Linux-Hardware Digest #144

1999-08-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #144, Volume #11   Tue, 31 Aug 99 05:13:36 EDT

  Re: ECC Memory? (John Cochran)
  Re: third hard disk and slow boot ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Modem can't detect "Dial Tone" (Nick Roux)
  Re: 3D Banshee Video Card Problem...  help? ("Gerry Chu")
  where do I learn... ("¥ The _Veracity ¥")
  Re: hooray! PS/2 /w Linux at 115200 bps! (Georg Schwarz)
  Re: Headless running 2.2 kernel probs (Kirk Rafferty)
  Re: Riva TNT (robinsonr@NOSPAM,
  Re: Need last word on AMD K6-2 ("Gerry Chu")
  Re: 128 bits?  I don't think so... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: camera supported under linux (Jerry Lapham)
  Re: Int.Modem can't dial out to PPP connection ("tinman555")
  Re: zip scsi interface real scsi? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 128 bits?  I don't think so... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Pre install question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Getting the Ethernet ID from directly from the network card. (Peter Samuelson)
  Re: Buying new Linux Box; any hardware recommendations? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Action Sound AD1812 base sound card (MonkeyChild)
  Asus V-3800 AGP Ultra Deluxe (Denny)
  Madge token ring ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: PCI Modem Problems (Scott Alfter)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Cochran)
Subject: Re: ECC Memory?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 02:35:00 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jeremy Fincher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>how exactly does ECC memory work?  what does it do?
It uses extra bits for redundancy and if the motherboard chipset supports it,
this redundancy can allow for the correction of single bit errors and
detection of double bit errors.

A simple example would be to take a look at 72 bit simms that are being used
to store 64 bits of data. It is possible to use the extra 8 bits (one bit
per byte) as parity and detect (but not correct) single bit errors within any 
single byte. However, if you design the memory system to only access data
in 64 bit chunks, you can use the extra 8 bits to detect (and correct) any
single bit error within the 72 bit word being accessed. The main drawback
is a slight performance hit on reading (you have to wait for the ECC circuits
to verify the data), a slight performance hit on 64 bit writes, and a fairly
large performance hit of writes of less than 64 bits (you have to read the
word already in memory, correct any errors, put the desired bytes into the
corrected 64 bit block, and then write the new 64 bit block plus error 
correction codes back to memory). All of this is handled transparently by
the chip set on the motherboard so you don't really have to worry about
the mechanics of it. Also with modern processors (cache size, etc.) most
of the performance hits caused by ECC are insignificant and the improvement
in data integrity is well worth the cost. If you want more details look
up Hamming error correction codes on the web.

Hope this helps,
John Cochran


Subject: Re: third hard disk and slow boot
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 05:44:38 GMT

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 12:07:32 -0500, "john w. connolly"

>I installed a third hard disk on a Dell Optiplex XMT 120 as a slave to
>the cdrom some months ago. The system runs fine but boot time is over 5

Dealing with a mix of new and old hardware, I found that if you have
UDMA IDE ports, it is *bad* juju to mix UDMA and non-UDMA devices on
one IDE port.  You get performance levels not seen since the days when
the standard home mass-storage device was the audio cassette.

In my machine, the IDE ports, 7-gig hard drive, and CDROM are all
UDMA, so I put those two devices on one port and leave the other free
for the occasional hanging of an old drive for various reasons
(basically I use them as removable media).

In my wife's machine, the IDE ports aren't UDMA so it doesn't matter
that the CDROM is.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nick Roux)
Subject: Re: Modem can't detect "Dial Tone"
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 07:01:24 GMT

Add 'X0' to your init string. Standard Hayes AT command to disable
dial tome recognition.


On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 06:03:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mongkon
Ang-kanawiriyarak) wrote:

>I use Diamond Supra Express 56K External it can't detect Dial 
>tone .When I use in windows it have option for " no wait for 
>Dial tone" It can use properly . How can I get it work on Linux
>P.S. I use Redhat 6.0




From: "Gerry Chu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3D Banshee Video Card Problem...  help?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 00:06:29 +0100

Here it is:


From: "¥ The _Veracity ¥" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Linux-Hardware Digest #145

1999-08-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #145, Volume #11   Tue, 31 Aug 99 07:13:22 EDT

  Re: Unusable space on 13.6GB hard-disk (Len Brown)
  Re: which digital LCD panel to use with XFree86? (Kaspar Landsberg)
  Re: processor serail number (Alberto Varesio)
  Recompiled 2.2.7 kernel ignores 16550A uart (matt)
  Re: cost of leased line in notting hill, London England (Rob van der Putten)
  Re: Device /dev/modem is locked. (John McKown)
  WinModems ("Steve Macras")
  Re: Save my 486... Linux and HDD controller board (Paul Sherwin)
  Difficulties with SCSI disk drive. (Zero Partition) (Lyndon F. Bartels)
  Re: WinModems ("R.Bertrand")
  Problems with NCR 710 SCSI controller and with Compaq Smart1 array ("Wim")
  Re: Buying new Linux Box; any hardware recommendations? (Ron Gibson)
  Re: can I tell a winmodem by looking at it? (Ron Gibson)
  Internal Iomega Zip Drive Problems (JT)
  multifunction ethernet/modem cards (Patrick May)
  Can I use IBM ServeRAID 3L with Linux? (Sampo Järvinen)
  Re: Another SBLive! problem :( (Carl Peto)

