RE: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-15 Thread Shapira, Yoav


to my ae.jar file, even though I have explicitly told it not to.  I am
sorry that I didn't unzip my jar files earlier, but I figured checking
JBuilders jar gui screen was enough.
So Chalk one up for open source!  It was a JBuilder bug.

And chalk another bug to overcomplicated, overpriced, over-abstract
IDEs.  But I'm not going to get stated on this topic ;)

Why are the JBoss tomcat jars in Tomcat?

They're there in the JBoss distribution of tomcat only, not in the
standalone tomcat distribution.  They're there to support some custom
embedded tomcat functionality JBoss does.

I am instantiating my ejb session bean as a local class in my web app
that I don't have to set
 up a jboss container for this development session.  The idea here is
I can decide at
deployment time how many tiers that my application should use.

Basically, forget about it with current versions of tomcat and JBoss.
Between the classloading and JNDI implementations alone, you're screwed
;)  If you want JBoss-Tomcat, use the bundle.  If you want tomcat
standalone, use its standalone distribution that doesn't have any tomcat
jars.  This architecture selection carries significant weight and to try
to do it at runtime is difficult at best.

That said, if you come up with a working solution, I for one would be
interested in the details ;)

Yoav Shapira

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Re: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-14 Thread Jacob Kjome
I'm still unable to comprehend why you have jboss-specific jars in Tomcat???

Also, the only thing that needs to go in the common/endorsed directory is 
the XML parser.  endorsed means that it overrides existing libraries in 
the JDK.  Only the xerces jar needs to go in common/endorsed because it 
contains endorsed libraries such as org.xml.*, javax.xml.*, and 
org.w3c.dom.*.  Make sure to remove xmlParserAPIs.jar and xercesImpl.jar if 
you put xerces-1.4.4.jar there.

Any other jars that are needed can go in either common/lib or 
shared/lib.  shared/lib makes libraries available to apps, but not the 
container itself.  common/lib is available to both the container and 
apps.  If the container doesn't need to see it, you probably shouldn't put 
it there.

Make sure another version of Log4j.jar wasn't added to JAVA_HOME/lib/ext or 
something like that.  The obvious problem is that another version of the 
log4j library is somewhere on the classpath.  It could be incorporated in 
any of the jars you have such as the jboss jars.  Make sure they don't have 
org.apache.log4j.* in them.

Oh there could be one other thing.  Since Tomcat-4.1.27 contains 
commons-logging in common/lib, you might need to move log4j.jar to 
common/lib and remove log4j.jar and commons-logging.jar from 
WEB-INF/lib.   If this was the problem, it would be the fault of 
commons-logging, not log4j.  It uses some funky class loading gimmicks that 
mess a lot of things up.


At 03:43 PM 9/13/2003 -0500, you wrote:

  I moved out several jar files but still get the same log4j error.

In WEB-INF/lib I now have.

ae.jar  (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
 ae_ejb.jar (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
 beandt.jar  (JBuilder log4j stuff in here)
 commons-beanutils.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-collections.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-digester.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-logging.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 dbswing.jar  (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
 dx.jar   (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
 jstl.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 log4j-1.2.8.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 standard.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 struts.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 struts-el.jar   (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
In CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed I have

 jboss-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jboss-common.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jboss-j2ee.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4 also tried with out this file)
 jbosssx-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jnp-client.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jnpserver.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
 xerces.jar (1.4.4)
Thanks again,

 You can't put endorsed libraries under WEB-INF/lib.  This includes both
 JDK  endorsed libraries (such as javax.xml.*, org.w3c.dom.*, org.xml.*)
 and  libraries which Tomcat treats specially such as the servlet API and
 xml  parsers (Xerces).  Why do you need the j2ee jar there anyway?
 Tomcat  provides that for you.  And you shouldn't need many of the other
 jars you  have in there such as the jboss jars and the xerces1 jar (put
 that in  CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed in place of the existing xerces

 You are drowning in libraries.  You need to figure out what you actually
  need there and get rid of the rest.


 At 02:19 PM 9/13/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Hey I think I found something that help!

