Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread Paul Ishenin

wile64 wrote:

2007/9/13, Paul Ishenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:

wile64 wrote:
 > Still and with the STOP.
 > I see the icons of the file menu  (new Form and new links) in
view menu
 > (Form and Unit) ?

Dont understand quesion, but anyway your new images applied in revision
12018 (I used menu_run_stop2.png as stop).

You can put the images "menu_new_unit.png" and "menu_new.png" in the 
menu View  "Unit" and "Form"!

no, since they are used by another actions.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread wile64
2007/9/13, Paul Ishenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> wile64 wrote:
> > Still and with the STOP.
> >
> > I see the icons of the file menu  (new Form and new links) in view menu
> > (Form and Unit) ?
> >
> Dont understand quesion, but anyway your new images applied in revision
> 12018 (I used menu_run_stop2.png as stop).
You can put the images "menu_new_unit.png" and "menu_new.png" in the menu
View  "Unit" and "Form"!



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French Forum :

Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread Paul Ishenin

wile64 wrote:

Still and with the STOP.

I see the icons of the file menu  (new Form and new links) in view menu  
(Form and Unit) ?

Dont understand quesion, but anyway your new images applied in revision 
12018 (I used menu_run_stop2.png as stop).

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Al Boldi
Víctor R. Ruiz wrote:
>   Hi:


> 2007/9/12, Al Boldi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I once posted "A Studio IDE layout", which worked by re-parenting the
> > ide windows inside a TStudio form.  This meant that it did not require
> > any changes to the original windows, which made it possible to easily
> > switch between SDI and MDI.
> >
> > The reason it did not use docking was because docking wasn't working
> > correctly.  And as Mattias mentioned, once docking gets fixed, it should
> > be easy to have a flexible IDE interface.
>   I didn't know TStudio (I'm rather new to Lazarus), where I can find
> more info? Surely the solution is similar, I don't use "real" docks
> either -I didn't found info about how they worked. This hack also
> panels and re-parenting.

You can probably find it on google, but I attached it here for convenience.


--- Begin Message ---
Al Boldi wrote:
> This form implements a Studio-style IDE layout in contrast to the current
> VB-style.  It works by hooking it into main.pp with something like this:
>   IDEloStyle.TStudio.Create(Self).Show;
> Note, keep the following windows open before calling:
>   ProjectInspector
>   ObjectInspector
>   CodeExplorer
>   Messages
> Many known bugs like:
>   First invocation of SourceEditor crashes. -> Close SourceTab and reload.
>   SourceEditor codetips don't work.
> Todo:
>   Stream layout state.
>   Allow link/unlink windows.
>   Allow window to tab capture.

This new version goes full screen with integrated component palette.

Call like this:


Your comments/improvements/fixes are most welcome.



unit IDEloStyle2;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms,
  MainBar, MainBase, MsgView, ProjectInspector, CodeExplorer,
  Controls, ExtCtrls, Menus;


  { TStudio }

  TStudio = class(TForm)
Panel1: TPanel;
Panel2: TPanel;
Panel3: TPanel;
Panel4: TPanel;
Panel5: TPanel;
Panel6: TPanel;
Panel7: TPanel;
Panel8: TPanel;
Splitter1: TSplitter;
Splitter2: TSplitter;
Splitter3: TSplitter;
Splitter4: TSplitter;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{ private declarations }
{ public declarations }

  Studio: TStudio;


{ TStudio }

procedure TStudio.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var mnu: TMainMenu;
  if Assigned(Studio) then begin;








  {$I idelostyle2.lrs}


object Studio: TStudio
  Caption = 'Studio'
  ClientHeight = 476
  ClientWidth = 718
  OnCreate = FormCreate
  PixelsPerInch = 75
  WindowState = wsMaximized
  HorzScrollBar.Page = 717
  VertScrollBar.Page = 475
  Left = 32
  Height = 476
  Top = 77
  Width = 718
  object Panel1: TPanel
Align = alRight
BevelOuter = bvNone
Caption = 'Panel1'
ClientHeight = 476
ClientWidth = 170
TabOrder = 0
Left = 548
Height = 476
Width = 170
object Panel4: TPanel
  Align = alClient
  BevelOuter = bvNone
  Caption = 'Panel4'
  ClientHeight = 277
  ClientWidth = 170
  TabOrder = 0
  Height = 277
  Width = 170
object Panel5: TPanel
  Align = alBottom
  BevelOuter = bvNone
  Caption = 'Panel5'
  ClientHeight = 194
  ClientWidth = 170
  TabOrder = 1
  Height = 194
  Top = 282
  Width = 170
object Splitter3: TSplitter
  Align = alBottom
  Beveled = True
  Cursor = crVSplit
  Height = 5
  Width = 170
  ResizeAnchor = akBottom
  Cursor = crVSplit
  Height = 5
  Top = 277
  Width = 170
  object Panel2: TPanel
Align = alClient
BevelOuter = bvNone
Caption = 'Panel2'
ClientHeight = 476
ClientWidth = 327
TabOrder = 1
Left = 216
Height = 476
Width = 327
object Panel6: TPanel
  Align = alClient
  BevelOuter = bvNone
  Caption = 'Panel6'
  ClientHeight = 361
  ClientWidth = 327
  TabOrder = 0
  Height = 361
  Top = 58
  Width = 327
object Panel7: TPanel
  Align = alBottom
  BevelOuter = bvNone
  Caption = 'Panel7'
  ClientHeight = 52
  ClientWidth = 327
  TabOrder = 1
  Height = 52
  Top = 424
  Width = 327
object S

