Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-27 Thread David Boyes
> Not entirely we think:
> LSB does help in the the layout for scripts, like /usr/local/xxx for
> sendmail and /etc/init.d etc, but the two main distros we
> certify Rh adv
> srv and SuSE SLES both seemingly will have differences in the
> near future
> in respects to libs, SLES will be taking an approach with NGPT (Next
> Generation Posix Threads) an IBM sponsored project, while RH
> will be going
> with another flavor, each differs, one is M:N while the other
> is 1:1. The
> confusion for us now is do we just compile against whatever
> is in glibc or
> do we go back to a port for ea distro and have some advantages?

Hmm. It would seem on the surface that compiling against glibc and
sticking to a LSB level would probably be the Right Thing, but you have
a point on possible performance advantages, etc.  Still, aren't the API
semantics of the thread stuff supposed to be the same, and then resolved
with dynamic linking? Without that guarantee, the LSB probably isn't
really worth much.

> It is not un-common for Os
> vendors to "create" new standards, or claim there are new ones and
> everybody should do this or that :~)

That's the great thing about standards; there's so many to choose from.

-- db

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-27 Thread James Melin
Not so much a certification issue in most cases. It's a source code issue.
Will the vendor give away the source? Samba and Sendmail, etc, are open
source. Cache' isn't. Oracle isn't.  Etc. THATS where the problem lies.

| |   John Summerfield |
| | |
| |   Sent by: Linux on 390|
| |   Port |
| |   EDU> |
| ||
| ||
| |   11/26/2002 03:10 PM  |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   Linux on 390 Port|
| ||
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: Another distribution question  

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Dave Jousma wrote:

> Thanks all for the responses.  For us, this is a chicken and egg thing.
> We are just testing the waters, so to speak, so we are not ready to
> call any vendor(s) to see if they will play in the 390 environment.
> You have answered my question, though.  The 3rd party app must
> specify z/series or S390 as a platform, and if not, then it is not
> compatible(at this time).

I know some folk value certification, but I wonder. Some time ago a
local business would not run Oracle on Linux "because it's not

It was actually available and it ran fine.

Take a look at the software you run:
Is Samba certified?
Is Sendmail/Postfix/Exim?

So far as I know, _none_ of the hardware I run Linux on is certified.



Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Alan Cox
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 23:16, David Boyes wrote:
> Does the introduction of the LSB and the informal certification scripts
> for LSB 1.x compliance address this at all? I'm thinking that if the
> application is written to be LSB x.y compliant, then it should work and
> be supportable on other LSB x.y compliant platforms, right?

On the same architecture

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Jon R. Doyle
Not entirely we think:

LSB does help in the the layout for scripts, like /usr/local/xxx for
sendmail and /etc/init.d etc, but the two main distros we certify Rh adv
srv and SuSE SLES both seemingly will have differences in the near future
in respects to libs, SLES will be taking an approach with NGPT (Next
Generation Posix Threads) an IBM sponsored project, while RH will be going
with another flavor, each differs, one is M:N while the other is 1:1. The
confusion for us now is do we just compile against whatever is in glibc or
do we go back to a port for ea distro and have some advantages?

I believe we willl maintain a single xxx123-LNX.rpm moving forward, LSB
helped us eliminate xxx123-SuSE.rpm and xxx123-RH.rpm, but it reamins to
be seen I think how close the LSB spec will hold Linux distos for ISVs
like us and how well those distros comply. It is not un-common for Os
vendors to "create" new standards, or claim there are new ones and
everybody should do this or that :~)



Jon R. Doyle
Sendmail Inc.
6425 Christie Ave
Emeryville, Ca. 94608

   (o_   (o_   //\
   (/)_  (\)_  V_/_

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, David Boyes wrote:

> > Most ISVs IMHO need to protect themselves somewhat on Linux
> > because it is
> > a platform that can have any level of changes applied at the end-user
> > level. Meaning, we know what Solaris level or NT level works
> > through QA
> > processes, but what if somebody calls me and says I am
> > running SuSE SLES
> > with 2.4.18, but I find they have patched the kernel with pre-emptive
> > stuff, or any number of things that seemed interesting in the dev
> > community, or say new glibc, and now Sendmail filters or
> > something are not
> > working correctly. So you see we have to pick certain levels of the
> > platform and QA that and call it "known to work". You find an
> > issue, we
> > can reproduct that internally on the same platform, much more
> > reasonable
> > to keep quality control.
> Does the introduction of the LSB and the informal certification scripts
> for LSB 1.x compliance address this at all? I'm thinking that if the
> application is written to be LSB x.y compliant, then it should work and
> be supportable on other LSB x.y compliant platforms, right?
> -- db

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread David Boyes
> Most ISVs IMHO need to protect themselves somewhat on Linux
> because it is
> a platform that can have any level of changes applied at the end-user
> level. Meaning, we know what Solaris level or NT level works
> through QA
> processes, but what if somebody calls me and says I am
> running SuSE SLES
> with 2.4.18, but I find they have patched the kernel with pre-emptive
> stuff, or any number of things that seemed interesting in the dev
> community, or say new glibc, and now Sendmail filters or
> something are not
> working correctly. So you see we have to pick certain levels of the
> platform and QA that and call it "known to work". You find an
> issue, we
> can reproduct that internally on the same platform, much more
> reasonable
> to keep quality control.

Does the introduction of the LSB and the informal certification scripts
for LSB 1.x compliance address this at all? I'm thinking that if the
application is written to be LSB x.y compliant, then it should work and
be supportable on other LSB x.y compliant platforms, right?

-- db

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread John Summerfield
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Jon R. Doyle wrote:

> We do certifiy through normal QA process SuSE SLES, RH Adv Srv for example
> on Intel systems, and SuSE SLES on zSeries, this is the commercial
> products, and I mention this because the thread started about Oracle from
> what I read. Oracle has several levels from what I remember, one called
> Validation like here:

I was, of couse, referring specifically to the free version that
"everyone" runs because that's how their distribution is setup.

> SAP has something similar to the above, I even rememebr one tech doc
> telling you to put a SuSE Kernel on top of a Redhat install to be
> certified.
> Most ISVs IMHO need to protect themselves somewhat on Linux because it is
> a platform that can have any level of changes applied at the end-user
> level. Meaning, we know what Solaris level or NT level works through QA
> processes, but what if somebody calls me and says I am running SuSE SLES
> with 2.4.18, but I find they have patched the kernel with pre-emptive
> stuff, or any number of things that seemed interesting in the dev
> community, or say new glibc, and now Sendmail filters or something are not
> working correctly. So you see we have to pick certain levels of the
> platform and QA that and call it "known to work". You find an issue, we
> can reproduct that internally on the same platform, much more reasonable
> to keep quality control.

I've not run AS, but I do know that on various Red Hat Linux there have
been security updates for glibc and the kernel (I just pulled in new
versions of the kernel for 7.0 overnight).

Then a site has a choice: fix the vulnerability and break certification
or keep the certification and the vulnerability.

What then? I'd favour fixing the vulnerability. How would you as a
vendor respond to that?

> Most HW vendors also certify against known version levels too, obviously
> for driver sakes, in fact I have heard rumour once that Compaq did more QA
> of Linux for that very reason than the Linux vendor themselves.

That would not suprise me _iff_ you mean the kernel. I expect the same
would apply to some others too, and I know some vendors are quite
visible on the lkml.


Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Gregg C Levine
Hello from Gregg C Levine
Did I suggest that you were wrong? No. I don't do that. I only suggested
something. It turns out that John Doyle, (Who I think I've met.),
responded to my comment, and sort of, backed me up. So, unless you've
done things, that the company, or I, don't want to know about, I'd say
your okay.

"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )

> -Original Message-
> From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> John Summerfield
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 5:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] Another distribution question
> On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Gregg C Levine wrote:
> > Hello from Gregg C Levine
> > Something else we need to consider here. Why would each distributor
> > actually distribute the freely available version of say, sendmail,
> > not insist on certification for it? John, if it wasn't certified
> > it sure as taxes is now.
> If I'm wrong, then where's the evidence? Why would anyone bother
> to have their free software certified?
> --
> Cheers
> John.
> Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Gregg C Levine
Hello from Gregg C Levine
It seems I've gone and done it again. Fast work, Jon Doyle, on putting
that together.