When tomcat loads the jar files it prints the following message;

 - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class:

I am digging to try to figure out why this is,

Thanks again,

  Sure JBuilder5,
  tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1
  Jdk 1.3.0_02
  Here is a list of the jar files in my WEB-INF/lib
  ae.jar  (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
  ae_ejb.jar (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
  beandt.jar  (JBuilder log4j stuff in here)
  commons-beanutils.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  commons-collections.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  commons-digester.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  commons-logging.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  dbswing.jar  (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
  dx.jar   (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
  j2ee.jar  (Sun 1.3.1)
  jboss-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jboss-common.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jboss-j2ee.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jbosssx-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jnp-client.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jnpserver.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jstl.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  log4j-1.2.8.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  standard.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  struts.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  struts-el.jar   (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  xerces.jar (1.4.4)
  The WEB-INF/classes directory has only classes in the com namespace.
Also I did a search for 

Re: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-14 Thread Scott Morgan

  I just wanted to post that I found the solution to my problem, and the
issue was actually with JBuilders jar utility.  It was adding log4j
to my ae.jar file, even though I have explicitly told it not to.  I am
sorry that I didn't unzip my jar files earlier, but I figured checking
JBuilders jar gui screen was enough.
So Chalk one up for open source!  It was a JBuilder bug.

Also I just wanted to make a note to the question.

Why are the JBoss tomcat jars in Tomcat?
I am instantiating my ejb session bean as a local class in my web app so
that I don't have to set
 up a jboss container for this development session.  The idea here is that
I can decide at
deployment time how many tiers that my application should use.

5 tiers
1 database
2 ejb
3 ejb query template (parses the query language [ejb-ql in this case])
4 web app
5 html browser
(Note this could be a 4 tier model as well by combining 2 and 3 to the
same ejb container)

or 3 tiers (the model that I am using in my )

1 database
2 web app (parses the query language [sql in this case])
3 html browser

If you check out my example code at this will make more sense.

Thanks Again,

 I'm still unable to comprehend why you have jboss-specific jars in

 Also, the only thing that needs to go in the common/endorsed directory
 is  the XML parser.  endorsed means that it overrides existing
 libraries in  the JDK.  Only the xerces jar needs to go in
 common/endorsed because it  contains endorsed libraries such as
 org.xml.*, javax.xml.*, and
 org.w3c.dom.*.  Make sure to remove xmlParserAPIs.jar and xercesImpl.jar
 if  you put xerces-1.4.4.jar there.

 Any other jars that are needed can go in either common/lib or
 shared/lib.  shared/lib makes libraries available to apps, but not the
 container itself.  common/lib is available to both the container and
 apps.  If the container doesn't need to see it, you probably shouldn't
 put  it there.

 Make sure another version of Log4j.jar wasn't added to JAVA_HOME/lib/ext
 or  something like that.  The obvious problem is that another version of
 the  log4j library is somewhere on the classpath.  It could be
 incorporated in  any of the jars you have such as the jboss jars.  Make
 sure they don't have  org.apache.log4j.* in them.

 Oh there could be one other thing.  Since Tomcat-4.1.27 contains
 commons-logging in common/lib, you might need to move log4j.jar to
 common/lib and remove log4j.jar and commons-logging.jar from
 WEB-INF/lib.   If this was the problem, it would be the fault of
 commons-logging, not log4j.  It uses some funky class loading gimmicks
 that  mess a lot of things up.


 At 03:43 PM 9/13/2003 -0500, you wrote:

   I moved out several jar files but still get the same log4j error.

In WEB-INF/lib I now have.

 ae.jar  (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
  ae_ejb.jar (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
  beandt.jar  (JBuilder log4j stuff in here)
  commons-beanutils.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  commons-collections.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  commons-digester.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  commons-logging.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  dbswing.jar  (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
  dx.jar   (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
  jstl.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  log4j-1.2.8.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  standard.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  struts.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  struts-el.jar   (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)

In CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed I have

  jboss-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jboss-common.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jboss-j2ee.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4 also tried with out this file)
 jbosssx-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jnp-client.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jnpserver.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
  xerces.jar (1.4.4)

Thanks again,

  You can't put endorsed libraries under WEB-INF/lib.  This includes
 both JDK  endorsed libraries (such as javax.xml.*, org.w3c.dom.*,
 org.xml.*) and  libraries which Tomcat treats specially such as the
 servlet API and xml  parsers (Xerces).  Why do you need the j2ee jar
 there anyway? Tomcat  provides that for you.  And you shouldn't need
 many of the other jars you  have in there such as the jboss jars and
 the xerces1 jar (put that in  CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed in place
 of the existing xerces jars).
  You are drowning in libraries.  You need to figure out what you
   need there and get rid of the rest.
  At 02:19 PM 9/13/2003 -0500, you wrote:
 Hey I think I found something that help!
 When tomcat loads the jar files it prints the following message;

  - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. 

