Re: [pfSense] Port forwards don't work on one machine

2018-02-14 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 13 Feb 2018 10:09:41 NZDT +1300, Marco wrote:

> I'm not really used to debugging with pfSense, especially the
> logging features. What's the best way to check if that packet is
> blocked by pfSense somehow?

Rules only log when the logging flag is ticked. Even then I dislike to
rely on rules always logging when I need them to.

I'd suggest you use the packet capture function of pfsense. Limit to the
port(s) in question and it shows the traversing packets. It's reliable.
Run it on the pfsense intrface connected to your server.

The symptoms you describe (pfsense can see the server, a WAN host can't)
could be explained by a messed up routing table on the server. The
server can send packets back to the pfsense box because that IP is on
its own interface's IP space as far as the server is concerned, but any
WAN host would hit the server's gateway setting - if that is absent or
wrong the server reply goes nowhere.


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Re: [pfSense] HTTP/HTTPS filtering with Pfsense+Squid+Squidguard for cell phones

2017-10-12 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 13 Oct 2017 08:15:20 NZDT +1300, Adam Cage wrote:

> This is useful to filter facebook, twitter, gmail and other HTTPS sites,
> just taking into account the URL ??? What can't I block for example ???

Look at squidguard rules - they're in 3 sections: hosts only, URLs, and
general regexp. With http all 3 of them work (within the bugginess of
squidguard and pfsense anyway).

With https the URL is encrypted, except for the host name part. I.e. the
SSL connection to the server is established on the host part only, and
the client sends the full URL only over the SSL connection once

So you have 2 options for https:

1) Full MITM attack, requiring client cert installs on all clients so
that the clients establish encrypted connections with the key of your
attack server (aka firewall) instead, and you have a chance of
inspecting the content.

2) Inspect on host name only, that part is not encrypted.

As everything is moving to http it's becoming seriously difficult to use
squidguard as outgoing filter to get rid of all the shitvertising and
privacy invading user tracking rubbish (which wastes my time, bandwidth
and money for absolutly zero gain to me).


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Re: [pfSense] About SSL Filtering: Squid and Squidguard.

2017-05-11 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 09 May 2017 23:14:37 NZST +1200, José Gregorio Díaz Unda wrote:

> It looks like I should use PFS only as a firewall and DNS resolver, and
> setup independently DHCP and Squid.

The DHCP server in pfsense is very good. With squid and squidguard I am
less than impressed. It is more secure to run a web proxy on a different
host than the firewall. If you want MITM filtering, pfsense is probably
the easiest to set up because theoretically it's only a few clicks. I
think there was a package for getting letsencrypt certs, if you trust
them, you don't then need to import certs into all your clients. 

> May be Squid/Squidguard in a "solo-mode" are less complex to setup to
> filter SSL. Or I should find a different alternative for Proxy/SSLFiltering.

The best choice depends on what you want. The pfsense squidguard
interface is not a time saver, some short strategic scripts in your own
setup will probably be way faster in the long run.


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Re: [pfSense] About SSL Filtering: Squid and Squidguard.

2017-05-08 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 09 May 2017 03:34:06 NZST +1200, José Gregorio Díaz Unda wrote:

> Has somebody setup well SSL Filtering in PFSense?

Yes, or at least I tried to.

Because there are substantial problems with MITM methods I tried simpler
URL filtering. It looks like that'd be sufficient for you.

Configure browsers with an appropriate proxy script to use pfsense:3128
for both http and https as proxy. Squidguard can only filter on the host
part of the URL for https, because the rest is hidden by ssl.

Transparent mode is a disappointment, because it does not ensure traffic
goes through squid/squidguard, as you observed. Pfsense is also
fail-unsafe(!) - any issue with squid or sqidguard bypasses the proxy,
disabling all filtering, which I find rather unsatisfactory. Or whatever
the exact reason is some traffic bypasses squid/squidguard, I haven't
found it yet. Turning transparency off and inserting a block rule for
direct http/https seems to be safest.

Also, squid bypasses squidguard when it detects a malfunction with it -
OK for a cache, pretty much no good for a filtering proxy implementing

There are bugs in the handling of filter expressions in squidguard,
allowing some URLs to pass that should be blocked! Plus the SG config
file generation in pfsense is broken (creates illegal/non-functional
configs), but no-one was interested in fixing it although I submitted a
patch years ago.

It'd also be handy if pfsense was able to serve the browser proxy script
and squidguard error pages, but in the desirable configuration it's not,
though serving the error pages does seem to work partially anyway.



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Re: [pfSense] 3 hard locks this week... any ideas?

2016-10-16 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 02 Sep 2016 13:33:35 NZST +1200, compdoc wrote:

> As for me, these days I install only SSDs in desktop systems that run
> 24/7, and also use them as boot drives for servers. Over the years I
> have had only one SSD fail, and it did show pending sectors in SMART.

That's not my observation with SSDs. Which SSD models do you use?
Or better, how do you select your SSDs? That's be really good to know
from those doing well there.



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Re: [pfSense] 3 hard locks this week... any ideas?

2016-10-16 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 02 Sep 2016 10:14:59 NZST +1200, Todd Russell wrote:

> I will just run level 2 SpinRite on the SSD to force the drive to read
> every spot, which should trigger the error correction if that is happening.

Ehh, you use what for that? Toss spinrite into the bit bucket as
suggested. Log into your pfsense (or any unix!), obtain root
priviledges, and run
  dd bs=16k if=/dev/yourdisk of=/dev/null

Use what you have!! Why install extra cr^H^H^Hstuff? dd *always* works
as exected. Change buffer size as you see fit, and add an option to
prevent block buffering (if supported by bsd and if it works like

> plenty experience with that scourge.  :/  I did use the diagnostics in the
> web gui to check the SMART info and it didn't say anything out of the
> ordinary, but I have seen at least 2 Samsung SSDs over the years lose data
> with no warning and no errors in SMART.

The SMART info is effectively a status collected over time. Sectors going
bad without detectable warning by necessitiy don't give SMART a chance.
Ditto disks that fail suddenly and catastrophically. SMART is not a
fix-all, but is is very very usful in many cases.


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Re: [pfSense] Lightning strike

2016-10-16 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 14 Oct 2016 16:41:22 NZDT +1300, Jim Thompson wrote:

> > Does a disappearing reX driver interface renumber the ueX interfaces?
> On FreeBSD?  no.  On a linux system?  LIkely.

I am unsure whether that is still so for Linux, there seem to have been
changes there but I haven't looked at it as it's been inconsequential to
me. But pfsense runs on freebsd so linux behaviour has no relevance

> Let's say you had one re(4) and two em(4) devices.   Let's assume for now
> you have:
> em0: WAN
> em1: LAN
> re0:  OPT1
> Case 0:
> em0 gets fried in such a way that it doesn't enumerate on the bus.  We are
> left with:
> em1: LAN
> re0: OPT1
> What should pfSense do in this instance?

Run! No change of interface assignments to ports. Ignore missing
interfaces. The way you are presenting this anyway.

> Case 1:
> em1 gets fried in such a way that it doesn't enumerate on the bus.  We are
> left with:
> em0: WAN
> re0: OPT1
> What should pfSense do in this instance?

Run with re0:OPT1 only. Ignore missing interfaces.

> Case 2:
> re0 gets fried in such a way that it doesn't enumerate on the bus.  We are
> left with:
> em0: WAN
> em1: LAN
> What should pfSense do in this instance?

Run. No change of interface assignments to ports. Ignore missing

> Case 3:
> pfSense is operating in a dual-WAN mode
> em0: WAN0
> em1: WAN1
> re0:  LAN
> em0 gets fried in such a way that it doesn't enumerate on the bus.  We are
> left with:
> em1: WAN1
> re0:  LAN
> What should pfSense do in this instance?

Run with re0:LAN only. Ignore missing interfaces.

> Case 4:
> pfSense is operating in a dual-WAN mode
> em0: WAN0
> em1: WAN1
> re0:  LAN
> em1 gets fried in such a way that it doesn't enumerate on the bus.  We are
> left with:
> em0: WAN0
> re0:  LAN
> What should pfSense do in this instance?

Run with re0:LAN only. Ignore missing interfaces.

> Case 5:
> pfSense is operating in a dual-WAN mode
> em0: WAN0
> em1: WAN1
> re0:  LAN
> re0 gets fried in such a way that it doesn't enumerate on the bus.  We are
> left with:
> em0: WAN0
> em1: WAN1

Run with em0: WAN0, em1: WAN1 only. Ignore missing interfaces.

> Now let's say you have a 2440, with 4 igb(4) interfaces
> igb0: WAN0
> igb1: WAN1
> igb2: LAN
> igb3: OPT1

All interfaces are igbX. No interfaces left that don't get shuffled
around. Stop.

All your remaining cases are the same.

> Now, having described the desired behavior for pfSense in each case,
> generalize an algorithm for up to 8 interfaces of
> the same device type, 8 different device types, or a mix of device types, that
> behaves correctly in each case.
> Pseudo-code will do for now.

I had already given it in my previous email. It doesn't give improvement
in all cases, but in those which are safe. You'll need to store
user-chosen mappings of interfaces to ports. That's already done.

The current situation sucks. A user of a router appliance is not
primarily interested in as to why it sucks.

But Espen Johansen gave the solution: Don't touch primary OS-port names
or their braindead implementation. Create aliases based on MAC address.
Access port exclusively through alias name. Fix pfsense(!!) to keep
rules assigned to no interface accessible from the BUI, so the user can
manually re-assign them in bulk, instead of enforcing a click-me-stupid
orgy or XML file hacking. Aliases to emX, reX, igbX etc names are a
matter of today's intelligence in OS implementation. No more excuses for
decades old decisions. :-)


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Re: [pfSense] Lightning strike

2016-10-13 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 14 Oct 2016 11:25:12 NZDT +1300, Walter Parker wrote:

> Problem is that all of the current OS do this sort of renumbering (I'd have
> to check, but I think it could be a hardware/driver issue). IIRC Linux
> systems have had this sort of problem in even greater measure than the
> BSDs. The plug and play nature of USB has caused issues for most systems
> (drive letter changes on Windows, device name changes on Linux, even BSD
> has started doing this). The brain dead here is problem that extends to the
> PC industry as a whole.

Totally with you there on PC industry intelligence!

> PFSense is subject bad decisions that were made
> decades ago by other companies without enough vision. The automapping ideas
> in hardware were not properly thought out and software didn't think it
> though either.

Sure, pfsense can do little about dumb OS things, and swapping
interfaces randomly is a major security problem. But pfsense could still
do much better. Does a disappearing USB interface renumber Ethernet
interfaces? Does a disappearing reX driver interface renumber the ueX
interfaces? I didn't think so, so it should be possible to remove those
that will/could be renumbered and run with the rest, without getting
surprises other than missing interfaces or failing to boot.


