LL:URL: Know Your Place! Shut Your Face! anti-war satire

2002-10-15 Thread Margaret



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LL:INFO: IWW Melbourne Letter to Big Issue Management

2002-10-08 Thread Margaret

There is an ongoing dispute between vendors/street sellers of the Big 
Issue magazine and management.

The Big Issue originated in London but now operates in Melbourne, 
Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, and is about to begin in Perth. "Vendoring" 
is yet more more international poverty development: casual, unwaged work 
in this case street selling. While "begging" by poor folks is banned 
from many City streets and shopping centres, a named and numbered 
unemployed person; in a visible uniform, is tolerated. Thus they're an 
easily monitored example of "caring Corproate sponsorship". While it has 
the "greenwash" image of Body Shop "helping the homeless & unemployed 
help themselves" and "Progressive sponsors" etc  in reality it is 
anti-union. Last year we finally got a toilet for the vendors after 
hassling the Management.

If you have any health and safety experience/example arguments or other
useful suggestions please let me know. Can you please take the time to 
talk to any vendors you see or protest to the management!
Help us challenge this situation.

yours for solidarity,
organise the unorganised!
Margaret Creagh

Industrial Workers of the World
IU 660 Distribution
Big Issue vendors.
PO Box 145, Moreland 3058

Friday 4th October

Mr. Bill Mallanack,
The Big Issue,
148 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne 3000
Tel 03 9663 4496

Dear Mr. Mallanack,
As per our organisation's phone conversations and visit of Friday 4th
October, we are following up with a written list of grievances that Big
Issue vendors have asked us to bring to your attention.

Some vendors feel they are not treated as equal with the staff.

There are no amenities for vendors e.g. access to lockers, staff
room/kitchen and shelter from the rain/inclement weather.
(We are following this issue up with the Ron Norman-Property Manager 
from Wesley Mission.)

There have been pitch disputes as "none are permanent". There seem to be 
no negotiating with vendors, and solutions are taken by staff members 
without any consistency. A health and safety issue is of grave concern 
to us as one of our members has allegedly been subject to intimidatory 
tactics by another vendor.

No access to rear door except for staff.

Uniforms/bags/badges should be provided free to vendors.

We hope a meeting can be set up soon with the vendors, yourselves and
ourselves so these issues can be addressed.

Please ring as on as possible on mobile 0403 139 818.

Yours faithfully,
Margaret Creagh
Delegate for the IWW

Copies: Graham Wise-Body Shop Advertising Manager
Simon Castle- Editor, Big Issue



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LL:DDV: The Big One ETCCP/SUWA benefit showing

2002-07-25 Thread Margaret


Premiere Showing

Michael Moore's 1998 road trip film of downsized workers & book launch of
Downsize This!

*See Phil Knight - smirking CEO of NIKE - refuse a free flight to Indonesia
to visit his wage slaves
* Cheer the Borders Books unionising workers
* Cry with the redundant workers.
* Boo the greedy bosses & corrupt politicians.
* Laugh & the rest of the audience will probably laugh with you. !

Victorian Trades Hall New Council Chambers upstairs,
54 Victoria Street, Carlton

August 30th 2002
Donation at the door on the night

Union Promotions www.tradeshallarts.com.au Tel 9 662 3555
East Timor Community Community Project www.etccp.org.au
Radio 3CR www.3cr.org.au Tel 9 419 8377

Authorised by SUWA,  5.30-6.30pm. Fridays 3CR 855 on your AM Dial


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LL:URL: Chumba's Her majesty

2002-06-06 Thread Margaret



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LL:DDV: Mabo Day June 3rd Melbourne Celebrations

2002-05-24 Thread Margaret

10TH Anniversary celebrations

11.00AM ­ Ceremony at Birrarung Marr Park, (New city park behind Federation
Square, Melb.
11.30AM ­ March from Birrarung Marr Park to Melbourne Town Hall
10;00AM ­ 4.00PM ­ Celebration of Torres Strait Islander culture at
Melbourne Town Hall

10TH Anniversary Celebrations organised by Victoria¹s Wongai Corporation
(Torres Strait Islanders Group in Victoria and City of Melbourne)

Mabo Day is Australia¹s real Australia Day, the day 10 years ago
when the High Court recognised that indigenous Australians had rights in law
to the land they occupied for tens of thousands of years.  Celebrate with
the Torres Strait Islander community in your State and join in the 10th
Anniversary celebrations.  Tel: (03) 9658 9658 ­ for further information.



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LL:DDV: 3CR radiothon Bread & Roses film showing June 7th

2002-05-15 Thread Margaret


Premiere Benefit Showing

for COMMUNITY RADIO 3CR JUNE 2002 Radiothon


Ken Loach's 2001 film is inspired by the 1999 Justice for Janitors Campaign 
led by immigrant cleaners, mostly women, in Los Angeles, California.

Victorian Trades Hall Building,
Lygon Street, Carlton.
(Victoria Parade entrance upstairs to Bar)


JUNE 7th 2002

Union Promotions www.tradeshallarts.com.au Tel 9 662 3555
Radio 3CR www.3cr.org.au Tel 9 419 8377

Authorised by SUWA, Fridays 5.30-6.30pm. 3CR 855 on your AM Dial


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LL:DDN: Please Help Promote E TIMOR GIG - MAY 3

2002-04-26 Thread Margaret

Adam Lincoln
CFMEU Organiser
0414 228 878

Workers of the world unite!
Industrial Workers of the World - http://www.iww.org-- Join the One Big


Industrial Workers of the World - May Day Benefit For East Timor - 3 May 
@ the Gaelic Club, Devonshire St, Surry Hills, Sydney - 8pm

Outspoken Australian songwriter Fred Smith will be heading the lineup 
for the Industrial Workers Of the world May Day Benefit for East Timor 
on Friday 3 May at the Gaelic Club on Devonshire Street.

Smith has blazed a trial to the forefront of the Australian Roots scene 
with extraordinary performances at the Woodford Folk Festival and his 
new album Bagarap Empires receiving critical acclaim along with 
extensive airplay on Radio National. The album recently won Fred an 
unusual distribution deal with Oxfam/Community Aid Abroad-one of only 
two white Australian acts on their roster- as well as the Sreensound 
Australia award for Best New Release at the 2002 National Folk Festival.

Fred has been described by a more than one critic as "Australia's answer 
to Billy Bragg". He is one of the more unusual figures on the Australian 
music scene.  He released his first album Soapbox in 1998 with several 
songs from the disc receiving airplay on Triple J and ABC Radio.   The 
album contained some mad comic tracks along with more serious ballads 
including the politically sharp Open Country, the song that won Fred the 
Australian Songwriter's Association's Ausmusic Award.

After acclaimed performances at the Woodford Folk Festival in 1998 Fred 
left to Bougainville and the Solomons to work with Australian run Peace 
Monitoring outfits in the Pacific hotspots. He recently returned to 
complete Bagarap Empires.

The album comprises eleven clean-cut ballads, some in English and some 
in Melanesian pidgen, telling stories of humour, dignity and compassion
relating to the troubled recent history of Bougainville and the Solomons 
where Fred worked with Australian peace monitoring operations

The Sydney Branch of the IWW plans to celebrate May Day by raising money 
for the East Timor Community Computer Project.

An IWW Organiser is currently in East Timor coordinating this project. 
The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and other unions have assisted in 
shipping recycled computers and parts to East Timor. The IWW organises 
to send computers and other plant and equipment to East Timor and 
coordinate their installation into computer schools and community centers.

After 12 months, computers have been distributed to Laga, Los Palos,
Viqueque, Manatuto, Venilale & Autoro. In addition, computers have been 
distributed to various community groups around Dili. Our Organiser also 
ran a free computer school in Bebonuk with around 6 students per day. 
The IWW is currently organising to expand this project into Same, Suai 
and Oecussi.

To support this important work, the Sydney IWW is holding a fundraising
concert on May 3 at the Gaelic Club in Surry Hills. Renowned 
singer-songwriter Fred Smith will be playing, alongside well-regarded 
political/folk singer Martin Doherty and for a change of pace, MC Ozi 
Battla will bring a hip-hop flavour to the night.

For info contact Adam: 0414 228 878




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LL:URL: Cyderdelic

2002-04-17 Thread Margaret

"Anti-Globalisation" protesters make it to Melbourne Comedy Festival and




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LL:URL: NI special issue on unions

2002-01-01 Thread Margaret

special issue of New Internationalist on unions:





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LL:ART: Judge Overturns Death Sentence for Abu-Jamal

2001-12-19 Thread Margaret

Judge Overturns Death Sentence for Abu-Jamal

Tuesday December 18 3:03 PM ET
Judge Overturns Death Sentence for Abu-Jamal

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - A federal judge Tuesday overturned the death
sentence of former radio journalist and Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal 
and ordered a new sentencing hearing for the convicted cop-killer whose 
case has been espoused by death-penalty opponents worldwide.

Ruling on a defense petition for a new trial, U.S. District Judge 
William Yohn let stand Abu-Jamal's conviction for the murder of 
Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner, who was gunned down in the 
early morning hours of Dec. 9, 1981.

But the judge gave state prosecutors 180 days to conduct a fresh 
sentencing hearing for Abu-Jamal, citing errors in the original 
death-penalty phase of his murder trial.

``The short answer is that we're going to appeal,'' said Philadelphia
district attorney's office spokeswoman Cathie Abookire, who predicted 
that a new hearing would not move forward anytime soon.

Abu-Jamal, 47, is a political activist whose two-decade imprisonment has 
won him comparisons among supporters with South Africa's Nelson Mandela 
as a political prisoner victimized by a racist criminal justice system. 
But prosecutors say his is nothing more than a violent common criminal.
Abu-Jamal was convicted of murdering Faulkner during a shootout, after 
the 25-year-old police officer pulled over his brother for driving the 
wrong way down a one-way street. Abu-Jamal, who was wounded in the 
chest, contends he was shot while running away.

With dogged backing from a network of supporters who alleged that he was
railroaded into a conviction, Abu-Jamal has repeatedly maintained his
innocence in Faulkner's death and launched numerous legal appeals to 
stall his execution.

European opponents of the death penalty and groups including Amnesty
International have long protested Abu-Jamal's planned execution.



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LL:INFO: International Events on Dec. 28th

2001-12-13 Thread Margaret

Gila Svirsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 08:12:14 +0200

Friends in the Feminist Peace Network,

I told you about the mass Women in Black planned for December 28th in
Jerusalem.  Well, there are now 67 cities in 15 countries holding events
in solidarity on that day.

On that day, we are planning a mass march of mourning through the
streets of Jerusalem for the victims of violence on both sides, followed
by a concert for peace, with Israeli and Palestinian performers.  The
more solidarity events that happen on or about that day, the more impact
our efforts will have on political leaders, both in the Middle East and
in the west.

Below is a list of the cities so far.  If you'd like to join one near
you, see the full list with contact information on our web site at

If you don't have an event near you, consider starting one.  All it
takes is two women and a hand-made sign.

If you have any questions, write to us at

List below.
Warm wishes from Jerusalem,
Gila Svirsky

The cities participating (non-US list first, alphabetical by country):
Adelaide, Armidale, Canberra and Sydney in Australia;
Montreal, Victoria and Toronto in Canada;
Privas, Aubenas and Rennes in France;
Hofgeismar, Goettingen, Cologne and Hamburg in Germany;
Milan, Rome, Naples, Reggio Emilia, Ravenna, Padua, Verona, Torino, Alba
and Bologne in Italy;
Edinburgh and Dundee in Scotland;
Barcelona, Zaragoza and Valencia in Spain;

And the cities in the US (alphabetical by state):
Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, Sebastopol,
and Willits in California;
St. Peterburg;
St. Louis,
Albuquerque and Santa Fe in New Mexico;
Detroit and Ann Arbor in Michigan;
New York City, Buffalo, New Paltz and Woodstock in New York;
Philadelphia and Yardley in Pennsylvania;
Austin and Houson in Texas, and

If you'd like to make a contribution to support our efforts, there are 3

1) US-tax-deductible:  Make out a check to the "Coalition of Women for a
Just Peace" and mail it to US/Israel Women-to-Women, 275 7th Avenue --
8th floor, New York, NY 10001.

2) If a US-tax deduction is not relevant, make out a check to "Coalition
of Women for a Just Peace" and mail it to Bat Shalom, P.O. Box 8083,
91080 Jerusalem, Israel.

3) To use a credit card, click on
https://www.paypal.com/refer/pal=KTQ29RAYW4QTW which will bring you into
the web site of PayPal.com.  You will then have to register ("sign up")
and then follow the instructions for "Send money".  Before you enter the
site, copy this e-mail address, as you will be asked to fill it in:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  The money reaches us virtually instantly, and
I will confirm it immediately.

Many thanks!


Coalition of Women for a Just Peace
Web site:  http://www.coalitionofwomen4peace.org




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LL:PR: Yesmen RTMark Site-stealing program answers WTO crackdown

2001-11-18 Thread Margaret

From: "RTMark Bulletin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 11:42 PM
Subject: Site-stealing program answers WTO crackdown

As it met in Qatar, WTO attempt to shut down critical website;
group counters with site-stealing software

Contacts:  Jonathan Prince (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Jean-Guy Carrier (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Verio (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
The Yes Men (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Software:  http://www.theyesmen.org/yesiwill/

Last Friday, Jonathan Prince, who owns the Gatt.org domain, received a call 
from Verio, Gatt.org's upstream provider. The World Trade Organization had 
just asked Verio to shut down the domain for copyright violations, and 
Verio told Prince that it would do just that if nothing was changed by 
November 13--the last day of the Doha Ministerial, as it would happen. An 
official email followed (http://rtmark.com/verio.html).

(Last-minute update: Verio's shutdown is currently expected sometime after 
noon EST today--watch software sites above for updates.)

"It's the war," says Prince. "Bush has popularized zero-tolerance, and it's 
open season on dissent of any kind. So just when they're meeting in Doha, 
the WTO has decided to divert attention from its problems by attacking a 

"Or maybe they really do want to make it so that protest has as little 
place on the web as it does in Qatar," adds Prince.

Oddly enough, the WTO has been aware of the parody website since before the 
1999 Ministerial in Seattle, when it issued a public statement claiming the 
site misled visitors (http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres99_e/pr151_e.htm).

Two weeks ago, the WTO issued another release 
(http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news01_e/gattdotorg_e.htm), this one 
claiming that Gatt.org was harvesting e-mails, an allegation reprinted as 
fact in some newspaper articles (http://rtmark.com/pressgat.html).

While it may be puzzling why the WTO chose to issue a second press release 
about Gatt.org two years later, it is even more surprising that they are 
now taking concrete steps to stop the critical site. In statements made 
just last week to the French daily newspaper Liberation and to others, WTO 
spokesperson Jean-Guy Carrier stated that "It's not our job to use legal 
means against people. We appreciate dissidence and honest criticism."

Why the sudden change of attitude?

"They got nervous, it's only human," said Elaine Peabody, a spokesperson 
for The Yes Men (http://www.theyesmen.org), the group that maintains the 
Gatt.org website.  "The WTO remembers what happened the last time they had 
one of these meetings [in Seattle].  They felt like tackling something they 
knew they could handle--and a satirical website fit the bill."


But the WTO could well have stepped on a hornets' nest.  To counter the 
attack, the Yes Men have are releasing today a piece of open-source 
"parodyware" (http://theyesmen.org/yesiwill/) that will "forever make this 
kind of censorship obsolete," according to Peabody.

"Using this software, it takes five minutes to set up a convincing, 
personalized, evolving parody of the WTO.org website, or any other website 
of your choice," said Peabody, who helped to develop the program. "All you 
need is a place to put it--say, WTOO.org, WorldTradeOrg.com, whatever."

The software, called "Yes I Will!", automatically duplicates websites as 
needed, changing words and images as the user desires--with results that 
can be very telling. The WTO site can be made to speak of "consumers" and 
"companies" rather than "citizens" and "countries." Unleashed on the 
CNN.com website, the software can simplify the reporting even further by 
referring to Bush as "Leader," and the war in Afghanistan as one between 
"Good" and "Evil"; a Time.com article linked from the site then discusses 
"The Poor Way of War". The parody site updates itself automatically as the 
target website changes.

"The idea is to insure that even if they shut down our website, hundreds of 
others will continue our work of translation," said Peabody. "The more they 
try to fight it, the funnier they're going to look."

"Such heavy-handed tactics work as poorly in cyberspace as they do on the 
geopolitical stage," said Cooper Kharms, another Yes Man. "At least 
Gatt.org was transparent: you could tell what it was by reading a line or 
two. These other sites may not be so obvious."

Prince thinks the software, while interesting, is not a solution. "With 
their attack on Gatt.org, an unelected, unaccountable organization is 
running roughshod over the USA Bill of Rights," said Prince. "But every day 
they violate people's rights in the Third World, or enable corporations to 
do so. This time it's just closer to home."

For more on the legal basis of the WTO's attack, see also 

LL:INFO: Goolangullia Banstown, Sydney Occupation Update day 35.

2001-10-25 Thread Margaret

Goolangullia Occupation Update

The Occupation of the Goolangullia building at the Bankstown campus is
now in to its 35th day. I hear that the record for the longest
occupation in Australia is 40 days, I wonder if we can reach this mark.
Firstly I would like to thank all the people who have sent letters of
support, money, food, people, and encouragement to this cause. It has
been insipiring for me to be so closely involved in such a campaign and
all the support gives all the people here extra drive to keep going. So
thank you.

So whats going on?

Actually a lot. We had our first and only meeting with upper managment
of UWS last Monday week. I was not there but, from the report backs it
went well, the University and students finally sat down and began to
talk about what has happened since August and get the issues out onto
the table. The meeting went for four hours and the plan was that the
University would prepare a response to the students, and the students
would prepare a statement saying that they had no connection to threats
towards a UWS management employee. Both these were done.

On Thursday the students held a rally for Aboriginal Education, it went
well except for the weather, but we relocated it to the bar and this
gave students a chance to relax and listen to the Aboriginal Community
members and Elders speaking about the dispute. It also gave us a chance
to hear fantastic Aboriginal musicians. This rally was so inspiring that
the speakers spoke for almost 3 hours and hardly anybody left, there was
pure respect and esteem for all the speakers and by the end of the
speakers there was not a dry eye in the room. Basically the students
were told by their Community and their Elders that this fight is not
only for them but for past, present and future Aboriginal students, this
fight is crucial and is something that they can not lose. To quote a
speaker on the day: -

"Usually when i have to tell a student that they have failed, I dont
tell them that they have failed because it is a negative word, i say to
them that they have not met the requirements and should keep going if
this is what they wish to do. In this dispute if we lose we fail, we
fail for Aboriginal students and the community."

Thursday night the response from the University came. Very bad response.
They did not change their opinons on any point and actually threatened
the occupiers by stating that if the occupation does not end they will
cancel (postpone) the next residential, planned for Wednesday the 17th
if the occupation does not end 10am Friday Morning.

The occupation did not end and the residential was not cancelled,
apparently the University Managment believed that classes got taught out
of Goolangullia, little did they know that Goolangullia provided support
and admiistration for students, the rooms that students get taught in
are normal everyday classes. You would think that the University
Management would have some knowledge about the centres they are trying
to merger.

Rather than go on the defensive the students wont on the offensive and
picketed the student centre and shut it down all Friday. This made the
University Management upset.

Also that Friday was the first lighting of the sacred fire, brought from
the tent Embassy

On Monday the students took their picket up to Frogmore House. (which we
now name Toad Hall) The picket at Toad Hall saw 10 of the occupying
students take their picket to the Vice Chancellor. They stayed to 11am
and then had a smoking ceremony, which was rudely interupted by a member
of the UWS management to pass on a formal communication.

Monday was a hectic day trying to get to students to make sure they
didnt come to Uni, join the picket and inform their friends etc. Around
12 that day the University Management did an OH&S check on Goolangullia.
We passed with flying colours, the only problems was no fire exit out
the back, poor disbled access, not enough fire extingishers and other
things which were all pre existing things that the University has failed
to address. So that backfired on them, actually on that the Management
have not shown us the OH&S report that they were promised they would.

Tuesday was the picket of the UWS Bankstown Campus and the shutting down
of the campus. On Tuesday I think there is usually about 2500 students
on campus. At the busiest part of the day (between 12-1) there was 15
cars in the carpark. Throughout the day car park one (which holds no
more then 150 cars) was not full. So this was a good, a small problem
with convincing the NTEU about not crossing the picket line but besides
a few s#*bs most members were supportive and did not show up. Thank you
to those who helped picket on the day (i wont mention people or
organisations who were on the picket because the management and some
NTEU members have been bothering known supporters).

Throughout the rest of that week up to last Friday the University have
tried to get the files from Goolangullia. To counter this we have 


2001-10-23 Thread Margaret



How many people do you know who claim to be skeptical, who pride themselves 
on their distrust for authority, who like to pretend that they're wise to 
the ways of the world -- and then, every time there's a war, they swallow 
the lies of the government with all the gullibility of a three-year-old 
child in the lap of a department store Santa Claus? Don't fall into that 
trap yourself! Learn to identify and refute official misinformation when 
you see it. Let's count down some of the common misconceptions about this war:

Lie #5: "We're not at war with the Afghan people -- look, we're bringing 
them food!"

Reality: Afghanistan is in the midst of a severe drought which threatens 
literally millions of people with starvation. Even before the threat of US 
bombing, the World Food Program (WFP) said that nearly 6 million people 
were in need of immediate food assistance. When the threat of war caused 
massive movements of refugees and internally displaced people, the WFP 
raised that number to 7.5 million. UN agencies were keeping huge numbers of 
people alive, but the war danger -- as well as the US demand that Pakistan 
seal its border with Afghanistan -- caused the WFP to suspend deliveries of 
wheat flour to the country. We have no idea how many people have already 
died as a result. Meanwhile, the US dropped 37,000 individually-wrapped 
packages of food from the sky. You do the math. That's enough to feed about 
37,000 people for one day, in a country where seven and a half million are 
in danger of starvation. Additionally, the spokesman for an international 
charity active in Afghanistan told the London Independent that "Random food 
drops are the worst possible way of delivering food aid. They cause more 
problems than they solve." Not the least of which is the fact that 
Afghanistan has the highest number of unexploded land mines in the world. 
There are already 10 or 15 mine incidents every day, and with people 
scrambling into mine-ridden areas to pick up random packages of food 
dropped from US planes, that number is only going to go up.

Lie #4: "Oil? Who said anything about oil?"

Reality: The Caspian Sea region has potentially the world's largest oil 
reserves, likely making Central Asia the next Middle East. The problem is 
piping it out. Afghanistan occupies a strategic position between the 
Caspian and the markets of the Indian subcontinent and east Asia. It's 
prime territory for building pipelines, which is why the oil company Unocal 
-- as well as the US government -- welcomed the Taliban's rise to power in 
1996 as a promising source of "stability." That turned out to be a pipe 
dream (so to speak), but people like our Commander-in-Chief and the oil men 
around him have never given up on the tremendous profit possibilities that 
Central Asia offers. And if you don't think such considerations are 
crossing their minds at this time of crisis, may we suggest a refresher 
course in The Facts of Life?

Lie #3: "The US is trying to liberate the people of Afghanistan from 
Taliban tyranny."

Reality: The US, Russia, and Iran have been aiding a rough coalition of 
armed groups called the Northern Alliance. The Northern Alliance's fighters 
are drawn mainly from ethnic minority groups in Afghanistan who have been 
persecuted by the Taliban. But their record is also a bloody one. Groups 
like the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), 
www.rawaa.org  which have been fighting against fundamentalism and for 
democracy in Afghanistan for years, have publicly stated that the 
fundamentalist gangsters of the Northern Alliance are not an acceptable 
alternative to the fundamentalist gangsters of the Taliban. No wonder: 
Human Rights Watch implicates the Northern Alliance in "indiscriminate 
aerial bombardment and shelling, direct attacks on civilians, summary 
executions, rape, persecution on the basis of religion or ethnicity, the 
recruitment and use of children as soldiers, and the use of antipersonnel 
landmines." By now everyone knows that Osama bin Laden was among the 
mujihadin recruited by the CIA to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. Meet 
the next generation.

Lie #2: "America is coming together."

Reality: Tens of thousands of people have been laid off in the airline 
industry alone. The government quickly responded to the airline industry 
crisis with a multi- billion-dollar bailout package for the companies in 
order to keep afloat the profits of shareholders and the salaries of CEOs, 
but when it came to aiding the thousands of workers laid off, Congressman 
Dick Armey said that that would be contrary to "the American spirit." Maybe 
it is. Maybe it's the "American spirit" to make common working people pay 
for a crisis and to bear the burdens of an expensive war. But it certainly 
doesn't have anything to do with "togetherness."

And the biggest lie of them all . . .

Lie #1: "It's poss

LL:INFO: terrorists/government satire :-)

2001-10-16 Thread Margaret

Having difficulty telling the good guys from the bad guys?
Use this handy guide to differences between Terrorists and the U.S.

Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician, from extremely 
wealthy oil family
Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician, from extremely 
wealthy oil family

Leader has declared a holy war ('Jihad') against his 'enemies'; believes 
any nation not with him is against him; believes god is on his side, and 
that any means are justified.
Leader has declared a holy war ('Crusade') against his 'enemies'; believes 
any nation not with him is against him; believes god is on his side, and 
that any means are justified.

Supported by extreme fundamentalist religious leaders who preach hatred, 
intolerance, subjugation of women, and persecution of non-believers
Supported by extreme fundamentalist religious leaders who preach hatred, 
intolerance, subjugation of women, and persecution of non-believers

Leadership was not elected by a majority of the people in a free and fair 
democratic election
Leadership was not elected by a majority of the people in a free and fair 
democratic election

Kills thousands of innocent civilians, some of them children, in cold 
blooded bombings
Kills thousands of innocent civilians, some of them children, in cold 
blooded bombings

Operates through clandestine organization (al Qaeda) with agents in many 
countries; uses bombing, assassination, other terrorist tactics
Operates through clandestine organization (CIA) with agents in many 
countries; uses bombing, assassination, other terrorist tactics

Using war as pretext to clamp down on dissent and undermine civil liberties
Using war as pretext to clamp down on dissent and undermine civil liberties


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LL:DDV: ETCCP information night Saturday Nov 3rd 5-7pm.

2001-10-15 Thread Margaret

   Information session.

 DATE: Saturday November 3rd 2001
TIME: 5-7pm
   LOCATION: Evatt Room, upstairs Victorian Trades Hall Council
 Victoria Street entrance.

 SPEAKER: Rowan Mitchell.

  Literature, book of photographs & display available to peruse.
 Questions will be answered and another small effort at community
building celebrated.

Note: Informations sesssions are also being held in Canberra, Newcastle &
  Rowan, a community & union activist has been working as a computer
technician in Dili and other locations for 12 months installing and
maintaining computers donated from Melbourne community to Timorese

 ETCCP has also distributed books & clothes via two truck
A third truck is presently being loaded up and will also be
driven to
 Timor later in November.

  Donations of computers & parts, books, cooking utensils
 & clean, small fitting clothes welcome.

Further enquiries:
 Computers: Rowan Mitchell Mob tel: 0419 785 088 E-mail:
 Truck: Jan Bartlett at 3CR Tel: 9419 8377 John Bartlett Mob tel: 0418
343 966

   coming soon: www.etccp.org.au


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LL:ART: Noam Chomsky Interview Sept. 30

2001-10-03 Thread Margaret

From: "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 12:31 AM
Subject: ZNet Commentary / Noam Chomsky / Albert Interviews Chomsky / Sept. 30

I sent six questions to Noam Chomsky. His answers, by email, are below.

(1) There has been an immense movement of troops and extreme use of 
military rhetoric, up to comments about terminating governments, etc. Yet, 
to many people there appears to be considerable restraint...what happened?

 From the first days after the attack, the Bush administration has been 
warned by NATO leaders, specialists on the region, and presumably its own 
intelligence agencies (not to speak of many people like you and me) that if 
they react with a massive assault that kills many innocent people, that 
will be answering bin Laden's most fervent prayers. They will be falling 
into a "diabolical trap," as the French foreign minister put it. That would 
be true -- perhaps even more so -- if they happen to kill bin Laden, still 
without having provided credible evidence of his involvement in the crimes 
of Sept. 11. He would then be perceived as a martyr even among the enormous 
majority of Muslims who deplore those crimes, as bin Laden himself has 
done, for what it is worth, denying any involvement in the crimes or even 
knowledge of them, and condemning "the killing of innocent women, children, 
and other humans" as an act that "Islam strictly forbids...even in the 
course of a battle" (BBC, Sept. 29). His voice will continue to resound on 
tens of thousands of cassettes already circulating throughout the Muslim 
world, and in many interviews, including the last few days. An assault that 
kills innocent Afghans -- not Taliban, but their terrorized victims -- 
would be virtually a call for new recruits to the horrendous cause of the 
bin Laden network and other graduates of the terrorist networks set up by 
the CIA and its associates 20 years ago to fight a Holy War against the 
Russians, meanwhile following their own agenda, from the time they 
assassinated President Sadat of Egypt in 1981, murdering one of the most 
enthusiastic of the creators of the "Afghanis" -- mostly recruits from 
extremist radical Islamist elements around the world who were recruited to 
fight in Afghanistan.

