Linux-Misc Digest #439

2001-03-25 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #439, Volume #27   Sun, 25 Mar 01 05:13:02 EST

  Re: *Good* Office software for linux??? (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Best E-mail Client? (Grant Edwards)
  KDE ("John Spindler")
  Re: KDE (Dances With Crows)
  command to lowercase all file name in current directory ("kellyboy")
  Re: How to measure jitter? (stanislav shalunov)
  Re: command to lowercase all file name in current directory (Grant Edwards)
  Controlling access to portfw ("Support")
  Gnome installation question... (Elf Sternberg)
  iptables under 2.4.2 (Nick Traxler)
  Re: restricted bash shell question ("Eric Dennis")
  Newbie Question about GUI ("The R")
  Re: X die suddenly... (E J)
  Re: Palm handheld as Linux terminal (E J)
  Re: Newbie Question about GUI (raf)
  Re: Tandy Model 100 as linux terminal (Leonard Erickson)
  Re: programs mysteriously segfaulting and exiting (fred smith)
  ESS1888 sound chip plays sounds half the speed (*dh) (Daniel Hertrich)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: *Good* Office software for linux???
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 04:17:28 GMT

On 25 Mar 2001 02:49:46 GMT, Carl Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The import filters aside, it's IMO definitely the best office
suite for Linux.  (Like I said, I haven't tried the new Corel
Office/Wine combo, but I don't have high hopes for it.)

It's faster than StarOffice

My Grandmother is faster than StarOffice.  And she's been dead
for 10 years.  :o

and has a better UI to my taste, but the implementation is so
buggy as to make it unusable (for me).  Their port of
PhotoPaint isn't half-bad, though.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Like I always
  at   say -- nothing can beat
   visi.comthe BRATWURST here in


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Best E-mail Client?
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 04:21:12 GMT

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001 03:11:06 GMT, Johan Kullstam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a world with LaTeX, SGML and Texinfo, why do some people still
 insist on doing things the *HARD WAY*?
 The LaTeX world sounds like rather hard work compared to WISIWIG.

but things like ms-word are *not* WISIWIG.  there is a lot of
formatting which changes font, margins c.  all of this is invisible
since you don't see it on the page.  it's lots of fun working around
these unseen land mines.

Some of them are pretty severe.  A friend of mine spent a
couple days trying to get a drawing with cross-hatching to
print in a legible way -- it never did, even though it looked
fine on the screen.  Unless your printer has the same
resolution as your display, nothing is ever WYSIWYG.  The
original Mac had a 72 dpi display and 72 dpi dot-matrix
printer.  That was pretty close to WYSIWYG.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I want to so HAPPY,
  at   the VEINS in my neck STAND


From: "John Spindler" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: KDE
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 22:22:30 -0600
Reply-To: "John Spindler" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm new to linux and an having some basic problems with red hat 6 getting
out of KDE without logging off.  Any suggestions?

Also trying to install hitech C compiler.  Copied all the necessary files
into a directory but I don't understand how to get the program install from
KDE.  No luck with RPM

Any help will be appreciated.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: KDE
Date: 25 Mar 2001 05:30:39 GMT

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 22:22:30 -0600, John Spindler staggered into the
Black Sun and said:
I'm new to linux and an having some basic problems with red hat 6
getting out of KDE without logging off.  Any suggestions?

More information, please.  And is this RedHat 6.0, 6.1, or 6.2?  Anyway,
under RedHat Linux, things work like so:  The machine starts up in
runlevel 5 (X enabled) and displays a graphical login window using gdm,
kdm, or xdm.  You specify a username, a password, and a preferred
session type (GNOME, KDE1, KDE2, fvwm2, fvwm95, blackbox, etc) and you
get that particular window manager/desktop environment until you log
out, at which point the xdm/kdm/gdm screen comes up again.  This is
normal behavior... what precisely do you want?

