Re: MySQL front ends, was: Re: no printing from kmail

2002-02-09 Thread Matthew Carpenter

By "Front End" do you mean something like Access has for it's own databases?  With 
most SQL RDBMS's you will find that the best front end for them is a GUI tool which 
allows you to send SQL commands in a simple way.  For this, I like KMySQL.  Other than 
that, you aren't going to find any "Access"-like front ends for real database servers. 
 Even Access won't allow you to create databases and tables on MSSQL servers.  You 
still have to use the tools for the DBMS, some of which are better than others.

begin  "David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Mon, 4 Feb 2002 16:08:15 -0500)

> On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:38:23 +1130
> begin  Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:
> > On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 23:18, Ted Ozolins wrote:
> > > Aside from tutorials on the
> > > web, and help from some local programmers, I'll be attempting to set
> > > up Mysql for this.
> > 
> > sometimes I practice really really hard to be an idiot. This is one
> > where I went the extra mile and outdid myself. I cannot find *anything*
> > out there in gui land that even begins to do it. All this talk about
> > mysql etc is find and good but what front end are you going to use. I've
> > tried Kylix, hk_classes, even kde's not-for-public-consumption Kbase, I
> > cannot find a single front end that will let me enter data into a
> > (mysql) dbase or any other 'server'.
> > 
> > And it's this that gets me really really confuzed because, if there's a 
> > server such as mysql, where the hell is the front end for it? What
> > obvious bit have I missed?
> > 
> xmysql, webmin mysql module, phpmysqladmin, and there are others (tk
> module, ...)
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel
> -- 
> Focus on the dream, not the competition.
>   -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
> Internet (H323) phone:
> ___
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Matthew Carpenter

Enterprise Information Systems
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-09 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Yeah, sure.  So I can have users "losing" entire directories.  I will never forget the 
time I was called frantically to restore accounting information to someone's server 
because it was "missing".  It being on NetWare I attempted a Salvage, but couldn't 
find anything to salvage.  Well Chief, to make a long story short, someone had dragged 
the directory into one of the surrounding subdirectories.  While Konqueror would have 
asked "Move, Copy, Link", Exploder didn't think to and simply moved it.  DOH!

begin  "Mike Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Sat, 9 Feb 2002 14:00:20 +1130)

> On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 05:21, Bill Campbell wrote:
> > I learned a long time ago (1) to always ``cd'' to a directory before doing
> > an ``rm *'' in that directory instead of ``rm dir/*'' since a space after
> > the slash does nasty things, and (2) to think really hard before using the
> > ``*'' to make sure I've typed it correctly.
> This is where a gui widget helps. A delete widget (button or icon) is context 
> sensitive, it might operate on some highighted info, or many other criteria. 
> The only thing context sensitive about the cli method is the current path 
> (dot)(slash)
> A gui widget learns from it's mistakes. Ie it is automated better by each 
> iteration of the code underlying it. It might do self checks, it might 
> 'understand' what can / can't be deleted, it might be full bloat and actually 
> do hidden backups. Point being, it can be automated with intelligence. The 
> same intelligence you have to 'learn', it can too. The difference is the gui 
> widget is an accumulator of knowledge. It doesnt forget, or make typos, or 
> unlearn. You can create this fundamental, identically, using cli script. Ie 
> overwriting the basic rm command with an alias to a written script of your 
> own which would exhibit the same strengths as a gui-widget (because basically 
> all scripts are widgets). Where the gui method differs is that all possible 
> options (can be) presented in your face so to speak, with radio buttons or 
> check boxes. There's nothing different about using 'no operator intelligence 
> required' gui button and an equally 'no intelligence required' script. Both 
> are implemented with the same goal in mind. But give me a gui anyday to 
> remove the typos, and remind me, of all possible options that I can't 
> remember, or much much worse, how to present them, on the command line.
> Secondly, a gui widget is a token. A picture of  a crimson pink elephant 
> means something. awk, grep, Grep, grEp, GRep, and grePpp mean nothing and are 
> impossible to remember (the classic cp -r ... and chown -R .)
> Using a mouse (gui), or, using the up-arrow (cli), has the same degree of 
> laziness, except mice can't type miStakeZ. The idea of 'you can type the 
> command quicker and easier', frankly, fills me with horror. Been there dun 
> that, and recovered. SOME installations ban all use of the cli for this 
> reason. (VisaCard servers eg). *nix makes much of the security aspect "linux 
> won't let you.". This is fuddelbunk when it comes to individual users. 
> Linux very weak in protecting a user from himself. The idea that a scientist 
> deleting his 2,000 page thesis by accident is 'too stupid to use a computer' 
> doesn't wash well. Up arrows create havoc each day every day.
> One final thing to say about gui widgets is there is a disconnect between the 
> command option and the literal. With cli, once you determine that --elephants 
> means ignore timeouts, that's it. In most cases, 'elephants' is position 
> sensitive as well. You can't change the name, nor it's position relative to 
> other commands (without serious wurries). Filenames are particularly 
> notorious, eg copy this = that, or is it copy that->this ?
> With a gui, the visual front end can be radio-button-"elephants" and next 
> version radio-button:"giraffes" if that has more contextual sense, and 
> options have no position sensitivy. A text box saying "input file name" is 
> pretty clear. This means that revision of a gui widget doesn't automatically 
> break the underlying code, nor, does it inhibit revision. The dangers 
> inherent in changing how a cli verb operates has indeed prevented many of 
> them from being revised and is the reason why we cannot have a uniform set of 
> -a, -b -c switches. They can't even agree on --help, /h -h, --H, -i, --I, -v 
> or -vV.  The F1 key is agreed on.
> -- 

Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-09 Thread Matthew Carpenter

begin  "Bill Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Tue, 5 Feb 2002 09:51:39 -0800)

> On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 05:16:29AM -0500, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> >unless of course you meant to type 
> >rm -rf *.bak
> >
> >and accidently typed 
> >
> >rm -rf * (and hit return prematurely)
> >
> >DOH!  
> Experience is the best teacher :-).
Only for those willing to learn  :)

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Re: Fw: gandalf.eisnet 02/06/02:15.45 system check

2002-02-07 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Thanks, Llama.

The reason for 2.4.2 is because I attempt to stick with Caldera-stock
kernels.  Granted, I have not done any updates to this box since
install...  the reason is the reason for the last install (say that 10
times fast and it'll STILL sound impressively confusing).  It's a long
story but last time I upgraded everything the box no longer booted and I
have had too much to do to worry about it.  It'll take a few more times on
other boxes before I feel secure again . I have a feeling this has
something to do with a combination of things... partly having to do with
the Mandrake box being bounced, and partly having to do with the Samba
differences, and possibly kernel-related.

I'll have to do another stab at the upgrade process.  

Any ideas on the CDROM icons?  That flipped me out!

Thanks again.

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 20:28:59 -0800 (PST)
"Net Llama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow, this is quite impressive.  I've never heard of the system load
> hitting 618 before.
> I'll admit outright that i'm no samba guru, so if this is caused by
> Samba, i don't know that i'll be able to offer much assistance.
> That said, the first thing i'd do is disable Samba, and see if the
> problem returns.  
> A few things that jumped out at me:
> 1) You're running some fairly old packages (samba & kernel for
> starters). THat kernel has a known significant filesystem corruption
> bug.  I can't think of any good reason to run a 2.4.2 kernel when a
> 2.4.17 kernel has been out for roughly 2 months. 
> 2) The error below "file-max limit 8192 reached" kinda speaks volumes. 
> Sounds like your box is opening alot of files at boot (for no reason
> apparent to me).
> 3) There are some known interoperability issues between really old and
> relatively new samba versions.
> Something you never commented upon is what (if any) changes you've made
> to the system recently.  If you've made no changes, then i'd say that
> there are two possibilities:
> 1) Hardware failure
> 2) The system has been compromised, and someone is maliciously breaking
> things.

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Re: new ibm ad

2002-02-07 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Speaking of all this
I just read a good article from NetworkWorld on Linux in the Enterprise,
and I have to give you this quote:

"On Windows NT/2000 servers, we wind up just prophylactically rebooting
servers and scheduling downtime once a week."
 - Joe Inzerillo
   United Center of Chicago

Way to tell it like it is, Joe.
 above URL.

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Re: some bits and trivia

2002-02-06 Thread Matthew Carpenter

begin  "Keith Antoine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Wed, 6 Feb 2002 09:40:57 -0500)

> I have been trying to get hold of the latest release of Caldera to no avail.
> Their site is constantly full and the mirrors do not have the latest release
> still. Does any one out there have a copy of the 3 iso's as yet or know of a 
> reachable site?
Good luck.. I've had to use wget -cmt0
or something to that extent.  Even then, it fails for what seems like forever and just 
keeps trying until it gets its chance.  I'm currently d/ling the Workstation ISO(s?).  
I have the Server1 and Server2 and I18n ISO's .  This is one big d/l

> The reason is that I am using Mandrake 8.1 after giving the Suse 7.3 Distro a 
> flick due to incompatabilityies with my setup. Mandrake is far better with my 
> h/w but still a few annoying glitches, the worst is vmware. I cannot get it 
> to 'see' the local files and system files, even though I have setup as normal
> with other distros it works but not this one. It uses samba but i am unsure 
> whether that is running, ps -aux does not show it up. How can I check ?
> Thing is that networking is enabled insofar as I can use nutscape to get to 
> the net.
ps ax |grep mbd
will should bring up one or more instances of "smbd" and "nmbd" if Samba is running.  