Re: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-13 Thread Scott Morgan
Hi Ceki,

 I am using the pre compiled versions from the Jakarta download
binaries site for all of the libraries.   After my .war files unwars
the log4j-1.2.8.jar is in my lib directory with all the other jars,
suns j2ee.jar (1.3.1), jboss-j2ee.jar (3.0.4), exc.  Also I mention
that I have two j2ee.jar implementations in my path because it wasn't
working without the sun j2ee.jar since that is necessary for the
log4j stuff and I am connecting to a jboss 3.0.4 server to get my

Thanks for responding!

 - Are you compiling log4j yourself using JBulder?

 - Do you have older versions of log4j lying around?

 At 02:57 PM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I am trying to get log4j to work in the following environment;
tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1

I have been able to get it working through invoking tomcat through
 JBuilder.  However when I run it with the startup.bat file I get a
 weird error. I have a log4j.xml file that works fine in my swing
 applet, and the JBuilder tomcat arena, logs messages , prints to the
 console nothing fancy.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd

log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=;
   appender name=X class=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
 layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
   param name=ConversionPattern value=%d{hh:mm:ss} %c %M %t %p
%L -%m%n/
   logger additivity=false
 level value=DEBUG/
 appender-ref ref=X/
 priority value=WARN/
 appender-ref ref=X /

When I use this same file with struts and log4j, I am able to get the
 file to load ok, I verified this with some System.out.printlns. The
 code also correctly checks and finds the debug levels when calling;
 logger.isDebugEnabled() or logger.isInfoEnabled()

However the code crashes when I try to call;
logger.debug(foo) or at

The following is the whole error.

 at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(
 at org.apache.log4j.Category.forcedLog( at
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
Scott Morgan
President Adligo Inc.
Ph:  773-758-8735
Fax: 773-632-0568

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For
 additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ceki Gülcü

   For log4j documentation consider The complete log4j manual ISBN:

   import org.apache.Facetime;
   ApacheCon US 2003, 18-21 November

 - To
 unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Scott Morgan
President Adligo Inc.
Ph:  773-758-8735
Fax: 773-632-0568

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-13 Thread Ceki Gülcü
There is something fishy about the stack trace. The following is from your 
stack trace:
 at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(

If you look at the code of log4j 1.2.8,, line 190, you will 
see that the line consists of a 'break' statement, not an invocation of 
AppenderAttachableImpl.appendLoopOnAppenders, as the stack trace suggests.

The evidence presented so far suggests that you are running two different 
versions of log4j simultaneously.

Can you tell more about your environment? JBuilder, JDK, JBoss, Tomcat 

At 11:11 AM 9/13/2003 -0500, Scott Morgan wrote:
Hi Ceki,

 I am using the pre compiled versions from the Jakarta download
binaries site for all of the libraries.   After my .war files unwars
the log4j-1.2.8.jar is in my lib directory with all the other jars,
suns j2ee.jar (1.3.1), jboss-j2ee.jar (3.0.4), exc.  Also I mention
that I have two j2ee.jar implementations in my path because it wasn't
working without the sun j2ee.jar since that is necessary for the
log4j stuff and I am connecting to a jboss 3.0.4 server to get my
Thanks for responding!

 - Are you compiling log4j yourself using JBulder?

 - Do you have older versions of log4j lying around?

