently looks down at crotch and argues "Lipid, SOLID, Lipid,

6.. His/her toothbrush has tried to make a "run for it".

5.. Claims he had an affair with Bill Clinton and has never left his
home state of Montana.

4.. Bought a cage for the dustbunnies and keeps food and water in it
for them.

3.. Is the sole attendee for a 12 step program no-one has ever heard

2.. Glows when sleeping.

1.. Believes that "up" is relative to the rotation of his home
The Great Dog Fight

The Americans and Russians at the height of the arms race realized
that if they continued in the usual manner they were going to blow
up the whole world.

One day they sat down and decided to settle the whole dispute with
one dog fight. They'd have five years to breed the best fighting dog
in the world and which ever side's dog won would be entitled to
dominate the world. The losing side would have to lay down its arms.

The Russians found the biggest meanest Doberman and Rottweiler
bitches in the world and bred them with the biggest meanest Siberian
wolves. They selected only the biggest and strongest puppy from each
litter, killed his siblings, and gave him all the milk. They used
steroids and trainers and after five years came up with the biggest
meanest dog the world had ever seen.

Its cage needed steel bars that were five inches thick and nobody
could get near it.  When the day came for the dog fight, the
Americans showed up with a strange animal. It was a nine foot long
Dachshund. Everyone felt sorry for the Americans because they knew
there was no way that this dog could possibly last ten seconds with
the Russian dog.

When the cages were opened up, the Dachshund came out of it's cage
and slowly waddled over towards the Russian dog. The Russian dog
snarled and leaped out of it's cage and charged the American
dachshund.  But, when it got close enough to bite the Dachshund's
neck, the Dachshund opened it's mouth and consumed the Russian dog in
one bite. There was nothing left at all of the Russian dog.

The Russians came up to the Americans shaking their heads in
disbelief. 'We don't understand how this could have happened.  We
had our best people working for five years with the meanest Doberman
and Rottweiler bitches in the world and the biggest meanest Siberian

"That's nothing", an American replied. "We had our best plastic
surgeons working for five years to make an alligator look like a
Man Meets Train

This fellow who had spent his whole life in the desert comes to
visit a friend. He'd never seen a train or the tracks they run on.
While standing in the middle of the RR tracks one day, he hears this
whistle -- Whooee da Whoee! -- but doesn't know what it is.
Predictably, he's hit -- but, only a glancing blow -- and is thrown,
ass-over- tea-kettle, to the side of the tracks, with some minor
internal injuries, a few broken bones, and some bruises.

After weeks in the hospital recovering, he's at his friend's house
attending a party, one evening. While in the kitchen, he suddenly
hears the tea kettle whistling. He grabs a baseball bat from the
nearby closet and proceeds to batter and bash the tea kettle into an
unrecognizable lump of metal. His friend, hearing the ruckus, rushes
into the kitchen, sees what's happened and asks the desert man:
"Why'd you ruin my good tea kettle?"

The desert man replies: "Man, you gotta kill these things when
they're small."

The ABC's of Ex-Girlfriends...

A is for Arteries. You know, the things that your ex-girlfriend
ripped out because she really didn't care for you you twit she was
only after your money and could have given a shit about you. 

B is for Bitter. Who, me?? No way. I really hope things between them
do work out. I hope they get married and have 2 children that are
little devils and her hips get huge and his eyebrows finally grow
completely together and they get fat and old together and then DIE!! 

C is for Call ya later. She won't. She never has before. 

D is for Dumped. Does D need to be explained? 

E is for Eating like a pig. Remember when you took her out and she
said "I'm not hungry" so you figured you could take her to a nice
place because you were able to afford a nice meal at this fine
restaurant. Then she ate more than your Uncle Roy (you remember Uncle
Roy the one with the mustard stains on everything). So you flip the
bill and are broke for the next two weeks and she wonders why you
were unable to call her that week and go see movies. 

F is for Friends. That is what she just wants to be. As if you can
even stand to look at her. 

G is for Gun. And yes 

Re: LI Another Woman

1998-03-16 Thread Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff

"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi - I missed it; could you sum up the 60 minutes program along with
which of the several women were interviewed? Thanks a lot, ") LDMF.
Sue Hartigan wrote:---
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Dr. L.:
 I would have bet on it too.  Until I saw that interview tonight on 60
 Minutes.  :(  Did you see it?  That woman is really very convincing.
  Hi Sue - Betcha a marzipan bar (my favorite, I surf the web for them)
  that: his ratings will go up. :) LDMF.
  -Sue Hartigan
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LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

After watching 60 minutes tonight and thinking back on the official word
from the WH concerning these allegations launched against the Prez, all
I can say with 100% certainity is we have the most bewildered and
shocked president in the History or this country! During tonights
interview I counted Bewildered and shocked being used at least eight
times each concerning the reacton from the president! 

So now we can say we had Reagan in the 80's running up our debt, and we
had Clinton running up our confusion with all his shocked and bewildered

Me? I'm personally fed up with the same old statements no matter what
the allegation. And I did watch that interview closely, all I can say is
Mr. Prez Kathleen Willey was VERY believable and your PR person wasn't,
and for the first time I do think Mr. Prez is in trouble if the
statements made on 60 minutes are true, especially about perjury and the
Prez denying her allegations in his depo.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Another Woman

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Dr. L.:

I would have bet on it too.  Until I saw that interview tonight on 60
Minutes.  :(  Did you see it?  That woman is really very convincing.

 Hi Sue - Betcha a marzipan bar (my favorite, I surf the web for them)
 that: his ratings will go up. :) LDMF.
 -Sue Hartigan

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Re: LI Report: Windows 98 Will Be Released

1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

I guess we all have real troubles with "Virus95"  Ed just sits and shakes his head when
I go on the computer.  He knows eventually I will be talking to the computer and 
it how dumb it is : ).  Of course, it just answers me back by freezing up.  I can 
hear a little voice instead the darn thing taunting me with "Nah, nah, nah, nah).  Ed
yells in about that time and says "I'm waiting."  And sure enough, I come through
with--"no machine is going to get the better of me, I'll figure you out yet!"


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 I haven't seen that one yet.  But now that I have heard about it, I'm
 sure that it will happen.  :(

 I have no idea what Windows 95 can or can't do.  Whenever the thing
 starts acting weird or something, and if I can still get mail out, a big
 KATHY HELP goes out, if I can't get mail out, then I have to wait around
 here forever for my son to get home and fix it.  He usually pushes a
 couple of buttons and waa-laa, all well.  Then he goes off muttering
 something about Mothers and the inability to comprehend the simple
 things of life.  BG

 Then there are times when the server goes down.  Now that is really
 frustrating.  Last week the server got spamed and was down for days.  I
 could get mail but couldn't send anything.  Talk about frustrating.

  Hi Sue
  Lately mine has been bringing up the boxes attached to my icons, when I haven't
  touched my icon.  If anyone can run Windows95, I think they are computer geniuses.

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Re: LI Re: Nature vs Nurture

1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

I don't know whether to laugh or shake my head on this.  This sounds like reincarnation
without having to enter another organism and they are making sure they can be

Can't take credit for the psychic ability bg.  I think this exercise came out of
discussions some of us were having, but sure enough the next edition of a sexuality 
had one very similar.  Guess social scientists minds run in the same direction at times

I think we are going to see a lot more of this type of questions being asked about the
role of technology in our lives.  A lot of demand is being placed on having ethics
courses in all the colleges and making them a required course for many fields.  I am
talking about in addition to the general philosophy course that looks at morality



Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi jackie:

 You got it.  BG  The idea is that someday they will be able to
 transplant the head onto a body where the person has died of some kind
 of brain damage, but the body is in perfect health.


 I guess this is another case of psychic ability, on your part.  :)  The
 father is going to have to pay the child support, but it really brings
 medicine, law, and ethics to the forefront, IMO.

  Hi Sue
  Would love to visit but I think I'll pass on the frozen bodies, especially the
  heads.  What in the world are they going to do with the heads??  Fasten them on an
  artificial body?  Or on a human body that the head has been damaged?  Oooh.
  The ironic thing is that we use an exercise in which the students have to discuss
  the implications of a couple doing that very thing and then getting a divorce
  before the baby is conceived and fight for custody.  In the meantime the child is
  being raised by a foster mother.  Now, who should get custody--one of the donors,
  the surrogate mother, the foster mother, or one of the ex-spouses?  This was a
  ficticious exercise--sounds like it really isn't so imaginary.

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I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI Study Confirms Deficit in the Brainstem of SIDS Victims

1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

Thanks for letting me know about Loma Linda.  Guess it is more than one researcher 
BG.  Do you
know if they have a 'homepage?'  They might have some of their research on the web.  I 
wonder if
their doctors have written on the causes of conjoined twins.  The hospital must be 
like Mayo here
in MN., but with a different focus.  Here, I think infants are sent to the U of M 
hospital.  They
have a really good neonatal unit I am told.

The spraying of Malathion doesn't sound very safe to me after you posted all the 
precautions they
want people to take.  DDT was once thought to be great, wasn't it.  Are they still 
Malathion there?  Would be interesting to look up stats (oh horrors) on incidences, 
prevalence and
causes of death in the areas they spray this stuff in and compare them.  Oh, I bet 
agencies etc. hate having an informed public VVBG.

Proof readers only look for mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation, I think.  
They don't
read for content.  I bet they couldn't even tell you what an article was about.  
Gripes, our paper
didn't even see the tie between the two school teachers being accused of the same 
crime at
approximately the same time.  I would have thought that MN newspapers would have 
followed this
more closely--no such thing occurred.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 I'm sorry I should have said.  :)  Loma Linda is a big University here
 in Riverside.  It also boasts Loma Linda Hospital which specializes in
 infants.  In fact it is the place where most of the physicians around
 the country send their cardiac infants who need transplants.


