Re: Grub 2

2007-10-20 Thread taipan67
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> taipan67 wrote:
>> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>>> taipan67 wrote:
>>>> Well, if you consider that when installing & configuring grub1 you are 
>>>> currently obliged to use the term 'root' in *five* different contexts, 
>>>> they're actually getting better... ;)
>>> Really?  I only know of one.  Can you expand on your comment?
>>>   -- Bruce
>> Okay, the grub-shell uses 'root' to tell grub on which partition to find 
>> it's stage-files...
>> Then in /boot/grub/menu.lst, the term is used first to tell grub on 
>> which partition to find the kernel, then again on the kernel-line to 
>> define the partition on which the linux-filesystem is rooted (at '/' aka 
>> 'root')...
>> All of which must be done as the root-user...
>> Is that five or only four? I hope i wasn't exaggerating & slandering 
>> grub's good name.
>> Apologies if the above expansion is confusing - then again, that's kinda 
>> the point, innit? :)
> No apologies necessary.  To me that is two: one to tell grub where the
> base of things is and the other to tell the kernel where the root
> partition is located.
> I didn't think about the 2nd.
>   -- Bruce

Ah, but "the base of things" isn't necessarily the same for all 
invocations of 'root (hd?,?)' - this is illustrated in chapter 8.4 of 
the lfs-book when adding a menu.lst entry for the host (or any other 
bootable) system.

How about we drop my inclusion of the username & settle on *three* 
different contexts (just to be pedantic)?

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Re: Grub 2

2007-10-20 Thread taipan67
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> taipan67 wrote:
>> Well, if you consider that when installing & configuring grub1 you are 
>> currently obliged to use the term 'root' in *five* different contexts, 
>> they're actually getting better... ;)
> Really?  I only know of one.  Can you expand on your comment?
>   -- Bruce

Okay, the grub-shell uses 'root' to tell grub on which partition to find 
it's stage-files...

Then in /boot/grub/menu.lst, the term is used first to tell grub on 
which partition to find the kernel, then again on the kernel-line to 
define the partition on which the linux-filesystem is rooted (at '/' aka 

All of which must be done as the root-user...

Is that five or only four? I hope i wasn't exaggerating & slandering 
grub's good name.

Apologies if the above expansion is confusing - then again, that's kinda 
the point, innit? :)

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Re: Grub 2

2007-10-19 Thread taipan67
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
>> Note, however, that this is not the same type of module as "insmod" and 
>> "lsmod" Grub2 commands refer to. Grub2 has its own modules for loading 
>> Linux kernels, loading FreeBSD kernels, support for filesystems, and so 
>> on. Obviously, not all of them are used in the typical "boot a kernel 
>> from ext3 partition" scenario - but this is not a valid reason to call 
>> Grub2 bloated, since the old Grub1 has all this functionality always 
>> built statically into stage2.
> Overloading the meaning of lsmod and rmmod does not seem to me to be a
> good idea.  I would think something like lsgmod (ls grub module) or even
> lsext (ls extention) would be better.  Using the same term for different
> things is a recipe for confusing users.
>   -- Bruce

Well, if you consider that when installing & configuring grub1 you are 
currently obliged to use the term 'root' in *five* different contexts, 
they're actually getting better... ;)

I know this is no help to the discussion, it's just a pet peeve that i 
felt compelled to air.

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Re: Choosing appropriate keymaps and fonts

2007-09-16 Thread taipan67
Matthew Burgess wrote:
> Hi,
> How does one go about choosing the correct keymaps and fonts for their 
> system?  I've read over chapter07/console.html several times but still have a 
> couple of questions.
> What I'm trying to do is configure a system to have a UK keymap and have a 
> UTF-8 capable console.
This is what i have at the moment to achieve the same objective :-

KEYMAP_CORRECTIONS="euro2 windowkeys"

The 'euro2' thing still doesn't generate a Euro symbol, so that needs 
work. I also chose iso-8859-15 instead of iso-8859-1 in the hope of 
getting said Euro-symbol...

Ken Moffat has composed a 'uk-utf8' keymap, but the download link 
doesn't seem to work - Ken, is there any chance of another attempt to 
make this available?
> Similarly, for fonts, how do I determine which ones are UTF-8 capable and 
> what flags I need to pass to setfont, via the FONT variable, so that it will 
> display correctly?
> Thanks,
> Matt.
As Alexander said, fonts with a 'psfu' suffix are supposed to be 

Hope that helps, taipan
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Re: An idea for a new development model

2007-08-15 Thread taipan67
taipan67 wrote:
> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
>> I'm going to tentatively vote -1 for package management in LFS -- that
>> is, unless it doesn't break my current package management setup
>> (pkg-user hint FTW!).  If the changes don't break the pkg-user hint,
>> then I'd say +1; it's worth a shot at least.  DESTDIR=$dest on all the
>> packages, for instance, shouldn't hurt if $dest is empty.
> Obviously $dest must be "chgrp install && chmod 1775" in such a case...
> taipan
Actually, the sticky bit isn't really necessary, since the package-user 
would be doing "rm -r $dest/*" after relocating the files to the live 
system, thus leaving it empty.

