LL:ART: Poncke Princen, Human Rights activist (and anarchist)

2002-02-28 Thread Takver

'Poncke' Princen (21-5-1925 - 21-2-2002)

An obituary for this person appeared in the Melbourne Age newspaper (see 
below). It mentions that he was influenced by anarchist ideals in his youth.

Poncke Princen deserted the Dutch military and joined the Indonesion 
independence movement in 1948. He played a major role in defending human 
rights in Indonesia since then, particularly recently in regards to East 
Timor and Aceh, but also in regards to helping to organise Trade Union 
organisations. He was outspoken against Sukarno and the Suharto regimes 
in defence of Human Rights (and was jailed a number of times for his 
Human Rights stance).

In 1993 he applied for a Visa to visit the Netherlands. A Visa was 
denied him and caused much debate at the time, with strong opposition 
from Veterans organisations.


Author: Jill Jolliffe
Date: 28 Feb 2002
Words: 737
Publication: The Age
Section: The Culture
Page: 11

21-5-1925 - 21-2-2002

Poncke Princen, who died last Thursday in Jakarta, was an extraordinary
figure who played a fearless role in upholding human rights in Indonesia.

Born in The Hague, he was raised by freethinking parents and influenced
by anarchist ideals in his youth.

During World War II, he was captured by the Germans and spent time in a 
Nazi concentration camp. He later enlisted in the Dutch army and was 
sent to Indonesia to fight in the so-called ``police action" to restore 
Dutch colonial rule against Indonesian nationalists. He quickly 
sympathised with the Indonesian nationalists, and in 1948 deserted to 
fight with them against his compatriots.

Indonesia's founding president, Sukarno, decorated him with the
Guerrilla Star, Indonesia's highest honour.

Princen took out Indonesian citizenship, converted to Islam and was
elected to the Indonesian parliament in 1956. His stand caused great
bitterness in Holland, where he was branded as a traitor and banned from
returning to his homeland until the closing years of his life. In death,
however, Dutch cabinet minister Jan Pronk paid him a cautious tribute.
``Poncke Princen was no hero, martyr or saint, but first and foremost a
human rights activist," he told Radio Netherlands.

Unlike many opponents of the Suharto regime who had never criticised the
populist Sukarno, his record on political freedom was thoroughgoing. He
was imprisoned by both Sukarno and Suharto for his defence of human
rights, serving more than eight years in jail.

In the early 1970s, he was a founder of the Indonesian Legal Aid
Institute. Despite his critical role, his prestige in Indonesia always
remained high because of his role in the independence struggle, and in
the early 1990s he was a founding member of the Group of Fifty, a
movement for democratic reform that included conservative military
figures who had fallen out with Suharto.

But he stood out from others because of his early stand in support of
East Timorese self-determination, a cause that was taboo even in the
most progressive circles, where nationalism reigned supreme.

In later years, he was treated for skin cancer and a series of strokes.
Yet his luminous spirit shone through his wrecked body, and he continued
his work as before.

After the imprisonment of East Timorese resistance hero Xanana Gusmao in
1992, the two formed a friendship, although Princen was only able to
visit him personally after the reformasi movement gained force in 1998.

In the wake of the 1991 Santa Cruz massacre in Dili, Princen gave
sanctuary in his house to five young East Timorese who had fled their
homeland. A stand-off with the Indonesian military followed, but he
successfully negotiated with Jakarta military commander General
Hendropriono - then perceived as a liberal harbinger of ``reformasi" -
for their safe passage to Jakarta airport, from where they travelled to

Gusmao, who is likely to be East Timor's first president after elections
in April, said in Dili that he was deeply saddened by Princen's death.
He said his first contact with him had been when he was still leading
the guerrilla struggle in East Timor's mountains. They corresponded from
that time, a link that continued during the Timorese leader's
imprisonment in Jakarta.

``After the reformasi movement began, he visited me at the first
opportunity," Gusmao recalled. ``It was a very emotional meeting, and I
thanked him for the support he had given to our people.

``He then came frequently and we usually discussed the evolution of the
democratic struggle in Indonesia. He encouraged us in our struggle. East
Timor owes a lot to him."

The Timorese leader's Australian wife, Kirsty Sword, also knew Princen
from her work with the Timorese underground after 1990. ``I can still
remember him telling me

LL:PR: Informal Vote Sign of Disenchantment claims Anarchist

2001-11-13 Thread Takver

Today Dr Joseph Toscano claimed an examination of the informal vote has
shown that the number of Australians who have voted informal has
increased by nearly thirty percent, and the informal vote in the
Victorian Senate election has increased by nearly 100%.

Press release from Dr Joseph Toscano:

In the euphoria about the Prime Minister's electoral hat trick, a much
more interesting and worrying phenomena for those who support the
parliamentary system, has occurred. An examination of the informal vote
has shown that the number of Australians who have voted informal has
increased by nearly thirty percent.

The informal vote in the Victorian Senate election has increased by
nearly 100%. At the close of counting on Saturday night, 7.08% - 182,
662 ballots cast were informal. This figure is 70% greater than the
figure in any other State. N.S.W 4.41%, QLD 3.81%, WA 4.29%, SA 3.9%,
TAS 4.43%, ACT 2.7%, NT 3.64%. The difference between the Victorian
Senate Election and the Senate Election in other States, is that two
Anarchists, Dr. Joseph Toscano and Mr Stephen Reghenzani, stood as
Senate candidates and conducted a vigorous election campaign using the
slogan - 'Parliamentary Democracy, Two Minutes of Illusory Power'. In
their campaign they encouraged electors to vote informal or consider not
voting at all.

Their campaign, a campaign which bypassed the mainstream media, was
conducted using the Internet and alternative media sources. It will be
interesting to see whether the abstention rate in Victoria is higher
than in other States and whether the national abstention rate has
increased during this election. Currently, 20% of votes still remain to
be counted, this includes pre-poll, postal, absent and provisional votes
as well as those who abstained. The A.E.C will have the final figures
within the next ten days.

Compulsory voting or no compulsory voting, an increasing number of
Australians are not participating in parliamentary elections. They do
not want to be forced to participate in a system of government they have
no belief in. I'm 49 and have never voted at a local, State or Federal
election, am not on the electoral roll, but was able to stand as a
Victorian Senate candidate. There are an increasing number of people
like myself who are no longer willing to give blank cheques to
parliamentarians to make decisions for us. The struggle for direct
democracy, a struggle to create a system of government, where the people
involved in a decision, make that decision, is one which crosses old
political divisions and which encompasses the apolitical as well as the
politically aware.