 The reason they were spraying Malathion was because of the fruit fly.
 This thing could demolish our agriculture.  They said the spray was
 harmless, but I still wonder when they take all those precautions.

 I thought that they had proof readers at the newspapers.  But it has
 been so long since I have been around one that I am sure things have
 changed dramatically.  We don't even have paperboys anymore.  That is
 how much it has changed here in So Ca.

  Hi Sue
  At the risk of exposing my lack of knowledge G, who is Loma Linda?  I assume a 
  Don't they have people who are hired to read newspapers to connect stories that 
  unrelated?  I thought I heard that at one time.
  That spray stuff you mention may be one factor that could be considered in any 
  especially when you are told to bring pets in, and cover inanimate objects.  Of 
course, then
  we would have to determine what was more important--possible effects on the unborn 
vrs our
  comfort in sitting outdoors with no insects.  (Just being cynical, here).

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1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

ROTF...  No psychic, just a weird thinker at times.  But there is hope
for everyone--there is only about 3% of the population that have this
personality.  Aren't all the rest of you happy BG.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi jackie:

 Your'e the psychic, you tell me.  BEG  I'm sorry, I just couldn't
 resist.  :)

  Hi Sue
  How come we don't get paid for this?

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I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI Jim McDougal

1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

I don't know who leaked it finally, but I would imagine someone at the Pentagon after 
the digging
started.  Somehow I wonder if Tripp doesn't have a direct hotline to someone or 
something--like you
say, she is always there in the background.

I watched 60 Minutes too, as did Ed.  Ed found her very creditable, but I was a little 
cynical.  I
kept wavering back and forth as she talked.  I can see ole Bill (C) doing the number 
with Jones and
Lewinsky, but somehow I would think he was a little smarter than to try it with one of 
his friend's
wife out of the clear blue sky.  I am not saying that she invited this if it occurred, 
but common
sense tells me most people don't sh## in their own backyards, so to speak.  It seemed 
in some
instances though that she was trying to close up some of the arguments that the 
defense could
suggest in the Lewinsky affair.  One thing I caught (or thought I heard)--it wasn't in 
the Oval
office, but his study, right??  Little detail, I know, but those little details are 
important.  Another thing that bothered me somewhat is the naive, hesitant little girl 
that was on
60 Minutes (my, my, such cynicism this morning).  This is no 21 year old intern and 
this was someone
who did not want the story public.  If someone had made my story public, I would not 
be this
hesitant little woman--I would be angry that a friend had made a pass and a friend had 
made it
public and drew me into this mess.  But, I am not Willey.

I have a tough time with Bennett sometimes--he is a good example of the good ole' boy 
network and
their ideas about women.  Remember his remark about Jones?  And, sometimes I feel he 
is about to
make another wonderful statement like he did then.

So I am still waiting--but I still think the money could be spent in better places and 
I am
wondering more about the deal where a private citizen cannot bring up ethics charges 
on a
Congressperson, only another Congressperson is allowed to do that.  Hmm.



Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 Hey you might just have hit on something there.  BG  Who did leak it
 finally do you know?

 I saw the Katherine Willey interview tonight on 60 Minutes.  And she did
 come across as being very creditable.  But then the Presidents lawyer
 talked for a few minutes, and his explanation sounded good too.  The
 part about her being very upset and couldn't find her husband, etc.  )
 Her husband committed suicide while she was there talking to the
 President that day.)  But she did sound very creditable...

 Linda I mean Tripp was there then too.  That woman sure knows
 where to be and when to be there doesn't she.


  Hi Sue
  Read the post earlier about how Tripp's lawyer said she was set-up.  H.  She 
just happened
  to have the goods in her purse.  How much you want to bet that Starr wasn't aware 
of this when
  he gave her immunity.  What I find interesting about this is if this is the case, 
and the w.h.
  was so guilty of obstructing justice and smearing their accusers then this should 
have been
  leaked to the media ages ago.  Could that mean the w.h. were not engaged in those 
tactics, I
  I'll have to figure out what you should be the expert witness so we both can rake 
in the
  millions vbg

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Re: LI Verdicts Decisions/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Okay I'm sending you my bookmarks in private email :) The only thing I
ask is you delete all of them under the title of Account and Mailing
Lists, the ones you'll be interested in are under:

Serial Killers (maybe)

If others would like them just let me know and I'll send them to you :)
matterfact I'm going to play with these and see if I can't make up a
separate book mark file to send out to those who want it first :) That
way none of the stuff you don't want is included :)

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
 "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 :) Kathy, what a great offer, yes please do send the bookmarks!
 Meanwhile I am going off to try the ones you have sent in your post;
 thanks a lot!
 ---Kathy E wrote:-
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI InterNight - Jerralyn Merritt (again)

1998-03-16 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alex Butler wrote:

 "Alex Butler" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Following a contribution I made several months ago, I continue to watch
 MSNBC's InterNight and get ever increasingly annoyed with the performance
 of Jerralyn Merritt.

Mornin' Alex,
   I echo your opinion. She has herself destroyed any credibility that she may
have had herself. She is highly biased and at times a hypocrite. I hold her opinions
on the same level as Susan Carpenter McMillian.

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LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-16 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Mrs. Wyler (I think her name is) comes across as so truthful and sincere
on "60 Minutes," I think she will be the one to cook his goose.  Even
Hillary won't be able to swallow Willie's pathetic lies as a defense in
this case IMO. These women probably didn't find him that attractive, but 
worked for him or went to him for help in obtaining govt. jobs and found
themselves subjected to his crude sexual overtures.

This particular woman's morality and smarts caused her to reject his 
advances, which gives her account of what happened enormous credibility

You wrote:

They just announced on CNBC that yet another woman has come forward with
yet more allegations against Clinton.  She is appearing before the grand
jury tomorrow or Tuesday.

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LI Bray - Ayers: Murdered Mom trial - summary and verdict

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Amber Bray, 20, and her boyfriend, Jeffrey Ayers, 23, were charged with
murder and conspiracy to commit murder in the beating and stabbing death
of Bray's mother in January 1996. Bray and her mother, Dixie Hollier,
had a strained relationship, and prosecutors claimed that Bray coerced
Ayers into killing her mother with promises of marriage and his share of
an inheritance worth $300,000. In addition, prosecutors said Bray told
Ayers that she would kill herself if he did not kill her mother. 

In a videotaped confession, Ayers admitted to his role in the murder and
insisted that although Bray knew about his intentions, he alone planned
the crime. During his confession, Ayers said that he decided to kill
Hollier when Bray threatened to kill herself because her mother
allegedly abused her so much. (At one point, Ayers even breaks down and
begs police to let him take the blame for the murder and spare Bray.)
Ayers's attorneys argued that Bray manipulated his love for her and
forced him into the slaying. 

On the other hand, Bray contended that Ayers decided to kill Hollier
entirely on his own. Bray's defense claimed that she is only guilty of
associating with Ayers. 

  Deterioration of a Mother-Daughter Relationship

The victim, Dixie Hollier, was a divorced single mother who was a
manager of special projects at Warner Brothers and was involved in
management of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. She lived with her two teen-age
daughters and five-year-old son in a modest duplex in Burbank. 

According to Bray's younger sister, Bray and Hollier fought about issues
such as curfews and household chores. Their relationship became
increasingly strained in the fall of 1995, when Bray began cutting
school often and was transferred to Monterey Continuation High School, a
school geared towards students with academic or attendance problems.
Sometimes the arguments between Bray and her mother escalated into
shoving matches, as they fought over Bray's schoolwork and the crowd
with which she associated. 

Around this time, Bray also started dating Jeffrey Ayers, a high school
dropout who lived with his mother and was an avid "Dungeons and Dragons"
fan. Ayers soon became Bray's confidant, especially after numerous
fights with her mother. Eventually, Ayers became convinced that Hollier
was abusing Bray and became concerned for her mental well-being.
According to friends of both defendants, Bray and Ayers began making
plans to marry and live together. 

   The Murder

On January 16, 1996, Ayers entered Bray's house just before 5 am. Police
suspected that Bray met him at the door and let him in. Ayers then
entered Hollier's room and fired five shots at her. Two bullets hit
Hollier, grazing her forehead and shattering her upper right arm. When
Hollier started yelling for help, Ayers began to beat her in the head
with the butt of the gun. Then Ayers went into the kitchen, grabbed
three knives, and stabbed Hollier 24 times. 

Awakened by the gunfire, Bray's younger sister ran out of her room to
find Ayers attacking her mother. She tried to call police, but Bray
pulled out the phone cord. The younger sister put the plug back in, but
Bray then allegedly pulled the phone out of the wall and ordered her to
look after her younger brother. As the attack continued, Bray barricaded
herself and her siblings in the back bedroom. 

A neighbor heard the gunfire and called police. When they arrived, they
saw Ayers through a window straddling Hollier and continuing to stab
her. With Hollier's blood covering his hands and clothes, Ayers
surrendered without resistance to police. He confessed on video three
hours later. Police began to suspect Bray after her sister told them
that she had pulled out the phone cord when she tried to call the police
during the attack. The authorities also found various letters between
Bray and Ayers in Bray's bedroom that outlined their plan to kill

"Someday in November"

In one of the letters between Ayers and Bray, dated "Someday in
November," Bray suggested that she and Ayers arrange to have her sister
and mother killed while they take her younger brother out to a movie. "I
come home and discover them, call the police...and it goes on record as
another unsolved homicide," she writes. In that letter, Bray also
discusses how she and Ayers would spend her inheritance from her mother.
Ayers responded to the letter by writing, "Your mother and sister will
trouble you no more." 

