Re: Javascript question

2003-11-09 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 18:36, joel wrote:
 I am going over some of my html/javascript beasties that I wrote for 
 work. I am still confounded why these don't work properly in netscape or 
 mozilla but do in opera6 and IE 5.5.
 For example, these buttons don't display properly in mozilla:
 input type=button value=Reset this form onClick=ClearForm(form1)
I copied and pasted that line into a bare html page and it displayed
fine in my Mozilla 1.3.1

 Then, mozilla doesn't handle arrays, for example, this function doesn't 
 function ClearForm(form){
 for (i=0; i  form.length ; i++) {
  form[i].checked = false
  if (form[i]^MARGINS *\$1U? *$/)  -1){form[i].checked=true}
  par[i] =  }
  form[1].checked = true

Haven't tried this function in a form (yet), but a line from a function
of mine that does work may give a lead...

for (var Index = 0; Index  recipientArray.length; Index ++)

maybe the var is needed?


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Re: Javascript question

2003-11-09 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 18:36, joel wrote:

 this function doesn't work:
 function ClearForm(form){
 for (i=0; i  form.length ; i++) {
  form[i].checked = false
  if (form[i]^MARGINS *\$1U? *$/)  -1){form[i].checked=true}
  par[i] =  }
  form[1].checked = true

To get the function to do anything I had to change
onClick=ClearForm(form1) to onClick=ClearForm(this.form)

Inserting alert()s into your function to follow its operation it seemed
to work up to and including an 'else {alert(else)}' below your 'if'
line.  After that the alert()s don't run.

Also an alert() inserted to run if the 'if' is true didn't go, but I'm
sorry to admit that I don't know diddly about regular expressions so
don't know if my form entries met the criteria to make the 'if' true. 
Used reg. exp. for the first time a couple of days ago to edit a huge
file in emacs.  Definitely gotta learn more of that!

an alert() outside your for loop never goes, so it seems the for loop
doesn't exit?  Google couldn't find me anything about that 'par[i] = '
line.  What's a par

Oh, and disregard previous post about var.  Makes no difference it


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Re: X won't start

2003-10-10 Thread Ian Stephen
On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 05:49, Allan Rabenau wrote:
 I've done that (at least in the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts directory).  Each
 subdirectory now has a new fonts.dir file. No luck.
 Is not the unix/:7100 error relating to a URL:port notation?  If so, that
 would lead me to suspect a net communication error, although I am able to
 ping various IP addresses (from level 3).

I had the same error on my RH 8 re cannot find default font fixed.  As
Mr Bandel said, your font named 'fixed' is missing.

Re-installing XFree86-base-fonts rpm fixed that for me.

Check your XFree86 logs though, when this happened to me /var/lib/xkb
was gone too (I think the log actually mentioned /etc/X11/xkb/compiled
which is a sym-link to /var/lib/xkb).  Reinstalling the XFree86 rpm
replaced that.

The bad news is that this kept reoccurring every few days on my system. 
Never did find out why.  After a new install of RH 9 failed with
hardware trouble warnings I installed Mandrake 9.1 and it's been fine
ever since.  Sorry I didn't have time to figure out the root of the
problem.  Maybe 'root' was the problem! :^)


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Re: Laptop suggestions

2003-10-04 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sat, 2003-10-04 at 06:18, Joel Hammer wrote:
 I need to buy a laptop in the next week for a trip. I don't think I can
 get a laptop loaded with linux during that time so I will likely just get
 an XP machine and either remove XP or dual boot it sometime down the road.
 So, my question, any laptop suggestions that would play well with linux?
 And, if so, which flavor of linux?
 I think I should get a wireless enabled laptop, too.

It doesn't have built-in wireless, but I've been happy with my Compaq
Presario 2170ca, dual-boot Mandrake 9.1/WinXP.  It was about the
cheapest thing on the shelf at Future Shop.

Don't have PCMCIA initialize at boot time though.  It will hang.
I don't know the work-around 'cause I have no PCMCIA devices.


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RE: question

2003-10-03 Thread Ian Stephen
On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 10:01, Condon Thomas A KPWA wrote:

 Sample of your HTML (from
 meta name=generator content=Bluefish 0.9
 titleMain Heading Goes Here/title
   meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
   meta name=generator content=Bluefish, see;
 body bgcolor=white background=image001.gif lang=EN-US
 div class=Section1
 div align=center
   font  color=red face=times size=-3
 h1  style='margin-top:0in'a name=_top/aJTB Sawsspan
 style=mso-spacerun: yes /spanJust the Best Anywhere/h1/font
 p  align=center style='text-align:center'img width=171 height=167
 Note that the very first line contains no closing . 

 Even the IE browser, however, finds some error with your span style. 