"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )

> -Original Message-
> From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> Jon R. Doyle
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 6:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] Another distribution question
> We do certifiy through normal QA process SuSE SLES, RH Adv Srv for
> on Intel systems, and SuSE SLES on zSeries, this is the commercial
> products, and I mention this because the thread started about Oracle
> what I read. Oracle has several levels from what I remember, one
> Validation like here:
> ml
> SAP has something similar to the above, I even rememebr one tech doc
> telling you to put a SuSE Kernel on top of a Redhat install to be
> certified.
> Most ISVs IMHO need to protect themselves somewhat on Linux because it
> a platform that can have any level of changes applied at the end-user
> level. Meaning, we know what Solaris level or NT level works through
> processes, but what if somebody calls me and says I am running SuSE
> with 2.4.18, but I find they have patched the kernel with pre-emptive
> stuff, or any number of things that seemed interesting in the dev
> community, or say new glibc, and now Sendmail filters or something are
> working correctly. So you see we have to pick certain levels of the
> platform and QA that and call it "known to work". You find an issue,
> can reproduct that internally on the same platform, much more
> to keep quality control.
> Most HW vendors also certify against known version levels too,
> for driver sakes, in fact I have heard rumour once that Compaq did
more QA
> of Linux for that very reason than the Linux vendor themselves.
> Regards,
> Jon
> Jon R. Doyle
> Sendmail Inc.
> 6425 Christie Ave
> Emeryville, Ca. 94608
>(o_   (o_   //\
>(/)_  (\)_  V_/_
> On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Gregg C Levine wrote:
> > Hello from Gregg C Levine
> > Something else we need to consider here. Why would each distributor
> > actually distribute the freely available version of say, sendmail,
> > not insist on certification for it? John, if it wasn't certified
> > it sure as taxes is now.
> > ---
> > Gregg C Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > "The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
> > "Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi
> > (This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
> > (This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )
> >
> >
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
> Of
> > > John Summerfield
> > > Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 4:10 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] Another distribution question
> > >
> > > On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Dave Jousma wrote:
> > >
> > > > Thanks all for the responses.  For us, this is a chicken and egg
> > thing.
> > > > We are just testing the waters, so to speak, so we are not ready
> > > > call any vendor(s) to see if they will play in the 390
> > > > You have answered my question, though.  The 3rd party app must
> > > > specify z/series or S390 as a platform, and if not, then it is
> > > > compatible(at this time).
> > >
> > > I know some folk value certification, but I wonder. Some time ago
> > > local business would not run Oracle on Linux "because it's not
> > > certified."
> > >
> > > It was actually available and it ran fine.
> > >
> > > Take a look at the software you run:
> > > Is Samba certified?
> > > Is Sendmail/Postfix/Exim?
> > >
> > > So far as I know, _none_ of the hardware I run Linux on is
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > > John.
> > >
> > > Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at
> > >
> >

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread John Summerfield
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Gregg C Levine wrote:

> Hello from Gregg C Levine
> Something else we need to consider here. Why would each distributor
> actually distribute the freely available version of say, sendmail, and
> not insist on certification for it? John, if it wasn't certified then,
> it sure as taxes is now.

If I'm wrong, then where's the evidence? Why would anyone bother paying
to have their free software certified?



Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Jon R. Doyle
We do certifiy through normal QA process SuSE SLES, RH Adv Srv for example
on Intel systems, and SuSE SLES on zSeries, this is the commercial
products, and I mention this because the thread started about Oracle from
what I read. Oracle has several levels from what I remember, one called
Validation like here:

SAP has something similar to the above, I even rememebr one tech doc
telling you to put a SuSE Kernel on top of a Redhat install to be

Most ISVs IMHO need to protect themselves somewhat on Linux because it is
a platform that can have any level of changes applied at the end-user
level. Meaning, we know what Solaris level or NT level works through QA
processes, but what if somebody calls me and says I am running SuSE SLES
with 2.4.18, but I find they have patched the kernel with pre-emptive
stuff, or any number of things that seemed interesting in the dev
community, or say new glibc, and now Sendmail filters or something are not
working correctly. So you see we have to pick certain levels of the
platform and QA that and call it "known to work". You find an issue, we
can reproduct that internally on the same platform, much more reasonable
to keep quality control.