From: Len Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unusable space on 13.6GB hard-disk
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 08:31:02 GMT

MBr wrote:
> From what I can tell from this, it looks like your BIOS doesn't support
> Extended Interrupt 13
> (EXT INT13), this means your BIOS CMOS can't store the size of a drive 
> than +/- 8gb,
> try setting these drives to AUTO, so that the BIOS detects their size on
> boot...
> MBr

I should've said that the BIOS does show the correct number of bytes for 
the big disks, but does not show cylinder/head/sector information. I think 
those fields say either "auto" or "--" (the machine is not here, so I 
can't check right now). W98 sees all of its disk (13.1GB on primary 
slave), so it doesn't look like a BIOS problem. Linux also sees that disk 
OK, but not the other big disk. 

The crux of the problem is that I don't know how many cylinders to specify 
in Linux fdisk (and/or lilo) for the 13.6GB disk on primary master.   

==  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaspar Landsberg)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: which digital LCD panel to use with XFree86?
Date: 31 Aug 1999 08:51:35 GMT


Mark Cooperstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a Princeton DPP 560 and ATI Xpert LCD.  The combo works great in 
>Windows, but I cannot for the life of me get a configuration that works in 
>Xfree86.  I'm still, working on it, so if you want me to keep you posted (I'm 
>hoping to get it working in the next week or so) drop me email and I'll let 
>you know my progress.
>Many of the digital LCD monitors come with the ATI card. The ATI card is based 
>on the ATI Mach64 chipset and *should* work with X.  So far, neither Princeton 
>nor ATI has been much help, so I'm gonna have to figure this out on my own.

maybe the following will be of interest for you:

Here are the first 4 lines of it:

"ATI Rage LT & Princeton Graphics DPP500 @ 1024x768

or: the ATI Xpert LCD nano-HOWTO

Hi there! 

I finally managed to get the above combination running."

Bye, Kasi

Kaspar Landsberg, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Alberto Varesio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: processor serail number
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 10:43:33 +0200

"Grumpy, the Third Dwarf" wrote:
> On 30 Aug 1999 14:46:45 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pierre
> JEAN) wrote:
> >>Does any one know the intel assembler instructions to read and manage
> >>the processor serial number for the pentium III??
> Go to the Intel site and find these two documents.
> 24512501.pdf
> 24161812.pdf
> All will be revealed.
> --
> Grumpy, the Third Dwarf
> *
> If I were taller, I wouldn't be so short!
> *

I got them and tried to compile under Linux with gcc. C part is OK, but
assembler parts show up with lots of errors. I never used ass. so I don't know
what to do. Anyone can handle this? I'm really interested in getting the CPU ID
out of the processor.
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

 Alberto Varesio - AIX Support Professional Phone: +39-011-41581-11
 EDIST Spa  >>> Crack RC5-64 Moo @ <<<  Fax:   +39-011-41581-80
 Via Goito 51/A > < mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10195 Grugliasco (TO) ITALY
 Attachment smime.p7s is a digital signature, ignore it if mailer can't use it.

Linux-Hardware Digest #146

1999-08-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #146, Volume #11   Tue, 31 Aug 99 11:14:00 EDT

  Re: Asus V-3800 AGP Ultra Deluxe (Fabien Pelisson)
  Optimal Linux RAID Support? Questions. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Maxtor Dimond Max Corrupt problem (Laurie Robert Young)
  Re: can I tell a winmodem by looking at it? (M. Buchenrieder)
  US Robotics 56K External Voice Faxmodem small problem (Carl Peto)
  Re: PCI Modem Problems (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: setserial help (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: DATA DDS-2 ("Marout Yasuo Borms")
  Re: Difficulties with SCSI disk drive. (Zero Partition) ("Marout Yasuo Borms")
  Problems with setting up a EZ2000(NE2000 compatiable ) network card on Linux ("Tony")
  Re: WinModems (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Please recommend a SILENT 10/100 Ethernet hub (Jason C. Cotton)
  Re: panasonic cd writer cw-7582-B (nev okyay)
  Re: zip scsi interface real scsi? (Les Schaffer)
  Re: DATA DDS-2 ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: Does Zoltrix Modem FM-VSP65i3 work under linux? (Rob Clark)
  Re: Dell 6300 PERC 2/SC performance (Christian Schulz)
  Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron... (Artur Swietanowski)
  serial modem problems (Curtis)

