Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-23 Thread Joel Hammer

Well, our CEO forwarded my letter to the head of IS for our system.
I suspect that the response will be to push ahead and get windows XP
installed everywhere ASAP because it must have better security than earlier
versions of windows, right?

 Here is the letter I sent to our CEO.
 Why don't you get rid of the Microsoft explorer and the Microsoft server
 software in our system and end these problems? The netscape browser is immune
 to this worm, for example. Currently, I am unable to go to Pub Med to get
 timely medical information to help evaluate my pathology cases. I don't use
 internet explorer.
 My home computer web page has had thousands of hits by this worm in the
 last 24 hours. No damage done because I don't use  Microsoft server
 software. Our IS people are negligent for allowing this worm to attack us.
 And, this will happen again. What will they do to prevent future attacks?
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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-23 Thread Chang

You can use port 23 for SSL... I suppose. :)

They don't seem to allow SSL from work, so I have no choice.
I haven't been cracked because:
1. I have ways.
2. I am not worth cracking. I mean, what is there to steal?

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-21 Thread Joel Hammer

Here is part of the response to the worm at my place. 
I guess they think that everyone is going to do this. What a joke.
Email from IS:
As a follow up to previous communication, Internet access cannot be restored
until we have installed a patch to the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser
on EVERY PC campus wide, and ALL PC's have been rebooted.

As a result of the Nimda infestation, I.S. has been tasked with visiting
all affected workstations to complete the update noted above. Please excuse
the temporary interruption of work while we complete this process. We also
need your help to complete this effort.  Here's how you can help us.

A.) Double-click the attachment at the bottom of this message, then follow
the prompts to install the patch (you may get a message that the patch is
not necessary - this is OK)

B.) After running the attached program successfully, please shut down and
restart your computer.

C.) If at any time a virus is detected, or if you have any questions
concerning this activity, please call the Help Desk at 

Regardless of the outcome of the patch installation, please send a reply
message of YES or NO to  to confirm your workstation
has been successfully updated or not.

Thank you,
ITSS, Director
There are hundreds if not thousands of PC in our network. 
We started out with a couple of guys in IS about 12 years ago who knew a few
things about windows. Now this. At least this supplies work for people. Of
course, I've sent pointed email to the IS people about their choice of
software. I doubt much will change.
The bad thing is, due to this problem, I bet the IS people had to miss the
required talks on The Nine Pillars of Excellence that HR made everyone
attend today. Now they won't know about achieving excellence. This is what
happens to an organization that just grows way beyond the competence of its

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-21 Thread Roger Oberholtzer

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:17:45 -0400
Wil McGilvery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

| One thing that needs to be mentioned is that a large number of IT companies
| make money because MS is so insecure.

Like I said, MS is a jobs program.

Linux better be careful. It may get a reputation as a jobs eliminator :-)
Of course, if the companies paid the same people the same wages as they
do now, and they instead spent their time making OpenSource code instead
of fixing stupid problems, there would be no threat to job security. Just
better solutions.

Roger Oberholtzer E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OPQ Systems AB   WWW:
Erik Dahlbergsgatan 41-43  Phone:   Int + 46 8 314223 
115 32 Stockholm  Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657
Sweden   Fax:   Int + 46 8 302602
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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-21 Thread Roger Oberholtzer

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 10:12:00 -0400
Joel Hammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

| Regarding the response of our IS professionals. They did block all access to
| the internet yesterday and today I still can't browse. I guess they think we
| all use the Explorer.
| I spoke to our lab IS professional today. He wasn't aware of the problem.
| He seemed vaguely interested that the Explorer might become infected but he
| just gave me a vacuous smile when I suggested that he switch to netscape.
| It is beyond belief. 

Remember, if everything worked, you would need fewer people like him. And
I suspect he knows it.

Face it. Microsoft is a jobs program in disguise.

Roger Oberholtzer E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OPQ Systems AB   WWW:
Erik Dahlbergsgatan 41-43  Phone:   Int + 46 8 314223 
115 32 Stockholm  Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657
Sweden   Fax:   Int + 46 8 302602
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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-21 Thread Joel Hammer

Well, internet access was down all day at work. Couldn't look up anything
regarding medical literature for our specimen sign outs. Really a problem.
My network server went down so no email, internal or external. Of course, I
just telnet home and use my linux box for email, anyway. They stopped
blocking port 23 after the first day. We did get a
message to leave our computers on so IS can fix them all over the weekend.
One of our friends has the same problem at her work.
The main thing is that NO ONE WILL GET FIRED over this. After all, they were
using MS software. What more could they have done?
Here at my house on @HOME I have had 16885 hits by 729 unique ip's since this
began. (This doesn't count the  worm, which gave 377 hits over this same
time.) No damage done, since I use apache and we don't browse with IE.
Over on the samba list, some people have had trouble with their samba
servers, since the windows clients sent the worm to all mounted shares. If
anyone has trouble of that sort, they might look at, I believe.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-21 Thread Joel Hammer

