[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Mac,

Great post!  I agree with you 100%  I also wondered why, after being
dragged kicking and screaming into the Grand Jury, that Ms. Willey was so
willing to appear on 60 Minutes.  The question is whether she has any
ulterior motives of her own, considering the huge debt she is under
because of he husband's illegal activities. I know she didn't get paid
for the interview, but perhaps she has been promised something by another
party.  Who really knows at this point.  And I'd still like to see how
all these accusers hold up under cross examination.


On Mon, 16 Mar 1998 07:55:12 -0500 moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Mornin' All,
>   Before everyone jumps to the conclusion that Ms.Wiley is credible I 
>think one should
>ask themselves "..why did she ask someone to lie about this 
>incident.." If she was so
>damaged and upset about this why are just now hearing about it. Why is 
>it that the case of
>Paula Jones, who's story seems to change as fast as the weather here 
>in New England,
>has been coupled with the Whitewater investigation.
>    IMO, both the Paula Jones case and the Monica story and now Ms. 
>Wiley are about
>money. Monica has been offered 4 million for her story but is holding 
>out for at least 5
>million. The two state troppers that brought forth the Paula Jones 
>story to Mr.Brock are
>being bankrolled by a GOPAC group headed by one of Clinton's arch 
>enemies. A right wing
>group is funding the millions of dollars for the Jones case. Jones 
>herself is raising
>money for herself under the guise of a defense fund. Ms. Wiley is 
>being portrayed as a
>reluctant witness but wrangles a deal with 60 Minutes to air her 
>reluctant story.
>    This is a case that is being tried right now in the media for the 
>reason that in a
>court of law it is a loser. All of these women have very serious 
>credibility problems and
>through the media they can put forth their stories without 
>cross-examination. Why did
>Jones's atty's
>dump all the Lewinsky info in their brief to the judge in Little Rock 
>when they know
>it has already been ruled inadmissable? Why did they give it to the 
>media BEFORE they
>submitted it to the court? These are some of the many questions that 
>you must ask and get
>answered before you can jump to any conclusion about the guilt or 
>innocence of the
>    This whole mess is a political game. The media has provided the 
>stage and the money
>for the perfomers. The damage that this has already caused the office 
>of the president
>is terminal and will affect anyone who seeks that office and will have 
>lasting effects on
>the publics view of politics and the media. We the people are the 
>one's who will suffer
>the most damage from this cheapening of the office of the president 
>and the decline of
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