Re: Build error. MergeFonts: Can't find font: feta11.pfb

2018-03-11 Thread Daniel Johnson
In Gentoo it was discovered that there is a buggy version of t1utils which 
segfaults and causes this exact error.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 11, 2018, at 2:18 PM, Werner LEMBERG  wrote:
>> Invoking "t1asm parmesan-noteheads14.pt1 parmesan-noteheads14.pfb"...
>> mf2pt1: You'll need either to install t1utils and rerun mf2pt1 or find
>> another way to convert parmesan-noteheads14.pt1 to
>> parmesan-noteheads14.pfb
>> […]
>> t1utils (including t1asm) are installed in the correct version, so I
>> don’t know why it doesn’t do its job …
> The perl script `scripts/build/out/mf2pt1' does the following.
>  ...
>  if (!execute_command 0, ("t1asm", $pt1file, $pfbfile)) {
>  die "${progname}: You'll need either to install t1utils \
>and rerun $progname or find another way \
>to convert $pt1file to $pfbfile\n"; 
>exit 1;
>  }
> So: Can you manually execute t1asm?  Does it have the right
> permissions?  Is it in the path used by the lilypond build?
> Can you manually execute mf2pt1?  Have a look into `mf/README' for
> some help how to do it.
> ___
> lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Vertical edges on TextSpanners?

2007-03-21 Thread Daniel Johnson
I was recently typesetting a Gershwin song with a very short (2-note) ottava
bracket, which needed the octavation text 8va bassa ad lib. This text is too
long for the bracket, so I considered reducing text size and using column
markup; but the Staff.octavation property takes text, not markup, and it doesn't
support font-size.  Then I tried using a TextSpanner, but was unsuccessful in
getting the vertical edge at the end of the spanner.  It seems that these
vertical edges are only supported for grobs that support the

This is probably a stupid question, but is there any way of forcing the
TextSpanner to implement the horizontal-bracket-interface?  I'm sure this would
involve overriding the stencil, which would be a daunting (if even possible)
task.  Anyone have any ideas?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Feature sponsor request for \paper block

2006-09-28 Thread Daniel Johnson
Hmm. realized I'd forgotten to CC the list.

 How hard/costly would it be to add 4 more properties? called:



\version 2.9.16

% NOTE: first-page and last-page are defined in ly/

#(define (not-first-or-last-page layout props arg)
  (if (not (or (= (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props -1)
   (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'first-page-number))
(chain-assoc-get 'page:last? props #f)))
   (interpret-markup layout props arg)

\paper {
  oddHeaderMarkup = \markup {
\on-the-fly #first-page {
  \fill-line { This is the first page }
\on-the-fly #last-page {
  \fill-line { This is the last page }
\on-the-fly #not-first-or-last-page {
  \fill-line {  This is a middle page }
  evenHeaderMarkup = \markup {
\on-the-fly #first-page {
  \fill-line { This is the first page }
\on-the-fly #last-page {
  \fill-line { This is the last page }
\on-the-fly #not-first-or-last-page {
  \left-align { This is a middle page }
  system-count = 100

\score {

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Changing polyphonic per-voice rest position

2006-09-11 Thread Daniel Johnson
Bruce Bertrand wrote:
 I'm trying to change the vertical position of rests in a polyphonic staff.
 I found this thread:

 which says to use  \override Rest #'staff-position = #x  with in the
 context.  That works quite well when using a non-zero number.  But I want
 make the rests for voiceTwo appear centered on the middle line, and using
 does not move the rest at all (ie. it appears where a voiceTwo rest would
 normally appear).

 Is there something I'm missing?

You can take one of two courses of action here:
1. Update to a more recent version of Lilypond (this bug was fixed a
couple months ago)
2. \override Rest #'staff-position = #0.0001

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Easy Note Heads and colors

2006-09-06 Thread Daniel Johnson
 Unfortunately I couldn't find any more info about brew-ez-stencil --
 even grepping the source didn't turn up anything useful.  (?!)

Try looking at brew_ez_stencil in lily/  The relevant
block is as follows:

  SCM idx = scm_from_int (pit-get_notename ());
  SCM names = me-get_property (note-names);
  SCM charstr = SCM_EOL;
  if (scm_is_vector (names))
charstr = scm_vector_ref (names, idx);
  char s[2] = a;
  s[0] = (pit-get_notename () + 2) % 7 + 'a';
  s[0] = toupper (s[0]);
  charstr = scm_makfrom0str (s);

If you \override NoteHead #note-names with a vector of note names, that
should take care of the problem.  NOTE: I am neither a C++ nor Scheme
programmer, and I haven't tested the above.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Insane Springs? Am I coo coo?

2006-08-03 Thread Daniel Johnson

Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:

programming error: insane spring found, setting to unit
continuing, cross fingers
I get this when I have set system-count.  As an experiment, try taking 
system-count out if you have it set, and see if you still get this error.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: neomensural time signature

2006-07-28 Thread Daniel Johnson

Orm Finnendahl wrote:


I'm still trying to get the neomensural timesignatures into my
score. does anybody have a clue on ow to get the glyphs into a text
markup so I can use it for 3/1 and 2/1 measures?


PS: I use lilypond 2.8.0
Have you looked into \compressMusic?  That way you wouldn't have to hack 
around with the Time_signature_engraver.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyrics and centering

2006-07-24 Thread Daniel Johnson

Kieren MacMillan wrote:

I think you might be mistaken regarding the traditional engraving 
convention -- my copy of The Essential Dictionary of Musical 
Notation says

Another help in reading a melisma is the proper alignment of the 

The word or syllable, instead of being centered under the note,
should be aligned flush left with the left edge of the notehead.
There are circumstances where that is problematic, though. Let's say I 
have a SATB score in four staves, in which all four voices are singing 
the same lyrics, but the sopranos are singing a melisma while the basses 
are holding a whole note.  Ideally the lyrics would line up vertically, 
but in practice the bass lyrics will be slightly to the left of the 
soprano.  The solution to this is to \set associatedVoice, but this can 
be very clunky, especially since this \set has to occur at least one 
syllable before it is supposed to take effect.  (At least I think so -- 
anytime I use this solution it involves about 30 minutes of trial and 

I can't think of an easily-implemented solution to this, though, other 
than a bunch of manual tweaks.  While Finale lines them up evenly, it 
does so at the expense of the traditional engraving convention you've 
mentioned above.  This is part of the reason why Finale scores have a 
recognizable unpleasant look.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Quote within markup

2006-07-12 Thread Daniel Johnson

Palmer, Ralph wrote:

e'''2 r2 ^\markup { \center-align { \line { (to aud.): A TRIO. }}}
Why not use curly quotes?  They look more professional and are not 
interpreted as special characters by the parser.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Quote within markup

2006-07-12 Thread Daniel Johnson

Palmer, Ralph wrote:

Hi, Daniel Johnson -

I'm using jEdit. The default font looks like Times New Roman; at least,
it's seriffed. Character encoding is set to UTF-8. I cannot find any
place to 1) set the font (typeface); 2) find an insert symbol utility;
or 3) find a place to set curly quotes.

Anyone out there using jEdit who can point me in the right direction?


I'm guessing you're using Windows.  In that case, you have 2 possible 
1. Start-All Programs-Accessories-System Tools-Character Map (copy  
2. Alt-0147 for left quotes, Alt-0148 for right quotes. Hold down Alt 
while you type the numbers from the numeric keypad on the right side of 
the keyboard, then release Alt when finished.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: One staff in ChoirStaff

2006-07-12 Thread Daniel Johnson

IMAI Yuji wrote:

Hi, lists.

I can't get bracket of ChiorStaff when only one staff in ChoirStaff
as following.

\score {
\new ChoirStaff 
\new Staff { c'4 d' e' f' }


Any sugestion for this purpose?



% The following is untested

\score {
   \new Staff { c'4 d' e' f' }

   \layout {
  \context {
 \consists System_start_delimiter_engraver
 systemStartDelimiter = #'systemStartBracket

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tetex 2.5 and lilypond 2.0

2006-07-10 Thread Daniel Johnson

Anthony Youngman wrote:

If your new system is powerful enough (and no, I haven't any experience
of this but I'm planning to do something like this myself :-)

Experiment with UML (User Mode Linux) and Gentoo. There's a good chance
that if you get a minimal gentoo system running, then tell it to install
the packages you need such as tetex 2.5, it will hopefully work fine.
The portage system *should* resolve the necessary dependencies.

As I say, I haven't done this. But it's an idea to play with ... and if
you can get UML running you can easily run an old setup as a program
inside Dapper :-)


Gentoo currently has support for  Lily 2.0.3 -- in fact, that is the 
latest version marked stable in the Gentoo build tree!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: segno, coda, etc. below rehearsal mark

2006-06-30 Thread Daniel Johnson

Paul Scott wrote:

Paul Scott wrote:

Anthony Youngman wrote:

Read the documentation on rehearsal marks. One of the default styles is
to use the barnumber.

\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-barnumbers

Incidentally, this will also probably get round the problem of keeping
track - I guess the problem is the rehearsal mark counter isn't
automatically updated in Shamus' workaround. Of course, if you're using
barnumbers as rehearsal marks you don't need to keep the counter

Hi Anthony,

You probably didn't read the whole thread (or the subject line:) ).  
I am using format-mark-barnumbers.  I just want to put a segno under 
one and a coda sign under another.
I apologize in that I might not have been the least bit clear that I 
wanted to use one of the automatically generated ehearsal marks.


A bit of research and hackery resulted in this:

\version 2.9.9

#(define (format-mark-barnumbers-segno mark context)
(#:bold (number-string (ly:context-property context 
'currentBarNumber)) #:musicglyph scripts.segno

\score {
   \new Staff {
   \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-barnumbers-segno
   c'1 \mark \default
   c'1 \mark \default
   c'1 \mark \default

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: shape notes

2006-06-20 Thread Daniel Johnson

Monk Panteleimon wrote:

Dear Lilypond users,

Somehow the SacredHarpHeads have gotten very small in 2.8. The regular
notehead (the one called #f in is normally sized, of
course, so one can't simply globally adjust notehead size or one ends up
with big fat sol noteheads. Is there a way to get the shaped heads to
normal size while leaving the standard #f head as it is?

BTW, the sequence of shapes for the Sacred Harp four-shape system is still
wrong in In it goes : (#f #f mi #f fa la
But it *should* go (fa #f la fa #f la mi). That's the Sacred Harp system.
What lilypond has goes sol sol mi sol fa la sol. Very funny scale, that.

Muchas Gracias.
Fr. P
I compile Lilypond instead of using GUB, and I apply the attached patch 
to make shape-notes wider.  They are a bit narrower than 2.7, but 
considerably wider than 2.8.  It would be nice if the width of the 
shaped heads could be tuned within a .ly file, but right now I don't 
have any disposable cash to make that happen.

Both 4-shape and 8-shape scales have noteheads exactly as wide as the 
round noteheads in all published sources I can find.  I can send scans 
if you like.  An online example can be found here:

diff -Naur lilypond-2.9.9/mf/ 
--- lilypond-2.9.9/mf/ 2006-05-17 10:36:37.0 -0700
+++ lilypond-2.9.9/mf/ 2006-05-17 10:38:04.0 -0700
@@ -910,9 +910,9 @@
 save solfa_base_notewidth;
 solfa_base_notewidth# := black_notehead_width#;
-solfa_whole_width := whole_notehead_width# / black_notehead_width#;
-solfa_half_width := half_notehead_width# / black_notehead_width#;
-solfa_quarter_width := 1.0;
+solfa_whole_width := 1.7;
+solfa_half_width := 1.45;
+solfa_quarter_width := 1.55;
 def draw_do_head (expr width_factor, dir) =
save p_in, p_out;
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: barline problem

2006-06-14 Thread Daniel Johnson

Dewdman42 wrote:

Oh that is very interesting.  I have not heard of these utilities ps2ps or
pdf2pdf.  I'll google them and try it.  Thanks.

Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Have you passed a Lilypond-outputted PDF (or the PS) through ps2ps  
(or pdf2pdf, etc.)?

ps2ps + ps2pdf results in a file that is about 5 times larger; the 
Century Schoolbook glyphs appear bitmapped, with obvious jaggies when 
you zoom in.  But the line art appears to be marginally better, and the 
Feta glyphs are as clear as ever.

pdfopt does not improve any hinting in the originally-generated PDF.

I don't think these are viable solutions.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Angle of (de)crescendo

2006-06-08 Thread Daniel Johnson

Kieren MacMillan wrote:

In v2.9, there is!  ;-)

In the NEWS section of the documentation for v2.9, there is the 
following example -- it demonstrates rotation of Hairpin and markup 
(which require two different methods):

\override Hairpin #'rotation = #'(20 -1 0)
g4\^\markup { \rotate #180 test } b d f'\!

If you're using a version less than 2.9, I don't know the answer.

Best regards,
Rotation (which can be applied to any grob) was added in 2.9.5 (though I 
added it via a patch when I had 2.9.4 installed).  Be forewarned that in 
the 2.9 tree, the basic building blocks of Lilypond are being 
refactored, which means there can be a lot of instability.  Personally, 
I've found anything greater than 2.9.5 to have show-stopper issues for 
the time being.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: dotted phrasing slurs

2006-05-28 Thread Daniel Johnson
Monk Panteleimon wrote:
 Dear friends,

 How can I make a dotted phrasing slur? I have tried \phrasingSlurDotted and
 also several wild guesses beginning with \once \override Slur...
 Using \slurDotted before a phrasing slur makes the next non-phrasing slur to
 be dotted. I looked in the user archive, but encountered only opacity.

 Also, is it possible to have dotted slurs between lyrics (in order to
 persuade people not to breath between specific words)?

 Many thanks
 Fr. P

Dear Fr. P,

Try setting the properties of PhrasingSlur instead of Slur.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Inital barnumber?

2006-05-25 Thread Daniel Johnson

Graham Percival wrote:

On 23-May-06, at 2:29 PM, Christian Conkle wrote:

I'm working on what the Lilypond docs so nicely term a musicological 
document with lilypond-book excerpts from a Bach fugue. (fis minor 
from WTCI) I'm using \set Score.currentBarNumber to keep the bar 
numbering correct, and it would be nice to have Lilypond put a bar 
number at the beginning of the excerpt.  Is this possible?

I believe that this _is_ possible, but it is much more difficult than 
it should be.  The docs say that

barNumberVisibility (procedure)
Procedure that takes an int and returns whether the corresponding 
bar number should be printed

so if you wrote a procedure to return #t if the currentBarNumber was 
1, it should work.  I'm not certain how to go about writing such a 
procedure, though.

I sent this email to -devel as well, as a feature request for a simple 
property (printFirstBarNumber ?) which does this.

- Graham

See this message:

(This applied to the 2.7 codebase; I hope it still works.)

lilypond-user mailing list

Setting up vocal scores with uniformly-spaced staves

2006-05-03 Thread Daniel Johnson

Hello all --

I set a lot of SATB choral music, and I strive to have all my 
ChoirStaffs have the same distance from the text.  This can be a 
challenge when the alto part goes low or the tenor part goes high.  I 
used to set each Staff's minimum-Y-extent to ##f and Y-extent to a 
number-pair, and this served me well for a long time.  Now, however, the 
stem-lengths of beamed notes are sometimes miscalculated if Y-extent is 
absolutely set (this happened partway through the 2.7 development 
cycle).  I've figured out an alternate method to do this and it works 
quite nicely.  Just add the following to your layout block:

\layout {
   \context {
   \consists Vertical_align_engraver
   \accepts Lyrics
   forced-distance = #3

There are a few snags you might run into with this method.  For 
instance, if you define Lyrics above the top staff or below the bottom 
one, they will be spaced excessively far from the staff if the Lyrics 
context is contained within the ChoirStaff context.  You'll need to pull 
these outside the ChoirStaff in order to space them independently.

It took me quite a while to figure out how to do this, so I figured I'd 
save someone else the time and trouble by posting it here.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Staff: vertical spacing, reduce chord name distance

2006-05-01 Thread Daniel Johnson

Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
IIRC in previous versions I could reduce the distance between a staff 
and chord symbols by this command:

\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 1)

In 2.8.1 this is:
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-4 . 1)

or did I get something wrong?
Reducing the space this way dos not work here, increasing does work.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thank you
Windows XP
You can see what the required code is here; you can also see a bug 
related to it:

In short, you need to set minimum-Y-extent to false, and then set 
Y-extent to an absolute value instead.  But you may encounter 
stem-length errors on beamed notes.  As far as I can tell, this problem 
has not yet been addressed, even in CVS.  The bug was introduced when 
the VerticalAxisGroup interface was added to the Staff context about 
midway through the 2.7 development cycle.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can not get --help info from out/

2006-04-29 Thread Daniel Johnson

 I forgot to mention that I made local make install in the
 directory containing lilylib, so that I now have


 even if Lilypond-2.9.2 has not been built yet.

See the most recent Gentoo ebuild here (click on the View link):
and have a look at the src_unpack function to see how Gentoo gets around
this issue.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: numbers in variable names

2006-04-19 Thread Daniel Johnson

Kieren Richard MacMillan wrote:

Hello, all --

I use a lot of variables, especially when breaking larger works across 
multiple pieces (and thus .ly files).

but Lilypond (more likely LaTeX) won't let me. Does anyone know a 

I always use Roman numerals.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Feature requests

2006-04-16 Thread Daniel Johnson

Jacob Cooper wrote:

One hangup for me is lilypond's handling of lyrics. I don't care as much how
they're entered as how they're output. Right now, it looks like syllables are
aligned so that the left edge of the longest syllable (in polyphonic choral
music) is aligned with the center of the note it's matched with, and in every
other part, the syllables are center aligned with that one long syllable. The
result is that shorter syllables are placed quite a distance from their
corresponding note. The way it should look (see Barenreuter's Passion scores,
for instance) is that all syllables are centered on the centerline of the
noteheads, and the noteheads adjusted accordingly. One should be able to draw a
single vertical line that would neatly bisect every note and every syllable at a
given beat. Syllables should not extend to the left of a barline; rather, the
notes should adjust to the right.
One thing to consider is that when Lilypond is setting a lyric to a 
single note, it center-aligns the lyric to the note; but when setting a 
lyric to a melisma, the lyric is left-aligned with the first note of the 

When all voices are singing the same lyrics at the same time, I have 
gotten around this by associating each lyrics context with the same 
voice (usually the topmost one).  When the lyrics diverge, try using 
\set associatedVoice to the actual voice instead.  This trick is also 
useful for matching up extender lines, when one voice, for example, has 
a whole note and another has a melisma of four quarters.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 4 voices on 3 staves?

2006-04-12 Thread Daniel Johnson

jango wrote:

I was trying to do it on my own, but I got lost :)

I need to get two voices on the first stave and then 2 additional staves
with one voice on each. Can anyone give me an actual code that would perform
this task?

\version 2.8.0

sopNotes = \relative c'' { c1 }
altNotes = \relative c' { e1 }
tenNotes = \relative c' { g1 }
basNotes = \relative c { c1 }

trebleText = \lyricmode { Foo }
tenorText = \lyricmode { Bar }
bassText = \lyricmode { Baz }

\score {
   \new ChoirStaff 
   \new Staff = trebleStaff {
   \clef treble
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4

   \new Voice = sopVoice { \voiceOne \sopNotes}
   \new Voice = altVoice { \voiceTwo \altNotes }

   \new Lyrics = trebleLyrics { s1 }
   \new Staff = tenStaff {
   \clef G_8
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4
   \new Voice = tenVoice { \tenNotes }
   \new Lyrics = tenorLyrics { s1 }
   \new Staff = basStaff {
   \clef bass
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4
   \new Voice = basVoice { \basNotes }
   \new Lyrics = bassLyrics { s1 }

   \context Lyrics = trebleLyrics \lyricsto sopVoice \trebleText
   \context Lyrics = tenorLyrics \lyricsto tenVoice \tenorText
   \context Lyrics = bassLyrics \lyricsto basVoice \bassText

   \layout {
   \context {
   \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = ##f
   \override VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(-3.5 . 4)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Upgrading from 2.6 to 2.8

2006-04-07 Thread Daniel Johnson
Here's how to get Lilypond 2.8.1 installed from source in Gentoo... it 
isn't hard.  This includes installing a patched version of Ghostscript 
8.53 (which under Gentoo supports the hl1250 printer driver in addition 
to the standard drivers).

1. make sure PORTDIR_OVERLAY is declared in /etc/make.conf (point it to 

2. echo media-sound/lilypond ~x86  /etc/portage/package.keywords
3. echo app-text/ghostscript-afpl ~x86  /etc/portage/package.keywords
4. mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/media-sound/lilypond; cd 
5. cp /usr/portage/media-sound/lilypond/lilypond-2.8.0-r1.ebuild 

6. ebuild lilypond-2.8.1.ebuild digest
7. mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/app-text/ghostscript-afpl/files
8. cp /usr/portage/app-text/ghostscript-afpl/files/*.{patch,mak,diff} 
9. copy ghostscript-8.53-global-glyph-names.patch (attached to this 
email) to /usr/local/portage/app-text/ghostscript-afpl/files
   (this patch prevents ghostscript from creating PDF's that are about 
ten times too large)

10. cd /usr/local/portage/app-text/ghostscript-afpl
11. copy ghostscript-afpl-8.53-r5.ebuild (attached to this email) to 

12. ebuild ghostscript-afpl-8.53-r5.ebuild digest
13. if you have ghostscript-esp or ghostscript-gnu installed, uninstall 
them (e.g. emerge -C ghostscript-esp)*

13. emerge --oneshot --ask --verbose =app-text/ghostscript-afpl-8.53-r5
14. emerge --ask --verbose =media-sound/lilypond-2.8.1

If you want to use the 2.9 branch, do the same as above, but using a 
different-version filename for the lilypond ebuild. Also, in your 
Portage overlay, you'll want to copy the guile-1.6.7 ebuild from 
/usr/portage/dev-util/guile to guile-1.8.0 in your $PORTDIR_OVERLAY, 
comment out all the patches in the ebuild, do ebuild guile-1.8.0.ebuild 
digest, and then emerge guile.  There is currently a Gentoo bugzilla 
request for an official guile-1.8.0 ebuild.

The advantage of this system is that you know exactly what software is 
being invoked, since there is only one copy of python, guile, 
ghostscript, etc. on your system.  This makes troubleshooting easier.  
The disadvantage is that you are re-doing what the developers already 
spent plenty of time doing.


P.S. Pango 1.12.x is currently hard-masked in Portage.  If you are not 
running a Gnome system and are willing to do a bit of dirty work, you 
can unmask it and install it (and a host of supporting libraries).  It 
will give you the benefit of being able to take advantage of OpenType 
support for ligatures.

* If you think you may need to revert your ghostscript install, you may 
want to create a binary package before unmerging.  If you have 
gentoolkit installed, you can do the following:

   quickpkg ghostscript-esp
Then if you need to re-emerge that same verion, you can do
   emerge --usepkg ghostscript-esp
and you can thereby skip the compile step.

