RE: lingo-l [OT] UK Kiosks

2003-06-25 Thread Ben Wakeford
Excellent - thanks for the advice guys. Very valid points regarding the
design I had not considered previously. Sounds as though I better look out
for those Elo displays displays too, I'll try and find someone who uses

Final question though - how much should we be looking to spend on a very
secure unit which would have a robust printer installed? A rough ballpark
figure based on previous experience would suffice; say, something in the
region of £4000 (which I guess works out around $6500)? It's not for
anything fancy, just a visual route planner that gives you a print out.

Any ideas?!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Howdy-Tzi
Sent: 24 June 2003 17:50
Subject: Re: lingo-l [OT] UK Kiosks

The Elo touchscreen monitors are pretty decent. I'd recommend using an 
LCD rather than a phosphor display, because LCDs don't have the burn-in 
problems and in my experience run cooler.

Do NOT let anyone sell you a Windows box. Use a Mac for your CPU. It'll 
be a heck of a lot more reliable. Virtually every problem I've ever had 
with kiosk installs is in dealing with stupid Windows crashes. (The 
client wanted Windows, it's cheaper, bla bla bla, ignoring the real 
costs of downtime when the systems would fold up for hours on end.)

*Always* make sure your CPU enclosure has superb ventilation. A few 
holes drilled in the sides do not suffice; you've got to have a couple 
fans in there to force air around.

As for UI on the kiosk display, remember most users won't have time to 
learn or memorize the display controls. Make all the choices very 
simple, have a very large home button that essentially resets the 
display so when one person wanders off the next doesn't have to figure 
out how to start over again, and always make your buttons obviously 
buttons. Give them a raised or 3D look. Also keep the choices brief. 
Don't present the user with 15 buttons on one page. That's too many. 
Try to keep it less than 5.

Beware of parallax. The screen glass itself is pretty thick, which 
means that buttons that are relatively short in height might be very 
hard to hit accurately with a finger. Make 'em tall, ideally more or 
less square or circular.

Test, test, test. Bring in chuckleheads from off the street who've 
never seen the display before and pay 'em a few bucks (or quid) to mess 
around for a while. See where they get lost or where they seem to be 
unable to understand what's going on with the program. End users will 
behave in exactly the same fashion with the kiosk. I don't mean focus 
group here -- focus groups rarely yield useful advice (look at the 
improvements made with MS Word over the years if you don't believe 
that) -- but do pay attention to how they respond and, if you need to 
rehack the UI based on their failures to comprehend it, do it.

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Re: lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2003-06-25 Thread Quixadá
hi, warren
yes, you´re right, but it wouldn´t solve the problem. to create an instance 
of the script did. interesting that when you assign a script to the 
scripinstancelist of several sprites they act like one. probably they refer 
to the same memory adress or something like that. but it´s unexpected.

At 16:48 24/6/2003 -0500, you wrote:
On Tuesday, Jun 24, 2003, at 16:11 America/Chicago, Quixadá wrote:

hi, rob
yes, you´re right, that´s exactly my problem. i´ve made a simple dir just 
to show what´s happening. here are the scripts:
The very first thing you should do is put the sendAllSprites call 
*outside* of your repeat loop.

Try this.

on startMovie
  repeat with i = 1 to 3
puppetSprite i,TRUE
sprite(i).member = member 1 of castLib 1
sprite(i).loc = point(400 + random(70),300 + random(70))
  end repeat
Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
  Developer | Structor, a presentation development/programming tool
  Info and demo |
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2003-06-25 Thread Quixadá
thanks, evan, that´s what i did.
At 18:00 24/6/2003 -0400, you wrote:
ok, so my movie, while needs much explaining on it's own, shows a method 
of puppeting a sprite, then adding an instance of a script directly after. 
in short, you just need to do something like...

y = new(script zoom)

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Re: lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2003-06-25 Thread Quixadá
while we´re on this subject, what handler should be executed when an 
instance of a script is added to a sprite scriptinstancelist? the on 
beginsprite doesn´t seem to be executed, so that´s why i have to send 
sprites messages. and even those seem not work sometimes.

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Re: lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2003-06-25 Thread Rob Romanek
25/06/2003 8:59:02 AM, Quixadá [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

while we´re on this subject, what handler should be executed when an 
instance of a script is added to a sprite scriptinstancelist? the on 
beginsprite doesn´t seem to be executed, so that´s why i have to send 
sprites messages. and even those seem not work sometimes.

Hey Quixada,

Glad you got your scriptInstance issue worked out.

Below is the script I use for dynamic sprite creation.
It allows me to create a sprite, assign properties like member, ink etc and as 
many behaviours as I want, all in one call.

