Re: OO and MIDI support

2007-11-04 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 05 October 2007, Hans Aberg wrote:
 On 5 Oct 2007, at 01:20, Graham Percival wrote:
  Midi support in lilypond is quite limited, and this is not likely
  to change in the near future.

 Might it possible to handle this by OO (object orientation)? The idea
 is that if objects can be defined (in pseudocode)
turn := default: ...
midi: ...
short: ...
quintuplet: ...
 And one then is able to write code like
 if one in this position wants the turn to not be the defaults, but
 then the staff to be written in the short form, and MIDI be written
 as a quintuplets.

 The principle is quite general. So it might be useful for handing a
 number of problems. The enhanced MIDI support would emerge as a
 byproduct of this OO support.

I don't understand all of this, but wouldn't it be possible to achieve most of 
this functionality with tags? You could just use \keepWithTag #'midi when 
creating midi, and then tag stuff with midi in the definition of \turn.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Scheme code for extracting LilyPond header properties?

2007-11-04 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 09 October 2007, John Zaitseff wrote:
 Dear Nicolas / LilyPonders,

 I store a field in the header, lastupdated, in the form 09-Oct-2007;
 the \parsed-date function converts that to something like 9 October,

   % \parsed-date DATE - convert a DD-MMM- property to a fully printed
 date #(define-markup-command (parsed-date layout props date) (symbol?)
 Convert the property @var{date} containing a date in the
   form DD-MMM- into a nicely formatted stencil output D ,
   (let* ((datestr (chain-assoc-get date props)))
   (interpret-markup layout props
   (if (string? datestr)
   (markup #:simple
   (strftime %e %B, %Y (car (strptime %d-%b-%Y
 datestr datestr

 (Of course, I should rewrite that to make it somewhat more robust.
 It works for me, however).

You may want to use SRFI-19 for this,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: SVG output sponsorship

2007-08-16 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 15 August 2007, Eduardo Vieira wrote:
 Citando Vivian Barty-Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'm using various bits of graphics in this piece
  which aren't natively supported by Lilypond. Although I could add them
  all as EPS markups, the amount of time I would spend adjusting the
  positions of them makes it a lot easier to do it this way.

 Have you ever tried importing your ps file into Scribus? You could import
 and ungroup all the objects of your score, then you can adjust, move, or
 insert whatever object you want.

Ah, now I remember, this is the way I used to do to convert ps - svg. IIRC, 
you sometimes need to do a round or two of ps2ps, eps2eps, pdf2ps, or similar 
to make scribus decode the ps correctly.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: SVG output sponsorship

2007-08-15 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 15 August 2007, Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
 Thanks for that suggestion. Do you know where I can get the gnome
 backend, or do I just need to download the earlier version of Lilypond?

IIRC, it's a compile-time option which by default is off (i.e., you need to 
recompile lily manually).

 However, I think there is a more general issue here about graphical
 notation in scores. I'm using various bits of graphics in this piece
 which aren't natively supported by Lilypond. Although I could add them
 all as EPS markups, the amount of time I would spend adjusting the
 positions of them makes it a lot easier to do it this way. The SVG
 option seemed the best because I don't lose image quality by converting
 to a bitmap, and also because Inkscape is a good piece of software.

Again, if your only problem is to adjust offsets etc, then getting the gnome 
back-end to work may be a good solution for this problem too (i.e.: insert 
EPS markups without considering spacing offsets, then move them to the right 
spot using the gnome back-end). A problem here is that EPS images probably 
won't show up in the gnome back-end. IIRC, it's possible to store a bitmap 
preview in an EPS image; in this case it may be possible to hack the gnome 
back-end to extract  display the preview.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: SVG output sponsorship

2007-08-14 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Sunday 12 August 2007, Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
 It seems to me that having reliable (bug-free) SVG output would be a
 big plus for Lilypond. At the present  time, I have been unable to fix
 all the font problems (not sure whether this is Lilypond or Inkscape
 which is giving me trouble.) To get to where I am at I had to make a
 lot of changes by hand to the SVG file which is tedious. (Specifically,
 the italic sans-serif fonts still don't work.)

 The main advantage of the SVG output (I would suggest) is that small
 changes to positions of objects can be done in a WYSIWYG environment,
 instead of the current estimate-how-much-I-have-to-move-that-object/
 add line of code/ re-process score/ find out I haven't moved it enough/
 moved it too much/ change values of #'padding or #'extra-offset etc.
 etc. all of which is time consuming especially with big projects.

This approach has a problem: Once you change a note (say, fix a typo) and need 
to re-run lilypond, you will have to redo all tweaks again.

You may want to take a look at the experimental gnome back-end, which has 
existed for quite some time now (2.4 or 2.6, IIRC), but which for some reason 
never became popular. It offers a better solution to your problem: The score 
is displayed on the screen, and you can adjust spacing by drag-and drop, and 
save all modifications in a separate file (containing tweaks). This way you 
can still make musical corrections in the .ly file without having to redo all 
spacing tweaks (except, of course, if your musical corrections themselves 
affect spacing sufficiently to invalidate your tweaks).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fonts in SVG output

2007-08-11 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Sunday 08 July 2007, Benjamin Esham wrote:
 Benjamin Esham wrote:
  I'm having some issues with Lilypond 2.10.x's SVG export.

 I seem to have fixed most (all?) of my font problems.  I now have another
 problem, however.

 In order to submit one of LilyPond's SVGs to e.g. the Wikimedia Commons, it
 is necessary to convert all of its text into paths; that way, users need
 not have LilyPond's fonts in order to view the image correctly.  Before
 converting text into paths in Inkscape, you must make sure that none of the
 text is contained within a group.  Therefore, I started to process my file
 by selecting everything and issuing an Ungroup command.

 When I did so, the staff lines disappeared!  Apparently every object in the
 file is in a one-element group.  For some reason, ungrouping the staff
 lines made them disappear—they were still present, just not visible.  I
 think there may be an Inkscape bug at play here too, since Select All
 couldn't find the lines, but on the LilyPond end... how can I get Lily to
 create a sane, usable SVG file?

 Any help is greatly appreciated here.

There's another approach to the SVG output problem: You can take PDF or EPS 
output from lilypond, and try to turn it into SVG files. The postscript 
backend of lilypond is obviously more mature, and there exist converters from 
pdf/ps to svg. Free converters are a bit shaky, but for some lily versions I 
managed to convert .ly files into valid SVG via a chain of converters.

Usually, you need to first expand fonts to curves using some ps2ps-like 
script, and then use pstoedit to convert to something that can be converted 
to svg. Unfortunately, most conversion tools are rather immature, so you will 
need some experimenting to make it work. IIRC, I managed to generate valid 
svg with this method for my master's thesis, using a lilypond version around 
2.6. I don't remember the exact combination of commands that worked though.

(I have vague memories that it may be good to start with pdf output and 
convert it back to eps)

Here's a script that works for some subsets of ps (not lily's though), you can 
look at it for ideas:

If you manage to find a fairly reliable path to convert the output of a recent 
lily version into wikipedia-usable SVGs, I'd be happy to know.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \times vs \tuplet (Was: Constructive Criticism and a Question)

2007-01-18 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 15 January 2007 10:25, Valentin Villenave wrote:
 2007/1/14, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Valentin Villenave wrote:
   Tuplets are made with the minimalistic \t keyword.
  - If Erik's proposal to handle fractions such as 2/3 as a new
argument type is implemented, then it will be trivial to
define your own music function called \t within LilyPond.
I definitely do not think that it's a good idea to use such
heavily abbreviated command names by default in LilyPond
but on the other hand it's an excellent solution for you and
many others to add such a customized music function and
this specific example should be included as a standard example
in the documentation.

 Thank you Mats;
 it would be indeed heavily abbreviated. But what about the second part

 of my suggestion:
   If you do not specify a tuplet argument, the argument last entered is
   used for the next tuplet. The argument of the first tuplet in input
   defaults to 2/3.

 When you use the \times command, most of the time it's to use 2/3, or
 to use some argument you've already been using. Is we keep \times, I
 agree to say this command can't go without any argument. But if it
 becomes \tuplet, why couldn't we implemement some default rule ?

 \times {f8 g a} doesn't mean anything,

 \tuplet {f8 g a} makes sense, doesn't it ?

it's easy to write a separate function 
\triplet {f8 g a}
for this purpose.
(IMHO, this would be a useful addition to the standard lily distribution)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2007-01-07 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Sunday 07 January 2007 04:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
. . . Note also that the tupletSequence
function  would be implemented entirely in Scheme . . .

 I'm not very fluent in Scheme, so this is a naive question.

 I presume that ratios like 3:2 (or 2/3) could be made into some kind of
 object type (possibly a moment).  So I could imagine that it would be
 possible to write a Scheme function definition to cover a syntax like

\tupletSequence m:n #'( {...} {...} ... )

 where the first argument is a moment and the second is a list of literal
 music expressions.  (And I suppose I'm too optimistic about that syntax;
 probably those {...} would have to be sprinkled with # or $ or other
 spices.)  But there are some questions:

 1) I don't see how this could accommodate the case where one of the music
 expressions *were* a variable reference (\var) or *contained* a variable

Music functions are not macros; the arguments are evaluated before the 
function is called. So \var always means to dereference a variable.

(I'm working on a system for 'music macros', which should make it possible to 
delay the dereferencing of variables, this will mainly be useful to clean up 

 2) Because the syntax  \tupletSequence m:n { {...} {...} }
 is nicer, it would be good if it could be written that way, but then the
 second argument would not be a standard Scheme entity, so I don't see how
 Scheme could handle it at all.

There is a distinction between Scheme functions and Music functions. Music 
functions are invoked as \function arg1 arg2, while Scheme functions are 
invoked in Scheme expressions, as #(function arg1 arg2). tupletSequence would 
be a music function.

There are three types of arguments to music functions: Music, Markup and 
Scheme. This suggestion would add another argument type 'fraction'. The 
parser takes care of identifying argument types. Music arguments are notated 
as music, so you can use {{c}{d}} syntax out-of-the-box. E.g., partcombine is 
a music function.

In Scheme functions, you can use the #{ #} syntax to easily create music 
expressions as arguments.

 Can tupletSequence really be defined in pure Scheme, as long as the parser
 is modified to recognize the object m:n or n/m (so that there would exist
 a type-verification-name for the object m:n for use in defining Scheme

yes, the only thing we need is a new parameter type.

BTW, one of the biggest problems (IMHO) in the lilypond language is that we 
can't extend the parser to accept durations as parameters to music functions: 
\foo c 4. is ambiguous; it's unclear whether the 4. is the c's duration, or 
if it's a separate argument.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2007-01-06 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 05 January 2007 22:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  . . . The { m1 m2 m3 } syntax is used for repeat alternatives
  already, and the meaning is very clear: Each music expression between the
  outer { } is a separate argument. Note also that the tupletSequence
  function  would be implemented entirely in Scheme . . .
  { {g8 f e} \seq {b8 a g} }
  \tuplet {g f e} \tuplet \seq \tuplet {b a g}
  {{c d e} {{f g} a} b c}
  \tuplet {c d e} \tuplet {{f g} a} \tuplet b \tuplet c

 OK.  Thank you for clarifying that.  I understand, from your original
 remarks, that (here) you have written just \tuplet in the interest of
 brevity, and that the full form would be

\tupletSequence 3:2 {{c d e} {{f g} a} b c}
\tuplet 3:2 {c d e} \tuplet 3:2 {{f g} a} \tuplet 3:2 b \tuplet 3:2 c

yes, that's right.

 which implies the following things:

 a) tupletSequence is a Scheme function which just breaks up its
 subexpressions naively, without any semantic analysis.

 b) \tuplet is a real LilyPond function; it is identical to \times,
 except that the notation 3:2 (meaning 2/3) would be allowed.

 c) People would have to write \tupletSequence m:n { {...} {...} },
 not \tuplet m:n { {...} {...} }.

yep, this is right (thanks for expressing it clearly).

 d) Any semantic errors in the subexpressions would be reported by the
 \tuplet function, not by the \tupletSequence Scheme function.

technically this is not correct (the \tuplet function doesn't detect semantic 
errors), but in principle you're right (\tuplet and \tupletSequence actually 
only create Music data structures, without performing semantic analysis; 
most 'semantic errors' are detected either when these data structures are 
further processed into typeset scores, or by the parser before the function 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2007-01-05 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 05 January 2007 09:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  . . . \tupletSequence 2/3 {{c d e} {f g a} {b c d}}
  would just be a shorthand for
  \tuplet 2/3 {c d e} \tuplet 2/3 {f g a} \tuplet 2/3 {b c d}

 That would add a big semantic burden to the meaning of { and }.
 Currently {{c d e} {f g a} {b c d}} means the same thing as
 {c d e f g a b c d}.  