Also, & still slightly OT (sorry), i've been using "strip 
--strip-unneeded" instead of "strip --strip-all" on the binaries in 
$dest, as 'man strip' says something about 'relocation symbols' - i 
don't understand it entirely, but figured better safe than sorry, plus 
it's what portage does...

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Re: An idea for a new development model

2007-08-15 Thread taipan67
Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> What I do like about it is that it adds a useful feature (for some),
> offers flexibility, and offers areas for greater education. It could be
> argued that by inspecting the contents of DESTDIR after they run the
> make install command there is additional opportunity for builders to get
> familiar with what exactly is going to be installed.
> --
> JH
That's precisely what i'd hoped to say in my initial post in this 
thread, when i said that the use of $DESTDIR wouldn't detract from the 
book's educational objectives - on the contrary, it would more likely be 
an enhancement.

Thank you, Jeremy, for your superior eloquence. ;-)

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Re: An idea for a new development model

2007-08-15 Thread taipan67
Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> I'm going to tentatively vote -1 for package management in LFS -- that
> is, unless it doesn't break my current package management setup
> (pkg-user hint FTW!).  If the changes don't break the pkg-user hint,
> then I'd say +1; it's worth a shot at least.  DESTDIR=$dest on all the
> packages, for instance, shouldn't hurt if $dest is empty.
Obviously $dest must be "chgrp install && chmod 1775" in such a case, 
but beyond that i found it actually _improved_ on the pkgusr method - it 
even negates one or two of the gremlins mentioned in the hint, & allows 
for additional install-dir's to be correctly created when needed, like 
during X-installation.

There are a couple of packages in LFS that don't play nice with $DESTDIR 
(i think 'shadow' was one), but hopefully more adept minds than mine 
would be able to resolve those issues, if this proposal goes forward...

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Re: An idea for a new development model

2007-08-15 Thread taipan67
lists wrote:
> Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 15, 2007 at 07:37:12AM -0500, Randy McMurchy wrote:
>>> I'll go on record as -1.
>> I'm not going to push to get this into LFS. If the vast majority of
>> those with a voice here are for PM in LFS, great. If not, great. :)
>>> I feel we should mention it, provide links to the various alternatives,
>>> and drive on. We are not a distribution. We are a book that shows how
>>> to compile Linux from scratch. Let's don't forget that.
>> Understandable. Of course, it could be argued that part of what makes a
>> Linux system is package management. It is after all part of the LSB.
> The real reason that package managers are a bad thing, the bloated
> "requirements" of the meta packages in them. grab yourself a current
> debian install, and install KDE on it, minimal KDE without the kdeedu,
> games, development, pim package groups. you can't, Debian made the KDE
> meta package require 100% of all optional KDE software to install the
> base KDE.
> Debian did the same type of bloat with the Gnome meta package
> requirements, put way to much as absolutely required.
This last observation is one of the main reasons i've been using Gentoo 
for 4 years - you don't even have to install all of 'kdebase' if you 
don't want to, much less the other meta-packages. However, their PM, 
Portage, must require an absolutely colossal amount of maintenance (& 
i'm just talking about the ebuild-tree, never mind the package-manager 
itself), so a similar system for {,B}LFS would almost certainly be 

During my only LFS-build thus far i used a combination of the pkgusr & 
fakeroot hints, & found the use of $DESTDIR to be particularly 
educational, as well as practical, so if the book were to encourage it's 
use more in future, i don't think that would detract from it's original 
goal of being a learning tool.

I also whole-heartedly agree with Alan's earlier comment - "The 
unfortunate consequence of LFS is that it also teaches the user how 
great a lean/mean Linux system can be (and most would want it to stay 
that way if it *was* a distribution). I would hazard a guess that most 
people who grok LFS would love to use it for their everyday distro."

Perhaps the existing book-section on package-management could be 
embellished to the effect that "These are some of the most popular 
options, of which we ourselves use  in development of our 
LiveCD project" - not so much a stipulation as an endorsement...

Subsequent to listening to an ArchLinux advocate, & looking at Greg's 
DIY project, i'm thinking of using 'pacman' on my own system, but i'm in 
no rush so i'll be holding off for now & following this thread with 
interest to see where the consensus leads...


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Re: LiveCD Users

2007-07-18 Thread taipan67
Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> William Harrington wrote:
>> I think it'd be a good idea to post this to all the mailing lists  
>> than just this one.
> Well, I did lfs-dev, lfs-chat, and livecd. You think there's bound to be 
> more users not covered on the other lists?
> --
> JH
I haven't used a LiveCD, so can't offer any feedback i'm afraid, but i 
thought i'd suggest that posting to the lfs-support list strikes me as 
the place most likely to draw attention (i'm only currently registered 
on {,b}lfs-dev & -support)...

hth, taipan

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Re: suggest 'make -j2' for SMP machines?