I feel your pain about vmware.  I have been trying to get it to work successfully on 
kernels configured for 64GB RAM.  No go.  (COLS)

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Fw: gandalf.eisnet 02/06/02:15.45 system check

2002-02-06 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Please accept my apologies for cross-listing this.

I have trimmed where I could.  Basically the background info is like this:

I have a machine running COLS3.1 with KDE2.2.1 and configured to do multiple duties, 
among which is being a workstation at times.  Others duties include file/print, 
DNS/DHCP and mail-serving.  I am mirroring a DNS config of about 1000 TLD's and about 
10,000 domains total.  This machine connects to other Samba machines and runs Samba 
2.0.8.  the primary machine it connects to is running MDK8.1 and Samba 2.2.2.  The 
reason I mention this is that I have had occasions where filesystem oddities have 
occurred which look to have something to do with Samba-for instance, ll and df hang 
the shell.  This box sits at my house, which is connected to the corporate network via 
routed ISDN (Cisco).

Early this afternoon I watched the ISDN link fail from work as pings would drop going 
to this machine and to the router.  When I called my wife, she said the link lights 
were not lit.  I figured the telco had an issue and had the line called in.  

I came home to find the CH1 and CH2 lights still dark, and found this machine locked 
hard at the Matrix screen-saver (not moving of course).  Getting on another box next 
to it, I was able to port scan it and find all the appropriate ports answering but no 
services responding.  I attempted to ssh into it without any luck.  Upon rebooting the 
system, I logged into KDE and found my desktop covered with "?"-picted icons all over 
my screen and one overlapped group flashing (creating more) for like 5 minutes.  They 
were various CDROM icons with names like "CD-Drive" and "CD-Drive".  They were all 0-length files.

When I was able to get this to settle down and get them deleted, I noticed this email 
from gandalf (the machine that locked-up) from LogCheck (an AWESOME app, I might add).

Thank you for your time and I am sorry to waste your bandwidth.


ps.  Please note that some of the "shares" mentioned in the logs are valid Samba 
mounts, some are valid NCP mounts (NetWare), and some are actual files and softlinks.  
It looks like the machine bounced once before locking up.

begin  forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 15:45:04 -0500
From: "root" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: gandalf.eisnet 02/06/02:15.45 system check

Security Violations
Feb  6 13:25:57 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find gandalf/.directory failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:25:57 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:25:57 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3

Feb  6 13:25:58 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //gandalf failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:25:58 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:25:58 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //SOFTWARE failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:25:59 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:25:59 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //SOFTWARE failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:25:59 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:25:59 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //GZ08 failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:25:59 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:25:59 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //GZ08 failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:25:59 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:25:59 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //linunity.pdf failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:25:59 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //linunity.pdf failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //IS01 failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //IS01 failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //silentm failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //silentm failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //WW29 failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //WW29 failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //mgc failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //mgc failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //FIREWALL failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3
Feb  6 13:26:00 gandalf kernel: smb_lookup: find //FIREWALL failed, error=-5
Feb  6 13:26

Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-05 Thread Matthew Carpenter

unless of course you meant to type 
rm -rf *.bak

and accidently typed 

rm -rf * (and hit return prematurely)


On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:08:40 -0800
"Bill Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 11:44:48AM +1130, Mike Andrew wrote:
> >On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 04:34, Bill Campbell wrote:
> >> It's a lot easier to copy all the text files in a directory to a
> >> floppy by typing ``cp *.txt /auto/floppy'' than it is to select them
> >> with a GUI, right-click copy, go find the floppy in another file
> >> manager, then
> >
> >It's a lot easier to make a typo, too.
> Yabbut with command history, it's easy to fix it and rerun the command.
> Bill
> --
> INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
> UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
> FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206)
> 236-1676 URL:
> ``Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the
> exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and
> these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows,
> or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those
> whom they oppress.'' -- Frederick Douglass.
> ___
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-05 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Not that I am at all anti-GUI.  But there are and will ALWAYS be good
reasons for a CLI.  For instance, there are simple CLI tools which can be
combined in any number of ways to find information and
sort/cut/copy/mail/fold/spindle/mutilate/etc... which would take a long
time to create a GUI to do.  Oftentimes the knowledgeable mind wishes to
do something not commonly done but very time-saving and helpful (eg. 
manipulate a listing of a domain).  He can spend time thinking of an
extensible design for a GUI (which would allow him to add on in the future
as different needs arose), or he could understand the tools that already
exist (building-block tools) and go to bash and type: nslookup
ls > amway
grep router amway

and have a listing of every listing in the network that has the
work "router" in it.  Now if he wanted to change the formatting or pipe it
into some other program or file, it's a simple couple key-strokes.  

Not that you couldn't do ALL these things in a GUI.  But in that 30
seconds it just took you to do all that, it would take at least a week to
write some code to do the same thing in a GUI and debug and extend and
create a system which would allow you to be creative and change the output
and routing/mangling next week.  It just doesn't make good sense.  Because
you may never do the same thing twice.  In order to build a GUI tool which
does all that you need, it would take you hundreds of times longer than
just using the tools for the flexibility that they offer.  

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:39:15 -0700
"Tyler Regas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 10:04 AM 2/4/2002, you wrote:
> >Bovine defacation!  Doug Gwyn put it best when he said ``GUIs make
> >simple things simple, and complex things impossible''.
> Doug Gwyn was incorrect. Good GUI design makes everything simple. Bad
> GUI design makes doing anything unbearable.
> >I'm not saying that GUIs aren't useful for many things, and I certainly
> >would find life a lot harder without them.  On the other hand, there
> >are many things I can do much more easily and quickly from the command
> >line than I can poking through endless menus and screens to accomplish
> >the same thing.  It's a lot easier to copy all the text files in a
> >directory to a floppy by typing ``cp *.txt /auto/floppy'' than it is to
> >select them with a GUI, right-click copy, go find the floppy in another
> >file manager, then right-click paste.  How many times have you been
> >selecting files from a dialog box with ctrl-leftclick, only to let up
> >on the ctrl key, and loose all the ones you had selected?
> While I've never had to use two file managers to copy files to a floppy
> I can certainly understand why you selected this task as one complicated
> by a GUI. Of course, I'm talking about GUI design and not existing GUI 
> technology. One should be able to select a number of files and then
> "send" them to floppy with a one click affair. A five file transfer
> should take no more than six clicks, seven tops. I also commiserate with
> you on the multiple select problem, but consider how much time it would
> take to copy several files of varying extension types from different
> directories to a floppy.
> >Some applications are by nature GUI.  GUIs make the infrequently
> >performed system administration jobs more convenient.  GUIs make it
> >extremely difficult if not impossible to automate jobs.
> I think you have this backwards. A CLI tool is fine for infrequent 
> management tasks. You can call it easily from a console. You can add it
> to a script or automate it with cron or what have you. You can
> concatenate it with other tools. OTOH, a GUI is well suited to frequent
> tasks for reporting and administration. Being able to glance at an
> activity monitor or click once to add a user is a time saver.
> >The best GUI administration tools are basically front ends for command
> >line programs, and either display or log the commands they execute so
> >that jobs that are done frequently can be repeated very quickly by
> >putting those commands in a script.
> Here, I emphatically agree with you. And its really this that offers the
> best tool for what the user prefers. Prefer the CLI, use it. Want a GUI,
> here it is. Same tool, different interface. Then again, there are some 
> tools that are, as you've stated before, decidedly GUI oriented. A paint
> or illustration tool ala GIMP is a good example.
> ---
> Tyler Regas
> PHM Editor-in-Chief
> ___
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-05 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 09:04:36 -0800
"Bill Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bovine defacation!  Doug Gwyn put it best when he said ``GUIs make
> simple things simple, and complex things impossible''.
Nicely put.

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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-05 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I agree whole-heartedly with everything you just said.  Webmin and
webmin-like tools are excellent and will get even better as better
error-checking is written into the code.  The biggest problem with Webmin
is that it is all done in perl.  I'd like to see the main system rewritten
using J2EE (at least servlets) on Tomcat.  I believe it would be much
faster (yes, Bevis, I said that Java would run faster than something).  I
was comparing SSH to the GUI admin tools of lesser-fortunate OS'es like
Windows Terminal Services and Remotely imPossible.  Things of that nature.
 Web GUI's are where it's at for GUI over the internet, although the CLI
is still much more powerful.  GUI makes it clean and neat and nifty... but
there ain't no grep, awk, perl, cut, {insert favorite CLI tool} in a web
GUI.  Note that Novell NetWare will is heading toward complete Web GUI
administration as well.  They have seen that light... and others.  Look
for Novell to treat Linux as a normal desktop OS.  I have heard relyable
rumors of Desktop admin tools for Linux Desktops in the very near future.