Bray and Ayers were tried together in front of two different juries.
(Ayers's confession was not shown to Bray's jury.) Prosecutors attached
two special circumstances to the defendants' indictments or first-degree
murder and conspiracy to commit murder: (1) the murder was intentional
and carried out for financial gain (2) Bray killed the victim while
lying in wait. If convicted of first-degree murder under special
circumstances, Bray and Ayers faced 

LI BrainBenderz: The Joker

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-=Today's Puzzle:
 A total of 21 cards consisting of 4 kings, 4 queens, 4 jacks,
 4 tens, 4 nines, and 1 joker were dealt to Alec, Bill and Carl.
 Then all jacks, tens, and nines were discarded. At that point:
 1) The combined hands consisted of 4 kings, 4 queens and
1 joker.
 2) Alec had 2 cards, Bill had 3 cards, and Carl had 4 cards.
 3) The man with the most singletons did not have the joker.
 4) No man had more than 2 kings.
 Who had the joker?*
 -=Yesterday's Answer:
 How Many Liars? - One. Since the finned Martian did indicate
 that he was a truth-teller, then the Martian with feathered
 ears was obviously telling the truth and must be a truth
 teller. If the finned Martian was lying, then the horned
 Martian was a truth-teller. If the finned Martian was a
 truth-teller, then the horned Martian was a liar. So, no
 matter how you look at it, two of the three Martians were
 truth-tellers and one was a liar.

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Re: LI Verdicts Decisions/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff

"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kathy - can bookmark files be swapped? In other words, can I go into my
filelist and rename my bookmark file, as in '' for medical,
and then swap it in as 'bookmark.htm' when I want to? Or something
similar. (I am just wondering how you managed to subdivide your bookmark

But I guess it would become complicated; say I had my medical bookmark
file active and saw something on law, and didn't want to save it in the
medical bookmark file.  If there is a tip on doing this please post;
thanks a lot, LindaMF.
Kathy E wrote:-
 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Okay I'm sending you my bookmarks in private email :) The only thing I
 ask is you delete all of them under the title of Account and Mailing
 Lists, the ones you'll be interested in are under:
 Serial Killers (maybe)
 If others would like them just let me know and I'll send them to you :)
 matterfact I'm going to play with these and see if I can't make up a
 separate book mark file to send out to those who want it first :) That
 way none of the stuff you don't want is included :)
 Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
  "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  :) Kathy, what a great offer, yes please do send the bookmarks!
  Meanwhile I am going off to try the ones you have sent in your post;
  thanks a lot!
  ---Kathy E wrote:-
 Kathy E
 "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
 isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's
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Re: LI Media Trial

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Mac,

Great post!  I agree with you 100%  I also wondered why, after being
dragged kicking and screaming into the Grand Jury, that Ms. Willey was so
willing to appear on 60 Minutes.  The question is whether she has any
ulterior motives of her own, considering the huge debt she is under
because of he husband's illegal activities. I know she didn't get paid
for the interview, but perhaps she has been promised something by another
party.  Who really knows at this point.  And I'd still like to see how
all these accusers hold up under cross examination.


On Mon, 16 Mar 1998 07:55:12 -0500 moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mornin' All,
   Before everyone jumps to the conclusion that Ms.Wiley is credible I 
think one should
ask themselves "..why did she ask someone to lie about this 
incident.." If she was so
damaged and upset about this why are just now hearing about it. Why is 
it that the case of
Paula Jones, who's story seems to change as fast as the weather here 
in New England,
has been coupled with the Whitewater investigation.
IMO, both the Paula Jones case and the Monica story and now Ms. 
Wiley are about
money. Monica has been offered 4 million for her story but is holding 
out for at least 5
million. The two state troppers that brought forth the Paula Jones 
story to Mr.Brock are
being bankrolled by a GOPAC group headed by one of Clinton's arch 
enemies. A right wing
group is funding the millions of dollars for the Jones case. Jones 
herself is raising
money for herself under the guise of a defense fund. Ms. Wiley is 
being portrayed as a
reluctant witness but wrangles a deal with 60 Minutes to air her 
reluctant story.
This is a case that is being tried right now in the media for the 
reason that in a
court of law it is a loser. All of these women have very serious 
credibility problems and
through the media they can put forth their stories without 
cross-examination. Why did
Jones's atty's
dump all the Lewinsky info in their brief to the judge in Little Rock 
when they know
it has already been ruled inadmissable? Why did they give it to the 
media BEFORE they
submitted it to the court? These are some of the many questions that 
you must ask and get
answered before you can jump to any conclusion about the guilt or 
innocence of the
This whole mess is a political game. The media has provided the 
stage and the money
for the perfomers. The damage that this has already caused the office 
of the president
is terminal and will affect anyone who seeks that office and will have 
lasting effects on
the publics view of politics and the media. We the people are the 
one's who will suffer
the most damage from this cheapening of the office of the president 
and the decline of

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Certainly if the statements Willey made on 60 Minutes are true, then the
President has committed perjury and should resign immediately.

The question is, who is lying?  Willey or Willy. G


On Mon, 16 Mar 1998 02:11:42 -0500 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

After watching 60 minutes tonight and thinking back on the official 
from the WH concerning these allegations launched against the Prez, 
I can say with 100% certainity is we have the most bewildered and
shocked president in the History or this country! During tonights
interview I counted Bewildered and shocked being used at least eight
times each concerning the reacton from the president! 

So now we can say we had Reagan in the 80's running up our debt, and 
had Clinton running up our confusion with all his shocked and 

Me? I'm personally fed up with the same old statements no matter what
the allegation. And I did watch that interview closely, all I can say 
Mr. Prez Kathleen Willey was VERY believable and your PR person 
and for the first time I do think Mr. Prez is in trouble if the
statements made on 60 minutes are true, especially about perjury and 
Prez denying her allegations in his depo.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and 
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Sleep Apnea

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Sue,

I've heard a few psychologists talk about dream interpretation and their
main point was that the dream is always about the individual dreaming and
not really about any of the characters in the dream.  So, if you dream
about someone doing something it is really about YOU doing it and has
something to do with your fears, hopes, likes/dislikes etc.

And they had a bunch of common things in dreams that symbolized something

I wondered at the time how they knew all this stuff was true.


On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 22:04:49 -0800 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

The only thing that I have ever really read about dreams said that 
are a way of letting off emotions that are pent up in your mind during
the day.  Your mind is completely relaxed so therefore your fears,
wants, whatever are free to roam.

They can be a mixture of the real and the imagination.  You can mix 
experiences with those your read about, see on television, or 
Most people dream off and on all night long, but don't remember them. 
And if you do remember a dream it is more than likely the one you had
just before you woke up.

I have also read that people do dream in color, and that they can
actually feel whatever it is that they are dreaming, such as fear, 

I read that in some med book a long time ago.  And it didn't really
interpret dreams, it just tried to explain how the brain works.

Have you ever read so many books that you get them all mixed up and
can't really remember which book said what?  I do that all the time. 
Especially when I was reading all those Simpson books, or when I get
into reading one author like John Grisham.  I get all the plots mixed
together.  LOL


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Re: LI InterNight - Jerralyn Merritt (again)

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Alex,

I am not familiar with Jerralyn Merritt and have never watched the show.

But I DID catch the show with Marcia Clark for the first time last Friday
and I agree with you.  I was very impressed with the way she moderated
the discussion and thought she did very well for someone who had not had
a lot of prior experience in the media.


On Sun, 15 Mar 1998 22:04:05 - "Alex Butler"
"Alex Butler" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Following a contribution I made several months ago, I continue to 
MSNBC's InterNight and get ever increasingly annoyed with the 
of Jerralyn Merritt.

For those who do not know of Ms Merritt, she is a defense attorney and 
part of Tim McVeigh's legal  team. She takes offense when ever anyone 
accused of breaking the law. If she had her way, there would be no 
need for
trials or prisons.

Her statements are one-dimensional, usually bland and insubstantive. I
don't now why the TV station pay for her appearances, when they could 
use a
young actress and a  script writer to churn out her nightly mantras.

The main reason for me bringing this subject up was that over the past
several weeks it has become very noticeable that John Gibson, the 
host of InterNight cannot abide her attitude  and has made that quite
obvious. Does any other viewer agree with this?

On a more pleasant note, it is great to see Marcia Clark again and 
hear her
comments. As usual I find myself agreeing with  most of what she says.

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Re: This and that was LI Photo Gallery

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Jackie,'re right, I forgot about how creative students can be in the
pursuit of an assignment. :)  Always pushing the window.  Perhaps that
could be another area of study.  One group of students observing another.


On Sat, 14 Mar 1998 02:52:07 -0600 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

I love giving the students these types of assignments.  However, you 
can get
yourself into trouble at times.  Students are creative, so you have to 
and foresee why may occur.  The big problem area is having them 
deviance--now, as instructors we are looking for them to observe 
things like
littering, deviant dress, etc. and other people's reactions to the 
Not students--they want to go to the area of town where "real" 
occurs.  This also happens if you have them break a norm and capture 
reactions--you tell students they are to break folkways not laws, but 
know students.  But as you say there are a lot of things you can 
assign that
are easy and "fun learning" for students.  I have had them watch 
listen to music, and go through magazines advertisements.  Keeps them 
out of
harm's way, I hope.  This quarter the Intro students are going to do
application papers--this assignment sound like no problem, but have 
had a few
occasions where it could have led to problems.  One of the nice things 
computers is the chance to learn from others things that might work in
teaching, especially teaching abstract concepts.


