Re: citation prefix

2006-06-27 Thread Miki Dovrat
Thanks for the answers.

I know a footnote would be the way to do it, but some journals don't 
distinguish between footnotes and bibliography items, and all of them 
(footnotes and references) appear at the end with the same numbering. This 
is what I would have liked.


Re: What's on YOUR BibTeX Wish List?

2006-06-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen

Hello Richard

Many scientific papers have a tendency to provide a bibliography layout file
in endnote format and never a .bst file. Perhaps it would be possible to
convert endnote-bst config?

Now, apart from this, I support your idea to make a simplified version of
makebst (which is a very useful tool, but I often have to redo the process
several times to get everything in order - and I am constantly confused in
this process as well).

First thing is to realize that a bibtex entry consists of a number of blocks
and that the blocks used in an bibtex entry depends on the entry type.
Second, the order of blocks should be configurable (title block before date
block or visa verse). Thirdly, each block should be configurable in all the
details (et al in italics or not, etc.).

Keeping these three things in mind, I think it is important to sort out the
question about which blocks should be used for a given entry type, then what
order the blocks should be in for this entry type, and finally the layout
for the blocks. Keeping these three levels separate should also simplify the

some pseudo syntax:

  author block
  title block
  journal block
  pages block
  date block

   last name
   first name

   title, font-style=italics

And most importantly. A small set of test references should be available so
that you can test the outcome of you bibliography layout with the click of a
button. That is a problem with makebst, that you have to go through a long
process before you can test the layout. Actually, this is one spot where I
would like to see some WYSIWYG.

Best regards,


On 6/27/06, Richard Heck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a recent thread, there was some discussion about inadequacies of
standard BibTeX styles, especially as regards work in the humanities.
Having a little time free, I decided to educate myself as much as
possible about BibTeX styles and see what I could do. To this point, I
have a working TRANSLATOR field; I can use both author and editor in
books (e.g., Hume, David (1978). /A Treatise on Human Nature/, ed. by
L. A. Selby-Bigge, etc);/ / I've manged to overcome this problem with
how makebst handles dashed versions of repeated authors:
Heck, R. (1993). ...
- (1995). ...
Heck, R. (ed). (1997). ...
Heck, R. (2001). ...
- (2003). 
and, most importantly to me, I've figured out how to allow the use of
abbreviations for some references (i.e., instead of (Hume, 1978, p. 23),
I can have (/Treatise/, p. 23), or whatever, but only for specific
works); and to do all of that using natbib, so that I don't have to give
up LyX's support for natbib or deal with the complexities of jurabib.

There's more work to do. In particular, I'm working on an alternative to
makebst that is intended to be more flexible but not much harder to use,
especially for those of us who need more customization than the question
and answer format offers. The idea here is that formats for various
types of entries can be written in a sort of format-by-example syntax, e.g


|IF|$PAGES.MULTI||pp. ||pg. ||$PAGES.

$EDITOR||. %

That's an example of the intended syntax. I'm guessing most of you will
be able to figure out what it should do. (It does nothing yet, as the
program hasn't been written.) Comments appreciated.

That leads to my question. While I'm at this, I'd like to have some
sense what it is that other people wish their BibTeX styles would do. So
what DO people wish BibTeX would do? Other than make it easier to create
formats for specific journals and the like: That's what the above will
do. Are there other frustrations? as, for me, were the absence of a
TRANSLATOR field, the inability to use author and editor at the same
time, the inability to define citation abbreviations, and the like?


Re: citation prefix

2006-06-27 Thread K. Elo

2006-06-27 10:30 +0200, Miki Dovrat:
 Thanks for the answers.
 I know a footnote would be the way to do it, but some journals don't 
 distinguish between footnotes and bibliography items, and all of them 
 (footnotes and references) appear at the end with the same numbering. This 
 is what I would have liked.

You mean as endnotes, right? That is, there would be no separate
literature list, because the bibliography itens are included in the

If that's what You are looking for, please take a look at jurabib
( and use the package endnotes. In order to get endnotes
work in LyX, You'll need a dirty hack, see

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,


2006-06-27 Thread Eric Germaneau


I'm using a Slackware 10.2 and I egt this error when I try to creat a
pdf file:

Font T1/cmr/m/sc/10=eccc1000 at 10.0pt not

Does someone has an idea about this?
Thanks in advance,



Eric Germaneau


  " Reason" in things existed
before things themselves existed 
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.



Ecole polytechnique
fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
BSP 518 
CH-1015 Lausanne 

Tel.: +41 (0)21 / 693 06 36
Fax.: +41 (0)21 / 693 05 04

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consider the environment before printing this email - Considérez
svp l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel

Re: Serious performance problem with LyX 1.4.1 on OS X

2006-06-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Steve == Steve Litt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you ever upgrade to 1.4, you will find that the display is
 significantly slower with qt (for a reason we do not really
 understand). The old xforms version is still ugly, but snappy.

Steve Do I need to recompile to switch to Xforms?

Yes, unless you can find it precompiled for your platform.

In 1.3, when you configure without any special option, you do get the
xforms version. To get the qt version, you need to use the switch
--with-frontend=qt. I do not think you will find that the xforms
frontend is better in 1.3.

In 1.4, it is required to specify which frontend you want (xforms, qt,
or the unofficial gtk). You can even specify several frontends, like
--with-frontend='qt xforms'. Xforms will feel snappier, in particular
when scrolling or selecting text. But of course it is ugly (in
particular the fonts are not antialiased on screen).


Re: Numbered exercises within a section with ams-book

2006-06-27 Thread Ingo Klöcker
Am Dienstag, 27. Juni 2006 07:04 schrieb Andrew Harrington:
 Thanks, Paul.  The additions work to number exercises within
 sections. I still find one strange thing:  I cannot have one exercise
 directly following another.  Lyx want to make them be one combined
 exercise.  I found the obvious workabound of putting a standard
 paragraph in between with non-breaking space, but that throws off the
 spacing.  I also found that if I nest each successive problem one
 more level, I get consecutively numbered exercises and everything
 looks fine!  I guess that works as long as I do not want numbered
 lists within the problems Isn't there something more direct?

The workaround I'm using for this is a standard paragraph with a single 
'%' in ERT. The '%' marks comments in LaTeX and therefore the paragraph 
will be ignored when LaTeX layouts the page.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Lost Keybindings in 1.4.1

2006-06-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Rich == Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rich   This is frustrating: in 1.4.1 (linux), some of my shortcut
Rich keys no longer work. Same bind file as before. Some that do work
Rich include: C-d View dvi output C-i Italics (emphasize) C-b Bold
Rich C-h Compile with pdflatex

Rich   Some that no longer work include: C-f Find F7 Spellcheck C-s
Rich Save

Rich   Can someone help me understand why, and what I need to do to
Rich get back the full functionality of my keyboard?

What does your preference file look like?

Did you make your own bindings file? Some of the LyX functions changed


Re: Numbered exercises within a section with ams-book

2006-06-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Andrew == Andrew Harrington [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Andrew Thanks, Paul. The additions work to number exercises within
Andrew sections. I still find one strange thing: I cannot have one
Andrew exercise directly following another. Lyx want to make them be
Andrew one combined exercise. I found the obvious workabound of
Andrew putting a standard paragraph in between with non-breaking
Andrew space, but that throws off the spacing. I also found that if I
Andrew nest each successive problem one more level, I get
Andrew consecutively numbered exercises and everything looks fine! I
Andrew guess that works as long as I do not want numbered lists
Andrew within the problems Isn't there something more direct?

Try to put a note inset instead of a protected blank. This should
avoid the problem with spacing.

And yes, your problem is a long standing known bug.


Re: font

2006-06-27 Thread Eric Germaneau

In fact with CJK-LyX-qt-1.4.1, that work find 


Eric Germaneau wrote:

I'm using a Slackware 10.2 and I egt this error when I try to creat a
pdf file:
  Font T1/cmr/m/sc/10=eccc1000 at 10.0pt not
Does someone has an idea about this?
Thanks in advance,
  Eric Germaneau
  " Reason" in things existed
before things themselves existed 
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.
  Ecole polytechnique
fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
   FSB - IPMC 
BSP 518 
CH-1015 Lausanne 
  Tel.: +41 (0)21 / 693 06 36
  Fax.: +41 (0)21 / 693 05 04
  P Please
consider the environment before printing this email - Considérez
svp l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel


Eric Germaneau


  " Reason" in things existed
before things themselves existed 
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.