Re: [lazarus] Please help me with DLL’s!

2007-09-12 Thread Razvan Adrian Bogdan
Linux doesn't have resources in binary libs or apps, Kylix had a hack,
FPC has a hack, loading resources from dynamic libraries shouldn't be
done for most platforms, you can use lazarus resources on all
platforms but only in the main executable unless the dll can transfer
the image exporting it's own function to extract it. Remember windows
resources are a windows thing.


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Re: [lazarus] IDE, start once, open files

2007-09-12 Thread Luiz Americo Pereira Camara

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

If someone knows a way to hook in LCL message loop to be called more 
frequently than OnIdle or wants to implement a separeted thread i'm 
accepting patches.

Contrary to windows there are far less messages under linux/gtk so the
OnIdle is not called for long periods, when you work in another program.
Unless you start a TTimer.

Thnks for the tip. This worked.


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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread wile64
Here other STOP, and there will be no other… ;)



My Web :
French Forum :

Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Víctor R. Ruiz

2007/9/12, Al Boldi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I once posted "A Studio IDE layout", which worked by re-parenting the ide
> windows inside a TStudio form.  This meant that it did not require any
> changes to the original windows, which made it possible to easily switch
> between SDI and MDI.

> The reason it did not use docking was because docking wasn't working
> correctly.  And as Mattias mentioned, once docking gets fixed, it should be
> easy to have a flexible IDE interface.

  I didn't know TStudio (I'm rather new to Lazarus), where I can find
more info? Surely the solution is similar, I don't use "real" docks
either -I didn't found info about how they worked. This hack also
panels and re-parenting.


Víctor R. Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | - Todos estos momentos se perderán   |   como lágrimas en la lluvia

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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread wile64
2007/9/12, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Laurent, you are on a roll!  :-)
> > Still and with the STOP.
> Any other ideas for a 'stop' image?  To me, that one looks more like a
> dialog image or a button image that says Error or Cancel.
> Maybe a blue square (like you get on VCR's) or faded red stop sign or
> a hand showing stop or .   I don't have more ideas at the moment.
> ;-)
Yes, why not ;)

I will look at that…


My Web :
French Forum :

Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
Laurent, you are on a roll!  :-)

> Still and with the STOP.

Any other ideas for a 'stop' image?  To me, that one looks more like a
dialog image or a button image that says Error or Cancel.

Maybe a blue square (like you get on VCR's) or faded red stop sign or
a hand showing stop or .   I don't have more ideas at the moment.

  - Graeme -

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Re: [lazarus] IFDEF's in SynEdit

2007-09-12 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 13:55:27 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Why do we have so many IFDEF's in SynEdit (used by Lazarus editor)?
> De we really still merge features from SynEdit into Lazarus's SynEdit
> or visa-versa?

I hope so.

> As far as I know the SynEdit used by Lazarus is quite old compared to
> the SynEdit on SourceForge.

Yes, but both are extended and bugs are fixed.


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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread wile64
Still and with the STOP.

I see the icons of the file menu  (new Form and new links) in view menu
(Form and Unit) ?



My Web :
French Forum :

Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread wile64
2007/9/12, Stephano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Paul,
> - The icons for the step into and step over in the IDE toolbar are still
> the
> old ones.
> - Shouldn't the stop button be there too?
> Laurent,
> - A stop icon (square) would be a nice complement to your icon series ;)
> Stephano

And others too :P

My Web :
French Forum :

Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread Stephano

Paul Ishenin wrote:
As I unswered several times, yes they should be on toolbar too, but due to 
one unimplemented thing in LCL they cant be there at moment. This thing is 
imagelist ablity to draw disabled and highlighted states from normal state 

I had misunderstood your previous statement regarding automatic generation 
of disabled icons. It is clear now.