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 10:07:08 -0600
"Michael Hipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You make good points, Matthew. But seems to me that something Webmin-ish
> should be able to run over most any link. Webmin, imho, is the best 
> candidate for a be-all administrator's gui tool. (Its many current 
> shortcomings notwithstanding).
> But on the desktop I wish the likes of Mandrake, et al would stop
> mucking with their very functional but utterly oddball things like
> HardDrak and such. If we could put all their efforts into Kde Control
> Center the issue could shortly be put into the "solved problem" file.
> above URL. 

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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Matthew Carpenter

While I agree with some of what you said, Mike, I must add that as of
February 4th, 2002, GUI apps for remote administration are still infants. 
They are relatively insecure and bloated in their use of bandwidth when
compared with the their slick cousin, SSH.  Yes, you can get lost in
bash/etc... but that is because it is so powerful, as is the CLI.  GUI's
are great and I love to see more added to Linux all the time.  I fight for
Linux on the desktop and GUI-everything is what it is going to take.  But
when I administer remote clients (especially the poor souls locked into a
5 year contract with their 56k ISDN connection) SSH and the command line
is what I want.  Dated and trapped in a time-warp?  Perhaps.  Pragmatic? 
You betcha.

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:17:38 +1130
"Mike Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:41, Burns MacDonald wrote:
> > frontal lobotomy can produce a Windows OS clone.
> You're opinion is always worth respecting Burns but that's a cheap
> throway shot at explaining away the need to make an OS user friendly. A
> killer line to knock out opposition. (anyway, it takes a real idiot to
> create 10million lines of code and call it Windows, a lobotomy would
> have reduced the line count) The arcane blitheringly stupid cli syntax
> of Linux can get consigned to the dustbin where it deserved to be 20
> years ago. The cli is an embarassment to those who use it. I no longer
> need to grep an awk before I bash it. It hasn't put one more hair on my
> chest. While I've learned a few more verbs since 1972  *nix hasn't kept
> up beyond the monosylable. We're stuck in a time warp with ls, tre, man,
> and a host of other inscrutable geek. The only reason people defend tar:
> a tape archiver for god's sake, is because it brings back fond memories
> of Bob Dylan, Coffee Shops and Duffel coats. (Ask them to be rational
> and the expression mists over)
> I'd call this geekspeak a high entry barrier when what I want to do is
> design T shirts and run accounts. If that were my profession, i'd like
> to love Linux, not wrestle it to the mat. CP/M did better. Bash syntax
> and the engine that runs it is more profuse with bloat than any
> complaint about kde. (read the maintainers' comments on same subject)
> Gui's and point n click assist in a need, and it doesn't equate to being
> a Windows clone. X is a good idea(tm).  If there are similarities, then
> it's because Bill was savvy enough to use the original Xerox
> reccomendations, and the laid-in-concrete specifications for the
> 'special' keys of the keyboard, Not many people realise that the feel in
> windows look 'n feel is an IBM dictation(SAA something)  for System 36/8
> in existence prior to the PC, adopted by DEC, and passed on (partly) via
> the x-motif widget set.
> I would certainly back you in an argument where some distro was stupid
> enough to chase the Windoze market by emulating Windoze, but being a
> self-confessed gui-adorer doesn't make me a me-too Windoze luser. 
> >then maybe
> > there are some users we just don't need to attract.  > rant>
> too bloody right. I've never been attracted to *nix. I use it because
> Bill Gates and Steve Jobs gave me no choice. Linux has some way to go
> before I 'like' it. A decent gui is one. 
> > The MAC suffered because they insisted on a completely proprietary
> > model in an increasingly generic market model. They were clobbered by
> > the dominance of the PC clone model and all the explosive
> > cross-development that brought with it.
> I would argue with you here, not on the clearness of above, but Steve's 
> greed. The cause of all of the above ills were and are that Macs are
> crazily, greedily, unnecessarily, expensive. It was the Apple ][ that
> introduced the bus concept, *the* item from above that made all the
> difference for the Oem. Motorola fuelled to the 68040, a far better cpu
> in all respects than it's 80486 counterpart (not my say so, industry
> definition), Apple would not reduce the price sufficiently to get the
> cpu chip-volume up, Motorola, sensibly, gave the public what it
> deserved. Intel.
> -- 
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 00:34:59 -0500
"burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I understand that SuSE is common in Europe and 7.2 and
> 7.3 Pro are getting rave reviews as a server load, but for all intents
> and purposes, SuSE just doesn't exist in the North American corporate
> market. 

Maybe it's whiplash from their 6.x days when dieser dokumentation wast
very Duetsche!  Their broken english scared me off.  They were the first
distro I ever installed.  Now I remember why Caldera is my first love. 
They were the second install (COL2.2) and the difference was night and
day. (To say nothing of the fact that SuSE didn't get X working and COL
was GUI from bootup/install.

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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-04 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002 23:23:38 -0500
"dep" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> has a caldera-like desire to achieve and maintain stability. mandrake 
> is in many ways little more than a broken red hat.

Ouch!  I thought RedHat was broken enough!

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Re: 63%

2002-02-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter


On Sun, 3 Feb 2002 18:01:59 -0500
"Jerry McBride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There's a fire in linux.advocacy... Here's why:
> >
> >
> >Market share for top servers across all domains,
> > August 1995 - January 2002
> >   
> >   
> >   Active Sites
> >   
>>Developer December 2001 Percent January 2002 Percent
> Change>Apache  8588323   63.34  8997645   63.69   0.35
> >Microsoft   3609428   26.62  3683141   26.07  -0.55
> >iPlanet  3830782.83   4228062.99   0.16
> >Zeus 1723521.27   1711971.21  -0.06
> >
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Re: Comcast question: dynamic ip and hostname

2002-02-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter

She pings from 167.ville.

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002 10:41:34 -0500
"Joel Hammer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I changed over to a dynamic ip from a static ip number with comcast
> recently. I got an ip number and ran nslookup against it to see what my
> new host name was, and it was:
> Now, when I run nslookup against my ip number, which hasn't changed, I
> get:
> I called comcast tech support but they were clueless about this. Or,
> better put, I was unable to make them appreciate my concerns.
> My major concern is to maintain my current ip number, which is reachable
> from anywhere on the internet as
> SO, any comcast users here? Have you tried to reboot your machine to
> see if you maintain the same ip number. Have you tried to use the new
> hostname with the -h parameter with dhcpcd?
> Also, I would like to know if the new name is resolvable on the
> internet, so, would someone, NOT on the comcast network, kindly ping
> that name( and see if you get
> back: ?
> Thanks,
> Joel
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Re: Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002

2002-02-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I've been pretty happy with Mandrake on my desktop.  I only wish they'd
stick a little closer to the normal menuing system.  I find mdk's
customized menu rather annoying.  One thing nice I've found about SuSE,
BTW, is that it includes FreeSWAN VPN solution in the box.  Caldera, RH,
and I believe Mdk can't say that.  

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002 08:33:55 -0800 (PST)
"Net Llama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't know how true this is.  Mandrake is notoriously bleeding edge. 
> No company is going to want to install their product for normal usage.
> --- zohar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mostly SUSE and mandrake are going for servers with partners like IBM
> > and such big names so they are trying to ignore the normal user and
> > marketing of them to big firms is only done with the partner
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > On
> > Behalf Of Lee
> > Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 11:26 AM
> > Subject: Re:  Fwd: SuSE noshow at LWCE NY 2002
> > 
> > Ted Ozolins wrote:
> > > 
> > > On Thursday 31 January 2002 08:52 am, Tony Alfrey wrote:
> > > o: SuSE Linux List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > I was at LWCE yesterday and found SuSE to be absent from the
> > floor.
> > > > I came to know later that they cancelled their spot. So with this
> > > > and coupled with the fact that they laid off most of the US staff,
> > > > does it mean that SuSE is no longer interested in US market? Lenz?
> > > >
> > > > I was also surprised to see Mandrake booth. This year, the floor
> > > > was even smaller and attendence lighter.
> > 
> > >I wouldn't be too surprised to see Mandrake. Lately, they have begun
> > to
> > show an agressive streak. Imagine that the French advance while the
> > Germans retreat. The next thing you know somebody will let the cat out
> > of that bag that Gates runs Linux on his home computer.
> =
> Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Linux Step-by-step help:
>  .
> __
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Re: logcheck error

2002-02-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter

There should have been another message with this one telling who the
message was to.  The relay here would suggest that this was sent from your
machine.  Are you using fetchmail?

