Re: [LegacyUG] Tim in Peace Corps

2009-08-09 Thread Jean Jones
A very late response. 

"Vocation" seems like the best event title and it would cover many "jobs". 




---Original Message--- 


From: Alan Jones 

Date: 8/1/2009 8:03:25 PM 


Subject: [LegacyUG] Tim in Peace Corps 


How would others classify time the the Peace Cops in another country? 

It is sorta employment but more volunteer  Not quick Mission work. 


What sort of events and description have others used? I was iffy about 

Creating a new event just for that but 





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RE: [LegacyUG] Run Time Error

2009-07-10 Thread Jean Moore

Thanks, Jenny
> Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 00:02:33 +0100
> To:
> From:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Run Time Error
> Jean Moore wrote
> >I keep getting the error "Run Time Error 3167, Record is Deleted" 
> >and when I click on "OK," Legacy closes.  I reopen Legacy and look to 
> >see if the last individual I worked on or entered was deleted, but it 
> >never is.  This has happened about six times in the last three days.
> > 
> >Is there something I should do to quit getting this error and/or is it 
> >causing some harm to my database that I'm not aware of?
> Yes, there is something you should do! From the Legacy Home page click 
> on Online Troubleshooting Help (bottom right corner) and then click on 
> Solutions by Error Number and follow the instructions given there.
> -- 
> Jenny M Benson
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RE: [LegacyUG] Run Time Error

2009-07-10 Thread Jean Moore

Thanks for the info.  FYI, when I first got the message, I went to Help and 
searched for Run Time Error and Error Messages.  There was no heading for Run 
Time Error and under Error Messages, it gives a list of Trouble Shooting, but 
again, nothing about Run Time Errors.


As for links at the bottom of every message, never noticed them.  And I wasn't 
asking anyone to "look it up for me."  I looked it up myself, it's just that 
the answer wasn't there and I didn't know where else to look.  I thought that's 
what this list was for -- asking questions when you didn't know the answers or 
where to find them.  I've seen many questions here that were much more lame 
than mine and the responses to them were not so hand-slapping.  Excuse me if 
I've inconvenienced everyone on the list with my question.  I think I've asked 
a total of three questions in the four years or so I've been on this list.  I 
guess that's too many.


> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 18:52:14 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Run Time Error
> Jean Moore wrote:
> > I keep getting the error "Run Time Error 3167, Record is Deleted" 
> > and when I click on "OK," Legacy closes. I reopen Legacy and look to 
> > see if the last individual I worked on or entered was deleted, but it 
> > never is. This has happened about six times in the last three days.
> > 
> > Is there something I should do to quit getting this error and/or is it 
> > causing some harm to my database that I'm not aware of?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Jean
> > 
> > Online technical support:
> > To unsubscribe:
> Every message has the above link at the bottom.
> Following it takes you to a page where you can search by error number.
> Error number 3167 yields the below directions.
> -
> • File Maintenance
> Please perform File Maintenance. File Maintenance will repair index 
> errors, correct common record problems, remove references to unused 
> information, and compact the family file. Here are the steps:
> 1. Click File from the menu bar and select File Maintenance from 
> the file menu.
> 2. Choose the Check/Repair option from the submenu and proceed.
> 3. If errors are found, re-run Check/Repair one more time to make 
> sure that all problems are fixed.
> If that does not solve the problem, export all your records into a new 
> Legacy family file (File > Export To > Legacy file) and use the new file.
> -
> Before asking other listers to look it up for you, it would be much 
> faster to look it up yourself. You won't have to wait for someone to 
> answer before you can fix it and get back to your files.
> -- 
> Gene Y.
> n2kvs
> Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
> Legacy Family Tree
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[LegacyUG] Run Time Error

2009-07-10 Thread Jean Moore

I keep getting the error "Run Time Error 3167, Record is Deleted" and when I 
click on "OK," Legacy closes.  I reopen Legacy and look to see if the last 
individual I worked on or entered was deleted, but it never is.  This has 
happened about six times in the last three days.


Is there something I should do to quit getting this error and/or is it causing 
some harm to my database that I'm not aware of?





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RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Home FIXED !

2009-06-04 Thread Jean Jones
Well, I found the problem.   Just in case anyone else runs into this.

Looking at the Legacy window, below the line of icons (home, back, name list
There is a line with the Legacy icon and name of the open database and at
the other side the window control buttons (reduce, size, close)
If I click on the middle button to resize, this whole line
jumps/disappears and 
The buttons are at the far right of the first line (File, Edit, Add,
Reports, etc).
In this position, the Legacy Home page is blank (I can't
see the data).

Clicking the middle button again, fixes everything.  I can now see
the info on the page.

Thanks for helping,

---Original Message---
From: ronald ferguson
Date: 6/4/2009 5:00:06 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Home
So did mine when I first clicked the tab. There does seem to be something
not quite right, but when I clicked the tab again it came up as normal.
Ron Ferguson

RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Home

2009-06-04 Thread Jean Jones
I tried that.still fairly blank!  Heading "Legacy News" shows.  That's
BUT...I clicked and held the side of the window to resize and as the image
shook, everything is there.  It disappears as soon as I let go of the mouse
button. STRANGE

Every other tab/window is fine, the problem is only on the Legacy Home

---Original Message---
From: ronald ferguson
Date: 6/4/2009 5:00:06 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Home
So did mine when I first clicked the tab. There does seem to be something
not quite right, but when I clicked the tab again it came up as normal.
Ron Ferguson
*New Tutorial* Create Standards Compliant CSS Pedigree web pages
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For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:

> Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 15:31:54 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Legacy Home
> When I click on [Legacy Home] The screen opens with boxes but nothing else
 Nothing in the boxes.just a white screen with blue lines around what
should be 3 boxes.
> It used to work. What happened? More important, how do I fix it??
> Jean
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[LegacyUG] Legacy Home

2009-06-04 Thread Jean Jones
When I click on [Legacy Home] The screen opens with boxes but nothing else.
Nothing in the boxes.just a white screen with blue lines around what
should be 3 boxes.
It used to work.  What happened?  More important, how do I fix it??


Re: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY

2008-11-26 Thread Jean
I searched the archives for ***presentation problems*** and there were NONE discussed 
except the posts made by me!  OBTW, many many thanks to the helpful folks on this list for 
the concise, intelligent, step by step instructions they have given me regarding my 
questions; in particular, Sherry, Chap, and Kirsten,

- Original Message - 
From: ronald ferguson

Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 2:38 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY

You will find these in the LUG archives. See address below, and search for "footnote", 
"endnotes" etc,The main point I was getting at was that, if I read your post correctly, 
Legacy can do as you wish although there are a few problems at present.