2007-06-05 Thread taipan67
Mohan wrote:
> I've actually seen some improvement on compile times running Athlons
> and such as well with -j2... I suspect it fills time the compiler spends
> waiting for this or that read, or write, or something.  There are
> certainly a lot of packages I've run into that have trouble with
> parallelization, though.  Not that it's much of a problem to just start
> the compile again without -j2.
I've only just completed my 1st LFS build, having come from 3 years on 
Gentoo, where the '-j' flag is one of the standard options. Their 
recommendation (listed in /etc/make.conf.example) is to set it to "the 
number of cpu's plus one", which for my AthlonXP meant '-j2'...

...I completely forgot it's existence during this LFS build, & without 
it i'm almost positive that my compile-times were faster (toolchain 
packages more than twice as fast).

So now i'm thinking that Gentoo's recommendation is somewhat innacurate, 
& would be better worded as "set -j to the number of cpu-cores" or some 
such, having no personal experience of such a configuration, but 
agreeing with the theories set forth in this thread...

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Re: Shadow Maintenance (was Re: download location for shadow down since a while ?)

2007-05-25 Thread taipan67
Greg Schafer wrote:
> Mark Rosenstand wrote:
>> On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 08:02 -0700, Dan Nicholson wrote:
>>> On 5/14/07, Jens Stroebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I've been trying for some time now to get the shadow- source
 from ;
 the site is not resolvable, though.
>>> Yeah, that's about the least reliable server on the internet :) You
>>> can just use a mirror for now.
>> It's _unresolvable_ and has been so for several months. I don't think
>> it's coming back.
>> redirects to, and the latest version of shadow
>> at their FTP site is 4.0.3.
>> I haven't gotten any traffic from their mailing list since Feb 1, which
>> was the maintainer telling that he was busy with his new job.
> AFAICT shadow is dead. The maintainer has a history of.. um, shall we say,
> being difficult. This is evidenced by a FAQ on the PLD site:
> In the following bug report there is mention of Debian possibly taking
> over maintenance:
> I sure hope they do..
> Regards
> Greg
I'm on my 1st LFS install at the moment, & when the Shadow link wouldn't 
resolve, i grabbed the tarball from one of the Gentoo mirrors - every 
package that they support is stored in the 'distfiles' sub-directory. 
Only version is currently available, though...

...Incidentally, the 'useradd_fix-2.patch' broke useradd, which i 
discovered because i'm following the 'pkgusr' hint. The 'fix-1.patch' 
solved the problem. When my install is complete, i'll try to determine 
why the later patch gave me trouble & post any findings here...

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Re: IPRoute2-2.6.20-070313 man-page glitch

2007-05-23 Thread taipan67
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On 5/23/07, taipan67 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The IPRoute2-2.6.20-070313 tarball contains :- man/man8/tc-bfifo.8 &
>> man/man8/tc-pfifo.8, the latter being a symlink to the former.
>> Makefile installs both, then overwrites them with symlinks to
>> tc-pbfifo.8, which doesn't exist.
>> My solution is to :-
>> rm man/man8/tc-pfifo.8 && mv man/man8/tc-bfifo.8 man/man8/tc-pbfifo.8
>> ...prior to 'make SBINDIR=/sbin install' (this should probably be done
>> upstream as a permanent fix, if it hasn't already).
> Thanks for the report. I noticed this a couple months ago, but haven't
> gotten into the book yet.
> --
> Dan
Thanks Dan - a search from the LFS homepage didn't highlight your 
earlier entry, so sorry for the duplicate (more search-practice 
required, maybe).

I chose my solution in preference to changing the Makefile basically 
because the man-page shipped with the tarball, tc-bfifo.8, still has 
'pbfifo 8' in it's opening text, so i assumed it was a term still supported.

Then again, it's also dated January 2002, so perhaps it has been 
dropped, in which case removing the 2 symlinking instructions from the 
Makefile (& upstream editing their man-page) would be the way to go.

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IPRoute2-2.6.20-070313 man-page glitch

2007-05-23 Thread taipan67
The IPRoute2-2.6.20-070313 tarball contains :- man/man8/tc-bfifo.8 & 
man/man8/tc-pfifo.8, the latter being a symlink to the former.

Makefile installs both, then overwrites them with symlinks to 
tc-pbfifo.8, which doesn't exist.

My solution is to :-

rm man/man8/tc-pfifo.8 && mv man/man8/tc-bfifo.8 man/man8/tc-pbfifo.8

...prior to 'make SBINDIR=/sbin install' (this should probably be done 
upstream as a permanent fix, if it hasn't already).

This is my first lfs-install (svn-20070514), & my first post to the 
lists, so if this should've been sent to the lfs-book list, i apologise 
& would appreciate any constructive correction available.
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