On Sun, 03 Feb 2002 11:08:13 +0800
"Chang[linuxism]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry for asking silly question again.
> What is this time? Was it just a probe?
> Security Violations
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Feb  2 14:00:18 server sendmail[31113]: g1260IN31113:
> from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=2667,
> class=-60, nrcpts=1, msgid=<02bc01c1abad$fb23bdc0$b7b8f9c1@foxil>,
> bodytype=7BIT, proto=ESMTP,
> daemon=MTA, relay=localhost []

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Re: download sites

2002-02-01 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I have heard that you can d/l the 3.1.1 ISO's from:

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 18:33:59 -0500
"Keith Antoine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone got an address other than the Caldera site that i can d/l the 3.3.1 
> isos from ??
> -- 
> Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
> 18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
> Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage
> ___
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Matthew Carpenter

Enterprise Information Systems
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Matthew Carpenter

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Re: Large cracks in the Windoze, a fud warning.

2002-01-24 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Note that I just read an article in which Ballmer is quoted as stating
that Windows 2000 is more stable than Linux, among other BS.  Laughable,
but public perception is no laughing matter when the whole world is

Note On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 21:56:30 +1130
"Mike Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Our dear friend Big Bill has a fearsome reputation for discerning the
> "next big direction" in computing, and thus keeping his Company afloat.
> Unlike all others in the game (except notably IBM), all others made the 
> mistake of living off their killer app, and consequently being consigned
> to history. (aka Novell, visicalc, Digital Research, to name a few).
> Where Bill is uncanny is his insistence on moving Msoft, boots 'n all
> into . Thus he re-invents Msoft every decade. Remember
> microsoft? that company that just did Dos and Basic?
> Thus the occaisional missives from him to all staff to move from DOS to 
> Win3.1 (he sacked the entire DOS6 dev staff) The subsequent all out
> focus on Word and Excel, the marriage of convenience to Novel when he
> saw ethernet being 'it', the marriage to IBM while gui desktops were
> still being accepted...
> and, recently, his inspired guess that Internet was 'it'. His misguided 
> attempt to kill Internet stone motherless dead and replace it with his 
> (original) version of MSN. The flat out, mad-pace development of
> IExplorer (just 6 weeks for christ sake!)
> and, now. The missive from Gates is:
> stop work on every single project and development, add no more features,
> and concentrate *solely* on making our products 1) secure, 2) stable.
> In context to the 1st paragraphs, this missive is the same gigantic leap
> into something new. He is past the point of just being 'worried' and
> sees the demise of Msoft on the horizon because of the TWO issues.
> Recall, he saw correctly, the demise of Windoze without IExplorer.
> Now, if this OS of his, *is* unstable, and *is* insecure, the bottom
> line to that is who gives a sh*t when nothing else is available? The
> arrogance of pumping crap out for a decade was because he could. For a
> decade now, there was indeed NOTHING else (that worried Bill enuff).
> The only reason Bill is taking this issue as strong as he can, is he can
> see people flocking (I use the word advisedly) to Linux and it's
> derivates.
> The word from the industry watchers (Gerian, DB Associates, Standard &
> Poors) is "too little, too late".
> We live in interesting times. Knowing Msoft history makes me think these
> pundits are wrong, yet-again. Bill will simply create a new Xindows that
> IS secure.
> And now a warning.
> There are a (very) small number of people on this list, who will confirm
> for you, that FUDmongery is real and was a paid for veritable disease in
> the OS/2 vs Msoft warz. The basic rules are, you take your opponent's os
> apart and find anything sloppy. You then innocently post 'bug reports'
> into mailgroups. ANY response of any kind to these bugs (real or
> imagined), prompts a wave of auto-generated hate mail from umpty dozen
> new mail@somewheres, "How can it be like this", "I thought you said it
> was 'perfect", "I agree with Fred, your OS is crap"
> When genuine weakneses run out, you then look for ones that can't be 
> verified. 'The team' supplies a stream of questions on issues that can't
> be proved or disproved. Purpose? Confusion, doubt, unsure-ness.
> What Bill's boys will now (desperately) attempt to do is DIScredit
> Linux's famed stability and security. They don't actually have a choice
> if they wish to survive, because they have to show Windoze is MORE
> secure than *nix. It's that serious, for them.
> You may laugh, I may laugh, at this obvious untruth, Windoze isn't
> secure, probably can't be (but knowing Bill, that may not be true
> forever). The point is, they are going to go flat out with the unwashed
> masses, convincing them that Linux, it's grandathers, and it's children
> are cr*p.
> This won't affect THIS mailer directly because the corporate mind is
> thinking Redhat, but
> Be warned.
> -- 
> _
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Re: opinions on this iptables script

2002-01-24 Thread Matthew Carpenter

That's what I mean by "nasty"...  Retaliation (albeit mild).  That's the
way to go IMHO.  Just haven't had the time to automate one. 

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 23:31:23 -0500
"Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matthew Carpenter babbled on about:
> > I've done a bit of "civil" using the standard chains of
> > responsibility, but"nasty" has been very tempting... especially with
> > the "SSH_Version_Mapper" crap...
> > ___
> not "nasty" per say... just turning the attack around and using an IIS 
> exploit to shutdown the machine that's attacking mine
> -- 
> Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
> Admin: Linux StepByStep -
> "She's gone! Oh my God, she used me. I was used. I was used! Cool"
> ___
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Re: opinions on this iptables script

2002-01-20 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:02:03 -0500
"Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> actually, I prefer to let the hits in, as I have things in place to trap them 
> and .. uh.. "deal" with the offending machine 
Are we talking about "civil" or "nasty" modes?

I've done a bit of "civil" using the standard chains of responsibility, but "nasty" 
has been very tempting... especially with the "SSH_Version_Mapper" crap...
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DNS/DHCP Statistics

2002-01-20 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I recently put together a proposal to replace our DNS/DHCP servers with Linux running 
BIND/DHCPD with a Webmin GUI so non-unix types can still add an occasional name, 
etc...  After my hair unslicked from the "no chance in hell" response, I was requested 
to dig up some info on DNS/DHCP usage throughout the enterprise.  

I am looking for information regarding one or both of the following:  Who uses what 
software/vendor?  Statistics on what is the most used, etc... (like the NetCraft Web 
Server Survey).

Since I am the Linux evangelist in this case, I could use any support you can offer...

Thanks in advance.

Matthew Carpenter
Alticor Network Services
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Network Authentication for Linux

2002-01-15 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Is there anything available to have your Linux login authenticate against
a central server (besides NIS)?  I see an option in Mandrake to
authenticate against LDAP but I have not been able to get it to work.

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Re: anyone know of

2002-01-15 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002 08:48:25 -0500
"Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> a decent forum system that allows people to "subscribe" to it in such a
> way that all posts to a particular forum are emailed to them. and when
> they reply to the email, they reply shows up on the forum?
> anyone?
> -- 
> Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
> Admin: Linux StepByStep -
> What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
> ___
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Fw: gandalf.eisnet 01/04/02:21.15 system check

2002-01-06 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Anyone familiar with this device?

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 21:15:02 -0500
From: "root" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: gandalf.eisnet 01/04/02:21.15 system check

Unusual System Events
Jan  4 21:04:49 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 2440468
Jan  4 21:04:49 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 5039592
Jan  4 21:04:49 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 7136680
Jan  4 21:04:49 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 9233768
Jan  4 21:04:49 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 11330856
Jan  4 21:04:49 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 13427944
Jan  4 21:04:50 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 16170412
Jan  4 21:04:50 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 16170952
Jan  4 21:04:50 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 16240180
Jan  4 21:06:41 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 4156032
Jan  4 21:06:41 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 4156048
Jan  4 21:06:41 gandalf kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:01, sector 4156032

Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
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I'm impressed with ATI!

2002-01-06 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Has anyone searched for "Linux" on ATI's web site?  I did and found a decent 45 
hits... one lead me to their Linux FAQ.  In the FAQ they answer a lot of questions 
honestly and fairly.  Where some vendors would simply state that their hardware has 
been known to work with Linux but they don't provide support, their FAQ gives quite a 
bit of details about where to find help, what does work and what is being worked on.  
While they don't directly support Linux (which of course would be better), the treat 
it much like they do.  They give links to OpenSource sites for support and 
suggest(mildly) that users contribute at

As a strong Linux user/supporter, I like to see the kind of information that they make 
available.  I will definitely be purchasing ATI hardware in the near future, as I am 
interested in video capture and conversion.  AIW seems to be the way to go.  I am 
interested in others' input about this topic.

Thought I'd let you know.


Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
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Re: Lilo question (HW-RAID5)/Error

2002-01-02 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Sorry to reply to my own post, but the issue WAS the [dos] file.  I copied and pasted 
the config into a new file in vi and lilo ran flawlessly.

Thanks anyway!