From: Fabien Pelisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.config
Subject: Re: Asus V-3800 AGP Ultra Deluxe
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 12:24:26 +0200

Denny wrote:

> Hello Guys!
> I have a problem with my ASUS V-3800 video card. I can't configure it out.
> My screen is so big...,when i use Gnome(xwindows)... ;-(
> I tried already everything: Xconfigurator(sux),XF86Config,XF86Setup..
> It won't work.
> My monitor is Sony CPD-200sx, 17".
> Maybe somebody have a special driver for it or could send me step by step
> instractions how to configure it out.
> Thank for any help.
> Sincerely yours, Denny
> --  Posted via CNET Linux Help  --

go to


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Optimal Linux RAID Support? Questions.
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 10:46:55 GMT

   Hello, I am in the process of configuring and setting up some Linux
servers for my company, two of which will have their own RAID (~50gb and
~250gb respectively).  I have been using only SCSI devices for years but
the new EIDE (e.g., Ultra ATA/66) drives/cards look acceptable and given
its drastic cost difference, it seems like a very attractive option for
RAID structures.  SCSI is out of the question due to cost, so I will be
using Ultra ATA/66 drives.

   The two servers that I will be putting a RAID into have two different
uses, the 50gb one is used for the main fileserver and thus needs
redundancy (RAID 5), the 250gb one will only be used as a temporary
storage RAID and redundancy is not important (RAID 0), except maybe to
keep the RAID functional if a drive goes down, but no backups will be
kept and data being lost is not a concern so getting more space out if
this RAID is more important.

   The question is this... software or hardware based RAID?  And what
are the hardware requirements?

   Hardware - I have heard that the FastTrak66 card is good, however it
has a 4 drive limitation (and im not sure of the throughput of 4
drives would be any higher than 2), so I cant use it for the large RAID
(at least not as a stand alone device), and apparently has no support
for RAID 5 which is what i'd like to use for at least the main file
server.  Is this the only option for an EIDE hardware based RAID

   Software: I am not sure how much the EIDE bus issues have changed, I
know the drive being used still needs to take control of the bus, but
are the latency issues in switching between two drives on the same bus
as bad as it used to be?  Would getting multiple EIDE cards/busses, one
for each drive so it has its own dedicated bus, create a significant
performance boost with software RAID?  For example, I could get 4
dual-EIDE bus cards and have a total of 8 disks.  How about the
Linux EIDE controller drivers what kind of load will that create?  Which
chipset is best?  What kind of system will I need to be able to manage
this RAID and the 100base network mounts using it?  I dont plan on using
the fileservers for anything other than the RAID, servicing the network
mounts and backup (only on the main server).

   I dont have the money to just buy all the drives I need and various
cards and benchmarking the various configurations (and have not yet
found anyone or site that has), also what drives I get depends on the

   Ultimately i'd like to get the most throughput as possible while
keeping the cost down.  However I am unclear on the performance details
regarding EIDE and Linux RAID.  If anyone could help out that would be
greatly appreciated!



Linux-Hardware Digest #147

1999-08-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #147, Volume #11   Tue, 31 Aug 99 14:13:36 EDT

  Re: What is a good graphics card? (Hans Jørgensen)
  SiS 5571 supported? (Dave Newton)
  Installing ATAPI tape drive (Omer)
  Installing Linux on a notebook (Tomas)
  NVIDIA GeForce 256-based boards to be supported? (Michael Malone)
  Re: Problems with setting up a EZ2000(NE2000 compatiable ) network card on Linux 
(LhD Administrator)
  Hardware ?? ("bobc")
  Re: Save my 486... Linux and HDD controller board ("Astroboy")
  Re: Help! Hard drive IRQ timeouts! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Voodoo 3 -or- RIVA TNT2 ? (Havelock Vetinari)
  Re: Is onboard 3d SiS AGP supported (Paul Robert Marino)
  FSF Problem on SCSI Travan (Bill Holloway)
  Re: Help! Hard drive IRQ timeouts! ("Gerson G. H. Cavalheiro")
  Re: Buying new Linux Box; any hardware recommendations? (Eddie Corns)
  Kyocera printer and Postscript compatibility (Lou Cypher)
  X proggies don't connect to server...! (J. Blair)
  Re: Save my 486... Linux and HDD controller board ("patman")
  Re: Partition Problems on a HardDisk (Sven Utcke)
  Re: Difficulties with SCSI disk drive. (Zero Partition) (Leonard Evens)
  Re: X11 not giving me more than generic resolution (Julius Goth)
  Q: DK440LX motherboard and CD-ROM boot (Piotr Zolnierczuk)
  Re: Save my 486... Linux and HDD controller board (Paul Sherwin)
  Re: hooray! PS/2 /w Linux at 115200 bps! ("Peter H. Wendt")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hans Jørgensen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: What is a good graphics card?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 16:50:03 +0300

Oskar Berggren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>does anyone have any suggestions on what graphics card to use with Linux
>(X supported, 3d, etc.)?