It's not a problem. The { m1 m2 m3 } syntax is used for repeat alternatives 
already, and the meaning is very clear: Each music expression between the 
outer { } is a separate argument. Note also that the tupletSequence function 
would be implemented entirely in Scheme, the parser would not be modified. 

 I would hate to have to write the parser that would 
 figure out (reliably) what
{{c d e} {f g} {a b c}}
\tuplet {c d e} \tuplet {f g} \tuplet {a b c}

{{c d e} {{f g} a} b c}
\tuplet {c d e} \tuplet {{f g} a} \tuplet b \tuplet c

{{c8 d e} {f4 g a}}
\tuplet {c d e} \tuplet {f4 g a}
 mean (as arguments to \tupletSequence).  And if
\seq = {{a8 b c} {d8 e f}}
 then, since LP macros are *not* string macros, what will the parser
 do with the argument
{ {g8 f e} \seq {b8 a g} }
\tuplet {g f e} \tuplet \seq \tuplet {b a g}


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2007-01-04 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 22:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ... in irregular, tuplet-intensive music it may be sensible to create a
  music function for sequences of tuplets. In addition, it's IMHO a more
  lilypondesque solution than tupletSpannerDuration, once we support
  fractions as music function arguments.

 If I understand you correctly, this would involve specifying, one way or
 another, the duration of each actual tuplet.  Explicit specification of a
 duration (other than by an external tupletSpannerDuration declaration) has
 been suggested by another user, and IMO it would be a good idea, although
 I gather that Han-Wen is not in favour of the idea.

No, \tupletSequence 2/3 {{c d e} {f g a} {b c d}} would just be a shorthand 
for \tuplet 2/3 {c d e} \tuplet 2/3 {f g a} \tuplet 2/3 {b c d}

It is problematic to use durations to decide the scaling of a tuplet; this has 
been discussed previously in this thread. E.g., if you scale 3 8th notes to 
duration 4, then it is unclear whether it corresponds to factor 2/3 or 4/6.

 But I have a question about how one would specify a duration.  Specifying
 durations in the way we usually think about them allows actual durations
 that look like this:
 1== 1
 2... == 15/16
 2..  == 7/8
 2.   == 3/4
 4... == 15/32
 4..  == 7/16
 4.   == 3/8
 4== 1/4
 so that only durations of the form
2^(p-1) / 2^q  (where p  q)
 can be specified this way.  But given the extravagancies of contemporary
 music, wouldn't it be possible, for example, to have a tuplet where 4
 eighth notes would be played over a time interval of 5 eighths --
   \times 5/4  {c8 d e f}
 Or does such a thing never happen?  If it does, then the tuplet's
 duration, equal to 5/8 here, cannot be expressed simply by a dotted-note
 notation such as in the preceding list.  

you could always write 1*5/8, which is a valid duration.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2007-01-02 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 01 January 2007 20:57, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 Frédéric Chiasson wrote:
  Might it be possible to use
  \tuplet 3:2 {x x x}
  for the usual operation, and if we want to have many tuplets of the
  same kind, to use
  \tuplet 3:2 { {x x x} {y y y} {z z z} }
  Might resolve the clarity problems.

 Since it's easy to define your own function \triplet which
 does the equivalent of \tuplet 3:2 ..., and since you could
 give it a short name like \t, your proposal wouldn't save
 much typing or increase the clarity compared to
 \t {x x x} \t {y y y} \t {z z z}

 In these situations with repetitive triplet patterns, I definitely
 prefer the current kind of solution with
 \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)

There is one problem with this: If the 'most common' tuplet duration is 1/4, 
but you occasionally have a different tuplet with _longer_ duration, then 
tupletSpannerDuration will break the long tuplet into several shorter 
durations, unless you always remember to \unset tupletSpannerDuration all the 

So, in irregular, tuplet-intensive music it may be sensible to create a music 
function for sequences of tuplets. In addition, it's IMHO a more 
lilypondesque solution than tupletSpannerDuration, once we support fractions 
as music function arguments.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-29 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 28 December 2006 11:13, Brett Duncan wrote:
 Erik Sandberg wrote:
  On Monday 25 December 2006 06:32, David Fedoruk wrote:
  I've been watching this discussion or debate. There are two ways to
  look at this problem. The first is from a programmer's point of view
  where the programmer is experienced with some computer languages,
  these days its upper level languages more and more. For these people,
  lilypond typesetting code feels comfortable when it is syntactically
  correct and when it makes sense in either computer or mathematical
  terms. A mathematical algorithm is what they are used to seeing.
  The other group has less mathematical knowledge, very little (very
  little compared to a programmer working on a major project like
  Lilypond) programming knowledge or experience. In all likelihood the
  only thing that connects these people is the printed musical score.
  At least in part I think these points have already been made. The
  question that occurs to me as a novice Lilypond user  (and one who
  jumps in the deep end with complex scores!)  is this: How will you
  deal with other types of prolongation or compression of notes into one
  or more beats or where the composers intentions are clear but they are
  not immediately mathematically correct?
  The example below is a single bar from a Beethoven Piano Sonata (Opus
  31 number 3, 1st mvt. bar 53) in which two more out of the ordinary
  examples occur next to each other. You will excuse any mistakes in
  coding here, this doesn't render as it should.
  upper = \relative c'' {
  \clef treble
  \key ef \major
  \time 3
 bf16[d f ef] \times 5/4 d16[ ef f g a] bf32[bf a c bf d c bf a g c g
  You can see how there are three beams, one for the notes in eaech
  beat. The first and second beat are quite clear, but the third one has
  eluded me as yet. The score has 12 thirty-second notes beamed together
  with  12 below the note heads.
  The printed score is clear to the performer. The Lilypond code I
  suspect is far more complex. The only way that 12 thirty-second notes
  will fit into one beat is if they are triplets, but in context, they
  are not played or heard as triplets.
  My only comment in this discussion is that the Lilypond code to
  represent this short passage should be as clear as the printed score I
  am reading.
  try \times 8/12 { ... }
  (by default, this will probably display as 12:8 above the notes, which
  can be tweaked to just show 12)
  IMHO, this is an argument for a mathematical notation: You must know what
  you are doing to notate the music (i.e., multiplying durations with
  8/12), just saying that a 12 should be displayed above would make it
  difficult to maintain the .ly code.

 Here's a different idea: instead of specifying the ratio for a tuplet or
 set of tuplets, what about specifying the duration of a tuplet, and
 letting LP determine what number appears over the beam?

 For example, where we now use
 \times 2/3 { a8 b c }
 to get a triplet of three quavers in the time of two, instead have
 \tuplet 4 { a8 b c }
 LP can calculate the ratio (and hence what should appear over the
 tuplet) from the time given before the {...} and the cumulative time of
 the notes inside the {...}.

 This would mean that users do not need to work out the ratio, they just
 need to know how long the tuplet should last. Further to this idea would
 be to allow an internal division inside the {...}, so that multiple
 tuplets could be entered, maybe something like \tuplet 4 { a8 b c ! c4
 a8 ! b8 c4 }. (I've used  !  only for explaining the idea - I'm NOT
 advocating it as the desired syntax.)

 This would mean that for the Beethoven snippet in David Fedoruk's post,
 instead of

 bf16[d, f ef] \times 4/5 {d16[ ef f g a]} \times 8/12 {bf32[a c bf d c
 bf a g f g ef]}

 you would put

 bf16[d, f ef] \tuplet 4 { d16 ef f g a ! bf32a c bf d c bf a g f g ef }

 Just a thought!

Unfortunately, the number above does not always follow from the duration. 
E.g., the factors 2/3 and 4/6 are mathematically equal, but give different 
numbers. It is probably difficult to define when to use 4/6 and 2/3, 
respectively (e.g., I guess {c8[ c16 c c8]} could have either a 3 or a 6 
above it, depending on context)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Any way to turn off warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns?

2006-12-29 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 18 November 2006 23:12, Trevor Bača wrote:

 So my question is: is there any way to turn off the clashing note
 column warnings? I think this is the one place where one of Lily's
 warnings truly is completely harmless and I feel safe turning it off.
 More importantly, I really need to see any *other* warnings that Lily
 generates, which is quite hard given the original sourcefile (which
 runs many thousands of lines).

It would not be difficult to add a feature to disable warnings for specific 
input spots, so you could write something like:

\new Voice { \noWarning e8 }
\new Voice { \noWarning c8 }

to suppress warnings only for the notes you have made strange tweaks to (I 
don't have much time now, but you could ask Han-Wen if he likes the idea, and 
if it's sponsorable).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-27 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 23 December 2006 03:10, Frédéric Chiasson wrote:
 Might it be possible to use

 \tuplet 3:2 {x x x}

 for the usual operation, and if we want to have many tuplets of the same
 kind, to use

 \tuplet 3:2 { {x x x} {y y y} {z z z} }

 Might resolve the clarity problems.

Doesn't look good to me, syntax becomes unclear for cases like
\tuplet 3:2 { x {y y y } z }

However, it would IMHO be OK to write a separate music function with this 
syntax, something like:
\tupletSequence 3:2 {{ x x x} {y y y} {z z z}}


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-27 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 25 December 2006 07:05, Joe Neeman wrote:
 On 12/21/06, Han-Wen Nienhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Erik Sandberg escreveu:
   BTW, in this case it may be good to register the fraction as its own
   type, so \tuplets and \tuplet are generic music functions, both with
   (tuplet-fraction? music?)
  it would be cool if we could pull this off, that would make \time generic

 Could you make 3:2 equivalent to #'(3 . 2)? Then
  - you don't need to introduce a new type
  - we could use x:y everywhere instead of the scary (it certainly was for
 me when I first started with lilypond) #'(x . y)

With the current way the parser works, you'd probably be able to do something 
like #(ly:export '(x . y)); of course we can add a define-music-function 
style synonym on top of that, like #(make-fraction x y)

BTW, I have some ideas to change the way SCM expressions work in the parser; 
unfortunately I haven't had the time to code lilypond for a very long time 
though, and other things are of higher priority. My idea is that the 
detection of types after ly:export should be carried out by the parser rather 
than lexer; this would allow a more intuitive behaviour of music macros the 
day they are implemented (it would be possible to delay the evaluation of 
inline SCM expressions)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-27 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 25 December 2006 06:32, David Fedoruk wrote:

 I've been watching this discussion or debate. There are two ways to
 look at this problem. The first is from a programmer's point of view
 where the programmer is experienced with some computer languages,
 these days its upper level languages more and more. For these people,
 lilypond typesetting code feels comfortable when it is syntactically
 correct and when it makes sense in either computer or mathematical
 terms. A mathematical algorithm is what they are used to seeing.

 The other group has less mathematical knowledge, very little (very
 little compared to a programmer working on a major project like
 Lilypond) programming knowledge or experience. In all likelihood the
 only thing that connects these people is the printed musical score.

 At least in part I think these points have already been made. The
 question that occurs to me as a novice Lilypond user  (and one who
 jumps in the deep end with complex scores!)  is this: How will you
 deal with other types of prolongation or compression of notes into one
 or more beats or where the composers intentions are clear but they are
 not immediately mathematically correct?

 The example below is a single bar from a Beethoven Piano Sonata (Opus
 31 number 3, 1st mvt. bar 53) in which two more out of the ordinary
 examples occur next to each other. You will excuse any mistakes in
 coding here, this doesn't render as it should.

 upper = \relative c'' {
 \clef treble
 \key ef \major
 \time 3

   bf16[d f ef] \times 5/4 d16[ ef f g a] bf32[bf a c bf d c bf a g c g ef]


 You can see how there are three beams, one for the notes in eaech
 beat. The first and second beat are quite clear, but the third one has
 eluded me as yet. The score has 12 thirty-second notes beamed together
 with  12 below the note heads.

 The printed score is clear to the performer. The Lilypond code I
 suspect is far more complex. The only way that 12 thirty-second notes
 will fit into one beat is if they are triplets, but in context, they
 are not played or heard as triplets.

 My only comment in this discussion is that the Lilypond code to
 represent this short passage should be as clear as the printed score I
 am reading.

try \times 8/12 { ... }

(by default, this will probably display as 12:8 above the notes, which can be 
tweaked to just show 12)

IMHO, this is an argument for a mathematical notation: You must know what you 
are doing to notate the music (i.e., multiplying durations with 8/12), just 
saying that a 12 should be displayed above would make it difficult to 
maintain the .ly code.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-21 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 20 December 2006 10:58, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 Graham Percival wrote:
  ... hmm, what about allowing
  \tuplet 3:2 {c8 d e} \tuplet { f e d}

 Again, I definitely vote against! We already now have too many
 optional constructs in the syntax, which causes more confusion than
 it helps.

