[REBOL] Re: What's Up Rebol?

2002-03-06 Thread Ralph Roberts


  Why is the book Rebol The Official Guide called The Official

 Because it was officially blessed as such by RT.  In my opinion (to
 repeat the disclaimer) that blessing may have been considered a good
 compensation for someone off the payroll taking on the challenge of
 writing a manual.

I don't know about the name compensation part on the above bookg but I
spent about three very hard, very immersed-in-REBOL months of my life
writing REBOL FOR DUMMIES. I don't regret it. I hope my writing reflects the
excitment and potential I see in REBOL and I continue to support it, talk it
up, and use it myself on a daily basis. ... REBOL still has a long way to go
in catching on, but the enthusiasm of those of us using it should help in
achieving that goal.

Meanwhile, keep on REBOLling.


Ralph Roberts, author
(autographed copies still available by ordering through the above link)

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[REBOL] PostgreSQL

2002-02-21 Thread Ralph Roberts

Is anyone using REBOL/Command or /Core with PostgreSQL?


Ralph Roberts
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2002-01-28 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

Looking back through some old emails, I've found a post from Elan with an
update (ch7 errata) for REBOL the Official Guide (RTOG) and also found
Ralph Roberts full length acknowledgements post for REBOL for Dummies

So I thought I'd give them a home.



Allen K

Thanks, Allen!


Ralph Roberts, CEO
ALEXANDER BOOKS/ Creativity, Inc.
65 Macedonia Road
Alexander, NC 28701 USA
800-472-0438 tollfree voice  fax U.S./Canada
828-255-8719 voice  fax worldwide

Read about Ralph's latest novel, the hilarious HUNDRED-ACRE SPACESHIP at:


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[REBOL] Important new info about ordering REBOL books

2001-11-21 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

Here at aBOOKS (we fulfill REBOL's book orders) we just moved everything to
a hot new dedicated server, combining all the virtual machines we had been
renting. REBOL runs GREAT onitg.

But, the secure links for ordering books and manuals have changed. Until the
http://rebolpress.com site gets updaded, here are the new links:

REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE: https://abooks.com/abooks/cgi-bin/rog.r

REBOL FOR DUMMIES: https://abooks.com/abooks/cgi-bin/rfd.r

Core User Guide: https://abooks.com/abooks/cgi-bin/manual.r

Command User Guide: https://abooks.com/abooks/cgi-bin/comug.r

Or call us at 1-800-472-0438 tollfree in the U.S. and Canada. Or email me.
We want you to have your books.

Thanks for all the orders in the past.


Ralph Roberts

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[REBOL] Re: Ralph's weather.r

2001-05-08 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

Hi, Scot,

GS Jones wrote:
 From: Ralph Roberts
  #!/rebol/rebol --cgi
  TITLE: weather.r
  AUTHOR: Ralph Roberts]
  ;; read REBOL FOR DUMMIES, order at http://rebolpress.com
 Hi, Ralph,
 The strangest thing happened after reading your source.  I felt this
 sudden urge to read REBOL FOR DUMMIES.  Could there have been a
 subliminal message buried in the code some where???

That's bizarre!  I've alread read REBOL FOR DUMMIES, so when I saw
the post, I had a sudden craving to read about the Civil War and
genealogical research!  ;-)


See, ya can program REBOL to do ANYTHINGg.

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[REBOL] Re: Ralph's weather.r

2001-05-08 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

The strangest thing happened after reading your source.  I felt this
sudden urge to read REBOL FOR DUMMIES.  Could there have been a
subliminal message buried in the code some where???
--Scott Jones




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[REBOL] Ralph's weather.r

2001-05-07 Thread Ralph Roberts

Here's the weather script I've been using at our http://abooks.com site for
some time now (REBOL embedded within PHP). See it in action at:


And here's the script (enjoy!):

#!/rebol/rebol --cgi

TITLE: weather.r
AUTHOR: Ralph Roberts]

print Content-Type: text/html^/

a: read http://weather.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/iwszone?Sites=:ncz053
; go to the NOAA site and find your local weather
; to get the URL above


print pre

parse/all a [thru ZONE FORECAST PRODUCT copy b thru /pre]

print b

;; read REBOL FOR DUMMIES, order at http://rebolpress.com

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[REBOL] Re: Population of PDA Users

2001-04-07 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

I could not function without my Handspring Prism. I just wish there was a
version of REBOL for it.

--Ralph Roberts

Hi Geo,

Consider me a PDA-Geek,

I've had :
Nec MP400, HP 620LX, Nino 300, PsionS5 (shameless plug : check
http://www.palmtime.com for some nice games/utilities for EPOC)

I currently own :
HP 680LX, Casio E-125, Handspring Prism

I used to write for Team Palmtops, a french magazine about palmtop
I've did PDA development for the company I work for and I'm currently
exploring Rebol as a way to develop small utilities as a scripting
I'm sure Rebol would be a great pda language : it's fast, the runtime is
small, it's multiplatform and it does a lot of things with less lines that
I'm used to ;) From an idea in the subway, to the coding on the pda right
away, and to further develop the script on my desktop is really neat. It's
become a way for me to test things out when I'm on the road ! The fact it
has some OOP support let me try things and see if they would work either
under Rebol or another language. Strangely, it's implemented faster under
Rebol ;)

btw, I live in Quebec, Canada !


-Original Message-
Geo Massar
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 2:22 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Population of PDA Users

Hi folks,

I am curious how many PDA users are in the list and what country they
live. I, for one, own a EPOC-based PDA (Psion 7) and live in US.

Hope many of you would reply. This would give us some idea how much
percentages in population among the PDA users.

Thanks for replying.

Geo Massar,
Independent developer
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2001-04-03 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

I have run tests on my big booklist database using both PHP and Doc Kimbel's
drivers. Since PHP uses an Apache module, it's definitely quicker. However,
the Kimbel/REBOL conbination is so much EASIER. Once REBOL gets an Apache
module in production, I think we'll have a REAL solution. As it is, I will
still be using REBOL for some MySQL tasks, again because I can program them
quicker. Doc Kimbel, he the man!


Paul Tretter wrote:

 Ralph have you tried Doc Kimbel's mySQL driver yet? If so, what did you
 think of the performance features of the driver verses PHP.  Just curious
 since I would like to get into mySQL and use Doc's driver to create
 something fairly robust.

I would be interested in some benchmarking too. But anyway -
Rebol/Core/Pro will
cost very affordable price!. It will feature /library component,
and IIRC jeff
posted here some mySQL and postGresSQL library wrappers - should
be faster, no?


 Paul Tretter

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 7:31 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] Re: REBOL + PHP

  Interesting...how did you use REBOL in the site? Are any of
the scripts
  Dave De Graff
  Thanks for the kind comment, Dave... The scripts that search
our booklist
  (we sell almost a thousand different titles now) were written in REBOL.
  entire underlying e-commerce system that allows a customer to
click on any
  title showing on the site on any page (and it's a dynamic site with the
  possibility of hundreds of pages) is PURE unadulterated REBOL. The same
  system, by the way, also handles fulfillment for the REBOLpress books,
  Kinda proud of itg and it's generated a lot of good orders for us,
  operating flawlessly since July of last year. REBOL is just
plain EASY to
  develop powerful web applications in.
  You may have noticed the very first line of the http://abooks.com site,
  one welcoming visitors and showing their IP number, etc.
Here's the script
  for that tasty little enhancement:
  #!/rebol/rebol --cgi
  ip: system/options/cgi/remote-addr
  print "Content-Type: text/plain^/"
  print "font face='ARIAL' size='-2'"
  print ["Thank you for visiting this page frombrIP: "
ip "- - - Name: " read join dns:// ip]
print [br" on"
 now/date "at" now/time "our time (U.S. Eastern)."]
  print "BRBR/font"
  Long live the REBOLution!
  --Ralph Roberts
  get it at http://rebolpress.com
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2001-04-03 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

To achieve the sort of flawless operation that your site has would require
not just the stability of Rebol but also of some well thought out code.

If you reflect on the operation of your site over the last nine months, do
have you any thoughts about what makes a stable (or non-stable) Rebol cgi
script? Or indeed any other reflections.


A very good question, Brett, and one that caused me really to think. I use
REBOL for lots of stuff. While I've been programming in various languages
for over 20 years professionally, I am still more of a writer and publisher
than a programmer. We are a small company expanding explosively with far too
few people (and I'm the only programmer). I don't have a lot of time to
spend "polishing" code. If I need a script, I usually need it by yesterday.
So, far too often, my code is nonelegant, even (yes, I admit it) sloppy. But
it gets the job done. Now I've never thought about REBOL in this context
before, but that kind of usage is a true torture test of any language.

My two major tools in the hundreds of websites I maintain and write web
applications for are REBOL and PHP. I am equally sloppy (to put it nicer,
"rushed") in both languages. On consideration of the results, I find REBOL
is more reliable.

Let me sum this up by way of an analogy. Back in 1968, I was in the infantry
in Vietnam. We carried M-16 rifles, which was then a new tactical weapon and
a lot of us troops were complaining it jammed all too often. In fact,
several guys in my unit were using captured AK-47s, the Communist assault
rifle stamped out of old rice cake tins up in China (or so it looked). But
the durn thing was reliable.

So this representitive from Colt Arms (a civilian) came out to my outfit in
the jungle one day. He gave us this great song and dance about how reliable
the M-16 was, yada yada yada. To top it off, he throws an M-16 into a pool
of muddy water. Now I'm sure this demo worked flawlessly at all the other
places he'd been, but when he pulled the rifle out and attempted to fire it,
the sucker essentially embedded its first round in the firing chamber and he
couldn't clear the weapon. A bad, bad thing to have happen if you are in the
middle of a firefight.

Well, American troops being American troops, some smart ass (wasn't me, but
could've been) tossed a captured AK-47 into the same muddy pool. Plucked it
out, and rock and rolled through a whole magazine of ammo without a glitch.
Needless to say, confidence in Colt's baby was not intensified.

That's how I perceive the difference between PHP and REBOL (and ASP and
ColdFusion, et al). In the middle of a firefight (like I GOTTA get an
application up and running TODAY) I reach for REBOL. If I have the leisure
to sight the weapon in, assume an approved firing position, and plenty of
time to snap off lines of code well, yes, there are targets PHP is better
suited for, but this is seldom true in combat or making a small company
profitable on a shoestring budget. Usually, I have no time but a desperate
need, so (like our rifles in Vietnam that never left our sides day or night)
REBOL is the one I sleep with. And like the rifle, it saves my butt from
time to time.

That's the difference.

Of course, it always helps a lot if you know which end dispenses the bullets
or code.

--Ralph Roberts
buy it at http://rebolpress.com

this email (c)2001 Creativity, Inc. 'cause I WILL use the analogy in a book
one of these daysg

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2001-04-02 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

Interesting...how did you use REBOL in the site? Are any of the scripts


Dave De Graff

Thanks for the kind comment, Dave... The scripts that search our booklist
(we sell almost a thousand different titles now) were written in REBOL. The
entire underlying e-commerce system that allows a customer to click on any
title showing on the site on any page (and it's a dynamic site with the
possibility of hundreds of pages) is PURE unadulterated REBOL. The same
system, by the way, also handles fulfillment for the REBOLpress books, etc.
Kinda proud of itg and it's generated a lot of good orders for us,
operating flawlessly since July of last year. REBOL is just plain EASY to
develop powerful web applications in.