Ron Ferguson

Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 16:22:24 -0800

Perhaps you would list the *presentation problems* you speak about?>


- Original Message - 
From: "ronald ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY

I know there are some presentations problems at the moment, but is there 
another reason
for saying "I guess one cannot print out a simple narrative that includes a 
and footnotes."?

If so please give details.

Ron Ferguson

Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 12:39:40 -0800

No, I don't think I am! "Family Tree Maker 2009" and all other versions I've 
used have
this option. I don't find arrowing down on 16 children a problem. Also, I think 
Master Genealogist" has this display..

I recently purchased Legacy 7.0 for one reason and that was because source list 
formats used in "Evidence Explained" were supported in footnote and bibliography
But, I guess one cannot print out a simple narrative that includes a 
bibliography and
footnotes. I don't know if I'll continue using this software or not???

- Original Message - 
From: "ronald ferguson"

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY


I rather think that you are asking for too much - and with more than 5 kids 
where would
the information be seen? Birth and death years are shown (I think by default)

Ron Ferguson


Subject: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 09:54:46 -0800

What are the steps to perfom in order (if possible) to have children's names, 
birth places, death dates, and death places displayed in the opening scrren 
with the
"FAMILY" view? Thank you. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY

2008-11-25 Thread Jean

Perhaps you would list the *presentation problems*  you speak about?


- Original Message - 
From: "ronald ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY

I know there are some presentations problems at the moment, but is there another reason 
for saying "I guess one cannot print out a simple narrative that includes a bibliography 
and footnotes."?

If so please give details.

Ron Ferguson

Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 12:39:40 -0800

No, I don't think I am! "Family Tree Maker 2009" and all other versions I've 
used have
this option. I don't find arrowing down on 16 children a problem. Also, I think 
Master Genealogist" has this display..

I recently purchased Legacy 7.0 for one reason and that was because source list 
formats used in "Evidence Explained" were supported in footnote and bibliography 

But, I guess one cannot print out a simple narrative that includes a 
bibliography and
footnotes. I don't know if I'll continue using this software or not???

- Original Message - 
From: "ronald ferguson"

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY


I rather think that you are asking for too much - and with more than 5 kids 
where would
the information be seen? Birth and death years are shown (I think by default)

Ron Ferguson


Subject: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 09:54:46 -0800

What are the steps to perfom in order (if possible) to have children's names, 
birth places, death dates, and death places displayed in the opening scrren 
with the
"FAMILY" view? Thank you.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY

2008-11-25 Thread Jean
No, I don't think I am!  "Family Tree Maker 2009" and all other versions I've used have 
this option.  I don't find arrowing down on 16 children a problem.  Also, I think "The 
Master Genealogist" has this display..

I recently purchased Legacy 7.0 for one reason and that was because source list entry 
formats used in  "Evidence Explained" were supported in footnote and bibliography formats. 
But, I guess one cannot print out a simple narrative that includes a bibliography and 
footnotes.  I don't know if I'll continue using this software or not???

- Original Message - 
From: "ronald ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY


I rather think that you are asking for too much - and with more than 5 kids where would 
the information be seen? Birth and death years are shown (I think by default)

Ron Ferguson

Subject: [LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 09:54:46 -0800

What are the steps to perfom in order (if possible) to have children's names, birth 

birth places, death dates, and death places displayed in the opening scrren 
with the
"FAMILY" view? Thank you.

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[LegacyUG] Opening Screen Format -FAMILY

2008-11-25 Thread Jean
What are the steps to perfom in order (if possible) to have children's names, birth dates, 
birth places, death dates, and death places displayed in the opening scrren with the 
"FAMILY" view?  Thank you. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Printing a Bibliography Report and Footnotes Report

2008-11-24 Thread Jean
Thank you, Chap, for your informative reply.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Leon Chapman 
  Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 5:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Printing a Bibliography Report and Footnotes Report

  You need to select Reports > All Reports and select a report
  Ancestors, Descendants, Descendant Narrative for example - assume Descendant.

  Then select Report Options button at bottom of Options for Descendant Books 
and then select the Sources Tab.

  There you have options to print a Bibliograhpy, Footnotes, etc.


  On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:24 PM, Jean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What are the steps to print out a Bibliography Report and also a Footnote 

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[LegacyUG] Printing a Bibliography Report and Footnotes Report

2008-11-23 Thread Jean

What are the steps to print out a Bibliography Report and also a Footnote 

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[LegacyUG] Change Sceen Font in Source Dialogue Box

2008-11-22 Thread Jean
I have open the Family Screen.  I click on "Source" icon (stack of books) under Husband. 
I then see a screen titled "Assigned Sources for..."  I click on "Name" because I would 
like to modify.  At the bottom of screen is:

Footnote/Endnote Citation:
Subsequent Citation:

all in TIMES ROMAN font.  Would anyone be able to give me the steps for changing the font 
for this screen?  I have performed these operations already:

Option - Customize - Fonts
for all elements listed in that screen, but this change I have made does not seem to 
affect this particular screen I referenced above. 

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[LegacyUG] Can I create my own source template?

2008-11-10 Thread Jean Suplick
I like the source template capability in Legacy 7. Is it extensible? That
is, can I create my own templates to add to the out-of-the-box ones? If not,
what's the best way to log an enhancement request?

Jean Suplick

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[LegacyUG] Question on sourcing

2008-11-10 Thread Jean Suplick
I've been using Legacy for many years, but recently decided it was time to
go back and rethink sourcing. I had been following a method that had
developed ad hoc, but now I want to get serious about it. I've read some of
the threads on lumping/splitting, and it's led to a couple questions I'm
sure some of you more disciplined users can help me with.

I'm leaning towards lumping. It makes sense for things like US Census
records, SS death index, city directories, and the like.

However, for things like memorial cards, what would be the advantages of
having one master source called 'Memorial cards"? That's a serious question.
There's no common source information that would be shared, so what other
reasons are there?

