Re: lingo-l OT: Distributed File Encryption

2004-03-26 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 25, 2004, at 9:51 AM, Ross Clutterbuck wrote:

Ideally what I'm after is a utility where you literally point it to a 
enter an encryption key and it will encrypt the file, with decryption 
exactly the same procedure. Am I asking too much?
Check out the Buddy API encryption routines.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Re: Macromedia Logo

2004-03-26 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 26, 2004, at 4:34 PM, Thomas Higgins wrote:

Director: Making Flash its byatch for half a decade.
I think I'm going to make a t-shirt with that logo on it!  8-))

Please make sure to include a MWM logo on that shirt...
No, you'd want to put a MWWthmO logo on it instead.

Ok, can I have one please? ;P
I'm thinking about putting something up on Cafe Press, but I don't want 
to violate any copyrights, so I don't think I could actually use a 
Macromedia logo.

Or could I? Cause if I can, I'll have shirts available by Monday.

-- WthmO

Director: Making Flash its byatch for half a decade.
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Re: lingo-l Macromedia Logo

2004-03-25 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 24, 2004, at 4:18 PM, Fred Westermeyer wrote:

Where can I fine Macromedia Logo???
Depends on the format. The website's one place to look. Also you might 
want to check for a folder called MWM on your Director CD. That 
should have logos in several formats.

Note if you're using DMX04, you don't have logo or MWM requirements any 

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Re: Macromedia Logo

2004-03-25 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 25, 2004, at 6:27 PM, Tony Bray wrote:

It's cool, but strange(no?).  Look at strategy for future 
duscontinued product...?
This must be a record?

I don't believe the Director is dead thread has started so quickly 
after the release of a new version.
I am sure we have usually gone at least 6 months in the past ;-)
Actually you missed the DiD post that came up just *after* the 
announcement of MX04. Someone noted the inclusion of JS and took from 
that the idea that Director was going to be phased into Flash.

Yes, you've read correctly. The ANNOUNCEMENT of a FORTHCOMING Director 
release was taken as evidence that Macromedia was unplugging Director.

-- WthmO

Director: Making Flash its byatch for half a decade.
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Re: lingo-l Launching a UNIX program on Mac OSX

2004-03-24 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 24, 2004, at 6:42 AM, Chris Rasmussen wrote:

We have a Director app that we want to use to launch a UNIX program 
OSX using the BuddyAPI baRun() method, but it doesn't seem to work. 
Can you
give me any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
The same thing you were doing wrong yesterday when you were replied to 
the first time.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l exit button

2004-03-24 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 24, 2004, at 12:40 PM, Fred Westermeyer wrote:


Ok, I lost my head some where on the road to work today.
Well, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

How do i make a quit button or exit button with Yes or No button.
Um, what do you mean? Do you mean one of those little dlogs that says 
Are you sure you want to quit? yes|no|cancel? For that you might look 
into the MUI Xtra.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l title bar in Director mx 2004

2004-03-24 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 24, 2004, at 2:07 PM, William Miller wrote:

does anyone know if there is any way to get ride of the title bar in a 
projector made in director MX 2004?
Have you looked at the display options in the PI? I think the setting's 
in there.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Setting properties via a method's parameters

2004-03-23 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 23, 2004, at 9:44 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

In version 2, you are restricting yourself to using the method within
the object. In fact, I don't see any reason to have the pCurrent
parameters. They're accessible within your object, if I understand
yourself. You could just refer to them without having them as
parameters, or needing to pass them as arguments.
In version 1, you could call the method from any object, passing in any
arguments you want. This may not always be what you want, but it's
probably what you're looking for here.
More importantly, in version 1 you can trap for voids being sent, or 
improper values, or unexpected values, and substitute defaults, a la:

on mHandler(me, whichModule, whichSection, whichTopic)
  if voidP ( whichModule ) or stringP ( whichModule ) then
pCurrent.pModule = #someValue
pCurrent.pModule = whichModule
  end if
  -- rest of the code

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Cursor command not working

2004-03-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 22, 2004, at 9:10 AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

Hi list...

What would cause a cursor command not to work in a mouseWithin handler?
Below, it gets to the cursor line, but doesn't do anything.
Of course it doesn't. You have about six skillion conditionals to be 
tested first, with deep bracket access. The poor Lingo interpreter 
doesn't have time to get to the cursor command.

Try switching to mouseEnter, which tests once, instead of mouseWithin, 
which tests every moment the mouse is inside the sprite. Also try 
preloading the areas you're testing into variables so you aren't trying 
to grab them live. You've got a lot of fairly chip-heavy stuff going on 

BTW when first looking at the code you sent, I toyed with the idea that 
you had to be joking. Uh, were you?

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Cursor command not working

2004-03-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 22, 2004, at 10:20 AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

WthmO: Would you have any suggestions to optimize this?
I don't have the code before me any longer, so offhand no, but the 
suggestion to drop the within event and change to enter only is still a 
good one.

Do you think it
would work better if a timeout checked instead of mouseWithin (which I
was reluctant to use anyway)?
Possibly. There must be a way you can take a lot of the conditional 
testing out of that within event as well. Can you do some checking on 
enterFrame events, for instance, and set flags in properties, or stuff 
list values into prop vars so you've already got your items in memory 
and all you have to do is check?

P.S.  How many numbers are in skillion?  I thought it was 1
Many more than a heap, but much less than a hillion jillion.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l (-1) or-(- 1)?

2004-03-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
How many Lingo geeks does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Apparently a dozen, and they all do it in the same way, but over the 
course of several hours.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l (-1) or-(- 1)?

2004-03-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 22, 2004, at 3:34 PM, Peter Bochan wrote:

Warren Ockrassa
How many Lingo geeks does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Apparently a dozen, and they all do it in the same way, but over the
course of several hours.
Hi Warren,

Can you paraphrase it, I don't understand it
I was just making light of the way that your single question got about 
ten or 12 replies over the course of the day, all of which were more or 
less identical.

The point that
confused me was: at school teachers explained that two minuses can 
give birth to a plus, so I was just thinking how come the mentioned 
would work.
Your teachers were incorrect, as you have found. Two negatives can 
yield a positive. Of course, two wrongs still don't make a right,* but 
that's another topic entirely. ;)

-- WthmO

*Actually that's not true either.

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Re: lingo-l (-1) or-(- 1)?

2004-03-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 22, 2004, at 4:22 PM, Tab Julius wrote:

At 04:54 PM 3/22/04, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
The point that
confused me was: at school teachers explained that two minuses can 
give birth to a plus, so I was just thinking how come the mentioned 
would work.
Your teachers were incorrect, as you have found. Two negatives can 
yield a positive.
Unless they were talking about adding.  Adding two negatives, you will 
always get a negative.  Maybe that's what he's thinking of.
D'oh! Yeah, of course. Sigh. Not enough Earl Grey today.

