Re: Leo's future

2015-08-17 Thread Dufriz
On Wednesday, 29 July 2015 14:07:44 UTC+1, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 Your comments, please.


For the umpteenth time (sorry about the abrasive tone): improving user 
friendliness for non-technologically savvy users is paramount. This has 
been pointed out and requested so many times in the past. 

I am very happy to hear that Edward thinks that most of the essential stuff 
in Leo is now mature and good enough.
Could the developers please start improving user friendliness now? There 
are so many things to be improved, especially in the user interface.
A main guideline is not assuming that all the users are technologically 
savvy, or that they like tinkering with text-based settings files and 
Python code. In this regard, lots of useful comments were made in this 
mailing list (but so far ignored...).

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Improvements to Leo documentation

2015-07-19 Thread dufriz
I was wondering if, after the recent improvement to Leo (kudos to the
developers) there is going to be an improved version of the documentation.
In addition to the manual, it would be useful to have some instant-impact
sales-pitch material such as powerpoint slides, or a two-three pages pdf.



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Re: User friendliness. Will it ever be a priority?

2015-02-02 Thread Dufriz
Based on Edward's reply (which is perfectly in line with other replies of 
his in the past), I take it that the answer to the question I posed in the 
title of the thread is a resounding no.

I was about to write a detailed post, to make my case (as Edward said in 
his post that I have not even begun making my case), but on second thoughts 
I no longer know if it's worth it. 

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Re: android outliners...

2015-02-01 Thread Dufriz
Is support for Android devices on the roadmap?

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Re: File management potential in Leo

2015-02-01 Thread Dufriz
On Saturday, 31 January 2015 19:42:21 UTC, Don Dwiggins wrote:

  On 1/30/15 9:21 PM, Dufriz wrote:

 I am curious, could you please give a brief description of what Ecco is 

 One place to start is an article I wrote a few years ago, focusing on 
 Ecco's outline features:

 As the article says, the basic unit of Ecco is the item, which can be text 
 (including some rich text features) or an image.  You can think of it as a 
 paragraph; a rough equivalent in Leo would be the node, except there's no 
 distinction between headlinee and body.

 Ecco has a concept of folders, which is an unfortunate term, since it 
 has nothing to do with Windows folders.  From a little reading about the 
 emerging tagging plugin to Leo, I'd say Ecco folders are roughly equivalent 
 to Leo hierarchical tags.  An item may be in (tagged with) a number of 
 folders.  Folders can be of different types: simple text, number, checkmark 
 (binary in or out), date, or pop-up list (choose one of many).  I've used 
 these in my To-Do list to set priority (number), category (pop-up list), 
 due by (date), etc.

 A notepad is a kind of view that shows one or more items in a folder, and 
 all its (their) children.  A notepad can also show one or more folders as 
 columns at the right, displaying for each item/column the corresponding 
 folder value.  In the article, there's an image of a notepad showing a sort 
 of Gantt chart view, with dates and a timeline (I haven't used that, 
 although I think it's related to the date type).  At the bottom is a row of 
 tabs, allowing you to switch between notepads.  There's also a way to get a 
 side-by-side view of two notepads.  At the top is the usual menu bar, and a 
 toolbar.  Any menu item can be placed on the toolbar, and the toolbar icons 
 can be arranged as desired (similar to Firefox toolbars).

 For my current use, the most important features are the outlining and 
 notepads (where I keep different outlines for different purposes).  I've 
 also made use of the Calendar view (a special-purpose notepad devoted to 
 calendaring and date-related items) to keep a prioritized and categorized 
 To-Do list.


Thanks, Don, for the link and for the explanation.

Do you think that some of Ecco's features could be implemented in Leo? 
Which ones would you suggest?

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User friendliness. Will it ever be a priority?

2015-02-01 Thread Dufriz
While Leo is constantly enriching itself, with new features and new 
technologies, it's not improving much in terms of user friendliness (I will 
provide details below), and this is one of the main reasons that put off 
(read: keep away) users. This is an old refrain of mine, and every now and 
then I feel compelled to express it, so bear with me.

Recently I was asked, on another thread: what is there to be done to make 
Leo more user friendly? Ahm, a lot. An awful lot.

Before mentioning some of the points which IMHO need to be worked on, I 
would like to make a suggestion: why not keep track of the users' 
suggestions/feature requests in a more organized way? Lots of useful 
comments are made every day on the mailing list: adding this, removing 
that, etc. Most of them are soon forgotten, with the constant flow of new 
posts, and the ever-changing variety of topics. Moreover these suggestions 
are scattered here and there, often buried in threads where they should not 
even belong.
What I am proposing is, basically, a system for keeping track of user 
comments/requests in a more organic way. It could be a wiki, or something 

Now, with regard to user friendliness, I would like to point out that IMHO, 
the best judgement in this regard is that made by the outsiders, or 
newcomers, rather than by the developers and the old users. For a simple 
reason: user friendliness is all about intuitiveness and giving a pleasant 
feeling to those who are *not* familiar with a program. And in this regard 
(sorry guys) Leo leaves a lot to be desired. Old time Leo users who are 
perfectly comfortable and cozy with the current setup may possibly not 
understand why this is so important.

Some (only a few) of the areas that need improvement:

* the leading node-type @ markers in the headlines are very ugly to see, 
and clutter the screen. Why not replace them with customized note-type 
icons? Of course, they are an important metadata, which should be preserved 
somewhere. But why make it a part of the headline? At the very least, could 
we limit their visibility to when we are editing the headline?

* Changing settings is very awkward, as pointed out in several old posts. 
Something needs to be done. IIRC Terry already agreed on this in principle.

* more standard default key bindings. For instance, what about F2 for 
editing a headline? I know, this is not such a big deal, because users can 
change the key bindings to their liking, but why not make things easier for 

I do not want to insist too much here, listing all the finer points, but in 
short there are several other UI improvements that would be really welcome.

I am venturing here a proposal for the developers: why not go in a sort 
feature-freeze mode for some time (i.e. stopping adding new features), and 
focus instead on improving the user interface? This dedicated period could 
be set on the calendar, perhaps even a couple of weeks every three months, 
or the like. I am sure this would generate a lot of user feedback.

All the best,


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Re: Plan for 2015

2015-01-30 Thread Dufriz
On Friday, 30 January 2015 12:05:31 UTC, Fidel N wrote:

 ​:-)  I think Fidel's answer was a bit harsh.

 Sorry, was not my intention to be harsh, I actually totally simpatize with 
 Dufriz, I had quite a struggle migrating into Leo coming from a 
 non-programming background. 

No hard feelings, Fidel. It's OK.

As for the improvements to the UI, several were suggested in old posts. 
What I remember is:

* letting the user change the UI settings directly from the menu, without 
having to manually edit settings files
* customizing node icons, to reflect the node type, also (optionally) 
replacing the leading note type (e.g. @rich) marker, which would become 

but there were more.

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Re: Plan for 2015

2015-01-29 Thread Dufriz

What about making Leo more user friendly, for a change?
All the improvements to Leo have always been in the direction of adding new 
It's about time you developers concentrate a bit more on user friendliness 
(UI, etc). This will certainly attract more users.

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Re: Initial node tagging support -- functionally complete

2015-01-26 Thread Dufriz
Great news!!! Thank you, Jacob. Please keep developing the tag 

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Re: Clickable links in editing pane?