Matrox-cards are the best supportet and the fastest in linux.

Hans Jørgensen - Boris - & #Danmark on the Undernet
Homepage ->
.På Usenet repræsenterer jeg mig selv.


From: Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SiS 5571 supported?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 13:35:25 GMT

Is this supported? It's not listed, so I assume it isn't, but wondered
if anyone had any experience with it.


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Installing ATAPI tape drive
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:41:03 GMT


I need help on how to proceed with installing a Seagate IDE tape drive
under Linux Redhat 6.0. Although I have had success with other things
I have some sort of a mind block with the tape drive :).

Any help would be very much appreciated. Here is what I see from dmesg
about the tape:

hda: IBM-DJNA-371350, ATA DISK drive
hdc: CRD-8400B, ATAPI CDROM drive
hdd: Seagate STT2A, ATAPI TAPE drive

Help on how to make sure the tape is properly installed/working would
also be nice.

Thank you,
Omer Ilday

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Installing Linux on a notebook
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 15:31:04 GMT

I would like to install Linux as a second operating system on my Toshiba 
Sattelite 2520CDS notebook (AMD K6-2 300 processor).
Will this give any problems for configuring the system for Linux?
Where can I find the necessary drivers?

==  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Malone)
Subject: NVIDIA GeForce 256-based boards to be supported?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:43:50 GMT

Anyone know how long we will have to wait before the NVIDIA GeForce
256-based boards, with their Graphics Processing Units, to be




From: LhD Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Problems with setting up a EZ2000(NE2000 compatiable ) network card on 
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 15:31:03 GMT

Tony wrote:
> I have just got a EZ2000(NE2000 compatible) and have put it on my linux 
> When linux boots up it does not detect it.  Can you please tell me how to
> set it up.

Do you have the ne.o or ne2k-pci.o driver loading?  Have you tried the 
usual insmod, modprobe, etc.?

LhD Administrator
LhD: Linux Hardware Database

==  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==


From: "bobc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hardware ??
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 09:47:30 -0400

Can anyone offer any suggestions on a ups system for a linux system,
possibly a model that has the softwre to do an auto shutdown 

Linux-Hardware Digest #148

1999-08-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #148, Volume #11   Tue, 31 Aug 99 16:13:37 EDT

  Re: Help! Hard drive IRQ timeouts! (John David Bowden)
  Partition Problems on a HardDisk (Laurie Robert Young)
  ess1868-1869audio drive (Curtis)
  Re: Dual Celeron (Eddie Corns)
  Re: Partition Problems on a HardDisk (Torleiv Flatebo Ringer)
  Re: Can't Do This Anymore. ("Louis")
  Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron... (Stuart Hall)
  intel 740i su red hat 6.0 ("Claude Brancatisano")
  Re: zip scsi interface real scsi? (Chris Webster)
  panasonic cd writer cw-7582-B (Nev Okyay)
  Re: Riva TNT (Roy Grimm)
  Re: CPU Comparison (Paul Robert Marino)
  Re: USR Sporster voicie 33.6 internal ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 3C509 cards alive, but not working... (Sebastien Caille)
  Re: Device /dev/modem is locked. ("Matt Anderson")
  Re: help with col2.2 and q3test on nvidia's drivers (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: How do i get my Herculese Stringray 128/3d working with XF86? (Howard Mann)
  Re: ECC Memory? (J. Scott Berg)
  Re: Video Camera on Linux... (Mircea)
  Re: Matrox Marvel G200 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John David Bowden)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help! Hard drive IRQ timeouts!
Date: 31 Aug 1999 17:12:42 GMT

Gerson G. H. Cavalheiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: > Your hd is dying.

: I'm not so sure...

: I started to experiment this problem *just* after to
: upgrade my system from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.5.

I've had the same problem -- *right* after upgrading from RH5.2 to RH6.0,
which ships with 2.2.5...

I had been using 5.2 with a 2.2.10 kernel I rolled myself after downloading 
the tarball (2.2.3) and patches.

Maybe it's just coincidence; maybe not.