Of course, two wrongs still don't make a right,* but that's another 
topic entirely. ;)
But three lefts make a right.. right? :)
I heard about someone who went to a Sierra Club get-together and pulled 
aside three members. He ended up with a single Republican with 
environmentalist tendencies. The guy even sold his Navigator SUV in 
favor of an Explorer.

So I'd say yeah, right.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Frame events (was: What happend to fps?)

2004-03-18 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 18, 2004, at 9:35 AM, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:

So do you go to the frame in the enterFrame handler when you want to 
on a frame?
No, that goes in exitFrame. But if you have a stack of heavy Lingo to 
lift, it's better if possible to do it on enterFrame. Roy's right about 

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l delayed messages

2004-03-18 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 18, 2004, at 10:22 AM, Colin Holgate wrote:

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 10:33:59 -0500
It's taking over 45 minutes for messages to reach lingo-l at the 
moment. Strange.
Not even remotely. I've seen delays as long as three hours and more. 
Characteristically my replies take at least 30 minutes to hit the list.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Movie Clip registration

2004-03-17 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 17, 2004, at 12:17 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

I actually meant a film loop.
No can do.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Knowing when text wraps

2004-03-16 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 16, 2004, at 10:43 AM, roymeo wrote:

Is there a way to detect via Lingo whether a line of text has wrapped?
In a #field I believe you can do a count of the number of lines vs. the 
number of returns. It might be more kinky with #text.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l MIAW, Flash and redrawing (SOLVED)

2004-03-08 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 7, 2004, at 10:26 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

It's not normally something you would ever set (unless you were maybe 
reproducing the A Clockwork Orange title sequence).
That would be silly with QD shapes available. ;)

Nobody seemed to mention that the cause of the problem was having a 
DTS Flash sprite. Did it really need to be DTS?
Perhaps not. But this is an issue that comes up with digital video 
sprites as well, and they generally do want to be DTS. So this is 
really a multi-pronged tool.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l MIAW, Flash and redrawing (SOLVED)

2004-03-08 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 8, 2004, at 10:45 AM, Colin Holgate wrote:

So this is really a multi-pronged tool.
Now you're just bragging.
Me? Never. I've no reason to. My notoriety precedes me. (Or is that 
predeceases me?)


-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l MIAW, Flash and redrawing

2004-03-07 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 7, 2004, at 4:34 PM, Teo Mattiozzi Petralia wrote:

Does anyone knows what can I do to get ride of this redraw problem?
the stageColor = the stageColor?

   Warren Ockrassa  |  Publisher/Editor  |  nightwares Books
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Re: lingo-l cross platform xtras in external folder

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 5, 2004, at 8:05 AM, Joe Lister wrote:

That won't work. The files have to be joined together.
and that can only be done on a Mac?
I believe that was the reason Gretchen made the joiner program that she 
mentioned in her email.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l cross platform xtras in external folder

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 4, 2004, at 6:32 PM, Buzz Kettles wrote:

Then how can one create a mac fast-start projector when authoring 
under Windows?
One probably can't. Unless one uses Gretchen's utility, assuming that's 
what it's made it do.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l cross platform xtras in external folder

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 5, 2004, at 10:47 AM, Joe Lister wrote:

I believe that was the reason Gretchen made the joiner program that 
mentioned in her email.
I think that program only works on a Mac!  If you download it from the
location she mentioned its a .sit file.  So still no closer :(
True, she did say it was for Mac users. I had the impression somehow 
that you had access to an OSX system. Mea culpa. :(

So in some cases it looks like a fast-start option really isn't an 
option, unless one has not only a Mac handy, but possibly a Director as 

To be entirely honest I don't often see much use or call for fast start 
of late. CDs are faster all the time, and Dir10 even lets you publish 
with a splash screen image now so users get the sense that *something* 
is happening during app load. I realize it's not much consolation but 
it's something to consider.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l finding the last substring within a string

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 5, 2004, at 11:04 AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

F:\All Risk
The itemDelimiter = \
delete the last item of...
Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l cross platform xtras in external folder

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 5, 2004, at 11:08 AM, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:

Warren Ockrassa wrote:

Dir10 even lets you publish with a splash screen image now so users 
get the sense that *something* is happening during app load.
All recent versions of Director let you use a splash image.
Yes; however it's only with 10 that it's officially supported. The 
splash trick, for instance, does not work as expected on OSX using Dir9 
(MX). The publish settings for 10 let you specify a frame for the 
splash as well, which is very nice. It's good to see it officially 
supported at last. :)

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Window.forget() erases all globals? Was: finding the last substring within a string

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 5, 2004, at 12:50 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

Hello again...
I'm running into a MIAW roadblock when forget() is executed.
In my previous post, I spawned a MIAW (gMIAW).  When I close it using
this handler below, suddenly all becomes useless.  Why?
What does suddenly all becomes useless mean?

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Window.forget() erases all globals? Was: finding the last substring within a string

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 5, 2004, at 1:18 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

What does suddenly all becomes useless mean?
Well, when gMIAW.forget() happens, seemingly all globals everywhere are
voided.  I'm using a couple of parent scripts that are instanced as
globals, and they do a lot, so that's why I'm saying everything becomes
useless.  I get a bunch of object expected errors.
I bet that you have a script something like this:

  on stopMovie
global gYourObject
and that's what's nuking you. When you issue the forget call to your 
MIAW, it triggers a stopMovie event. And probably the MIAW doesn't have 
a stopMovie script in its own cast file, so the event rolls to the next 
... which is the one that's getting called and nuking your objects.

IIRC the way to fix that is to do something like this in your MIAW:

  on stopMovie
That should trap the stopMovie in the MIAw and keep it from propagating 

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Window.forget() erases all globals? Was: finding the last substring within a string

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 5, 2004, at 2:02 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

on mouseUp(me) -- close button is passed
First question--where is your Close button? Is it in the MIAW or on the
Not so much of a problem with Director 10, fortunately. Though you're 
right to point out that with earlier versions a self-forgetting MIAW 
will kill a projector faster than hitting the system's power switch.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Window.forget() erases all globals? Was: finding the last substring within a string

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 5, 2004, at 2:15 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

That was the issue.  I do indeed have an elaborate stopMovie handler
that voids things, and it was being executed by the MIAW.
Ah. Glad you got it then.

Warren, you are a genius.
No, just bitten by the same thing before. What got me thinking was your 
mention of objects that no longer worked. It reminded me of something 
that happened to me several years back that was as maddening, and as 
MIAW related -- I had Lingo-resident DB objects that were getting wiped 
and I was going ape trying to figure out where and why, when all I was 
doing was closing a MIAW...