Kress, Stephen wrote:

Hello, all.

I post this with the hopes that it will prove helpful to someone.

I run on a Gentoo Linux system (thanks to whoever picked up the 
maintenance for the lilypond ebuild! When will I see 2.8.1, btw?) and 
ran into a simple issue that took a while to work out.

Back in the 2.6/2.7 days, I had used the package installer for 
lilypond (the Gentoo ebuild only handled 2.7 and I wasn't ready for that).

When it was time to move to 2.8, I did package remove lilypond which 
worked fine.  I then tried both emerging of 2.8.0 and using the 
install script for 2.8.1.  Both worked fine until I tried a simple 
lilypond  This produced an error when converting from ps 
to pdf.  The command being used was gs-nox and it was producing a 
strange error about or something like that having a version 

To make a long story short, I needed to do package remove 
ghostscript (I already had an appropriate version emerged using 
Gentoo's stuff) before my problem cleared up.  Installing lilypond 2.6 
with the package installer also installed a version of ghostscript 
(which turned out not to be compatable with 2.8) along with it and 
removing lilypond dit not remove ghostscript.  I need to check if 
guile also has the same issue...

So, if you are on Linux and move from 2.6 to 2.8, make sure your 
ghostscript (and probably guile) installation is up-to-date.


# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: 
 1.1 2006/04/04 21:40:00 genstef Exp $

inherit eutils


cups? ( mirror://gentoo/cups-${CUPS_PV}-source.tar.bz2 )
cjk? ( 

RehearsalMark break-visibility

2006-04-04 Thread Daniel Johnson
I've been trying to get a rehearsal mark to show up at the end of a 
staff.  (The object is eventually to use markup such as a fermata 
here.)  Here's a stripped-down example:

% begin lilypond code %
\version 2.8.1
eolMark = {
   \once\override RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-visible
\relative c' {
   c d e f g a b c \eolMark
   c b a g f e d c
% end lilypond code %

In this example, though, the rehearsal mark shows up at the beginning of 
the second line rather than the end of the first.  Any ideas?


P.S. Running version 2.8.1 on Linux

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: RehearsalMark break-visibility SOLVED

2006-04-04 Thread Daniel Johnson

Graham Percival wrote:

Yes, read the manual, 8.1.3 Text marks:

To print the mark at the end of the current line, use

\override Score.RehearsalMark
  #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible

I don't know why end-of-line-visible doesn't work, but since it isn't 
mentioned in the manual, I don't think it's a serious problem.
end-of-line-visible is mentioned here.

None of the break-visibility properties had any effect as long as I was 

   \override RehearsalMark
but they all had an effect (including end-of-line-visible) when I 
specified the following:

   \override Score.RehearsalMark

In hindsight, this is semi-obvious, since before I was inside either the 
Staff or Voice context.

Graham, as always, thanks for your response.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: software for syllable separation

2005-12-21 Thread Daniel Johnson
Eduardo Vieira wrote:

 Hello users!
 Does anybody know of a program that would make a syllable separation
 (hyphenation) of text to do something
 like this:
 Are you walking alone through the shadows dim?
 would be automatically converted to:
 Are you walk-ing a-lone through the shad-ows dim?
 This would be nice in working with lyrics.
 Best regards,
 Eduardo Vieira

This python script was posted to another list to which I subscribe.  It
should hyphenate a single word (passed on the command line) according to
the usage given on  You might use this as the basis for
a larger script which could return the hyphenation rules for an entire

import sys, urllib, re

word = sys.argv[1]

url =; + word

f = urllib.urlopen(url)
page =

all = re.findall(r[bB](.+?#183;.+?)/[bB], page)
for t in all:
print re.sub(rIMG.+?|#183;, -, t).rstrip(,)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Version differences

2005-12-20 Thread Daniel Johnson
Gordon Gilbert wrote:

 Also, I tried to install jEdit for Windoze on that machine, and was
 unsuccessful.  Does anybody know what I must do for that?  I'd rather
 not have to use the MS text editor if I can help it.  Or is there
 another good editor for Lilypond that I can install easily on Windoze?

You might try installing the Java Runtime Environment on the Windoze box
(since jedit is a Java app).

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Including style files

2005-12-08 Thread Daniel Johnson
Simon wrote:


However, now I want to change the spacing between
the staves, e.g., using

\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 3)

Of course it doesn't make sense to put that line into the style file. Reading
Section 4 Changing Defaults of the lilypond manual I don't see a single
solution that does not require to add at least some lines nested inside the 
file, e.g. inside the \paper block, which I don't want. I must be missing
something very obvious. Can anyone help or maybe provide a style file that 
used for a similar project?

This becomes much easier in later versions of the 2.7 tree, when many
\set's are replaced by \override's and therefore are eligible to be
included in a global \layout block (this includes vertical-extent). 
Here's a skeleton of my standard style file:

#(set-global-staff-size 20)
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
%use this for final editions when smaller PDFs are desired
\paper {
#(set-paper-size letter)
leftmargin = 0.5\in
linewidth = 7.5\in
#(define fonts
  (make-pango-font-tree Adobe Garamond Pro Bitstream Vera Sans Andale 
Mono 1))
%The last parameter above should be set-global-staff-size / 20

bookTitleMarkup = \markup {
%insert markup here

scoreTitleMarkup = \markup {
%insert markup here

oddHeaderMarkup = \markup {
%insert markup here
evenHeaderMarkup = \markup {
%insert markup here

oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
%insert markup here
evenFooterMarkup = \markup {
%insert markup here

} %End paper block

\layout {
\context {
\override SeparationItem #'padding = #0.5

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Compiling 2.6.4 for FreeBSD

2005-11-20 Thread Daniel Johnson

Gordon Gilbert wrote:


I have started to work through the instructions in Vol 36, Issue 67, 
but have gone to the web-site, but can't for the life of me find just 
the tar.gz file to download.  Where the heck is it?  Looks like the 
rest of the instructions will work just fine, but I need to find the 
2.6.4 tar file.  Help!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Old-fashioned rest symbol

2005-11-17 Thread Daniel Johnson
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

 Eduardo Vieira wrote:

 Hello fellows,
 Does anybody know why the symbol for a fourth-note rest that looks
 like an inverted Z does not feature in any font of music notation
 programs? I'm used to seeing that symbol a lot, especially in
 hymnbooks. I wonder why it is so discarded by music programs.
 Is it worth including it in Lilypond, since our program already
 support some ancient notation? Depending on your opinions, I sure
 could help sponsoring it.

 Can you point me to an image of this symbol?

In my experience, this rest looks like a backward eighth-rest;
occasionally one sees it with both an upper and lower flag, hence the
Z -- though actually it's a backward Z.  It seems to have been in
fashion mostly in the late 19th century, and appears mostly in hymnals
and the like, although I have also seen it in certain Bach chorale
scores.  It is now considered obsolete (it's very hard to read IMO) but
since Lilypond specializes in obsolete notation :-) perhaps it belongs
here anyway?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Escape sequence for accentuated characters?

2005-11-09 Thread Daniel Johnson
Fairchild wrote:

Where does fc-list live?  How to use fc-list?  Version 2.4.6, Windows XP,

Don't find fc-list in the 2.4.6 package.

  - Bruce


I believe it's part of fontconfig.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: stemless notes

2005-11-02 Thread Daniel Johnson

I have been able to get transparent note stems working.  

Now I am trying to create to short vertical lines on each side of the stemless 
notes to indicate that there is a string of words sung on that one note in 
free time.  I tried using the \barOne and \barTwo definitions in the Gregorian 
chant template, but lilypond is refusing to process that. Any suggestions?  
Thanks again.


\version 2.6.0

#(define (vertline-stencil stencil thickness padding)
  Add vertical lines around STENCIL, producing a new stencil.
  (let* ((x-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent stencil 0) padding))
 (y-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent stencil 1) padding))
 (y-rule (make-filled-box-stencil (cons 0 thickness) y-ext))
 (x-rule (make-filled-box-stencil
  (interval-widen x-ext thickness) (cons 0 thickness
(set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil X 1 y-rule padding))
(set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil X -1 y-rule padding))
#(define (make-stencil-vertline thickness padding callback)
  Return function that adds vertical lines around the grob passed as
  (lambda (grob) (vertline-stencil (callback grob) thickness padding)))
holdNote = {
\once\override Stem #'print-function = ##f
\once\override NoteHead #'print-function = #(make-stencil-vertline
0.05 0.05 Note_head::print)
\score {
\context Staff {
\holdNote c'4


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what is wrong with this \markup /padding?

2005-11-02 Thread Daniel Johnson

Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

I think I've copied (retyped) it from the manual.

\once \override TextScript #'padding = 2.0
\markup{ \italic Moderato }

All I am attemptin is to get the word Moderato higher above the notes 
of the staff.

the response I get is

C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/NoteWorthy/nwc 
files/Guitar/Oud bk 2 line 94-224/Oud error: syntax 
error, unexpected '.'

\once \override TextScript #'padding = 2

you need a hash-mark before the 2.0:
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #2.0

C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/NoteWorthy/nwc 
files/Guitar/Oud bk 2 line 94-224/Oud error: unknown 
escaped string: `\italic'

\italic Moderator }

So what am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Shortened volta span autopackage

2005-10-18 Thread Daniel Johnson
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

 Shelagh Manton wrote:


 I was hoping somebody would point me to the place in the documentation
 where it shows how to shorten a volta bracket. I've seen it, but can't
 find it again..

 The volta will include exactly as many notes as you include in the
 corresponding block of the \alternative{...}, so can't you just move
 some notes outside the \alternative{...}, or maybe I didn't understand
 your question. It's always easier to answer if you include some LilyPond
 code and tell exactly what you want changed.

I believe the original poster was desiring to set the vertical extent of
a volta bracket, rather than the horizontal.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Instrument names at beginning of staves

2005-10-17 Thread Daniel Johnson
liang seng wrote:

 Hi, I would like to know how to lengthen the horizontal distance
 between instrument names at the beginning of staves from the left part
 of the staves? The instrument names overlap the braces generated by
 GrandStaff. I tried inserting spaces after the instrument names like so
 \set Staff.instrument = Instrument   but it doesn't work. Is
 there a solution to this?
 Thank you.
 Yours sincerely,
 Seng Liang.

Yet another solution is this:
\set Staff.instrument = \markup {Instrument \hspace #2 }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond

2005-10-02 Thread Daniel Johnson

Bohdan Krowicky wrote:

These days I'm a composer and I use Sibelius 4 as a composition tool,  
and the thought of learning a new language is rather daunting. Can  
Lilypond accept a Midi file and convert it into its own format, and  
then to its beautiful printed output? Do composers use Lilypond as  
their primary work system? It seems to me that one needs to have a  
piece already written, on paper perhaps, and then input it to your  
program. Or am I off track here?

You can use midi2ly to convert a (quantized) midi file to Lilypond, but 
you're guaranteed to have to make many many tweaks on the Lilypond end 
to get it to display acceptably.  If you are converting existing 
Sibelius files to Lilypond, though, this will probably save you quite a 
bit of time.

For Finale users, you can use etf2ly to convert Finale's ETF export 
format to lilypond.  There are similar converters for ABC (abc2ly) and 
MUP (mup2ly).  I don't know of any Sibelius converters.  These will 
convert more of the music information than midi2ly, but you will 
certainly need to do lots of work on the Lilypond file in order to get 
it to look OK.