After a little while, the message apparently got through to the Bush 
administration, which has -- wisely from their point of view -- chosen to 
follow a different course.

However, "restraint" seems to me a questionable word. On Sept. 16, the New 
York Times reported that "Washington has also demanded [from Pakistan] a 
cutoff of fuel supplies,...and the elimination of truck convoys that 
provide much of the food and other supplies to Afghanistan's civilian 
population." Astonishingly, that report elicited no detectable reaction in 
the West, a grim reminder of the nature of the Western civilization that 
leaders and elite commentators claim to uphold, yet another lesson that is 
not lost among those who have been at the wrong end of the guns and whips 
for centuries. In the following days, those demands were implemented. On 
Sept. 27, the same NYT correspondent reported that officials in Pakistan 
"said today that they would not relent in their decision to seal off the 
country's 1,400- mile border with Afghanistan, a move requested by the Bush 
administration because, the officials said, they wanted to be sure that 
none of Mr. bin Laden's men were hiding among the huge tide of refugees" 
(John Burns, Islamabad). According to the world's leading newspaper, then, 
Washington demanded that Pakistan slaughter massive numbers of Afghans, 
millions of them already on the brink of starvation, by cutting off the 
limited sustenance that was keeping them alive. Almost all aid missions 
withdrew or were expelled under the threat of bombing. Huge numbers of 
miserable people have been fleeing to the borders in terror, after 
Washington's threat to bomb the shreds of existence remaining in 
Afghanistan, and to convert the Northern Alliance into a heavily armed 
military force that will, perhaps, be unleashed to renew the atrocities 
that tore the country apart and led much of the population to welcome the 
Taliban when they drove out the murderous warring factions that Washington 
and Moscow now hope to exploit for their own purposes. When they reach the 
sealed borders, refugees are trapped to die in silence. Only a trickle can 
escape through remote mountain passes. How many have already succumbed we 
cannot guess, and few seem to care. Apart from the relief agencies, I have 
seen no attempt even to guess. Within a few weeks the harsh winter will 
arrive. There are some reporters and aid workers in the refugee camps 
across the borders. What they describe is horrifying enough, but they know, 
and we know, that they are seeing the lucky ones, the few who were able to 
escape -- and who express their hopes that ''even the cruel Americans must 
feel some pity

LL:DDV: Great Sustainable Building Debate

2001-09-12 Thread Margaret

From: Glenda Lindsay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 4 September 2001 1:02:PM
Subject: Great Sustainable Building Debate - Daylesford Sept 22- 24


Sat 22nd/Sun 23rd/Mon 24th/September.
Daylesford, Vic - organised by Solar Sisters
Maureen Corbett and Kerry Wise.

Three full days of speakers:
Hear experts, radical thinkers, architects, owner-builders including
# David Holmgren
  # Eric Zehrung
# Frida Thornton
# John Morgan
# Sam Thompson
# Kerryn Wilmot

House Tours:
Visit a range of 18 very different architect-designed
and/or owner-built timber, mud and strawbale houses

Argue the rules and how to break them!
# Sustainable building
# 5-star energy ratings
# Embodied energy & materials
# Power, water & people systems

Solar Sisters welcome any promotion of this event you could undertake
on our behalf. Feel free to contact us if you'd like posters,
multiple hard copies of our brochure or further information,

Kerry Wise 5348 2055
Maureen Corbett 5348 2592


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2001-09-10 Thread Margaret

From: Eyes Only

(Apologies for cross postings)
Hello everyone,

On Tuesday September 11th will be a State Day of Action, known to many as 
UWS11. UWS11 is an action riding on the coattails of a yearlong University 
of Western Sydney student campaign against this year's administrative 
amalgamation, known through the PR spin as Shape of the Future.

UWS11 looks to be the most influential action the University of Western 
Sydney has experienced since the Bankstown Occupation of 1999. After 
successfully winning a string of demands through a fourteen-day sit-in of 
the UWS Bankstown Student Service Center, a new threat to UWS Students' 
education has emerged through the Shape of the Future project. This 
project, despite being promoted as a means to improve the educative 
condition of the University of Western Sydney, is essentially a 
cost-cutting venture.

Shape of the Future has slashed $10 million off the UWS budget. This has 
directly affected regular study through the now regular existence of 
overcrowded tutorials, library fines of $1 dollar a day for overdue books, 
the axing of many arts and welfare based subjects, turning last semester's 
exam period into an organizational joke, exorbitant carparking fees upon 
many UWS campuses, and reducing resources within computer labs i.e. the 
elimination of personal hard drives for each UWS student. So far this 
year's UWS campaign has won back the fourteen-week semester for next year. 
UWS11 looks to consolidate on this gain.

After a yearlong campaign upon University of Western Sydney campuses, the 
biggest action to date is the upcoming organization of a cross-campus 
convergence of UWS Bankstown, UWS Campbelltown, and UWS Penrith in front of 
Frogmore House - the building that houses the UWS Chancellery. The date for 
this action is exactly one year since the historic blockade of Melbourne 
Casino. Similar arguments can be made between what people were protesting 
for in S11 last year, and what people will be protesting about in front of 
Frogmore House.

In four days time students, staff, unions, activists, workers, and general 
community will meet on UWS Bankstown, UWS Campbelltown, and UWS Penrith 
campuses before traveling to Frogmore House for the UWS11, events at 
Frogmore happening at 1pm. Also present will be bands, speakers, and free BBQ.


For everyone that is looking for a means to express anger over a 
not-quite-up-to-scratch-education, or merely just wanting to take part in a 
positive event, please meet at one of the following places on Tuesday, 
September 11th:

UWS Campbelltown:Ceremonial lawns at 11.30am

Contacts:  Daney Faddoul0417 024 101
Melissa Shelford 0421 076 757

UWS Bankstown:In front of Building One at 11.00am

Contacts:  David Kopycinski0410 437 249
Luc Vaccaro 0404 197 923

UWS Penrith: In front of Ward Library, Werrington South at 11.00am

Contacts:  Belinda Giblen  0407 107 772
Felicity George 0419 421 366



Students against Shape of the Future


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LL:PR: WTO "applauded for insulting Gandhi" satire

2001-09-03 Thread Margaret

From: "RTMark Quarterly Report" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 5:07 PM
Subject: WTO applauded for insulting Gandhi

August 30, 2001

Gold and one meter long, phallus is brand-new technology to control
distant workers

Anti-WTO impostors have struck again, delivering a lecture about the
rights of slavery, the stupidity of Gandhi, and the supremacy of free
trade to an enthusiastic crowd of scientists, engineers, and marketing
professionals--all of whom thought they were watching an official WTO

The 150 experts at the "Textiles of the Future" conference in Tampere,
Finland heard one Hank Hardy Unruh explain that Gandhi's "self-
sufficiency" movement was entirely misguided, because it centered
around protectionism, and that Lincoln, by outlawing slavery, had
criminally interfered with the trade freedom of the South, as well as
with slavery's own freedom to develop naturally. Had slavery never
been abolished, Unruh said, today's much cheaper system of sweatshops
would have eventually replaced it anyhow; following this free-market
logic to the end, Unruh declared the Civil War just a big waste of

Finally, to applause from the highly educated audience, Unruh's
business suit was ripped off to reveal a golden leotard with a
three-foot-long phallus. The purpose of the "Management Leisure Suit",
he explained, was to allow managers, no matter where they were, to
monitor their distant, impoverished workforces and to administer
shocks to encourage productivity--assuring that no "Gandhi-type
situation" develop again.

"If a group of Ph.D.s cheers at such crudely crazy things, just
because it's the WTO saying them, what else can the WTO get away
with?"  said Andy Bichlbaum of the Yes Men, the impostors' umbrella
group. (The entire PowerPoint lecture is available at
http://www.theyesmen.org/finland/, along with some shots captured by
a video crew preparing a film on the Yes Men's activities.)

The Yes Men had a similar experience last October with a group of
international trade lawyers (http://www.theyesmen.org/wto/). And in
July, a member of the group, again passing as a representative of the
WTO, appeared on a major television network show about protest's
effect on the market (http://theyesmen.org/tv.html); among other
things, he spoke about how the privatization of education will
naturally eliminate "unproductive" thinkers from the high-school
classroom, a long-term solution to the problem of protest. (Because
the imposture was not noticed and the Yes Men hope for further
appearances, the show's name is being withheld.)

In other quarterly developments:

* A conference session on techniques to counter anti-corporate
activism, normally available for $225 to corporate clients, is
available to activists for free at http://rtmark.com/prsa/, thanks to
an anonymous donor.

* At the G8 protests in Genoa, activists distributed one thousand
vanity mirrors, which were then used to reflect the sun into the eyes
of attacking policemen; this fulfilled RTMark project MIRR
(http://rtmark.com/archimedes.html), and those who carried it out
received a $1,000 anonymous investment.

The "Archimedes Project" comes on the heels of the medieval catapult
attack on the FTAA fortress in Quebec City, for which the workers were
awarded $200. For the upcoming IMF protests in Washington, D.C., on
September 29, an RTMark investor has offered $500 to any Lacrosse
team that harnesses their skills and equipment to throw tear gas
canisters back to the police (http://rtmark.com/fundhigh.html#LACR).

* A software development kit and book from http://hactivist.com,
entitled "Child as Audience", allows anyone to reverse-engineer the
Nintendo Gameboy. Because of content that many will find
objectionable, RTMark has lent its corporate veil to the project,
meaning that any legal flak will be absorbed by the RTMark corporate
body rather than by those responsible.

* The same label that enraged Geffen Records with "Deconstructing
Beck" is issuing its fourth RTMark-sponsored release, "A Mutated
Christmas," a paean to musical sharing illegally assembled from
copyrighted holiday music. Promotional copies will be available in
late September; press and radio requests should be directed to

RTMark's primary goal is to publicize corporate subversion of the
democratic process. To this end it acts as a clearinghouse for
anti-corporate projects. A list of just-added projects is maintained
at http://rtmark.com/new.html.

   # 30 #

www.iww.org because capitalism cannot be reformed.


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LL:DDV: COSHG Workshops

2001-09-03 Thread Margaret

From: "Sue Nash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 12:53 PM
Subject: Workshops

W o r k s h o p s  (3)


There will be a workshop on the theme of Support on
Saturday October 27. 10am - 4pm. To be held in
Carlton. Topics will include ways that group members
can support each other, including active listening
and  skills for answering phone calls from members and
prospective members. Facilitators of the sessions
will  be Lera O'Connor from the Anti-Cancer Council
and  Eilís Hughes from the Genetic Support Network.
Cost  will be $10 (or $5 if you have a Health Care
Card or  similar level of income). Bring your own
lunch.  There  will be a maximum of 40 people. It is
essential to  book your place. Please contact COSHG. A
program  with  details of session times, public
transport, car  parking, etc will be sent to you on
receipt of your  booking.

Our recent workshops have been on weekdays. We are
holding this one on a Saturday and hope that members
of self help groups who are at work on weekdays will
be able to join us for this workshop.

A workshop for:-
- people involved in starting a group
- people thinking about starting a group
- people taking on new responsibilities
(for example being a committee member or convenor)
- groups that are thinking about doing things in a
new  way

Workshop will cover a range of issues, depending on
the needs of the participants. If you would be
interested in attending, please call COSHG before
September 11, and we will arrange the workshop at a
time to suit the people who want to attend.

We hope to hold more workshops in 2001-2002 and we
are  looking for people to facilitate sessions. Could
you  run a session on a topic that would be useful toother  groups?
This is a chance to share your
experience and  knowledge with a small informal group
of people  involved in self help.

Information about future workshops will be in the
COSHG news sheet. If you are interested in future
workshops, please subscribe to the news sheet.

Some possible topics for workshops ...
Computer skills
Internet use
Web pages
News sheet production, mail-outs, evaluation
Leaflet production
Starting a group
Group maintenance
Recruitment - how to get people involved
Legal structures, incorporation
Meetings, facilitation,
Consensus decision making
Conference/forum organising
Consultations - is it worth being involved?
Conflict Resolution
Awareness - Cultural/ disabilities, etc
GST & other tax issues
Public Speaking & presentations
Media Skills (press releases)
Finances - being a treasurer
Funding - submissions, fund raising
Issues for similar groups - e.g. Health Groups
Support groups - active listening, phone skills,
referrals, confidentiality
Publicity, working with the media
Gender relations in self help and social action
Video making
Screen Printing
Banner making
Social Action and the Law
Students & volunteers in self help groups
Campaign skills
Nonviolence and direct action
Strategic Questioning
Umbrella groups - policies and structures

Collective Of Self Help Groups P O Box 251, Brunswick East 3057 Vic
Australia Phone 61 3 9349 2301 (Wed 2-4pm) www.vicnet.net.au/~coshg   For
people wanting to contact, start or maintain self help or social action
groups  Directory of Self Help and Social Action Groups.


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LL:DDQ: Forwarded mail....re CHOGM

2001-09-03 Thread Margaret

From: ruby black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Are you travelling to the anti-chogm protests in Brisbane 6-9 October.Meet
other non hierarchial
anti capitalists groups and individuals from around Australia.We welcome you
to participate in a networking talk fest on Friday the 5th October.

  Each group has a short time to explain their goals and what their
  doing etc...followed by a general discussion re.CHOGM tactics  or general
networking according to the
desires of those present.
   People interested in Anarchist ideas are welcome to attend.No
  hierarchial groups- parties.The purpose of this meeting is to spread
Anarchist ideas and network.

 Interested! contact me via email


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2001-08-30 Thread Margaret



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LL:URL: Dolearmy Scum Bag Awards

2001-08-28 Thread Margaret

webcast news

Dole army 1st annual Scum Bag awards.
by Lumpen Grandmaster 2:29pm Mon Aug 27 '01
phone: 0413416722 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Dole Army is running a competition to find the worst Centrelink and Job
Network in the country.

Dole army 1st annual Scum Bag awards.

The Dole Army is running a competition to find the worst Centrelink and Job
Network in the country.
We are asking the unemployed to send us an e-mail with details of their
worst experiences in dealing with these social vermin and the location of
the agency.
Once enough data is collected and we have a clear winner the Dole Army will
be presenting awards (on mass) to Centrelink and the target Job network
commending them for such shity service.
More details can be sort from our web site.


Or visit our site @  http://beam.to/dolearmy
add your own comments

www.iww.org - Capitalism cannot be reformed.


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LL:DDV: Filmotec screening Chiapas short film docos

2001-08-28 Thread Margaret

Filmotec (latin American Film Society) is screening on Thursday 30th August 
from 7.30pm

Short film documentaries made by indigeous people from the communities of 
Chiapas, Mexico.

At Cinemedia (at Treasury Theatre formerly State Film Theatre)
(downstairs) 1 Macarthur Street, East Melbourne.

Spanish with English sub-titles.
$9 full $6 concession.

Tel 9537 0478 for more information and other programmes

Unfortunately this clashes with a fund-raiser for Friends of the Earth also 
on Thursday night of film: "He Died With His Felafel In His Hand" at the 
Nova. Oh well in a city of millions there should be lots of diverse 
interesting events on all at the same time anyway... :-)


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LL:ART: eu surveillance

2001-08-27 Thread Margaret


EU's secret network to spy on anti-capitalist protesters
By Stephen Castle in Brussels
20 August 2001

European leaders have ordered police and intelligence agencies to 
co-ordinate their efforts to identify and track the anti-capitalist 
demonstrators whose violent protests at recent international summits 
culminated in the shooting dead by police of a young protester at the Genoa 
G8 meeting last month.

The new measures clear the way for protesters travelling between European 
Union countries to be subjected to an unprecedented degree of surveillance. 
Confidential details of decisions taken by Europe's interior ministers at 
talks last month show that the authorities will use a web of police and 
judicial links to keep tabs on the activities and whereabouts of 
protesters. Europol, the EU police intelligence- sharing agency based in 
The Hague that was set up to trap organised criminals and drug traffickers, 
is likely to be given a key role.

The plan has alarmed civil rights campaigners, who argue that personal 
information on people who have done no more than take part in a legal 
demonstration may be entered into a database and exchanged. Calls for a new 
Europe-wide police force to tackle the threat from hardline 
anti-capitalists were led after the Genoa summit by Germany's Interior 
Minister, Otto Schily. Germany has long pushed for the creation of a 
Europe-wide crime-fighting agency modelled on the FBI.

Germany's EU partners rejected Mr Schily's call, judging that a new force 
to combat political protest movements was too controversial, but ministers 
agreed to extend the measures that can be taken under existing powers. 
Central to the new push is the secretive Article 36 committee (formerly 
known as the K4 committee) and the Schengen Information System, both of 
which allow for extensive contact and data sharing between police forces.

  Under the new arrangements, European governments and police chiefs will:

  * Set up permanent contact points in every EU country to collect, analyse 
and exchange information on protesters;
  * Create a pool of liaison officers before each summit staffed by police 
from countries from which "risk groups" originate;
  * Use "police or intelligence officers" to identify "persons or groups 
likely to pose a threat to public order and security";
  * Set up a task force of police chiefs to organise "targeted training" on 
violent protests.

The new measures will rely on two main ways of exchanging police 
information. The Schengen Information System, which provides basic 
information, and a supporting network called Sirene - Supplementary 
Information Request at the National Entry. This network (of which Britain 
is a member) allows pictures, fingerprints and other information to be sent 
to police or immigration officials once a suspect enters their territory. 
Each country already has a Sirene office with established links to EU and 
Nordic law enforcement agencies.

Civil liberties campaigners are dismayed by the plan. Tony Bunyan, editor 
of Statewatch magazine, said: "This will give the green light to Special 
Branch and MI5 to put under surveillance people whose activities are 
entirely democratic."

Nicholas Busch, co-ordinator of the Fortress Europe network on civil 
liberties issues, added: "People who have done nothing against the law 
ought to be able to feel sure they are not under surveillance ... By 
criminalising whole political and social scenes you fuel confrontation and 

Thomas Mathieson, professor of sociology of law at the University of Oslo, 
said police could have access to "very private information" about people's 
religion, sex lives and politics. "It is a very dangerous situation from 
the civil liberties point of view," he said.


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LL:ART: water privatisation

2001-08-23 Thread Margaret

Blue Planet targets commodification of world's water
by Patrick Bond and Karen Bakker

The July 5-8 "Blue Planet" conference in Vancouver opened with a call by
Maude Barlow to promote "a global water revolution. This is the first of
many international civil society meetings to take back control of our
water." The host Council of Canadians, a 100,000-member citizens' group,
was joined by several hundred representatives of indigenous peoples,
Third World communities, anti-globalization activists, radical youth,
public-sector trade unions, environmentalists, anti-dam campaigners,
World Bank watchers, and consumer groups.

Barlow, the Council chairperson, was in the news in April for helping
turn out "Maude's Mobs" of middle-class Canadians to the Quebec City
protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas. For several years,
she and Tony Clarke of Polaris Institute have fused citizens'-rights
respectability with surprisingly radical rhetoric against the ravaging
of Canada by corporations and pocketed politicians. Barlow and Clarke
recently supported local activists in Vancouver as they fought off a
privatised wastewater treatment plant.

In contrast to previous criticisms that the Council has been excessively
nationalist, this conference recreated the internationalist spirit of
the Porto Alegre World Social Forum. Aiming directly at next year's
tenth anniversary of the UN Conference on Environment and Development,
Blue Planet took on corporate globalization more generally, posing
routes that lead from multi-faceted resistance to alternative
conceptions of water management.

The trends in virtually all countries are towards the commodification
and privatization of water. Blue Planet promotes a radical manifesto and
global treaty as seminal documents in the international fight-back. The
manifesto stresses the essential nature of water to life and to social
and ecosystem integrity, and identifies cultural resonances and the
sense of the sacred associated with water in various spiritual
traditions. Aboriginal communities played a key role in framing the
debate during the conference.

Getting governments to sign up to the treaty, it is hoped, will be a
rallying cry and political tool for the movement. The documents provide
a broad-based way of arguing for water as a human right, and will have
universal applicability in sites of struggle around the world.

Indeed, five scales of water struggle are, in the process, being fused:
local communities, national governments, world water policy fora, sites
of global rule such as Free Trade Agreements and the Bretton Woods
Institutions, and the more general takeover of water by multinational

Solidarity with campaigns underway in a variety of Third World settings
represented at the conference--Ghana, India, Bolivia, Mexico, South
Africa, Guatemala, Colombia, Tanzania, Slovakia, Honduras, Philippines,
Mozambique, Indonesia, as well as First Nations within North
America-received serious attention.

The concerns included damage from mega-dams and cross-catchment water
transfers, despoilation of groundwater and aquifers, municipal water
privatisation, tariff price hikes and "water poverty," agribusiness
abuse of water in the wake of the irrigation-guzzling green revolution,
global warming/drying, worsening droughts and floods, scarcity and
wastage, and the extension of corporate bill-of-rights protections to
water via the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and Free
Trade Agreement of the Americas.Canada is a poignant host for some of these
issues. The week before the
conference, Mike Harris--conservative leader of Canada's main province,
Ontario--was a witness at a judicial hearing on the seven deaths and
thousands of poisonings at the town of Walkerton last year.

He was explicitly asked whether his "ideology" of privatisation was to
blame, given that testing the town's water for E.coli was outsourced to
a local firm. It failed to do so and attempted a cover-up. Harris was in
full denial mode too, but Canadians got the point.

Other local struggles include anti-dam fights in Quebec and British
Columbia, resistance to bulk sales of water to the US, and campaigns to
bring services to indigenous peoples who suffer Third World water
poverty in one of the world's richest countries.

Water can become a locus of the anti-globalization movement, some
speakers contended, for several reasons. Water struggles tend to bridge
traditional red/green divides, link North and South in solidarity,
endorse the notion of a global Commons that mustn't be privatised, focus
on the public (especially municipal government) character of service
delivery, involve the expansion of the service through expanded labour
and jobs, and offer a way to practice local self-management and
sustainable consumption.

Thus if water becomes a public good protected from the market, it also
serves a progressive political trend towards an expansive eco-social
localism, unlike the establishment

LL:INFO: Love and Rage Announcements

2001-08-15 Thread Margaret

CHOGM transport

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM):

Brisbane 6th October.

Trains leave Sydney Thursday 4th and return by Monday 8th.

$66 cons return $132 full fare.

To book a place and/or travel with Love & Rage contact one of the Love & 
Rage Student conveners:

Jess 0416 148 964, Pru 0402 541 789 or Lee 0402 216 766.

"Autonomy & Solidarity" Newsletter

Launch & Fundraiser:

6.30pm Saturday 11th August at the Love & Rage Social Centre - 67 Newington 
Rd Marrickville (off Enmore Rd, Bus Stop before Enmore Park Buses from 
Central 423 426 & 428).

We Want Your Contributions!

Campaign reports, commentaries, news items, announcements, articles, poems, 
fiction, art, cartoons, images, anything

Deadline for Next Edition

- 31st August, 2001 -

Logo Competition

Lazy Artists of the World, We Need You!

Design a logo for "Autonomy and Solidarity", and win yourself a lifetime 
subscription and a bottle of wine.



The new and updated Love and Rage Website will be launched within the next 
couple of weeks.If you:

have technical skills and want to help with site design.
have content for the website - articles, links, graphics, anything.
want to help manage part of the site

(no technical skill necessary. You could basically run one section of the 
site, eg. "Women's Liberation", "Anarchism" or virtually any topic that 
takes your fancy)

We'd love your help and involvement.

For more details contact


or 0412 407 678

Free the Refugees Solidarity Tour

Free the Refugees Solidarity Tour, Woomera 2001, Friday September 21 - 
Sunday September 23.


Join the Refugee Action Collective trip to Woomera Detention Centre in 
South Australia to protest at the imprisonment of refugees and asylum 
seekers, as we go into an election where neither of the major parties 
offers a decent alternative to the current system of gross human rights 

In the tradition of the Freedom Rides, defy the government tactic of using 
fear and remoteness to divide those of us living in Australia from those 
seeking peace and freedom, who would join us.

Buses will be leaving from Melbourne and Sydney at this stage, and 
hopefully from Adelaide, Canberra, and other places as plans progress.

The itinerary is as follows:

Friday 21 September: Leave in the afternoon from Melbourne's own 
Maribyrnong Detention Centre, for a bus ride to Woomera in South Australia.

Saturday 22 September: Arrive in Woomera for breakfast.  Protest, 
activities, etc at Woomera Detention Centre for the morning, into the 
afternoon. Bus to Adelaide in the afternoon.  Tentative plans for a public 
meeting in Adelaide to help build a refugee activist group there, and to 
discuss the day. Spend the night in accommodation, which we will be 
planning in either billets, backpackers etc, or perhaps a church or school 

Sunday September 23: morning rally and speakout in Adelaide, and bus back 
to Melbourne arriving in the evening.

In the days following the trip we will organise a public meeting or rally 
to highlight the experience.

Register via email [EMAIL PROTECTED], or phone Judy 0418 347 374

The cost will be about $100 per person (including accommodation), but we 
will be fundraising to subsidise.  Volunteers who would like to help 
organise things, please contact us (see details below), or come to our 
regular meetings Tuesday 6pm at Trades Hall, cnr Lygon and Victoria Sts.

Refugee Action Collective
0418 347 374

Subscribe to Autonomy and Solidarity

If  you want to subscribe to Autonomy and Solidarity please contact us.

Phone Karen on 040758220, or

Email us at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Write to us at
Red and Black
P.O Box 4,
Enmore NSW 2042.

We will have to ask people do pay a small donation for mailing costs ($10 
for ten issues within Australia , $A30 for 10 issues overseas or whatever 
people can afford)


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: VTHC Rally - campaign on industrial manslaughter

2001-08-13 Thread Margaret

Victorian Trades Hall Council: Rally to launch union campaign on industrial
manslaughter laws

Event: Rally to launch union campaign on industrial manslaughter laws
Event starting date: 10:00am 23 August 2001
Event finishing date: 12:00am 23 August 2001
Where: Storey Hall, RMIT 336 Swanston Street, Melbourne

Contact: Margot Hoyte (OHS Campaigns and Information Officer, Trades Hall)
Description: In September a new law will be introduced into Victorian
parliament, creating the crime of Industrial Manslaughter. OHS reps and
delegates are urged to attend the launch rally on August 23. Speakers at the
launch include: Jan Carrick (mother of Anthony Carrick, killed on his first
day at work), Sia Lagos, Director, Legal Services and Investigations,

Name: Margot Hoyte
Telephone: 9662 3511

Ground Floor, Old Building, Trades Hall,
Cnr. Victoria & Lygon Streets, Carlton, VIC 3053
Ph: (03) 9662 3511 Fax: (03) 9663 2127



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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:ART: Laura Norda in NT

2001-08-09 Thread Margaret

Australia: "Anti-social conduct" outlawed in the Northern Territory
By Ben Nichols
2 August 2001

Just weeks before calling an election, the government in Australia's 
Northern Territory last month pushed through parliament new laws giving 
police far-reaching powers to "move-on" or arrest anyone they consider to 
be committing "anti-social conduct".

The Country Liberal Party government is whipping up a reactionary "law and 
order" atmosphere for the August 18 election, openly vilifying the homeless 
and unemployed, and giving NT police unprecedented powers. The Public Order 
and Anti-Social Conduct Act, described by Police Minister Mike Reed as 
"groundbreaking," directly undermines fundamental democratic rights, 
including freedom of movement and speech.

The law is a transparent attempt to drive the Territory's 
poor-predominantly Aborigines-off the streets of tourism and business 
centres such as Darwin, the NT capital, Alice Springs and Katherine. "The 
government is determined to ensure that police have the sufficient powers 
to apprehend those people who are causing anti-social behaviour ... 
apprehending those people who are accosting law-abiding citizens in the 
streets, asking for money or even worse," Reed declared.

Moreover, the Act's wording is so sweeping that it can also be used to 
suppress any form of public political dissent, including demonstrations, 
pickets and protests. Police can order anyone they accuse of "anti-social 
conduct" out of an area for 72 hours, and any person who fails to comply 
can be arrested and jailed for up to six months.

"Anti-social conduct" is specifically defined as being broader than 
criminal conduct. It includes causing apprehension, harassment, alarm or 
distress to a "reasonable" person at any place; "obstruction" of pedestrian 
or vehicular traffic; and interference with trade or business.

Also outlawed is disruption of "peace or good order"; interference with the 
"reasonable enjoyment" of any place by other people; and disruption of the 
"peaceful and orderly" conduct of an event, entertainment or gathering.

No such behaviour even needs to occur-police merely need "a reasonable 
apprehension that a person has engaged in, is engaging in or is about to 
engage in anti-social conduct".

The "places" covered by the legislation include: malls, public parks, the 
vicinity of automatic teller machines (ATMs), public recreation areas, 
public open spaces, shops, railway stations, service stations, roads, 
streets, courts and alleys.

In addition, police can obtain a court order designating any place, 
including a private residence, to be "a place of anti-social conduct," 
giving officers further powers to raid the premises without a warrant, to 
search the occupants and seize anything.

The measures go far beyond the "drug house" laws recently passed in New 
South Wales, which effectively scuttled the presumption of innocence. Under 
those laws, people found in, or entering or leaving, a proclaimed "drug 
house" must prove that their presence has nothing to do with illegal drugs.

