"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Mac - concerning the underlying politics, do you or does anyone here
know anything about Web Hubbel (spelling?) being a common link between
Whitewater and these particular "witnesses?"  Best to you, :) LDMF.
--------------------------moonshine wrote:---------------------------
> moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Mornin' All,
>    Before everyone jumps to the conclusion that Ms.Wiley is credible I think one 
> ask themselves "..why did she ask someone to lie about this incident.." If she was so
> damaged and upset about this why are just now hearing about it. Why is it that the 
>case of
> Paula Jones, who's story seems to change as fast as the weather here in New England,
> has been coupled with the Whitewater investigation.
>     IMO, both the Paula Jones case and the Monica story and now Ms. Wiley are about
> money. Monica has been offered 4 million for her story but is holding out for at 
>least 5
> million. The two state troppers that brought forth the Paula Jones story to Mr.Brock 
> being bankrolled by a GOPAC group headed by one of Clinton's arch enemies. A right 
> group is funding the millions of dollars for the Jones case. Jones herself is raising
> money for herself under the guise of a defense fund. Ms. Wiley is being portrayed as 
> reluctant witness but wrangles a deal with 60 Minutes to air her reluctant story.
>     This is a case that is being tried right now in the media for the reason that in 
> court of law it is a loser. All of these women have very serious credibility 
>problems and
> through the media they can put forth their stories without cross-examination. Why did
> Jones's atty's
> dump all the Lewinsky info in their brief to the judge in Little Rock when they know
> it has already been ruled inadmissable? Why did they give it to the media BEFORE they
> submitted it to the court? These are some of the many questions that you must ask 
>and get
> answered before you can jump to any conclusion about the guilt or innocence of the
> president.
>     This whole mess is a political game. The media has provided the stage and the 
> for the perfomers. The damage that this has already caused the office of the 
> is terminal and will affect anyone who seeks that office and will have lasting 
>effects on
> the publics view of politics and the media. We the people are the one's who will 
> the most damage from this cheapening of the office of the president and the decline 
> true
> journalism.
> ...Mac
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