Our candidature have given people who have voted informal, or have not
voted at all, a philosophical basis and a respectability that they have
not enjoyed in the past. We can no longer be dismissed as apathetic, we
have made a significant political statement that challenges the myths
and assumptions that the parliamentary system is based on.

Dr. Joseph Toscano/Spokesperson
Anarchist Media Institute.

Ring Dr Joseph Toscano if you want to verify this letter or to organise
a newspaper, television or radio interview

Anarchist Media Institute
P. O. Box 20, Parkville. Vic. 3052 Australia
Telephone: (03) 9828-2856 (24 hr Message Centre)
Fax: (03) 9482-4371
Website: http://www.vicnet.net.au/~anarchist/
Radio: Anarchist World this week on Radio 3CR 10am Wednesdays


Background Information and Links:
Election Night Results:

Senate Results for Victoria:

Parliamentary democracy - two minutes of illusory power - why vote? by
Takver 9:01am Tue Oct 30 '01
Dr Joe Toscano outlines why he is standing for the Senate in Victoria as
an anarchist.

See also Direct Democracy not Parliamentary Rule Index
Anti-parliamentary politics and the case against voting at:

with solidarity
  Takver's Initiatives - http://www.takver.com
  Radical Tradition, an Australasian History Page
  Visit Anarres Books -http://www.anarres.org.au


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LL:INFO: An anarchist anti-election campaign

2001-10-29 Thread Takver
, think again. 14% of electors didn't vote (9%) or
voted informal (5%) at the recent Aston by-election in Melbourne. At the
Federal election in 1998 around a million electors who are entitled to
be on the roll were not enrolled. Eight per cent of electors on the
Commonwealth Electoral roll didn't vote or voted informal at the last
Federal election.

Dr. Joseph Toscano
Victorian Senate Candidate
Written and authorised by Joseph Toscano, 205 Nicholson Street,
Footscray Melbourne.
Anarchist Media Institute
P. O. Box 20, Parkville. Vic. 3052 Australia
Telephone: (03) 9828-2856 (24 hr Message Centre)
Fax: (03) 9482-4371
Anarchist World This Week Radio Programme on the net:
- http://www.freespeech.org/anarchistAge

Wednesdays 10am for one hour on Community Radio 3CR in Melbourne and on
community stations across Australia via the Community Radiop Satellite

For background information, including Joe Toscano's 1998 antielection
campaign visit:

with solidarity
  Takver's Initiatives - http://www.takver.com
  Radical Tradition, an Australasian History Page
  Visit Anarres Books -http://www.anarres.org.au


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LL:INFO: New Books from Anarres Books

2001-10-28 Thread Takver

New titles just arrived at Anarres Books.
These join our extensive list of books we stock on anarchism, social
change, social justice and  sustainability. Anarres Books is a
collectively run anarchist mailorder book service based in Melbourne.

Against War and Terrorism , struggle.ws , 20pp , $3.00 Political Systems
Anarchist writings on the war from struggle.ws puts forward an anarchist
analysis on the attack on the World Trade Centre Towers and the war on
Afghanistan. 20 A4 pages of commentary by anarchists on 4 continents
focusing on:
 * Capitalist Terror and Madness
 * "Why do they hate us"?
 * The tragedy of Afghanistan
 * Building an antiwar movement
 * The anarchist alternative
 * Diversity in Islam for Absolute Beginners
 * History of anarchist anti-imperialism
 * Commissars of the Free Press
 * Anarchism is the cure
Visit the struggle.ws Stop the War Site
(http://www.struggle.ws/stopthewar.html) to read the articles online,
download the PDF file, and follow many useful antiwar links. For
Melbourne people, visit Takver's Soapbox
(http://www.users.bigpond.com/Takver/soapbox/index.htm) for news of
future and past protests and rallies against the war indexed from

Albert, Michael
Moving Forward , AK Press , 160pp , $21.50 Political Economy
If not capitalism, then what? Something's not working here, and it's
pretty clear what's wrong. But there's a dearth of material on what
could be right -- and more important, how to do it. Michael Albert
breaks through the stranglehold on this debate and lays out the vision
and strategy for a new "participatory economy." Beyond the discussion of
how our society might look with a participatory economy, Moving Forward
is about strategy and program: what should we fight for, with what
means, to move ever closer to a new future.

Soy, Not Oi , AK Press , 111pp , $9.00 Food Politics
An authorized reprint of the classic vegan cookbook. Over 100 recipes
designed to destroy the government, complete with musical notes to
accompany the chef. A sure-fire winner for every revolutionary palate.

Cleaver, Harry
Reading Capital Politically , AK Press , 183pp , $27.00 Political Economy
Through a close reading of the first chapter, Cleaver shows that Das
Kapital was written for the workers, not for academics, and that we need
to expand our idea of workers to include housewives, students, the
unemployed and other non-waged workers. Reading Capital Politically
provides a theoretical and historical bridge between struggles in Europe
in the 60s & 70s, and particulary the Autonomia of Italy to the
Zapatistas of the 90s. Cleaver's introduction provides a brilliant and
succinct overview of working class struggles in the century since
Capital was published.

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel & Gabriel
Obsolete Communism , AK Press , 239pp , $30.50 Anarchism
'Their nightmares are our dreams' In May 68 a student protest at
Nanterre University spread to other universities, to Paris factories and
in a few weeks to most of France. On May 13 a million Parisians marched.
Ten million workers went out on strike. At the center of the fray from
the beginning was Daniel Cohn-Bendit, expelled from Nanterre for his
agitation. Obsolete Communism was written in 5 weeks immediately after
the French state regained control, and no account of May 68 or indeed of
any rebellion can match its immediacy or urgency. Daniel's gripping
account of the revolt is complemented by brother Gabriel's biting
criticism of the collaboration of the state, the union leadership and
the French Communist Party in restoring order, defusing revolutionary
energy & handing the factories back to the capitalists. Leninism & the
unions come under fire as top-down bureaucracies whose need to manage
and control are always at odds with revolutionary action.