Under the NT provisions, mere presence on the streets, or in a prescribed 
"place of anti-social conduct" will be sufficient for police intervention. 
Anyone considered a nuisance and who refuses to obey a police order will 
automatically commit a serious offence.

The Labor Party government in NSW used the pretext of combatting drug abuse 
in order to boost police power and undermine long-standing legal principles 
on the burden of proof. The NT government has now taken the extra step of 
giving its police similar powers without any restriction. Its laws can 
apply to people simply walking, sitting or congregating in any place where 
they are not wanted.

Aboriginal activists and lawyers have spoken out against the new laws. "If 
ever there was a measure to be passed by the NT parliament that singles out 
Aboriginal people for unjust treatment, then this has got to be it," 
commented Chris Howse from the Aboriginal Justice Advocacy Committee.

Representing the legal profession, the NT Law Society likened the Act to 
the measures used by the apartheid regime in South Africa. "One thing is 
sure. Legislation of this type is pitched at the lowest common denominator 
in our society. It is designed to work on prejudice and ignorance... It is 
also contrived to divert the community's attention away from the hard fact 
that the government does not have an answer for the socially destitute."

Aboriginal people, who make up 28 percent of the NT population, are the 
government's most visible targets. They are, in the main, the poorest layer 
of society. Dragged through a life of poverty, very few have adequate 
housing, health services or education.

The government now has the ability to herd Aboriginal and other working 
class and poor people out of entire areas, in order to remove them from 
sight. With the government touting the Territory as a new centre for 
tourism and commerce, ba

LL:DDV: Turkish hunger strike solidarity rally

2001-08-06 Thread Margaret

From: "ezgi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: hunger strike solidarity really
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 23:14:16 +1000

solidarity rally with turkish hunger strikers on 18 August 2 pm, front of 
State library

We call on you to show solidarity with the political prisoners in turkey 
against cells and masacres The state "saved lives" with 20,000 bombs, over 
50,000 gendarmes-police and other kind of security forces by attacking its 
own prisons!

Turkey has more than10.000 political prisoners. They are trade unionist, 
human rights activists, revolutionary leftist groups, democrats, artists, 
writers, Kurdish patriots, Socialists etc.

For the last 280 days the prisoners staging a protest and resistance 
against the governments so called "F type" isolation-death cells scheme by 
putting their lives at stake by the only meanings of resistance in their 
hands: Hunger strike and the "Death fast". So far 60 prisoners and 
supporters outside of the prisons died as a result.

On 19 December 2000 government forces attacked the prisons in order to 
break the resistance and remove the prisoners to the new F type prisons by 
force and called it pathetically "Operation Return to Life" by killing 30 
of them and seriously injuring many. The government was hoping to end the 
resistance, instead participant numbers increased and the situation has 
worsened. Now the greater numbers continuing resistance in the F type 
prisons as well as outside the prisons by the family members and the 
sympathetic supporters of the prisoners cause.

Their lives in the prisons are in a permanent struggle for minimal human 
rights and human dignity, which is denied by the more oppressive new prison 
system. Sultan Erdogdu, an insider who's recently released from one of 
those prisons told; " They have brought us here beating us all the way, 
finally all of us were unconscious. We were affected by poison gas. The 
results of this are a terrible burning sensation in our throats and 
eyes. >From time to time soldiers come and pound on our cell doors in order 
to disturb us. Our only weapon is the DEATH FAST and we will only emerge 
from here dead! The health situation of the prisoners is very bad and 
everyone is very weak"

Let us not be SILENT. Even the smallest initiative, a little help can be a 
light in the isolated life of a prisoner. Lets not abandon them to 
solitude. Let us become window from their cells to the outside world

The Hunger strike began on the 20 November 2000, On the 19th of December 
2000 an operation conducted by the government forces in 20 prisons across 
the country murdared  30 prisoners, 6 female prisoners were burnt alive. 
Following the operation increased numbers are continuing the death fast.

- After that date 25 more prisoners died on the death fast. 60 of them 
suffering from amnesia and many already have irreversible physical defects.

- In support of the prisoners 5 TAYAD members lost their lives in the death 

Turkish and Kurdish Human Rights Committee Melbourne
July 31, 2001

195 Sydney Rd  Coburg
info: www.ozgurluk.org

www.iww.org - because capitalism cannot be reformed.


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LL:ART: tech wars in meat space

2001-08-06 Thread Margaret

Week of August 1 - 7, 2001

Protest Goes 'Star Trek' With Nonlethal Weapons
Tech Wars in Meat Space
by Erik Baard

When Carlo Giuliani's rage at the new world order turned violent during the 
recent G-8 summit in Genoa, he was hit with an old-fashioned response: two 
bullets that ripped through his head. Police forces are asking themselves 
if that kind of death is an inevitable part of street clashes, or if 
high-tech nonlethal weapons could offer a way out.

Police in the future may be armed with energy beams that inflict a burning 
sensation on skin without causing permanent damage, or even painlessly and 
temporarily immobilize a rioting demonstrator. Waves of sound and light 
could disorient mobs, and sticky foam could trap them like flies on a 
strip. "As things stand, if you dropped Wyatt Earp into today's world he'd 
be pretty comfortable," says Captain Charles "Sid" Heal, a nationally 
regarded nonlethal-weapons guru with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's 
Department. But Earp's bullets aren't the answer to every breach of code, 
he says. Save them for a time when inaction will cost a life, and consider 
even that a failure for not acting nonlethally, sooner.

Activists worry that cops with gentler means of crowd restraint will be 
more likely to nip protests in the bud, preventing any message from getting 
out. Already, demonstrations have been wrecked and people injured by tear 
gas and rubber bullets.

"The increasing popularity of less lethal weapons is a two-edged sword," 
says David Jackson, a spokesman for CopWatch.com, a Web site dedicated to 
tracking police abuses. "On the one hand, their use causes far fewer deaths 
than the use of traditional firearms. On the other hand, the perception 
that they are 'nonlethal' results in their indiscriminate or improper use 
to a far greater degree than such use of traditional firearms."

That's not a bad thing, according to Colonel Andrew Mazzara, director of 
the U.S. Marine's Institute for Emerging Defense Technologies at 
Pennsylvania State University. "I would assume and hope that the 'trigger' 
would be pulled sooner than a lethal weapon," he says.

Faced with that hard line, rabble-rousers are piling gadgets into their own 
box of tricks. Protesters now have robots that can graffiti public spaces 
at lightning speed. The technology exists for real flying saucers to 
project laser messages onto the sides of buildings or display text on their 
underbellies with light-emitting diodes.

The Institute for Applied Autonomy, the techno-artist collective that makes 
the remote-controlled GraffitiWriter, sees nothing ahead but growth. "[T]he 
IAA has identified the already emerging market of cultural insurrection as 
the most stable market in the years to come," says their Web site. "IAA 
research has examined the primary behavior patterns of this market and is 
developing technologies that best serve the needs of the burgeoning market."

The term "nonlethal" is a goal, not a guarantee, because these weapons can 
be deadly if used carelessly. Heal counts 11 deaths from bean-bag rounds in 
North America alone. That's what scares activists. "Ill-trained, 
overzealous, angry cops frequently use pepper spray as an impromptu, 
'officially sanctioned' form of torture," says Jackson of CopWatch.com. 
Likewise, firehoses and truncheons have broken bones.

Modifications to these weapons on the Penn State radar include a water 
cannon made by Jaycor that can deliver an electric charge. New sensors on 
muzzles can slow projectiles when a target is too close for safety. Another 
new projectile is the Sticky Shocker, a battery-powered device that clings 
to its target's clothing with glue and barbs, delivering an incapacitating 
electric charge. There are even billy clubs that fire soft projectiles and 
ensnaring nets.

Streams of gluey foam, like a souped-up version of the party favor Crazy 
String, can also immobilize suspects or create barriers. That was done by 
marines in Somalia, who created perimeters of the foam to block mobs as UN 
forces withdrew. Problem was, those barriers were easily bridged by laying 
down planks of wood and sheets of plastic.

Small explosives that deliver a burst of shockwaves can be used to 
disorient an entire crowd, as can LE Systems' handheld "Laser Dazzler," 
which is essentially over-stimulating rave gear that could have been 
designed by Dr. Evil. Some speculate that infrasound assaults of 
low-frequency waves could confuse people and if applied in greater doses 
will produce vomiting, diarrhea, deafness, and death.

A nonlethal-weapons laboratory may sound like another Tower of London, but 
any of these ideas might have spared Carlo Giuliani's life. "The standard 
is not perfection," Heal says. "The standard is the alternative"-death by 
gunshot. "Our immediate retort is, What would you rather be shot with?" 
Still, he knows that standards within police forces don't match the 
layman's ideal. "Everything changed on a Thursda

LL:ART: Al-Ahram Weekly Opinion Ripple before the storm

2001-08-01 Thread Margaret

Al-Ahram Weekly | Opinion | Ripple before the storm   Al-Ahram Weekly Online
   26 July - 1 August 2001
   Issue No.544 20
   Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Ripple before the storm
As the people's protest movement intensifies, the G-8 desperately try to 
shrink public space, writes Noam Chomsky

The mass popular protests against the investor rights agreements that 
masquerade under the rubric of "free trade" have been a matter of deep 
concern for years to those who are described in the business press, with 
only a touch of irony, as "the masters of the universe" (Financial Times). 
To avert popular reaction, negotiations are conducted mostly in secret, 
with the participation of the business world and of course known to the 
media, but scarcely reported. Nonetheless, through independent means 
(Internet, popular organisations, etc.), information has reached a great 
many people, leading to fears that opponents of these agreements have an 
"ultimate weapon," the general population (Wall Street Journal), and that 
it is becoming "harder for negotiators to do deals behind closed doors and 
submit them for rubber stamping by parliaments" (Financial Times, quoting 
"veteran trade diplomats").

The US leadership is desperately eager to reinstitute "fast track 
legislation," which permits international economic agreements to be reached 
Stalinist-style: by the state executive, with Congress granted only the 
right of ratification. The International Financial Institutions and G-8 
have been compelled to modify their rhetoric, to a limited extent their 
programmes, in fear of the "ultimate weapon." Future meetings are planned 
in remote places (e.g., Qatar), to marginalise the public even further.

The doctrinal systems (government and corporate media) increasingly resort 
to extensive campaigns of defamation, denouncing protestors bitterly in 
often ludicrous terms, while rarely allowing them to express their actual 
views. Police violence has increased, most recently at Genoa, including 
attacks on offices of nonviolent organisations so extreme as to have 
aroused some censure even in the mainstream business press. It is not 
unlikely that at least some of the violence attributed to demonstrators 
results from the classic tactic of police provocateurs. These actions 
should be understood, I think, as part of the effort to defame, intimidate, 
and deter popular protest.

In the background is a general matter of profound significance. The 
protestors generally understand very well that the primary thrust of the 
"neoliberal programmes" that are instituted in the international 
agreements, with their complex array of liberalisation and protectionism, 
are a device to restrict the public arena -- the arena of democratic 
participation, to the extent that countries enjoy a measure of meaningful 
democracy -- and to transfer decisions over human affairs into the hands of 
unaccountable private concentrations of power, linked to one another and to 
the most powerful states.

The demonstrations are only the froth on the rising tide of popular protest 
against this attack on fundamental human rights, a tide that is becoming 
increasingly difficult to resist.

WEEKLY ONLINE: www.ahram.org.eg/weekly
Updated every Saturday at 11.00 GMT, 2pm local time
Al-Ahram Organisation


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LL:DDV: 2 minutes of Infamy 18.08.2001 Northcote

2001-07-24 Thread Margaret

Hi, Apologies if youíve already got this before, weíre all madly emailing 
at the moment.

A few of us from awol have organised another "2 minutes of infamy"  as an 
opportunity for non hierarchical groups to network and also for individuals 
who are interested in this type of activism to check out what is going on, 
+ where they can get help from.

Depending on numbers, it will be run as the previous one  i.e.  a 
representative from each group will have 2 uninterrupted minutes to talk 
about what their group is doing, resources they can offer, and also 
resources that they need. This will be followed by a short time for 
questions. We intend to stick strictly to 2 minutes, so that it doesn't go on.

The 2 minutes of infamy will be part of a more general afternoon/evening 
that will include debriefing and discussion of where we are at and where we 
need to get too, and also an evening fundraiser. The debriefing will be an 
opportunity to discuss and debrief on the last rather busy year, as well as 
talk about possible directions for the future. The fundraiser has been 
organised under the banner "no issue is single" as a way of highlighting 
the interconnectedness of our struggles. It will be a half half split 
between the group in awol who are trying to set up a squat/community centre 
and the Keepers of Lake Eyre who are battling Western Mining for the 
survival of their land and culture.

We hope that if you canít or donít want to make it for the full afternoon/ 
evening youíll be able to make it to the 2 minutes of infamy that we see as 
an excellent opportunity to build a broader anti authoritarian network in 


Saturday 18th August, 3pm til late
The Pink Palace - Eastman St , Northcote, off High St. near council
chambers ( it is a big warehouse and wont be difficult to find )
for final details please check the awol site closer to the event
Contact  [EMAIL PROTECTED] /ph 0418 340 191

PS The text from the flyer is posted below, let me know if you want an
original to distribute.

The Return of Two Minutes of Infamy
+ The Festival of C.R.A.P.
(Celebration and Recognition of Autonomous Plurality)

networking/debriefing/fundraiser/party for anarchists,autonomists,
radicals and trouble makers
Saturday 18th, August

3pm - 6pm
A get together for groups and individuals involved in or interested in
non-hierarchical organising for small groups discussions on plotting
actions, de-briefing on recent events, consciousness raising, critique
and self-critique, learning  about each other more deeply, discussion on
weaving together struggles and brainstorming on new groups and projects,
look at different autonomous organising experiences, histories and
possibilities, strengthening non-hierarchical communication, dealing
with burnout

6pm - 7pm
Two minutes of infamy
Networking spokescouncil for affinity groups, organisations and
individuals. A representative from each  group has 2 uninterrupted
minutes to introduce their group, what theyíre doing, resources they can
provide, and stuff that they need.  Followed by dinner.

7pm til late
A joint "No issue is Single" fundraiser $5/4
The Keepers of Lake Eyre/ AWOL community space working group.

K.O.L.E. - Keepers of Lake Eyre
  A coalition of environmentalists and Arabunna of the Lake Eyre Region,
taking on Western Mining Corporation who are destroying their culture
and land.  More information - http://come.to/lakeeyre

AWOL  - Autonomous Web of Liberation 'AWOL is a consensus-based
decision-making network supporting affinity groups and individual
actions. AWOL is non-hierarchical, decentralised and autonomous and
seeks to build alternatives to capitalism. The awol community space
group is establishing a community/activist space in Melbourne to
facilitate the building of community and resistance.

Spoken word performances, beats, bands, and other stuff

Saturday 18th August, 3pm til late
The Pink Palace - Eastman St , Northcote, off High St. near council
chambers for final details please check the awol site closer to the event
Contact  [EMAIL PROTECTED] /ph 0418 340 191

no journos, no cops, and no dogs please (dog bites hurt!). Free material
only this event organised by the f.o.c working group from awol


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:URL: Raymond Hoser vs State Government of Victoria

2001-07-23 Thread Margaret

To whom it may concern, please print the following
file in your newspaper - thanks for your
help. All the best
  Raymond Hoser - Australia's leading corruption
author is now facing jail for telling the truth - go to:
for details.
Please publicise this matter as widely as possible.
Raymond Hoser(AAC)
PO Box 599
Victoria 3108
Phone: (Within Australia) 0412 777211

www.iww.org Although the police force is made up of workers, once you begin
to examine their historical loyalties, it becomes immediately apparent who
they take their orders from. The rich. Make sure your children know their
class history well.


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LL:ART: ZNet Update - Genoa

2001-07-22 Thread Margaret

From: "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 11:41 AM
Subject: ZNet Update - Genoa


As most recipients of ZNet Updates likely know, July 20 began a series of 
demonstrations in Genoa Italy against the G8 (major industrialized nations) 
meetings. As with demonstrations in Seattle, Prague, and Quebec, activists 
seek to explain and reveal global institutions like the IMF, World Bank, 
and WTO and to reverse worsening rules of international cultural and 
economic exchange, as well as address domestic sexist, racist, statist, and 
capitalist injustice. And, indeed, our steadily growing opposition to 
"globalization" ie Capitalism, has brought world leaders and corporate 
heads to fear for their most revered agendas. Bush, Berlusconi, and cohorts 
know that if a huge mass of humanity gains sufficient knowledge, hope, and 
confidence, we will force new and more participatory relations against the 
tide of their preferred elitist globalization. Bush, Berlusoni, et. al. 
have therefore decided to try their usual recourse, violence.

In Genoa they sought to send a message. Oppose us and you will pay a high 
price. And the simple fact is that we need to recognize that if the context 
of our actions leaves world rulers the option to do so, they most certainly 
have the military means to make good their threats. In Genoa they set loose 
their police, aroused beyond even normal levels of violence by grotesque 
fascist imagery, to brutalize dissent via torture and shooting. They seek 
to intimidate not solely the dissenters on the scene from even conceiving 
of disobeying further, but also the broader public. Bush, Berlusconi, et. 
al., are trying to ensure, for example, that in the next go around in 
Washington DC, from September 28 to October 4, there will be a small 
showing of manageable proportions rather than the feared immense outpouring 
of dissent and resistance they fear. Corporate elites want to reverse our 
momentum, pure and simple.

So what is our response to their violence?

Fear will exist. It is human. To read about what the police have done in 
Genoa can't help but arouse concerns about safety. And it ought to. We 
should not be ostriches about their vile capacities. But trembling should 
also not exist. Passivity should not exist. And we should not do their work 
for them, dwelling so insistently on our physical pains as to disrupt our 
mental focus and interfere with our broader messages. Nor should we react 
in a kind of dance of danger, thinking we must escalate our actions in the 
same terms they think about escalating theirs. The compelling and powerful 
answer to addressing state violence rarely varies from a simple logic. 
Given our resources and means, we must educate about the issues at stake 
more widely. We must attract and sustain ever wider and more lasting 
support. Our demonstrations must include so many people, with so many 
backgrounds, from so many parts of society and so many societies, that the 
effect of elites utilizing wild and intimidating repression will not be to 
diminish our size and capacity, but to enlarge both. We must make Bush and 
Berlusconi's favored tatics benefit us, not them. That is the road to victory.

If the state can enter our organizational centers, like the Italian 
Indymedia and organizing offices, and can beat to physical submission our 
members, if the state can assault our marches and rallies, and if it can do 
all this with impunity and without a cry of outrage not only from us but 
from much wider circles threatening to join us, then the state will do so.

In coming days and weeks, our discussion about tactics at our 
demonstrations needs to keep forefront a simple logic. What choices on our 
part will best widen our base of support and thereby grow our size and 
deepen our commitment and knowledge, entrenching our dissent and even 
threatening its percolation into other dimensions of social life? And what 
choices, at the same time, will best restrain the military capacities of 
the state by creating conditions under which for them to unleash their dogs 
of war costs them more in lost public support then it costs us in harshly 
broken bodies?

This is not a pretty cnor even a humane calculus, but it is the logic of 
dissent against monstrous violaters of human civility. We need to make 
known the state's violence against our dissent, of course. But we need to 
retain our priority focus on globalization and capitalism, and on the 
vastly more widespread and deeper violence of these ubiquitous systems. We 
have to achieve growing popular support, growing morement commitment and 
insight, and to simultaneously saddle the state's preferred repressive options.

Michael Albert
Z Magazine / ZNet

The most complete reporting now coming from Italy seems to be that which is 
made available by the Italian and the international Indymedia Sites. 
Already, in the short history of emergence of the

LL:DDV: Grasslands Fundraising Benefit & Party

2001-07-20 Thread Margaret

Sat 4th August 2001

Since 1997, Grasslands has donate dover $55,000 to a range of community 
based groups undertaking innovative social projects. Grasslands now needs 
you support to clear debts incurred in setting up the organic grocery store 
in Footscray which has generated the bulk of the these donations.

VENUE: St Augustine's Parish Hall, 61 Sommerville Road, Yarraville (5 
minutes walk from Yarraville train station).

BANQUET; organic vegan feast starts at 6pm & includes party.
Cost $35 or $25 concession pr=3Dpurchased before the event for catering 
purposes. Tables of 6 to 12 people are available.

PARTY: kicks off at 9pm with local acoustic folk bands as well as a covers 
band playing dance hits frm the past.
Cost: $10 or $5 concession tickets pre-purchased or at the door.

Kids get in free and there will be a bar stocking a range of organic wines 
and beers.

To book your ticket or for more information contact Grasslands.

socially responsible...ecologically sound...affordable

205 Nicholson Street, Footscray Victoria 3011
Phone 9362 0830 Faz 9362 0810=20
Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm.


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LL:INFO: Irati Wanti Campaign Office, A Hub of Desert Action

2001-07-19 Thread Margaret

Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 3:38 PM

The Irati Wanti Office has been a hub of action in June and July. Check out 
our website, www.iratiwanti.org  for full details of the following highlights:

Naomi Klein, bestselling Canadian author, visits Coober Pedy.
Peter Mac, renowned photographer, works on his book, `Elders- The Land'.
The Radioactive Exposure Tour; from Lucas Heights Reactor in Sydney to 
proposed waste dump site near Woomera.
Melbourne Kungka's solidarity trip.
Launch of Oral History Project.

Irati Wanti -The poison, Leave it - is the inspiring and relentless 
campaign of the Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta, the Senior Aboriginal Women of 
Coober Pedy, South Australia.  The Senior Women are campaigning agaisnt the 
national nuclear waste dump propoesed for their country. The Senior Women 
represent the Antikarinya- Yankunytjatjara and Kokatha peoples.  They are 
well qualified to speak of the dangers of nuclear waste having suffered the 
tragic consequences of British atomic tests at Maralinga and Emu Junction 
in the 1950's.

Located in Coober Pedy, the Irati Wanti Media and Campaign Office 
publicises the strength and determiantion of the Kungka Tjuta.  We aim to 
provide a direct support network in the local community whilst liaising 
with national and international media, activists and community groups.

All previous messages have been archived (and can be viewed)at the website 
:  www.egroups.com/iratiwanti-news

Irati, Wanti!! means The Poison - Leave It!! in Yankunytjatjara language, 
Aboriginal language of the Western Desert, Central Australia.


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LL:URL: New Debord Translation

2001-07-17 Thread Margaret

From: "Bureau of Public Secrets" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 11:16 AM

Ken Knabb's new translation of Chapter 4 of Guy Debord's THE SOCIETY OF THE
SPECTACLE is online at http://www.slip.net/~knabb/SI/debord/4.htm

Debord's book -- easily the most important radical book of the 20th
century -- has been translated into over a dozen languages. There have been
five or six different versions in English alone. This new translation of
Chapter 4 incorporates the best renderings from those previous versions, but
it is clearer and more accurate than any of them.

Chapter 4 is not only the most important chapter of the book, it is also the
easiest to understand because it deals primarily with concrete historical
events, revealing the practical implications of ideas that are expressed
more abstractly in the other chapters.

  The topics dealt with include Hegel, Marx, Bakunin, Lenin, Lukács,
anarchism, utopian socialism, reformism, fascism, Bolshevism, Stalinism,
Trotskyism, the Russian revolution, the Spanish revolution, Third World
movements, workers councils, revolutionary organization, and the nature of
the new revolt that Debord saw coming -- the revolt that burst into full
view in 1968, less than a year after the original publication of the book.

* * *
The Bureau of Public Secrets website features numerous texts by and about
Guy Debord and other members of the Situationist International, the
notorious avant-garde group that helped trigger the May 1968 revolt in

PO Box 1044, Berkeley CA 94701, USA

www.iww.org - when faced with injustice the polite response is attack.


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LL:INFO: Fw: P.N.G. Solidarity Message - 7 July 01

2001-07-12 Thread Margaret

From: "robert rodvik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 12:51 AM
Subject: Fw: P.N.G. Solidarity Message - 7 July 01

Solidarity message from Papua New Guinea received Saturday, 7 July 01.

7 July 2001


On behalf of the Anti-Privatisation Alliance and all the people fighting
against the World Bank/IMF Program in Papua New Guinea, we would like to
extend our best wishes and gratitude to all our friends and comrades in
Australia for your solidarity, support and sympathy at this time.

Since 1993/1994 when we began the campaign against the corporate take over
of Papua New Guinea (PNG) by the World Bank/IMF, the struggle had been long
and bitter.  And as recent events have revealed, it has also been bloody,
with our students paying with their lives.

  Let there be no mistake however  while the police in Papua New Guinea
pulled the trigger, Alexander Downer and John Howard are responsible for
the death of our students as they are the ones who have insisted and
demanded that the Government of PNG implements the World Bank/IMF program
despite the consistent and massive opposition of our people.  They are the
ones who are also supplying the technical "expertise" to train and turn the
police in Papua New Guinea into brutal and vicious murderers.

While we are in sorrow and mourning the death of our students, your acts of
solidarity and moral support has and will contribute to easing the pain
that we are feeling at this moment.  We know that we are not alone and that
the struggle is common and that the death of our students will not be in

While we are all saddened by the loss of our students, we know that the
campaign and struggle against World Bank/IMF program in Papua New Guinea
must continue as it provides the only hope for a better future for the
people of Papua New Guinea.  We know the World Bank/IMF program cannot
solve the problems in Papua New Guinea as it has failed to improve the
lives of our people even though the country has been subjected to these
programs since 1991.  Nothing has improved since.

We know too that while we are acting at local level to counter the
take-over and domination of our lives by the World Bank/IMF, our struggle
and campaign is the same campaign being waged all over the world by those
of you, who like us, are opposed to the take over and domination of our
world by multi national and transnational corporations.  We therefore call
on you, all our friends and comrades to continue the anti-globalisation
struggle as it is the only way to build a better future for our common

To effectively support us in our campaign and struggle we call on you all to
continue the campaign and acts of solidarity and to demand that the
Australia Government undertake the following actions:
1.  Apologise and offer condolence for the death of the students.
2.  Suspend its technical and financial support to the Royal Papua New
Guinea Police until there have been very serious steps undertaken to stop
the brutality and killings committed by the Police Force.  All funds
provided to assist the Police in PNG should be diverted to fund and support
community initiatives to prevent crime and rehabilitate criminals.
3.  Insist that a Royal Commission of Inquiry is held into the death of
the four students.  (A coronial inquest will be inadequate in the
  4.  End, suspend or otherwise slow down the implementation of the
structural Adjustment Program in Papua New Guinea, especially the
Privatisation Program.
5.  Increase funding to health and education in Papua New Guinea,
including university education.
6.  That AusAid seriously engages members of the Anti-Privatisation
Alliance and the civil society generally to address issues of development,
crime, poverty and other social/economic issues in Papua New Guinea.

With warm regards and solidarity,

Powes Parkop,
General Secretary
For Justice & Dignity,
PO Box 71, UNIVERSITY, NCD, Papua New Guinea
Phone: (675) 3261227  Facsimile (675) 3230887.

Capitalism is like a dead fish in the moonlight - it glitters but it stinks!


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LL:URL: Octaves Beyond Silence Project CD

2001-07-12 Thread Margaret

For the interest of those who want to suppport the Revolutionary Association
of Women of Afghanistan activists (and listen to some good "world" music of
resistance in these bleak days of State violence, global Capitalism's
excesses and women hating fundamentalists).

see http://www.octavesbeyondsilence.com/
you can send check or money order for $17.99 to
Octaves Beyond Silence, PO Box 5207 Takoma Park MD 20913.
Credit card orders phone 1-800-634-6044 or visit www.ladyslipper.org
Ladyslipper Music is a woman owned & run label.

Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan url: http://www.rawa.org
or email them [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Smash the triple yoke: Capitalism, Patriarchy & the State
(& keep a smile on yer lips & a song in your heart!)


An organisation flirting with any degree of inequality shall miss its goal
by as many degrees as the inequality it entertains.


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LL:INFO: East Timor Community Computer Project needs

2001-07-04 Thread Margaret

Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 9:01 AM
Subject: list of East Timor Community Computer Project needs, re: donations

Here's a list of items that are needed in East Timor for the ETCCP. So
when collecting / requesting IT equipment, this is what the techs have
said they are looking for - we have started collecting for the next
load to go to Darwin / Dili

- Computers (high level 486's (at least 16 meg RAM)
- Computer Mice + pads (always need as many as possible)
- Server quality computers (at least 32meg RAM, 10 gig
 > hard-drive)
- Universal Power Supplies (UPS) hundreds of them. ( if you call
sola, they may even donate a few to such a worthy cause.)
- Modems ( at least 14,4000bps)
- Ethernet Hubs and Switches
- Ethernet Cards
- Cat 5 cable and fittings (ie. wall plates, RJ45 sockets and RJ45 jacks)
- RJ45 crimper
- Generator ;-)
- Routers
- Wireless Networking equipment
- Cards
- Bridges
- Antennas
- Coax Cable
- Laser printers
- Tape backup units and Tapes
- Computer Books, anything _CURRENT_
- BNC connectors
- NIC's + multi-connectors
- Diskettes (not used of course)
- ZIP Disks (as above)
- Technicans tools

- Satellite dishes
- Any Sat equip - Tool for measuring Satellite signal strength.



