Re: force distance between bars for chord only staff

2006-01-20 Thread freddy
Thanks Mats, I did upgrade to unstable branch 2.7.27 and 
the new feature proportional spacing is working fine. 
Thanks !


On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 22:01:58 +0100
 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
*This message was transferred with a trial version of 
CommuniGate(r) Pro*
If you search the mailing list archives, you will find 
that this is a
very popular question (even though most people don't ask 
for the
specific case of a score with only chords). Possibly you 
can use
the support for proportional notation introduced in 
2.7.something, see the example called
in the Regression Test document for version 2.7. 
the standard trick is to include an invisible voice with 
only 16th
notes or whatever, which will fix the horizontal 

In most scores, this kind of fixed spacing looks so 
ugly, so

that's why it's not directly supported in LilyPond.



May I ask again for assistance on this point ? no 
feedback for the 
moment, did I miss to communicate some information ?


On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 10:23:23 +0100

*This message was transferred with a trial version of 


I'm trying use 2.6.x to produce jazz staff without the 
melody staff. 
My problem is I would like to get 4 measure per line 
with the same 
distance between bars. It looks lilypond affects 
different distances 
on each measure depending on the number of chords per 
measure, and 
finaly the staff is not easy to read.

I've read a bit the documentation about the 
SpannerSpacing interface. 
But because I'm a newbie with lilypond I'm not able to 
use it 
properly, that's the reason why I ask lilypond users to 
give me some 
help !

Additionnaly, if you know about websites on which I 
could find 
lilypond templates for jazz staff, I've tryed to found 
this with 
google, but I didn't success with this too...


lilypond-user mailing list

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Re: Hebrew, UTF-8, etc.

2006-01-20 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Nahum Wengrov wrote:

Is there a known bug in Notepad concerning UTF-8, or is it UTF-8 
encoding incompatible with Lilypond?

On the contrary, LilyPond only knows about UTF-8, since version 2.6.0, 
see the manual.

I was asking if Notepad's UTF-8 encoding is incompatible with Lilypond.


I have only tried it with characters such as åäöÅÄÖßü, that
are also included in Latin1, but for those it has worked


Thanks, I'm already using Notepad2 for files having unicode. Seems not to be
working well with Hebrew though.


That might rather have something to do with the font
handling. If you search the mailing list archives, you
will find a number of emails related to Hebrew lyrics,
hopefully you can find some more hints there.


lilypond-user mailing list

RE: TEX-Backend

2006-01-20 Thread Georg Dummer
  oddFooterMarkup=\markup {}
  evenFooterMarkup=\markup {}

makes the following lines disappear: 
\lyitem{018.2363}{-169.1327}{\hbox{\magfontecrmBAmXVo{}Music engraving by
LilyPond}}% \lyitem{045.6798}{-169.1327}{\hbox{\magfontecrmBAmXVo{} }}%
\lyitem{052.9894}{-169.1327}{\hbox{\magfontecrmBAmXVo{}â  }}%

I think the next to last line caused the error.


>-Original Message-
.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Ruedas
>Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:12 PM
>Subject: Re: TEX-Backend
>On Wednesday 18 January 2006 12:06, Georg Dummer wrote:
>> ! Package inputenc Error: Keyboard character used is undefined
>> (inputenc)in inputencoding `latin1'.
>I seem to recall having seen something of that kind when 
>saving LaTeX source files (unrelated to lilypond) with UTF-8 
>encoding activated instead of ISO-8859-1 in my text editor 
>(xemacs). This might be an issue if you have, for instance, 
>german umlauts. Did you try that?
>Can't say anything about the other stuff, sorry.
>lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Lilypond-book output

