Re: [LAD] new-session-management on

2021-04-05 Thread rosea.grammostola

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Monday, April 5, 2021 11:25 AM, Fons Adriaensen  wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 04, 2021 at 10:37:25PM +0000, rosea.grammostola wrote:
> > Somehow they need backup to get some authority apparently.
> Goto and look around. Do you see NewSM there ?
> It's not even in the applications list (it probably should be).
> Also please try to understand the difference between
> 1. and
> 2.
> or for that matter
> 3. and
> 4.
> and note that what we have is (1) in both cases, and (2) does
> not exist.
> That means e.g. that
> not a part of the site as it would be
> for (2). They just share a host.
> > We're the official NSM.
> There is nothing on that
> says so. There is this:
> 'The goal is to become the de-facto standard music session manager
> for Linux distributions.'
> IMHO there's nothing wrong with that. Every author would be very happy
> to see his/her brain child become the de-facto standard.

That's exactly one of the problems. It's not their brainchild. NSM is the 
brainchild of the developer of Non-Session-Manager (NSM). newSM as you call it, 
is a copy of it.

That's why I raised the question, which version should be on The 
original or the fork? Fork A or fork B?

This leads to the next problematic situation, that the JACK maintainer is also 
the initiator and maintainer of the NSM fork. Guess which version he chooses 
now and in the future. There is a conflict of interest here... again... 

I've two points against the fork, a ethical and a technical.

I don't like how the brainchild of the original author is totally hijacked by 
some people, hijacking for it in the same time to make this 
possible. Fons, I don't think I've to quote your responses to the way they 
forked and the names they gave it. You used even stronger words then I did, 
which says something. The end-result is that the Non author removed his source 
code (temporarily?) from the web in anger and despair.

It's also harsh that the original author had very good technical arguments to 
reject solutions to problems, which he thought they where the wrong analyses of 
the problems or the wrong solutions. He gave several options to implement 
solutions in a different way, which where in line with the ideas behind NSM 
instead. I agreed with him most of the time.

Harsh if the above points means that the fork gets a place on, 
while the ethics of how this fork has been forked are far off and the technical 
implementations disputable.

These questionable ethics and disputable technical solutions would be much more 
arbitrary and not part of the discussion here if they would just stick with the 
NSM api (which they do, if I've to believe it, but that's questionable as well) 
and if they would put their fork on a own website.

Using or now makes these matters far more 
problematic. Then it becomes a community issue and then there then it's more a 
matter of, who has the most power or the best connections in the community.

The situation with regards was more principal for me. I feel 
I've less to say about, but here is my take on it:

Keep the NSM fork separated from, (especially until all the 
ethical issues are solved). Avoid conflict of interest between the JACK 
maintainer and his NSM fork. Don't 'pollute' the JACK project with the ethics 
and discussion about the NSM fork. Don't make the JACK project (indirectly) 
responsible for it, in any way.

Put the NSM fork on it's own website or on the website of it's authors, or

Give a short explanation on the website about session management, 
e.g. NSM and link to the original API and if you like to the forks API (but 
they where the same...) if you like.

Throwing another $0.02 in the box. Not much cents left... ;)
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] new-session-management on

2021-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

> NSM's strict rules for client behaviour are what ensures that it will
> be able to perform as promised. Something similar was missing in all
> other Linux session manager systems I know of. So I'm very happy to
> see Jack-session deprecated.
> Just my 2e-2 Euro of course.

I think this is not about jack-session vs NSM. The last implementation of 
jack-session support in a application must have been years ago. Nobody knows 
what jack-session is and nobody is actively busy with it. A short explanation 
and a link to the NSM API on would do. Note also that NSM is 
explicitly designed without a dependency to JACK.

I'm happy about the removal of the connections with, but I don't 
understand why they now link up with The fork is highly debated 
and currently, points of criticism and requests from the original author and 
others are still not fully honored, like the naming, the use of NSM 
abbreviation and such. I wouldn't want that discussion being moved to, also not if I stood in their shoes. It's just not smart.

Somehow they need backup to get some authority apparently. We're the official 
NSM. One wonders why is the original NSM not hosted on, or 
raysession or the next better session thing. Who is deciding this?

I'm much more a proponent of such projects being independent, certainly knowing 
the history of and discussion around this fork. Make sure your software is good 
enough to get noticed and used. Take full responsibility for it yourself. Give 
it a nice dedicated website. People will find it (and developers will find it 
via a weblink on

My 0.02 guilders.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM fork

2021-01-31 Thread rosea.grammostola

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, January 29, 2021 11:44 PM, Fons Adriaensen  

> On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 07:59:58PM +, John Rigg wrote:
> > I don't think the fork was handled very well, with antagonism
> > on both sides which could easily have been avoided with a
> > little forethought.
> Indeed.
> > The choice of the name New Session Manager and the re-use of
> > the NSM initials is an obvious problem IMO.
> I agree. Also presenting this as a consortium project is
> questionable to put it mildly.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one.

I think there are two aspects, one ethical and one practical.

The way they try to take over the NSM landscape, with their deceiving use of 
language and the (mis)use of their community roles, doesn't show any signs of 
respect to the one who actually designed this thing. Nor to it's community who 
worked hard to create this unique linuxaudio session management landscape. Not 
being humble, because you realize you just copied the thing, but didn't design 

Then there is the practical side, where it is obvious that it's not good that 
two teams work on the same session management landscape and on the same API, 
cause they took the freedom to change the API without discourse too.

Personally I did my best to avoid it. I thought I was working with the Agordejo 
developer on a situation where he could work out his new GUI for NSM and having 
nsmd, with one or two extra patches maybe in a dedicated repository, not part 
of Non-Daw and without the NTK dependency. It was even the NON developer who 
suggested something like this.

But in meantime, a small group of 'wise man', including the same Agordejo 
developer, orchestrated by the man with the many roles in this community (but 
who now strangely denies his undeniable role in this fork), where working on a 
huge take-over apparently... They dream big, unrealistically. They thought NSM 
patches would fall from the sky, with their fork.

It proofs to be very hard already to create a modular environment with stable 
JACK tools, working together with one session API. Finally we have that one 
session API, but still, lot's of JACK applications are not stable or don't have 
a NSM patch.

In other words, we don't need a revolution, we don't need big dreams, we need 
small fixes and especially we need to cherish this unique session landscape, 
with one session API. It's better to accept small annoyances, then to try to 
fix them with huge plans, cause you're only creating problems that are far 
larger then the small annoyances. A screwed session landscape.

The last thing is under pressure obviously, with this fork. You see they're 
already changing the API and it's pretty likely they think they will need a big 
API change sooner or later and they won't hesitate to do it, that is what their 
way of forking tells us. They will find that excuse.

It's a sad situation indeed.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] READ THIS IF YOU CARE ABOUT FREEDOM! Fwd: [LAA] Non DAW release including Non Session Manager (i.e. the real NSM)

2021-01-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, January 29, 2021 8:07 PM, Robin Gareus  wrote:

> On 1/29/21 6:18 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
> > Linuxaudio community has a serious problem
> Yes, the problem is that people here are not discussing Linux Audio
> Development :)
> "The Linux Audio Developers (LAD) list is dedicated to sound
> architecture and application development for the Linux Operating
> System." [1]
> Please refrain from any personal references. Neither your nor J.Liles
> messages are acceptable here. Please focus on technical aspects
> pertaining to Linux/libre audio projects. Thank you.
> PS. You may raise issues pertaining to policy [2] article 6 by
> contacting the consortium [3].
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

I see your formal point and of course you're right normally, but it's also a 
bit too easy.

The fact that people use the linuxaudio consortium for a fork of a fellow 
Linuxaudio Developers project without consent, is a matter which touches the 
LAD community.

I can imagine other developers wouldn't be happy if 'New-Ardour' would be 
'officially released by'. And even if they won't care, others 
would for their software.

Moreover, if you ban a developer from LAD, it's LAD related isn't it? If you're 
banned it means people block certain developers from a resource to discuss 
these technical LAD matters.

The last message to the consortium is dated from 2018 and who guarantees me 
that the same persons aren't in charge there? I did choose for LAD, cause I 
think it's the best place to share my concerns and I still think it is.

I do understand that most developers don't want to stick their heads into this 
and that it might end just here: go find a better place to issue this. Fine. I 
mean, I've also better things to do, but I think I've to speak up when I see a 
community transfer into a place where people who don't have the same opinion as 
some close core members, are more and more censored and where people misuse 
their neutral community roles for their own 'agenda'.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] READ THIS IF YOU CARE ABOUT FREEDOM! Fwd: [LAA] Non DAW release including Non Session Manager (i.e. the real NSM)

2021-01-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

> I am writing to you to let you know that I will hereby remove you from
> this mailing list and permanently ban you from it as well.

I'm not going to discuss whether a post does or does not comply to the rules of 
a mailinglist. But banning and certainly, banning for life, is almost never a 
good solution.

But the problems are much deeper then this. It seems that small a group of 
people are deciding what is appropriate and what not and accidentally they're 
the same people behind the fork of non-session-manager and they now ban the 
developer of the project they forked. Read on.

I hope we all agree that freedom of speech is a precious right. And people are 
free to raise issues and have firm criticism, even while the majority of people 
disagrees. Here a good amount of tolerance is needed and healthy.

Linuxaudio community has a serious problem at the moment I think though, where 
people who have a certain opinion, which is shared by a core group backed up by 
a majority have more freedom of speech and more freedom to misbehave then 
people who are part of a minority or have a less shared opinion or doesn't 
belong to that core group.

It's related to the problem I've raised yesterday on this LAD list, about the 
misuse of the linuxaudio consortium by a small group of people who are 
moderators of, github and apparently also the mailinglists. (I 
was not aware of any messages to LAA by the NON developer, timing is 
coincidence). Where the normal neutral linuxaudio consortium is now used to 
release and promote a fork.

Whether you like it or not, those people have to admit there is a conflict of 
interests here and in healthy organizations and communities this should be 
avoided as much as possible.

I don't think it will be fruitful to discuss the details of the fork here again 
or to do a competition who behaved the worst. And this isn't about his 
particular case, it's broader then that.

This community has a problem when it comes to freedom of speech (not all are 
equal) and a conflict of interests (moderators ban developers and release their 
fork from the neutral linuxaudio consortium they moderate).

It's basically a misuse of power by some core members of this community. Let's 
assume it's just a consequence of (group)emotions and ambitions, but it's hard 
to deny and it should be stopped and fixed.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Misuse of consortium?

2021-01-28 Thread rosea.grammostola

I would like to raise a issue I've with what I think is a misuse of the 

As most of you know, the non-session-manager is forked a few months ago. This 
was not a fork in harmony with it's original developer and a part of the 
community, who worked on this project for more then 10 years and helped create 
a unique session environment where many users benefit from until today.

Again? Get over it I hear you say. The license gives them the freedom to fork!

I agree.

But I've personally serious issues with how this is organized and presented and 
one thing goes beyond my personal views I think.

Let's start with my personal view with saying that I don't like how they tried 
to replace non-session-manager by new-session-manager completely, in a for me 
'Orwellian way'. This starts with the naming:

Overall name: non-session-manager -> new-session-manager (new?)
User interface: non-session-manager -> legacy-gui (legacy?)

Ok, now I hear you say: they're free to choose whatever name they want, even if 
it's bad taste (which is subjective anyway) or if you think it has a 'Orwellian 
smell'. Moreover, you did issue this already some time ago.

I agree.

But where it goes really wrong I think, is the way how the name of 
'' is used in the same deceptive manner. They present the very 
questionable and debatable fork as if it was released by
They release their fork with statements like:

" presents: New Session Manager Version x"

"Released under the Linuxaudio umbrella"

But since when does as consortium releases software? Or since 
when chooses as a consortium for a certain version of software? 
Since when does fork software from it's own LAD developers?

I think has always been neutral about this and it never was a 
task for the consortium to release software or worse, to fork 
software from community developers and presents it as the 'new' and 
'replacement' even while the original developer and a part of the community 
disagrees. It probably never crossed someones mind to do it this way.

What has happened here, is in my view, a misuse of the name and 
people have misused their role as moderator and maintainer of 
and it's github page, to promote their own forked software version of a other 
LAD developer. should stay neutral here and it should be considered 'unwanted', 
'unhealthy' and 'not allowed' for people to use the name and 
maybe even the software structure of the consortium to promote a fork of 
someone else his work (without consent by the original LAD developer).

The main developer of new-session-manager has his own place ( 
where he can puts his software and so also his fork. That's not the problem. 
But even if you place it on the linuxaudio github page for some reason, it's 
utterly wrong in my option, to present this fork as if it was released by the consortium.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Alsa Modular Synth / AMS (bugs/NSM)

2020-12-08 Thread rosea.grammostola

The git version seems to work fine:

FYI: I stumbled upon a nice project with a nice sounding AMS.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Alsa Modular Synth / AMS (bugs/NSM)

2020-12-07 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 12/7/20 3:37 PM, Paul Davis wrote:

The much more obvious alternative is VCV Rack, with 2400+ modules, 
GPL'ed, totally cross platform and in most ways incredibly awesome.

Ok, so that is really more awesome then AMS? I can't imagine. :)

It doesn't have zita plugins, are you sure it sounds as good?

I launched it last week indeed, but got crackled sound after 10 minuts, 
so I gave up then. Not bad to start simple with AMS anyway.

Will checkout VCV Rack. Thanks for the suggestion.

(But even if VCV Rack will suits my needs better, it's nice to have AMS 
working fine as LAU/LAD-community.)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Alsa Modular Synth / AMS (bugs/NSM)

2020-12-07 Thread rosea.grammostola


AMS is still interesting software. Going strong since 2002? I'm using it 
now to try to understand sound synthesis a little better and I've always 
liked the sound of it. So kudos to the developers!

All the LV2 alternatives fail on me so far, moreover they're doesn't 
seems to be specially designed to be a modular synth like AMS, with it's 
nice cables. They seems to handle it more like, we have LV2 plugins, and 
look if you want you can modular synthesis with it (and then you 
encounter problems with the AMS-LV2 port).

Anyway, I can't find a place to report AMS bugs. The issue tracker on 
SourceForge seems to be closed. I've reported two to Debian, but the 
maintainer hints to me that he is not able to solve it. Therefor I'll 
report them here. Maybe someone can look into it, that would be awesome.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Release: New Session Manager Version 1.3

2020-06-23 Thread rosea.grammostola

Ok, the cooled down version. My apology for the whitenoise.