Critical Art Ensemble
Electronic Civil Disobedience: and Other Unpopular Ideas , Autonomedia ,
139pp , $14.40 Technology
Following up CAE's The Electronic Disturbance this incisive series of
essays expands on the ideas of nomadic power and radical resistance in
the increasingly wired world.

Danaher, Kevin (ed)
Democratizing The Global Economy: The Battle Against The World Bank &
IMF , Common Courage , 221pp , $28.70 Political Economy
For half a century the IMF and World Bank - two of the most powerful
institutions on Earth - operated in near-total secrecy. Now, an
international grassroots movement is exposing these elite operations to
the uncomfortably bright light of public scrutiny. Authors include
Robert Naiman on how IMF and World Bank policies lower wages and
encourage sweatshops; Carol Welch on how economic lending institutions
are used for corporate welfare; Terry Allen on police brutality and
recent government efforts to chill activism; Naomi Klein on how
criticism of p

LL:INFO: New Books from Anarres Books

2001-08-30 Thread Takver

Just arrived at Anarres Books, new titles from New Society Publishers.
These join our extensive list of books we stock from this publisher
which specialises in books on social change, social justice and
Anarres Books is a collectively run anarchist mailorder book service
based in Melbourne.

Alvord, Katie
Divorce Your Car!: Ending the Love Affair with the Automobile
New Society Publishers , 320pp, $22.95 Housing & Planning
Not so much a book about planning for a car-less future, more a
practical book about how to organise your life without your car, or at
least to reduce your dependence.

Douthwaite, Richard
The Growth Illusion: How Economic Growth has Enriched the Few,
Impoverished the Many, and Endangered the Planet
New Society Publishers ,400pp $25.95 Political Economy
Douthwaite examines the history of western economic growth from the
birth of capitalism through the industrial revolution and the world
wars, drawing a startling link between rising GNP and the erosion of the
quality of our health, family and community life, and a sustainable
future. This engaging and well-researched work looks at the end of the
American dream and why national growth patterns are so difficult to
break, and offers radical ideas to steer our economies on a new course.

Hill, Linda
Connecting Kids: Exploring Diversity Together
New Society Publishers ,192pp $25.95 Education
This book helps children explore and celebrate differences, building
acceptance and an inclusive culture that prevents and reduces prejudice
and discrimination. Focusing on 20 key skills, it includes over 200 fun
games and activities that teach social connecting behaviours.

Kivel, Paul
Boys will be Men: Raising our Sons for Courage, Caring, and Community
New Society Publishers ,256pp $19.95 Education
Boys will Be Men is for all parents who have a vision of a society where
peace and justice exist; for parents raising their sons in economically
disadvantaged communities; for feminists who feel confused about raising
their sons, and for parents of color who need to add their sons'
strength to their communities.

Macy, Joanna R.
Widening Circles: A Memoir
New Society Publishers ,296pp $22.95 Biography
An absorbing memoir from a well known eco-philosopher, Buddhist and Deep
Ecology activist/teacher.

Seo, Danny
Be the Difference: A Beginner's Guide to Changing the World
New Society Publishers ,224pp $18.95 Community Development
An energized primer for beginning activists on how to start their own
activist group, fund raise, gain media exposure, organise a protest, use
the internet as a tool for change, and make legislators listen - all
with a unique emphasis on activism for service and personal growth.

See the Anarres Books website for a full catalog and ordering details or

enquire via [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anarres Books
P.O. Box 150
East Brunswick Victoria  3057
with solidarity
  Takver's Initiatives - http://www.takver.com
  Radical Tradition, an Australasian History Page
  Visit Anarres Books -http://www.anarres.org.au


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LL:DDV: Art's Alternative Tradition

2001-08-09 Thread Takver

An exhibition of work of a dissident and alternative artistic tradition
from the collection of art historian Robert Smith.
Featuring work by Australian Noel Counihan, Nicholas Charlet, Honore
Daumier, Käthe Kollwitz, William Gropper, Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso
and others. This exhibition explores the great insight of these artists
into the aspirations and injustices of the societies in which they

Where: Counihan Gallery, (next to) Brunswick Town Hall
  233 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Melbourne
When: 10 August to 2 September 2001
Wednesdays to Saturdays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.;
 Sundays 1 to 5 p.m

The exhibition programme includes an annotated tour of the 88 works
on display.
Take a Virtual Tour to wet your appetite for visiting in person:

Robert Smith will conduct vibrant free performance tours in connection
with the exhibition, with a passionate account of the shared experiences

of these artists across time and place. Public performances will take
place at the Counihan Gallery in Brunswick on:
Saturday 18 August;  9.15am, 10.15am, 11.15am
Saturday 25 August;  9.15am, 10.15am, 11.15am
Places are limited, please RSVP the Gallery at least one day prior to

Gallery Inquiries to Louise Allgood, Counihan Gallery, Ph 03 9240 2498
with solidarity
  Takver's Initiatives - http://www.takver.com
  Radical Tradition, an Australasian History Page
  Visit Anarres Books -http://www.anarres.org.au
  Visit Art: The Alternative Tradition -


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LL:INFO: New Books from Anarres Books

2001-06-28 Thread Takver
role in revitalizing both the peace and anarchist movements in
the late '70s and early '80s. Vaucher's work with Crass is seminal to
the "protest art" of the '80s. Seeing her art as a tool for social
change, the extensive work that she did with Crass is perhaps the most
obvious example of her agit-prop approach, but if her more recent works
are superficially less confronting, it is only because the subject under
attack is less immediately obvious. Crass Art & Other Pre-Postmodernist
Monsters offers an opportunity to view Vaucher's work from its
art-school origins to the present day. Offering 112 pages of full-colour
plates, and a text detailing the historical context of the work.

Ward, Colin
Social Policy: an anarchist response.
Freedom Press 89pp $17.60 Housing & Planning
In 1995-96, Colin Ward was the visiting Centenary Professor at the
London School of Economics. This volume collects all the talks he gave
during his tenure. Topics covered include on Housing, Water, Welfare
Reform as well as his views on Anarchism in the 21st Century. One of the
most accessible and entertaining Anarchist writers.