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Re: LI Sleep Apnea

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Jackie,

LOL...I thought that when you're pregnant the ball is in the front, not
the back.


On Sat, 14 Mar 1998 03:37:31 -0600 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

LMOF.  You know Bill would be one of the few who would know what it 
was like to be
pregnant if he did manage to get on his back g.

jackief--Poor Bill, we will be nice for a little while.

Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 Or one of those big "medicine" balls (do they still make those 
 that weigh a hundred pounds.  Can you imagine if he did manage to 
 over on his back.  :)  He would be like a turtle trying to get back 

  Hi Sue
  Not a funny condition to have, but I am LOL at visualizing the 
ball in the bed.
  Of course you know fantasies, the ball is a basketball or one of 
that size.
  Better than duct tape, why not sew a piece of Velcro on Bill's 
back and the ball.
  He could simply Velcro before retiring for the night. g

 Two rules in life:

 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Sue,

I agree, Bennett was a very poor spokesman on 60 Minutes.  As Kathy said
he used the same words over and over.  I got the impression that his
appearance was a last minute decision as he had declined to appear when
they first invited him.  I guess they figured he better get on there and
say something because of the allegations this woman was making.

But we all still need to keep in mind that this was a very friendly and
supportive interview.  I wonder how she would do under cross examination.

And we still need to wait until the findings of the Grand Jury are
announced to see where this thing will go.


On Sun, 15 Mar 1998 23:24:13 -0800 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy:

You know that I have been waiting for something to come out that 
made sense.  Well I think it finally has.  I also think that Kathleen
Willey was very credible.  :(  And his lawyer didn't come across too
good.  It looks to me like Clinton is really in trouble now.  :(

I saw the lawyer on Sam Donaldson this morning, and it didn't look 
then either.

After reading the depo's, and listening to her, he had better have 
answers for everyone, and pretty darn quick.

 After watching 60 minutes tonight and thinking back on the official 
 from the WH concerning these allegations launched against the Prez, 
 I can say with 100% certainity is we have the most bewildered and
 shocked president in the History or this country! During tonights
 interview I counted Bewildered and shocked being used at least eight
 times each concerning the reacton from the president!
 So now we can say we had Reagan in the 80's running up our debt, and 
 had Clinton running up our confusion with all his shocked and 
 Me? I'm personally fed up with the same old statements no matter 
 the allegation. And I did watch that interview closely, all I can 
say is
 Mr. Prez Kathleen Willey was VERY believable and your PR person 
 and for the first time I do think Mr. Prez is in trouble if the
 statements made on 60 minutes are true, especially about perjury and 
 Prez denying her allegations in his depo.

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Re: LI The Nanny Case - A British Perspective

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the update.  Yeah, I certainly can understand the emotions of
the people in England who were supporting Woodward.  Heck, I can even
understand the emotions of the people who were supporting Simpson.  And
those who expressed their emotions when he was found liable in the civil

Understanding and agreeing are two different things, however.  But I
never had a big problem with any of that.  IMO, the more interesting
issues are whether the legal process worked and a correct verdict and
sentence was given.


On Sun, 15 Mar 1998 19:44:09 - "Alex Butler"
"Alex Butler" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

In Britain, the appeals matter is just being reported as a normal news 

Our SKY news channel is the only one that is giving it intensive 
and that is only because following their presentation of the Simpson 
they know that their viewers are interested in these real-life legal

At the end of the Trial proper, you will have seen the scenes of 
from the Woodward "camp" in England. The TV pictures must have 
unseemly to people in the USA, but I feel that they only represented 
reaction of a group of people bonding together in a common cause 
or wrongly) and giving vent to their emotions. When I have heard them 
in detail about the case, they invariably mention the sadness of the 
death. So their celebrations are not meant to diminish the tragedy of 
baby's death.

Alex Butler

 From: William J. Foristal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: LI The Nanny Case - A British Perspective
 Date: 09 March 1998 17:02
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
 HI Alex,
 Nice to see you again!  Thanks for the information.  I guess the 
 hearing starts today.
 What is the current sentiment/opinion in England about the appeals?
 On Sun, 8 Mar 1998 21:05:09 - "Alex Butler" 
 "Alex Butler" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 In the UK, our TV Channel 4 has shown a documentary on the Nanny 
 documentary included an assessment of the medical evidence by 
 If you are interested in the case, an abridged transcript, and 
 information can be obtained from:-
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Re: LI Message from Ed

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Wow, you MADE Ed's computer crash  Remind me never to get you ticked
off about anything. :)  Don't worry, I won't tell him.


On Sat, 14 Mar 1998 02:16:12 -0500 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill :) I think that commercial is a riot! 

Here's a secret just don't tell Ed, I know I can trust y'all to keep 
secret (G). Ed's computer didn't REALLY crash, well NOT like he 
I sent him this message the subject being "ED READ do not do anything
else even breathe before you read this!" I figured that might get his
attention! LOL Then as soon as he opened up that little message 
Bye bye computer LOL And we could all have some fun and he would be 
the wiser :) :)

The things I must do to satisfy everyone! (SEG)

William J. Foristal wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
 Hi Kathy,
 ROTF...reminds me of the commercial where the boss calls in from the
 beach to say he's cut his vacation short and will be in the office 
in 10
 On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 10:59:27 -0500 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Aww damn! The fun times are over, time to be good again.
 Thanks Doc for the message :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and 
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Re: EMF/Jackie

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Jackie,

When they do begin to measure these things and explain things that were
unexplainable before I wonder what effect this will have on the religious
communities around the world.


On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 11:39:08 -0600 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

I hadn't thought of all those observable things that people mention 
death, etc.  Seems like the things that scientists said they couldn't
measure may change.


William J. Foristal wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

 Hi Jackie,

 And also the instances where people say they saw some type of wispy
 material leave a body at the time of death.  This was to infer the 
 leaving the body, but it could simply be a dissipation of energy as 
 body died.  Also, that light people see who have died and come back 
 simply be the start of this process.

 And I think all major discoveries are made on the cutting edge of
 research. :)


 On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 05:27:04 -0600 Jackie Fellows 
 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Oh, oh Bill
 Cutting edge!!  As one of my students said when we discussed psych.
 disorders--remember Jackie, there is a fine line between being 
 having a disorder.  H, cutting edge or something else??  Poor 
 he has
 to listen to this stuff all the time--imagine it is difficult for 
 to live
 with someone on the boundary g.
 I find that info you mentioned on auras very interesting--we 
 at those ideas, but if we are made up of electrons, etc and as you 
 encounter another body wouldn't the attraction/repulsion create an
 colored differently around a person??  I think I will see if I can 
 of that book--I have nothing else to read (hahaha).
 William J. Foristal wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
  Hi Jackie,
  Wow, you are way out there on the cutting edge of theory here. :) 
  would think that anything you've suggested COULD be true, but it
  take a lot of clinical studies and other research to prove or
  One thing I wondered was whether the "aura" that many people have
  about is indeed there and caused by some magnetic field that each
  has around them.  The Celestine Prophecy dealt with this in an
  interesting way.
  I'm not sure about the physical cause of the gravitational force,
 but I
  think you've hit pretty close to it.  The combined effects of the
  particles or ions within the molecules of each body acting on the
  body.  I know the force of the pull is determined by the inverse
  of the distance between the bodies and the difference in mass.
  There are a lot of theories one can offer with respect to 
  and their affects on humans.  I assume there is a lot of research
  on about this.
  On Thu, 12 Mar 1998 04:13:41 -0600 Jackie Fellows
  Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi Bill
  Ok, if it is gravational pull then isn't that the
  negative and positive ions?? (Jeez, I better take Physics 101
  so, then aren't we talking again about magnetic fields??  If so,
  ole' wives tales have a bearing in reality--changes in behavior
  according to
  the phases of the moon for some people some of the time.  If 
  true to
  a degree then let's really go out on limb and look at how
  that attraction/repulsion could affect us and our natural
  know you are humming the theme from "The Twilight Zone--grin).
  About minerals,  I was speculating (hallucinating some might 
  they balanced our negative/positive ions in someway and that is 
  they are
  essential in our diet.  From there we can make the leap (maybe 
  logically) to an idea that after exposure to teratogens an 
  minerals in the diet may help to offset the imbalance.  Boy, 
  as heck, I know, but it does seem logical in my own twisted
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 that even dreams are colored by your perspective
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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-16 Thread Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff

"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill - will the Grand Jury findings be made public for sure? Have
they been in the past? Thanks for any illumination, and best wishes.:)
William J. Foristal wrote:--
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
 HI Sue,
 I agree, Bennett was a very poor spokesman on 60 Minutes.  As Kathy said
 he used the same words over and over.  I got the impression that his
 appearance was a last minute decision as he had declined to appear when
 they first invited him.  I guess they figured he better get on there and
 say something because of the allegations this woman was making.
 But we all still need to keep in mind that this was a very friendly and
 supportive interview.  I wonder how she would do under cross examination.
 And we still need to wait until the findings of the Grand Jury are
 announced to see where this thing will go.
 On Sun, 15 Mar 1998 23:24:13 -0800 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Kathy:
 You know that I have been waiting for something to come out that
 made sense.  Well I think it finally has.  I also think that Kathleen
 Willey was very credible.  :(  And his lawyer didn't come across too
 good.  It looks to me like Clinton is really in trouble now.  :(
 I saw the lawyer on Sam Donaldson this morning, and it didn't look
 then either.
 After reading the depo's, and listening to her, he had better have
 answers for everyone, and pretty darn quick.
  After watching 60 minutes tonight and thinking back on the official
  from the WH concerning these allegations launched against the Prez,
  I can say with 100% certainity is we have the most bewildered and
  shocked president in the History or this country! During tonights
  interview I counted Bewildered and shocked being used at least eight
  times each concerning the reacton from the president!
  So now we can say we had Reagan in the 80's running up our debt, and
  had Clinton running up our confusion with all his shocked and
  Me? I'm personally fed up with the same old statements no matter
  the allegation. And I did watch that interview closely, all I can
 say is
  Mr. Prez Kathleen Willey was VERY believable and your PR person
  and for the first time I do think Mr. Prez is in trouble if the
  statements made on 60 minutes are true, especially about perjury and
  Prez denying her allegations in his depo.
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Re: LI Media Trial

1998-03-16 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

William J. Foristal wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

 Hi Mac,

 Great post!  I agree with you 100%  I also wondered why, after being
 dragged kicking and screaming into the Grand Jury, that Ms. Willey was so
 willing to appear on 60 Minutes.  The question is whether she has any
 ulterior motives of her own, considering the huge debt she is under
 because of he husband's illegal activities. I know she didn't get paid
 for the interview, but perhaps she has been promised something by another
 party.  Who really knows at this point.  And I'd still like to see how
 all these accusers hold up under cross examination.