2006-01-20 Thread Georg Dummer

>-Original Message-
>From: Graham Percival [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 12:05 AM
>To: Georg Dummer
>Cc: lilypond-user
>Subject: Re: Lilypond-book output
>On 8-Jan-06, at 8:02 AM, Georg Dummer wrote:
>> Then I get the whole score with the markup in the correct 
>order but in 
>> one picture which is only suitable for realy small scores. If I 
>> comment out the "\book" block the several lines are drawn in 
>> pictures but all \markups are put in one picture. The same thing 
>> happens if I use the "\header" instead of the first markup.
>Interesting.  The \book behavior is what's supposed to happen.  Having
>\score{ {
>{ notes }
>is a relatively new construct.  But I agree that is seems that 
>the two \markup sections should be processed separately 
>(producing separate .eps files).
>> Is it possible to put every separate markup, header and line of a 
>> score in different eps-files?
>You could probably fake it by inserting an empty, invisible 
>score in between the \markup fields.
>- Graham

Thank you. I tried this but it didn't change anything. 
But maybe I have to play around with this a bit.
As a start I think I can live with that. For me the most annoy thing is the
fact, that the markups are put on top of the score. Is this a bug?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hebrew, UTF-8, etc.

2006-01-20 Thread martial

> >Certainly it can, at least in Windows XP (unfortunately not in Win98,
> though)!
> Sorry to disappoint you. Notepad can only save as *signed* UTF-8 format.
> Which is indeed incompatible with Lilypond.

ha ! well ! allright !

> Thanks, I'm already using Notepad2 for files having unicode. Seems not to be
> working well with Hebrew though.

Hum ! Send me your ly file I would like test.
I use the version  2.7.23 for the moment

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to invoke Lilypond-book (Windows / Ubuntu)

2006-01-20 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 19 January 2006 18.18, Bostjan Kuzman wrote:
> Thanks for the advice.
> However, though double clicking does something in
> Windows, I still don't know how to process the files.
> Running
> python c:/Progra~1/LilyPond/usr/bin/
> from Command prompt looks OK, but if I do
> python c:/Progra~1/LilyPond/usr/bin/ test.lytex,
> then I get
> Path not found.

Hm, seems to be a problem with temporary files or something, might be windows 
specific. lilypond-book works without problems under Ubuntu, so the easiest 
solution is to do your work on that box.

If you really need to use windows, you could try the cygwin package (and the 
bash shell iso. native command prompt), this might help (but I don't know, I 
never used latex under windows).


lilypond-user mailing list

programming error: cross fingers

2006-01-20 Thread ÁdámJános Reviczky

I've made a short lilypond file. If i compile it with lilypond, than i get 2
(error?) messages, but lilypond did make the pdf. The pdf file looks good, but i
can't figure it out, what this messages mean.
Can anyone tell me, what did i wrong with my ly-file or what's the exact problem

Ádám János Reviczky

The error message is (twice):
programming error: adding reverse spring, setting to unit
continuing, cross fingers

Here is my short
\version "2.6.0"
\include ""
global = {
\key bf \major
\time 4/4
tenMusic = \relative {
r8\mf bf'8 bf8 bf8 bf4 bf4
r8 bf8 bf8 bf8 bf8 bf8 g4
\time 5/4
r8 a8 a8 a8 bf4 a4 f8 f8
\time 4/4
bf8 bf8 bf8 bf8 a8 f4.
pianoright = \relative {
r8 8 8 8 4 4
r8 8 8 8 8 8 4
r8 8 8 8 4 4 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 4.
pianoleft = \relative {
\clef bass
r1 r4
Text = \lyricmode {
Is this the real life? Is this just fan -- ta -- sy? Caught in a land -- slide,
No es -- cape from re -- al -- i -- ty.
\score {<<
\context Voice = melodie << \global \tenMusic >>
\lyricsto melodie \new Lyrics \Text
\context PianoStaff << \context Staff = up { \pianoright } \context Staff = down
{ \pianoleft } >> >>

My PC:
Debian Etch (x386)
LilyPond 2.6.3-9

lilypond-user mailing list

short tunes

2006-01-20 Thread debian
Traditional tunes tend to be short.  Just a burst of eight bars,
repeated usually and then a burst of another eight bars again

I would like to play the tune a number of times 1,2,3 perhaps 4 times.