You may have noticed the very first line of the http://abooks.com site, the
one welcoming visitors and showing their IP number, etc. Here's the script
for that tasty little enhancement:

#!/rebol/rebol --cgi
ip: system/options/cgi/remote-addr
print "Content-Type: text/plain^/"
print "font face='ARIAL' size='-2'"
print ["Thank you for visiting this page frombrIP: "
  ip "- - - Name: " read join dns:// ip]
  print [br" on"
   now/date "at" now/time "our time (U.S. Eastern)."]
print "BRBR/font"

Long live the REBOLution!

--Ralph Roberts
get it at http://rebolpress.com

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2001-03-29 Thread Ralph Roberts


 anyone in the list has some experience using REBOL + PHP?


Ah! My pet subject, HYBRID programming! Yes, I often combine the ease of
REBOL with the database savvy of PHP. See my website, http://abooks.com, as
an example.


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2001-03-29 Thread Ralph Roberts

 Well thats because i know very little about PHP I wonder if its possible
 to run a REBOL script from within a PHP script.


Easy if you're using an Apache server... the PHP code would be:

virtual ("/cgi-bin/script.r");

--Ralph Roberts

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[REBOL] Re: Core 2.5 Released.

2001-03-26 Thread Ralph Roberts

I'm not sure I would go _quite_ as far as Will, in demonstrating
accoladeg, but Carl and the REBOL Rangers certainly "done good," as we say
up heah in the Carolina hills. I've played with 2.5 this morning and it is
definitely hot.

--Ralph Roberts


 Thankyou so much 

 Will Arp

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[REBOL] Re: Core 2.5 Released.

2001-03-26 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

 I'm not sure I would go _quite_ as far as Will, in demonstrating
 accoladeg, but Carl and the REBOL Rangers certainly "done
 good," as we say
 up heah in the Carolina hills. I've played with 2.5 this
 morning and it is definitely hot.

How so?  What are the major improvements from your point of view?

Well, the enhancements to the sort function are really nice (I've been
developing an autograph price lookup application and this will help a lot).
Network protocols are certainly slicker (POP reallys pops! now)... Read
Carl's original announcement for more. The new Core is certainly worth the
money (i.e. still free!).


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[REBOL] Re: 99 Bottles of REBOL

2001-03-25 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

like all good things, it may have become inactive.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Michal Kracik
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 8:25 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: 99 Bottles of REBOL

And I submitted Carl's version in 1998. I got no reply and it never
appeared in the list.

Michal Kracik

Graham Chiu wrote:
 On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 23:59:42 -0500
  "Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  which has the 99-bottles refrain programmed in 142
  computer languages did
  not have a REBOL version.
  So, thanks to David, I was inspired to submit one, to
 this was Carl's from late 1998 ...
 Title: "99 Bottles of Beer Song"
 Author: "Carl Sassenrath"
 Note: "The correct song. A bit more advanced."
 sing: func [count rest] [
 prin pick ["99 bottles " "no bottles " "1 bottle "
 [count "bottles "]]
 min 4 count + 2
 print rest
 for bottles 99 0 -1 [
 sing bottles "of beer on the wall,"
 sing bottles "of beer."
 print pick ["Take one down, pass it around,"
 "Go to the store, buy some more,"] bottles  0
 sing bottles - 1 "of beer on the wall."
 print ""
 Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] 99 Bottles of REBOL

2001-03-24 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

David Perkins liked my Rebol Scripting Song (on pp. 345-6 of REBOL FOR
DUMMIES) and pointed out that the website:


which has the 99-bottles refrain programmed in 142 computer languages did
not have a REBOL version.

So, thanks to David, I was inspired to submit one, to wit:

; REBOL version of "99 Bottles of Beer" ;;
bottles: 99 loop 99 [
 print [bottles "Bottle(s) of beer on the wall," bottles "Bottle(s) of
 print "Take one down and pass it around,"
  bottles: bottles - 1
 print [bottles "Bottle(s) of beer on the wall.^/"]]


you can get REBOL FOR DUMMIES at http://rebolpress.com/#RFD

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[REBOL] Alien Names expanded

2001-03-20 Thread Ralph Roberts

How powerful is REBOL? Well, I'm still using REBOL/Core to generate
literally hundreds of trillions of alien names. Just added another pattern
(and another 2,197,000 possible alien names) to
my alien name generator at:


This pattern (Vcv Cvc) generates short, snappy dual names for aliens, such

Ude Phap,  Ugu Zeh,  Ole Wat,  Uthu Shal, Ipho Ren, Iphi Phush,  Ote Mas,
Ela Wux, and so forth.

Hey, wot about Inu Thit, an alien who's always into new  well, write yer
own storyg.

Enjoy... REBOL, the possibilities are as wide as the universe!

And, hey, wanna learn all sorts of neat REBOL tricks, buy my book REBOL FOR



--Ralph Roberts

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[REBOL] Re: mysql scheme port

2001-03-18 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

You're a good man, DocKimbel!

-Original Message-
Nenad Rakocevic
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 2:03 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: mysql scheme port

Will Arp wrote:
 Hello I would be very interested in any progress on dockimbel's mysql

A new scheme version is ready. It's much more robust and reliable 
and supports
new features. Just have to update the docs and it will be ready to release
this week.


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[REBOL] Re: official guide dbms

2001-03-17 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

#16-Mar-01# Message from *[EMAIL PROTECTED]*:

 Perhaps Elan could publish such a dialect word usage summary in a
 downloadable .pdf for book purchasers? 

It already is - the REBOL/Core Users Guide:

And you can order it as a book at http://rebolpress.com.

--Ralph Roberts

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[REBOL] Re: Book Review of the Official Guide

2001-03-11 Thread Ralph Roberts / ALEXANDER BOOKS

Yes, nice review! Congrats, Elan.


Hi all

A nice review of Elans book from a recent Byte column.



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[REBOL] Re: rebol and mysql drivers

2001-02-15 Thread Ralph Roberts

Or forget View and do it directly from Core:

 write/binary %/c/rebol/mysql-084.rip read/binary
connecting to: rebol.dhs.org
 do %mysql-084.rip
Script: "REBOL Self-extracting Binary Archive (RIP)"

DocKimbel for President!!

--Ralph Roberts

-Original Message-
GS Jones
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 12:42 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: rebol and mysql drivers

Hi, Tim,

Apparently you missed the posting from late last week.  DocKimbel has done
some great work on a mysql scheme.

The download is most easily obtained through the /View experiemental "demo"
desktop through the path laid out by DocKimbel below.  If you don't have
REBOL/View, then download
and "un"-rip this compressed "rip" ball at the REBOL/Core prompt by typing:
do %/path/to/rip/mysql-084.rip
You will be asked to write a directory with three files if security hasn't
been deactivated.

Hope that does the trick.

- Original Message -
From: "Tim Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 11:14 AM
Subject: [REBOL] rebol and mysql drivers

 Can rebol/core connect to mysql drivers?
 If so, are there any examples.
 Tim Johnson
 "Of all manifestations of power,
  restraint impresses the most."
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[REBOL] Re: [ANN] mySQL driver for /Core

2001-02-10 Thread Ralph Roberts

It works in CORE!!

This is Heaven!

Thanks, DocKimbel!!! You've come up with something REBOL's need all along!

I love ya, man!

--Ralph Roberts

-Original Message-
GS Jones
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 4:05 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: [ANN] mySQL driver for /Core

From: "Douglas Mayer"
 Doc Kimbel...

 What is the url of your rebsite?  I'm interested.


Hi, Douglas,

The download is most easily obtained through the /View experiemental "demo"
desktop through the path laid out by DocKimbel below.  If you don't have
REBOL/View, then download
and "un"-rip this compressed "rip" ball at the REBOL/Core prompt by typing:
do %/path/to/rip/mysql-083.rip
You will be asked to write a directory with three files if security hasn't
been deactivated.

Hope that does the trick.

 From: Nenad Rakocevic
 Hi guys !

 Great day today ! :)

 The first public release of my driver for mySQL databases is available on
 rebsite. (Testpanel/Ecotope/Dockimbel) Please read the html doc and
 headers before using it. Remember that's in beta stage, so don't
expect it
 to be perfect ! ;)

 Let me know what you think about it and please, send me all bugs reports.

 Best regards,


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[REBOL] Re: Belgian Armed Forces Recruiting Assessment System is REBOL-based!

2001-01-15 Thread Ralph Roberts

Congratulations, Capitaine Coussment!

Ralph Roberts, CEO
ALEXANDER BOOKS/ Creativity, Inc.

$5 Blowout special on Stan Veit's HISTORY OF THE PC
while quantities last!


I would like to proudly announce the production release of the new Belgian
Armed Forces Recruiting Assessment System, the CyberCAT (Cyber Computer
Aided Testing).

Since January 2001, 1st, all applicants wanting to join the Armed
Forces are
being submitted to a serial of psychotechnical tests, which will determine
the intellectual potential and give an image of the personality and the

The core system has been written in REBOL and the GUI is DHTML, Java and
Javascript -based. The data are kept into a (first try but functional)

The product is used in all the 12 Recruiting Centers (called INFOSERMI) on
the national territory and into the Selection and Recruitment Center in

We were able to create CyberCAT in less than 6 month, having just an
expertise with the previous system (written in PowerBuilder and SQLServer
based) and a procedural analysis.

I would want to address a special thank to Mr. Carl SASSENRATH for the
creation of REBOL, without which we should not have been able to achieve
those results (certainly not in such a short time).
Many thanks to all those from RT and from the mailing list who answered to
my questions: your knowledge's and best wanting have made our work a lot
easier !

Long life to REBOL !!!

 Forces Armes Belges
 Centre de Recrutement et de Slection
 Section de Recherche Psychologique
 Project Officer Computer Aided Testing
 B-1120 BRUSSELS (N-O-H)
 *: +[32] 2 264 5344
 Fax: +[32] 2 264 5431

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
subject, without the quotes.

To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
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subject, without the quotes.

[REBOL] NOW IN STOCK!! Core and Command User Guides

2000-12-28 Thread Ralph Roberts

Sizzingly-hot off the press, we now have stock of both the REBOL/Core USER
GUIDE (7.5 x 9 inches, 574 pages) and the REBOL/Command USER GUIDE (7.5 x 9
inches, 670 pages), both with gorgeous four-color covers and chock full of
great REBOL info.

Both are now available for immediate shipment and are $29.95 each. You can
order the Core USER GUIDE via http://rebolpress.com. Later today we hope to
have the secure link up for the Command USER GUIDE.

Anyone who can't wait, call us tollfree in the U.S. and Canada at
1-800-472-0438 or e-mail mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].

And, don't forget, we're still offering signed copies of REBOL FOR DUMMIES.

oh yeah... Happy New Year, Happy New Century, Happy New Millennium!