2014-10-27 Thread Dufriz
The de-emphasizing via grey colorizing is not bad, but of course it would 
be much better if we could hide the ugly text completely.

@Edward: sorry, but what I seem to understand from your short answer is 
that the proposed feature is not interesting enough. Would you mind 
commenting a bit more extensively on it? 

I really believe that the requested feature, which could be advertized a 
wiki support, is very useful and that it would take Leo to a whole new 

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Re: UI config. settings, step 1.

2014-08-15 Thread Dufriz
Terry, the stylesheet now compiles without problems, but many of the 
settings are still ignored.

I have noticed that now *all* the minibuffer color definitions (label, 
status, selection fg and bg) are ignored, whereas iirc before the last 
commit the minibuffer's background-color was the only setting that was 
So, clearly there is still a problem with the stylesheet, despite 
the absence of error messages.

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Re: UI config. settings, step 1.

2014-08-15 Thread dufriz
On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 3:29 PM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor wrote:

 On Fri, 15 Aug 2014 03:08:46 -0700 (PDT)
 Dufriz wrote:

 When I change
 /home/tbrown/.leo/myLeoSettings.leo#@settings--leo_dark theme
 0--Settings for theme--colors--@color minibuffer_background_color =

 e.g. @solarized-base03 - pink

 Reload Styles works as expected.  Is that what you were changing?

No, I was changing background-color under the node mini-buffer  status
(which is child of stylesheet  source). I did not even know of the
existence of the settings you just mentioned, under that node. Yet another
node which contains color settings!!

Anyhow, now it works. Problem solved.

Moreover, with the latest recompile several unexpected changes in the UI
appearance have taken place, all at once, because I had not modified the
relevant parameters. For instance, the appearance of the scroll bars has
changed. Likewise, the size of the text in panes has changed. And the menu
entries too are now properly highlighted when the mouse pointer hovers over
them, once again!

My guess is that these sudden changes are due to some of the parameters
which I had set earlier, and which for some reason had not taken effect
until now.

Thanks again, Terry, for your invaluable support.

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Re: Help! Messing with UI settings.

2014-08-14 Thread Dufriz
I am on Windows 8.1, running Python 3.3.5 with 
I am using Leo 4.11 final, build 6240.

I have partially obtained the color combination I was looking for, simply 
by importing Terry's solarized theme which takes care of most things. 
However, this is not to say that I have solved the difficulties related to 
the UI configuration. I am still in the dark as to how settings should be 
properly managed. It's really infuriating, especially when you change a 
setting and for some reason it does not take effect.

For instance, based on Terry's dark (solarized) theme 0, which I am trying 
to modify:
I am now trying to change the background color of the minibuffer's edit 
line, to make it stand out from the surrounding background color. So, I go 
to the node mini-buffer  status (under stylesheet  source) and I edit the 
background-color parameter, setting it to another color (drastically 
different, so I can easily see if the change took place). Then I save and 
restart Leo, and the change did not take effect! (despite having been saved 
I am wondering: is there any other setting which overrides this?!?
This is a common problem in Leo settings, from what I understand (as I 
encountered it in other settings). The user is likely to mad if he has to 
check and counter-check all these cross-referenced settings!

Anyway, these are just some the difficulties I am encountering in changing 
the settings.
I believe a radical restucturing of the way settings are handled, or at 
least presented to the end-user, is really called for here.
There is no point in Leo being totally configurable if the user cannot 
manage to change even the simplest settings like the UI colors!

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Re: Meaning of mode prompt?

2014-08-14 Thread Dufriz
Sorry, but I was not able to understand your answer.
Above all, what is a prompt?

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Re: Help! Messing with UI settings.

2014-08-14 Thread Dufriz
BTW, the dark theme which I am trying to modify is the *last* node of the 
myLeoSetting outline.

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Re: Help! Messing with UI settings.

2014-08-14 Thread Dufriz

Terry said:
(Summary - quite possibly Dufriz is using the latest code, can't tell 
from the log pane content) 

Precisely. The version I am running was downloaded from git itself 
yesterday or the day before. The About window (whose data I had copied into 
the post) does not report updated info about the version.

Terry said:
 Well, if you'd read the instructions, you'd have been able to get 
 frustrated at a completely different step in the process :-} :-) 
 Sorry about all the frustration, and to be fair with it being broken 
 by the missing c, thing, maybe you had followed this procedure 
 at one point and understandably thought it didn't work, on account 
 of it not working :-/ 

Yes, as a matter of fact I do recall trying to run a script at one point, 
and getting an error message.

Anyway, I have now followed your latest instructions, but I still get an 
error message while running the script.

Moreover, the part of the script that I corrected as per your instructions 
was commented out. Of course I removed the leading # before running the 
Here is the error message that I get:

exception executing script
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'children'

  line 471: p = self
* line 472: return len(p.v.children)
  line 473: #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.915: *4* p.getX  VNode 
compatibility traversal routines
  line 474: # These methods are useful abbreviations.

By the way, the next line below what you mentioned is commented out:
# c.selectPosition(nd)
Should I uncomment it too?

By the way, I noticed yet another commented out line, above:
#X cp = c.p

Could these be responsible for the error?

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Re: Help! Messing with UI settings.

2014-08-14 Thread Dufriz
On Thursday, 14 August 2014 17:49:08 UTC+1, Fidel N wrote:

 I knew very few of programming, nothing of python, and now I know both, 
 because I had the time, loved the concept of Leo, and could devote my time 
 to study both.

I intend to take the same path as you. I just wish I have the time and the 
patience required.

I also asked for a settings GUI, because IMO, this is screening out a lot 
 of people that would otherwise use Leo for non-programming related stuff.
 Something as simple as Notepad++ settings/preferences menu, just a simple 
 tick menu, would make much more people remain in Leo.
 Even if you love the concept, clones, etc, if you must learn python and 
 pyqt and Leo structures and Leo @node_id inheritance before you can edit 
 that, you simply wont.
 I know someone will think its not neccesary to know pyqt to change the 
 background colors, but I have been there, and otherwise you dont really 
 know what you are touching // how to edit that.
 Also, having to restart the app for every change to make effect makes 
 everything much slower (for a newbie), all of this resulting in non 
 programmers running away from Leo as fast as they can.
 Just a few comboboxes with option lists, + tickboxes for boolean values, 
 would make a huge difference. If the need to restart Leo was removed, that 
 would make things perfect.

 But then again, this is a dev time problem, so only thing I can do till I 
 get some extra time to develop that myself, is to remain extremely grateful 
 for Leo as is right now.

I do believe that a middle ground could be struck for the management of 
settings, between the excessively dumbed down UI of all other general-use 
programs and the overly complicated (as in the current case) Qt-based-only 
interface which excludes those who are not advanced programmers. I, for 
one, have programming experience, though not with Python/PyQt, so I am not 
at all scared of editing text files for settings. 
HOWEVER, don't you think that the present method of managing settings is 
way too complicated, and unnecessarily so? I mean, the user has 
to manually modify the text-based settings (which is OK, although it is not 
at all easy) but then he also has to *run a script in order to compile the 
settings via the script*. Come on. Does anyone think that this is even 
remotely normal?!?
(No hard feelings, I hope)

The middle way I was hinting to would be having something similar to this:


and so on...

The settings management would be still text-based, but it would be:
1) all within one node
2) no scripts required
3) clearly understandable variable names

In short, it would be something humanly readable and understandable.

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Re: UI config. settings, step 1.