Most HW vendors also certify against known version levels too, obviously
for driver sakes, in fact I have heard rumour once that Compaq did more QA
of Linux for that very reason than the Linux vendor themselves.



Jon R. Doyle
Sendmail Inc.
6425 Christie Ave
Emeryville, Ca. 94608

   (o_   (o_   //\
   (/)_  (\)_  V_/_

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Gregg C Levine wrote:

> Hello from Gregg C Levine
> Something else we need to consider here. Why would each distributor
> actually distribute the freely available version of say, sendmail, and
> not insist on certification for it? John, if it wasn't certified then,
> it sure as taxes is now.
> ---
> Gregg C Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
> "Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi
> (This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
> (This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> > John Summerfield
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 4:10 PM
> > Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] Another distribution question
> >
> > On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Dave Jousma wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks all for the responses.  For us, this is a chicken and egg
> thing.
> > > We are just testing the waters, so to speak, so we are not ready to
> > > call any vendor(s) to see if they will play in the 390 environment.
> > > You have answered my question, though.  The 3rd party app must
> > > specify z/series or S390 as a platform, and if not, then it is not
> > > compatible(at this time).
> >
> > I know some folk value certification, but I wonder. Some time ago a
> > local business would not run Oracle on Linux "because it's not
> > certified."
> >
> > It was actually available and it ran fine.
> >
> > Take a look at the software you run:
> > Is Samba certified?
> > Is Sendmail/Postfix/Exim?
> >
> > So far as I know, _none_ of the hardware I run Linux on is certified.
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > Cheers
> > John.
> >
> > Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at
> >

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Gregg C Levine
Hello from Gregg C Levine
Something else we need to consider here. Why would each distributor
actually distribute the freely available version of say, sendmail, and
not insist on certification for it? John, if it wasn't certified then,
it sure as taxes is now.

"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )

> -Original Message-
> From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> John Summerfield
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 4:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] Another distribution question
> On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Dave Jousma wrote:
> > Thanks all for the responses.  For us, this is a chicken and egg
> > We are just testing the waters, so to speak, so we are not ready to
> > call any vendor(s) to see if they will play in the 390 environment.
> > You have answered my question, though.  The 3rd party app must
> > specify z/series or S390 as a platform, and if not, then it is not
> > compatible(at this time).
> I know some folk value certification, but I wonder. Some time ago a
> local business would not run Oracle on Linux "because it's not
> certified."
> It was actually available and it ran fine.
> Take a look at the software you run:
> Is Samba certified?
> Is Sendmail/Postfix/Exim?
> So far as I know, _none_ of the hardware I run Linux on is certified.
> --
> Cheers
> John.
> Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread John Summerfield
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Dave Jousma wrote:

> Thanks all for the responses.  For us, this is a chicken and egg thing.
> We are just testing the waters, so to speak, so we are not ready to
> call any vendor(s) to see if they will play in the 390 environment.
> You have answered my question, though.  The 3rd party app must
> specify z/series or S390 as a platform, and if not, then it is not
> compatible(at this time).

I know some folk value certification, but I wonder. Some time ago a
local business would not run Oracle on Linux "because it's not

It was actually available and it ran fine.

Take a look at the software you run:
Is Samba certified?
Is Sendmail/Postfix/Exim?

So far as I know, _none_ of the hardware I run Linux on is certified.



Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread John Summerfield
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Dave Jousma wrote:

> Rich,
> Thanks for the response.  You didn't answer my question however.
> The question was, if a vendor app says it is certified to run on SuSe
>  linux, can it run on SuSe linux on any of the supported SuSe
> Linux platforms?  For example, for INFORMIX, there is now a version
> that is LINUX ready.  But the webpage only lists the Intel platform.
> Does that mean it won't run on any other hardware platform, even
> though it is the same Linux distribution?

Certification for SuSE on Intel does not mean it will even run on SuSE on

I think you need to check with the vendor what their certification
means. I can well imagine that it would mean a particular minimum level
of hardware.