Additionally, there have been a number of issues reported with running 
these programs under Windows (they require installation and extra 
configuration of a Python environment).  They work fairly well on Linux, 

I keep a Windows box with an installation of an old version of Finale to 
use when I am working on an especially complex piece.  Then I export as 
ETF, copy to my Linux box and run etf2ly.  That saves me some time, but 
I still spend 50% of the total time reworking the Lilypond file.


lilypond-user mailing list

Displaying the first bar number

2005-09-29 Thread Daniel Johnson
Dear list,

Because I am typesetting a fragment of a larger work, I would like to
display the bar number on the first line.  By default Lilypond does not
do so, but begins displaying it on line 2.  In ly/, we
encounter the following line:
barNumberVisibility = #default-bar-number-visibility
and in scm/output-lib.scm we see this:
(define-public (default-bar-number-visibility barnum) ( barnum 1))
So, it seemed like I should be able to do the following:
\set Score.barNumberVisibility = ##t
but this has no effect.  I also tried this:
#(define-public (default-bar-number-visibility barnum) (#t))
but, as expected, it didn't work either.

If anyone can shed light on this, I'll gladly write up a blurb on it for
inclusion in the manual.  (I searched and didn't find anything there, so
please forgive if it's there and I missed it.)  I am using version 2.6.3
on Linux.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Displaying the first bar number

2005-09-29 Thread Daniel Johnson
Erik Sandberg wrote:

On Thursday 29 September 2005 22.38, Daniel Johnson wrote:

Dear list,

Because I am typesetting a fragment of a larger work, I would like to
display the bar number on the first line.  By default Lilypond does not
do so, but begins displaying it on line 2.  In ly/, we
encounter the following line:
barNumberVisibility = #default-bar-number-visibility
and in scm/output-lib.scm we see this:
(define-public (default-bar-number-visibility barnum) ( barnum 1))
So, it seemed like I should be able to do the following:
\set Score.barNumberVisibility = ##t
but this has no effect.  I also tried this:
#(define-public (default-bar-number-visibility barnum) (#t))
but, as expected, it didn't work either.

You can look at the tipstricks, grep for barNumberVisibility.

Hmm. Everything I see there (bar-number-every-five-reset and
bar-number-regular-interval) has to do with setting the printing of bar
numbers every n bars, which is not really what I want.  I want the bar
number to appear at the start of the first staff, as it does for all
subsequent staves.  Even doing this:
\set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 1)
puts the bar number on every bar *except* the first.

I'm starting to believe that barNumberVisibility is a red herring here,
and that deeper wizardry is required.  I'm trying to find my way around
the source code now, but any hints would be welcome.  I'm looking at but it has me stumped.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Displaying the first bar number

2005-09-29 Thread Daniel Johnson
Nope.  Here's my

\version 2.6.3

\set Score.currentBarNumber = #15
\repeat unfold 5 c'1 \break
\repeat unfold 5 c'1

On the 2nd line, I get the bar number (20) but not on the first line.


Fairchild wrote:

Daniel -

Try this:

\version 2.4.6
{ \set Score.currentBarNumber = #123
a'1 a' a' }

- Bruce

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Daniel Johnson
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:38 PM
To: Lilypond User
Subject: Displaying the first bar number

Dear list,

Because I am typesetting a fragment of a larger work, I would like to
display the bar number on the first line.  By default Lilypond does not do
so, but begins displaying it on line 2.  In ly/, we
encounter the following line:
barNumberVisibility = #default-bar-number-visibility
and in scm/output-lib.scm we see this:
(define-public (default-bar-number-visibility barnum) ( barnum 1)) So,
it seemed like I should be able to do the following:
\set Score.barNumberVisibility = ##t
but this has no effect.  I also tried this:
#(define-public (default-bar-number-visibility barnum) (#t)) but, as
expected, it didn't work either.

If anyone can shed light on this, I'll gladly write up a blurb on it for
inclusion in the manual.  (I searched and didn't find anything there, so
please forgive if it's there and I missed it.)  I am using version 2.6.3 on


lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Accidental placement above/below note

2005-09-23 Thread Daniel Johnson
Ruud van Silfhout wrote:

 As I am just an amateur regarding music notation I have a question
 concening the attached piece of music.
 The natural shown below the last note, is that meant as a natural
 normally placed before the note? And is this an alternative (standard)
 notation for accidentals?  And if so, can this be done by lilypond. I
 know you can of course do this by adding a markup, but I was wondering
 if this could be done using some kind of property of accidentals or
 accidentalplacement. I also think that the accidental is somewhat
 smaller than the normal accidental.


This type of suggested accidental is usually found in edited editions
of 18th-century or earlier works; the original score did not contain an
accidental, but it is presumed that the performers of those days knew to
perform it as a sharp/flat/whatever.  Therefore editors who want to
indicate their best-guess of performance often use this sort of accidental.

It is also sometimes used in other modern scores when there are many
notes in close physical proximity.  For example, in the published
version of Ralph Vaughan Williams' In Windsor Forest (movement 3,
Falstaff and the Fairies), the engraver has used a flat over a note in
a soprano-solo melisma of sixteenth-triplets, purely as a matter of
notational convenience.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: graphics gripe

2005-09-19 Thread Daniel Johnson

Aaron Mehl wrote:

1. could someone else try an svg from lilypond and see
if it works for them in scribus? If not this might be
a bug.

2. is there a way to pass resolution parameters to the
backend that is making the png files?

Two things I recently found out about SVG:

1. Since every implementation of an SVG renderer is different, since the 
SVG standard is a bit fluid, and since Lilypond SVG output is 
necessarily complex, the developers have settled upon Inkscape as the 
SVG renderer/editor that they will target.  Single-page (see item 2 
below) Lilypond SVG output is openable in Inkscape.  Possibly Inkscape 
could save it in a format that other SVG renderers are happier with... I 
haven't tried.

2. There is no SVG standard for multi-page documents, so multi-page 
Lilypond SVG output will not render correctly in any SVG renderer.  In 
Inkscape, it will just overlap all the pages on a single page.  Han-Wen 
has let it be known that the ability to burst pages for SVG output is a 
feature that would cost 80 EUR.  I am planning on at least partially 
sponsoring this in a few weeks when I get some money, but if someone 
else wants to beat me to it, please be my guest... I have other features 
on my wish-list that I can devote my money to.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sloped Hairpins

2005-09-15 Thread Daniel Johnson
Mehmet Okonsar wrote:

Does it seem wise to use #'extra-offset on hairpins to get sloped ones? or
there may be better solutions?

Sloped hairpins are not implemented at this time, but Han-Wen says they
can be done as a sponsored feature.

lilypond-user mailing list

SVG backend - resulting files invalid?

2005-09-07 Thread Daniel Johnson

Hi all --

I have both Lilypond 2.6.3 and 2.7.7 installed.  I've been trying to 
generate SVG files (using both versions) using the following invocation:

lilypond --backend=svg --formats=svg is a multiple-page valid Lilypond file which worked 
great using the PDF backend.  I tried opening the resulting 
my_file_name.svg in various apps, with the following results:

- Inkscape, Karbon14 and KWord just draw an empty page. (Inkscape 
0.42.2, KOffice 1.4.1)

- Firefox (compiled with MozSVG support) hangs (Firefox 1.0.6)
- Konqueror and rsvg-view render the file with all pages printed on top 
of each other, very very tiny. (KDE 2.4.1, rsvg-view 2.9.5)
- Abiword renders the file with all pages overlapping, at extremely 
fuzzy resolution; stems are not correctly aligned, and certain 
Emmentaler glyphs are wrong (such as clefs) (Abiword 2.2.8)

I don't have OpenOffice installed, so I couldn't test how it reacts to 
Lily's SVG.

I tried the above steps with two different files which produce correct 
PDF output.  Both files are multiple pages.  When I tried this with a 
single-page Lily document, I got the following results:

- Inkscape opened the file correctly
- rsvg-view and Konqueror opened the file correctly but rendered it very 
very tiny

- Firefox showed all characters on top of one another
- Karbon14 only showed staff-lines, measures, stems and ledger-lines; 
all character data was missing.
- Abiword had the same problems as above, except of course no 
overlapping pages
- KWord showed correct glyphs for accidentals, but incorrect glyphs for 
noteheads and clefs; most vertical lines were missing.

Any hints on how to get Lily to behave with SVG?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: SVG backend - resulting files invalid?

2005-09-07 Thread Daniel Johnson

Daniel Johnson wrote:

- KWord showed correct glyphs for accidentals, but incorrect glyphs 
for noteheads and clefs; most vertical lines were missing.

Upon further inspection, Konqueror has the same problems.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cryptical errormessage

2005-09-06 Thread Daniel Johnson
If you look here:
you'll see that adding a fermata to a multi-measure rest (R1 rather than
r1) is done with \fermataMarkup instead of \fermata.


Hans de Rijck wrote:


I've found the culprit.

The errormessage is caused by a fermata over a full measure rest:

\new Voice \relative c
\clef treble
\time 4/4

R1*4/4 \fermata

Removing the fermata clears the error, changing the rest to r1 too.



Lilypond version: 2.6.3
programming error: not a markup:
continuing, cross fingers
Assertion failed: false, file, line 61


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \markup question

2005-09-06 Thread Daniel Johnson
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

However, I recommend to upgrade to a newer version. I recently
saw some mail in this mailing list from a user who mentioned
he used 2.6.3 on Gentoo.

See Gentoo's bugzilla for a working ebuild:

I recommend that you don't use USE=docs though, unless you are willing
to hand-build Guile 1.7.2 from CVS and you have enormous amounts of time
and memory.  You can rename the ebuild to whatever 2.6 or 2.7 version
you want to compile.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong characters with jEdit)

2005-09-02 Thread Daniel Johnson
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

 If you find this added flexibility in LilyPond 2.6 so annoying, then
 you could use some program that converts a Latin1 coded file into
 UTF-8 coding and even make a script file that first does the
 conversion and then calls LilyPond. Unfortunately, I don't know
 Windows well enough to provide any specific hints but there should
 be several possibilities available.


This sounds like a job for a sed script, but...

I offer the following with NO WARRANTY.  I haven't used Windows in about
a year so this is all from memory, but I am enclosing a VBScript file
that should perform conversion from Latin-1 to UTF-8.  I haven't tested
this.  Also, I never did figure out how to use command-line args with
VBS, so you'll have to hardcode the input and output filenames each time
(unless you have on-hand a guru who can improve this thing).  Anyhow,
here goes.  You'll want to save this with a .vbs extension.

' begin VBScript code 

Option Explicit

Dim sInFileName, sOutFileName

sInFileName =   ' Filename you wish to convert (with full path)
sOutFileName =  ' Filename you want for the output

Dim oFSO
Dim oInFile, sInString
Dim oOutFile, sOutString
Dim i, s
Dim sTransArray(255)

'Populate the translation table
For i = 128 To 191
sTransArray(i) = chr(HC2)  chr(i)
For i = 192 To 255
sTransArray(i) = chr(HC3)  chr(i - 64)

'Read the input file as a single string
Set oFSO = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
Set oInFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sInFileName, 1, False, 0)
sInString = oInFile.ReadAll
Set oInFile = Nothing

'Perform char-by-char translation
sOutString = 
For i = 0 To Len(sInString)
s = Mid(sInString, i, 1)
If Asc(s)  128 Then
sOutString = sOutString  s
sOutString = sOutString  sTransArray(Asc(s))
End If

'Write the resulting file to the output file
Set oOutFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sOutFileName, 2, True, 0)

'Perform final housekeeping
Set oOutFile = Nothing
Set oFSO = Nothing


' end VBScript code 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is there already a German translation of manual?