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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.3.2-p1 RELEASE Now Available

2016-10-13 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 14 Oct 2016 11:21:10 NZDT +1300, Jim Pingle wrote:

> There are no installers for 2.3.2-p1. You have to install 2.3.2 and
> update to patch 1 once it's installed.

Ah, I see, that's why pre-2.3.2 doesn't offer it as an update either.
I haven't noticed this situation having existed before, would it be
useful to mention it inthe release note?

Thanks Jim,


Volker Kuhlmann is list0570 with the domain in header.  Please do not CC list postings to me.
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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.3.2-p1 RELEASE Now Available

2016-10-13 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
> Details are here: 
> <>

Thanks!! But am I the only one failing to locate the download image?

The download link goes to
but no matter what I select in terms of install/upgrade, arch or mirror,
the download button always goes to
and all files there are 16 July.

The update link in pfsense goes to
and latest files there appear to be 25 July.

I can't believe there is a major fault, but where is the download for



Volker Kuhlmann is list0570 with the domain in header.  Please do not CC list postings to me.
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Re: [pfSense] Lightning strike

2016-10-13 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 27 Jul 2016 13:40:16 NZST +1200, Chris Buechler wrote:

> > I find this really really annoying of pfsense! Especially for headless
> > systems. Hey, why run with only one interface and some functionality
> > missing when one can run with functionality of zero point zero instead?
> Because any fall back there is potentially unsafe. Say you have
> igb0-igb5, and igb2 dies. Now your igb3 is igb2, igb4 is igb3, etc.
> Any assumptions you make about what's correct are potentially
> dangerous, and likely to be wrong. We've had discussions around that
> in greater depth multiple times over the years. Any way you do it has
> edge case bugs, is dangerous and/or wouldn't be right anyway.

So the root cause of the problem is not to be able to bind pfsense
interfaces to ports (whether this is the OS's fault or not is not
something a user cares about).

In my case the USB interface runs the wifi. I can do without that
easily. But not getting access to pfsense on the LAN port on a headless
APU-4 because the USB dongle is unplugged, dead, or whatever and
therefore my wifi may be offline sure does look braindead to me. Sorry.


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Re: [pfSense] Lightning strike

2016-07-26 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 26 Jul 2016 09:41:37 NZST +1200, Karl Fife wrote:

> Interesting how it failed: The fried port 'simply' broke
> connectivity for the interface's LAN segment.  Everything else
> continued to work.  I kinda didn't believe the report that Internet
> was out for the one LAN, since the other was not.

I don't think this is that unusual or surprising. You get the same
effect if you plug in a real POTS line into an Ethernet port...

>  After some
> testing, I found the system would not come up after reboot because
> it had gone into port reassignment mode since the config made
> reference to a non-existent interface.

I find this really really annoying of pfsense! Especially for headless
systems. Hey, why run with only one interface and some functionality
missing when one can run with functionality of zero point zero instead?

> Can anyone tell me what's component is typically fried in this
> scenario?  Is it the NIC controller chip itself? I'm guessing it's
> not, rather I'm guessing it's just the big, blocky Ethernet
> Isolation transformer/amplifier that's been fried.

It is a safe bet that the Ethernet transformer (the "magnetics" part) is
fried. A fried transformer does not mean the Ethernet chip is OK; it is
possible to get the chip's I/O lines act as fuses (now blown) without
affecting adjacent I/O lines for other ports. It all depends on the
how much energy went in. Obviously it wasn't as much as to blow the
chip's top off, as in one of the slide photos!

It is actually hard to desolder multi-pin throughole components. You can
attempt to cut surface mount pins one by one with a scalpel etc. Ensure
not to put mechanical strain on any other component!! Ideally, not on
the dead component either to reduce the risk of damaging PCB tracks.
Once the dead bit falls off, unsolder the pin remainders one by one.
Then solder a new component on with a steady hand. Remove any solder
bridges you manage to create before powering up... Spare transformers
are probably cheap, but you have to get an equivalent (functionality,
pin location) one.

After that, assuming you made no mistake, you may still have to replace
the Ethernet chip too. Dunno re ease of purchase and price.

The jack itself has no components that can blow, except for the LEDs.
They're not essential for functionality, worst case you disconnect them
if they have shorted.

You attempt all of this only after you have declared the unit a write
off, especially if you haven't done it before. You then have a unique
learning opportunity.

At all times you must ensure an electrostatic free environment and
observe all ESD protection rules, or you risk (invisibly!) destroying
other chips, or worse, damaging them so they go out of spec but at first
sight still "work".

Outsourcing is a possibility, but it may only be enconomic if the
Ethernet chip is OK.



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Re: [pfSense] Wifi

2016-07-17 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 15 Jul 2016 16:58:34 NZST +1200, Alexandre Paradis wrote:

> You could put a regular nic, then plug a regular home wifi router (with
> dhcp disabled) on one of the lan port.

This is probably the best bet. It makes the location of the AP (antenna
position) independent of the location of the pfsense hardware. Putting a
wifi card into a pfsense box has all sorts of problems, missing/useless
Freebsd wifi drivers being a big one.

It doesn't seem soeasy to find a reliably good AP though, at least for a
resonable budget. Vodafone New Zealand gave out Netcomm NP805N do-it-all
home rubbish^H^H^Hrouters. Yes you can disable dhcp on the wifi side,
but the thing is too dumb to forward wifi dhcp requests to pfsense so
Net-no-comm's only use is as a dust-collector.

I have a USB wifi AP running (Tenda W322U), well sort of.
pfsense/freebsd's driver isn't very good and doesn't run the hardware at
full speed (54M only). Then make sure the USB thingie is always plugged
in and doesn't fail, because if it isn't present, pfsense doesn't even
boot any more... so you can't even fix the rules or plug a new one in.


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Re: [pfSense] USB3 to ethernet adaptor

2016-06-05 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 27 May 2016 04:53:12 NZST +1200, RB wrote:

> >
> >
> >
> I see, but that has nothing to do with the security of the VLAN
> implementation, rather of the switch as a whole.

Uhhmm, very moot point. They can't even make a secure switch, how secure
their VLAN is becomes irrelevant. And the switch manufacturer couldn't
care less about fixing anything - what's your trust value in the VLAN
implementation? How different are other manufacturers?

> Nor does it mean we avoid using an entire technology because there
> "might" be vulnerabilities in what has otherwise remained a stable and
> useful paradigm for decades.

As "stable and useful" a paradigm as the Internet was before Snowden?

> The question of VLAN jumping remains open, in my mind.  An
> appropriate, well-configured switch fabric should have no problem

True - as you say, "should", but it's utopic. Which means reducing critical
firmware entirely increases security a lot. No matter where you buy your
VLAN, it doesn't come close to the security of an extra port on the
firewall you already trust. VLAN is just being lazy.

> vulnerabilities in its management software notwithstanding.

This is a laughable argument! You can only use the whole. You're arguing
it's safe to use a (potentially!) safe fragment of VLAN firmware that by
necessity is embedded in whatever management, of which you know it's a
piece of rubbish. I'm increasingly getting the impression that network
device manufacturers only ever fix anything if there is sufficient
public backlash to make it financially worth fixing - no other reason to
fix anything exists. The logical conclusion is that such "technology" is

VLAN switch with 100% open source firmware please...


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Re: [pfSense] USB3 to ethernet adaptor

2016-05-25 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 04 May 2016 02:33:36 NZST +1200, WebDawg wrote:


In my epxerience the freebsd supported-hardware list is pretty lousy,
both in terms of its length and of its quality. The fact that some piece
of HW is listed as supported does not mean that the driver will actually
work (kernel panics every few minutes for stuff listed as fully
supported!), let alone that the driver is available in pfsense.

I have used an adapter with AX88772A for 2y to connect a wifi AP and it
has been reliable, with pfsense 2.2.x. Only 100M but that was good
enough for me at the time. Really cheap too, US$12 shipped:

The RTL8152 is complete rubbish on freebsd / pfsense 2.1, 2.2 (plug in
and go on Linux). Apparently the driver has been improved but I have not
yet retested.

Dunno MCS7832 based ones.

> ASIX Electronics AX88178A/AX88179 USB Gigabit Ethernet adapters (axge(4)

Thanks for that info! But the amaplonkers can't even ship that to New
Zealand, and it's still only USB2.0 thus aliexpress is a fraction of the
price, and they can actually ship it too.

> You would want USB 3.0 support if you want to support Gigabit speeds.  I
> never got to get that far into USB testing.

Despite the negativity, I'd be highly interested in hearing more about
these too. So far no-one has spoken up - who has tested one of these?
WHICH CHIPSET? (Only the chipset info matters, the manufacturer is
pretty much irrelevant.)

Regardless, there is one other problem with pfsense. If you pull the
adapter out, or it breaks, and you reboot, pfsense doesn't even boot any
longer. So on an APU board you go connect a serial cable and diddle
around with interface assignments, where pfsesne decides to sit instead
of running with a missing interface. Quite a ridiculous design IMHO!


Volker Kuhlmann is list0570 with the domain in header.  Please do not CC list postings to me.
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Re: [pfSense] USB3 to ethernet adaptor

2016-05-25 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 03 May 2016 01:57:55 NZST +1200, WebDawg wrote:

> If you can skip the USB stuff and enable my opinion it is worth
> it.

I disagree. While it'll work, its security is nowhere near the same. It
depends on the VLAN switch's firmware being bugfree (we all know about
how likely that is), it adds complexity, and it mixes physically
separate networks together on one cable. Perhaps it might be acceptable
to merge networks of the same security level, merging LAN and WAN
networks doesn't sound like a good idea to me.


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[pfSense] transparent squid proxy

2016-04-24 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
I am finding that the transparent web proxy does not work - or to be
more precise, the transparent part works, the proxy part does not.

What IP filter rules do I have to add, and which must I not add?

My understanding of "transparent proxy" is that TCP connections to ports
80, 443 are forcefully routed through squid.

Also, if squid is not running I don't want it to be bypassed, I want the
connection to fail, so I am alerted to the problem. When squid is
stopped all connections seem to be passed though.

If I explicitly tell wget to use http://pfsense:3128 as proxy the
request does go through squid/squidguard. However I'd also like this to
be enforced.

pfsense 2.2.6, squid3

Thanks muchly,


Volker Kuhlmann is list0570 with the domain in header.  Please do not CC list postings to me.
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Re: [pfSense] Continuous crashes on a couple of 2.2.6 amd64

2016-02-21 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Thu 18 Feb 2016 03:11:48 NZDT +1300, Odette Nsaka wrote:

> All other pfsense I have (nanobsd, x86, amd64), all on version 2.2.6 are 
> working fine.

So all your pfsense boxes are working fine except for the one that
Have you checked its hardware (memory, disk)?
Can you load its config onto different hardware and swap that into place
temporarily to see of the problems disappear?