There's a closing brace missing from the span tag too.  should be span
style=mso-spacerun: yes /span however there being nothing between
the opening and closing span tags, this span does nothing anyway.  Just
remove the whole thing.

Don't remove the a name=_top/a though as this is used by any links
to top of page with or without anything between the tags.

 Your wood-chips background shows well here, 

and the use of bgcolor= with background= is fine.  A browser
with images turned off will display the background colour specified by
bgcolor.  (Hmmm, haven't tried both with an image containing transparent
parts.  Will have to try that.)

align=center and style='text-align:center is I believe a redundant mix
of HTML 3.2 (align=center) and css (style=).  align=center is


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Re: PDF Viewers?

2003-09-24 Thread Ian Stephen
On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 13:23, Robert E. Raymond wrote:

 Does anyone know of a viewer in Linux that supports these comments, 

Dunno if (in Linux) it supports these comments, but how 'bout Adobe
Acrobat Reader

Under Platform choose Linux

Could also try educating the instructor.  I had one who was sending Word
docs and with a bit of discussion switched to using html.


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Redhat 8/9 hardware troubles

2003-09-20 Thread Ian Stephen
Hi list

Been having trouble with IBM Aptiva Celeron 533 PC.  Was running Red Hat 
8.  Troubles seemed to get progressively worse.  Would work fine for a 
couple of days, then would have a crash, typically when shutting down.  
Would find that modules from XFree86 were missing.  Re-install XFree86 
and all it would be good again for a day or two.

Finally it wouldn't install rpms anymore, so tried to  upgrade to Red 
Hat 9.  Part way through got an error that said something was wrong with 
either the install media or my hardware.  Tested install media before 
and after, no errors.

Repartitioned and formatted the drive and did a new install of Red Hat 9.
Ran e2fsck -c (bad blocks) and got no errors.
Ran memtest86 for most of a day, 13 times through it's tests, and got no 

Now a couple of days later I find processes still running after I close 
apps in KDE.  Just crashed again when I logged off.

Don't think it's a heat problem as I haven't changed any hardware in a 
long time.  Box isn't dusty inside.

What tests might I do?  Maybe just change the mother board?  Power 
supply?  both?

Any suggestions welcome!

Ian Stephen

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Re: Redhat 8/9 hardware troubles

2003-09-20 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 06:43, Net Llama! wrote:

 Could be a failing CPU too.  If you've got a spare component on hand (PSU, 
 CPU, cables, etc) i'd swap them in 1 at a time to see if it makes a 

Easiest spare on hand was Mandrake 9.1.  Have installed that to see if
same trouble repeats.  Expect it will since it persisted thru a new
install of RH 9.  Will have to rob what parts I can from an old box and
try like you say.

On a positive note, Mandrake got both my monitors working on first
boot!  Had to tweak a bit, but Red Hat never had anything in
XF86Config-4 for the second card/monitor on first boot.

   Have you checked the messages log for any errors?

Well... no, other than when X would fail and it would show the relevant
errors for the failure at hand.  Was always modules from XFree86
missing.  Sometimes just one, sometimes a bunch of them.  Then rpm quit

I'll go tattoo 'messages log' on my forehead.


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Re: Netscape help

2003-09-09 Thread Ian Stephen
On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 12:53, Net Llama! wrote:

 Don't know about Netscape, but in Mozilla, you can enter about:config
 and then you can edit all the configuration options, including the
 User_agent option, which is the one you want. --

Hmmm, about:mozilla gives a bit of a surprise.

In my Mozilla 1.4 about:config I see

general.useragent.contentlocale  default  string  US
general.useragent.localedefault  string  en-US
general.useragent.misc  default  string  rv:1.4  default  string  U lists more
useragent things.

The ones present in my about:config don't identify the browser so can't
be used to spoof another.

I tried adding an IE6.0/WinXP useragent string in about:config, ie

user_pref(general.useragent.override,Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE
6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

and Mozilla wouldn't start anymore.
gives info on modifying user.js in your Mozilla profile, but I haven't
had any luck with that either.

Would like to get this as a local school district site that a couple of
days ago would only allow IE not allows Netscape 7.1.  This followed a
bit of discussion with the district information systems manager.  I am
hoping to demonstrate that Mozilla will work in their site too, but
can't get in.

Anyone had any success with changing their useragent string in Mozilla?


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Re: Netscape help

2003-09-09 Thread Ian Stephen
On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 20:37, Ken Moffat wrote:

 Have you tried Opera?

Haven't tried Opera myself, but the school district contact said it does
not work.  Funny that works in Opera, Mozilla, Konqueror
and even Lynx, but a school district site does not.  At least they
opened it up to Netscape though, I hadn't expected even that much after
I first raised the issue with them and got more or less What's your
problem?  Are you trying to sell something? in reply.