2005-07-28 Thread Daniel Johnson

Marc Weber wrote:

Does engraved mean written by hand all the time?

No.   When applied to music, engraved simply is the opposite of 
handwritten.  Hence computer-generated files, as well as music created 
from hand-engraved metal plates, are all referred to as engraved.

   Moreover it's also free (as in speech) software.  
   as in speech. 
What does this mean?

In English, the word free means both gratis and libre.  Free as in 
free beer means gratis; Free as in free speech means libre.  In the 
software world, this means that not only is a piece of GPL software 
cost-free (gratis), but it is also free of legal encubrance (libre).

 (q.v., just about any Warner Bros. score, and even many of the
 most recent by the old houses). [..]

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond 2.6.1 on Gentoo: libstdc++

2005-07-19 Thread Daniel Johnson
Martin Brodbeck wrote:

 Daniel Johnson schrieb:

 Hi Daniel,

 Thanks a lot. I think the second way is the better one for me :)

 2. Remove the autopackage and build lilypond from source; it's not too
 painful unless you need to build the documentation as well.  There's an
 ebuild here:
 If you're not concerned about building documentation, edit the ebuild
 and lower the guile version requirements to 1.6.7 (my ebuild requires
 guile-1.7.2 from CVS; building *that* is left as the proverbial exercise
 for the reader).
 Rename the ebuild to the version number you want to build; the given
 ebuild is for 2.7.0 but it should work fine for any of the 2.6/2.7

 Can you give me some assistence with this? The first problem I run
 into is this:
 emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy =app-text/mftrace-1.1.11.

 emerge tells me that there is only mftrace-1.1.2 available (~x86). I
 changed the version to 1.1.2 in the lilypond ebuild but this would
 have been too easy because the emerge fails :)
 The last few lines of output are:

 --- snip ---
 convert baer-flat-bw.png out-www/baer-flat-bw.eps
 convert baer-flat-gray.png out-www/baer-flat-gray.eps
 convert henle-flat-bw.png out-www/henle-flat-bw.eps
 convert henle-flat-gray.png out-www/henle-flat-gray.eps
 convert lily-flat-bw.png out-www/lily-flat-bw.eps
 cd ./out-www; texi2dvi --batch  lilypond.texi
 This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
 ---! /var/lib/texmf/web2c/etex.fmt was written by pdfetex
 (Fatal format file error; I'm stymied)
 /usr/bin/texi2dvi: texinfo.tex appears to be broken, quitting.
 make[3]: *** [out-www/lilypond.dvi] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[2]: *** [WWW] Error 2
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 make[1]: *** [WWW] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [web] Error 2
 --- snip ---

 Do you have any hints?


1. su to root.
2. Make sure you have PORTDIR_OVERLAY set to /usr/local/portage in
3. mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/app-text/mftrace
4. cp /usr/portage/app-text/mftrace/mftrace-1.1.2.ebuild
5. cd /usr/local/portage/app-text/mftrace/
6. ebuild mftrace-1.1.11.ebuild digest
7. Make sure the following line is in /etc/portage/package.keywords:
app-text/mftrace ~x86

Now when you emerge lilypond, it should emerge the updated mftrace first.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond 2.6.1 on Gentoo: libstdc++

2005-07-19 Thread Daniel Johnson
Dear Martin --

I took another look at your error message.  I think that if you scroll
further up in your error messages, you'll find that there was a
non-fatal error in processing a .ly file; this causes problems for
texi2dvi later.  Also, have you explicitly disabled the doc USE flag
for this?  I.e. added the following to /etc/portage/package.use:
media-sound/lilypond -doc
You can make sure by using the ask-verbose flag when emerging:
emerge -av lilypond
I could almost swear that somehow the doc USE flag is being set. 
Also, if you discover the failed processing of a .ly file, it is almost
assuredly because of a problem with Guile 1.6.7.  If you want to try
updating Guile to the CVS version, you can find instructions here:
Just ignore steps 12-18, since the ebuild available from the Gentoo
bugzilla handles that part for you.  You'll find that Lilypond builds
much faster with the CVS Guile.


Martin Brodbeck wrote:

 Daniel Johnson schrieb:

 1. su to root.
 2. Make sure you have PORTDIR_OVERLAY set to /usr/local/portage in
 3. mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/app-text/mftrace
 4. cp /usr/portage/app-text/mftrace/mftrace-1.1.2.ebuild
 5. cd /usr/local/portage/app-text/mftrace/
 6. ebuild mftrace-1.1.11.ebuild digest
 7. Make sure the following line is in /etc/portage/package.keywords:
 app-text/mftrace ~x86

 Now when you emerge lilypond, it should emerge the updated mftrace

 In the meantime I've already tried this but without success.  :(
 mftrace --version gives me 1.1.11 so this is ok. But I still get the
 mentioned lilypond-error...

 Doesn't it seem to be a texi2dvi problem (I've got texinfo-4.8

 Why does it even try to do something in the Documentation directory
 since I've removed the doc USE flag?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond 2.6.1 on Gentoo: libstdc++

2005-07-18 Thread Daniel Johnson
Dear Martin --

I think you're going to have to do one of two things:

1. Upgrade to gcc 3.4 (unstable).  The following page will be helpful:
(Current stable gcc *[]* in portage maxes out at


2. Remove the autopackage and build lilypond from source; it's not too
painful unless you need to build the documentation as well.  There's an
ebuild here:
If you're not concerned about building documentation, edit the ebuild
and lower the guile version requirements to 1.6.7 (my ebuild requires
guile-1.7.2 from CVS; building *that* is left as the proverbial exercise
for the reader).
Rename the ebuild to the version number you want to build; the given
ebuild is for 2.7.0 but it should work fine for any of the 2.6/2.7 series.


Martin Brodbeck wrote:


 I've installed the latest lilypond 2.6.1 with autopackage on my Gentoo
 Linux. The installation was fine, but I cannot start lilypond:

 --- snip ---
 /usr/local/bin/lilypond-bin-2.6.1: error while loading shared
 libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such
 file or directory
 --- snip ---

 What's going on here?

 Thanks a lot

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: opening files with Notepad

2005-07-13 Thread Daniel Johnson
Paul Scott wrote:

 Daniel Ballenger wrote:

 Try wordpad.  I don't think notepad cares about \n (newlines).  Thus
 causing your run-together problem

 WordPad isn't really a text editor.  I don't know how LilyPad is
 related to EditPad (they look about the same) but there are several
 good free text editors.  I use EditPad Lite which knows how to convert
 line termination between DOS and *nix (and Mac).

 Paul Scott

If you have Java installed, you might want to try installing jEdit
( which has plugins that can handle syntax
highlighting etc. for Lilypond.

Microsoft-built editors in general will choke when opening documents
created on Unix-like systems (including Linux  OSX), because the
end-of-line character(s) for Microsoft is CR+LF while Unix uses LF. 
(And to top it off, old Macs used CR.)  Any decent programmer's editor
can gracefully make the conversion between the styles.  Also, if you're
using Lilypond = 2.5, jEdit can save documents in UTF-8 format, which
lets you include any Unicode character in your files, not just those
accessible from your American or Western European keyboard.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Compiling Lilypond-2.6.0 On Gentoo

2005-07-01 Thread Daniel Johnson
If you are going to be building the documentation on Gentoo (i.e. you
have doc in your USE variable) it is almost imperative that you use a
version of Guile newer than the latest stable -- use a CVS snapshot of
the development branch, and you get Han-Wen's garbage-collection
patches.  What I wound up doing was the following (as root):


1. cd ~
2. wget
3. tar xzf guile-core.unstable.tar.gz
4. tar czf guile-1.7.2.tar.gz guile-core.unstable*
5. mv guile-1.7.2.tar.gz /usr/portage/distfiles
6. mkdir -p $PORTDIR_OVERLAY/dev-util/guile/
7. cd $PORTDIR_OVERLAY/dev-util/guile
8. cp /usr/portage/dev-util/guile-1.6.8.ebuild ./guile-1.7.2.ebuild
9. edit guile-1.7.2.ebuild. Add dev-libs/gmp to the DEPEND var.  Remove
the line that patches in case of GCC 4.0 (unless you are running GCC 4,
in which case you'll have to figure out how to modify the patch yourself)
10. ebuild guile-1.7.2.ebuild digest
11. emerge guile
12. cd $PORTDIR_OVERLAY/media-sound/lilypond
13. edit lilypond-2.6.0.ebuild.  In the src_install function, comment
out the entire if use doc; block.
14. ebuild lilypond-2.6.0.ebuild digest
15. mkdir -p /var/tmp/portage/lilypond-2.6.0/work
16. USE=doc FEATURES=keepwork emerge lilypond
17. mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/lilypond; cd /usr/share/doc/lilypond
18. tar xzf

I'm sure there are better ways of doing this but this was my quick 
dirty method.  Building of documentation proceeded at a very nice pace,
and didn't crash like it has been doing for the last month or so.  This
should also help users who are building massive documents with

I sure hope the Gentoo team supports this stuff without my hacks soon...
but that's unlikely since they seem to be stalled on creating an ESP
Ghostscript 8.15rc3 ebuild.  And forget about Guile CVS... development
and release of Guile seems to happen at a snail's pace, and I don't
think anyone other than Han-Wen has placed any importance on the GC
portion of Guile.  We are *so* spoiled with the pace of Lilypond


Joe Neeman wrote:

If this list allows .tar.bz2 attachments, you could try unpacking the
attachment into your $PORTDIR_OVERLAY directory. It adds ebuilds for the
correct versions of mftrace and fontforge, so it should help resolve any
dependency problems.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extending beamed stems

2005-06-23 Thread Daniel Johnson
Watch out when upgrading from 2.4 to 2.5 if you use lots of TeX markup
(and it looks like you might, to achieve your /pedalc markup).  Since
2.5 does not use TeX as a backend by default, you'll have to recode this
stuff using standard markup.  Version 2.5 writes PostScript directly
without processing as TeX first.


Henrik Frisk wrote:

Your suggested solution seems to be the way to do it. I tried it quickly, but 
the NoteColumn #'force-hshift didn't do anything. Now, that may be because I 
am not using the 2.5 yet and i didn't start looking in the manual for a way to 
achieve this in 2.4. I will upgrade and try again and in any event, you have 
pointed me in the right direction, and I am sure i will be able to find out. I 
am still curious to find out why the Voice.Beam #'X-extent and Voice.Beam 
#'extra-offset doesn't have any effect. This was what I tried at first. 
Anybody knows why me and Daniel are unsuccessful in getting the desired effect?

Daniel Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hmm.  This is a real puzzler, because even though the Beam object
implements the grob-interface, only certain grob properties have any
effect.  Specifically, I tried the following on a small test file and
they did nothing:

\once \override Voice.Beam #'X-extent = #'(0 . 15)
\once \override Voice.Beam #'extra-X-extent = #'(0 . 15)

Oddly enough, the following DID have an effect:
\once \override Voice.Beam #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 15)
but of course I can't really imagine any use for this.

Here's an idea:

1. Just beam from the first three notes over to the high G-flat.
2. On the D in the left hand, do a \once \override Voice.Stem
#'flag-style = #'no-flag, and do a \stemUp.
3. On the D in the left hand, do a \once \override NoteColumn
#'force-hshift = #-1.  Adjust this value until the stem is aligned
perfectly with the stem of the note in the right hand.
4. On the D in the left hand, do a \once \override Voice.Stem #'length =
#12 or however long it needs to be to meet up with the beam.