2014-08-14 Thread Dufriz

Terry, I have just started testing your latest commit. I ran the Reload 
Styles command in the menu without problems, and the UI appearance changed 
a bit, signifying that some of the modified settings have taken effect. 
Still I can't say much about the new functionality, I need time to tinker 
with the settings and run it again, probably over the weekend.
However one (minor) thing that I have already noticed is that the menu 
entries are no longer highlighted when the mouse hovers over them. This is 
a problem which had already occurred a few months ago, and which you then 
I'll let you know when I have experimented a little more.
Thanks for your help.

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Re: A quick-and-dirty tag API can now be had with the plugin

2014-08-13 Thread dufriz
Wonderful. As far as I am concerned, this is a great step forward in Leo's
Of course the UI badly needs to be developed further, because it is still
very unpolished. More advanced functions may also be added later.
I think we need to download a few file tagging programs and study the way
they work, to find some inspiration on how to best develop the tagging
Kudos again, Jake.

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Leo support for touchscreen-based platforms?

2014-08-13 Thread Dufriz
Just out curiosity, is Leo's UI compatible with touchscreen-based systems? 
By this I mean being able to simply touch, say, a node's headline in order 
to open it, instead clicking on it with the mouse. Or any other UI commands 
for that matter. 
If this is not currently supported (I guess it isn't) would it take a lot 
of work to implement it? Is it in Leo's roadmap?

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Meaning of mode prompt?

2014-08-13 Thread Dufriz

I am still going through the Leo documentation, so bear with me.
Could you please explain to me the meaning of a mode prompt, as in the 

- If the @mode headline contains ::, everything following the :: is the
  mode prompt. For example::

@mode abc :: xyz

creates the enter-abc-mode command, but the prompt for the command is xyz.

What is meant by prompt here?


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Re: A quick-and-dirty tag API can now be had with the plugin

2014-08-13 Thread dufriz
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Chris George wrote:

 When in brainstorming mode, or when writing blog posts, I run this in a vr
 pane within Leo, simply because it is less distracting than running it in a
 separate window.

I am intrigued, how can you run it in a pane *within* Leo?
Isn't that an external application?

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Help! Messing with UI settings.

2014-08-13 Thread Dufriz
Leo's convoluted settings system is really trying my patience. I had tried 
to change the UI settings (mostly colors) a few months ago, but I 
eventually gave up...

Now I am trying it again, but I am still encountering difficulties.

First of all, I copied the @data qt-gui-plugin-style-sheet node to 
myLeoSettings (under the @settings node), to play with it.

The problem is that:
1) some the settings that I changed in this node do not seem to take 
effect, even after I save and I restart Leo
2) some of the settings that I want to change are not even present in this 
node, so I cannot change them. Yes, there is a notice that says Important: 
this stylesheets is responsible for most, but *not* all, of Leos 
appearance.  See also settings in Colorizer and colors -- But where do I 
find it?? And why on earth are some UI settings in one node and others 
(closely related to them) in another node?!? This really baffles me. 

For instance, I am trying to change the foreground and background colors of 
panes. Now, the setting for the background color is clearly visible 
(background-color), but where is the setting for the normal text? It's 
nowhere to be seen in this node. The only thing which slightly looks as if 
it could change the text foreground color is the setting font-style, which 
is currently set as normal. Now, if I wanted to change this (assuming I 
could change the foreground color through it), what should I do?

This is really becoming quite frustrating.

Suggestion: could we please have a simplified way of handling UI settings? 
Something straightforward like:


within the *same node*?

Oh, and did I mention that some of the settings that I changed did not take 
effect at all? I changed the background color to black, on multiple 
settings, but it still remains white!

I really hope some of you guys sorts this settings mess out sooner rather 
than later!

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Re: A quick-and-dirty tag API can now be had with the plugin

2014-08-12 Thread dufriz
How is the work on the tags' UI coming along, Jake?

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Re: PyQt5 problems (plugins requiring PyQt4)

2014-08-11 Thread dufriz
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Jacob Peck wrote:

  Dufriz, if you disable all of the above plugins, Leo *should* load for
 you in PyQt5.  YMMV, though ;)

BTW Leo already does load in PyQt5, despite the error messages that I

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PyQt5 problems (plugins requiring PyQt4)

2014-08-10 Thread Dufriz
I just want to report that I installed Python 3.4.1 and PyQt5 
(PyQt5-5.3.1-gpl-Py3.4-Qt5.3.1-x64) on Windows 8.1, to try Leo on it.
Leo starts with no problems but there is a list of error messages in the 
background log windows as well as in Leo's own log pane, caused by the fact 
that the PyQt4 module is not found.
I guess I am going back to PyQt4 and Python 3.3

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Leo's Wikipedia entry

2014-08-06 Thread Dufriz
What's with those nonsensical notices at the top of Leo's Wikipedia 
article? (This article has multiple issues...) They are annoying.
Is there really no way to make them go away?

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Re: Leo's Wikipedia entry

2014-08-06 Thread dufriz
BTW, the article badly needs to be revamped.

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Re: using leo to organize and manage my digital library composed of videos, audio, pdf, etc.

2014-08-04 Thread dufriz
(I hope you don't mind that fact that I am resuscitating a 4-year old 

I was going to write a post exactly like the OP of this thread, when I 
discovered that this question had already been asked in this thread, so 
here I am jumping in.

Basically, I have precisely the same needs as the OP: organizing the files 
in my digital library (text, pdf, doc, pics, anything) and make them 
accessible through Leo, which would allow me to have clones and hence 
multiple data views. After this, Leo would be about the only way for me to 
access those files.

Initially I was thinking of using Leo for tagging, but it seems that Leo 
does not support tagging yet (too bad!).
So I am asking you advice on how I could go about it.

Since I am looking forward to a Leo-only solution, I am not planning to 
resort to any external program (unlike the OP).

Could someone please give me some directions on how to have Leo make an 
outline containing the listing of whole directories (along with their 
subdirectories), so that each node is a file? Creating @url nodes would 
only be the first step, because next I would want to create views which 
allow me to group and display various files together, from across different 
directories. This functionality is commonly called virtual folders on 
some systems. Basically, each such folder would be the equivalent of a 
listing of all the files that are tagged with a given keyword.
Can I do all this in Leo, despite the fact that Leo does not have proper 
Could I also have virtual folders on demand (i.e. by user input, not 
pre-defined) which give me the listing of files that are shared by two or 
more directories? (This would be equivalent to narrowing down the search by 
specifying more than one tag).

Lastly, can I arrange such virtual folders in a hierarchy?

Any advice or comment is gladly welcome, especially from those who have 
already done something similar.


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Re: using leo to organize and manage my digital library composed of videos, audio, pdf, etc.

2014-08-04 Thread dufriz
Thanks, Terry. Prompt reply as usual, and to the point.

So, now I am left asking the crucial question (keeping my fingers crossed): 
any chance that you or someone else may work on this in the near future?
Don't you think that this is a functionality that deserves being 

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Re: using leo to organize and manage my digital library composed of videos, audio, pdf, etc.

2014-08-04 Thread dufriz
I am glad I am not the only one who finds tags essential.

I REALLY wish tags are implemented soon. If someone else is interested in 
them, please chime in.

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Re: using leo to organize and manage my digital library composed of videos, audio, pdf, etc.