On 6/18/20 10:09 PM, Hermann Meyer wrote:

If you are still interested in the future of Linux Audio Session
Management you should really be happy that the Session Management is now
in the hands of 

It's positive that people are still working on it indeed. It's also a 
good thing that people who prefer a QT gui, have a option to use 
Argodejo (new GUI for NSM). It's positive that nsmd and a gui (argodejo) 
will be easier accessible for regular Linux users and that it's chosen 
to be the session manager to focus on and to recommend for Linuxaudio. 
It's positive that they stick with the original NSM design, not 
reinventing the wheel.

I'm not positive about the renaming to new-session-manager though. 
Non-session-manager is around for many years now, renaming it, adds 
confusion, also in relation to the existent documentation around on the 
Internet. I would really reconsider whether this change of name is 
needed and a wise thing to do. This part is also the 'hijackish' part 
for me, I know, it's free software, but still, it's a bit too much 
claiming NSM now with a whole plan behind it.

It was Jonathan himself who suggested to put nsmd in it's own 
repository, so it would be easy to package Argodejo with nsmd for the 
variety of Linux distributions (the dependency on NTK and using waf made 
it difficult to get it in distros like Debian). It would be better to 
settle around with the original developer on how to organize this. But 
with a bit more patience, this drastic approach was not needed I think. 
If a fork turned out to be the only workable option, it might have been 
better to just fork nsmd and rename that, and don't touch the 
non-session-manager (GUI) at all. The version available on the new 
github repo is not a fair replacement for the original GUI at the moment 
anyway. It has problems with the graphics. It's also not the intention 
to develop it further, so why fork and rename it.

The most important change is the change of the maintainers/developers of 
course. All though I'm sure it has positive sides in some aspects of it, 
don't forget we have NSM because of the work of Jonathan. He has come up 
with a session manager that works better then previous attempts, all 
though technically less complex it seems. Quite a accomplishment. It 
might sound good to have it labeled under 'linuxaudio' now, and aim for 
a more community driven development, but being nice and easy to each 
other isn't always good for the software. In fact, one of the reasons 
why NSM works, is because the original developer didn't make all kinds 
of compromises, for the sake of being a nice and friendly community.

So, a new way of maintaining the software, isn't success guaranteed. If 
I compare Carla with the NON tools for instance, it's a totally 
different approach to software development. Where NSM is minimal and 
restricted, Carla has lots of features, even quite some experimental 
ones. I'm not judging about which approach is better, I'm happily using 
both of them, but I'm convinced that NSM is a success because it's 
minimal, restricted and without compromises. So for session management a 
minimal approach is surely a better one imho. Also building a GUI for 
NSM, is different coffee then actually judging about if and which 
features should be implemented in NSM and how that should be done.  So, 
I've to see how this different maintainer-ship will turn out, but the 
original developer has proven that he 'gets it' when it comes to session 
management, for the others it's something we'll have to wait for and 
see. But not having the original designer of NSM as maintainer for 
whatever reason, I see it as a loss, not as improvement.

Anyway, at the end of the day, the real important thing which improves 
user experience significantly at the moment is adding NSM support to 
applications. Hacking around applications without NSM support, without 
adding NSM support itself as I also see happening, is time spending on 
the wrong things and adds only to a more confusing, less stable and a 
worse user experience imho. I'm glad this Argodejo/NSM project doesn't 
seem to take this path and I hope it keeps that way.

It has been said that there are not enough applications adding NSM 
support. I think a list of +- 30 applications isn't that bad at all 
actually, with quite some important ones included. For myself I've just 
a short list of applications that would have been nice to support NSM: 
Radium (in next release), Seq64/66 (work in progress), Hydrogen (work in 
progress), Carla-single (in roadmap), Muse (possibly maybe), Rakarrack, 
Sooperlooper, (Luppp needs a bugfix).

In meantime, the original Non-Session-Manager with the NTK toolkit is 
still available, easy to build and as I prefer it above Argodejo myself, 
I'll still be heading to the NON project and more will do so most 
likely. So you can state that it will replace the 

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Release: New Session Manager Version 1.3

2020-06-18 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 6/18/20 10:01 PM, Paul Davis wrote:

1) "midnight" is a point in time in a given time zone that could 
correspond to any hour of the day somewhere around the planet
2) many programmers, especially those working on unpaid projects, work 
late at night

your rush to assume ill-will here isn't a good look

I should have said: symbolically, the perfect timing. I do apologize.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Release: New Session Manager Version 1.3

2020-06-18 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 6/18/20 9:29 PM, Christopher Arndt wrote:

Am 18.06.20 um 16:09 schrieb rosea.grammostola:

[...] and releasing it at midnight. WTF, really.

Yeah, WTF, really.

As Filipe already pointed out, the time of day of the release is totally
irrelevant and you keep on complaining about it without elaborating why
it is significant.

It was maybe better to keep that for a private e-mail exchange indeed. 
Let's say, for me personally it's been quite a hijack. But I've you've a 
hard time imagine what a midnight release could have to do with it, 
let's keep it that way and lets end that discussion here. :)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Release: New Session Manager Version 1.3

2020-06-18 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 6/18/20 2:59 PM, Filipe Coelho wrote:
NSM has been dormant for a while now until we (including you) recently 
starting pushing the discussion again. 

Coincidentally at the same time I did join the scene again? New NSM 
developments in Radium, Seq64, Hydrogen, Muse (maybe) and Rakarrack 
(cancelled). Bugfixes in Ardour6. You don't have to give me any praise 
for it, most was done in the background anyway and those developers 
should get it of course, but just ignoring the efforts, mailing me about 
NSM/Jonathan this week with so called concerns about his health and just 
hijack the project without even noticing nor discussing it and releasing 
it at midnight. WTF, really.

Anyway, I've said what I wanted to say. Good luck with it.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Release: New Session Manager Version 1.3

2020-06-18 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 6/18/20 12:34 PM, Filipe Coelho wrote:


On 18/06/20 10:17, rosea.grammostola wrote:

Quite a hijack...

No credits to the original author in the release announcement, which 
is quite disrespectful. He did finally solve the session management 
problem on Linuxaudio with Non-Session-Manager after several attempts 
by some serious skilled programmers.

Fair point. We did mention that it is based on the NON stuff, but not 
Jonathan's name. Sorry for that, it was not intentional.

The "highjack" had to be done though, otherwise NSM would simply go 
nowhere. You even say yourself "I understand in some way that a fork 
is a logical consequence".
We were very sad that the toxicity around one person was causing such 
harm to such great tool.
In order to make NSM a real thing for linuxaudio (that is, not simply 
used by a tiny few users and apps), we *need* to get the community 

To quote Jonathan himself:

> Progress will not happen on its own. It must be forced along by 
individuals of power, wisdom, and vision; which we should all aspire 
to become.

Release around midnight Europe time.

Very classy guys.

Why is release time important there? (serious question)

We released after we had everything ready. And since we usually work 
on these things past official work-hours, that meant late in the day.
I don't see how this changes anything, or tells anything about the 
status of the project.


Might seem so from your point of you, but we tried, many many times to 
get everyone to work together here.

You know I did a lot for NSM, and I'm probably the most likely the most 
active user in the community. Involved from the start of the project. I 
did a lot to improve the situation lately, with some success. I've had 
contact with both of you last week (IRC and mail). Nils sent me mail 
this week about NSM/Jonathan. Nothing about the fork. Besides the fact 
that I understand that at some point a fork was inevitable, next time 
you want to fork, just say it and make sure to do it in full daylight. 
This is acting like snakes on pro level and in a way very childish too. 
Quite disappointing for people who seems to have high social standards, 
but are lacking a mirror at home apparently.

On a technical level, I'm glad you are aiming to be fully compatible 
with the original Non-session-manager (NSM). I'm just afraid that you're 
underestimating the task at hand and the accomplishments being made here 
though. Not giving the original author the credits he deserves, might be 
a sign of it as well.

From personal experience, I've still have to find someone else besides 
the original author of NSM, who understands why NSM works as a session 
manager. It works I think, because it's simple and has clear rules. I 
see a urge for new features, which are potentially harmful for the 
success of NSM. When I didn't use Linuxaudio for years and restarted it, 
it was quite a horrible experience. JACK standalone applications do have 
all kinds of features, but where crashing on me constantly (the nice 
thing about NSM, is that you've it back in one click). Totally unusable 
to make music with. I'm personally not waiting for new non-essential NSM 
features, which are making my setup less predictable, more resources 
consuming and less stable.

Raysession, I've no confidence in it. I said enough about it. Better 
spent your time in NSM support for clients.

You recommend Argodejo as GUI on the github page. I've a very hard time 
finding it better then the default NSM GUI. The simple view is not that 
simple anymore if you've a lot of sessions. The advanced view, is more 
complex then the original GUI, because it gives you so much more 
information. Duplicate was renamed as 'save as', which might cause 
dataloss for people who expect it to behave as 'save as' in other 
applications. Might be personal preferences, but all these small things 
doesn't make me very enthusiastic about NSM without the original author.

A other related experience. Feature request for Radium. NSM support in 
Radium, which is great. Author did implement accidentally server client 
osc messages. As a consequence he decides to give Radium session manager 
functionality as well. I think this design approach will harm a reliable 
and predictable NSM session environment for the user at the end.

Anyway, wasted too much time on it already probably.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Release: New Session Manager Version 1.3

2020-06-18 Thread rosea.grammostola

Quite a hijack...

No credits to the original author in the release announcement, which is 
quite disrespectful. He did finally solve the session management problem 
on Linuxaudio with Non-Session-Manager after several attempts by some 
serious skilled programmers.

Release around midnight Europe time.

Very classy guys.

I've had e-mail contact with Nils twice about NSM this week. No word 
about this hijack/fork. All though I understand in some way that a fork 
is a logical consequence and I'm not totally against (maybe the timing), 
you guys really act like little boys or girls in high-school.


On 6/17/20 11:52 PM, wrote: presents: New Session Manager Version 1.3

New Session Manager (NSM) is a tool to assist music production by 
grouping standalone programs into sessions. Your workflow becomes easy 
to manage, robust and fast by leveraging the full potential of 
cooperative applications.

It is a community version of the "NON Session Manager" and free in 
every sense of the word: free of cost, free to share and use, free of 
spyware or ads, free-and-open-source.

You can create a session, or project, add programs to it and then use 
commands to save, start/stop, hide/show all programs at once, or 
individually. At a later date you can then re-open the session and 
continue where you left off.

All files belonging to the session will be saved in the same directory.

New-Session-Manager is already included as binary package in Archlinux 
and KXStudio and will eventually replace Non-Session-Manager. You can 
find the source release on Github:

Bullet Points
* Drop-In replacement for the non-session-manager daemon nsmd and 
tools (e.g. jackpatch)

* Simple and hassle-free build system to make packaging easy
* Possibility to react to sensible bug fixes that would not have been 
integrated into original nsmd

* Stay upwards and downwards compatible with original nsmd
* Conservative and hesitant in regards to new features and 
behaviour-changes, but possible in principle
* Keep the session-manager separate from the other NON* tools Mixer, 
Sequencer and Timeline.

* Protect nsmd from vanishing from the internet one day.
* The goal is to become the de-facto standard session manager for 
Linux distributions

Changes since non-session-manager v1.2 (2017-07-08)
* Rebranding to "new session manager"
* Upstream GUI tools "non-session-manager" and "nsm-proxy" converted 
to standard FLTK instead of a custom toolkit
* New message /nsm/gui/session/root raises NSM_API_VERSION_MINOR from 
0 to 1 (1.0 -> 1.1)

* Changed build system to meson
* License upgraded to GPLv3
* Simplified file structure
* Fix compiler warnings.

This is a joint release from multiple people under the 


dvzrv, falktx and nils
Linux-audio-user mailing list

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Ableton Link

2020-02-28 Thread rosea.grammostola
Hi all,

I saw that Supercollider 3.11 beta 1 comes with Ableton Link support

I know Rui Nuno Capela is working on Jack Link, a Ableton Link
implementation for Jack (Transport).

Interesting developments to keep an eye on. Ableton Link might be
fitting well in the Linuxaudio environment with all those (small)
applications that support Jack (Transport). 



Ableton Link presentation at LAC18

Description: application/pgp-keys
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Any Rakarrack developers around here?

2020-02-26 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 26-02-2020 22:51, rosea.grammostola wrote:
>> That is an interesting trend isn't it? Certainly the presets are much
>> more convenient to use right from rakarrack than using the plugins. I
>> had hoped my project would be used more, but OTOH I use them and I
>> don't regret the effort.
> It's interesting for sure...
> Imho working with all the JACK applications can be a pain on Linux, but
> with nsm support, the experience is much better. And then standalone
> applications are preferable in certain situations actually. If I would
> need one instance of Zynaddsubfx, I would always grab the standalone
> version. If I need more instances, I might switch to Carla instead and
> grab the plugin.
> On the other hand, I know people are using Rakarrack, because you can
> launch multiple instances and chain them together to create something
> interesting.

Actually I always thought doing automation with JACK standalone
applications was a huge disadvantage compared with plugins. But it's
actually good possible to sent midi cc automation from a DAW to a JACK
standalone softsynth like Zynaddsubfx. Or I was ignorant, or I'm still
ignorant, but I don't see the problem not so much anymore. :)

By the way, I've heard people are using your plugins too, so don't worry
too much about it. ;)

Description: application/pgp-keys
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Any Rakarrack developers around here?

2020-02-26 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 26-02-2020 22:30, Spencer Jackson wrote:
> It would be a nice feature add. It's highly unlikely to happen though
> unless someone outside of the project does the work, I'm not even sure
> they are active enough to accept a pull request.

Yes, I probably need to search for someone else outside the project.
Volunteers raise your hand please! :)

You can clone the git repo at least, if that's what you mean:

> > I saw your plugins, but even with plugins, users seems to prefer
> > Rakarrack as a whole for certain composition work.
> >
> That is an interesting trend isn't it? Certainly the presets are much
> more convenient to use right from rakarrack than using the plugins. I
> had hoped my project would be used more, but OTOH I use them and I
> don't regret the effort.

It's interesting for sure...

Imho working with all the JACK applications can be a pain on Linux, but
with nsm support, the experience is much better. And then standalone
applications are preferable in certain situations actually. If I would
need one instance of Zynaddsubfx, I would always grab the standalone
version. If I need more instances, I might switch to Carla instead and
grab the plugin.

On the other hand, I know people are using Rakarrack, because you can
launch multiple instances and chain them together to create something

Description: application/pgp-keys
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Any Rakarrack developers around here?