I did my research out of the 2.5 manual, so your mileage may vary; but I
don't think there's anything especially late-breaking about any of the
features I used above.  The noteheads of the eighth-notes in the left 
right hands won't be horizontally aligned, but their stems will meet the
beam in the same place.  Is that acceptable?


Henrik Frisk wrote:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: piano right hand with chorded eigths beneath a half

2005-06-22 Thread Daniel Johnson
r4 c4 ~  c2 \\ {r8 g e8 r8 g e8} 

Use backslashes instead of forward.  Also, backslashes separate logical
units, so if your second expression consists of more than one note,
you'll need to enclose it in curly-braces as I have shown above.


Sterling Sympatico wrote:

Hi again,

I am have looked for an example of the following:

piano right hand: (r4 c4 ~ c2) but below this with the right hand are
two eighth note chords that would appear as follows: (r2 r8 g e8 r8 g

lilypond 2.4.5 and have tried:

r4 c4 ~  c2 // r8 g e8 r8 g e8 

Any suggestions or is this possible.  Would specifying stem up in the
left hand and putting the two eight chords there be better?

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: piano right hand with chorded eigths beneath a half

2005-06-22 Thread Daniel Johnson
Daniel Johnson wrote:

r4 c4 ~  c2 \\ {r8 g e8 r8 g e8} 


hmm. On second thought, the tie between the C's probably won't work
here.   \\  by default generates new voices, and you can't do
cross-voice ties.  BUT, you can specify voice-names.  So the following
would (theoretically) work:

\context Voice = rightHand r4 c4 ~  \context Voice = rightHand c2 \\
{r8 g e8 r8 g e8} 

  \\  generates a \context Voice = 1 and \context Voice = 2 by
default.  But if you specify one of the voices to be the same as the
voice *outside* the double-angle-brackets, then you can perform the tie,
since both tied notes are in the same voice.

Make sense?


P.S. This same trick is useful in vocal scores, when you are binding
lyrics to a voice.  Since by default  \\  generates new voices, your
lyrics will not bind to the notes inside the double-angle-brackets.  But
if you specify one of the voices inside the  \\  to be the same as
the voice outside it, the lyrics flow just fine.  Here's an example:

text = \lyricmode { La Ti Do }
\score {

\context Staff = sopStaff {
\context Voice = sopVoice {
a2  \context Voice = sopVoice b2 \\ {g4( f)}  | c a1
\context Lyrics = sopLyrics \lyricsto sopVoice \text


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond errors

2005-06-21 Thread Daniel Johnson
Arthur Dyck wrote:

I have installed Lilypond and its requirements on my system running Mandrake 
10.0.   The files were installed using Web Urpmi.   I have used KWrite to 
create the in your tutorial.  When I try to run lilypond, I 
get the following error.  Can you please tell me how to fix this?

lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.0.1
Running usr...ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link:
ERROR: file: libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1, message: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory

lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file test (exit status 2)
lilypond: warning: Running LilyPond failed. Rerun with --verbose for a trace.


Arthur Dyck


Have you installed the guile, libguile and libguile12-devel packages?  I
bet that would take care of the problem.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extending beamed stems

2005-06-21 Thread Daniel Johnson
Hmm.  This is a real puzzler, because even though the Beam object
implements the grob-interface, only certain grob properties have any
effect.  Specifically, I tried the following on a small test file and
they did nothing:

\once \override Voice.Beam #'X-extent = #'(0 . 15)
\once \override Voice.Beam #'extra-X-extent = #'(0 . 15)

Oddly enough, the following DID have an effect:
\once \override Voice.Beam #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 15)
but of course I can't really imagine any use for this.

Here's an idea:

1. Just beam from the first three notes over to the high G-flat.
2. On the D in the left hand, do a \once \override Voice.Stem
#'flag-style = #'no-flag, and do a \stemUp.
3. On the D in the left hand, do a \once \override NoteColumn
#'force-hshift = #-1.  Adjust this value until the stem is aligned
perfectly with the stem of the note in the right hand.
4. On the D in the left hand, do a \once \override Voice.Stem #'length =
#12 or however long it needs to be to meet up with the beam.

I did my research out of the 2.5 manual, so your mileage may vary; but I
don't think there's anything especially late-breaking about any of the
features I used above.  The noteheads of the eighth-notes in the left 
right hands won't be horizontally aligned, but their stems will meet the
beam in the same place.  Is that acceptable?


Henrik Frisk wrote:

I'm running lilypond 2.4.5 (fink installation) on OSX 10.3.9. Attached to this 
mail is an example. Although this bar works OK the way it is, I would have 
liked to beam it 1/4+1/8 rather than 1/8+1/8+1/8. Either by connecting the 
lower beam of the first 1/8 note group to the stem of the second eighth note 
(from a notation point of view this would be unorthodox since one of the note 
heads would end up on the wrong side of the stem). The other way would be to 
have the beam go below all notes on beat one and two (counting eihgth notes).

Here's the code for the bar:

  \time 3/8
  ges'''16~[ \revert Beam #'positions ges64 \change Staff=lower f,32. ] 
 \change Staff=upper \stemExtend \noFlag ges'8- \noBeam
  \acciaccatura { g32^\pedalc } \change Staff = lower b,,,32 [ \change Staff = 
 upper f''~ f16~ ] |

And here are the \noFlag and \stemExtend:

noFlag = \once \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag
stemExtend = \once \override Stem #'length = #32

...and attached is an image.

This is the first piece I do in LilyPond, so I'm not very experienced yet. 
Tahnks for any help.




lilypond-user mailing list

Re: change page number locations

2005-06-20 Thread Daniel Johnson
Sterling Sympatico wrote:


How does one change the side of the page that the page number appears?
My 2nd page (the first page to show a page number) will need the page
number in the upper right corner, rather than upper left.  Thanks for
any hints.

Sterling MacNay


Have a look at scm/page-layout.scm to see the Scheme code for displaying
page numbers, starting on line 38.  I don't know much Scheme but it
seems like you should be able to redefine the plain-header function in
your .ly file, changing the even? test on line 50 to odd?, as follows:

(if (odd? page-number)
(set! line (reverse line)))

I haven't tested this but I think it should work with a minimum of
hacking.  If moving up to version 2.5 is an option for you, you have
full control over page layout without having to hack in Scheme.

Mind you, I'm not a guru, and this could be way off-track.  Just trying
to be helpful.  :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extending beamed stems

2005-06-20 Thread Daniel Johnson
henrikfr wrote:

I posted a question a while ago but didn't get any feedback, probably because 
nobody understood my question ;)... I'll give it another try:

I want to extend a beamed stem so that it reaches beyond the beam, without 
changeing the position or angle of the beam. I want to do it for cross staff 
notes. I've figured out how to do it for unbeamed notes but can't seem to get 
it to work for beamed notes.

Thanx for any suggestions.

Do you have any scanned examples of what it is you're trying to do? 
Also, what version of Lilypond are you running, and on what platform?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: making 2.5.27 (or should I say not making?)

2005-06-06 Thread Daniel Johnson
See this message:

Aaron Mehl wrote:

Hi all,

After testing 2.5.15 I decieded to install 2.5.27.
but it failed on the following:

ython2.3  -O2 -finline-functions -g -pipe 
-I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/freetype2
-I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include  
-DXTHREADS -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0
-I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include
-I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0
-I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
-I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include   -I/usr/include/freetype2
  -W -Wall -Wconversion  -o out/includable-lexer.o In member function `void
   Includable_lexer::new_input(String, Sources*)': error: `yy_buffer_stack'
undeclared (first use this
   function) error: (Each undeclared
identifier is reported only
   once for each function it appears in.) error: `yy_buffer_stack_top'
undeclared (first use this
make[1]: *** [out/includable-lexer.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
`/disks/hda2/bakup/tars/lilypond- /lily'
make: *** [all] Error 2

What am I missing?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: compilation error in 2.5.26

2005-05-31 Thread Daniel Johnson
What version of teTeX are you using?  If it's really ancient you might
want to upgrade.  (Metafont is part of the teTeX package, which is
required for building Lilypond.)  The current stable version of teTeX
3.0, but most Linux distributions are shipping 2.0.2 (which is still
good enough).


Luis Guillermo Agudelo wrote:


 I am having the following compilation error whilst building 2.5.26 and
 the root cause seem to be in mftrace :

 mftrace --encoding feta11.enc --no-afm --simplify -I ./out/
 --formats=pfa,pfb,svg feta11
 mftrace 1.1.9
 Font `feta11'...
 Warning: no extra font information for this font.
 Consider writing a XX_guess_font_info() routine.
 Using encoding file: `./out/feta11.enc'
 Running Metafont...warning: mf: command exited with value 32512 (ignored)

 Metafont failed.  Excerpt from the log file:

 *Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/share/bin/mftrace, line 1278, in ?
base = gen_pixel_font (basename, metric, magnification)
  File /usr/share/bin/mftrace, line 918, in gen_pixel_font
start = m.start (0)
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'start'
 make[1]: *** [out/feta11.pfa] Error 1

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: compilation error in 2.5.26

2005-05-31 Thread Daniel Johnson
Hi Luis --

I don't think ec-fonts is part of this problem. Looks like you are
crashing while Metafont is trying to generate a feta font -- that
shouldn't involve ec-fonts at all. What is happening is that not only is
Metafont failing, but it is not even generating a log. Do you get clean
results for the following:

mf --version

If your system can't find mf or if mf itself crashes, then it'll be
small wonder that mftrace is choking. That would also explain your
issues with ec-fonts.


Luis Guillermo Agudelo wrote:

 Thanks Daniel.

 My current version of tetex is 2.0.2 indeed. I will try however
 upgrading it to 3.0 to see if this solves my problem.

 I am wondering though if my trouble could be related to the ec-fonts
 package... I remember not having a very clean installation. I will
 keep investigating and I will post the answer as soon as I find it.

 Thanks for your help.

 From: Daniel Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Luis Guillermo Agudelo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: compilation error in 2.5.26
 Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 14:32:56 -0700

 What version of teTeX are you using? If it's really ancient you might
 want to upgrade. (Metafont is part of the teTeX package, which is
 required for building Lilypond.) The current stable version of teTeX
 3.0, but most Linux distributions are shipping 2.0.2 (which is still
 good enough).


 Luis Guillermo Agudelo wrote:

  I am having the following compilation error whilst building 2.5.26 and
  the root cause seem to be in mftrace :
  mftrace --encoding feta11.enc --no-afm --simplify -I ./out/
  --formats=pfa,pfb,svg feta11
  mftrace 1.1.9
  Font `feta11'...
  Warning: no extra font information for this font.
  Consider writing a XX_guess_font_info() routine.
  Using encoding file: `./out/feta11.enc'
  Running Metafont...warning: mf: command exited with value 32512
  Metafont failed. Excerpt from the log file:
  *Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/share/bin/mftrace, line 1278, in ?
  base = gen_pixel_font (basename, metric, magnification)
  File /usr/share/bin/mftrace, line 918, in gen_pixel_font
  start = m.start (0)
  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'start'
  make[1]: *** [out/feta11.pfa] Error 1

 Dont just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Building 2.5.20

2005-04-23 Thread Daniel Johnson
I had the same problem.  From what I've read, the flex API has changed
since 2.5.4a.  Here's what I did to fix it:

sed -i -e 's:\$\(FLEX\) :\$\(FLEX\) -l :' stepmake/stepmake/c-rules.make

The -l flag tells flex to behave like old-school lex.  It seems like
the configure script should take care of this, though.