2014-08-04 Thread dufriz
Sure, Terry.!searchin/leo-editor/tags/leo-editor/52AILH7dheo/2AyOEo-qgIcJ!searchin/leo-editor/tags/leo-editor/aXOxkhDqBxw/hG9pG2xRQ2cJ!searchin/leo-editor/tags/leo-editor/jq8TtuvaD80/QmpE3iQAweEJ!searchin/leo-editor/tags/leo-editor/PH0XoWg-b0k/J6_LwIzMx-gJ

There may be some more. I am continuing the search...
(Note: in some of the threads tagging is only mentioned, not much discussed)

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Re: using leo to organize and manage my digital library composed of videos, audio, pdf, etc.

2014-08-04 Thread dufriz!searchin/leo-editor/tags/leo-editor/52AILH7dheo/2AyOEo-qgIcJ!searchin/leo-editor/tags/leo-editor/4CeJ-ITrvWo/hJCr2mOLrfAJ

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Re: A quick-and-dirty tag API can now be had with the plugin

2014-08-04 Thread dufriz

On Monday, 4 August 2014 16:53:11 UTC+1, Jacob Peck wrote:

 Regarding tags, I hacked the plugin together, available at 
 commit b9a764c59de263fbdb47969f1d318759b955c442. 

 Attached is a test leo file for playing with it. 

 This is only an API for tags, but I feel like it should simplify the 
 process and allow someone to focus on the important bits, i.e. UI hooks, 
 rather than low-level details. Also, it's usable now for scripts. 

 Here is the docstring: 


 Provides an API for manipulating and querying textual tags on nodes 

 By Jacob M. Peck 

 This plugin registers a controller object to c.theTagController, which 
 provides the following API: 

 tc = c.theTagController 

 tc.get_all_tags() # return a list of all tags used in the current 
 outline, automatically updated to be consistent 

 tc.get_tagged_nodes('foo') # return a list of positions tagged 'foo' 

 tc.get_tags(p) # return a list of tags applied to the node at position 
 p; returns [] if node has no tags 

 tc.add_tag(p, 'bar') # add the tag 'bar' to the node at position p 

 tc.remove_tag(p, 'baz') # remove the tag 'baz' from p if it is in the 
 tag list 
 Internally, tags are stored in p.v.unknownAttributes[‘__node_tags’] as a 


Thanks a LOT, Jake, for your work.

I have tried it, but obviously I am missing  something, because when I 
clicked on the add-tage button to add a tag to a node, I get the following 
error messages:

'@script-button-button-btn-bg' from style-sheet comment definition, please 
use regular @string / @color type @settings.
Abbreviations off
reading: C:\Users\User01\Desktop\tagtest.leo
exception executing script
AttributeError: 'Commands' object has no attribute 'theTagController'

  line 9: 
* line 10: tc = c.theTagController
  line 11: tag = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in 
  line 12:

BTW, I also tried the other buttons, and they all give error messages.
I am running Python 3.3 under Windows 8.1.

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Re: using leo to organize and manage my digital library composed of videos, audio, pdf, etc.

2014-08-04 Thread dufriz
On Monday, 4 August 2014 17:57:25 UTC+1, Chris George wrote:

 Tagging would likely allow me to migrate entirely to Leo.

In my case, I resisted turning to other software for a long time, hoping 
for a Leo-only solution (because only Leo lets you have full control and 
flexibility over your data).
Now it seems that it is coming true! 

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Re: A quick-and-dirty tag API can now be had with the plugin

2014-08-04 Thread dufriz
Jake, could you please provide the link for downloading
I googled commit b9a764c59de263fbdb47969f1d318759b955c442 but got no 

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Re: A quick-and-dirty tag API can now be had with the plugin

2014-08-04 Thread dufriz
On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Jacob Peck wrote:

 There is now a browser UI for this plugin.  It supports searching only, at
 the moment.  It allows for fancy complex queries based on set algebra to
 filter on multiple criteria, for example:


 This would filter as follows:

   - Find nodes with the tag 'foo'
   - From that set, take only the nodes also tagged 'bar'
   - Add to that set any node with the tag 'baz'
   - From that set, take only the nodes also tagged 'hot'
   - Add to that set any node with the tag 'cold'
   - Shrink that set down by removing any node with the tag 'water'
   - Finally, return only the nodes in either that set, or the set of nodes
 tagged 'fire', but NOT those in both sets

 The search works left-to-right, but that's all that is needed for most
 things.  The search box is pre-populated with all tags currently in the
 outline, and within a session remembers your previous searches, to prevent
 having to type them multiple times if it's a common thing.

 Also, these tags can be long strings -- there's nothing preventing that.
  They might get a bit tedious to type though...  Tab completion seems to
 work in some cases, but not others.  No clue why.


Wow! Within a few hours we went from no tag support at all, to having a
browser UI that allows for fancy complex queries based on set algebra to
filter on multiple criteria!!!
I can't believe it. What's next?
THANKS again, Jake.

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Re: Python-related questions

2014-08-03 Thread dufriz
On Sunday, 3 August 2014 02:17:02 UTC+1, Terry wrote:

 Not sure, but maybe C:\PythonXY\pythonw.exe instead of 

 Cheers -Terry 

Thanks, Terry. I did what you suggested. I have renamed to 
launchLeo.pyw, and now it is loaded by python.exe (I assume).
Only, there seems to be some problem. 

First of all, the following error messages are reported in the log pane:

error parsing C:\Leo editor\leo\config\leoSettings.leo 

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File C:\Leo editor\leo\core\, line 1364, in parse_leo_file
handler = SaxContentHandler(c,inputFileName,silent,inClipboard)

  File C:\Leo editor\leo\core\, line 79, in __init__

  File C:\Python33\lib\xml\sax\, line 118, in __init__
self._write = out.write

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write'

reading settings in C:\Leo editor\leo\config\myLeoSettings.leo

error parsing C:\Leo editor\leo\config\myLeoSettings.leo

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File C:\Leo editor\leo\core\, line 1364, in parse_leo_file
handler = SaxContentHandler(c,inputFileName,silent,inClipboard)

  File C:\Leo editor\leo\core\, line 79, in __init__

  File C:\Python33\lib\xml\sax\, line 118, in __init__
self._write = out.write

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write'

Abbreviations off

can not open C:\Leo editor

Moreover, the outline pane is now empty, apart from New Hedline.

Also, the thin area between the panes has a green background now.

Clearly something went wrong.

What I am supposed to do?


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Re: Python-related questions

2014-08-03 Thread dufriz
On Sunday, 3 August 2014 11:03:20 UTC+1, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 You could distribute .pyc files, but the format of those files depends 
 on the exact version of Python you are using. 

But will I be able to run those .pyc files within a Leo node, as a 
replacement for Python source code? 
If so, how to do it?

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Re: Python-related questions

2014-08-03 Thread dufriz
Correction to my post above:


... now it is loaded by pythonW.exe

instead of

... now it is loaded by python.exe

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Python-related questions

2014-08-02 Thread dufriz

1) how to strip down Python's functionality to a bare minimum (without 
rebuilding it), so that it runs faster? Of course, it should still be able 
to run Leo and Leo scripts. Is there, say, some command-line option that 
excludes some of Python's advanced functionalities in exchange for more 

2) how to turn off the log window that stays open in the background when I 
run Leo from Windows (8.1)?

3) can some Python script within a Leo outline be included as bytecode? 
That is, when I need to distribute the outline and don't want others to be 
able to read what the code says.