Ecole polytechnique
fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
BSP 518 
CH-1015 Lausanne 

Tel.: +41 (0)21 / 693 06 36
Fax.: +41 (0)21 / 693 05 04

P Please
consider the environment before printing this email - Considérez
svp l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:

  If you prefer jpg, it would be better to hack the tex4ht configuration file,
  I had a look at the tex4ht configuration file and it doesn't look easy

  to hack in order to use jpg format! Since there's an advantage in

A command line option `jpg' should provide the mentioned output
format. For instance,

  htlatex file html,jpg


Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.

But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.

1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo
2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png

ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.


Description: PostScript document
%%% Any text after a % mark on a line is a comment
% specify that you are writing an article and you want to use 12pt font

% These page sizes are good for the printers in the department
\textheight 9.75in
\textwidth 6.25in
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
% Indentation for new paragraphs

% Packages epsfig for importing graphics and amsmath for maths fonts
\usepackage {epsfig, amsmath}

% Put your name, the title of the work and the date in the header
\markright{Hilary Spencer, The first report on my work, \today}

%must appear after the preamble and before the text of the report

\title{The First Report on my Work}
% Acknowledge your supervisors
\author{Hilary Spencer \thanks{University of Reading, Department of
Meteorology, supervised by Prof J Slingo and Dr MK Davey at the
Hadley Centre}}
% Fix the date to when this report was due if you want (note this is
% different to the date in the header)
\date{Thursday 7 December 2000}

% Articles have sections, subsections, subsubsections etc
% Label all sections etc so you can refer to them and LaTeX will
% automatically get the numbering right

The cubic equation:
% (I've put a comment line here so that the equation is not a new paragraph)
\alpha x^3 + \beta x^2 + \gamma x + \delta = 0
has an analytical solution which will be presented. It will be
calculated for a number of cases and plotted on a graph.


In section \ref{secn:intro} the cubic equation, equation
\ref{eqn:cubic}, was presented. Solutions will be found using the
analytical solution:
p = \frac{\gamma}{\alpha} - \frac{\beta^2}{3 \alpha^2},  \quad
% \quad creates a space in maths mode
q = \frac{2 \beta^3}{27 \alpha^3} - \frac{\beta \gamma}{3
\alpha^2} + \frac{\delta}{\alpha} \\ \\
D = (\frac{p}{3})^3 + (\frac{q}{2})^2 \\ \\
u = \sqrt[3]{-\frac{q}{2} + \sqrt{D}}
, \quad
v = \sqrt[3]{-\frac{q}{2} - \sqrt{D}} \\ \\
\text{number of roots} = \begin{cases}
1  \text{if } D  0 \\
2  \text{if } D = 0 \\
3  \text{if } D  0 \\
\end{cases} \\ \\
x_1 = u + v, \quad x_{2,3} = -\frac{u+v}{2} \pm \frac{u-v}{2} i \sqrt{3}

% if you want to include maths in the main part of the text, enclose
% in $ signs
The roots will be found for the values of $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$
and $\delta$ given in table \ref{tbl:abcdVals}. 

% a table is a floating object that contains table
\begin{table} \centering
% a tabular specifies how many columns the table should have and how
% they should be aligned. This tabular has 1 left justified and 4
% centred columns with a vertical line outside and between each
\hline% a horizontal line
Case  $\alpha$  $\beta$  $\gamma$  $\delta$ \\
\hline \hline 
1 1 23 4\\
2 23 4 5\\
\caption{Values of the coefficients of the cubic equation for which
roots are sought}


I couldn't be bothered to find roots of the equation or draw a graph,
so a completely different plot is shown in figure \ref{fig:curve}. 

\begin{figure} \centering
\epsfig{file = drawing.eps, width=3in, angle=11}
\caption{A pretty dodgy graph}

% must appear once at the end of every document

Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Rich Shepard wrote:

 What did I miss, please?

No idea, to be frank. I never used it personally. But according to the LaTeX
FAQ, \usepackage{cite} does something similar.
Maybe you have more luck with that?


Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

No idea, to be frank. I never used it personally. But according to the
LaTeX FAQ, \usepackage{cite} does something similar. Maybe you have more
luck with that?


  I'll give that a test run and see if it works better. But, for the present,
I've changed the labels to numbers rather than names and dates because the
latter produces rather ugly output in the bibliography section.

  When I use BibTeX and select the name-date format for the in-text
citations, the bibliography listing at the end of the document has the
references in alphabetical order. Using the bibliography environment, the
label is placed along the left margin, then the full reference is typeset in
what appears to be a right-side column. But, if the in-text citation is long,
for example, Wallace and Grommit 1990, then that's what's printed along the
left and all references are pushed far to the right side. Ugly and not
expected -- by me at least.

  However, when I change the in-text citations to numbers, then the number is
printed along the left margin and the body of the reference inset by what
appears to be a tab stop. Much nicer.

Many thanks,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Starred Sectioning In Headers

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Rich Shepard wrote:

Writing an article class document and using the starred sections cleans
them out of the fancy header. I'm sure that one of you pointed me to the
proper addition to the preamble (or body of the document) so that the
section/subsection names are displayed, but I cannot find that information
here. I've also gone through 5 or 6 pages of the archives but cannot find
it there, either.

  When the temperature dropped a bit last night I realized that I can set up
fancyhdr to print the sections and subsctions as I want them. That will do
the job.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Rich Shepard wrote:

 I'll give that a test run and see if it works better. But, for the
 present, I've changed the labels to numbers rather than names and dates
 because the latter produces rather ugly output in the bibliography


if you can live with that, just use it instead of wasting your time
(although I'm sure it can be tweaked to your needs).

Personally, I never use the Bibliography environment, not even for small
papers. BibTeX is just much more convenient, and I got used to enter every
reference to the database anyway.


Re: What's on YOUR BibTeX Wish List?

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Richard Heck wrote:

 There's more work to do. In particular, I'm working on an alternative to
 makebst that is intended to be more flexible but not much harder to use,
 especially for those of us who need more customization than the question
 and answer format offers.

Note that there have been attempts to add a kind of makebst support to
jurabib (which never has been finished IMHO). I think that a combination of
jurabib and makebst would be very much the thing most humanists need. So if
you intend to do something like that anyway, why not joining the jurabib
team and continuing that work?


Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

Personally, I never use the Bibliography environment, not even for small
papers. BibTeX is just much more convenient, and I got used to enter every
reference to the database anyway.


  I've not used it before, but I'm updating an article I wrote six years ago,
so I thought this would be a good opportunity to try the new environment.

  Now that I have RefDB fully functional, I have about 5,000 references to
add to it. That will take a lo-o-ong time.

Many thanks,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: What's on YOUR BibTeX Wish List?

2006-06-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

 Note that there have been attempts to add a kind of makebst support to
 jurabib (which never has been finished IMHO). I think that a combination
 of jurabib and makebst would be very much the thing most humanists need.
 So if you intend to do something like that anyway, why not joining the
 jurabib team and continuing that work?

Yes. I've looked a little bit also the makebst program. It is very crude. 

I would have tried to create something similar in Python if I had some free
time. But with a book to finish and two small kids, I do not have enough
free time.  


Re: Serious performance problem with LyX 1.4.1 on OS X

2006-06-27 Thread Yaron Y. Goland
First, THANK YOU! I love LyX! And the integration that 1.4.x provided  
into OS X is great. It is still too slow for me to use but the  
direction is great and in the meantime I can use 1.3.7 which performs  
just fine on my mac.

Second, any idea when 1.4.2 might be released?



P.S. If I can make a feature request for 1.4.2 what about native  
support for hypertarget and hyperlink? Having to enter and manage  
these manually as ERT is a nightmare!