I also vote against this. AFAIK, this kind of repetition seldom happens for 
other cases than 2/3 and 4/6; we can easily build music functions for those 
cases (i.e., create a unary function \triplet etc.)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-21 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 20 December 2006 07:51, Graham Percival wrote:
 Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
  Jonathan Henkelman escreveu:
  I think Eriks point is actually well founded.  The discussion started
  with my discussion of trying to trim down the grammer complexity. Adding
  syntax is not really in that direction.
  Another option:
  - add \tuplet 3:2 {.. }
  - replace \times 2/3 by \times #'(2 . 3)  ; this can be implemented with
  a standard music function

 Oh God no.  It took me a year to get used to #'(2 . 3) -- I kept on
 trying '#( and #( and #'(2.3)... every time I gave up after ten minutes
 and found an example from the documentation to copy.

Scheme has rational numbers as a builtin type, so it _is_ possible to pass the 
easy-to-type #2/3 as an argument to a music function (AFAIK, this is the only 
case where scheme doesn't use polish notation).

Unfortunately, this would not work with \times: #2/3 and #4/6 are the same 
rational number, but 2/3 and 4/6 are different tuplet fractions. Also, Scheme 
rational numbers may not contain whitespaces, so #2 / 3 is not the same as 

(hm.. for obvious mathematical reasons this solution doesn't work, but if it 
WOULD have worked, it would have been a nice solution in a mathematical 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-21 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 19 December 2006 15:25, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 Werner LEMBERG wrote:
\tuplet 3:2 {...}
  One minor detail is that the name isn't exactly appropriate when you
  \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
  \times 2/3 {c8 d e f e d e f g f e d }
  Well, in that case just stay with \times.

 I thought the proposal was to completely get rid of \times and replace it
 by \tuplet (which I think is a good idea). Just wanted to see if anybody
 had any bright idea on a command name that's accurate also in this
 special case.

What about:
\tuplets 2/3 {c8 d e f e d e f g f e d }

We could also make \tuplet and \tuplets differ on the iterator level, so that 
the tupletSpannerDuration property affects \tuplets expressions but not 
\tuplet expressions.

BTW, in this case it may be good to register the fraction as its own argument 
type, so \tuplets and \tuplet are generic music functions, both with 
(tuplet-fraction? music?)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-21 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 21 December 2006 12:55, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Erik Sandberg escreveu:
  BTW, in this case it may be good to register the fraction as its own
  argument type, so \tuplets and \tuplet are generic music functions, both
  with signature
  (tuplet-fraction? music?)

 it would be cool if we could pull this off, that would make \time generic

Hm, if we do this together with the 2:3 syntax change, then we would suddenly 
be able to write:
\time 4:3
which would be equivalent to:
\time 3/4
That's a bit confusing.

BTW, if we start adding new types, it would be nice to create a new 'type' 
data structure, to be used in function signatures. The data structure would 
contain a type-checking predicate, a name (displayed when type-check fails), 
and perhaps a type ID for the lexer. This would allow more complex types, 
e.g. 'sequential music', 'single note or chord', 'pair of numbers' (as in 
#'(1 . 3)), etc; perhaps the system could be used for 
define-context-properties.scm as well.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-21 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 21 December 2006 15:01, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Erik Sandberg escreveu:
  On Thursday 21 December 2006 12:55, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
  Erik Sandberg escreveu:
  BTW, in this case it may be good to register the fraction as its own
  argument type, so \tuplets and \tuplet are generic music functions,
  both with signature
  (tuplet-fraction? music?)
  it would be cool if we could pull this off, that would make \time
  generic too.
  Hm, if we do this together with the 2:3 syntax change, then we would
  suddenly be able to write:
  \time 4:3
  which would be equivalent to:
  \time 3/4
  That's a bit confusing.
  BTW, if we start adding new types, it would be nice to create a new
  'type' data structure, to be used in function signatures. The data
  structure would contain a type-checking predicate, a name (displayed when
  type-check fails), and perhaps a type ID for the lexer. This would allow
  more complex types, e.g. 'sequential music', 'single note or chord',
  'pair of numbers' (as in #'(1 . 3)), etc; perhaps the system could be
  used for
  define-context-properties.scm as well.

 be careful. If you introduce type, you will have to introduce subtypes as
 well: seq-music is a subtype of music. Before you know, we'll be writing a
 type inference engine.

I don't understand. Why isn't is sufficient to let typechecking be carried out 
by an arbitrary user-defined turing-complete function? music and seq-music 
don't need to share any code, the type inference engine machinery would be 
voluntary AFAICS (seq-music's predicate would check that the object is a 
Music and that it's of type SequentialMusic, and seq-music's name would 
be sequential music).

And when it comes to parser, seq-music can just tell it that it expects a 
Music, and typecheck after parsing. Alternatively, we create an independent 
rule for seq-music which only accepts stuff on the form { }. This rule will 
exist independently of the generic Music rule.

Or did I miss something?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question

2006-12-19 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 19 December 2006 10:57, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Werner LEMBERG escreveu:
  I suppose you could add the command \times 3:2 {a b c} to do exactly
  the same as \times 2/3 {a b c} [...]
  If at all, then
\tuplet 3:2 {...}

 I don't mind changing \times to \tuplet, and agree that the confusion with
 \time is a bad thing. We could make \tuplet accept 3:2 2/3 and 3.

 Since it is a change that can be accomodated with convert-ly, we wouldn't
 even need a major version bump for it.

I think these changes sound scary, it is an additional hack in the parser 
machinery. I think it would be cleaner if \times could be changed to a proper 
music function, e.g. as
\tuplet 2 3 {...}
This would remove rules from the parser instead of adding them.

(Hm, my suggestion is not really in line with this discussion; I can agree 
that \tuplet 2 3 would be easier to confuse with 3:2 than \tuplet 2/3 is).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to use ^markup in a scheme function?

2006-12-17 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 16 December 2006 23:40, Frédéric Chiasson wrote:
 Thanks for the later answer, that is what i'm using and it works.

 For the Lilypond code with the Scheme code, I just want to execute the
 Lilypond code, so I should write :

 (define-music-function (variables)
 (let ((music #{ LilyPond code #}))
   ( (make-music music)
  other Scheme code )))
- music is already a music object, so no need for make-music.
- let returns the value of the last expression, read any scheme manual for 
So if you want to do side-effects, you'll want do do something like:
(define-music-function (variables)
 (let ((music #{ LilyPond code #}))
  (other Scheme code) 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to use ^markup in a scheme function?

2006-12-16 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 15 December 2006 22:07, Frédéric Chiasson wrote:
 Then, well, who can help me??


 2006/12/15, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I'm certainly not any expert in Scheme coding for LilyPond. Please
  always keep the discussion on the mailing list, for the
  benefit of yourself since you get access to the collected
  expertise on the list and for the benefit of others who experience
  similar problems.
  Quoting Frédéric Chiasson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Thanks, at last I understood how to do it?
   One problem left, I copied the code displayed for \once \override
   TextScript #'extra-offset = #$xy to put it in the code of the Slash
   function. The code is compiled without errors, but there is no offset
   produced. Why? Do I use the right prefixes for xy?
   Also it is possible to use both LilyPond and Scheme code like this?
   (define-music-function (variables)
  LilyPond code
   (Scheme code))

I think #{ #} simply produces a Music tree, so you can probably do

 (define-music-function (variables)
 (let ((music #{ LilyPond code #}))
  (Scheme code using music)))

BTW, wouldn't it be possible to just do something like:

\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #$xy
\skip 1*0^\markup{\musicglyph #flags.ugrace}


(that should work in most cases AFAICS)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond and editors

2006-12-15 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 12 December 2006 15:53, Bertalan Fodor wrote:
 Certainly not. Actually the java code is compiled to machine code at
 runtime. This is slower than precompiling, but the compiled code can run
 faster than its precompiled counterpart, because the runtime machine
 will have information about how often a certain part of the code is
 called, and those calls can be made inline. Running inline code is much
 faster than procedure calls.

OK. Did you actually do benchmarking or similar? IIRC, the Java parts of 
openoffice are compiled to native code in Ubuntu's packages, for performance 
reasons, so it's not obvious what's best. I guess that memory consumption and 
startup time of most programs can decrease pretty much if they are compiled 
to native code.

Also, IIRC there are options in gcc to optimise using profiling information; I 
don't know about gcj though. And gcc -O2 makes fair guesses on what to inline 
and not.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond and editors

2006-12-12 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 09 December 2006 10:27, Bertalan Fodor wrote:
 Well, what is extremely important: development time is so little in Java
 and with JEdit (compared to any alternatives), that I won't change this
 platform. The price is that it will remain slow if you don't have much
 memory in the machine.

I'm not a java expert, but wouldn't it get a lot faster if you compiled 
everything to native machine code (using gcj, for instance)?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: feature request: read standard input

2006-12-12 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 12 December 2006 03:24, Ed Stauff wrote:
 It sure would be helpful to have an option for reading the standard input,
 so I can pipe the output of a program that generates LilyPond code directly
 into LilyPond.exe.


lilypond -


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Scheme question on strict substitution

2006-12-03 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 30 November 2006 21:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  . . . one problem is that this [giving the syntax of each keyword] would
  still just tell a small part of the full syntax.

 I think it would give a big part of the full syntax, even if not the whole
 picture.  It would enable a user to know
(1) what type of arguments have to follow the keyword;
(2) whether (s)he has accidentally omitted one of the required
arguments (when debugging);
(3) whether (s)he should write a macro definition or a function
definition to specify a \whatever construct involving the
(4) what the types should be in the event that (s)he winds up writing a
function definition.
 Full or not, that's a lot of useful information.  And I'm talking about
 just a list of the syntax for each keyword, *not* the semantics.  A syntax
 specification can be short but still tremendously useful.  Specification
 of the semantics takes a lot of blah-blah, and nobody would have the time
 to write up all the semantics.

  Another problem is that the
  rule I gave really was too simple. For example, you cannot say
  ^some text in a .ly file
  without having a note in front of it, still you can define a macro
  mytext = ^some text
  and then use it as c \mytext

 That's a general problem in LilyPond, knowing what kind of expression
 constitutes a valid right-hand side of a macro definition.  (I'm amazed
 that the above definition works.)

 A different but related problem concerns something I don't know the right
 term for, something like context-free equivalence maybe:  for example,
 I can say

foo = \markup { \bold Zanzibar }
bar = \markup { Stand on \foo }

 but I can't say

bar = \markup { Stand on \markup { \bold Zanzibar } }

 You will object that I would have no *reason* to say that anyway,
 but it nevertheless constitutes a toy example of non-transferability:

\foo   is not equivalent to   \markup { \bold Zanzibar }

 despite the = sign in the macro definition, and that's surprising.

The reason for this is that foo is not a macro; it's a variable. Similarly, in 
C you can write 
int i = 5+9;
which is _not_ the same as the (invalid) expression
(this example is not exactly analogous to what you're trying, but it 
illustrates that variables and macros are different things).

The special thing about 'markup' is that it isn't a function; it's rather a 
special token that marks that the following code should be interpreted as 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Music for the Martians?

2006-11-27 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 23 November 2006 20:29, Arjan Bos wrote:
 On 23 nov 2006, at 3:10, Graham Percival wrote:
  I think this is referring to people with 6-fingers.  Typing e8_1
  means first finger; typing e8_1 prints 1 as a TextScript.
  But what are martians and why are they playing my music? Shouldn't
  this message simply state that a 6 is a strange number to indicate
  a finger with?
  Yes, but somebody was feeling creative when they wrote that
  code.  :) What message do you propose to change it with?

 I thought about that and I know that it is non-sensical to have 6 in
 there as a finger indication. But I decided to put it in and it is
 right to put it in for my purpose, otherwise it wouldn't be in. So I
 feel that this message can be safely removed from lilypond. Oh, and
 2.8 didn't have that message and I did not confuse myself with six
 fingers either there ;-)

 So please remove it, or if it is felt that it is a just message,
 please state that it something like:
 Warning: fingering notation for finger number n.

Maybe also add a constructive hint, something like:
 Warning: fingering notation for finger number n. Did you intend to use 

 where n is greater than 5, or 4 depending on the instrument being
 described. In guitar music, we normally only deal with four fingers
 as the thumb is at the other side of the neck. So here it would be
 appropriate to give the message at finger number 5. Since it's
 clearly instrument dependent, and lilypond doesn't know about the
 instrument that the music is intended for, it is a strong indication
 that you cannot tell when to display this warning. So this is in
 favour of removing it.