 At 02:57 PM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I am trying to get log4j to work in the following environment;
tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1

I have been able to get it working through invoking tomcat through
 JBuilder.  However when I run it with the startup.bat file I get a
 weird error. I have a log4j.xml file that works fine in my swing
 applet, and the JBuilder tomcat arena, logs messages , prints to the
 console nothing fancy.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd

log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=;
   appender name=X class=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
 layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
   param name=ConversionPattern value=%d{hh:mm:ss} %c %M %t %p
%L -%m%n/
   logger additivity=false
 level value=DEBUG/
 appender-ref ref=X/
 priority value=WARN/
 appender-ref ref=X /

When I use this same file with struts and log4j, I am able to get the
 file to load ok, I verified this with some System.out.printlns. The
 code also correctly checks and finds the debug levels when calling;
 logger.isDebugEnabled() or logger.isInfoEnabled()

However the code crashes when I try to call;
logger.debug(foo) or at

The following is the whole error.

 at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(
 at org.apache.log4j.Category.forcedLog( at
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
Scott Morgan
President Adligo Inc.
Ph:  773-758-8735
Fax: 773-632-0568

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For
 additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ceki Gülcü

   For log4j documentation consider The complete log4j manual ISBN:

   import org.apache.Facetime;
   ApacheCon US 2003, 18-21 November

 - To
 unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Scott Morgan
President Adligo Inc.
Ph:  773-758-8735
Fax: 773-632-0568

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ceki Gülcü
 For log4j documentation consider The complete log4j manual
 ISBN: 2970036908
 import org.apache.Facetime;
 ApacheCon US 2003, 18-21 November

Re: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-13 Thread Scott Morgan
Sure JBuilder5,
tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1
Jdk 1.3.0_02

Here is a list of the jar files in my WEB-INF/lib

ae.jar  (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
ae_ejb.jar (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
beandt.jar  (JBuilder log4j stuff in here)
commons-beanutils.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
commons-collections.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
commons-digester.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
commons-logging.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
dbswing.jar  (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
dx.jar   (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
j2ee.jar  (Sun 1.3.1)
jboss-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
jboss-common.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
jboss-j2ee.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
jbosssx-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
jnp-client.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
jnpserver.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
jstl.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
log4j-1.2.8.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
standard.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
struts.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
struts-el.jar   (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
xerces.jar (1.4.4)

The WEB-INF/classes directory has only classes in the com namespace.

  Also I did a search for log4j in my jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27 directory
and the only log4j that shows up is the one in WEB-INF/lib.

When I run the thing from JBuilder the same jars are in my required

The other weird thing that I should note is that the original stack trace
that I mentioned was returned as html to my browser.  In the tomcat
console nothing
is printed.

Thanks again,

 There is something fishy about the stack trace. The following is from
 your  stack trace:
   at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(

 If you look at the code of log4j 1.2.8,, line 190, you
 will  see that the line consists of a 'break' statement, not an
 invocation of  AppenderAttachableImpl.appendLoopOnAppenders, as the
 stack trace suggests.

 The evidence presented so far suggests that you are running two
 different  versions of log4j simultaneously.

 Can you tell more about your environment? JBuilder, JDK, JBoss, Tomcat

 At 11:11 AM 9/13/2003 -0500, Scott Morgan wrote:
Hi Ceki,

  I am using the pre compiled versions from the Jakarta download
binaries site for all of the libraries.   After my .war files unwars
 the log4j-1.2.8.jar is in my lib directory with all the other jars,
 suns j2ee.jar (1.3.1), jboss-j2ee.jar (3.0.4), exc.  Also I mention
 that I have two j2ee.jar implementations in my path because it wasn't
 working without the sun j2ee.jar since that is necessary for the
log4j stuff and I am connecting to a jboss 3.0.4 server to get my data

Thanks for responding!

  - Are you compiling log4j yourself using JBulder?
  - Do you have older versions of log4j lying around?
  At 02:57 PM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
 I am trying to get log4j to work in the following environment;
 tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1
 I have been able to get it working through invoking tomcat through
  JBuilder.  However when I run it with the startup.bat file I get a
 weird error. I have a log4j.xml file that works fine in my swing
 applet, and the JBuilder tomcat arena, logs messages , prints to
 the console nothing fancy.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
 !DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd
 log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=;
appender name=X class=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
  layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
param name=ConversionPattern value=%d{hh:mm:ss} %c %M %t
 %L -%m%n/
logger additivity=false
  level value=DEBUG/
  appender-ref ref=X/
  priority value=WARN/
  appender-ref ref=X /
 When I use this same file with struts and log4j, I am able to get
  file to load ok, I verified this with some System.out.printlns. The
 code also correctly checks and finds the debug levels when calling;
 logger.isDebugEnabled() or logger.isInfoEnabled()
 However the code crashes when I try to call;
 logger.debug(foo) or at
 The following is the whole error.
  at org.apache.log4j.Category.forcedLog( at

Re: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-13 Thread Scott Morgan
Hey I think I found something that help!