On Jun 26, 2006, at 8:42 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

On Jun 26, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi Yaron,

I've never used LyX 1.4.x, but from what I understand they've made  
LyX support
multiple graphics libraries, whereas in the old days it was just  
Xforms. See
if there's any way to configure your LyX so it uses Xforms rather  
than KDE

bloated stuff like that.

This is not possible on Mac (natively).

1.4.2 -- currently still undergoing testing -- will be much better  
for speed on Mac. (It's acceptable for me on a 466 MHz iBook, which  
was impossible to use with 1.4.1.)


Running Header Text With Starred Sections

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

  I'm stumped. I read the fancyhdr section in TLC2, tried all relevant
examples, and still cannot get the running header to display the appropriate
section and subsction _titles_ when using starred sectioning. If I use
\thesection and \thesubsection, I get 0 and 0.0 in the correct positions, but
I cannot extract the names. I've tried the extramarks package, and redefining
\sectionmark and \subsectionmark, but without success.

  Is it possible to get a running head with the section and subsection names
when using unnumbered sectioning?



Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Running Header Text With Starred Sections

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Rich Shepard wrote:

Is it possible to get a running head with the section and subsection
 when using unnumbered sectioning?

Do you use unnumbered sections only (i.e. no numbered sections at all)? If
so, use section (not section*) and put the slider in
Layout-Document-Numbering to the very left.



Re: Lost Keybindings in 1.4.1

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Did you make your own bindings file? Some of the LyX functions changed


  That was it: names changed from prior versions. In a few cases, the words
were reversed in the latest cua.bind, in others 'dialog-show' was prepended
to the word. Sigh.

  It's all better now. Many thanks.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Running Header Text With Starred Sections

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

Do you use unnumbered sections only (i.e. no numbered sections at all)? If
so, use section (not section*) and put the slider in
Layout-Document-Numbering to the very left.


  Ah, that's also new; it used to be a set of numbers, but I didn't think of
looking there in any case.

  Works like a charm.

Many thanks,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Lost Keybindings in 1.4.1

2006-06-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Rich == Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rich   This is frustrating: in 1.4.1 (linux), some of my shortcut
Rich keys no longer work. Same bind file as before. Some that do work
Rich include: C-d View dvi output C-i Italics (emphasize) C-b Bold
Rich C-h Compile with pdflatex

Rich   Some that no longer work include: C-f Find F7 Spellcheck C-s
Rich Save

Rich   Can someone help me understand why, and what I need to do to
Rich get back the full functionality of my keyboard?

What does your preference file look like?

Did you make your own bindings file? Some of the LyX functions changed


Is there (or will there soon be) an updated list of function names on 
the Wiki?


Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Eitan Gurari


The command

 htlatex demoarticle html,jpg

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...
   System return: 0 


  Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
  changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.
  But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
  1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo
  2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
  3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
  4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
  ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:


The command

 htlatex demoarticle html,jpg

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...

   System return: 0 


  Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
  changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.
  But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
  1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo

  2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
  3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
  4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
  ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

Here is the output after conversion, as you see no .jpg files, only some 
pngs, and not demoarticle0x.png, demoarticle1x.png, demoarticle2x.png

The html source code in demoarticle.html refers to .jpgs though.

I will attach tex4ht.env and the piped demo.txt in this post.
In the next post, the demoarticle.log file.

I think the problem may be due to my older version of ImageMagick.
I will test both of the new 6.2.8 releases for quality of .png
image and to see if the .jpg generation has been fixed. It works
for Ares who has 6.2.8 which is why I suspect this.

C:\ImageMagick 7,176,324 ImageMagick-6.2.3-2-Q16-windows-dll.exe

C:\ares\lyxdemo\lasttest htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg  demo.txt

06/27/2006  02:11 PM14,286 demo.txt
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   670 demoarticle.4ct
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   662 demoarticle.4tc
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   556 demoarticle.aux
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 5,253 demoarticle.css
06/27/2006  02:11 PM20,048 demoarticle.dvi
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 7,988 demoarticle.html
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 3,004 demoarticle.idv
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 6,875 demoarticle.lg
06/27/2006  02:11 PM15,350 demoarticle.log
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 3,720 demoarticle.tex
06/27/2006  02:11 PM16 demoarticle.tmp
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   472 demoarticle.xref
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 7,434 drawing.eps
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   264 hzfx0a0b.png
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   302 hzfx0a0c.png
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   264 hzfx0a0d.png
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   265 hzfx0a0e.png

This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
Babel v3.8g and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ge
rman, ngerman, french, loaded.
(demoarticle.tex (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\article.cls
Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\size12.clo)) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\tex4ht.sty)
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\graphics.sty (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\trig.sty
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\00miktex\graphics.cfg)
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amstext.sty (C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amsgen.sty)
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amsbsy.sty)
 TeX4ht info is available in the log file 
) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\tex4ht.sty
--- needs --- tex4ht demoarticle ---
l.1388 --- TeX4ht warning --- No file demoarticle.xref ---
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\latex.4ht (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4.4ht)
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\article.4ht (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4.4ht
) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4-math.4ht))
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\epsfig.4ht (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4.4ht)

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:


The command

 htlatex demoarticle html,jpg

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...

   System return: 0 


  Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
  changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.
  But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
  1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo

  2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
  3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
  4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
  ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

I tried again with the newer 6.2.8 ImageMagick.exe about 6.7mb.
It fails like in the first effort. Also attached is the
demoarticle.log from the previous Imagemagick install,
Next I will try the Imagemagick static.exe which is about 20mb.

6,815,492 ImageMagick-6.2.8-0-Q16-windows-dll.exe

t4ht.c (2004-04-21-00:17 Windows MiKTeX)
t4ht demoarticle.tex
Entering demoarticle.lg
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0e.png DEL hzfx0a0e.png nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 6

System return: 0
System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0e.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit

System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0d.png DEL hzfx0a0d.png nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 7

System return: 0
System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0d.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit

System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0c.png DEL hzfx0a0c.png nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 8

System return: 0
System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0c.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0b.png DEL hzfx0a0b.png nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 9

System return: 0

System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0b.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
Entering demoarticle.css
Entering demoarticle.tmp


06/27/2006  02:57 PM   670 demoarticle.4ct
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   662 demoarticle.4tc
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   556 demoarticle.aux
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 5,253 demoarticle.css
06/27/2006  02:57 PM20,048 demoarticle.dvi
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 7,988 demoarticle.html
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 3,004 demoarticle.idv
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 6,875 demoarticle.lg
06/27/2006  02:57 PM15,350 demoarticle.log
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 3,720 demoarticle.tex
06/27/2006  02:57 PM16 demoarticle.tmp
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   472 demoarticle.xref
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 7,434 drawing.eps
02/01/2003  10:06 PM41,878 essential.tex
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   264 hzfx0a0b.png
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   302 hzfx0a0c.png
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   264 hzfx0a0d.png
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   265 hzfx0a0e.png
06/27/2006  04:34 AM 2,676 imagemagick.txt
This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=latex 
2006.3.13)  27 JUN 2006 14:11
entering extended mode

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:


The command

 htlatex demoarticle html,jpg

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...

   System return: 0 


  Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
  changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.
  But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
  1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo

  2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
  3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
  4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
  ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

ImageMagick-6.2.8-0-Q16-windows-static.exe about 20mb
also failed the same way. I had to run htlatex demoarticle.tex,
then mogrify to change the .pngs to .jpg in order for it to work.


Help with Bibliography for book class

2006-06-27 Thread LB


I'm using document class book(mwbk) with Lyx 1.4.1 on Win XP.  The latex 
forces the bibliography to start on a new page, as it supposed to do. 
However, I would like to have the bibliography to start immediately after 
the text.  I have tried different, but not all, bibliography styles with no 
success.  My citation style is default (I'm not sure whether that changes 

Can anybody help me with this?

Thank you

Re: Converting in rtf or openoffice for windows

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Stephen Harris wrote:

 htaltex which comes with the tex4ht package converts to html. from
 the command line: htlatex something.tex makes something.html,

 Conversion quality varies and outputs need to be proofread.