Will try the User Agent Widget, thanks Collins.

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Re: OT VBscript in html: Security threat?

2003-08-28 Thread Ian Stephen
On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 17:33, Joel Hammer wrote:
 Who in his right mind would use vbscript over javascript in their html,
 anyway? Why would you keep out anyone not using IE and a modern version
 of windows?

Who indeed, yesterday I was looking for information on schools from a
neighbouring district and to my amazement found 

This website will not work with Netscape.  Please use only Internet
Explorer minimum Ver. 5.0. Thank You.


A good chunk of the rest of my evening was taken up with writing what I
hope was a compelling argument why a school district website should be
accessible to all.


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RE: OT VBscript in html: Security threat?

2003-08-28 Thread Ian Stephen
On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 17:45, Condon Thomas A KPWA wrote:
  Only if you wake up and get a clue can you break out of the box.

Speaking of getting a clue, I keep getting emails with virii and a
return address [EMAIL PROTECTED].

I doubt it's really Bill and friends, but they do all originate from the
same ip address.  I can ping it and 'dig' it.  I imagine it's some poor
Windows users who doesn't know they are infected.  Is there some way
that I can tell this person to get an anti-virus? 

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Re: moz 5

2003-08-28 Thread Ian Stephen
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 04:54, Kurt Wall wrote:

 I no that my spelling is core wrecked; my spell checker told
 me sew.

Wel Sed!  Three Cheers four teknology!

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Re: No longer any xwindows on RedHat 7.3

2003-08-27 Thread Ian Stephen
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 11:53, Carruth, Matt wrote:
 I've been running Redhat 7.3 snip
 Last week, I rebooted and the xwindows system did not come up.  

Something like this happened once on my RH8 system.

/var/lib/xkb was gone and default font 'fixed' was gone.

Re-installing the XFree86 rpm restored /var/lib/xkb and re-installing
the XFree86-base-fonts rpm restored the font.

Look for clues in logs, not sure which.  Maybe /var/log/XFree86.0.log,
/var/log/messages and/or /var/log/boot.log

Redhat system should have Lynx in /usr/bin which will allow you to
retrieve rpms without X if you need to.  It's a bit wierd to use, but
gets the job done.


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Email from 'Microsoft'

2003-08-24 Thread Ian Stephen
Look what I just got, with an attachment patch.exe

Microsoft must like me!

(Now if I can only figure out how to get IE to run with Wine maybe I can
use this patch ;-)

pasted email

Use this
Sun, 24 Aug
-0600 (MDT)

Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch now!
There are dangerous virus in the Internet now!
More than 500.000 already infected!

/pasted email


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Re: backing up windows

2003-08-22 Thread Ian Stephen
On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 20:41, Keith Antoine wrote:
   free cd's, included 'Ext2FS Anywhere 2,5'.
  I can transfer files back
   and forth just as I can from a linux booted system.
 NO way! Windows files are not executable on Linux, so it is immune to win 
 viruii, this is one of the reasons I use linux.

My concern is that the code will execute on Windows and use this Ext2FS
to access Linux and do something nasty there.

If my dual-boot machine is running Windows (rare, but it happens) and
something infected Windows that can read/write the Linux partitions...
couldn't that thing have its way with my Linux stuff while the penquin
is 'asleep'?

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Re: backing up windows

2003-08-21 Thread Ian Stephen
On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 01:03, Keith Antoine wrote:
 free cd's, included 'Ext2FS Anywhere 2,5'. It had some blurb about being
 able to see linux partitions and files from windows.
 I thought that this was one of those windows hacks, but decided to give it
 a try. Lo and behold it managed to find and mount the partitions I wished 
 to see : i.e /home /backup /build etc. I can transfer files back and forth just as 
 I can from a linux booted system.

Will this new toy enable Windows viruses to attack Linux partitions on a
dual-boot machine, or Linux machines on a mixed-platform network?

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Re: 'Make' error on komba

2003-08-20 Thread Ian Stephen
On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 06:56, Michael Hipp wrote:

export ACLOCAL_FLAGS=-I /usr/share/aclocal
 since I don't have a /usr/local/share/aclocal on this RH9 box. But I 
 still get the same error.
 Any other ideas?

Could what it wants be elsewhere? 'locate aclocal'


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undo rm

2003-08-19 Thread Ian Stephen
Hi all

Supposing someone working as root (su) typed

 rm -fr ./Some_directory/../*.* 

then noticed, in Konqueror running on another display, what may have
been directories in the directory from which the command was issued
disappearing.  Doesn't look to me like that should happen, but maybe the
command confused bash?  These disappearances having happened rather
quickly, the root person might not even know what the things that
disappeared were.