I will wrap all the voids in the stopMovie handler with an if it's the
ABC MIAW then...
That could work, or you could try just adding stopMovie to the MIAW as 
well. That might work too, and if it does it would probably be much 

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Window.forget() erases all globals? Was: finding the last substring within a string

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 5, 2004, at 2:17 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

Not so much of a problem with Director 10, fortunately. Though you're
right to point out that with earlier versions a self-forgetting MIAW
will kill a projector faster than hitting the system's power switch.
That's good to know. When MX 2004 was first announced, I asked Thomas
Higgins three times on the other list if that was the case. He never
answered, so I assumed the issue hadn't been addressed. I guess he was
just busy answering the dozens of other questions.
You just have to know how to ask. You were probably polite or 
something, weren't you?


-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l cross platform xtras in external folder

2004-03-04 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 4, 2004, at 2:03 PM, Joe Lister wrote:

However, I have had no success when authoring for Mac from Dir MX 2004 
on PC
while keeping the xtras external (ie putting the .data and .rsrc files 
each extra in an xtras folder next to the projector).
That won't work. The files have to be joined together.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Using @//

2004-03-03 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 3, 2004, at 10:03 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

I'm trying to get the directory above the moviePath, and my brain is in
I thought I could get it with pPath = @//the moviePath, but Director is
choking on that, and every variation I can think of.
That's because @/ already IS the moviepath. And the moviePath returns a 
string with the system's folder delimiters.

If you want to go up a directory to a file, you'd do


...or a folder:


Does that help?

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Using @//

2004-03-03 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 3, 2004, at 10:28 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

it's just @//.
I tried that and got a misplaced operator error.

pUserPath = @// --misplaced operator
pUserPath = @//
Put baFolderExists(pUserPath)
-- 0
I know I'm missing something obvious.
Uh, yeah. That's not how the @ operator is meant to be used. :\

What do you want to do?

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Using @//

2004-03-03 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 3, 2004, at 10:31 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

If you want to go up a directory to a file, you'd do


...or a folder:


Does that help?
It's a start, but it still doesn't get me where I want:
put baFolderExists(@//UserFiles) --misplaced operator
put baFolderExists(@//UserFiles)
-- 0
See my other note. The @ operator is internal to Director. I'm 
reasonably sure it's not intended to use with Xtras.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Using @//

2004-03-03 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 3, 2004, at 10:49 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

Well, I think (haven't checked out) that @ is for Lingo only, and not
really appreciated by Xtras... have you tried if
getNthFileNameinFolder, or only baFileExists?
Actually, I have. I usually don't post a question until it's stumped me
for at least a half hour ^_^
fName = @//UserData/Users.xml
 put baFileExists(fName)
-- 0
I know there's some secret combination to get that.

Seems that baFolderExists doesn't work in the same way.

Here's a stumper for *you*. Why are you doing a baFolderExists for the 
folder above the one containing your projector?

Logically, it must exist. If it didn't, your projector would not be 
contained in anything and would not be present on the HD.

What are you trying to do? There might be other ways.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Using @//

2004-03-03 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 3, 2004, at 10:46 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

Uh, yeah. That's not how the @ operator is meant to be used. :\

What do you want to do?
I want to store the path to the directory above the moviePath in a
Ah. You need to parse it then. You can't us @// in that way.

SebastiƩn posted a method; here's another (which might be exactly like 
his, actually):

on GetPath
  sDelimSave = the itemDelimiter
  the itemDelimiter = the last char of the moviePath
  sPathUp = the moviePath
  delete the last item of sPathUp
  delete the last item of sPathUp
  put the itemDelimiter after sPathUp
  the itemDelimiter = sDelimSave
  return sPathUp
put the moviepath
-- nightbook_iii:Users:warren:Desktop:
put GetPath()
-- nightbook_iii:Users:warren:
I have a directory structure something like this
I simply want to open the users.xml file.
That's easy.


Does that do what you need it to? Or do you need to confirm that the 
UserData folder exists? Or that the XML file does? If the latter, it 
seems BAPI lets you. If the former, you might be able to do a 
getNthFileNameInFolder test for @// and see if the folder you want is 

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Using @//

2004-03-03 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 3, 2004, at 11:08 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

What are you trying to do? There might be other ways.
I'm trying to read a file from a folder on the same level as my movie.
I simply want to open the users.xml file from start.dir.
Yeah, I think I got that at the end of my other note. It's


You're not going up a folder; you're moving down into a folder stored 
alongside your movie. Remember @ is the moviePath, not the 
applicationPath, so to move up, sideways and in you'd just do the 

If you want to confirm the folder is there at all, you could try doing 
a getNthFileNameInFolder on @// or you could use the applicationPath as 
your starting point.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l cross platform xtras in external folder

2004-03-02 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 2, 2004, at 8:17 AM, Joe Lister wrote:

I am athoring a movie using Director MX 2004 on windows.  I want to 
use a
stub projector with the xtras kept externally.  I have set this up for 
pc projector - the necassary xtras copied into a folder called 
'xtras', and
the xtras removed from the 'Movie Xtras' dialog in director.  How do I 
about it for the OSX projector?  I know there is a folder called
'..Configuration\Cross Platform Resources\Macintosh' in the director
application folder, but which files to copy, and to where?
They'd go into an Xtras folder like the PC ones. As for which, most Mac 
filenames should be adequate, but you can also have a look at the 
xtrainfo.txt file to see where the Mac vs. Win filenames are different.

I don't know if the OSX Xtras for DMX04 have been BinHexed or not. If 
so you;ll have to process them on a Mac before you add them to your 
projector's Xtras folder. However I'm betting they have *not* been 
binhexed and will work just fine as they are.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Search function (trying again)

2004-03-02 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Mar 2, 2004, at 9:50 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

I don't want to discourage you. We do like to help people. It looks to
me, though, like you would gain a lot from working with a more senior
programmer, or taking a class, or reading some books. Warren Ockrassa
has written a good book for people at your level, Director 8.5
Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide. There are other good ones, too.
Check out, and ask us our opinions about books that look
Thanks, Kerry. I also offered to consult on the program when the 
question was first asked, largely because there were a lot of questions 
in there that were very broad and that, were they to be answered, would 
have resulted in the entire program being produced here in Lingo-L. ;)

I still think it's a workable book and relevant, since Dir85 files will 
work in MX and MX04. Those who might pick up a copy, though, don't give 
in to the temptation to buy used. I don't see any profit from that.

That might sound selfish, but it's not. It's advertising.


Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l absolute vs relative pathnames

2004-02-26 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 26, 2004, at 1:01 PM, roymeo wrote:

Is this one of those times when you may need to download the file and 
it has to be in the dswmedia folder...?
For QT? No. That's insanely impractical. The better suggestion is, as 
Irv mentioned, having the QT media alongside the DCR in playback rather 
than in a subdirectory.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l search function in Director

2004-02-24 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 24, 2004, at 10:42 AM, chris stewart wrote:

I hope this is clear and someone can help with the actual code. I've 
got a feeling it involves lists and  defining global properties or 
something like that, but I can't get any further. Thanks in advance.
It's quite clear, and eminently doable. Feel free to contact me offlist 
to discuss consulting fees for constructing your program for you.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Re: full screen video in the new Director MX 2004

2004-02-24 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 24, 2004, at 1:17 PM, Melinda Geare wrote:

Now that Director can burn to DVD, I was hoping that I could
play full screen videos for presentations.
Umm, I'm reasonably certain Director cannot burn to DVD. It can 
certainly play them.

However, unlike movies
I rent that play great on my laptop dvd player, playing video in 
still is dependent upon the computer speed as in the past.
Has anyone experimented with video play in new Director?
Actually I've had little difficulty getting successful fullscreen 
playback in *older* versions. You just need to experiment with encoding 
and compression rates.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Re: full screen video in the new Director MX 2004

2004-02-24 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 24, 2004, at 1:25 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

Director could always burn to DVD-ROM, the new abilities don't change 
Colin, you're being a DA again.


-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Re: full screen video in the new Director MX 2004

2004-02-24 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 24, 2004, at 1:50 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

Director could always burn to DVD-ROM, the new abilities don't 
change that.
Colin, you're being a DA again.
INIA (I'm not into acronyms), what's a DA?
Either District Attorney or Devil's Advocate, depending on your mood 
and/or familiarity with the legal profession.

I just meant you were being both encouraging and misdirecting at the 
same time. ;)

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 20, 2004, at 1:25 PM, roymeo wrote:

Is there a way to do this without using do statements?

My brain is itching in that way that means I'm either missing 
something obvious or due for my next trepanning session.
Why do you presume it's an either/or proposition? ;)

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 20, 2004, at 2:22 PM, roymeo wrote:

But sprite(21) and #LocH don't work.

x = #locH -- or #blend, or any sprite property
put sprite(21).getProp(x)
How about

  put the locH of sprite 21


  put the blend of sprite 21


It's not .syntax but it orter work. Or is there a reason you need it 
all to be in .syntax?

  (The flash guy is already done with his code...his screen objects 
are full objects.)
It's much easier to write code in Flash using the kiddy 
point-and-click UI, true.


-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 20, 2004, at 4:19 PM, roymeo wrote:

There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.

After investigating sprite properties, it seems they are not stored in 
sprites as proplists. That is why your getProp calls are failing. 
getOne won't work either. List manioulation in general for sprites 
won't work.

You're going to have to approach this in a different way. The reason 
you can't get good (or bad) OOP practices to work with sprites here is 
that the information you seek is not stored in the way you think it is 
and is not available *at all* via OOPish .reference.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l MU xtra for 04?

2004-02-19 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 19, 2004, at 10:25 AM, Troy Rollins wrote:

On Thursday, February 19, 2004, at 05:30  AM, Daniel Plaenitz wrote:

Especially the commonplayer seems to be a piece of dynamite.
Yes. I played with it a bit, too. I think that feature will have to 
wait for some form of update.
Ah, you mean MX05.


-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Video in perspective

2004-02-16 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 16, 2004, at 4:21 PM, Brennan wrote:

On 16/2/04 at 12:24, Ross Clutterbuck
Basically I would like to skew a video sprite to simulate a
perspective panel for video playback (I'll worry about
performance issues a bit later). Anybody got any tips or
pointers on the best way of approaching this?
One thing that springs to mind is to play with the video track matrix 
Another option might be to convert the video (if it's a short clip) to 
FlashMX and try manipulating the Flash sprite on the Stage.

No idea if it'll work, but it's a thought anyway.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l MX 2004 LDMs (was: Merits of JS in Director)

2004-02-12 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 12, 2004, at 12:20 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

JS was actually put in to encourage the transition to VB as MS is 
Could we not have a DOS syntax choice too?
I'm looking forward to the Assembly compiler, myself.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Merits of JS in Director [was: Dirctor MX 2004 - Anyone else frustrated by documentation]

2004-02-12 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 12, 2004, at 12:23 PM, Ross Clutterbuck wrote:

I guess I'm still smarting from the small-minded interviewer who 
me because he said Visual Basic and Lingo are your primary skills? 
language aren't they?.
Wow. Guess it's a good thing the UK isn't too keen on capital 

When you getting out? Or was it a justifiable homicide type argument?

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Dot syntax (was: Merits of JS in Director)

2004-02-12 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 12, 2004, at 4:45 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

Even before optimizing dot syntax, I would hope it would be completed.
Does anybody know if MX 2004 has made any steps in that direction? Can 
do things like castlib[1].member[5].name?
-- Welcome to Director --
put version
-- 10.0
put castlib(1).member[1].name
-- foo
put the name of member 1 of castlib 1
-- foo
Returns  if you do it on an empty member.

One of the main thrusts (shaddup, Grimm ;) of MX04 was plugging the 
holes (I've warned you already) in .syntax. You should find that a lot 
of the issues (!) with #field members have been addressed as well.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l password protection

2004-02-11 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 11, 2004, at 9:38 AM, Craig Taylor wrote:

Also, I know there have been threads about this, but the conclusion is 
there really is no way of protecting video files (MPEG-1) from being
accessed outside of the protected program.  Correct?
Correct, for all practical purposes. Use QuickTime; it supports media 
keys that offer some measure of protection.

If the pieces are short enough consider conversion to Flash MX video. 
You can import those directly into your cast and keep them internal.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l FileIO limits

2004-02-11 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 11, 2004, at 10:37 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

I don't know of any other way to read a text file in Director.
Try importFileInto. You should also be able to set the member.filename 
of a #text member. You might still get the 127-char limit but 
baShortFileName can resolve that.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Bug of the week

2004-02-10 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 10, 2004, at 11:53 AM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

I managed to get the startMovie handler called 7 times. I'm willing to
let you guess how I managed that before I reveal yet another Stupid
Lingo Trick.
7 MIAWs?


-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l password protection

2004-02-10 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 10, 2004, at 3:43 PM, Craig Taylor wrote:

I was toying with the idea of deleting the
projector after three failures - write to an external file that 
prompts this
action??  Is this possible or is there a better way altogether?
External cast file. It contains all your code except an autodestruct 
script. Fail on login and it deletes everything except the kill script 
from the external file.

A more important thing to do is beat your client over the head. Imagine 
what would happen if ALL password protected items did that. Most 
people's hard drives would be erased after their operating systems 
kicked them out on try three.

There's far too much opportunity for nasty jokes like some co-worker 
or whatever (or someone's child) getting the password wrong and 
destroying the software.