Afternoon Bill,
   What cross-examination? I have serious doubts that she will ever be called to 
As a matter of fact I don't believe there will ever be a trial in the case of Jones v.
nor in the Starr investigation, which is starting to become one and the same. The Jones
camp has already made public their case and if you throw out the inadmissable there is
virtually no case. I am of the firm opinion that they are having their day in court 
these accusations alone are causing great harm to the president and that is the result
that they have been set out on getting from the beginning. What started out as 
sexual harrassment have now been alluded to as sexual assualt. I have faith in the
people and I just hope and pray they remember what all this was really all about come
election time.
" The answer lies in the world of Linda Tripp"

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Re: LI Another Woman

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Dr. L.:

I'm not too good at doing that, but maybe we could get Kathy to do it. 
She is wonderful when it comes to those sorts of things.

I was impressed with this woman.  I still haven't taken her word as
being the absolute truth, but I can't discount her either.

She sounded very sincere, and her story did sound very plausible, IMO. 
And she certainly didn't fit the image that we have been having of these
women who are telling these stories.  She was more mature, and came
across as not the kind of woman who would be soliciting sexual advances. 

Someone here is lying, and the problem now is to find out which one.  If
it is the President then he should step down, and let the country get
back to what it should be doing.  I just don't know how we are ever
going to find out who it is though that is lying.  :(

It certainly was a bad day for Clinton, that is for sure.  His own
Friday the 13th.

One thing that I did notice about Ms. Willey, she mentioned that her
husband was in real financial problems because he had stolen money from
some of his clients.  This was a similar problem that Susan McDougal
had.  What is it with these people that the President was friends with
anyway.  Are they all a bunch of crooks? 

Also another thing that came up was that the Presidents lawyer said that
when Ms. Willey came to the WH that day, she was upset because she had
no idea where her husband was.  *She* said that while she was at the WH
her husband committed suicide.  Those two stories sort of go together,


 Hi - I missed it; could you sum up the 60 minutes program along with
 which of the several women were interviewed? Thanks a lot, ") LDMF.

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Re: LI Media Trial

1998-03-16 Thread Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff

"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Mac - concerning the underlying politics, do you or does anyone here
know anything about Web Hubbel (spelling?) being a common link between
Whitewater and these particular "witnesses?"  Best to you, :) LDMF.
--moonshine wrote:---
 moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mornin' All,
Before everyone jumps to the conclusion that Ms.Wiley is credible I think one 
 ask themselves "..why did she ask someone to lie about this incident.." If she was so
 damaged and upset about this why are just now hearing about it. Why is it that the 
case of
 Paula Jones, who's story seems to change as fast as the weather here in New England,
 has been coupled with the Whitewater investigation.
 IMO, both the Paula Jones case and the Monica story and now Ms. Wiley are about
 money. Monica has been offered 4 million for her story but is holding out for at 
least 5
 million. The two state troppers that brought forth the Paula Jones story to Mr.Brock 
 being bankrolled by a GOPAC group headed by one of Clinton's arch enemies. A right 
 group is funding the millions of dollars for the Jones case. Jones herself is raising
 money for herself under the guise of a defense fund. Ms. Wiley is being portrayed as 
 reluctant witness but wrangles a deal with 60 Minutes to air her reluctant story.
 This is a case that is being tried right now in the media for the reason that in 
 court of law it is a loser. All of these women have very serious credibility 
problems and
 through the media they can put forth their stories without cross-examination. Why did
 Jones's atty's
 dump all the Lewinsky info in their brief to the judge in Little Rock when they know
 it has already been ruled inadmissable? Why did they give it to the media BEFORE they
 submitted it to the court? These are some of the many questions that you must ask 
and get
 answered before you can jump to any conclusion about the guilt or innocence of the
 This whole mess is a political game. The media has provided the stage and the 
 for the perfomers. The damage that this has already caused the office of the 
 is terminal and will affect anyone who seeks that office and will have lasting 
effects on
 the publics view of politics and the media. We the people are the one's who will 
 the most damage from this cheapening of the office of the president and the decline 
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Re: LI Media Trial

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Afternoon Bill,
   What cross-examination? I have serious doubts that she will ever be 
called to testify.
As a matter of fact I don't believe there will ever be a trial in the 
case of Jones v.
nor in the Starr investigation, which is starting to become one and 
the same. The Jones
camp has already made public their case and if you throw out the 
inadmissable there is
virtually no case. I am of the firm opinion that they are having their 
day in court right
these accusations alone are causing great harm to the president and 
that is the result
that they have been set out on getting from the beginning. What 
started out as allegations
sexual harrassment have now been alluded to as sexual assualt. I have 
faith in the
people and I just hope and pray they remember what all this was really 
all about come
election time.
" The answer lies in the world of Linda Tripp"

HI Mac,

Yeah, you're right.  I doubt if we'll ever see a criminal trial involving
the president.  And the house won't impeach him either  But if the judge
doesn't throw out the Jones case and there is no settlement then it will
have to go to trial and I would expect Jones's lawyer to call Willey. 
Then we would see a cross examination.



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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-16 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hello Doctor,

That's a good question and I'm not sure of the answer.  Certainly there
are things that are revealed in a Grand Jury that would be embarrassing
for some people if they are made public.  And that includes more people
than just the target of the inquiry.  So perhaps the details would not be
made public, even after the findings of the Grand jury are final and
decisions are made about indictment or impeachment.

The only thing that is supposed to be open to the public is the actual
trial, if there is one and the impeachment hearings if there is one.


On Mon, 16 Mar 1998 12:23:35 -0800 "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff"
"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill - will the Grand Jury findings be made public for sure? Have
they been in the past? Thanks for any illumination, and best wishes.:)
William J. Foristal 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
 HI Sue,
 I agree, Bennett was a very poor spokesman on 60 Minutes.  As Kathy 
 he used the same words over and over.  I got the impression that his
 appearance was a last minute decision as he had declined to appear 
 they first invited him.  I guess they figured he better get on there 
 say something because of the allegations this woman was making.
 But we all still need to keep in mind that this was a very friendly 
 supportive interview.  I wonder how she would do under cross 
 And we still need to wait until the findings of the Grand Jury are
 announced to see where this thing will go.
 On Sun, 15 Mar 1998 23:24:13 -0800 Sue Hartigan 
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Kathy:
 You know that I have been waiting for something to come out that
 made sense.  Well I think it finally has.  I also think that 
 Willey was very credible.  :(  And his lawyer didn't come across 
 good.  It looks to me like Clinton is really in trouble now.  :(
 I saw the lawyer on Sam Donaldson this morning, and it didn't look
 then either.
 After reading the depo's, and listening to her, he had better have
 answers for everyone, and pretty darn quick.
  After watching 60 minutes tonight and thinking back on the 
  from the WH concerning these allegations launched against the 
  I can say with 100% certainity is we have the most bewildered and
  shocked president in the History or this country! During tonights
  interview I counted Bewildered and shocked being used at least 
  times each concerning the reacton from the president!
  So now we can say we had Reagan in the 80's running up our debt, 
  had Clinton running up our confusion with all his shocked and
  Me? I'm personally fed up with the same old statements no matter
  the allegation. And I did watch that interview closely, all I can
 say is
  Mr. Prez Kathleen Willey was VERY believable and your PR person
  and for the first time I do think Mr. Prez is in trouble if the
  statements made on 60 minutes are true, especially about perjury 
  Prez denying her allegations in his depo.
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LI Willey Calls Clinton a Liar

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Willey Calls Clinton a Liar

   By PETE YOST Associated Press Writer

   WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House today questioned
   credibility of President Clinton's latest accuser,
saying Kathleen Willey's
   account of an alleged sexual advance is
``contradicted'' by the former
   White House volunteer's positive attitude toward

   Mounting a defense of the president in appearances on
morning television
   talk shows, White House spokeswoman Ann Lewis said
Mrs. Willey's
   description on national TV Sunday of the 1993 Oval
Office encounter
   with Clinton ``surprised'' her.

   ``What I saw last night was someone who talked about
being angry,
   feeling that she has been taken advantage of. And yet
in 1996, when she
   was no longer associated with the president or the
White House, she
   came to see me and said 'I really want to work in
this campaign,''' Lewis
   said on NBC's ``Today'' show. ``There was such a
   between what I saw and heard last night and the
person I met with in

   After offering nearly identical comments on ABC's
``Good Morning
   America,'' Lewis denied that she was trying to spread
a White House
   ``message'' to rebut Mrs. Willey's account the night
before on CBS' ``60

   ``No, this is my personal message,'' Lewis said.
``Watching last night, I
   thought, gee, if I hadn't had my personal experience
(with Mrs. Willey),
   how would I feel about it?''