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Re: [pfSense] Best automated configuration backup options for 2.1.5?

2015-12-15 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
The configuration is stored in a single file I thought.
rsync, ssh, and cron should take care of that easily.

If you pull it from the pfsense box you could create a new,
unpriviledged user with read access to a copy of the ocnfig file. That
way your backup system doesn't need to know the firewall's main


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Re: [pfSense] VPN client

2015-12-15 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 11 Dec 2015 07:56:46 NZDT +1300, Robert Obrinsky wrote:

> To me, it sounds like you want a fully meshed VPN solution and you
> should be able to set that up.

How about ssltunnel for point-to-point connections between LANs? The
number of tunnels would not reduce if you need to access all by all, but
your redundancy might be easier and it seems a bit overkill to run an
openVPN server with all the routing capabilities when a simple encrypted
connection would do.


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Re: [pfSense] Two queries from intending new user

2015-11-18 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 18 Nov 2015 06:14:16 NZDT +1300, Bret Busby wrote:

The short answer is no and no.
> Does installing pfSense, especially, using the "Quick/Easy Install
> option", allow for installation so as to allow for multiple boot
> options (being able to choose an alternative boot option)?

pfsense is a turn-key system requiring its own dedicated hard disk,
which gets wiped during "easy install".
Perhaps, in theory, you could transplant an existing installation into a
new partition, but you'd really have to know what you're doing. I don't
think Linux can create or write freebsd filesystems, reading them might

> The second query is thus; from what I understand, the "pfSense Default
> Configuration" has "LAN is configured with a  static IPv4 address of
>". Is it possible, with the "Quick/Easy Install option",
> to retain the current LAN configuration

No. pfsense is not aware of any other firewalls' configuration files.
Start from scratch.

You can change the LAN interface's IP address somewhere during easy
install IIRC, it's on the console at the end of installation.



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Re: [pfSense] 2.2.5 squidGuard fails to start

2015-11-18 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 18 Nov 2015 04:09:41 NZDT +1300, Brian Caouette wrote:

> I can confirm I have see this a well. Started with the 2.2.x series.
> Happens with almost every reboot or upgrade of package.
> re-downloading the blacklist fixes it until the next cycle.

For me it started with 2.2.5 and di not happen with 2.2.[234].

The package updates of squid3 0.4.3 and squidguard 1.9.17 within the
last few days fix it. Thanks!


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[pfSense] 2.2.5 squidGuard fails to start

2015-11-11 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
After squid and squidguard updates it is neccessary to re-download the
blacklist before attempting to restart squid/guard. Done.

When applying the squidguard config

An error results and squid isn't running.
No change after several iterations of squid and squidguard config
saving, followed by a reboot.

cache.log contains
2015-11-11 17:59:23 [27438] logfile not allowed in acl other than default
2015-11-11 17:59:23 [27438] logfile not allowed in acl other than default
2015-11-11 17:59:23 [27438] logfile not allowed in acl other than default
2015-11-11 17:59:23 [27438] logfile not allowed in acl other than default
2015-11-11 17:59:23 [27438] logfile not allowed in acl other than default

This is a long-standing bug of an incorrect squidguard config being

Attempting to start squid succeeds.
Saving the squidguard config (which recreates SG config and restarts
squid) fails.
Attempting to start squid succeeds.

Saving the squidguard config fails.
Starting squidguard fails.
Starting squid succeeds.

Not really good :-((


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[pfSense] rsync shell glob problem

2015-11-10 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
There is an unexpected problem with rsync on pfsense 2.2.4:

  rsync -auvAHRi pfsense:'{/root,/etc}' dir -n
rsync: link_stat "/root/{/root,/etc}" failed: No such file or directory (2)

  rsync -auvAHRi pfsense:'/{root,etc}' dir -n
rsync: link_stat "/{root,etc}" failed: No such file or directory (2)

Logging in as user root on pfsense.

It occurs with both 
  rsync  version 3.1.1  protocol version 31
  rsync  version 3.1.0  protocol version 31
on the client side.

I can't find anything in the rsync docs that says this should not work.
On pfsense in root's tcsh this works:

  ls -d /{root,etc}

There is a workaround with newer rsyncs, but what is the cause of this
not owrking on pfsense (works on Linux)?



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Re: [pfSense] squid/squidguard updates broken on 2.2.4

2015-09-30 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 30 Sep 2015 01:43:42 NZDT +1300, Jonathan Filogna wrote:

> cd /var/squid
> rm -rf cache/
> mkdir cache/
> chown proxy:proxy cache/
> squid -zX
> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start

That also obliterates all the cache content. I managed to keep it by
only re-creating the missing directories and getting squid to re-create
the cache index.

And there isn't an answer yet for why this cache part has been deleted,
or is being deleted repeatedly after upgrade.


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[pfSense] squid/squidguard updates broken on 2.2.4

2015-09-28 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
I upgraded to the new packages:

squid3 0.3.4
squidGuard 1.9.15

which were offered. No more web browsing...

squid fails on startup, with pfsense attempting to restart every
minute and cache.log growing to tons of MB fast.

The critical entry is right at the top:

2015/09/29 08:31:20 kid1| ERROR: /var/squid/cache/09: (2) No such file or 
FATAL:  Failed to verify one of the swap directories, Check cache.log
for details.  Run 'squid -z' to create swap directories
if needed, or if running Squid for the first time.
Squid Cache (Version 3.4.10): Terminated abnormally.

Recovery is possible with
  copy cache/0F to cahce/09, then delete all files it contains
  stop squid (not so easy... be fast)
  delete swap.state
  wait < 1 minute for squid to be restarted

It appears I may not be the only one with this problem:

The problem appears not to be with pfsense 2.2.4 but with the most
recent squid/squidguard package updates.


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Re: [pfSense] Internal Clock Broke

2015-08-23 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Mon 24 Aug 2015 16:22:04 NZST +1200, Brady, Mike wrote:

> It is not ticked on any (three) of the machines that I have just
> looked at.  This is not something that I would have ever changed.

Perhaps my memory is wrong and I did change mine. Why have an advanced
option that stops the whole thing from working? Perhaps it's for locally
connected clock sources.

> Sorry, I meant ntpq -n -c ass.

ind assid status  conf reach auth condition  last_event cnt
  1 40532  8011   yesno  nonerejectmobilize  1
  2 40533  8011   yesno  nonerejectmobilize  1

Yes, thanks muchly.


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Re: [pfSense] Access Point Recommendations?

2015-08-23 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
Does anyone have any recommendations for a/ac models, AP only, as is
only radio, no router/switch stuff? Dumb is good, I use pfsense already
and don't need more complexity in closed-source buggy devices.
Single-RJ45 perfect, as soon as there are LAN and WAN ports the problems
start (like everyone thinking the only secure way to configure the AP is
over the wifi!).



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Re: [pfSense] Internal Clock Broke

2015-08-23 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Mon 24 Aug 2015 14:11:22 NZST +1200, Brady, Mike wrote:

> I think that the INIT states indicate that you are not in fact
> synced.

Yes, I took that for granted. But why? ntpdate to the same servers
connects fine. Default pfsense config - well I added one time server and
enabled ntpq.

It looks like ntpd can't talk to the servers, but why, when ntpdate
works fine? Both running on pfsense.

OK found it. Under access restrictions, the option

  "Disable all except ntpq and ntpdc queries (default: disabled)."

must NOT be ticked! The default is ticked. This seems to prevent ntpd
altogether from talking to the time servers.

That looks like a bug. Could you compare your config, please?

>  What does ntpq -n -c peers show?

Same. You can shorten "peers" all the way to "pe".

> I would also suggest that you have at least 3 servers configured to
> sync against.

Point taken, but it depends on how important it is (have another time
server), and it's not the issue here.



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Re: [pfSense] Internal Clock Broke

2015-08-23 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Mon 24 Aug 2015 12:16:28 NZST +1200, Brady, Mike wrote:

> No issues here (also Pacific/Auckland) with any 2.2 release.

Well, mine is a stock 2.2.x install, about 12 months old, upgraded a few
times to minor point releases. I hacked the php of squid, squidguard and
ssh (out of necessity, no BUI support), which doesn't affect ntp.

There is nothing unusual in the log, except maybe this warning:

 Aug 24 ...: restrict: 'monitor' cannot be disabled while 'limited' is enabled

After enabling ntpq queries under advanced, ntpd does not sync within a

# ntpq -c peer -n
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==  16 u-   6400.0000.000   0.000   .INIT.  16 u-   6400.0000.000   0.000

On Linux, restarting (stop, start) ntpd gives the stratum info
immediately, and syncs to these servers in under 5 minutes. pfsense has
done nothing after 15 minutes.

There is a problem here. What could it be?



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Re: [pfSense] Internal Clock Broke

2015-08-23 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 26 Jun 2015 14:54:38 NZST +1200, Brian Caouette wrote:

> Anyone else notice the clock is broke on 2.2.3? Anything time related
> is seriously off.

Agreed. It's broken in 2.2.4 too.

At least the upgrade to 2.2.4 did not change the time zone
(Pacific/Auckland) for me. I can no longer tell for the upgrade to

Time synchronisation does not happen. I configured 2 time servers, both
reachable, and the system time is wrong.

pfsense # ntpdate -qu
server, stratum 1, offset -11.124288, delay 0.05031
server, stratum 1, offset -11.124315, delay 0.03931
server, stratum 3, offset -11.120111, delay 0.04111
24 Aug 12:13:24 ntpdate[95005]: step time server offset -11.124315 

11 seconds difference does not happen if NTP is working.

uptime 23 days.

Hardware is PCEngines APU1.


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[pfSense] Remote syslog logging keeps stopping

2015-05-03 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
I noticed that after a re-install of 2.2.2 (with sections of config file
from 2.1.5 and several reboots) syslog to remote was not sending any

The settings at
were all correct (Remote Syslog Servers, IP address) and just saving the
page sends syslog data from pfsense to a remote host.

Now there is no syslog data again. Saving the above page as is makes it
flow out again.

I conclude that under some condition(s) pfsense stops sending syslog
data to a remote host. What might those conditions be, and where do I
start looking?

The last line logged is
  ...T02:57:57.142885+12:00 xx syslogd: sendto: Operation not permitted
pfsense has been up since well before that.

TIA, and thanks for fixing that useless syslog format!!


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Re: [pfSense] Squid + Squidguard

2015-04-27 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 22 Apr 2015 06:33:04 NZST +1200, David White wrote:

> Looking at system logs, this is the last error message seen:
> php-fpm[26563]: /pkg_edit.php: The command '/usr/pbi/squid-amd64/sbin/squid
> -k reconfigure' returned exit code '1', the output was '2015/04/21
> 18:22:30| parseConfigFile: squid.conf:69 unrecognized: 'url_rewrite_bypass'
> squid: ERROR: No running copy'

Yeah I can explain precisely why this error is happening. With some
version (3.0 I guess) some directives changed name, including that one.
The pfsense squidguard package injects directives into the squid config
to integrate itself into squidguard. Unfortunately the php code is crude
and doesn't check the squid version.