This is a TERRIBLE idea.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Especial chars (ISO-8859-1)

2004-02-09 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 9, 2004, at 12:52 PM, Rodrigo Peres wrote:

Put a = ƃ
-- 1
Put A = Ć¢
-- 1
That shows up as false in the message window using the generic US 
keyboard as well, on Mac anyway.

Try charToNum:

  put charToNum( a ) = charToNum( ƃ)

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l another alternate chars question

2004-02-09 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 9, 2004, at 2:14 PM, Craig Taylor wrote:

I had another inquiry with regard to alternate characters.  I have a
database program that contains a keyword search in English and French. 
have written filters for the input field that isolate unusable chars, 
options, etc.  On the French side of the program, there needs to be the
ability to input accented characters from a Windows-based English 
Easy fixes:

1. Code for Mac. Option-e gives you Ʃ, option-c is Ƨ, etc. Just get the 
brain-damaged way Win takes keyboard input out of the loop entirely, 
deploy on Mac, and watch everyone heave a huge sigh of relief.

2. If you or your client believe that Win is the best OS ever, add 
buttons, clickable buttons that display the special chars. User clicks 
the button, et voilĆ”, the character appears in the field.

Any other options are probably too painful to consider.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l another alternate chars question

2004-02-09 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 9, 2004, at 2:41 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

2. If you or your client believe that Win is the best OS ever
Or believes that a substantial part of his market uses Windows.

Reality, Warren. It's not a religion, it's a business.
Sometimes, Kerry, reality can force a business to reconsider its 
installed machine base.

I'm not sure where you get the religion crack from, and I don't much 
appreciate it. I'm pointing out a viable alternative. If -- IF this is 
a project that is being coded with control over final installation 
systems -- that is, if the end users will be given machines that are to 
run the project, why, it's eminently more sensible to sidestep the 
alt-key BS that Windows imposes.

Furthermore, there isn't a question of religion when I state -- 
factually -- that the alt-key scheme Windows uses is functionally 
retarded. It's undeniable.

Finally, I offered another suggestion that would get past the Windows 
issues, and yet you chose to overlook it and lecture me instead.

I don't need your lectures. Get it?

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l another alternate chars question

2004-02-09 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 9, 2004, at 2:54 PM, Mathew Ray wrote:

This is not a flame, or an invitation to start a platform war, but I 
have to concur with Kerry.
So what is the reason you came in to point out the obvious? I'm aware 
of the statistics. They keep getting hammered home by MS's marketing 
droids. I'm also allowed to be fully convinced that the majority is 
wrong, and I am allowed the right in the US to protest the dominance of 
Windows in the OS market. I choose to do so by pointing out the 
problems with the OS and the way it functions, because I'm not sure 
many people realize just how cockeyed it actually is about so many 

As for which OS is the best: they ALL suck. OSX sucks the least 
currently, at least from my point of view, but the fact is they all 
make life a bit more complicated than it needs to be.

That said I'm not sure how some flippant commentary suddenly became so 
damn serious. I answered a reasonable question with two reasonable 
alternatives, one of which was a programming (Lingo-based) solution. 
Neither you nor Kerry have contributed along those lines to this 
discussion. So even if I am an opinionated hole, at least in this 
particular case I added some useful data to my opinions.

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l another alternate chars question

2004-02-09 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 9, 2004, at 2:57 PM, Craig Taylor wrote:

This particular program is built for a
sales force all outfitted with Windows-based laptops.
Ah well, I figured it was worth a shot. ;)

Also, unfortunately, there is not enough room on the interface to put 
the alternate characters in a typewriter-like layout.  Maybe a MIAW
solution, but would it be any less cumbersome in the long run???
Hmm. How many special chars are there? I can think of a couple 

1. A MIAW palette, as you mention, might do it; or
2. A popup that can be opened with a right-click. User's on the input 
field, needs a special char, right-clicks, chooses. That char is 
inserted at the end of the entry area's content.

Do either of those options make sense? The advantage of the latter is 
that it doesn't need any externals (so would work in shockwave) -- you 
could jsut us a #text or #field member that stays invisible/offscreen 
until the right click is sensed in your input area.

Oh, another option might just be a strip across the bottom a la:

  Ɣ Ƨ Ʃ

...etc. It wouldn't have to be that large. Clicking a character (you 
could use the mouseChar with a #field member) would give you the char 
to insert as well. Wouldn't take up *too much* space.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Installing applications on OSX using Director MX

2004-02-06 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 6, 2004, at 8:27 AM, Dan Sheridan wrote:

Hi List,

Its me again with problems on OSX using Director MX.

I am trying to launch an installation application for QuickTime when 
the user
clicks on a button, basically everytime the user clicks on the button, 
the projector
quits... and nothing happens... it only happens in OSX...

Any ideas... ?
Gosh, it would be nice if you could share the code you're using. It's 
kinda hard to telepathically debug program errors.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Parallax

2004-02-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 5, 2004, at 3:59 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:

On Thursday, February 5, 2004, at 04:28 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

I used 2d, three sprites on top of one another and with a left and 
button, moved the top one 3px, the middle one 2px, the bottom one 1px
either left or right depending on whether or not the directional 
are pressed on exitframe.  The text in my foreground is one big see
through 1-bit bitmap.
That effect works. Pretty cool.
Yeah -- it's pretty damn sexy all right. Well done, no 3D, and only 
three sprites!

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l rollover fade

2004-02-02 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 2, 2004, at 3:23 PM, Peter Bochan wrote:

But when I drag the word and
rollover the definition I want the definition to blend to 20 points or
sth. Besides, the word should be centered in the definition when I
release the mouse.
OK, so you want lunch to cause the definition to fade when it's 
dragged over?

First, you need not to be using pause if that's what you're doing.

Second, you have to have a way for the definition to know which word 
it's supposed to respond to.

I tried:

sprite().within sprite() - didn't yield anything
sprite().intersects sprite() - nothing
Unfortunately you haven't provided any context. There's no way for 
anyone to know what this code is trying to do, because it's lifted so 
totally from the structure of your project that it's almost abstract 
expressionism. ;)

Please provide a much better description of what you have actually 
done, including some indication of what code is attached to what 
sprites. It's hard to just sort of guess.

BTW, while it's nice to have included a link to the Director movie 
itself ... well, you might be fortunate to find someone willing to do 
the work for you, but I wouldn't expect it to be free of charge.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Controlling flash with lingo.

2004-01-29 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 29, 2004, at 7:46 AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

Comprehend this article, and you'll be a pro.
Works better in angle brackets for email that wraps at 72 chars: 

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Lingo External Data

2004-01-29 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 29, 2004, at 4:40 PM, Mathew Ray wrote:

...too bad normal people can't use it yet :0)
Are you suggesting something about my normalcy?