 You allow telnet into your home box?  That's a great way to get
 your system cracked.
They don't seem to allow SSL from work, so I have no choice.
I haven't been cracked because:
1. I have ways.
2. I am not worth cracking. I mean, what is there to steal?
 I thought @HOME had blocked all incoming port 80 traffic to their customers
 (their contracts say they shouldn't be running servers).
That's what they say. I was very careful at first, but they don't seem to
Virtually every hit I have taken from the last three worms has come from
@HOME ip numbers (many hundreds of unique ip's), so they know there are a lot of 
servers on their 
network. I wrote a nasty letter to them a while back, pointing out this
situation. They claimed they would become proactive, but nothing has
changed. It would be trivial to change apache to listen to different ports.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-20 Thread Lee

Would vote a conditional yes. Not so much desktop users as server administrators. By 
now they have to be getting pretty fed up with complaints from clients
bothered by Microsoft worm of the week shut/slow downs.

Wil McGilvery wrote:

 I vote no, because they don't believe there is any alternative. A lot of these 
people don't know that much about their computer and Linux/Unix terrifies them.

 -Original Message-
 From: Chang
 Sent: Wed 9/19/2001 9:26 PM
 Subject: Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

 no way.  worms would merely lure more users to pay more to microsoft so
 that she could solve their problems, kind of a negative feedback loop.

 Let's take a vote. Does anyone think that current users of windows products
 (server or browser) will switch because of this latest worm?
 I vote no, because if they didn't switch after the last worm, they don't
 have the brains or time to make a switch.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-20 Thread Joel Hammer

Here is an email we got today. It actually came as a rich text format, not a
word document, which is surprising. We are a very large multi-hospital
health system.

This is to advise you that a new computer virus called Nimda is propagating
with unprecedented speed across the Internet.  The virus worm is called
NIMDA [admin spelled backwards].  A number of [System name] Health servers and
desktop computers, primarily in [This city] have been infected. 
Health Information Systems staff started last night to remove the
virus from our environment.  The clean-up requirements are taxing IS
resources.  We have disconnect the [This city] hospitals from the Internet
until we have cleaned up all infected servers and desktop computers. It is
anticipated that it will take all of today and maybe into tomorrow to rid
our environment of the Nimda worm.

As soon as our computing and network environment  is safe, we will open
access to the Internet. 
Vice President - Information Systems

Here is the letter I sent to our CEO.

Why don't you get rid of the Microsoft explorer and the Microsoft server
software in our system and end these problems? The netscape browser is immune
to this worm, for example. Currently, I am unable to go to Pub Med to get
timely medical information to help evaluate my pathology cases. I don't use
internet explorer.
My home computer web page has had thousands of hits by this worm in the
last 24 hours. No damage done because I don't use  Microsoft server
software. Our IS people are negligent for allowing this worm to attack us.
And, this will happen again. What will they do to prevent future attacks?

We will see what the response will be. I have raised security issues
(secretaries downloading and installing screen savers from the internet) before
with no response from IS.

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RE: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-20 Thread Wil McGilvery

Good Luck is all I can say!

Wil McGilvery
Manager, Digital Media

Lynch Technologies Inc.
416-744-0406  FAX


-Original Message-
From: Joel Hammer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

Here is an email we got today. It actually came as a rich text format, not a
word document, which is surprising. We are a very large multi-hospital
health system.

This is to advise you that a new computer virus called Nimda is propagating
with unprecedented speed across the Internet.  The virus worm is called
NIMDA [admin spelled backwards].  A number of [System name] Health servers and
desktop computers, primarily in [This city] have been infected. 
Health Information Systems staff started last night to remove the
virus from our environment.  The clean-up requirements are taxing IS
resources.  We have disconnect the [This city] hospitals from the Internet
until we have cleaned up all infected servers and desktop computers. It is
anticipated that it will take all of today and maybe into tomorrow to rid
our environment of the Nimda worm.

As soon as our computing and network environment  is safe, we will open
access to the Internet. 
Vice President - Information Systems

Here is the letter I sent to our CEO.

Why don't you get rid of the Microsoft explorer and the Microsoft server
software in our system and end these problems? The netscape browser is immune
to this worm, for example. Currently, I am unable to go to Pub Med to get
timely medical information to help evaluate my pathology cases. I don't use
internet explorer.
My home computer web page has had thousands of hits by this worm in the
last 24 hours. No damage done because I don't use  Microsoft server
software. Our IS people are negligent for allowing this worm to attack us.
And, this will happen again. What will they do to prevent future attacks?