--Ralph Roberts

To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
subject, without the quotes.

[REBOL] postage rates going up

2000-12-28 Thread Ralph Roberts

Just a reminder, postage rates in the U.S. are going up on January 7...
You'll see an increase on all our order forms. However any REBOL books
ordered between now and the 7th will be at the current rate, so order now
and a save a little.



Ralph Roberts, CEO
Alexander Books / Creativity, Inc.
65 Macedonia Road
Alexander, NC 28701
1-800-472-0438 voice  fax tollfree U.S.  Canada
1-828-255-8719 voice  fax overseas

click here http://1-b.net/historypc.html

To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
subject, without the quotes.

[REBOL] Re: Dummies!

2000-12-11 Thread Ralph Roberts

Glad you liked the book, Ryan yep, wish I had more time to work with it


-Original Message-
Ryan C. Christiansen
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 2:07 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Dummies!

I finally bought myself REBOL for Dummies. It's an early Christmas
gift to myself.

Thank you, Ralph, for a great book!

Now if only I could purchase myself some TIME to work with REBOL


To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
subject, without the quotes.

To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
subject, without the quotes.


2000-12-06 Thread Ralph Roberts

Haven't seen you on the list for a while! Glad to have you back!


I've been lurking, Chaz, while working on other projects. But I read the
REBOL list every day and, more importantly, I use REBOL every day. Great


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
subject, without the quotes.


2000-12-05 Thread Ralph Roberts

Quick tip:

In my book REBOL FOR DUMMIES (order it at http://rebolpress.com), I show how
PHP code embeds in REBOL scripts. Ah, but what if you want to call a REBOL
script from within PHP code? If your server is Apache and runs PHP4, it's
very simple:


virtual ("cgi-bin/banner.r");


Why would you want to? I am a firm believer in hybrid programming--combining
the strengths of two or more scripting languages for a greater whole than
either of the parts can provide. In specific, while REBOL blows PHP away in
most aspects, PHP provides exceptionally powerful MySQL (and other SQL)
support. So the intermixing of scripting languages often gives a quick and
elegant solution.

Opinions welcome.

And you can always demand a recountg.

--Ralph Roberts

To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
subject, without the quotes.

[REBOL] Reading encrypted pages with REBOL???

2000-09-28 Thread ralph

One of our customers using the /Command order forms I wrote
(https://abooks.safeserver.com/orders/command.html), wanted to read the form
into REBOL, i.e.:

a: read https://abooks.safeserver.com/orders/command.html

It never occurred to me that anyone would want to (since the forms were
designed for browsers) and, of course, it doesn't work since REBOL evidently
cannot read encrypted web pages yet. Or can it? Is there a way to access the
https format?


--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Even I make mistakesg

2000-09-18 Thread ralph

If anyone tried to order either REBOL FOR DUMMIES or REBOL: THE OFFICIAL
GUIDE yesterday, you found your order would not go through, even with all
the correct information. Why? Even I flub up on occasion. The forms are now
fixed and orders go though fine.

The mistake was a dumb one (as opposed to a Dummies one) and I reveal it
since you may find such instructive in your own coding. I wrote this really
slick little credit card validation function (published earlier on this
list) Saturday. Tested it rigorously, and it worked fine. So I dropped it
into the order forms; tested them briefly; all seemed fine; so I went live
with the changes. Then I get e-mail this morning from a couple of people who
tried to order books yesterday and the orders would not record. Here's the
mistake! One of the REBOL words I defined in my credit card validation
function was the same as one in my form processing script (but the words, of
course, did different functions). This mismatch did not crash the script
(such would have pointed to an obvious problem) but rather caused a more
subtle misoperation; i.e. orders would not record.

The moral of this tale? Document! I stress that in REBOL FOR DUMMIES. If you
don't document, scripts sometimes will coil around and bite you on the 
well, anyway, I fixed itg.


--Ralph Roberts
Soldier of the REBOLution

[REBOL] Even I make mistakesg Re:(2)

2000-09-18 Thread ralph

thanks, Elan... handy stuff.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 4:09 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] Even I make mistakesg Re:

 Hi Ralph,

 modules will hopefully reduce the likelyhood of name clashes in
 the future.
 For now I think that using objects helps to avoid this kind of errors in
 scripts that evolve over time.

 Another trick is to execute a trial run while PROTECTing all of
 those words
 that one wishes to keep unique. Name clashes will then become evident when
 a word is inadvertently reused.

 The following script can be helpful. Given a script file filename.r it
 writes a new filename.rp file.

 input: filename.r
 output: filename.rp

 When you DO the script filename.rp all globally defined words in this
 script will be PROTECTed. Attempting to redefine any of these words will
 result in an error message.

 How it works:
 The script prompts you for a filename or a directory name.
 If you provide a comma separated list of filename, the script will process
 all the filenames provided.
 If you provide a directory name the script will process all the files in
 that directory.
 Hit return if you want to process all script files in the current
 directory. You do not need to provide the current directory name.

 The script assumes that the files you wish to process have the extension
 ".r". If a filename does not have the ".r" extension, the script will add
 that extension, regardless of whether or not the filename contains a
 different extension.

 The script loads the script file, identifies tokens that will be
 defined in
 the global context by the script it loaded and creates a new script file
 that has the same filename as the original file. It replaces the ".r"
 extension by the extension ".rp".

 The script appends two things to the original script file which
 it saves in
 .rp file.
 1. A block called __set-words. This block contains all globally defined
 words in the script (with exception of words that are defined by using the
 set function.)
 2. A foreach expression that protects all the words listed in the
 __set-words block.

 If you subsequently attempt to load a script that redefines the same word,
 you will get a word protected error, which will alert you to
 those globally
 defined words that are being redefined in this other script.

 You can easily test the script by first running it to generate a ".rp"
 file, DO the .rp file and then DO the original .r file.


 1. First prepare a .rp file:

  do %protect-words.r
 Script: "Protect-Words" (none)

   Note: Only files with a .r extension will be protected. They will be
 saved to
   a file that has the same name and the extension .rp.
   Please enter
   1. the names of the files you wish to protect separated by
 commas; or
   2. the qualified pathname to the directory containing the files you
 wish to protect; or
   3. hit enter to protect all files with a .r extension in the
 current directory.
   : %test-prscript.r

 2. Now evaluate the .rp file

  do %test-prscript.rp
 Script: "Untitled" (none)

 3. When you now try to redefine the globally defined word in
 test-prscript.rp by evaluating the original test-proscript.r file, you are
 notified of the attempt to redefine protected words:

  do %test-prscript.r
 Script: "Untitled" (none)
 ** Script Error: Word this is protected, cannot modify.
 ** Where: this: 1
 that: func []

 The file test-prscript.r contains the following script:


 this: 1
 that: func [] [ x: 1]
 and-more: "this is more."

 The resulting file test-prscript.rp contains:

 this: 1
 that: func [] [ x: 1]
 and-more: "this is more."
 __set-words: [and-more that this]

   foreach word __set-words [
 protect word

 The protect-words.r script file contains:


   title: "Protect-Words"
   file: %protect-words.r
 script: none
 set-words: none
 protect-set-words: {
   foreach word __set-words [
 protect word

 dir: system/script/path

 read-script: func [filename [%file]] [
   set-words: make block! 100
   script: read filename

 collect-set-words: func [filename [file!] /local tokens] [
   set-words: make block! 100
   tokens: load/next filename
   while [not empty? tokens]

 if set-word? first tokens [
   insert set-words to word! first tokens
 tokens: load/next second tokens

 make-protected-script: func [filename [file!] /local protected-filename

   tokens: mold collect-set-words read-script filename
   append script join newline "__set-words: "
   append script tokens
   append script join newline protect-set-words
   protected-filename: append filename #"p"
   write protected-filename script

 protect-these-files: ask {
   Note: Only files with a .r ex

[REBOL] credit card validation Re:(2)

2000-09-18 Thread ralph

ah zo! Thanks, Gabriele!

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 1:03 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] Re: credit card validation
 On 16-Set-00, you wrote:
  r cleancard: func [card][
  rreplace/all card " " ""
  r parse card [some [to "^M" (remove find card "^M")] to end]
  r parse card [some [to "^/" (remove find card "^/")] to end]
  rcard: trim card
  r ]
 I think that:
   trim/with card " ^/^M"
 should be faster. Also,
   to-integer card/1 - 48
 is a bit faster than:
   to-integer to-string card/1
 Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Amigan - REBOL programmer
 Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

[REBOL] credit card validation Re:

2000-09-17 Thread ralph

by the way, this only works for Visa and MasterCard; I'll add Diner's Club,
Amex, etc. later.


For those interested in using REBOL for e-commerce (as we are here heavily
now), credit card validation using the LUHN (Mod 10) method (for what that
is and why you'd want to use it, see
http://www.beachnet.com/~hstiles/cardtype.html) seems moderately easy.

Below is how I'm doing it online now. For a fuller explanation, you'll have
to wait for the REBOL e-commerce book I'm working on.

Any suggestions on improving this function will be gratefully received.


--Ralph Roberts

;; start credit card validation function ;

validate: func [card][

cleancard: func [card][
replace/all card " " ""
   parse card [some [to "^M" (remove find card "^M")] to end]
   parse card [some [to "^/" (remove find card "^/")] to end]
card: trim card

cleancard card

cardlength: length? card

cardnum: []
cardsum: 0
typecard: ""
cardvalid: false
switch: off
oldvisa: off

if (length? card) = 16 [switch: on]
if (length? card) = 13 [
if (to-integer to-string first card) = 4 [switch: on oldvisa: on]

if switch = on [
foreach digit card [
digit: to-integer to-string digit
append cardnum digit

if oldvisa = on [append cardnum 0]

foreach [one two] cardnum [
if one  5 [cardsum: cardsum + (one * 2)]
if one  4 [
   one: one * 2
   one: to-string one
   cardsum: cardsum + (to-integer to-string one/1 +
   to-integer to-string one/2)

cardsum: cardsum + two

if cardnum/1 = 4 [typecard: "Visa"]
if cardnum/1 = 5 [
if cardnum/2  6 [
if cardnum/2  0 [typecard: "MasterCard"]

if (remainder cardsum 10) = 0 [cardvalid: true]
if (remainder cardsum 10)  0 [cardvalid: false]

 end credit card validation function ;

card: " enter a credit card number here "

validate card

print [cardnum cardlength cardsum typecard cardvalid]

[REBOL] REBOL Official Guide in the Czech Republic? Re:(3)

2000-09-13 Thread ralph

Glad your book arrived... yes, alas, as we've found out, Surface Mail is not
a good way to order books internationally. We hope someone soon comes up
with a good method of sending small packages from country to country other
that expensive Air Mail. With the current surge in international e-commerce,
this is definitely a necessity to be solved.

Meanwhile, we continue to do our very best to get books to customers
worldwide as fast as possible.


Hi Ralph, 6-Sep-2000 you wrote:

I believe Petr recently got his, that's the only other Czech order I know
of Mail to all of Europe this summer seems incredibly
SLW. The post
office just waffles when we complain, saying it's out of their
hands. Whose
hands is it in?