Even worse, this root person hadn't got around to actually doing backups
quite yet, even with helpful tips from the likes of Mr Bandel.

How might this person get those disappeared things back?  Or even just
find out what they were? Is it possible?

Hypothetically of course.  I'm not saying I did this...
(ok fine, have a good belly-laugh.  Damn.)


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Backup questions, was Re: hd problem

2003-08-17 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 09:03, David A. Bandel wrote:

  cpio has always had the advantage that it will grab
  special files that tar won't.

What format is best for cpio, or does it matter?  I see the default is
'bin', but that bin is also obsolete.  Is ustar better?


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Re: System Drag - Solved

2003-08-14 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sun, 2003-08-10 at 17:38, burns wrote:
  but the real
 big culprit appears to be Konqueror. I'm running 3.0.5a -4.

Must be other factors too, I use Konqueror 3.0.5a-4 for file manager and
sometime ftp and web client.  Runs fine.

Right now with Evolution, Mozilla, Konqueror, Emacs, Konsole and all open under KDE top shows CPU 96% idle.  That top
output you sent had CPU 0.0% idle.


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Re: OT: time waster, but also a question

2003-08-14 Thread Ian Stephen
On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 17:21, Collins Richey wrote:

 Really strange, a lot of variation yes/no.  Apparently even some folks
 who have shockwave can't hear the pops!  Time to wave some chicken

Using Mozilla 1.4,... just discovered Shockwave appears twice in 'about
plug-ins' one Flash 6.0 r79 and one Flash 6.0 r69 and artsd/KDE 3.0.5 I
didn't get any sound until I right-clicked then clicked settings.  When
I clicked settings there was a pop and all worked after.  Maybe just
took that long for the whole thing to load?

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Re: OT: time waster, but also a question

2003-08-05 Thread Ian Stephen
On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 18:04, Kurt Wall wrote:

 Fixed it, I think. Right-click to get the Flash pop-up menu and then
 twiddle the settings you find there.
That's kinda what I thought, but just now tried again,this time didn't
click anything.  Just waited a bit, tried, waited a bit, tried.  After
20 seconds? 30? it started 'popping'


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[OT] Re: SPAM factoid...

2003-08-03 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 02:57, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
 BBC's Click OnLine did an informal test of how e-mail addresses get
 listed for receiving spam. They found that the most effective way was
 when the address occurred in a web page.
 My e-mail address in a web page is:
 script type=text/javascript
eyes go funny!/eyes funny

If I wanted to harvest only legitimate email addresses perhaps I'd make
a website where people could submit them. ;-)

I saw what was probably the same study so made a little pascal program
that takes a comma-delimited text file and generates a javascript file
with a case statement for each name/address provided by the text file,
using nested arrays to avoid having anything a bot is likely to read.

The javascript file can be linked to from the head of each web page and
email links placed with a call such as ... 

script language=javascriptjohnDoe('IanStephen','Ian

Which would give a link displaying Ian Stephen.  The visible text of
the link can be the email address (default, just omit the second
parameter) or a string you pass.

Much easier to use for more than one or two instances than the
eye-straining output from that on-line tool.

Now off to dissect that example you sent and figure out just how it

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Re: [OT] Congrats

2003-07-28 Thread Ian Stephen
On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 06:37, Tim Wunder wrote:

 FWIW, how, exactly, would you go about televising cross-country bike 

You can't have watched it.  You televise (sp?) it with commentators who
know the sport and the athletes, who have been there themselves.  Use
cameras in helicopters, on motorcycles, in cars and on the ground.  Show
scenes before and after the day's racing when the athletes warm up and
cool down.  Interview team managers and the athletes themselves.

The coverage we see in North America is minimal (at least on local cable
tv), but still the viewer sees the highlights of each days racing, up
close enough to see the expressions on the racers faces.

I've seen nothing in sport more gripping and inspiring that to watch one
of the best in the Tour demoralize his opponents with an attack in the
mountains, the sort of attack that Armstrong has used so well these past
five tours.  I tape them when I can.

Of course I love riding in the mountains myself so perhaps I find it
more interesting than some, as is likely the case with this thread.


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Re: Latest From SCO

2003-07-19 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sat, 2003-07-19 at 13:27, Jerry McBride wrote:
 That's just what MicroSoft wants you to do... What we're seeing is the
 MicroSoft touch of death (tm) reaching us... through SCO. It's really a shame

When I read that SCO reps were in Japan recently I wondered why.  Then a
week or so later came the announcement that Japan is moving the national
payroll system to Linux.  That coincidence pretty much settled for me
that SCO = M$

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Re: small network problem

2003-07-18 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sat, 2003-07-19 at 04:37, Keith Antoine wrote:
 it is the XP only box downstairs which loses the 
 connection, i.e cannot get a browser to browse. Am unsure if we can ping 
 though !! as i said a bit more work needs to be done on my part.