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Re: Download link for the latest version

2014-08-02 Thread dufriz
What about the compatibility with the latest versions, i.e. Qt5 and Python 
Does everything run smoothly with them or would it be safer for me to stay 
with the older versions?


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Download link for the latest version

2014-07-30 Thread dufriz
I recently re-installed my system, and now I am about to re-install Leo.

As far as I know, Leo's latest public version could be downloaded from this 

Is this still the link for the most up-to-date version available? Or is 
there a more up-to-date version somewhere else? If so, please provide the 
I am particularly keen on having the latest improved features, such as UI 
and plugin improvements.
With regard to Python and PyQt, the versions that I previously had on my 
system were Python 3.3 and PyQt for Qt v4.8.5.
I understand that recently Edward and the crew have been working on Qt 5 
compatibility. Is this this fully ready yet?

In short, what are the latest Python and PyQt versions that you suggest me 
to install (to ensure that everything runs smoothly)?



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Re: v5.x roadmap -- Ideas, priorities, etc.

2014-07-16 Thread dufriz
In the attempt of resuscitating this thread, I am venturing a very basic 
classification scheme for the proposed features to be implemented in v5.0, 
based on the level of importance: high-priority features, medium-priority 
features, low-priority features.
To start with, what features do you see as the most important?

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Re: Installing Leo Mint

2014-06-26 Thread dufriz
It's tragic if Leo ends up keeping someone stuck in Windows :-}

Tragic?!? Rather, you should feel honored ;)

BTW, I was not actually planning to abandon Windows altogether, so I guess
it is not a major inconvenience, after all.

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Re: Installing Leo Mint

2014-06-25 Thread dufriz
Oops, I just realized that I wrote Leo Mint in the subject line. What I 
meant, of course, was Leo on Linux Mint.

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Re: Installing Leo Mint

2014-06-25 Thread dufriz
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 7:39 PM, Chris George wrote:

 I have moved on and am using Chakra Linux, but installing Leo was pretty

 Install the version of python you want, then install pyqt. Then install

 mkdir leo
 cd leo

I am sure I understand what I have to do. I was looking for a simple way to
install Leo, like the (purportedly) straightforward installation through a
package manager.
I am not at all familiar with git and the suchlike, so I don't know how to
go about it.
Is there really no simple way to tell Linux to download Leo with all the
dependencies and install it?

BTW, I have eventually chosen Linux Mint not because I like it better than
other distros but because, being the most popular distro (along with
Ubuntu), I was expecting that it would entail the least possible trouble
with program packages.

From what I understand, there is yet no Leo package in the Debian/Ubuntu
repository. Is this really so?

Sorry for being so fussy, buy I am a bit squeamish about messing with
operating systems that I don't know well...

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Re: Good luck with the hips

2014-06-14 Thread dufriz
Good luck, Edward. All the best.

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Re: Support for Qt5 has begun

2014-06-12 Thread dufriz
Just to get it right, do you advise us to uninstall PyQt4 and install PyQt 
To do so would be no trouble at all for me, so no problem.

I only need to know which of the two is expected to be less problematic 
from now on.

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Re: Support for Qt5 has begun

2014-06-12 Thread dufriz
To answer dufriz, I'd say don't change anything right now, just keep using
the current Leo so you're testing the new code, for Qt4 for now.

Thanks. I'll stick to this piece of advice.

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Re: v5.x roadmap -- Ideas, priorities, etc.

2014-06-10 Thread dufriz

 One item to consider - supporting PyQt5.  Not really sure how much work 
 or benefit is involved, but eventually PyQt4 will be a legacy thing, 
 even though I'm sure it will be around for many years to come. 

I guess it would be better to postpone the upgrade to PyQt5 to v5.1, or 
The cosmetic/functional remake of the UI, with improved menu-based 
functionality deserves a higher priority.

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Re: Why Leo is not yet ready for prime time (for most users)

2014-06-09 Thread dufriz
As an alternative to a restructuring of the settings, I propose a 
menu-based simplified access to the settings, which will let the user 
zoom-in to the relevant part of the settings file. The  most commonly used 
settings (font color and size, background color, etc.) would have an 
entry in the menu, and upon clicking on an entry you would be able to edit 
that part directly.

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Re: Leo settings revamp (was Re: Why Leo is not yet ready for prime time (for most users))

2014-06-09 Thread dufriz
I am so glad all this is happening, at last!

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v5.x roadmap -- Ideas, priorities, etc.

2014-06-09 Thread dufriz
Although I am not one of the developers, I think it's not out of place if I 
suggest that it's about time we start focusing on planning the next 
release, which as I understand would be v5.0. 
In fact, it would be nice to start laying down a tentative roadmap for the 
5.x series of releases, so the developers can discuss the priorities, and 
better focus on them.

As I understand it, the UI revamp on which Terry is working on will be a 
major feature ready for 5.0, hopefully. I am sure it will be greatly 
appreciated by many users, especially newbies. A hostile UI is something 
that puts off new users.

There were also many other ideas floating around in the old threads, about 
small changes that could make Leo better.

I invite those who have posted suggestions in the past to do it again in 
this thread -- *in a concise form* (possibly with a link to the original 
post, for a more extensive explanation of the suggestion and the relevant 

I guess novel ideas and comments would also be welcome.

On my part, I would like to request again the implementation of a feature 
that in the past had already been repeatedly requested by several users: 
tags. Node-level tags would make a HUGE difference to Leo's functionality, 
I believe.

So, what features/changes would you like implemented in Leo 5.x? 

And how do you think the developers should set the priorities?


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Re: Hiding node-type markers. Proposing: type-dependent icons

2014-05-28 Thread dufriz
Thinking along the same lines, it just occurred to me: wouldn't it be more 
rational take the node type marked altogether out of the headline? After 
all, it is metadata. So, the headline would display only the text of the 
The node type could be conveneiently managed either via a menu command 
(e.g. set node type) or directly via a key binding. 
And then there is the icons, as proposed above.

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Re: Hiding node-type markers. Proposing: type-dependent icons

2014-05-28 Thread dufriz
 That moves from optional cosmetic change to major revamp of Leo's 
 internals, so I don't see happening, hopefully the hidden for display, 
 shown for editing compromise gets most of the value here. 

I agree. It would be nice, however, to have the shown-for-editing part 
visually differentiated while editing. For instance, this could be done via 
colorizing, or with a different font, or both, so as to visually set the 
metadata apart from the headline text. This way the nuts and bolts would 
remain the same, but the user interface would be improved. It's just one of 
the many small changes that could be done to improve the UI.

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Re: Customizing the layout

2014-05-28 Thread dufriz
Terry, I know that you are busy, but... is there any chance you could 
implement some of these changes in the *default* settings (after Edward's 
approval, of course):

1) as mentioned above, defining the background color of the currently 
active pane as different from the default background color of the other 
panes. The red line can stay, of course. At least for me, what has more 
immediacy and visual impact is the background color, which could be either 
lighter or darker than that of the other panes (as per user preference). 
Some users may also like a different colorization of the text font in the 
active pane, but that would probably be too much for a default setting.

2) defining a default keybinding for easily toggling on and off the 
full-screen mode of the current body text. If I understand your posts 
correctly, the commands for this functionality are now in place, so it 
would just be a matter of making the keybinding available by default.

