Re: Linux Compete for Microsoft partners

2002-01-29 Thread rickf

Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:17:56 -0600
> Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cried out in frustration:
> >
> >In my life I have tried many things, & have had many successes and a
> >few failures. Well I am going to express a failure here, please I beg
> >you not to be too harsh on me, I feel bad enough. I had a
> >conversation with my grown son last night, was not real intelligent,
> >oh well that is another issue. He was spouting the virtures of
> >Windows, Office XP & etc. I tried to explain the cost difference,
> >availiablity and the ease of keeping your system in top computing
> >shape. His answer, " I do not have time for that crap". Where did I
> >go wrong here? I feel so ashamed, & violated. Someday maybe he
> >will realize his errors and return to the fold. Actually a friend of
> >his put XP on a machine & has had nothing but problems ever since. I
> >would think he would have gotten the message. What is a dad to do?
> =
> This is what happens when we "spare the strap", Rick!  ;o)
> Mike
Actually, Rick, the important thing to remember is that the practice of mildly
deviant behaviour is quite normal.  Just tell your son to promise to only
practice such behaviour in private and wash his hands thoroughly afterwards.



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Re: christmas and its HOT!

2002-01-02 Thread rickf

Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> On Wednesday 02 January 2002 06:25 pm,Net Llama wrote:
> > --- Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Wednesday 02 January 2002 03:51 pm,Net Llama wrote:
> > > > --- Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Most likely true.  At least i don't feel the need to go 20MPH as soon
> > as the first rain drop hits the road.
> Naw, us natives just speed up to avoid the touristas. ;-)

Avoid 'em  I thought the idea was to bag one.  8^)  Personally, I was
born here in California, left in early teens, and bounced from Denver,
Colorado to Portland Oregon.  Then into the Air Force & off to lots of
lovely places, including two years practice in real cold - Fairbanks, 

Worst thing about California drivers in any sort of weather other than
dry is that half of them go 20 mph - and the other half go 90!  Inevitably,
some of them meet on the freeway, usually during rush hour...



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Re: spam

2001-11-29 Thread rickf

Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Here's a good question.  I see a lot of postings about ways of
> eliminating spam.  How does one differentiate between spam and really
> interesting new mail that doesn't happen to come from your known and
> most frequent correspondents?

I don't personally have a clue on that one, but I'd love to find a procmail
recipe that can distinguish messages in chinese and dump them to /dev/null.
I'm finding about 30 - 40 pieces of spam a day coming in, mostly from Hong
Kong or Taiwan based on the otherwise hopelessly garbled sender specification.



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Re: Another M$ vulnerability

2001-11-26 Thread rickf

Harry G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> when will they learn.

Incomplete link to Never-Never land.  Is there a full URL available?



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Re: and KDE 2.1.2

2001-10-02 Thread rickf


> When my girls try to visit using Konq the screen won't load.  Is
> this a "windows" site?  They don't have any problems accessing the site in
> windows (using ie or netscape).  Is there anything I can do to get it to
> load - plugins, settings?

Don't know about Kong, but isn't a windows-only site.  I just
checked by going there using nutscrape under Solaris 7 on an UltraSparc 30
here.  Hadn't realised it was there, though I should have.  This will make my
8 yr old daughter quite happe.



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Re: I am afraid...

2001-09-20 Thread rickf

Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Joel
>You have not or will you or anyone else for that matter loose anyrights & 
> privileges. That is unless you screw up. I think you are talking about the 
> war on Terrorism, I know you will correct me if I am wrong here , But 
> every body gets into this act, one way or another. All I can say to you & 
> others GET A GRIPE.

Must respectfully disagree.  The history of every crisis point in U.S. (or
other nations) history contains a list of either blanket usurpations of
power, or of "temporary limitations" which have become permanent impositions
against a large number of the points addressed specifically in both the
Constitution and the Amendments thereto.

In many cases it has been acheived by redefining the meaning of the words:
i.e.: most of the controversy about so called "Gun Control" pivots on the
meanings of the words "militia" (understood to be constituted of all free
able-bodied men) and of the word "infringed".  There are communities which
have perpetrated very severe restrictions on ownership of weapons simply by
the way they defined the word "infringed".  Creative moral terpitude on the
part of our "public servants".

One of the first cries raised after the bombing of the Federal Building in
Oklahoma City was for more gun limits to prevent acts of terrorism in the
U.S.  Totally unrelated, but perpetrated and accepted in the interests of

The "RICO Act" - confiscation of property without trial or conviction, done
in the name of security and the "War on Drugs".