BTW, I think I have heard of a professional pianist who had six fingers on one 
of his hands; he would have a valid excuse for writing 6. Luckily for him, it 
is fairly easy to manually \override Fingering.text to a similar function 
that doesn't give a warning.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: which language for programming

2006-11-24 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 22 November 2006 19:31, Joseph Wakeling wrote:
 Doug Wellington wrote:
  Why can't you communicate with others using VB and/or AppleScript?  I
  would submit that it's easier to create a graphical application with
  VB than just about any other programming language.  If you want to
  communicate via windows, menus, buttons, etc, what's easier than VB?
  (And heck, once you learn VB, you can leverage that to write scripts
  in MS Office apps if you're so inclined...)

 Simple---because with VB and/or AppleScript you are tying yourself to
 one platform, or at any rate biasing yourself heavily.  If I write in
 Perl or Python or Ruby, or for that matter C or C++, code is much more

I think there are portable implementation of VB (IIRC Mono has one). However, 
I suppose that doesn't help much because AFAIU the main point with VB is that 
Microsoft wrote a nice IDE for it in which it easy to draw windowed 
applications, and that IDE is not portable AFAIK.

 I think the earlier poster who suggested going straight for Scheme may
 have a point.  Not only is it the core language for working with
 Lilypond, but it's a Lisp dialect, and Lisp is both the grandaddy of
 programming and the most flexible language there is.  See for example,

Another thought struck me: there's a pedagogical point in using statically 
typed languages, because those language teach you never should store 
different types of objects in the same variable, which is good programming 
practise. Both python and scheme (and most other suggestions here) are 
dynamically typed languages. For this reason, Boo may be a good candidate 
(it's more-or-less a python clone with the addition of an intricate static 
typing system); its main drawback is that it's not commonly used yet.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Midi problem

2006-11-22 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 21 November 2006 23:37, Lasse Rempe wrote:
 First of all --- thanks for the help on the hairpintobarline question; my
 reply on that message doesn't seem to have gone through. I thought I had
 installed the most current LilyPond version, but clearly not :doh:.

 I've now installed LilyPond 2.10, and I seem to be getting problems with
 the \tempo command where I wasn't getting these before. Is this a bug, am I
 doing something wrong or was the correct handling of this changed? If the
 latter, what is the new method? Sorry if this is a known issue.

The syntax has changed. You can try writing \tempo in a 2.8 and use convert-ly 
to see the new syntax, or alternatively you can read the Fine Manual.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: which language for programming

2006-11-22 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 22 November 2006 15:53, Bob Kline wrote:
 Ed Ardzinski wrote:
  If Lilypond is written in C++ (and I do see some hints of C type syntax
  when I use Lilypond) this *might* be a factor to consider.  But... C and
  C++ are fairly complex languages and have steep learning curves.  If you
  an abject beginner with programming I suggest starting out with Visual
  Basic and concentrating on trying to develop good programming
  practices.  That will make a switch to a more difficult language easier.

 I thought I read somewhere that while Lilypond had originally been
 written in C++ it has since been reimplemented in Scheme, which is a
 dialect of Lisp.  I would recommend Python as a good first language for
 learning to program.

In addition, Python is used for most lilypond-related tools (convert-ly, 
lilypond-book, etc), so if you want to start hacking lilypond it can be a 
good choice (plus it's in general very good as a first language, as other 
people already mentioned).

Scheme is the language used for music functions in LilyPond; you can write 
Scheme code in a .ly file to manipulate music. So Scheme is good if you want 
to find a real use for your programming skills quickly.

However, Scheme is considered by some people as difficult, as a side-effect of 
its extremely simple grammar. E.g., in order to express 3 + 8, you write
(+ 3 8) in Scheme, this confuses some people. If you are mathematically 
minded, this should not be a problem.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Manual engraving video

2006-11-22 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 22 November 2006 09:20, Arvid Grøtting wrote:
 Joseph Haig josephhaig at writes:
  Note the second comment: It will be a long time before this beautiful
  process can be replicated by computers.  Erm ...

 It took Henle three years, from the video was made in 1997 until they
 stopped hand-engraving in 2000.  Three years should not be a long time from
 a music publisher's point of view...

The fact that they chose to switch to computer-engraving doesn't contradict 
that hand-engraving is far better; see:


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hiding empty staves

2006-11-21 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 20 November 2006 18:40, Bob Kline wrote:
 Erik Sandberg wrote:
  The problem above, is that { } have different meanings in different
  places: Usually {  } means sequential music, but the { } after \score are
  special: it starts with a _single_ music expression, followed by optional
  \layout (etc) blocks. So you must make \override part of the music
  expression, like:
  \score {

   \override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
   \context ChoirStaff 
   \context Staff = women   
   \new Lyrics 
   \context Staff = men   

 I apologize for being so slow to grok what's going on here, and I
 appreciate the responses posted so far on this issue, but I still don't
 get it.  I have tried doing *exactly* what you're telling me to do here
 (except for putting back in the missing  to balance the delimiters
 of the \context ChoirStaff chunk), and I'm still getting the blank staff
 in the first system.  

Hm, maybe it's the \clef bass; you could try to move it to where the music 
starts. (not tested; it's just a guess)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hiding empty staves

2006-11-18 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 17 November 2006 22:28, Bob Kline wrote:
 Andrew Longland-Meech wrote:
  Thank you. I've got it now, even though it seems a bit illogical to put
  one bit of layout in \layout and the other in with the notes, when they
  both do a similar job!!
  On Thu, 2006-11-16 at 10:53 -0800, Graham Percival wrote:
  Andrew Longland-Meech wrote:
\override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t   
  I don't understand where this should go. Is it in the \score section?
  Or in the \layout section? Or in with the notes? Please can someone
  guide me in the right direction?
  Please see chapter 5 of the docs.

 Could one of you have pity on a poor clueless user and give an example
 showing where these two directives go?  My attempts always end up with
 the unwanted staff omitted on the second system of the music, but
 included for the first system.  Here's an example of what I'm trying:

 \score {
 \override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
 \context ChoirStaff 
 \context Staff = women   
 \new Lyrics 
 \context Staff = men   

 \layout {
  \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }

 I have looked at chapter 5 of the docs (I assume we're talking about the
 chapter 5 in the latest released version of lp, rather than the versions
 currently shipped with most Linux distros), and my poor brain just isn't
 getting it, as I don't see the part that says *where* to put the
 \override command.

The problem above, is that { } have different meanings in different places: 
Usually {  } means sequential music, but the { } after \score are special: it 
starts with a _single_ music expression, followed by optional \layout (etc) 
blocks. So you must make \override part of the music expression, like:

\score {
 \override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
 \context ChoirStaff 
 \context Staff = women   
 \new Lyrics 
 \context Staff = men   


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Pitch/ octave notation

2006-11-16 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 16 November 2006 00:49, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Erik Sandberg escreveu:
  On Wednesday 15 November 2006 13:25, Mads Sejersen wrote:
  2006/11/14, Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Then he could use 4c8 instead, or does lilypond have any special
  meaning for prepended digits?
  hm, then maybe 8c4 is an even better choice (8th of pitch c4). I
  guessed that the request for c4 syntax for pitches is related to some
  musicological convention where c4 is the actual pitch name.

 I think it is something either from midi or MUSEDATA (aka. Cobol for

 prepended and appended digits are the same due to whitespace being

   c8 c4 c8 = c8 c 4c8 = c 8c4 c8

yes, but not if he implements the syntax using a preprocessor which doesn't 
ignore whitespace (i.e. something like s/\([0-8]+\)\([a-g]\)4/\2'\1/ )


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Pitch/ octave notation

2006-11-15 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 14 November 2006 16:50, Peter O'Doherty wrote:

 Is it possible to indicate pitches in the format c4 instead of c'?
 And if not, does anybody know of any plans to create this possibility?

If you really need this, I'd recommend you to use sed or similar tool as a 
preprocessing step for your score. It should be fairly easy to lexically 
replace c4 with c', c5 with c'', etc. It will probably be confusing though, 
because you'll have to write c48 to indicate an eight note of pitch c', etc, 
and you won't be able to benefit from the \relative mode.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Pitch/ octave notation

2006-11-15 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 15 November 2006 13:25, Mads Sejersen wrote:
 2006/11/14, Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Tuesday 14 November 2006 16:50, Peter O'Doherty wrote:
  If you really need this, I'd recommend you to use sed or similar tool as
  a preprocessing step for your score. It should be fairly easy to
  lexically replace c4 with c', c5 with c'', etc. It will probably be
  confusing though, because you'll have to write c48 to indicate an eight
  note of pitch c', etc,

 Then he could use 4c8 instead, or does lilypond have any special
 meaning for prepended digits?

hm, then maybe 8c4 is an even better choice (8th of pitch c4). I guessed 
that the request for c4 syntax for pitches is related to some musicological 
convention where c4 is the actual pitch name.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPondTool 2.10 demo

2006-11-14 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 13 November 2006 23:37, Bertalan Fodor wrote:
 For a flash demo of the new LilyPondTool release please look at

 It demonstrates some of the most exciting features (instant
 errorchecking, instant help, instant point-and-click)


Do you know if there is any free program which can decode this demo? I have 
tried two flash players, based on libflash 0.4.13 and swfdec 0.3.6 
respectively, and neither one plays your demo.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: beam breaking in tuplets

2006-11-06 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 06 November 2006 09:25, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 Victor Eijkhout wrote:
 So, if you want a limited scope, you can explicitly create a short-lived
 Here's an example that uses smaller note heads for one measure:

 \relative c'{ c d e f \new Voice {\tiny g f e d } c d e d c1 }


Mats, do you think it would be useful with an operator \newClone to clone the 
current context? E.g.
\new Staff \with {\consists Foo_engraver bar=#'baz}
 { c d \tiny  e f \newClone Staff { g f e d} c d e }
would be equivalent to:
\new Staff \with {\consists Foo_engraver bar=#'baz}
 { c d \tiny e f \new Staff \with {\consists Foo_engraver bar=#'baz} { \tiny g 
f e d} c d e }

(I think such operator can come out as a side-effect of some work I'm doing)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: beam breaking in tuplets

2006-11-06 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 06 November 2006 12:59, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 Erik Sandberg wrote:
  On Monday 06 November 2006 09:25, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
  Mats, do you think it would be useful with an operator \newClone to clone
  the current context? E.g.
  \new Staff \with {\consists Foo_engraver bar=#'baz}
   { c d \tiny  e f \newClone Staff { g f e d} c d e }
  would be equivalent to:
  \new Staff \with {\consists Foo_engraver bar=#'baz}
   { c d \tiny e f \new Staff \with {\consists Foo_engraver bar=#'baz} {
  \tiny g f e d} c d e }
  (I think such operator can come out as a side-effect of some work I'm

 Would it even make sense to make this the default behaviour of \new?
 At least, it would probably cause less surprise to a newbie than the
 current implementation, in examples like:
  \relative c'{ \tiny c d {e d} \\ {c b} }

You have a point here. Perhaps we could have a context property 
cloneNewContexts, defaulted to #t for voices, which makes sure that contexts 
creations in the current context clone the current context, if the context 
types match. (so below, the context hierarchy would be Global-Score-Lyrics 
where the inner Voice is created, hence no settings would be inherited; this 
also means that the inner \new Voice should create a new staff implicitly).

I think the difficult thing is that the syntactical hierarchy of our input 
language doesn't match the hierarchy of contexts.

 On the other hand, it would probably make it less obvious for the advanced
 user to predict exactly what LilyPond does, for example in situations like

 \relative c' \new Voice{
   c d e f
 \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
   Some4 text
\new Voice \notemode { c d e2 }
  {some more text }


 where it's not obvious if the inner Voice context would inherit anything
 from the outer one (maybe this is already crystal clear to you).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is Lilypond right for this need?

2006-11-01 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 31 October 2006 21:21, Cliff Pruitt wrote:
 Thanks for the advice.

 The suggestions would be great if I were more proficient at writing
 out music in general. I think what I'm trying to figure out is the
 best way to approximate the correct phrases quickly without taking
 the time to be accurate.  I'm very slow at determining music notation
 and for me to actually work out the note durations for all of our
 songs would take forever (I'm working of guitar lessons I had back
 when I was in high school  early college).  I know HOW to work it
 out (conceptually) but its a very slow  unnatural process for me.

 My main requirements are:
 - Have a chord line up over the right word

Hm, there are mechanisms which should make it possible to align words to 
chords, but it probably requires some nonstandard trickery. Probably you can 
do something like 

harmonies = \new ChordNames=harmonies \chordmode {
 b2 f2 es2 f2/es % and so on ...

\score {

  \new Lyrics \lyricsto harmonies { Over all the earth You reign on 
high }

% so that lyrics can align to music in the context
\context { \ChordNames \alias Voice } 


If rhythm is unimportant, you can try \cadenzaOn (turns off automatic 
barlines), and then use \bar | to add bars.