Many thanks,
Jean Suplick

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RE: [LegacyUG] Pros and Cons of Notes vs. Events Usage

2008-10-12 Thread Jean Moore
I utilize the Private Notes feature in the Notes section in order to enter 
personal information about a living person that I do not want included in any 
printed reports or uploaded to my website.  Some of these include illnesses, 
personal struggles with addictions, and family problems.
I also use Research Notes to enter information about a person with the same 
surname who I think may be a possible relation.  For example, after entering a 
family's information from a census record, I review that page and a few pages 
before and after that page for others with surnames that I am working on in 
that location.  When I find one that I cannot immediately connect, I add their 
information to the Research Notes for further investigation at another time.
I love the Events feature and the way it can be customized.  For me, adding 
custom Events increases the value of the Chronology feature.Jean

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: 
> RE: [LegacyUG] Pros and Cons of Notes vs. Events Usage> Date: Sun, 12 Oct 
> 2008 12:25:02 -0700> > > > I also prefer using events. I actually do not use 
> notes at all. I found that notes do not print on several of the reports I 
> like to use and when they printed they often showed up in stranges places in 
> the report. With events, everything prints in order, with sources, with 
> pictures, and I always use my own wording (at least in the reports I use). > 
> > This also saved me from trying to decide if something should be considered 
> an event, or should be included in notes. I like everything to show in my 
> reports and it annoyed me that certain reports did not allow the inclusion of 
> notes (why bother entering them if you can't see them in a report) so I moved 
> totally away from them and kept it simple: events only.> > Experiement with 
> the different reports and see what you like in the end results. I played 
> around for a long time before deciding on a course of action and I've been 
> happy with the results. You may like using notes for different reasons.> > 
> Laurel > > > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Pros and Cons 
> of Notes vs. Events Usage> Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 11:12:28 -0500> > > > > > 
> Hi Jessica,> > > > Before using Legacy, I used an event driven genealogy 
> program so I'm comfortable creating and using events.> > > > Even though I 
> did at first place some items in the general notes, I've since begun 
> replacing all my note content with events. For general notes, I just created 
> an event called Note. For most things, I like to use specific event names, 
> such as the obituary event. Most events I've changed the sentence wording to 
> be [notes][sources] as I prefer to write out what I want to say. A few, such 
> as a census or an obituary, I begin with a canned sentence, depending on what 
> fields I fill in.> > > > Bear in mind, I do not wish to take my material into 
> a word processor. I want my reports to read as well as they can, straight 
> from the program and I like to include photos in my reports. These are my 
> personal considerations.> > > > Three things that come to mind are the fact 
> you can easily shift the events in the timeline, you can attach a photo to 
> each event and have it included in the reports and you can easily source each 
> event.> > > > I'm sure other Legacy users will chime in with favorite ways of 
> handling things. It's nice to have choices and you're wise to ask for idea's 
> before you get too far into your family history. I've picked up so many 
> helpful ideas from other users over the years and know how helpful various 
> suggestions can be.> > > > Good luck with your family history projects.> > > 
> > Mary> > > > > > > > > > > - Original Message -> > From: Jessica 
> Morgan> > To: LegacyUserGroup> > Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 9:10 AM> > 
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Pros and Cons of Notes vs. Events Usage> > > I searched 
> the archives and didn't find quite what I'm looking for. If> this has 
> previously been discussed, forgive me. (I've been on the LUG> for two or 
> three years and don't recall it, but that doesn't mean> much.)> > I've been 
> working the last year or two on maternal family, from> previously published 
> books, and have utilized the notes section quite> heavily. I started using 
> notes when I began using Legacy, and have> just continued to do so for no 
> real reason other than habit. Now I've> obtained a volume on my paternal 
> family, and while working with it the> last few days, I've wondered about the 
> use of events instead of notes.> > My goal is to publish updates to these 
> books, at some point,> hopefully. But for now all I want is to be able to 
> maximize reporting> types, esthetics of data, and minimize editing needed 
> when I get to> that point. (And no, I won't be aiming for that perfectly 
> written and> source

RE: [LegacyUG] Printing a Pedigree Chart w/o Shadowed Boxes

2008-10-03 Thread Jean Moore
YEAH!  That worked!  I changed to 5 generations and was able to uncheck the 
boxes and the shadows.  Then I changed it back to 6 generations.  The choices 
were again grayed out, but at least they were not checked and I was able to 
print the chart without the boxes.
What an odd quirk that is.  I don't know where I would have found the answer.  
Thank you for your efforts in figuring this out for me.

> Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 12:39:31 -0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: RE: 
> [LegacyUG] Printing a Pedigree Chart w/o Shadowed Boxes> To: 
>> > I just solved it. When I go to 6 
> generations, the box is gray, go to 4 or 5 it is available. TOO crowded at 
> 6?> Rich in LA CA> > --- On Fri, 10/3/08, Jean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:> > > From: Jean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] 
> Printing a Pedigree Chart w/o Shadowed Boxes> > To: 
>> > Date: Friday, October 3, 2008, 9:00 
> AM> > Thank you for trying to duplicate my problem. I hadn't> > tried to 
> check that box before. I just went there and tried> > now, but nothing 
> happened. It's still grayed out and> > won't let me check it.> > > > Also, I 
> do have the deluxe version and I have activated> > it.Thanks, again.> > > > 
> Jean> > > > > > > > > Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 16:01:44 +0100> From:> > [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> To:> >> Subject: Re:> > 
> [LegacyUG] Printing a Pedigree Chart w/o Shadowed Boxes>> > > Jean,> > I've 
> copied your instructions> > exactly, but can't reproduce what you> said. 
> There is> > a tick in the "Put boxes around individuals" and> > in> 
> "Shadowed" and I can remove those ticks> > without any problem.> Most of the 
> other options on this> > tab are greyed out, but they are> probably not 
> deemed> > relevant to this type of chart. I can select the>> > Choose... 
> button for the corners, though.> > Excuse me> > from stating the obvious, but 
> have you tried to check> > the> "Put boxes around individuals" option, it> > 
> looks greyed out until you> actually try to tick it!> > Sorry if you've 
> already tried that, but if>> > that's unchecked then the shadow option should 
> be> > unavailable also.> > The only thing I can think of is> > that perhaps 
> you have the Standard> version and I have> > the Deluxe version. I don't know 
> if the format>> > options are Deluxe only, but that may be what's causing> > 
> the> difference.> > Sorry I couldn't be of any> > further help.> > Regards,> 
> > Dermot.> -->> > > Try out Legacy Family Tree Software today! It's> > 
> FREE!!>> >> >> > > Mary 
> Pickford - "Adding sound to movies would be> > like putting> lipstick on the 
> Venus de Milo.">> > > 2008/10/3 Jean Moore> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> >> > I am> 
> > using Version and am trying to print a Pedigree> > Chart. When I 
> look at the Print Preview, the chart is> > formatted with Shadowed Boxes. In 
> addition, the text is not> > fitting into the boxes, but is printing above, 
> below, and on> > top of the lines of the boxes.> >> > I would> > like to turn 
> off the option for Shadowed Boxes and also try> > the chart without any boxes 
> at all.> >> > To try> > to accomplish this, I clicked on Reports, Report 
> Menu> > (Charts), Pedigree tab, then Report Options and then the> > Format 
> tab. I see a checkmark in the box next to the word> > "Shadowed." I would 
> like to uncheck it; however,> > it is grayed out, along with "Put boxes 
> around> > individuals," "Fancy corners," the> > "Choose" button and most of 
> the other choices on> > the page. I cannot figure out how to "ungray" any> > 
> of these items. (And, interestingly, there is no checkmark> > in the box next 
> to "Put boxes around individuals,"> > yet there are boxes shown on the 
> chart.)> >> >> > Maybe I am just supposed to use the new Charting feature> > 
> instead of the Report Menu.> >> > Any help would> > be appreciated.> >> > 
> Than

RE: [LegacyUG] Printing a Pedigree Chart w/o Shadowed Boxes

2008-10-03 Thread Jean Moore
Thank you for trying to duplicate my problem.  I hadn't tried to check that box 
before.  I just went there and tried now, but nothing happened.  It's still 
grayed out and won't let me check it.
Also, I do have the deluxe version and I have activated it.Thanks, again.

> Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 16:01:44 +0100> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Printing a 
> Pedigree Chart w/o Shadowed Boxes> > Jean,> > I've copied your instructions 
> exactly, but can't reproduce what you> said. There is a tick in the "Put 
> boxes around individuals" and in> "Shadowed" and I can remove those ticks 
> without any problem.> Most of the other options on this tab are greyed out, 
> but they are> probably not deemed relevant to this type of chart. I can 
> select the> Choose... button for the corners, though.> > Excuse me from 
> stating the obvious, but have you tried to check the> "Put boxes around 
> individuals" option, it looks greyed out until you> actually try to tick it! 
> Sorry if you've already tried that, but if> that's unchecked then the shadow 
> option should be unavailable also.> > The only thing I can think of is that 
> perhaps you have the Standard> version and I have the Deluxe version. I don't 
> know if the format> options are Deluxe only, but that may be what's causing 
> the> difference.> > Sorry I couldn't be of any further help.> > Regards,> > 
> Dermot.> --> > Try out Legacy Family Tree Software today! It's FREE!!> 
>> > > Mary Pickford - "Adding 
> sound to movies would be like putting> lipstick on the Venus de Milo."> > 
> 2008/10/3 Jean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> >> > I am using Version 
> and am trying to print a Pedigree Chart. When I look at the Print Preview, 
> the chart is formatted with Shadowed Boxes. In addition, the text is not 
> fitting into the boxes, but is printing above, below, and on top of the lines 
> of the boxes.> >> > I would like to turn off the option for Shadowed Boxes 
> and also try the chart without any boxes at all.> >> > To try to accomplish 
> this, I clicked on Reports, Report Menu (Charts), Pedigree tab, then Report 
> Options and then the Format tab. I see a checkmark in the box next to the 
> word "Shadowed." I would like to uncheck it; however, it is grayed out, along 
> with "Put boxes around individuals," "Fancy corners," the "Choose" button and 
> most of the other choices on the page. I cannot figure out how to "ungray" 
> any of these items. (And, interestingly, there is no checkmark in the box 
> next to "Put boxes around individuals," yet there are boxes shown on the 
> chart.)> >> > Maybe I am just supposed to use the new Charting feature 
> instead of the Report Menu.> >> > Any help would be appreciated.> >> > Thank 
> you,> >> > Jean> >> > > > Get more from your 
> digital life. Find out how.> >> > Legacy User Group guidelines:> > 
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[LegacyUG] Printing a Pedigree Chart w/o Shadowed Boxes

2008-10-03 Thread Jean Moore
I am using Version and am trying to print a Pedigree Chart.  When I 
look at the Print Preview, the chart is formatted with Shadowed Boxes.  In 
addition, the text is not fitting into the boxes, but is printing above, below, 
and on top of the lines of the boxes.
I would like to turn off the option for Shadowed Boxes and also try the chart 
without any boxes at all.
To try to accomplish this, I clicked on Reports, Report Menu (Charts), Pedigree 
tab, then Report Options and then the Format tab.  I see a checkmark in the box 
next to the word "Shadowed."  I would like to uncheck it; however, it is grayed 
out, along with "Put boxes around individuals," "Fancy corners," the "Choose" 
button and most of the other choices on the page.  I cannot figure out how to 
"ungray" any of these items.  (And, interestingly, there is no checkmark in the 
box next to "Put boxes around individuals," yet there are boxes shown on the 
Maybe I am just supposed to use the new Charting feature instead of the Report 
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
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[LegacyUG] Search from Legacy

2008-09-17 Thread Jean Jones
I would like to be able to search from within Legacy at Google Books
(advanced search would be best). I love the ability to do this at Ancestry
and World Vital Records. Does anyone have the code needed to make this
work?? And/Or how about Footnote? 


Thanks for any help, 


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Re: [LegacyUG] One last question about place names

2007-11-24 Thread jean van horn

From looking around at maps, etc, It appears that English or British 
American colonies might be a good solution. I also have New Amsterdam and 
Swedish colonists so I could use Dutch American colonies and Swedish 
American Colonies would work.

My example would be -
Rye, New Haven, Connecticut Colony, English American colonies.

or New Amsterdam, Manhattan Island, New Netherlands, Dutch American colonies 
or United Dutch American colonies.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dermot McGlone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 4:34 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] One last question about place names


I'd have to agree with Cathy there.  As a near-neighbour (I'm Irish),
this is how I understand it:

a) England is that part of the island of Great Britain in the mid,
east and south, and nowhere else.

b) Great Britain (GB) is the island west of continental Europe
comprising Scotland, England and Wales.

c) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is
made up if the the island of Great Britain and that part of the island
of Ireland known as Northern Ireland.

d) The British Isles (a name which is often disputed by Irish people)
includes the two islands of Great Britain and Ireland.

A place in what we now call USA should *never* be considered part of
England, Great Britain, the United Kingdon or the British Isles.  It
may however have been considered part of the British Empire, but how
you'd use that in an address, I wouldn't be sure.



On 23/11/2007, Cathy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can't imagine it ever being correct.
England is a more or less defined piece of land. It didn't expand as
the British Empire grew.
Similarly Great Britain, although more difficult to define, hasn't
ever even included Ireland as I understand it.

>-Original Message-
>From: Michele Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Legacy E-Mail List 
>Sent: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 10:28 pm
>Subject: [LegacyUG] One last question about place names
>How about this one,
>, Dorchester County, Colony of Maryland, England?
>Would putting England as the country be proper prior to the USA
>being established?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Re: Using the Source Clipboard (was: A weird problem)

2007-11-06 Thread jean van horn
Ok, I guess this is where I do it differently and never considered what you 
have done.
I put the lines used for the household, since that doesn't change and I'm 
recording the family data in a census. I copy the event without anyone in 
bold and paste & add the bold to each person as i go. Then I go back and add 
the bold to the head of household last. With the bold I can easily pick out 
where the person, who's file I'm looking at, sits in each event relative to 
everyone else. And then nothing needs changing.

Which line they are on is obvious via the line copied from the census in the 
list, in my mind.
But you could clarify by substituting the line numbers for each person 
rather than going 1, 2, 3,... For instance:

you could do it
19. John Pinkney...
20. Amanda Pinkney...


- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Re: Using the Source Clipboard (was: A weird 

I do it all the time,  so here is an example.
Source name: USA,IL,Cook,Chicago,1900
I have 29 family members on 4 different branches. My
grand parents, adopt sons' grandparents, wifes'
grandparents, sister's inlaws.
I have on the Text of Source complete transcripts of
family members, and for each of them I add the
transcript 'line' in the matching Source detail.
I also have a book on a town in Norway, which has abt
5000 people, 80% related to me. In the Source detail I
put the page numbers, most persons on at least 3-4
different pages.
Hope this shows why the tool is there.
Rich in LA CA

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Re: [LegacyUG] RE: both Patrick's have the same RIN, and both Elizabeth's have the same RIN [ was Oh dear am I in a mess ]

2007-10-28 Thread jean van horn
So now you need to look to see if the children are still linked to wife 15 
or husband 833 or 1358 ... who is 1358? and where did he/she come from? Is 
there a marriage to an unknown and all these children linked to that 

If not then you just need to find the kids and link them to the couple again 
and that should bring their decendants along with them.

If the children are linked to one of the parents with an unknown other 
parent, you tell legacy that unknown is actually known and say it is the 
correct other parent and then you can merge those two parents. That merge 
should bring in the decendants.

This mess may take awhile to iron out, so take it slow and steady is my 
advice. And as someone said, keep saving your database before you do things.


- Original Message - 
From: "Valerie Garton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 9:29 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] RE: both Patrick's have the same RIN, and both 
Elizabeth's have the same RIN [ was Oh dear am I in a mess ]

Thank you for getting back to me. I saw my problem, threw up my hands in
horror and went out.

I will now try and explain what I now have.

Ni 1.

Patrick 579 m to Elizabeth 580
Patrick 579 m Elizabeth 580
6 m 2
6 m 2
Then Elizabeth 580
Then Elizabeth 580
1358 m 883 with children 1365 292 1364 m 294 [then 3 generations of
children] 1358 m 883 with children as before
302 403 295 404 405
6 m 2
6 m 2
And it goes on further fro 2 1/2 pages
and it goes on further

I unlinked the marriage of the right hand side

Now I have

Patrick 579 m Elizabeth 580
15 m 883 no children
6 m 2

I now have no children for 15 m 883 nor childen of 20 another 2 1/2

I realize it is a matter of linkg people and I had to link 883 to his
wife 15 but I do not have any of the children and I have lsot the link
from 20 to all of his descendants.

I don't know whether you can make sense of this but I did not know how
else to explain it to you.

Here's hoping and thanks for your time.

Regards from Valerie in sunny Sydney.
Researching: BEDDY, CULLODEN, DYAS and ROWAN in Dublin, Wicklow &

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Heather
Sent: Sunday, 28 October 2007 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] RE: both Patrick's have the same RIN, and both
Elizabeth's have the same RIN [ was Oh dear am I in a mess ]

Valerie - it is hard to help if you can't tell me what the worse mess

You had the 2 people entered into legacy only once - but you had the
marriage set up twice.  The instructions I gave should get rid of one
marriage, and they should be all good.

I'm sorry - but it is hard to help if I don't know what the situation is

On 10/27/07, Valerie Garton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now I am in a worse mess and I don't know what to do next.

It really is too complicated to try and type up.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Event notes was Lumping/Splitting or Events

2007-10-21 Thread jean van horn
If you put the event notes between double square brackets, then the notes 
don't show up on the chronology page either. This then limits how the 
chronology page helps you keep all you know about person when you are 
searching records or deciding what to search next.
I use the events as a basis for a bio that I write-up in the person's 
general notes. Then I can choose not to print the events at all.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jenny M Benson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Event notes was Lumping/Splitting or Events

Ann Parsons wrote
I have quit entering event notes as I have yet to figure out how to print 
the event without the event notes.

Just enter your Event Notes between double square brackets - [[like 

Anything you type into Legacy in double square brackets is not printed.
Jenny M Benson

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RE: [LegacyUG] Lost Icons

2007-09-01 Thread Jean Jones
Mystery solved!!!

I enlarged the Individual's Information window and all the icons / buttons
appeared.  I reduced it with the standard "windows" button and all was fine.
 Evidently, I had resized the window by grabbing the edge and moving it in. 
At some point in the resize process the buttons disappear.

All is fixed.  Thanks for the support.


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RE: [LegacyUG] Lost Icons

2007-09-01 Thread Jean Jones
Rob, I wish it were so.  I have one icon showing in the area where the icons
should be.  I have clicked and right clicked and nothing happens.



---Original Message--- 


From: Rob Miller 

Date: 9/1/2007 9:11:30 PM 


Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Lost Icons 




I believe if you "right-click" your mouse where the icons were you will see 

A window called "Customize Family View Icons". Simply drag up the icons 

(left-click, hold and drag) from the bottom half of the box to the top half 

(in the order you want them). 



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[LegacyUG] Lost Icons

2007-09-01 Thread Jean Jones

In the Individual's Information window -

First line "Given" (name)

Second line "Surname"  space where there should be icons for sources,
pictures, notes, etc.  


I do not have those icons on this view.  I'm sure I must have removed them
[by accident - not knowing what I was doing].  I do not know how ???  And I
want them backplease tell me how to get them back!




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Re: [LegacyUG] Soliciting Opinions

2007-08-16 Thread Jean Jones
After an upgrade there are usually several days with postings describing the
experiences users are having.  Most of it works itself out in a week or so
and the chatter about the update subsides.  


That's when I update.  


Anything serious has usually been taken care of by then and explanations of
the other glitches have surfaced on the list.   So.I recommend you
upgrade but just don't rush to be first!  



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Re: [LegacyUG] Ancestry and

2007-06-03 Thread Jean Jones
Thank You Jack

Indeed your new string works perfectly.

I do not understand the code but both yours and Judy's work the way I had
hoped even though  they do not look the same.  :-)

Thank you again,




You wrote:



I changed the search string & it works like it should. 

It has generic fields. 


0003&srchb=r&prox=1&d B=&it=0& 





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Re: [LegacyUG] Ancestry and

2007-06-03 Thread Jean Jones

Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU !!

Works GREAT 



---Original Message--- 


From: Judy 

Date: 6/3/2007 3:56:02 PM 


Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Ancestry and bfast.Com 


This string, pasted in the appropriate space works well - with major credit 

To Jim Terry. 







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Re: [LegacyUG] Ancestry and

2007-06-02 Thread Jean Jones
Thanks Jack,


I'll try that.  Hope it works.




You wrote:



Here is the search string I use, works almost like before.






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RE: [LegacyUG] Ancestry and

2007-06-01 Thread Jean Jones
Thanks Jim,


That did indeed fix the problem with one exception.