The list goes on.  There's already talk of more limitations on, and snooping
of, internet services.  Yes, the limitations on government can make it more
difficult for federal, state, and local authorities - but that was knowingly
the intent of the Framers.  With reason.



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I am afraid...

2001-09-17 Thread rickf

I am afraid...

I am afraid of those who would, in mindless persuit of some increase in
security discard the freedoms that so many have fought and died to preserve.
Benjamin Franklin observed that "those who would sacrifice essential
freedoms for a little security will soon have neither."  If we sacrifice
any of the Bill of Rights for the sake of some false image of safety,
whether acting in some "War Against Drugs", or in a "War Against Terror",
the enemy has already won.  Finding a way to achieve our goals that does
not demolish our own foundations in freedom is sometimes hard - but 
always worthy.

I am afraid of those who would blindly strike at a wide area in persuit of
vengence and security.  The feelings of satisfaction are only temporary,
and the consequences of ill considered action last a long time.

I am afraid of those who are overeager to "send in the troups" to destroy
any possible target that even _might_ be involved in supporting those who
have committed terrorism.  "The troups" are not mindless grunts waiting to
die as a tool of policy.  They are _your_ brothers/sisters/mothers/fathers/
cousins.  Both the enlisted and officer corps are often highly educated and
trained.  They are sworn to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.
Before you blindly scream "SEND IN THE TROUPS", ask yourself if you are so
sure of the cause in which you send them that YOU YOURSELF ARE WILLING TO
VOLUNTEER TO BE ONE OF "THE TROUPS".  Is this cause worthy of the expenditure
of their lives?  Is it worthy of yours?

I am afraid of those who are blindly attacking American muslims and anyone
who appears to be of middle-eastern descent.  In the barbaric attack on the
WTC and Pentagon, one of the goals is to deepen the rift between communities
in the U.S., both creating more civil unrest, and widening the base of
concealment and operations available here.  You serve our enemies well when
you mouth the words or take the actions of bigotry, racism, and hatred.

I am afraid for the families of those in the Reserves and National Guard.
We heard in the Gulf War that there was no "War Tax".  There _WAS_ a war
tax.  It was paid by the Reserves and National Guard, who reported for duty
and lost incomes and jobs; whos families suffered from those losses, who 
came home to find an economy that had slumped and had no jobs to return to
and in too many cases went months without employment.

I am afraid for the scarred souls we may possess if we take the wrong
action and look back at it later with pain and regret.

I am afraid that some might dither so much that the results will be no
action, or ineffective action, rather than enough or too much.  Like an
excessive response an ineffective one is an invitation to further future

A Note:

I am a 30 year veteran, Pararescue, Survival Instructor, and Emergency
Care Medical Services, active duty and active Reserve duty.  I have seen
service in RVN and in Saudi Arabia in the Gulf War.  I retired this spring.
I paid a Gulf War tax in lost income of greater than $90k US, and this
was followed by 6 months of unemployment.

The only one of the questions above that I can answer with any certainty
is the third one above, "Is it worthy of yours?"  I have contacted the
MPU (Military Personnel Unit) at the nearest base to my home and have
volunteered for recall.

Make your own decisions, for your own reasons - but please _THINK_ very
carefully before talking or acting.


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Re: dying harddisk

2001-07-26 Thread rickf

Jim Conner wrote:
> I've been told that this works.  Haven't used it.  Please read appropriate
> man pages. YMMV.  You will need to add the correct /dev/hd?? to have it use
> the correct drive/partition.  Read the man pages for any other possible
> missing options.
> Step 1: badblocks -o bad_blocks_file
> Step 2: e2fsck -l bad_blocks_file
> Note: the -l is a lower case L, doesn't show up nicely in some fonts.

In addtion to this, I've been told that when you start developing
very many bad blocks on a drive it's time to make sure of your backups
and investigate the cost of new drives.  The drive may be failing.

It would be a very good idea to re-run badblocks on the drive fairly 
often for a while.  If you continue to get new badblocks occurring, the
drive _IS_ failing.

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Re: Way off topic

2001-07-25 Thread rickf

burns wrote:
> Shawn Tayler wrote:
> > On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 22:54:15 -0400, dep wrote:
> >
> > >and while we're at it, *telling* about beer is *not* sharing.
> > >
> > >--
> > >dep
> >
> > Well stop by and I will...  I've got 2 cases.
> >
> Where is "by"?
> Next time your in "jolly old" you should try 'Theakston's Old Peculiar'. It has
> it's own magic, even beyond the name.