 - Multiple verses of lyrics under one line (staff) of chords

 Ideally I would be able to format it as a chord in the given key (for
 bass  piano)  optionally have another staff that shows chord names
 transposed for use with a capo.

 I think what I'm running into is just that your average run of the
 mill rock guitar player (i.e. myself) is out of touch enough with the
 correct way of reading  writing music that it might be a difficult
 switch for me.  Its my deficiency, not the software.

 I've managed to output a sample song with the correct chord / word
 alignment, but the bar lines are in all kinds of chaotic places since
 every syllable is (I'm assuming) interpreted as a quarter note.  At
 this point I'm down to trying to figure out a consistent method for
 reducing everything to 32nd or 64th notes based on syllables, filling
 whatever isn't used with rests  just trying to write an app to
 convert some simple text file into an .ly file.

 Really Lilypond probably is overkill for what I need, but there isn't
 anything else out there that does what I need any better.  There's
 not much out there for that stage between a word processor document
 and the need for full blown sheet music.

 Any other thoughts or suggestions are much appreciated, but I
 understand if I'm just outside of the box here.
 - Cliff


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: The importance of a graphical interface.

2006-10-31 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 28 October 2006 20:19, Valentin Villenave wrote:
 Hello César ;

 Just a few words.

 As a matter of fact, I've switched to linux in the mean time I've
 switched to Lilypond... But we can't ask everyone to do so, and
 therefore I agree it indeed lacks a decent user interface ; especially
 when you're used to Mac/Windows world, and a bit lost when you find
 yourself in front of a command line 

Subversion has a nice solution to this problem, through tortoisesvn, which 
works as a plugin for windows explorer: By right-clicking on a directory, you 
can access a menu through which you can perform all common subversion tasks. 
Would it be useful to create a similar lilypond menu? I.e., when you 
right-click a .ly file, one of the available choices would be 'compile to 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: The importance of a graphical interface.

2006-10-31 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 28 October 2006 18:41, Tomas Valusek wrote:

 it would be nice to be able to correct some things using mouse (most
 notably, slur shapes, system distances, markup positioning etc.) Shaping
 slurs using mouse is quite easy, but doing the same in .ly file is quite

There has been support for something similar for a while now (since 2.6, 
IIRC). Nobody has used it yet, though. IIRC the relevant option is:
lilypond -b gnome
You can search mail archives for more info.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Polyphonic Tablature

2006-10-24 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 23 October 2006 12:08, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Mats Bengtsson escreveu:
  Daniel Tonda wrote:
  Just revised the code I proposed and you're right. I wasn't aware that
  by using   one could remove the \simultaneous. Less typing indeed.
  Right! \simultaneous{...} is completely equivalent to ...
  Actually, the following is exactly equivalent to your example:

 I've added \simultaneous for consistency a long time ago, but maybe we
 should just drop it?

in any case we could softcode it, I think.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \mark \default in 2.9.24

2006-10-16 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 16 October 2006 12:17, Paul Scott wrote:

 \version 2.9.24

 { c1 \mark \default  }

 nMark = \mark \default


 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/music/test$ lilypond
 GNU LilyPond 2.9.24
 Processing `'
 Parsing...#Prob: Music C++: Music((origin . #location #procedure #f (mark)) (name .
 MarkEvent) (types general-music mark-event event)) 
 #Prob: Music C++: Music((origin . #location #procedure #f (mark)) (name .
 MarkEvent) (types general-music mark-event event)) 

 I'll send this to the bug list if I haven't missed something in the
 latest manual.

Sorry, my fault (I forgot to switch off some debug output). Fixed in CVS.

Thanks for reporting!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I would like to buy this enhancement (highly motivated buyer)

2006-10-16 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 12 October 2006 18:22, Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion Mats.

 My motivation for this is that I am currently writing some lesson material
 that reference full scores and would like to make a nice word processor
 document that flows, with illustrations embedded in the text, and the text
 flows around the illustrations, etc. (an old school typography look with no
 grids or tables).  Something that really looks nice and has an artful use
 of typography and imbedded illustrations.  I found that I needed dozens of
 music snippets from the original, and was wasting a lot of time massaging
 my already-completed-just-fine scores to put the excerpted notes into
 dedicated variables for re-use, tags, skiptypesetting, etc.  Times having
 to do that for all the vertical staffs, lyrics, chord names, across the
 needed measures, amplified the work.

 Finally I threw my hands up in frustration and thought of how I would make
 such a document using just a simple typewriter and xActo knife.

In this case, it is not sufficient to just use \tag etc., because if you do, 
each snippet will be treated as the first system, so time signature etc. will 
be displayed in each example.

One solution for you could be to wrap the .ly code inside a .tely document, 
and use lilypond-book. Lilypond-book generates one individual .eps for each 
system, so if you just insert \breaks in the right spots, then it should give 
you what you want (this way, you will also get page breaks between systems in 
a natural way).

Also, I hope you know about OOoLilypond; if not, please read the ML archives.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Making notes in Scheme?

2006-10-16 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Sunday 15 October 2006 22:59, Marcus Macauley wrote:
 Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
 And because it's possible to manually type notes within a music function
 in Scheme, e.g.:

 function =
 #(define-music-function (parser location var1) (integer?)
   c'4 d' e'

 It seems like it should also be possible to substitute variables for those
 notes, such as:

 #(define-music-function (parser location var1) (integer?)
   $firstnote #(list-ref notes 1) #(list-ref notes 2)

  From what I can tell, the key is the ly:music data type, but I don't
 know how to to use that from within Scheme, if it's even possible, much
 less how (if possible) to convert e.g. strings to ly:music.

 The ly:export function may also have something to do with it, but if so,
 I haven't figured out quite what.

normally, the return value of a scheme expression is thrown away by the 
parser; ly:export is used to mark expressions that instead should be 
interpreted as music. So what you wanted above is something like:

 #(define-music-function (parser location var1) (integer?)
   $firstnote #(ly:export (list-ref notes 1)) #(ly:export (list-ref notes 

Note that ly:export is built into make-music-function, so in that case you 
don't have to worry about it.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond question

2006-10-11 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 10 October 2006 23:40, David Bobroff wrote:
 Samuel Hartmann wrote:
  Hi David,

 So this error occurs in fragment mode if a \score {} block is
 included.  Feature or bug?  

Feature; lilypond-book does the same. with fragment, you let lilypond-book 
place a \score block around your snippet.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Swing Midi

2006-09-21 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 20 September 2006 22:55, Ted Walther wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 11:34:33AM -0500, David Greene wrote:
 If you want to do something more generic (something you can apply on
 any existing ly score), then you may want to consider using music
 streams. Music streams are a new concept in 2.9, and nobody has used
 them yet AFAIK. However, I can try to guide you if you're interested.
 (I would guess htat this solution can be coded entirely in Scheme)
 I'm very interested in this.  I don't recall seeing anything about it
 in the manual -- maybe I missed it.  Is there a description somewhere?

 I think I read elsewhere that \partcombine is supposed to be replaced by
 these same music streams.  Are they documented anywhere?  Will the new
 \partcombine be a wrapper on top of these music streams?

Actually, music streams _are_ already used for partcombine (streams are 
converted to a format which partcombine uses, the plan is to change that 
format to a more powerful data structure). You can read my thesis (see link 
in my other reply on lily-devel) for more info.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Swing Midi

2006-09-18 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 15 September 2006 00:47, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 David Greene wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I searched the archives and found a few discussions about
  generating swing-feel MIDI from straight eighths Lily
  source but the most recent was from 2004.
  I was thinking about writing a Scheme function to carve
  up all of the durations into units of eighths, inserting
  the proper ties to maintain longer notes.  Then I could
  imagine altering the durations as appropriate to implement
  the swing feel.

If you want to make the programming easy, and if it's OK to sacrifice note 
entry speed, then I'd recommend that you mark all swing notes somehow, e.g. 
by putting them inside braces, two by two:
{ c c } { c c } 
Then it's easy to write a music function that finds all SequentialMusics with 
two elements, and which manipulates the durations of those elements.

If you want to do something more generic (something you can apply on any 
existing ly score), then you may want to consider using music streams. Music 
streams are a new concept in 2.9, and nobody has used them yet AFAIK. 
However, I can try to guide you if you're interested. (I would guess htat 
this solution can be coded entirely in Scheme)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sponsorship offer: \lyricsto with \partcombine

2006-09-14 Thread Erik Sandberg
Citerar Ted Walther [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 To typeset hymns with the same high quality that lilypond brings to
 other areas of music typesetting, I need to be able to use \lyricsto
 with \partcombine.

What exactly do you want to do?

If you want to align one lyric line to one voice, and another lyric line to
another voice, then you can do something like:

\partcombine \sopNotes \altoNotes
\new Devnull=sop \sopNotes
\lyricsto sop \sopLyrics
\new Devnull=alto \altoNotes
\lyricsto alto \altoLyrics

 Also, what would it cost to make the chord-threshold variable in
 part-combiner.scm/dtermine-split-list be settable inside a .ly file?

A rewrite of partcombiner is on the todo.

You can copy all the code from part-combiner.scm into your ly file, all you need
to do is to add a # before each toplevel expression to make lily understand it.
(you'll also have to re-define \partcombine etc. to make them use the new


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: functions in \with

2006-08-29 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 28 August 2006 13:55, Trevor Daniels wrote:
 I'm happily creating and using music functions but so far my attempts to
 define functions that can be used in \with or \context clauses have failed.
 The suggested technique of making a void function using (make-music
 'SequentialMusic 'void #t) doesn't seem to help.

What do you want to achieve, more precisely?
Note that \with uses a different lexical mode than music, so e.g. the 
\override keyword does not produce a music expression when used inside \with.

You can probably perform operations on the whole \with block if you are 
clever, by applying a funciton on the \new expression, like
\myFun \new Staff=foo \with {bla bla} {music}


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sponsored feature request--partially-tied chords

2006-08-25 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 24 August 2006 17:39, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Steve D wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 10:55:05AM +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
  it's easiest to add a property so you can do
c e \tweak #'forbid-tie = ##t g bes
  cost: 65 EUR.
  Werner LEMBERG then asked:
  Just wondering what the much simpler syntax
   c~ e~ g b~
  Han-Wen Nienhuys responded:
  I can put it in for 35 eur extra,  I hope.
  (the tie engraver is quite tricky, and handling c~ e~  offers more
  potential for bugs)
  After thinking about it for awhile, I agree with Werner and like his
  idea better also, if it can be done. Aside from being clear and simple
  (to the end user), it can save a lot of typing, especially because when
  lots of partially-tied chords appear in a piece of music as the result
  of a rhythmic or other motive.
  c~ e g bes~ would mean that only the c and b-flat would be tied
  c e g bes~ would mean that the whole chord would be tied
  c~ e g bes~~ would mean--well, LilyPond would issue an error message?
  The whole-chord tie would take precedence? ;-)

 After some thought, I agree with Werner (as usual), and I've changed the
   implementation to do this.

 Erik, can you look over my use of stream events vs. events in I have the feeling that the dichotomy between both is a
 bit ugly, but is there currently another way?

With my last patch (which I sent a few weeks ago but without response -- was 
it lost?), 'articulations is converted to a stream event list when music is 
converted to event. Also, music_cause is eliminated. Should I resend the 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sponsored feature request--partially-tied chords

2006-08-25 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 25 August 2006 11:45, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Erik Sandberg wrote:
  With my last patch (which I sent a few weeks ago but without response --
  was it lost?), 'articulations is converted to a stream event list when
  music is converted to event. Also, music_cause is eliminated. Should I
  resend the patch?

 yes, I think I lost it in the din.

It's attached. This is a copy of the last patch, it's not a patch against the 
newest lily.


The attached patch makes a couple of further cleanups:
- eliminate Grob_info::ultimate_music_cause, Grob_info::music_cause
- possible bugfix in figured-bass-engraver: never decrement stop_moment
- kill all remaining music refs in engravers; remove music.hh include
from engraver.hh
- use ASSIGN_EVENT_ONCE in engravers where appropriate
- junk try_music in Translator, Translator_group, Context, Context_handle
- small cleanup in part-combine-iterator; use an enum to distinguish
between the outlet contexts.

The only remaining part of the translator cleanup is, AFAIK, to remove
obsolete translators.


Description: BZip2 compressed data
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \tagsOn, \tagsOff

2006-08-21 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 18 August 2006 22:39, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 [ v2.9.14 ]

 Hello, all --

 No, this isn't Karate Kid 5!  ;-)

 This is a continuation of the thread setting up a very complex
 choral layout, with a possible feature request...

I have a different suggestion which might solve your problem to some degree: 
You can split up music into short segments, and then align lyrics to a 
devnull context which you compose from those short segments. IIRC we 
discussed this on lily-user some time ago, search for devnull and lyricsto.