We hope your book arrives soon.

Just a small notice: I got my copy of the official guide this
Friday, I think
(but I'm not quite sure, since I've been so busy lately...). It
really looks
great - I'm looking forward to getting some time to read it (and,
of course,
writing a review about it for this Danish Amiga magazine :-) ).

BTW: Yes, I ordered my copy as soon as I could, so it's taken
quite some time
reaching me. But then again, I recall I chose the cheapest delivery method,
so this is probably fair. Actually, I found the book in the bookstore at my
university before I got it myself.

Anyway, I'm content with life, the universe, and everything. And Ralph, too

Kind regards,

Amiga is a trademark of Amiga Inc.

[REBOL] REBOL Official Guide in the Czech Republic? Re:

2000-09-06 Thread ralph

 Hi Czech REBOLs,

 has anyone already received REBOL Official Guide from REBOL Press?
 I ordered it more than a month ago and it still hasn't arrived.

 I got mail from Pam Davis from Alexander Books saying it was
 shipped, so I think it was lost. Or does delivery from U.S. to
 Czech Republic always take so long?

 S pozdravem
 Michal Kracik

I believe Petr recently got his, that's the only other Czech order I know
of Mail to all of Europe this summer seems incredibly SLW. The post
office just waffles when we complain, saying it's out of their hands. Whose
hands is it in?

We hope your book arrives soon.


--Ralph Roberts
Alexander Books

[REBOL] REBOL on-line ordering Re:

2000-09-05 Thread ralph

In writing the online order forms, we had to construct a very tedious
spreadsheet postal rates. Unfortunately, international mail does not follow
any discernable pattern, it is all over the place. You can generalize for
regions--such as Europe, Asia, etc.--but not even very accurately then. It
is a true headacheg... As to UPS or RPS shipments, yes it would be easier
to do a script which calculates the charge based on weight and destination.
I'm working on one myself and plan on including it in my next book on REBOL.


Hello Rebols;
  How do you calculate shipping costs?  Is it a REBOL script based
on weight
and destination or is it a one-size fits all?

  At this point I would pay for a working REBOL script that could calculate
shipping costs based on weight and destination.


Order form is live and on line now. We are pleased to serve you.

--Ralph Roberts

Yours Truly
Gordon Raboud


2000-09-02 Thread ralph

Order form is live and on line now. We are pleased to serve you.

--Ralph Roberts

REBOLs aren't dummies. But they know folks who are! g

Announcing the pre-publication sale of REBOL FOR DUMMIES by Ralph
Roberts. Take a look at the contents and sample chapter (on CGI) at
http://www.REBOLpress.com. Then pass this link on to your friends and
co-workers who need to join the REBOLution.

Special Offer: All copies purchased through REBOL Press Online are
autographed by author (and REBOL guru!) Ralph Roberts.

The REBOLution continues!

Danny Ramsey, Publisher, REBOL Press
The Official Source for REBOL Books

[REBOL] Announcing: REBOL FOR DUMMIES Re:(3)

2000-09-02 Thread ralph

And I for one truly appreciate it... thanks! And I support Sweden, I drive a


At least for me, the main reason for buying this book (and all other
REBOL books) is to support Carl, Ralph, Elan, REBOL, and REBOL Press.

These books are about $20 cheaper in sweden, but I think it is worth
buyinf from REBOL Press/Alexander Books anyway.


 Hey, I'm a dummy! That's why I'm going to buy this book! Thanks, Ralph!

  REBOLs aren't dummies. But they know folks who are! g
  Announcing the pre-publication sale of REBOL FOR DUMMIES by Ralph
  Roberts. Take a look at the contents and sample chapter (on CGI) at
  http://www.REBOLpress.com. Then pass this link on to your friends and
  co-workers who need to join the REBOLution.

/*  P-O Yliniemi, Bizlink Systems  Development AB
\* [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Solaris (SunOS 5.6-5.8), Perl, REBOL |
/* +46-70-4663336 |   CGI, (S)HTML, PHP, sql |
+46-70-5685919 *\
\*| Apache, qmail, squid, BIND, IPFilter |
+46-911-205474 */

[REBOL] Announcing: REBOL FOR DUMMIES Re:(2)

2000-09-01 Thread ralph


Hey, I'm a dummy! That's why I'm going to buy this book! Thanks, Ralph!

 REBOLs aren't dummies. But they know folks who are! g
 Announcing the pre-publication sale of REBOL FOR DUMMIES by Ralph
 Roberts. Take a look at the contents and sample chapter (on CGI) at
 http://www.REBOLpress.com. Then pass this link on to your friends and
 co-workers who need to join the REBOLution.
 Special Offer: All copies purchased through REBOL Press Online are
 autographed by author (and REBOL guru!) Ralph Roberts.
 The REBOLution continues!
 Danny Ramsey, Publisher, REBOL Press
 The Official Source for REBOL Books

[REBOL] First page about REBOL in Brazil Re:

2000-08-28 Thread ralph

looks good, Carlos!

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 4:00 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] First page about REBOL in Brazil

 Hi friends,

 The first official site about REBOL in Brasil is already on air.

 Please visit : http://rebolbrasil.vila.bol.com.br

 You may contact me using [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 REBOL é bom demais!

[REBOL] command/mySQL Re:(3)

2000-08-22 Thread ralph

yep, a lot of us see the need for REBOL  mySQL  REBOL.

--Ralph Roberts

Me too.

Is this turning into a petition ? 

I do think that Carl and the Gang (sounds quite catchy doesn't it 
will put this into "Command", so there's probably no need to worry.



8/16/00 10:00:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

VERY much agree. 

I would feel much more comfortable with building serious 
in REBOL given a real MySQL API. 



I, and probably more people with me would consider talking 
directly to 
MySQL from rebol as something rather important.
While MySQL might, perhaps,  be seen as the 'beer' among the Open
Databases (postgresql-- vintage port?)
but, as is the case with beer, MySQL is hugely popular and free
at least).

[REBOL] Ordering REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE from South America

2000-08-22 Thread ralph

To our South American friends: For your convenience in ordering REBOL: THE
OFFICIAL GUIDE, we have added the South American postal rates to the secure
order form at https://abooks.safeserver.com/orders/rog.html. For your
information, surface mail to countries in South America for this book is $14
and Air Mail is only $15. Please enjoy the REBOL revolution and long live

Em português: Para nosso Sul os amigos americanos: Para sua conveniência
ordenando REBOL: O GUIA OFICIAL, nós acrescentamos o Sul taxas postais
americanas ao impresso para encomendas seguro a
https://abooks.safeserver.com/orders/rog.html. Para sua informação, correio
de superfície para países na América do Sul para este livro é $14 e correio
aéreo é só $15. Por favor desfrute a revolução de REBOL e REBOL ao vivo

En español: A nuestros amigos americanos Sur: Para su conveniencia pidiendo
REBOL: ¡LA GUÍA OFICIAL, nosotros hemos agregado la postal americana Sur
tasa a la forma del orden segura a
https://abooks.safeserver.com/orders/rog.html. Para su información, el
correo de la superficie a los países en América del Sur para este libro es
$14 y correo aéreo es sólo $15. Por favor disfrute la revolución de REBOL y
REBOL vivo largo!

--Ralph Roberts
Ralph Roberts, CEO
Alexander Books / Creativity, Inc.
65 Macedonia Road
Alexander, NC 28701
1-800-472-0438 voice  fax tollfree U.S.  Canada
1-828-255-8719 voice  fax overseas

click here http://1-b.net/historypc.html

[REBOL] spaces in file names Re:

2000-08-19 Thread ralph


  I know you have to enclose file names with spaces within brackets.
  %"/c/test/test test.txt"

  But how do you manage file names with spaces in URLs.
  For example,

  ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test/test test.txt

   Thanks a lot

escape the spaces out with a '%20' such as:

ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test/test%20test.txt

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Search for in Strings Re:(2)

2000-08-16 Thread ralph

The following is a literal string that contains two double quotes

 print {He said "hi".}
He said "hi".

gWell, to be grammatically correct, it should be:

  print {He said "hi."}
 He said "hi."

Sorry, can't resist a correction. As an author, editor, and publisher AND
programmer, this is one of my pet peeves. Punctuation goes inside the quote.
Syntax counts in English as well as REBOL.


[REBOL] Search for in Strings Re:(4)

2000-08-16 Thread ralph

 Anyway, I'm starting to develop a complex here, this is the second
 grammatically focussed peeved response I've provoked with my 
 mails. :)   I'm
 certainly learning a few things about English.
 As for pet peeves, what really peeves me, is poor eating habits. Um, on
 second thoughts, better not get into that...


Please don't take me too seriouslyg; after all, I am a poor eater.


[REBOL] REBOL: THE OFFICAL GUIDE, slowness via Amazon.com

2000-08-14 Thread ralph

I said some time back in this list that Amazon.com would be slower than
ordering your book via http://rebolpress.com, but I did not expect to get
personally bitten. I signed onto Amazon tonight to order the latest Tom
Clancy book, THE BEAR AND THE DRAGON (ships Aug. 21st) and found that my
order for REBOL: THE OFFICAL GUIDE (think I submitted it in January and had
forgotten it) was still on hold. Now we've been shipping ROG from here for
about a month now! I expected to beat Amazon by about a week, looks like
we're going on three at leastg.

So go to http://rebolpress.com and order your book tonight. We'll ship it
TOMORROW. Guaranteed.

There will be a similar offer soon on my own book, REBOL FOR DUMMIES. Order
it through REBOLpress. I'll be personally signing all those that RP sells.


--Ralph Roberts


2000-08-11 Thread ralph

I've been assured by the publisher that REBOL FOR DUMMIES is still on track
for September (next month) release.

If anyone would like to see the cover, check out my REBOL page at

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] command/mySQL

2000-08-10 Thread ralph

Now that I've gotten a version of /Command runs on my server, I'm VERY
interesting in developing some applications with /Command and mySQL. Can
anyone point me toward information on the basics, such as creating, opening,
writing to mySQL, reading tables, et al.


--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Missing CD Re:(2)

2000-08-10 Thread ralph


Got the CD, you were kind enough to send me, in the mail today.  I really
appreciate your looking out for me.  I was very glad to learn that
this was
an isolated incident.

Thanks again;


Great Paul... it's our job to make sure everyone get's their money's worth.

We're shipping books same day order is received now...


[REBOL] the Book : Rebol - the official guide Re:

2000-08-02 Thread ralph

received by mail with CD ,  700 pages,
and fwd from Carl, as promised.
it looks full of examples ,
several lines of code explained on each pages,
Cd has all codes too,
some screen pix in the beginning of the book and nice fonts.
good job, as expected after a quick browse.

thx rebol team and rebolpress, ralph at alexander-books.

Yep, we really are shipping themg... glad ya got it and REBOL: THE
OFFICIAL GUIDE is truly a useful book.


[REBOL] REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE faaaaaast shipping!