Also it is designed to use standard behaviour structure, that is you don't have to 
do anything special to behaviours you want to attach to dynamic sprites. You'll see 
that it forceably calls the beginSprite handler to make sure the scripts are properly 
initialized. Also there is code to deal with the endSprite handler.

If you want to see it in action along with a demonstration of the pitfalls of dynamic 
sprites (this is what Kerry mentioned earlier) (and a crude partial work around for 
the problem) then check out



PS if working with dynamic sprites the only real solution for them not interfering 
with score authored sprites is to dedicate a range of channels for them and never 
put score authored sprites in those channels

--dynamic sprite generation
--written by Rob Romanek, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

on makeSprite aNum, aProps, aBhvrs
  --check for valid aNum, the sprite number
  if not(integerP(aNum)) then return
  if aNum1 and aNumthe lastchannel then return
  me = script(dynamicSprite)
  puppetSprite aNum, 1
  --aProps list passed in as
  defaultProps = [\
#loc: point(0,0),\
#ink: 0,\
#blend: 100,\
#color: rgb(0,0,0),\
#backColor: 0\
  --change default props to those passed in
  repeat with i = 1 to c
tProp = defaultProps.getPropAt(i)
tValue = aProps[tProp]
if not(voidP(tValue)) then 
  defaultProps[i] = tValue
end if 
  end repeat
  --add additional props
  c = aProps.count
  repeat with i = 1 to c
tProp = aProps.getPropAt(i)
tValue = aProps[i]
  end repeat
  --apply them to the sprite
  c = defaultProps.count
  repeat with i = 1 to c
tProp = defaultProps.getPropAt(i)
tValue = defaultProps[i]
case tProp of
  #member: sprite(aNum).member = tValue
  #loc: sprite(aNum).loc = tValue
  #ink: sprite(aNum).ink = tValue
  #blend: sprite(aNum).blend = tValue
  #color: sprite(aNum).color = tValue
  #backColor: sprite(aNum).backColor = tValue
  #rect: sprite(aNum).rect = tValue
  #rotation: sprite(aNum).rotation = tValue
do sprite(  aNum  ).  tProp  =  tValue
end case  
  end repeat
  if voidP(aBhvrs) then return
  sprite(aNum).scriptInstanceList = []
  c = aBhvrs.count
  repeat with i = 1 to c
tProp = aBhvrs.getPropAt(i)
tValue = aBhvrs[i]
tvc = tValue.count
if tvc then
  si = sprite(aNum).scriptInstanceList.count
  repeat with j = 1 to tvc
tProp2 = tValue.getPropAt(j)
tValue2 = tValue[j]
  end repeat
end if
  end repeat
  sendSprite(aNum, #beginSprite) 

on endDynamicSprite me
  if voidP(me) then return
  if not(objectP(me)) then return
  sprite(me.spriteNum).memberNum = -1
  sendSprite(me.spriteNum, #endSprite)

  sprite(me.spriteNum).puppet = 0
  sprite(me.spriteNum).scriptInstanceList = []

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RE: lingo-l scriptInstanceList

2003-06-25 Thread Kerry Thompson
 while we´re on this subject, what handler should be executed when an 
 instance of a script is added to a sprite scriptinstancelist? the on 
 beginsprite doesn´t seem to be executed, so that´s why i have to send 
 sprites messages. and even those seem not work sometimes.

You have probably already seen James' and my latest posts, but I'll
expand a bit (been doing that for the last 30 years, actually).

As James says, you don't have to have an on new handler. It's
implicit. However, if you have an on new handler, you can pass
parameters to it when you create the instance. E.g., in your script
named setPos:

property pCurrentVal
property pXPos
property pYPos

on new me, xPos, yPos, startVal
  pXPos = xPos
  pYPos = yPos
  pCurrentVal = startVal
  return me

on beginSprite me
  sprite(me.spriteNum).locH = pXPos
  sprite(me.spriteNum).locY = pYPos

Then, when you create the instance, pass the values you want for xPos,
yPos, and startVal. New() will always execute before beginSprite, even
for sprites you manually attach (that is, without setting the

The important concept here is instances. When you create the new
instance, Director does, as you noted, set aside some memory for that
instance. That memory includes the properties for that particular
instance. Ten instances, ten sets of properties, each unique to the

There is, however, only one copy of the executable code, shared by all
instances. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Code acts on
data, and it acts the same no matter what the data (well, within
limits). So, an object really only needs to keep track of its own
data--properties and local vars.

Hope this helps.


Kerry Thompson

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lingo-l UpgradingOldProjects

2003-06-25 Thread Bruce Powell
I've been asked to upgrade a CD (projector) done in 8.5 to MX for use on
System X and multiple platforms. Haven't upgraded my 8.5 to MX yet. Very
intimidated by the Macromedia Tech Note on creating projectors with MX,
system X for multiple platforms. After reading many discouraging notes on
several forums about developing with MX my instincts say forget about it.
Use 8.5 and system 9.2 for another year until MX gets simplified; you know,
autostart issues, multiple QuickTime installers, blinding array of xtras,

Maybe I'm suffering from upgrade burnout. I guess I would just like to hear
from some of you who have had the courage to move up; how has it worked out?