Also trying to install hitech C compiler.  Copied all the necessary files
into a directory but I don't understand how to get the program install from
KDE.  No luck with RPM

Hitech C compiler?  Hoo boy.  What does it do that gcc doesn't do?  gcc
is the 

Linux-Misc Digest #439

2000-12-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #439, Volume #26Fri, 1 Dec 00 14:13:03 EST

  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 (Bill Delphenich)
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 (Sinner from the Prairy)
  Re: Where the heck is kerneld in RH6.2 ? (Bill Unruh)
  cron did not run, why? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed (Robert Lynch)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Martin Gregorie)
  Re: netscape 4.xx ("Kevin White")
  Modem setup for dial-in ("trebor")
  Re: Recognizing multiple CPUs (kenaniah)
  Re: cdrecord and HP9500/ATPI cd-drive? (Peter Kadau)
  Re: problem with tcsh and bksp key (Jean-Yves Simon)
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed (John Hasler)
  Re: netscape 4.xx (C. L. Lewis)
  Re: Where the heck is kerneld in RH6.2 ? (Pete Zaitcev)
  Re: Non PC formatted disks, /etc/fdprm ("Charles Sullivan")
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed ("Charles Sullivan")
  Locking pages in memory ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Mapping Tab key in vi or vim (Steve D. Perkins)

From: Bill Delphenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 11:15:11 -0500

Rex Dieter wrote:

 Version 7.0 may well be the worst Redhat release
  ever! It's got quite a lot of bugs,

I have been using RH7 for a while now and I'm working my way through all the
gotcha's in there. I can't say for sure that I have encountered many bona-fide
BUGS yet, but there are a number of things that are different in it from previous
releases. Since I have been running Linux for a couple of years now, it throws me
when lots of things get moved around and things I used to know don't work any
more. There seems to be a lot of that In RH7.

I guess that's why they named it version 7.0, instead of version 6.x.



From: Sinner from the Prairy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 17:26:12 +0100

William Pelish wrote:
 I have found in what little use I have had with Corel that there is little
 or almost no bugs in the OS. However Redhat has a few too many I don't wish
 to deal with. I am looking for something I can understand and grasp easy. So
 far this one for me seems to work however everything is expendable.
Then try Mandrake Linux 7.2. Easy to install, manage upgrade based
on RedHat distribution plus enhancements. It's particulary good the
multilanguage support. And it's not as buggy aas RedHat 7.0

[MaDuiXa PoWeR]
  |\ Linux User # 89976
=Sinner =--[]- a Mach 2.5!!  Running on Mandrake 7.2
__|/ Linux Machine # 38068


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Where the heck is kerneld in RH6.2 ?
Date: 1 Dec 2000 16:27:51 GMT


Hi all,
Am I suffering from early blindness ? Is there a substitute to kerneld
for RH6.2 ? kernelcfg still refers to it, so I am confused.

All kernels of the 2.2.x series use kmod instead, which is a kernel
daemon rather than a separate program.
The question is do you modules load when they are needed?


Subject: cron did not run, why?
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 16:24:52 GMT

I wanted to make a simple backup routine to back up nightly. My crontab
file looks like:

45 23 * * * /root/backup_script

Of course, this was a test on a local system with no other users. I
plan to put a similar script into /usr/local/bin (I don't mind regular
users running the backup script). I used "crontab crontab" and crontab -
l looks fine. It was actually 23:35 when I set it, so it was supposed
to run in ten minutes. I logged out of root and left it alone. When I
came back (0:05), the backups tars were not to be found. But after
searching for it (not in root), I heard the hard drive move and to my
surprise, the backups were made. So I'm wondering why my cron command
didn't run at the specified time. I ran "date" to make sure that my
linux box was set properly.

Since I ran it as root, it certainly doesn't have to wait until root
logged in. Did my computer go into suspend mode or something? If so,
how am I supposed to prevent it from suspending on real machines? Or
did it need time to register the new cron file (since it eventually ran
the script)? Any help...even guesses...will help.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Robert Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 08:46:20 -0800

John Thompson wrote:
  I am running Redhat 6.1, and using KDE 1. Every no

Linux-Misc Digest #439

2000-08-13 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #439, Volume #25   Sun, 13 Aug 00 21:13:03 EDT