2000-08-02 Thread ralph

ALEXANDER BOOKS (fulfuller of ROG) is pleased to announce that we have now
SHIPPED ALL the preorders and ALL orders to date for the book, including the
ones that came in this morning!

We still have a good supply of the book and the free tip sheet with Carl's
signature. Order yours today via http://rebolpress.com. We ship the same or
closest business day payment is received.

And thanks to all who used my REBOL ordering system.


Ralph Roberts, CEO
ALEXANDER BOOKS/ Creativity, Inc.
65 Macedonia Road
Alexander, NC 28701 USA
800-472-0438 tollfree voice  fax U.S./Canada
828-255-8719 voice  fax worldwide

$5 Blowout special on Stan Veit's HISTORY OF THE PC
while quantities last!

[REBOL] Congratulations, Elan!

2000-07-28 Thread ralph

I've now actually seen REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE (first shipment arrived in
our warehouse today).

Super good job, Elan! Congratulations. This book is a must have, folks!

This is a MASSIVE TOME at 728 pages, weighing 3 lbs., 5 oz. I've just had
time to peruse it briefly but have seen lots of useful stuff.

And, yes, we're shipping books! They would arrive on a Fridayg, but I've
already laid on some overtime for tomorrow to finish getting all the orders
in hand filled. Both people getting books next week and my warehouse people
will be happy.

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] input a bunch? Re:(2)

2000-07-27 Thread ralph

well, just using

text: input

will let you type a bunch until a Return is hit.

--Ralph Roberts

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 10:30 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] input a bunch? Re:
 How about:
 something: ask "Type Something "
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 5:38 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] input a bunch?
 hey list guys,
 I have something like this:
 print "type something"
 input: somthingtyped
 this works like a champ when I type stuff in at the console.  but I'd
 prefer to get it in some other way, and pasting mucks stuff up.
 how can I get, say, a paragraph into input?  I'm typing in stuff that
 I don't know beforehand...
 Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] REBOL Scripting Re:

2000-07-27 Thread ralph

Does anyone know where i can learn to write a REBOL script?

I can recommend a couple of good books... REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE
(McGraw-Hill) is available at http://www.rebolpress.com. My own book, REBOL
FOR DUMMIES, will be out the first of September... but just playing with
REBOL itself is a great way to start... Here's your first complete script:


print "Hello REBOL world!"

Dat's it! REBOL is a pure joy to code in.


Ralph Roberts, CEO
Alexander Books / Creativity, Inc.
65 Macedonia Road
Alexander, NC 28701
1-800-472-0438 voice  fax tollfree U.S.  Canada
1-828-255-8719 voice  fax overseas

click here http://1-b.net/historypc.html

[REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available Re:

2000-07-26 Thread ralph

YESS! Bless you for the BDSI releases!


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 8:49 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available

Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available

Hello all:

We are proud to announce the launching of the REBOL
experimental build process.

In order to improve our testing process, we have
developed (using REBOL of course) a fully automated
build and release pipeline that allows us to put out
software more often.  With the press of a key we are now
able to rebuild and upload experimental versions of
REBOL that contain the latest bug fixes and enhancements.
You benefit from more frequent releases.  We benefit
from the testing and feedback that you provide.

At this time, over 70 separate REBOL binaries are being
made available from our automated build system, and you
can download these binaries directly from our web site.

However, in order to achieve this more rapid software
release process, some sacrifices are required:

The experimental builds have only received rudimentary
testing before being published. Also, at this time we
have not enacted an automated process to track the
changes evident in these versions of REBOL, so the
features of the build may not be immediately apparent.

Additionally, some of the builds may not be equivalent
in some features to others.  Some of the experimental
REBOL/command builds do not all have database
connectivity, and the type of database connectivity may
differ across platforms.

The experimental builds contain bug fixes for some
commonly reported problems.  Please submit bug
reports for all problems you encounter using the
experimental builds.

All files are provided under license of our end user
license agreement and beta test agreements. Currently,
our experimental builds have 30 day beta expiration

The list of experimental builds can be found at:


We don't expect these experimental builds to be
Frankensteins or anything.  They're likely to be as
stable as the last release of REBOL, but with anything
experimental: use at your own risk.

REBOL team

[REBOL] Blue Truck for Sale Re:

2000-07-20 Thread ralph

Doesn't a truck abandoned for more than three days in view of a web cam de
facto become the property of all users of the Internet? If so, let's work up
a schedule for sharing use.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 10:43 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Blue Truck for Sale

 Regarding the mysterious blue truck
 on the Rebol Web-Cam, ownership is
 uncertain but [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 is willing to auction it on e-bay.

 browse http://demo.rebol.net/webcam

 for the new - "updated"  commented! page

 cheers folks,

 Mark Dickson

[REBOL] roundoff? Re:(2)

2000-07-19 Thread ralph

yes... rounding.r is nice... anyway, my routine works well enough for the
purpose I required... but it would be nice to see a rounding function
included in REBOL.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 2:44 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] roundoff? Re:


 see also www.rebol.org/math/rounding.r

  I needed a simple two decimal place round off function for a
 script this
  This is what I came up with:
  roundoff: func ["Rounds off to 2 decimal places" a][
  a: a * 100
  b: a - to-integer a
  a: to-integer a
  if b  .5 [a: a + 1]
  a: divide a 100
  Here's how it works:
   roundoff 10.567890
  == 10.57
   roundoff 10.56
  == 10.56
  Can anyone improve on this, or is there a function already in
  Okay, yes, to-money does it:
   to-money 10.567
  == $10.57
   to-money 10.563
  == $10.56
  but I want the decimal! type.
  --Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] roundoff?

2000-07-18 Thread ralph

I needed a simple two decimal place round off function for a script this

This is what I came up with:

roundoff: func ["Rounds off to 2 decimal places" a][
a: a * 100
b: a - to-integer a
a: to-integer a
if b  .5 [a: a + 1]
a: divide a 100

Here's how it works:

 roundoff 10.567890
== 10.57
 roundoff 10.56
== 10.56

Can anyone improve on this, or is there a function already in REBOL I

Okay, yes, to-money does it:

 to-money 10.567
== $10.57
 to-money 10.563
== $10.56

but I want the decimal! type.

--Ralph Roberts


2000-07-10 Thread ralph

Dear Bob:

I'm not sure why you got an error message, but your order came through fine
and we'll ship your book when they arrive.

What kind of browser are you using?

--Ralph Roberts

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 6:52 AM

 I never planed on buying it any place else, I had to look
 there to passifiy my frugal wife.  I still keep hear about
 the $15 I could have saved on "Embedded Systems Building
 Blocks" if I'd done it her way.
 I'll be placing my order with RebolPress just as soon as the
 wife is not looking at the credit card statement... :-)

 She is sleeping now.  I just put in my order but after I
 clicked the "Record Order" button it popped up and said
 "Script Error bla bla bla" then switched to the screen that
 said "Thank you for ordering".  I tried to use the back
 button to see what "bla bla bla" really said but it went
 back to the "Record Order" button screen.  Didn't want to
 hit the button again.  E-Commerce just isn't ready for
 Prime Time yet...

 Some one might want to look into that, might be loosing
 sales, or more importantly I won't get my Rebol book... :-)


2000-07-10 Thread ralph

 -Original Message-

 My experience with the Amiga browsers at the REBOL shop was thus:

 IBrowse2.2 wouldn't work... "SSL Connect error. The remote server is
 using an encryption protocol not supported by IBrowse."

 AWebII v3.3 would've let me continue if I'd wanted to, but the
 transaction would not have been secure.

 Voyager 3 worked fine - ordered the book. (:

 Odd that IBrowse didn't work, as I thought both it and Voyager use
 Miami SSL, but there you go.

Interesting info, Carl. I wrote the order system, testing it with Internet
Explorer. Once I finished, I then checked it on Netscape and Opera. It
worked fine on Opera but it took a bunch more hours to get it to take a
Netscape orders.

The pnice thing about browser standards is: there are so manyg.

As to Amiga browsers, I'll take any advice on getting them to work. The "SSL
connect error" of course is not REBOL and I'm not sure what we can do about
that. I'll have to ask my secure service provider.

It's an adventure, but REBOLPress is getting tons of orders and, so far as
far as I now know, we have not lost a single order.

However, I DO want to hear about any problems anyone has so that I can fix


--Ralph Roberts


2000-07-10 Thread ralph

By the way, this was a bug in my order system, now squashed.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 6:52 AM
 I never planed on buying it any place else, I had to look
 there to passifiy my frugal wife.  I still keep hear about
 the $15 I could have saved on "Embedded Systems Building
 Blocks" if I'd done it her way.
 I'll be placing my order with RebolPress just as soon as the
 wife is not looking at the credit card statement... :-)
 She is sleeping now.  I just put in my order but after I
 clicked the "Record Order" button it popped up and said
 "Script Error bla bla bla" then switched to the screen that
 said "Thank you for ordering".  I tried to use the back
 button to see what "bla bla bla" really said but it went
 back to the "Record Order" button screen.  Didn't want to
 hit the button again.  E-Commerce just isn't ready for
 Prime Time yet... 
 Some one might want to look into that, might be loosing
 sales, or more importantly I won't get my Rebol book... :-)


2000-07-10 Thread ralph

 c My experience with the Amiga browsers at the REBOL shop was thus:
 c AWebII v3.3 would've let me continue if I'd wanted to, but the
 c transaction would not have been secure.

 Strange, AWeb worked just fine and in secure mode for me. On the
 otherhand, I thought I was supposed to receive an email confirmation
 and I haven't seen that so perhaps it just seemed like it worked! I
 found the "Thanks from RT" page in my browser cache so something
 happened :)

 E-Squared Technologies

Ed Vishoot?... yep, we got your order... there have only been 3 or 4 people
did not get confirming email. Think I've fixed that bug. But our data
integrity is good; REBOL gets the orders through.



[REBOL] NETSCAPE vs EXPLORER... CGI problem solved! Re:(4)

2000-07-10 Thread ralph

That looks useful... I'll try it... Thanks! Indeed cool.


 Hi, Ralph!

 You could make better use of lists in Rebol.

 order: join "https://abooks.safeserver.com/cgi-bin/bookord.r?title=" title
 order: join order {author=}
 order: join order trim author
 order: join order {isbn=}
 order: join order trim isbn
 order: join order {pub=}
 order: join order trim pub
 order: join order {price=}
 order: join order trim price

 This bit about using "order: join" repeatedly is a good clue.
 That's one of the great things about rebol list syntax.

 order: join copy "" [
  https://abooks.safeserver.com/cgi-bin/bookord.r?title=" title
  {author=} trim author
  {isbn=}   trim isbn
  {pub=}trim pub
  {price=}  trim price

 I didn't actually test it, but it should work, or something very
 similar to
 It's roughly right, for sure, and still easy to read.

 Cool, huh?



2000-07-09 Thread ralph

 No disrespect intended, but having found the book for $31.89 with no
 shipping (at ecampus) I don't think the tip sheet is worth the
 extra $13.60.
 On a side note, it seems that there are two other Rebol books out there as
 well. I'm still getting this one, but...