Please don't underestimate the impact that such small improvements can make 
on the UI usability and likability.
I would also make other suggestions, but I am not sure to what extent my 
constant nagging for UI improvements would be welcome... ;)



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Hiding node-type markers. Proposing: type-dependent icons

2014-05-27 Thread dufriz
From what I have read of the documentation (I am not through yet, and my 
reading so far has been very cursory, I admit), the different types of 
nodes are identified by explicit markers in the node names, so that certain 
nodes begin with @file, @auto, etc. followed by the filename, for instance.

Is it possible to have the marker part (e.g. @file) hidden from the node 

Also, could the node icons could be used to indicate visually the node 
types, so that the different types of nodes would be visually 
differentiated by different icons, and those explicit marker could be made 
(optionally) redundant?

These considerations arise from the fact that it is not very pleasant, 
while scanning through the node names, to come across the @file, @auto, 
etc. markers.

Forgive me if there is already a solution to all this. I am still 

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Re: Editable WYSIWYG as an evolution of the viewrendered pane plugin?

2014-05-21 Thread dufriz
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Edward K. Ream edream...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:08 PM, nakedmind wrote:

  The richtext plugin is nice and i think will be super useful to me.
  instead of manually having to open and close the editor, i think it
 could be
  better and more convenient to define a @richtext node which will
  automatically select the richtext editor as its body editor. No need to
  manually open/close the richtext editor. The html source can be saved as
  attribute of the node.

 That's one  possibility.  Another is a setting that would use the rich
 text editor for all nodes.


Richtext by default on all nodes sounds like a good idea, from the user
experience point of view, because it saves a lot of hassle.

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Re: Editable WYSIWYG as an evolution of the viewrendered pane plugin?

2014-05-17 Thread dufriz
On Thursday, 15 May 2014 16:06:04 UTC+2, Terry wrote:

 On Thu, 15 May 2014 14:19:21 +0200 
 dufriz javascript: wrote: 

  I have tried that plugin too. It's nice, but as far as I remember it 
  does not support embedded pictures. 

 I think it will, depends on how it's set up, it's just an embedding of 

 Ok, after some time looking at old emails it finally occurred to me to 
 read the docs. from the plugin menu :-) uses these @settings: 


 @data richtext_cke_config 

 Configuration info. for CKEditor, see!/guide/dev_configuration the content of this 
 node is the javascript object passed to CKEDITOR.replace() as it’s 
 second argument. The version supplied in LeoSettings.leo sets up a 
 sensible toolbar. To enable all CKEditor toolbar features copy this 
 setting to myLeoSettings.leo and remove the default content, i.e. make 
 this node blank, then CKEditor will generate a toolbar with all 
 available features. 

 Cheers -Terry 

Terry, if it's not too much trouble, could you please enable the embedding 
of images by default, so that one just has to enable the plugin and pics 
can be embedded? This will be a major convenience for newbies like me who 
are afraid to tinker with the settings.

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Re: active pane styling switch to stylesheets

2014-05-16 Thread dufriz
Thanks indeed, Terry, for picking up and fulfilling my request so soon!

Could you please provide some basic step-by-step instructions on how to 
apply these changes?

Thanks again

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Re: active pane styling switch to stylesheets

2014-05-16 Thread dufriz
Thanks again, Terry! You are as useful as usual!!

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 3:52 PM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor wrote:

 On Fri, 16 May 2014 02:10:14 -0700 (PDT) wrote:

  Thanks indeed, Terry, for picking up and fulfilling my request so
  Could you please provide some basic step-by-step instructions on how
  to apply these changes?

 So to get the new code you just need to be running the latest version

 option 2. (when Edward next updates the documentation the information
 will all be on that page, currently it's still popping out to the old
 but that page has the current info., so that's ok.


 Settings - Open Personal Settings

 Under the @settings node, create a node `@data qt-gui-user-style-sheet`

 In that, put something like:

 /* focused pane border highlight */
 QTextEdit#log-widget, LeoQTreeWidget#treeWidget, QTextEdit#richTextEdit {
   background: blue;
 QTextEdit:focus#log-widget, LeoQTreeWidget:focus#treeWidget,
 QTextEdit:focus#richTextEdit {
   background: red;

 Also, to be sure the old red-border code's not running, create a node
 under @settings, `@bool use_focus_border = False`

 I think you mentioned changing the background color, as shown above,
 but if you want to change the border, you can

 Settings - Open Global Settings

 find the node there, `active frame border styles` and copy it and its
 children under your @settings node in your personal settings, and edit
 the values in the children as needed, they're:

 @string focused-border-style = solid
 @string focused-border-width = 1px
 @string focused-border-focus-color = red
 @string focused-border-unfocus-color = white

 Two notes:

  - long term this should just be a matter of going to the menu item
`Settings - Appearance - Active pane` or something, but we're not
there yet.

  - if you want the full flexibility of and appearance tweaks Qt allows,
you're always going to have to deal with some complexity, knowing
the style-sheet syntax, essentially.

 Cheers -Terry

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Re: Why Leo is not yet ready for prime time (for most users)

2014-05-15 Thread dufriz

 Perhaps my reply was unclear. I was attempting to say why, for now at 
 I personally am not interested in working on Leo.  This may change in 
 the future, especially as my health improves.  Or not. 


I see. All the more reason for wishing you a speedy recovery, then!

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Editable WYSIWYG as an evolution of the viewrendered pane plugin?

2014-05-15 Thread dufriz

The viewrendered pane is for visual output only, not for editing, but I was 
thinking that perhaps the plugin could be adapted to support an interactive 
WYSIWYG experience? I have noticed that you can already change the text in 
the viewrendered pane, but this is useless, because the text pane is not 
updated accordingly. BTW, I think that this is tricky, because one may be 
tempted to edit the viewrendered pane, and those changes will be lost.

Could we enhance the viewrendered plugin to add support for the WYSIWYG 
functionality? I know, it would not be merely view rendering anymore, so 
perhaps the name of the plugin would have to be changed to 'WYSIWYG 
editing' or something similar.



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Customizing the layout

2014-05-15 Thread dufriz

As I'm deep into extreme customization, I would like to customize Leo's UI 
to my likings, changing the panes's colors, layout, etc.

I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few trivial questions:

1) how can I set the active pane to have the colors I choose, different 
from the other panes (to make the active pane stand out visually, instead 
of that barely visible thin red border)?

2) can I have different layouts of panes within the same outline and switch 
back and forth between them? I explain: let's say that my preferred working 
mode is having a full-page body text pane, which occupies the whole visual 
space presently used by the three standard panes. That would be the layout 
only for the 'composing' mode (when I am editing the body text of a node). 
Now, when I need to look at the outline tree, the body text pane would need 
to be downsized and put on the side of the screen, so I can see the 
outline. This way, the layout for that outline would not be static, but 
dynamic. This switching between the layouts, according to the 'modes' that 
I define, would have to be managed via key bindings, in a toggling way. Is 
this something that can be easily accomplished? Could someone please point 
me in the right direction on how to do it? Is this something that has to be 
defined on a per-outline basis, or could I implement it as a default for 
all my outlines?



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Re: Editable WYSIWYG as an evolution of the viewrendered pane plugin?

2014-05-15 Thread dufriz
I have tried that plugin too. It's nice, but as far as I remember it does
not support embedded pictures.

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Re: Customizing the layout

2014-05-15 Thread dufriz
Thanks Terry,
I look forward to the layout management improvement!