Yates, John
September Commando.
AK Press 93pp $21.50 Arts
'September Commando: Gestures Of Futility And Frustration' is the second
installment of politically charged satire, scrutiny and social
commentary from John Yates' Stealworks graphics compound. Featuring over
100 of Yates' designs, 'September Commando' is a visual assault on all
things bad. From our benevolent leaders on Capitol(ist) Hill to Twenty
First Century Cops, from his "own" apathy-embracing (de)Generation X to
the selling of Corporate American ignorance (and purchase thereof) to
the (pocket) enlightened m(asses). 'September Commando' picks up where
'Stealworks' left off and from there on out it's a trilateral social
injustice kill spree. To the barricades, and don't spare the hors

See the Anarres Books website for a full catalog and ordering details or

enquire via [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with solidarity
  Takver's Initiatives - http://www.takver.com
  Radical Tradition, an Australasian History Page
  Visit Anarres Books -http://www.anarres.org.au


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LL:URL: Freemasons, Trade Unions and the Tragedy of History

2001-03-25 Thread Takver

Dr Bob James has researched and written a major new study:
Part One - Britain from Gothic Cathedrals to the Tolpuddle Conspirators
available at: http://www.takver.com/history/benefit/ctormys.htm

 From the Preface: Freemasons, Trade Unions and the Tragedy of History
The tragedy is at least five-fold:

First - students of history have been denied an adequate account of the
'lodge movement' and its social context, with the result that it is
invisible to the general populace and researchers in many fields have
been denied the challenge of seeing Freemasons, 'trade unions' and
'friendly societies' as fruit of the same tree;

Second - the idea of mutual aid, the impact of its once wide-spread
existence, its origins and its demise have all been rendered invisible
to the detriment of our understanding of ourselves. The clearest example
of historico-cultural consequences of this process is the tradition of
the 'true believer', the worker who allegedly chose to be disciplined by
the collectivity, the 'trade union', at the precise moment she/he became
aware of his/her individual freedom;

Third - social commentators have advocated and governments have
legislated flawed, indeed destructive 'solutions' to social needs, eg,
the State-regulated health and welfare system; and

Fourth - we have all been denied an adequate understanding of ourselves
and of our potentialities, because the history we have been taught lacks
depth, complexity, ambiguity and resonance.

Fifth - mis-understanding the failure of the particular model of 'mutual
aid' dominant since industrialisation has prevented practitioners (lodge
members) and their observers (historians) from redressing it in the
direction of systems theory, ie replacing linear with integrated
perspectives. Thus, social theory has pendulumed between goal-oriented
models, 'free trade' and 'protectionism'.

Other articles of interest are available at the Freemasons, Friendly
Societies and Trade Unions Index:
with solidarity
  Takver's Initiatives - http://www.takver.com
  Radical Tradition, an Australasian History Page
  Visit Anarres Books -http://www.anarres.org.au


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LL:INFO: Recovering Our Roots: Mutualism, Mutuals and the ALP

2001-01-24 Thread Takver

Articles on Mutualism and Labour History in Australia now available on
Takver's Radical Tradition Website:

In 'Recovering Our Roots: Mutualism, Mutuals and the ALP' Dr Race
Mathews argues for the Australian Labor Party to look to its roots and
adopt policies friendly to Mutualism.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the discrediting of State
Socialism, this is part of a reappraisal of socialist and social
democratic vision taking into account libertarian currents, such as
Mutualism, which have been overshadowed by Authoritarian forms of

Also available are a number of articles by Dr Bob James on Mutuality,
Benefit Societies, Secret Societies and the Labour Movement, and the
exclusion of the history of mutualism and Benefit Societies from Labour

with solidarity
  Takver's Initiatives - http://www.takver.com
  Radical Tradition, an Australasian History Page
  Visit Anarres Books -http://www.anarres.org.au


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
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LL:ART: Unions, the Labor Party and the WEF

2000-09-17 Thread Takver

Unions, the Labor Party and the WEF
A look at some aspects of union involvement inside and outside the WEF,
comments by Labor Premiers Brack & Carr, and a list of some relevant
media sources.
Article by Takver http://www.takver.com/soapbox/index.htm

A union Stop Work rally and march, advocating 'fair trade' not 'free
trade' was organised for 10.30am Tuesday outside Melbourne Trades Hall.
Originally, the march destination was Enterprise Park, north of the
Yarra, but this was changed to the main assembly area outside Crown on
Queensbridge Street. Some 6,000 - 10,000 people gathered, and then
marched down to the main assembly point. Giant puppets were part of the
parade. Outside Nike, the march stopped to explain how Nike exploits
workers in countries like Indonesia. Union marshalls ensured the protest
was symbolic by forming a line in front of the store.

At the rally near Crown Casino speeches were made by various Union
officials and Greens Senator Bob Brown. Bob Brown was the only member of
Federal parliament to support the S11 blockade and oppose extensive laws
allowing use of the military where there is 'the threat of domestic
violence'. The Labour Party chose to support the legislation with minor
amendments, even though such legislation may be used in the future
against the Union Movement. Labor party politicians were noticable by
their absence at the rally. At the end of the rally many of those who
marched took up an offer to march around the casino complex adding their
weight to the human blockading of the many entrances.

Although the turnout for the rally was reasonable, I thought there was
little outreach amoung some unions to inform their members and to get
them to attend the rally. Please remember this was a Trades Hall Council
sanctioned Stop Work Rally! Personally, I received no bulletins from my
union, the CEPU (Communications Division), advertising the rally.
Similarly, the previous week a CPSU organiser attended my workplace for
an open meeting, however no mention was made of the Stop Work Rally.

In the morning of s12 about 100 unionists came down from Trades Hall and
opened up a passage through the blockade for workers to enter the
Complex! This indicated that there has been a fair amount of friction
between s11 and the official union bureacracy, although there has been
of involvement by individual unionists, and some of the more social
justice oriented unions in the blockade. Whether people who worked in
the Crown Casino complex should be allowed in and out was a major
disagreement between union officials and blockaders.

It was alleged by Leigh Hubbard, Secretary of the Trades Halll, that
World Economic Forum organisers threatened to cancel their meeting after
the success of protesters blockading the venue on Monday. This led to
increased police confrontation on Tuesday, and the at times violent
crackdown by riot police.

To the credit of the union movement, Leigh Hubbard strongly condemned
the violent actions of the police:
  "there ought to be a broad inquiry beyond just what happened" during
the police baton charge on Tuesday night. "I believe the state should
provide trauma counselling for those young people hurt. Once these
things start, who knows where they might lead? The fact that the police
weren't wearing ID badges suggests premeditated provocation. I think we
as Victorians should be deeply ashamed of what happened, we don't want
it to be forgotten."