It's true that others are offering the book for less but they don't HAVE the
book and won't for several weeks yet. The reality of the book distribution
channel is that it takes time to fill the pipeline. You have to remember,
the conventional book trade is still a very archaic biz; totally different
from any other business and pretty moribund in its channels of distribution.
My company is doing the fulfillment for REBOL PRESS and we are getting the
books directly from the printer, shortcircuiting the normal process.
Amazon.com, for example, gets their books either from the publisher (we sell
them lots of books) or from the largest book wholesaler, Ingram. Either way
at least a two- or three-tier process involving shipment and transhipment.
This is true for BN and all the rest. I've gone through this with numerous
of my own books and the books we publish here. I know it's a great source of
frustration to the end user but we have always beat the big guys by two
weeks to a month in shipping books. It pays to be nimble these days in
ecommerce. The fastest way to get REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE is from
http://www.rebolpress.com.  now, if we only could get the Harry Potter
book to distribute, too.

You mentioned three REBOL books? The only other one I know of is my REBOL
FOR DUMMIES in September?

--Ralph Roberts

  REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE, the first commercial book about
  the REBOL language, is now at the printers! You can check
  the contents and read a sample chapter at REBOL Press
  Online, http://www.REBOLpress.com.
  I thought it was interesting to note that Barnes And Noble
  says this book has a "sales rank of 127,053", for the
  *February Edition*.
  Does that mean they sold 127k+ copies of a nonexistent book?
  Amazon.com is selling the *July Edition* with a "sales rank
  of 84,434".  Sold?  Searched for? Page looked at? What?

 Their prices are less but you don't get the Special Offer:

 Special Offer: Order your advance copy of REBOL: THE
 OFFICIAL GUIDE (with CD) directly from REBOL Press Online
 and receive an exclusive, limited-edition DESIGNER'S TIP
 SHEET written and signed by REBOL's Designer, Carl
 Sassenrath! Not available in bookstores or through any other
 source. It includes numerous insider tips that make REBOL
 scripts easier to write and more powerful to use.

 For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
 Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
 Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] NETSCAPE vs EXPLORER... CGI problem solved! Re:(2)

2000-07-08 Thread ralph

darn... can't believe to-url slipped me mind... thanks!


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 8:58 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] NETSCAPE vs EXPLORER... CGI problem solved! Re:

  There are other ways to solve this (in my humble opinion)
 deficiency in at
  least early Netscape (4.03 is the latest I have or wantg, I
 just use it
  make sure stuff works in both flavor browsers). One way is the following
  little REBOL function:
  cgi-escape: func [cgi][
  parse cgi [some [to " " (find replace cgi " " "%20")] to end]

 Hi Ralph,

 You can also use to-url to do that for you

  d: to-url "this has spaces"
 == this%20has%20spaces

 d: to-url "this has spaces and (parens)"
 == this%20has%20spaces%20and%20%28parens%29

 It is also fairly common to escape the " " with "+" instead, because it is
 shorter by 2 chars.

 Check out,


 this does the encoding as well as the " " to "+"


 Allen K

[REBOL] NETSCAPE vs EXPLORER... CGI problem solved! Re:(2)

2000-07-08 Thread ralph

 You can also use to-url to do that for you

  d: to-url "this has spaces"
 == this%20has%20spaces

 d: to-url "this has spaces and (parens)"
 == this%20has%20spaces%20and%20%28parens%29

You got me on the right track, Allen (thanks!) but it was a bit trickier
than just using to-url If I tried to print the translated URL (as I do
in looping through and constructing secure URLs for books that can be
ordered) I lost the escapes. Finally it occurred to me (slowly but surely)
to just PROBE the little mudpuppies! That works and keeps the format.

For any of those interested, you can see all this in action at
http://abooks.com. Click on any book title; either the random ones or
through either of the searches available.

And, as a bonus, here's the code of how I do it... enjoy:

 escape for Netscape ;;;

print {a href="}
order: join "https://abooks.safeserver.com/cgi-bin/bookord.r?title=" 
order: join order {author=}
order: join order trim author
order: join order {isbn=}
order: join order trim isbn
order: join order {pub=}
order: join order trim pub
order: join order {price=}
order: join order trim price
order: make url! order
probe order
print {"}
print trim title
print "/a"

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Netscape vs. Explorer ??? Re:(2)

2000-07-07 Thread ralph

 Try Opera


I have Opera, Mark, and it's nice. But the point is not which is the best
browser, but how to get REBOL to handle CGI data passed by ALL browsers the
same. And it doesn't. Which I suspect is the fault of Netscape especially,
but I need to solve the problem for an application I'm doing.

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Webcam URL Re:(4)

2000-07-03 Thread ralph

 Looks like the webcam:
 is still stuck.

Perhaps it has something to do with the mysterious green light in the center
of the screen? Have aliens landed and mucked about with the REBOL webcam?



2000-06-30 Thread ralph

 Take a peek out the front window of REBOL across the Ukiah town
 square to the hills beyond (2000 ft elev).  The town square has
 various events worth visiting from time to time... fiddle and
 guitar bands, punkin festivals, old car shows, dancing dogs with
 clean hippy kids, the usual Mendocino stuff.  Now you can see for
 yourself why Ukiah was ranked the 6th best small town in America, right?

 If you look closely, you might see Sterling or Erin setting new
 inline skating records, Bo doing wheelies in the square, Holger
 rewiring the exchange, or Jeff burning tobacco.  You might even
 get to see Cindy unloading sodas from the van.

Very nice, but where's the cannon and the great weathered bronze equestrian
statue of General Carl "Old Code and Glory" Sassenrath, famous hero of the
REBOLution? Where are the boiled peanut vendors, the maganolias, the weeping
willow trees? Ukiah has a lot to learn about town squares. I don't even see
a town drunk?g

Erin and Sterling are doing okay, tho'. Inline skating is great training for
debugging code.

But I do like the web cam. Nice.

--Ralph Roberts


2000-06-30 Thread ralph

 If you look closely, you might see Sterling or Erin setting new
 inline skating records, Bo doing wheelies in the square, Holger
 rewiring the exchange, or Jeff burning tobacco.  You might even
 get to see Cindy unloading sodas from the van.

 With a webcam like this, who needs TV.  "Hey, Cindy, pass the popcorn."

Actually, to be fair, I see the old street clock... nice... we have one of
those also.

A nice point, the pole of the clock, for Erin and Sterling to grab in
executing rapid changes of direction while inline skating, thus keeping
themselves well rounded.


[REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.3 Released! Re:

2000-06-28 Thread ralph

 Announcing the release of REBOL/Core 2.3!

 This new version of REBOL/Core includes many
 improvements only available in beta versions
 of our REBOL/View and REBOL/Command products,
 until now.

This is great, thanks, and congrats to all the REBOL team... but g...

I was going to use 'feedback' to report that FTP is still broken but it
seems that 'feedback' itself now does not work. I get:

** Script Error: feedback has no value.
** Where: feedback

and the FTP error that has appeared in all REBOLs since 2.2 is still there:

 read ftp://ftp.abooks.com/
connecting to: ftp.abooks.com
** User Error: Server error: tcp 425 Can't build data connection: Connection
** Where: read ftp://ftp.abooks.com/

This latter is a bit critical for us here to get working again.

But... overall... 2.3 seems nicely improved.

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.3 Released! Re:(3)

2000-06-28 Thread ralph

 but there isn't any function called feedback, is there? You have to "do
 %feedback.r" imho 

 Hi Pekr

Yep, in 2.2 (which I have to keep around to do FTPg), you can just type
'feedback' ... I suspect 'do %feedback.r' was left out of rebol.r for later
versions. A nitpicky little thing, but the FTP problem is a good deal more

but, as they do say in Germany:

REBOL ist Perl ohne die Komplikation.

Which should be "REBOL is Perl without the complication," only when I
translate it back into English, I get "REBOL is bubbles without the

From this I infer that Perl doesn't translate very well from system to
system; which is why I use REBOL in the first place.

Hey! It's gonna be an interesting day here. I see that already.g


[REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.3 Released! Re:(5)

2000-06-28 Thread ralph

 On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, you wrote:

  Yep, in 2.2 (which I have to keep around to do FTPg)

 Why ? Try setting "system/schemes/ftp/passive: true" in user.r. You are
 probably behind a firewall.

 Holger Kruse

YES That fixed it. Now, if I had only asked you first instead of all
those other peopleg



[REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.3 Released! Re:(3)

2000-06-28 Thread ralph

yep, that fixed it.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 7:16 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.3 Released! Re:(2)
 Hi Ralph,
 re: ftp
 did you try setting passive to true as Holger suggested?
 At 08:41 AM 6/28/00 -0400, you wrote:
  Announcing the release of REBOL/Core 2.3!
  This new version of REBOL/Core includes many
  improvements only available in beta versions
  of our REBOL/View and REBOL/Command products,
  until now.
 This is great, thanks, and congrats to all the REBOL team... but g...
 I was going to use 'feedback' to report that FTP is still broken but it
 seems that 'feedback' itself now does not work. I get:
 ** Script Error: feedback has no value.
 ** Where: feedback
 and the FTP error that has appeared in all REBOLs since 2.2 is 
 still there:
  read ftp://ftp.abooks.com/
 connecting to: ftp.abooks.com
 ** User Error: Server error: tcp 425 Can't build data 
 connection: Connection
 ** Where: read ftp://ftp.abooks.com/
 This latter is a bit critical for us here to get working again.
 But... overall... 2.3 seems nicely improved.
 --Ralph Roberts
 ;- Elan [ : - ) ]

[REBOL] igpay atinlay Re:(2)

2000-06-26 Thread ralph

 do people say "ingthay" or "hingtay

I actually have no ideayay??? g


[REBOL] igpay atinlay Re:(3)

2000-06-26 Thread ralph

 | do people say "ingthay" or "hingtay

 Normally, ingthay.

Actually, it seems either can be correct, depending on the dialect or

Gee, guys... I wuz just joking with the Pig Latin, but evidently those are
those who take the language serious. For example, here's a guy who's
translated the entire Bible into Pig Latin:

Peter Vallone gave an entire presidential nomination speech in Pig Latin at

Rick McCallister at http://www.muw.edu/~rmccalli/SpIgpayAtinlay.html makes a
case that Pig Latin is the most widely spoken language in the world (all
kids do it in some form). He gives these rules and variances:

"As you remember
US Pig Latin is formed
by moving the
initial consonant or consonant cluster
to the end of the word
and adding -ay

"When the word in question
begins with a vowel
dialect differences arise

"Depending on the region
you add -hay, -way, -yay or just plain -ay

"Regional differences in US Pig Latin
English I speak Pig Latin.
Antediluvian I-ay eak-spay Ig-pay Atin-lay.
Paleologic I-hay eak-spay Ig-pay Atin-lay.
Precambrian I-way eak-spay Ig-pay Atin-lay.
Xenophonic I-yay eak-spay Ig-pay Atin-lay."

And I find now that there are various dialects; some hyphenated, some not.