I could go:

timidity my.tune
timidity my.tune
timidity my.tune

but is no good as there is a delay between tunes.

How can I tell Lilypond to put out the tune (ie the notes) n times,
where n is taken from the command line ?

I would like to have my tunes stand alone, so I can edit them an play
them individually.  But I would also like to "suck" the essential
parts of these same tunes into a book for sharing or perhaps

I don't mind writing some perl code to do this, but I need to know the
essential parts to suck in.

Thanks a lot.


lilypond-user mailing list

devl version 2.7.27-4 windows - install problem details

2006-01-20 Thread coralline algae
I tried to reinstall the devl version for windows again and looked closely at the detailed messages.  The problem seems to occur during the installation with a copy operation for gs.exe which fails.  Soon after guile.exe is called and the error message pop up appears 
guile.exe has encountered a problem and needs to closewe are sorry for the inconvenienceCopy to C:\tool\audio\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypad-unicode.exeCopy to C:\tool\audio\LilyPond\usr\bin\gs.exe
Copy failedCopy to C:\tool\audio\LilyPond\usr\etc\fonts\fonts.conf.inExecute: "C:\tool\audio\LilyPond\usr\bin\guile" -e main -s "C:\tool\audio\LilyPond\usr\bin\fc-cache.scm" "C:\WINDOWS\fonts" "C:\tool\audio\LilyPond\usr\share\gs\fonts" "C:\tool\audio\LilyPond\usr\share\lilypond\2.7.27\fonts\type1

lilypond-user mailing list

Context - A recommendable Windows-Editor for Lilypond

2006-01-20 Thread Uli Heller
Hello Lilypond-Friends,

I found a wonderful editor to write and performe Lilypond in 
Windows-Systems. He is called Context and can be found at:

Context is a relative new programmers editor and freeware. The 
advantages are

1. You can use the known Windows-Shortcuts to work (not all 
   editors do that) 
2. You can write an own highlightersyntax-file to highlight the 
   Lilypond-commands 3. You can launch Lilypond from the editor 
   with function keys, means, you can make your PDF and start 
   the midi-file 
4. When launching you have a control window to see mistakes and 
   you can correct them pronto in the named line.

If you want to launch your program, go to "Options, 
Environment" and "Execute Keys". Push "ADD" and write in the 
popup-entryfield the ending "ly". Then mark a function key 
(like F9) and write in the entryfield "Execute" your lilypond 
path and a following "%n". May be this is your entry:

   D:\music\lilypond\usr\bin\lilypond.exe %n 

Make a tick in "Capture Console output" to have a 
compilercontrol in your editorwindow. The percent-entry behind 
lilypond.exe calls your loaded programm. You don't need to save 
your last writings (but the filename must exist). 

With another function key you can call another program. Mark 
another function key and write in the Execute-Entryfield: 

   %F.pdf (calls your PDF-Reader and loads ) 
   %F.midi (calls your Midi-Player) 

That's all.

If you compile, you push F9. 

If you want to see your notes, you only push your defined 
function keys to see and hear your composing results. With 
ALT+TAB you are back in your editor and you can go on without 
leaving and new loading your ly-file.

I think Context is a wonderful alternative to the complicated 
editors emacs and vim.

And I think of course, lilypond is a wonderful program and has wonderful
creative developers!
Thanks and greetings from germany! 