This was for pfsense 2.1:
Bug #4243: Last squidguard update prevents squid from starting

The current squidguard has acquired a version test
(/usr/local/pkg/ but it tests the pfsense
version, not the squid version.

Also you may have leftover crud from a previous squidguard in the squid
config if you upgraded.

Do this:
* services->proxy server->general, clear out the "Integrations" input
  box completely (except of course anything you put there yourself). Save.
* services->proxy filter:
  - Blacklist: update
  - General: apply config( critical)

This should tidy up your squid and squidguard.

Possibly you have pfsense packages that don't work on your pfsense
I use squid3 3.4.10_2 pkg 0.2.8, squidGuard 1.4_7 pkg v.1.9.14 and they
work. Well, whatever definition of "work". Squidguard itself is buggy in
places, and the squid + squidguard pfsense packages look like not having
enough devlopers. I don't know how well squidGuard-devel 1.5 works.
squid(3?)-devel has gone (good, there were too many confusing packages).



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Re: [pfSense] sun qfe status?

2015-04-19 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sun 19 Apr 2015 02:13:37 NZST +1200, Adam Thompson wrote:

> PowerEdge 1750), and I figured I'd give it a shot.  So far, so good,
> but I haven't deliberately unplugged the network cable or powered
> off the switch it's connected to.  So far the link has stayed up,
> and it's been working properly.

The problem only showed when the interface went down because it lost its
cable connection. I had a consumer wifi AP connected to one of the
ports, and having a runaway firewall because the AP got power cycled
was not an option. It was solid for long periods if everything stayed

Minor point - my interfaces were called hme0-3 with the SUN quad port
100M card, and I don't know how that relates to qfe.


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Re: [pfSense] sun qfe status?

2015-04-13 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sun 12 Apr 2015 09:22:32 NZST +1200, Adam Thompson wrote:

> I recall seeing reports of problems with Sun 'qfe' (quad-port hme)
> interfaces on this list previously; does anyone know what the
> current status is?  Do they work properly in 2.2.1 i386?

I was one of the people with problems. CPU runaway when unplugging the
network cable (or turning off the peer device, etc), recoverable only by
reboot. Pfsense 2.1, and possibly 2.0.

Because the pfsense/hme combination was de-facto completely useless I
took it as an opportunity to buy an APU1 board. I haven't looked back
(smaller, less power, only pfsense 2.1 support of the hardware
temperature sensor sucks).

The old hardware is still standing around but out of date, so re-testing
is not straightforward.


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Re: [pfSense] best way to change WAN interface after migration

2015-04-13 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sun 12 Apr 2015 08:35:51 NZST +1200, Martin Fuchs wrote:

Interface handling in pfsense isn't very good I'm afraid, including
things like move/copy all rules from one interface to another, "parking"
an interface in the config that is temporarily absent in hardware, or
similar. The only way I could think of is a text editor.

> So you recommend changing  to  and vice versa ?
> Does it work in the editor embedded in the gui for /cnd/default.xml ?

I wouldn't do that. Back up your complete config (and you can go back to
it). Use a decent text editor on your PC. Manually check every(!)
replacement, and be careful to avoid false matches (as pointed out
already) and those few places where the old interface name should remain
(I had some). Then diff the configs, and restore the new one. Painful,
but there's no faster way. On the positive, the config is XML and not
some proprietary effluent.


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Re: [pfSense] Console is in cyrillic

2015-03-18 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 18 Mar 2015 14:47:52 NZDT +1300, Jeremy Bennett wrote:


It appears that upper case letters are shown in roman, lower case ones
in greek script. That looks like a bit flip problem somewhere between
the APU serial DB connector and your monitor, i.e. unlikely involving

Before doing anything else please eliminate your side of the problem,
and use a different USB/serial adapter (real FTDI always works, cheap
junk is your problem) or a real serial port, and a different(!) terminal
program (and check its character encoding settings).



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Re: [pfSense] Design Best Practice Question

2015-03-07 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sun 08 Mar 2015 02:44:45 NZDT +1300, Tim Hogan wrote:

> I like your idea with using 1:1 NAT but just one question; If you
> use SSL with the certificate on the web server, will the 1:1 NAT
> mess with that?



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Re: [pfSense] serial port sadness

2015-02-25 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Thu 26 Feb 2015 07:19:04 NZDT +1300, Jim Pingle wrote:


Yes useful for many occasions.
However as a first step having a two bucks gender bender and trying with
and without will put the straight/null issue to rest. You'll still need
if if the flashing gadget indicates as such. Smaller/cheaper than having
two different cables too.

> FTDI chip, too.

Or what the Chinese make of that ;-)


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Re: [pfSense] Bulk Editing settings on the PFSense dashboard

2015-02-21 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sun 22 Feb 2015 18:12:35 NZDT +1300, Ryan Coleman wrote:

> You know how long reboots don’t take, right?

Approximately 20-25 minutes, until all the packages are downloaded
(again) and re-installed, although none of this would have been
necessary. Meanwhile the user interface is locked as well, although you
can unlock it if you know how and want to take your chances.

I noticed in some circumstances the reboot does not take place, but I
can't reliably predict when and it's not documented on the user
interface (unless I missed it).


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[pfSense] Reject action for non-TCP/UDP packets

2015-02-16 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
What happens exactly in pfsense with a reject-action rule with protocol
"any" and a packet that is neither TCP nor UDP?
Does this rule reject TCP+UDP packets, and deny others?
Or is there a chance non TCP/UDP packets could be passed?
Is this different for pfsense 2.1 and 2.2? IPv4 and IPv6?

This is kind of crucial, and needs a reliable answer if one doesn't want
to back it all up with another deny rule. pfsense changed too, in 2.1
such rule could not be created
but it can on 2.1.5.



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Re: [pfSense] Squid not logging traffic

2015-02-16 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 17 Feb 2015 12:27:34 NZDT +1300, Walter Parker wrote:

> For the real time monitor, if you switch from WAN to LAN, you can see who
> is doing spikes. For the other items, you can see how much bandwidth each
> internal IP addresses has used in one of those packages. Unless you have
> servers in a DMZ outside of the firewall or are doing some sort of traffic
> reflection to internal hosts, all traffic to/from a desktop to the firewall
> is traffic to the internet.

We probably have a different idea of network topology. E.g. the wifi is
on a different network (I don't trust wireless) to the LAN. Then I grab
a laptop, connect it to wifi, and transfer 1GB with a desktop, LAN
fileserver, or whatever. All this traffic goes through pfsense, but not
through WAN, and is of no interest in finding out which LAN/wifi/etc
host had how much traffic to the Internet (through WAN).

bytes/s is of not much interest to me either, total bytes per
day/week/month is.

The problem with the pfsense bandwidth packages (all of them) is that
they're interface based. They tell me how much traffic each host
connected to interface A contributed to the traffic through A. What I
want to know is how much traffic each host connected to interface A, B,
C contributes to traffic through *D*. This is of interest to anyone
charged by volume by their ISP.

The netflow setup looks like the only contender for this, but it does
nothing by itself and the whole setup looks a bit involved. I'll make
another effort when I get the time. Open source on Linux only for me
though, unless it is on pfsense.

Thanks for thinking of the screenshots but I don't think they'd add much
to your description.


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Re: [pfSense] Squid not logging traffic

2015-02-16 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 17 Feb 2015 10:33:21 NZDT +1300, Walter Parker wrote:

> In Realtime, you can use the dashboard app.

The pfsense dashboard? I don't think so. traffic going through a
particular interface is not so interesting.

> For plugins, BandwidthD and Darkstat have some information.

Unfortuntely the info is of no value. I am not interested in any traffic
volume between LAN, DMZ, WIFI, LAN2, etc. I am only interested in the
traffic going through WAN, and with which *internal* host. The above
packages can only tell me which *Internet* sites had how much traffic
through WAN, but that side of the connection is of no interest to me. I
want to know which of my clients have created the traffic for which I
have to pay my ISP, so I can work out which flatmate has to pay for it,
or fix the computer with a problem that wastes my money.

I realise those in the USA and a few other countries don't have this
problem, but it sure exists where I live and I'm sure it's not the only
country. In any case it's good to know what gobbles up resources, even
if they're free.

> I've used netflow on other systems to get this sort of information, but for
> pfSense you would have to setup a second box that ran the netflow
> visualizer to see the traffic information from one of the netflow plugins.

Copying a file onto another computer to look at its content isn't too
much of a problem. Do you know of a good tutorial that lists the
software needed, and basic config for each part?



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Re: [pfSense] Squid not logging traffic

2015-02-16 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 17 Feb 2015 06:15:46 NZDT +1300, Brian Caouette wrote:

> I also notice it doesn't log torrents. Is there a way to tell it to
> log everything

I don't know about lightsquid. Squid is a web cache and I'm not sure it
is even able to deal with anything but http. If you look at its config
file you see that it only deals with a short list of ports in the first
place, and is not involved in the rest at all. You are looking for an
application filter (like squid is for http). pfsense is mainly a packet
filter, those packages are already add-ons.

> so I can get an accurate picture of what each device on
> the network is using?

With pfsense, short answer: no. This is my longest standing problem with
pfsense. It is not able to tell me which LAN device caused how much WAN
traffic. There may be half a dozen different add-on packages but all are
of no use here (for different reasons). I'd really like to hear that I
missed something...


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Re: [pfSense] Squid not logging traffic

2015-02-15 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Mon 16 Feb 2015 03:53:55 NZDT +1300, Brian Caouette wrote:

> I just noticed squid is not logging all traffic. The last few nights
> I've used plex on my roku connected to my friends server. The only
> thing showing in light squid

Are you talking about squid or light squid? Aren't they different

Squid logs the number of bytes transferred, which means it can write the
log entry only after the connection is closed the time stamps seems to
be the one of when the log entry was written, not when the connection
was opened. When is a streaming connection closed?

Perhaps more to the point, what port does the stream use? Is it one
handled by squid in the first place?


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Re: [pfSense] Squid guard

2015-02-04 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 04 Feb 2015 02:22:49 NZDT +1300, Brian Caouette wrote:

> What's the best way to handle custom sgerror.php pages with squidguard?
> Any time the package updates my custom page is over written.

Copy your own sgerror.php to sgerror-local.php, make your changes, and
point to it with the URL that can be configured in the BUI for that

Btw contrary to the help text for setting the redirect mode, the
internal error page ( /sgerror.php ) is accessible with squidguard set
to "int error page" as long as the web configurator is accessible,
because it is served by the same web server (lighttpd). However if the
web configurator is running on https, a redirect from http to https
occurs (directly pointing to https does not work). With https
certificate warnings result.