Clones are people two.
John Bowden Memorial University of Newfoundland 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Laurie Robert Young)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Partition Problems on a HardDisk
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:14:06 GMT

Hi all

I have a 17gb Dimon Max Hard disk that is currently in 3 partitions

4Gb fat32 windows boot
9Gb fat32 
4Gb e2fs linux boot

I have been having problems with the linux partition before - it kept
currupting - and not the 9Gb partiton lost half of its data druing a
windows crash

I had some problems when I first set up the drive

I partitoned at as above and installed windows which got most of the
way thoguh the install then died (no surprise there) and for a long
time after that I coulnd;t get dos FDisk to run - it just kep crashing
I fixed that by complete wiping the partiton table with linux PDisk a
couple of times and all seemed to be fine

however I had the problems as I descibe above

Now I want to put the drive into a linux server as the main (and
currently the only) drive - is there a way that I can compleatly wipe
the drive of all data and start it from new

also as the drive is so large are there any issues that I ought to be
aware of concering large drives?  The only one I know if is lilo - and
I will have a 20Mb /boot partiton at the beginning of the drive fo

Any word of advice out there or pointers to HOWTOs that I should read
- as far as I know there isn;t a HOWTO on this issue - 




From: Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ess1868-1869audio drive
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:31:03 GMT

hi i have a ess 1869 sound cared and am having dificulties geting it to 
work. it is rather strang because under windows it is an 1869 and under dos 
it is a 1868 sound card if you think you can helt it would be much 

==  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eddie Corns)
Subject: Re: Dual Celeron
Date: 31 Aug 1999 17:34:48 GMT

Minh Giang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: I'm also trying to build a dual celeron on the Abit BP6, but when trying
>: to intall RH 6.0, it does see my UDMA-66 Harddrive on the 66-IDE port.  What's
>: the trick?  Any help or hint will be great

I presume that was a typo and you mean't _doesn't_.  Stick it in IDE1 is the
simple option.  I gave up trying to speak to the HPT-366 for the very boring
reason that debian doesn't support kernel version 2.2 yet.  Still, I'm
impresssed with the speed of this box.  I'm sure it only took 4 minutes to
recompile the kernel and it's way faster than the Sun Ultra's we have at work
(though they are being used by more people).  Though 'make -j' doesn't work
for some reason.



From: Torleiv Flatebo Ringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED

Linux-Hardware Digest #149

1999-08-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #149, Volume #11   Tue, 31 Aug 99 19:13:33 EDT

  Re: X11 not giving me more than generic resolution (Howard Mann)
  Re: 3COM Ethernet Card PROBLEM... (Jason Harmon)
  Re: hooray! PS/2 /w Linux at 115200 bps! (David C.)
  Aiee, Killing interrupthandler! (Marcus)
  Eicon Diva Mobile PC Card with Linux (Carl-Wilhelm Hustad)
  Parallel port scanner... (Simon Ross)
  Re: Tape support (John Lange)
  Resource conflicts ("BDozer")
  3C509 cards alive, but not working... (Brian Fritz)
  Re: can I tell a winmodem by looking at it? (Ron Gibson)
  Re: QuickCam VC + parallel port ? (Peter Caffin)
  Matrox Marvel G200 (Andreas Schmitz)
  Linux and ESS Soundcards ("Dave Willis")
  Re: X proggies don't connect to server...! ("Sean Lincolne")
  Re: 3C509 cards alive, but not working... (C. C. McPherson)
  HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C setup (Robert Ramsey)
  Re: WinModems (Jack)
  Magicsound Card
  Re: HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C setup ("Marout Yasuo Borms")
  Re: Please recommend a SILENT 10/100 Ethernet hub (David Ripton)
  Does Zoltrix Modem FM-VSP65i3 work under linux? ("Maciej Pura")

From: Howard Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X11 not giving me more than generic resolution
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 15:31:02 GMT

Julius Goth wrote:
> Actually, I am responding to my own posting for a good reason.  I think I
> found out why the i740 doesn't work.  It is set up properly, and no it's
> not the XF86Config file.  The problem I believe is the fact that I am 
> RH 5.2 and as such the XFree86 server is out of date (v3.3.2.3), and I am
> required to use 3.3.4 to actually use the i740 driver.  Rather than
> upgrading to RH6, which I may do if the answer to too complicated, I wish
> to install the new XF86 Server.  Can someone point me to step by step
> installation instructions for doing this properly?  Thanks.

RPM's are available at :


Howard Mann.

==  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Harmon)
Subject: Re: 3COM Ethernet Card PROBLEM...
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 20:13:32 GMT

On Fri, 27 Aug 1999 19:31:05 GMT, LhD Administrator

>Kristaps Licis wrote:
>> I would greatly appreciate any insights as to possible solutions to the
>> following problem: RedHat 6.0 installation would not recognize the 
>> ethernet card [model - 3C905C or "TORNADO" according to Vertex
>Could you provide messages and better description of what happens when you 
>try to load the module manually?
>Also, have you tried cold-booting from Win98 into Linux, just to make sure?