Had similar yesterday with dual-boot Win98/RedHat 8 machine.  Booted
Windows to retrieve and email a Lotus file for daughter and found
Outlook would not connect, neither would Internet Explorer.

Switched to Mozilla (still in Win98) and it worked fine, both browser
and email.

Does your XP box have Mozilla?

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Re: SOLVED: Re: Zire still won't connect: Solved,but doesn't sync properly with jpilot databases

2003-07-16 Thread Ian Stephen
On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 16:51, Joel Hammer wrote:
 That was about 50 hours of work to make my cheap Zire work. 
 It was great having the warehouse debian package manager to install and
 uninstall (gcc 2.95) all this stuff. I suppose synaptic would be just
 about as good. However, searching for software in the warehouse is a
 dream. You really don't need to know the package names very accurately.
There see, easy!  Desktop Linux has arrived!

Good to hear it's working and how it was done. 8-)

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Re: Zaire still won't connect

2003-07-13 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sat, 2003-07-12 at 18:36, Joel Hammer wrote:
 I don't have pilot-link. Do I need it?

Yes!  Both J-Pilot and Evolution require Pilot Link to sync with your
Palm.  See
 I downloaded Ximian Evolution.  It won't work with the palm because I
 need some gnome tools.

Once your Palm is talking to your PC you just need Ximian's conduits to
have it sync with Evolution.



Sorry I didn't mention the Pilot Link bit a long time ago!

 It is hard not to get the impression that linux is a place where
 adolescents like to play. For example, going though the warehouse at
 Lindows, I noted that there were pages of mp3 players and cd rippers. But,
 there are only two office suites.

I'd bet that those cd rippers are all front-ends for cdrecord.  Bubba
Programmer can build one in his garage.  (Programmers please take no
offence.  I only dream of being able to do what Bubba Programmer can
do!)  An office suite's a huge project.

Agreed there's more to learn with Linux, ie this afternoon I broke my
Pango.  Never even knew I had a Pango!  Suddenly it's broken and things
(like my log viewer!) don't work.  But I can start an app from the
command line and see what errors come up.  Then with a bit of Googling I
can figure out what I broke and fix it.  Even without X I can use Lynx
to find stuff.  If everything went to h*ll I could boot with a Knoppix
CD and fix it!  Meanwhile when things are working, which they normally
do, I can log on from anywhere with ssh or with a browser and vncserver,
track file changes with RCS, save documents in pdf format, burn ISOs,
begin to learn programming with the compilers in my distro, umpteen
things that would be difficult, expensive or impossible in some other

It's like the broader society, we can be taken care of by Big Brother in
whatever form, but only in exchange for our freedom.  I'll take the
freedom Linux gives me any day!

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Re: LOCKUP: GF4-MultiScreen kills machine with X

2003-07-12 Thread Ian Stephen
On Fri, 2003-07-11 at 17:57, Matthew Carpenter wrote:

 What resolution are you running?

Both 1024x768, though your post reminded me of ctrl-alt-+  -, which
work for the one that has more than one mode specified in XF86Config-4
under screen section

My setup uses two different resolutions
(1280x1024 for my CRT and 800x600 for the TV)

TV? Television?  Is it the TV out that will run the projector?  Is that
common with projectors? (I need to use one this fall and have never even
seen one up close yet!)

 I'd rather have one big desktop, but I'd also not want to run 800x600 on my CRT.

The TV (projector?) can't do greater than 800x600?

 CTRL-ALT-BkSpc, switch to a text VC,If I logout, the machine locks.
 This has only been happening since I started running in two-screen mode.

Horrors!  These work fine for me aside from once in a blue screen .. moon, when I log out it freezes.  I think its something
hardware related though 'cause the machine is flakey under Win98 (and
worse) too.  Doesn't happen often enough to make me track down the

 I may try the TwinView (which is how NVidia calls it) to see if this clears up.
 There are also a TON of settings which I don't know much about which may solve
 it as well :(
If your TwinView works like my setup you may also have to run Impress
with slideshow type 'window', which I think you will find is
unsatisfactory for field use 'cause it displays Impress' menus etc the
whole time.

Wish I had some helpful suggestions, but scrolling thru my XF86Config-4
doesn't spark any ideas.  Google?


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Re: Zaire still won't connect

2003-07-12 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sat, 2003-07-12 at 13:35, Joel Hammer wrote:
 Still trying to get my Zaire to connect via usb. Just love progress!
 All I get is this:
J-Pilot: press the hotsync button on the cradle or kill 4181
 Of course, I have already pressed the hotsync button

Several things (that prolly won't help, but...)