  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (Robert Krawitz)
  Hard Drive is Lieing. (N/A)
  Turning off the keyboard bell in X. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: KPPP Question (Lvis)
  Re: Problem w/jdk 1.1.7 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  setting up tin (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: Help: Backspacing in Terminal Input (blowfish)
  Re: Problem w/jdk 1.1.7 (Gordito Rascali)
  Re: KVM Mouse Problems (Michael Meding)
  Re: Turning off the keyboard bell in X. (Dances With Crows)
  loadlin and DOS ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: mounting remote filesystem ("mark price")
  sshd/Linux problems ("Michael P. Rogers")
  Re: Help: Backspacing in Terminal Input (Bob Hauck)
  Re: setting up tin (Bob Hauck)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Problem with 'mount' in kernel 2.4.0-test5 (softrat`)
  converting win partition to Linux...safely? (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: converting win partition to Linux...safely? (Prasanth A. Kumar)

From: Robert Krawitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: 13 Aug 2000 18:34:46 -0400

blowfish [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Robert Krawitz wrote:
  blowfish [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   To the average real human beings at large. Source code is as
   readable as what I've put up here. ;-)
  For the Nth time, so what?
 So what!?
 So, It's *NOT* a speech, or expression for the *REAL* human. ;-)

Since when is "speech" restricted to expression that only "normal"
people use?  That's not how the courts have defined "speech", and it
really wouldn't make much sense to do so.

Robert Krawitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project lead for The Gimp Print --

"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton


Subject: Hard Drive is Lieing.
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 22:30:46 GMT

i have deleted linux completly and re-installed windows, i dont have 
access to or to create a windows startup disk for some reason but anyway 
Windows says i now have a smaller hard drive than i actually have, linux 
is respsonsible for this, i even used partition magic on Mandrake 7.0. to 
clear it and it stills says i have a smaller disk space. why and how can i 
fix it?

Posted via CNET


Subject: Turning off the keyboard bell in X.
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 22:42:38 GMT

Hi, how can I turn off completely the keyboard bell in X?  I can do it
using GNOME, but now I'm not using GNOME (using sawmill alone).  I have
an executable called xkbbell on my system.. I thought it might do the
trick but it does not have any documentation with it.

 -- john

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: KPPP Question
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 18:14:45 -0500

MaryP wrote:

 In article 8n4npg$aqm$[EMAIL PROTECTED], "Lvis" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am new to Linux, I am trying the WinLinux 2000. The kppp seems to dial and
  logon to my ISP OK, but from there the Netscape that was packaged with the
  OS gives me error messages that it cannot find the server for the page I am
  trying to load.
  I have tried many attempts at configuring the dialer, but still Netscape
  cannot find any servers.

 I have not used WinLinux, but when I had this problem it meant the file
 /etc/resolv.conf did not contain my ISP's DNS server numbers. If you do
 not know how to edit files by hand, first try to find where in WinLinux
 those numbers should have been entered in the graphic user interface, and
 be sure to put them in.


Thanks for your input Mary. I had tried this a number of times already. What
seems to have ended up successfull for me was to log on as root and then set up
dialer and all was fine. I do not understand why it suddenly now functions
properly, only that it does.



From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Problem w/jdk 1.1.7
Date: 13 Aug 2000 23:17:39 GMT

William W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: I've installed the version of jdk1.1.7 that's part of the current Debian
: stable release. I let apt set everything up, and it didn't produce any
: errors.  Whenever I try to run javac, java or any of the other binaries,
: I get the following error (newlines added by me):

: /usr/lib/jdk1.1/bin/../bin/i686/green_threads/java: error in loading
: shared libraries:
: /usr/lib/jdk1.1/bin/../lib/i686/green_threads

Linux-Misc Digest #439

1999-08-17 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #439, Volume #21   Tue, 17 Aug 99 19:13:11 EDT