No, use the oolatex macro in tex4ht. It will convert your file to the
openoffice format. Much better. You will keep footnotes and have text 
with a stylesheet that you can adjust inside your wordprocessor.

Going through html is a mistake except for very simple documents.



SH: I don't agree with you. Look at this html file created by htlatex.

Perhaps it is a subjective matter, but I don't most people would
consider this file a very simple document. Word is able to import
the file just about perfectly and save it as .doc. I didn't test
this with OpenOffice- as I'm accepting the claims made on its behalf.

The OP didn't seem to know much about portability as he mentioned .rtf.
So I addressed portability needs he might not have thought about. One
can make a good .doc using htlatex first to generate an html file. But
you can't make a good html conversion from a file that has equations
using expensive software, Word 2003 or Adobe Writer Pro, and I very
much doubt the ability of OpenOffice to do this. Actually the best
word to describe such a conversion to html is horrific.

So I consider htlatex as a commendable alternative depending on the
unstated future uses for his conversion needs. I didn't say to use
htlatex because it is better than your suggestion, you read that
into my post. I contributed useful information, IMO. Besides, Yaron
Goland finds htlatex useful for his blog, and such conversions can
later find a home on a company/edu web site. Just to be clear,
your choice may be better for the OP, I'm disagreeing with your
dismissing htlatex so readily. :


8 Making Pretty HTML

The easiest way to generate HTML output is to go to File-Export-HTML.
This produces great quality HTML but unfortunately the output does not
properly support BibTex. So if BibTex is used there will be no
bibliography and the citations will all show up as [?].

To get around this I go to File-Export-LATEX to generate a .tex file.
Let's assume that file is called myfile.tex. I next open a terminal
window, navigate to the directory containing myfile.tex and type in the
following commands:

latex myfile

bibtex myfile

latex myfile

latex myfile

htlatex myfile 'XHTML'

Notice that the extension .tex is not used. Then end result will be
a file called myfile.html that will contain a full HTML representation,
with a bibliography and will generate gifs for any math formulas.

SH: I don't use LyX's export as HTML, but rather export as .tex
and then run htlatex on that. The current default is .png which
can be changed. My purpose is to show that htlatex is not as limited
as you represented it, to very simple documents. Also htlatex may
not be the most convenient, but is a useful option to keep in hand.
If you want to rebut that, criticize the value of my example file,
Using_XYpic_in_LyX.htm, which I think is surpasses simplistic. Or
if OpenOffice also can produce html output of the same quality as
htlatex, then that would excuse the option of keeping htlatex alive.
Obviously, I didn't offer htlatex in the context of continuing to
develop a document, the purpose of LyX, unless OOo replaces LyX.

I meant no dichotomy,

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Eitan Gurari

  I think the problem may be due to my older version of ImageMagick.

ImageMagick works fine.  The problem is in how tex4ht is configured.

  tex4ht.c (2004-10-23-18:53 Windows MiKTeX)
  tex4ht demoarticle.tex 

  ] [2] [3] [4
  Renaming `cmmi12.png' to `hzfx.png'

The above comment is wrong regarding the output format and can be
ignored.  I fixed the source tex4ht.c to provide correct notices.  The
comment has no bearing on the output format.

  % tex4ht.env (MiKTeX 2.4.1771)   %
  % Copyright (C) 1997--2004Eitan M. Gurari%

  Gif exist DEL nul
  Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 nul
  Gdvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f %%1 -pp %%2
  Gmgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=%%3 -r110x110 -dEPSCrop 
  -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 -q 
  -dbatch -dNOPAUSE -c quit
  Gif exist DEL nul 
   Gif exist DEL nul
   Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 nul
   Gdvips.exe -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2
   Gconvert.exe -trim +repage -density 110x110 -transparent #FF 
   Gif exist DEL nul

Can you try in tex4ht.env the following code segment instead of the above one.

Gif exist DEL nul
Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 nul
Gdvips -E -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2
Gconvert -trim +repage -density 110x110 -transparent #FF %%3
Gif exist DEL nul 


Also, in tex4ht.env, replace the above record with


Note: the G and g records shouldn't contain leading spaces.

It might also be worth noticing that tex4ht got quite a few
improvements since 2004:
= [1 Mar 05] [12 Nov 04]


Re: citation prefix

2006-06-27 Thread Miki Dovrat
Thanks for the answers.

I know a footnote would be the way to do it, but some journals don't 
distinguish between footnotes and bibliography items, and all of them 
(footnotes and references) appear at the end with the same numbering. This 
is what I would have liked.


Re: What's on YOUR BibTeX Wish List?

2006-06-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen

Hello Richard

Many scientific papers have a tendency to provide a bibliography layout file
in endnote format and never a .bst file. Perhaps it would be possible to
convert endnote-bst config?

Now, apart from this, I support your idea to make a simplified version of
makebst (which is a very useful tool, but I often have to redo the process
several times to get everything in order - and I am constantly confused in
this process as well).

First thing is to realize that a bibtex entry consists of a number of blocks
and that the blocks used in an bibtex entry depends on the entry type.
Second, the order of blocks should be configurable (title block before date
block or visa verse). Thirdly, each block should be configurable in all the
details (et al in italics or not, etc.).

Keeping these three things in mind, I think it is important to sort out the
question about which blocks should be used for a given entry type, then what
order the blocks should be in for this entry type, and finally the layout
for the blocks. Keeping these three levels separate should also simplify the

some pseudo syntax:

  author block
  title block
  journal block
  pages block
  date block

   last name
   first name

   title, font-style=italics

And most importantly. A small set of test references should be available so
that you can test the outcome of you bibliography layout with the click of a
button. That is a problem with makebst, that you have to go through a long
process before you can test the layout. Actually, this is one spot where I
would like to see some WYSIWYG.

Best regards,


On 6/27/06, Richard Heck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a recent thread, there was some discussion about inadequacies of
standard BibTeX styles, especially as regards work in the humanities.
Having a little time free, I decided to educate myself as much as
possible about BibTeX styles and see what I could do. To this point, I
have a working TRANSLATOR field; I can use both author and editor in
books (e.g., Hume, David (1978). /A Treatise on Human Nature/, ed. by
L. A. Selby-Bigge, etc);/ / I've manged to overcome this problem with
how makebst handles dashed versions of repeated authors:
Heck, R. (1993). ...
- (1995). ...
Heck, R. (ed). (1997). ...
Heck, R. (2001). ...
- (2003). 
and, most importantly to me, I've figured out how to allow the use of
abbreviations for some references (i.e., instead of (Hume, 1978, p. 23),
I can have (/Treatise/, p. 23), or whatever, but only for specific
works); and to do all of that using natbib, so that I don't have to give
up LyX's support for natbib or deal with the complexities of jurabib.

There's more work to do. In particular, I'm working on an alternative to
makebst that is intended to be more flexible but not much harder to use,
especially for those of us who need more customization than the question
and answer format offers. The idea here is that formats for various
types of entries can be written in a sort of format-by-example syntax, e.g


|IF|$PAGES.MULTI||pp. ||pg. ||$PAGES.

$EDITOR||. %

That's an example of the intended syntax. I'm guessing most of you will
be able to figure out what it should do. (It does nothing yet, as the
program hasn't been written.) Comments appreciated.

That leads to my question. While I'm at this, I'd like to have some
sense what it is that other people wish their BibTeX styles would do. So
what DO people wish BibTeX would do? Other than make it easier to create
formats for specific journals and the like: That's what the above will
do. Are there other frustrations? as, for me, were the absence of a
TRANSLATOR field, the inability to use author and editor at the same
time, the inability to define citation abbreviations, and the like?


Re: citation prefix

2006-06-27 Thread K. Elo

2006-06-27 10:30 +0200, Miki Dovrat:
 Thanks for the answers.
 I know a footnote would be the way to do it, but some journals don't 
 distinguish between footnotes and bibliography items, and all of them 
 (footnotes and references) appear at the end with the same numbering. This 
 is what I would have liked.