   Mrs. Willey said the story she was telling on
television was the same one
   she swore to before a Whitewater grand jury last
week. Clinton,
   meanwhile, has given a sworn deposition denying her
account. The
   conflicts in their stories means that one of them has
committed perjury, in
   the president's case an impeachable offense.

   In a soft, sometimes halting voice, Mrs. Willey said
on ``60 Minutes'' that
   the president embraced her, kissed her on the lips,
touched her breasts
   and placed one of her hands on his genitals.

   ``I thought, `Well, maybe I ought to just give him a
good slap across the
   face,''' she said. ``And then I thought, `Well, I
don't think you can slap
   the president of the United States.'''

   ``I didn't feel intimidated. I just felt
overpowered,'' said Mrs. Willey, 51.
   ``Later on ... I was feeling angry. ... I was there,
asking a friend, who
   also happened to be the president of the United
States, for help.''

   Mrs. Willey's family finances were in a state of
collapse and she wanted a
   paying White House job when she came to see Clinton
on Nov. 29,
   1993. Unbeknownst to either Clinton or Mrs. Willey at
the time, her
   husband committed suicide the same day.

   Mrs. Willey received new support today from a leading
feminist and from
   Gennifer Flowers, with whom Clinton has admitted a
sexual relationship.

   ``Perhaps we need to redefine what a good president
is, what a good
   man is,'' Patricia Ireland, president of the National
Organization for
   Women, said on the ``Today'' show. ``This is beyond
the idea of the
   likable rogue or the womanizer and really on into
sexual assault, sexual

   ``I think she spoke from the heart,'' Flowers said of
Mrs. Willey. ``I ask
   the American public why this woman would have any
motive to come
   out. She wanted to take some control of it and tell
what happened,''
   Flowers said on ``Good Morning America.''

   Clinton ``has no idea why she said what she did or
whether she now
   believes that's what happened,'' said a White House
statement Sunday

   Clinton's lawyer, Robert Bennett, said on ABC's
``This Week'' that
   ``there is substantial material of what she has said
which is under seal,
   which has not been released, which seriously
undercuts'' her story.

   ``I think in fairness it's important ... to note that
there have been at least
   five versions of this encounter,'' former White House
counsel Jack Quinn
   said on CBS' ``Face the Nation.''


LI Kathleen Willey Interview Excerpts

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kathleen Willey Interview Excerpts

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Excerpts from Kathleen Willey's interview
Sunday night on CBS's ``60 Minutes'' in which she detailed an alleged
sexual encounter with President Clinton in 1993 in the White House.

``Then he kissed me on my mouth and pulled me closer to him. And ... I
remember thinking -- ... `what in the world is he doing?' he touched my
breasts with his hand ... and he whispered ... `I've wanted to do this
since I laid eyes on you.' And ... then he took my hand, and he put it
  him. And, that's when I pushed away from him and ...
decided it was time
to get out of there.''


``When I think back on it, it was kind of like I was watching it in slow
motion ... And, at the same time ... I thought, `Well, maybe I ought to
give him a good slap across the face.' And then I thought, `Well, I
think you can slap the President of the United States.'''


``I have gone over this so many times ... `Did I bring this on? Did I
send ...
the wrong signal?' The only signals that I was sending that day, was
that I
was very upset, very distraught, and I needed to help my husband. ... I
didn't feel intimidated. I just felt over-powered. ... I just could not
... the recklessness of that act. ... Later on ... I was feeling angry.
I was
feeling that I had been taken advantage of. My circumstances had been
taken advantage of. ... I was there, asking a friend, who also happened
be the President of the United States, for help.''


(Willey declined to talk in detail about Democratic fund-raiser Nathan
Landow, with whom she says she discussed her upcoming testimony in the
Paula Jones case. But she described talking to Robert Bennett, the
president's lawyer in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case.)

``I felt pressured by Mr. Bennett. ... He mentioned that he had just ...
at the White House, and ... the president asked for me and told him ...
he just thought the world of me. And, he said, `now, this ... was not
harassment, was it?' And, I didn't answer him. And he said, `Well ... it
wasn't unwelcome, was it?' And I said to him, `It was unwelcome and
unexpected.' ... I felt pressured. Especially when he threw in the ...
business about `Well, the president ... thinks the world of you.' I
found that
a little laughable. If the president thought the world of me, why did he
what he did?''
(Willey said Bennett suggested she find herself a criminal lawyer.)

``The insinuation to me was that Mr. Bennett was implying that I was
to face some kind of a criminal charge for perjury ... or something else
and I didn't, and I don't.''


(In an interview with The Associated Press, Bennett said, ``Any
that I threatened or intimidated her in any way is a bald-faced lie.''

(Bennett said he was asked by Willey's lawyer ``if I could name a lawyer
he could talk to'' and that Bennett did so, providing the name of
Washington attorney Plato Cacheris.)


Willey says that she was doing volunteer work in the 1992 campaign when
Clinton called her from Williamsburg, Va., at her home in Richmond,
he asked me how far I was from Williamsburg.'' Clinton was having
with his voice, she said, and ``I just jokingly said, `It sounds like
you need
some chicken soup.' And, he said, `Well, would you bring me some?' And
... I don't really think I answered him because I thought he was just
facetious. And then he told me that he was surrounded by Secret Service
agents, and ... he would try to get rid of them ... if I would come
And he said he would call me back later, which he did. And I declined to
go. ... Because my instincts told me he wasn't interested in chicken


(A friend, Julie Steele, says she was asked by Willey to lie about her
House encounter with Clinton.) ``My person belief is that she was
pressured. ... I think that the White House wanted to try to discredit
and they found a pawn in her.''


(Friend Linda Tripp says Willey confided the sexual encounter with
just after leaving the Oval Office, but Tripp says Willey seemed

``I remember saying to her ... `you are just not going to believe
this.'' And
we went outside, and I told her what had happened. ... In defense of her
if I get into a very ... tense situation ... I fall back on my sense of
humor. I
think when I said, `you are not going to believe this one,' maybe she
that as joyful.''

(A few months later, Tripp was moved out of the White House to the
Pentagon, while Willey got a paying job.)

``She said, `I know you're here because the president wants you here.'
She was very angry. Very upset. Very bitter. ... She ended the
conversation by saying, `I'm going to get you, 

LI OT: Rodeo - Jerome Davis

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi all sorry for the off topic post, but some on here would have me send
them the results and such, one person y'all may recognize is Jerome
Davis, he earned the title of world Champion Bull rider last year, and
he's a all around good guy from North Carolina.

This past weekend he was riding "Knock 'em down John" a bull I have seen
perform myself, one we call an eliminator, he's one of the largest bulls
we have in the rodeo circuit right now, and he's pretty hard to ride, he
weighs over 2,000lbs. Unfortunately about 5 seconds into the ride Jerome
was in the wrong position and he butted heads with John, and his horn
also broke Jeromes jaw, he was then tossed into the arena, they got john
out of there right away so he couldn't hurt Jerome anymore, Jerome was
airlifted to the hospital and is in guarded condition now, the doctors
aren't sure if he'll live or not, he is paralyzed in the lower
extremities so far, and he has crushed his spinal cord in his neck, they
performed surgery on Sunday to relive the pressure off of the spine.

The good news is Jerome is awake. Yet he's still in guarded condition,
I'll let you know what happens in the near future. 

For any who would like to send Jerome a message a page has been set up
where all the messages will be delivered to him at the hospital.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Clinton 'Mystified' by Willey Sex Allegations

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Clinton said Monday he was "mystified
and disappointed"
by sex allegations made against him by Kathleen Willey and stood by his
statement that their White
House encounter was innocent. 

"Nothing improper happened," Clinton said, noting he had already denied
making a sexual advance
toward Willey, a former political loyalist who had worked first as a
volunteer and then as a
part-time employee at the White House. 

"I am mystified and disappointed by this turn of events," he told
reporters during an appearance at a
high school in suburban Maryland. 

White House officials launched a public relations offensive to deal with
allegations made publicly by
Willey, who said in an interview broadcast Sunday that during an
encounter in November, 1993
Clinton groped her after she asked for his help in finding a job. 

White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry said Clinton did not watch the
CBS "60 Minutes"
program, which attracted millions of viewers. "He doesn't need to ... He
was there and he knows
what the truth is," he said. 

Clinton has admitted meeting Willey in the Oval Office and in his
private study near it, but insists his
actions were misunderstood. He acknowledged hugging her, but contended
he was merely trying to
comfort a woman distraught over her husband's financial crisis. 

McCurry refused to accuse Willey of lying in her account, but said: "You
have two witnesses in

The sexual scandal engulfing the White House stems from a sexual
harassment lawsuit filed by
former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones. 

As part of Jones' effort, her lawyers obtained sworn statements from
other women regarding alleged
sexual advances by Clinton -- including Willey and former White House
intern Monica Lewinsky. 

The Willey interview weighed heavily on the minds of White House
staffers Monday, returning some
of them to the gloom that hovered over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue when
allegations involving
Lewinsky first surfaced in January. In this case, however, Willey said
advances made by Clinton
were unwelcome. 

According to one White House official, Willey "is a well-spoken person
who definitely put a
different face on this than Paula Jones, but at the end of the day, are
there more than two people
who know what happened? I don't see how it changes anything." 

A former senior White House official, assessing the latest development,
acknowledged that "this one
is more disturbing and more difficult than any of the other ones." 

"It's clearly more disturbing than Monica Lewinsky," the former official
said. "Willey is a mature
woman and if she's telling the truth, it's an abuse of friendship and
it's also predatory. It's clearly
taking advantage of a situation." 