Jonatan Liljedahl wrote:

I've just downloaded 2.5.20 and am trying to build it. 
It bails out on out/ with:

out/ In member function `virtual int Lily_lexer::yylex()':
out/ error: `yy_current_buffer' undeclared (first use this


I can see that the configure scripts checks for yy_current_buffer and
says no.

This was no problem with 2.5.18.

I'm using Flex 2.5.31.

/Jonatan-=( )=-


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Building 2.5.20

2005-04-23 Thread Daniel Johnson
I get an entirely different error, one that was discussed on this list
in February if I am reading things correctly.

cd ./out-www; texi2dvi --batch  lilypond.texi
This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
---! /usr/share/texmf-var/web2c/etex.fmt was written by pdfetex
(Fatal format file error; I'm stymied)
/usr/bin/texi2dvi: texinfo.tex appears to be broken, quitting.
make[3]: *** [out-www/lilypond.dvi] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [WWW] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.5.20/Documentation'
make[1]: *** [WWW] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.5.20'
make: *** [web] Error 2

FYI, this is on a fresh Linux-from-Scratch system on which I just
installed teTeX 3.0 and Ghostscript 8.50.  Personally, the last time I
was able to build the docs was for 2.5.8.  I'll second the request for a
documentation tarball.

Jonatan, instead of make all, try make default install, then if you're
feeling adventurous you can try make web web-install.


Jonatan Liljedahl wrote:

/System/Links/Executables/python ../../scripts/ -I  -I
./out -I../../input -I ../../input/regression/ -I ../../input/test/ -I
../../input/tutorial/ -I /Depot/Sources/lilypond-2.5.20/mf/out/  -I
/Depot/Sources/lilypond-2.5.20/mf/out/ --output=./out --format=texi
--verbose --process=lilypond --backend=eps --formats=ps,png
--header=texidoc -I ./input/test -e '(ly:set-option (quote
internal-type-checking) #t)' --process='true' lilypond.tely
../../scripts/ error: can't determine format for: ./out
make[2]: *** [out/lilypond.nexi] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Error 2

This happened also for 2.5.18. I simply disabled the docs by editing the
makefile. It seems to be hard to build the docs, it would be nice if you
supplied a tarball with the docs on your site.

/Jonatan-=( )=-

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF-generation lily2.5.19

2005-04-13 Thread Daniel Johnson
For anyone looking for the Gentoo ebuild for ESP Ghostscript 8.15_rc2
which was discussed yesterday, I am attaching it here.  Note that it is
not 100% stable, use at your own risk, void where prohibited, etc.


inherit flag-o-matic eutils gcc

DESCRIPTION=ESP Ghostscript -- an enhanced version of GNU Ghostscript with
better printer support


cjk? (

KEYWORDS=x86 ~amd64 ~ppc
IUSE=X cups cjk gtk


X? ( virtual/x11 )
cjk? ( media-fonts/arphicfonts
media-fonts/baekmuk-fonts )
cups? ( =net-print/cups-1.1.20 )
gtk? ( =x11-libs/gtk+-1.2* )


src_unpack() {
unpack ${MY_P}-source.tar.bz2

# enable png devices
sed -i -e 's:DEVICE_DEVS13=:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@:' ${S}/

#Han-Wen's Lilypond patches
sed -i -e 
sed -i -e 
sed -i -e 's!$(GLCC) -g `gtk-config --cflags` -o $(GSSOX_XE) 
$(GLSRC)dxmain.c -L$(BINDIR) -l$(GS) `gtk-config --libs`!$(GLCC) -g `pkg-config 
--cflags gtk+-2.0` -o $(GSSOX_XE) $(GLSRC)dxmain.c -L$(BINDIR) -l$(GS) 
`pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`!g' ${S}/src/unix-dll.mak

#make DESTDIR fixes for sandbox isolation
sed -i -e 's:$(install_prefix):$(DESTDIR):g' ${S}/pstoraster/cups.mak
sed -i -e 's:$(BINDIR):$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR):g' \
sed -i -e 's:$(man1dir):$(DESTDIR)$(man1dir):g' \
-e 's:$(docdir):$(DESTDIR)$(docdir):g' \
-e 's:$(bindir):$(DESTDIR)$(bindir):g' ${S}/src/contrib.mak
sed -i -e 's:$(prefix):$(DESTDIR)$(prefix):g' \
-e 's:$(datadir):$(DESTDIR)$(datadir):g' \
-e 's:$(gsdir):$(DESTDIR)$(gsdir):g' \
-e 's:$(bindir):$(DESTDIR)$(bindir):g' \
-e 's:$(gsdatadir):$(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir):g' \
-e 's:$(libdir):$(DESTDIR)$(libdir):g' ${S}/src/macos-fw.mak
sed -i -e 's:$(prefix):$(DESTDIR)$(prefix):g' \
-e 's:$(datadir):$(DESTDIR)$(datadir):g' \
-e 's:$(gsdir):$(DESTDIR)$(gsdir):g' \
-e 's:$(bindir):$(DESTDIR)$(bindir):g' \
-e 's:$(gsdatadir):$(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir):g' \
-e 's:$(libdir):$(DESTDIR)$(libdir):g' ${S}/src/unix-dll.mak
sed -i -e 's:$(datadir):$(DESTDIR)$(datadir):g' \
-e 's:$(gsdir):$(DESTDIR)$(gsdir):g' \
-e 's:$(gsdatadir):$(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir):g' \
-e 's:$(bindir):$(DESTDIR)$(bindir):g' \
-e 's:$(scriptdir):$(DESTDIR)$(scriptdir):g' \
-e 's:$(docdir):$(DESTDIR)$(docdir):g' \
-e 's:$(mandir):$(DESTDIR)$(mandir):g' \
-e 's:$(gssharedir):$(DESTDIR)$(gssharedir):g' \
-e 's:$(exdir):$(DESTDIR)$(exdir):g' ${S}/src/unixinst.mak
sed -i -e 's:$(man1dir):$(DESTDIR)$(man1dir):g' \
-e 's:$(docdir):$(DESTDIR)$(docdir):g' \
-e 's:$(gsdatadir):$(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir):g' \
-e 's:$(bindir):$(DESTDIR)$(bindir):g' ${S}/addons/addons.mak

src_compile() {
myconf=--with-ijs --without-gimp-print

use X  myconf=${myconf} --with-x \
|| myconf=${myconf} --without-x

use cups  myconf=${myconf} --enable-cups \
|| myconf=${myconf} --disable-cups

use gtk  myconf=${myconf} --with-omni \
|| myconf=${myconf} --without-omni

myconf=${myconf} --with-fontconfig

Re: PDF-generation lily2.5.19 [was] What is final-install target

2005-04-12 Thread Daniel Johnson
You'll need ghostscript 8.15 in order to build/run more recent lilypond
2.5 releases.  Under Gentoo you can either install ghostscript-afpl, or
use a custom-written ESP ghostscript ebuild for 8.15_rc2.  I'm at work
right now but I have such an ebuild at home if anyone is interested. 
This build is less than 100% stable and make web still fails partway
through, but if you aren't interested in building the documentation, it
will at least let you build and run the app.

dax2 wrote:

I made a here-lily of the development version but the still
cannot be converted to pdf neither by lilypond nor by ps2pdf12/13 or
just plain ps2pdf. ghostscript version installed: 7.07.1-r7 (r7
is Gentoo-installer-fingerprint, one could be suspicious about
the integrity of that package, of course.)

Any comments will be welcome! Thank you in advance. I am sorry that
I could not work the CVS 2.5.19 through the installation. I don't know
if it was any help I wrote about the make install error (No rule
to make final-install).

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF-generation lily2.5.19

2005-04-12 Thread Daniel Johnson
dax2 wrote:

Thank you for offering a special ebuild for ghostscript-afpl.
Yes, I am very interested.


The ebuild I made is not for AFPL -- there is already one in Portage
(app-text/ghostscript-afpl).  My ebuild is for ESP Ghostscript
8.15_rc2.  One major difference between AFPL and ESP is that AFPL
includes many less printer drivers.  If AFPL includes drivers for your
printer, I'd recommend using that one instead of my ESP build, at least
until the next release candidate (or final release) comes out from ESP.

ESP builds their product based on GPL Ghostscript (which is identical
with AFPL ghostscript as far as I can tell) but they add a bunch of
features, including CUPS integration along with a bunch of printer
drivers.  Because of all the extra work they do, they are generally one
or two versions behind.  Last time I checked, the latest unstable GPL
version was 8.50.

It's not too hard to modify the AFPL/GPL build process to include extra
printer drivers (such drivers are downloadable from


lilypond-user mailing list

Upgrade problems from 2.5.8 to anything higher

2005-02-06 Thread Daniel Johnson
Hello all --
I've been trying to keep up with the latest development versions, but 
I've run into a problem that's keeping me stuck at 2.5.8.  First of all, 
I'm running a fully-up-to-date Gentoo box, with AFPL Ghostscript 8.15.  
I've been able to use lilypond 2.5.8 just great, and I'm able to compile 
newer versions; but when I try to use them, the noteheads, clefs etc. in 
the output are all in Courier, i.e. Ghostscript isn't finding the 
Feta/Parmesan/Emmentaler fonts.  I've tried compiling on another machine 
and it works great there (with correct output); and I've packaged up the 
binary and installed it on this machine, but the output is still messed 
up.  There must be some old cruft sitting around on my machine gumming 
up the works, but I'm pulling my hair out trying to find it.  I've run 
the clean-fonts script, and carefully removed everything from 
/usr/share/lilypond, /usr/lib/lilypond and /usr/share/omf/lilypond 
between build attempts.  Anyone have any ideas what could be causing 
this problem?

I've pretty much ruled out fontforge and mftrace since these are invoked 
only during compile time, not runtime.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Location of CFF fonts

2005-01-17 Thread Daniel Johnson
Skip 2.5.7, use 2.5.8 instead.  The emmentaler fonts build/install 
properly in 2.5.8, whereas in 2.5.7 I was only able to use lilypond -b tex.

I hacked together ebuilds for all the dependencies that are newer than 
the latest Gentoo ebuilds, but I built Lily by hand, since FontForge 
generates the sandbox violations.  Apparently FontForge wants to 
periodically write its status to ~/.PfaEdit which of course violates the 

However, I was just now looking at the official Gentoo ebuild for 2.5.2, 
and in the src_compile function, there is a series of 4 addwrite 
statements.  So, as root, you ought to mkdir ~/.PfaEdit (if you don't 
already have such a directory) and then, in your modded ebuild, add an 
addwrite ~/.PfaEdit just underneath the other addwrites.  Addwrite 
basically pokes a specific hole in the sandbox without causing a 
violation.  I haven't tried this yet; let me know if you get it to work.