When tomcat loads the jar files it prints the following message;

- jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class:

I am digging to try to figure out why this is,

Thanks again,

 Sure JBuilder5,
 tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1
 Jdk 1.3.0_02

 Here is a list of the jar files in my WEB-INF/lib

 ae.jar  (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
 ae_ejb.jar (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
 beandt.jar  (JBuilder log4j stuff in here)
 commons-beanutils.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-collections.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-digester.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-logging.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 dbswing.jar  (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
 dx.jar   (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
 j2ee.jar  (Sun 1.3.1)
 jboss-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jboss-common.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jboss-j2ee.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jbosssx-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jnp-client.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jnpserver.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jstl.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 log4j-1.2.8.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 standard.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 struts.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 struts-el.jar   (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 xerces.jar (1.4.4)

 The WEB-INF/classes directory has only classes in the com namespace.

   Also I did a search for log4j in my jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27 directory
 and the only log4j that shows up is the one in WEB-INF/lib.

 When I run the thing from JBuilder the same jars are in my required

 The other weird thing that I should note is that the original stack
 trace that I mentioned was returned as html to my browser.  In the
 tomcat console nothing
 is printed.

 Thanks again,

 There is something fishy about the stack trace. The following is from
 your  stack trace:
   at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(

 If you look at the code of log4j 1.2.8,, line 190, you
 will  see that the line consists of a 'break' statement, not an
 invocation of  AppenderAttachableImpl.appendLoopOnAppenders, as the
 stack trace suggests.

 The evidence presented so far suggests that you are running two
 different  versions of log4j simultaneously.

 Can you tell more about your environment? JBuilder, JDK, JBoss, Tomcat

 At 11:11 AM 9/13/2003 -0500, Scott Morgan wrote:
Hi Ceki,

  I am using the pre compiled versions from the Jakarta download
binaries site for all of the libraries.   After my .war files unwars
 the log4j-1.2.8.jar is in my lib directory with all the other jars,
 suns j2ee.jar (1.3.1), jboss-j2ee.jar (3.0.4), exc.  Also I mention
 that I have two j2ee.jar implementations in my path because it wasn't
 working without the sun j2ee.jar since that is necessary for the
log4j stuff and I am connecting to a jboss 3.0.4 server to get my data

Thanks for responding!

  - Are you compiling log4j yourself using JBulder?
  - Do you have older versions of log4j lying around?
  At 02:57 PM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
 I am trying to get log4j to work in the following environment;
 tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1
 I have been able to get it working through invoking tomcat through
  JBuilder.  However when I run it with the startup.bat file I get a
 weird error. I have a log4j.xml file that works fine in my swing
 applet, and the JBuilder tomcat arena, logs messages , prints to the
 console nothing fancy.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
 !DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd
appender name=X class=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
  layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
param name=ConversionPattern value=%d{hh:mm:ss} %c %M %t
 %L -%m%n/
logger additivity=false
  level value=DEBUG/
  appender-ref ref=X/
  priority value=WARN/
  appender-ref ref=X /
 When I use this same file with struts and log4j, I am able to get
  file to load ok, I verified this with some System.out.printlns.
 code also correctly checks and finds the debug levels when calling;
 logger.isDebugEnabled() or logger.isInfoEnabled()
 However the code crashes when I try to call;
 logger.debug(foo) or at
 The following is the whole error.

Re: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-13 Thread Jacob Kjome
You can't put endorsed libraries under WEB-INF/lib.  This includes both JDK 
endorsed libraries (such as javax.xml.*, org.w3c.dom.*, org.xml.*) and 
libraries which Tomcat treats specially such as the servlet API and xml 
parsers (Xerces).  Why do you need the j2ee jar there anyway?  Tomcat 
provides that for you.  And you shouldn't need many of the other jars you 
have in there such as the jboss jars and the xerces1 jar (put that in 
CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed in place of the existing xerces jars).

You are drowning in libraries.  You need to figure out what you actually 
need there and get rid of the rest.