/usr/local/pkg/ needs several changes to it,
but it's not difficult. That however will disappear with the next
package update too. Squidguard isn't yet a stable pfsense package...

> Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Smartphone

I couldn't care less, even if I tried very hard. ;-)


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Re: [pfSense] 2.2 Packages

2015-01-31 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sat 31 Jan 2015 20:02:44 NZDT +1300, A Mohan Rao wrote:

> I also revert back to 2.1.5 or 2.1.
> Its pretty good.
> At present i m facing only squid guard service not starting problem.

You need to start giving better info. Which package versions? Have you
even looked at the logs? They usually tell you why something doesn't

For example squidguard 1.4_4 pkg v.1.9.9 is broken with squid 2 because
it uses squid directives only available in squid 3. A look in the logs
and config files shows this easily.


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[pfSense] squid and squidguard versions

2015-01-28 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
Would someone please be able to shed some light on the difference
between the squid3 and squid3-dev packages for 2.1.5?

And what is the difference between the squidGuard, squidGuard-squid3,
and squidGuard-devel packages for pfsense 2.2?
Which one should one use with squid3 (on 2.2)?

It would be really useful if someone could update the descriptions that
show up on https://pfsense.localdomain/pkg_mgr.php for all these

Thanks muchly,


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Re: [pfSense] FQDN alias update failure

2014-12-22 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 23 Dec 2014 00:30:39 NZDT +1300, Renato Botelho wrote:

> Every time alias is changed, a HUP signal is sent do filterdns [1],
> and it triggers it to read config again and update aliases.

Thanks for the tip. However a

  kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`

doesn't seem to cause an immediate update of aliases. filterdns seems to
wait until the end of the current interval before doing anything. It
would do the same with sending HUP (changing aliases as already done

> Could you let me know the steps to have multiple filterdns instances
> running? I couldn’t reproduce it here.

Trivial, just run it:

  /usr/local/sbin/filterdns -p /var/run/ -i 300 -c 
/var/etc/filterdns.conf -d 1

This incantation is run by pfsense. Doing the same from the command line
starts up a new instance of filterdns each time. It also updates aliases


Volker Kuhlmann  Please do not CC list postings to me.
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[pfSense] FQDN alias update failure

2014-12-19 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
pf tables can be populated from FQDNs through pfsense aliases. However
the FQDNs are not re-evaluated and pf tables are not updated after
applying changes to the aliases or filter rules, creating confusion when
setting up rules. The update only happens eventually when the filterdns
background process gets around to it.

Is there a way to run a command that does an update immediately, while
the problem is being fixed?

filterdns is run as

/usr/local/sbin/filterdns -p /var/run/ -i 300 -c 
/var/etc/filterdns.conf -d 1

and expects a config file as minimum argument.

However it always starts up a new instance that keeps running. Is it
possible to tell it to terminate after one update iteration, or do I
need to write a script that kills it after 10 seconds? Thanks.


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Re: [pfSense] OpenVPN connects fine, no internet

2014-12-12 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 12 Dec 2014 06:19:37 NZDT +1300, Karl Fife wrote:

>> The VPN should protect from all MITM attacks and snooping between
>> the VPN client and server.
> This is a great idea, but I find that routing all traffic through
> VPN causes problems in marginal (lossy or congensted) networks.  I'm
> curious to know if others have also had this pain point, and whether
> you've had any success by simply sending VPN over TCP.

What you are seeing is the additional overhead of the VPN, both in
encapsulation and in delay. There is no way around that. I expect tcp to
be even worse (but able to detect missing packets). That's the price you
pay. Ideally I'd like to have flexible and user-friendly control over
what data goes over the VPN and which DNS is used. It happens that one
has to look up some hosts of the provider and can't tunnel the DNS,
which is always annoying.

It is possible that other VPNs, in particular IPsec, have lower


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Re: [pfSense] 2.2 Release Candidate now available!

2014-12-11 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
Would you like tickets or a quick problem list here?

2.2-RC (amd64)
built on Thu Dec 11 03:41:41 CST 2014
FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p1
(In virtualbox 4.2.6)

squid3 installs, but doesn't start. From system log:
php-fpm[89961]: /pkg_edit.php: The command 
'/usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/sbin/squid -f 
/usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/etc/squid/squid.conf' returned exit code '1', the 
output was 'Shared object "" not found, required by "squid"'

squidGuard-squid3 doesn't install:
Downloading squidGuard-squid3 and its dependencies... 
Checking for package installation... 
 Downloading ... 
 ERROR: No digital signature! If you are *SURE* you trust this PBI, re-install 
with --no-checksig option.
of squidguard-squid3-1.4_4-amd64 failed!
Installation aborted.Removing package...


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Re: [pfSense] Aliases are auto-deleted

2014-12-11 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Thu 11 Dec 2014 01:51:32 NZDT +1300, Vick Khera wrote:

> > If you're using my DNS zone to generate a block list for my IPs I can
> > make those names return anything I want and get through anyway.

> I use hostnames in rules to permit my home office (which has a dynamic IP)
> to administer the office firewall via the public interface. I control the
> dynamic dns, so it is a safe thing to do. Generally, however, I agree with
> you that it is giving control to someone else.

It is still useful. And it depends on whether it's used in white or
blacklist. In whitelists the behaviour of pfsense 2.1 causes a DoS. DoSs
seem to be considered a security problem, e.g. the current openvpn
problems don't get anyone any access but can cause a DoS, and everyone
is quick to fix it.


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Re: [pfSense] OpenVPN connects fine, no internet

2014-12-11 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
> did you configure tunnelblick to send *all* traffic to the vpn? if so, you
> have to add allow rules to the openvpn interface to permit that traffic,
> and probably set up a NAT on there as well.

If the network the client is connecting from (e.g. while travelling) is
in any way not totally trustworthy it would be prudent to at least route
the DNS traffic through the tunnel, if not all traffic. The VPN should
protect from all MITM attacks and snooping between the VPN client and


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Re: [pfSense] Aliases are auto-deleted

2014-12-09 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:39:36 NZDT +1300, Ryan Clough wrote:

> I, too, am using aliases which do not retain domain names or IP addresses.

I opened

What happens is that a rule reload, which can be triggered by many
things e.g. interface yoyo (see WAN gw) or applying alias or rule
changes, clears all the FQDN alias entries from the tables used by pf,
and then fails to put them back in. They are added again "some time"
later, but I don't know what "some time" is, several minutes at least.
Meanwhile the user interface is showing these entries as being part of
the running rule set when they are silently not. I consider that to be a
security problem - the running rule set is not the configured one.

This is at least the case for host and network type aliases (I don't use
and therefore didn't check url or url table types).

Chris says it's fixed for 2.2. Perhaps this ticket:
(Nost recent comment says it may not yet be fully resolved.)

Apply patch
(chunk #2 manually because it fails)
It seems to work however comments in #3939 say it's incomplete so better
only do it if desperation is big.

> let me know. I have attached a screenshot of pfSense Firewall->Aliases and
> a screenshot of the pfctl command showing the the table does not exist.

The pfctl man page mentions possible rule optimisations removing tables.
pfsense uses pfctl -o basic. Consider whether this may be a factor in
your case. Edit /etc/inc/ to -o none.



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Re: [pfSense] Aliases are auto-deleted

2014-12-09 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 10 Dec 2014 01:30:49 NZDT +1300, Chris Bagnall wrote:

Yes I was wondering about (basically useless) rate limiting too.
I used the ISP's web server. Or use one of the top 10 companies' one, or
one of the big CDNs. For single WAN pinging 1/s doesn't quite make sense
to me either so I increased the numbers.

> (nearly all our pfSense deployments are multi-WAN, so disabling
> gateway monitoring isn't a solution here, alas)

Is this why gateway monitoring is active by default? I'd have guessed
most pfsense installs to be single WAN. What would gw monitoring be
useful for then? Nothing could be done about the Internet going



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Re: [pfSense] Aliases are auto-deleted

2014-12-09 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
I found the problem. My ISP changed the WAN gateway to be mostly
non-responsive to pings. But only mostly, so pfsense plays yoyo with it.

Aliases containing FQDN entries are removed from pf tables (pfctl -T
show -t aliasname) at the start of any rule or alias change, related to
the alias with FQDNs or not, they effectively disappear permanently
while playing yoyo. It takes an exorbitant time for them to be re-added
when they should be added as part of a rule reload or not be removed in
the first place.

The fix in this case is to ping an ISP host behind the gateway (which
isn't actually down), or to disable WAN gateway monitoring (I am not
sure what it actually does when there is only a single ISP).


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[pfSense] Aliases are auto-deleted

2014-12-05 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
I have some aliases containing FQDNs instead of IP addresses (very
useful feature). However they keep on being removed from the pf rules.

For example an alias of type networks contains IP addresses, IP
networks, and domain names. When I check with 
  pfctl -t aliasname -T show
Only the IP addresses and networks show, the IP addresses for the domain
names are missing.
Adding the name to the table works:
  pfctl -t aliasname -T add

But it disappears from the table within seconds.
This alias is referenced by 2 rules.

If I create a test alias with one of the domain names in question the
table stays as it should, or at least
  pfctl -t test -T show
shows that. This table is not referenced by any rule.

I can't rely on pfsense operating properly like this. It's a bit like
putting a lock on a door that unknown to anyone only locks before noon.

What's the cause of this behaviour, and how do I fix it?
It used to work, but that may have been 2.1.3.
I just reinstalled 2.1.5 again to check if that fixes things, but it
doesn't. The problem occurs on a freshly installed system.

Thanks muchly,


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Re: [pfSense] System and Help menu still stack together

2014-12-05 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sat 06 Dec 2014 09:17:12 NZDT +1300, Przemysław Pawełczyk wrote:

> > I'm back with the same problem when "Help" item is stacked below
> > "System" option in top menu.

Yes that has been annoying me too for years, it makes the system menu
inaccessible. It happens if the browser decides to render things
differently than on the developers' screens. Mostly this happens if the
browser window is too small because e.g. the screen is too small, but
also happens when using a different font to increase legibility. At the
same time there is a large stupid grey area on the right side for a
complete waste of space.

Try temporarily reducing the browser text size (ctrl-scrollwheeldown) to
access the system menu.
Or try one of the other themes (System->General) if you're lucky enough
to get there.


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Re: [pfSense] Recomend

2014-11-30 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 28 Nov 2014 13:56:32 NZDT +1300, Ryan Coleman wrote:

> Have you considered a small 2.5" SATA HD for the machine? If
> you're talking APU, of course. You can run it off 5V from the board
> (I THINK?) I know there are SATA headers there.

There is one SATA header on the board, and you get 5V power from a 2-pin
header close-by. Butcher a SATA power cable and solder something up
yourself, or better buy the specially-made short SATA/power cable from
PC Engines.