2020-02-26 Thread rosea.grammostola

> Do you have a specific question or are you just curious?

I wanted to check if there was any interest in adding
non-session-manager (nsm) support to Rakarrack. Seems to be a nice
candidate for it and it's mentioned by people if you ask them which
applications should get nsm support. Interesting combi with Guitarix as
well probably.

I saw your plugins, but even with plugins, users seems to prefer
Rakarrack as a whole for certain composition work.

Description: application/pgp-keys
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Any Rakarrack developers around here?

2020-02-26 Thread rosea.grammostola

First, congratulations, Rakarrack is still actively used by people, even
though the application itself isn't that active anymore. :)

Any (former) Rakarrack developers on this list?



Description: application/pgp-keys
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ANN] New Jack / LV2 Host with socket support

2013-05-28 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 05/28/2013 05:04 PM, Bruno Gola wrote:

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Thijs van severen  wrote:

hi all

a question about this host app:
would this allow me to control the calf LV2 plugins using an external midi
controller ?
(map a midi 'knob' to a LV2 parameter)

we have plans to support a midi-mapping feature, but not now :(

It would be nice if this LV2 host would have non-session-manager (nsm) 

Best regards,
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ANN] New Jack / LV2 Host with socket support

2013-05-28 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 05/28/2013 06:28 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 05/28/2013 05:04 PM, Bruno Gola wrote:

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Thijs van severen wrote:

hi all

a question about this host app:
would this allow me to control the calf LV2 plugins using an external
controller ?
(map a midi 'knob' to a LV2 parameter)

we have plans to support a midi-mapping feature, but not now :(

It would be nice if this LV2 host would have non-session-manager (nsm)

Ah should have looked better. nsm support makes little sense here I'm 
afraid. Sorry for the noise.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM support: progress, wishlist

2013-05-21 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 05/21/2013 01:06 AM, Robin Gareus wrote:

On 05/21/2013 12:13 AM, geoff wrote:

conversations with the one known in this thread as rosea.grammostola

What is that supposed to
mean Paul?


It means rosea.grammostola is not his real name :)

In real life it's Dirk. :)

Anyway, 'optional-gui' in NSM seems to be especially (maybe even only?) 
useful for small jack standalone apps like AMS, LisaloQT, Zynaddsubfx 
etc. Other opinions about optional gui in nsm?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM support: progress, wishlist

2013-05-18 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 05/15/2013 11:12 PM, David Santamauro wrote:

On 05/15/2013 02:41 PM, Dan wrote:

To my knowledge (from direct IRC interaction with e.g. torben hohn)
there is
very little interest by the original jack-session devs to continue,
and fix it.

Just from reading LAD I did not realize that. Is this (de-facto)
deprecation documented anywhere?

Very good question. Where are the tides swelling?

Are you saying that you guys are plain (outside Ladish) Jack-Session users?

I don't think this will get announced officially, Jack-Session is out 
there, do with it what you want, but don't expect heavily development on 
it like you see with NSM.

By the way, I used Laborejo in NSM today and it used the 'optional GUI' 
functionality in the NSM protocol. This is just great! I was thinking a 
few days ago 'all those small apps on your desktop is an disadvantage of 
one-task-one-tool. You can hide plugin.'

But this hide/show GUI option seems to solve just that!

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM support: progress, wishlist

2013-05-18 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 05/18/2013 01:37 PM, Thijs van severen wrote:

i must confess : i'm also using jack session :-)

But you're coming from far, Garageband wasn't it (o no that was a friend 
of yours right)? ;)

Anyway, floss development can be fast, very fast. Rui implemented 'nsm 
optional-gui' functionality in qtractor and his v1 stuff already, oh my! :)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM support: progress, wishlist

2013-05-15 Thread rosea.grammostola


FYI Qmidiarp and AMS has nsm support now.


On 05/01/2013 11:38 AM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

- Rakarrack
- Ingen
- Guitarix
- Giada and/or Kluppe (?) (JackTransport would be nice too)
- HarmonySEQ
- Muse
- Hydrogen
- ...
- ...

I'm sure I forgot quite a few...

From the above projects, Rakarrack doesn't seems to be actively 
developed. So if an dev outside the project wants to add nsm support, 
you're welcome. (That's true for all Linuxaudio software I guess :) )

I'm not sure whether there're (technically/workflow) reasons to add nsm 
support if there's already an plugin (LV2/DSSI) version of it. Assuming 
the plugin version has no limitations compared to the standalone 
version, you can use the plugin version in plugin hosts with nsm support 
(Carla atm). If you think it would make a difference, I'd be interested 
for your argumentation.

Best regards,

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM support: progress, wishlist

2013-05-15 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 05/15/2013 04:36 PM, Jeremy Jongepier wrote:

Yes, Yoshimi for instance ;) I'll take another look at and dig up the discussion
again about jack-session vs NSM. The aforementioned patch namely removes
all jack-session support and I'm not sure if I want that.

I don't think Jack-Session is used much these days, tell me if I'm 
wrong. If they still exist, I would challenge the JS users to try NSM, 
good chance you'll prefer the latter.

If JS is used, it's used within Ladish I think. Remember that Ladish 
will support nsm in the future.

However, I don't think JS needs to be removed to add nsm support. 
There're more apps which supports both (e.g. added JS first and then 
switched to NSM without removing JS). Removal of JS might be better for 
tactical reasons though. You can argue that it's better for the LAU/LAD 
community if there's one session API to support.

Best regards,
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ANN] - Introducing the MOD - Your LV2 plugins at your feet

2013-05-03 Thread rosea.grammostola

You can see all costumer related info on the website and you can watch a
video of the prototype working here

The core software inside the MOD is Open Source and is being published
at github (

We hope you all like what we are doing and we would love to discuss
further details with you.

Kind Regards

Gianfranco Ceccolini
The MOD Team

In which way to you support/stimulate FLOSS LV2 plugins and/or 
proprietary LV2 plugin?
I wonder if this project will stimulate the development of FLOSS or 
proprietary LV2 plugins.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Kontakt sampler format (and others like EXS24)

2012-08-31 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 08/31/2012 04:56 PM, Nils wrote:

On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 14:43:13 +0100
Harry van  wrote:

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 1:03 PM,  wrote:

The direct and naive solution would be a reversed engineered kontakt
sample engine, yes.
Very naive.

The community could approach NI and ask if they're intrested in supporting
a Linux version of Kontact? I volunteer to write the email, and if they
laugh then what harm done...


Regardless if it was done or in the past or not It would be very nice of you to 
write an email to them.

Maybe an email from works better? Someone who speaks in 
name of an organization?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] LV2 standalone / Session support / (Vee One)

2012-08-06 Thread rosea.grammostola


Thanks Rui for the 'Vee One prototypes', released as LV2 plugins and 
standalone verions.

It's nice that the user has the choice of using the sampler/synth as a 
plugin or as standalone application. Another nice thing in this release 
is that you included Session Management support in the standalone 
versions, JackSession in this case.

This makes me wondering:

Why does every developer makes his own little single instance host for 
his standalone version of the LV2 plugins? Why isn't there a standard 
single-instance LV2 host which can be used by all the developers for 
their standalone versions of the LV2 plugins they make? A small host, 
devs can link to and which works like some kind of run-time dependency 
of the standalone version. Didn't have DSSI some kind of system like that?

One of the big advantages of this is that you could eliminate a large 
part of the session problem in the Linuxaudio ecosystem. Every new 
release of a LV2 standalone application is another application which 
needs to be patched for some kind of Session Management. This is 
cumbersome for devs and users.

If that standard single instance LV2 host supports Session Management by 
default (NSM/Ladish/JackSession/whatever), you solve a significant part 
of the problems you encounter when working with standalone Jack apps on 

1) Users have the choice to use the plugin as standalone version, with 
the SM functionality;

2) Developers don't have to patch their standalone version with SM support;
3) Users have more freedom to use the SM they want, because most new LV2 
standalone versions will support the most popular SM systems.

Best regards,

Dirk (alias Rosea Grammostola)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ann] out now petri-foo 0.1.85 / NSM

2012-08-02 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 08/01/2012 01:52 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:

Is JACKSession really dead?

And fellas, to a non-coder, can you explain why isn't session handling
done through JACK, which seems like a logical thing to do?

I'm not a coder.

Advantages are imo:

1) you can leave JACK apps outside a session on purpose
This is useful for instance when you have JACK apps running all the time 
in your studio, switching sessions shouldn't force you to stop that 

2) crashing JACK doesn't corrupt your session probably
3) it works also with other audio servers like KLANG :)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ann] out now petri-foo 0.1.85 / NSM

2012-08-02 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 08/02/2012 03:17 PM, Paul Davis wrote:

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 5:43 AM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

3) it works also with other audio servers like KLANG :)

i imagine that this is supposed to be facetious, but if you had
understood anything about KLANG it should have been that it is NOT
intended to be, or involve, a server.

Yes it is a joke. My comment (and KLANG probably too).

But there is some truth in it too I think. NSM doesn't depend on JACK, 
so it works with JACK1, JACK2 and with a hypothetical other audio 
lowlatency system.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ann] out now petri-foo 0.1.85 / NSM

2012-08-01 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 08/01/2012 11:53 AM, James Morris wrote:

On 01/08/12  wrote:

On 08/01/2012 03:30 AM, James Morris wrote:

On 30/07/12   wrote:

On 07/30/2012 03:12 AM, James Morris wrote:

(1.0) Non Session Management support

Nice to see a dev who's taking this up. Session management a 'must
have' for jack standalone applications and imho NSM is the best
option for this.

Woohoo there is now a grand total of 5 apps supporting it:

I count 7, but yeah despite your sarcasm, that's good news indeed,
that's already more support then LASH had in it's first days.

But the nice and essential thing about NSM is that it's support apps
without a state, and apps without NSM support via nsm-proxy.
Moreover NSM-proxy supports Ladish level 1 also.

LASH failed despite 26 apps supporting it:

The problem with LASH is that it has obvious (technical) flaws.
Session managers today are much better. Imo NSM has a great technical
design, with advantages compared to other session api's and without
(essential) technical flaws.

If you think that all the apps will support a
session api, then  you're not very realistic. That's why it's
essential that NSM support apps without NSM support and apps without a
state in a user friendly way.

I guess. But for those who need to play around with stuff before they
find what they can use to start being productive it's not good.

I don't see what you mean. You've a list of apps with NSM support. You 
can use those in the NSM session. Other apps you can launch via 
nsm-proxy. If you want to use Ladish l1, look at the list of apps with 
ladish l1 support.

No session manager, that's a problem. Users play around with stuff and 
never become productive. Standalone Jack applications are nice, but 
without good session support modular linuxaudio is a joke to say it frankly.

That many apps already have a form of session management is one of the
problems for NSM. What should a developer do when attempting to support
NSM in an application which already has Jack Session support and LASH
support? It increases the complexity of what the user interface has to
deal with.

First, it makes it far more easy to implement NSM. The time consuming 
'search work' for adding session support is already done.

Second, I assume that it is possible to support more session api's in 
one application.

Maybe it's actually better - at least most people are aware now of the
problems with the other session managers
In Petri-Foo it wasn't so much of a problem. I simply removed support
for LASH because there was no user base to tell me otherwise. But can I
do that with other apps?

I'm looking at jack-rack for instance.

See above.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ann] out now petri-foo 0.1.85 / NSM

2012-08-01 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 08/01/2012 12:41 PM, James Morris wrote:

On 01/08/12  wrote:

On 08/01/2012 11:53 AM, James Morris wrote:


LASH failed despite 26 apps supporting it:

The problem with LASH is that it has obvious (technical) flaws.
Session managers today are much better. Imo NSM has a great
technical design, with advantages compared to other session api's
and without (essential) technical flaws.

If you think that all the apps will support a
session api, then  you're not very realistic. That's why it's
essential that NSM support apps without NSM support and apps
without a state in a user friendly way.

I guess. But for those who need to play around with stuff before they
find what they can use to start being productive it's not good.

I don't see what you mean. You've a list of apps with NSM support. You
can use those in the NSM session. Other apps you can launch via
nsm-proxy. If you want to use Ladish l1, look at the list of apps with
ladish l1 support.

I would but seems to have gone down :-(

That many apps already have a form of session management is one of
the problems for NSM. What should a developer do when attempting to
support NSM in an application which already has Jack Session support
and LASH support? It increases the complexity of what the user
interface has to deal with.

First, it makes it far more easy to implement NSM. The time consuming
'search work' for adding session support is already done.

Second, I assume that it is possible to support more session api's in
one application.

The point I was making is supporting multiple session handlers makes
the application more complex than it necessarily needs to be and
increases the amount of code that needs to be maintained.

If LASH has so many faults and nobody is maintaining LASH itself, by
dropping support for LASH in clients we kill two birds with one
stone: 1) there's less maintenence work for devs to do - always good
and 2) it directs users to better solutions such as NSM.

But I don't actually know what user base exists for LASH. I want to
drop support for it but will revolting users castrate me for it?

LASH is dead, period. The only reason not to remove LASH is that Ladish 
supports it. But because Ladish will support NSM in future, it might be 
no problem to completely remove LASH if you add NSM.

JackSession is also more or less dead, because of some flaws in 
practical usage and because of the fact that it is more or less no 
longer maintained any longer. Which is good imo, it's better to have one 
session api then a lot. Ladish supports JS, but other then that there is 
little reason for not replacing JS with NSM.

It might be good for Linuxaudio if the JackSession devs declare 
JackSession to be dead.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ann] out now petri-foo 0.1.85 / NSM

2012-08-01 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 08/01/2012 03:30 AM, James Morris wrote:

On 30/07/12  wrote:

On 07/30/2012 03:12 AM, James Morris wrote:

(1.0) Non Session Management support

Nice to see a dev who's taking this up. Session management a 'must
have' for jack standalone applications and imho NSM is the best option
for this.

Woohoo there is now a grand total of 5 apps supporting it:

I count 7, but yeah despite your sarcasm, that's good news indeed, 
that's already more support then LASH had in it's first days.

But the nice and essential thing about NSM is that it's support apps 
without a state, and apps without NSM support via nsm-proxy.

Moreover NSM-proxy supports Ladish level 1 also.

LASH failed despite 26 apps supporting it:

The problem with LASH is that it has obvious (technical) flaws. Session 
managers today are much better. Imo NSM has a great technical design, 
with advantages compared to other session api's and without (essential) 
technical flaws.

If you think that all the apps will support a 
session api, then  you're not very realistic. That's why it's essential 
that NSM support apps without NSM support and apps without a state in a 
user friendly way.