At 02:19 PM 9/13/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Hey I think I found something that help!

When tomcat loads the jar files it prints the following message;

- jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class:
I am digging to try to figure out why this is,

Thanks again,
 Sure JBuilder5,
 tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1
 Jdk 1.3.0_02

 Here is a list of the jar files in my WEB-INF/lib

 ae.jar  (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
 ae_ejb.jar (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
 beandt.jar  (JBuilder log4j stuff in here)
 commons-beanutils.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-collections.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-digester.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-logging.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 dbswing.jar  (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
 dx.jar   (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
 j2ee.jar  (Sun 1.3.1)
 jboss-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jboss-common.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jboss-j2ee.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jbosssx-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jnp-client.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jnpserver.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jstl.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 log4j-1.2.8.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 standard.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 struts.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 struts-el.jar   (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 xerces.jar (1.4.4)

 The WEB-INF/classes directory has only classes in the com namespace.

   Also I did a search for log4j in my jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27 directory
 and the only log4j that shows up is the one in WEB-INF/lib.

 When I run the thing from JBuilder the same jars are in my required

 The other weird thing that I should note is that the original stack
 trace that I mentioned was returned as html to my browser.  In the
 tomcat console nothing
 is printed.

 Thanks again,

 There is something fishy about the stack trace. The following is from
 your  stack trace:
   at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(

 If you look at the code of log4j 1.2.8,, line 190, you
 will  see that the line consists of a 'break' statement, not an
 invocation of  AppenderAttachableImpl.appendLoopOnAppenders, as the
 stack trace suggests.

 The evidence presented so far suggests that you are running two
 different  versions of log4j simultaneously.

 Can you tell more about your environment? JBuilder, JDK, JBoss, Tomcat

 At 11:11 AM 9/13/2003 -0500, Scott Morgan wrote:
Hi Ceki,

  I am using the pre compiled versions from the Jakarta download
binaries site for all of the libraries.   After my .war files unwars
 the log4j-1.2.8.jar is in my lib directory with all the other jars,
 suns j2ee.jar (1.3.1), jboss-j2ee.jar (3.0.4), exc.  Also I mention
 that I have two j2ee.jar implementations in my path because it wasn't
 working without the sun j2ee.jar since that is necessary for the
log4j stuff and I am connecting to a jboss 3.0.4 server to get my data

Thanks for responding!

  - Are you compiling log4j yourself using JBulder?
  - Do you have older versions of log4j lying around?
  At 02:57 PM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
 I am trying to get log4j to work in the following environment;
 tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1
 I have been able to get it working through invoking tomcat through
  JBuilder.  However when I run it with the startup.bat file I get a
 weird error. I have a log4j.xml file that works fine in my swing
 applet, and the JBuilder tomcat arena, logs messages , prints to the
 console nothing fancy.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
 !DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd
appender name=X class=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
  layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
param name=ConversionPattern value=%d{hh:mm:ss} %c %M %t
 %L -%m%n/
logger additivity=false
  level value=DEBUG/
  appender-ref ref=X/
  priority value=WARN/
  appender-ref ref=X /
 When I use this same file with struts and log4j, I am able to get

Re: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-13 Thread Scott Morgan

  I moved out several jar files but still get the same log4j error.

In WEB-INF/lib I now have.

ae.jar  (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
 ae_ejb.jar (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
 beandt.jar  (JBuilder log4j stuff in here)
 commons-beanutils.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-collections.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-digester.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 commons-logging.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 dbswing.jar  (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
 dx.jar   (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
 jstl.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 log4j-1.2.8.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 standard.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 struts.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
 struts-el.jar   (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)

In CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed I have

 jboss-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jboss-common.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jboss-j2ee.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4 also tried with out this file)
 jbosssx-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jnp-client.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
 jnpserver.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
 xerces.jar (1.4.4)

Thanks again,

 You can't put endorsed libraries under WEB-INF/lib.  This includes both
 JDK  endorsed libraries (such as javax.xml.*, org.w3c.dom.*, org.xml.*)
 and  libraries which Tomcat treats specially such as the servlet API and
 xml  parsers (Xerces).  Why do you need the j2ee jar there anyway?
 Tomcat  provides that for you.  And you shouldn't need many of the other
 jars you  have in there such as the jboss jars and the xerces1 jar (put
 that in  CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed in place of the existing xerces

 You are drowning in libraries.  You need to figure out what you actually
  need there and get rid of the rest.