The State Ombudsman, Dr Barry Perry, has received numerous complaints
about the behaviour of the police and has agreed to open an
investigation. The Law Institute of Victoria has also welcomed the
inquiry into claims of police brutality. Marcus Clayton, a lawyer
associated with the s11 legal team, said that officers clearly used
excessive force during two baton attacks on Tuesday. While Deputy Police
Commissioner Neil O'Laughlin claimed that police were provoked, Clayton
said that: "Provocation isn't a defence to an assault, if someone
provokes you you're not entitled to hit them.the police are in no
legally different position."

While it was to be expected that Prime Minister John Howard would praise
the heavy police action, both Steve Bracks, Labor Premier of Victoria,
and Bob Carr, Labor Premier of NSW, have made comments praising the
police response as reasonable "despite great provocation". While there
were a few incidents of provocation of police, most blockaders
substantially dealt with and minimised provocation and abuse of the
police. The provocation was certainly not "great". Blockaders were
overwhelmingly peaceful and disciplined in their actions.

The media showed incidents that took only minutes and ignored the
essential and overwhelming peacefulness and festive nature of the
blockade. The violence inflicted on demonstrators in the horse and baton
charges is clearly documented in television coverage 

LL:ART: s13 - WEF protesters defy Police violence and maintain

2000-09-14 Thread Takver

peaceful blockade
Precedence: bulk

s13 - WEF protesters defy Police violence and maintain peaceful blockade

 Report by Takver  - http://www.takver.com/soapbox/index.htm

S13 started in the morning with another baton charge on about 40
blockaders at the Clarendon Street entrance while most people were at
the entrance on Queensbridge street. According to an ABC report:

One of the protesters, Nick, says he and his colleagues were hopelessly
outnumbered by police involved in this morning's baton charge. "I saw a
woman about 40 that went down and people were just screaming to let her
out, let her up... just general people getting hurt, a lot of screaming,
a lot of young people going down," he said.

This follows a similar baton charge on Tuesday night to bring the
delegates out. Riot police viciously attacked people engaged in
nonviolent civil disobedience with more than 20 people needing hospital
treatment. The ABC interviewed well known Melbourne entertainer Rod
Quantock who said that several friends were hit by police batons in an
unprovoked attack:

"Nothing would justify the violence that was there. I was on the ground.
I couldn't see who was batoning me. It wouldn't have made a difference.
They didn't have ID on anyway," he said. "I was hit all over the body
and eventually kneecapped as I tried to stand up. They just came at us.
They just attacked us. I saw people with so much blood on their face you
couldn't literally tell if they were men or women."

Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, said: "The police
action was excellent. They gave the protestors a chance at the first day
to behave in a civilised way, they charged when it was necessary to
restore law and order." His bidding was done by our esteemed Labour
Premier, Steve Bracks, who stated:

"Police have been charged with the responsibility of keeping law and
order and keeping the public protected, the delegates protected, and
peaceful protesters protected and in that they have done a fantastic
job," he said. "Those that have incited disruptive behaviour by throwing
missiles are the ones that are causing difficulty for the peaceful and
sensible protesters."

This makes a mockery of the numerous unprovoked baton charges on
peaceful people protesting through civil disobedience techniques. The
level of violence by the police had been deliberately escalated after
the successful blockading on the first day.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported:
Up to 200 protesters had been injured by police who had hit them on the
head with batons, trampled them with horses, dragged them by the hair,
punched, kicked, elbowed and bitten them and driven at high speed to
disperse crowds, the team of legal observers said.

Police are also not wearing their identification badges. Legal observers
estimate 90 per cent of officers have taken off their name tags. Damien
Lawson, of Melbourne's Western Suburbs Legal Centre, said: "This goes to
the heart of accountability at this protest. If they can't be identified
then they can act with impunity. "There was a young man who was
baton-charged and lost two teeth and had to have emergency surgery."

Now we know that Bracks is just another puppet like our Prime Minister,
John Howard, with the ear of the rich and powerful. The WEF organisers
complained and Bracks and his police minister jumped to obey and ordered
the Victorian police to use horses, riot police and batons in unprovoked
attacks on peaceful protestors.

Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth told the ABC reporter:

"We've always used civil disobedience. We've always done it according to
protocol and that protocol is the police ask you to leave, they remove
the protestors, and they arrest them if they believe they've done
anything unlawful. The police have broken with 30 years of tradition and
they've declared war on peaceful protestors," he said.

At lunch time more than two thousand protestors toured the city precinct
stopping outside a Nike store and several McDonalds. When they returned
to the assembly point outside Crown Casino, a giant multicoloured
Gippsland Earthworm puppet led an encirclement of the Crown Casino
complex of people linking hands. This act involved thousands of people
ringing the Casino complex.

By mid afternoon the blockade was winding down. Why then, did an
unmarked police car try to force its way into a group of blockaders?
When a person was trapped underneath the car, with people pleading for
the car to stop, the driver accelerated running over the person. This
person required immediate hospitalisation, and comes at the end of a
long list of brutal police attacks and violence at the encoragemment of
WEF organisers and conservative politicians, including the Labor
Premier, Steve Bracks, and his Deputy, John Brumby.

The excessive

LL:URL: 1990 Melbourne Tram Dispute

2000-01-26 Thread takver

I have loaded up to Radical Tradition  articles by Dick Curlewis on
the 1990 Melbourne Tram Dispute and lockout. I also wrote an
introduction which gives a (too brief) history of Sparks, a rank and
file journal published by the Public Transport Workers Association,
an affiliate of the Anarcho Syndicalist Federation.

My thanks to the Melbourne Anarcho Syndicalist Group, who organised a
meeting on 22 January to discuss the history of Sparks and the 1990
dispute. This was the 10th anniversary of the dispute.

 Takver's Soapbox:
 War on the Wharfies - Radical Tradition, an Aussie History Page
 Visit Anarres Books

LL:DDV: Discussion on Contemporary Anarchism

2000-01-19 Thread takver

 Discussion on Contemporary Anarchism 
Visiting Speaker: Ronald Creagh
  Emeritus Professor at Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, France
  Director of the Centre for Information and Research on
North American Cultures (CIRCAN)
  Moderator of the Research on Anarchism Email List.