Well, the name isn't as fancy, but what _I'd_ love to get hold of is a
case of
Lethbridge Velvet Cream Stout from the Lethbridge/Blairmore area of
Fond memories of my mispent youth in the USAF, hand importing cases of
it over
the border.  Got to the point that some of the Border Patrol guards on
both sides
knew me by site - the crazy American with a couple cases of beer lashed
onto the
backside of a '56 Harley Davidson fatbob.  Ah, life was grand!

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Re: RE: Fwd: New column

2001-07-24 Thread rickf

Condon Thomas A KPWA wrote:
> > You can't be that close to Redmond, you've got a 360 area
> > code! :-)  Of
> > course,
> > I suppose that's relative given the list membership.
> I *work* in the 360 area code (most of western Washington).  I live in 206
> (Seattle area).  Redmond is in 425 (King County *except* Seattle).  Without
> the ferry ride I could drive there in 20 minutes (traffic permitting).  Or,
> my preference, I could hit it with a short range tactical nuke from here.
>In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

I OBJECT!  Even tac's are on the dirty side!  Use an fuel-air explosive

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Re: The Strangest Things In My Mailbox!

2001-07-24 Thread rickf

Shawn Tayler wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 06:00:32 -0400 (EDT), Stew Benedict wrote:
> >Luckily perhaps, pine doesn't even want to extract the attachment to save
> >it ;^)  The return address was the same each time, but the attachment
> >differed:
> >
> >
> >2000-04.doc.lnk
> The subject line and attachment names are randomized, some what, by the
> bug, before sending.  Also the pley to address is probably not any
> good, one or more characters are usually altered so the victim doesn't
> find out about the infect as quickly.   Nasty business.  Spent 4 hours
> doing battle with Magistra at a clients office yesterday.  Got 5
> machines before we stopped it.  Fotunately, the nast payloads don't
> deploy quickly on that bug.  Seems McAfees AV software isn't real good
> at catching the damned things while downloading.  It only caught it
> after the requisite 20 files, 21 with the original file, was attempted
> to be accessed on the reboot, sets itself up in Win.ini with a run
> command.  Didn't save one for the zoo, so I'm looking for Sircam if it
> shows up
> stayler

If you want a copy, let me know.  I received _two_ of the pesky damned
this morning here at work.  No problem; this is a Sun UltraSparc
not some MS monstrosity.

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Re: C Shell Ref [Was: Re: Stupid newbie network question]

2001-07-10 Thread rickf

Kurt Wall wrote:
> Susan Macchia wrote:
> % in C-shell:
> % $ setenv DISPLAY :0
> Speaking o' C shell, can you recommend a good tutorial reference
> for C shell? I've been a ksh kind of guy since I got started with
> Unix, so it's time I branched out.

Using csh & tcsh
Paul DuBois
O'Reilly & Associates


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Re: Mandrake/WP8

2001-07-09 Thread rickf

Lee wrote:
> Silly exercise #322. Downloaded the WP8 RPM from the COL 2.2 install cd
> to a Mandrake 7.0 system. Wonder of wonders the thing installed without
> problems except for one hitch. When I open WP8 and type a few test lines
> and try to store them on a floppy I get an invalid path error message.
> In Caldera I punch save and select "other directory" as /auto/floppy/
> and it works. With Mandrake the it's /mnt/floppy/. When I try to save to
> floppy in WP Mandrake, the access light on the drives comes on, but I
> get the invalid path error. Any ideas on making this cross breed turkey
> write to floppy, or should I just dump it, find the Corel site and
> freeload a Red Hat version of WP8?

Have you tried just creating a link, /auto -> /mnt?  Might work, might

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Re: Upgrading your rpm package

2001-07-04 Thread rickf

Joel Hammer wrote:
> I just tried to rpm a package but it said I couldn't do it, only major
> number <= 3 are allowed.
> So, I went and got a new version of rpm, 4.03 or somesuch, but when I tried
> to rpm the new rpm package, it gave me the same error message.
> This sounds like catch 22.
> So, how does one upgrade his rpm software?
> Any insight appreciated.
> Joel

Joel, this is documented somewhere in the SxS, I believe, but
basically you need to upgrade to either 3.0.5 or 3.0.6 first.
The db format used changed (db1 to db3, IIRC) and the rpm libs
need to be updated along the way.  3.0.5 & 3.0.6 can read both
3.x & 4.x RPM's.

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