  Mail proxy / gateway (Philip S Tellis)
  Re: why not C++? (Kaz Kylheku)
  Re: Blank Screensaver in Gnome? (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Can I switch from OS/2 to Linux and be happy? (Christian Hennecke)
  Wheel Mouse (RH 6.0  KDE)? ("Sean P. Turner")
  linux with autologin and setting up a mp3 box (Andre Oliveira Dias)
  Re: SB PCI 128 Config ("Cameron, Gary [WDLN2:2Y82:EXCH]")
  Re: Looking for comparable apps in Linux from OS/2 (Christian Hennecke)
  Re: why not C++? (Kaz Kylheku)
  Re: why not C++? (Warren Young)
  Re: ICQ and linux client ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: KDE/GNOME (Fred Flintstone)
  Can I switch from OS/2 to Linux and be happy? (Zephyr Q)
  Comparing HPFS to ext2fs... (Zephyr Q)
  RH 6.0 and NUMLOCK?? (Sean Turner)
  Re: pppd in 'setuid-root' mode (Chris Butler)
  Re: ICQ and linux client (David Howe)
  Re: Which distro? (Chris Butler)
  What Hardware should I buy? (Hans Marcus Kruger)
  Unable to remove LINUX (Mike Bixler)
  Real;Player bombs with Comm4.51 (Ron Gibson)
  Re: Can I switch from OS/2 to Linux and be happy? (Rob van Hout)

From: Philip S Tellis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mail proxy / gateway
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 00:41:39 +0530

My company has a win95 network running on a WinNT server.  I told them
that we could use Linux as a proxy server for internet access, so they
allowed me to setup one machine to act as a proxy.  I managed to set it
up as a HTTP proxy, but do not know how to set it up to pick all the
users' mail from the remote mailbox, and distribute it to each user's pc
when requested.  Or to send outgoing messages from user's pc via the
Linux server.

Do I have to setup proxy server settings on the client pc's?  All pc's
use Netscape.

Please help



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaz Kylheku)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: why not C++?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 19:59:18 GMT

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 13:28:38 -0400, Arinte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, I can see some of your points.  But, if it was programmed it C++ then
the programmer can have a choice of doing there code in c or c++ without
having to do extra work.  Using C++ would have been more open.

Nonsense, you still have the choice of using C++. You should be able to
write a driver in C++ for Linux. A loadable module is just a slab of
machine code and data. As long as it behaves right and doesn't ask for any
symbols that the kernel can't give it, it's fine. 

So for example if you wanted to use, say, C++ exception handling in your
driver, you would have to provide your own run-time support for it within that
object, since the kernel wouldn't resolve your undefined reference to
things like __throw() .  Adding this support would take some work, so you
might opt for doing without the feature.


From: Leonard Evens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Blank Screensaver in Gnome?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 14:41:51 -0500

 Hi folks, I'm using RH6.0 with GNOME, how can I set in GNOME the screen saver
 to let it turn into a blank screen when idle for a period of time? I couldn't
 find such an option in the screen saver configure menu in GNOME, all that
 I could see were those cheesy fancy stuff, but not the simple BLANK SCREEN"!
 I could find it easily in KDE, but I want to use GNOME for the time being.
 I've tracked xscreensaver to /usr/X11R6/shared/xscreensaver/, I've tried
 editing the Screensaver file in my .gnome directory, but they just didn't
 work! Please someone help, all I want is just a blank screen for screen
 saver in xscreensaver/GNOME! Thanks in advance!

I think `No screensaver', the first option, means a blank screensaver,
but I am not sure.

Leonard Evens  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Christian Hennecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.os2.misc,comp.os.os2.apps
Subject: Re: Can I switch from OS/2 to Linux and be happy?
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 23:33:50 +0200

Zephyr Q schrieb:
 Or, more importantly, how can I make the switch with as
 little grief as possible?
 For example, I'm already playing with RH 5.2 (waiting for
 SuSe 6.2 to come out) and have been playing with AfterStep.
 I'm looking for a WM or Xserver (am I showing my newbiness?)
 that most approximates the Work Place Shell on OS/2.