On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 11:42:01 -0500
"Matthew Carpenter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have RH7.2 installed on a Compaq Dual-PPro with HW RAID5.  It's an old box (200MHz 
>for each proc) but it seems to run ok.  I am attempting to update my lilo config and 
>running into problems.  Here is my lilo.conf file:
> prompt
> timeout = 100
> boot = /dev/ida/c0d0p1
> map = /boot/map
> install = /boot/boot.b
> message = /boot/message
> default = linux
> image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.7-10smp
> label = linux
> initrd = /boot/initrd-2.4.7-10smp.img
> read-only
> append = " mem=256M"
> root = /dev/ida/c0d0p2
> image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.7-10
> label = linux-up
> initrd = /boot/initrd-2.4.7-10.img
> read-only
> append = " mem=256M"
> root = /dev/ida/c0d0p2
> When I attempt to execute /sbin/lilo -v -v -v it gives me this:
> [root@lngi56 etc]# lilo -v -v -v
> LILO version 21.4-4, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
> 'lba32' extensions Copyright (C) 1999,2000 John Coffman
> Reading boot sector from current root.
> Merging with /boot/boot.b
> Device 0x4801: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 4110 cylinders,
>32 sectors. Partition offset: 73440 sectors.
> Secondary loader: 11 sectors.
> Device 0x4801: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 4110 cylinders,
>32 sectors. Partition offset: 73440 sectors.
> Syntax error near line 2 in file /etc/lilo.conf
> Removed temporary file /boot/map~
> It doesn't seem to matter what line 2 is.  I've rearranged the lilo.conf file around 
>in everywhich way...
> Here's the last intriguing tidbit:  When I edit /etc/lilo.conf, vi puts the [dos] 
>tag at the bottom of the screen  Would this make a difference?
> Thanks all,
> Matt
> -- 
> Matthew Carpenter 
> Enterprise Information Systems
> *Network Consulting, Integration & Support
> *Web Development and E-Business
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Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
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Re: elx

2002-01-02 Thread Matthew Carpenter
 > Mandrake and Caldera and SuSE and gentoo distros I've used in the
> > > past.  And just for a bonus, I got one #@!& typo in a pre-release
> > > distro, and that fact has you anal types in an uproar.
> > >
> > > Now Ted has a slightly more rational complaint - ease of use for
> > > device allocation which is one of the not-so-user-friendly areas of
> > > a *nix system.  Every distro is going to handle this differently. 
> > > Either you set permissions to permit anyone access to devices and
> > > deal with the security ramifications, or you set exclusive
> > > permissions and require use of root to alter those permissions as
> > > required.  I've had much grief on Caldera distros and others just
> > > getting pppd functions to work.  This is nothing new.
> > >
> > > Granted, no distro is going to recommend running as root other than
> > > briefly to accomplish brief tasks, nor does elx do that, but every
> > > new Linux user is going to need to learn how and how not to use the
> > > power of root.
> > >
> > > I don't have any serial devices, Ted, so I can't comiserate.  The
> > > elx distro has been easier for me to install, manipulate, and tailor
> > > than any I've used in the past.  I would not hesitate to recommend
> > > this one to a newbie.
> > 
> > Us anal types? uncool, unnecessary.and with that I'm done.
> Vern, i hope that's only with this thread... there is another
> solution it's called a killfile. i'm about to use it right now...
> collins --> PLONK
> have a nice day.
> -- 
> Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
> Alberta Linux Step by Step Mirror:
> --
> There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
> We don't believe this to be a coincidence.  -- Jeremy S. Anderson
> ___
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Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
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Lilo question (HW-RAID5)/Error

2002-01-02 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I have RH7.2 installed on a Compaq Dual-PPro with HW RAID5.  It's an old box (200MHz 
for each proc) but it seems to run ok.  I am attempting to update my lilo config and 
running into problems.  Here is my lilo.conf file:

timeout = 100
boot = /dev/ida/c0d0p1
map = /boot/map
install = /boot/boot.b
message = /boot/message
default = linux

image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.7-10smp
label = linux
initrd = /boot/initrd-2.4.7-10smp.img
append = " mem=256M"
root = /dev/ida/c0d0p2

image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.7-10
label = linux-up
initrd = /boot/initrd-2.4.7-10.img
append = " mem=256M"
root = /dev/ida/c0d0p2

When I attempt to execute /sbin/lilo -v -v -v it gives me this:

[root@lngi56 etc]# lilo -v -v -v
LILO version 21.4-4, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
'lba32' extensions Copyright (C) 1999,2000 John Coffman

Reading boot sector from current root.
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Device 0x4801: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 4110 cylinders,
   32 sectors. Partition offset: 73440 sectors.
Secondary loader: 11 sectors.
Device 0x4801: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 4110 cylinders,
   32 sectors. Partition offset: 73440 sectors.
Syntax error near line 2 in file /etc/lilo.conf
Removed temporary file /boot/map~

It doesn't seem to matter what line 2 is.  I've rearranged the lilo.conf file around 
in everywhich way...

Here's the last intriguing tidbit:  When I edit /etc/lilo.conf, vi puts the [dos] tag 
at the bottom of the screen  Would this make a difference?

Thanks all,

Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
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Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Re: Q: Caldera Update script

2001-12-17 Thread Matthew Carpenter

they come down as 
-rw-r--r--1 root root 11308760 Nov  5 18:38
-rw-r--r--1 root root  1004741 Nov  5 18:38
-rw-r--r--1 root root   474500 Nov  5 18:38

And when I go back and manually rpm them, they install fine.

--- Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Carpenter babbled on about:
> > what's up with the Permission Denied messages I get?  I run this as
> root.
> that's a new one. what are the perms on that rpm? is the rpm
> complete?
> -- 
> Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
> Admin:  Admin:
> /* vsprintf.c -- Lars Wirzenius & Linus Torvalds. */
>  *
>  * Wirzenius wrote this portably, Torvalds fucked it up :-)
>  */
>  2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/lib/vsprintf.c
> ___
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Matthew Carpenter 

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Q: Caldera Update script

2001-12-15 Thread Matthew Carpenter

what's up with the Permission Denied messages I get?  I run this as root.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 10:53:41 -0500
From: "root" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Caldera Update script

Sat Dec 15 10:52:25 EST 2001 - Last installed update was #000
Sat Dec 15 10:52:25 EST 2001 - Trying to find update #001
Sat Dec 15 10:52:25 EST 2001 - Attempting to retrieve update #001

10:53:40 URL:
 [731857] -> 

FINISHED --10:53:40--
Downloaded: 1,035,920 bytes in 6 files

Sat Dec 15 10:53:40 EST 2001 - Checking for retrieval success/failure
Sat Dec 15 10:53:41 EST 2001 - Update #001 downloaded
Sat Dec 15 10:53:41 EST 2001 - Installing fetchmail-5.4.0-5a.i386.rpm...
Sat Dec 15 10:53:41 EST 2001 - ...using  fetchmail-5.4.0-5a.i386.rpm
/sto/updates/OpenLinux/3.1/Server/001/RPMS/fetchmail-5.4.0-5a.i386.rpm: Permission 
Sat Dec 15 10:53:41 EST 2001 - Installing fetchmailconf-5.4.0-5a.i386.rpm...
Sat Dec 15 10:53:41 EST 2001 - ...using  fetchmailconf-5.4.0-5a.i386.rpm
/sto/updates/OpenLinux/3.1/Server/001/RPMS/fetchmailconf-5.4.0-5a.i386.rpm: Permission 
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Re: IMPAP server configuration question

2001-12-15 Thread Matthew Carpenter

IMAP configuration, as I have found it, is nonexistent.  Either you allow it or not 
(though your inetd config) and you control access to the service (hosts.allow and 
hosts.deny, I suppose iptables as well).

It's essentially on or off.  If I'm wrong, please tell me otherwise.  I created a 
directory called MAIL off my user directory and it is where all my mail is stored, 
etc...  In Sylpheed (my IMAP client) there is a configuration "IMAP server directory" 
which I type in "MAIL" and everything works.  I believe Netscape has the same option.

On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 11:04:41 -0500
"Joel Hammer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Trying to make my linux box an imap server.
> It is amazingly hard to find info out about this. My Programming Internet
> Mail book from O'Reilly doesn't mention anything about setting up the server.
> Using the defaults, everything works fine for mail that goes to my standard mailbox, 
>the one in
> my environmental variable MAIL.
> However, I am not sure of the best way to allow for other mailboxes to be
> serviced by the server, eg. how to allow the imap client to subscribe to
> them.
> Now, when I try to subscribe from Netscape 6.2, every file on my home
> directory seems to be presented as a mail box.
> So,
> should I be fiddling with the client (what is user space, anyway?) or should
> I fiddle with the imap server?
> Joel
> ___
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Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
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Re: Linux Dial-up Server

2001-12-15 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Thanks guys!  I knew asking you was the right way to go.  Stew, Bruce, thanks.