Join the "Linux Support by Small Businesses" list at

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Dave Jousma
Thanks all for the responses.  For us, this is a chicken and egg thing.
We are just testing the waters, so to speak, so we are not ready to
call any vendor(s) to see if they will play in the 390 environment.
You have answered my question, though.  The 3rd party app must
specify z/series or S390 as a platform, and if not, then it is not
compatible(at this time).

Thanks, Dave

Dave Jousma
Lead Systems Administrator - Information Technology
Spartan Stores, Inc.
PO Box 8700
Grand Rapids, MI 49518
(616) 878-2883

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread David Boyes
> This question is causing alot of confusion for us.  We are
> getting ready
> to
> put up SuSe linux, and also want to put up a couple of relevent
> applications
> to actually do a pilot test.  When an vendor application says it is
> certified
> to run on SuSe(or Redhat) distribution, does that mean it is
> certified on
> run
> on that distribution regardless of the underlying hardware platform?

No. Unless the vendor explicitly says "X on System/390 or zSeries", you
can probably bet that it's for Intel only.

> However, we would also like to do INFORMIX, and there is a version for
> Linux(but not listed as z/Series ready).  Will this run on
> Linux on the
> mainframe?  Or is this another black-eye for the mainframe(like Unix
> System Services was from a pure UNIX perspective) where
> it's not quite ready for prime-time, and is just different enough that
> there
> are not enough apps available yet.

Vendors go where the volume is. There's more Intel boxes out there, so
those go first. Usually, you need to ask/pester/browbeat the vendor to
do a 390 release, but once they've done the Intel version, it's usually
a much less difficult task to convince them to do an 390 release.

> Granted, I'm not up to speed yet, but I thought a
> distribution of Linux
> was
> just that regardless of the platform, and the the application
> would run
> anywhere that distribution ran(i.e. binary compatible).

Within a processor architecture, that's usually true (modulo some
stupidity about where certain files are located, which is getting
better).  Across architectures, well... that's a different story. It's
more an issue of where the vendors are prepared to handle support. Intel
PC weenies are a dime a dozen; S390 literate people are more expensive
and a lot rarer, which raises the support cost, and most vendors don't
release a product they can't support.

It's Economics 101 -- most bang for the porting buck first, other stuff
comes later. Note that even IBM can't muscle their software divisions to
getting stuff to 390 Linux w/o making the support dollar case (cf the
long delays for TSM, Domino, etc).

-- db

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Post, Mark K

In the particular instance you're referencing, Informix, unless IBM shows a
version that runs on Linux/390, then they have only ported it to Intel
Linux.  They don't have a version for Linux/390 (that they'll ship to you),
yet.  They most likely will, just not yet.

In general, suppliers list the hardware platforms that they are willing to
support.  If they don't list Linux/390, then they won't support it.  If the
source code is available, it may very well compile and run on Linux/390, but
there's no guarantee.  Far too many programmers do things like imbed
assembly language code in their C modules, etc.

There cannot be binary compatibility between Intel opcodes and S/390
opcodes.  It just isn't going to happen.  So, ISVs have to commit to
supporting a platform and that costs time and money.  There are differences
between Intel Linux and Linux/390 (size of "int" used to be an issue, etc.)
that don't necessarily have anything to do with the OS itself, but perhaps
some of the assumptions buried in glibc, and so on.  I run into those kinds
of things frequently compiling software on Linux/390.  I get failures that I
don't see on Intel Linux that I have to work around.  It gets very
frustrating, but the point is that not everything just "compiles and runs"
across the platforms.  Hence, unless the ISV thinks they'll make enough
revenue from porting their product to Linux/390, they won't do it.

Mark Post

-Original Message-
From: Dave Jousma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 8:52 AM
Subject: Another distribution question


I'm about ready to put up our first linux lpar, and have another question
or two.

This question is causing alot of confusion for us.  We are getting ready
put up SuSe linux, and also want to put up a couple of relevent
to actually do a pilot test.  When an vendor application says it is
to run on SuSe(or Redhat) distribution, does that mean it is certified on
on that distribution regardless of the underlying hardware platform?