Can we add a stop button to the IDE toolbar?

I promice that this work will be done and icons on toolbar will be 
consistent with menu.

I promise not to ask again soon ;)


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Re: [lazarus] GTK Rotated text

2007-09-12 Thread Luis Rodrigues
When drawing to a TImage canvas DevCtx.DCWidget was nil so
gtk_widget_get_screen(DevCtx.DCWidget) would fail.

Just replaced it with another function. Now should work.

On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 05:24 +0100, Luis Rodrigues wrote:
> Too much sleep made me send the wrong patch. Sorry.
> I don't know how the change in drawing function affects the rest of the
> lcl code, but it should work with no probs.
> Luis
> On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 04:47 +0100, Luis Rodrigues wrote:
> > Here is the patch to enable font rotation on gtk2. The angle used is the
> > one defined in createfontindirect.
> > 
> > Someone still needs to implement the necessary functions in the gtk
> > bindings.
> > 
> > Luis
> > 
> > On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 18:39 +0100, Luis Rodrigues wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > Over the last weekend I've implemented text rotate in GTK2. I've
> > > implemented it in Gtk2WidgetSet.ExtTextOut. Since there is no way to
> > > define that the font is rotated, TGtk2WidgetSet.CreateFontIndirectEx ..
> > > lfEscapement can only be used to place the angle  somewhere to
> > > ExtTextOut to use.
> > > 
> > > The used functions (with gtk/pango version)
> > > pango_matrix_rotate -  gtk2.6 
> > > pango_matrix_translate - gtk2.6
> > > pango_context_set_matrix - gtk2.6
> > > pango_renderer_draw_layout - pango1.8
> > > 
> > > gdk_pango_renderer_get_default - gtk2.6
> > > gdk_pango_renderer_set_drawable - gtk2.6
> > > gdk_pango_renderer_set_gc - gtk2.6
> > > 
> > > gtk2.6 and pango1.8 where released in Dec 2004 so I guess i can be
> > > implemented with no problems :)
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I've defined in Gtk2int.pas
> > > 
> > >TPangoMatrix = record
> > >  xx: double;
> > >  xy: double;
> > >  yx: double;
> > >  yy: double;
> > >  x0: double;
> > >  y0: double;
> > >end;
> > >PTPangoMatrix = ^TPangoMatrix;
> > >PPangoRenderer = pointer;
> > >PGdkPangoRenderer = pointer;
> > > 
> > > procedure pango_font_description_set_gravity
> > > (desc:PPangoFontDescription;gravity:TPangoGravity); cdecl; external
> > > '';
> > > procedure pango_matrix_rotate(matrix: PPangoMatrix; degrees: double);
> > > cdecl; external '';
> > > procedure pango_matrix_translate(matrix: PPangoMatrix; tx, ty: double);
> > > cdecl; external '';
> > > procedure pango_matrix_scale (matrix: PPangoMatrix; scale_x, scale_y:
> > > double);  cdecl; external '';
> > > procedure pango_context_set_matrix(context: PPangoContext; matrix:
> > > PPangoMatrix); cdecl; external '';
> > > procedure pango_renderer_draw_layout (renderer: PPangoRenderer; layout:
> > > PPangoLayout; x,y: Integer);  cdecl; external '';
> > > 
> > > function  gdk_pango_renderer_get_default (screen: PGdkScreen):
> > > PPangoRenderer; cdecl; external '';
> > > procedure gdk_pango_renderer_set_drawable (gdk_renderer:
> > > PGdkPangoRenderer;  drawable: PGdkDrawable); cdecl; external
> > > '';
> > > procedure gdk_pango_renderer_set_gc (gdk_renderer: PGdkPangoRenderer;
> > > gc: PGdkGC); cdecl; external '';
> > > 
> > > 
> > > and changed
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   procedure DoTextOut(X,Y : Integer; Str: Pchar; CurCount: Integer);
> > >   var
> > > DevCtx: TDeviceContext;
> > > CurScreenX: LongInt;
> > > CharLen: LongInt;
> > > 
> > > WidgetCont: PPangoContext;
> > > matrix: TPangoMatrix;
> > > renderer: PPangoRenderer;
> > > screen: PGdkScreen;
> > > gc: PGdkGc;
> > >   begin
> > > DevCtx:=TDeviceContext(DC);
> > > if (Dx<>nil) then begin
> > >   CurScreenX:=X;
> > >   while CurCount>0 do begin
> > > CharLen:=UTF8CharacterLength(CurStr);
> > > //gdk_draw_glyphs(DevCtx.drawable,DevCtx.gc );
> > > pango_layout_set_text(UseFont, CurStr, CharLen);
> > > gdk_draw_layout_with_colors(DevCtx.drawable, DevCtx.GC,
> > > CurScreenX, Y,
> > > UseFont, Foreground, nil);
> > > 
> > > //gdk_draw_rectangle(DevCtx.Drawable,DevCtx.GC,1,CurScreenX,Y,3,3);
> > > inc(CurScreenX,CurDx^);
> > > inc(CurDx);
> > > inc(CurStr,CharLen);
> > > dec(CurCount,CharLen);
> > >   end;
> > > end else begin //just changed this branch
> > >   pango_layout_set_text(UseFont, Str, Count);
> > >   
> > >   renderer :=
> > > gdk_pango_renderer_get_default( gtk_widget_get_screen(DevCtx.DCWidget) );
> > >   gdk_pango_renderer_set_drawable ( renderer, DevCtx.drawable);
> > >   gdk_pango_renderer_set_gc ( renderer, DevCtx.GC);
> > >   
> > >   WidgetCont := pango_layout_get_context(UseFont);
> > >   matrix.xx := 1.0;
> > >   matrix.xy := 0.0;
> > >   matrix.yx := 0.0;
> > >   matrix.yy := 1.0;
> > >   matrix.x0 := 0.0;
> > >   matrix.y0 := 0.0;
> > >   pango_matrix_translate (@matrix, X, Y);
> > >   pango_matrix_rotate (@matrix, 

Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Al Boldi
Well, I guess the screenshot was too big (87KB), so here is the text only.

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi Victor,
> Could you explain how you managed the MDI look?  Where the editor
> (synedit) gets created?  I use the Toolbar Editor add-on package which
> creates a panel above the editor tabs.  After applying you patch is
> opens a blank editor window with the toolbar panel, but nothing else.
> Eventually I figured out that I need to resize the Main Form to see
> the editor window, but obviously the Editor Toolbar is now missing.
> :-(
> I guess I would have to modify the Toolbar Editor to create a panel in
> a different location depending on the SDI or MDI interface in use.
> I'll leave that for now, until your changes are actually in SVN.  I
> just wanted a head start on where to look, to fix the issue.

I once posted "A Studio IDE layout", which worked by re-parenting the ide 
windows inside a TStudio form.  This meant that it did not require any 
changes to the original windows, which made it possible to easily switch 
between SDI and MDI.

The reason it did not use docking was because docking wasn't working 
correctly.  And as Mattias mentioned, once docking gets fixed, it should be 
easy to have a flexible IDE interface.

For now, I have been using TStudio ever since. Attached is a screenshot.



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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread Павел Ишенин

Stephano wrote:

- The icons for the step into and step over in the IDE toolbar are 
still the old ones.

- Shouldn't the stop button be there too?
As I unswered several times, yes they should be on toolbar too, but due 
to one unimplemented thing in LCL they cant be there at moment. This 
thing is imagelist ablity to draw disabled and highlighted states from 
normal state bitmaps. This missed thing planed for next lazarus 
development version (0.9.25). I promice that this work will be done and 
icons on toolbar will be consistent with menu.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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[lazarus] IFDEF's in SynEdit

2007-09-12 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

Why do we have so many IFDEF's in SynEdit (used by Lazarus editor)?
De we really still merge features from SynEdit into Lazarus's SynEdit
or visa-versa?

As far as I know the SynEdit used by Lazarus is quite old compared to
the SynEdit on SourceForge.

  - Graeme -

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Re: [lazarus] Ubuntu repository with Lazarus and FPC debs

2007-09-12 Thread Vincent Snijders

Razvan Adrian Bogdan schreef:

Nice to know this, will there be a repository for snapshots too ? :)

No, because it is too laborous to test them. Having possible unstable 
(or very buggy) debs in the repository is not considered to be wise. 
Debs will be available for download though. If manually installed, they 
should be manually uninstallable too.


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Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Víctor R. Ruiz

2007/9/12, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On opening Lazarus and a project everything is fine. As soon as I
> switch tabs in the editor, a black Source Editor window appears.  A
> work-around is to leave it in the background and continue working, but
> it is always there.

  Thanks for all your testing! That's a known issue. The lastest patch
un-commented the calls to SourceEditor.ShowOnTop, to handle this in a
straight-forward way... but haven't done it yet (the window should
override the activation when its state is docked).


Víctor R. Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | - Todos estos momentos se perderán   |   como lágrimas en la lluvia

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Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Víctor R. Ruiz

2007/9/12, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I guess I would have to modify the Toolbar Editor to create a panel in
> a different location depending on the SDI or MDI interface in use.