If that doesn't work, here's how to build by hand:
#set up build dir, download source
mkdir /var/tmp/lilypond-build
cd /var/tmp/lilypond-build
tar xzf lilypond-2.5.8.tar.gz
cd lilypond-2.5.8
#configure and make
export lilypond_datadir=/usr/share/lilypond
export local_lilypond_datadir=/usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8
make || exit 1
# use next line only if you want to install documentation
make web || exit 1
make install || exit 1
# use next line only if you want to install documentation
make out=www web-install || exit 1
#put docs and resources in Gentoo-friendly places
mkdir -p /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8/buildscripts/out
cp buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile 
cp buildscripts/out/lilypond-login 
cp buildscripts/out/lilypond-clean-fonts 
cp buildscripts/out/lilypond-words 
mkdir -p /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8/elisp/out
cp elisp/*.el /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8/elisp/
cp elisp/out/lilypond-words.el /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8/elisp/out/
mkdir -p /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8/vim/out
cp vim/out/lilypond-words.vim /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8/vim/out/
cp vim/lilypond*.vim /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8/vim/
cp vim/vimrc /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8/vim/
mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/lilypond/html
# use next line only if you want to install documentation
mv /usr/local/share/doc/lilypond/2.5.8 /usr/share/doc/lilypond
cp AUTHORS.txt /usr/share/doc/lilypond/
cp COPYING /usr/share/doc/lilypond/
cp ChangeLog /usr/share/doc/lilypond/
cp DEDICATION /usr/share/doc/lilypond/
cp INSTALL.txt /usr/share/doc/lilypond/
cp NEWS.txt /usr/share/doc/lilypond/
cp README.txt /usr/share/doc/lilypond/
cp ROADMAP /usr/share/doc/lilypond/
cp THANKS /usr/share/doc/lilypond/
cp VERSION /usr/share/doc/lilypond/

#Finally, perform post-install housecleaning
. /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.8/buildscripts/out/clean-fonts
Micha Dwunik wrote:
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 09:29:31 -0800, Daniel Johnson

After a great deal of struggle, I finally got 2.5.7 to compile and
install yesterday on my Gentoo box, but I've had a few font issues.

Have you prepared a set of ebuilds needed ?
I would be grateful for posting them.
I still have sandbox errors building 2.5.7 using my puny tries to
produce an ebuild :)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: opus/composer alignment

2005-01-17 Thread Daniel Johnson
FYI, this appears to be fixed in 2.5.7 and later.  Lilypond especially 
had problems calculating font metrics when using any font other than the 
default Computer Modern TeX fonts but it appears that this issue has 
been dealt with.

Graham Percival wrote:
Thanks for the report, but bug reports should go to
(I've cc'd this to that list)
For the bugs list: if this is deliberate, let me know so I can
modify the docs.
- Graham
On 6-Jan-05, at 4:34 PM, Gilles wrote:
In the following excerpt, the end of the composer
string is not aligned with the opus string (which
is a bit farther to the right).
When the short name is used instead, the alignment
is correct.
\version 2.4.2
\header {
title = title
composer = Joseph Bodin de Boismortier
%composer = Boismortier
opus = Op. XXXVII
\score {
\relative c'' { e2 }

lilypond-user mailing list

Gentoo ebuild for Lilypond 2.5.8

2005-01-17 Thread Daniel Johnson
I've attached a Gentoo ebuild for Lilypond 2.5.8 which I've just 
verified compiles just fine.

Some notes:
- You'll need to create a custom ebuild for =app-text/mftrace-1.1.1.  
(1.1.2 is the latest.)  You can do this by renaming the latest official 
Gentoo ebuild.

- This ebuild requires ghostscript-afpl instead of plain-vanilla 
ghostscript (which is actually ESP Ghostscript).  This is because  ESP 
Ghostscript is at version 7.07 and ghostscript-afpl is up to 8.50 (8.15 
is the latest stable in Gentoo).  Ghostscript 7 will hang when Lilypond 
is trying to parse and various mutopia examples.  The 
downside of this is that AFPL Ghostscript may not ship with all of the 
CUPS printer drivers that are present in the ESP product.  If you are 
worried about this, you might want to keep your existing Ghostscript and 
instead edit the GNUmakefiles in the source tarball to omit processing 
of les-nereides and the mutopia directory.  In that case, in this ebuild 
replace the =app-text/ghostscript-afpl-8.15 with 
virtual/ghostscript.  Or, just unmerge the AFPL product after you've 
emerged Lilypond, and re-emerge the ESP product.

- This ebuild was created under the presumption that you are emerging as 
root.  If you are emerging as any other user, you'll probably get 
sandbox violations.

- In your /etc/portage/package.keywords file, you'll want the following, 
to tell Portage to use unstable packages.  Of course, if you are using 
an architecture other than x86, perform the obvious substitutions:
media-sound/lilypond ~x86
app-text/t1utils ~x86
media-fonts/ec-fonts-mftraced ~x86
media-gfx/potrace ~x86
media-gfx/fontforge ~x86
app-text/mftrace ~x86


Description: Binary data
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to do custom titles

2004-12-27 Thread Daniel Johnson
I do a fair amount of chant settings and arrangements.  Using Lilypond 
2.5.3, I've managed to define my own page layouts, using 
/usr/share/lilypond/2.5.3/ly/ as a model; this should 
work with the 2.4 series also.  The following goes at the top of my 
files (actually I include an external file, but this is the gist of it):

   #(set-paper-size letter)
   topmargin = 0.5\in
   leftmargin = 0.75\in
   linewidth = 7\in
   bookTitleMarkup = \markup {
   \column {
   \fill-line { \override #'(font-name . ptmr) { \override 
#'(font-magnification . 3) \fromproperty #'header:title } }
   \fill-line { \override #'(baseline-skip . 3)
   \fill-line { \override #'(font-name . ptmr) { 
\override #'(font-magnification . 2.5) \fromproperty #'header:subtitle } }
   \fill-line {
   \column {
   \left-align \override #'(font-name . ptmr) { 
\override #'(font-magnification . 1.2) \fromproperty #'header:chantsource }
   \left-align \override #'(font-name . ptmr) { 
\override #'(font-magnification . 1.2) \fromproperty 
#'header:specialmelody }
   \left-align \override #'(font-name . ptmr) { 
\override #'(font-magnification . 1.2) \fromproperty #'header:textsource }
   \column {
   \right-align \override #'(font-name . ptmr) { 
\override #'(font-magnification . 1.2) \fromproperty #'header:composer }
   \right-align \override #'(font-name . ptmr) { 
\override #'(font-magnification . 1.2) \fromproperty 
#'header:composerdates }
   \right-align \override #'(font-name . ptmr) { 
\override #'(font-magnification . 1.2) \fromproperty #'header:arranger }
   \right-align \override #'(font-name . ptmr) { 
\override #'(font-magnification . 1.2) \fromproperty 
#'header:arrangerdates }
%  ... similar definitions for scoreTitleMarkup, odd/evenHeaderMarkup, 
odd/evenFooterMarkup ...

Note that I've defined my own custom header properties.  This makes my 
music files rather un-portable but it makes generating output for my 
specialized needs much easier.  If I'm not mistaken the mutopia project 
also uses custom-defined header properties.  (For the curious, the 
ptmr font is Adobe Times; to get proper PDF output I've had to use 

As an aside, when you use a text font other than the default (which is 
Computer Modern, the original TeX font developed by Donald Knuth), I 
believe that lilypond currently uses Computer Modern for computing 
metrics, so center- or right-aligned text may appear a bit ragged.

Hope this helps.
Sven Axelsson wrote:
Hello List.
This question is for Lilypond 2.4.2.
Does it really have to be so complicated to do custom titles? In version 2.2.5
it was possible to just change titledefs.tex but that doesn't seem to work
anymore. I understand that you are supposed to write a (fairly complicated)
Scheme procedure to do this, but how do I hook it so it is used?
I'm trying this now:
\include bagpipe-title.scm
\layout {
 #(define-public book-title bagpipe-book-title)
 #(define-public score-title bagpipe-book-title)
where bagpipe-title.scm at the moment is exactly the same as the definintions
for opera music that can be found in the list archive. But this doesn't work -
the custom definitions are not used. And, yes, I *do* want the book-title and
score-title to look the same.

lilypond-user mailing list

Page numbering

2004-12-07 Thread Daniel Johnson
Hello all,
I notice that Lilypond now allows for increased customization of page 
headers/footers, as well as the removal of page numbers.  I have also 
discovered that creating custom headers in Lilypond 2.5.2 eliminates 
page numbering.  My dilemma is that I am working on a music project in 
which there are strict (Finale-centric) formatting conventions, such as 
placing the page number in Times font centered at the bottom of the page.

Does anyone know of a way to include page numbers in custom 
headers/footers, short of using lilypond-book?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: compiling ec-fonts-mftraced

2004-12-01 Thread Daniel Johnson
Hello all,
I too am a Gentoo user, currently using Lilypond 2.5.2.  I had no 
trouble building ec-fonts-mftraced, but I was unable to build the 
Lilypond documentation.  Both these problems are already entered into 
Gentoo's bugzilla but no new activity has been entered on the bug in a 

I did a writeup in the Gentoo forums on how to get 2.4.2 working, 
written before there was an official Gentoo ebuild for any version 
higher than 2.2.6:

This resulted in a fully functional Lilypond installation. Unfortunately 
since I upgraded to the Gentoo ebuild of 2.5.2 I have been unable to get 
the documentation installed (though the rest builds OK).  I eventually 
resorted to using an RPM of the documentation.  I would guess that there 
is an unlisted dependency that is going unsatisfied.

Here is what the 2.5.2 Gentoo ebuild lists as dependencies for both the 
ec-fonts-mftraced and lilypond packages (including the documentation 
- guile 1.6.4
- ghostscript (no version given)
- tetex (no version given)
- python 2.2.3-r1
- t1utils 1.32
- perl 5.8.0-r12
- texinfo 4.6
- flex 2.5.4a-r5
- gcc 3.1-r8
- make 3.80
- mftrace 1.0.27
- bison (any version except 1.75)
- imagemagick (no version given) -- only needed for building documentation
- netpbm 9.12-r4 -- only needed for building documentation
- potrace 1.5

I am guessing that the problem resides in one of the non-versioned 
dependencies listed.  I just upgraded imagemagick to latest and will try 
building again.  Since the build process fails only when building the 
documentation, it makes sense that the failing dependency might be one 
of the documentation-only dependencies.

By the way, on Gentoo, if you have emerged Lilypond, you have 
automatically emerged tetex.  The only way you could be missing tetex is 
if you un-merged it after emerging Lilypond.

Marcus Macauley wrote:
Hi Scott/others,
I am having the same problem. I'm running the latest version of Gentoo
(2004.3-r1, kernel 2.6.9), and have tried compiling each version of
ec-fonts-mtraced, using make or make all install, and it generates
the same error every time (as Scott copied below).
Actually, I thought I had tetex installed, but I just now noticed that I
don't. So maybe that's the problem? I'll try compiling ec-fonts-mftraced
again after installing tetex, and report what happens.
FWIW, I emerged (installed from source with Gentoo) Lilypond, which
happens to be version 2.0.3 (which I think doesn't require
Scott wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying to compile ec-fonts-mftraced-1.0.8, and am getting the
following error:
Tracing bitmaps... Invoking `gf2pbm -n 0 -o char.pbm ecbx10.7227gf'
Opening pipe  `gf2pbm -n 0 -s ecbx10.7227gf'
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /usr/bin/mftrace, line 1184, in ?
   trace_font (basename, gf_fontname, metric, glyph_range, encoding,
 File /usr/bin/mftrace, line 636, in trace_font
   success = trace_one (char.pbm, '(null)--1216699596' %
(gf_fontname, a))
 File /usr/bin/mftrace, line 355, in trace_one
   status = system (trace_command (pbmfile, ''), 1)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
make: *** [pfa/ecbx10.pfa] Error 1
Could anyone help me out?
Also, I am experiencing alot of:
/var/cache/fonts/ls-R: Permission denied
errors.  Has anyone successfully compiled ec-fonts-mftraced-1.0.8,
perhaps even on a gentoo box?  Thanks for any assistance.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: compiling ec-fonts-mftraced

2004-12-01 Thread Daniel Johnson
As a follow-up to the Gentoo compilation issues, I successfully 
installed Lilypond 2.5.2 with documentation after upgrading imagemagick 
to latest and re-installing ec-fonts-mftraced.  This is on the x86 
platform; further issues may exist on other platforms.

lilypond-user mailing list