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LL:ART: Businessman escapes jail term after killing picketer

2001-07-02 Thread Margaret

Businessman escapes jail term after killing a New Zealand picketer
By John Braddock
30 June 2001

Derek Powell, a 53-year-old businessman convicted of manslaughter after 
killing a woman on a New Zealand picket line, walked out of the High Court 
last month without having to face jail. At the end of a two-week trial, the 
jury found Powell guilty of causing the death of Christine Clarke, a 
45-year-old mother of two and the wife of a port worker. Powell had run 
Clarke down with his four-wheel drive vehicle when she joined picketing 
wharf workers at the Port of Lyttelton, near Christchurch late in 1999. The 
presiding judge, Justice Panckhurst, on June 15 sentenced Powell to nine 
months' periodic detention. In the New Zealand justice system, periodic 
detention is a non-prison term, usually reserved for minor offenses, 
involving weekend community work under police supervision.

The conclusion of this case, however, had a definite political content. 
Justifying the manifestly light sentence, Justice Panckhurst went to 
considerable lengths to shift the blame for her death from Powell onto the 
picketing workers.

Christine Clarke died in the Christchurch Hospital intensive care unit on 
New Years' Eve, 2000. She had been admitted with severe head and leg 
injuries after being run down during the second day of the picket, 
organised to protest a decision by the Lyttelton Port Company to contract 
out its coal loading operations.

According to evidence given at the trial, Powell had already driven past 
the picket several times. The manager of a luxury boat importing company, 
he had been carrying out business at the wharf. At about midday, he 
returned again, driving his vehicle at speed towards the picket line before 
braking heavily. He then gradually moved the vehicle closer to the picket 
line, stopping within inches of the pickets' legs.

Twelve workers testified that Powell then suddenly accelerated at the 
picket, striking Clarke and throwing her momentarily into the air before 
she fell back hitting her head on the ground. According to one worker who 
had been standing nearby, Powell "looked her straight in the eyes and 
booted it. He went right over the top of her."

The motives for Powell's decision to accelerate through the picket line 
were the subject of dispute at the trial. The prosecution argued that 
Powell had become either impatient or angry at being held up, and simply 
decided to force his way through.

All the prosecution witnesses agreed that there was no provocation or 
physical altercation prior to Powell's decision to drive forward. In any 
case Powell would have been allowed to drive on after several minutes. The 
defence argued, however, that Powell was suddenly subjected to physical 
abuse from the pickets through the open driver's side window of his 
vehicle, and that he had driven forward in "self-defence".

Powell had only one witness, the driver of a truck following behind his 
vehicle, to support his version of events. Moreover, television news 
footage of the picket, taken just a few minutes before the incident, showed 
Powell's car stationary before a calm and orderly picket line. The window 
of Powell's car was open, and his arm hanging outside of the vehicle.

In order to sustain the claims of an unprovoked physical attack on Powell, 
his defence was forced to argue that the mood of the picket suddenly 
changed, for no apparent reason, and this led to significant violence being 
committed against him. Powell denied that there had been any verbal 
altercation on his part which might have provoked a response from the 

In summing up, the prosecution pointed out that even if Powell had felt 
himself under threat he could have reversed away from the picket. In taking 
the action he did, he carried the responsibility for killing Clarke by 
driving, at the very least, in a dangerous and careless manner directly at 
the line of pickets.

The jury clearly concurred with the prosecution's arguments and found the 
businessman guilty. However, when the judge reconvened the court three 
weeks later for sentencing, he had decided to give significant weight to 
Powell's version of the events.

Justice Panckhurst began by confirming Powell's culpability in Clarke's 
death, which he said was a tragedy for her family. He went on to declare, 
however, his intention to sentence Powell on the basis that he had been 
"under threat" in the moments before he drove forward. To justify his 
position, the judge referred to television footage shot, not at the time, 
but earlier in the day, which he claimed showed aggressive "male picketing 
workers behaving badly".

In a further display of class prejudice, the judge went on to deliver a 
lecture to the picketers saying that, in blocking a highway, they were 
acting in a manner that was indefensible: "Freedom of movement on the 
highways is a fundamental right," he declared. "To empower a group of 
persons to stop traffic, even tempo

LL:ART: Body bags stockpiled for G8 in Genoa 20.07.2001

2001-06-26 Thread Margaret

Note: G8 = gathering of the rich for the rich by their politicians in the
case of Berlusconi the rich politician self-serving

BBC News Online


Body bags stockpiled for G8 summit

The protests against G8 in Genoa have already begun Italian authorities 
have ordered 200 body bags as they step up preparations for a violent 
confrontation at next month's G8 summit in Genoa, say Italian media 
reports. A room at the city's hospital will also be set aside as a 
temporary mortuary, said Italian news agency ANSA. The reports come amid 
growing concern that the G8 summit will witness even worse confrontation 
than last weekend's European meeting in Gothenburg.

Tens of thousands of protesters - from anarchists to Basque separatists - 
are expected to head for Genoa. As well as the threat of street unrest, 
Italian authorities have been warned that attempts may be made on the lives 
of some of the world leaders present. One threat passed on to Italy by the 
German secret service is of an assassination plan by Saudi dissident Osama 
bin Laden, aimed at US President George W Bush. Militant supporters of Bin 
Laden are said to planning a possible bomb attack.

President Putin's personal security will also be stepped up because of a 
possible threat from Chechen rebels, say his bodyguards. Mr Putin's 
bodyguards have already visited Genoa and met the heads of special services 
from nearly all the countries being represented there, said Russian 
security chief Yevgeny Murov, head of the FSO. "Each special service works 
out its own method of providing security these days. Russia's Foreign 
Intelligence Service renders enormous assistance to us, and we are in a 
permanent contact with them," he said in an interview with the Russian 
newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.

He said his agency was aware of the Bin Laden threat, and was making its 
Genoa preparations in the light of them. "We view the threats as totally 
serious, but hope that with joint efforts we can solve all the problems," 
said Murov.

Leaders from Italy, France, Canada, the UK, Japan and Germany will also be 
at the two-day summit, which starts on 20 July. Italian authorities are 
preparing a huge force of 20,000 police and soldiers, backed by the threat 
of tear gas, water cannon and a formidable array of military hardware. A 
"ring of steel" will be imposed on the city. Railway stations and motorway 
junctions will be closed, and flights into Genoa diverted. In the city 
itself, the streets around the summit venue have been declared as a "red 
zone", and will be blocked off by dozens of armoured vehicles. Outside the 
red zone, some areas will be set aside for protesters to make their views 
known. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has said he wants dialogue 
with the protesters, and stresses the legitimate right of people to make 
their views known, but he has warned them that violent extremists will be 
"isolated and not be allowed to do harm".

Aircraft carriers

As the security operation continues to build up, some organisers are still 
reported to be keen to switch the summit venue to a cruise ship, which 
would be moored safely out at sea somewhere along the Italian Riviera.

At least two conference leaders - President Bush and French President 
Jacques Chirac - are already planning waterborne accommodation. Both will 
stay on aircraft carriers while attending the summit. Concern about 
security has deepened since events in Gothenburg, when Swedish police 
appeared to be overwhelmed by the scale and depth of violence. A lavish 
dinner had to be cancelled and some delegations had to switch hotels after 
police said they could no longer guarantee their safety. Three protesters 
were shot and dozens of police officers were hurt.


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LL:DDV: etccp benefit at Arthouse 9pm Sat 17/03/2001

2001-03-13 Thread Margaret

East Timor Community Computer Project
benefit gig.

9pm Saturday March 17th

Arthouse/Royal Artillery Hotel
cnr Elizabeth & Queensberry Streets

Melbourne ska, punk and fast bands will make the music.

$6 entry ($5 to etccp and $1 goes to Arthouse owners)

A truck is being driven 4,000 kms to Darwin later this month and carrying a 
variety of materials for Timor.


PO Box 756 Brunswick Lower 3056
Tel Steve London 0409 544 088

Leanne Melling
c/-Wagait Supermarket CMB1 Mandorah
Darwin 0801
Tel (08) 89 78 50 88

Rowan Mitchell
PO Box 284, Dili East Timor
Tel: 0409 938 943


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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:ART: The Business Of Revolution Is Business: Recuperation URL

2001-03-13 Thread Margaret

The Business Of Revolution Is Business

Why change the world when you can work overtime?
by Greg Smithsimon

Have you been inspired by the excitement of street protests that swept 
through Seattle, D.C., Prague, Philly and L.A.? Want to make those 
corporations take notice? Want to feel the energy, irreverence and fun of 
the coolest global movement since blue jeans? Then Gary Hamel's Leading the 
Revolution just might be for you. A no-holds-barred, practical handbook for 
revolutionaries, visionaries and activists, this book teaches the nuts and 
bolts of building coalitions, writing a manifesto and picking targets for a 
campaign. But watch out: Hamel won't let you rest easy in your armchair. 
"One person, one vote represents not the full ideal of democracy, but its 
most minimal precondition. If you exercise the rights of citizenship only 
once every four years, at the polling station, can you really claim to be a 
citizen?" Democracy means activists redirecting society toward their 
ideals" be it feminism, environmentalism, [or] racial equality."

One hitch before you ask for it at your local book co-op. The jacket 
promises this to be "An action plan, indeed, an incendiary device" that 
will "ignite the passions of entry-level assistants, neophyte managers, 
seasoned VPs, CEOs." Those corporations took notice of the street protests, 
all right, and decided they were too exciting not to rip off. So steal this 
book they did. "Activists are the coolest people on the planet," Hamel 
recognizes, which is dandy as long as he can quietly redefine 
"activists"  to mean people who work extra hard at their job.

This Wall Street Journal bestseller assures readers that it's every bit as 
exciting, hell, every bit as ennobling, to be the employee that convinces 
Sony to design a new audio chip as it is to desegregate buses or liberate 
South Africa. This is the sexiest thing that's happened to engineers since 
they stopped carrying slide rules in their pockets: One minute, they're the 
ultimate cog in the wheel, the next minute, they're revolutionaries rubbing 
elbows with Hamel's role models: Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Vaclav Havel, 
and the founders of Amnesty International and Greenpeace. Revolutionaries 
or corporate motivators? "These are people who change the world. And you 
can't change your own company? Give me a break."

The book fires up readers with a practical guide on "how to start an 
insurrection." First you write a manifesto; Thomas Paine's work during the 
American Revolution is a good guide. Then you build a coalition to maximize 
your influence, just like "a labor union organizing a strike." Does "pick 
your targets ... co-opt and neutralize" sound like veteran organizer Saul 
Alinsky's "pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it"? It 
should. Hamel calls Alinsky's Rules for Radicals a "classic." Likewise, 
"winning small" in the beginning to build momentum might as well have come 
from an ACORN community organizers' handbook. If executives have paid any 
attention to the protesters at their doors, they should already know 
Hamel's game plan. We've been running it against them for years.

What's hardest to swallow after reading the book is not that the 
counterculture has been ripped off yet again, with no royalties paid, or 
that the determination of environ-mentalists is presented as inspiration 
for corporations seeking to extend their dominance over the planet. The 
tough part is considering the possibility that there's something in here 
for progressives to steal back and profit from.  OK, not much. Leading the 
Revolution mainly consists of some radical lingo ladled over the same luke 
warm hash that's been sold in trendy business books for years. (The formula 
is for the head of a consulting firm, like Hamel, to write a book that 
tantalizes potential corporate clients into paying for the full story.) 
Personally, what I want to adopt is the business world's ability to print 
whole books in full color with hip graphics. Beyond that, it's time to put 
corporate platitudes about empowerment into action for ourselves.

Hamel's claims that smart businesses "let youth be heard," "listen to the 
periphery," and "let newcomers have their say" are hype that hide corporate 
hierarchies. But plenty of good, hardworking NGOs don't use the ideas and 
innovations of most of their people, either.  For starters, groups could 
try out Hamel's suggestion that half the attendees at the next strategy 
meeting be people who have never been to one before. Next consider the 
promise that business makes whenever it talks about workplace "teams" or 
when Hamel proposes "listening to new voices." They're talking about people 
having a real say in what their employer is doing. They're talking about 
workplace democracy. While Hamel, like progressives, recognizes the payoff 
of giving people a real voice, that's one strategy corporate Ame

LL:PR: May 1st/May Day propaganda - AWOL Melbourne Australia

2001-03-12 Thread Margaret

Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 12:44 PM
Subject: propaganda

Mayday ( May 1st 2001 )

'Liberate the Streets '


Autonomous Web of Liberation


Mayday ( May 1st ) is a day to celebrate working class solidarity and 
resistance to Capitalism.  In keeping with this tradition AWOL ( Autonomous 
Web of Liberation ) is calling for an anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian 
day of action.

AWOL is working towards an action around the idea of' Liberate the Streets 
' in the City of Melbourne. We are calling on all anti-capitalist groups 
and individuals who believe in consensus decision making, direct action and 
who organise on the basis of non-hierachy ( autonomous from all 
centralisation and bureacracy ), to co-ordinate with us for this action.

We are also calling on you to organise your own actions, affinity groups, 
clusters, net-works and co-ordinations against Capitalism on Mayday.

M A Y D A Y M A Y D A Y  M A Y D A Y

Mayday , May 1st is a day of anti-capitalist action and to remember and 
take inspiration from those who have fought before us.  To fight back 
against bosses and Capitalists at work and in the unions and those who try 
to control our lives.  Mayday incorporates the struggles of all oppressed 
peoples, resistance to police corruption and surveillance, freedom of 
speech, freedom of assembly and for radical egalitarian futures.

It is a time to remember struggles like the workers struggle for the 8 hour 
day in Chicago, USA, 1886. The demonstration was attacked by 176 armed 
police, a bomb thrown by unknown persons, resulted in open fire on the 
crowd, killing 4 workers and some of their own officers.

8 Anarchists were framed for this attack, a number not even being in 
attendance at the time of attack, 'Anarchy was on trial. ' These events and 
the recognition of brave struggles against bosses and bureaucrats and 
capitalists are a reminder of what the state and capitalists do to us 
everyday, and why it is important to resist on Mayday, bring struggles 
together and always fight back.


We hope to occupy and liberate a piece of land, to create a commons for 
community celebration, a world turned upside down, a glimpse of freedom and 
ecological survival.  A place to share our dreams and visions, an example 
of a world of respect for diversity and acceptance of difference, direct 
democracy and community control of resources, free from the tyranny of 
money, bosses and leaders.

   M A Y-D A Y 2001

AWOL is organising every Thursday at the
BOWLS CLUB - 14 Pearl St - Northcote @ 6.30 pm.

*** meetings are run on consensus decision making ***




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LL:ART: AFR article on May Day

2001-03-06 Thread Margaret

Australian Financial Review Friday 2 March p.19

May 1 protest to target ASX

Nina Field

Anti-globalisation protesters will blockade Australia Stock Exchange
buildings across Australia and target CBD businesses as part of worldwide
action planned for May 1 this year.

A broad alliance of activists, including the S11 group which protested at
the World Economic Forum in Melbourne, will attempt to blockade ASX
buildings in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth from 7am on May

  The protesters known as the M1 alliance, have identified the ASX as the
major target, but participants incluiding unionist, green and anti-nuclear
groups, land rights organisations, socialists and refugee campaigners have
also selected other targets.

Telstra, Rio Tinto, WMC, Nike, Yallourn Energy and Sedimentary Holdings will
all be hit with protest action, and other companies are likely to be added
to the list closer to the date.

The planning for M1 comes as eight far-Left political parties have agreed to
band together to form the "Socialist Alliance" to challenge One Nation as
the party of anti-globalisation protest.

The Democratic Socialist Party, the International Socialist
Organisation, Freedom Socialist Party, the Workers League, Workers Power,
Workers Liberty, the Workers Communist Party of Iraq (Australia) and
Socialist Democracy will team up to win over voters keen to punish the major
parties at the coming federal election.

The Progressive Labour Party, the Communist Party, the Socialist Party and
the Socialist Alternative are also looking at joining the new alliance.

Victorian Trades Hall Council secretary Mr Leigh Hubbard yesterday distanced
the union movement from M1 plans for an ASX blockade in Melbourne. He said
unions, including the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union, the
Electrical Trades Union and the Textiles  Clothing and Footwear Union,
intended to engage in protest action on May 1.

But he said unions would not endorse or participate in any attempt to shut
down the ASX.

Instead unions were likely to stage their own events, targeting corporations
such as Rio Tinto and Nike, which had a very poor industrial relations
record, he said.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
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LL:URL: How do we keep our movement from getting hijacked?

2001-02-22 Thread Margaret

From: "Chip Berlet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:42 AM
Subject: How do we keep our movement from getting hijacked?


Political and social movements that want to remain autonomous and 
democratic need to think about the dynamics involved. I wrote the essay 
below for the Resist Newsletter.

Abstaining from Bad Sects
Understanding Sects, Cadres, and Mass Movement Organizations



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
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LL:PR: Our Genetic Engineering Book Published!

2001-02-18 Thread Margaret

From: Mitchel Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 9:46 PM
Subject: [IWW-News] Our Genetic Engineering Book Published!

$19.95 soft-cover, from Zed Press, Great Britain
Distributed in US by St. Martin's, and in Canada, S. Africa, Australia, and 
several other countries. (Brian, Mitchel & several others who wrote 
chapters in this book are available for team speaking engagements beginning 
in March

Redesigning Life?
The Worldwide Challenge to Genetic Engineering

Edited by Brian Tokar
Institute for Social Ecology, Vermont and Godard College

Today we appear to be on the threshold of the Age of Biotechnology. Genetic 
engineering, animal cloning and new reproductive technologies are being 
promoted as the keys to a brighter future. Genetic engineers promise a more 
productive agriculture, wondrous medical miracles and solutions to our most 
pressing environmental problems.

But growing numbers of farmers, scientists and concerned citizens disagree. 
There is growing evidence that genetically engineered foods are hazardous 
to our health and the environment. Farmers all over the world encounter an 
increasingly monopolized seed and agrichemical industry. Animal cloning and 
human genetic engineering raise troubling ethical questions. And genes from 
plants, animals and humans have become objects to bought, sold and patented 
by private interests. A growing worldwide resistance to genetic engineering 
and other new biotechnologies has brought these issues to the forefront of 
public controversy in many countries.

This book offers the first comprehensive examination of the hidden hazards 
of the new genetic technologies, and the emergence of worldwide resistance. 
Twenty-six internationally respected critics offer their analysis of the 
issues, their social and ethical implications, and what people are doing in 
response. Redesigning Life? is essential reading for everyone who seeks to 
understand the full story that lies behind today's headlines.

'In this wide-ranging collection, scientists and activists discuss the 
pressing issues growing out of the wanton commercialization of the life 
sciences. With clear and up-to-date examples, the authors illustrate the 
dangers inherent in the unfettered manipulation of plant , animal and human 
biology for health and societal wellbeing. But, they also document the 
growing world-wide resistance to attempts to engineer life in all its 
forms. An excellent guide to the brave new world of genetic engineering and 
to effective ways to counter and transcend it.' - Ruth Hubbard, Professor 
Emerita of Biology at Harvard University, Board Member of the Council for 
Responsible Genetics

"The biotechnology industry has taken us beyond natural evolution into the 
unknown terrain of a never-to-be-natural-again world, with self-replicating 
novel constructs of recombinant DNA that have never existed before... 
Science without ethics is blind, and biotechnology without bioethics is a 
danger to all... The excellent and wide-ranging coverage of this complex 
subject by the contributors to this book will help us all awaken to the 
costs and potentially harmful, even catastrophic consequences of this new 
technology...' - Dr. Michael W. Fox, Senior Scholar, Bioethics, The Humane 
Society of the United States, Washington, DC

'A deeply-researched, cutting edge critique of today's headlong rush toward 
genetic engineering and the ways in which a few corporate "Gene Giants" 
gained control. Penetrating insights into these corporate actors and their 
research and patenting strategies to dominate global food supplies, pirate 
the planet's biodiversity, the human genome and the keys to life itself. 
Startling reading for all who are working to check global economic 
predators and help shape an equitable, ecologically sustainable humane 
future.' - Hazel Henderson, author, Beyond Globalization and Building A 
Win-Win World

'We are involved in a global war called genetic engineering. Most of  us 
are totally unprepared too fight this war. Reading Redesigning Life  is 
mandatory if you want you and your offspring to enjoy life as we have known 
it. It is a must read.' - Howard F. Lyman, President, EarthSave International

Introduction: Challenging Biotechnology - Brian Tokar

Part 1 - Our Health, Our Food and the Environment
1. From Golden Rice to Terminator Technology: Why Agricultural
Biotechnology Will Not Feed the World or Save the Environment - Martha
  L. Crouch
2. Genetically Engineered 'Vitamin A Rice': A Blind Approach to
Blindness Prevention - Vandana Shiva
3. Cloning Profits: The Revolution in Agricultural Biotechnology -
Sonja Schmitz
4. Genetically Engineered Foods: A Minefield of Safety Hazards -
Jennifer Ferrara and Michael K. Dorsey
5. Safety First: Controlling the Risks of Biotechnology - Beth Burrows
6. Ecological Consequences of Genetic Engineering - Ricarda
7. Biotechnology to the Re

LL:URL: FINAL DUMP SITE CHOSEN! Kungkas lauch website

2001-01-29 Thread margaret

**Irati Wanti
 [the Poison-Leave it!]
Campaign Office of the Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta -
Senior Aboriginal Women of Kupa Piti, SA
PO Box 1043 Ph[08] 8672 3413
Kupa Piti, 5723 Fax[08] 8672 5483

Thursday Jan 25, 2001
Elders announce website launch in their fight for protection of

Today the Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta, Senior Aboriginal Women of Coober
Pedy, South Australia have stepped up their campaign against the
proposed national nuclear waste dump for their country. They have
announced the launch of their website: http://www.iratiwanti.org.

The site is to be launched in the main street of Coober Pedy today,
Thursday 25 January 2001, and chronicles the relentless and inspiring
campaign of the elders against the nuclear industry. The website
relays stories of the effects of atomic testing on the elder's lives
in the fifties and of the Kungka Tjuta's current struggle to stop
more poison returning to their country, in the form of the proposed
nuclear dump.

The launch of the site is a timely response to Senator Nick Minchin,
who yesterday announced `Site 52a' within the Woomera Prohibited
Area, as the preferred final site for the nuclear dump. This country
is the traditional lands of the Kokatha people, who have never been
properly consulted or entered into negotiations with concerns to the
dump.  This is despite the Minister's claims of "extensive
consultation with regional stakeholders".

Spokeswoman for the group, Ms Rebecca Bear Wingfield said: "Senator
Minchin has just confirmed what we've known all along. That the
community consultative process has been a sham and has actively
excluded traditional owners from dialogue and negotiations as to the
proposal for the dump."

For further media comment please call Ms Rebecca Bear Wingfield on
0404 204 527
For details and progress of the website launch : Lucy Brown 0409 694

Please also find the following statement from Rebecca Bear-Wingfield:

I really want to call you a liar Senator Minchin, but I realise that
this issue has to be dealt with using rational academic and
scientific discourse.

My name is Rebecca Bear-Wingfield, I am a senior Aboriginal woman
from Kokatha country.

I am responding to your press release today that announced the three
final site location with site 52A being the preferred site for the
location of this 'nuclear waste repository' (dump).
Your government and all the successive governments dating back to
Menzies's government of the 1950's, the 15th October 1953 when the
first atmospheric test was conducted at Emu Plains three years before
the Maralinga tests. Are guilty of committing 'ecocide' and genocide
against the first nations of this ancient country. By the way the old
people are still waiting for a 'sorry' when many of them were exposed
to the black rain clouds that spread shortly after the test at Emu

This is why the Kungka's are talking up about this issue because they
know first hand about the dangers of nuclear byproducts, bombs,
contaminated lands and health problems that have resulted over the
last 47 years.

Using discourse to disempower Indigenous people in our attempts to
oppose the dumping of nuclear waste by products which are always
quantified as mainly hospital waste products and low level waste is
misleading, a lot of this waste under international standards of
classification is medium level. But it does not matter if it is low,
medium or high the fact remains that some of us have a moral and
cultural responsibility to educate you and your parliamentarians
about the facts. Australia talks of reconciliation but how can we
reconcile when this waste is going to be dumped on the ancestral
lands of the Kokatha people.  How can the government continue to
negotiate and make decisions about stolen lands, without the consent
of all the Kokatha people who are the custodians and who have already
had their lands stolen back in the 1950's when their lands were
annexed by the Commonwealth Government using the doctrines of ' Terra

This is morally wrong and this why the Kupa Piti Kungka's have always
opposed this proposal.  We know the country, because of our
connection to the land that dates back to at least 40,000 years.
Scientists don't have the history like us.  How can they offer
guarantees that this is the perfect environment for storage?

If you don't wish to be a member of this group, please send an email to:

All previous messages have been archived (and can be viewed)at the website :

Irati,Wanti!! means The Poison - Leave It!!
in Yankunytjatjara language, Aboriginal language of the Western Desert,
Central Australia.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists

LL:DDV: etccp information & social night 1/2/2001

2001-01-28 Thread margaret

East Timor Community Computer Project

Information & Social night.

7pm, Thursday February 1st 2001

205 Nicholson Street Footscray
Tel 9362 0830
Donations on the door go to general fund  to send a shipping container of 
computer & building materials, clothes & toys. Hear first hand account of 
what is happening with the project, meet other supporters, share resources, 
help us plan further events.


PO Box 756, Brunswick Lower 3056
Tel Steve 0409 544 088 Harvey (03) 9388 1912

Leanne Melling c/- Wagait Shop, Mandorah, Darwin 0801
Tel (08) 8978 5088

PO Box 284, Dili, East Timor.
Tel Rowan Mitchell 0438 785 088


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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: AWOL - Liberate the Streets MAYDAY call to action

2001-01-16 Thread margaret

Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 5:55 PM
Subject: AWOL - Liberate the Streets MAYDAY call to action

   Mayday ( May 1st 2001 )

'Liberate the Streets '


Autonomous Web of Liberation


  Mayday ( May 1st ) is a day to celebrate working class
solidarity and resistance to Capitalism.  In keeping
with this tradition AWOL ( Autonomous Web of
Liberation ) is calling for an anti-capitalist,
anti-authoritarian day of action.

  AWOL is working towards an action around the idea
of 'Liberate the Streets ' in the City of Melbourne.
  We are calling on all
anti-capitalist groups and individuals who believe in
consensus decision making, direct action and who
organise on the basis of non-hierachy ( autonomous
from all centralisation and bureacracy ), to
co-ordinate with us for this action.

We are also calling on you to organise your own
actions, affinity groups, clusters, net-works and
co-ordinations against Capitalism on Mayday.

M A Y D A Y M A Y D A Y  M A Y D A Y

  Mayday , May 1st is a day of anti-capitalist action
  and to remember and take inspiration from those who
have fought before us.  To fight back against bosses
and Capitalists at work
and in the unions and those who try to control our
lives.  Mayday incorporates the struggles of all
oppressed peoples, resistance to police corruption and
surveilance, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly
and for radical egalitarian futures.

It is a time to remember struggles like the workers
struggle for the 8 hour day in Chicago, USA, 1886. The
demonstration was attacked by 176 armed police, a bomb
thrown by unknown persons, resulted in open fire on
the crowd, killing 4 workers and some of their own

  8 Anarchists were framed for this attack, a number not
even beign in attendance at the time of attack,
'Anarchy was on trial. '  These events and the
recognition of brave struggles against bosses and
  bureacrates and capitalists are a reminder of what the
state and capitalists do to us everyday, and why it is
important to resist on Mayday, bring struggles
together and always fight back.


We hope to occupy and liberate a piece of land, to
create a commons for community celebration, a world
turned upside down, a glimpse of freedom and
ecological survival.  A place to share our dreams and
visions, an example of a world of respect for
diversity and acceptance of difference, direct
democracy and community control of resources, free
from the tyranny of money, bosses and leaders.

 M A Y-D A Y 2001

AWOL is organising every thursay at the
BOWLS CLUB - 14 Pearl St - Northcote @ 6.30 pm.

*** meetings are run on consensus decision making ***




   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:INFO: Briefing paper on the Yallourn Power Dispute 5/12/2000

2000-12-17 Thread margaret

From: "simon" - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Briefing paper on the Yallourn Power Dispute 5/12/2000

May 1999 Yallourn workers enter EBA negotiations in good faith with their 
employer Yallourn Energy (PowerGen)

Negotiations begin with workforce representatives making every effort and 
concession possible in a vain attempt to get the employer to begin to 

July 1999 Employer seeks assistance of their AIRC

November 1999 Employer applies to AIRC to have existing EA terminated This 
termination application confirmed our view that Yallourn Energy had no 
intention of negotiating a fair EA.

They had determined to use Reith's draconian Industrial Relations Act to 
legally steal from their workers their job security and conditions.

When employers make an application to terminate existing EA's under Reith's 
Act it is mandatory for the AIRC to terminate unless the unions can prove 
that it is "contrary to the public interest. In IR matters, this makes the 
union responsible for protecting the public interest.

The case to terminate the EA went from one adjournment to another.

The workers patience was wearing thin with Yallourn Energy's tactics and 
their refusal to negotiate. Maintenance workers took protected action in 
the form of overtime bans on the 4th of January 2000. This soon led to an 
effective lock out of all maintenance workers and a shut down of Yallourn 
Power Station.