  The editor is created as always, in Main (SourceEditor). I only
modified its class, UnitEditor, to add the container panel for all
widgets and the hosting panels (and splitters) for Object Inspector
and Messages View. Currently, to get that working, add the toolbar to
DockPanel (container) and not to Self.


Víctor R. Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | - Todos estos momentos se perderán   |   como lágrimas en la lluvia

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Re: [lazarus] Ubuntu repository with Lazarus and FPC debs

2007-09-12 Thread Razvan Adrian Bogdan
Nice to know this, will there be a repository for snapshots too ? :)


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Re: [lazarus] cross platform non rectangular form

2007-09-12 Thread Razvan Adrian Bogdan
Well the easiest (not easy on non win32) way would be to use regions
on win32, similar thing for X11 after obtaining the handle and
whatever OSX has.


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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread Stephano

- The icons for the step into and step over in the IDE toolbar are still the 
old ones.

- Shouldn't the stop button be there too?

- A stop icon (square) would be a nice complement to your icon series ;)


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Re: [lazarus] Contribute Contactless Measurement Tool

2007-09-12 Thread Razvan Adrian Bogdan
On 9/4/07, Alex Kovacic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TELL ME MORE - I have a ethernet camera running a linux server and want to
> capture line scan images at 3000f/s..

Operating systems have their own way of capturing, windows used VFW
and DirectX, Linux has V4L and V4L2, network capturing should be
easier but it's not done with normal capturing interfaces but directly
receiving images usually in JPEG format using TCP, check out the
network protocol for your camera and rather use LNET, Indy or Synapse
for what you need, if should be easier than interfacing with V4L
(Video for Linux).
Once you have the images you can use the same code for processing
images that already exists for native interfaces, i don't remember
exactly but i think FPImage had some ways of accessing images in a
similar way to scanlines that offered a pointer to each line and the
whole buffer of pixels, which is much faster than pixel by pixel


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Re: [lazarus] External Tools and Messages window

2007-09-12 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:12:29 +0200
Tiziano_mk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to make a simple program that I want to put under the
> Tools menu, configured with the Tools|Configure custom tools...
> command.
> All works nicely, but the output of my tool does not appear in the 
> Messages window. Note that the messages are there, since I can copy
> all and hidden messages to clipboard.
> It seems to me that if I check the "Scan output for Free Pascal
> Compiler messages" checkbox this should happen.
> Am I missing something important?

All messages are filtered and only the hints/warnings/errors are shown.
Maybe a checkbox is needed to show all messages.

> (Lazarus 0.9.22 - FPC 2.0.4 - Windows i386 platform)


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Re: [lazarus] Contribute Contactless Measurement Tool

2007-09-12 Thread Razvan Adrian Bogdan
On 9/3/07, 12 12 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I almost finished work on part (tool) of project for contactless
> measurement of distance via webcam.
> It can:
> - capture image from webcam;
> - measure distance between lights according to calibration table.
> Despite of SysRec it will be true cross-platform.
> Somebody may find useful for him camera capturing routines.
> How can i contribute it to CCR?

SysRec wasn't complete, more like an example program of how to do it :)
a CrossPlatform way of doing things is needed but the same old problem
is that we don't have time to do anything we want ...
Keep up the good work !


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Re: [lazarus] Error in building latest SVN