I stand abashed for not taking Pig Latin seriously with my little REBOL
script and issue the following apology to Pig Latinists everywhere:

I can only, with abject sincerity, apologize and the unintentional mangling
of the great and melodiously soaring tenets of Pig Latin that my rudimentary
REBOL scipt may have trangressed. I will honestly and fervantly strive to do
better in the future, modifying my REBOL script to more closely reflect the
syntax of this great language.


Enterway ethay Englishway exttay erehay atthay ouyay antway anslatedtray
intoway Igpay Atinlay. Isthay isway accomplishedway iavay isthay HTMLAY
ocumentday andway accompanyingway AvaScriptjay ogrampray. Otenay atthay
yphenatedhay ordsway
areway eatedtray asway otway ordsway. Ordsway aymay onsistcay ofway
alphabeticway aracterschay onlyway (Away-ZAY andway away-zay). Allway
unctuationpay, umeralsnay, ymbolssay andway itespacewhay areway otnay

Howay newkay?


--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] igpay atinlay Re:(5)

2000-06-26 Thread ralph

 Hi Ralph,

 Pig-Latin purists LOL!
 Perhaps you should offer version of Rebol/Core for Dummies in pig-Latin to
 appease them ?


 Allen K

You got it, Alleng. By the way, the official title of my book is now again

or EBOLRAY ORFAY UMMIESDAY I guess in the Pig Latin version.

Oh well.. onway and upward.


[REBOL] igpay atinlay

2000-06-23 Thread ralph

No language is complete without a function for converting from English to
Pig Latin.

I thus do my part to make REBOL complete by offering my first version of the
'piglatin' function, to wit:

use it like so:

 do %piglatin.r
Script: "English to Pig Latin" (none)
 help piglatin

 English to Pig Latin
 PIGLATIN is a function value.
Enter phrase to be translated? (no punctuation or caps yet)

the only good thing about free advice is that the price is right

hetay  onlyyay  oodgay  hingtay  aboutyay  reefay  eefayray  adviceyay
isyay  hattay  hetay  ricepay  icepayray  isyay  ightray

here is the code:

TITLE: "English to Pig Latin"
ITLETAY: "Englishyay otay Igpay atinlay"
AUTHORYAY: "Ralph Roberts"
ATEDAY: 23-June-2000

piglatin: func ["English to Pig Latin"][

vowels:["a" "e" "i" "o" "u"]
consonants:["b" "c" "d" "f" "g" "h" "k" "j" "l" "m" "n"
"p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"

print "Enter phrase to be translated? (no punctuation or caps yet) "
phrase: input

a: parse phrase " "
foreach word a [
switch: 0
atinlay: word
foreach vowel vowels [
vowel: to-char vowel
if vowel = first atinlay [
insert tail atinlay "yay"
prin [atinlay " "]
switch: 1
prin ""

foreach consonant consonants [
consonant: to-char consonant
if consonant = first atinlay [
b: first atinlay
insert tail atinlay b
insert tail atinlay "ay"
remove head atinlay first atinlay
if switch  1 [prin [atinlay " "]
prin ""

print ""


--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Parsing tab delimited text files Re:

2000-06-17 Thread ralph

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2000 12:29 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] Parsing tab delimited text files

  I am parsing a number of tab delimited text files.

  For reasons unknown this doesn't work:

  page: read/lines %textfile.txt
  foreach line page [
 line: parse/all line tab

Your problem is that tab is a character, i.e.:

 print type? tab

The parse function is looking for a string, so just give it the tab as a
string value:

page: read/lines %textfile.txt
   foreach line page [
  line: parse/all line "^-"

and it will work like the true champ that REBOL is.


--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Bcc?? Re:

2000-06-16 Thread ralph

You need quotes around "Tommy" Timmy.

 does anyone know how to
 create a custom email header
 that includes Bcc.
 This is what I tried:
 header: make system/standard/email [
Bcc: tommy
MIME-Version: "1.0"
Subject: "Thank-you  :)"
 Content-Type: join {multipart/mixed; boundary=}
 Thanks, timmy

[REBOL] Learning to live as a Rebolian Re:

2000-06-16 Thread ralph


 I find Rebol very useful and use parts of it all the time but  ...

 I would like to have a better handle on Dialects, objects,  and system
 I think this could be useful ... any suggestions how to learn to use

 Many of the programs/document are too complex to learn from.

 I have look at all the available documents at the Rebol site.

 There are some parts of the language that are more obvious in their use
 than others.

 There are things that look like they would behave in out way but are
 designed behave in a much different manner.

 Thanks for any help.

Hi Larry... there are a couple of good books on REBOL coming out soon. They
should help.


[REBOL] Semi-mostly-unofficial non-sanctioned non-authorized REBOL marching and er... perhaps imbibing song

2000-06-16 Thread ralph

At http://abooks.com/rebol/song.html, my own take of that great classic, "99
Bottles of Beer on the Wall," as modified and performed by the REBOL Coders
Anonymous Philharmonic. With the code that does it.

Like, groove with the beat, ye Coders and Codettes of the REBOLution.


[REBOL] Time Re:

2000-06-14 Thread ralph

 I've just ran into a brick wall.

 Where is the epoc time support in Rebol?

It's easy enough to do, Deryk... Here's to epoch time:


File: %epoch.r
Author: "Ralph Roberts"

date: now

seconds: ((date - 1-1-1970) * 86400) + (date/time/hour * 3600) +
(date/time/minute * 60) + date/time/second

zone: now/zone

zone: zone/hour

zone: zone * 3600

seconds: seconds - zone ; minus a minus gives plus

print seconds

(I just ran the above and got 960987050 for the time period that I'm doing
this message).

And here's how to convert back:


Title: "Convert Epoch Time to Date"
    Author: "Ralph Roberts"
File: %epoch-to-date.r
Date: 21-Feb-2000
Purpose: {converts UNIX Epoch time (seconds after 1-1-1970)
to current date and time }
Example: {outputs "Epoch date 951142987 is 21-Feb-2000
14:38:52 GMT or 9:38:52 Local" }

epoch: 951505087

days: divide epoch 86400

days2: make integer! days

time: (days - days2) * 24
hours: make integer! time
minutes: (time - hours) * 60
minutes2: make integer! minutes
seconds: make integer! (minutes - minutes2) * 60
time2: make time! hours * 60) + minutes2) * 60) + seconds)

prin ["Epoch date" epoch "is" 1-Jan-1970 + days2 time2]
print [" GMT or" time2 + now/zone "Local"]


--Ralph Roberts


[REBOL] An appeal to keep /Core

2000-06-14 Thread ralph

To all REBOLians, both at HQ and those of us out here in the field:

Upon thinking about Carl's original message and this subject in general for
the past several days, I offer the following two major points as to why
/Core should be kept, both in spirit and in name.

Primus: REBOL/Core is the very foundation of the REBOL concept, i.e. small
footprint, just copy into a directory to install, code runs without
modification on 37 systems (and more soon, we hope). It is universal,
catholic in the original sense of the word, no GUI stuff to slow it down nor
otherwise restrict it from operating everywhere in everyway. And /Core most
immediately meets the call for a simple yet exceptionally powerful scripting
language with the potential of replacing Perl ("REBOL is Perl without the
complication," etc.). /Core properly evangelized will get the attention of
the many millions out there already trying to craft CGI applications. /Core
carries on the great learning tradition of a beginner's interpretive
language like GWBASIC that has started so many programmers and to which
there has not existed a true alternative for over a decade... not until
REBOL/Core. It is a real, easily accessible gateway to the Common Gateway

Secondus: From a marketing viewpoint, the name '/Core' is much stronger than
'/View'... What is the 'core?' It is the center, heart, central part, hub,
nucleus, middle, interior, foundation, mainstay, focal point, basis, crux,
meat, substance. It is: REBOL/Core.

So we of the /Core Corps respectfully ask that /Core be retained in spirit
and name or, in the hallowed words of an old Southern mountaineer and
certainly a profitable philosophy, "You dance with them what brung you," and
it is /Core that's currently getting REBOL attention and respect as a
viabable scripting language. /Core will get /View and the others in the
door, but let's not leave it outside.

--Ralph Roberts
author: REBOL/Core for Dummies

[REBOL] Epoch (and Epoch-to-date) as a function in REBOL/Core

2000-06-14 Thread ralph

   I've just ran into a brick wall.
   Where is the epoc time support in Rebol?
  It's easy enough to do, Deryk... Here's to epoch time:


 Danke, you're the man for the day! :)

 (I still think it should be a normal function in rebol ;))

Sie sind willkommen, Deryk. Ich arbeite schwer, um gute REBOL Spitzen

Now, you say you wish epoch time was a function in REBOL? No problem. Here's
how you can achieve it (this technique, by the way, is in my forthcoming

1) create a REBOL script file in your REBOL directory called %myuser.r and
add the line 'do %myuser.r' in the 'rebol.r' file. You now have a home for
all sorts of handy enhancements to REBOL/Core which get activated every time
REBOL starts.

2) Turn the to epoch script into a function, as so:

epoch: func ["Returns epoch date of now"][

date: now

seconds: ((date - 1-1-1970) * 86400) + (date/time/hour * 3600) +
(date/time/minute * 60) + date/time/second

zone: now/zone

zone: zone/hour

zone: zone * 3600

seconds: seconds - zone ; minus a minus gives plus


3) Paste it into your %myuser.r file. Restart REBOL. Now you can use it as
any function function, for example:

 help epoch

 Returns epoch date of now
 EPOCH is a function value.
 print epoch
 print epoch + 10

4) Okay, now the from epoch conversion function... put it in your %myuser.r
file also:

epoch-to-date: func [{Convert from epoch to date,
example: epoch-to-date 960994210 returns
Epoch date 960994210 is 14-Jun-2000 14:50:10 GMT
or 10:50:10 Local } epoch][

days: divide epoch 86400

days2: make integer! days

time: (days - days2) * 24
hours: make integer! time
minutes: (time - hours) * 60
minutes2: make integer! minutes
seconds: make integer! (minutes - minutes2) * 60
time2: make time! hours * 60) + minutes2) * 60) + seconds)
prin ["Epoch date" epoch "is" 1-Jan-1970 + days2 time2]
print [" GMT or" time2 + now/zone "Local"]

5) Reload %myuser.r. Now you can also use the function epoch-to-date. Do it
like this:

 help epoch-to-date

 Convert from epoch to date,
example: epoch-to-date 960994210 returns
Epoch date 960994210 is 14-Jun-2000 14:50:10 GMT
or 10:50:10 Local
 EPOCH-TO-DATE is a function value.

 epoch -- (Type: any)
== 960994724
 epoch-to-date 960994724
Epoch date 960994724 is 14-Jun-2000 14:58:43 GMT or 10:58:43 Local
 epoch-to-date (epoch + 10)
Epoch date 961094764 is 15-Jun-2000 18:46:04 GMT or 14:46:04 Local
 epoch-to-date (divide epoch 100)
Epoch date 9609947.89 is 22-Apr-1970 5:25:47 GMT or 1:25:47 Local

6) Enjoy and support the /Core Corps, shock troops of the great REBOLution.