For example, I want to put up DB2-Connect, and on IBM's z/Series Linux
page it says that V7.2 is certified to run on SuSe Linux at kernel 2.4,
However, we would also like to do INFORMIX, and there is a version for
Linux(but not listed as z/Series ready).  Will this run on Linux on the
mainframe?  Or is this another black-eye for the mainframe(like Unix
System Services was from a pure UNIX perspective) where
it's not quite ready for prime-time, and is just different enough that
are not enough apps available yet.

Granted, I'm not up to speed yet, but I thought a distribution of Linux
just that regardless of the platform, and the the application would run
anywhere that distribution ran(i.e. binary compatible).

Can you guys shed some light?

Thanks, Dave

Dave Jousma
Lead Systems Administrator - Information Technology
Spartan Stores, Inc.
PO Box 8700
Grand Rapids, MI 49518
(616) 878-2883

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread James Melin
You are basically looking at instruction set incompatibility. Presumably,
INFORMIX ships binary distributions of their product so you 1 ) Don't have
to compile anything and 2) Can't compile or change their source code. This
effectively locks you into the INTEL environment unless and until a vendor
certifies for another underlying instruction set, be it Z/Architecture or
Alpha or

Basically it's a Linux version of the Intel/Alpha  schism for Window$ NT.
Ultimately that vendor decided to abandon the Intel architecture.  The best
way to prevent this from happening in the mainframe world is to contact the
vendor and let them know that your company would like their product (which
runs on Linux) to be certified for Linux on s/390 & Z/Series hardware.

We talked to the people who make the cache' database and have it available
for Linux.  While they are not planning on working on a port of this
database software at the moment, they may revisit that decision in 6
months. Customer input is the ONLY way these companies will allocate
internal funds to maintain two distributions of their product lines.  The
OS vendors have seen that there is money here. The software vendors must
still be made to see a business case.

| |   Dave Jousma |
| ||
| |   Sent by: Linux on   |
| |   390 Port|
| |   .EDU>   |
| |   |
| |   |
| |   11/26/2002 08:26 AM |
| |   Please respond to   |
| |   Linux on 390 Port   |
| |   |
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: Another distribution question  


Thanks for the response.  You didn't answer my question however.

The question was, if a vendor app says it is certified to run on SuSe
 linux, can it run on SuSe linux on any of the supported SuSe
Linux platforms?  For example, for INFORMIX, there is now a version
that is LINUX ready.  But the webpage only lists the Intel platform.
Does that mean it won't run on any other hardware platform, even
though it is the same Linux distribution?

Thanks again,


Dave Jousma
Lead Systems Administrator - Information Technology
Spartan Stores, Inc.
PO Box 8700
Grand Rapids, MI 49518
(616) 878-2883

Rich Smrcina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: Linux on 390 Port <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/26/2002 08:54 AM
Please respond to Linux on 390 Port

cc:     (bcc: Dave Jousma/Corporate/Spartan)
Subject:Re: Another distribution question

There are lots of examples of customers using DB2 on Linux for S/390. Feel
free to contact me for more information.

One of the largest motivating factors involved in getting vendors to port
their code to Linux for S/390 is customers.  Jim Elliott can certainly
you if and when, but if it isn't there yet, contact IBM and make a formal

On Tuesday 26 November 2002 07:52 am, you wrote:
> All,
> I'm about ready to put up our first linux lpar, and have another
> or two.
> This question is causing alot of confusion for us.  We are getting ready
> to
> put up SuSe linux, and also want to put up a couple of relevent
> applications
> to actually do a pilot test.  When an vendor application says it is
> certified
> to run on SuSe(or Redhat) distribution, does that mean it is certified
> run
> on that distribution regardless of the underlying hardware platform?
> For example, I want to put up DB2-Connect, and on IBM's z/Series Linux
> page it says that V7.2 is certified to run on SuSe Linux at kernel 2.4,
> etc.
> However, we would also like to do INFORMIX, and there is a version for
> Linux(but not listed as z/Series ready).  Will this run on Linux on the
> mainframe?  Or is this another black-eye for 

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Rich Smrcina
I wouldn't take that for granted.  If it doesn't specifically mention Linux
for S/390, ask the vendor (or see if Jim responds).