Cause that news is about as fresh as the outcome of the Battle of 


Anyone heard of a possible ship date yet?
I seem to recall hearing either late Jan, or maybe it was late Feb. (Of 

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Flash problem in director - DUMB!

2004-01-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 22, 2004, at 10:44 AM, grimmwerks wrote:

This is driving me crazy.

Flash sprite in channel 1 in frame 1.
Try it in frame 2 instead of frame 1. Leave frame 1 Flash-free.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: AW: lingo-l Flash problem in director - DUMB!

2004-01-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 22, 2004, at 11:34 AM, grimmwerks wrote:

On 1/22/04 12:10 PM, Florian Bogeschdorfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] spewed 

Frame 1 is not a good place to do such things. Have you tried frame 2?

Ok, lied. It's actually frame 5. Unless that's another 'bad' frame ;P
Hmm. Check DTS, then, consider using the stagecolor trick, and/or 
sacrifice a virgin rooster at the next Samhain.

-- WthmO

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Re: AW: lingo-l Flash problem in director - DUMB!

2004-01-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 22, 2004, at 12:16 PM, grimmwerks wrote:

On 1/22/04 1:01 PM, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] spewed 
Hmm. Check DTS, then, consider using the stagecolor trick, and/or
sacrifice a virgin rooster at the next Samhain.
BUT. I've already tried dts, and the stagecolor, AND endsprite  =
pSprite.visible = false.
Across how many frames is your Flash sprite spanned?

-- WthmO

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Re: AW: lingo-l Flash problem in director - DUMB!

2004-01-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 22, 2004, at 2:00 PM, grimmwerks wrote:

On 1/22/04 2:43 PM, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] spewed 

Ah. Spare your cock. Try extending the Flash sprite instead.
Spare the cock, spoil the child.

Uh... Hmm.

Did it work? (Extending the Flash sprite I mean.)

As to the misbehaving behavior -- any chance that the sprite with the
malfunction is on the last frame of your score?
BUZZZ! Oh, I'm sorry Warren, nice trythe answer is frame 15, the 
of the score.  We have some lovely parting gifts for youJohnny, 
Warren what he's won...
OK, and it's sprite 10. Is that the bottommost sprite in the frame?

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l why palettized images?

2004-01-16 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 16, 2004, at 12:30 AM, Slava Paperno wrote:

This must be somethig very simple--something I accidentally messed 
up--but I can't find what. All of a sudden all images on the stage are 
palettized, look like 8-bit color or worse. Yet all bitmaps in the 
movie have member().depth of 32 bits. According to Properties 
Inspector, all bitmaps have paletteRef set to SystemWindows, yet 
everything looks like the VGA palette is applied to all.

What could be causing this? What have I done?
What's your monitor's color depth?

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l why palletized images?

2004-01-16 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 16, 2004, at 11:17 AM, Slava Paperno wrote:

Thanks for responding, Warren. The monitor depth hasn't changed--it's 
32 bits. And the same thing happens when I make a projector and run it 
elsewhere on 24-bit and 32- bit Windows installations.

I have several successive versions of the movie dir file, and this 
palettizing shows up in one and then persists in all subsequent 
versions--but not in an earlier version of the same movie. So it must 
be some change in the dir file that's causing it--not a system 

Besides, when the movie is running in authoring, and I reset an 
individual image's filename to point to the same file, it is displayed 
correctly. But when I restart the movie, all images again look like 
they have VGA palette.
Wait a minute. You mean these are LINKED files? As opposed to being 
imported directly into the cast?

Hm. Check the prefs and make sure you're not asking Director to do 
insane JPEG compression (it should be about 80% as default, I think).

Also make sure that your graphics person hasn't changed file formats on 
you partway through the project and failed to tell you.

Also make sure you're not actually using a system palette. You don't 
need it if you're running +8 bits, and if your movie properties are 
trying to impose a palette setting, you might be getting into trouble. 
Also make sure you don't have any palettes roaming about in the Score.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l GetNetText bug (more strange)

2004-01-16 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 16, 2004, at 12:05 PM, Rodrigo Peres wrote:

Hi list,

In addition of my last post regarding GetNetText, I've tried a very  
script just to see what's happened.
Rodrigo, this one works without any trouble. Just slap it into a frame  
script and see what happens for you. I can't swear to it, but I wonder  
if the 'halt' you're calling is hosing you.

I've pretty much always done net operations in frame handlers, using  
properties, rather than trying to do it with globals c.


on beginSprite me

  pnNetID =  

END beginSprite

on exitFrame me

  if (netdone(pnNetID) = true AND netError(pnNetID) = OK) then
put netTextResult(pnNetID)
  end if
  go to the frame

END exitFrame

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Residual Flash Graphics in DirMX Windows

2004-01-16 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 16, 2004, at 2:09 PM, Trevor J. Lotz wrote:

Okay, I finally got a chance to implement this, changed my updateStage 
command to the stageColor=the stageColor worked like a charm!  Thank 
you guys so much for such a quick and easy fix!  That really will save 
my skin.
That's good, since I'll personally expect one pound of flesh in payment 
for services rendered.


Incidentally, not that it makes a difference, necessarily, but my 
Flash movies were NOT Direct To Stage.  I didn't ever try making them 
direct to stage, as this solution worked.  But it's possible that 
would do it also.
Maybe or not, but they'll probably play back more smoothly as DTS items.

Now, just so I can understand Director a little better, and hopefully 
alleviate issues like this more easily in the future, what was 
happening to cause this, from a technical standpoint?
Prolly buffer issues, yeah. (I nearly wrote 'bugger'...) It's been 
around for a *very* long time, I think since ver. 5 at least, and 
possibly longer. You get the same kind of lingering image trailing from 
QT videos. It's obnoxious but, I'm guessing, a fact of life (or else it 
would have been fixed sometime in the last half decade plus).

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Residual Flash Graphics in DirMX Windows

2004-01-15 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 15, 2004, at 5:21 PM, Trevor J. Lotz wrote:

I've tried to force updateStage in several places, I've changed the 
method of opening the HTML files from DirectOS to gotoNetPage, etc.  
But I can't seem to see it make any difference.  I'm stumped.  Any 
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  the stageColor = the stageColor

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Residual Flash Graphics in DirMX Windows

2004-01-15 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 15, 2004, at 7:13 PM, Kyle Smeby wrote:

Mathew and Warren's advise sounds good--although I haven't tried their 
It's auld schoole, laddie. Since Dir4 at least methinks.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Residual Flash Graphics in DirMX Windows

2004-01-15 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 15, 2004, at 11:15 PM, macmec wrote:

Mathew, when you say to set the stagecolor where I am updating the 
stage, are you suggesting that I do that in addition to the 
updateStage command, or instead?
Instead of, not in addition to.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l re: Dir MX2004 (Tom)

2004-01-07 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 7, 2004, at 3:53 AM, Lee Blinco wrote:

Some of this I can answer.

will projector windows be sizeable by dragging ?
There are three types of window available -- regular document, tool and 
dialog. The regular document window has the option to be resized, and 
yes, it includes a drag thumb in the corner.