We will see what the response will be. I have raised security issues
(secretaries downloading and installing screen savers from the internet) before
with no response from IS.

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RE: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-20 Thread Wil McGilvery

One thing that needs to be mentioned is that a large number of IT companies make money 
because MS is so insecure.

Think of it.

MS makes money from the products and Licenses.

Then you have to buy more products and licenses to make the MS product safer

But it is not really safe, so you have to stay on your toes to ward off new threats or 
buy more software that will check for you!

Then think of the support costs because machines go down or the Internet connection is 
turned off, etc, etc.

The real kick in the teeth is everyone loves to complain, but when you suggest an 
alternative, it is rejected.

I know lots of network administrators who know a lot less than they should. These 
people will never recommend anything other than windows or they would lose their jobs.

On the other hand, I do pretty well supporting these network administrators so that 
brings me back to the beginning of this post.


Wil McGilvery
Manager, Digital Media

Lynch Technologies Inc.
416-744-0406  FAX


-Original Message-
From: Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

Would vote a conditional yes. Not so much desktop users as server administrators. By 
now they have to be getting pretty fed up with complaints from clients
bothered by Microsoft worm of the week shut/slow downs.

Wil McGilvery wrote:

 I vote no, because they don't believe there is any alternative. A lot of these 
people don't know that much about their computer and Linux/Unix terrifies them.

 -Original Message-
 From: Chang
 Sent: Wed 9/19/2001 9:26 PM
 Subject: Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

 no way.  worms would merely lure more users to pay more to microsoft so
 that she could solve their problems, kind of a negative feedback loop.

 Let's take a vote. Does anyone think that current users of windows products
 (server or browser) will switch because of this latest worm?
 I vote no, because if they didn't switch after the last worm, they don't
 have the brains or time to make a switch.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-20 Thread Matt . Carpenter

I think it is definitely MORE up in the air than before.  What's changed
with Nimda is the incorporation of not only exploits but multiple exploits
with intelligence to wreak far more havoc than before.  Also, most worms
until this point targetted servers, with mail viruses focussing on email,
and very little IE exploits.  This one hits the servers from the clients
and the clients from the servers.

As more of the old exploits are used in tandem and with more intelligence.
I believe that people will be force to take notice.  What happens after
that is up in the air.  Thoughts of that article about TCP/MS come back in
scary waves, though.




et cc:

Sent by:Subject: Re: fighting the worm (enough 
of this already)




09/20/01 12:31 


Please respond 

to linux-users 



Would vote a conditional yes. Not so much desktop users as server
administrators. By now they have to be getting pretty fed up with
complaints from clients
bothered by Microsoft worm of the week shut/slow downs.

Wil McGilvery wrote:

 I vote no, because they don't believe there is any alternative. A lot of
these people don't know that much about their computer and Linux/Unix
terrifies them.

 -Original Message-
 From: Chang
 Sent: Wed 9/19/2001 9:26 PM
 Subject: Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

 no way.  worms would merely lure more users to pay more to microsoft so
 that she could solve their problems, kind of a negative feedback loop.

 Let's take a vote. Does anyone think that current users of windows
 (server or browser) will switch because of this latest worm?
 I vote no, because if they didn't switch after the last worm, they don't
 have the brains or time to make a switch.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-20 Thread Chang

it is a religionit would be tremendously difficult to twist a 
party's religious belief.

The real kick in the teeth is everyone loves to complain, but when you suggest an 
alternative, it is rejected.

I know lots of network administrators who know a lot less than they should. These 
people will never recommend anything other than windows or they would lose their jobs.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-19 Thread Joel Hammer

Let's take a vote. Does anyone think that current users of windows products
(server or browser) will switch because of this latest worm?
I vote no, because if they didn't switch after the last worm, they don't
have the brains or time to make a switch.
It might be time to think whether or not Microsoft has become a security
risk to the country.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-19 Thread Bill Campbell

On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 01:43:01PM -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:
Let's take a vote. Does anyone think that current users of windows products
(server or browser) will switch because of this latest worm?
I vote no, because if they didn't switch after the last worm, they don't
have the brains or time to make a switch.

It isn't a matter of brains in most cases, but pure ignorance.  There's
also the matter of job security for the industry that's grown up to put
bandaids on the Microsoft plague

It might be time to think whether or not Microsoft has become a security
risk to the country.