You mean as endnotes, right? That is, there would be no separate
literature list, because the bibliography itens are included in the

If that's what You are looking for, please take a look at jurabib
( and use the package endnotes. In order to get endnotes
work in LyX, You'll need a dirty hack, see

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,


2006-06-27 Thread Eric Germaneau


I'm using a Slackware 10.2 and I egt this error when I try to creat a
pdf file:

Font T1/cmr/m/sc/10=eccc1000 at 10.0pt not

Does someone has an idea about this?
Thanks in advance,



Eric Germaneau


  " Reason" in things existed
before things themselves existed 
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.



Ecole polytechnique
fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
BSP 518 
CH-1015 Lausanne 

Tel.: +41 (0)21 / 693 06 36
Fax.: +41 (0)21 / 693 05 04

P Please
consider the environment before printing this email - Considérez
svp l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel

Re: Serious performance problem with LyX 1.4.1 on OS X

2006-06-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Steve == Steve Litt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you ever upgrade to 1.4, you will find that the display is
 significantly slower with qt (for a reason we do not really
 understand). The old xforms version is still ugly, but snappy.

Steve Do I need to recompile to switch to Xforms?

Yes, unless you can find it precompiled for your platform.

In 1.3, when you configure without any special option, you do get the
xforms version. To get the qt version, you need to use the switch
--with-frontend=qt. I do not think you will find that the xforms
frontend is better in 1.3.

In 1.4, it is required to specify which frontend you want (xforms, qt,
or the unofficial gtk). You can even specify several frontends, like
--with-frontend='qt xforms'. Xforms will feel snappier, in particular
when scrolling or selecting text. But of course it is ugly (in
particular the fonts are not antialiased on screen).


Re: Numbered exercises within a section with ams-book

2006-06-27 Thread Ingo Klöcker
Am Dienstag, 27. Juni 2006 07:04 schrieb Andrew Harrington:
 Thanks, Paul.  The additions work to number exercises within
 sections. I still find one strange thing:  I cannot have one exercise
 directly following another.  Lyx want to make them be one combined
 exercise.  I found the obvious workabound of putting a standard
 paragraph in between with non-breaking space, but that throws off the
 spacing.  I also found that if I nest each successive problem one
 more level, I get consecutively numbered exercises and everything
 looks fine!  I guess that works as long as I do not want numbered
 lists within the problems Isn't there something more direct?

The workaround I'm using for this is a standard paragraph with a single 
'%' in ERT. The '%' marks comments in LaTeX and therefore the paragraph 
will be ignored when LaTeX layouts the page.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Lost Keybindings in 1.4.1

2006-06-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Rich == Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rich   This is frustrating: in 1.4.1 (linux), some of my shortcut
Rich keys no longer work. Same bind file as before. Some that do work
Rich include: C-d View dvi output C-i Italics (emphasize) C-b Bold
Rich C-h Compile with pdflatex

Rich   Some that no longer work include: C-f Find F7 Spellcheck C-s
Rich Save

Rich   Can someone help me understand why, and what I need to do to
Rich get back the full functionality of my keyboard?

What does your preference file look like?

Did you make your own bindings file? Some of the LyX functions changed


Re: Numbered exercises within a section with ams-book

2006-06-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Andrew == Andrew Harrington [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Andrew Thanks, Paul. The additions work to number exercises within
Andrew sections. I still find one strange thing: I cannot have one
Andrew exercise directly following another. Lyx want to make them be
Andrew one combined exercise. I found the obvious workabound of
Andrew putting a standard paragraph in between with non-breaking
Andrew space, but that throws off the spacing. I also found that if I
Andrew nest each successive problem one more level, I get
Andrew consecutively numbered exercises and everything looks fine! I
Andrew guess that works as long as I do not want numbered lists
Andrew within the problems Isn't there something more direct?

Try to put a note inset instead of a protected blank. This should
avoid the problem with spacing.

And yes, your problem is a long standing known bug.


Re: font

2006-06-27 Thread Eric Germaneau

In fact with CJK-LyX-qt-1.4.1, that work find 


Eric Germaneau wrote:

I'm using a Slackware 10.2 and I egt this error when I try to creat a
pdf file:
  Font T1/cmr/m/sc/10=eccc1000 at 10.0pt not
Does someone has an idea about this?
Thanks in advance,
  Eric Germaneau
  " Reason" in things existed
before things themselves existed 
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.
  Ecole polytechnique
fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
   FSB - IPMC 
BSP 518 
CH-1015 Lausanne 
  Tel.: +41 (0)21 / 693 06 36
  Fax.: +41 (0)21 / 693 05 04
  P Please
consider the environment before printing this email - Considérez
svp l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel


Eric Germaneau


  " Reason" in things existed
before things themselves existed 
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.



Ecole polytechnique
fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
BSP 518 
CH-1015 Lausanne 

Tel.: +41 (0)21 / 693 06 36
Fax.: +41 (0)21 / 693 05 04

P Please
consider the environment before printing this email - Considérez
svp l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:

  If you prefer jpg, it would be better to hack the tex4ht configuration file,
  I had a look at the tex4ht configuration file and it doesn't look easy

  to hack in order to use jpg format! Since there's an advantage in

A command line option `jpg' should provide the mentioned output
format. For instance,

  htlatex file html,jpg


Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.

But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.

1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo
2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png

ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.


Description: PostScript document
%%% Any text after a % mark on a line is a comment
% specify that you are writing an article and you want to use 12pt font

% These page sizes are good for the printers in the department
\textheight 9.75in
\textwidth 6.25in
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
% Indentation for new paragraphs

% Packages epsfig for importing graphics and amsmath for maths fonts
\usepackage {epsfig, amsmath}

% Put your name, the title of the work and the date in the header
\markright{Hilary Spencer, The first report on my work, \today}

%must appear after the preamble and before the text of the report

\title{The First Report on my Work}
% Acknowledge your supervisors
\author{Hilary Spencer \thanks{University of Reading, Department of
Meteorology, supervised by Prof J Slingo and Dr MK Davey at the
Hadley Centre}}
% Fix the date to when this report was due if you want (note this is
% different to the date in the header)
\date{Thursday 7 December 2000}

% Articles have sections, subsections, subsubsections etc
% Label all sections etc so you can refer to them and LaTeX will
% automatically get the numbering right

The cubic equation:
% (I've put a comment line here so that the equation is not a new paragraph)
\alpha x^3 + \beta x^2 + \gamma x + \delta = 0
has an analytical solution which will be presented. It will be
calculated for a number of cases and plotted on a graph.


In section \ref{secn:intro} the cubic equation, equation
\ref{eqn:cubic}, was presented. Solutions will be found using the
analytical solution:
p = \frac{\gamma}{\alpha} - \frac{\beta^2}{3 \alpha^2},  \quad
% \quad creates a space in maths mode
q = \frac{2 \beta^3}{27 \alpha^3} - \frac{\beta \gamma}{3
\alpha^2} + \frac{\delta}{\alpha} \\ \\
D = (\frac{p}{3})^3 + (\frac{q}{2})^2 \\ \\
u = \sqrt[3]{-\frac{q}{2} + \sqrt{D}}
, \quad
v = \sqrt[3]{-\frac{q}{2} - \sqrt{D}} \\ \\
\text{number of roots} = \begin{cases}
1  \text{if } D  0 \\
2  \text{if } D = 0 \\
3  \text{if } D  0 \\
\end{cases} \\ \\
x_1 = u + v, \quad x_{2,3} = -\frac{u+v}{2} \pm \frac{u-v}{2} i \sqrt{3}

% if you want to include maths in the main part of the text, enclose
% in $ signs
The roots will be found for the values of $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$
and $\delta$ given in table \ref{tbl:abcdVals}. 

% a table is a floating object that contains table
\begin{table} \centering
% a tabular specifies how many columns the table should have and how
% they should be aligned. This tabular has 1 left justified and 4
% centred columns with a vertical line outside and between each
\hline% a horizontal line
Case  $\alpha$  $\beta$  $\gamma$  $\delta$ \\
\hline \hline 
1 1 23 4\\
2 23 4 5\\
\caption{Values of the coefficients of the cubic equation for which
roots are sought}


I couldn't be bothered to find roots of the equation or draw a graph,
so a completely different plot is shown in figure \ref{fig:curve}. 

\begin{figure} \centering
\epsfig{file = drawing.eps, width=3in, angle=11}
\caption{A pretty dodgy graph}

% must appear once at the end of every document

Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Rich Shepard wrote:

 What did I miss, please?