You'll need a complete Desktop to do that, i.e. either KDE or GNOME w/
Enlightenment. I've had a look at Linux with those a short time ago
(normally I am using Warp 4). Well, the developers of both desktops have
done a really great job so far, but it's still a looong way to
come near to the WPS. Some things will probably never work for all

Linux-Misc Digest #439

1999-05-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #439, Volume #20   Mon, 31 May 99 20:13:12 EDT

  Re: Problems with Redhat 6 (Michael Axford)
  Linux Counter: 101492 registered Linux users ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: NT the best web platform? ("Chad Mulligan")
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Maciej Stachowiak)
  Re: fdisk /MBR ??? ("D. Vrabel")
  RH6.0 module sound-slot-1...? (Greg Snow)
  Error compiling 2.2.2 kernel ("Bryan Feeney")
  Re: How do I compile ncurses? (Scott Smith)
  kdat and /dev/st0 ("William B. Cattell")
  Re: fdisk /MBR ??? (Paul Anderson)

From: Michael Axford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Problems with Redhat 6
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 19:21:38 +0100

For Kde i think if you read the documentation on the kde website you can
use the redhat 5.x rpms for kde but you must uninstall the pre - release
rpms that you currently have on your system.

personally I would use Gnome instead, I used to use Kde but having used
Gnome for about a week now I much prefer it.

Mike Axford
undergraduate, Computer Engineering
University Of Southampton, England

God Loves You !!


Subject: Linux Counter: 101492 registered Linux users
Date: 31 May 1999 23:00:07 GMT

This is the monthly report from the Linux Usage Counter.
It is posted on the 1st of every month on the newsgroup

Registration and information is available via the World
Wide Web; connect to URL

This is the preferred interface to the counter.

NOTE: You can UPDATE your record in the counter if you have
your registration key, which was sent to you when you registered.


To enter your registration into the statistics, send an E-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with the SUBJECT line being one of

  I use Linux at home
  I use Linux at work
  I use Linux at school

The reply will contain information about how to register more
information about yourself, your machine and your friends, if you
want to.

If you can't do Web, you can get the reports by sending the counter
an E-mail containing in the BODY one of the lines

//REPORT short
//REPORT persons
//REPORT machines

Any questions should be adressed to the maintainer of the counter,

Good luck!


This is the Linux Counter summary as of Mon May 31 17:40:26 1999

There are 101492 persons registerd.
3018 users have been registered by friends.
There are 55256 machines registered.

I guesstimate that between 0.2% and 5% of all Linux users have
registered with the Linux Counter.
So the total number of Linux users is probably between
2,029,840 and 50,746,000 people.

The table is sorted by number of Linux users divided by population

 NoCountry   Pers  Fri Mach P/Mpop   Mpop
  1 NO Norway2424   50 1015 552.94.4
  2 FI Finland   2690   57 1296 526.95.1
  3 AQ Antarctica   200 486.00.0
  4 DK Denmark   2213   16  788 421.65.2
  5 IS Iceland1134   67 418.10.3
  6 SE Sweden3384   62 1591 380.28.9
  7 GI Gibraltar81   11 278.10.0
  8 SI Slovenia   4878  123 249.62.0
  9 EE Estonia311   17  210 213.11.5
 10 NL Netherlands   2891   51 1306 185.7   15.6
 11 CA Canada4486   83 2097 155.7   28.8
 12 AT Austria   1217   31  624 151.78.0
 13 AU Australia 2526   49 1322 138.3   18.3
 14 US USA  34602   17 16338 129.9  266.5
 15 NZ New Zealand4463  289 125.73.5
 16 CH Switzerland863   15  451 119.77.2
 17 FO Faroe Islands502 114.00.0
 18 HU Hungary   1123   47  637 112.3   10.0
 19 BE Belgium   1102  525  532 108.4   10.2
 20 LU Luxembourg  440   12 105.80.4
 21 DE Germany   8111  186 3966  97.1   83.5
 22 MC Monaco   313  94.60.0
 23 IE Ireland3355  170  93.93.6
 24 GL Greenland501  85.90.1
 25 SG Singapore  2637  103  77.43.4
 26 GB Great Britain 4458  110 2151  76.2   58.5
 27 IL Israel 411   14  168  75.85.4
 28 VG Virgin Islands (British)   

Linux-Misc Digest #439

1999-03-13 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #439, Volume #19   Sat, 13 Mar 99 14:13:08 EST