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Time Re:(3)

2000-06-14 Thread ralph

   (I just ran the above and got 960987050 for the time period
 that I'm doing
  this message).

That would be 14-Jun-2000 12:50:49 GMT or 8:50:49 Local... I would guess you
are up early in the Mountain time zone? or Pacific with daylight savings?


[REBOL] An appeal to keep /Core Re:(2)

2000-06-14 Thread ralph


  To all REBOLians, both at HQ and those of us out here in the field:
  Upon thinking about Carl's original message and this subject in
 general for
  the past several days, I offer the following two major points as to why
  /Core should be kept, both in spirit and in name.
  --Ralph Roberts
  author: REBOL/Core for Dummies

 yeah right, what is a book about  language without language :-)

 sorry, I can't stop my self

No problem, Karolg. I've already been quite well paid for the book and
I'll not lose in any case. I believe the book will sell just as well as a
general REBOL reference whether /Core is still there or not (my working
title was simply REBOL FOR DUMMIES, it was later changed, but I wrote the
book as an overall instead of specific to /Core guide).

My books over the years have already made me very comfortable financially,
so I'll keep putting bread and new computers on the table, come what might.
I'm more concerned with seeing REBOL, the language, succeed. It is
something--the concept of Carl and others--that I passionately believe in.
In over 30 years, of using and writing about computers I've not seen
anything else with its sheer potential. REBOL is an ideal whose time has
come. As Charles Fort wrote about railroading, when it's time for
railroading, someone will invent trains. As to something that can REALLY run
on the tracks of the Internet, that someone was Carl Sassenrath. Remember,
we had rails for centuries before we had trains powered by other than humans
and donkeys. Luckily Carl did not make us wait that long.

It's just my opinion, and that of many others so it seems, that /Core oughta
stay around. This does not mean that we do not want /View or /Command or any
of the others (we do, we do!)... It just means that /Core is the perfect
entry level point for REBOL and we hope that ever-so-easy-to-open portal
remains in place.


[REBOL] An appeal to keep /Core Re:(2)

2000-06-14 Thread ralph

 If it's a choice between /Core and /View, then /View wins. But
 you bring up
 good points. If /View supplants /Core, changing the name to /Core may be
 worth RT's time to consider. For the reasons you point out it is in some
 sense is more "attention getting."


I could live with, Alan... Just so long as /Core stays lean and mean, the
more features it has, the better.


[REBOL] /view and the Web Re:

2000-06-13 Thread ralph

 Since /view seems to be platform-dependent in drawing windows, is there
 any application for /view with Web scripting? I assume the answer is "no."


Well, Ryan, /View has all of /Core's functions as far as CGI, so you don't
have to use all the GUI stuff.

I likes /View but I LOVE /Core. /View has potential, it's fun to play wid.
But /Core is here and now and running e-commerce aps for me like the loyal
trooper it is, night and day. That's my opinion. I speak for strictly for
myself here, but I think the immediate real winners from REBL are gonna be
/Core and /Command. Later, I am willing predict, /View will come into its
own perhaps as a part of the new e-commerce aps on the new http://rebol.com.


[REBOL] rebol for dummies Re:(2)

2000-06-12 Thread ralph

 I note that you don't say which September.  Is this going to be like the
 "Offical Guide" that was coming in October then January then June
 Or is there really going to be a book on the book store shelves in

 Sorry if I seem skeptical but Microsoft's marketing strategy
 seems to have
 take hold in related industries as well.


Dear Paul:

Please do not attribute the troubles of others to meg. I signed the
contract to do REBOL FOR DUMMIES in early February of this year. According
to the contract, I was to do 120,000 words by June 12th (today). I turned in
the final mss. of 122,604 words on June 10, two days early (lots and lots of
my hours in that book). So, yes, the book is not just on but AHEAD of
schedule for September 1 release (publishers build in time for authors
turning in manuscripts late--I was not late, so the book is now earlyg). I
believe it to be one of the best and most exciting books I've ever written
and feel very, very good about the job I did. I have a passion for REBOL and
it comes through in my book. This guide will certainly be helpful in
learning REBOL, and it includes some unique coding that I hope will engender
spurts of creativity from many in the REBOL community.

But, let me add, I was lucky on this book. Everything came together and I
had some great support from fellow REBOLians (thanks, troops!). As author of
over 80 books and publisher of several hundred, I can assure you that this
is not always the case. In defense of the authors and publisher of the other
book, there exist any number of gremlins and other reasons to delay books,
most well beyond control of the author. Books are very complicated beasts to
build. I wish them well and offer my congratulations as it appears that
their book is finally coming to market. My copy is on order. Elan's and
John's book and mine serve different purposes; I recommend adding both to
your library.

--Ralph Roberts

Ralph Roberts, CEO
Alexander Books / Creativity, Inc.
65 Macedonia Road
Alexander, NC 28701
1-800-472-0438 voice  fax tollfree U.S.  Canada
1-828-255-8719 voice  fax overseas

See Ralph's latest bestsellers at:


And my company's online auctions:

http://booksave.com Wholesale to the Public Book Auction
http://blue-gray.com Civil War Auction
http://tennesseestars.com All TENNESSEE THINGS Auction
http://bookauction.net Buy Books Net Instead of Retail!
http://a-aa.com/gem GEM  METALWORKERS AUCTION
http://sigs.net/auction Sigs.NET Autograph Auction

[REBOL] rebol for dummies Re:(4)

2000-06-12 Thread ralph

 Please do not attribute the troubles of others to meg. I signed the
 contract to do REBOL FOR DUMMIES in early February of this year. 
 to the contract, I was to do 120,000 words by June 12th (today). 
 I turned in
 the final mss. of 122,604 words on June 10, two days early (lots 
 and lots of
 my hours in that book). So, yes, the book is not just on but AHEAD of
 schedule for September 1 release (publishers build in time for authors
 turning in manuscripts late--I was not late, so the book is now 
 earlyg). I
 believe it to be one of the best and most exciting books I've 
 ever written
 and feel very, very good about the job I did. I have a passion 
 for REBOL and
 it comes through in my book. This guide will certainly be helpful in
 learning REBOL, and it includes some unique coding that I hope 
 will engender
 spurts of creativity from many in the REBOL community.

I have no objection to it. I'll ask the publisher.


[REBOL] REBOL/Core for Dummies

2000-06-12 Thread ralph

Official name change on my book, it's now REBOL/CORE FOR DUMMIES.

I guess we all belong to the Core Corps, huh?

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] rebol for dummies Re:(3)

2000-06-11 Thread ralph


 Will binaries for all 37 platforms be available on the CD?
 At 01:17 PM 6/10/00 -0400, you wrote:
  Well, it looks like REBOL is finally going to hit the big time. There
  is going to be a "Dummies" book out in September.
 There is? Well, since the cat is out of the house so to speak, 
 yes there is
 going to be one.g I just finished it literally today and 
 emailed the final
 parts to my editor.
 --Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Mailing List Accumulator

2000-06-11 Thread ralph

My REBOL-powered mailing list accumulator is now live at http://abooks.com
... In fact, that site now has eight REBOL scripts running its main page.

I'm thinking seriously now about doing a REBOL e-commerce book. I invite
suggestions as to what you would like to see covered in some a tome.


--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] More stupid Questions Re:

2000-06-10 Thread ralph

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2000 12:56 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] More stupid Questions

 If I have this script

   ... ]

 Text: read File.asc
   a: now
 Text: join Text a
 print Text
 write NewFile.asc Text

 the Date is NOT added at the end of the file. Instead of File.asc
 get an extra [NewLine] and the Date is joined in the next line.

 Example:This is the time now:

 Question: How can I join Text to an ascii file _in the same line_ ???

 This is I want to get:

 This is the time now: 12.12.1212



Here's a technique that might give you what you want with more reliability
(I assume you are trying to do something like a log file?):

... ]

 Text: read/lines File.asc
  insert tail last Text now
  print last Text
  write NewFile.asc Text

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] More stupid Questions Re:(3)

2000-06-10 Thread ralph

Oops, a more correct version of my suggestion:

... ]
  Text: read %File.asc
a: now 
  Text: join Text a
 print Text
 write %NewFile.asc Text

[REBOL] rebol for dummies Re:

2000-06-10 Thread ralph

 Well, it looks like REBOL is finally going to hit the big time. There
 is going to be a "Dummies" book out in September.


There is? Well, since the cat is out of the house so to speak, yes there is
going to be one.g I just finished it literally today and emailed the final
parts to my editor.

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] Session IDs

2000-06-10 Thread ralph

Got an application I'm writing(a mailing list address accumulator for my
company's web sites. e-commerce rules). It's a three step process. They fill
out the form (generated by a REBOL script), I use CGI to call another REBOL
script which checks to make sure all the required fields are filled out and
that some choices (for the various lists) have been checked. No continuing
until its satisfied.

Now comes the tough part. I could not figure an easy way to include another
script to record the data (it can be writing to as many as 45 different
lists) since I'm dependant on the person filling in the form deciding
everything is correct and clicking on a 'continue' button.

My solution? I decided to create a session ID, save the data in a file of
this name, then call the last script and pass the session ID to it. Lots of
good applications for SIDs. This works great and I'm sharing the code with
you folks in hope of some helpful suggestions of making it even better. If
not (it already works fine), well maybe somebody will learn something
(possibly, even meg).

Here's the code:

letter: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

random/seed now

l1: pick letter random 26
l1: join l1 pick letter random 26
l2: pick letter random 26
l2: join l2 pick letter random 26
l3: pick letter random 26
l3: join l3 pick letter random 26
l4: pick letter random 26
l4: join l4 pick letter random 26

file: join l1 random 100
file: join file l2
file: join file l3
file: join file random 100
file: join file l4
file: to-file join file ".sid"   ; do all this to get
 ; a REALLY unique SID

save file data

call: join "/cgi-bin/address3.r" file

print {a href="} ; make a URL of it
print call
print {"BCONTINUE/B/a.}; clicking on CONTINUE passes info


The SID call will look something like

The called script reads in the data file name via the system/script/args
object, gets the file, and deletes it to avoid cluttering up your system. It
then processes and writes/appends to the proper address file or files.

I'll have the entire thing up where anyone can look at it shortly.

--Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] using script language=rebol Re:(3)

2000-06-09 Thread ralph

Very nice! Glad to see a fellow North Carolinian doing such good work.


--Ralph Roberts

 For an example of a fully scripted REBOL page please visit
 http://geeks.dyndns.org . There does appear to be a glitch with a
 combination of animated banners, REBOL, and IE (5.0 at least)that
 does some
 bizarre stuff while loading. This does not occur using Netscape 4.7...must
 be a MS problem...but YES it is possible to some extent.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 5:10 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] using script language="rebol" Re:


  I want to know if it is possible to use rebol as an
 internet scripting
  language in microsoft windows operating systems, and if not yet if it
  be done in the future

 Are you talking about javascript level of scripting (client)? If so, then
 no -
 none of browsers can interpret it. But there are other options, as
 .r file with your browser, and then once pressing link on some
 webpage REBOL
 would pop-up in a separate window 


  Thanks all

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