Just not enough developers with free time and brain cells not owned by
their employers to make it work.

That's not totally true. If you count all the apps with a form of 
session management support, you can't really blame their efforts. On the 
other hand, it's true: session management seems to be primarily a users 
problem not a developers problem, unfortunately.

It's kind of a pity that NSM was released not earlier. Because of other 
session api's, devs are hesitated to add NSM support, but I'm confident 
that this will change soon.

Speaking for myself, I start *all* the linuxaudio applications I use 
(with NSM support or via NSM-proxy) in NSM, because it works. And that's 
why I am optimistic, it's just great that all those years we have 
something that just works! :)

Best regards,

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] [ann] out now petri-foo 0.1.85

2012-07-30 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 07/30/2012 03:12 AM, James Morris wrote:

(1.0) Non Session Management support

Nice to see a dev who's taking this up. Session management a 'must have' 
for jack standalone applications and imho NSM is the best option for this.

Best regards,

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] How to get NSM?

2012-04-11 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/11/2012 02:55 AM, Mark McCurry wrote:

I've seen the lengthy discussion of NSM and decided I'd like to give it a
whirl, but I cannot figure out where the code lives.  As far as I can see has no mention of how to get the code.  So
how do I get (git?) it? Thanks

Its code seems to currently be in the same repo as Non-DAW.
Here is the clone command:
git clone git://

Apart from the master branch, there is also a next branch with new stuff 
and a nsm-proxy branch for the new proxy app.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] How to get NSM?

2012-04-11 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/11/2012 12:14 PM, thijs van severen wrote:

2012/4/11 rosea.grammostola

On 04/11/2012 02:55 AM, Mark McCurry wrote:

I've seen the lengthy discussion of NSM and decided I'd like
to give it a
whirl, but I cannot figure out where the code lives.  As far
as I can see has no mention of how to get
the code.  So
how do I get (git?) it? Thanks

Its code seems to currently be in the same repo as Non-DAW.
Here is the clone command:
git clone git://

Apart from the master branch, there is also a next branch with new
stuff and a nsm-proxy branch for the new proxy app.

are there plans to get it in KXstudio repo's ?

afaik the maintainer will add NSM support to Carla (?), so I'm sure it will.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] How to get NSM?

2012-04-11 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/11/2012 12:55 PM, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:

Am 11. April 2012 12:08 schrieb

git clone git://

Apart from the master branch, there is also a next branch with new stuff and
a nsm-proxy branch for the new proxy app.

proxy app  - what's that ?

If you build the nsm-proxy branch, you're able to add the client 
nsm-proxy, which allows you to load apps without a state or without NSM 
support and add some arguments to it as you would do on the command line.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-11 Thread rosea.grammostola
It might be a good idea to discuss NSM (and it's implementation) and 
compare it with other Session Managers, at LAC2012. Such a conference 
could be a nice opportunity to share ideas to improve Linuxaudio session 
management in general. Unfortunately I'm not able to attend this year.

For those who go, have fun! :)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-11 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/11/2012 03:18 PM, Dave Phillips wrote:

Hey Dirk,

We'll miss you ! I still tell people about the fellow who approached me
on a train platform in Dublin and asked if I was Dave Phillips.

Hehe, I did the same when I saw Bono standing at Dublin central. He 
still tells his friends about it to. Must feel good apparently, when 
you're famous and people you have no clue about, recognize you in the 
middle of a crowd :)

Have a good time!
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] How to get NSM?

2012-04-11 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/11/2012 01:02 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 04/11/2012 12:55 PM, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:

Am 11. April 2012 12:08 schrieb

git clone git://

Apart from the master branch, there is also a next branch with new
stuff and
a nsm-proxy branch for the new proxy app.

proxy app - what's that ?

If you build the nsm-proxy branch, you're able to add the client
nsm-proxy, which allows you to load apps without a state or without NSM
support and add some arguments to it as you would do on the command line.


This script should work to load LinuxSampler as binary in a nsm-proxy. 
The lscp file should be loaded via the argument option in the nsm-proxy.
Only problem I have, it doesn't kill LinuxSampler, when I stop the 
nsm-proxy or the session. I probably miss something, maybe someone can 
test it too.




# wait for LS to init
sleep 4;

# tell it what file to load
cat $1 | nc localhost 

#handle SIGTERM from NSM by killing LS.
trap 'kill -TERM $LSPID' SIGTERM

#wait for LS to die naturally
wait $LSPID
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-09 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/06/2012 09:06 PM, Joel Roth wrote:

On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 10:12:53PM +0200, rosea.grammostola wrote:

Afaik, NSM gives us all we users need when it comes to LAU session
management Correct me if I'm wrong.

It would be great if the core functionality of NSM
could be separated out from the GUI to support
console users and environments where X may not
be available.

So that's already the case. Anyway thanks for trying :) Only developers 
are able to convince me on fundamental flaws of the NSM design atm. In 
this regard, it might be good if JackSession developers speak out about 
the current situation, now we have NSM and JackSession. They probably 
see those fundamental flaws or disadvantages in NSM. Or they maybe see 
particular advantages of JackSession or even NSM.

Let me summarize my personal findings as a JackSession and NSM user:

Personally I saw it as an advantage of JackSession, that it has JACK 
involved and that it only needs the JACK dependency. After the comments 
by Fons and by trying NSM myself, I think that it is an advantage of NSM 
instead, that it is independent of JACK. It's more easy to add apps 
without JACK support to the session and to keep apps with JACK support 
outside the session (by purpose). It gives you as a user more freedom 
and flexibility overall and so I think it's a better design choice. 
These advantages out weights the disadvantage of having one extra 
dependency to support NSM (liblo).

In terms of workflow, I prefer NSM above JackSession. Not only the fact 
that it is possible to easily launch apps without session support 
(without conf files), but also that it does what you expect from a 
session manager, OOTB. Close applications, fast, easy and safe saving. 
Quick and easy changing from one session to another etc.

The fact that NSM asks supported clients to act coherently and 
predictable is another advantage. I think it gives you as a user a 
simple and clear workflow. An disadvantage of this might be that a 
little more is expected from the devs of the clients, but as far as I 
understood that's isn't much extra effort to support it and also there 
are no fundamental objections yet, apart from the fact apps which 
doesn't have a centralized save location (qtractor), have more problems 
with this. I think this is a problem in that app as others pointed out. 
Moreover there are not many apps with this behavior.

In summary and to conclude: After using Ladish and especially 
JackSession, I think NSM is the best solution for the session puzzle so 
far and likely for the coming years. This is a personal user 
perspective, devs could think otherwise, but I didn't see a good reason 
for this so far.

Thanks. The list is yours again ;)


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/03/2012 07:04 PM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

now, i could suggest NSM API to be split in levels of compliance and
restrictiveness, so to speak:

- level 0 :- clients just store/retrieve their own private state from a
supplied and independent session sub-directory; no GUI File menu
restrictions; no file location restrictions, no symlinks, no juggling,
no dupes, no sh*t.

- level 1+ :- anything that (may progressively?) imposes each one the
mentioned non-restrictions of level 0.

How much more effort will it be in terms of coding, to implement 
'level-1' versus 'level-0'?


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/04/2012 02:22 PM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

On 04/04/2012 12:18 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 04/03/2012 07:04 PM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

now, i could suggest NSM API to be split in levels of compliance and
restrictiveness, so to speak:

- level 0 :- clients just store/retrieve their own private state from a
supplied and independent session sub-directory; no GUI File menu
restrictions; no file location restrictions, no symlinks, no juggling,
no dupes, no sh*t.

- level 1+ :- anything that (may progressively?) imposes each one the
mentioned non-restrictions of level 0.

How much more effort will it be in terms of coding, to implement
'level-1' versus 'level-0'?

speaking from qtractor pov.:

- level 0: minimal effort as it would be a probable and simple
rephrasing and/or adaptation of the code already in place for
jack-session; also, there's this osc branch somewhat lurking in svn to
get readily merged and apply for the NSM/OSC interface.

- level 1+: pervasive change and effort; almost brand new application
overhaul (iow. won't happen any time soon:) sorry.

Another question. If you compare NSM level 0 (!) with JackSession. Which 
session manager do you prefer and why?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/04/2012 03:51 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

if ever I add session management to any
app then that app will obey the NSM rules or very similar
ones if the session manager is not NSM - it is the obvious
thing to do if you want something that works.

Could you elaborate your reasons for this, for those who don't see this 
as obvious?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/04/2012 04:39 PM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

Another question. If you compare NSM level 0 (!) with JackSession. Which
session manager do you prefer and why?

well, NSM level 0 adds nothing to what JSM already delivers. sorry for
the noise :)

the once self-called uber-procrastinator says: prefer what is already
there and de-facto working.

Your opinion is clear, but your arguments are not strictly correct I think.
You say that a hypothetical NSM level 0, adds nothing to what JS 
delivers, but that's not true.

When I want to save a session in JS, I have to make a new folder. If I 
want to save a slightly changed session, I have to make a new folder or 
choose a existent folder. If I do the latter, the gui ask me if I really 
want to overwrite it. I choose 'yes'. (This is what you could call 
pretty cumbersome). In one case, someone did choose the /home/user 
folder... and lost all his data. Ok, you've versioning now in 
qjackctl... There is no way in Qjackctl to add apps without JS support 
to the session. It is not possible to quit a session without saving it, 
so I have to close every application manually.

In NSM on the other hand. I make a new session, add and remove apps on 
the fly from a nice centralized and quick GUI interface. It's even easy 
to add apps without NSM support (or scripts) via the GUI. If I change a 
session, I'm just able to save it without making a new folder or 
overwrite it. I am able to close a whole session and to abort a whole 
session (without saving). As a user can expect, all apps in the session 
close. Moreover it's possible to duplicate a session as a manner of 
using templates. It's very easy and fast to change between sessions. I 
am able to use session over the network very easily. I have never the 
risk of overwriting my precious data. I' m able to add applications 
without JACK support to NSM (Frescobaldi notation-editor, Emacs with 
SuperCollder etc.).

If you say that NSM adds nothing then a) you didn't try it and don't 
really know where you're talking about or b) don't think that the NSM 
stuff mentioned above are valuable of any kind for a user.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/04/2012 04:55 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 04/04/2012 04:39 PM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

Another question. If you compare NSM level 0 (!) with JackSession. Which
session manager do you prefer and why?

well, NSM level 0 adds nothing to what JSM already delivers. sorry for
the noise :)

the once self-called uber-procrastinator says: prefer what is already
there and de-facto working.

Your opinion is clear, but your arguments are not strictly correct I think.
You say that a hypothetical NSM level 0, adds nothing to what JS
delivers, but that's not true.

When I want to save a session in JS, I have to make a new folder. If I
want to save a slightly changed session, I have to make a new folder or
choose a existent folder. If I do the latter, the gui ask me if I really
want to overwrite it. I choose 'yes'. (This is what you could call
pretty cumbersome).

I'm not sure if this is cumbersomeness of Qjackctl as a GUI for 
JackSession or JackSession itself. I'm not sure how this works in 
Pyjacksm (which is a pretty limited GUI and not in active development).

 In one case, someone did choose the /home/user

folder... and lost all his data. Ok, you've versioning now in
qjackctl... There is no way in Qjackctl to add apps without JS support
to the session. It is not possible to quit a session without saving it,
so I have to close every application manually.

In NSM on the other hand. I make a new session, add and remove apps on
the fly from a nice centralized and quick GUI interface. It's even easy
to add apps without NSM support (or scripts) via the GUI.

Btw this should in theory also be possible with JS I think. Someone 
could write a GUI possibly that is also capable of starting applications 
from it. Moreover JS can make use of infra clients, (an alpha version 
of) pyjacksm supports this via a configuration file, .pyjacksmrc

Which looks like this, for example:

sessiondir = ~/linuxaudio/JacksmpySession
a2j = a2jmidid -e
jkmeter = jkmeter

Then it should be possible to add applications without JS support or 
without a 'state to save' to the JackSession.

BUT, this is *not* implemented in Qjackctl.
Pyjacksm sessions are *not* exchangeable with qjackctl

If I change a

session, I'm just able to save it without making a new folder or
overwrite it. I am able to close a whole session and to abort a whole
session (without saving). As a user can expect, all apps in the session
close. Moreover it's possible to duplicate a session as a manner of
using templates. It's very easy and fast to change between sessions. I
am able to use session over the network very easily. I have never the
risk of overwriting my precious data. I' m able to add applications
without JACK support to NSM (Frescobaldi notation-editor, Emacs with
SuperCollder etc.).

If you say that NSM adds nothing then a) you didn't try it and don't
really know where you're talking about or b) don't think that the NSM
stuff mentioned above are valuable of any kind for a user.



Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/04/2012 05:46 PM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

On 04/04/2012 03:55 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 04/04/2012 04:39 PM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

Another question. If you compare NSM level 0 (!) with JackSession.
session manager do you prefer and why?

well, NSM level 0 adds nothing to what JSM already delivers. sorry for
the noise :)

the once self-called uber-procrastinator says: prefer what is already
there and de-facto working.

Your opinion is clear, but your arguments are not strictly correct I
You say that a hypothetical NSM level 0, adds nothing to what JS
delivers, but that's not true.

When I want to save a session in JS, I have to make a new folder. If I
want to save a slightly changed session, I have to make a new folder or
choose a existent folder. If I do the latter, the gui ask me if I really
want to overwrite it. I choose 'yes'. (This is what you could call
pretty cumbersome). In one case, someone did choose the /home/user
folder... and lost all his data. Ok, you've versioning now in
qjackctl... There is no way in Qjackctl to add apps without JS support
to the session. It is not possible to quit a session without saving it,
so I have to close every application manually.

In NSM on the other hand. I make a new session, add and remove apps on
the fly from a nice centralized and quick GUI interface. It's even easy
to add apps without NSM support (or scripts) via the GUI. If I change a
session, I'm just able to save it without making a new folder or
overwrite it. I am able to close a whole session and to abort a whole
session (without saving). As a user can expect, all apps in the session
close. Moreover it's possible to duplicate a session as a manner of
using templates. It's very easy and fast to change between sessions. I
am able to use session over the network very easily. I have never the
risk of overwriting my precious data. I' m able to add applications
without JACK support to NSM (Frescobaldi notation-editor, Emacs with
SuperCollder etc.).