A tip from PC Engines was to tape the disk under the lid, so all fits
into the box. Might pay to check disk temperature afterwards. I noticed
the latest revision of the APU board has a 2x3 test header missing to
make more space for a 2.5" disk.

I am about to try an SSD for pfsense and a 2.5" for the squid cache.
Currently it all runs fine off a 2.5".

I can't comment on the other hardware mentioned by the OP because of
lack of experience.


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Re: [pfSense] APU and SSD: full install or NanoBSD

2014-11-26 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Thu 27 Nov 2014 04:41:42 NZDT +1300, compdoc wrote:

> > Bottom line, squid and SSD are not a good combo.
> Ive used several SSDs over the years running pfSense and linux and
> windows OSes. Work just like hard drives, except might actually be
> more reliable.

>From the discussion in this thread it's clear that only good-quality
expensive SSDs can be counted on, and that they have to be several
times over-sized, adding more to the cost. Best is not to write to them
too then, if possible. ;-)

It's a lot of expense compared to the cost of an APU board. Smaller
spinning disks in good shape are frequently free from upgrade leftovers.


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Re: [pfSense] APU and SSD: full install or NanoBSD

2014-11-25 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Thu 30 Oct 2014 00:12:05 NZDT +1300, Odette Nsaka wrote:

>   I'm going to switch from MMC/SD to SSD on APU.

Good move.

> Does anyone have any suggestion or experience? Are SSD drives on PC engines 
> shop reliable to make a full install or do you suggest to stay on NanoBSD 
> install?

Full of course, come on, you've got a pretty decent PC with heaps of
RAM. Not exactly embedded-sized, save the VGA output you never need
anyway, and the power consumption. Nano is for rock-bottom hardware
specs, which the APU is not.

Thinking SSDs are the way to go I put in a PC Engines SSD (good price,
afterall) with updated firmware as soon as it became available in
mid/late May, and added squid and squidguard for my own protection. Bad
idea. Pfsense locked dead for the first time in early Sep, got pretty
hot too (does the CPU clock/power control fail with disk IO errors?).
Bottom line, squid and SSD are not a good combo.

The new SSDs from PC Engines with physon controller are much better,
good SMART support too, but my plan is to run pfsense of the SSD and
locate the squid cache and log files on a 2.5" spinning platter. With PC
Engines' special SATA cable it might still all fit into the case.

pfsense 2.1.5


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Re: [pfSense] filterdns killing pfsense

2014-11-24 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Mon 24 Nov 2014 19:24:55 NZDT +1300, Nishant Sharma wrote:


> I have observed this happening when there are infected machines in the
> network that incessantly send web requests. This causes squid to query
> filterdns which fills all the states and new connections are slow to
> open.
> Have a look on state table and you will see most of them from
> to

There is no abnormality in the state table. For the first occurrance of
this problem used-states peaked at 170 (RRD, 1 week, 1h average), for
the second at 120 (RRD, 1 day, 5 minutes average).
For the first time I checked this in the web interface at the time, the
second time I couldn't get a web login.

The access log shows a client doing web browsing with a request rate of
up to something like 20/second for the first. That's normal, pages
loading all their CDN and adcr.p references. No activity for the second
time(!) in the log, but that seems a bit low.

I had increased the squifguard processes from the default 5 to 20 (had
to hack the php) to avoid warnings about insufficient processes.

> Immediate measure can be not to use dns-forwarder as DNS for the
> firewall. Sift through squid access log to find out infected machines
> and sanitise them.

No infected machines present.

It is entirely possible that my ISP had DNS or general congestion at the
time. However I expect pfsense not to shoot itself when its Internet
connection is less than perfect.

As a quick measure I have moved squid + squidguard logs to a different
filesystem and changed process limits from

kern.maxfiles: 12328
kern.maxfilesperproc: 11095


kern.maxfiles: 15000
kern.maxfilesperproc: 3000

And squid needs its logging sorted:
  uniq < cache.log > cache.log-uniq
  wc -l cache.log*
98234680 cache.log
   64153 cache.log-uniq

So I am still looking for the cause of this suicidal pfsense box. Any
pointers gratefully accepted.


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[pfSense] filterdns killing pfsense

2014-11-23 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
The second time within two days now my pfsense has shot itself. So far I
worked out this:

filterdns opens an unlimited number of files (approx 10753).
(Only one filterdns process is running!)

Squid 2.7.9 pkg v.4.3.4 starts logging
  httpAccept: FD 51: accept failure: (23) Too many open files in system
without rate limit (bad design).

The log file grows until the disk is full.

My Internet goes offline, which is when I notice the problem.

Recovery is possible by removing the oversized log file and killing

pfSense 2.0.5 running on APU1 board.

Why is this suddenly starting to happen? The only change I've had
recently is that the internal SSD failed and got replaced with a 2.5"
SATA spinning platter.

Thanks muchly,


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Re: [pfSense] Dependencies on older packages?

2014-06-15 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 11 Jun 2014 22:41:55 NZST +1200, Brian Candler wrote:

> pkg_add: warning: package 'libidn-1.22' requires
> 'libiconv-1.13.1_2', but 'libiconv-1.14_1' is installed
> pkg_add: warning: package 'libidn-1.22' requires 'gettext-',
> but 'gettext-0.18.3' is installed
> pkg_add: warning: package 'wget-1.13.4_1' requires
> 'libiconv-1.13.1_2', but 'libiconv-1.14_1' is installed
> pkg_add: warning: package 'wget-1.13.4_1' requires
> 'gettext-', but 'gettext-0.18.3' is installed

There are several other packages (and/or pfsense packages?) that trigger
the same warnings.


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Re: [pfSense] Interface options for pfsense

2014-06-09 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Mon 21 Apr 2014 22:46:57 NZST +1200, Christoph Hanle wrote:

> > Are there any USB Ethernet adapters that actually work with pfsense?
> > Reliably? I am looking for reports from those who have tried, not the
> > freebsd supported HW list - that list is too long and not really
> > trustworthy (I have a USB wifi adapter which runs for 10min then makes
> > pfsense kernel panic).
> Tested with 2.0.3 and stable in production usage: Digitus 3015 (RTL 8150
> chipset) and Digitus-10050 (MCS7832 chipset).

Obtained one which says RTL8152 under Linux (works off the shelf):
Bus 010 Device 003: ID 0bda:8152 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 

On pfsense 2.1.3 dmesg says
ugen1.2:  at usbus1

But even after adding
to /boot/loader.conf.local
and rebooting with the adapter plugged in nothing much in dmesg gives
any hint of the presence of another interface.

--> RTL8152 no good with pfsense 2.1.3.

I can't find RTL8150 any more.

Does anyone have an Ethernet USB adapter working under pfsense 2.1?



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[pfSense] Squidguard package creates buggy config file

2014-06-02 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
squidguard 1.4_4 pkg v.1.9.6 creates this config file:
The rule for Groups ACL for host1 is disabled.

src host1 {
log block.log
src host2 {
log block.log
acl  {
host2  {
pass ...
log block.log
default  {
log block.log


1) src host1 is defined, but has no ACL. Squidguard treats this silently as 
"pass all"!!
Solution: Write the config lines but comment them out, or don't write the lines 
belonging to disabled rules to the config file.
This is a critical failure for something that is supposed to give protection.

2) The BUI has a column "Disabled" in the "Groups ACL" tab. For disabled rules 
it says "on".
Please make this clearer and say "yes".
Of course, currently "disabled" means "all access control disabled", not "rule 

3) Inside the acl{} block only the default{} part is allowed to have a log 
statement. For each of the host2{} blocks containing a log statement an error 
like this is generated:
 2014-06-02 22:36:51 [51713] logfile not allowed in acl other than default

The pfsense bug tracker doesn't seem to be for pfsense packages, in lieu
of a better place I post it here.


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[pfSense] php error in squidguard

2014-05-31 Thread Volker Kuhlmann

pfsense 2.1.3, squidguard 1.4_4 pkg v.1.9.6  (both latest)

Select "Groups ACL" tab.
None are defined. Click the "+" icon.

Page says:
Order   Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in 
/usr/local/www/pkg_edit.php on line 570
Select the new position for this ACL item. ACLs are evaluated on a first-match 
source basis.

The drop-down is empty.


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[pfSense] syslog server IP/name

2014-05-21 Thread Volker Kuhlmann

Has 3 fields for syslog servers. Says IP addresses must be entered. Does
accept names (corresponding entry exists in DHCP server or DNS

Either the comment is wrong, or error checking is absent (intentionally
or accidentally).


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[pfSense] Web GUI certs

2014-05-21 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
The web GUI uses a default auto-generated cert, which (as expected)
causes browser errors.
An improved aproach would be to generate a CA, a key, and to load the CA
into the browser. That way I can be assured to not accidentally OK the
wrong connection, and it tests my understanding of the cert system in

I can't get it to work quite the way I prefer:
  * accept all host names
  * accept the IP address
  * accept any IP address in the subnet

When creating the certs, only the CN field seems to have some
significance, and then only for the server cert. For the CA, any free
text is accepted. For the server cert I select "type: server", but CNs

Only the CN of "" makes the browser not complain with, but https://10.x.x.x/ still gives an error.
Entering an alternative name of "10.x.x.x" when creating the server cert
does nothing.

I get the same results with firefox and konqueror, however 
openssl s_client -connect .. -verify -CApath /etc/ssl .. 
does not complain (I installed the CA cert into /etc/ssl/certs/).

Other websites seem to have no problems with wildcard name certificates
valid for "*.site".

What exactly should I be putting into the pfsense cert manager to get a
similar effect? And make the browser accept the IP address(es) too?

pfsense 2.1.3

Thanks muchly,


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Re: [pfSense] php error on login screen

2014-05-05 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Mon 05 May 2014 18:34:28 NZST +1200, Lars Wuerfel wrote:

Hi Lars,

> I had this some time ago, when I defined a virtual IP
> (IP alias) to my LAN Interface, and then tried to login to this
> virtual IP. When I pointed the browser to the "real" IP, login
> was possible.

That makes sense and is an easy explanation.

> Did you define IP aliases, and your DNS is pointing to an alias IP?

No. There may be name mismatches between the pfsense host's name and 
the CN of the web GUI cert. All alternative names for the LAN IP address
used to access the web gui are listed in -> advanced -> alternate host

It did not used to be a problem so maybe security was beefed up again in
2.1.3. I created new certs for the web gui and put cert exceptions into
the browsers. It worked, until yesterday. The rebinding warning is shown
only some of the time, no idea why.

The main reason I mentioned it is that "use the IP address to log in"
does not in fact provide a path for remedial action. It's a bit fishy to
me, but I'm also still having problems with the hme driver (on course
for replacement) which may interact.