Your other question is about scaling. TTBOMK resizing a window will do 
what it does now with MIAWs that have resize boxes -- enlarge the 
stage, but not scale content.

Can the projector have a bitmap castmember for an
icon or must we still use an icon editing program to create an ico 
file ?
You can use bitmap cast members to create icons now. They get rolled 
into the projector at publish.

also i wondered why with the mention of improved media support
(wmv,real(?)mpeg2/dvd) i can not see mpeg 1 support, we find this the 
reliable video format, is it supported now ?
MPEG 1 is supported via QuickTime version 5 and up, Mac and Win. Since 
QT is free and freely available I'm not sure why you'd want Macromedia 
to rehack the annulus. I'd rather see more focus on Lingo bugfixes and 
stability than MPEG 1.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l New Director MX

2004-01-07 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 7, 2004, at 9:27 AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

How about 8-bit MIAW masks, like the latest Adobe splash screens?
Not yet. Possibly a future version?

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Re: re: Dir MX2004 (Tom)

2004-01-07 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 7, 2004, at 11:31 AM, Lee Blinco wrote:

Hi warren,
thanks for your answers,
i can only find the method of altering the projec32.skl file for 
changing a
projectors icon, yet you say it is possible with a cast member, could 
point me where i can find out more about this.
Sorry. By 'now' I meant with DMX04. When you upgrade (!) you'll be able 
to use a cast member to create projector icons. For the current version 
you need to edit files, yeah.

My wish for mpg is that purely because you have to install QT on a win 
which often creates problems when distributing due to company it 
user competence/reluctance etc.
I understand, believe me, but it *is* a free option. If it's too much 
of a hassle you can check out Tabuleiro's Xtras. They've got some 
damned fine MPEG add-ons that don't require any special handling at all 
on the Win side, but of course it's payware. Since the client gets the 
cost of such things, hey, why not? ;)

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l DMX2K4 Question

2004-01-07 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 7, 2004, at 3:13 PM, Trevor J. Lotz wrote:

One of the features (which isn't really a feature, but an expected 
functionality these days) I've been waiting for since beginning my 
work on Director at version 7.02, will we FINALLY get multiple levels 
of undo?

-- WthmO

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Re: lingo-l Prevent second click

2004-01-07 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 7, 2004, at 6:04 PM, Alan Neilsen wrote:

Within my program, users click on thumbnail icons to open audios. This 
creates puppet sprites and takes the play-head to a different frame 
where an audio begins playing automatically and a transcript, play, 
rewind, pause, ffwd and Close Audio buttons are available. On 
clicking the Close Audio button, the puppet sprites are set to false 
and the play-head returns to the frame it had been at when the 
thumbnail was originally clicked (gReturnFrame). The problem is that 
one of the thumbnail icons is positioned in roughly the same place as 
the Close Audio button (neither can be moved), and if the user 
happens to double-click the Close Audio button, the second click 
automatically registers on the thumbnail icon at the return frame and 
that audio starts playing.
Have you tried something like this:

  on mouseUp me
if the doubleClick then
  -- do whatever you normally do with a single click
end if

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Director MX 2004 Questions - day 3

2004-01-07 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 7, 2004, at 7:38 PM, Thomas Higgins wrote:

My apologies for being good about answering questions in the morning 
then dropping off today
Yes, how dare you? Golly. No follow through or nuttin. It's like you 
have an actual job or something that involves more than just fielding 
queries from hither and yon.

If I don't cover your
questions tomorrow morning please feel free to provide a _gentle_ 
as to what question(s) I may have overlooked.
I'm wrapping my two-by-four in padding right now. ;)

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Director MX04

2004-01-06 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 6, 2004, at 11:59 AM, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:

I have one very important question about the new cross-platform 
publishing capabilities of Director.
What about Xtras? Does Director have to have two Xtras folders, one 
for Mac and one for Win, so it can publish correctly crossplatform?
Yes. On the Win side you can't publish Mac Classic projectors; on the 
OSX side you can publish everything.

And I assume we still have to buy any third party Xtras for both 

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Truth or fiction

2004-01-06 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 6, 2004, at 3:10 PM, Matt Wells wrote:

Thanks, I'll just figure it out for my self - which is not a problem - 
just figured one of you would have a deeper knowledge base and be able
to give me an answer of the top of your head with little or no effort.
You'd be surprised. A user's email address isn't in a single 
predictable location. Assuming the user has Outlook you can probably 
get that information from a registry key, but different versions of Win 
might have that key in different locations; and security might or might 
not allow you to get the address in the first place.

If the user does not have Outlook (or prefers not to use it), you won't 
be able to get the information you want.

If the user is on a Mac, none of this information applies.

It's not a simple process, and the program to which you refer is 
glossing over its needs. There's almost no way it could possibly be 
anywhere near as simple as the packaging implies.

The easiest, most certain way to get a user's email address is ASK what 
it is. That way you don't have to worry about software or system 
versions, and you give the user a *choice* not to have his email 
address be known.

I'm of the same inclination as Kerry on this one. There's no reason 
whatsoever for ANY program to be harvesting my email address, 
particularly against my will. Any program that did so would find itself 
deleted immediately.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l RE: was Director MX04 now cross platform Xtras question

2004-01-06 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 6, 2004, at 5:59 PM, Peter Witham wrote:

   With the new version if I want to create a projector to run on OS-X 
Director on a Windows platform it will not include the required Xtras 
OS-X in the projector that I publish like it will when making the 
projector for example the flash or text asset xtra?
Yes, actually it will. It will publish two projectors, one for Windows 
(with the necessary Win Xtras) and one for Mac (with the necessary Mac 
Xtras). You don't get a single projector that can run on both 
platforms; you get two discrete projectors with their own respective 

And if this is the case
then I still need to publish the projector on a MAC if I want to 
include the
standard shipping Xtras in the projector file for the MAC platform?
No. It acts a little like how Flash does things when you publish a 
Flash projector for both Mac and Win from the same Flash authoring 

   And if so, how is this different than using a stub projector 
created on
both platforms and just using a dcr file for the main projector like 
we do
now with MX and other versions?
You only need one copy of Director on either platform to publish for 
both. That's a pretty substantial difference.