1. You have Pilot-Link? Have you seen ?
2. When I used J-Pilot (serial Palm cradle) I always had to press the
hotsync button twice to make it go.
3. Changed to syncing with Evolution with the stuff from Ximian's site. 
Am very happy.  Email, Tasks, Calendar and Contacts all in one place. 
Memos get saved to a MyPilot folder.  New memos created on PC and
saved as plain text into that folder appear on Palm at next sync.

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Re: Whoa Nelly! GF4-MultiScreen kills machine with X

2003-07-11 Thread Ian Stephen
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 13:58, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
 How are Maximized windows handled?  Do they maximize one screen or both?

Maximizing a window fits it to whichever physical display it is in.  

Impress presentations misbehave a bit though.  I have to set their
slideshow type to window.  If the type is left as default they span
both monitors.

I can drag maximized windows from one monitor to the other.  Find it
annoying now when I'm on an MS Windows machine and have to un-maximize
before I can drag a window.

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Re: Whoa Nelly! GF4-MultiScreen kills machine with X

2003-07-07 Thread Ian Stephen
On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 19:51, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
 For those of you wondering what the difference is, Multi-Screen mode uses X's
 ability to have two video-systems (look at the README if you have the NVIDIA
 driver).  Each video-system has it's own K Menu etc, mouse moves between screens
 but no apps can.

 TwinView is a NVIDIA-specific feature which allows you to treat
 the second screen as simply an extension of your desktop.  You can move apps
 between them and X is basically unaware that you have two screens.


TwinView as you describe it is how my X works, using my PC's onboard agp
video for one monitor and a pci card (old ATI Rage) for the second. 
Works as one 2048x768 desktop.

Pretty handy most of the time, with minor annoyance when windows open
half in one and half in the other.  I'll keep that over not being able
to drag parts of apps where I want though.

(Some may recall I said I'd do a sxs on X/Xinerama.  Haven't forgotten,
just haven't had time!)

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Re: gimp question

2003-07-05 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 13:00, Bruce Marshall wrote:

 Damn good question...  normally it is an option on the 'save as' but I 
 don't see any such option.  Nor was I able to save a GIF file in gimp 
 when I opened a JPG file and tried 'save as'.

From jpg go  image  mode  indexed

then you can save as gif 

(if you have the gif bits in your GIMP.  Here in Canada of course we
can't do that for another year or something.)

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Re: Mozilla 1.4 Killed my Bookmarks File

2003-07-03 Thread Ian Stephen
On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 18:55, Kurt Wall wrote:
 This is fscking ridiculous - after I started Mozilla 1.4, it
 wiped out my existing bookmarks!

When I installed Moz 1.4, I saw something somewhere about how it sets
itself up when installed.  Didn't pay any attention.

On first start-up it didn't have my bookmarks and looked terrible.

On Second start-up my bookmarks were back and it looked great (though
I'll admit I don't even know if my fonts are AA or not)

Point is - there may be something in the install/setup that's making it
seem as though something is wrong that isn't.  Not that I would suggest
any hint of 'pilot error' WRT a post from someone whose name I see on my


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Re: OT your_details

2003-06-27 Thread Ian Stephen
On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 05:16, Rick Sivernell wrote:
I can do better than that. In class yesterday, I asked the prof what program
 would you use if you do not have winders. Her answer was, your out of luck,
 there is no other os than winders.\

Reminds me of an on-line course I did recently through the British
Columbia Institute of Technology.  Going in, the course outline was sent
to the class as a Word .doc with macros that my handled
rather poorly.

I prodded at the 'access to education' angle from time-to-time and by
the time the course was done the instructor was sending things in html.

Also introduced the class to md5sums when handing in my group's final
assignment.  Got %110! :-)

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Re: detach a process

2003-04-05 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 21:41, Shawn Tayler wrote:
 ie. in OS/2 you could type detach 'any command you wanted to run'
 The command would run and the detached session would terminate with the command.
 An example would be detach copy h:

I'm awfully new at this still, but in Linux wouldn't this be

 cp folder/*.* destination  

Ian Stephen

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Re: OT We won't back down...

2003-03-29 Thread Ian Stephen

Could the facts that reconstruction to the tune of hundreds of billions
of dollars, to be paid for with Iraqi oil money, with bids only being
taken from USA companies and those at the front of the line being those
well connected to the current administration, all of which will be under
the direction (over there) of a US general for at least two years be
contributing to some uncertainty over the holiness of this crusade?