It is suspected that due to market manipulation Yallourn Energy may have 
been able to buy power at pre shutdown prices from other generators and 
sold it back into the system at a considerable profit as power prices 
skyrocketed due to Yallourn being shutdown.

The state government set up talks between parties with the assistance of 
former government minister Neil Pope and Yallourn Energy refused to accept 
the outcome.

The state government then enacted the Electricity Act forcing the party's 
back to work. Through AIRC president Ross the maintenance union thrash out 
a deal.

Negotiations were meant to resume. The workforce reps. and unions again 
tried all available means to get the company to negotiate without success.

May 2000 at a mass meeting of CFMEU members it was decided to put a 
comprehensive position document to the company.

June 2000 This document was put to the company in June and rejected 
outright by Yallourn Energy. At this point as a last resort, our members 
determined to take protected industrial action in an effort to force the 
company to the negotiating table.

The Latrobe Valley CFMEU placed bans. Yallourn Energy claim the bans cost 
them an estimated $4 million dollars a day. The CFMEU Latrobe Valley 
strategy group determined that they couldn't just shut Yallourn down because:

* The bargaining period would have been terminated by the AIRC under 
Reith's laws * As part of the sell off of the SEC the Kennett government 
put in place laws that protected power companies in the event of workers 
taking industrial action to defend their jobs and conditions by 
compensating the power companies fully for losses greater than 550MW. 
Essentially strike breaking legislation.

The CFMEU attempt to take industrial action was followed by a barrage of 
Federal and AIRC cases initiated by the company in their effort to stop us.

CFMEU member's place bans limiting output to 950MW for seven weeks. CFMEU 
member lost more than $100,000 in wages.

The company's response was an application to the AIRC to have our 
bargaining period terminated

This part of Reith's rotten act depended on two things * were the workers 
covered by a paid rates award * was there a reasonable chance of a 
negotiated settlement.

If the bargaining period is terminated then the next step is conciliation 
then arbitration. After arbitration the EA become a MX award.

October 2000 The Melbourne Age reported on a Yallourn Energy plan revealing 
a conspiracy to sack the entire mine workforce of 262; combined with a 
lockout of the entire workforce of 580. Then pressure the government with 
power blackouts and contract out the mine.

The Victorian Supreme Court granted Yallourn Energy's request to suppress 
these documents.

With this new information the CFMEU made applications to both the Federal 
Court and AIRC to stop Commissioner Lewin making a decision on terminating 
our bargaining period.

November 2nd  Lewin rang the CFMEU legal team and said he would not be 
making any orders in his decision on the termination of  the bargaining period.

The CFMEU strategy group met a 1pm to consider its recommendation to the 
Latrobe Valley Mining & Energy mass meeting at 4pm that day.

Lewins decision of 25 pages started to be faxed through at about 2pm. This 
meant that the strategy group ran out of time to make any decisions or 
recommendations for the upcoming mass meeting.

This meant that any resolutions/decision would have to come from the floor.

Luke Van der Meulen Latrobe Valley CFMEU secretary reported to the mass 

The m

LL:INFO: McDonald's Workers Need A Union!!!

2000-10-22 Thread margaret

Hello Comrades & Fellow Workers,

Please post in message boards relating to McDonald's, or any other fast 
food restaurant. Print-out and distribute to anyone you know who works at a 
fast food restaurant.


ARE YOU SICK OF LOW WAGES? Would you prefer a decent payraise, guaranteed 
hours, overtime pay and an end to humiliating "performance reviews"?

ARE YOU SICK OF SEEING PEOPLE INJURED? Even McDonald's admits that burns, 
slips and falls etc. are BIG problems.

ARE YOU SICK OF BEING BOSSED AROUND? Do you want RIGHTS, and freedom from 
being constantly watched and treated like being in the Army? Do you want an 
end to harassment and unfair dismissals?

ARE YOU SICK OF POOR WORKING CONDITIONS? Do you want relief from continual 
pressures to work hard, to 'hustle', to cut corners with safety procedures? 
Do you want decent breaks, and to smile when YOU feel like it?

ARE YOU SICK OF McDONALD'S? Are you fed up with all the crawling to bigwigs 
from Head Office, the company's inane propaganda, and their processed food?


Did you know that McDonald's spends well over $2 billion worldwide every 
year on ads and promotions to boost their image - yet they can't, for 
example, find a single penny to pay overtime. The aim is: get profits UP, 
and wage costs DOWN.

No wonder so many chuck the job in. But those who stay can fight to improve 

"It's their right to join a Union if they so choose." Paul Preston 
(McDonald's UK President) in the High Court, 5th July 1994

WHAT YOU CAN DO - Obviously you'll need to be careful.
But you can:
* copy these leaflets to give secretly to your friends, including at other 
* find out and demand your legal rights, and use company grievance procedures
* anonymously tip off local press and others about in-store conditions 
(including food quality and hygiene)
* refuse to play the 'hustle' game
* build up solidarity amongst staff by getting together in the crew room, 
or better still by socializing together or organizing meetings outside the 
store to talk about problems
* secretly join a trade union and get others to do so as well.

Why not access the 'McSpotlight' Internet site 
(http://www.mcspotlight.org/). Join the many McDonald's workers and 
managers sharing their views and experiences by contributing to the 
McSpotlight on-line discussion forum - the Workers' Debating Room.

Contact details:
McLibel Support Campaign
5 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9DX, UK.
Tel/Fax: +44 (207) 713 1269
Web: http://www.mcspotlight.org

For more information about how to form a Union, go to 


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LL:ART: corp offensive against environmentalists

2000-09-26 Thread margaret


Provided below is a front page write up today in "Inside EPA" on the leaked
Sony document.

Inside EPA Weekly Report Vol.21, no.37-September 15, 2000

funding, internet activities

Several industry sectors have begun efforts to counteract recent gains by 
environmentalists on international and trade issues, ranging from 
preemptive attempts to block charitable foundations from funding 
environmentalists to the use of internet "intelligence" collection agencies 
to track and potentially cripple activists efforts on a global scale, 
according to industry officials and confidential industry strategy documents.

Environmentalists say the new initiatives constitute an unprecedented 
offensive on their ability to engage in the debate over the effect of 
international trade, as well as economic and political globalization, on 
the environment.

Industry officials by and large defend their efforts, saying that the 
measures are legal and necessary in order to keep track of the numerous 
campaigns environmentalists have launched in the international arena.

According to documents obtained by Inside EPA, Sony Co. this summer 
prepared an "action plan" for counteracting the efforts of several domestic 
and international environmental groups--including Friends of the Earth, 
Greenpeace and Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition.  The plan includes such 
activities as "pre-funding intervention" and creates a "detailed monitoring 
and contact network" to track the activities of these groups.  A copy of 
the strategy is available on our online document service, IWP Extra. See 
page 2 for details.

Sony presented the document during a July technology sector meeting in 
Brussels on the so-called "WEE" directive--a European Union proposal that 
would phase out a raft of toxic substances in electronics and would require 
manufacturers to take back their products for recycling once their useful 
consumer life is over.  The WEE initiative has been heavily lobbied by 
several U.S. environmental groups, but bitterly opposed by most 
multinational electronics firms.

The Sony paper and sources close to the issue say the monitoring network 
would employ one of the dozens of new internet "intelligence" agencies 
--such as London-based Infonics PLC--that monitor chat rooms, e-mail lists, 
electronic bulletin boards, online news services, newsgroups and other 
sources of public information for specific data requested by a company or 
industry group.  This information includes press releases and news stories, 
discussions of particular issues and campaigns, and overall strategy, and 
is typically compiled in digest form for subscribers to the service.

Although sources with Infonics were not available for comment, the company 
has been involved in international environmental issues in the past, most 
notably when it hired Royal Dutch Shell, Inc. to polish its corporate image 
after the Nigerian military executed a local environmentalist who was 
fighting to require Shell to address contamination.

An industry official says "pre-funding intervention" means providing groups 
with industry data prior to the beginning of their campaigns to ensure 
"they have good information" about company products and practices. But an 
observer familiar with industry efforts says it likely refers to a growing 
movement in the business community to take industry problems with 
activists' agendas directly to donors, charitable foundations and companies 
that sponsor the environmental organizations, in  an effort to stall the 
campaigns before they even commence.

Sources say the Sony paper only highlights what some contend is a growing 
movement in the industry to try and cripple environmentalists and other 
activists organizations because of their demands on trade issues. Sources 
also point to a new website--truthabouttrade.com--that was reportedly set 
up by the agribusiness sector in response to last year's protests at the 
World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting in Seattle. The organizers of the 
site have collected a list of environmental groups that took part in the 
protests, their sponsors, and a list of "myths" about trade and environment 
and their rebuttals--including charges that that global warming is not a 
real phenomenon and that the government should not protect certain species 
from extinction due to human activities.

Environmentalists say the site is a clear attempt to intimidate charitable 
foundations into not providing the groups with funds.  And while the 
groups' site stops short of actually calling for the foundations to halt 
funding for these groups, it does say "we intend to shine a very bright 
light on these groups, and hold them accountable for their actions."

Activists say the efforts could set a dangerous precedent, and warn of an 
industry "Big Brother" mentality that seems to be becoming more prevalent 
in the business community.  One observ

LL:ART: ZNet Update --Chomsky Commentary

2000-09-25 Thread margaret

From: Michael Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

By Noam Chomsky

United Nations Summit in New York in September was the second major 
gathering of government leaders marking the millennium. The first was the 
South Summit in Havana in April. The UN Summit received considerable 
national publicity, while the South Summit was barely reported, a 
reflection of the "imbalance" in the global system that it deplored.

The South Summit brought together heads of state of the "Group of 77" 
(G77), now 133 countries, accounting for 80% of the world's population. The 
name G77 is carried over from the founding meeting of the UN Conference on 
Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 1964, attended by 77 of the "developing 
countries." The April 2000 Summit was of unusual importance. The first 
meeting ever at the level of heads of state, the Summit focused on the 
concern that the South is "collectively endangered" by the global economic 
system that has been instituted by the rich countries.

A leading third world journal described the Summit as "a defining moment in 
G77 history," ending on "a note of confidence and determination from the 
leaders to work together to bring about a new world order based on equity 
and fairness," with South-South cooperation as a centerpiece and a plan of 
action seeking significant changes in the global system (Third World 
Economics, Penang).

In the New York Times Week in Review, UN correspondent Barbara Crossette 
reported that the Summit "denounced the global economy and its symbols" 
(the World Bank, IMF, and WTO), dismissing it as insignificant because 
"slogans and oratory do little to illuminate the profound complexity of 
human development in the new economic order." According to "development 
experts," for the poor "nothing could be more irrelevant than global 
theories or rants against multinational corporations." "The experts," who 
recognize the "profound complexities," prefer serious measures to deal with 
them: for example, persuading multinationals to "help workers improve their 
lives" and inducing "big international institutions" to adopt policies that 
"work for all levels of society."

The experts are also bemused by the "irony" that the World Bank is moving 
"dramatically into social programs...just as protestors operating on 
outdated images single it out for attack." Translating to the real world, 
the World Bank is reacting to protestors who have been operating for years 
on quite accurate images, as the experts now tacitly concede; whether the 
reaction will pass beyond rhetoric depends substantially on the dedication 
of the critics who are largely responsible for bringing it about.

Each Summit produced a Declaration. The Declaration of the UN Summit 
consisted largely of pieties, though at least one resolution had a certain 
bite: "to encourage the pharmaceutical industry to make essential drugs 
more widely available and affordable by all who need them in developing 
countries." There is little need to elaborate on the extraordinary human 
catastrophes to which the resolution alludes, and it is clear enough who 
bears the primary responsibility to address them.

One central topic, much discussed in commentary, was what Secretary-General 
Kofi Annan described in his call to the Summit as "the dilemma of 
intervention": "national sovereignty must not be used as a shield for those 
who wantonly violate the rights and lives of their fellow human beings." 
That much is generally agreed, at least at the rhetorical level. But a rift 
appears with Annan's next sentence: "In the face of mass murder, armed 
intervention authorized by the Security Council is an option that cannot be 
relinquished." The US and its allies, which monopolize military power, 
adopt a very different stance: they insist on their unique right of armed 
intervention without such authorization. Annan is relatively popular in the 
West because of his efforts to accommodate the interests of the rich and 
powerful, but in this case he sided with the South Summit, which rejects 
what it calls "the so-called `right' of humanitarian intervention" by the 
powerful in violation of the UN Charter and "the general principles of 
international law."

The Declaration of the South Summit also "firmly reject[s] the imposition 
of laws and regulations with extraterritorial impact and all other forms of 
coercive economic measures, including unilateral sanctions against 
developing countries." The Declaration calls on "the international 
community neither to recognize these measures nor apply them," alluding 
obliquely to US initiatives, primarily. The Declaration insists on "the 
right of developing countries, in exercise of their sovereignty and without 
any interference in their internal affairs, to choose the path of 
development in accordance with their national priorities and objectives." 
It views "with alarm the recent unilateral moves by some developed 
countries to question the use of fiscal policy as

LL:ART: Melbourne experience suggests years of delay for new trade

2000-09-13 Thread margaret

Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 18:24:51 +1000
Precedence: bulk

GUARDIAN (London)Tuesday September 12, 2000
by Charlotte Denny and Patrick Barkham in Sydney

Swift descent into violence at the Crown casino

This  was  supposed  to  be  three days of high-powered talks bringing 
together  in  Melbourne  some  of  biggest  names of the Asian-Pacific 
region. Instead, the World Economic Forum descended into Seattle-style 
violence as anti-capitalist demonstrators clashed with police.

The  success of demonstrations last November in scuppering vital trade 
talks  has given new life to the protesters - many of whom had rallied to 
the  anti-capitalist  cause  via websites which sprung up from the 
demonstrations against the World Trade Organisation in Seattle.

At  least  eight  people  were taken to hospital, including two police 
officers,  as protesters tried to prevent delegates entering the Crown 
casino.  Police reported that there were 1,500 demonstrators, although the 
organisers claimed nearer 10,000.

Western  Australia's  right-wing  prime  minister,  Richard Court, was 
stranded  in  his  vehicle for 20 minutes as protesters daubed it with 
paint and let down the tyres, while Aboriginal activists "arrested" Mr 
Court  for supporting mandatory sentencing, which leads to the jailing of 
people in Australia for petty crime.

Mr  Court  was  forced  to  turn  back  after 50 baton-charging police 
officers failed to dislodge the protesters' barricades. Chosen for its 
secluded  riverside  site,  the  casino  and other probable targets of 
anti-globalisation  feeling  nearby had been heavily fortified against the 

What  is  worse  for  the  organisers  of  the  conference is that the 
demonstrations slowed the WEF's registration programme and reduced the 
number  attending  speeches  and  dinners  on  the  first  day  of the 
conference,  as  up  to  200  delegates  stayed  in their hotel rooms. 
Observers  inside  the  building reported some of the events were only 50% 


After  Melbourne, the next stops on the travel itinerary of the global 
summit  protesters  are  the  annual  meetings  of  the World Bank and 
International Monetary Fund in Prague later this month. In public they are 
putting  a  brave  face on things, but in private the world's top trade 
negotiators  admit  that  the  chances  of a new round of trade 
negotiations starting by the end of the year have shrunk to zero.

Diplomats  from  the  139  members of the World Trade Organisation had 
hoped  that  the  collapse  of  attempts  to  launch  a new round last 
December  would prove a temporary setback. Now they are blaming the US 
presidential  elections  for  the  delay,  noting that any substantial 
negotiations  are  impossible  until  the political make-up of the new 
administration is known.

Next  year, the world's most populous country, China, joins the Geneva 
based   body,   which  will  tip  the  balance  of  power  inside  the 
organisation away from the "Quad" - Japan, Canada, the US and the EU - who 
have  traditionally  managed the global trading system and in the past 
provided political impetus for new talks.

As a price of joining, China is opening large parts of its industry to 
competition  from foreign firms, which is expected to cause disruption 
throughout  its  economy.  Beijing  will  not  be  enthusiastic  about 
starting  another  set  of  talks to open further markets until it has 
digested the fallout.

Privately, Quad policymakers admit that there is no political momentum for 
a  new  round, and that the trade agenda is bogged down in Geneva 
bureaucracy.  Senior  trade  policymakers  are now whispering that the 
organisation's rambunctious New Zealand head, Mike Moore may be a lame duck 
who will never see a trade round launched under his watch.

Indeed,  time  is running out for Moore who has only two more years at the 
helm of the WTO. The political fudge which shoehorned him into the job 
means he has a shorter than usual term, split with his rival, the Thai 
finance  minister,  Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi. Moore was the US's first 
choice   and  Supachai  made  himself  so  unpopular  with  US negotiators 
during the selection process, that some insiders doubt he will  be  able 
to  muster sufficient support from the world's biggest trading  nation to 
launch a round during his term of office which ends in 2005.


Assuming  Supachai's  successor  manages to get a trade round launched 
with  a  year  of taking office, past experience suggests it will take 
five  or  six  years  to conclude. That suggests the earliest that the 
next  round of talks will be signed off will be around 2012-13 - a gap of 
almost 20 years since the end of the Uruguay round and the longest gap 
between  trade rounds since the founding of the WTO's predecessor 50 years ago.

The  strains  of  running  the  global  trading  system 

LL:DDV: trivial dispute fundraiser for etccp

2000-09-07 Thread margaret

The East Timor Community Computer Project (ETCCP) presents...

Trivial Dispute.
A Quiz Night Fundraiser for the ETCCP.
Saturday September 9th.
 From 7pm.
The Smith Street Bar.
14-18 Smith Street, Collingwood.

Tables of 8 and heaps of fabulous prizes and fun for all.
Tickets- $10/8 (concession).
Please prebook by calling 9354 0651.

The ETCCP is a grassroots initiative aiming to provide training in and
access to computers for ordinary people in East Timor. For more details
visit our website at www.solidarity.infoshop.org.au/etccp or email



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LL:AA: AMWU picket line

2000-08-25 Thread margaret

Visit/support the AMWU picket line at Kockums
  188 Northbourne Rd Cambellfield

  company tries to break bans; forces workers onto picket lines

  AMWU members want;

~5% per year wage increase
~better long service leave
~income protection
~decent redundancy deal
~Union rights

Kockums offer:

~under the thumb
~3% per year
~ no better L S L
~no income protection
~no redundancy deal
~restrict union rights

Donations welcome;


  For info see
~Ron 0438 515 642
~Chris 0419 352 612

- the owner company is Arrowcrest, and the AMWU fella's don't trust the 
company they think they may be running down Kockums. Arrowcreest own other 
factories - including one local, so they dont feel isolated. Amwu people 
visiting and supporting. They said they mostly feel low on numbers. They've 
been there 8-9 days and nothings gone in or out. so looking good there.


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LL:PR: Publication of Ciaron O'Relly's "Remembering Forgetting"

2000-08-24 Thread margaret

From: Ciaron O'Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 7:08 AM
Subject: Publication of Ciaron O'Reilly's "Remembering Forgetting" (East Timor)

1) Synopsis
2) Book Launch
3) How to Order

"Remembering Forgetting - A Journey of Nonviolent Resistance to the War on 
East Timor" by Ciaron O'Reilly.

Ciaron reflects on the silence that blanketed the worst years (1975-91) of 
the invasion of East Timor.  He points to the significance of the filming 
of the Santa Cruz cemetery massacre and the smuggling of the footage to the 
rest of the world.  He takes us on a journey with small communities of 
Australians challenging the mining companies operating in the Timor Sea, 
the training of Indonesian troops in Australia and the initiation of the 
Sanctuary movement for East Timorese refugees threatened with deportation 
from Australia.  Throughout the story spiritual reflection informs 
nonviolent activism.

Ciaron then takes us to Britain where the huge arms industry servicing the 
invasion of East Timor is challenged by four ploughshares women.  The women 
are put on trial in Liverpool for disarming a British Aerospace Hawk 
fighter bound for Indonesia.  Following their historical acquittal, a 
community of exiled East Timorese and First World solidarity activists is 
founded to offer sustained nonviolent witness against arms exports to 
Indonesia.  The principalities and powers are disturbed throughout, 
responding with British Special Branch infiltration, British Aerospace High 
Court injunctions and Australian Counter Terrorist surveillance of these 
nonviolent efforts.

The final section of the book examines the events in East Timor around the 
United Nations Ballot and beyond.

Introduction by Gary MacLennan Ph.D

Brisbane - 3 p.m. Saturday September 2nd.
St. Andrews Hall, 160 Vulture St. South Brisbane
Live Latin and Irish Music, Mai Ita Hananu (the East Timorese choir) and
featuring West End's Own - Chris Anderson and Chris Maver.
*Entry by gold coin donation. More info. Ph. 3844 6146

Melbourne - possibly early September Contact Paul Dyson

Sydney Distribution - Contact Anthony Gwyther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Send payment of $6 (within Australia) $8 (outside Australia) payable
to "Swords into Ploughshares"
126 Shaftsbury Street
Q. 4121

*Make cheques payable to "Swords into Ploughshares"
*or try $5 cash and $1 worth of postage stamps concealed in a card.
*Discount available for book sellers and large orders.



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LL:DDV: Save Grasslands Dinner & Party 2/9/'00

2000-08-14 Thread margaret


Saturday 2nd September 2000
St Augustines Parish Hall,
61 Somerville Road, Yarraville (under bridge beside railway)

$25 per person (kids free)
7pm start, food served until 8.30pm.

Organic vegan/vegetarian buffet
Live music by Scooter (popular covers), Neon Leons,
Seagull Frenzy (blues/reggae/jazz) & others.
Comedian Mathew Dean.
Bar with drinks at pub prices.
Kid friendly and smoke free venue.

Tables of 10 available, book your table today by calling Grasslands Grocery 
& Information cafe 9362 0830, situated at 205 Nicholson Street, Footscray 3011.

We are a not for profit enterprise funding innovative social projects 
through the sale of organic foods, low allergenic cleaning/personal 
products and books on social justice.

We are collectivley managed by a group of friends and most of the work is 
done on a volunteer basis.

We have been able to donate over $30,000 since our inception to a range of 
communmity groups including: HUman Rights Centre for Mental health, Red 
Cross Asylum Seeker Support Service, Iramoo Youth Refuge, East Gippsland & 
Otways Forest Blockades, Women's Circus, Food Not Bombs, Trade Union & 
Community Picket lines, and others.

Unfortunately we need to clear some of the debts we incurred in setting up 
the shopfront so that we can continue to be able to assist these and other 
groups in the future.



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LL:URL: Little Johnny

2000-08-07 Thread margaret

By Simon Hunt:

Dear friends -
Just to let you know: Little Johnny releases his new single "I'm Sorry" 
tomorrow (Monday). I'm on the Channel 9 "Today" show at 7:50am; Radio 
National around 8:15am; and 2DAY FM at 8:15pm. There should be a story in 
the Sydney Morning Herald today. I'm filming lots of other interviews that 
should pop up over the next week or so, and we should be on Rage on Friday.

The website goes up around 10am or so at http://www.littlejohnny.org

I've attached a story that went out on the AAP wire service last night, so 
the other Little Johnny will get to read it by morning. I'll see you all in 

SYDNEY, Aug 5 AAP - The artist-formerly-known-as Pauline Pantsdown has 
returned to centre stage as Little Johnny - the latest in Australian 
political satire, complete with comb-over hairstyle.

Pantsdown sent up controversial One Nation leader Pauline Hanson by joining 
various recordings of her voice in the top-ten single, I Don't Like It, 
which sold 30,000 copies and managed two nominations at last year's ARIA 

Now Simon Hunt, who digitally invented the Little Johnny (LJ) character has 
no less than Prime Minister John Howard in his sights with the debut song, 
I'm Sorry.

The song has been digitally compiled by Mr Hunt, using fragments of Mr 
Howard's voice, in an effort to find "the apology within".

Mr Hunt, who lectures on sound at the New South Wales College of Fine Arts 
and has a background in theatre and film, collected 65 minutes of "Howard- 
speak" from television and radio interviews.

He said after about 450 hours manipulating the sound using computer 
software, he was left with 7,500 words, parts of words and phrases. "Even 
then, I still couldn't get the little guy to say his 'r's properly," Mr 
Hunt explains. "It's no wonder he's so unwilling to say the word 'sorry'."

He said he had turned his attention to the Prime Minister because he was 
beginning to take on all of Mrs Hanson's ideas.

He's become her and she's become him," he said.

"I have never seen them in the same room at the same time - so they must be 
the same person."

Mr Hunt said it was too early to predict how Mr Howard would react to his 
newly created alter-ego.

"I'd expect him to take it on the chin," he said. "But he doesn't have much 
of one."

But if the Hanson experience is anything to go by, Mr Howard may now have 
every reason to fear for his electoral fortunes.

Pantsdown ran as New South Wales Senate candidate in the 1998 federal 
election, confronting Mrs Hanson and her adviser David Oldfield at every 
turn, with the brightly-dressed drag character's campaign featured in 
domestic and international media coverage.

Liberal MP Cameron Thompson, who successfully defeated Mrs Hanson for the 
Queensland federal seat of Blair attributed his success to his focus "on 
doing something for the local people, while she (Mrs Hanson) was doing 
battle with Pauline Pantsdown."

But Mr Hunt says LJ does not have much work to do to bring about Mr 
Howard's political downfall.

"I think he's on the way down anyway," he said. "I'm going to get a 
reputation for kicking people while they're down. It's good to hurry things 
along anyway."

He thought long and hard about the prospect of introducing the LJ character 
after realising he would have to endure hundreds of hours of Mr Howard's 
voice in the studio. "I didn't think there was a song in him because he 
speaks in such a monotone," Mr Hunt said.  "For all her drastic faults, 
Pauline had melody."

Mr Hunt says there's even something in the character for the followers of 
the latest fashion trends and in particular, hairstyles.  "The mullet is 
dead, the comb-over is back," he said.

LJ and his debut single will be officially unveiled to the public in Sydney 
tomorrow but the character had a successful first trial run on the weekend 
at the Newtown Theatre during the inaugural Miss Reconciliation Quest, an 
Aboriginal drag contest.

AAP as

Garry C
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2000-07-20 Thread margaret

Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 5:55 PM

Come One Come All...

A largish box truck has joined the East Timor Community Computer Project and
we are funding it to Dili
  packed with heaps of cool stuff.

But dammit!...

 The darn thing can't swim so we need to
   raise $750 to float it across...

  Thus it is time for another night of entertainment, drinks and good
  company in the only UNION BAR  in town!!!

  The Comrades Bar
514 Swanton St ( cnr grattan and swanston - almost )
Thursday 27th July. Starts at 7pm
   $5 entry...

  another top raffle will be held of course and entertainers will come to
sing and amuse...

  We want you all to come...

  It has been your brilliant support that has got us so far so quickly...

  Please tell everyone you know and mark it down in your diaries right now!

Looking forward to seeing y'all there...

Rowan Mitchell ( ETCCP )

PO Box 756,
Brunswick Lower
Vic 3056
Tel 9354-4006
Mob 0409 544-008
Website: www.solidarity.infoshop.org.au



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LL:URL: evil austria

2000-07-19 Thread margaret

From: ABC Innsbruck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: evil austria

Hi out there...

I just wanted to inform you that evil:austria (a "journal" about the 
political situation in Austria can now be down-loaded from following 
homepage: http://www.raw.at. It´s available in different languages...

Fight the power! Join the angry side!


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LL:URL: Global Grassroots Resistance Directory

2000-07-10 Thread margaret

From: "PopeCrab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The Global Grassroots Resistance Directory (GGRD) is
the web's currently most comprehensive directory of
anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian grassroots
struggles around the world.

Country by country, the Directory lists any grassroots
groups, organizations or movements that in one way or
another seek to resist capitalist and authoritarian
forces. Whether in Botswana, Thailand, Germany, Solomon
Islands or the USA, the Directory helps you find
resisting organizations.

Easy to use, the Directory is the ideal instrument for
local networking around a campaign, getting in touch
with local struggles during your travels, starting
some new project, or seeking a new group to join.

To have a look at the Directory, please visit

The Global Grassroots Resistance Directory is now in the process of
extensive revision.  Many new sections
will soon be incorporated (see below).  In general, we
want to revise the Directory in detail country by
country and city by city.  This is where YOU can help.

You can help us by taking a look at the Directory's
coverage of YOUR particular city or country and help
us find inaccuracies, propose modifications or
identify new groups to add to those sections.  We need
contacts in literally EVERY city and country in theworld.

YOU CAN HELP! If you are well connected, it is good,
but even if not, your feed-back will be valuable - you
probably know much better about the groups in your
city or country than we do.  By the way, there is no
commitment - you decide by yourself how much time and
energy to put into this.

If you want to help, please do let us know as soon as
possible, by sending a message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please do not forget to
indicate clearly which city and/or country you can
help us with.  We will contact you later with further

The Global Grassroots Resistance Directory will soon
include the following new features:
Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada,
Czech Republic, England, Finland, France, Germany,
Ireland, and Italy
(Appearing soon: Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands,
 New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal,
 Scotland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey, USA, and Wales.)