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Re: lingo-l UpgradingOldProjects

2003-06-25 Thread g schafer
I haven't created a package yet - (an app that runs on 9 and X) but it's not
as scary as you might think; these packages are really just folders with the
9 and x components set up properly. (Look at any X app, right/ctrl click and
do 'show package contents' and you'll see what I mean) - - but all in all I
dig projectors on osx. Coupled with OSControl and X-centric interface
components, it really feels like a more mature app than 9 for some reason...

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with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: lingo-l UpgradingOldProjects

2003-06-25 Thread Kerry Thompson
 Maybe I'm suffering from upgrade burnout. I guess I would 
 just like to hear from some of you who have had the courage 
 to move up; how has it worked out?

I've been using MX on Window and OS X for several months now, and
haven't had a major problems. I've created a half-dozen OS X projectors,
and the worst hurdles I've had involved Xtras. The DirectOS Xtra, for
example, changed the format of some of their calls, so I had to go in
and change those calls.

Making an OS X icon, and incorporating it into your projector is
probably the biggest issue you'll face. It can be a bit daunting to read
about, but when you get in and start working on it, you'll find that its
bark is worse than its bite.


Kerry Thompson

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Re: lingo-l UpgradingOldProjects

2003-06-25 Thread Howdy-Tzi
On Wednesday, Jun 25, 2003, at 11:13 America/Chicago, Bruce Powell 

I've been asked to upgrade a CD (projector) done in 8.5 to MX for use 
System X and multiple platforms. Haven't upgraded my 8.5 to MX yet. 
intimidated by the Macromedia Tech Note on creating projectors with MX,
system X for multiple platforms.
Don't be. The first time can be a little tricky, but after that it's 

After reading many discouraging notes on
several forums about developing with MX my instincts say forget about 
Use 8.5 and system 9.2 for another year until MX gets simplified; you 
autostart issues, multiple QuickTime installers, blinding array of 
You don't need to worry about multiple QT installers. You won't find an 
OSX install without QuickTime; at the most you might need to provide an 
installer for pre-X systems. As for autostart -- that's never been a 
feature in wide use on Mac anyway. Mac users know how to locate a CD 
when it's inserted and how to locate and run an application.

Maybe I'm suffering from upgrade burnout. I guess I would just like to 
from some of you who have had the courage to move up; how has it 
worked out?
Apart from the UI issues in author I have had no troubles whatsoever 
with DMX.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
  Developer | Structor, a presentation development/programming tool
  Info and demo |
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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RE: lingo-l baVersion( os )

2003-06-25 Thread Liz
An up date on my problem.  I did some research on osVersion and found on
the macromedia website an ostest.dir file.  I magically turned it into a
dcr file and it detected Windows ME on my Windows ME file instead of
Windows 98.
I copied the code into my project and then tried to run it on the
windows ME machine.  It detected windows 98 (I knew this because of an
alert I had in the code).

I installed director on the windows ME machine to debug it.  The
uncompiled dir file detects windows ME.  So I compiled it on the windows
ME and blow me down it detects windows 98. 

So the question is why?  Is there anything you know that would cause

Code below.

Desperately Liz


global osList
on startMovie
  osList=[Windows 98,Windows 2000,Windows NT,Windows ME,Windows
XP, Windows 95]

global osList
on exitFrame me
  --myOs is set to the actual property #osVersion, 
  --this is done by retrieving the information from the property
  myOs = getaProp(the environment, #osVersion)
  --using a repeat loop and walking through the list osList, we compare 
  --the actual OS to one of the OS's in the list osList.
  repeat with i = 1 to osList.count
myVar = osList[i]

--using the 'contains' operator to determine if there is a match.
--between the actual OS and our list (osList)
--if a match is found the play head is sent to the corresponding
if (myOs contains myVar) then
  alert myOS  -- testing purposes only
  go to frame string(myVar)
end if
  end repeat