On Tuesday 26 November 2002 08:26 am, you wrote:
> Rich,
> Thanks for the response.  You didn't answer my question however.
> The question was, if a vendor app says it is certified to run on SuSe
>  linux, can it run on SuSe linux on any of the supported SuSe
> Linux platforms?  For example, for INFORMIX, there is now a version
> that is LINUX ready.  But the webpage only lists the Intel platform.
> Does that mean it won't run on any other hardware platform, even
> though it is the same Linux distribution?
> Thanks again,
> Dave
> __
> Dave Jousma
> Lead Systems Administrator - Information Technology
> Spartan Stores, Inc.
> PO Box 8700
> Grand Rapids, MI 49518
> (616) 878-2883

Rich Smrcina
Sytek Services, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI

Catch the WAVV!  Stay for Requirements and the Free for All!
Update your S/390 skills in 4 days for a very reasonable price.
WAVV 2003 in Winston-Salem, NC.
April 25-29, 2003
For details see

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Ferguson, Neale
The general answer is "No". Being certified on SLES8 for Intel doesn't mean
it's there for s390.

-Original Message-

Thanks for the response.  You didn't answer my question however.

The question was, if a vendor app says it is certified to run on SuSe
 linux, can it run on SuSe linux on any of the supported SuSe
Linux platforms?  For example, for INFORMIX, there is now a version
that is LINUX ready.  But the webpage only lists the Intel platform.
Does that mean it won't run on any other hardware platform, even
though it is the same Linux distribution?

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread paultz
Or is this another black-eye for the mainframe(like Unix
System Services was from a pure UNIX perspective) where
it's not quite ready for prime-time, and is just different enough that
are not enough apps available yet.

I think Linux is progressing much faster than USS did in its infancy.
The vendors are climbing aboard this train while it's still gathering


Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Rohrbach
Java aside, applications written to run on Linux are source code compatible, not 
binary compatible. In the case of most commercial programs, where source code is 
generally not available to customers, you depend on the source code owner to compile 
and test their code for each new Linux platform. Software vendors have been much more 
receptive to Linux for zSeries than Unix System Services and the number of 
applications available is quite large and growing rapidly. However, these vendors 
still need business justification for the expense of building, testing, packaging, and 
supporting their application on zSeries Linux. It really helps when the customer (you) 
says, "If you build it, I will come."



On 11/26/2002, at 8:52 AM, Dave Jousma wrote:

>I'm about ready to put up our first linux lpar, and have another question
>or two.
>This question is causing alot of confusion for us.  We are getting ready
>put up SuSe linux, and also want to put up a couple of relevent
>to actually do a pilot test.  When an vendor application says it is
>to run on SuSe(or Redhat) distribution, does that mean it is certified on
>on that distribution regardless of the underlying hardware platform?
>For example, I want to put up DB2-Connect, and on IBM's z/Series Linux
>page it says that V7.2 is certified to run on SuSe Linux at kernel 2.4,
>However, we would also like to do INFORMIX, and there is a version for
>Linux(but not listed as z/Series ready).  Will this run on Linux on the
>mainframe?  Or is this another black-eye for the mainframe(like Unix
>System Services was from a pure UNIX perspective) where
>it's not quite ready for prime-time, and is just different enough that
>are not enough apps available yet.
>Granted, I'm not up to speed yet, but I thought a distribution of Linux
>just that regardless of the platform, and the the application would run
>anywhere that distribution ran(i.e. binary compatible).
>Can you guys shed some light?
>Thanks, Dave
>Dave Jousma
>Lead Systems Administrator - Information Technology
>Spartan Stores, Inc.
>PO Box 8700
>Grand Rapids, MI 49518
>(616) 878-2883

Chris Rohrbach

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Dave Jousma

Thanks for the response.  You didn't answer my question however.

The question was, if a vendor app says it is certified to run on SuSe
 linux, can it run on SuSe linux on any of the supported SuSe
Linux platforms?  For example, for INFORMIX, there is now a version
that is LINUX ready.  But the webpage only lists the Intel platform.
Does that mean it won't run on any other hardware platform, even
though it is the same Linux distribution?

Thanks again,


Dave Jousma
Lead Systems Administrator - Information Technology
Spartan Stores, Inc.
PO Box 8700
Grand Rapids, MI 49518
(616) 878-2883

Rich Smrcina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: Linux on 390 Port <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/26/2002 08:54 AM
Please respond to Linux on 390 Port

cc: (bcc: Dave Jousma/Corporate/Spartan)
        Subject:Re: Another distribution question

There are lots of examples of customers using DB2 on Linux for S/390. Feel
free to contact me for more information.