No idea, to be frank. I never used it personally. But according to the LaTeX
FAQ, \usepackage{cite} does something similar.
Maybe you have more luck with that?


Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

No idea, to be frank. I never used it personally. But according to the
LaTeX FAQ, \usepackage{cite} does something similar. Maybe you have more
luck with that?


  I'll give that a test run and see if it works better. But, for the present,
I've changed the labels to numbers rather than names and dates because the
latter produces rather ugly output in the bibliography section.

  When I use BibTeX and select the name-date format for the in-text
citations, the bibliography listing at the end of the document has the
references in alphabetical order. Using the bibliography environment, the
label is placed along the left margin, then the full reference is typeset in
what appears to be a right-side column. But, if the in-text citation is long,
for example, Wallace and Grommit 1990, then that's what's printed along the
left and all references are pushed far to the right side. Ugly and not
expected -- by me at least.

  However, when I change the in-text citations to numbers, then the number is
printed along the left margin and the body of the reference inset by what
appears to be a tab stop. Much nicer.

Many thanks,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Starred Sectioning In Headers

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Rich Shepard wrote:

Writing an article class document and using the starred sections cleans
them out of the fancy header. I'm sure that one of you pointed me to the
proper addition to the preamble (or body of the document) so that the
section/subsection names are displayed, but I cannot find that information
here. I've also gone through 5 or 6 pages of the archives but cannot find
it there, either.

  When the temperature dropped a bit last night I realized that I can set up
fancyhdr to print the sections and subsctions as I want them. That will do
the job.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Rich Shepard wrote:

 I'll give that a test run and see if it works better. But, for the
 present, I've changed the labels to numbers rather than names and dates
 because the latter produces rather ugly output in the bibliography


if you can live with that, just use it instead of wasting your time
(although I'm sure it can be tweaked to your needs).

Personally, I never use the Bibliography environment, not even for small
papers. BibTeX is just much more convenient, and I got used to enter every
reference to the database anyway.


Re: What's on YOUR BibTeX Wish List?

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Richard Heck wrote:

 There's more work to do. In particular, I'm working on an alternative to
 makebst that is intended to be more flexible but not much harder to use,
 especially for those of us who need more customization than the question
 and answer format offers.

Note that there have been attempts to add a kind of makebst support to
jurabib (which never has been finished IMHO). I think that a combination of
jurabib and makebst would be very much the thing most humanists need. So if
you intend to do something like that anyway, why not joining the jurabib
team and continuing that work?


Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

Personally, I never use the Bibliography environment, not even for small
papers. BibTeX is just much more convenient, and I got used to enter every
reference to the database anyway.


  I've not used it before, but I'm updating an article I wrote six years ago,
so I thought this would be a good opportunity to try the new environment.

  Now that I have RefDB fully functional, I have about 5,000 references to
add to it. That will take a lo-o-ong time.

Many thanks,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: What's on YOUR BibTeX Wish List?

2006-06-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

 Note that there have been attempts to add a kind of makebst support to
 jurabib (which never has been finished IMHO). I think that a combination
 of jurabib and makebst would be very much the thing most humanists need.
 So if you intend to do something like that anyway, why not joining the
 jurabib team and continuing that work?

Yes. I've looked a little bit also the makebst program. It is very crude. 

I would have tried to create something similar in Python if I had some free
time. But with a book to finish and two small kids, I do not have enough
free time.  


Re: Serious performance problem with LyX 1.4.1 on OS X

2006-06-27 Thread Yaron Y. Goland
First, THANK YOU! I love LyX! And the integration that 1.4.x provided  
into OS X is great. It is still too slow for me to use but the  
direction is great and in the meantime I can use 1.3.7 which performs  
just fine on my mac.

Second, any idea when 1.4.2 might be released?



P.S. If I can make a feature request for 1.4.2 what about native  
support for hypertarget and hyperlink? Having to enter and manage  
these manually as ERT is a nightmare!

On Jun 26, 2006, at 8:42 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

On Jun 26, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi Yaron,

I've never used LyX 1.4.x, but from what I understand they've made  
LyX support
multiple graphics libraries, whereas in the old days it was just  
Xforms. See
if there's any way to configure your LyX so it uses Xforms rather  
than KDE

bloated stuff like that.

This is not possible on Mac (natively).

1.4.2 -- currently still undergoing testing -- will be much better  
for speed on Mac. (It's acceptable for me on a 466 MHz iBook, which  
was impossible to use with 1.4.1.)


Running Header Text With Starred Sections

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

  I'm stumped. I read the fancyhdr section in TLC2, tried all relevant
examples, and still cannot get the running header to display the appropriate
section and subsction _titles_ when using starred sectioning. If I use
\thesection and \thesubsection, I get 0 and 0.0 in the correct positions, but
I cannot extract the names. I've tried the extramarks package, and redefining
\sectionmark and \subsectionmark, but without success.

  Is it possible to get a running head with the section and subsection names
when using unnumbered sectioning?



Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Running Header Text With Starred Sections

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Rich Shepard wrote:

Is it possible to get a running head with the section and subsection
 when using unnumbered sectioning?

Do you use unnumbered sections only (i.e. no numbered sections at all)? If
so, use section (not section*) and put the slider in
Layout-Document-Numbering to the very left.



Re: Lost Keybindings in 1.4.1

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Did you make your own bindings file? Some of the LyX functions changed


  That was it: names changed from prior versions. In a few cases, the words
were reversed in the latest cua.bind, in others 'dialog-show' was prepended
to the word. Sigh.

  It's all better now. Many thanks.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Running Header Text With Starred Sections

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

Do you use unnumbered sections only (i.e. no numbered sections at all)? If
so, use section (not section*) and put the slider in
Layout-Document-Numbering to the very left.


  Ah, that's also new; it used to be a set of numbers, but I didn't think of
looking there in any case.

  Works like a charm.

Many thanks,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Lost Keybindings in 1.4.1

2006-06-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Rich == Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rich   This is frustrating: in 1.4.1 (linux), some of my shortcut
Rich keys no longer work. Same bind file as before. Some that do work
Rich include: C-d View dvi output C-i Italics (emphasize) C-b Bold
Rich C-h Compile with pdflatex

Rich   Some that no longer work include: C-f Find F7 Spellcheck C-s
Rich Save

Rich   Can someone help me understand why, and what I need to do to
Rich get back the full functionality of my keyboard?

What does your preference file look like?

Did you make your own bindings file? Some of the LyX functions changed


Is there (or will there soon be) an updated list of function names on 
the Wiki?


Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Eitan Gurari


The command

 htlatex demoarticle html,jpg

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...
   System return: 0 


  Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
  changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.
  But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
  1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo
  2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
  3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
  4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
  ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:


The command

 htlatex demoarticle html,jpg

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...

   System return: 0 


  Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
  changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.
  But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
  1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo

  2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
  3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
  4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
  ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

Here is the output after conversion, as you see no .jpg files, only some 
pngs, and not demoarticle0x.png, demoarticle1x.png, demoarticle2x.png

The html source code in demoarticle.html refers to .jpgs though.

I will attach tex4ht.env and the piped demo.txt in this post.
In the next post, the demoarticle.log file.

I think the problem may be due to my older version of ImageMagick.
I will test both of the new 6.2.8 releases for quality of .png
image and to see if the .jpg generation has been fixed. It works
for Ares who has 6.2.8 which is why I suspect this.