 -Original Message-
 From: Liz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 4:04 PM
 Subject: RE: lingo-l baVersion( os )
 I'm officially confounded.  I tried the code supplied by Luke it
 winME.  I put exactly the same code in my application and it detects
 every time.   I tried both baVersion(windows) and baVersion (os)
 the same results. Have I entered the dark zone or is there something
 could be causing this?
 I would try (the environment).osVersion, but frankly I don't know how
 use it.  I will have to look it up somewhere.
 My application is a CD that is time specific i.e. it gets replaced
 semester.  However you are right I should be checking for other OS's.
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:lingo-l-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark A. Boyd
  Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:46 AM
  Subject: Re: lingo-l baVersion( os )
  At 10:44 2003-06-23, Liz wrote:
  I'm using the code below, but on a win ME machine its detecting Win
  Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or why its doing that.
  Hmm. It returns WinME as expected on my ME machine. You might want
  baVersion(Windows) as Luke suggested or even Lingo's (the
  BTW, what will your program do if somebody runs it in a few years on
  Windows ZZZ or Windows 2005 or whatever the current OS is at the
  might want an otherwise clause in there.
  Mark A. Boyd
  Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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to  To post messages to the list,
  is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping 
with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: lingo-l baVersion( os )

2003-06-25 Thread Howdy-Tzi
On Wednesday, Jun 25, 2003, at 13:11 America/Chicago, Liz wrote:

Code below.
Your code's too complex. All you need is this:

  on exitFrame me
myOS = the environment.osVersion
go to frame myOS
Part of the problem is you're using 'contains', and it's likely that 
since the osVersion will *always* contain Windows on a Win system, 
your code is kicking out of the loop when it hits Windows 98, which 
is the first item in your OS list and which does in fact contain the 
word Windows.

Don't bother with the test unless you want to guard against the 
possibility of there being some OS or other you can't recognize. In 
that case you can use contains, but in a different way:

  on exitFrame me
lOSenIKnow = [ 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 ]
myOS = the environment.osVersion
repeat with nItem in lOSenIKnow
  if myOS contains lOSenIKnow.nItem then
go to frame myOS
ALERT I don't recognize this OS...
  end if
end repeat
myOS doesn't need a string conversion; it's already a string.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
  Developer | Structor, a presentation development/programming tool
  Info and demo |
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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RE: lingo-l baVersion( os )

2003-06-25 Thread Liz
I took your advice and changed the list to read 98, ME, etc.

Here's the deal.  I have a small executable and several dcr files.  When
I open the dcr file from my executable I get 98 detected.  If I create
a projector instead of a dialer I get ME detected.  If I call the htm
file I get ME detected.  So why when I call the dcr movie from the exe
do I get 98? This happens on all the alternative lingo I have tried
including using Buddy API.

Any one have an idea?  


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Howdy-Tzi
 Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:00 PM
 Subject: Re: lingo-l baVersion( os )
 On Wednesday, Jun 25, 2003, at 13:11 America/Chicago, Liz wrote:
  Code below.
 Your code's too complex. All you need is this:
on exitFrame me
  myOS = the environment.osVersion
  go to frame myOS
 Part of the problem is you're using 'contains', and it's likely that 
 since the osVersion will *always* contain Windows on a Win system, 
 your code is kicking out of the loop when it hits Windows 98, which 
 is the first item in your OS list and which does in fact contain the 
 word Windows.
 Don't bother with the test unless you want to guard against the 
 possibility of there being some OS or other you can't recognize. In 
 that case you can use contains, but in a different way:
on exitFrame me
  lOSenIKnow = [ 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 ]
  myOS = the environment.osVersion
  repeat with nItem in lOSenIKnow
if myOS contains lOSenIKnow.nItem then
  go to frame myOS
  ALERT I don't recognize this OS...
end if
  end repeat
 myOS doesn't need a string conversion; it's already a string.
 Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
Developer | Structor, a 
 presentation development/programming tool
Info and demo |
   Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A 
 Beginner's Guide Chapter samples | uide/
 remove yourself from this list, or to change to 
 digest mode, go to  To 
 post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for 
 learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping 
with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: lingo-l baVersion( os )

2003-06-25 Thread Howdy-Tzi
On Wednesday, Jun 25, 2003, at 21:18 America/Chicago, Liz wrote:

Here's the deal.  I have a small executable and several dcr files.  
I open the dcr file from my executable I get 98 detected.  If I 
a projector instead of a dialer I get ME detected.

OK. OK. Back in the day there used to be a command called 'the 
platform' for Lingo, and it would tell you the platform (Mac, Win, 
varieties thereof). HOWEVER... it didn't report  necessarily the 
platform on which the movie was running; it reported just the platform 
on which had been compiled into an EXE. So a projector running on Win98 
might report WinNT as the platform if the projector had been compiled 
on WinNT.

I don't know but I'm wondering if you're not hitting a residual flavor 
of that. You're using DCRs. Stop doing that. Use DXRs instead; you 
don't need the Shockwave compression. I'm wondering if the DCRs aren't 
remembering the OS under which they were compressed, in other words, as 
opposed to the one on which they're currently running.

It's crazy. Try DIRs even if you have to. But try not using the 
compressed DCRs for a while and see if that doesn't help.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
  Developer | Structor, a presentation development/programming tool
  Info and demo |
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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