If you say that NSM adds nothing then a) you didn't try it and don't
really know where you're talking about or b) don't think that the NSM
stuff mentioned above are valuable of any kind for a user.

i may have missed it, but those application clients which are NOT coded
as compliant to a session protocol are not the point--that's just a SM
implementation convenience outside of the bounds of the ideal-SM

i'll refresh your memory that pyjacksm (a JSM reference implementation)
does that too (something called exo-clients or wtf:). ladish have been
doing that also and way, way before, for ages now o.O

unfortunately, i reckon, qjackctl doesn't. on my own call it has been
purestrict to the JS business (aka. protocol) and nothing more.
That's probably the most essential part on LAD to discuss indeed, the 
session protocol. But that doesn't take away that for a user these are 
essential components. The user is looking at how an (SM) application is 
presented on his Desktop, the *end-product*. And because of the fact 
that also the LAU'er knows that it is 'utopian' to think that all the 
apps on will get session support, it *is* a 
important matter a SM has to deal with. If Qjackctl doesn't offer this 
functionality by purpose, it is a obvious disadvantage for the user at 
the end.

however, re. exo-/infra-clients (or w/e they've been called, i don't
quite remember exactly but those are about clients which are
non-jack-session-aware) are in the drawer ntl.

actually, i was minding about the *intrinsic* cost/benefits of the
session protocol and *not* about *any* particular *session management*
(SM) implementation

True, we've to make clear what the technical possibilities of a SM are. 
You're saying that a hypothetical NSM level-0 offers nothing more 
compared to JackSession in this scope. I do also doubt this, you might 
be able to tell me what JackSession can do from the things I described 
as advantages of NSM. I can think of these at least, which still stand:

- JackSession is not able to quit the applications in the session 
without saving.
- It is not possible to add applications without JACK support to a 
JackSession (Frescobalid, Emacs with SuperCollider)

- Changing between NSM sessions is more easy and faster
- with NSM you can use the duplicate function and so use templates
- with NSM you can open multiple session on one host
- NSM has a clear way how to use a session on multiple computers via the 

- NSM sessions are not machine dependent (level 1)

This is just a quick brainstorm. As mentioned, this doesn't talk about 
the end implementation benefits of NSM for the user, which are of equal 
importance for the end-user. On that topic I conclude that Qjackctl 
doesn't support infra clients by purpose and that I don't see it happen 
that there will be another GUI who does support in the near future.



Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/04/2012 08:51 PM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

On 04/04/2012 05:19 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

... On that topic I conclude that Qjackctl doesn't support infra
clients by purpose and that I don't see it happen that there will be
another GUI who does support in the near future.

wait, it's not by purpose but just overlooked ok?

infra-clients (ie. jack clients unaware of jack-session) and exo-clients
(non-jack applications) are here subjects of a covenant: the SM in
charge, by its particular implementation, follows some god-knows-what
convention which is NOT bounded by the session protocol (or API) at
all--of course, the suspects are not session-aware to begin with, so any
SM can raise its own convention and make up its own party--it's a free
world isn't it? :)

as said, infra/exo-clients support on qjackctl (as a JSM) is in the
drawer, meaning it's coming out any day soon. so, is there yet another
convention party in the making, you ask?

That would take away one, for me important, advantage of NSM compared to 
JackSession atm (for the user). All though the implementation in 
Pyjacksm, is more cumbersome (using configuration file where you have to 
set each application you use) compared to NSM (no thinking, just adding 

One might ask why this isn't already in Qjackctl and how long it will 
take though. Which brings me to another possible advantage of NSM. The 
fact that the developer is clearly dedicated to the ask in time and 
motivation. And also important, he uses NSM himself and believes in 
session management. (I little reasons to believe that JS devs use 
JackSession themselves. Also if I read your words well Rui, I don't 
think you use Qjackctls session option yourself). With JackSession you 
lack those things atm (no blaming here). It's probably no accident that 
in NSM it's all there, whereas for JackSession some features still have 
to be implemented (in the GUI). Personally I asked for the infra client 
feature way back, but it's still not there. A new project like NSM seems 
to be needed to get some new progress, this is not the kind of 
dedication such a project needs (no blaming).

But of course, this are not the only reason to prefer one SM above the 
other. As mentioned in my previous mails, there are arguments for me atm 
to say that NSM gives a user more then JackSession (even with the 
hypothetical level-0). NSM seems to be a SM which has a very good and 
simple solution, more functionality then JackSession, without the need 
of things like Jackdbus (ladish).
Also I've the opinion that the community should go with the best 
implementation. Why go for an implementation which lacks useful 
functionality when implementation into the apps are more or less the 
same effort?
 I think it's essential to the discussion to get the cards on the 
table, so everybody can make up his own mind and decides which SM is the 
best solution for the Linuxaudio session puzzle. It would be nice if we 
could reach agreement on this, but it's a free world indeed. :)


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/04/2012 09:59 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

But of course, this are not the only reason to prefer one SM above the
other. As mentioned in my previous mails, there are arguments for me atm
to say that NSM gives a user more then JackSession (even with the
hypothetical level-0). NSM seems to be a SM which has a very good and
simple solution, more functionality then JackSession, without the need
of things like Jackdbus (ladish).
Also I've the opinion that the community should go with the best
implementation. Why go for an implementation which lacks useful
functionality when implementation into the apps are more or less the
same effort?

Afaik, NSM gives us all we users need when it comes to LAU session 
management. You've to help me to give something it doesn't do in this 
scope. If you can't help me with this, you can more or less take the 
conclusion that NSM is a final solution to the Linuxaudio session 
puzzle. Final as in, does all what it should do, has intrinsic all the 
stuff it should be able to do in the coming 10 yrs, it doesn't lack 
essential features in terms of functionality and workflow, if a better 
SM bumps up in the coming yrs there will likely be no essential reasons 
to switch to that one (which makes the effort for adding NSM support to 
an app, a valuable and longstanding contribution).

Correct me if I'm wrong.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-04 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/04/2012 11:22 PM, David Robillard wrote:

On Wed, 2012-04-04 at 21:59 +0200, rosea.grammostola wrote: [...]

I think it's essential to the discussion to get the cards on the
table, so everybody can make up his own mind and decides which SM
is the best solution for the Linuxaudio session puzzle. It would be
nice if we could reach agreement on this, but it's a free world
indeed. :)

With apologies in advance, here are my cards:

Thanks, with my apologies in advance for my reply. :)

It would be nice if this list could stick to actual
developer/development problems.

Of course this is the LAD list, so I don't post often on this list, 
except for this topic, started by me and of importance for me.

I think this topic is a special case on LAD, because it's by far more 
interesting for users to have a good SM implementation then for 
developers. For musicians/ user it is a real problem when something 
doesn't work or when a session API is implemented badly (technically 
and/ or socially). Developers care much less.

But if you make such a strict border between devs and users, also in 
such a topic, as you seem to suggest, I'm afraid we'll have to deal with 
the same 'great-technical-design' but 
'sorry-not-yet-usable-if-you-really-want-to-make-music' software issues 
in the coming years on Linux.

Or in the case of session management,'great-minimal-design' but 

I'll tell you why this topic is important to me. I did a talk about 
Linuxaudio. I can't tell you how much of a pain it was to get my stuff 
together. It did cost me more then a *fulltime week, 10h a day* to be 
able to show a more or less workable Linuxaudio workflow. Truly 
ridiculous and it made me realize that JackSession is utopian (and 
probably making music on Linux too) in this state.

It's nice to talk about software design side of Linuxaudio, but actually 
working with it is a whole different story, I tell you...especially the 
combination 'making music' and 'the modular approach'... (NSM seems to 
change this quite a bit though)

But if you're only interested in technical stuff and academic discussion 
about APIs, this might be not very interesting to read for you, my 

up on this thread, and almost nothing at all of value (i.e.
something towards solving the/a problem) has been contributed since
last I checked.  Mostly just a bunch of wannabe bureaucracy political
noise, which only obscures any actual technical points that might
need fleshing out (i.e. it's actively hurting, not helping). 
Take the politics to LAU or something.

Call it politics, or call it just an obvious part of the process of 
implementing something like a session manager API, where a large part of 
the community has to deal with. For me it's not politics in the sense 
that I like to see API X supported, rather then API Y, don't get me 
wrong. I just think it's important to get the real true (technical/ LAD 
related) arguments on table, it helps already to get the picture clear 
and to kill argumentation flaws, wrong suggestions and myths. That's in 
the benefit for devs and users.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-03 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/03/2012 10:05 AM, rncbc wrote:

On 03.04.2012 06:49, Joel Roth wrote:

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 03:44:17PM +0200, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:

Back to life - back to reality

1. We start qtractor as part of a session, create some midi-tracks,
include some external wav-files.

Should the SM know about these external files, as I suggested ?
(Allowing the user to find out basic info about it. )
Or leave it completely to qtractor ?


As I understand it, the primary motivation for a session
manager is to be able to save and restore the state of an
audio project[1] that consists of multiple interconnected
programs running on a multiprocessing Linux system.

In other words, the minimum capability sufficient to be
useful would be some sort of checkpointing mechanism.

A secondary goal, discussed extensively here, is that it
would be nice to be able to copy a session or export a
session. This is where all the contentious issues with
handling filesystem objects comes up.

The latter goal should be optional, IMO, rather than required.


this is exactly what i've been trying to tell (only that my english
wording leaves a lot to be desired)

thanks Joel :)

the primary goal is already achieved by qtractor on jack-session and
ladish; the second goal is the one i called utopian.

As far as I understood, to have everything saved in the session folder 
was designed to make the behavior of the session manager more 
predictable and more simple to avoid errors and misbehavior.
To be able to export the session was *not* the primary choice for this 
(correct me if I am wrong).

speaking from a developer's pov. i find it very unlikely that NSM will
ever get broader acceptance than jack-session and/or ladish, given the
utopian restrictions it poses on client application design.

i wonder for a while: modifying an application to participate in
jack-session, for instance, is dead simple and costs only a small amount
of developer time and effort, provided he/she has the proper motivation ;)

otoh. i have this creepy feeling that, to comply to NSM, one has to
compromise a lot of the application design and behavior--gui
restrictions, file location restrictions, osc managing interface, to
name a few--not that they are bad ideas at all, quite the contrary, but
they impose a kind of non-negligible (pun intended;) change into
application workings, unless coded to comply to the NSM-client-logo from
day zero.

Feelings are important, especially when dealing with something like 
session management which success depends more or less by the adoption by 
others. But I think we need to know the *facts* here. Is it really that 
way as you think it is, or is it just your initial resistance (which one 
can understand) to comply to the strict rules of NSM and isn't it that 
bad when having a closer look at it?

It's a reasonable point to discuss though...

i keep wondering: if that ever flies above its toes then i'll certainly
call it The linux-audio revolution (or miracle, scnr:)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-03 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/03/2012 11:38 AM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 04/03/2012 10:05 AM, rncbc wrote:

On 03.04.2012 06:49, Joel Roth wrote:

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 03:44:17PM +0200, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:

Back to life - back to reality

1. We start qtractor as part of a session, create some midi-tracks,
include some external wav-files.

Should the SM know about these external files, as I suggested ?
(Allowing the user to find out basic info about it. )
Or leave it completely to qtractor ?


As I understand it, the primary motivation for a session
manager is to be able to save and restore the state of an
audio project[1] that consists of multiple interconnected
programs running on a multiprocessing Linux system.

In other words, the minimum capability sufficient to be
useful would be some sort of checkpointing mechanism.

A secondary goal, discussed extensively here, is that it
would be nice to be able to copy a session or export a
session. This is where all the contentious issues with
handling filesystem objects comes up.

The latter goal should be optional, IMO, rather than required.


this is exactly what i've been trying to tell (only that my english
wording leaves a lot to be desired)

thanks Joel :)

the primary goal is already achieved by qtractor on jack-session and
ladish; the second goal is the one i called utopian.

As far as I understood, to have everything saved in the session folder
was designed to make the behavior of the session manager more
predictable and more simple to avoid errors and misbehavior.
To be able to export the session was *not* the primary choice for this
(correct me if I am wrong).

* not the primary reason for this choice

speaking from a developer's pov. i find it very unlikely that NSM will
ever get broader acceptance than jack-session and/or ladish, given the
utopian restrictions it poses on client application design.

i wonder for a while: modifying an application to participate in
jack-session, for instance, is dead simple and costs only a small amount
of developer time and effort, provided he/she has the proper
motivation ;)

otoh. i have this creepy feeling that, to comply to NSM, one has to
compromise a lot of the application design and behavior--gui
restrictions, file location restrictions, osc managing interface, to
name a few--not that they are bad ideas at all, quite the contrary, but
they impose a kind of non-negligible (pun intended;) change into
application workings, unless coded to comply to the NSM-client-logo from
day zero.

Feelings are important, especially when dealing with something like
session management which success depends more or less by the adoption by
others. But I think we need to know the *facts* here. Is it really that
way as you think it is, or is it just your initial resistance (which one
can understand) to comply to the strict rules of NSM and isn't it that
bad when having a closer look at it?
It's a reasonable point to discuss though...

i keep wondering: if that ever flies above its toes then i'll certainly
call it The linux-audio revolution (or miracle, scnr:)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-03 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/03/2012 02:55 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 04/03/2012 11:51 AM, rncbc wrote:

On 03.04.2012 10:38, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 04/03/2012 10:05 AM, rncbc wrote:

On 03.04.2012 06:49, Joel Roth wrote:

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 03:44:17PM +0200, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:

Back to life - back to reality

1. We start qtractor as part of a session, create some midi-tracks,
include some external wav-files.

Should the SM know about these external files, as I suggested ?
(Allowing the user to find out basic info about it. )
Or leave it completely to qtractor ?


As I understand it, the primary motivation for a session
manager is to be able to save and restore the state of an
audio project[1] that consists of multiple interconnected
programs running on a multiprocessing Linux system.

In other words, the minimum capability sufficient to be
useful would be some sort of checkpointing mechanism.

A secondary goal, discussed extensively here, is that it
would be nice to be able to copy a session or export a
session. This is where all the contentious issues with
handling filesystem objects comes up.

The latter goal should be optional, IMO, rather than required.


this is exactly what i've been trying to tell (only that my english
wording leaves a lot to be desired)

thanks Joel :)

the primary goal is already achieved by qtractor on jack-session and
ladish; the second goal is the one i called utopian.