What scares me as much as anything about this is the intolerance of
dissenting views.  Canada has backed the US in so many ways at so many
times (remember the Iran hostages?) yet this one time Canada has a
different stand (OK, but with UN sanction) and suddenly we're
villians!?  Canadians are being refused service by US businesses!?

Sept 11 was an attack on the West, not just on the USA.  More Canadians
were killed Sept 11 than were killed by American bombs in Afghanistan.

With friends like this... :-(


Well.  I feel a little better.

Ian Stephen

On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 06:50, Ken Moffat wrote:
 Do you feel a bit mislead, judging by the amount of resistance, and the 
 lack of open-armed welcome by the Iraqis? Our intentions may be good, 
 but something smells.
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Re: First impressions of a $200 lindows box: Good

2003-03-16 Thread Ian Stephen
Not exactly a Linux question, but I am going to be building a few
low-budget Linux PC's for the family so...

Is one brand of ram as good as the next or does it make a difference
whose ram one buys?

Ian Stephen

On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 16:29, Joel Hammer wrote:
 I up'ed the memory from 125 megs to 256megs by adding some memory from
 a computer I am throwing out. Surprising to me, it really peps the
 machine up.
 So, its worth the $44 bucks or whatever they are charging at your local
 CompuUSA. I think they charge more than that if you buy it preconfiged
 with additional memory.
 Here is the output of free. So, it looks like the extra memory is
 being used. (32 megs is used for video memoryh.)
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:224484 220092   4392  0  35208 105460
 -/+ buffers/cache:  79424 145060
 Swap:   864500   1356 863144

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Re: Open Office Dictionary

2003-03-02 Thread Ian Stephen
My OOo1.0.2 has its dictionary at

Look under Tools  Options  Paths

There's also User-defined dictionaries under
Tools  Options  Language Settings  Writing Aids

Of course mine are already there.  If yours really are missing I dunno.
Maybe ask at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hope this helps,
Ian Stephen

On Sun, 2003-03-02 at 12:45, Tom Condon wrote:
 For some reason (perhaps operator error) my Open Office has no 
 associated dictionary.
 Is there one available?
 Where should it be located in the directory structure?
 Thanks for any help.
 In Harmony's Way and In A Chord,
 Tom  ;-})
 Tom. Condon
 Barbershop Bass Singer
 Registered Linux User #154358
 A Jester Unemployed
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Re: Open Office Dictionary

2003-03-02 Thread Ian Stephen
You've probably seen this already, but just in case...

If there are words spellcheck doesn't know and you click

Tools  Spellcheck  Check

a box pops up that includes selection boxes for language and
dictionary.  Maybe something there will point in the right direction?


On Sun, 2003-03-02 at 20:55, Tom Condon wrote:

 But if I auto-spellcheck a document with the line:
 This is a test.
 the only word that is recognized is a.

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Re: MSN clone

2003-02-23 Thread Ian Stephen
On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 08:32, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 I need something that will talk to MSN messenger (I have to for a job!).  
 Anyone got any recommendations for Linux based clients?

See also AMSN from

Ian Stephen

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Re: favicon.ico

2003-02-12 Thread Ian Stephen
Seems this doesn't work anymore with IE 5 or 6.  I've tried both the
favicon.ico in DOCROOT and the link bla, bla way with IE 5  Win95 and
IE 6  Win98 using the specified 16x16 icon.  I get no little image,
just the e.

Guess M$ only likes to have their logo on IE address bars. :-(

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 20:18, ronnie gauthier wrote:
 The icon can be named anything, the favicon comes from IE where if it is
 named that is shows in the favorites when the site is bookmarked.
 On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 22:47:18 -0500 - Tim Wunder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the
 Re: Re: favicon.ico
 On Monday 10 February 2003 9:00 pm, someone claiming to be Kurt Wall wrote:
  Feigning erudition, Douglas J Hunley wrote:
  % there isn't any (regardless of what was posted here). just put the damn
  thing % in DOCROOT and the browsers fetch it automagically
  It ain't happenin', dude.  However, if i added the magic incantation
  link type=image/ico rel=icon href=favicon.ico to
  $DOCROOT/index.html, it came up just fine, as you can see at the KurtWerks
  home page. To see one that doesn't work, have a look at
 That's Mozilla not automagically loading favicon.ico, Konqueror does it, as 
 does Phoenix. By default, Mozilla turns that off. It can be enabled in 
 Mozilla via a pref in user.js. According to Moz's 0.9.8's release notes:
 # Mozilla no longer reads /favicon.ico images by default although Mozilla 
 still reads page icons defined with the link tag. Set the following pref to 
 turn the feature back on.
 RedHat Psyche 8.0, stock kernel, KDE 3.1.CVS, Xfree86 4.2.1
   9:00pm  up 11 days, 23:31,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.06
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Re: favicon.ico

2003-02-10 Thread Ian Stephen
Well, I should have seen that coming.  How 'bout

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 18:10, Kurt Wall wrote:
 Feigning erudition, Ian Stephen wrote:
 % There's some good information
 % here...
 Thanks for the link. Alas, it doesn't start out well, though:
 'This little icon is called a favicon, and it works only in Explorer 
 5 and above. If your visitors are running Netscape or an older version 
 of Explorer, the browser will just ignore your little icon.'
 This is patently false.
 All my life I wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more
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Re: favicon.ico

2003-02-08 Thread Ian Stephen
Here's  the magic from mozilla's homepage.