Is there someway to adjust the string so you search with Exact matches only


I dislike the presentation Ancestry gives when that is not selected.  The
old search from within Legacy did presented it the way I like.


I hope this can be done.  Gee.don't we get spoiled to what we are used





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Re: [LegacyUG] Source Template

2007-01-10 Thread jean van horn

Maybe I'm missing something but I think what you are asking for is the 
Chronology tab at the top of your screen. When you click on that tab you see 
all the vital data & events for the person's life that you have entered in 
chronological order. It was created for just the purpose you are 
suggesting... ie to look at all the data you have on that person in one 
place. And that is why so many of us type in all the census data or ship 
record data, etc into the notes section of an event and then copy & paste 
the event (complete with source) to events for each person named.
It does NOT show any data put in the notes section though, so if that is 
where you put everything you will have to create a few events in order to 
see how this works.
But the copy feature of events, which as I said copies the source also, does 
not allow you to make the source detail particular for each person. But you 
don't need to do that once you are seeing everything in the chronology tab.

I don't think this is a deluxe feature, but not sure.

- Original Message - 
From: "ewintr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:36 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Source Template

Thank you to all who have replied to my email.

I guess having a lot of master sources isn't as big a
problem as I thought since some of you have many in
your legacy programs.

But I'd like to know a little more about the deluxe
version as mentioned in an email from Cathy (below).
The cost of the deluxe version is prohibitive but may
be possible in the future. Does it allow you to show
"ALL" the information from census records, death
certificates, etc etc etc in one place, at one time,
so that there is no need to be clicking boxes, opening
tabs etc?

I realize that the way I am doing this in the free
version is probably strange but it is sooo
easy for me to be able to just open the Research tab
and have everything right there in one place to look
at while searching online. I can see at a glance which
census records I have and all the data they include,
plus all the other records and their data. I can see
whether I have found a service record and what it said
or a birth record at Ancestry/Genealogy/Etc and what
was included in that record. This saves me so much
time and repetition if I am looking for additional
information about an ancestor or even someone listed
in the census with them, or any other ancestor
mentioned in any of their records, or locations where
I might find them and so on. It's all right there in
front of me.

I definitely don't want to be printing out a lot of
the information and have to sort through it or find a
place to file it. I guess I'm wondering if the deluxe
version has this ability. I don't want just the
'Events' of a person's life to show, I also want all
the data from all records right there to look at as I
search. I suppose I can keep on doing it this way and
I was hoping there might be an easier way to do the
sourcing and think you all have provide some answers
concerning that aspect.


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Re: [LegacyUG] One tested method of organizing files ...a bit more still

2007-01-04 Thread jean van horn


I tried using a letter in front of the number for my adoptive family 
database so that when I'm gone that database could be willed to descendants 
of that family and separated by my children easily. The problem is that then 
the ability to see what the next number is in "file id" in Legacy is lost, 
so I discarded that and do not put a letter in front of anything.

An alphabetical report would be helpful. Right now I also have a database in 
Works where I can search on any field and within fields (ie, family name 
field with several names in it separated by two spaces) to find sources and 
info. This way the adoptive family sources could be separated via this sort.


- Original Message - 
From: "Olds-Wills-Anderson-Simonson-Hodges-Harris-Liikala-Jukkara-" 

Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 3:45 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] One tested method of organizing files ...a bit more 

Jean's points are dead on.  Excerpts below.

Only one suggestion, assign records to categories before assigning File
Numbers.  Thus, census records would be C0001, newspaper articles would
be N0001, photographs would be P0001, and so on.  Just as would be done
in a library system.  I can provide more on categories if requested.

A record filing system is a record filing system.  It is a system for
filing and retrieving records.  Don't make it be something it's not,
it's not for people identification and association.  That's best handled
by programs like Legacy.

Please join me in lobbying Legacy to add a report for File Numbers
sorted alphabetically which would list LName, FName/MI, FileNumber,
Date, Caption, and Description.

Near St Louis MO USA

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jean
van horn
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] One tested method of organizing files ...a bit

"...I use the file it as I got it system which files sources once but is
referenced by all that use

"When I find a census record I print it out and file it with the next
available sequencially (starting with 0001) in my binders and record
number in the FILE ID on the source detail screen in Legacy. Then when
asked a question about a source it takes me seconds to find it by going
that person in my database and checking the source for the ID number.
person in the census gets this same source with the same FILE ID #, BUT

"I am also a firm believer in keeping one database because I find that
we are
all related."

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Re: [LegacyUG] Linking a document based filing system to individuals in Legacy

2007-01-04 Thread jean van horn
If I understand your question, to some extent it will be trial and error. 
Depending on how you have structured your sources you will have to go to 
master lists/sources, then show list and tag them. OR you'll have to go to a 
specific source detail connected with one person and show list for that and 
tag them, go add the file id and untag and then go on to the next one.
And again, I would use the file it as you got it, system and find one person 
using that source, do a show list, tag and correct and untag, go to the next 
source you have and do again.


- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Cirillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 10:33 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Linking a document based filing system to 
individuals in Legacy

I think you miss the point. I already have hundreds of
entries and documents, I would now need to go back and
put an appropiate id on the database. What is the best
way to make this connection other than going through
by trial and error? There must be a computer way to
identify the person(s) a document is connected to.
--- "M. Brenzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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Re: [LegacyUG] One tested method of organizing files ...a bit more

2007-01-03 Thread jean van horn


You bring up the key point... ie, the need of most systems for "either 
cross-referencing or duplicating when we have one group of people (such as 
in a group photo or in a census family)", which is why I use the file it as 
I got it system which files sources once but is referenced by all that use 
When I find a census record I print it out and file it with the next number 
available sequencially (starting with 0001) in my binders and record that 
number in the FILE ID on the source detail screen in Legacy. Then when I'm 
asked a question about a source it takes me seconds to find it by going to 
that person in my database and checking the source for the ID number. Each 
person in the census gets this same source with the same FILE ID #, BUT IT 
After reading Bob's post, now I'm going to scan everything or retrieve it 
from the web in a photo format and preserve them on cd's also, using the 
FILE ID # as the name of the photo.

I am also a firm believer in keeping one database because I find that we are 
all related. It didn't take that long for me to find that my husband's line 
connects to my birth family's line and my birth family's line connects to my 
adoptive family's line ( I love saying I'm related to myself). The idea of 
putting these lines in twice was not acceptable.


- Original Message - 
From: "Loran Braught" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "LegacyUserGroup" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 11:55 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] One tested method of organizing files ...a bit more

Frankly I will not endeavor to defend the standard ahnentafel nor the 
library cross referencing systems that have survived virtually all options 
for many decades.

I am not a professional genealogist, but I have noticed that the more we 
try to merge family lines into one file the more difficulties we create 
for ourselves in organizing the data. For sure it is much easier to merge 
family lines than separate them and for sure merging family lines will 
deeply challenge organizing the data.