As far as I understood, to have everything saved in the session
folder was designed to make the behavior of the session manager more
predictable and more simple to avoid errors and misbehavior.
To be able to export the session was *not* the primary choice for
this (correct me if I am wrong).

but is this one i complain about. nb. getting the full application state
saved under one SM session directory is a lot different than saving
everything an application state refers to under the same SM session

i'll gently recall you can actually have sort of both with qtractor
under jack-session management: you just choose which of qtractor's
default session file format you want: either the regular xml state file
(.qtr) or the complete bundle, self-contained archive/zip file (.qtz).
note that if your files are huge, saving in this latter format might
just take more time :)

however, please note, that's just a qtractor's user
preference/convenience option, not mandated by any permanent rule of the

But Qtractor seems to be special case here. Jonathan said in this thread
that there are not many apps with the same behavior when it comes to
saving and using files/ sessions.

So saying that this isn't ideal for Qtractor-like-applications, doesn't
say that other developers have problems with the strict saving rules of
(I have the *feeling* that these rules are in general harder to accept
for developers of big applications like Qtractor, Ardour, Muse etc, then
it is for small applications. The first have the unconscious urge of
being in charge I can imagine, but I could be wrong).

However, it might be fair to take a look at how JackSession does this
and answer the question why it is or why it is not a problem to not have
these saving restrictions.

When searching for an answer, you find at least two quotes which tell 
you that it is important:

3. Clearly defining the way an app should behave w.r.t. its
   File menu entries (when managed). This is quite intrusive
   to existing clients, but it is IMHO absolutley essential.
   Kudos to the designer(s) for the having the courage to do
   this instead of allowing application developers to take
   the 'least effort' way (which would of course be better
   marketing, but invite later misery).

*Why* this is essential isn't elaborated by Fons though.

Currently one of the strong points of NSM is that applications with 
heavy state (e.g. large audio files) know *exactly* where to put the 
state at the time they join the session. This eliminates the need for 
undesirable hacks with just storing a link to the heavy state (as was 
generally required with LASH). I felt like this was one of the primary 
requirements of Non-DAW which was not addressed by other session managers.


(Assuming that this ^ is because of the strict opening and saving rules 
of NSM).

Liles compares here with LASH, undesirable hacks are not needed anymore.
Why is this a primary requirement?
Moreover LASH isn't seen as a serious candidate anyway these days. I 
would rather see a comparison with JackSession in this area. In other words:

How JackSession does this and why is it, or why it is not, a problem to 
not have these strict rules for applications which are in a session.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-03 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 04/03/2012 04:18 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:

Guys, is there any info on JACK Session state? What apps are supported?
How to use?
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-02 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/30/2012 12:27 PM, Paul Davis wrote:

re: the central media location  - in rui's defense i'd like to point
out that it took cubase more than 10 years to move away from something
fairly close to his model.

Ok, that will be 5 yrs for Rui then ;)

Serious though. What does this mean for Qtractor and NSM in theory?

Qtractor can't apply to the strict session saving rules of NSM atm and 
not in the near future? If so, is there a solution for this from the 
perspective of Qtractor and NSM?

Are there other applications with this same 'problem'?

Best regards,


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-04-02 Thread rosea.grammostola
Apart from the Qtractor scenario (which seems not to be an impossible 
hurdle to take), there is one question left for me and that is:

*Is it needed to remove JackSession support, in order to add NSM support?*

I don't expect this to be true, but afaik JackSession is disabled in the 
NSM Yoshimi patch. I suspect that distro maintainers wants all available 
session options to be enabled for their users.

Other question might be if NSM is able to run crossplatform, but I 
believe the answer is YES (correct me if I'm wrong).

Then of course you have the issue whether devs wants to apply to the 
strict NSM rules, but apart from issues reported by Rui, I didn't hear 
any arguments against it from developers yet.



Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-03-30 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/30/2012 03:48 AM, J. Liles wrote:

The point of those guidelines is to allow users to know*exactly*  what
behavior they can expect.

The chief difficulty I had with implementing LASH support in programs
was that there was no answer as to what 'Save', 'Open', 'New', etc.
should do when running under LASH. Left, as is, the effect of these
operations would vary depending on how individual applications store
their state (whether fully in RAM, in a fixed location on disk, etc.).
This scenario is an absolute nightmare for both implementers and
users. If following a few simple rules to disable certain menu options
is enough to remove this ambiguity entirely, then why is that so hard
for you to accept? Do you*want*  to make things ambiguous and
impossible to predict? I know I don't. The rules are not there to be
draconian and imposing--They are there to allow people to have
confidence in what running under session management means regarding
where their data is stored.

Makes me wonder about JackSession. Does it have the same problem here 
compared to LASH?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/24/2012 11:09 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

3. Clearly defining the way an app should behave w.r.t. its
File menu entries (when managed). This is quite intrusive
to existing clients, but it is IMHO absolutley essential.
Kudos to the designer(s) for the having the courage to do
this instead of allowing application developers to take
the 'least effort' way (which would of course be better
marketing, but invite later misery).

How easy or how difficult is it compared to JackSession for example, to 
add NSM support to an application?

Is it possible to have NSM and JackSession support in one application?


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/29/2012 12:02 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:

my 2 cents from user perspective: I know where I save my files, I know
where my sample collections are. i know that if i delete my sample
collection, sessions won't load. i don't need any program to tell me

in fact, in using FL Studio or Cubase or LMMS you have the same
situation. a project can use same files as another project and if you
damage those files - well, sorry.

Where are we talking about? The fact that the session manager manages 
the saving of the projects only? E.g. that's not possible to save a 
yoshimi 'project' from the GUI in Yoshimi when Yoshimi is in a session. 
(see below for details ***)

It's a good thing to discuss indeed!

The situation with a session is different I think. In your examples you 
use one application. In a Ardour session files are stored in the project 
folder normally.

With a session you use more then one different applications, that's 
makes the stuff rather complex. I see an good point in making the 
situation less complex for and by the SM.
Afaik you can do with your files what you want, by copying or moving 
from the NON Session folder.
I also expect that an Ardour project saved in a NSM session, can also be 
opened by Ardour without being in a NSM session.
Also I guess it will be still possible to export files (and import) from 
Ardour to anywhere you want, if Ardour would be in a NSM session.

An example why this can be useful is the problems I had using 
JackSession with Hydrogen. Hydrogen didn't do the saving of the session 
folder and the hydrogen project right. This was probably avoided when 
they added NSM and followed the strict rules of it.

I do not see any reason for complications in session manager design. i
agree with david, all of this is unnecessary and only will make NSM a
session manager developers would be reluctant to adopt.

That's how you see it, but the question is, is this true? Maybe we 
should let the developers speak for themselves. It would be good anyway 
that they speak out.

It might be good if Jonathan Liles explains here why he has made the choice.



1.1.1. New

This option may empty/reset the current file or project (possibly after 
user confirmation). UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should it allow the user to 
create a new project/file in another location.

1.1.2. Open

This option MUST be disabled.

The application may, however, elect to implement an option called 
'Import into Session', creates a copy of a file/project which is then 
saved at the session path provided by NSM.

1.1.3. Save

This option should behave as normal, saving the current file/project as 
established by the NSM open message.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should this option present the user with a choice 
of where to save the file.

1.1.4. Save As

This option MUST be disabled.

The application may, however, elect to implement an option called 
'Export from Session', which creates a copy of the current file/project 
which is then saved in a user-specified location outside of the session 
path provided by NSM.

1.1.5. Close (as distinguished from Quit or Exit)

This option MUST be disabled unless its meaning is to disconnect the 
application from session management.

1.1.6. Quit or Exit

This option may behave as normal (possibly asking the user to confirm 

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/29/2012 12:29 PM, thijs van severen wrote:

2012/3/29 Louigi Verona

my 2 cents from user perspective: I know where I save my files, I know
where my sample collections are. i know that if i delete my sample
collection, sessions won't load. i don't need any program to tell me

in fact, in using FL Studio or Cubase or LMMS you have the same
situation. a project can use same files as another project and if you
damage those files - well, sorry.

I do not see any reason for complications in session manager design. i
agree with david, all of this is unnecessary and only will make NSM a
session manager developers would be reluctant to adopt.

louigi verona.

On 3/29/12, rosea.grammostola wrote:
  On 03/24/2012 11:09 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
  3. Clearly defining the way an app should behave w.r.t. its
  File menu entries (when managed). This is quite intrusive
  to existing clients, but it is IMHO absolutley essential.
  Kudos to the designer(s) for the having the courage to do
  this instead of allowing application developers to take
  the 'least effort' way (which would of course be better
  marketing, but invite later misery).
  How easy or how difficult is it compared to JackSession for
example, to
  add NSM support to an application?
  Is it possible to have NSM and JackSession support in one

wasnt there a link somewhere in this mail thread about a comparison of
all the pros and cons of 'all' SM's ?
i went trough the thread but could not find it  :-(
ah well, maybe i'm just dreaming
would be nice though, such a comparison matrix

Iirc it was just an idea to do make that. It doesn't exist yet.

An overview would be good imo. It would be even better if such a matrix 
could help in making a decision for the best SM API to support, at the 
moment. As a user who wants to use session API X, I don't have much 
benefits if applications supports session API Y. Unless I decide to use 
Ladish, personally that wouldn't be my choice though.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/29/2012 11:41 AM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 03/29/2012 12:02 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:

my 2 cents from user perspective: I know where I save my files, I know
where my sample collections are. i know that if i delete my sample
collection, sessions won't load. i don't need any program to tell me

in fact, in using FL Studio or Cubase or LMMS you have the same
situation. a project can use same files as another project and if you
damage those files - well, sorry.

Ah your reply was a reaction on the 'saving large file in NSM 
discussion'. I would suggest you to quote the relevant part of the 
discussion and then type your reply, otherwise it's hard follow the 


Where are we talking about? The fact that the session manager manages
the saving of the projects only? E.g. that's not possible to save a
yoshimi 'project' from the GUI in Yoshimi when Yoshimi is in a session.
(see below for details ***)

It's a good thing to discuss indeed!

The situation with a session is different I think. In your examples you
use one application. In a Ardour session files are stored in the project
folder normally.

With a session you use more then one different applications, that's
makes the stuff rather complex. I see an good point in making the
situation less complex for and by the SM.
Afaik you can do with your files what you want, by copying or moving
from the NON Session folder.
I also expect that an Ardour project saved in a NSM session, can also be
opened by Ardour without being in a NSM session.
Also I guess it will be still possible to export files (and import) from
Ardour to anywhere you want, if Ardour would be in a NSM session.

An example why this can be useful is the problems I had using
JackSession with Hydrogen. Hydrogen didn't do the saving of the session
folder and the hydrogen project right. This was probably avoided when
they added NSM and followed the strict rules of it.

I do not see any reason for complications in session manager design. i
agree with david, all of this is unnecessary and only will make NSM a
session manager developers would be reluctant to adopt.

That's how you see it, but the question is, is this true? Maybe we
should let the developers speak for themselves. It would be good anyway
that they speak out.

It might be good if Jonathan Liles explains here why he has made the



1.1.1. New

This option may empty/reset the current file or project (possibly after
user confirmation). UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should it allow the user to
create a new project/file in another location.
1.1.2. Open

This option MUST be disabled.

The application may, however, elect to implement an option called
'Import into Session', creates a copy of a file/project which is then
saved at the session path provided by NSM.
1.1.3. Save

This option should behave as normal, saving the current file/project as
established by the NSM open message.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should this option present the user with a choice
of where to save the file.
1.1.4. Save As

This option MUST be disabled.

The application may, however, elect to implement an option called
'Export from Session', which creates a copy of the current file/project
which is then saved in a user-specified location outside of the session
path provided by NSM.
1.1.5. Close (as distinguished from Quit or Exit)

This option MUST be disabled unless its meaning is to disconnect the
application from session management.
1.1.6. Quit or Exit

This option may behave as normal (possibly asking the user to confirm

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/29/2012 01:16 PM, thijs van severen wrote:

2012/3/29 rosea.grammostola

On 03/29/2012 12:29 PM, thijs van severen wrote:

2012/3/29 Louigi Verona

my 2 cents from user perspective: I know where I save my
files, I know
where my sample collections are. i know that if i delete my
collection, sessions won't load. i don't need any program to
tell me

in fact, in using FL Studio or Cubase or LMMS you have the same
situation. a project can use same files as another project
and if you
damage those files - well, sorry.

I do not see any reason for complications in session manager
design. i
agree with david, all of this is unnecessary and only will
make NSM a
session manager developers would be reluctant to adopt.

louigi verona.

On 3/29/12, rosea.grammostola wrote:
  On 03/24/2012 11:09 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
  3. Clearly defining the way an app should behave w.r.t. its
  File menu entries (when managed). This is quite intrusive
  to existing clients, but it is IMHO absolutley essential.
  Kudos to the designer(s) for the having the courage to do
  this instead of allowing application developers to take
  the 'least effort' way (which would of course be better
  marketing, but invite later misery).
  How easy or how difficult is it compared to JackSession for
example, to
  add NSM support to an application?
  Is it possible to have NSM and JackSession support in one

wasnt there a link somewhere in this mail thread about a
comparison of
all the pros and cons of 'all' SM's ?
i went trough the thread but could not find it  :-(
ah well, maybe i'm just dreaming
would be nice though, such a comparison matrix

Iirc it was just an idea to do make that. It doesn't exist yet.

An overview would be good imo. It would be even better if such a
matrix could help in making a decision for the best SM API to
support, at the moment. As a user who wants to use session API X, I
don't have much benefits if applications supports session API Y.
Unless I decide to use Ladish, personally that wouldn't be my choice

IMHO making such a matrix is the only good way to make a decisions of
any kind
is there anyone that has already made a 'study' that could be used as
the basis of a comparison matrix ?

A matrix is nice for a quick overview, but for such a decision you need 
more in depth information and argumentation. A matrix could only 
function as a tool to help with the decision.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/29/2012 01:25 PM, thijs van severen wrote:

2012/3/29 rosea.grammostola

On 03/29/2012 01:16 PM, thijs van severen wrote:

2012/3/29 rosea.grammostola

On 03/29/2012 12:29 PM, thijs van severen wrote:

2012/3/29 Louigi Verona

my 2 cents from user perspective: I know where I save my
files, I know
where my sample collections are. i know that if i
delete my
collection, sessions won't load. i don't need any
program to
tell me

in fact, in using FL Studio or Cubase or LMMS you
have the same
situation. a project can use same files as another
and if you
damage those files - well, sorry.

I do not see any reason for complications in session
design. i
agree with david, all of this is unnecessary and
only will
make NSM a
session manager developers would be reluctant to adopt.

louigi verona.