One of the largest motivating factors involved in getting vendors to port
their code to Linux for S/390 is customers.  Jim Elliott can certainly
you if and when, but if it isn't there yet, contact IBM and make a formal

On Tuesday 26 November 2002 07:52 am, you wrote:
> All,
> I'm about ready to put up our first linux lpar, and have another
> or two.
> This question is causing alot of confusion for us.  We are getting ready
> to
> put up SuSe linux, and also want to put up a couple of relevent
> applications
> to actually do a pilot test.  When an vendor application says it is
> certified
> to run on SuSe(or Redhat) distribution, does that mean it is certified
> run
> on that distribution regardless of the underlying hardware platform?
> For example, I want to put up DB2-Connect, and on IBM's z/Series Linux
> page it says that V7.2 is certified to run on SuSe Linux at kernel 2.4,
> etc.
> However, we would also like to do INFORMIX, and there is a version for
> Linux(but not listed as z/Series ready).  Will this run on Linux on the
> mainframe?  Or is this another black-eye for the mainframe(like Unix
> System Services was from a pure UNIX perspective) where
> it's not quite ready for prime-time, and is just different enough that
> there
> are not enough apps available yet.
> Granted, I'm not up to speed yet, but I thought a distribution of Linux
> was
> just that regardless of the platform, and the the application would run
> anywhere that distribution ran(i.e. binary compatible).
> Can you guys shed some light?
> Thanks, Dave
> __
> Dave Jousma
> Lead Systems Administrator - Information Technology
> Spartan Stores, Inc.
> PO Box 8700
> Grand Rapids, MI 49518
> (616) 878-2883

Rich Smrcina
Sytek Services, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI

Catch the WAVV!  Stay for Requirements and the Free for All!
Update your S/390 skills in 4 days for a very reasonable price.
WAVV 2003 in Winston-Salem, NC.
April 25-29, 2003
For details see

Re: Another distribution question

2002-11-26 Thread Rich Smrcina
There are lots of examples of customers using DB2 on Linux for S/390.  Feel
free to contact me for more information.

One of the largest motivating factors involved in getting vendors to port
their code to Linux for S/390 is customers.  Jim Elliott can certainly tell
you if and when, but if it isn't there yet, contact IBM and make a formal

On Tuesday 26 November 2002 07:52 am, you wrote:
> All,
> I'm about ready to put up our first linux lpar, and have another question
> or two.
> This question is causing alot of confusion for us.  We are getting ready
> to
> put up SuSe linux, and also want to put up a couple of relevent
> applications
> to actually do a pilot test.  When an vendor application says it is
> certified
> to run on SuSe(or Redhat) distribution, does that mean it is certified on
> run
> on that distribution regardless of the underlying hardware platform?
> For example, I want to put up DB2-Connect, and on IBM's z/Series Linux
> page it says that V7.2 is certified to run on SuSe Linux at kernel 2.4,
> etc.
> However, we would also like to do INFORMIX, and there is a version for
> Linux(but not listed as z/Series ready).  Will this run on Linux on the
> mainframe?  Or is this another black-eye for the mainframe(like Unix
> System Services was from a pure UNIX perspective) where
> it's not quite ready for prime-time, and is just different enough that
> there
> are not enough apps available yet.
> Granted, I'm not up to speed yet, but I thought a distribution of Linux
> was
> just that regardless of the platform, and the the application would run
> anywhere that distribution ran(i.e. binary compatible).
> Can you guys shed some light?
> Thanks, Dave
> __
> Dave Jousma
> Lead Systems Administrator - Information Technology
> Spartan Stores, Inc.
> PO Box 8700
> Grand Rapids, MI 49518
> (616) 878-2883

Rich Smrcina
Sytek Services, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI

Catch the WAVV!  Stay for Requirements and the Free for All!
Update your S/390 skills in 4 days for a very reasonable price.
WAVV 2003 in Winston-Salem, NC.
April 25-29, 2003
For details see