2007-09-12 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 00:17:05 -0700
"Jeff Steinkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - Original Message - 
> From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:45
> Subject: Re: [lazarus] Error in building latest SVN
> > On Mon, 10 Sep 2007 08:48:00 -0700
> > "Jeff Steinkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> >> Version 2.3.1 and I think it is svn 7399
> >> >
> >> > Can you try a more recent version? The heap manager has been
> >> > changed in fpc 2.3.1 lately and the memcheck unit works with the
> >> > current svn version of fpc 2.3.1
> >> >
> >> > Vincent
> >> >
> >> OK, updated to svn 8423 and now I am getting the following.
> >> Evidetnly it can not compile the graphics unit.
> >>
> >> Fatal: Can't find unit contnrs
> >
> > FPC found some old old ppu files. Maybe a broken fpc installation.
> > If you have an old lazarus executable, run it and run the project ->
> > compiler options-> Test.
> > If this does not help:
> > Please check for old files in /usr/lib/fpc.
> > Also compile with -vt (make OPT=-vt) to see what files the compiler
> > is using.
> >
> >
> >>[...]
> >> `/usr/local/share/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk2' make[1]: Leaving
> >> directory `/usr/local/share/lazarus/lcl/interfaces' /bin/rm -f
> >> units/i386-linux/alllclunits.ppu /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/ppc386
> >> -gl -Fu. -Funonwin32 -Fuforms -Fuwidgetset
> >> -Fu/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/units/i386-linux/rtl
> >>[...]
> >> /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/units/i386-linux/fcl-base/contnrs.ppu
> >> Recompiling contnrs, checksum changed for System
> >> /usr/local/share/lazarus/lcl/graphics.pp(36,17) Fatal: Can't find
> >> unit contnrs
> >
> > Normally fpc is installed in linux under /usr/lib/fpc. Only the
> > 'make install' of fpc uses /usr/local/lib/fpc as default.
> >
> >
> > Mattias
> >
> Here is the error I am now getting when trying to make the latest FPC:
> make -C fpcm all
> make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/fpc/utils/fpcm'
> /bin/mkdir -p units/i386-linux
> /usr/src/fpc/compiler/ppc386 -Ur -Xs -O2 -n
> -Fu/usr/src/fpc/rtl/units/i386-linux
> -Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/hash/units/i386-linux
> -Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/paszlib/units/i386-linux
> -Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/netdb/units/i386-linux
> -Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/libasync/units/i386-linux
> -Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/pthreads/units/i386-linux
> -Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/fcl-base/units/i386-linux -FE.
> -FUunits/i386-linux -di386 -dRELEASE fpcmake.pp,1)
> Error: Illegal expression,5) Error: Illegal
> expression,9) Error: Illegal expression
>,10) Error: Illegal expression,10)
> Fatal: Syntax error, "," expected but "identifier MINE" found Fatal:
> Compilation aborted make[3]: *** [fpcmake] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving
> directory `/usr/src/fpc/utils/fpcm' make[2]: *** [fpcm_all] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/fpc/utils'
> make[1]: *** [utils_all] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/fpc'
> make: *** [build-stamp.i386-linux] Error 2
> I had a look at the file, but I was unable to make heads
> or tails of what is suppose to be there.  It seems to be failing on
> the <<< characters that are on line 1714 of the file.

These characters are inserted by svn, if you changed the file, then
update and an FPC devel has changed the file too.

Use svn revert filename.


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Re: [lazarus] Editor plugins (filters)

2007-09-12 Thread Razvan Adrian Bogdan
On 9/12/07, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BTW:  If anybody is interested in extending the design of the Lazarus
> Editor...  Do yourself a favor and look at the gEdit [1] application
> (included with Gnome Desktop) for ideas.  It seems to be a very
> flexible and extensible editor.  Also there exists load of plugins you
> can enable or disable at runtime to add or remove features.

I love Kate :)


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Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Razvan Adrian Bogdan
>From what i understand this type of interface is called TDI and very
popular nowdays, the old Laz/D7/Gimp was SDI and things like child
windows in a bigger main window is MDI (like Photoshop).
Newer versions of Delphi are wonderful because you can configure
almost anything, i personally like the sliding options and reposition
everything in a similar way D7 and Laz but stick them together, one
thing Delphi has is that the form designer is also docked and you can
easily switch from code to design mode and object inspector adjusts to
that, also one can add tabs or sliding panels with the less used
toolbars, D7 also had some docking options and better response when
restoring the IDE, not having to repeatedly click on the taskbar is so
much better, at least GNOME is very annoying when it comes to multiple
windows grouped, it keeps changing the place in the group using the
form title, making it even worse to work with. I think many people
(including myself) use a second desktop for Lazarus, VMware, VNC and
such :)


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Re: [lazarus] Compiler Options bug in IDE

2007-09-12 Thread Giuliano Colla

Vincent Snijders ha scritto:

Giuliano Colla schreef:
Trying to access the "Messages" tab in the Project -> Compiler 
Options Dialog terminates Lazarus.

gdb tells: program exited normally.
Under Linux/gtk1 fpc 2.0.4
Trying to go back in revisions, I found that the problem is there 
since some time, but I didn't notice, because this tab isn't used 

A very visible bug: see and duplicates.

Sorry, I never remember to check mantis before reporting. My fault.
I can't promise that it won't happen again, but I'll do my best. :-)


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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread Paul Ishenin

wile64 пишет:

Great, But the menu_build_file.png dont view.

Indeed, fixed - thanks. Revision 12004.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
That work-around isn't a work-around.  Every time I use
Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Arrows the blank editor window jumps to the front.
I reverted my Lazarus back to a SDI interface for now - sorry.


On 12/09/2007, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/09/2007, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Another one.. :)
> > On opening Lazarus and a project everything is fine. As soon as I
> > switch tabs in the editor, a black Source Editor window appears.  A
> > work-around is to leave it in the background and continue working, but
> > it is always there.
> >
> > See attached screenshot.
> Oops!  I meant blank Source Editor window.
> Graeme.