C:\ImageMagick 7,176,324 ImageMagick-6.2.3-2-Q16-windows-dll.exe

C:\ares\lyxdemo\lasttest htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg  demo.txt

06/27/2006  02:11 PM14,286 demo.txt
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   670 demoarticle.4ct
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   662 demoarticle.4tc
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   556 demoarticle.aux
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 5,253 demoarticle.css
06/27/2006  02:11 PM20,048 demoarticle.dvi
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 7,988 demoarticle.html
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 3,004 demoarticle.idv
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 6,875 demoarticle.lg
06/27/2006  02:11 PM15,350 demoarticle.log
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 3,720 demoarticle.tex
06/27/2006  02:11 PM16 demoarticle.tmp
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   472 demoarticle.xref
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 7,434 drawing.eps
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   264 hzfx0a0b.png
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   302 hzfx0a0c.png
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   264 hzfx0a0d.png
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   265 hzfx0a0e.png

This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
Babel v3.8g and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ge
rman, ngerman, french, loaded.
(demoarticle.tex (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\article.cls
Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\size12.clo)) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\tex4ht.sty)
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\graphics.sty (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\trig.sty
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\00miktex\graphics.cfg)
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amstext.sty (C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amsgen.sty)
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amsbsy.sty)
 TeX4ht info is available in the log file 
) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\tex4ht.sty
--- needs --- tex4ht demoarticle ---
l.1388 --- TeX4ht warning --- No file demoarticle.xref ---
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\latex.4ht (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4.4ht)
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\article.4ht (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4.4ht
) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4-math.4ht))
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\epsfig.4ht (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4.4ht)

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:


The command

 htlatex demoarticle html,jpg

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...

   System return: 0 


  Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
  changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.
  But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
  1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo

  2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
  3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
  4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
  ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

I tried again with the newer 6.2.8 ImageMagick.exe about 6.7mb.
It fails like in the first effort. Also attached is the
demoarticle.log from the previous Imagemagick install,
Next I will try the Imagemagick static.exe which is about 20mb.

6,815,492 ImageMagick-6.2.8-0-Q16-windows-dll.exe

t4ht.c (2004-04-21-00:17 Windows MiKTeX)
t4ht demoarticle.tex
Entering demoarticle.lg
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0e.png DEL hzfx0a0e.png nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 6

System return: 0
System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0e.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit

System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0d.png DEL hzfx0a0d.png nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 7

System return: 0
System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0d.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit

System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0c.png DEL hzfx0a0c.png nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 8

System return: 0
System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0c.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0b.png DEL hzfx0a0b.png nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 9

System return: 0

System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0b.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL nul
System return: 0
Entering demoarticle.css
Entering demoarticle.tmp


06/27/2006  02:57 PM   670 demoarticle.4ct
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   662 demoarticle.4tc
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   556 demoarticle.aux
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 5,253 demoarticle.css
06/27/2006  02:57 PM20,048 demoarticle.dvi
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 7,988 demoarticle.html
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 3,004 demoarticle.idv
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 6,875 demoarticle.lg
06/27/2006  02:57 PM15,350 demoarticle.log
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 3,720 demoarticle.tex
06/27/2006  02:57 PM16 demoarticle.tmp
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   472 demoarticle.xref
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 7,434 drawing.eps
02/01/2003  10:06 PM41,878 essential.tex
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   264 hzfx0a0b.png
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   302 hzfx0a0c.png
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   264 hzfx0a0d.png
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   265 hzfx0a0e.png
06/27/2006  04:34 AM 2,676 imagemagick.txt
This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=latex 
2006.3.13)  27 JUN 2006 14:11
entering extended mode

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:


The command

 htlatex demoarticle html,jpg

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...

   System return: 0 


  Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
  changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search  Replace.
  But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
  1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo

  2. htlatex demoarticle.tex to produce the .png files and html.
  3. htlatex demoarticle.tex html,jpg changes the names in source code
  4. mogrify  -format jpg  *.png change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
  ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

ImageMagick-6.2.8-0-Q16-windows-static.exe about 20mb
also failed the same way. I had to run htlatex demoarticle.tex,
then mogrify to change the .pngs to .jpg in order for it to work.


Help with Bibliography for book class

2006-06-27 Thread LB


I'm using document class book(mwbk) with Lyx 1.4.1 on Win XP.  The latex 
forces the bibliography to start on a new page, as it supposed to do. 
However, I would like to have the bibliography to start immediately after 
the text.  I have tried different, but not all, bibliography styles with no 
success.  My citation style is default (I'm not sure whether that changes 

Can anybody help me with this?

Thank you

Re: Converting in rtf or openoffice for windows

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Stephen Harris wrote:

 htaltex which comes with the tex4ht package converts to html. from
 the command line: htlatex something.tex makes something.html,

 Conversion quality varies and outputs need to be proofread.

No, use the oolatex macro in tex4ht. It will convert your file to the
openoffice format. Much better. You will keep footnotes and have text 
with a stylesheet that you can adjust inside your wordprocessor.

Going through html is a mistake except for very simple documents.



SH: I don't agree with you. Look at this html file created by htlatex.

Perhaps it is a subjective matter, but I don't most people would
consider this file a very simple document. Word is able to import
the file just about perfectly and save it as .doc. I didn't test
this with OpenOffice- as I'm accepting the claims made on its behalf.

The OP didn't seem to know much about portability as he mentioned .rtf.
So I addressed portability needs he might not have thought about. One
can make a good .doc using htlatex first to generate an html file. But
you can't make a good html conversion from a file that has equations
using expensive software, Word 2003 or Adobe Writer Pro, and I very
much doubt the ability of OpenOffice to do this. Actually the best
word to describe such a conversion to html is horrific.

So I consider htlatex as a commendable alternative depending on the
unstated future uses for his conversion needs. I didn't say to use
htlatex because it is better than your suggestion, you read that
into my post. I contributed useful information, IMO. Besides, Yaron
Goland finds htlatex useful for his blog, and such conversions can
later find a home on a company/edu web site. Just to be clear,
your choice may be better for the OP, I'm disagreeing with your
dismissing htlatex so readily. :


8 Making Pretty HTML

The easiest way to generate HTML output is to go to File-Export-HTML.
This produces great quality HTML but unfortunately the output does not
properly support BibTex. So if BibTex is used there will be no
bibliography and the citations will all show up as [?].

To get around this I go to File-Export-LATEX to generate a .tex file.
Let's assume that file is called myfile.tex. I next open a terminal
window, navigate to the directory containing myfile.tex and type in the
following commands:

latex myfile

bibtex myfile

latex myfile

latex myfile

htlatex myfile 'XHTML'

Notice that the extension .tex is not used. Then end result will be
a file called myfile.html that will contain a full HTML representation,
with a bibliography and will generate gifs for any math formulas.

SH: I don't use LyX's export as HTML, but rather export as .tex
and then run htlatex on that. The current default is .png which
can be changed. My purpose is to show that htlatex is not as limited
as you represented it, to very simple documents. Also htlatex may
not be the most convenient, but is a useful option to keep in hand.
If you want to rebut that, criticize the value of my example file,
Using_XYpic_in_LyX.htm, which I think is surpasses simplistic. Or
if OpenOffice also can produce html output of the same quality as
htlatex, then that would excuse the option of keeping htlatex alive.
Obviously, I didn't offer htlatex in the context of continuing to
develop a document, the purpose of LyX, unless OOo replaces LyX.

I meant no dichotomy,

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Eitan Gurari

  I think the problem may be due to my older version of ImageMagick.

ImageMagick works fine.  The problem is in how tex4ht is configured.

  tex4ht.c (2004-10-23-18:53 Windows MiKTeX)
  tex4ht demoarticle.tex 

  ] [2] [3] [4
  Renaming `cmmi12.png' to `hzfx.png'

The above comment is wrong regarding the output format and can be
ignored.  I fixed the source tex4ht.c to provide correct notices.  The
comment has no bearing on the output format.

  % tex4ht.env (MiKTeX 2.4.1771)   %
  % Copyright (C) 1997--2004Eitan M. Gurari%

  Gif exist DEL nul
  Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 nul
  Gdvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f %%1 -pp %%2
  Gmgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=%%3 -r110x110 -dEPSCrop 
  -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 -q 
  -dbatch -dNOPAUSE -c quit
  Gif exist DEL nul 
   Gif exist DEL nul
   Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 nul
   Gdvips.exe -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2
   Gconvert.exe -trim +repage -density 110x110 -transparent #FF 
   Gif exist DEL nul

Can you try in tex4ht.env the following code segment instead of the above one.