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Re: Why Leo is not yet ready for prime time (for most users)

2014-05-14 Thread dufriz
Edward, I am a bit baffled by your answer. 
Is asking for more user friendliness something incompatible with Leo's 

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Re: viewrendered2 plugin

2014-05-10 Thread dufriz
On Friday, 28 February 2014 14:55:43 UTC+1, Terry wrote: contains some Python3 incompatibility 

 from StringIO import StringIO 

 exec code in scope 

 commenting those out allow it to load in Python3, although of course 
 parts will be broken. 

 Jake - has the StringIO issue in Py3 too. 

 Cheers -Terry 

Reading this made me think: are most Leo plugins written in Python 2.x or 
I am asking because, being a newbie, I am afraid I may encounter 
compatibility problems like the one pointed out by Terry, without even 
realizing it.
Which Python version do you recommend for ensuring the least problematic 
user experience, 2.7 or 3.3?

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Re: Context-sensitive key bindings?

2014-05-09 Thread dufriz
Thanks, Fidel.

It would be nice to have a context-aware specification supported by the 
program, so as to simplify things.

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Context-sensitive key bindings?

2014-05-08 Thread dufriz
Can I define context-sensitive key bindings? For instance, I would like the 
key ESC to be bound to keyboard-quit when I am in the minibuffer, as a 
substitute for Ctrl-G. But I would like the same key, ESC, to be bound to 
a different command when I am somewhere else, in a pane.
Is this possible?

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Re: Why Leo is not yet ready for prime time (for most users)

2014-05-05 Thread dufriz
Thanks for the explanation, Terry.
I think the solution lies in the middle ground that you propose, and which 
I was already looking forward to. But I thought it was going to be 
implemented months ago! Things seem to have stalled, after an initial 
flurry of activity (videocasts, etc) in the right direction.

Leo's settings can by all means remain exactly as they are, with no problem 
whatsoever, provided that there is also a more user friendly way of 
accessing them, so that the same settings can be accessed in a more 
humanly readable way.
As things stand today, the situation a bit too intricate, and what the new 
user experiences is a feeling of confusion. Complexity tends to be 
overwhelming and to put off people. Also, why complexity, when things could 
be simplified with no loss?
Hiding at least part of the complexity under the hood could be a major 
improvement, I believe.

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Why Leo is not yet ready for prime time (for most users)

2014-05-03 Thread dufriz
I am a long-time lurker on this newsgroup, and I have noticed that in the 
last few months there have been significant improvements to Leo, in the 
hopes of making it more accessible to the non-technical crowd. It was 
certainly a move in the right direction but, alas, I think it was not 
enough. The point of my argument is that Leo is still too 
technically-oriented, and this alienates so many potential users. You just 
have to read the posts on this newsgroup (as I have been doing for a long 
time), to realize that people with little or no programming experience are 
bound to find major difficulties in using Leo, from the very beginning. 
Just trying to configure the simplest (UI-related) settings is a major 
This issue was already raised in the past, but is yet to be solved.

Why can't we (non-technical people) be relieved with having to tinker with 
the internal workings of Leo? Come to think of it, the overwhelming 
majority of modern programs are totally GUI-based, so that the settings can 
be easily changed via menus. Why can't we have this in Leo too, instead of 
having to learn technical jargon and manually modify settings files? I 
really don't get it.

Please, consider doing something radical about it (e.g. refurbishing the 
default menus with all the main commands and settings, at least), or 
realistically Leo might be bound for extinction.

All the best,


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Re: Importing files and folders with Leo

2013-11-21 Thread dufriz
When you complete your importing function, could you please write a 
tutorial on how to use it? A video tutorial would be nice, like Edward's 
tutorial. Otherwise, a text tutorial would be fine too.

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Request: Screencast on how to make screencasts

2013-11-21 Thread dufriz
Edward, this idea just occurred to me: if you made a (short) video tutorial 
on how to create screencasts, other people may be tempted to contribute 
their own video tutorials.

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Re: Importing files and folders with Leo

2013-11-21 Thread dufriz
Chris, if Fidel does not make that video, why don't you? ;)

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Re: My first screencast: using clones in everyday workflow

2013-11-16 Thread dufriz
Great !!!  Thanks indeed, Edward. We newbies really need stuff like this.

All suggestions welcome

The only suggestion: make more of them!


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Re: Proposal: Beginner/Advanced user modes

2013-11-14 Thread dufriz
I agree. Using Leo is way too difficult for the average user. By all means, 
keep all that advanced stuff under the hood, for advanced users, but make 
things a bit easier for not-so-advanced users, especially for 

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Re: Approaching Leo

2013-11-02 Thread dufriz
On Tuesday, 22 October 2013 02:00:45 UTC+2, stevelitt wrote:

 Today I successfully completed Gatesphere's Leo Hello World, and you 
 know what I discovered? Leo, as it's documented currently, is impenetrable 
 to all but the most determined. 

I totally agree. Documentation and tutorials are the crux of the matter. 
The fortune of Leo will stand or fall on this.
Edward please take note.

What I would really love to see is some series of video lessons for 
beginners, possibly on Youtube. Something that walks you through the 
basics, to some more advanced topics. If cleverly publicized, these lessons 
will have a huge impact in terms of Leo adoption.

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Re: rst3 newbies, please try the rst3 tutorial

2013-11-02 Thread dufriz
On Saturday, 2 November 2013 16:11:00 UTC+1, Chris George wrote:

 Not to be too picky, but I found this confusing. Is there a prior tutorial 
 that covers some of this (things like @settings trees within documents) 
 that should be completed before the rst3 tutorial? What is the required 
 knowledge level of your target audience for this tutorial?

 Are you assuming a person with little or no knowledge about Leo going 
 through this tutorial or are there prerequisites? If there are 
 prerequisites, would it not make sense to detail them at the beginning? 
 Something like Someone going through this tutorial should have a basic 
 idea about (concept x) and have completed (tutorial Q). What is blindingly 
 obvious to you may not be so obvious to someone else. If the rst3 tutorial 
 is part of a hierarchy of concepts, where does it fit? Another 
 example: Does the rst3_call_docutils setting go in the node or the body? If 
 I have zero experience with the @settings tree in a .leo document (only 
 having met the idea in relation to the two settings files), this becomes a 
 question in my mind.

I could hardly resist the temptation to chime in on this cue. I hope that 
no one minds hwat I am going to say, but I experienced exactly the same 
problem (with the general Leo documentation). Granted, you guys are doing a 
terrific job with the documentation, but there are still some blind spots 
to cover. What I mean is that, from my experience, the documentation is not 
basic enough for the total newbie. I started reading the documentation a 
couple of months ago, with great enthusiasm, but dropped out after a short 
while, simply because I was not able to understand the concepts being 
cross-referred to. I felt as if the documentation somehow assumed that the 
reader has some prior knowledge, which I did not have. 
Now that in the the last couple of months there has been a flurry of 
activity (especially on Edward's part) for improving the documentation, for 
which we are thankful (I, for one), I think I will try again.
Please, make sure that every new concept introduced is properly explained.  

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Guide for editing the myLeoSettings.leo files

2013-10-13 Thread dufriz
Is there an (easy-to-follow) guide for editing the myLeoSettings.leo file? 
(at least the basic functions)
Last time I looked into it (as a newbie), there was some confusing stuff in 
there (deprecated branches, entries that recurred in different places, 
etc). Above all, all those highly technical entries. It would be nice to 
have a reference table of what the entries mean, and what values they can 
If no such guide is available, please Edward consider adding this to the 
to-do list for newbie-oriented tutorials.