   Or are you saying that creating a MAC projector via the Windows 
does include the standard shipping Xtras within Director meaning I can 
the compiled projector file to a OS-X user and it will be happy to run.
That is correct.

it's only 3rd party Xtra's that we have to worry about which would make
sense as that's not down to Macromedia.
That is also correct. If you have third-party Xtras (BAPI for instance) 
you stick your BudApi.x32 file in your Win Xtras folder, and the BudAPI 
Xtra goes into another Xtras folder that exists alongside it for the 
Mac side. IIRC the Mac Xtras, on Win, need to be BinHexed, but on the 
Mac side there are no such restrictions. Thus it makes more sense to 
use DMX04 on Mac than Win.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Save or upload to the Internet

2004-01-05 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Jan 5, 2004, at 8:28 PM, Teo Petralia wrote:

I'm wandering if is possible somehow to save a cast to the Internet 
with a projector or upload it?
Don't know about casts, but there's an Xtra listed at 
that can do net uploads.

...and I wish I could recall what its name is. :\

Check the Mile High Table there...

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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lingo-l A Polite Request to Those Leaving on Holiday

2003-12-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
DO NOT forget to UNSUBSCRIBE from this list (and all the others you're 

There are literally *thousands* of us who do not care you will be out 
of the office until January 2nd or whenever.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Classic Mac and xtras

2003-12-17 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 17, 2003, at 1:25 AM, grimmwerks wrote:

I've been trying to build a classic projector from MX with the Budapi 
embedded; I've got the xtra in the classic mac xtras folder, but no 
what, I keep getting a 'problem writing Budapi Xtra' alert
Are you sure it's the Classic version of the Xtra? It can be rather 
hard to tell...

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Classic Mac and xtras

2003-12-17 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 17, 2003, at 10:31 AM, grimmwerks wrote:

On 12/17/03 9:53 AM, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] spewed 

Are you sure it's the Classic version of the Xtra? It can be rather
hard to tell...
Sure was. Classic folder. Also attempted the 1.2 from mac9.
Similar question surfaced on Direct-L today. (Actually identical.) 
Might be a bug in the classic Xtra. Do you have a fallback version 
(older version) you can try?

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l retrieve email

2003-12-16 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 31, 2003, at 8:12 AM, Craig Fisher wrote:

Does anyone know how to retrieve email ???
I use Many seem to prefer Outlook Express, probably because 
it's free. Eudora's pretty good too.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Shared cast error

2003-12-15 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 15, 2003, at 7:23 AM, Michael Finlayson wrote:

What's weird is that in backup copies of the movie, inside subfolders 
other main folders, the same is true. To get another copy of the
shared.cst file (needed to drag and drop into the other eight movies in
the folder) I had to go back to a CD copy of the program.
And that's the part that has me baffled too. :(

I'm pretty sure this is not saving me time over the cut/paste/exchange
method I was using prior to Warren's letter, although I appreciate his
Yeah, I'd agree. But what you're seeing, if my understanding of the 
symptoms is correct, simply shouldn't be happening either.

Oh wait.

However, when you have an external cast shared by as many as twelve
movies, it's a different story.
Yeah, that'll be part of the problem all right (probably all of it). If 
you have one cast member in an external cast file that's being used in 
five movies, yeah, you'll want five copies of *that cast file* -- since 
the *first* drag/drop will empty it from the shared library that's 
currently open. Those gestures mean *move*, not copy.

So for that the way to go would probably be to make multiple copies of 
the cast file itself, one for each movie that uses it.

I was thinking that moving one member into an internal cast was 
emptying the entire external cast file, which definitely shouldn't take 

A more interesting question was whether the cast file was fully loaded 
in the shock session. Hadn't even occurred to me to wonder that...

The other folders were for CD and Kiosk distribution, and I WANTED them
to use the shared cast. They too lost access to the shared cast.
Did they have their own copies? And were they actually pointing to 
those copies internally, or did they think they wanted the cast next 
door in the folder alongside themselves (that contains the one you're 

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Changing name of a file

2003-12-14 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 14, 2003, at 3:23 PM, Fabrice Closier wrote:

i've rechecked the BA function list its true, its there...
I'm glad. I was beginning to think I'd hallucinated it before.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Weird error code

2003-12-13 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 13, 2003, at 1:15 PM, grimmwerks wrote:

I'm only checking a list to see what the count of something is

(ie if gThisAssetList.assets.count) and I'm getting an alert of:

Unknown error code (-2147219478)
...and I'm not even DOING anything with 3d.

I think it's time for you to post some more illuminating data, such as 
the code that's actually going wrong. Your question is FAR too obscure 
for anyone to answer.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Changing name of a file

2003-12-13 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 13, 2003, at 2:19 PM, Fabrice Closier wrote:

is it possible to change the name of a file via Director?
I think ByddyAPI can do it with baRenameFile. I think FileXtra can do 
it too.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Shared cast error

2003-12-13 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 13, 2003, at 6:48 PM, Michael Finlayson wrote:

The first movie has no background picture (a member of the shared 
and about the time it tries to load the second movie I get an error:

Shared.cct is not a Director file.
IIRC this can be due to one of two possible things.

1. Your server doesn't recognize the .cct extension and doesn't know 
it's meant to be binary data.

2. Your FTP program did more or less the same. That is, it looked at 
the .cct data and BinHexed it when it uploaded it, rather than leaving 
it alone.

Try setting up your FTP app such that it won't BinHex, then try again.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Weird error code

2003-12-13 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 13, 2003, at 6:35 PM, grimmwerks wrote:

It's happening all over the place, from start movie to just typing

Put baGetSysFolder(prefs) in the message window while the movie isn't
running -- I'd get that alert fired back immediately.
Does it happen only with Xtras? Or does it also happen with things like

  put hello


Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Shared cast error

2003-12-13 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 13, 2003, at 8:00 PM, Michael Finlayson wrote:

Now for option #1. Is that something I can ask my hosting company to
set-up for me, or should I just give up and copy/paste/exchange all of
the shared cast members?
Well, if you give up you don't have to copy/paste/exchange. You can 
just drag and drop from your external cast to your movies' internal 
casts. If you drag a cast member from one window to another Director 
automatically updates its references.

As to the rest ... well, one can only guess. Things should be working 
fine, or at least I'd hope so. Have you tried not protecting the 
external cast just to see if that makes a difference?

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l Sound throwing errors -

2003-12-09 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 9, 2003, at 9:18 AM, grimmwerks wrote:

Any reason why a sound(1).queue(mysound) or sound(1).play(mysound) 
throw 'handler not found in object'?
Not a sound file?

-- WthmO

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lingo-l Ethernet HW Address? (xpost-ish)

2003-12-09 Thread Warren Ockrassa
Asked this on Direct-L yesterday but no one seemed to have the answer I 
was looking for.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a means (ideally with an Xtra, not 
something like AppleScript or VBScript) to find out the hardware 
address of a given system's ethernet card.

Bonus points for finding out things like CPU and HD serial numbers!

I know it's doable in theory; I'm just wondering if anyone's actually 
managed it in practice.


Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
 Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |
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