  If your group is a grassroots organization that seeks
  to resist capitalism and authoritarian social
structures, and if you cannot find it listed at
then please do not hesitate to submit your information
straight away!  It is a five minute business which may
greatly improve your networking with other
organizations, your involvement in local campaigns,
the recruitment of new members, and simply help to put
you in the center of where things happen.  Submit your
group's information from

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pope Crab
Thomas Johansson
for the Global Grassroots Resistance Directory

  Shortcut URL to this page:


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LL:QUERY: Looking for older activists

2000-06-13 Thread margaret

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000 10:46:52 +1000 (EST) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


We are producing a radio series for Sydney Radio 2SER, entitled 
"Survivors." This ongoing series consists of interviews with older 
activists (65 years +) with long involvements in progressive social 
movements in Australia. The series aims to document segments of the history 
of socialist, radical and feminist movements in this country, and thereby 
provide a sense a perspective to current political struggles, while also 
situating current organising efforts within the strong  traditions of past 

If anyone has any ideas for interviewees, please contact me on (02) 
9572-7928, or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Greg Shapley


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LL:DDV: Residents vs Pascoe Vale McDonalds anniversary

2000-06-07 Thread margaret

Residents Against McDonalds are commemorating the first anniversary of the 
demolition of the 109 year old house at # 1 Sussex Street, Pascoe Vale to 
construct the drive-through McDonalds now on the site. A plaque will be 
unveiled on the footpath outside.

A year ago 200 police and 80 private secuity guards overpowered the 
protesters and the historic home destroyed.

The residents have shown the video film McLibel and participated in World 
anti-McDonald's Day October 16th.

Join them at 11.30am on Sunday June 11th.
corner Bell & Sussex Streets
(55 tram terminus nearby in Melville Road)

Residents Against McDonalds are also putting on a touring exhibition of the 
94 day community protest, with the Living Museum of the West & others, to 
tour schools and communities to help educate others resisting Corporate 

"RAM is a resident group opposed to McDonalds, dedicated to informing the 
community about the impact McDonalds has on our society, and the repeal of 
the Victorian planning laws RL 155 & RL 160"

Residents Against McDonalds,
PO Box 103, Pascoe Vale South 3044
Telephone: 0418 300 507

International web site http://www.McSpotlight.com



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LL:INFO Military aircraft - humour (sic.)

2000-06-05 Thread margaret


This was allegedly posted very briefly on the McDonnell Douglas Website by 
an employee there who obviously has a sense of humour. The company, of 
course, does not have a sense of humour, and made the web department take 
it down immediately (for once, the 'IMPORTANT' note at the end is worth a 
read too

Thank you for purchasing a McDonnell Douglas military aircraft. In order to
protect your new investment, please take a few moments to fill out the
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4. Serial Number: ...

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Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. Your answers
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LL:INFO: Insight SBS Thursday 8.30pm on Fairwear.

2000-05-10 Thread margaret

Insight on SBS television, Thursday 8.30pm, has a feature on Outworkers.


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2000-04-26 Thread margaret

The unveiling of the memorial to commemorate the workers who have lost 
their lives as a result of their work will take place on the 'International 
Day of Mourning' - a day to remember all workers who have died:

Friday, April 28, 2000

VTHC front lawn - Lygon Street, Carlton.

Assemble at 10.30am (following the rally inside the VTHC)

If you have lost someone to a work death, please bring along a photo of 
your loved one to place on the lawn area after the unveiling.

The memorial rock has enormous significance for so many of us. It has come 
from a site where a worker has died. The 'symbolic' cross was carved by a 
worker who lost his mate on the job, and it was erected by two groups of 
workers (on their weekends), each of whom have lost someone dear to them 
due to a work death.

The memorial rock honors ALL VICTIMS of work-rleated deaths and is a 
constant reminder of the number of people who lose their lives each year in 
Australia as a result of their work.

Further Information: Liz or Mary at IDSA Inc. - (03) 9309 4453

The erection of the memorial is a collaborative effort between the Building 
and Construction Industry workers, unions and Industrial Deaths Support & 
Advocacy Inc. (I.D.S.A.)

IDSA, PO Box 3095,=20
Broadmeadows, Victoria 3047
Tel: 03 9309 4453
Web: www.idsa.com.au=20



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2000-04-20 Thread margaret


By Mark Hume

WASHINGTON - Inside Fortress America paranoia is rampant, the predominant 
sound is the thud of a helicopter overhead, and it's getting hard to tell 
the revolutionaries from the establishment. In a surreal scene here 
yesterday, riot police wielding batons chased demonstrators through the 
streets of the central business district, clubbing them, spraying them and 
blasting off percussion grenades, while astonished citizens looked on.

What they saw as they walked to work, carrying their briefcases and morning 
coffee, were scenes of fleeting, but unforgettable violence. A woman 
spewing blood on the sidewalk while protesters wearing red crosses on their 
arms tried to help. A young man, reeling along like a drunk, his face 
white, mucus running from his eyes, mouth and nose from a blast of pepper 
spray before volunteer medics grabbed him. While police chased the 
demonstrators, the wounded fell away. One man was left leaning against a 
building near some office workers, a makeshift bandage wrapped around his 
head to stem the blood flowing from below his left ear.

Rob Fish, 21, from Stanhope, N.J., an independent photographer, was trying 
to shoot pictures of demonstrators fleeing a phalanx of riot police when a 
man wearing street clothes suddenly hit him with a club. "I didn't even 
know it was a police officer," he said, a blank look of shock on his face. 
"I called for police to arrest him. But when they came over they started 
hitting me ... I don't know how many times they hit me. At least twice ... 
They tried to step on my camera, but I managed to throw it across to a friend."

He refused to be taken to hospital. "The hospital is a police state," said 
an angry young woman who was helping him.

The violence erupted at about 8:15 a.m., shortly after two groups of 
protesters, numbering a few hundred, converged near Farragut Square, about 
three blocks from the White House. They headed west down I Street, outside 
a police fence, going toward one of the main entrances to the well-guarded 
buildings where delegates to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund 
were meeting. The protesters were behaving peacefully, chanting slogans and 
beating on drums. But when they hit the intersection leading to the World 
Bank, they marched right into the path of a police car escorting a van 
loaded with conference delegates.

A police officer jumped out of his vehicle -- and that was the spark that 
would trigger panic and violence. "I think somebody touched him," said 
Kenyon, a man who was at the front. "He started swinging his club, then 
more police came piling out of the van ... the grenades went off ... it was 
mayhem." A riot squad that had been guarding a security fence leaped into 
the fray, and suddenly undercover police officers seemed to be everywhere, 
coming out of the crowd and jumping out of unmarked cars. Some of the 
undercover officers pulled on arm patches that identified them, but some 
didn't bother. They pulled clubs out of car trunks and started chasing 
protesters along with the riot squad. "I guess it's kind of shocking. It's 
kind of hard to believe," said Chris Hamaty, a patent lawyer who was 
standing on the sidewalk, his briefcase in hand. He was on his way to work 
when he heard the protest march coming, and stood aside to watch. He said 
the protesters were raising important issues.

A few blocks away, Charles Harrison, an accountant, walked along the 
sidewalk while a squad of riot police charged down the middle of the street 
beside him. Commuter traffic ground to a sudden halt, and people came to 
their office windows to watch, while the police pursued a group of about 
100 demonstrators who were fleeing ahead of them. "This is pretty 
incredible," said Mr. Harrison. "I remember this as a kid, in 1968, when 
they had [urban] riots here. But we haven't seen anything like this since 
then. "I lived in Washington all my life, and I can tell you, you don't see 
stuff like this."

Mr. Harrison, an African American, said the black community has not been 
paying a lot of attention to the protests, but he felt the dramatic events 
here had changed that. "Most African Americans don't know what this is all 
about, but there's a program about it on the black radio network. I will 
listen to that. I want to be better informed," he said.

The clash shattered efforts to organize a morning rally near the World 
Bank. With squads of police chasing protesters through the streets, it 
seemed like the final day of protest was going to be over before it got 
started. "This feels to me like a clean up by the police," said Jaggi 
Singh, a student from Montreal. "The police are acting like a gang, 
reclaiming their turf. They're saying 'You had the streets yesterday, we're 
takin' it today'. " But he predicted the protesters would somehow find a 
way to rebound.

The small, scattered groups began slowly to coalesce, as word pas


2000-04-03 Thread margaret

Sick of being a cog in the machine?

Be a spanner in the works!

On May 1st, phone in sick and join Melbourne's anarchists as we celebrate 
May Day!

Meet at 1pm, Monday, May 1st, steps of Flinders St. Station, then march to 
Eight Hour Monument for celebratory picnic.

Bring flags to wave, food to eat and drums to bang!

All welcome!

Oh, and don't forget the Official, State-Licensed May Day Rally on Sunday 
the 7th. Anarchists will also be at this gathering. Planning meetings are 
currently being held every Friday, 5pm, at Barricade Books/Infoshop, 115 
Sydney Rd., Brunswick, ph. 9 387 6646. Otherwise, join us on the day at 
1.30pm, Eight Hour Monument.



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LL:INFO: Michael Moore Open Letter: Kayla Rowland, Flint, and Us

2000-03-07 Thread margaret

-Original Message-
Date: Friday, March 03, 2000 3:54 PM
Subject: Michael Moore Open Letter: Kayla Rowland, Flint, and Us

Michael Moore Open Letter:

Kayla Rowland, Flint, and Us

Dear friends,

I tried to write this letter to you last night, but the level of sadness in 
me would not allow me to sit at this keyboard and compose these words. How 
much more can my hometown take? How much more do the people we love have to 
suffer? How much? How much?? HOW MUCH! Isn't it enough that tens of 
thousands of lives in Flint have been wrecked, destroyed by the greed of 
General Motors? Isn't it enough that my wife and I and tens of thousands of 
others who love our home -- love it more than any of you will ever know -- 
have had to leave Flint in the past 20 years to find work far from family 
and friends? Isn't it enough that Flint suffers the highest or near-highest 
per capita rates of murder, rape and theft in the nation?

What else do the people of Flint have to go through while the rest of 
country mouths the propaganda of the evening news claiming "the economy is 
the best ever!"? The top 10 percent just get richer and richer and the next 
30 percent of you keep the CNBC stock ticker on your screens all day and 
toss out all sections of the daily paper but the pages that tell you how 
well your portfolio did yesterday.

I thought there was nothing else left for Flint to go through. Like Job, it 
seemed that every imaginable sorrow had been visited upon its people.

I guess I was wrong.

I look up at the TV and a helicopter is hovering over a school while the 
words "Buell Elementary" flash on the screen. Buell? Buell! At the end of 
"The Big One," when I twisted Nike chairman Phil Knight's arm to match my 
$10,000 contribution to the kids of Flint -- that $20,000 went to Buell 
Elementary. Yesterday, a 6-year old boy brought a semi-automatic gun to 
that very school in Flint and killed a 6-year old girl in their first grade 
classroom. Six years old. A little girl whose name was Kayla Rolland.

That's about the only thing the national media got right about the story. 
Twenty satellite trucks now ring the school, but with all that technology, 
they cannot find the way to bring you the truth. Of course, they have been 
spun and snookered by the local officials in Flint who try to hide from the 
responsibility they share in Flint's destruction any time a tragedy like 
this happens.

You have probably heard that this school shooting took place out in the 
"suburbs," in a place called "Mount Morris Township"... "somewhere near Flint."

There is no such place.

Buell Elementary, where the shooting took place, is in the Flint Beecher 
school district, the poorest school district in Genesee County, Michigan, 
and perhaps the poorest in the entire state. Eighty-two percent of its 
children, according to the federal government, live below the "official" 
poverty level (meaning the number of kids in total poverty is even higher). 
Beecher is Flint's dump. It is where you go when you have nothing left to 
your name. 60 percent black, 40 percent white. No municipality in Genesee 
County wants to govern Beecher, so it exists as a No Man's Land on the 
northern city limits of Flint. It covers a small portion of two different 
townships (one of which is where my wife Kathleen is from). But folks, when 
you hear the word "township" used in the case of Beecher, those of us from 
Flint mean it in the way the word was used in South Africa.

Buell Elementary in the Flint Beecher school district has a Flint address 
and a Flint phone number, but the black officials from Flint on the news 
yesterday tried to point out that "this school really isn't in Flint!" It 
is amazing how deep oppression takes its roots when even black leaders find 
themselves in bed with General Motors and, like Peter in the Garden of 
Gethsemane, repeatedly deny that people of their own race have anything to 
do with them.

Poor, poor Flint. The media blowhards babble on about how "this is the 
youngest child to kill another child in a school shooting" and the few 
anchors who started to look at their own helicopter shots showing the 
school sitting in the middle of a bombed-out neighborhood commented that 
"this is actually the first of all these school shootings we've had lately 
that has taken place in an 'urban' school." Wow. Two records for Flint in 
one day.

When I was a senior in high school, the assistant principal of Beecher High 
-- the first black man in the area to hold such a position -- became 
despondent over his inability to quell the racial disturbances in the 
school, so one night he went home, wrote a heartfelt letter to the kids in 
the district, then put a gun in his mouth and blew his brains out. As my 
friend, Jeff Gibbs, who went to Beecher, told me last night, it's sad that 
the only two times that Beecher receives the attention of the nation is 
because of a gun. I heard from relatives last night that the family of the 

LL:INFO: McLibel showing on SBS Tuedsay 8.30pm

2000-02-20 Thread margaret

On Tuesday night at 8.30 pm SBS is showing the excellent McLibel video. It 
tells the true tale of how two London Greenpeace activists were sued for 
libel by McDonalds in the longest running libel case in British legal history.

It follows The Awful Truth, Mike Moore's show which is broadcast at 8pm and 
is often very good.

Residents Against McDonalds have a web site http://taz.net.au/ram
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] PO Box 103 Pascoe Vale South 3044 Australia

McSpotlight recently celebrated its fourth birthday with a quiz on McGrEasE 
so I have forwarded ther details with this.

Margaret Creagh

- Original Message -
To: [McLibel List] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 18 February 2000 02:51
Subject: [McLibel] McSpotlight quiz ... the results are in!

// McSpotlight Quiz Ends ... McSpotlight Doesn't!! //

McSpotlight has reached the ripe old age of 4 years - a walking talking 
monster no longer in nappies by all accounts.

As part of month long celebrations we now have the results in for the 
McSpotlight Quiz.

First prizes

Seeing as only three people got all 22 answers correct, we thought we'd do 
the decent thing and give them a first prize each. And the lucky 
contestants are:

Greg C / Ben D / H Morris (no relation to Dave, we trust)

They each win a McLibel party pack containing a McLibel video, a McLibel 
book and a McSpotlight CD-Rom

Runners up - McSpot CD-ROMs

The twelve runners up each win a McSpotlight CD-ROM. They were picked for 
their rib-cracking tiebreakers, rather than how many questions they got right:

I like to give my money to McDonald's because...

... I want to destroy the world but I can't afford nuclear weapons. Dean G

... I tried to throw it into a landfill but it was full. wayne h

... i only have one leg! dave

... they have such big plans for it. Genevieve L

... I'm going on holiday to Brazil and need somewhere to park my car. Billy B

... the tv tells me to. Craig H

... because, because, because, because... because of the wonderful things 
it does! Paul V

... I know part of it will go to support needy children (employees of 
McDonalds) and the elderly (employees of Mcdonalds) and the downtrodden 
(employees of McDonalds). D Dragos

... I am a doctor specializing in heart problems. McDonald's provides 
three-quarters of my income. AK

... they give me food in return. Maestro

... I love their prices! I can exploit workers, destroy the environment, 
clog my own arties for only $5.74. Michelle H

... everybody else does. David

You can see all these and can even have a belated go at the questions 
themselves at: http://www.mcspotlight.org/mcfun/quizwinners.html

Other celebrations we expect for McSpotlight this month include: a new 
search facility on the site, revamped (updated) campaigns and press 
sections and maybe even an improved debating room (though is that actually 
possible we ask).

McLibel Support Campaign
c/o London Greenpeace  5 Caledonian Road, N1 9DX.
Tel/Fax 0171 713 1269 / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / www.mcspotlight.org


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LL:ART: protests at ioc visit

2000-02-14 Thread margaret

Protest group to disrupt IOC visit
Date: 07/02/2000

A new lobby group plans to disrupt next week's Sydney visit by the 
International Olympic Committee as a precursor to large-scale 
demonstrations during the Olympic Games.

Inspired by recent World Trade Organisation protests in Seattle, the 
protesters will use visiting media during the Olympics to highlight the 
social impact of the Olympics, and also support indigenous protests. The 
Olympic Impacts Coalition, representing more than 10 groups, including the 
NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS), the National Union of Students, the 
Greens, and Bondi Olympic Watch, will hold a vigil outside the IOC's hotel 
and a "welcoming party" at Sydney Airport will lie in sleeping bags to 
demonstrate the plight of the homeless.

The coalition is concerned over rising rents, homelessness, 
over-development, misuse of public funds, and questionable SOCOG dealings.

Mr Bob Symington, co-ordinator of Green Games Watch 2000, and a coalition 
member, said there was public anger over the ticketing process and Olympic 
developments such as the Bondi Beach volleyball stadium. Protests reflected 
dissatisfaction with "the elitism and secrecy" surrounding the Games". The 
coalition was also requesting a meeting with members of the IOC executive, 
demanding they adopt a charter of civil, social and environmental 
principles for host cities, said NCOSS director Mr Gary Moore.

During the Olympic Games, the National Union of Students was planning an 
"alternative Olympics" with medals awarded to Games organisers, sponsors, 
developers and landlords for "ignoring the impact of the Games on those who 
are disadvantaged in Sydney", said union president, Ms Dom Rowe. "One of 
the main issues we're focusing on is homelessness. With funding being 
drained for housing, we have students being turfed onto the streets," she said.

Rentwatchers convenor Ms Beth Jewell said: "In the two months before 
Christmas in the South Sydney area, 250 evictions were served for 
renovations of boarding houses and low-cost accommodation.".. . A 
spokeswoman for bicycle group Critical Mass, Ms Gabrielle Kuiper, said 
hundreds of cyclists planned to ride amid the predicted traffic chaos to 
illustrate that Sydney's transport planning was inadequate.

Inspector David Darcy, of City Central police, welcomed protests during the 
Games, saying they were part of Sydney's rich democratic tradition. "I'm 
aware there are many groups who will use the Olympics as a platform to 
voice their concerns about an issue," he said. "It's an opportunity to show 
the world how Aussie-style demonstrations happen."

Inspector Darcy has been liaising with activists to ensure minimal arrests 
and police presence. But a NSW Greens Upper House member, Ms Lee Rhiannon, 
said increased police powers given to the Sydney Harbour Foreshore 
Authority last November were designed to prevent activists gathering in 
traditional protest areas, such as Circular Quay's First Fleet Park.

Linking anti-Olympic protests to the anti-World Trade Organisation campaign 
in Seattle, UTS lecturer in social movements, Dr James Goodman, said both 
movements used a big international event to unite disparate groups against 
"corporate power". "Corporate promotion is dominating the Olympics," he 
said. "The same corporate executives who lobby the WTO to enforce global 
neo-liberalism will be sitting in executive boxes at the Olympics."

Community Aid Abroad and the Wilderness Society will target some Games 
sponsors, including Nike, accused of exploiting workers in its Asian 
factories, and Westpac, an investor in the controversial Jabiluka uranium mine.

Along with Greenpeace, the Wilderness Society will take advantage of 
international scrutiny to highlight Australia's environmental record on 
biodiversity, global warming, old growth forests and the Great Barrier 
Reef. Burmese solidarity groups will also protest against visiting 
officials of the Burmese Government, a regime they view as an illegitimate 
military dictatorship.

The coalition and the socialist youth organisation, Resistance, said they 
would support Aboriginal protests. Aboriginal activist Charles Perkins 
reaffirmed plans last week for indigenous protests, calling athlete Cathy 
Freeman "naive" for saying sport and politics did not mix. The Games had 
been "highly political from day one", he said.

A temporary "Aboriginal embassy" in Sydney and peaceful protests would 
publicise "the deplorable living conditions of indigenous people".


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LL:ART: Pastry Action Reports From the UK and OZ

2000-02-14 Thread margaret

From: Biotic Baking Brigade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pastry Action Reports From the UK and OZ
Report from Down Under:

"Meanwhile another corporate nasty got pied in South Australia - Chuck 
Foldenauer, head of a uranium mine owned by General Atomics (US-based 
nuclear giant).  Perpetrators of the pieing: the 'humps not dumps' women, 
anti-uranium camel crusaders.


"Minister Pays For Farm Fury"

Excerpts from the Evening Standard (London, UK), February 2, 2000, Front 
Page Chocolate attack farce on Nick Brown sends serious warning to Blair.

The fury of Britain's farmers impacted directly on the Government today 
when Agriculture Minister Nick Brown had his face smeared with chocolate 
eclair by a woman protester.

The incident came half way through an angry confrontation between Mr. Brown 
and farmers at their union conference. Delegate after delegate, at least 
one of them in tears, lined up to berate the minister over the Government's 
lack of help for agriculture.

[The perpetrator] is said to have links with anti-genetically modified crop 
protest groups, and later said the attack was a spontaneous protest at how 
the Government is treating farmers in Britain.

General Public Release (special pie technical data follows 'for your pies 

Tuesday, 1st February 2000. Grosvenor House Hotel, London.

Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid arrived in the UK today along with 
10 ministers and 100 Indonesian corporate directors for a business seminar 
with 400 invited delegates from British industry. They were in the UK as 
part of a tour of Europe and Asia designed to drum up business and rescue 
the Indonesian economy from the doldrums. It was a carefully crafted PR 
exercise aiming to spread the illusion that Indonesia is no longer run by a 
despotic regime that murders people and plunders the land to maintain the 
wealth of its ruling elite.

The Indonesian delegation flew in from Davos in Switzerland only this 
morning where they had been attending the World Economic Forum which had 
been besieged by more than 500 rioting demonstrators disguised with 
ski-masks. Escaping this, they arrived at the Grosvenor House Hotel in 
London's Park Lane where they were met by 25 demonstrators hastily 
assembled at only two days notice. The demonstrators, disguised with masks 
of a West Papuan tribesman, blockaded the entrance preventing the 
delegation entering the hotel and sprayed fake blood across the hotel 
steps. The delegates were harangued through a megaphone and greeted with: 
'Good morning suits! You are not anonymous, you are not invisible--if you 
invest in genocide we will target you! Your offices will be occupied, your 
homes will be visited. Welcome to the world of resistance!' Custard pies 
were flung at the alarmed Indonesian delegates, while demonstrators chanted 
'Papua Merdeka'! ('Free Papua!').

The demonstrators blockaded both the front and the back of the hotel to 
prevent delegates arriving unnoticed and were joined by an East Timorese 
exile who proceeded to attack the Indonesians in their own language.

After about an hour, when delegates had ceased arriving and the number of 
police outnumbered protestors by about 2 to 1, the protestors decided to 
leave. A successful, if small, action that hopefully scared off British 
companies from dealing with the murderous Indonesian regime and investing 
in 'developing' West Papua. Unfortunately the photographer wasn't pie-eyed, 
BBB needs specialist photographers with fishpie lenses to capture the action.

But if you look closely there are some mysterious white dots on 'london4' 
-- by the french window.(well ok, its the lights inside...) And pie 
shrapnel from previous slaughter is visible everywhere.

A portable pie strategy was decided on, and piers were issued with foil pie 
trays, a carton of ready made custard and an aerosol can of whipped cream. 
This proved useful as the piers were able to hide behind a second banner 
set at an angle and thus could continue making new pies as and when needed. 
The Pies, although none made a full-on direct hit in the face, got 
everyone; delegates, security and blockaders. One pier was overheard saying 
'we need a training camp with lots of pie'. They claim to have got about 
10-15 of the delegates with a sufficient amount of pie to cause annoyance, 
and knowledge that they were not welcome.

It was obvious from their faces that they were not used to this treatment, 
and would normally have had everyone shot. Security guards promised to 
'get' the pie people later.


very tasty
for a pastry--
must've cost
a lot of dough--

and the bakers
are good makers
of news stories
you can throw.

in the kitchen
they must pitch in,
arms in flour
to the elbows,

while creating
tarts to fling

LL:PR: Close The Waihopai Spybase Now!

2000-02-08 Thread margaret

From: CAFCA (Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa) 



Waihopai does not operate in the interests of New Zealand or our 
neighbours. It is not accountable to Parliament or the people. It is exempt 
from key provisions of the Privacy Act and Crimes Act. To all intents and 
purposes, it is a foreign spybase, working for the US. Waihopai intercepts 
and records your international  phone calls. Waihopai is a waste of 
taxpayers' money, which should be better spent on health and education.

What does Waihopai actually do?

The Waihopai electronic intelligence gathering base is located in the 
Waihopai Valley, near Blenheim. First announced in 1987, it is operated by 
New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) in the 
interests of the foreign powers grouped together in the super-secret UKUSA 
Agreement (which shares global electronic and signals intelligence among 
the intelligence agencies of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and NZ). Its two 
satellite interception dishes (shielded from public view by giant domes) 
intercept a huge volume of telexes, faxes, electronic mail and computer 
data communications. It gathers this data from our Asia/Pacific neighbours, 
and forwards it on to the major partners in the UKUSA Agreement, 
specifically the US National Security Agency. Its targets include 
international communications involving New Zealanders. The second and newer 
dish enables Waihopai to intercept satellite phone calls, including New 
Zealanders' international calls. It spies on our neighbours, people such as 
the Bougainvilleans and Timorese.

Nicky Hager's 1996 book "Secret Power" featured a foreword by former PM, 
David Lange (who authorised Waihopai's construction). Lange says that 
politicians and Ministers (including the Minister in charge of security and 
intelligence agencies, who is always the PM) do not know what goes on there.

New Zealand is an integral, albeit junior, part of a global spying network, 
a network that is ultimately accountable only to its own constituent 
agencies, not governments, and certainly not to citizens.

Waihopai and Tangimoana must be closed immediately.

The GCSB must be abolished.

New Zealand must withdraw from the UKUSA Agreement and other international 
intelligence agreements.

  Anti-Bases Campaign, Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand

Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa
PO Box 2258, Christchurch


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LL:AA: Asylum seekers in Australia need help

2000-02-07 Thread margaret

From: Arun Kundnani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: Asylum seekers in Australia need help

Campaign Against Racism and Fascism - http://www.carf.demon.co.uk/

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
110 Hamstead  Road
Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947  Fax:  0870-055-4570
Web site:  http://www.ncadc.demon.co.uk/

Sunday 6th February 2000

Asylum Seekers on Hunger Strike in Australia need help:

you can help by joining international fax protest, model letter and fax 
number at end of message.

Asylum-seekers incarcerated at the Curtin refugee camp in Western Australia 
have been on a hunger-strike since Wednesday demanding better living 

In a letter smuggled out of the camp to a newspaper, the hunger-strikers 
had written, "We are suffering inside the camp. Where is human right. 
Please help us. We will die if nobody come  to help us. We are dying. Hurry 
up before we die."

Australian Immigration Minister, Phillip Ruddock, refused to consider their 
demands for better living conditions and insisted that they communicate to 
others potentially seeking asylum in Australia that they will not be welcome.

Curtin is a disused air-base in Western Australia's arid north-west. It was 
recently transformed into a refugee camp with the addition  of barbed wire 
and guards. It is now mid-summer in Australia, where temperatures in the 
desert are excessive and dangerous. One woman has already been hospitalised 
suffering dehydration.

There are over 1,000 people currently being held at Curtin.  There have 
been numerous attempts at freedom, the most recent in December of last year.

An Immigration Department spokesperson told reporters, "They came here 
expecting a very quick and comfortable process."  The spokeperson was quick 
to add, "They were deluded."

According to UN conventions, to which Australia is a signatory, people 
cannot be treated in ways calculated to make an example of them. The 
Australian Government continues to justify both detention, and now 
indifference to suffering, in terms of deterrence.  Western Australian 
Premier, Richard Court, said that if the refugees did not like conditions 
at Curtin, they should "go back home".

The Minister has disclosed that up to 12 people on the hunger-strike have 
stitched their lips closed.  This is from the newsfeeds: "The detainees are 
demanding their claims for refugee status be processed immediately. They 
also want to be transferred to an open camp in Perth. Mr Ruddock says the 
demands are unreasonable and the government will not be intimidated."

- It should be noted that in a report by the Human Rights and Equal 
Opportunity Commission some time ago, the practices of chemical sedation of 
trouble-makers, force-feeding of hunger-strikers, and the removal of 
protest organisers to the regular prison system is not uncommon in the 
refugee camps.

- Last week, the Migration Amendment Act (1999) (no.2) (or, "Border 
Protection" Legislation) was passed.  This is the latest in a long line of 
changes to Australian migration and refugee law which began with the 
introduction of mandatory, non-reviewable detention in 1992.

- The "Border Protection"  law not only makes it possible to extend powers 
of interception of suspected boats carrying asylum-seekers to outside 
Australian waters, but means that even those who are able to gain 
acceptance of their refugee claims, if they have arrived in Australia 
unauthorised (ie., if they are 'boat people'), they will only ever be 
entitled to a 3-year visa.

- Moreover, the President of the Law Council of Australia has noted, "These 
new regulations will create a new sub-class of genuine refugees-refugees 
with no right to sponsor family or to access some forms of education; 
refugees with no automatic entitlement to Medicare or social security, and 
refugees who will face extra difficulties in finding employment because of 
the visas they are granted."  He also said, "The Convention recognises that 
real refugees typically have no choice but to flee from their situation 
without complying with the niceties of immigration laws."

