moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

William J. Foristal wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Mac,
> Great post!  I agree with you 100%  I also wondered why, after being
> dragged kicking and screaming into the Grand Jury, that Ms. Willey was so
> willing to appear on 60 Minutes.  The question is whether she has any
> ulterior motives of her own, considering the huge debt she is under
> because of he husband's illegal activities. I know she didn't get paid
> for the interview, but perhaps she has been promised something by another
> party.  Who really knows at this point.  And I'd still like to see how
> all these accusers hold up under cross examination.
> Bill

Afternoon Bill,
   What cross-examination? I have serious doubts that she will ever be called to 
As a matter of fact I don't believe there will ever be a trial in the case of Jones v.
nor in the Starr investigation, which is starting to become one and the same. The Jones
camp has already made public their case and if you throw out the inadmissable there is
virtually no case. I am of the firm opinion that they are having their day in court 
these accusations alone are causing great harm to the president and that is the result
that they have been set out on getting from the beginning. What started out as 
sexual harrassment have now been alluded to as sexual assualt. I have faith in the
people and I just hope and pray they remember what all this was really all about come
election time.
" The answer lies in the world of Linda Tripp"

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