In a sign that the latest accusation may be politically damaging for
Clinton, Patricia Ireland, the head
of the National Organization for Women, offered her most blistering
assessment of the president
since the scandal accusations surfaced in recent months. 

"This is beyond the idea of the likable rogue or the womanizer and
really on in to sexual assault,
sexual abuse," Ireland said. 

"It's not verbal harassment, this was an unwanted touching, and I think
that's a very serious
allegation against the president along with the allegations of covering
that up," she said on the NBC
"Today" program. 

Willey's husband, apparently distraught because of legal and financial
problems, committed suicide
in their hometown of Richmond, Va. the day Willey met with Clinton,
although neither of them was
aware of it at the time. 

In pretrial testimony in the Jones lawsuit, which goes to trial May 27,
Clinton said he remembered
hugging Willey and may have kissed her on the forehead in an effort to
console her, but insisted
"there was nothing sexual about it." 

Asked by one of Jones's lawyers whether he put Willey's hand on his
penis, the president said: "I
emphatically deny it. It did not happen." 

Willey last week testified before a grand jury investigating allegations
that Clinton tried to cover up
business, legal and personal indiscretions by seeking to alter the
testimony of people who could
damage him.

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Re: LI Long weekend

1998-03-16 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-14 02:09:41 EST, you write:

 Enjoy yourself :) Also if your email bounces for more than one day I'll
 set you to nomail until you return and can empty your mailbox. 

Hi Kathy -- I'm back.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

Someone here is lying big time.  And now at least we have some of the

I thought that Kathleen Willey was very creditable on 60 Minutes.  The
President must have thought so too, because he is finally talking.

 Hi Kathy,
 Certainly if the statements Willey made on 60 Minutes are true, then the
 President has committed perjury and should resign immediately.
 The question is, who is lying?  Willey or Willy. G

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Re: LI Media Trial

1998-03-16 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:

 "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Mac - concerning the underlying politics, do you or does anyone here
 know anything about Web Hubbel (spelling?) being a common link between
 Whitewater and these particular "witnesses?"  Best to you, :) LDMF.

Evenin' Dr.,
These particular witnesses are not associated with Whitewater. These witnesses
are being used to try and show that Clinton is a sex maniac and has tried to suborn
perjury and obstruct justice regarding these same sexual allegations. Ken Starr has
failed to nail Clinton for anything having to do with Whitewater so, he has now married
the two investagations together and from my view from the beach he is still failing.

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LI List limits

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi All :)

Just FYI if your sending a file to the list watch how large the file is,
if it's longer than 27k it will not go to the list, it will bounce to my
email, because the file is to large for the list. I suggest if you are
only sending that for one person you send it in private email instead.
If a group of people would like it you'll have to send it in parts to
the list. 

I will usually repost the bounced messages but the last couple I
received had all been transferred into numeric numbers so it made it
impossible for me to split up the file and post it for the person
forwarding it.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Willey Letters

1998-03-16 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   It didn't take long for Ms. Willey's credibility to get blown out of the water.
I think if Ken Starr did his homework she never would've appeared on 60 mis.
Sorry Ken, your little ruse to get this info out has backfired. If this was your 
gun I think you just shot yourself in the foot. How many holes does that make now?
   IIMO, she will never make it to a court room to either testify or be charged with
perjury. Today's revealing events again bolster my claim that this is nothing more 
than a
political witch hunt and the slandering of the president is now becoming criminal. I'm
beginning to think that the one person that should be investigated for obstruction of
and subbornation of perjury is the dishonorable Ken Starr himself.

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Re: Schooling was LI Re: Disparity in Infant Mortality Rates

1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

We all were floored when she mouthed off like that.  Needless to say, it was not a 
course I recommended
to any of my students.  He pushed for parent-child interaction to be on an equal 
footing.  Sorry, my
developmental psych and socialization in sociology says this ain't so.  I too wonder 
what we happen when
she gets older.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 How far do you think you would have gotten if you had talked to either
 your parents or teacher this way.  LOL

 I *know* how far I would have gotten.  And it wouldn't have been pretty.
 I wonder what is going to happen the first time this father gets a call
 from the local P.D. telling him his little girl is in jail for
 something.  She is going to have, already does IMO, no respect for
 authority at all.  And it could cost her, her life.

 I certainly hope that the school rethinks this program, it is not good,

 I would be willing to bet that if this kid ran into something on her
 rollerblades, this father would be the first in line to sue the school
 for everything he could get, and then some.


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Re: LI Verdicts Decisions/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy

Would really appreciate you sending them to me.  Thanks a heap


Kathy E wrote:

 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Okay I'm sending you my bookmarks in private email :) The only thing I
 ask is you delete all of them under the title of Account and Mailing
 Lists, the ones you'll be interested in are under:

 Serial Killers (maybe)

 If others would like them just let me know and I'll send them to you :)
 matterfact I'm going to play with these and see if I can't make up a
 separate book mark file to send out to those who want it first :) That
 way none of the stuff you don't want is included :)

 Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
  "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  :) Kathy, what a great offer, yes please do send the bookmarks!
  Meanwhile I am going off to try the ones you have sent in your post;
  thanks a lot!
  ---Kathy E wrote:-
 Kathy E
 "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
 isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI Sleep Apnea

1998-03-16 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Geez, Bill

We give you a toy and now you want the whole toolbox VBG


William J. Foristal wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

 HI Sue,

 Can I have the ball AND the vibrating bed??


 On Sat, 14 Mar 1998 20:24:56 -0800 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Jackie:
 I think *we* could have fun with this thread if we kept it going, but
 dunno how long we would remain on the list.  BG
  Hi Sue
  Didn't you put the radio on and then the quarter in the slot?  Bill
 might like
  that better than the ball, don't you think?
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 Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
 Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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LI Freemen: Trial update

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Four anti-government Freemen arrested after an 81-day standoff with the
FBI were ejected from a courtroom today as they cursed the judge and a
prosecutor on the first day of their criminal trial.

Federal marshals had to drag three of the defendants in and out of the
courtroom because they refused to walk and pushed the fourth in a
wheelchair. Two defendants were allowed to remain at the defense table.

The six are among two dozen people charged in connection with the
Freemen's two-year operation from their isolated farm compound in a
remote area of eastern Montana.

The FBI says some 800 people from around the country took lessons at the
rural stronghold on issuing the worthless liens and ``warrants'' the
Freemen claim are legal tender. People also heard lectures on what the 
Freemen claim as their legal principles, a hodgepodge of odds and ends
from the Bible, the Constitution, the Magna Carta and the Uniform
Commercial Code.

Members of the group deny that U.S. courts have any jurisdiction over

Today's fireworks began even before prospective jurors  were brought
into the courtroom.

Federal marshals said the Freemen refused to change out of their jail
coveralls or to leave their cells. Marshals forcibly changed their

As marshals dragged Steven C. Hance, 48, across the  courtroom, he
shouted insults at the judge and prosecutors.

U.S. District Judge John C. Coughenour ordered Hance and his son James
E. Hance, 25, along with Jon Barry Nelson, 42, taken to a holding cell
to watch the proceedings on closed-circuit television.

James Hance joined in the outburst, saying he was placing the judge
under arrest. He jeered at U.S. Attorney Sherry Scheel Matteucci,
calling her an obscene name that is derogatory toward women.

John R. Hance, 21, another son of Steven Hance, was taken into court by
wheelchair. He was ejected from court later when he ripped up his name

Only two defendants -- Edwin F. Clark, 47, the original owner of the
farm that became the Freemen compound, and Elwin Ward, 57, of Salt Lake
City -- walked into the courtroom without disruption and were allowed to

The Hances are all from Charlotte, N.C. Nelson has been identified only
as being from Kansas.

All six are charged with being accessories by aiding federal fugitives,
other Freemen in the stronghold, to avoid arrest during their 81-day
standoff in 1996.

Clark also is charged with attempted bank fraud for trying to deposit a
$100 million Freeman check in the Garfield County Bank at nearby Jordan
and writing checks on the account to pay real estate loans.

Matteucci has said she expects the trial will last several weeks.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Verdicts Decisions/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

all bookmark files have to have htm on the end. So what I did was saved
my regular bookmarks to bookmark2.htm and I deleted the ones you
wouldn't need then sent them to you :) You can do the same with your
medical ones, just call it medical.htm and go into bookmarks and have it
load that one instead of the default bookmark file :)

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
 "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Kathy - can bookmark files be swapped? In other words, can I go into my
 filelist and rename my bookmark file, as in '' for medical,
 and then swap it in as 'bookmark.htm' when I want to? Or something
 similar. (I am just wondering how you managed to subdivide your bookmark
 But I guess it would become complicated; say I had my medical bookmark
 file active and saw something on law, and didn't want to save it in the
 medical bookmark file.  If there is a tip on doing this please post;
 thanks a lot, LindaMF.
 Kathy E wrote:-
  Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Okay I'm sending you my bookmarks in private email :) The only thing I
  ask is you delete all of them under the title of Account and Mailing
  Lists, the ones you'll be interested in are under:
  Serial Killers (maybe)
  If others would like them just let me know and I'll send them to you :)
  matterfact I'm going to play with these and see if I can't make up a
  separate book mark file to send out to those who want it first :) That
  way none of the stuff you don't want is included :)
  Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
   "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   :) Kathy, what a great offer, yes please do send the bookmarks!
   Meanwhile I am going off to try the ones you have sent in your post;
   thanks a lot!
   ---Kathy E wrote:-
  Kathy E
  "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
  isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's
  Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Media Trial

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Mac :) 

I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. This is why. First off you
have taken as truth something we don't know is truth at all. Your saying
she defiantly asked someone to lie, I don't think she did. If you
remember in the interview the one person caught in a lie was President
Clintons own attorney not Kathleen. Now her friend is now saying she
lied, yet when originally questioned she verified the story that
Kathleen told. So to be fair how can you believe she is lying or telling
the truth? When she claims when she was telling the truth she was really
lying? Kathleen answered those charges on the show and said she felt
someone had gotten to her friend. I think that is quite possible. I have
a problem believing a women who already says she lied. I would think
most people would.