  Re: HPFS Problem with Linux (Seth Van Oort)
  installation problem on dual PII system (Reinout)
  rvplayer doesn't work after kernel 2.2 upgrade (mike)
  Re: xwindows with non-root user (Jolly Roger)
  Re: Any GOPHER-Users around? (Jolly Roger)
  Re: MS Explorer 4.0 for Unix (John Girash)
  Q: How to change Window Maker ? ("ronsu")
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? (Jerry Lynn Kreps)
  Re: best offline newsreader? (Jolly Roger)
  Be and Linux (Jolly Roger)
  Re: Is Red Hat 5.2 worth fifty notes? (Joseph Dunn)
  BRU Back Up Software (Alan Fried)
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? (wizard)
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing? (wizard)
  Launching Red Hat Control Panel
  Re: Is Red Hat 5.2 worth fifty notes? (Sean Doull-Connolly)
  Re: self extracting .exe on linux? (Jean-Francois Landry)
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? (Jerry Lynn Kreps)
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? (Frank Sweetser)
  Sybase ASE on Linux for Sparc? ("mhnewsreader")
  Re: SuSE 6.0 feelings please. (Monte Milanuk)
  Looking for ODBC Database ("PostNet News")
  Re: Running fdisk under Linux after Partition Magic? ("Charles Sullivan")
  Re: xwindows with non-root user (NF Stevens)
  Re: Increasing the number of pty or tty to 512 ? (wizard)

From: Seth Van Oort [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: HPFS Problem with Linux
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 17:33:53 +

go into linux fdisk. Type 't' (change partition id). Enter the relevant
partition and change its id to 7 (type 'l' to get a list of partition
ids). Exit fdisk with writing changes ('w') and try to mount under
linux. If Windows actually overwrote the whole superblock then this
won't work. If hpfs has a redundant superblock thing like ext2, than you
could find a way to get the whole thing copied. You could use 'dd' for


Erhard Karger wrote:
 because JDK 1.2 is not available unter Linux nor under OS2
 I installed WIN95 :-(.
 Win95 made of a HPFS partion a Fat Partition, that means
 it declared it as a FAT-Partition. So, I can't access it form
 WIN95, because the FAT Data are HPFS Data, from OS2 there is a FAT
 Marker at the beginning , so Partitionmagic say it is HPFS , but I can
 access it from there.
 With Linux I tried to mount it with -t hpfs and -o nocheck
 so Linux says the the superblock is wrong.
 I have PTS Diskeditor, were I can change the relevant Sektor, but I
 don't know what has to be written in this superblock.
 Does anybody know an answer.
 Thanks for any idea
 PS Please send me also a mail


From: reinout@[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Reinout)
Subject: installation problem on dual PII system
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 17:36:50 GMT

Hi all,

I'm trying to setup Linux on a dual PII system with only SCSI devices.
But early in the boot process my system hangs: the welcome message
appears were i can type boot parameters. The boot then continues i see
the Bogo MIPS rating and some other messages but stops after the
messages about the IDE device. My IDE device is properly recognized,
the message that it's disabled (BIOS) is also correct but the boot
process stops here.
I read the bootprompt howto and tried  the following coomands at the
boot: prompt:
linux idex=noprobe hdx=none
linux ide0=noprobe ide1=noprobe
linux ide0=noprobe ide1=noprobe aic7xxx=extended
In all situations i keep getting messages about the ide device, which
gives me the feeling that these commands are ignored! Am i making a
mistake here???

This happens with both Redhat 5.1 and Suse 6.0 (with the latest
aic7xxx image from their website). I have an Asus P2-97DS board with
two PII 266 CPU's. 

I have a few questions:

What should be happening directly after the message about the disabled
IDE device? SCSI recognition?  Or is it still checking the ide

What can i try to get past this point?


Subject: rvplayer doesn't work after kernel 2.2 upgrade
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 15:23:05 GMT


Has anyone else had this problem?

After upgrading my kernel to 2.2 (I
went to first 2.2.1 now 2.2.3)
rvplayer doesn't work.
The utility starts up no problem but
when I try to play any rm file I

audio: write error: 384 bytes
errno: 0

in the shell that spawned it.  The
pluggin doesn't work either.  My sb
16 card is otherwise working fine.
Most of my audio utilities can still
play through the soundcard.  I've
upgraded my entire system to be a
full Redhat 5.2 and mod_utils I
upgraded to the latest version.
Could I be missing a library or a
compile option?

If anyone has any ideas how this can
be solved, any help would be much



From: [EM