 I think we could solve all my multi-output issues -- and add a really
 powerful tool to the Lilypond kit -- if we had a \tagsOn (and maybe
 \tagsOff?) trigger, which would tell Score to listen (or not) to a
 given tag.

I don't think your suggestion would work well with the current incarnation of 
\tag, because it's based on operations on music expressions. 

However, I think this can be an application of the new music stream 
architecture: We could add a layer of listeners between front-end and 
back-end, which filter out all events with specific tags; \tagsOn/Off would 
change those filters in interpretation-time.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategy - A Compromise

2006-07-22 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 13 July 2006 12:04, Anthony Youngman wrote:
 Might be an idea to look at Antlr then ...

 I don't know how effective it would be, but part of the purpose behind
 the v3 rewrite is to increase the number of languages that Antlr can
 generate. If you can define the grammar in Antlr it could then chuck out
 a lexer/parser written in Scheme :-) Is the current lily parser

no, it's written in bison. The lexer invokes an external parser to parse 
Scheme expression when needed.

 And yes, preservation of white space is apparently fairly easy.
 Although, I'm half inclined to say that if you convert-ly a piece,
 then it will or can output stuff according to a pretty print standard.

question is whether it's possible to write a grammar that is useful both for 
convert-ly and paper production at once, or if it's a better idea to use a 
simplified grammar for convert-ly. E.g.: in { \foo c4 c2 } it's difficult to 
know whether c4 and/or c2 are parameters to the function foo, or if foo just 
is a variable -- it might be that foo has been defined in an \included file. 
For convert-ly purposes, it might be sensible to always treat \foo as a 
variable, because that makes life simpler.

 Take a look at Antlr - I'd go straight to v3, which is
 due for release this summer. What you would need to do is define the
 lily grammar using a BNF style notation (I think the technical term for
 the style of grammar is LA or LLA). Antlr itself is written in Java -
 run it over your grammar and it will spit out a lexer and parser for
 you. You could either use the current C++ templates which would create
 your lexer and parser in C++ for feeding the results to Scheme, or write
 a bunch of Scheme templates and output the lexer and parser directly in
 Scheme. I don't mean to teach grandma to suck eggs but it sounds (from
 the implication that the parser is mixed-language) that you're not using
 a compiler-compiler such as flex/Bison, PCCTS or Antlr.

 And of course, going down this route, things head towards the typical
 nix toolkit approach :-) Grammars to input lily ASTs in various
 versions, grammars to output pretty printed or converted .ly files in
 various versions, grammars to transform ASTs especially ones generated
 from eg abc, Sibelius, Personal Composer files :-) 

I think it's easier to import from other formats directly to .ly, or to a 
known format such as MusicXML.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategery

2006-07-12 Thread Erik Sandberg

Please always CC to the list.

On 7/12/06, Ian Hawthorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My 0.02c

The lilypond language is still evolving.  Recent changes in syntax
have improved usablity.  However at some point the improvements
to be gained by further tinkering with the syntax will be outweighed
by the nuisance factor of having to frequently update/rewrite scores.
I don't think we are quite there yet as I still find the syntax awkward
for certain things. But it will happen at some point. Yes?

I think we need to look at tex as an example of the way forward.
I have tex files which I wrote back in the mid 80s which still
run just fine. The core of tex has been standard and static now for
a very long time. Yet tex continues to evolve via its package structure.
Maybe lilypond should look at doing this.

If the size of the codebase is a problem, a package structure would help.
I really have no need of weird medaevil musical notation, six line staves,
guitar tablature,  drum staves, strange clefs, notation for quarter tone
notes, etc etc. Others may not need the capacity to deal with polyphony
and lyrics which for me is essential. Yet every copy of lilypond comes
with everything.

A package structure would also help to manage the growth of the project.
Features could be added by adding packages, and it would be clear who
was supporting what.

In addition to its package structure, tex also uses style files. lilypond
could look to do the same. The templates now in the documentation
look to me to be embryonic style files, and seem to want to evolve in that

Finally, I'd like to eventually see something analogous to latex for
lilypond -
a package providing higher level syntax to make score writing less technical
for the average user.

Ian H

My 2 öre:

- A precondition for much of what you suggest, is a stable API: If we
decide a specific format for add-on packages, then all such packages
will break as soon as we change the API. Right now, I'm working on
introducing *two* new intermediate music representation formats to
lily. I see this as an indication that it will take some time before
it's time to define a stable API.

- Package size is not a problem, as long as it doesn't grow insanely
large (e.g., I wouldn't think it's sensible to multiply the package
size by the number of previously released versions).

- There are many problems to bridge; e.g., the syntax of lots of
features (lyrics, figured bass) are built into the .ly language, so
parser rules would have to be soft-codable.

- I hope you know about LSR, the lilypond snippet repository. So far
the LSR is rather small, which indicates that there is little public
interest in building add-on packages to lily. Currently, there seems
to exist few lily gurus (=people with so advanced knowledge that they
could have written LaTeX-style add-on-packages). So far I think it's
better if those people get involved in lily directly, and perhaps
contribute some snippets to the LSR. As long as LSR doesn't contain a
very large number of general utility .ly snippets, I don't think it
makes much sense to invent an add-on package system.

- I have the impression that Han-Wen is even more user-oriented than
me (i.e., he doesn't add features without proof that users need them).
So the best way of convincing _him_ that we need a system for add-on
packages, is probably to get involved and try to write some packages
yourself, using the (limited) mechanisms that exist.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategy - A Compromise

2006-07-12 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 12 July 2006 12:00, Colin Wilding wrote:
 This is an important dilemma for many users, I think - we want to have all
 the fixes and features in each new version, but find it frustrating when
 music produced in earlier versions needs time-consuming manual editing to

 Can I suggest a compromise?

 I accept that Lilypond has been evolving rapidly and feel privileged to
 have been able to use it (and contribute comments) during that evolution.

 At some point, though, the evolution should slow down:  the developers
 should feel happy with the basic structure and syntax and the users should
 be able to expect that music written for today?s version will look the same
 in tomorrow?s.

What do you mean by 'the same'? Is it OK if the output suddenly looks better 
because a bug has been fixed?
If yes, then you still have the problem that an upgrade may break your tweaks 
that work around layout bugs.
If no, then development will be very difficult because all bugs have to be 

If there's sufficient community interest in maintaining and developing a 
conservative version of lilypond, then anyone can make a fork; however, I 
doubt any of the current developers would join. Lily is currently at a pretty 
early stage of development IMHO.

 How about making a resolution that from version 3.0 onwards Lilypond will
 be backwards-compatible:  in other words, the current version will
 correctly display a file written in any earlier version 3.x without the
 need for conversion.

I think 2.4 files are fairly forward compatible; there have been no major 
changes that I know of. 

There's also the question of what you mean by compatibility: Very advanced 
tweaks usually rely on the way lily's internals are organised, which may 
change over time. Since lily contains a Turing-complete programming language, 
for some language updates it is thereby _impossible_ to create a script that 
upgrades _all_ .ly files perfectly. There are also deprecated features that 
are dropped sometimes, this causes a kind of backward incompatibility.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategy - A Compromise

2006-07-12 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 12 July 2006 12:59, Anthony Youngman wrote:
 Something I thought of (having seen the comment about convert-ly using
 grep ...)

It's not using grep, but it relies heavily on regexps (so it can somewhat 
fairly be compared to sed).

 I've got an on-off thing about writing a DATABASIC compiler (never mind)
 and have come across a tool called Antlr. It is a compiler-compiler and
 generates lexers, parsers and treeparsers.

 IF someone wants to put the effort in, it may (or may not be) easy to
 define various grammars to read in and chuck out different music
 formats. It sounds as though a lot of the problems (like the swap
 between   and   for example) would be easy. Especially given
 lilypond's structure it looks like it would be fairly easy to define
 grammars which can read in or chuck out different lily version syntaxes,
 even the \addLyrics / \oldAddLyrics thing maybe.

I'd rather have a look at parsing expression grammars, see:
Seems to combine simplicity of regexps with the power of CFGs. Doesn't seem to 
be widely implemented though.

Another way could be to go via the syntax expressions I'm working on: Instead 
of applying operations on .ly input, we could apply them to the parser's 
output, and then use some built-in version specific mechanism to convert 
finished files back to .ly. I thikn this would be both more reliable than 
convert-ly, and possibly easier to maintain, but some text formatting might 
be lost unless the syntax-expression-ly conversion is designed very 
carefully. Depending on how macros will be implemented, commands like 
\relative may be lost as well.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategy - A Compromise

2006-07-12 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 12 July 2006 17:22, Anthony Youngman wrote:
 I don't really understand grammars etc (which is why my DATABASIC thing
 is on/off :-).

 But from my experience with Antlr, I don't see why you should lose
 stuff. Your PEG article mentions ASTs. I don't see that converting a .ly
 file into an AST can be that hard. So, for example, we write a Antlr
 grammar that creates a lexer/parser that turns the .ly into an AST. We
 now write another grammar that converts the AST to a .ly file.

A problem here is code duplication; it takes some effort to maintain two 
parsers instead of one. I think it will be difficult to automatically test 
that the current antlr parser corresponds well with the actual grammar the 
current lilypond version uses.

I have been thinking about moving lily's entire parser out to Scheme; this way 
we could keep one old parser for each version, and use it to generate an AST, 
which then is converted nicely using rules written in Scheme (Scheme rocks 
when it comes to tree manipulation). I'm not sure if it's possible though.

BTW: Will your solution handle whitespace nicely?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tetex 2.5 and lilypond 2.0

2006-07-11 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 10 July 2006 15:14, Laura Conrad wrote:

 My problem is that I have several major projects that are in lilypond
 2.0.  Even where convert-ly performs flawlessly (which it doesn't for
 a number of features, like multi-verse vocal music), 

By the way, there are plans to drop the old-lyric-combine compatibility 
altogether, so in order to upgrade to the next stable version, you'll have to 
rewrite all your old-style \addlyrics expressions manually.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tetex 2.5 and lilypond 2.0

2006-07-11 Thread Erik Sandberg

On 7/11/06, Laura Conrad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Erik == Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Erik By the way, there are plans to drop the old-lyric-combine
Erik compatibility altogether, so in order to upgrade to the next
Erik stable version, you'll have to rewrite all your old-style
Erik \addlyrics expressions manually.

I'm not sure how this differs from what I have to do now.  Do you mean
that in addition to breaking multi-verse upgrading, you're also
planning to break single-verse upgrading?

I think so. The command that used to be \addlyrics, and which now is
known as \oldaddlyrics, will be removed. \lyricsto (and hte new
\addlyrics) will be the only ways to align lyrics.

Before that happens, could someone rewrite abc2ly to use something
that convert-ly will know what to do with?  Or at least explain what
that something would be?

I don't know much about abc2ly, but it will have to produce \lyricsto
expressions in order to work with 2.9.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tetex 2.5 and lilypond 2.0

2006-07-11 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 17:13, Laura Conrad wrote:
  Erik == Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Erik On 7/11/06, Laura Conrad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Erik == Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Erik By the way, there are plans to drop the old-lyric-combine
 Erik compatibility altogether, so in order to upgrade to the next
 Erik stable version, you'll have to rewrite all your old-style
 Erik \addlyrics expressions manually.

  I'm not sure how this differs from what I have to do now.  Do
  you mean that in addition to breaking multi-verse upgrading,
  you're also planning to break single-verse upgrading?

 Erik I think so. The command that used to be \addlyrics, and
 Erik which now is known as \oldaddlyrics, will be
 Erik removed. \lyricsto (and hte new \addlyrics) will be the only
 Erik ways to align lyrics.

 I suppose I should be reading the fine manual more, but I've never
 figured out the difference between \oldaddlyrics and \addlyrics.  In
 any case, my manual conversions use \addlyrics.

\addlyrics will still be supported, only \oldaddlyrics will be junked. So 
according to what you say below, abc2ly will still work fine.

 I've never seen why convert-ly wouldn't be able to write that from the
 old output of abc2ly, but instead it writes:

The reason why convert-ly can't handle oldaddlyrics, is that it is based on 
regexps, which makes it very difficult to move stuff far distances (such as 
across a \context Staff ... expression).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategery

2006-07-10 Thread Erik Sandberg

On 7/9/06, Fairchild [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

New scores could use new features and not have to work around the bugs of
earlier versions.  Older scores that have been carefully tuned, compensating
for earlier bugs, would continue to produce the intended result without
having to be overhauled.  There would be no need to maintain multiple

This basically implies that all old versions of lily must be included
in the new versions, so e.g. lilypond 2.10 will contain both version
2.10, 2.8, 2.6 and 2.4. Which means that the lilypond package grows by
a factor 4. I think a better solution would be that you create a
script locally, which parses the input ly file, reads the \version
statement, and picks which lilypond version to use to compile your ly


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategery

2006-07-10 Thread Erik Sandberg

On 7/10/06, Fairchild [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Erik -

Thanks for contributing to this thread.  It is attempting to deal with an
important unresolved issue: seamless evolutionary transitioning of ly files.