- The numbers of asylum-seekers compared to other countries is minute. 
'Boat people' gain much media attention, more often than not regarded in 
terms of 'flooding', though numbers here are miniscule: since 1989-90, 
3,568 people without papers have arrived in Australia by boat.  'Boat 
people' invariably signify 'Asian' in the political imaginary.  The 
Department of Immigration has a list of countries and categories of people 
for whom any kind of entry into Australia is illegal (ie., poor countries 
and countries devastated by wars, otherly-complexioned countries) which it 
defines as a list of 'those at risk of overstaying their visa'.  This 
despite the fact that most of those who overstay visa times are from the 
UK, US and New Zealand. Australia has in fact returned to the White 
Australia Policy of the pre-WWII years.

LL:ART: ZNet Update - Commentary/Jan 24/Jennifer Collins/Ecuador

2000-01-25 Thread margaret

For those wondering abut what has been happening in Ecuador.

From: Michael Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Military-Indigenous Coup Aborted by Military High Command
By Jennifer N. Collins
Report from Ecuador

Quito, January 22, 2000: The coup carried out yesterday in Ecuador by 
mid-level military officers together with leaders of the indigenous 
movement lasted less than 24 hours. Actions taken by officers in the Joint 
Command of the Armed Forces has given way to the destitution of President 
Jamil Mahuad and his replacement by Vice President Gustavo Noboa, and 
thereby the return to constitutionality, but the pressing problems of 
social injustice and exclusion remain. The indigenous and popular 
movements, which led the way to the coup have not been granted any 
concessions or a seat at the negotiating table, this may lead to further 

A Single Day of Popular Power

After taking over the Congressional building, declaring a new government of 
national salvation, and installing a new "popular parliament," the forces 
supporting this rupture with the constitutional order and the installation 
of a new popular government moved the center of their activity from the 
Congress building slowly towards the National Palace, located in the 
colonial center of the capital. At about 5pm that afternoon the protestors 
and the military officers who had joined the rebellion began a march from 
the Congressional building to the National Palace. At around the same time, 
President Mahuad abandoned the seat of government after being informed by 
the General in charge of the troops guarding the Palace, that he could no 
longer assure the security of the building.

Later that night, after the leaders of the newly declared government had 
installed themselves in the National Palace, it was announced that they 
would meet with the leaders of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces. This 
was clearly a crucial moment; up to that point the high level military 
leadership had been very clear in their position of only supporting a 
constitutional solution to the crisis. Earlier that day they had called 
upon President Mahuad to resign, but had by no means given their support to 
the mid-level officers who had joined together with the indigenous and 
popular leaders. At about 7pm that night, the Chief of the Joint Command, 
General Carlos Mendoza, arrived at the National Palace and began to 
dialogue with the leaders of the coup in the middle of the plaza. 
Eventually they went inside the National Palace and went into a closed 
session meeting with leaders of the newly declared "Junta of National 
Salvation." It was certainly quite surprising to see this representative of 
the highest level of the military command entering into 
peaceful  negotiations with the leaders of the coup, who had in effect 
subverted his authority.

In the meantime, the military cordon that had been blocking access to the 
plaza in front of the National Palace was finally broken at 7pm and about 
5,000 demonstrators, supporters of the new government flooded into 
Independence Plaza. The balconies of the national palace were brimming with 
people, a mixture of members of the military and the police together with 
indigenous and popular leaders. Members of the military could be seen 
speaking to the crowd below and leading them in chants of "Ecuador, 
Ecuador." Below, illuminated by the light of TV cameras, the plaza was 
filled with supporters of the new popular government.

Just before mid-night, after about three hours of negotiations behind 
closed doors, Coronel Gutierrez, who had led the mid-level officers in the 
coup announced that his mission had been completed and that he was handing 
over power in this new government to General Carlos Mendoza. At that point 
Mendoza announced the formation of a civil-military triumvirate, composed 
of himself, the President of the National Indigenous Confederation 
(CONAIE), Antonio Vargas, and Carlos Solorzano, a former President of the 
Supreme Court. Mendoza announced that this triumvirate would "work for the 
country, put an end to corruption, and assure that day by day Ecuadorians 
would become less poor." In response to a barrage of questions from 
journalists about what sort of policies this new government would 
implement, Mendoza evaded any concrete answers, and instead explained that 
the triumvirate would have to meet the next day and had not yet made these 
crucial decisions.

Betrayal Comes at Night

Thus, last night the country went to bed with a new civilian-military 
popular government, but it awoke to the surprising news that General 
Mendoza had betrayed his promise to join this new government. Just three 
hours after the midnight announcement, sometime around 3am, Mendoza 
announced that he was withdrawing from the triumvirate, and that he would 
give way to the assumption of power by Vice President Noboa. In his 
declarations he basically admitted that he had purposefully deceived the 

LL:AA: Fight Union-busting at Greenpeace

2000-01-13 Thread margaret

Date:Tue, 11 Jan 2000 22:29:10 -0500
From: Andy Lehrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Fight Union-busting at Greenpeace

Oppose Union Busting at Greenpeace

Greenpeace Canada (GPC), with a budget of over $7 million annually is on a
drive to bust the union of telephone and door canvass employees. The phone
canvass department alone raises an estimated $250,000 in net gains for GPC,
after wages and costs.  They are expected to work unpaid overtime to meet
the unfair labour practice of quota (wages and job security determined on
the basis of funds raised per individual, not based on seniority etc).

Outsourcing has been threatened to companies that have a far lower rate of
return than the phone canvass department. This is explicitly designed to
bust the union, OPEIU local 343. Management has been clear about this from
the beginning. Several employees were fired in the early 90s for trying to
organize a union. The current telephone supervisor Eric Gamble - has stated
that "there is no security in this job. If we want to fire somebody around
here - it can be done easily." They have wrongly assumed that the union
will not fight. Currently, the workforce is completely part-time. Yet it is
only full time employees who qualify for the overwhelming majority of the
benefits, optical, paid vacations, sick time etc.

Currently management is conducting a disciplinary process against union
rep, Jason Baines. It is a matter of discrimination against the union as
other employees who have not obtained "quota" have not been disciplined. It
is the traditional management tactic of victimizing union campaigners in an
attempt to weaken the union and strengthen its overall position.

It will not work. Already grievances have been filed. However this is not
enough. The mobilizing power of ordinary workers and youth is central in
winning gains for telephone workers. It is not just the specific local that
is effected here. It is important for unionized telephone workers to
organize. A victory at GPC will strengthen the union, putting it on the
necessary foundations to unionize of low paid telephone workers.

Please voice your concerns. Call Eric Gamble acting Geenpeace phone canvass
supervisor at 416-597 8409 extension *3009 and email him if possible at

Please demand:

full rights and benefits for part-timers
end harassment of union activists
decent job security and a living wage

If you're a member of Greenpeace or have contributed money to Greenpeace,
please point that out in your message.


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LL:INFO: Disability Pensioners - Pharmaceutical Allowance cuts

2000-01-09 Thread margaret

From: Judi Ann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, 8 January 2000 00:09
Subject: Disability Pensioners


Medications now cost  $3.30 per item on Script instead of $3.20. Today was 
a real wakening that what lays ahead of us may not be very good at all, not 
only are they trying to put us back to the work-place, but they are also 
not giving us an increase in our Pharmaceutical allowance to cover the 
increases in costs of medications, so what hope does any DSP pensioner have ???

This issue is on our Agenda for our February National Conference.

DSP Australia Inc.
ARB076023544  AOO28385N
National  Office.


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1999-12-04 Thread margaret


- Original Message -

by Portland student/reporter Jim Desyllas

Called-in from a pay phone outside Seattle. Wed., 7:30 pm Pacific time.

(Posted at www.emperors-clothes.com  12-2-99.  Feel free to distribute in 
full including this note.)

I just spent 4 days in Seattle. The "information" people are getting from 
the mass media is false. This was not, as Pres. Clinton claims, a peaceful 
protest marred by the actions of violent protesters. This was a massive, 
strong but peaceful demonstration which was attacked repeatedly by the 
police with the express purpose of provoking a violent response to provide 
photo opportunities for the Western media. I know because I watched it 
happening. I'll tell you how they did it.

As Michel Chossudovsky says in his "Disarming the New World Order" (See 
Note # 1 at end for link to that article) - the government put a lot of 
effort into making sure the protesters in Seattle were a "loyal opposition" 
who wanted to reform the WTO, not get rid of it. But the people in Seattle 
- American steel workers, Canadian postal workers, college kids from all 
over, environmentalists from Australia - you name it - were not for 
reforming the WTO. They were for getting rid of it.

And this wasn't just true of the protesters. I interviewed delegates. None 
of them had anything favorable to say about the WTO. Two delegates from the 
Caribbean were angry about job loss. One delegate from Peru took a bullhorn 
and got up on a car and spoke to the protestors against the World Trade 
Organization. He said it hurts the workers and farmers. I interviewed a 
Norwegian guy from Greenpeace. Totally against it. Even a delegate from 
Holland said it had hurt the farmers there. He said though it is supposedly 
democratic, that's actually a lie: the US, England and Canada and a few 
others get together and decide what they want to do. Then they ask the rest 
of the countries to vote and if they vote wrong they threaten,"You won't 
get loans," or whatever. They get them to do what they want by blackmailing 
them. The Italians we interviewed were upset too. I couldn't find any 
delegates who were in favor.

So the government instigated a "riot" to discredit the movement against the 
WTO because they couldn't dilute it. I am not guessing about this. I was 
there. I saw it happening. And I will tell you I am frankly shocked to see, 
close up, just how little our leaders care what happens to ordinary people. 
Clinton can pose and speak a lot of flowery stuff but the truth is - we are 
nothing to them. I saw this with my own eyes.

Sunday and Monday, there was no violence. None. The people were 
aggressively non-violent; they were self-policing. Up until Tuesday at 4pm 
there was one window broken in the whole city - a McDonalds window. This 
compares favorably to the typical rock concert, let alone a demonstration 
of people who were non-violently barring entry to the World Trade Center!

At this point, a new group of police - tactical police - moved in and 
started gassing people and shooting rubber bullets. Is it any surprise that 
people got mad? Of course, the young kids hit back by breaking some windows 
in retaliation for being gassed, sprayed with very painful pepper gas, and 
shot with dangerous "rubber" bullets. The police instigated these kids, 
plain and simple.

Sunday and Monday they had young cops, using them to block the streets. 
These were trainees. But Tuesday they had the real cops; none of them were 
young. They were trained to attack people. A small group, maybe 100 people 
total, struck back. Then these cops herded that group around the city, 
making sure there were plenty of photo ops of "violent protesters."

A number of times they had these 100 or so protesters caught between 
buildings and walls of police. They could easily have arrested and detained 
this small number of people and gotten it over with. Instead they would gas 
them and let them go. Then trap them again, gas them again, and again let 
them go. The cops made no arrests that I know of until late Tuesday night 
though the skirmishing was going on from three till 9:30. The cops would 
blockade three or five blocks of an area, give the angry kids room to 
operate, keep gassing them - when you gas a person, let me tell you, it 
gets them fighting mad.

Tuesday night the police gassed all of downtown. This was going on from 3 
PM, till 6 PM.. Gas everywhere. The kids broke a few windows - McD's, 
Starbucks - small stuff - burned a few garbage cans. The police were using 
these people as extras. It was staged. I believe also the police had their 
own people in there, encouraging people to break stuff - if people think I 
may be exaggerating, I saw supposed protesters - they were screaming and so 
on - and then later, when everything was over, the same people tackled 
other protestors and put handcuffs on them.

At 6pm they issued a State of Emergency. 

LL:DDV: October 16th world anti-McDonalds Day - Some Melbourne events

1999-10-13 Thread margaret

Saturday October 16th "McCrappy" events:

Residents Against McDonalds will mark World Anti-McDonalds Day at Coburg
Mall, next to the library from 10.30am. {Sydney Road trams and the Upfield
railway line station at Coburg will put you close by.}
The event will include an appearance by Mr McLitter, speakers and the
drawing of a raffle.

{First prize: original watercolour painting of # 1 Sussex Street, Pascoe
Second prize: a print of an original sketch of the same historic home
(demolished by Redbar Demolition for McDonalds & guarded by 80 Advent
security and 200 police).
Third prize:  a jazz CD & RAM t-shirt. Tickets cost only $1.}

Contact RAM:
Telephone Russell: 9640 4213 or Leanne: 0411 782 675
Write to: PO Box 103, Pascoe Vale South, 3044
Visit the website: http://taz.net.au/ram
Write email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 >From midday to 1pm on Saturday other anti-McDonalds protesters are also
gathering. This time outside the State Library in Swanston Street, City.
They plan to go to McDonalds sites around the City in the early afternoon.

McLibel, PO Box 700, Brunswick Lower 3056

Protests by groups in other regions in and outside of Melbourne eg Torquay
may also be taking place.

See the film McLibel now showing at the Nova Cinema in Lygon Street,

International website: http://www.Mcspotlight.com



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LL:PR: explorations URL & Squat? Why Not! zine

1999-10-10 Thread margaret


The excellent Squat? Why Not!  magazine, 60 pages, has just been published.

Features include: Getting In and securing your squat, Resisting eviction,
Unorthodox house repairs, art of scamming, quick compost, edible gardening,
the legal bits, local and international stories eg. Dijon France, Gateavisa
Norway 121 in london evicted after 6752 days of continuous occupation: 18
years, his & herstory eg the brown warehouse in Collingwood, the Squatters
Union & seaside squatting near sydney after WW II, how to build a bender and
a yert, interviews with squatters.

Available for $2 (plus postage if mailed to you) at better bookshops or
directly from:
Barricade Books, 115 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056 Tel 9387 6646

The occupied space outside Melbourne's Indonesian Consulate (72 Queens Rd)
is the latest in a long list of great examples of the community and workers,
united together, using direct action. The picketers still need volunteers to
do the roster help out so please contact: 9521 4522 or see www.freetimor.com

A really inspiring site you should check out, all about exploring
abandoned buildings and other palces you "shouldn't go". There is also a
magazine which has an amazing story about exploring former nuclear
missile silos. the address is- http://www.infiltration.org

Squatters & Unwaged Workers Airwaves
every Friday, 11am to Midday, on Melbourne's Community Radio 3CR 855AM
c/-3CR, PO Box 1277, Collingwood 3066

Unreal Estate Squatters Handbook on Line


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LL:URL: ZNEt Timor Update / Oct 5 URLs

1999-10-07 Thread margaret

Much new material has been added to the Timor Section of ZNet including, in 
particular, a transcription of a major talk given by Noam Chomsky in 
Kansas: http://www.zmag.org/CrisesCurEvts/Timor/sovereignty.htm also a 
transcript of the Gusmao/Horta UN Press Conference at: 


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LL:AA: Call for volunteers to assemble an aid transport fleet for

1999-09-29 Thread margaret

Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 19:06:01 -0700
Precedence: bulk

Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 00:56:52 +1000
From: Peter Ravenscroft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for volunteers to assemble an aid transport fleet for Timor

  East Timor Drovers Project

Vehicles & Owner Drivers Needed

Peter Ravenscroft. Phone (07) 3289 4470
  or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  This newly formed organization is a voluntary body dedicated to
  aiding the East Timorese. We need your help.

   [UPDATE 24-9-99: We are establishing a base camp at Darwin as soon
   as possible. The situation remains very unsettled and this prevents
   aid agenices entering the country right now. However, as soon as
   things calm down, we will be going into Timor.]

   We are appealing for volunteers to go to Timor, to drive for a
   group of five aid agencies based in Darwin. We particularly need
   owner drivers who are prepared to go over with their own vehicles.
   We need drivers, mechanics (qualified or not), and field
   organizers. Firstly contact us and arrangements will be given,
   about getting yourself to Darwin.

   Unrepairable vehicles will also be scrapped for parts or sold to
   raise funds. Please, no write-offs as we cannot act as your waste
   disposal service.

   Vehicles do not need to be registered to pass into East Timor.
   However, they do need to be transported there.

   The East Timor Mercy Ship is sailing for a second time some time
   next week or shortly after. We will have vehicles on that.

   We also need, anywhere in Australia, office staff, fundraisers and
   other organizers, transport managers, internet people and general
   scroungers. Whatever your expertise, location and time
   availability, if you are prepared to volunteer your services we
   will be able to find you something useful to do.

   If you would like to do something real to help the Timorese people,
   this is one way to do it. We need cars, utes, trucks and buses, and
   in particular four wheel drives. Also bicycles. We may be able to
   transport unregistered but fully serviceable vehicles by truck to
   Darwin. This is not a safe operation, and there are no guarantees
   for personal safety, or for vehicles. We may not be able to get our
   vehicles back for a long time if at all. There is no pay, but if
   that can be arranged later it will be.

   We also invite people to start and run independent Drover groups in
   their own communities, and to help run the existing groups. Two,
   Samford and Mount Nebo, are operating. The first party from Samford
   will be leaving for Darwin in a couple of days. Extra drivers are

   Overseas Help: Those not in Australia can offer their help also.
   Primarily, anyone can offer donations and funds. Also, anyone
   offering transit such as boats, planes or shipping can contact us.

   The Drovers organization exists to provide transport for people in
   crisis areas, and for the aid groups helping them. It has just been
   formed. Our first project is to provide transport for East Timor.
   There are very few vehicles left operating there.

   So far, two 4WD, two tip trucks, one 5 ton 4WD, two cars, a utility
   (pick-up truck) and about 25 bicycles. We may have free rail
   freight organised (thank you Queensland Rail). This is a good start
   for only four days operation, but more help is urgently needed.

   A vintage Morris Z is also being sold to raise funds for $3000, so
   for any offers please contact by phone or email (Brisbane area

   If you would like to and can help in any way at all, please phone
   either 07-3289 4470 (Samford Drovers), or 07-3289 8159 (Mount Nebo
   Drovers) or 08-8985 5529 (Timor Aid, Darwin).

   Vehicles should head for Darwin, and be supplied with spares, tools
   and camping equipment such as swags and tents. Once there, food and
   fuel will be provided to the best of our ability. If willing to go
   to East Timor, take your passport, or documents sufficient to get
   one in Darwin.

   Expect delays and disorganization. This is a crisis!

   Drovers ~ Peter Ravenscroft (23-9-99)
   Phone (07) 32894470.

   Page by Ambrose Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Community Aid Abroad East Timor Appeal
 web space provided by www.samford.net


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LL:INFO: Oct 16th: Worldwide Day of Action vs McDonald's

1999-09-17 Thread margaret

- Original Message -
From: Dave Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 16 September 1999 10:27
Subject: Oct 16th: Worldwide Day of Action vs McDonald's
Please circulate widely...

London Greenpeace / McLibel Support Campaign
5 Caledonian Rd, London,  N1 9DX, UK. Tel/Fax +44-(0)171 713 1269
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Internet info:www.mcspotlight.org

September 1999   [Updated Summer Mailing]

dear friends,

The 15th annual Worldwide Anti-McDonald's Day is approaching on Saturday
October 16th. 3 million leaflets have been handed out in the UK alone sinc=
1990 (when the McDonald's Corporation served libel writs on Helen and Dave
aiming to suppress the London Greenpeace leafletting campaign) and it is n=
distributed worldwide - we have copies in 27 languages. Please picket your
local store. (You can copy and distribute that leaflet yourself - download
the design at
http://www.mcspotlight.org/campaigns/translations/trans_uk.html   In the U=
contact Veggies if you would like to 'adopt' your local store - leaflets a=
also available from them at cost price.  01159 585666).


Since our last mailout, the global campaign against McDonald's has continu=
to grow - mass distribution of leaflets by thousands of local activists,
millions of hits to 'McSpotlight', many determined residents campaigns
against new stores, mass anti-McDonald's protests by french farmers opposi=
economic globalisation, a crew unionisation success in a store in America
for the first time and general bad publicity for the Corporation as a resu=
of the McLibel case. In March this year the McLibel Appeal resulted in
further important victories for campaigners.

The Defendants have now lodged a petition to the House of Lords, and
after that will go to the European Court of Human Rights if necessary to
seek to overturn the UK's oppressive libel laws.  For this reason we are
making a financial appeal for McLibel - Funds have run very low, and we
urgently need funds for legal costs (transcripts, photocopying of papers f=
court etc). Not a penny will go to McDonald's of course! Donations will be
greatly appreciated (Cheques to McLibel Support Campaign).


Helen and Dave, representing themselves, are seeking to defend the
public's right to criticise companies whose business practices affect
people's lives, health and environment, arguing that multinational
corporations should no longer be able to sue for libel. They will also arg=
that publishing material about matters of public importance and interest
should be protected by 'qualified privilege' - a point related to the
matters currently being heard by the House of Lords in the libel case of t=
former Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynolds vs The Sunday Times. Helen and
Dave also seek an end to unfair and oppressive defamation laws and

But most importantly for McDonald's they are seeking leave to argue that,
having now won the bulk of the issues in dispute with the fast-food
corporation, they should have won the case outright. After a controversial
314 day trial ending in June 1997, in which the defendants had been denied
Legal Aid and their right to a jury trial, Mr Justice Bell ruled that:
McDonald's marketing has "pretended to a positive nutritional benefit whic=
their food (high in fat & salt etc) did not match"; that McDonald's "explo=
children" with their advertising strategy; are "culpably responsible for
animal cruelty"; and "pay low wages, helping to depress wages in the
catering trade." Significantly McDonald's did not appeal over these damnin=
rulings against their core business practices, stating that the Judge was
'correct in his conclusions' ! [McDonald's written submissions 5.1.99].  T=
McLibel 2 failed to convince the judge on all issues, however, and so

On March 31st the Court of Appeal added to those damning findings, after a
23-day hearing earlier this year. Lord Justices Pill, May and Keane ruled
that it was fair comment to say that McDonald's employees worldwide "do
badly in terms of pay and conditions", and true that "if one eats enough
McDonald's food, one's diet may well become high in fat etc., with the ver=
real risk of heart disease.'" But despite these further findings the Appea=
Court only reduced Mr Justice Bell's original award of =A360,000 pounds
damages to McDonald's (who'd spent an estimated =A310m on the case) by
=A320,000. The defendants believe, and will argue that it is an outrage th=
McDonald's has been awarded any damages at all in the light of all the
serious findings made against the company and the fact that no sanctions
have been taken against them.


In September 1998 Helen and Dave launched proceedings against the
Metropolitan Police Commissioner, claiming damages for misfe

LL:URL:East Timor addresses

1999-09-12 Thread margaret

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, 10 September 1999 16:09
Subject: East Timor - addresses

 It's been a while since my last email regarding 
 the website "Address Directory, Politicians of 
 the World". Given the situation in East Timor, 
 I thought you might not mind if I supplied you 
 with a few useful addresses:
 Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
 Office of the President
 15 Jalan Merdeka Utara
 gov't webpage http://www.dfa-deplu.go.id/english/govern1.htm
 National Commission for Human Rights
 Jl. Latuharhary No. 4B
 Menteng, Jakarta 10310
 phone 62-21-392-5230, fax 62-21-392-5227
 Jalan Infante de Henri
 Dili, Timor Timur
 Best regards,
 Don Vermithrax
 Address Directory - Politicians of the World

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Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:URL:Znet Timor links

1999-09-12 Thread margaret

- Original Message -
From: Michael Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 10 September 1999 06:41
Subject: ZNet Free Update - Timor Links and major new statement from

> Please do come to the continually updated Timor pages --
> http://www.zmag.org/CrisesCurEvts/Timor/timor_index.htm -- to get not only
> news of occurrences in East Timor, but even more important, clear accounts
> of the context, the prospects, and what normal folk are doing and can do
> stop the horror.
> Recent link additions to the Timor Page include, among others --
> Chomsky's major new statement, as of September 10th -- literally minutes
> before this was mailed -- included below.
> Chomsky: East Timor on the Brink /
> http://www.zmag.org/CrisesCurEvts/Timor/chomskybar.htm
> Chomsky interviewed by Barsamian Sept 9
> transcript from KGNU Boulder
> Direct from Dili / Sept 8
> 1:05
> full audio link)
> Allan Nairn Democracy Now report
> U.S Complicity in East Timor
> http://www.thenation.com/issue/990927/0927nairn.shtml
> (text variant)
> Allan Nairn in The Nation
> Genocide !! ?
> http://www.zmag.org/CrisesCurEvts/Timor/geno2.htm
> David Peterson for ZNet Sept 9
> Will the U.S. Commit to Timor?
> http://www.zmag.org/ustimor.htm
> Scott Burchill for ZNet Sept 8
> And also many links to sites with direct reporting, resources,
> organizational statements, etc.
> For those who remember our coverage of the Kosovo conflict (on-going), we
> are working on a Question and Answer piece like that done then, as well.
> -
> Major new statement from Noam Chomsky, Sept 10, on Timor
> Comments On the Occasion of the Forthcoming APEC Summit
> There are many topics of major long-term significance that should be
> addressed at the APEC conference, but one is of consuming importance and
> overwhelming urgency. We all know exactly what it is, and why it must be
> placed at the forefront of concern -- and more important, instant action.
> This conference provides an opportunity -- there may not be many more --
> terminate the tragedy that is once again reaching shocking proportions in
> East Timor. The Indonesian military forces who invaded East Timor 24 years
> ago, and have been slaughtering and terrorizing its inhabitants ever
> are right now, as I write, in the process of sadistically destroying what
> remains: the population, the cities and villages. What they are planning,
> cannot be sure: a Carthaginian solution is not out of the question.
> The tragedy of East Timor has been one of the most awesome of this
> century. It is also of particular moral significance for us, for the
> simplest and most obvious of reasons. Western complicity has been direct
> decisive. The expected corollary also holds: unlike the crimes of official
> enemies, these can be ended by means that have always been readily
> available, and still are.
> The current wave of terror and destruction began early this year, under
> pretense that the atrocities were the work of "uncontrolled militias." It
> was quickly revealed that these were paramilitary forces armed, organized,
> and directed by the Indonesian army, who also participated directly in
> "criminal activities," as these have just been described by Indonesian
> Foreign Minister Ali Alatas, still maintaining the shameful pretense that
> the "military institution" that is directing the crimes is seeking to stop
> them.
> The Indonesian military forces are commonly described as "rogue elements."
> That is hardly accurate. Most prominent among them are Kopassus units sent
> to East Timor to carry out the actions for which they are famed, and
> dreaded. They have "the job of managing the militias, many observers
> believe," veteran Asia correspondent David Jenkins reported as the terror
> was mounting. Kopassus is the "crack special forces unit" modeled on the
> U.S. Green Berets that had "been training regularly with US and Australian
> forces until their behaviour became too much of an embarrassment for their
> foreign friends." These forces are "legendary for their cruelty," observes
> Benedict Anderson, one of the leading Indonesia scholars. In East Timor,
> Anderson continues, "Kopassus became the pioneer and exemplar for every
> of atrocity," including systematic rapes, tortures and executions, and
> organization of hooded gangsters.
> Jenkins wrote that Kopassus officers, trained in the United States,
> the tactics of the US Phoenix program in South Vietnam, which killed tens
> thousands of peasants and much of the indigenous South Vietnamese
> leadership, as well as "the tactics employed by the Contras" in Nicaragua,
> following lessons taught by their CIA mentors that it should be
> to review. The state terrorists were "not simply going after the most
> radical pro-independence people but going after the moderat

LL:Update East Timor actions Indonesian Embassy London

1999-09-12 Thread margaret

- Original Message -
From: Ciaron O'Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, 11 September 1999 12:18
Subject: Re: Update - Vigil for East Timor, Indonesian Embassy, London

 dealer and  dictatorship apologist) ANNOUNCES BRITISH ARMS EMBARGO ON
 (We have a British Aerospace Hawk fighter at the Warton factory totally
 dressed up in INdonesian Air Force markings with registeration no. with no
 where to go!!!)
 Vigil for East Timor, Indonesian Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London
 tube Bond St.)
 Mon (Sept. 13.) - Fri (Sept. 17th.)  9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
 Phone Ciaron 07930-961842
 1) Vigil for East Timor Update
 2) Other demonstrations for East Timor
 3) Opposition Grows in Australia
 4) East Timor Solidarity Activist Jailed for 30 days
 1) Vigil Update

The 3 month old Vigil for East Timor outside the Indonesian Embassy 
that lead up to the ballot day in East Timor has been resumed over the 
past week on a Mon- Fri 9-5 basis.  

 Many of the folks who joined us outside the embassy last week came
 spontaneously to express their outrage and solidarity with the people of
 East Timor - without knowing if their would be anyone else there.
 Hopefully groups such as BCET, Tapol, Amnesty International, CAAT, Pax
 Christi are now publicising the vigil amongst their membership and the
 general public who are phoning their offices in response to the genocide.

