I am a long-time lurker on this newsgroup, and I have noticed that in the 
last few months there have been significant improvements to Leo, in the 
hopes of making it more accessible to the non-technical crowd. It was 
certainly a move in the right direction but, alas, I think it was not 
enough. The point of my argument is that Leo is still too 
technically-oriented, and this alienates so many potential users. You just 
have to read the posts on this newsgroup (as I have been doing for a long 
time), to realize that people with little or no programming experience are 
bound to find major difficulties in using Leo, from the very beginning. 
Just trying to configure the simplest (UI-related) settings is a major 
This issue was already raised in the past, but is yet to be solved.

Why can't we (non-technical people) be relieved with having to tinker with 
the internal workings of Leo? Come to think of it, the overwhelming 
majority of modern programs are totally GUI-based, so that the settings can 
be easily changed via menus. Why can't we have this in Leo too, instead of 
having to learn technical jargon and manually modify settings files? I 
really don't get it.

Please, consider doing something radical about it (e.g. refurbishing the 
default menus with all the main commands and settings, at least), or 
realistically Leo might be bound for extinction.

All the best,


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