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Re: [lazarus] Compiler Options bug in IDE

2007-09-12 Thread Vincent Snijders

Giuliano Colla schreef:
Trying to access the "Messages" tab in the Project -> Compiler Options 
Dialog terminates Lazarus.

gdb tells: program exited normally.
Under Linux/gtk1 fpc 2.0.4
Trying to go back in revisions, I found that the problem is there since 
some time, but I didn't notice, because this tab isn't used frequently.

A very visible bug: see and duplicates.


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Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 12/09/2007, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another one.. :)
> On opening Lazarus and a project everything is fine. As soon as I
> switch tabs in the editor, a black Source Editor window appears.  A
> work-around is to leave it in the background and continue working, but
> it is always there.
> See attached screenshot.

Oops!  I meant blank Source Editor window.


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Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 12/09/2007, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Other than that - so far it looks pretty nice.   I keep playing with
> it today and report any more issue if I find any.

Another one.. :)
On opening Lazarus and a project everything is fine. As soon as I
switch tabs in the editor, a black Source Editor window appears.  A
work-around is to leave it in the background and continue working, but
it is always there.

See attached screenshot.

  - Graeme -

Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 12/09/2007, Víctor R. Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   In lazarus-svn-r11993-sdi-2.diff.gz I have published some changes to
> yesterday code so the window docking is now optional (variable
> DockedIDE at main, I will replace this with a proper xml reading).
> Next step will be to add support to do a "hot swapping".

Also using this latest patch under Linux (ide compiled with GTK1).  I
can't resize the messages window.  There doesn't seem to be a Resizer
component between the editor window and the messages window.

Other than that - so far it looks pretty nice.   I keep playing with
it today and report any more issue if I find any.

  - Graeme -

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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread wile64
2007/9/12, Paul Ishenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> wile64 пишет:
> >
> > Modified and Another ;)
> thanks, commited. revision 12003.
> Best regards,
> Paul Ishenin.
Great, But the menu_build_file.png dont view.



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French Forum :

[lazarus] Compiler Options bug in IDE

2007-09-12 Thread Giuliano Colla
Trying to access the "Messages" tab in the Project -> Compiler Options 
Dialog terminates Lazarus.

gdb tells: program exited normally.
Under Linux/gtk1 fpc 2.0.4
Trying to go back in revisions, I found that the problem is there since 
some time, but I didn't notice, because this tab isn't used frequently.


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Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
Hi Victor,

Could you explain how you managed the MDI look?  Where the editor
(synedit) gets created?  I use the Toolbar Editor add-on package which
creates a panel above the editor tabs.  After applying you patch is
opens a blank editor window with the toolbar panel, but nothing else.
Eventually I figured out that I need to resize the Main Form to see
the editor window, but obviously the Editor Toolbar is now missing.

I guess I would have to modify the Toolbar Editor to create a panel in
a different location depending on the SDI or MDI interface in use.
I'll leave that for now, until your changes are actually in SVN.  I
just wanted a head start on where to look, to fix the issue.

  - Graeme -

On 12/09/2007, Víctor R. Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hi:
>   In lazarus-svn-r11993-sdi-2.diff.gz I have published some changes to
> yesterday code so the window docking is now optional (variable
> DockedIDE at main, I will replace this with a proper xml reading).
> Next step will be to add support to do a "hot swapping".
>   Greetings,

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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread Paul Ishenin

wile64 пишет:

Modified and Another ;)

thanks, commited. revision 12003.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread A.J. Venter
I was mostly kidding,
Since TPopupNotifier has been included in Laz for a long time now, it
would be nice if it had a decent icon - I'm just stumped for an IDEA
of what it should look like...

If I think of anything, I'll happilly do it myself. I


On 9/12/07, wile64 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/9/12, A.J. Venter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I don't suppose you can come up with a nice icon for TPopupNotifier eh ?
> :p
> >
> >
> I cannot do everything, dont not have another draughtsman?
> --
> Laurent.
> My Web :
> French Forum :

A.J. Venter
Director of Product Development
Tel.: +27 21 554 5059
Fax: +27 21 413 2800
Outkast Solutions IT
A division of Global Pact Trading Pty Ltd. - Blog - ScarToonz webcomic

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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread wile64
2007/9/12, A.J. Venter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I don't suppose you can come up with a nice icon for TPopupNotifier eh ?
> :p
I cannot do everything, dont not have another draughtsman?