On question- Bruce, does the Moxa require 2.4.16?  Or would a 2.4.2 stock W3.1 kernel 
do just fine?  When I do things for clients, I try to stick to the KISS principle and 
right now, that's COL3.1 with a modified Hunley update script.  The version I have 
didn't support 3.1, since Caldera threw in the additional "Server" or "Workstation" in 
their ftp path.  You'd think they didn't WANT the script to work, or that they don't 
pay attention to their install-base...  Either could be made arguments for.

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 23:20:24 -0500
"Matthew Carpenter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks, Chang.  Actually that's the first place I normally go.  The problem is that 
>there is no hardware listed.  What do I buy if I want to have say 8 modems?  Or 4?  
>What are others using?
> Does Digiboard work with Linux and is it the best for Linux like it is for Win?
> On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 11:31:34 +0800
> "Chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > check
> > bill parker's article in ppp section.
> > 
> > Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> > > 
> > > I am interested in what people are using for Linux dial-up servers these days.  
>I have a mid-sized company interested in providing dialup for their users and I need 
>to put together a proposal soon.  Rather than investigate all the options, I thought 
>I'd ask people who do it already.
> > 
> > -- 
> > The pivotal point is the "second chance", judged by another set of
> > criteria. In Linux We Trust --
> > 
> > _
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get your free address at
> > 
> > ___
> > Linux-users mailing list
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> -- 
> Matthew Carpenter
> Linux User #185986
> Enterprise Information Systems
> *Network Consulting, Integration & Support
> *Web Development and E-Business

Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
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Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: CAL_UP.SH and Douglas

2001-12-14 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I just scraped 4.2.0 off my Internet server.  Here it is.

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 13:07:53 -0500
"Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matthew Carpenter babbled on about:
> > Hey!  Doug!  What ever happened to  The freshmeat pointer points
> > to broken links.  I still rely on that little puppy.
> freshmeat isn't supposed to point to it anymore. it's gone. I lost it during 
> that ridiculous hardware crash a while back... hope you still have a copy 
> somewhere (if so, send me one)
> -- 
> Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
> Admin: http://linux.nfAdmin:
> Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list
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Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
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Description: Bourne shell script

Re: Linux Dial-up Server

2001-12-14 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Thanks, Chang.  Actually that's the first place I normally go.  The problem is that 
there is no hardware listed.  What do I buy if I want to have say 8 modems?  Or 4?  
What are others using?

Does Digiboard work with Linux and is it the best for Linux like it is for Win?

On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 11:31:34 +0800
"Chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> check
> bill parker's article in ppp section.
> Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> > 
> > I am interested in what people are using for Linux dial-up servers these days.  I 
>have a mid-sized company interested in providing dialup for their users and I need to 
>put together a proposal soon.  Rather than investigate all the options, I thought I'd 
>ask people who do it already.
> -- 
> The pivotal point is the "second chance", judged by another set of
> criteria. In Linux We Trust --
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free address at
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list
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Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
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Linux Dial-up Server

2001-12-14 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I am interested in what people are using for Linux dial-up servers these days.  I have 
a mid-sized company interested in providing dialup for their users and I need to put 
together a proposal soon.  Rather than investigate all the options, I thought I'd ask 
people who do it already.


Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
*Web Development and E-Business
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

CAL_UP.SH and Douglas

2001-12-13 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Hey!  Doug!  What ever happened to  The freshmeat pointer points to broken 
links.  I still rely on that little puppy.  


Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
*Web Development and E-Business
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Procmail not invoking as expected

2001-12-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I am using procmail in various Caldera server installs (3.1 and 2.3).  For some 
reason, procmail does not automatically invoke on local delivery although the cf, mc 
and m4 files would suggest that this should be the case.

ie. I'm running procmail from .forward, which is fine, but I was under the impression 
that this was unnecessary.


Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
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Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Procmail

2001-11-30 Thread Matthew Carpenter

No, but the file seems to have /usr/bin/procmail, which is correct.  I 
simply added MAILER(procmail) to the file.  The FEATURE line was 
already there...

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 18:17:47 -0500
"Kurt Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> % I am unable to get procmail to work!  I have re-m4-ed my file
> % to include MAILER(procmail) and everything LOOKS ok.  I have a .procmailrc
> % file in the user's home directory, and yet I get no difference and no logs
> % of what isn't happening!  ARG!  Help?  This is running on COLS3.1 and does include 
>the added bonus of using fetchmail.  REPEAT:  This is NOT the actual target of the 
>mail.  The mail is pulled from another server using POP3 using fetchmail, but 
>fetchmail is supposed to connect to port 25 to deliver the mail just like it WAS the 
> Did you defined PROCMAIL_MAILER_PATH?
> Kurt
> -- 
> Did I say 2?  I lied.
> ___
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Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
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2001-11-30 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I am unable to get procmail to work!  I have re-m4-ed my file
to include MAILER(procmail) and everything LOOKS ok.  I have a .procmailrc
file in the user's home directory, and yet I get no difference and no logs
of what isn't happening!  ARG!  Help?  This is running on COLS3.1 and does include the 
added bonus of using fetchmail.  REPEAT:  This is NOT the actual target of the mail.  
The mail is pulled from another server using POP3 using fetchmail, but fetchmail is 
supposed to connect to port 25 to deliver the mail just like it WAS the originator.


Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
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Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: new install init

2001-11-29 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 19:49:46 +1000
"Keith Antoine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I must also admit that to me vi is an editor that I thouroughly "hate", it 
> was as AFAIAC written by a certifiable geek, on a bad trip with drugs. So I 
> would not have got far here, joe, jove are my limits.

VI was written so you could BE on drugs and get out of the file without hidden stuff.  
It's ugly, but so is BIND when you don't know exactly what those zone files are made 
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SPAM Denial

2001-11-28 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I'm looking for a little help turning on blackholing on my email server (running 
sendmail).  It looks like the m4 files are there for it, but I am looking for someone 
who has implemented it on eS or COL S3.1.  I am running both.  I'm planning to 
implement blacklisting as well as procmail to ditch any additional SPAM or junk mail 
which are legit but unwanted.


Matthew Carpenter 

Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
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Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Opera 6 beta available

2001-11-27 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Speaking of which, does anyone have a recommendation for a good WYSIWYG HTML Editor?  
Not just what NetScape and Mozilla have, I am looking for something I can use to do 
things like FORMS, and it'd be a big plus to have something like DreamWeaver's 
capability of using Layers to place content, but with the capability of converting to 
tables.  While I realize that no Open Source HTML project has climbed to that extent 
yet, is there anything with the first requirements?  I have been unhappy with the 
"acclaimed" tools like Quanta since I am looking for WYSIWYG.

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 03:00:43 +
"dallam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ken,
> Yes, it seems well tested and stable. No crashes, freezes or
> anything like that. I have had in about 18 hours now without a hitch
> but YMMV as you know :) 
> Thus spake Ken Moffat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I think I can save it. Does the new one seem stable?
> > -- 
> > Ken Moffat
> > ___
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> -- 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=---=-=-=-=-=-=- 
> Registered Linux User #213656  
> access to power must be limited to those who are not in love with it 
>   --Plato
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Re: router with one interface

2001-11-27 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On the machine that is configured for
ifconfig eth0:0 netmask
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE

On the machine that is configured for, make its default gateway

SNAT is for Statically NATting the source address.
DNAT is for Statically NATting the destination address.
You may overload an ip address, but it acts as loadbalancing, not sharing.

Masquerading acts more like PAT (port address translation).  The MASQERADE-ing machine 
handles the address sharing.


> - Original Message -
> From: "Razvan Cosma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 7:35 PM
> Subject: router with one interface
> >   Hello,
> >  Any idea on how to get two computers to share the same ip if the linux
> box
> > only has one interface? the basic sheme would be:
> > ISP (     eth0 (
> >   eth0:0 (   box
> >  |
> >  ( box #2
> > i have tried
> > iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source
> >
> > ping from to :works
> > ping from to :timeout :(
> >
> > ping -I :works
> > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward:1
> > all necessary modules loaded
> >
> > still..?
> >
> >
> ___
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2001-11-21 Thread Matthew Carpenter

That's what I use.

On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 07:28:23 -0500
"David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lavinius (Romio) Petru wrote:
> > Well VPN is Virtual Private Network .. I have two LAN's that I want to
> > bridge over the internet in a secure fashion. I played with VPND but it has
> > allot of shortcomings .both networks have access to internet through a
> > Linux box running Slackware. Basically I want the LAN to became a WAN
> > without any hint of them being apart as they are on 4meg aDSL speed seems to
> > be OK. Data between them has to be encrypted and the only Linux boxes are
> > the gateways on both network  the rest is Win2k, so what I need is a way
> > to make them see each other without any problems without getting a $$ Cisco
> > gear
> > 
> Take a look at FreeS/WAN.  It's what I use for exactly the above:
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel
> -- 
> Focus on the dream, not the competition.
>   -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
> _______
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Matthew Carpenter 
Linux User #185986
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RPM and Providing Files

2001-11-20 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Is there an easy way to have RPM cough up which package provides certain files?