Over the past few days the vigil has been joined by people from East 
Timor, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia, England, Scotland, 
Ireland, Holland, Switezerland, Sweden and Portugal.  Nearby workers 
on lunch break, workers making deliveries to the embassy and a few 
bicycle meessengers have all stopped into vigil.  Solidarity has been 
expressed by folks living in the apartments neighboring the embassy, 
police guarding the embassy and many honking passing motorists.  A 
local church has given us space to stash our banners and placards 

Indonesian government staff have been confronted with the reality of the 
genocide their government is persecuting in East Timor.  Some of these 
confrontations have been on-to-one as individuals pursued embassy 
staff down the street to engage them.  Thus far these engagements 
have been in an assertive and nonviolent spirit.  We are helping each 
other to maintain a nonviolent disciplin in this most provacative time and 

 Vigil for East Timor supports & encourages nonviolent resistance at the
 embassy.blockading, sitting in, locking on etc.  To the best of our
 resources we will accompany resisters through action-court-punishment.

A daily presence has started outside British Aerospace Warton where a 
Hawk fighter fully decorated in Indonesian Air Force markings and 
registeration number awaits immediate delivery to this genocidal regime. 
Hawks are presently being used over East Timor by the Indonesian 
military. Preston Contact Tony & Vera 01772- 825831 2) Other 
Demonstrations *Monday Foreign Office 12.30 p.m. - 2 p.m. British 
Coalition for East Timor Ph. 0370-372315 *Tues and Wed actions at the 
Arms Fairs Call CAAT  0171-281 0297 *Wednesday 12 noon - 2 p.m. at 
British Aerospace Warton (near Preston)against the Hawks awaiting 
delivery to the Indoensian military Ph. Ver or Tony 01772-825831 
*Saturday organised by the Portugese Community 10 Downing St. 12 
noon - 2 p.m. 3) 

Opposition Grows in Australia Yesterday (Fri) 25,000 people marched in 
downtown Melbourne in solidarity with the people of East Timor, 20,000 
marched in Sydney. Brisbane City Council hosted an east Timor 
solidarity gathering of 1,000 in City Hall. Today (Sat.) over 20,000 
marched in other Australian centres. 

The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) have placed significant bans on 
Indonesina shipping and flights.  Air Garuda flights have been disrupted 
and diverted.  The MUA placed similar bans on Dutch shipping duiring 
the struggle for Indonesian independence in the 1940's.  

Three Christian peace activsts were arrested after entering the offices for 
the Dept. of Foreign Affairs in Brisbane, pasting photogarphs of a recent 
massacre in East Timor on the walls and writing the words "God Forgive 
Us!".  Lisa Bridle, Rachel Harrison and Jim Dowling have been charged 
with "criminal damage".  Others were arrested blockading the Brisbane 
offices of Air Garuda.  

 Young East Timorese were arrested following an occupation of the
 4)East Timor Solidarity Activist Jailed for 30 days as His Demands for an
 End to the Training of Indonesian Troop in Australia are realised.

Jim Dowling a member of the West End Catholic Worker community 
(Brisbane/Australia) and the Faith & Resistance network is at present in 
the Brisbane watch house serving a 30 day sentence in protest against 
the train

LL:ART:Concern for human rights stops in ETimor?

1999-09-10 Thread margaret

- Original Message -
From: MichaelP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 9 September 1999 07:54
Subject: Concern for human rights "stops in ETimor" ?

 In case anyone has limited knowledge of the East Indies chain of islands -
 this piece is not about E Timor but rather about West Papua. Perhaps one
 our Oz friends can bring us up to date on the related topic of New Guinea.


   GUARDIAN (London)   Thursday September 9, 1999

 by  George Monbiot

 West Papua has been raped and pillaged, just like East Timor

 The west's concern for human rights, the Indonesian government has been
 promised, stops in East Timor. If the army stops massacring the East
 Timorese, suggests Don McKinnon, the New Zealand foreign minister hosting
 the inter-governmental conference, the global powers will turn their backs
 on butchery elsewhere. "We do not consider," he told the BBC yesterday,
 "any other parts of Indonesia in any way as being the same as East Timor."
 The west is still playing geopolitics with Indonesia's people.

 There is another occupied territory, whose existence lies beneath the
 scope of Mr McKinnon's elevated worldview, but whose story is almost
 identical to East Timor's. West Papua, or Irian Jaya as the Indonesian
 government calls it, is the western half of the vast island of New Guinea.
 Holland held on to it when the rest of the Dutch East Indies became the
 Republic of Indonesia, for it lies on a different continent, two and half
 thousand miles from Jakarta, and is peopled by a different race.

 New Guinea, its Melanesian inhabitants had long demanded, should be
 allowed to form a single, independent state. At length, the Dutch and
 Australians agreed. But in 1963, after this plan was disputed by the
 Indonesian government, the Dutch handed West Papua to the United Nations.
 In violation of every principle the UN was established to defend, the US
 insisted that it be given to Indonesia. When President Kennedy was asked
 how the handover could be justified, he replied: "Those Papuans of yours
 are some seven hundred thousand and living in the Stone Age."

 I n truth, there were more than 1m West Papuans who, having failed to
 master the art of time travel, were living in the 20th century like
 everyone else. But Kennedy's racist realpolitik gave the Indonesian
 government the green light to pursue its own.

 The Indonesian army wasted no time in demonstrating the benefits of
 integration. The Papuans trained for political life were rounded up and
 kicked to death. Tribal villages were strafed and napalmed from the air,
 then machine-gunned from the ground. Detainees were electrocuted and had
 nails hammered through their feet. As Papuan men took to the forests armed
 only with spears and poisoned arrows, the Indonesian army, equipped by
 Britain, France and the US, began a full scale pacification programme.

 Girls were raped then killed with a bayonet in the vagina or a stick up
 the rectum. Tribal leaders were taken up in helicopters and dropped,
 alive, into their villages. The slightest spark of resistance would
 trigger off punishment bombings. As vast mineral and timber concessions
 were handed to British and American companies, the global superpowers
 raised not a squeak of protest.

 The United Nations had insisted that Indonesian rule in West Papua could
 be ratified only when a full and free referendum had taken place. The
 Indonesian government argued that this would be too complicated. Instead,
 it insisted, representatives should be chosen to vote on their
 communities' behalf. President Suharto announced that anyone who voted
 against integration would be guilty of treason. In 1969, 1,025 men
 selected by the army were lined up at gunpoint, and the population was
 recorded as having unanimously chosen Indonesian rule. The UN left the
 Papuans to the mercies of one of the most violent governments on earth.

 By the mid-80s, Indonesia had started to apply its final solution to West
 Papua. Hundreds of thousands of Javanese people were shipped to the
 territory, in order, the governor explained, to give "birth to a new
 generation of people without curly hair, sowing the seeds for greater
 beauty". The programme was assisted by the World Bank and implemented by
 British and Canadian development consultants.

 In 1987, working with the photographer Adrian Arbib, I spent six months in
 West Papua, traversing the island on foot, documenting Indonesia's
 atrocities for our book Poisoned Arrows. We found that the Papuans were
 being herded into model villages, while the migrants sent to displace them
 from their lands were scarcely better off, dumped far from home without
 food, schools or hospitals, and forbidden to return. We saw British
 armoured personnel carriers, recently re-equipped for counter- insurgency
 by a British company, being sent to quell dissent. We spoke to thousands
 of Papuan people, and

LL:ART:Arms trade menu

1999-09-10 Thread margaret

- Original Message -
From: MichaelP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 9 September 1999 07:41
Subject: Arms trade menu

 BBC Wednesday, September 8, 1999

 Indonesia pulls out of [brit]  arms fair

 Indonesia has pulled out amid growing violence in East Timor

 The Indonesian Government has declined an invitation from the UK's
 Ministry of Defence to attend an arms fair next week.

 The move follows intense pressure on the UK Government to withdraw its
 invitation to the Indonesians because of the repression by militias in
 East Timor.

 An MoD spokesman said: "Certain things are obviously on their mind
 domestically and they are obviously busy with things in East Timor."


 Earlier, the ministry had denied newspaper reports stating it had bowed to
 pressure from the Foreign Office and cancelled the invitation to
 Indonesian military officers.

 Defence Procurement Minister Lady Symons has previously insisted Indonesia
 should be allowed to attend the arms fair despite the violence in East
 Timor to look at "self-defence" equipment on sale.


 Human rights organisations have consistently attacked the UK's sale of
 arms to Indonesia, claiming it breaches Labour's pledge to pursue an
 ethical foreign policy.

 [ image: Baroness Symons: Defended arms sales to Indonesia]

 Susan Kobrin, a spokesperson for Amnesty International, said: "The
 decision of the Indonesians to withdraw from the arms fair may help the
 government avoid an embarrassing situation but will do very little to help
 the people in East Timor.

 "The decision to grant export licences lies with the government and the
 Department for Trade and Industry and they need to decide whether they are
 willing to trade in the tools of repression.

 "The violence could end very quickly if the Indonesians chose to bring
 their army under control.

 "We have called for a UK moratorium on the sale and supply of military
 equipment and training that could be used to inflict human rights abuses."


 The international exhibition at Chertsey in Surrey and London Docklands is
 the UK's largest arms fair.

 It is being organised, on behalf of the UK arms industry, by Spearhead
 Exhibitions. But the MoD routinely sends out invitations to foreign

 The row over the arms fair invite grew last week when Foreign Secretary
 Robin Cook admitted UK-built Hawk jets had been used for internal
 repression within East Timor.

 Britain has supplied more than 40 Hawks to Indonesia since the early 1980s
 and Jakarta is still awaiting delivery of the majority of an order for 16
 of the planes under a deal struck in 1996.

 Lady Symons had insisted the UK does not supply arms to be used for
 internal repression, but faced criticisms from MPs from all parties,
 including Donald Anderson, the influential Labour chairman of the Foreign
 Affairs Select Committee.

 More than 600 companies from 50 countries will be exhibiting at the
 Defence Systems and Equipment International exhibition, which opens on 14

 [This piece  is about newly-dead Alan Clark, who as one of Maggie
 Thatcher's ministers helped the brit interest in arms sales - Cheers
 -MichaelP ]

 GUARDIAN (London)Thursday September 9, 1999
 by   Hugo Young

 Stop selling UK arms to the cruellest regimes on earth

 False promises made by Jakarta belie the crassness of Britain's position

 Alan Clark's most enduring contribution to politics, apart from his
 ripping diaries, was as the only serving minister to express the truth
 about the arms industry. His conduct over selling the tools of war to Iraq
 in the late 1980s personified it. As the Scott Inquiry discovered, Clark's
 words and deeds were the acme of evasion, duplicity, cynicism and outraged
 innocence in the service of the national interest. In the hour of British
 complicity in the hideous events in East Timor, this unvarnished realism
 might be the epitaph he best deserves.

 As a minister in two departments, Clark thought all arms sales were prima
 facie desirable. In the case of Iraq, he pressed for restrictive
 guidelines to be relaxed, and tipped the wink to Matrix-Churchill
 munitions men. He taught them how to frame their licence applications for
 dual-use equipment to conceal its military dimension. Being economical
 with the actuality, he said, was the first duty of anyone, including a
 minister, who operated in this world.

 Behind these opinions, which embarrassed his colleagues and partly caused
 the Scott Inquiry to be set up, lay a brutal attitude to power and money.
 Every country should have any arms it could pay for. Britain was a massive
 arms-maker, the second biggest global exporter. She could be proud of the
 industrial and imperial history that produced this happy outcome. The job
 of a British munitions worker was worth more than the life of any East
 Timor dissident trying to get away from Indonesi

LL:URL:East Timor related videos (fwd)

1999-09-09 Thread margaret

If the media continues to not show pictures then consider showing videos for
education about resistance and ask a speaker from the Timorese community to
attend. We are not hearing about the protests overseas, perhaps tomorrow
Friday's global protest day will 'bring it all back home'. Access news SKA
TV here in melbourne is another sources of videos.

In emotional turmoil,
 grief and anger
  love and rage!


> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 16:49:43 +0100
> From: undercurrents <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> East Timor and arms deals video
> As civil war is set to erupt in East Timor, the British government is
> staying very quiet. To find out why check out http://www.undercurrents.org
> alternative news video 6 and 10.
> Britain supply warplanes and other weapons to Indonesia which invaded and
> massacred hundreds of thousands of East Timorese.
> Those same warplanes are being used now in East Timor to suppress the
> who have voted for their independence.
> Use undercurrents videos to inform and inspire the public to take action.
> Subject: [DIYVID] East Timor videos
> "With my hammer"- a 7 minute inspiring music video by radical songsters
> "Seize the day" about the 4 women who disarmed a warplane bound for
> Indonesia with household hammers.
> see here for details http://www.undercurrents.org/issue10
> "If i had a hammer"- an inspiring documentary about the 4 women
> who disarmed a warplane sold to Indonesia for use in East Timor.
> See here for details http://www.undercurrents.org/issue6
> The East Timor Action Network have a site at
> http://www.etan.org
> or check a campaign site on
> http://www.freetimor.com
> or check latest news on
> http://www.easttimor.com
> undercurrents alternative news video
> 16b cherwell st
> oxford ox4 1bg
> Britain
> 44 (0) 1865 203661
> http://www.undercurrents.org

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Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:ART: From Internet to "International"

1999-08-07 Thread margaret


- Original Message -

Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 09:34:40 -0400
From: Eric Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



April 1999

 From Internet to "International"

The Role of the Global Computer Communications Network
in the Revival of Working Class Internationalism

by Eric Lee

This paper was presented at the "Marxism on the Eve of the Twenty-First
Century" Conference, 18-21 March 1999, Elgersburg, Germany

"Now and then the workers are victorious, but only for a time. The real
fruit of their battles lies not in the immediate result, but in the ever
expanding union of the workers. This union is helped on by the improved
means of communication that are created by modern industry, and that place
the workers of different localities in contact with each other."

--Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party

It is my belief that the Internet is a necessary but not sufficient
condition for the revival of labour internationalism in the twenty-first
century and with it, the revival of socialism.

The global computer communications network we call the "internet" is
necessary because one cannot imagine a workers International coming into
existence today in any other form than online. I will expand upon this
idea in a moment.

But not sufficient -- because it will take more than a global computer
network to re-create the labour International. It will take the will of
class conscious individuals and movements who approach the question with
open eyes.

Let me begin with a simple definition of "International". To Marx, the
International was a world-wide organization of working people which aimed
to coordinate their activities across borders and thereby strengthen them
in the struggle with capital. The First International was no more -- and
no less -- than that. Others may disagree, and the Leninist tradition
certainly doesn't accept this definition of "International", but it is how
Marx himself saw the concept and implemented it in practice.

Internationalism is central to Marxist thought; it was with an
internationalist message that Marx and Engels chose to close the Communist
Manifesto. Marx devoted considerable effort to the creation of a workers'
International which was unique in the series of "Internationals" which
followed in that it was a very broad-based union of workers without a
strong ideological slant. It engaged in practical affairs related to the
day-to-day needs of trade unions, and one of its main roles was to collect
and distribute information.

We cannot romanticize too much about Marx's International. Lacking funds
and decent means of communications, it was not particularly effective. In
reading through the minutes of its General Council meetings, one can sense
the frustration at not being able to act in many cases. Information
reaching the International in London was often sketchy and out of date.
The Internationals which followed could not play the same role. The
Second, still around today and still based in London, was and remains a
global federation of social democratic parties. Particularly today, when
trade unions and social democratic parties are often not nearly as close
as they once were, and when social democratic governments are no guarantee
of pro-labour policies, the Socialist International can hardly be
considered the true inheritor of Marx's First International.

Regarding the Third International, let me only say that nothing did more
to undermine and discredit the cause of international socialism than the
Stalinist regime in the USSR and the countries in its orbit. The Third
International seemed more inspired by the 19th century tsarist diplomatic
corps with its many intrigues -- described in some detail by Marx himself
in his little-known writings on tsarist diplomacy -- than by Marx's vision
of working men and women uniting.

In other words, there has never really been a true workers' International.
That is why what we must be thinking about is not a Fourth or Fifth
International, but a First.

With the fall of the Berlin Wall a decade ago, the world described by Marx
in which there would only be one social system for the developed countries
and that one based upon a free market -- finally became reality. Call it
globalization, call it a unipolar world, but the world described in
"Capital" has finally become real.

This is, of course, an oversimplification, and not the central theme of
this paper. Nevertheless, the reason why the beginning of the 21st century
seems such an appropriate time for the labour movement to make another
attempt at the elusive dream of a workers' International is because of
capitalism's global triumph.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
Subscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Body=subscribe%20leftl

LL:URL: Online Labor Conference

1999-08-05 Thread margaret


Juan Somavia and Bill Jordan to open online Conference on Organized Labour 
in the 21st Century.

Juan Somavia, the Director General of the ILO, and Bill Jordan, General 
Secretary of the ICFTU, will launch a debate in an online Conference 
"Organized Labour in the 21st Century". The Conference will be run by the 
International Institute for Labour Studies, of the ILO, in cooperation with 
the ICFTU, and will begin in mid September 1999.

Participation in the Conference, which is aimed at trade unionists and 
labour researchers, will be open, and those who have signed up in time for 
the opening (before mid-September) will have a chance to react and put 
questions to the keynote speakers by e-mail, or over the web.

Anyone wanting to participate can learn more by going to the Institute's 
website, where it is possible to sign up from today to participate in the 


(Background documents are also available from this web address.)

The Conference focuses on the future of trade unions around the world,
and is expected to run for approximately twelve months. Guest speakers
will be invited to act as "panelists" every month. Each
month, a new topic (with new "speakers") will be launched. The topics
will be announced about a week in advance and are likely to include:
- Employment and development
- The law and trade unions
- Responses to globalization (trade, investment, labour standards)
- Unions and structural adjustment
- Transnational industrial relations
- Collective bargaining and social dialogue - Informal sector and
marginalised workers
- Social protection
- Recruitment and organizing
- Political strategy (party politics, alliances with NGOs, etc.)
- Women in unions
- Youth in unions
- Union structures and services (membership participation, mergers,
finances, etc.)

If you do not have access to the World Wide Web, but would like to
participate, send an empty e-mail message to this address, and you will
be subscribed automatically.


Please contact Mr A.V. Jose

Dennis' Boxing & Labor


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LL:DDN: Shall we go too? 19 July 99

1999-06-25 Thread margaret

If you missed out on J18 protests or did get out that day & have the fever
from that great experience; and would like to "send your regards" or fling
some pies to the Corporate ruling class attending, at $180 entrance, to sort
out their GST worries (not!)...IF YOU ARE IN SYDNEY.Coincidentally July
19th (1936) is the anniversary date for Spanish Revolution and Conzinc Rio
Tinto of course backed Fascist General Franco in that bloody Civil War and
previously had many Asturian miners shot for striking.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 12:33:05 GMT-1000
From: Vikki John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Shall we go too? 19 July 99


19 July 1999 Intercontinental Hotel, Sydney
12.30 - 1.00pm
Registration and Coffee
Forum Speakers
Dr Roland Williams, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Shell Australia Ltd
Welcome and Introductions
Senator the Hon. Robert Hill, Minister for the Environment and Heritage
Opening Address
Mr Bjorn Stigson, President World Business Council for Sustainable Development
The International Sustainable Development Agenda: drivers, motives and values
Lord Holme of Cheltenham CBE, Advisor to the Chairman Rio Tinto Ltd
Corporate Social Responsibility: boundaries and expectations

Dr Jane Gilmour, Executive Director Earthwatch
Institute From Partnerships to Triple Bottom Line
Dr Malcolm McIntosh AC, Chief Executive
CSIRO Science and Technology: responding to the social agenda
Mr Hugh Morgan AO, Managing Director WMC Ltd
Implications of the International Sustainable Development Agenda for
Australian Companies
Mr Campbell Anderson, President Business Council of Australia

The 1999 Joint Forum of the World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD) and the Business Council of Australia (BCA) will focus
on the emergence of corporate social responsibility as a driver for
sustainable development and the implications this has for Australian
business. Rising community expectations are presenting complex issues for
business, governments and the scientific community.

The forum will focus on the following aspects of the new agenda:
* International and Australian perspectives
* Determining the boundaries of responsibilities
* Finding appropriate responses We look forward to your involvement.

Bjorn Stigson President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Campbell Anderson President, Business Council of Australia

19 July 1999 Intercontinental Hotel, Sydney
Enclosed is a cheque in the amount of $180.00 made payable to the Business
Council of Australia.

Payment by credit card:
Please complete and return this form to:
1999 WBCSD+BCA Forum
Facsimile 03 9610 4223
Inquiries should be directed to: Lily Rombiolo Telephone 03 9610 4221
For multiple registrations please photocopy this form.

Title : _
Name : __ 
Position : __
Company : _

Postal Address : 
Telephone : __
Facsimile : _
Email Address : __ @ ___
Cost $180.00



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LL:Carpenter's Wildcat Strike Continues -- Solidarity Requested!

1999-05-24 Thread margaret

Sent: Saturday, 22 May 1999 01:33
Subject: Carpenter's Wildcat Strike Continues -- Solidarity Requested!


 Fellow Workers, friends, and comrades:

 The Carpenters' Wildcat Strike continues and is gaining momentum.  However
 they need our solidarity.   I went to their rally at Pacific Bell Park in
 San Francisco at 2:30 PM this afternoon, where Carpenters (including
 workers from several parts of this extensive building trade's union)
 discussed where to take the strike from here.  Workers from all around the
 Bay Area continue to wildcat.  The open meeting included discussions about
 strategy and tactics and it's clear that while some differences exist
 about how to proceed with the strike itself, an overwhelming majority of
 those present voted to continue the strike.

 I'm sorry that I d not have all the details, and admittedly this
 spontaneous wildcat strike has been spontaneously organized to say the
 least.  Whatever the case, these workers have taken direct action and
 they've already crossed that magical line between theory and reality.  If
 they lose this battle it will represent a defeat for the working class.
 If they succeed, it will send a shot in the arm to the labor movement.  We
 need to do our part to make this as successful as the Neptune Jade if we

 What these workers need is solidarity on the picket line and on the front
 lines.  They need folks to spread the word about what's happening.  They
 need financial support.  Because this wildcat was the spontaneous efforts
 of a small group of pissed-off workers, many carpenters do not know about
 it.  The mainstream media is largely ignoring the wildcat (when they're
 not belittling it).  The only thing that's helping spread the word about
 this strike are the efforts of these rank & file workers who've been
 traveling from job-site to job-site pulling workers off the job.

 There will be more walkouts on Monday and Tuesday.  You can help by
 joining in the pickets.  Call (510) 496-3458, Working Carpenters for a
 Stronger Union, for further information.  That is a voice mail.  Listen
 carefully for instructions.




 Brothers & Sisters:  throughout (the) San Francisco (Bay Area) carpenters
 are shutting jobs down.  The San Francisco AirPort-the largest
 construction job in California-is shut down.  Carpenters walked off
 Pacific Bell Park.  They walked at Kaiser Hospital in San Francisco.  They
 walked at Microsoft.  We are getting support from the ironworkers, the
 laborers, the cement finishers, and the electricians.  If we have left any
 out, or we have left out any other jobs that have been shut down, we
 apologize.  This first day has succeeded so far beyond our imagination
 that we are unable to fully keep up with our successes.

 We all understand what is at stake.  We are fighting to take our union
 back from that tiny handful of unelected, unrepresentative officials who
 are shoving this contract down our throats.  We are the strongest union
 supporters there are, but we know that the only way the union will be
 truly strong is if it fights for us.

 We are told that we are jeopardizing the "Project labor Agreement" at the
 airport.  We, the working members, are the real project labor agreement.
 We have sworn a blood oath that when we go back to work there, Agreement
 or no, there will be no non-union construction at the airport.  We don't
 need a "PLA", all we need is our own strength and our own unity.

 We demand the following:

 (1) (The sellout) contract (negotiated by the union's bureaucrats and the
 bosses without the consent of the union's rank & file) must be taken off
 the table.  It does not represent our interests and it was voted on
 illegally at a meeting that was called illegally.  It must be removed.

 (2) No new contract voted on by the Regional Council delegates until it is
 voted on and passed by the working members at area-wide general membership
 meetings where we can discuss the pros and cons.  No phony "mail-in"
 ballots, where they control the source of information, they keep the
 members feeling isolated, and they count the "results".

 We are united, we are strong, and we will take back our union.


 Working Carpenters for a Stronger Union

 For more information and regular updates, call (510) 496-3458.


 Posted in Solidarity by a Wobbly

 For the One Big Union,

 -FW Steve
 East Bay IWW / Branch Secretary

 East Bay IWW  http://bari.iww.org/  Phone (510) 845-0540

 Timber Workers IU 120 -- http://bari.iww.org/iu120/local/
 Marine Transport Workers, Local 9 -- http://www.iww.org/iu510/local9/
 Communications Workers, Local 23 -- http://www.iww.org/iu560/local23/

 Take Part in the I99 International Solidarity Conference!

LL:ART:Carpenters at Airport Protest Against Union Leadership

1999-05-22 Thread margaret

Sent: Friday, 21 May 1999 06:08
Subject: Carpenters at Airport Protest Against Union Leadership

More on the Wildcat strike in San Fran!

Carpenters at Airport Protest Against Union Leadership
Workers dislike new way to OK labor contracts

Lisa Fernandez, Chronicle Staff WriterFriday, May 21, 1999


Angry with what they say are low wages and a lack of coffee breaks, 
about 250 carpenters and 1,750 allies stopped work at San Francisco 
International Airport yesterday, bringing a $2.4 billion construction 
project to a near halt.  

Smaller groups of carpenters also stopped working at the San 
Francisco construction sites of Kaiser Permanente Medical Center and 
the future PacBell Park in China Basin, where carpenters plan to 
focus their efforts today.  

Although it did not affect airline service, the loss of that many 
workers, which included a sympathetic group of electricians, plumbers 
and painters, cost the airport terminal project about $1 million, 
airport spokesman Ron Wilson estimated.  

It also added a day's delay to the project, which should be finished 
by late 2000 but is already more than a month behind schedule because 
of last winter's El Nino storms, Wilson said.  

Carrying simple cardboard signs that read ``More Money,'' the jeans- 
clad members of the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council 
protesting at the airport yesterday said they wanted $10 more an 
hour, coffee breaks and every other Friday off. But they are not 
upset with the contractors, who pay them almost $27 an hour.  

Instead, they are angry with their own union officials, whom they say 
sold them out last Saturday by voting on a weak four-year contract. 
For the first time, only a delegation of representatives, rather than 
all the carpenters, voted on the contract. A union mandate 18 months 
ago ordered the change in voting.  

That erosion of internal democracy is at the core of the controversy, 
carpenters say.  

``Times are booming,'' said Jonathan Noel of Hayward, who is helping 
to build a nine-story parking garage at the airport. ``Electricians 
and plumbers are making $34 an hour, and carpenters are the lowest- 
paid men on the job.''  

Carpenters have urged their union leadership to have a new vote. They 
argued the delegation, which voted 127 to 107 for the contract, 
didn't represent the 16,000 working members. Some jeered at their 
union officials, pointing to their suits, leather chairs and six-
figure salaries in contrast to the earnings of the rank and file.  

Union officials say the carpenters' protest is an unusual situation.  

In his 25 years as a union official, Regional Council President Gary 
Martin said, this is only the second time he knows of when union 
members protested against their own leadership.  

Union leaders said 73 percent of union members who answered a survey 
said they approved the contract's language.  

The union's delegation signed off on the best contract it thought it 
could get, he said, noting that the contract gives the carpenters an 
extra $5 an hour over four years.  

The trouble is, he said, that the union is not strong enough to 
negotiate more than that. If the union presses for more, contractors 
simply will hire from the large pool of nonunion workers who earn 
about $20 an hour with no fringe benefits, according to Martin.  

Nonunion contractors also were critical of the carpenters' protest.  

Kevin Dayton, who represents a trade association of 325 Northern 
California nonunion contractors, says the carpenters' unsanctioned 
strike violates the labor agreement the unions signed with the 
airport in 1996. Construction unions signed a deal with the airport 
promising no strikes, pickets or work stoppages if the airport would 
hire only union employees.  

Because of the no-strike agreement, Wilson said, an arbitrator 
determined last night that the unions must inform their members that 
anyone who honors the strike will be subject to discharge or ordered 
to pay damages. If the union leadership does not tell its members, 
Wilson said, the leaders will be subject to similar penalties.  

Dayton's group is pursuing a lawsuit, which is now before 
California's Supreme Court, arguing that the deal violates 
competitive bidding.  

Union president Martin said he believes the carpenters deserve more 
money and a chance to sip coffee a couple times a day on the job. But 
he was firm that there would not be a new contract vote.  

``That would be like taking a second bite of the apple,'' he said.  



  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop

LL:URL:Fw: tech for political control

1999-05-17 Thread margaret

>You might be interested in this:
>(or, if you e-mail me individually, I can e-mail you the text)
>ECONOMIC INFORMATION  (An appraisal of technologies for political
>control), Part 4/4: The state of the art in Communications Intelligence
>(COMINT) of automated processing for intelligence purposes of intercepted
>broadband multi-language leased or common carrier systems, and its
>applicability to COMINT targeting and selection, including speech
>Publisher: European Parliament, Directorate General for Research,
>Directorate A, The STOA Programme http://www.europarl.eu.int/dg4/stoa/en/
>Author: Duncan Campbell - IPTV Ltd - Edinburgh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Editor: Mr. Dick Holdsworth, Head of STOA Unit
>Date: April 1999
>PE Number: PE 168.184 / Part 4/4
>(The above is related to last year's "Appraisal of Technologies for
>Political Control", also published by the European Parliament and also
>[still] on the world wide web at:

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