I do not see how to avoid the choice of either cross-referencing or 
duplicating when we have one group of people (such as in a group photo or 
in a census family).

My personally chosen method is to create separate pedigree lines for each 
grandparent surname and use the same ahnentafel system for each. This 
would appear somewhat like the soundex pattern with each surname preceding 
systematic numbering. This pattern can be extended to as many surname 
lines as you pick, but I can not handle documentation tasks for more than 
four families much farther than about five generations.  Good luck to 
those who think that they can.

The major strength of the ahnentafel organization is that every one not 
only has a unique number, but that number simultaneously identifies the 
family relationship of the preferred direct family line. Those not in that 
direct line  with ahnentafel identification can simply continue using the 
RIN/MRIN system that has basis only for the random entry sequence.

Incidentally, if we add a sibling who belonged inside a chronological 
order, the only ahnentafel numbers that need to be re-sorted and 
renumbered are those of that one family (no big task).

As someone remarked, no one is obligated to use any organizational system 
and folks are entitled to keep their data in piles instead of files. I 
merely have watched the ahnentafel system work much smoother than other 
options I have observed and decided to share the idea in case folks want 
to analyze or test the comparisons.

If anyone wants to discuss this with me further, please contact me 
directly as I really do not want to clutter this message board with 
perpetual clarifications or debate on this one issue.


Loran Ralph Braught
(812) 535-3618
8380 N. Crestwood Pl
West Terre Haute, IN 47885

Researching mostly Braught/Braucht, Bruner, Ruggles, Riley

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2006-12-15 Thread Cass &amp; Jean

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Re: [LegacyUG] organizing notebooks

2006-12-12 Thread Jean Van Horn
I use labels. I have a P-Touch label maker. I simply label each source with the 
next number available and that number is put on the source detail in the space 
called ID. I do not use MRIN's at all as they can change.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Janis Gilmore 
  To: ; Advance Research 
  Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 12:04 PM
  Subject: [LegacyUG] organizing notebooks

  For those of you who organize your documents and photos in notebooks, with 
acid-free mylar sleeves - what sort of sticker or other identifier do you put 
on each sleeve, with the number? Do you place it directly on the mylar sleeve?

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[LegacyUG] Set Direct Line as Preferred

2006-11-13 Thread Jean Moore
I created a focus group of an ancestor and his descendants and imported it into a new file.  I renumbered the RIN's to start at number 1.  In the new file, my name appears as number 1, not the starting ancestor I chose in the focus group.  I don't think this really matters, I just thought it odd.
My real problem is:  In the new file, I set one of the descendants of this ancestor as the preferred direct line under Tools and customized to highlight the names in his direct line and include an asterisk.  Unfortunately, in addition to his direct line having the asterisk and being highlighted, they still appear at my name and with all of my direct line.  (We only share two direct-line ancestors.)
I've tried setting him as preferred a few times and turning the customization on and off.  I've also exported and imported again with him being the preferred direct line in the original file.  It hasn't fixed anything.
Any suggestions?
(What I'm trying to do is make a Legacy file for a cousin with just his branch of the family.  The only way I could figure how to do it was by forming a focus group, exporting to a GEDCOM, and importing the GEDCOM to a new file.  Maybe someone knows a better way to accomplish this.)
Thank you for your help.
Jean Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows Live Spaces  

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RE: [LegacyUG] Customize to highlight direct ancestors

2006-09-02 Thread Jean Moore

Thank you all for your responses.  My direct line is now bolded.  :)

From:  "Cricket Hackmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To:  LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.comTo:  Subject:  RE: [LegacyUG] Customize to highlight direct ancestorsDate:  Sat, 02 Sep 2006 11:52:50 -0500>On 9/2/06, Jean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>>Jean said:  <>line ancestors so that when I am in the family view page I know which person>it is among the list of children?  Thank you.>>>>>In Family View, highlight your name (or whoever's line you want bolded).>Then go to Tools > Set Direct Line as Preferred.  A box will appear with>that person's 
name in it, with the heading "Set Direct Line Ancestors as>Preferred Line".  Click the button that says "Set Preferred Line."  That's>it!>>I've found this feature to be very helpful when scrolling up through the>generations, and then trying to find my way back down to where I started!>>Cricket>>>>>Legacy User Group guidelines can be found at:>>To find past messages, please go to our searchable archives at:>>For online technical support, please visit>>To unsubscribe please visit:>>

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Re: [LegacyUG] Customize to highlight direct ancestors

2006-09-02 Thread Jean Moore

Is it possible to automatically bold the names of my direct line ancestors so that when I am in the family view page I know which person it is among the list of children?  Thank you.

From:  Brian/Support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To:  LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.comTo:  LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.comSubject:  Re: [LegacyUG] Customize to highlight direct ancestorsDate:  Sun, 13 Aug 2006 13:46:54 -0400>Tom,>>Tools > Apply Ancestor Colours>Select the person whose ancestors you want colour coded>Click Apply Colour coding>Then go to Options > customize > View>There is a setting there to turn the colour coding on screen on or >off.>Clicking the Change button beside that option lets you set the >colours to be used.>Now all the ancestors of that person will have one of four colour >codes. It will appear in a small box beside the Tag numbers on 
>Family Views.>>Brian>Customer Support>Millennia Corporation>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>We are changing the world of genealogy!>>When replying to this message, please include all previous >correspondence.>Thanks.>>>Tom Kemp wrote:>>I'd like to use color coding or highlighting to designate all >>ancestors from>>a designated RIN.>>This way when I am sorting through my file I can quickly see the >>ancestors>>from the cousins.>>>>Can someone advise me how this is done?>>>>Thanks,>>Tom>>>>>>>>Legacy User Group guidelines can be found at: 
>>>>>>To find past messages, please go to our searchable archives at: >>>>>>For online technical support, please visit >>>>>>To unsubscribe please visit: >>>>>>>Legacy User Group guidelines can be found at: >>>To find past messages, please go to our searchable archives at: >>>For online technical support, please visit >>>To unsubscribe please visit: 

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Re: [LegacyUG] The Americanisation of Legacy?

2006-09-01 Thread jean van horn
Interesting reason for finding the DNA part of Legacy too intrusive. As an 
adoptee I find the DNA section to be a real hope for us and vital. Adoptees 
are the ones having to prove a blood relationships due to our real birth 
certificates being kept from us. That is in America... my memory is that 
Britain and Australia have made some reforms in this area but I have 
forgotten specifics. DNA may be the only way we can figure out & prove who 
we are genetically.