Your suggested solution requires n versions residing entirely in the
user's machine, which would, as you point out, increase resident code by a
factor of n.  The code switching option requires parallel code only for
features that are interpreted differently for different versions, only
marginally increasing the size of the newer versions - far less size, and
hassle, than retaining several versions.

Different lily versions use different data structures and interfaces internally.

If we would have n different versions of e.g. each engraver, and the
interface between iterators and engravers would change a tiny bit
(which it does now and then), then we would need to update n different
versions of each engraver, which is n times as much work as now; it
would also mean n times more testing, and n times more bugs. Keep in
mind also that the .ly grammar changes between versions, so you will
need to have a separate parser for each version.

That said, you are of course welcome to write a patch that makes lily
2.9 support 2.4 files. My guess is that Han-Wen won't accept the
patch, but if you really want the feature you can always fork the
lilypond project, and start a lilypond-legacy project.

BTW, if you're concerned about the extra size consumption that it
requires to have n different versions, you could consider compressing
your file system. If there is much code in common between lily
versions, then a smart compression algorithm might detect this and
reduce the extra space consumed.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategery

2006-07-09 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 08 July 2006 18:58, Fairchild wrote:
 The 3.0 processor could note the 2.4 version flag and treat the ly file in
 the 2.4 way, maintaining upward compatibility without a need for

In what way would that be different from installing two different versions of 
lily? If you don't want the bugfixes from 3.0, why do you upgrade to 3.0?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Chords with ()

2006-07-08 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 08 July 2006 19:16, Ezequiel Sierra wrote:
 Any help with this?

 On Jul 7, 2006, at 8:59 AM, Ezequiel Sierra wrote:
  Does anybody can help me with this issue?
  On Jul 5, 2006, at 9:22 PM, Ezequiel Sierra wrote:
  What is the problem here?
  i did as told, still not working

Unfortunately I don't have time for that at this moment, but perhaps you could 
try learning Scheme basics and read about tweaks in the manual, and then try 
to understand exactly what I meant in my previous suggestion, and finally try 
to correct the errors I made.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Chords with ()

2006-07-05 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 05 July 2006 07:19, Ezequiel Sierra wrote:
 How can i set it to all the chords? not just one?

You could probably do something like: (untested)

#(define (parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion
  (make-markup #'line (list ( (ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass 
inversion context) 

and then use 
\set chordNameFunction = #parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names

(The (make-markup ..) syntax is probably incorrect, because I don't know that 
syntax by heart, but you can probably use displayMusic to figure out the 
correct syntax.)


 On Jul 4, 2006, at 7:25 PM, Eduardo Vieira wrote:
  Hi! Check this message for an answer:
  - Original Message -
  From: Ezequiel Sierra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 6:52 PM
  Subject: Chords with ()
  Does anyone know how to put the chords inside () like,
  (A)  (Em)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond store?

2006-07-05 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 05 July 2006 15:09, Stewart Holmes wrote:
 Yes. Harsh this may sound, but how much of the music on Mutopia would you
 be satisfied to print out, and use yourself? From a quick browse through
 various sections, I have to say that a large amount of the music on there
 is fairly poorly engraved. My proposition is for much more strict quality
 control... after all, nobody will pay money for music unless it looks

I suggest that you start a discussion thread on mutopia's mailing lists: If 
you have constructive ideas on how to create an archive of high-quality 
public domain notes, then I would strongly recommend you to use your ideas to 
improve mutopia; if that's not possible, use mutopia as a base for creating 
such an archive (i.e., fork the mutopia project).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 'Slanted' fractions

2006-07-03 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 03 July 2006 16:48, Stewart Holmes wrote:
 I'm trying to do some guitar barring, which involves using the fraction
 1/2. The markup /fraction gives me a fraction with one number vertically
 above the other. I'd quite like it so that the 1 is in the top left, the 2
 in the bottom right, with a diagonal line inbetween.

 Is this possible in Lilypond?

I think the easiest way is to use the string ½. (ok, I know, it's cheating)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: music definition change in 2.9.9 or thereabouts?

2006-06-28 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 28 June 2006 07:41, Paul Scott wrote:
 Erik Sandberg wrote:
  On Monday 19 June 2006 03:21, Paul Scott wrote:
  This used to work in 2.8:
  \version 2.9.9
  KeyG = \key g \major
  { \KeyG a'' b'' g'' a'' }
  Have any keywords been added or something that would break this?
  This is now fixed in CVS. Thanks!

 Thanks!  I've been watching the thread.  Any idea when a development
 version with the fix will be ready?

Han-Wen will be away for another week, so you'll have to wait for a while. 
Meanwhile, you can use:
KeyG = { \key g \major }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: music definition change in 2.9.9 or thereabouts?

2006-06-27 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 19 June 2006 03:21, Paul Scott wrote:
 This used to work in 2.8:

 \version 2.9.9

 KeyG = \key g \major

 { \KeyG a'' b'' g'' a'' }

 Have any keywords been added or something that would break this?

This is now fixed in CVS. Thanks!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: music definition change in 2.9.9 or thereabouts?

2006-06-19 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 19 June 2006 12:12, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Paul Scott schreef:
  This used to work in 2.8:
  \version 2.9.9
  KeyG = \key g \major
  { \KeyG a'' b'' g'' a'' }
  Have any keywords been added or something that would break this?

 Erik has done some work on the parser, which might be the cause.

The problem is the difference between MUSIC_IDENTIFIER and EVENT_IDENTIFIER. 
Right now, the latter can only be used for articulations, and after my parser 
cleanups, no event-chord is created around \key.

I'm not quite sure what the proper solution is. The attached patch solves the 
problem by renaming EVENT_IDENTIFIER to ARTICULATION_IDENTIFIER. The solution 
is easy and it works AFAICT, but it relies on music-classes, whose fate is 
uncertain. I did consider the following solutions as well:
1. Extend identifier-smob with type information (typically corresponding to 
the return value of try_special_idetifiers). I think this will only move the 
problem, because expressions like foo = #... must still be assigned a type 
2. unify MUSIC_IDENTIFIER with EVENT_IDENTIFIER. This has one problem: someone 
will try 
foo = -.
{ c2\foo d2 }
which (AFAICT) will put the dot above the d2
3. Whenever a variable is assigned music, wrap it in a dummy sequential_music. 

Index: lily/parser.yy
RCS file: /sources/lilypond/lilypond/lily/parser.yy,v
retrieving revision 1.517
diff -u -r1.517 parser.yy
--- lily/parser.yy	13 Jun 2006 22:01:19 -	1.517
+++ lily/parser.yy	19 Jun 2006 22:04:17 -
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
 %token scm DRUM_PITCH
 %token scm FRACTION
 %token scm LYRICS_STRING
@@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@
 		m-set_spot (@$);
 		$$ = m-unprotect ();
 		$$ = $1;
 	| tremolo_type  {
@@ -2392,10 +2392,10 @@
 		unsmob_music (*destination)-
 			set_property (origin, make_input (last_input_));
-		bool is_event = scm_memq (ly_symbol2scm (event), mus-get_property (types))
+		bool is_articulation = scm_memq (ly_symbol2scm (articulation-event), mus-get_property (types))
 			!= SCM_BOOL_F;
 	} else if (unsmob_duration (sid)) {
 		*destination = unsmob_duration (sid)-smobbed_copy ();
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: music definition change in 2.9.9 or thereabouts?

2006-06-19 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 20 June 2006 00:07, Erik Sandberg wrote:
 On Monday 19 June 2006 12:12, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
  Paul Scott schreef:
   This used to work in 2.8:
   \version 2.9.9
   KeyG = \key g \major
   { \KeyG a'' b'' g'' a'' }
   Have any keywords been added or something that would break this?
  Erik has done some work on the parser, which might be the cause.

 The problem is the difference between MUSIC_IDENTIFIER and
 EVENT_IDENTIFIER. Right now, the latter can only be used for articulations,
 and after my parser cleanups, no event-chord is created around \key.

.. and here's the corresponding regression test also.

\version 2.9.10

\header {
texidoc = Variables can be assigned articulations and events.

Articulation = -.
Event = \key g \major 

{ \Event c''4-\Articulation }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: barline problem

2006-06-14 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 14 June 2006 17:25, Stephen wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Dewdman42 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:55 PM
 Subject: Re: barline problem

  Which gets us to the crux of the problem.  Finale and lilypond use all of
  nuances of postscript that they possibly can..perhaps even using parts of
  that the PDF subset does not support very well.  For this reason, all
  PDF viewers I have tried look like crap.  Sad.

 Your right, Lilypond does not produce PDF files, ghostscript does. So the
 only thing Lilypond could do is add additional hinting in the PostScript
 file as Hans has already suggested. And as you've already pointed out, what
 matters is how the music looks printed out. It is inadviseable to practice
 your instrument looking at the 72 dpi of the computer screen rather than a
 300 dpi printed score. That's bad for your eyes.

I think there exist music stands consisting of TFT displays nowadays, so good 
on-screen rendering is desirable to some extent. However, I'd advise to 
produce png output if you want to view output on screen; because pngs display 
a lot faster than pdf or ps, and 

 The PDF files certainly 
 are perfectly readable and legible, so therefore, I don't think it is sad
 or even undesireable to have the slight aliasing issues you see. After all,
 72 dpi will always be inferior to 300 dpi no matter how you slice it. If
 Lilypond is optimized for 300 dpi, that is a good thing.

btw, lily is optimized for 600 dpi iirc: the stems have slightly rounded 
edges, this is not visible on resolutions below 600dpi.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: barline problem

2006-06-14 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 14 June 2006 17:25, Stephen wrote:
 Your right, Lilypond does not produce PDF files, ghostscript does. So the
 only thing Lilypond could do is add additional hinting in the PostScript
 file as Hans has already suggested. And as you've already pointed out, what
 matters is how the music looks printed out. It is inadviseable to practice
 your instrument looking at the 72 dpi of the computer screen rather than a
 300 dpi printed score. That's bad for your eyes.

I think there exist music stands consisting of TFT displays nowadays, so good 
on-screen rendering is desirable to some extent. However, I'd advise to 
produce png output if you want to view output on screen: pngs are optimised 
for on-screen viewing regardless of which viewer you use, and they can 
probably be displayed a lot faster than pdf or ps can.

 The PDF files certainly 
 are perfectly readable and legible, so therefore, I don't think it is sad
 or even undesireable to have the slight aliasing issues you see. After all,
 72 dpi will always be inferior to 300 dpi no matter how you slice it. If
 Lilypond is optimized for 300 dpi, that is a good thing.

btw, lily is optimized for 600 dpi iirc: the stems have slightly rounded 
edges, this is not visible on resolutions below 600dpi.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: old-style pedals working, but brackets not? [MINIMAL EXAMPLE]

2006-06-13 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 13 June 2006 16:00, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 Hi, all --

 I was able to reproduce the behaviour I'm seeing in the attached
 minimal example -- any help on the solution would be appreciated.

FYI, this is probably not a minimal example. Usually you can shrink 
problematic examples down to 5 lines of code; the minimisation process is 
often useful to understand what's going wrong (e.g.: if you have verified 
that the Dynamics context in your example has anything to do with the 
problem, I would remove lines from the context definition, one by one, until  
there are no lines that are absolutely necessary to reproduce the problem).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Recent user trying to find out how to mix music and text.

2006-06-03 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 03 June 2006 10:51, Roderick Camelia wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
I'm a recent user of Lilypond and currently writing a music theory book
 for popular music. I've downloaded the Lilypond system since I'm needing a
 way to print musical examples among the text. I've gotten as far as being
 able to make the notes appear in the PDF format. Now I need to find out if
 it's possible to copy the examples from my Adobe Reader 7.0 to my 2.o Writer where I'm writing the text. (This text processor
 is compatible with MicroSoft Word.). On the Lilypond website there is
 advertised MIX MUSIC AND TEXT and it says further:  with the lily-pond
 utility you can integrate music into LaTeX or HTML seamlessly. Can anyone
 explain to me how to achieve all of this? Thanks in advance. integration is not implemented, but it is available as a 
sponsored feature. See:


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Object hierarchy in LilyPond?