Where: Barricade InfoShop
115 Sydney Road
Brunswick, Melbourne
Tel: 9387 6646

When: Saturday 29 January 2000
Vegetarian Food provided
Entry by Donation

Ronald Creagh will also be interviewed on 'The Anarchist World this
week' on community radio 3CR 10.30am Wednesday 2 February 2000

Sponsored by:
Barricade Books, 115 Sydney Road, Brunswick. Tel: 9387 6646
Anarchist Media Institute, P.O. Box 20, Parkville 3052 Tel: 9828 2856
Anarres Books, http://www.anarres.org.au
Takver's Initiatives, http://www.takver.com

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LL:URL:Radical Tradition and Labour History

2000-01-02 Thread takver

The Radical Tradition site has been restructured and includes several
new items:
Foremost of these new items are essays by Bob James on Labour History.
The essays raise questions on the focus of Labour History, and the
writing of history to eliminate people and organisations which don't fit
in to the official 'Labour History' model.
Although the focus of research is Australian based, the arguments draw
on much material from Britain and North America, and from Europe. Bob
argues that anarchists, women, and a whole range of working peoples
organisations have been effectively ignored in the writing of Labour

Recent additions to the site include:
   Secret Societies and the Labour MovementBob James
   The Knights of Labour and their contextBob James
   Display of Secret Society ParaphenaliaLabour History
Conference, Wollongong, October 1999
   Seachange: An essay on Maritime HistoryRowan Cahill
   The Tragedy of Labour History in Australia.Bob James
   Chrysler Factory at Tonsley Park (Adelaide) 1976-1978...
'Anatomy of an Industrial Struggle' by Garry Hill
   Anarchism in Sydney 1975-1981' Reprint of John Englart's 'A
Short History of recent Sydney and Australian Anarchism'

Visit the site at:
Through studying the lessons of the past, Radical Tradition works for
the creation of
   social and political structures which allow all people equal decision
making power and
   equal access to society's wealth.

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LL:ART: Allan Nairn's Arrest in East Timor

1999-09-19 Thread takver
neral Tanjung and General Wiranto.

I do not think that I am a threat to the Indonesian or Timorese people,
I hope that I am a threat to General Wiranto and General Tanjung, and
other present and former leaders of the TNI/ABRI. I believe that they
threatened by anyone who would expose their crimes. General Wiranto and
Generals Bambang, Zacky, Syafei, Kiki, and many others, for example, are

responsible for the current militia terror in occupied East Timor and
the increase in repression against the people of Aceh. This is no secret
the people of Timor or to the people of Indonesia or Aceh. They have
suffered for decades under the repression and corruption of
brave Indonesians, Timorese, Acehnese, and West Papuans have been
arrested, tortured or raped because they dared to criticize the army and

demand their right to freedom.

As a foreigner and a journalist, particularly an American journalist, I
that I enjoy a certain de facto political leeway that enables me to say
things that local people would be killed for saying. I have tried to use

that privilege to tell the truth about TNI/ABRI. If, because of this,
army feels they must arrest or jail me, then I know that there is
nothing I
can do to stop them. But they know that they cannot arrest or kill all
people of Indonesia. That is why they are now so fearful, and that is
why I
believe they will lose their desperate struggle to retain their hold on
power and their police state.

During my most recent detention, I have been interrogated by officials
army Intel, police Intel, Kopassus Group 5, and many other units. They
asked me many questions about my political motives and opinions. I would

summarize my opinions this way:

I am pro human rights, pro democracy, and anti TNI/ABRI. I am a
supporter of
the people of East Timor, Aceh, West Papua, and Indonesia, and an
of the officials who have repressed and exploited them.

As an American citizen who is visiting Indonesia and occupied East
Timor, I
also want to be clear that I believe in even-handedness. The same
moral and legal standards that are applied to TNI/ABRI officers should
be applied to the officers and political leaders of the United States.
while I support the UN Secretary-General's call for war crimes and
against humanity prosecution on East Timor, I think that the prosecution

should not be limited to Indonesian officials. Foreign officials who
accomplices to atrocities in East Timor, and provided both murder
and the logistics of repression should also be charged, prosecuted and
convicted, jailed.

Pragmatically, it is hard to imagine General Wiranto sitting in jail. It
even harder to imagine President Clinton as his cellmate. But justice
be impartial.

It is time for the genocide to end. Untold thousands of Timorese lie
slaughtered. Their families are bereft. The victims of Santa Cruz,
and Suai can no longer speak. Those of us who can should insist that the

killing stop right now. And we should also insist that the killers face
justice, regardless of who they are.

These same principles apply of course to atrocities everywhere. I think
this is a simple idea and that most people would agree.

If General Wiranto or any other officials have further questions about
views, I would be glad to answer them personally at a time and place of
their choosing. I would also be glad to give details on the crimes
to above, and on the complicity in them of General Wiranto and other

 Takver's Soapbox:

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LL:DDV: Picket for Public Health Wed 15/9/99

1999-09-13 Thread takver

*** Picket for Public Health *
12.30pm Wednesday 15 September
   Outside Victorian Minister of Health,
   Rob Knowles Office
   555 Collins Street, Melbourne

All welcome
Return the funding to our health services
Money for Healthcare not casinos
Organised by Save our Community Medical Service

* Public Meeting **
to discuss proposals for the medical service at
Moreland Community Health Centre
 7.15pm Tuesday 28 September
   Brunswick Town Hall,  Sydney Road, Brunswick

What kind of medical service do you want?
Visit our webpage to read our Community/consumer criteria
for a community medical service.

 Save Our Community Medical Service
 Takver's Soapbox:

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LL:DD: Australian Teachers protest on East Timor

1999-09-12 Thread takver

The 300 strong NSWTF Council on 11/9/99 carried astrong condemnation of
the situation in
East Timor.An attempt will be made to hold a 2 minutes of silence at
11am Tuesday14th in
all Gov Schools Australia wide. Students are urged to write letters to
appropriate world
leaders.Teachers are urged to contribute to the APHEDA fund
john Hennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sydney, nsw Australia - Saturday, September 11, 1999 at 20:23:11 (EDT)

Above information from the www.freetimor.com Guestbook

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LL:AA: Closure of Community Medical Service

1999-07-21 Thread Takver

Board Rescinds Closure Motion...
Local Community wins a victory
20 July 1999Report by Takver

At its monthly meeting, the Board of the Moreland Community Health Service 
decided to rescind its decision to close the medical service. More than 40 
members of the community were present at the announcement of the decision. 
This followed an hour of public discussion between the board and concerned 
members of the community and an hour of private discussion by the board.