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Re: Census of Leo users interested in PIM capabilities

2013-10-04 Thread dufriz

 Ecco also has an extended tagging system (called folders because the
 tags can be hierarchically organized); integer tags can be assigned to
 represent, e.g. priorities, and multiple choice tags can be created.

This all sounds VERY interesting. Leo developers, please take notice!

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-10-04 Thread dufriz
The ideal solution would be to develop Leo's file handling capabilities.
Currently we can't even rename a file.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Josef wrote:

 Just my 2 cents worth:

 I wish I could right-click on any @url (or such) or @path thing in Leo and
 would have an option to open up the enclosing directory of the target in
 the file manager of my choice.
 This would make it easier to mix it with other tools.

 - Josef

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-10-04 Thread dufriz
On Friday, 4 October 2013 22:33:43 UTC+2, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 12:48 PM, dufriz javascript:wrote:

 The ideal solution would be to develop Leo's file handling capabilities. 
 Currently we can't even rename a file.

 Not sure what you mean by this.  os.rename is always available, as are 
 the save-as and save-to commands.  Changing any @file node effectively 
 renames it.

Sorry, my mistake. What I had in mind was that Leo plugin for file 
management (as mentioned in the thread!topic/leo-editor/dCRsE244dqQ) had no such 
capability. I have not tried it, though. I was merely repeating what 
someone stated in that thread.

Anyway, I think that the general point remains: it would be nice to have 
some better file handling capabilities in Leo, so that we don't have to 
resort to external file managers.

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-10-01 Thread dufriz
 I never realized how few third-party mentions of Leo there are.  To the
 first approximation, Google returns *nothing* about Leo that doesn't appear
 on Leo's various web sites. No wonder people are dubious about Leo!

 That is also because many of the Google results point to people whose name
is Leo and who are editors. This happens also when you put quotation marks
around Leo editor, but less so.

The name Leo editor is not so Google-friendly, it seems. But now, of
course, it's probably too late to change the name.

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-10-01 Thread dufriz
 Maybe, but there is a tantalizing possibility.  I prototyped Leo
 in about two hours, using the MORE outliner as a prototype,
and inventing @others in the process. (I was already deeply
 involved with sections and section references.)

As a newbie who still has zero knowledge of Leo's technical details, I can
say: I have absolutely no problem in conceptualizing what Leo is and what
it can do, and probably I also get the Leo's aha -- the difficulty is in
getting into the actual technical aspects of the program. Again, in the end
this all boils down to newbie-friendly tutorials and learning materials...
Something like Leo for dummies would be greatly appreciated.

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Tutorials and learning-materials

2013-10-01 Thread dufriz
This thread is dedicated to tutorials and learning-materials (as 
distinguished from reviews).

Could you please post here the links to any Leo-related learning materials 
you have come across?

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Re: Tutorials and learning-materials

2013-10-01 Thread dufriz
Edward, is the online manual the only learning resource currently available 
at this point?

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz
IMO the biggest problem is that it takes too much time to learn Leo

As a newbie, I agree. At least, that is the perception, which is 
I believe it also has to do with the lack of learning material.
The only manual is not very newbie-friendly. It contains a lot of 
cross-references to advanced internal commands (@xyz stuff) which put off 
newcomers, especially where they are thrown in altogether and may look 
Currently the learning curve does nor _appear_ to be gentle at all.
But it does not necessarily have to be like this. Even if Leo is indeed 
very complex and very advanced, I am sure that at least a subset of Leo 
functionality can be selected and presented in a nicer way, to attract more 
users and help newbies.
Why can't we have some more accessible tutorial, with gentle, self 
contained lessons (maybe webcasts, or slides, or simple HTML pages) which 
_focus on the basic functionality_? Or perhaps, a two-tiered series of such 
lessons, i.e. basic and advanced levels. I think this would be very helpful.

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz
Another point that I wanted to make is this: Leo is commonly advertised as 
a programming editor, but it should be made more clear that it is more than 

I believe you would attract more users if you also mentioned its usefulness 
for general-purpose editing and PIM functionality. Of course, that may be 
implicit, but I think you should be putting some more emphasis on this 

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz

 Agreed.  In fact, the PIM aspect was what initially led me to Leo. 
 Wikipedia pointed me in Leo's direction while searching for some good 
 open-source PIM tools.  I tried Chandler but it didn't do what I 
 wanted.  Leo did. 

For me, the trajectory was KeyNote -- MyBase -- NotecasePro/RightNote -- 
Leo (!!)

Leo is the best, because it is fully customizable, and gives you seemingly 
infinite power.
Only, it takes a lot to learn how to use that power.

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz
Consider that Leo is actively developed, and has a responsive community.

When I requested the support for Rich Text, a couple of months ago, it was 
promptly implemented in a matter of days.

As for the power, of course Leo can do whatever other PIMs can do, because 
it is extensible by Python.
The question is whether enough people are interested in Leo as a PIM, so as 
to have enough user contributions.
I am still at the beginning, so I have no idea how difficult it may be, 
technically, to impement all the PIM features that we need. But if we 
succeed in getting enough people interested, I am sure that nothing is 
beyond our reach.

As far as PIM features go the next step, I believe, is implementing a good 
tagging system.

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz
On Monday, 30 September 2013 17:26:37 UTC+2, Miles Fidelman wrote:

 I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this yet:  Leo has pretty much 
 written off Mac users, and close to written off large chunks of Linux 

 Sure, you CAN install and get it to work on Macs and Debian/Ubuntu (and 
 presumably other linux varieties).  But... it's pretty hard to justify 
 the time and effort, just to try Leo the first time. 

 Point and click for windows, and there seems to be a port for BSD, but 
 while there's mention of a package for Debian and Ubuntu I can't seem to 
 find it in the respective package repos.  No Mac package for Fink or 
 MacPorts - just some instructions on how to use Homebrew (and does one 
 really want to use a Ruby based installer to install something written 
 in Python?). 

 Somehow, one gets just a little squirrely contemplating a Python based 
 IDE that seems to have been targeted at a Windows environment. That 
 alone raises some red flags. 

More needs to be done in the marketing department. 



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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz

 If your looking for an *environment* which includes a good editor and 
 outliner and is completely scriptable / interactive / live-code in 
 Python, then Leo wins hands down.

Absolutely!! But why play down its PIM potential? It never hets mentioned...

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz
...Leo's org mode. Anyone?

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Re: Why Leo isn't more popular

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz

 In that regard, Leo is barely mentioned on WikiPedia - it has a simple 
 descriptive page, but on the list of text editors it's listed, but 
 there's no information about o/s support or features. 

 For marketing, packaging, features, documentation, tutorials, 
 extensions,... - do a side by side comparison of Vim and Leo - and the 
 answer(s) to why leo isn't more popular leap out at you. 

Of course, vim and emacs have much larger communities.

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Census of Leo users interested in PIM capabilities

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz
As per title... are you interested in using Leo as a PIM?

What features do you require, suggest?
Any related ideas?

Let's do some brainstorming.

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Re: Census of Leo users interested in PIM capabilities

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz
+1 for PIM capabilities (of course)

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Re: Census of Leo users interested in PIM capabilities

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz
As for PIM features, a good tagging system would be one of the first 

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Re: Census of Leo users interested in PIM capabilities

2013-09-30 Thread dufriz
Depends what you mean by PIM.

Personally, the PIM features I need most are the one related to
note/content storage, tagging, search and retrieval. I would like to set up
a personal (one-user) knowledgebase system using Leo.

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