Uli Heller

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Caesura directly underneath fermata

2006-01-20 Thread Fairchild
David -

Try this:


\version "2.4.6"
\layout { raggedright = ##t }
\relative c'' { <<
\new Staff { | a a a a
  ^\markup { \hspace #2 \center-align < \musicglyph #"scripts-ufermata"
  { \hspace #0.5 \musicglyph #"scripts-caesura" } > }
  | a a a a }
\new Staff { | b b b b
  ^\markup { \hspace #2 \center-align < \musicglyph #"scripts-ufermata"
  { \hspace #0.5 \musicglyph #"scripts-caesura" } > }
  | b b b b }
\new Staff { | c c c c
  ^\markup { \hspace #2 \center-align < \musicglyph #"scripts-ufermata"
  { \hspace #0.5 \musicglyph #"scripts-caesura" } > }
  | c c c c }
>> }


  - Bruce

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
David Wake
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:39 PM
Subject: Caesura directly underneath fermata

I'm typesetting a choral work (I didn't write it myself) for SATB and the
composer in his manuscript has placed a fermata directly above a caesura
("railroad tracks") directly over a barline _in all four parts_.

In other words, it looks like this
S =|=|=|=
   | | |
   | F |
   | C |
A =|=|=|=
   | | |
   | F |
   | C |
T =|=|=|=
   | | |
   | F |
   | C |
B =|=|=|=

(In case that's not clear | = barline, F = fermata, C = caesura, = = staff)

In the manuscript, the fermata and caesura are directly on top of barline in
the ATB parts.

I've killed myself trying to get this to work.  Does anyone have any ideas
on how to do it?  I'm using Lilypond 2.4.5.

Many thanks!

David Wake

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: short tunes

2006-01-20 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 20 January 2006 20.01, debian wrote:
> Traditional tunes tend to be short.  Just a burst of eight bars,
> repeated usually and then a burst of another eight bars again
> repeated.
> I would like to play the tune a number of times 1,2,3 perhaps 4 times.
> I could go:
> timidity my.tune
> timidity my.tune
> timidity my.tune
> but is no good as there is a delay between tunes.
> How can I tell Lilypond to put out the tune (ie the notes) n times,
> where n is taken from the command line ?
> I would like to have my tunes stand alone, so I can edit them an play
> them individually.  But I would also like to "suck" the essential
> parts of these same tunes into a book for sharing or perhaps
> publications.
> I don't mind writing some perl code to do this, but I need to know the
> essential parts to suck in.

Well, you could store all tunes in variables, which you keep in one static 
file, and then write a perl script that generates a main .ly file, which 
includes the static file, and then generates a score by dereferencing the 
variables one or more times, depending on command-line parameters to the perl 
script. Wouldn't that be enough?


lilypond-user mailing list

Download 2.4.6 for Windows

2006-01-20 Thread Fairchild
Title: Download 2.4.6 for Windows

I note version 2.4.6 for Windows is no longer available for download, though 2.4.2 is.  Why?

Though behind on features, 2.4.6 doesn't crash and fonts work rather well.  Judging from reflector traffic, more recent versions have added features but haven't yet recovered reliability.  I like 2.4.6 and recommend it for those who want to use Lily and can wait for the new features.

    - Bruce

lilypond-user mailing list

TextTo: a modest proposal

2006-01-20 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
I am interested in what other long-time users of lilypond think of
this suggestion to implement a \textto to work similarly to \lyricsto.

for lilypond entry of fingering and text:


bassfinger = \text {
.3 '4 . ^Cresc\dots 4 'i;3,;^"a tempo" |^\segno }
123 4 5 6   7 8bar  <-wc

fingers a sequence with eight notes/rests in it.  If
a barcheck or something else not a note/rest is used, it can have
text, but you don't have to count those as notes.  The simplest
thing would be to use \time or \clef as a reference to the same
point in the score.  To skip bars, use || or |20 using only the
barchecks in the notes.

.3 is skip 3 words. A '.' is skip a single word, either note or rest.
It's not skipping time, it's skipping words.

 are not counted, only the notes in them in order given in
\bassfinger.  On the last note head in the example, there is an 'i'
above and to the left, a '3' below and to the right, and "a tempo"
is centered above. A '!' like '3,!' would orient the number to the
stem end instead of the head.  The ';' is a separator. 