Volker Kuhlmann  Please do not CC list postings to me.
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[pfSense] php error on login screen

2014-05-04 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /etc/inc/ on 
line 838 

  You are accessing this router by an IP address not configured locally, 
which may be forwarded by NAT or other means.
  If you did not setup this forwarding, you may be the target of a man-
in-the-middle attack.   

That is after upgrading to 2.1.3.

I can also no longer log in to the web gui.
pfsense warns about a DNS rebinding attack and to use an IP address
instead. With an IP address it says

   An HTTP_REFERER was detected other than what is defined in System -> 
Advanced (https://x.x.x.x/). You can disable this check if needed in 
System -> Advanced -> Admin.

Which would be all good, if one could log in to change it.


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[pfSense] squidguard blacklist absent after upgrade

2014-05-04 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
Quick note for those using squidguard with a blacklist:

After upgrading from pfsense 2.1.2 to 2.1.3, squidguard is running, but
the blacklist is absent in the BUI and needs to be reloaded manually.
If one doesn't notice that there is possibly less filtering being
performed than expected.


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Re: [pfSense] Interface options for pfsense

2014-04-22 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Wed 23 Apr 2014 05:02:59 NZST +1200, Jim Thompson wrote:

> > Are there any USB Ethernet adapters that actually work with pfsense?
> > Reliably? I am looking for reports from those who have tried, not the
> > freebsd supported HW list - that list is too long and not really
> > trustworthy (I have a USB wifi adapter which runs for 10min then makes
> > pfsense kernel panic).
> WiFi isn't recommended until at least pfSense 2.2, if then.

OK, thanks Jim, good to know. Do you mean this to apply to USB wifi only?

There are cheap mPCIe atheros-based wifi cards for the PCEngine APU
board. Are they known to be reliable?

> You can pick up the 8 port HP switches (e.g. 1810-8G aka J9802A) for less 
> than $100 these days.
> No fan, so noise-free.  < 8W maximum.

Yes, thank you for mentioning that - I had seen that yesterday and their
power specs had escaped me when I looked at them previously (some of
those similar models do guzzle it).

That's my plan B, but I really don't like to use VLANs when I can avoid
the clutter and complexity (more bugs, more time spent). A pfsense box
with more ports is much easier.



Volker Kuhlmann is list0570 with the domain in header.  Please do not CC list postings to me.
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Re: [pfSense] Interface options for pfsense

2014-04-22 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:04:47 NZST +1200, Vick Khera wrote:

> > Now freebsd dieing on the hme driver effectively turns those cards into
> > scrap and I'm stuck. What are alternatives now?
> Just curious, if you insert a small hub/switch between your printer
> and the NIC does that fix it?

No it won't. One of the hmeX ports is connected to my LAN switch.
Pulling that briefly blows up the pfsense box.

A sufficient condition to kill the pfsense system is for an interface to
briefly lose physical connection (or for the connected device to be
turned off). The same results from pfsense's web gui restarting
interfaces, e.g. from changing dhcp server settings.

IOW pfsense 2.1 with hme driver is totally unusable. I am kind of forced
to replace the hardware now.


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Re: [pfSense] Interface yoyo

2014-04-21 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 22 Apr 2014 15:56:52 NZST +1200, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:

> I just had another runaway after adding a mac/ip in the wifi interface's
> dhcp server. Confirmed with trivial test of adding another test entry to
> the dhcp server.

I should have mentioned that the pfsense syslog (sent to a syslog
server) does not contain the interface yoyo for one (or more) of the hme
interfaces, but a memory runaway occurred nevertheless.


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Re: [pfSense] Interface yoyo

2014-04-21 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Tue 22 Apr 2014 01:28:08 NZST +1200, Jim Pingle wrote:

Thanks Jim!

> Some other setting appears to be causing the link on the NIC to bounce
> up and down when configured.

> We added some extra checks before resetting the MAC to prevent that sort
> of thing from being a problem though, but it's possible that the HME NIC
> is resetting its link when some _other_ setting is being applied. If you
> have any special configuration on the NIC (spoofed MAC, custom MTU,
> specific link speed, etc) it would help to know.

No other such setting that I can see. Here is the config part:







I just had another runaway after adding a mac/ip in the wifi interface's
dhcp server. Confirmed with trivial test of adding another test entry to
the dhcp server.



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Re: [pfSense] Interface options for pfsense

2014-04-20 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Mon 21 Apr 2014 10:51:13 NZST +1200, Stefan Baur wrote:

Thanks muchly for the tip, Stefan!

There is no 'doze in the house and on no account will I add a
Billy-dependency to my infrastructure. Any manufacturer too stupid to make
their stuff controllable by open source software can sell elsewhere.

> The GS108T-200 is the one with a web-based config tool
(Not easy to find on their website - searching only finds their useless

Max 12W power consumption looks good. Not ideal though, because VLANs
are more complex and error prone, American propriatory network equipment
doesn't seem like a good choice any more, and that model appears to be
no longer for sale where I live.

I'll keep it in mind though - thanks.


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Re: [pfSense] Interface yoyo

2014-04-20 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
xx via hme2
2014-04-21T10:48:51.420720+12:00 pfsense dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on 10.x.x.x to 
00:15:77:xx:xx:xx via hme2
2014-04-21T10:48:51.48+12:00 pfsense dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 
00:15:77:xx:xx:xx via hme2
2014-04-21T10:48:51.445521+12:00 pfsense dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on 10.x.x.x to 
00:15:77:xx:xx:xx via hme2
2014-04-21T10:48:51.468608+12:00 pfsense dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for 10.x.x.x 
(10.x.x.y) from 00:15:77:xx:xx:xx via hme2
2014-04-21T10:48:51.469644+12:00 pfsense dhcpd: DHCPACK on 10.x.x.x to 
00:15:77:xx:xx:xx via hme2
2014-04-21T10:48:54.150566+12:00 pfsense php: rc.linkup: Hotplug event detected 
for WIFI(opt2) but ignoring since interface is configured with static IP 
(10.x.x.y )
2014-04-21T10:48:54.250548+12:00 pfsense check_reload_status: Linkup starting 
2014-04-21T10:48:54.250548+12:00 pfsense kernel: hme2: link state changed to 
2014-04-21T10:48:54.381451+12:00 pfsense check_reload_status: rc.newwanip 
starting hme2
2014-04-21T10:48:56.381420+12:00 pfsense kernel: hme2: link state changed to UP
2014-04-21T10:48:56.407443+12:00 pfsense check_reload_status: Linkup starting 

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Re: [pfSense] Interface yoyo

2014-04-20 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Mon 21 Apr 2014 09:54:49 NZST +1200, Jim Pingle wrote:

> Apply this patch with the system patches package, see if it's maybe
> hitting a bug similar to what was happening with OpenVPN (rc.newwanip
> was being fired from rc.linkup repeatedly... something made it fall into
> a loop)

Thanks Jim! Doing now. rc.newwanip is featuring heavily in syslog with
the problematic interfaces.


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[pfSense] Interface options for pfsense

2014-04-20 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
I've been running pfsense for many years (and been very happy with it)
on scrapped PCs with a Sun 4-port Ethernet PCI card because I need 5
Ethernet ports.

Now freebsd dieing on the hme driver effectively turns those cards into
scrap and I'm stuck. What are alternatives now?

Are there any other 4-port cards that are supported by pfsense in
practice (not just in theory), that are also affordable?

The power consumption (and box volume) of scrapped PCs is not optimal,
and I've been looking at moving to a small single-board. Soekris was
always underpowered and overpriced IMHO, and PCEngines underpowered,
until they released the exciting APU series recently. They all only have
3 Ethernet ports though, which is the stopper here.

What mPCIe Ethernet cards are supported by pfsense that people can

Are there any USB Ethernet adapters that actually work with pfsense?
Reliably? I am looking for reports from those who have tried, not the
freebsd supported HW list - that list is too long and not really
trustworthy (I have a USB wifi adapter which runs for 10min then makes
pfsense kernel panic).

The frequently recommended option of using VLANs may look good for
larger commercial networks, but just buying a VLAN capable switch costs
more than a suitable pfsense box and brings the power budget of the
combination to the same level as a scrapped PC - with the latter winning
hands down on cost.

TIA for any suggestions,


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Re: [pfSense] Interface yoyo

2014-04-20 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sun 20 Apr 2014 19:46:41 NZST +1200, Bryan D. wrote:

> I reported this issue with the HME's a while ago (it's nasty!):
> bug #3481 --
> Executive summary: replace the NIC with a different model. Too bad,
> they used to work very well and virtually never die.

Confirm on (almost) all counts.
I moved the printer to an rl driver port and the problem disappeared.
top reports 350MB free memory.
The same problem exists with the wifi AP connected to an hme driver
port. Turning the AP off then on kills pfsense.
I'll update the report.

The number of spawned php processes that kill the system however look
like a pfsense problem to me and the php code should prevent itself from
meltdown. Or does freebsd really require php for handling interface
hotplug events? As in, a basic minimal freebsd system does not work
without php installed?

Thanks for the hint Bryan.


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[pfSense] Interface yoyo

2014-04-20 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
Ever since upgrading to pfsense 2.1 I have been let down by it. It looks
like there are multiple issues and I am trying to separate them. One is
system suicide by memory gobbling - but it's been a little tricky to
find out why exactly.

It's a system with 512MB RAM, 768M swap.
Mobo Ethernet, Intel system, some old P-III job.
inphy0:  PHY 1 on miibus1
inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto, auto-flow

Realtek NIC (unused)
rlphy0:  PHY 0 on miibus0
rlphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto

Sun 4-port Ethernet NIC
hme0:  mem 0x4600-0x46007fff irq 21 at device 0.1 
on pci3
miibus2:  on hme0
ukphy0:  PHY 1 on miibus2
ukphy0:  none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
hme0: [ITHREAD]
[and 3 more of these]

Because of physical location a Brother HL5350DN printer is plugged into
one of the hmeN ports directly. (Using a crossover cable makes no

What happens next is the printer's hme interface goes up and down every
few seconds. There are continuous hotplug events too. A gazillion php
processes are spawned. Swap space is used. The system can't respond fast
enough any more and other interfaces go down/up as well. Swap space runs
out. Php etc get killed.

A killall php on the pfsense system gives temporary reprieve.

Essentially, if someone turns the printer on pfsense dies.

Everything was running fine on the same hardware with 2.0 and I don't
think swap space was ever used. I have squid and squidguard running on
it too, but turning those off only changes how fast pfsense dies.

The ntop package was installed and running as well, but top -osize
told me it was using 200M RAM on start so it got uninstalled.

Perhaps freebsd changed, and the php code can't handle it and goes into
run-away memory consumption.

How can I get this pfsense box back into the same reliable and
dependable system it used to be before 2.1?

Any suggestions appreciated. Happy to provide more info too - but where
do I start looking?