I don't know exactly what error Kristaps is getting but I too have a
Dell PC with one of these cards. When I try to load the module, it
says that the device or resource is busy. If the driver is compiled
into the kernel, it says

"Delaying eth0 initialization"
"Bringing up network interface eth0"

I looked at /proc/pci and the card is there as an unknown card from
3com at the correct IRQ and I/O.
I did notice that the AGP video card was sharing the same IRQ, but
that's the only possible conflict I can see. Like Kristaps, mine works
fine in 98.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.)
Subject: Re: hooray! PS/2 /w Linux at 115200 bps!
Date: 31 Aug 1999 12:05:35 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Georg Schwarz) writes:
> For those who are interested: I'm now successfully running a PPP null
> modem connection (in fact a wireless connection, but the hardware
> needn't know about it) with an IBM PS/2 model 70 (20 MHz 386) as the
> PPP server at 115200 bps serial port speed. The PS/2 is running Linux
> 2.0.35. A quick test gave me somewhat over 8 kByte/s on a longer ftp
> download, but I suspect the wireless part is the limiting factor.
> Honestly, I hadn't thought it would work, since everyone I had asked
> had suggested that the model 70 wouldn't do mare the 38400 bps.

I must've missed the original request.  I would have thought all along
that it can do 115200.  I've had 8Mhz 8088 boxes run their serial ports
at 57600, and I've had 10Mhz 286 boxes run their serial ports at 115200.
(In both cases, using 8-bit I/O cards and null-modem connections to
other computers, transferring files with X/Y/ZMODEM protocols using
Procomm Plus under DOS.)

The PS/2 would have to be pretty brain-dead if it's ports (on a 386/20)
couldn't do as well as the ports on an 8-bit I/O card installed in a

-- David


From: Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Aiee, Killing interrupthandler!
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 19:01:55 +0200

Hi, I have a

Linux-Hardware Digest #150

1999-08-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #150, Volume #11   Tue, 31 Aug 99 21:13:38 EDT

  Re: Another SBLive! problem :( (John)
  Re: 3COM Ethernet Card PROBLEM... (Russ Johnson)
  Optiquest V95 under Linux (Edwin Lau)
  Re: USB and Cams ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  What is the best 10/100 NIC for RH 6.0? (Russ Mercer)
  Re: cd-burner,post-setup ("Russ Johnson")
  Re: Lots of hardware problems can anyone help (ppp, sblive, wintv) ("John-Paul 
  Re: Partition Problems on a HardDisk (Andries Brouwer)
  Re: Can't detect Adaptec AVA 1505
  ATI 3D RAGE FURY 128 (Eric Wyles)
  Re: Unusable space on 13.6GB hard-disk (Andries Brouwer)
  Re: Parallel port scanner... ("Christopher W. Aiken")
  Re: Optimal Linux RAID Support? Questions. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Promise Fasttrak66 (Torleiv Flatebo Ringer)
  Re: CPU Comparison (Benjamin M Protas)
  how to get diamond SupraExpress 56e > 33K (Stewart Hector)

Subject: Re: Another SBLive! problem :(
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 18:54:31 GMT

There are some limited drivers available from Creative at
Those are beta drivers and aren't officially supported, so their
support for SBLive on Linux isn't great.  Furthermore, they haven't
posted a new beta release in a while too.

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 11:04:30 +, Carl Peto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Sorry to come in on the middle of this discussion John but are Creative
>now supporting the SBLive! ??  I ask because (peeved) I bought one when
>they were new ish here in England about 4-6 months ago and was assured
>by creative support that not only did they not support Linux but that
>there were no plans to do so at any time.  :-(  I then went back to the
>shop on Tottenham Court Road, London to replace it with a PnP AWE-64. 
>Any of you that shop there (a famous place for discount electronics)
>will know how difficult that is - I was obliquely threatened with
>physical violence when I persisted in trying to get a refund!!
>This sort of thing really gets my goat.  I mean both the blinkered
>attitude to Linux (thankfully now changing) and more to the point the
>fact that even big well known companies just brush you off when you try
>to get some sort of decent support and give you all that "go see the
>website" nonsense.  I tell you that voice-menus on phones, call queueing
>on phones and websites for support are all a curse on the PC community!
>Seriously, John, how good is their support for this?  Should I consider
>changing my soundcard AGAIN!


From: Russ Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3COM Ethernet Card PROBLEM...
Date: 31 Aug 1999 22:08:08 GMT

> "Delaying eth0 initialization"
> "Bringing up network interface eth0"
> I looked at /proc/pci and the card is there as an unknown card from
> 3com at the correct IRQ and I/O.

Try changing the slot the nic is plugged into. This helped a machine I was
working with.



From: Edwin Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Optiquest V95 under Linux
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 22:25:07 GMT

Hi everyone,

Is there anyone who has problem with Optiquest V95 under Linux? I just
bought one and used it under Linux, but the monitor turn off on itself
own when I used it for about 5 min.with no good reason.

Edwin Lau


Subject: Re: USB and Cams
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 22:56:45 GMT

Both Kodak & Minolta are cooperating with the Open Source community
(perhaps there are other manufacturers getting wiser :-)). There has
been success with Linux USB connections to a couple of digital (still)
cameras. This does require a rather current, experimental, version of
the Kernel. Mind you these experimentatl kernels do not seem to bother
my PC.