I believed Kathleen, why? A lot of reasons, first I watched her body
language she didn't do anything most people do when lying, diverting her
eyes when answering, wringing of her hands or such, that is unconscious
actions people do when lying, she was straight forward. Also the fact
she had been a supporter of Clinton, including being a volunteer for his
campaign and donating money to his campaign. She went to him as a
friend, nothing else. She was shocked by what he did, as would anyone
be. She did NOT leak her story out to the highest bidder instead she was
clever enough to go to a respectable news show and let them tell her

You then question why do it at all? Let me ask you this, everything is
being leaked to the press which is better to try to plug the leaks or to
come right out and say this is what happened nothing less nothing more.
And stop any rumors? I would do as she did.

I now wonder how long did Clinton and his PR team try to work on a
believable story? Their first story didn't work, where it was denied the
meeting even took place, that could easily be proved to be a lie, so now
they come up with the "bewildered and shocked". I'm tired of that line
of BS. And that is exactly what it is to me Mac a line of BS. The new
line now is he gave her a friendly hug and now he's even admitting he
might have kissed her on the forehead. So what is going to be the next
line? That he may have accidentally rubbed her breast? Come on! 

You question why she said anything at all, remember Mac she was forced
to testify she didn't do it willingly. The next logical question is well
how would they know to even subpoena her? Well it was obvious to me,
right after it happened she talked to women around her telling them what
happened. She was amazed he did that. Women who have had this happen
usually will tell their friends about it, because they will try to
evaluate every single thing they did wondering if somehow they caused
it. That is what she did IMHO.

I never heard her say she was damaged by this, I did hear her say she
felt betrayed. I understand that, you don't expect a friend to do that.
The other thing you have stated confuses me, you question why are we
just hearing about this now? yet she herself said she planned on taking
this to the grave but she was tired of seeing people's lives destroyed
and all the lies being thrown around.  Why do you question what she has
already clearly answered? And IMO her NOT talking before blows away your
she's lying about this to make money. If she wanted to make money she
could have, without any problem. She didn't do that Mac, she took the
higher ground and told what happened to her free of charge.

Tell me what credibility problem you had, I am clearly interested in
that. I saw no problem with her credibility matterfact she had a very
good record and that is the problem the WH is facing this women is
believable because she is relating something that happened to her by the
president, and they haven't been able to put a chink in her story.
That's called a PR nightmare. She is more credible than the president
IMO. Just look at consistency she is consistent the president is not,
his story has changed. If he has to change things that means he is
trying to hide something to me.

moonshine wrote:
 moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mornin' All,
Before everyone jumps to the conclusion that Ms.Wiley is credible I think one 
 ask themselves "..why did she ask someone to lie about this incident.." If she was so
 damaged and upset about this why are just now hearing about it. Why is it that the 
case of
 Paula Jones, who's story seems to change as fast as the weather here in New England,
 has been coupled with the Whitewater investigation.
 IMO, both the Paula Jones case and the Monica story and now Ms. Wiley are about
 money. Monica has been offered 4 million for her story but is holding out for at 
least 5
 million. The two state troppers that brought forth the Paula Jones story to Mr.Brock 
 being bankrolled by a GOPAC group headed by one of Clinton's arch enemies. A right 
 group is funding the millions of dollars for 

Re: LI Managing files/was Verdicts Decisions/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff

"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thx Kathy :) I will try it, not sure that my bookmark processor
(Netscape) lets me disignate a file, but I sure could do something
similar in my filelist.  I think. :) LDMF
---Kathy E wrote:
 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 all bookmark files have to have htm on the end. So what I did was saved
 my regular bookmarks to bookmark2.htm and I deleted the ones you
 wouldn't need then sent them to you :) You can do the same with your
 medical ones, just call it medical.htm and go into bookmarks and have it
 load that one instead of the default bookmark file :)
 Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
  "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Kathy - can bookmark files be swapped? In other words, can I go into my
  filelist and rename my bookmark file, as in '' for medical,
  and then swap it in as 'bookmark.htm' when I want to? Or something
  similar. (I am just wondering how you managed to subdivide your bookmark
  But I guess it would become complicated; say I had my medical bookmark
  file active and saw something on law, and didn't want to save it in the
  medical bookmark file.  If there is a tip on doing this please post;
  thanks a lot, LindaMF.
  Kathy E wrote:-
   Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Okay I'm sending you my bookmarks in private email :) The only thing I
   ask is you delete all of them under the title of Account and Mailing
   Lists, the ones you'll be interested in are under:
   Serial Killers (maybe)
   If others would like them just let me know and I'll send them to you :)
   matterfact I'm going to play with these and see if I can't make up a
   separate book mark file to send out to those who want it first :) That
   way none of the stuff you don't want is included :)
   Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
:) Kathy, what a great offer, yes please do send the bookmarks!
Meanwhile I am going off to try the ones you have sent in your post;
thanks a lot!
---Kathy E wrote:-
   Kathy E
   "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
   isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's
   Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
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  In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
 Kathy E
 "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
 isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's
 Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues

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Re: LI Au Pair: Update/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff

"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kathy, you make good sense and have shed another light on this, the
social plane; thank you for hosting a list where we can discuss
different opinions.  My point of view concerns courts and law,
consistency and finality, rather dryly I confess, more than this
individual defendant.  I wish another reason had been given, like the
job has been filled, or we are considering several candidates, rather
than being an example of outcome nullificatiion.  Again, not considering
the particular defendant here, but the intent of trial outcomes as such.
Again, you make strong points; thanks for pondering and responding. :)
Kathy E wrote:--
 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Linda :)
 I have thought on what you said, and to me the old stand by still comes
 into action as it has through history, there are two court systems in
 this world, one we all know which is the court of law, the hardest court
 to pass through though is the court of public opinion. If you lose your
 case there you have basically messed up your life for years, Louise lost
 in the court of public opinion. She is a liability as far as being
 associated with anyone in public, and I can understand why the Sheriff
 denied her request, I myself would have done the same. He has to
 consider the publicity that would have been generated if he allowed her
 to work there, a lot of that publicity wouldn't be good, and he has to
 consider what is good for his town, and yes even for his own career.
 It is fair? Is it right? That isn't for me to answer, but sometimes one
 may walk away from a court of law with a clean record, but they will not
 be able to walk away from the court of public opinion in the same
 manner. Oj is a prime example of that. Louise is another example.
 One other thing I consider is part of this is her fault also, she has
 asked for some of this media attention, one finds out sooner or later
 that having all that media attention isn't always an asset, sometimes it
 can be quite the opposite.
 Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
  "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  :) Kathy, hi - I was a bit sorry to hear about the argument that having
  Woodward as a volunteer would not be in the 'best interest' -- because
  she has been through the justice system at this time and according to
  the law she has served her time.  I say this without reference to what
  one might think 'should' have happened, and with definite reference to
  what 'did' happen. The same with appeals; until and unless one side wins
  the appeal,the status is that she has served her time, again, without
  regard to whether one feels this was 'right or wrong'. Does anyone else
  think this is reminiscent of (loosely used) social double jeopardy (used
  But this idea of course could get into the matter of sex offenders being
  identified (ex sex offenders at that point) to the community, after they
  are released. Come to think of it, perhaps the two things are related.
  What think you? :) LDMF
 Kathy E
 "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
 isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's
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Re: LI Au Pair: Update/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Dr. L and Kathy:

Louise Woodward is going to be on Bryant Gumble's "Eye to Eye" tomorrow,
9 pm, NBC.  It is the first and only interview that she has ever given.

 Hi Linda :)
 I have thought on what you said, and to me the old stand by still comes
 into action as it has through history, there are two court systems in
 this world, one we all know which is the court of law, the hardest court
 to pass through though is the court of public opinion. If you lose your
 case there you have basically messed up your life for years, Louise lost
 in the court of public opinion. She is a liability as far as being
 associated with anyone in public, and I can understand why the Sheriff
 denied her request, I myself would have done the same. He has to
 consider the publicity that would have been generated if he allowed her
 to work there, a lot of that publicity wouldn't be good, and he has to
 consider what is good for his town, and yes even for his own career.
 It is fair? Is it right? That isn't for me to answer, but sometimes one
 may walk away from a court of law with a clean record, but they will not
 be able to walk away from the court of public opinion in the same
 manner. Oj is a prime example of that. Louise is another example.
 One other thing I consider is part of this is her fault also, she has
 asked for some of this media attention, one finds out sooner or later
 that having all that media attention isn't always an asset, sometimes it
 can be quite the opposite.

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Correction was Re: LI Au Pair: Update/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm sorry it is *CBS* 9 pm Tuesday March 17

 Hi Dr. L and Kathy:
 Louise Woodward is going to be on Bryant Gumble's "Eye to Eye" tomorrow,
 9 pm, NBC.  It is the first and only interview that she has ever given.

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Re: LI Here is the definition of sex Mr. President

1998-03-16 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jackie:

Dr. L. explained it as a statute.  

Still doesn't explain why it was allowed in the Paula Jones case. :(


 Hi Sue and Kathy
 No luck in my two cj. dictionaries.  Of course, sexual relations are not
 usually against the law I guess.

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