Thanks muchly,


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Re: [pfSense] pfSense Book (Buechler / Pingle)

2014-04-13 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sun 13 Apr 2014 22:11:41 NZST +1200, Thinker Rix wrote:

> I own a hard copy of the pfSense book by Chris and Jim and have two
> questions about it:
> 1. As a buyer of the hard copy, am I eligible to receive a gratis
> PDF-version of the book, too?

Probably not. I remember the authors saying that they didn't have the
rights for the electronic version. Moot point, because...

> 2. Is there any ETA for the hard copy version of the new edition?

You are aware that it's available as an electronic version under the
gold program?


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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.1.2 is released

2014-04-12 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 11 Apr 2014 18:43:18 NZST +1200, Ryan Coleman wrote:

> He gave you an option to subscribe to the list.

You seem to have missed the point I was making: critical security fixes
(the 2.1.2 release in this case, unless I am misunderstanding) were not
posted to security-announce@.

The posting to announce@ only happened, because of initial setup
problems, after I pointed out it was missing.


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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.1.2 is released

2014-04-10 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 11 Apr 2014 12:11:06 NZST +1200, Jeremy Porter wrote:

> The security@ email list is brand new.  Its so we can announce
> issues like Heartbleed.  People can filter on it etc.
> Any security issues we become aware of will be announce here, as
> security advisories.

Perhaps it would be useful to clarify the intended use/purpose of the
lists, at
Write a paragraph if needed, it doesn't have to be a one-liner for each

Is the intended purpose of the SAs to notify of a problem, to point
users to a fix, or both? I am having the Linux distro security lists in
mind[1], and there postings summarise the problem, point to the
background, and state that the user needs to do X to deal with it. Only
security-relevant issues are posted, not general bug fixes.

I would find this method ideal for pfsense too because the noise is low.
It should include problems with packages too - those not using the
package don't need to read on. I do think all the actions the user needs
to do (usually upgrades) need to be posted. If a fix is NA at the time
of the problem notification then you need to post twice.

Perhaps I am mistaken about the pfsense fix for the heartbleed bug - but
if the required, or even only recommended, fix is to upgrade to pfsense
2.1.2 then that must be posted on the security-announce@ too.

The idea, well my idea, would be to only have to follow
security-announce@ and from that to be sure that no security-relevant
action is missed. The discussion list doesn't need that prority.

> The email list and page, we just started working on last week, prior
> to finding out about this, so we push them ahead along with the
> fixed version of pfsense.

Thanks for that!

And thanks too for all the work to fix this openssl problem!

> I think we'd be happy to host a security-discusse@ mailing list if
> people want that.

Not for me. The normal discussion list should be fine. I was trying to
raise the point of security announcements, not security itself.

Thanks again,


[1] Specifically, opensuse-security-announce

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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.1.2 is released

2014-04-10 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 11 Apr 2014 09:27:07 NZST +1200, Jim Thompson wrote:

> It was posted on announce@, but it seems that I’m moderated there.  This
> is why my 2.1.1 release announcement was also held.   I’ve pushed the message 
> through.

Setup glitches. Thanks!

> security@ is for posting SAs

Uhhmm, IMHO I don't really care what it's called, the relevant criteria
for the user is whether I need to know about it. I would welcome an
announcement list that mentions all security-related issues I need to be
aware of when using pfsense, so that list can be monitored without the
clutter of daily discussions. Like the Linux distro security lists,
they're well organised with no irrelevant drivel. To be honest, any
security announcement list that doesn't mention the kind of problem like
heartbleed looks like a complete waste of time to me!


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Re: [pfSense] pfSense 2.1.2 is released

2014-04-10 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 11 Apr 2014 07:23:52 NZST +1200, Jim Thompson wrote:

> pfSense release 2.1.2 is now available.

Thank you for all the quick work!

May I ask though why this isn't simultaneously posted on
pfsense-announce and pfsense-security-announce? In particular, if the
security-announce list was to be used as a reliable source of critical
information, posting the 2.1.2 release announcement with the heartbleed
fix is not optional???



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Re: [pfSense] Running pfsense in virtualbox

2013-05-17 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Sat 18 May 2013 13:24:52 NZST +1200, Jim Pingle wrote:

> Why "host only"? That may not let it go out.

It doesn't need to on LAN. DNS queries are resolved from WAN, and that
is bridged in VB, and DNS servers on the Internet can be queried by dig
on pfsense correctly. The VB interface used for pfsense-LAN is
host-only, and it works fine for the webconfigurator.

I had removed the RFC-private and bogon blocks from WAN too.

> > I conclude that dnsmasq is not functional inside virtualbox, making
> > pfsense config testing impossible.
> Not true, I do almost all of my testing locally here with pfSense in
> VirtualBox and it has zero issues.

That's what I was expecting, but fact is dig @localhost on pfsense does
nothing, but web servers on the Internet can be reached (by their IP),
and dig@ works.

> Any issues you're seeing are likely
> with the network config or NIC config, VM resources, etc, but not
> VirtualBox in general or pfSense.

Hmm, where do I look? 512MB RAM, default pfsense config, no packages
ought to be enough.

> I use bridged NICs for WANs and then Internal Network setups for the LAN
> side.

My VB config is the same except I have host-only for LAN. As the
webconfig traffic goes in and out OK I see no problems here.

How/where is dnsmasq configured to pick its servers from?

> There are so few postings about VirtualBox because in general there
> aren't many/any issues with it. It works fine.

Well damn it, after the "windows-solution" (aka reboot) it works fine
now. Hmmm. There isn't anything I can think of that I changed, I changed
very little from the default. Looks like dnsmasq need a restart for some
reason. Never mind.

Thanks muchly Jim,


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[pfSense] OpenVPN package failure

2013-05-17 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
It seems OpenVPN was listed as a package with a newer version available
(like 2.0.3 instead of 2.0.1?), but I can't verify because pfsense
doesn't run under virtualbox for me. When re-installing that package,
package installation failed (extra files re client export I think). Now
the package is not installed (so can't be uninstalled), nor is it
available (so can't be installed). The OpenVPN client-export package is
now uninstalled, although it was installed before.

Fresh install of 2.0.3.

Is this epxected behaviour? I gather openvpn isn't usually a pfsense
package, but the package update mechanism was used to upgrade it from
the version from the ISO image.



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[pfSense] Running pfsense in virtualbox

2013-05-17 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
To test some pfsense function I installed 2.0.3 in virtualbox. In VB, em0 is
configured bridged and used as WAN, em1 is host-only. Traffic through
both interfaces and the VB-host is working fine.

On the VB host (pfsense LAN):
vboxnet0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 0A:00:27:00:00:00  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

In pfsense, WAN is configured as dhcp and picks up a suitable IP
address. The webconfig is accessible through the host's vboxnet0.

In pfsense, dnsmasq doesn't work - nothing is resolved. 
/etc/resolv.conf contains, and the 2 servers I configured.
Traffic is OK - telnet 80 works as expected.
dig @localhost doesn't resolve anything.

I conclude that dnsmasq is not functional inside virtualbox, making
pfsense config testing impossible.

Is it possible to beat dnsmasq into shape to work inside VB?
find / | grep dnsm doesn't find any config files.

The only VB postings on the forum is from 2009 and deals with issues VB
has with itself.



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[pfSense] Installing pfsense via PXE

2013-05-06 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
I have started to install everything via PXE because it's just too
convenient, but pfsense is eluding me.

Using pxelinux and 

  label pfsense
menu label Install pfSense
kernel memdisk
initrd iso/pfSense-LiveCD-2.0.3-RELEASE-i386-20130412-1022.iso.gz

starts to run, but then fills the screen with binary gobbledegook. Not
too surprising on a system with 256MB RAM.

There is,4185.0.html
but its main reference is to
which was said to be excellent, but was on a home box for 6 months in
2007 and the guy put in a robots.txt preventing access. Not

The only relevant info I can find on is

Essentially it sets up a PXE boot of boot/pxeboot and changes the
pfsense install media files to mount an NFS filesystem to boot from, if
I read it correctly.

This solution has the downside that my DHCP server is pfsense, which
doesn't allow to give per-host DHCP options like specifying the file to
load and run. It can only be done globally, and there I configured
pxelinux because it does everything else for me. (Correct me if the
pfsense DHCP server can serve options like filename or root-path on a
per-host basis.)

Is anyone able to tell what the pxelinux menu.c32 options should be to
start the pfsense installation, by whatever means? I'd prefer ftp, but
nfs if must be (it's a pain, basically).

Are there other instructions I have missed?

Thanks muchly,


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Re: [pfSense] Packages are being installed in the background (pfSense 2.0.1)

2012-04-27 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
On Fri 24 Feb 2012 21:45:15 NZDT +1300, Jürgen Echter wrote:

> i had to re-setup my firewall and restored my config. all went well
> so far, but i can't edit anything because i have on every screen a
> pic which says 'packages are being reinstalled in the background'.
> this is on since a few hours.

Old thread, but I see this every time I reload a pfsense config. It's
impossible to say when the package relaoding is actually finished, it
shouldn't possibly take as long as it does and it seems the package lock
isn't cleared.

You can go to the backup/restore page, on the bottom is a button to
clear the package lock.

What Iw ould like to know is how to prevent the package reloading after
restoring a config when there are no package changes.



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[pfSense] run driver crashes

2012-04-27 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
I obtained a couple of Tenda W322U to use as access points after finding
reports that they work well with pfsense. ralink chipset, run driver.

Initially everything's perfect - plug in, device shows up and can be
configured. Needs an entry in loader.conf.local but hey.

Then the kernel panics - not something I've ever seen with pfsense.
Worse, pfsense goes belly-up on reboot (I pulled the stick out thinking
it might be the cause, which is how I found out about loader.conf)
because of some interface nonsense. I can live without wireless, but
would have expected the rest of pfsense to reboot to working order.

Crash then repeats, always when using the web interface.

I tried this on a different pfsense box, and somewhere on (intentional)
reboot there's another crash, but the system remains running.
Submitted crash report for this event.

Both boxes have been running fine for months/years before, and as it
happens on both, I'm tending to think software error.

Latest stable pfsense 2.0.1-release on both.

When it's not crashing it's running all fine and out of the box.

Is this a known problem?
And... is there a workaround?

Thanks muchly,


PS Submitted 2 crash reprots from yesterday by uploading them to

The relevant config part:







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[pfSense] transparent proxy gunzips

2011-12-13 Thread Volker Kuhlmann
I turned the pfsense squid on as a transparent proxy solely for the
purpose of making use of its web cache.

Downloading a .tar.gz file then results in the file being silently
unpacked by squid:

  wget -S http://.../...tar.gz

The file is saved with name .tar.gz but is actually just a .tar.

This is repeatable until using --no-cache once. After that the file
saved by wget remains a .tar.gz.

Is this expected behaviour? It's somewhat inconvenient.



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