I quote "David Brownell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has got gPhoto and Linux
kernel support talking to the [KODAK] DC-240 over USB..."

You could also try mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
subscribe as the subject for further information.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Russ Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What is the best 10/100 NIC for RH 6.0?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 16:21:09 -0700


I am about to install Red Hat 6.0 on a Gateway P5/133. At 
the same time, I am planning to upgrade my network to 100 
MBPS with a 4-port dual speed switch. Thus, I need to 
purchase a new NIC for the RH 6.0 machine that will run at 
100 MBPS.

My question is: what is the most popular, i.e. proven, 
PCI-based 10/100 NIC that is widely available and will work 
with RH 6.0? I was surprised to find relatively little 
guidance from Red Hat itself. Most of the cards on the Tier 
1 list of their Hardware Compatibility page are either 10 
MBPS, or have product ID numbers that a

Linux-Hardware Digest #151

1999-08-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #151, Volume #11   Tue, 31 Aug 99 23:13:32 EDT

  Re: Installing a second ISA Ethernet Card (Alex Taylor)
  Re: CPU Comparison (David Ripton)
  General Question about CDR and CD-RW recording (Jason Bond)
  Re: SCSI errors implying drive is spinning down (David C.)
  IBM PS/1 Install ("KBS")
  Re: zero-length partition, input/output error, couldn't "mv" directory name. 
couldn't e2fsck. (Andries Brouwer)
  Re: Optiquest V95 under Linux ("Andrew Chan")
  Re: Riva TNT (Michael Wellman)
  Re: Problems with setting up a EZ2000(NE2000 compatiable ) network card on Linux 
  Re: WinModems (Darryl Bryant)
  Re: Multipoint protocol? ("John S. Giltner, Jr.")
  Re: Save my 486... Linux and HDD controller board ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do i get my Herculese Stringray 128/3d working with XF86? ("Brent Willcox")
  Re: Creative Labs 3D Blaster Savage 4 and RH 6.0 ("rob")
  Re: How to identify winmodem (Mike Martin)
  Installing Linux on BE6 with UDMA66 drive ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Device /dev/modem is locked. (Michael Starkie)
  Parallel port won't enable... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: General Question about CDR and CD-RW recording (Mircea)
  Can't hear the voice in CD-Player for SoundBlaster PCI 128. (Jack)
  Re: ECC Memory? ("Bobby D. Bryant")
  Re: external USR 56K Voice Faxmodem Pro? (Shawn D'alimonte)
  Re: Which soundcard is best for Linux? (Michel Catudal)
  Console Lockup

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Taylor)
Subject: Re: Installing a second ISA Ethernet Card
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 00:34:52 GMT

On Sat, 28 Aug 1999 14:42:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am planning on installing a second ethernet card in my 486 machine
> (probably a 3COM card).  This is an ISA based machine.  I intend to use
> this as a router/access-sharing/firewall machine for my cable-modem
> hookup (That I am patiently waiting for.)  I have forgotten all the
> issues about installing a second Ethernet ISA card in a ISA based
> machine.  Does anyone know of a web site or document on the internet
> that details the hardware installation of a multi-ethernet card
> configuration in an ISA bus machine, that also documents how you
> configure Linux to recognize the second ethernet card?

The Ethernet HOWTO includes a helpful section on this.  It seems to
be basically just a matter of passing both I/O addresses as parameters
to the driver module.  (At least, that's all it was with two NE2000
clones in my case.)

 Alex Taylor  BA - CIS - University of Guelph


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Ripton)
Subject: Re: CPU Comparison
Date: 31 Aug 1999 22:27:20 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Paul Robert Marino  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I built two systems with SuSE Linux 6.1
>I wanted to test the difference in speed between an AMD K6-2 and a
>Pentium II
>the First was was a dell optiplex with a pentium II 400 MHz and 128 Mb
>of ram
>the second was a clone i built my self with an Asus P5s-vm motherboard
>an AMD K6-2 400 MHz with 128 Mb of ram
>to make the test as fair as possible i installed identical western
>digital hard drives in the two systems 
>after all of my recompiling was done i found that the AMD system was
>approximately 1 and 1/2 times as fast as the Pentium II system at
>performing the same functions in side by side comparisons.

If your conclusion is that the K6-2 is generally faster than the 
Pentium II, you didn't run a wide enough variety of tests.

Which processor is faster depends highly on what you're running.
A K6-2 has a faster integer core than a Pentium II.  The Pentium II
has a better floating point unit.  The Pentium II has faster L2
cache, and recent Pentium IIs have a higher memory bus speed.

Of course, AMD has since narrowed the gap with the K6-III then
blown by Intel with the Athlon.