This is a question?  Windows is a threat to any data accessible to the
machine.  It costs billions every year in time lost waiting for reboots,
and recovering data trashed by Windows and the brain-dead Microsoft
applications.  Check out the paragraph ``Covert use of Windows Machines''
in an article that I wrote back when the I Love You worm hit:

This was written a couple of years ago.  Since then, Microsoft's own
servers have been hit for Windows source code (could that be instrumental
in perfecting the latest attacks), their servers have been hit by Code Red,
and many U.S. Government sites hit as well.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

``Scientists are explorers. Philosophers are tourists.'' -- Richard Feynman
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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-19 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:21:40 -0400 Douglas J. Hunley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am a bit hesitant to post this, but I know others probably feel the way I 
 do, so...


Dude... becareful who you show this to... :')

You're amongst friends here, no dobt about it... but an idiot from the outside
cause a lot of trouble...

That aside, thank you. I printed this one out on the laser printer and will
keep it
in my personal note book. :')


 Registered Linux User Number 185956
 5:59pm  up 16 days,  5:06,  7 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-19 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 06:06, Jerry McBride babbled:
 Dude... becareful who you show this to... :')

this list is full disclosure. and I didn't advocate using it. I simply made 
my thoughts available. It is a nice trick though... ;)

thanks for the warning though.
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Arthur yawed wildly as his skin tried to jump one way and 
his skeleton the other, whilst his brain tried to work out 
which of his ears it most wanted to crawl out of.
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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-19 Thread Chang

no way.  worms would merely lure more users to pay more to microsoft so 
that she could solve their problems, kind of a negative feedback loop.

Let's take a vote. Does anyone think that current users of windows products
(server or browser) will switch because of this latest worm?
I vote no, because if they didn't switch after the last worm, they don't
have the brains or time to make a switch.

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RE: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-19 Thread Wil McGilvery

I vote no, because they don't believe there is any alternative. A lot of these people 
don't know that much about their computer and Linux/Unix terrifies them. 

-Original Message- 
From: Chang 
Sent: Wed 9/19/2001 9:26 PM 
Subject: Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

no way.  worms would merely lure more users to pay more to microsoft so
that she could solve their problems, kind of a negative feedback loop.

Let's take a vote. Does anyone think that current users of windows products
(server or browser) will switch because of this latest worm?
I vote no, because if they didn't switch after the last worm, they don't
have the brains or time to make a switch.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-18 Thread Joel Hammer

I fought the worm. Virtually all of  my hits were coming from
So, I just blocked that on my firewall without logging it.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-18 Thread Bill Day

hmm very interesting.. says the wise man..

I concur, (gettin help on the howto of it hehe), that this is enough, I too 
would have been hesitant about it(posting) and willr eamin hesitant about the 
porkers knockin at my door

Have a good day gents

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 20:21, you wrote:
 I am a bit hesitant to post this, but I know others probably feel the way I
 do, so...

 attached is a quick and simple script that in theory (if one would use it
 for this purpose, which I'm not advocating) find everyone that has hammered
 your Apache site all day, and would connect to their infected IIS server
 and shut the server off.

 I offer it as a proof-of-concept and/or an intellectual exercise. Don't
 blame me when the cops bust down your door...

Content-Type: application/x-shellscript; charset=iso-8859-1; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

  Bill Day A.K.A. BadMan
  RLU#188133 RLM#83358 #linux-users
  MicroShaft is the only company that introduces
  an OS that is worse than the one it replaces.
  8:30pm  up 48 days, 10:31, 25 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.15, 0.06
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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-18 Thread Chang

The only pausible reason for linux users to do it is because it's 
abusing our shared bandwith.
I don't have the resources to counter M$ WTC-class terrorists. Get the 
ISP military.

My ISP has baanned port 80 (not good actually) after the first code-red 
worm. They haven't lifted the ban yet.

attached is a quick and simple script that in theory (if one would use it for 
this purpose, which I'm not advocating) find everyone that has hammered your 
Apache site all day, and would connect to their infected IIS server and shut 
the server off.

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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-18 Thread Joel Hammer

This wouldn't be hard to get around. Just register with a company to get
your own domain name and have them maintain it for you ($35 per year?), then redirect 
it to your 
home IP to port, say 81, with apache listening to port 81.
Windows users are such a drag. Really. But, they help support the economy and like,
everybody has to be somewhere.

 My ISP has baanned port 80 (not good actually) after the first code-red 
 worm. They haven't lifted the ban yet.
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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-18 Thread Ronnie Gauthier

If the ISP has a clue they have also closed 81 as most servers answer 81 for 
admin use.

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 21:33, Joel Hammer wrote:
 This wouldn't be hard to get around. Just register with a company to get
 your own domain name and have them maintain it for you ($35 per year?),
 then redirect it to your home IP to port, say 81, with apache listening to
 port 81.
 Windows users are such a drag. Really. But, they help support the economy
 and like, everybody has to be somewhere.

  My ISP has baanned port 80 (not good actually) after the first code-red
  worm. They haven't lifted the ban yet.

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