Matthew Carpenter 
Linux User #185986
Enterprise Information Systems
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DVD Playing

2001-11-19 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Do I hear anyone willing to put together an SxS on how to use DeCSS to make Xine play 
standard DVD's without the stupid decoder card?  

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Re: replacing win98

2001-11-16 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I have spoken to several Linux-geeks who need occasional access to a windows box, and 
most are happy with the VNC setup you described (little headless NT/2000 box under the 

On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 11:30:35 -0500
"Wade Barocsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My office manager's win98 system is problematic, with frequent crashes, etc.  
> I am looking to replace this system with linux.  This system (k6-400,256mb) 
> runs a foxpro database-office management system, and basic office software. 
> The office software can easily be handled by linux, but what is the best 
> approach in operating the database?  VNC off a win2k box? A new virtual 
> machine in vmware run local or remote? Any thoughts?
> Thanks
> Wade
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Re: weirdness w/ Samba

2001-11-15 Thread Matthew Carpenter

If you're on the same subnet, you shouldn't need either.
Broadcast should work then.

On Thu, 15 Nov 2001 13:52:36 -0500
"Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ian Marchak babbled on about:
> > Quoting Aaron Grewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Have you configured the Samba server for WINS support and put its IP
> > > in
> > > the client's WINS entry in the TCP/IP control panel?  That's the first
> > > thing I'd doublecheck, since if WINS is working right you won't need
> > > lmhosts.
> >
> > Doug,
> >
> > Now I remember...if you have WINS configured correctly you don't
> > need /etc/lmhosts!
> >
> that explains it. I had previously used WINS. doh!
> > :)
> >
> > This raises a question for me though, when going from one *nix samba host
> > to another, how would WINS server info be specified?
> >
> > Also, Doug, how are you making out with this?
> >
> various other issue have caused me to reinstall the OS on the offending 
> machine. so, I'm trying to make XP happy right now..
> -- 
> Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
> Admin: http://linux.nfAdmin:
> "Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the
> usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody
> thinks of complaining."
>   -- Jeff Raskin, interviewed in Doctor Dobb's Journal
> ___
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Re: strange processes

2001-11-15 Thread Matthew Carpenter

No.  They're related to the "k"ernel.


On Thu, 15 Nov 2001 21:06:28 +0800
"Chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are those k* proceses related to KDE?
> # ps ax | more
> 2 ?SW 0:00 [keventd]
> 3 ?SW 3:00 [kswapd]
> 4 ?SW 0:00 [kreclaimd]
> 5 ?SW 0:03 [bdflush]
> 6 ?SW 0:20 [kupdated]
> 7 ?SW<0:00 [mdrecoveryd]
>   108 ?SW 0:00 [khubd]
> _
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Re: Request to mailing list Linux-users rejected

2001-11-14 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Well, since kdesud is 52kb and the list will only allow 40kb I guess I can't send it 
to you.  Contact me offlist if you would like to fix Konqueror's Password-Amnesia in 

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 14:15:00 -0500

> Your request to the Linux-users mailing list
> Posting of your message titled "Re: KDE 2.2.1 Konqueror and
> .htaccess passwords"
> has been rejected by the list moderator.  The moderator gave the
> following reason for rejecting your request:
> "Your message was too big; please trim it to less than 40 KB in size."
> Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator
> at:

Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
Enterprise Information Systems
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Linux-users mailing list
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Re: weirdness w/ Samba

2001-11-13 Thread Matthew Carpenter

What are the .12 and .13 boxen running?  How about nmbd, is it running ok?  What do 
the log files say (if anything)?  (/var/log/samba.d/* on Caldera).  

BTW- is most likely not the name of the machine.  Put the NetBIOS name in 
that location.  If you need to specify the IP address for some reason, use the -I 

  On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 19:52:03 -0500
"Ian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 
> > I've got Samba 2.2.2 installed (and working) on  Seems to be working 
>fine in that 3 shares are being successfully mounted on all my other machines 
> > However, I have a printer hanging off the .11 box that is being shared as a 
>network printer (WinME for the OS). The .12 and .13 boxes can print to it without 
>issue. However, the .10 box can't seem to see any SMB shares on the .11 box...
> > 
> > smbclient -U id%pass -L returns:
> > added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> > added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> > session request to failed (Called name not present)
> > session request to 192 failed (Called name not present)
> > session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Called name not present)
> > 
> > I'd really like to be able to print from the .10 box... ideas anyone?
> Is/are your /etc/lmhosts file(s) in order?
> -- 
> Linux SxS []
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Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
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Re: Remote X login (SOLVED)

2001-11-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter

On Sat, 3 Nov 2001 10:08:24 -0500
"Tim Wunder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do you have /etc/X0.hosts and X1.hosts files on the server? They should 
> contain the hosts (hostnames, resolvable by /etc/hosts, or IP addresses), one 
> per line that are allowed access. I have X1.hosts configured as a symlink to 
> X0.hosts.
I don't have either of those files on either machine.  Due to the ambiguity of Client 
and Server with regards to X, could you use Local and Remote and restate this?

> Is the "DisplayManager.requestPort: 0" line commented out of the 
> kdx/xdm-config file with a bang (!)?
yes.  I did... on the remote host.  That is how I got to this point.  Previously I 
didn't get THIS far.
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Re: Remote X login (SOLVED)

2001-11-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter

It's a good bet that this is a Caldera-Specific thing.  Has anyone seen this on other 

On Sat, 3 Nov 2001 02:29:28 -0700
"Kurt Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tim Wunder wrote:
> > At the bottom of the /opt/kde2/share/config/kdm/kdmrc file is this section:
> > [Xdmcp]
> > Enable=false
> > KeyFile=/etc/X11/kdm/xdm-keys
> > Willing=
> > Xaccess=/etc/X11/kdm/Xaccess
> > 
> > I changed the "Enable=false" to "true", restarted X and lo and behold, the 
> > kdm login screen appeared on my son's PC.
> > 
> > Should this info be put on the KDE pages? This is KDE 2.2.1 specific. I've 
> > seen no other documetnation anywhere that mentions that the kdmrc file needs 
> > to be edited to enable remote logins.
> > 
> > There's no SxS for Remote X logins, either, but this sure seems to be SxS 
> > fodder. If the powers that be feel it's worthy of its own page, I'll write 
> > something up.
> This is *definitely* SxS material.
> Kurt
> -- 
> It's so beautifully arranged on the plate -- you know someone's fingers
> have been all over it.
>   -- Julia Child on nouvelle cuisine.
> ___
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Re: Remote X login (SOLVED)

2001-11-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter

I'm still not there yet:

I am attempting to start the remote X session in runlevel 5 by using the following 

X :1 -query

I see the following in response after all the X messages (screen size, refresh,etc..):

AUDIT: Sat Nov  3 09:07:11 2001: 1550 X: client 1 rejected from IP  port 
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1

On the remote system, I see this in /var/log/messages:

Nov  3 10:18:56 gandalf kdm[5367]: server open failed for elandyl:1, giving up
Nov  3 10:18:56 gandalf kdm[31019]: Display elandyl:1 cannot be opened

Any Ideas?  It's like my local box is rejecting the remote system's attempts to give 
me a login screen.

My next step is to make this a part of the bootup (dual X, one remote).  Would this be 
best achieved by entering the following as the next line in Xservers?

:1  /X :1 -query gandalf (or IP address)

On Sat, 3 Nov 2001 02:29:28 -0700
"Kurt Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tim Wunder wrote:
> > At the bottom of the /opt/kde2/share/config/kdm/kdmrc file is this section:
> > [Xdmcp]
> > Enable=false
> > KeyFile=/etc/X11/kdm/xdm-keys
> > Willing=
> > Xaccess=/etc/X11/kdm/Xaccess
> > 
> > I changed the "Enable=false" to "true", restarted X and lo and behold, the 
> > kdm login screen appeared on my son's PC.
> > 
> > Should this info be put on the KDE pages? This is KDE 2.2.1 specific. I've 
> > seen no other documetnation anywhere that mentions that the kdmrc file needs 
> > to be edited to enable remote logins.
> > 
> > There's no SxS for Remote X logins, either, but this sure seems to be SxS 
> > fodder. If the powers that be feel it's worthy of its own page, I'll write 
> > something up.
> This is *definitely* SxS material.
> Kurt
> -- 
> It's so beautifully arranged on the plate -- you know someone's fingers
> have been all over it.
>   -- Julia Child on nouvelle cuisine.
> ___
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Re: Remote X login (SOLVED)

2001-11-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Was this just enabled in eD and eS?  I know that I never had to do that back then...  
All I had to do there was uncomment the "*" line in Xaccess.