2006-05-10 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 08 May 2006 19:30, Arjan Bos wrote:
 On 6 mei 2006, at 21:20, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
  Quoting Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Tuesday 02 May 2006 09:06, Tomas Valusek wrote:
  Or the context hierarchy or which engravers are included in each
  or which objects are created by which engraver (or context) or ...

 What I would like to see is a model of all the data being used within

There's a lot of data used in lily. It would require quite some effort to 
build the model you're suggesting, and someone would need to maintain the 
model (which is changing all the time). I think all the current developers 
have better things to do, but I nothing stops you from writing such 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Object hierarchy in LilyPond?

2006-05-10 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 10 May 2006 08:11, Simon Dahlbacka wrote:
 On 5/10/06, Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Monday 08 May 2006 19:30, Arjan Bos wrote:
   On 6 mei 2006, at 21:20, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Quoting Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
On Tuesday 02 May 2006 09:06, Tomas Valusek wrote:
Or the context hierarchy or which engravers are included in each
or which objects are created by which engraver (or context) or ...
   What I would like to see is a model of all the data being used within
  There's a lot of data used in lily. It would require quite some effort to
  build the model you're suggesting, and someone would need to maintain the
  model (which is changing all the time). I think all the current
  developers have better things to do, but I nothing stops you from writing
  such documentation.

 the only sane way to do such a thing would be to auto-generate the data by
 parsing the source or something so it would be updated with the click of a
 button. Personally, I don't have the extra time to build such a scraping

Such documentation exists, see Program Reference in the manual.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Object hierarchy in LilyPond?

2006-05-04 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 02 May 2006 09:06, Tomas Valusek wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out an overall object hierarchy of LilyPond. The
 only way I've discovered so far is to traverse programmers guide and
 follow links. But this is very tedious, since if I want to get something
 done in non-default way, this approach is very confusing.

 Could someone please prepare series of charts starting at the reasonable
 abstract level and ending with hierarchy of all LilyPond object,
 contexts and however tha various LilyPond parts are named?

I don't understand. Do you want to see, for each grob type, which tweakable 
grob properties it has? Or do you want to create a graph that shows which 
grobs that belong to which interfaces?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Contexts (Was Re: Set vs. Override - I'm confused)

2006-05-04 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Thursday 04 May 2006 06:21, Arjan Bos wrote:

 That's a great document! I've read about half of it now and it does a
 very good job to explain to me how LilyPond works. And seeing the
 date on the title page, I think I have to congratulate you on your
 Masters Degree! Well Done!


 Off topic, but are your music streams implemented in the current 2.9

Working on it.

 From a structural point of view, it looks like a cleaner way 
 of doing things. You might even add the syllables of lyrics to the
 music stream and do away with the current implementation. 

The implementation of lyricsto is one of the things that msuic streams happen 
to clean up; however, large parts of the current implementation are kept 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-05-02 Thread Erik Sandberg
Citerar Rick Hansen (aka RickH) [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Macro pre-processors should generate source code, and stream it in, period. 

 I just want to output strings into the input stream dynamically, that goes
 beyond \include files and offers concat, replacement of tokens, and some
 rudimentary logical constructs, etc. at PRE-compile-time, empasize at

Why don't you use an existing general-purpose preprocessor (m4, cpp, gpp, ..)?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Block diagram of LilyPond

2006-05-02 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Saturday 29 April 2006 12:30, Tomas Valusek wrote:

 has anyone created a block diagram of LilyPond, which would show data
 flow, relationship between various modules, etc? It would be great help
 for obtaining global idea what LilyPond's about.

I have a created one in my master thesis, see

it is however incomplete because the thesis is quite unrelated to the back-end 
parts of lily (so it won't help you with grobs, for example).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-05-01 Thread Erik Sandberg
Citerar Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Agreed.  LilyPond is a domain-specific language.  It is rather odd
  that it is necessary to break out into a different language to do a
  great many things.
  2) Scheme *is* part of LilyPond language, using #, and scheme macro 
  and other
 capabilities are indeed used. what do you think happens when one 
  pad = #(define-music-function (parser location padding music) (number? 
  #{ \once \override TextScript #'padding = #$padding
 $music #})
 In Geoff's defense, this kind of construct _is_ more complicated (to an 
 end-user) than it needs to be -- why the define-music-function,

I agree. The topic pops up often enough to prove that the syntax _does_ scare
away users from using music functions. Even if users shoudln't need to be
prohibited by the syntax, they are.

 why the 
 parser location (don't bother to explain it to me yet), etc.  It 
 would be easier for users if we could just write
 pad = #function (padnum) (number?) %{
\once \override TExtScript #'padding = #$padnum
 (of course, we'd still get complaints about the weird syntax)

Something like this can very easily be constructed with existing lilypond. It
sacrifices flexibility (you can only use music parameters), but is easier to
use and to understand:

foo = #(music-function 3 %{ c4 #1 r8 #2 g16 #3 %})
(foo takes 3 music parameters, #1 #2 and #3).

 That said, my opinion is that users can live with it.  Do the blind 
 copy-and-paste thing; change the TextScript to DynamicLineSpanner 
 or whatever you need; it's not a big deal.

I don't want to cut and paste things I don't understand; when I was new to lily
I didn't like grob property tweaking because I didn't understand where the ':s
came from. It's IMHO a good thing to abstract the syntax to a level where users
easily can understand what they are doing.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Contexts (Was Re: Set vs. Override - I'm confused)

2006-04-27 Thread Erik Sandberg
Citerar Tomas Valusek [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  When I first read the manual I didn't see any clear explanation of the 
  the docs could be more clear on that point. But when I realized that one 
  was for grobs
  and the other for context, it became much clearer, for me it helps 
  separating and understanding
  grobs and contexts.
 Context - another topic of my interest. It seems to me I haven't 
 understood them fully yet. I generally know what they are for, but the 
 role of them is not fully clear to me.

You can read my master thesis if you like, it tries to explain the context
concept (the appendix music streams for the impatient might be a good choice
if you're in a hurry)

BTW: Graham, feel free to incorporate anything you like from the report into the


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Set vs. Override - I'm confused

2006-04-27 Thread Erik Sandberg
Citerar Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On 26-Apr-06, at 10:36 PM, Michael Brennan wrote:
  David Feuer wrote:
  On 4/19/06, Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In 2.8 there's an essential difference between grob and context 
  which is visible for end-users: the \tweak command only makes sense 
  on layout
  object properties, not on context properties. This difference might 
  make it
  easier for new users to understand grob properties.
  Actually it helps me, as a new user.
  When I first read the manual I didn't see any clear explanation of the 
  the docs could be more clear on that point. But when I realized that 
  one was for grobs
  and the other for context, it became much clearer, for me it helps 
  separating and understanding
  grobs and contexts.
 Great!  You now officially know more about this area than me, because I 
 don't have a clue when to use \override or \set.  Please take a few 
 minutes to send me some clarifications or additions for the manual:

Hm. Here's my understanding of it:

You can say it's all about the granularity of the setting. \override
settings which are specific to one graphical object/grob (e.g. a NoteHead).
changes settings on a higher level, and can modify more than one type of grob.
For example, fontSize is a context property (modified with \set) because it
changes the behaviour of several different types of grobs (e.g., noteheads and
rests). You can also change the fontsize of all noteheads only, by overriding a
grob property of NoteHead grobs only. Or you can modify the fontsize of a
notehead using \tweak.

You can notice that \set and \override use different syntaxes:
\set ctx.prop = val
\override ctx Grob.prop = val
Rule of thumb is: If you can figure out a type of Grob that the tweak is
specific to, then it's probably an \override.

This rule requires a rough knowledge of which grob types that exist. The only
way I know to get this knowledge is by reading the internals reference.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Set vs. Override - I'm confused

2006-04-26 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 11 April 2006 23:56, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
  \set: set the value of a context property
  \override: set the value of a layout object property

 I've always wondered why it isn't possible to unify them...

In 2.8 there's an essential difference between grob and context properties, 
which is visible for end-users: the \tweak command only makes sense on layout 
object properties, not on context properties. This difference might make it 
easier for new users to understand grob properties.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-26 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 07 April 2006 00:50, Geoff Horton wrote:
  Just read sections 11.1.3 and 11.1.6 in the manual.

 That's far more complicated than I want, and even further more
 complicated than a musician who's not a computer programmer is going
 to want to deal with--please note that those sections are in the
 chapter on Interfaces for Programmers. Why should I have to know
 Scheme and the details of LilyPond implementation if all I want to do
 is save a little typing and come up with a less busy-looking input

I agree with you that this would be nice.

 LilyPond is powerful, and I'd like to see more of that power made more
 easily accessible. I'm not asking for changes to the basic syntax at
 all--anything I'd come up with would be a totally optional pre-pass

I have plans to make some improvent to the parser, in order to make \relative 
soft-codable. A side-effect of this will probably be that custom high-order 
music functions can be written; for example, you could add a function 
\define-function, to easily define a simple music function. It could work 
something like this:

\define-music-function {\foo \x \y} { c8 \x d8 \y }
{ \foo e16 {f g} }
{ c8 e16 d8 {f16 g16} }

The usefulness of this kind of function is disputed among developers, so it 
might not become part of the official lilypond distribution.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Undocumented \with syntax?

2006-04-04 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 04 April 2006 07.50, Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
 \new Voice=Soprano
 \with {
   \consists Ambitus_engraver
 } { myNotesGoHere }


 The above example gets a compiler error, saying that the \with was

Try using \context iso. \new.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: HELP: Guitar Diagrams (chords)

2006-03-24 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 22 March 2006 01.37, Jannik Jeppesen wrote:
 Hi... I feel, I need to ask these questions again since they have not been
 answered, and I cant figure this out myself

 I want to make a page with only guitar diagrams like this


You can try lilypond-book. If you really want everything aligned, then you can 
produce a table, where each cell contains a score with a single chord.

Another way would be to use the proportional spacing which is new in 2.8.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unmetered music question

2006-03-15 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Wednesday 15 March 2006 10.53, Eddy-14 wrote:
 Mats Bengtsson wrote:
  If you don't want any time signature printed, you can do
  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'print-function = ##f

 What if I don't want a time signature in a part of a piece, and I want it
 back in another part ? Setting it invisible is not a solution, since I
 change it in almost every bar, and it produces spaces at the begining of
 the bars.

The \time commands results in four property settings:
If you set those manually instead, but leave 'timeSignatureFraction untouched, 
then I think no time signature is created.

One way to figure out the values, could be to comment out the expression 
starting with:
(define-extra-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr)
and then compile a file containing:
\displayLilyMusic { \time 3/4  c } 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Chord symbol placement

2006-03-13 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Sunday 12 March 2006 19.53, Edward Ardzinski wrote:
 I am trying to write a lead sheet, and in a couple days feel like I've got
 good progress.  However, I cannot get the chord symbols to be placed above
 the staff if I specify a key signature.  I'm sure this is possible?

It's definitely possible, you can try asking about for help on the 
lilypond-user list if you can't find answers in the manual.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to embed conditional non-music code

2006-03-10 Thread Erik Sandberg
Citerar Alan Stern [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 How can I make a non-music part of my .ly file conditional?  For example,
 suppose I want to add something like
 between-system-padding = 0.3 \in

did you try something like this?

between-system-padding = #(if (eq? partNum 0) (* 0.3 inch-multiplier) '())

(where inch-multiplier is some magic number)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to 'unset something

2006-03-07 Thread Erik Sandberg
Citerar Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm sure this is easy but I can't even begin to figure 
 out a way to search it in the manual
 I used \setEasyHeads for many of my students pieces but 
 I would like to stop that function mid-way through the 
 piece or even just a few measures into it.
 What is the command for that?
 Thank you.

See the file ly/ for hints (the command is defined there).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to 'unset something

2006-03-06 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Sunday 05 March 2006 03.04, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

  See the file ly/ for hints (the command is defined

 First finding this file was nearly impossible the 
 website docs are misleading. 

It's not on the web, it's in your local installation of lilypond (in some data 
dir). The exact location depends on your OS, but you'll probably find it if 
you scan your entire file system.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bug mailing list

2006-03-04 Thread Erik Sandberg
Citerar Andrzej Kopec [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 BTW, is there place where lilypond bugs are listed?

I maintain a CVS archive of known bugs, here:
Usually there's a more readable, but less up-to-date, listing here (it's
generated from the CVS archive every now and then):


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: stems in the treble clef

2006-03-04 Thread Erik Sandberg
Citerar Annette [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I noticed that when I do the examples in the tutorial, the stems in the
 clef go up in your examples and yet when I do them, the stems go down.
 The only time I can make them go up is when I did that example of deciding 
 where to draw the beam.
 Could you look into this?  
 It even happened when I downloaded the examples from that long html page and


Please use lilypond-user list for questions about lilypond usage.

Also, it will be easier for us to help you if you can show us the exact contents
of your input file.


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