On 3/29/12, rosea.grammostola
mailto:rosea.grammostola@ wrote:
  On 03/24/2012 11:09 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
  3. Clearly defining the way an app should behave w.r.t. its
  File menu entries (when managed). This is quite intrusive
  to existing clients, but it is IMHO absolutley essential.
  Kudos to the designer(s) for the having the courage to do
  this instead of allowing application developers to take
  the 'least effort' way (which would of course be better
  marketing, but invite later misery).
  How easy or how difficult is it compared to JackSession for
example, to
  add NSM support to an application?
  Is it possible to have NSM and JackSession support in one

wasnt there a link somewhere in this mail thread about a
comparison of
all the pros and cons of 'all' SM's ?
i went trough the thread but could not find it  :-(
ah well, maybe i'm just dreaming
would be nice though, such a comparison matrix

Iirc it was just an idea to do make that. It doesn't exist yet.

An overview would be good imo. It would be even better if such a
matrix could help in making a decision for the best SM API to
support, at the moment. As a user who wants to use session
don't have much benefits if applications supports session API Y.
Unless I decide to use Ladish, personally that wouldn't be
my choice

IMHO making such a matrix is the only good way to make a
decisions of
any kind
is there anyone that has already made a 'study' that could be
used as
the basis of a comparison matrix ?

A matrix is nice for a quick overview, but for such a decision you
need more in depth information and argumentation. A matrix could
only function as a tool to help with the decision.

true, but currently we dont have any overview at all
any tool is better than no tool, right ?

We use a very old tool: dialogue, discussion and argumentation. :)

Another one: try out and find the pros and cons yourself

Sharing of user and developer experiences

Then there is the NSM API documentation and the JackSession documentation.

But if you want to make such a matrix, go ahead, but it might be harder 
to put it in a matrix then it looks at first sight.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/29/2012 04:22 PM, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:

Am 29. März 2012 13:16 schrieb thijs van severen

IMHO making such a matrix is the only good way to
make a decisions of any kind

I disagree here: Session managers have different concepts.
A simple matrix doesn't do it (show it).

IMHO user _experience_ is most important.
1. is it stable and reliable
2. does it do the job
3. behaves it practically (work-flow, feeling, user-interface)

Thus it is best to simply try - a thing that is difficult, as long
as an application is incomplete.

Fortunately NSM and the other SMs have advanced enough to try.
As I did mention, I have a good feeling with NSM
and I'm trusting this thing to become complete.

I think a conceptual analyses is also needed on forehand, without the SM 
being complete. You could think of questions like:

* is it (in theory) possible to use it crossplatform,
* is it (in theory) possible to use it without X,
* is it (in theory) possible to use it via the network
* etc

You don't want to support an API which can't run (in theory) 
crossplatform. You have some standards a SM should be able to do, like 
there is for JACK and all other kinds of stuff.

But I agree, user experience is important too. So Thijs, Louigi, ... , 
did you try it already? What are your experiences?

Thanks for your opinion.
I tend to agree with you and Renato:
rather not make it too complicated,
but usable and reliable.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-28 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/26/2012 10:47 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 03/26/2012 10:32 PM, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:

I've been able now to launch the NON session-manager.
- by writing an own simple build-script.
( is my system borked ? or just cmake ?)

cmake, iirc it's just ./configure, make, make install

I have to say, I'm counting me as a fan of J. Liles Software.
Somehow I agree with his style,
I would described as unbloated, but still pragmatic and effective.

- - -
In my opinion NSM is the best approach to session management
so far and I'm encouraging every audio-app dev. to jump on this train !
It is non-intrusive, has the required functionality.

All though I think I share your opinion here, I do realize that
developers jumped on trains before... I can also imagine some
frustration if you just added JS to your app and now this new train is
coming by. That's why a close research on the characteristics,
advantages and disadvantages is important imo. If at the end NSM it as
good as it looks, we can jump on that train together without hesitation.
We have to be sure somehow that this is a train which takes us where we
want to be (blue water with a yellow beach), in such a way that we don't
need another train afterwards to be able to reach our destination.

- - -
 There some minor things, I'd like to see:

- sessions should have an option to optionally restore window-position
and -size of client apps too (would this work for workspaces as well,
possibly xinerama ?)

I use fluxbox for this.

- tools as nsmd, jackpatch, osc_send should show a help message,
when started from command line.

- the session-manager should have an additional help button, showing a
window describing the possible actions (how to duplicate a session,
work with templates) - just like non-seq has a window for key-strokes.

- in the session-man. there should be a hint where the data is stored.
I'd like to always know where it is.

Questions remaining:

- where would audio apps store large (audio) files ? a custom path ?

- appart from large files (audio), all configuration should go to the
instances session folder - right ?

I am able to save Ardour sessions and share it with my friends. They are 
able to use them (if Ardour and the right plugins are installed). How is 
this possible with NSM?


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-28 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/28/2012 10:43 PM, J. Liles wrote:

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 11:25 AM, rosea.grammostola  wrote:

I am able to save Ardour sessions and share it with my friends. They are able 
to use them (if Ardour and the right plugins are installed). How is this 
possible with NSM?

Pretty much the same way you do it with Ardour. Just make a tar.bz2 of
the session directory (e.g. ~/NSM Sessions/Songs/The Song I Want To
Share) and send it to your friend, they untar it in their session
root, and NSM will find it. In the general case, this will work fine.
Of course, just like with Ardour, whether the session actually loads
and works properly depends on whether or not your friend as the same
programs and plugins (or compatible versions of them) installed. Now
if you later want to merge the two sessions, you're really on your
own. In that case, making your session folder into a git repository
would probably work better than just using tar. Non-DAW and Non-Mixer
project data is textual and can be meaninfully managed by a line-based
diff algorithm like GITs, but MIDI data (Non-Sequencer)--not so much.


I've to find another question or user scenario then, which will proof 
that NSM sucks anyway. People who can help me with this, don't hesitate 
to drop it on the list!

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-28 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/28/2012 10:20 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 03/28/2012 10:43 PM, J. Liles wrote:

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 11:25 AM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

I am able to save Ardour sessions and share it with my friends. They
are able to use them (if Ardour and the right plugins are installed).
How is this possible with NSM?

Pretty much the same way you do it with Ardour. Just make a tar.bz2 of
the session directory (e.g. ~/NSM Sessions/Songs/The Song I Want To
Share) and send it to your friend, they untar it in their session
root, and NSM will find it. In the general case, this will work fine.
Of course, just like with Ardour, whether the session actually loads
and works properly depends on whether or not your friend as the same
programs and plugins (or compatible versions of them) installed. Now
if you later want to merge the two sessions, you're really on your
own. In that case, making your session folder into a git repository
would probably work better than just using tar. Non-DAW and Non-Mixer
project data is textual and can be meaninfully managed by a line-based
diff algorithm like GITs, but MIDI data (Non-Sequencer)--not so much.


I've to find another question or user scenario then,

And/ or developer scenario's of course. E.g. examples how hard and 
cumbersome it is to add NSM support to an application, especially with 
certain applications. The disadvantages of the API, the problems you get 
when you want to use it crossplatform, or without a graphical interface, 
etc. etc.

 which will proof

that NSM sucks anyway. People who can help me with this, don't hesitate
to drop it on the list!


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-26 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/24/2012 11:09 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 04:19:03PM +0100, rosea.grammostola wrote:

More devs with an opinion? Fons, Torben, Paul, Emanual, ... ?

I haven't used it so far (that is just a matter of limited
time and priorities). But on reading the available docs my
first impression is that there is some serious thinking
behind this. There are quite a few features/choices that
I do like/agree with.

1. The use of OSC, defining only the messages and leaving
the actual implementation of the OSC interfaces to the
application author. This instead of the all too common
practice of imposing the use of some library that would
integrate badly with the existing framework of an app,
duplicate existing functionality or be in conflict with
it, or pull in unwanted dependencies.

2. The use of jackpatch to manage jack connections instead
of interfering with Jack itself. It's not clear from the
specs, but if this means that NSM will (or can be told
to) leave Jack completely alone I'll like it even more.

3. Clearly defining the way an app should behave w.r.t. its
File menu entries (when managed). This is quite intrusive
to existing clients, but it is IMHO absolutley essential.
Kudos to the designer(s) for the having the courage to do
this instead of allowing application developers to take
the 'least effort' way (which would of course be better
marketing, but invite later misery).

At this point we can at least conclude that the people who have spoken 
out about session management and 'the modular approach' in the last 
couple of years and/or are involved in thinking about or building a 
session manager solution, agree more or less about the fact that NSM has 
a nice design and is probably useful in the different workflows. These 
people are, to name a few, Fons, Liles (author of NON) and Nedko (all 
though he thinks a session manager should do even more, that's what 
Ladish does. But ladish supports also JS and NSM (soon)). The JS 
developers didn't speak out clearly yet.

What could be an advantage of JS, is that it has JACK as only dependency 
and is integrated in JACK. Others however, have pointed out that not 
depending on JACK is a big plus for them or even a demand. It gives more 
possibilities to have other apps in the session.

As mentioned before, NSM seems to have some advantages JS doesn't have 
and lacks some disadvantages Ladish have (you need jackdbus). To call 
NSM a good compromise wouldn't give NSM the credits it deserves, but on 
the other hand, NSM could probably be a widely supported session API 
within the LAD/LAU community. This would be a unique situation.

It's to early to settle down our conclusions though. It would be nice if 
more developers dive into it, study the API, study the practical 
implications, use NSM and probably even try to build a patch for it into 
their program, so we could have a better overview about how developers 
think about NSM. It could be that developers prefer a other session API 
then NSM. Maybe it's good to give your arguments. It's good to have 
disagreements and unity has it's disadvantages, but for an session API 
it's also good have agreements. Actually, you need enough of them to be 
successful as a Linuxaudio session API...

Best regards,
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-26 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/26/2012 05:51 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:


I would like to ask. I did see a demonstration and it looks really nice.
However, am I right in understanding that currently only several apps
are really supported? And if this is true - is there an option of adding
support for more apps?

The API is explained on this website:

Developers can build patches for their software to support NSM, as they 
can do for JS and Ladish. At the moment only non-daw, non-seq, non-mixer 
and yoshimi (patch available).

Atm their are more applications with JS support (Ladish supports ladi, 
JS and NSM):
But the development of JackSession API has more or less stopped because 
of the fact that Torben has no time for Linuxaudio atm. Also it's not 
realistic to expect many efforts from Paul in this area.

Moreover, NSM seems to have features JS lacks, but which could be a plus 
when it comes to workflow (stop session, copy session, more easy to add 
apps without session support into the session, possible to add apps 
without JACK support to the session).
Also some people (Fons, Liles, Nedko) think that JS has it's limitations 
and therefore they don't support it (Fons, Liles). NSM could gain wider 
support probably.

At first sight, NSM looks to me more promising then JS does, e.g. it has 
more chance to become really useful and to get broad support in the 
community (from the 'modular diehards'). But this is just a personal 
feeling/ thought. If this is really the case, depends on the view of the 
LAD community.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-26 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/26/2012 06:21 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:

more easy to add apps without session support into the session

How is that done?

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:15 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

On 03/26/2012 05:51 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:


I would like to ask. I did see a demonstration and it looks
really nice.
However, am I right in understanding that currently only several
are really supported? And if this is true - is there an option
of adding
support for more apps?

The API is explained on this website:

Developers can build patches for their software to support NSM, as
they can do for JS and Ladish. At the moment only non-daw, non-seq,
non-mixer and yoshimi (patch available).

Atm their are more applications with JS support (Ladish supports
ladi, JS and NSM):
But the development of JackSession API has more or less stopped
because of the fact that Torben has no time for Linuxaudio atm. Also
it's not realistic to expect many efforts from Paul in this area.

Moreover, NSM seems to have features JS lacks, but which could be a
plus when it comes to workflow (stop session, copy session, more
easy to add apps without session support into the session, possible
to add apps without JACK support to the session).
Also some people (Fons, Liles, Nedko) think that JS has it's
limitations and therefore they don't support it (Fons, Liles). NSM
could gain wider support probably.

At first sight, NSM looks to me more promising then JS does, e.g. it
has more chance to become really useful and to get broad support in
the community (from the 'modular diehards'). But this is just a
personal feeling/ thought. If this is really the case, depends on
the view of the LAD community.


On 03/26/2012 06:21 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:
more easy to add apps without session support into the session

How is that done?

You are able to start the client via the Non Session Manager GUI. If you 
need to add arguments to the client, you can do this via a script using 
the exec command. Liles is going to write a proxy app to make this more 
easy. With the client jackpatch you can make the connections. You have 
to manually save the clients who doesn't support NSM in this situation.

Iirc this is also possible with JackSession, but it's not implemented in 
Qjackctl and I'm not sure how this works at the end. At least in NSM it 
seems to be more easy, with a nicer workflow.



Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-26 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/26/2012 10:32 PM, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:

I've been able now to launch the NON session-manager.
- by writing an own simple build-script.
( is my system borked ? or just cmake ?)

cmake, iirc it's just ./configure, make, make install

I have to say, I'm counting me as a fan of J. Liles Software.
Somehow I agree with his style,
I would described as unbloated, but still pragmatic and effective.

- - -
In my opinion NSM is the best approach to session management
so far and I'm encouraging every audio-app dev. to jump on this train !
It is non-intrusive, has the required functionality.

All though I think I share your opinion here, I do realize that 
developers jumped on trains before... I can also imagine some 
frustration if you just added JS to your app and now this new train is 
coming by. That's why a close research on the characteristics, 
advantages and disadvantages is important imo. If at the end NSM it as 
good as it looks, we can jump on that train together without hesitation. 
We have to be sure somehow that this is a train which takes us where we 
want to be (blue water with a yellow beach), in such a way that we don't 
need another train afterwards to be able to reach our destination.

- - -
 There some minor things, I'd like to see:

- sessions should have an option to optionally restore window-position
and -size of client apps too  (would this work for workspaces as well,
possibly xinerama ?)

I use fluxbox for this.

- tools as nsmd, jackpatch, osc_send should show a help message,
when started from command line.

- the session-manager should have an additional help button, showing a
window describing the possible actions (how to duplicate a session,
work with templates) - just like non-seq has a window for key-strokes.

- in the session-man. there should be a hint where the data is stored.
I'd like to always know where it is.

Questions remaining:

- where would audio apps store large (audio) files ? a custom path ?

- appart from large files (audio), all configuration should go to the
instances session folder - right ?

- where is the integrated chat client ? ;)

Possible Bugs

- although jackpatch is loaded, some connections (jack-midi) are not
restored here,
switching from one to another session (while the jack-audio-connection
is being done)

Known bug, should be better in git ('next branch'??)