On Sat, 3 Nov 2001 02:29:28 -0700
"Kurt Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tim Wunder wrote:
> > At the bottom of the /opt/kde2/share/config/kdm/kdmrc file is this section:
> > [Xdmcp]
> > Enable=false
> > KeyFile=/etc/X11/kdm/xdm-keys
> > Willing=
> > Xaccess=/etc/X11/kdm/Xaccess
> > 
> > I changed the "Enable=false" to "true", restarted X and lo and behold, the 
> > kdm login screen appeared on my son's PC.
> > 
> > Should this info be put on the KDE pages? This is KDE 2.2.1 specific. I've 
> > seen no other documetnation anywhere that mentions that the kdmrc file needs 
> > to be edited to enable remote logins.
> > 
> > There's no SxS for Remote X logins, either, but this sure seems to be SxS 
> > fodder. If the powers that be feel it's worthy of its own page, I'll write 
> > something up.
> This is *definitely* SxS material.
> Kurt
> -- 
> It's so beautifully arranged on the plate -- you know someone's fingers
> have been all over it.
>   -- Julia Child on nouvelle cuisine.
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list
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Re: AVI files

2001-11-03 Thread Matthew Carpenter

The file may be in DiVX format, which is encoded and labeled AVI.  On Windows I 
believe you have to install a shim to run this kind of file.  I have not had the time 
to research a playeron Linux, but I sure would appreciate someone letting us know if 
they have found one and like it.  I have a few DiVX/AVI files at home.

On Fri, 02 Nov 2001 18:40:20 -0800
"David Aikema" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 02 November 2001 06:41 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:
> > Can anybody recommend software for viewing AVI files? My son downloaeded
> > Shrek as an AVI file, but nothing I currently have installed under linux
> > will play it. He's taken to booting my PC into Windows to run the thing.
> AVIFile...
> David
> ___
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2001-10-29 Thread Matthew Carpenter

test.  I still don't seem to be getting messages sent to the list.  The last one I got 
was 10/10/01 from kbb0927

Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
*Web Development and E-Business
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Am I exiled?

2001-10-18 Thread Matthew Carpenter

It occurred to me the other day that possibly the list isn't quite, just that I'm no 
longer on it?

Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
*Web Development and E-Business
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Caldera RPM Putting!

2001-09-20 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Where would I place Caldera RPMs?  I try to anonymous ftp to 
but am unable (permission denied) to write any files there.  Anywhere?  I 
have Snort (and associated libpcap), althea, gtknw, ncpfs, and sylpheed on 
this machine, and much more on others, but I have nowhere to put them to make 
them available to the public.

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RPM Messages...

2001-09-17 Thread Matthew Carpenter

package .anchors not listed in file index
package common not listed in file index
package index.docbook not listed in file index

When I did "rpm -Uvh kdelibs2-2.1.2-1.i386.rpm "
I got the messages.  What do they mean and will this bite me later?
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CUPS Printing from Konqueror... Status 32!

2001-09-08 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Perhaps someone cann shine some light on an issue for me:

I have having an issue printing using CUPS from Konqueror.

COL Server 3.1 on a Celeron-450,
Canon BJC7004
URL causing problem:

Problem: error_log shows the following (note the "stopped with status 32!"):

I [08/Sep/2001:13:45:06 -0500] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 5087) for job 16.
I [08/Sep/2001:13:45:06 -0500] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic 
(PID 5088) for job 16.
I [08/Sep/2001:13:45:06 -0500] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel 
(PID 5089) for job 16.
E [08/Sep/2001:13:45:07 -0500] PID 5088 stopped with status 32!

This is a problem since I'm attempting to print out Christmas Gift ideas for 
my wife!   I haven't been able to find what that error message means...

Thanks all
Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
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Re: Pros/Cons - eServer 3.1 vs SuSE 7.2 Pro

2001-08-29 Thread Matthew Carpenter

eS3.1 (ISO):
  free, powerful 2.4.2, https:Webmin, tried and true distro with security 
updates, etc

  Threat of "DEMO" 30 day evaluation

eS3.1 Purchase:
  all the listed pros above

SuSE Pro 7.2:
  Someone else fill in here, as I am unfamiliar with 7.2 (though 7.1 is 
pretty nice, but very different from COL)

On Wednesday 29 August 2001 09:32, you wrote:
> Anyone care to give me pros/cons/oops, etc on COL eS3.1 vs SuSE Pro 7.2.
> I currently have a home net w/eServer 3.1 as the NFS/Samba server. I am
> going to setup another server soon. I mostly use SuSE 7.2 Personal on the
> workstations.  I am a COL refugee (from 3.1, eD2.4). I have no qualms
> with the DL'd version of eServer 3.1, but since I agree with paying for
> distros, I am considering SuSE Pro 7.2 instead now.
> All comments welcome.
> Regards,
> Keith B.
> ___
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Fwd: REG#0027982: NetWare Client for Lin... [Incident:caldera 010612-0009]

2001-07-31 Thread Matthew Carpenter

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: REG#0027982: NetWare Client for Lin... [Incident:caldera 010612-0009]
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 02:02:34 -0600 (MDT)

We have not heard from you concerning your request for support
in the 4 business days since we sent you a response.  Consequently,
we have changed the status of your incident to SOLVED.

If your incident is still UNRESOLVED, please use the 
link below to reactivate the incident and update it with additional

I have been having a terrible time getting my NetWare client to work
eD2.4.  I am in a large NetWare 4.11 network.  The interface seems
intuitive, but when I log in, perhaps I'll get to access volumes for
a while, 
perhaps not, but it always (sooner rather than later) ends up not
letting me 
access the Novell volumes and my logs go berzerk.  I'm sticking with
eD even 
when Sybil comes out because Sybil lacks Novell connectivity.  The
client is what attracted me to Caldera a couple years ago.  Could
you please 
help me?  

Special characteristics of our network over which I have no control
are as 
follows (will change with NetWare 5.1 rollout later in the year or
early next 
27 different partitions in our tree.
HUGE amounts of SAPs are propagated though the tree as well.

Thank you very much,
Matthew Carpenter

ps.  Is there a way to get the NWClient for Sybil?  I'd be willing
to build 
it and RPM it if you still keep it and support it.

pps.  Is there a reason that an eD2.4 box with the latest
kernel and glib's wouldn't work with the NWClient?  I get the

Starting the NetWare client: module /usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o:
symbol unregister_filesystem_Rsmp2gig_51975b8e
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol 
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol iget_Rsmp2gig_5d37f195
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol iput_Rsmp2gig_67016cdf
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol 
symbol __pollwait_Rsmp2gig_3de5624e
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol dput_Rsmp2gig_0ac0059f
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
device mknod: wrong number of arguments
Try `mknod --help' for more information.
nwclientd nwamd
Matthew Carpenter
Linux User #185986
Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
*Web Development and E-Business

At 06/13/2001 01:28 PM you wrote - After compiling and installing
this new nkfs.o module, I get a Segmentation Fault when loading the
module.  I use the following command (taken from
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nwclient and used from the command line):
 /sbin/insmod /usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o  

Also, is anyone actively supporting the NetWare client?  I see that
this module is "Open Source" but does that mean that the client is?
Has this been announced loudly so that someone can pick up
management of the project?  What is the reason this client was
dropped?  Is Novell going to be providing a client from here out?


At 06/14/2001 02:32 PM you wrote - I did a make;make install and the
module at /usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o changed timestamps to yesterday
(the day I compiled).

I just now, went to the source directory and did an 
insmod nkfs.o
and it took.

Then I started the client and it seems to be working.
Thank you.  I'll close the case in a day or so.  Let me work with it
a bit. 

At 06/19/2001 09:57 AM you wrote - This is really odd.  When I
reboot, I get varied results.  It seemed to work the first time,
when I had to manually insmod nkfs.o.  Now that I have run depmod -a
and rebooted I do load the nkfs.o module when I start the client,
but now I cannot access any Volumes.  I can traverse the tree but
when I do a nwwhoami I get back that I have a connection to the
server I'm trying to access but I'm unauthenticated.  My logs show
 nwamd[1301]: objectTable: Trying to unlock bad entry 0
over and over again.
ipx is configure to auto_primary and auto_interface.

Before rebooting (the reason for it) I was able to read from the
volumes fine and was even able to mkdir a direct

Re: Workstation 3.1, what's it all about?

2001-07-05 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Are you using POP3/SMTP or IMAP?  Have you read my rants about KMail
and Central Server email management?  

--- Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Jul 2001 20:50:42 -0400 "Kenyon D. Cox"
> wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > 
> > Here's my $.02 as a lurker/user since CND1.0 (still feel like a
> newbie,
> > though).
> > 
> > The install was painless, and simple on a second drive in my COL
> 2.4
> > box.  
> > -- 
> > COL 2.4 + Sylpheed 0.4.65
> >   8:30pm  up 34 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03
> Ahh, another contented sylpheed user!
> -- 
> Collins Richey
> Denver Area 
> Vectorlinux 2.0 - Kernel 2.4.5 - XFree86-4.1
> ___
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Matthew Carpenter 
Linux User #185986
Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
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