>as for your question the Celleron is basically a chopped down pentium II
>and the differences between the pentium II and III are negligible for
>linux systems the only major difference between the two is yet an other
>instruction set added to the chip however just like MMX the software has
>to support it and i don't know of any linux software that does and the
>other difference is the Mhz are higher on a Pentium III

Yeah.  Specifically, the original Celerons have no L2 cache, the later
Celerons have 128K of full-speed L2 cache, and the Pentium II/III have 
512K of half-speed L2 cache.  No cache is bad, but more vs. faster
cache is a tradeoff and which is better depends on what you're running.

spamgard(tm): To email me, put "geek" in your Subject line.


From: Jason Bond <[

Linux-Hardware Digest #152

1999-08-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #152, Volume #11Wed, 1 Sep 99 02:13:35 EDT

  Building a system, is this hardware compatible? (Paul Miller)
  Re: Can't detect Adaptec AVA 1505 ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: Q: DK440LX motherboard and CD-ROM boot (Human)
  Re: SAmba PDF ("Robert (Bob) McGwier")
  Monster Fusion and RH 6 ("CHUD")
  Re: CPU Comparison (Greg Leblanc)
  Re: Aiee, Killing interrupthandler! (hac)
  Odd Initio SCSI card in linux (Lev Givon)
  Re: Me Too!! ("L. Friedman")
  Me Too!! ("James Dean")
  My New Toy! ("Kyle E. Wright")
  Re: zip scsi interface real scsi? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Can I use IBM ServeRAID 3L with Linux? (Mike Persell)
  Re: old vga + xf86config ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Console Lockup
  Re: Monster Fusion and RH 6 ("Gene S.")
  Re: hooray! PS/2 /w Linux at 115200 bps! (Joe Kovacs)
  Re: CD-RW drive making me crazy.. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: CPU Comparison (Greg Leblanc)
  Compaq Presario 1275 Laptop (Shawn D'alimonte)

From: pmiller@*DIESPAMMERS* (Paul Miller)
Subject: Building a system, is this hardware compatible?
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 03:52:11 GMT

I am building a computer system soon, and was wondering about sound and graphics
cards.  I know Linux supports pretty much every IDE hard drive and CD-ROM known
to man, so these are the only components I'm terribly worried about.

Does Linux work with the Diamond MX300?  Does it support the card's 3d sound
accelleration?  Same with the Turtle Beach Montego sound card?  How is the AGP
graphics support?  I know xfree86 works with voodoo-based cards, and I've
thought about getting an AGP vooodoo 3 card, if Linux will support it.  How is
Linux gaming support for these cards?  Note I'm not really interested in a sound
card that will only work under WINE.

Thanks for any input.


Date: 31 Aug 99 21:50:19 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't detect Adaptec AVA 1505

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to jyin2 ;

> okay! thanks... I got the computer to read the card now... but one
> problem, it detects the card after everything is loaded. redhat
> still show my secondary cdrom and my zip drive.

> I added append=aha152x=0x304,11,7,1 to lilo.conf, also, it still
> doesn't work.

First, try 0x340.  0x304 isn't a valid address.  Second, this card has
no bios on it, so its invisible until you run the drivers, usually in
/etc/conf.modules.  Other than that, the card seems ok even if it does
tend to look a bit like a crackerjack prize.  Mmm, forgot, no external
connector.  You're better off running the whole 50 wire cable out thru a
crack in the case anyway, that db-25 is inherited from apple I think,
and those of us that know a bit about scsi would druther it was
still-born.  Its caused a lot more problems than its percieved
convienience was worth.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK   |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5  |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
   |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
   |Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
 RC5-Moo! 690kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps
email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net


Subject: Re: Q: DK440LX motherboard and CD-ROM boot
Date: 1 Sep 1999 02:57:11 GMT

Piotr Zolnierczuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, I am using the same MB with 2 HD and i CDROM also.  But they are
all SCSI.  The system will boot from the CDROM if I put in a bootable CD. 
 There is nothing for me to set in the BIOS.  I havn't try the IDE ones.  
But may be , have u checked your CD whether it is bootable or not?

BTW, have u able to find a case for the mobo?  I can't find any case have 
the suitable back panel for all tose outlets.

Thanks and regards,
: Hi, :
I have a problem booting a system
from a CD-ROM. : I have a dual Pentium II  333MHz system with a DK440LX
: motherboard. All my disks (2 HD, 1 CDRW) are SCSI
: except a CD-ROM (ATAPI-IDE).

: When I try to boot from it I get a message
: Boot failed.

: Booting from a floppy and HD works fine.

: Any ideas?

: Cheers
: Piotr

:  --
:  Piotr Adam Zolnierczuk
:  Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
:  University of Kentucky   phone:  (606) 257-5565
:  Lexington, KY 40506, USA fax:(606) 323-2846
:written on recycled electrons


From: "Robert (Bob) McGwier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SAmba PDF
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 04:01:58 GMT