- switching from one session with yoshimi to one without it closes yoshi
   switching from a session with two non-seq instances to a session
with only one non-seq instance
   doesn't close the second instance

Once  this is bug-free,
this session-manager is a real enrichment to the audio community !
There's almost a fun-factor using it. I'm going to spend my time
switching sessions soon. :)

I do share your optimism, but I don't want to celebrate to early this 


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-24 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/22/2012 04:10 PM, David Robillard wrote:

On Thu, 2012-03-22 at 11:55 +0100, rosea.grammostola wrote:


I wonder what the LAD community thinks about Non Session Manager

  From a user POV I must say that it works very smooth at first sight.

I haven't actually tried it yet, but took a peek.

 From the developer POV, the implementation of the daemon about 2000
lines of C or so, and it only depends on a standard protocol (OSC) with
several implementations.

I have no idea how well it works, or what I think of the details, but
that wins it major points in my book.  It is an appropriate size for the
task at hand and doesn't ram dependencies down implementer's throats.


Thanks David. More devs with an opinion? Fons, Torben, Paul, Emanual, ... ?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-22 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/22/2012 12:59 PM, thijs van severen wrote:

2012/3/22 rosea.grammostola


I wonder what the LAD community thinks about Non Session Manager

 From a user POV I must say that it works very smooth at first
sight. It's easy to use and one of the strong points seems to be the
flexibility, e.g. the ability to copy and change existing sessions,
run multiple sessions (also via network). But I cannot comment on
the technical goods and bads of the API and how easy it will be to
implement this in a Jackaudio application. It seems to use OSC
messages and depends only on liblo.

Thanks in advance,

MHO: having a good universal session manager would be a dream come true,
but so far i have not been able to find one that does what i would like
it to do :
- start a couple of apps
- wire them together
- add some more apps
- save everything
- done

This is what Session managers do, NSM, JackSession and Ladish.
Try it.

for me it is rather annoying that i have to predefine a session (as is
the case with most session managers).
i just would like to open apps, use them, connect them, without having
to think about 'the session', let alone 'predefine' it
jacksession offers some of this, but not all apps support jacksession
non session manager has some interesting features too (like
over-the-network sessions)
I don't think this is true. You can start apps just as you like and save 
the session. In NSM you do this in the GUI, but it's very easy to remove 
a client in a session or add one, so no need to predefine anything.

A problem are clients without support for the session format.
At least in NSM it's easy to start any application nevertheless (the 
author is also thinking about writing a wrapper for non supported apps).
At least NSM acts like a script starting clients and restore the JACK 
connections (via client jackpatch). So people who prefer scripts and 
aj-snapshot, will find the same benefits in NSM if the author has added 
the wrapper (to be able to add arguments to a starting client).

This is also more or less possible in JackSession, all though saving and 
quiting the session works more cumbersome in Qjackctl compared to NSM in 
my opinion. There is a possibility to start apps without JS support, but 
that's not implemented in Qjackctl yet, so atm a practical disadvantage 
of JS. There is a non official supported wrapper for JackSession though, 

We all know that session management is hard, but if we can live with 
more or less one standard it would be nice. JackSession seems to be an 
option, but if I understand the situation well, it seems that Paul Davis 
rather sees LV2 rise, he doesn't really believe in Session Management, 
so he is probably not very motivated to help it rise. Torben wrote 
JackSession, but he doesn't have time for Linuxaudio atm, so it might be 
fair to question the chances for survival here.

I don't say that JackSession could not survive, but it needs support and 
development. If the community can agree on a format (NSM for example) 
which is supported better, then that might be a better option.

Apart from the politics it's just interesting to discuss the NSM API here.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-22 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/22/2012 02:52 PM, Harry van Haaren wrote:

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 12:33 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

JackSession seems to be an option

JackSession is merged in JACK. No external dependencies, if all other
session management systems would integrate with it, then the problem
would be solved. I appreciate that there are things that JackSession
cannot currently do, but IMO there's a lot to be gained from widespread
adopting of JackSession.

When I find time to implement restoring sessions in Luppp, the
functionality will be available trough JackSession.

And what if there is no real objection towards NSM from within the 
community and what if the JS devs tell you that they have no time or 
motivation to really develop or stimulate development of JackSession? 
Isn't is possible then that the community more or less decides that one 
option is better then the other?

Or is someone else willing to maintain JackSession from now on?

NSM doesn't depend on JACK, how bad is that really? At least one benefit 
seems to be that apps like non-mixer are also supported now. And even 
apps without JACK support, (all though I can't find a situation at this 
moment in time where this can be useful).

In my view all depends on the vision of the LAD community. I just tried 
NSM yesterday, but what if it's the best solution overall? That's 
possible right, that someone suddenly comes up with the best solution so 
far. If NSM is that best solution, we might go for it. Otherwise we have 
to think about keeping JackSession alive.

Harry, maybe it's good to give NSM a shot and/ or to comment on the API.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

2012-03-22 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 03/22/2012 05:52 PM, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:

Am 22. März 2012 11:55 schrieb

I wonder what the LAD community thinks about Non Session Manager

I would like to try it,  but I can't build   the DAW and  NSM .
It doesn't link and causes lots of undefined reference messages.

Is the build script is broken ?

My FLTK  installation seems ok.

I didn't have problems building it a few days ago. You probably could 
email the author or jump in on #lad

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Petri-Foo - a new fork of Specimen

2011-05-29 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 02/06/2011 10:33 PM, James Morris wrote:

I've created a sourceforge project page for Petri-Foo. Anyone
interested should subscribe to the petri-foo-devel list for
development and users alike here:


On 4 February 2011 11:18, James  wrote:


I've forked Specimen primarily to provide frequency Modulation of the
LFOs and to make all the LFOs and ADSRs independent so that there is
no longer a single dedicated ADSR and a single dedicated LFO for ie
pitch modulation, but two 'inputs' for pitch modulation for which the
choice of all ADSRs and all LFOs is available.

Please read the README for more information:

The current state of Petri-Foo is that the LFOs and ADSRs have been
made independant and are, AFAICT, working as should. The GUI is not
yet up to date, but changes have been made enough to get a basic idea
of what's going on.

Please do read the README before commenting. I've tried to do things
properly! I'm only human and only a hobbyist coder.



Does your fork include the JackSession patch to enable jacksession 
support? Would be nice. Should be in Specimen svn


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] LAC: Anyone driving to Dublin after the Linux Sound Night(s)?

2011-04-30 Thread rosea.grammostola


I might be staying in Dublin during the LAC. The last train on friday 
and saturday is leaving on 23:10. The concerts might not be ended at 
that time. Is there someone who is driving from Maynooth to Dublin after 
the sound night and who can take someone with him?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] On the last eve of the year

2010-12-31 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 12/31/2010 05:44 PM, Dave Phillips wrote:

Jens M Andreasen wrote:

 The Little Match Girl



Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [OT] Richard Stallman warns against ChromeOS

2010-12-14 Thread rosea.grammostola

On 12/14/2010 09:28 PM, gene heskett wrote:

On Tuesday, December 14, 2010 03:27:37 pm Victor Lazzarini did opine:

Stallman hitting the mainstream news:

He's right.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] General question: Components of Music Software

2010-04-27 Thread rosea.grammostola
On Tue, 2010-04-27 at 09:52 +0200, Jeremy wrote:
 On 04/26/2010 09:08 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:
  Jorn! Thanks, very informative answer.
  What can you say about stuff like this:
  1. vocoder
  2. grnulizer
  3. slicer (when a file is sliced into pieces)
 Hello Louigi,
 Or a good ole tracker like MilkyTracker for even more finer grained control.
  4. beat matching
 That's still missing, a good FLOSS beat matching app or library. At
 least, I haven't come across one yet.

Is beat matching different then beat slicing?

rhythm ferret in Ardour (or what is it's name)?


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [Jack-Devel] distros migrating to JACK2?

2010-04-18 Thread rosea.grammostola
On Sat, 2010-04-17 at 12:10 +0200, Stéphane LETZ wrote:
 At Grame, we started working on JACK (jack1 at that time) in 2003 and our 
 first commitment was to port the C code base on OSX. Even if the result was 
 working, we rapidly felt that the C code base was not flexible enough to 
 evolve in the direction we wanted to explore: multi-platforms support, SMP 
 and glitch-free connections (among other ideas we had...) . Around 2004-2005 
 we had a new C++ based code base that was first developed on OSX, later 
 ported in Linux (2005), on Windows (summer 2006) and Solaris (summer 2008 as 
 a result of funding coming from RTL french radio). In 2004 we also found the 
 way to better integrate JACK in the CoreAudio architecture on OSX (the 
 JackRouter JACK/CoreAudio bridge) that allowed any CoreAudio application to 
 become a JACK client, thus participating in the success we had on OSX with 
 the JackOSX package.
 I think the about 3 years ago, the JACK mini-summit in Berlin Paul told 
 about, was actually during LAC 2008 in Kohn. It was my impression that most 
 of the JACK community was interested to see jackdmp (renamed jack2 at that 
 moment) become the future of JACK, and late 2008 and 2009 was an intense 
 period of work to reach this goal. Nedko (mostly but some other) did a huge 
 job of improving the build system, implement the so-called JACK Control API 
 (or at least the server side of it) and helped in other areas. The D-Bus 
 based server control code (Nedko) was also integrated at that time.  
 In spring 2009 started this D-Bus war and after endless discussion with 
 people with strong opinions (Fons, Nedko...) it appeared that no agreement 
 could be found. The best that we could achieve (in my view) was to clearly 
 define the JACK Control API as the frontier between the external world 
 that wants to control the JACK server, and the server code itself, and report 
 all more sophisticated control mechanism outside. At about the same time, 
 some developers (Torben, Paul ...) started to rebirth the jack1 codebase, and 
 it appeared more and more clear that the jack2 become the official code 
 base idea start to become a vanishing goal.
 I must say that I still don't have a clear understanding of why this 
 happened. I still don't understand the sentence Like Torben, there are some 
 design decisions there that I have questions about. and I think explaining 
 it in more details would really help. 

It's pretty odd that you guys didn't discuss this clearly with each
other. It seems that people have an opinion about something, but only
share this with people who have the same opinion and not with the one
who himself or his code is subject of 'critique'. This is bad
communication and bad team management.

 The fact that jack1 and jack2 are almost indistinguishable in everyday use is 
 quite satisfactory, but at the same time the subtle difference that stay 
 continue to cause some endless comments from users about the real 
 advantages of each of the two implementations. I still see reports from more 
 xruns here or a bit less CPU use there, but with no real data and clear 
 step by step way to reproduce issues that would help to fix remaining bugs 
 in jack2 codebase (for example jack2 still probably has issue with 
 multi-cards support compared to jack1, but AFAICS this is in ALSA backend, 
 and I cannot progress on that without the help of people with multi-cards and 
 knowledge in ALSA backend code).
 Concerning session management added in JACK codebase, I did not followed the 
 discussion in details. I said to Paul in a private mail that I though it was 
 not a good idea (but maybe I am completely wrong...) but I would certainly 
 not oppose to a implementation for jack2. I remember someone volunteered to 
 work on that ??
 I have to say that I become quite tired of all that mess, since I don't see 
 any clear way to solve the situation. After about 5 years of real commitment 
 in JACK project, I decided to move back a bit and work on some other stuff. I 
 still try to follow bug reports and jack1 changes, release a package from 
 time to time and maintain JackOSX project. I still think some interesting 
 ideas (like the pipelining mode that currently stay in a jack2 branch...) 
 are of interest (especially since we now see with those 4 cores/threads 
 model in new laptops...) and should be pushed in mainline.

It would be good if an '(mini) JACK Conference' will be organized, where
JACK developers can speak each other face to face, code to code. And
share future vision, coding vision etc. IRC and mailinglists are great,
but not always the good method for communication.



Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [Jack-Devel] distros migrating to JACK2?

2010-04-18 Thread rosea.grammostola
On Sun, 2010-04-18 at 08:31 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 5:16 AM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
  It's pretty odd that you guys didn't discuss this clearly with each
  other. It seems that people have an opinion about something, but only
  share this with people who have the same opinion and not with the one
  who himself or his code is subject of 'critique'. This is bad
  communication and bad team management.
 oh god. you clearly don't understand ANYTHING about how open source
 development works.
 there was constant discussion about all of this. But Stephane doesn't
 own JACK, I don't own JACK, Torben doesn't own JACK, Jack O'Quinn
 doesn't own JACK. When someone works on their own implementation of
 JACK, they are free to make their own decisions about how things are
 done. Maybe their ideas will be better (or worse, or about the same)
 as any existing implementation, and because of this, its important to
 allow them to take shape as they see fit. Clearly, providing useful
 feedback and ideas is great, but there's no reason for any committees
 or meetings to decide how a different implementation is going to work.
 In this particular case, Jack2 started out (as Stephane has described)
 as a sort of experiment - how would SMP support work, could we do
 click-free graph changes, would a C++ implementation be easier to
 manage, etc. etc. In that context, its not appropriate for anyone
 who's not actually working on it to be trying to make decisions about
 internal design. Lots of people, including myself, had input into the
 design and evolution of Jack2. Pretending otherwise is ridiculous.
 Jack1, Jack2 (and even the not-quite-born tschak) all implement 99.83%
 of the same API. Beyond that, how they work internally is the business
 of their implementors and maintainers. If someone has an opinion about
 it, they are free to take it up with the implementors and maintainers.
 If they feel strongly enough about it, and they don't feel that the
 implementors/maintainers are doing things in the right way, they can
 fork or reimplement (this clearly doesn't happen much).

This could all be true, but that's not the point I was talking about.
JACK2 was planned as successor of JACK1. But at some point that changed,
that's all ok, not the point here. But isn't it odd that this isn't
clearly communicated with the JACK2 maintainer, why this is happened?
That was raising questions here about the communication within the
(highly appreciated) JACK project. 

 I must say that I still don't have a clear understanding of why this
 happened. I still don't understand the sentence Like Torben, there
 are some design decisions there that I have questions about. and I
 think explaining it in more details would really help. 



  It would be good if an '(mini) JACK Conference' will be organized, where
  JACK developers can speak each other face to face, code to code. And
  share future vision, coding vision etc. IRC and mailinglists are great,
  but not always the good method for communication.
 Traditionally, this would be done at the Linux Audio Conference, which
 I will, alas, be unable to attend this year. That doesn't stop other
 people from meeting on these issues, but my impression is that we have
 all become somewhat tired of struggling with the situation and instead
 have been trying to find ways to allow the status quo to continue, but

Linux-audio-dev mailing list