 At 02:19 PM 9/13/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Hey I think I found something that help!

When tomcat loads the jar files it prints the following message;

 - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class:

I am digging to try to figure out why this is,

Thanks again,

  Sure JBuilder5,
  tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1
  Jdk 1.3.0_02
  Here is a list of the jar files in my WEB-INF/lib
  ae.jar  (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
  ae_ejb.jar (mine no log4j stuff in here I checked )
  beandt.jar  (JBuilder log4j stuff in here)
  commons-beanutils.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  commons-collections.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  commons-digester.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  commons-logging.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  dbswing.jar  (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
  dx.jar   (JBuilder no log4j stuff in here)
  j2ee.jar  (Sun 1.3.1)
  jboss-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jboss-common.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jboss-j2ee.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jbosssx-client.jar  (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jnp-client.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jnpserver.jar (Jboss 3.0.4)
  jstl.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  log4j-1.2.8.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  standard.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  struts.jar (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  struts-el.jar   (struts1.1\contrib\struts-el\lib)
  xerces.jar (1.4.4)
  The WEB-INF/classes directory has only classes in the com namespace.
Also I did a search for log4j in my jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27
  and the only log4j that shows up is the one in WEB-INF/lib.
  When I run the thing from JBuilder the same jars are in my required
  The other weird thing that I should note is that the original stack
 trace that I mentioned was returned as html to my browser.  In the
 tomcat console nothing
  is printed.
  Thanks again,
  There is something fishy about the stack trace. The following is
 from your  stack trace:
at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(
  If you look at the code of log4j 1.2.8,, line 190,
 you will  see that the line consists of a 'break' statement, not an
 invocation of  AppenderAttachableImpl.appendLoopOnAppenders, as the
 stack trace suggests.
  The evidence presented so far suggests that you are running two
 different  versions of log4j simultaneously.
  Can you tell more about your environment? JBuilder, JDK, JBoss,
 Tomcat versions?
  At 11:11 AM 9/13/2003 -0500, Scott Morgan wrote:
 Hi Ceki,
   I am using the pre compiled versions from the Jakarta
 binaries site for all of the libraries.   After my .war files
  the log4j-1.2.8.jar is in my lib directory with all the other
 jars, suns j2ee.jar (1.3.1), jboss-j2ee.jar (3.0.4), exc.  Also I
 mention that I have two j2ee.jar implementations in my path
 because it wasn't working without the sun j2ee.jar since that is
 necessary for the
 log4j stuff and I am connecting to 

Re: [Fwd: tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1 = crash on logger.debug()]

2003-09-12 Thread Ceki Gülcü
- Are you compiling log4j yourself using JBulder?

- Do you have older versions of log4j lying around?

At 02:57 PM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:

   I am trying to get log4j to work in the following environment;
tomcat 4.1.27 log4j 1.2.8 struts 1.1
I have been able to get it working through invoking tomcat through
JBuilder.  However when I run it with the startup.bat file I get a
weird error. I have a log4j.xml file that works fine in my swing applet,
and the JBuilder tomcat arena, logs messages , prints to the console
nothing fancy.
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd
log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=;
  appender name=X class=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
  param name=ConversionPattern value=%d{hh:mm:ss} %c %M %t %p
%L -%m%n/
  logger additivity=false
level value=DEBUG/
appender-ref ref=X/
priority value=WARN/
appender-ref ref=X /
When I use this same file with struts and log4j, I am able to get
the file to load ok, I verified this with some System.out.printlns. The
code also correctly checks and finds the debug levels when calling;
logger.isDebugEnabled() or logger.isInfoEnabled()
However the code crashes when I try to call;
logger.debug(foo) or at
The following is the whole error.

org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton.doAppend( at
at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(
at org.apache.log4j.Category.forcedLog(
at org.apache.log4j.Category.debug(
org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost( at
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
Scott Morgan
President Adligo Inc.
Ph:  773-758-8735
Fax: 773-632-0568

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Ceki Gülcü
 For log4j documentation consider The complete log4j manual
 ISBN: 2970036908
 import org.apache.Facetime;
 ApacheCon US 2003, 18-21 November

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