(off topic a bit) While I know families of adoptees think they need to 
affirm the legitimacy of the adoptee in their family and they should, the 
problem with that is the unsaid part of not acknowledging the other family 
an adoptee has... the birth family. The very natural need to know your birth 
family information is too often seen as being disloyal to the people who 
raised you. Medical issues alone should make this need obvious. It would be 
so much better for adoptees if we saw them as having two families, one 
genetic and one environmental, and gave them them the right to all 
information regarding those families. So I am suggesting that the adoptees 
within your family might see the DNA section differently.
Additionally, DNA tests could prevent adoptees and sperm donor children from 
marrying a relative without knowing it. Throwing out a different way of 
looking at it.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ron and Carol MUNRO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 7:20 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] The Americanisation of Legacy?

I also find the DNA part of legacy all too intrusive. In my family we have a
few adopted members and they are with all purposes as much as a part of this
family as i am.

ron munro,
salisbury, south australia

Mystic Philosophy: Aldous Huxley Man Made Gods
"All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give
them the power to pull ours."

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ronald
Sent: Monday, 28 August 2006 8:26 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] The Americanisation of Legacy?

Dave, I have some sympathy with your point of view and the request for some
of the features to be optional has been made before. I do have some American
and Canadian relatives in my tree but my use of Legacy for searching these
is limited and the DNA part I am not likely to use at all (it seems to be
too intrusive to be quite British!).

Although the size of the program is not yet overwhelming, I have just
checked and my Legacy file is in excess of 1 GB excluding pictures although
much of this is due to web pages. This is before the latest update which I
have yet to download and at some time I guess I will receach a limit.

Just as a matter of interest you are not related to any Aitchison's in
Hastings are you? I'm not but a friend with that name lived there.

Ron Ferguson


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From: "Dave A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LegacyUG] The Americanisation of Legacy?
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 20:22:39 +1000

Does anyone else think that Legacy is going down the path of the majority
of other available FT programs by becoming more and more Americancentric?

The latest update include lots of things to do with American counties etc.
There is even a button in the form of the Stars and Stripes !!

In my particular tree everybody is either British or Australian.

Legacy is now suffering from bloat and this could be the reason for the
bugs etc.

I have been using Legacy since Version 3 and up till now I have been very

I left FTM and switched to Legacy for the same reason.

If only Legacy could have made a lot of this *extra* stuff optional !! Alas
that is not so (sigh)

Might be time to look at a program more Britishcentric !!!

Time to do some research.

Thank you for puttin up with my rant.


Dave Aitchison

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Re: [LegacyUG] Setting up family history web site with Legacy

2006-08-23 Thread jean van horn

If you want a place to share information with your family, try

It gives you ready made places for sharing a database, uploading pictures, 
chats, sharing information, etc.Then you can keep your database clean and 

Then you could have your data on a separate web site which you control.

- Original Message - 
From: Eileen Lentz
To: ;

Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 4:10 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Setting up family history web site with Legacy

I am in the process of trying to create a family history web site. I asked 
Legacy Family Tree advice on how to set it up. One of the things they 
suggested was ask the Legacy User Group for advice.

My goal is to have something that is very user friendly for my different 
family members to communicate and share family history. I like the Legacy 
Family Tree software program and I am hoping to be able to use it, along 
with Macromedia software such as Dreamweaver, to set up the web page 
databases and interactive capabilities--in essence, giving family members 
around the world the capability to work on family history projects together, 
in real time and with seamless work compatibility.  I want all family 
members to have access to documents and images, which will be digitized or 
hyperlinked and stored on our own server. This way our documentation is 
available as well as the individual and family statistics. For instance, we 
have family bulletins, family stories, pictures, certificates, tax and 
census records that we would like our children and grandchildren to have 
easy access. We would have journalling and personal history sharing 
capability, and the all important research logs. It will have several user 
defined security levels to protect their individual, family, and extended 
family privacy, while still making other appropriate information available 
to the public.

Any advice you can give me would surely be appreciated.

Eileen Lentz

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Re: [LegacyUG] Change of name and dob. (fornerly search string)

2006-07-27 Thread jean van horn
This reply misses the point. Yes, you can get a lot of info from the right 
click but it won't tell you what hitting the reply button does. I right 
clicked this message from you... using outlook express.. and it said it was 
from Jan Buker. But hitting reply shows me it is from LUG. Which is what 
Sherry was trying to say.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jan Buker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Change of name and dob. (fornerly search string)

If you are using outlook express the best way to see information about the
e-mail without opening it is to right click on the e-mail and then choose
properties.  It will open all the header information without opening the
e-mail.  You can then see where it is from, etc.  You can also open the
e-mail in a safe manner from there if you so choose.

I do not know how to do this in Outlook though, nor any other e-mail
program.  This only works for outlook express.

Jan B.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roger 

Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Change of name and dob. (fornerly search string)

Sherry -

Unfortunately, this is not 100% foolproof.  Users of Outlook Express can
easily cause replies to go to any email address they want when Reply is
clicked.  I imagine LegacyUG users would not resort to this trickery, but
beware otherwise.

- Original Message - 
From: "Support" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:00 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Change of name and dob. (fornerly search string)


I've found the quickest way to determine who an email came from was to
on "Reply" to see who it's replying to!

Filters aren't 100%. Most emails go to the folder that they're supposed
but some that stay in the inbox and a *copy* is sent to the folder,
duplicates of some emails stay in the inbox and some never get filtered 


I've given up trying to figure it all out 

Thanks for using Legacy.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jan
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:17 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Change of name and dob. (fornerly search string)

Hi Sherry,
C.G Ouimet emailed me privately to point out that the message was
to the list, not me individually (I hadn't noticed this) - and as I
responded to him, something strange has happened.  I filter my messages 

anything with LegacyUG in the subject goes to my Legacy Folder.  Every
LegacyUG message before and after the one from Ron has gone straight to
Legacy.  Ron's is still sitting in my general inbox.  I would probably
thought twice about it if it hadn't begun Hi Jan


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Re: [LegacyUG] Census data in Legacy

2006-06-15 Thread jean van horn


I put all the info of the census data in the notes section. then I put in 
bold the name of the person who's event this is.
It is important, to me, to have the whole census info right there when I'm 
searching. I remember before having to have my copies of the census out all 
the time to do research. Legacy ended that. Bless them. And then on the 
chronology page I can see the family progression, who leaves to get married 
or move west, who is born, etc. This is a huge help when doing research. And 
sometimes the people we thought were unrelated living there turn out to be 

That is what I like about Legacy. It keeps its eye on giving help to the 


- Original Message - 
From: "Cary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:40 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Census data in Legacy

Me too - although I use the Notes section of the Census Event to show each
person's appearance detail only for that person's iteration of the Event.
(Paste the master event then change the name, age, etc for that person who
"Appeared as".".)  Given the spelling errors etc of Census takers that
works for me.  Linking would mean either having to show everyone's detail
on all the people or none, right?


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