A community campaign had built momentum with a 10 day community picket, a 
well attended public meeting on July 7 of more than 300 people which passed 
resolutions unanimously to maintain the medical service, and the 
establishment of weekly meetings of Save Our Community Medical Service.

It is now important for the community and the Board to work together to 
find solutions and find a way to keep and expand our community medical 
service. The Service is presently looking for another doctor.

The Save Our Community Medical Service will continue to meet weekly on 
Tuesdays at 7.00pm at Warr Park Community Centre, DeCarle St, Brunswick, 
and will hear weekly reports from our representatives on the working party. 
All welcome. We are also organising public rallies on community health 
funding, and will be trying to organise a delegation to the State and 
Federal Health Ministers.

This is a significant victory for the Moreland Community. Now we have an 
opportunity to find a way to keep our medical service open and to take up 
funding issues with the State and Federal Government.

  Takver's Soapbox:
  War on the Wharfies - Radical Tradition, an Aussie History Page
  Visit the People's Justice Alliance:


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LL:DDV: Closure of Community Medical Service

1999-07-11 Thread Takver

The Save Our Community Medical Service Committee has organised the first
of a series of weekly campaign meetings for anyone to attend who is
interested in
saving our community medical service at the Moreland Community Health

The meeting has been organised for:
Tuesday, 13th July at 7.00pm
Warr Park Community Centre,
De Carle Street, Brunswick.

Then every week from Tuesday the 27th July at the
Warr Park Community Centre.
For more information contact Brunswick Progress Association
on (03) 9380 4463 or
Community Health Action Group on (03) 9386 2082 or

For your information - the following  report of the public meeting on
last Wednesday night at the Brunswick Town Hall has been loaded to
the Save our Community Medical Service Webpage at:

Thursday 8th July 1999:
Meeting of Moreland Residents Protests against closure of
community medical service

On a cold wintery night a meeting of over 300 angry residents at the
Brunswick Town Hall protested against the decision to close the
Brunswick Community Health Centre Medical Service. Several moving
statements were made describing the importance and the usefulness of
the service, and the necessity for its continuation. Helen Lee, the
person who initiated the community picket outside the Health Centre
for the previous 10 days, presented CEO Philip Moran with a petition
signed by more than 1,700 residents (more signatures were still being
collected at the back of the hall).

A number of motions were carried unanimously, including a motion that
the Board of Management at its next meeting rescind its decision to
close the medical service, and to setup an independant working party
to include representatives of Council and the Save Our Community
Medical Service Committee, to look at creative solutions for
maintaining the medical service.

Further motions endorsed a joint delegation of the Moreland Community
Health Centre Board, the City of Moreland and the Save our Community
Medical Service Committee to both the Federal and State Health
ministers seeking funding and support to enable continuation and
expansion of the community medical health service model.

It was also seen as very important that the Community Health Centre
involve the community much more in what services are provided and how
they are provided. Originally community involvement was an important
attribute of the centre which has been steadily diminishing over
several years. The fact that the local community no longer selects a
Committee of Management, but has a Board appointed by the State
Minister has substantially contributed to the feeling of community

It was announced at the meeting that the Economics columnist, Kenneth
Davidson, had agreed to examine the past few years accounts of the
Health centre. This independant examination is important to reassure
the community that the Health Centre finances are being properly

One of the doctors employed by the service raised the issue of a
lack of consultation and cooperation between Management and the
doctors. In the past year three female doctors have left the service
(two of these doctors attended the meeting), which has precipitated a
staffing crisis. The problem of staff consultation and a suitable
working environment must be addressed by management.

The meeting was attended by Carlo Carli, State Member for Coburg, who
offered his assistance in finding a creative solution for the
continuation of the Medical Service. Kelvin Thompson, Federal Member
for Wills, was also in attendance, while Lindsay Tanner, Member for
Melbourne, Jenny Macklin, Federal Shadow Health Minister, and John
Thwaites, State Shadow Health Minister sent their apologies.

Kelvin Thomson has circulated a letter he has sent to Federal Health
Minister Michael Wooldridge on the closure of the medical service and
asking "advice about what can be done to help the MCHC continue to
provide its quality service."

Jenny Macklin, Federal Shadow Minister for Health, has sent out a
media release on 6th July to tighten up over-servicing rules for
Medicare rebates for Doctors. This obviously needs to be done to
reduce the abuse by some doctors of the medicare system by pushing
through as many patients as possible. Jenny Macklin said "more than
100 doctors are believed to charge Medicare for more than 80
consultations a dayThis exceeds a reasonable level and it puts at
risk the quality of patient care."

However, our community Health Centre has the opposite problem - our
doctors often need long consultations with clients with complex
medical problems, which means while the quality of medical care is
high, the income rebate from medicare is proportionally low. The
medicare rebate discriminates against Medical Practices which bulk
bill and provide quality medical care to a client base wi

LL:REMV: Protest against closure of community medical service

1999-07-06 Thread Takver

Moreland Community Health Centre Medical Service is being closed!
Protests have won a Public Meeting about the Medical Service organised
by the Health Centre for

When: Wednesday 7 July at 7.00pm
Where:Brunswick Town Hall, Sydney Road, Brunswick

The Picket outside Moreland Community Health Centre in Glenlyon Road,
Brunswick (near Sydney Road) will continue to  3pm on Wednesday. There
is a lot of community concern and outrage with the decision to close the
Community Health Center Medical Service. Well over a thousand signatures
on the petition have been collected in just a week. The petition will be
presented at the meeting!

This is an important opportunity to get more information about the
situation and an opportunity to raise your concerns. If you live or work

in Moreland, or you are client of the Health Centre, please come along.

Thanks to Lindsay Tanner, Federal MP for Melbourne, the only elected
representative for the area to issue a media release about the closure
and take a public stand on 1. 'the Board should reconsider its decision
to cut medical services' and 2. public & media  representations on the
issues of public funding of community health.