My Web :
French Forum :

Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread wile64
2007/9/12, Paul Ishenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> wile64 пишет:
> > But 3 things:
> > 1. They should be in png (so previous xpm are not needed)
> >
> > 2. They must be 16*16
> > 3. Toolbar images that have disabled state will not be changed
> before
> > implementing of auto disabled drawing. So I will add them to
> repository,
> > but without switching to them.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Paul Ishenin.
> >
> >
> > Yes I guessed and already in png 16*16. :)
> >
> Thanks for work. I replaced/added your new 6 images. Revision 12002.
> Best regards,
> Paul Ishenin.
> _
>  To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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Modified and Another ;)


My Web :
French Forum :

Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-12 Thread Paul Ishenin

wile64 пишет:

But 3 things:
1. They should be in png (so previous xpm are not needed)

2. They must be 16*16
3. Toolbar images that have disabled state will not be changed before
implementing of auto disabled drawing. So I will add them to repository,
but without switching to them.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

Yes I guessed and already in png 16*16. :)

Thanks for work. I replaced/added your new 6 images. Revision 12002.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> On 11/09/2007, Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Each his preference. It would be best if lazarus offered you the choice
> > instead of forcing you to use one model or the other.
> This would definitely be the best option, but then one question still
> remains. If Lazarus supports both MDI and SDI, which one will be the
> default?  Do we following all the 'big' IDE's out there and use MDI by
> default, or do we continue with the original design using SDI?
> PS:
> I guess that question only becomes a issue once Lazarus actually
> supports both. :)

Well, it seems that it does now !

An IDE option seems now feasible, and I guess that a restart to activate
it (after setting the preference) is not an obstacle...


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Re: [lazarus] Error in building latest SVN

2007-09-12 Thread Jeff Steinkamp

- Original Message - 
From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:45
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Error in building latest SVN

On Mon, 10 Sep 2007 08:48:00 -0700
"Jeff Steinkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Version 2.3.1 and I think it is svn 7399
> Can you try a more recent version? The heap manager has been
> changed in fpc 2.3.1 lately and the memcheck unit works with the
> current svn version of fpc 2.3.1
> Vincent
OK, updated to svn 8423 and now I am getting the following.
Evidetnly it can not compile the graphics unit.

Fatal: Can't find unit contnrs

FPC found some old old ppu files. Maybe a broken fpc installation.
If you have an old lazarus executable, run it and run the project ->
compiler options-> Test.
If this does not help:
Please check for old files in /usr/lib/fpc.
Also compile with -vt (make OPT=-vt) to see what files the compiler is

`/usr/local/share/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk2' make[1]: Leaving
directory `/usr/local/share/lazarus/lcl/interfaces' /bin/rm -f
units/i386-linux/alllclunits.ppu /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/ppc386 -gl
-Fu. -Funonwin32 -Fuforms -Fuwidgetset
Recompiling contnrs, checksum changed for System
/usr/local/share/lazarus/lcl/graphics.pp(36,17) Fatal: Can't find
unit contnrs

Normally fpc is installed in linux under /usr/lib/fpc. Only the 'make
install' of fpc uses /usr/local/lib/fpc as default.


Here is the error I am now getting when trying to make the latest FPC:

make -C fpcm all
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/fpc/utils/fpcm'
/bin/mkdir -p units/i386-linux
/usr/src/fpc/compiler/ppc386 -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Fu/usr/src/fpc/rtl/units/i386-linux 
-Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/hash/units/i386-linux -Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/paszlib/units/i386-linux 
-Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/netdb/units/i386-linux -Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/libasync/units/i386-linux 
-Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/base/pthreads/units/i386-linux -Fu/usr/src/fpc/packages/fcl-base/units/i386-linux 
-FE. -FUunits/i386-linux -di386 -dRELEASE fpcmake.pp,1) Error: Illegal expression,5) Error: Illegal expression,9) Error: Illegal expression,10) Error: Illegal expression,10) Fatal: Syntax error, "," expected but "identifier 
MINE" found

Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[3]: *** [fpcmake] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/fpc/utils/fpcm'
make[2]: *** [fpcm_all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/fpc/utils'
make[1]: *** [utils_all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/fpc'
make: *** [build-stamp.i386-linux] Error 2

I had a look at the file, but I was unable to make heads or 
tails of what is suppose to be there.  It seems to be failing on the 
<<< characters that are on line 1714 of the file.


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Re: Lazarus on one window (aka SDI)

2007-09-12 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, Víctor R. Ruiz wrote:

>   Hi:
>   In lazarus-svn-r11993-sdi-2.diff.gz I have published some changes to
> yesterday code so the window docking is now optional (variable
> DockedIDE at main, I will replace this with a proper xml reading).
> Next step will be to add support to do a "hot swapping".

Great job !!

Open source, you have to love it... :-)