The link REL=icon HREF=images/mozilla-16.png TYPE=image/png line
is the key.  Links to an image like the line above it links to a

From Mozilla site...

link REL=stylesheet HREF=persistent-style.css TYPE=text/css
link REL=icon HREF=images/mozilla-16.png TYPE=image/png

end Mozilla's stuff.

Glad you asked, now I know how I'm going to use that on my pages!

Ian Stephen

On Sat, 2003-02-08 at 15:46, Kurt Wall wrote:
 Many Web sites ( and slashdot come to mind) have a little
 icon that appears at the beginning of the URL in the address bar of
 Web browsers and on tabs and in (some) bookmark pages. Several
 1) Is this icon a Windows .ico format file or what? 
 2) What are the requirements, such as size and number of colors, 
for said file?
 3) What is the magic CSS or HTML incantation that makes it appear
in Web browsers?
 f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgrmmng.
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Re: favicon.ico

2003-02-08 Thread Ian Stephen
Here's one better, just tried it with a gif animation and it works!


On Sat, 2003-02-08 at 16:58, Ian Stephen wrote:
 Here's  the magic from mozilla's homepage.
 The link REL=icon HREF=images/mozilla-16.png TYPE=image/png line
 is the key.  Links to an image like the line above it links to a
 From Mozilla site...
 link REL=stylesheet HREF=persistent-style.css TYPE=text/css
 link REL=icon HREF=images/mozilla-16.png TYPE=image/png
 end Mozilla's stuff.
 Glad you asked, now I know how I'm going to use that on my pages!
 Ian Stephen

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Re: CSS Help, Please

2003-01-08 Thread Ian Stephen
I don't think putting the style tags into the HTML file was what
ronnie meant, I think he meant take them out of the CSS file.

Try that, just start the CSS file with body {

On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 16:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Feigning erudition, ronnie gauthier wrote:
 % I just looked at this again and do you have the style tags in the external
 % file??
 Yes. If I put the style tags into the HTML file, I don't get this
 behavior, but I don't want to have to do that -- it ruins one of the
 nicest features of a stylesheet, having it in an external file shared
 by multiple HTML documents.

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Re: CSS Help, Please

2003-01-08 Thread Ian Stephen
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 20:14, ronnie gauthier wrote:
 Mozilla cannot handle nested css. when you include the style tags in the
 external file which by default encloses the contents in tags you have caused a
 nesting problem.

When you say cannot handle nested css I hope you don't mean one can't
have an external style sheet, style tags in the header and inline
styles?  Isn't that what the c in css is all about?


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dual monitor setup

2003-01-02 Thread Ian Stephen
Hi list

I feel like Mickey in Fantasia, I got two monitors working on my RH8.0
system, but now how do I turn it off?  Sometimes, like for screenshots
and Impress previews, I only want one monitor working.

Tried going to runlevel 3 and doing variations of startx -xinerama,
startx -e -xinerama... My computer seemed to get increasingly annoyed
with my bumbling so I quit and ran for help.

Any tips?

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Re: DVD for Linux - audio problem

2002-12-31 Thread Ian Stephen
On Tue, 2002-12-31 at 12:55, Net Llama! wrote:
 On Tue, 31 Dec 2002, Anita Lewis wrote:
  Hot diggity, dog!!

On the subject of DVD/MPEG etc, my kid installed VideoLan client on his
Wintendo and hasn't left his room since.  The site says it's a
cross-platform multimedia player.


ps - who is this you ask?  I don't think I've introduced myself to the
list.  Suppose I should.

Ian Stephen.  Electrician, cyclist, wannabe web designer
( and new activist to the call Freedom in software is
the democratic future! (which quote I think I stole from someone on
this list btw. :-)

A few months ago needed software to take 1401 Programming Concepts and
Methodology at BCIT and couldn't afford MS Visio so downloaded and Dia and rarely boot Windows anymore.

Thrilled to be able to learn so much off this list!

Main machine's a Celeron 533, RH8.0 with, as of last night, BOTH
monitors working!

Thanks all, and happy holidays!

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