I have not seen or heard of any public statement from the offices of
Kelvin Thompson, Federal MP for Wills, or Carlo Carli, State Member for
See the background info on my website for Lindsay Tanner's Media
Release,  plus a reply to correspondence Carlo Carli sent to a
constituent about the issues. Also other documents at:

  Takver's Soapbox:
  War on the Wharfies - Radical Tradition, an Aussie History Page
  Visit the People's Justice Alliance:


  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

LL:DDV: Protest against closure of community medical service

1999-06-30 Thread Takver

Moreland Community Health Centre Medical Service is being closed!
Protests have won a Public Meeting about the Medical Service organised

When: Wednesday 7 July at 7.00pm
Where:Brunswick Town Hall, Sydney Road, Brunswick

The Picket outside Moreland Community Health Centre in Glenlyon Road,
Brunswick (near Sydney Road) has been extended to Friday 2nd July, 9am
to 3pm each day. There is a lot of community concern and outrage with
the decision to close the Community Health Center Medical Service.
Hundreds of signatures on the petition have been collected in just a few

The protests have succeeded in getting the Community Health Service and
Moreland Council to call a Public meeting about the Medical Service.

This is an important opportunity to get more information about the
situation and an opportunity to raise your concerns. If you live or work
in Moreland, or you are client of the Health Centre, please come along.

If you wish to help with the picket, or collect signatures on the
petition please call Helen on (03) 9386 2082

Copies of the petition for download and some background information can
be found at:

  Takver's Soapbox:
  War on the Wharfies - Radical Tradition, an Aussie History Page
  Visit the People's Justice Alliance:



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LL:AA: Protest against closure of community health service

1999-06-26 Thread Takver

Urgent - Protest against closure of community health service

Picket outside Moreland Community Health Centre in Glenlyon Road, Brunswick
(near Sydney Road) from Monday 28 June to Thursday 1st July, 9am to 3pm
each day. If you can't come to the picket, you can phone fax and email your
support for keeping the service to the relevant elected representatives and
management. (see details at bottom of message)

Why is the Community Health Service in Moreland closing its Medical Service?

The Moreland Community Health Centre in Melbourne has decided to close it's
Brunswick Medical Service.  State Government cuts to funding for Community
Health and the Federal Government's policies on Medicare funding have made
it difficult to continue the Service.

This Medical Service was established in response to community need. Many
people in Moreland had complex health needs that were not met by other
health services. This has not changed.

The Centre was originally controlled by members of the community elected to
the Board of Management. A number of years ago, the Victorian Minister of
Health changed the relevant legislation and withdrew community control of
Community Health Services. The Board of Management has been selected by the
Minister and his Department since then.

There are 29 unfilled vacancies for Doctors, in private and public practice
in the Northern Region.  Is the provision of medical services going to
depend on where Doctors want to work?

One of the reasons the Community Health Service is having difficulty
employing Doctors is that they are only able to pay $35 an hour while the
private sector is paying $60 an hour.  This is possible because of the
number of clients seen per hour.

The Medicare payment schedule pays more the shorter the consultation:
2 Patients / hour Item 36 = $77.70.
10 Patients / hour Item no 3 =$102.00.

Sick people with complex health problems cannot be rushed through in six
minutes.  Closing the Medical Service may help the Health Centre's budget
but it will not fix this problem.  Who will care for these people?

Closing the Medical Service is not the answer.  Unless there are changes to
State and Federal Government policy only the rich and the well will get a
quality health service.

There must be a public meeting to discuss this closure and the provision of
medical services in Moreland.

Let them know how important a community medical service is.

Ring, email or fax:

Phillip Moran, Manager, Moreland Community Health Service
PH: 9387 6711Fax: 9387 5417

Andrew Rowe, Mayor, Moreland City Council
Moreland Council: 9240 

Kelvin Thompson, Federal Member for Wills
Electoral Office: Ph: 9350 5777  Fax: 9350 6613

Micheal Wooldridge, Federal Minister for Health
Electoral Office Ph: 9724 9222  Fax: 9724 9220

Carlo Carli, State Member for Coburg
Electoral Office PH: 9384 1241  Fax: 9384 0481

Rob Knowles, State Minister for Health
Ministerial Office PH: 9616 8561  Fax: 9616 8566

This information plus more is available at Takver's Soapbox:

 Takver's Soapbox:
 War on the Wharfies - Radical Tradition, an Aussie History Page
 Visit the People's Justice Alliance:


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LL:URL:History of Anarchism in Australia

1999-05-02 Thread Takver

Anarchism in Australia has a history and involvement in the labour
movement reaching back to last century. The Melbourne Anarchist Club was

formed and first met on May 1st 1886.

To commemorate the 113th anniversary I have loaded many articles by and
about anarchists in Australia in the 1880s and 1890s. These consist of
'A Reader of Australian Anarchism 1886-1896' edited by Bob James and
first published in 1979. Also biographies of J.A. Andrews and Larry
Petrie to complement the existing biographies on David Andrade and
Chummy Flemmy.

This material joins "Anarchism in Australia: An anthology" which covers
selections from 1886 to 1986. This book was published in a limited 50
copy edition for the anarchist centenary in 1986.

The material can be accessed from:

MayDay greetings & solidarity

 Takver's Soapbox:
 War on the Wharfies - Radical Tradition, an Aussie History Page
 Visit the People's Justice Alliance:

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LL:URL: The Tragedy Of Labour History in Australia

1999-02-16 Thread Takver

Now available at:

The Tragedy of Labour History in Australia.Bob James
Anarres Books in Melbourne organised for Bob
 James to present this talk at the New International
 Co-Operative Bookshop. Bob presents some
 provocative facts to challenge the Labour History
 orthodoxy. Further research into hidden labour
 history is continuing...

European Socialism and the Russian Revolution...
Anarchism/Syndicalism.Bob James
 This is the text of a lecture written and given by Bob
 James at the University of Newcastle, Australia,
 around 1995. It is important as it gives some detailed
 background into the origins of the socialist
 movement, and the development of statist and
 libertarian forms of socialism.

A Personal Journey Through Anarchism in Australia.Bob James
 Anarres Books(http://www.anarres.org.au/) in
 Melbourne organised for Bob James to present
 this talk at a public meeting organised by the
 Anarchist Media Institute. It is a personal account of
 Bob's journey and exploration of anarchism in Australia.

Bob James is a labour historian who has done extensive research into the
origins of the labour movement in Australia. He has published a number
of books and pamphlets detailing the early history of anarchism and the
labour movement in Australia.
 Takver's Soapbox:
 War on the Wharfies:
 Visit the People's Justice Alliance:


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