A single word retains the relative position code of that which

- are literal.  They are often used literally, as has been
noted many times.
~ also literal.  "double quotes" are for strings with spaces only.
No letters or numbers are used for anything except inserted text,
except such \commands as may be used in the block.

before note:  :3  :"text before"
farther before: ::3

3*  text before#*
 |  |
 |  |

centered above: ^a
centered below head: _"a tempo"  below stem: _"a tempo"!
before and above: '3 more to left: ''3
before and below: ,3 more to left: ,,3
after note and above: 3' farther right: 3s'' 
after below: 3, more right: morendo,,
flushright above: ^'3  farther left: ^''3
flushright below: _,3  farther left: _,,3
flushleft above: ^dim' farther right: ^dim''
flushleft below: _dim, farther right: _dim,,

repeat position: "nothing necessary"

The reason for suggesting this is that fingering and text are a
different step from entering the notes, and fraught with much more
difficulty in tweaking and changes due to upgrades and just plain
editing.  There is also the use of t p i m a r q c for various right
hand fingerings for plucked strings, and the use of hyphens -3 3- and
3-4.  Adoption of a \textto, similar to \lyricsto, would help a lot
with every sort of revision and make editing *much* quicker for those
of us who have a lot of fingering and other text.

It would also make it much easier to read the notes in the final
lilypond file, because they would stay clean.  I think this is the
strongest argument of all for making it part of LilyPond rather than
just an editing tool.

Much could be done with simple substitution, but stacking text gets
difficult because for example something left and above relative to the
note would complicate the placement of something above all that
because the latter should be somewhat lower.  Worth it to me.  ;-)

As for using symbols differently, you have to do that with lyrics,
so why not other text?  Comments?


Free download of technical exercises worth a lifetime of practice:
"Dynamic Guitar Technique":
email: "David Raleigh Arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: short tunes

2006-01-20 Thread Gilles

> How can I tell Lilypond to put out the tune (ie the notes) n times,
> where n is taken from the command line ?

I don't think that you can pass this kind of arguments on the
command line.

A few weeks ago, I wished for something similar: i.e. a tool to
concatenate MIDI files.  [I tried it with a Perl module, but I
couldn't work it out.]

> I would like to have my tunes stand alone, so I can edit them an play
> them individually.  But I would also like to "suck" the essential
> parts of these same tunes into a book for sharing or perhaps
> publications.
> I don't mind writing some perl code to do this, but I need to know the
> essential parts to suck in.

You don't need to program to achieve this; it's a matter of
organizing your lilypond code in various files, using "\include"
to put the common music either alone in a file, or grouping it
with other tunes in a file with multiple "\score" sections.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: parallel versus series scoring

2006-01-20 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Nicolas Sceaux wrote:

parallelMusic = 
#(def-music-function (parser location voice-number music) (number? ly:music?)

it's hack, but it's a cool one. With a little polishing, we should be 
able to put it in the standard distribution. Wouldn't it be better to 
store the voices in different variables? It would be nice to check 
whether the lengths of all bars are equal.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Forcing page layout in Lilypond 2.6.4

2006-01-20 Thread Gianluca D.
Hello everybody!

Is there any way to force Lilypond 2.6.4 to obliviously obey to \paper 
settings such as "betweensystemspace" or "betweensystempadding"?
It's very frustrating the useless struggle against the intelligent stubborness 
of lilypond internal layout when it continues putting more white space on the 
page than staves even if you've just tried all the possible settings in the 
\paper block.
Best regards,

Gianluca D'Orazio

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond error?

2006-01-20 Thread amhso (sent by

I am wondering if this error i am getting is the program or me. 

# -*-compilation-*-
Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/Alex So/Desktop/hungarian rhapsody'
Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/Alex So/Desktop/hungarian rhapsody/hungarianrhapsody.txt'
C:/Program Files/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/2.7.27/ly/ error: syntax error, unexpected SCM_T

#(if (and (ly:get-option 'old-relative)

I have looked through all my syntax and everything seems correct. I don't understand what is wrong heresomeone explain or give me some help?

View this message in context: lilypond error?
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
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