Gif exist DEL nul
Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 nul
Gdvips -E -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2
Gconvert -trim +repage -density 110x110 -transparent #FF %%3
Gif exist DEL nul 


Also, in tex4ht.env, replace the above record with


Note: the G and g records shouldn't contain leading spaces.

It might also be worth noticing that tex4ht got quite a few
improvements since 2004:
= [1 Mar 05] [12 Nov 04]


Re: citation prefix

2006-06-27 Thread Miki Dovrat
Thanks for the answers.

I know a footnote would be the way to do it, but some journals don't 
distinguish between footnotes and bibliography items, and all of them 
(footnotes and references) appear at the end with the same numbering. This 
is what I would have liked.


Re: What's on YOUR BibTeX Wish List?

2006-06-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen

Hello Richard

Many scientific papers have a tendency to provide a bibliography layout file
in endnote format and never a .bst file. Perhaps it would be possible to
convert endnote->bst config?

Now, apart from this, I support your idea to make a simplified version of
makebst (which is a very useful tool, but I often have to redo the process
several times to get everything in order - and I am constantly confused in
this process as well).

First thing is to realize that a bibtex entry consists of a number of blocks
and that the blocks used in an bibtex entry depends on the entry type.
Second, the order of blocks should be configurable (title block before date
block or visa verse). Thirdly, each block should be configurable in all the
details (et al in italics or not, etc.).

Keeping these three things in mind, I think it is important to sort out the
question about which blocks should be used for a given entry type, then what
order the blocks should be in for this entry type, and finally the layout
for the blocks. Keeping these three levels separate should also simplify the

some pseudo syntax:

Re: citation prefix

2006-06-27 Thread K. Elo

2006-06-27 10:30 +0200, Miki Dovrat:
> Thanks for the answers.
> I know a footnote would be the way to do it, but some journals don't 
> distinguish between footnotes and bibliography items, and all of them 
> (footnotes and references) appear at the end with the same numbering. This 
> is what I would have liked.

You mean as endnotes, right? That is, there would be no separate
literature list, because the bibliography itens are included in the

If that's what You are looking for, please take a look at jurabib
( and use the package endnotes. In order to get endnotes
work in LyX, You'll need a "dirty" hack, see

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,


2006-06-27 Thread Eric Germaneau


I'm using a Slackware 10.2 and I egt this error when I try to creat a
pdf file:

Font T1/cmr/m/sc/10=eccc1000 at 10.0pt not

Does someone has an idea about this?
Thanks in advance,



Eric Germaneau


  " Reason" in things existed
before things themselves existed 
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.



Ecole polytechnique
fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
BSP 518 
CH-1015 Lausanne 

Tel.: +41 (0)21 / 693 06 36
Fax.: +41 (0)21 / 693 05 04

P Please
consider the environment before printing this email - Considérez
svp l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel

Re: Serious performance problem with LyX 1.4.1 on OS X

2006-06-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Steve" == Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> If you ever upgrade to 1.4, you will find that the display is
>> significantly slower with qt (for a reason we do not really
>> understand). The old xforms version is still ugly, but snappy.

Steve> Do I need to recompile to switch to Xforms?

Yes, unless you can find it precompiled for your platform.

In 1.3, when you configure without any special option, you do get the
xforms version. To get the qt version, you need to use the switch
--with-frontend=qt. I do not think you will find that the xforms
frontend is better in 1.3.

In 1.4, it is required to specify which frontend you want (xforms, qt,
or the unofficial gtk). You can even specify several frontends, like
--with-frontend='qt xforms'. Xforms will feel snappier, in particular
when scrolling or selecting text. But of course it is ugly (in
particular the fonts are not antialiased on screen).


Re: Numbered exercises within a section with ams-book

2006-06-27 Thread Ingo Klöcker
Am Dienstag, 27. Juni 2006 07:04 schrieb Andrew Harrington:
> Thanks, Paul.  The additions work to number exercises within
> sections. I still find one strange thing:  I cannot have one exercise
> directly following another.  Lyx want to make them be one combined
> exercise.  I found the obvious workabound of putting a standard
> paragraph in between with non-breaking space, but that throws off the
> spacing.  I also found that if I nest each successive problem one
> more level, I get consecutively numbered exercises and everything
> looks fine!  I guess that works as long as I do not want numbered
> lists within the problems Isn't there something more direct?

The workaround I'm using for this is a standard paragraph with a single 
'%' in ERT. The '%' marks comments in LaTeX and therefore the paragraph 
will be ignored when LaTeX layouts the page.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Lost Keybindings in 1.4.1

2006-06-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Rich" == Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Rich>   This is frustrating: in 1.4.1 (linux), some of my shortcut
Rich> keys no longer work. Same bind file as before. Some that do work
Rich> include: C-d View dvi output C-i Italics (emphasize) C-b Bold
Rich> C-h Compile with pdflatex

Rich>   Some that no longer work include: C-f Find F7 Spellcheck C-s
Rich> Save

Rich>   Can someone help me understand why, and what I need to do to
Rich> get back the full functionality of my keyboard?

What does your preference file look like?

Did you make your own bindings file? Some of the LyX functions changed


Re: Numbered exercises within a section with ams-book

2006-06-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Andrew" == Andrew Harrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andrew> Thanks, Paul. The additions work to number exercises within
Andrew> sections. I still find one strange thing: I cannot have one
Andrew> exercise directly following another. Lyx want to make them be
Andrew> one combined exercise. I found the obvious workabound of
Andrew> putting a standard paragraph in between with non-breaking
Andrew> space, but that throws off the spacing. I also found that if I
Andrew> nest each successive problem one more level, I get
Andrew> consecutively numbered exercises and everything looks fine! I
Andrew> guess that works as long as I do not want numbered lists
Andrew> within the problems Isn't there something more direct?

Try to put a note inset instead of a protected blank. This should
avoid the problem with spacing.

And yes, your problem is a long standing known bug.


Re: font

2006-06-27 Thread Eric Germaneau

In fact with CJK-LyX-qt-1.4.1, that work find 


Eric Germaneau wrote:

I'm using a Slackware 10.2 and I egt this error when I try to creat a
pdf file:
  Font T1/cmr/m/sc/10=eccc1000 at 10.0pt not
Does someone has an idea about this?
Thanks in advance,
  Eric Germaneau
  " Reason" in things existed
before things themselves existed 
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.
  Ecole polytechnique
fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
   FSB - IPMC 
BSP 518 
CH-1015 Lausanne 
  Tel.: +41 (0)21 / 693 06 36
  Fax.: +41 (0)21 / 693 05 04
  P Please
consider the environment before printing this email - Considérez
svp l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel


Eric Germaneau


  " Reason" in things existed
before things themselves existed 
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.



Ecole polytechnique
fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
BSP 518 
CH-1015 Lausanne 

Tel.: +41 (0)21 / 693 06 36
Fax.: +41 (0)21 / 693 05 04

P Please
consider the environment before printing this email - Considérez
svp l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:

 > >If you prefer jpg, it would be better to hack the tex4ht configuration file,
 > I had a look at the tex4ht configuration file and it doesn't look easy

 > to hack in order to use jpg format! Since there's an advantage in

A command line option `jpg' should provide the mentioned output
format. For instance,

  htlatex file "html,jpg"


Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search & Replace.

But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.

1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo
2. "htlatex demoarticle.tex" to produce the .png files and html.
3. "htlatex demoarticle.tex "html,jpg" changes the names in source code
4. "mogrify  -format jpg  *.png" change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png

ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.


Description: PostScript document
%%% Any text after a % mark on a line is a comment
% specify that you are writing an article and you want to use 12pt font

% These page sizes are good for the printers in the department
\textheight 9.75in
\textwidth 6.25in
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
% Indentation for new paragraphs

% Packages epsfig for importing graphics and amsmath for maths fonts
\usepackage {epsfig, amsmath}

% Put your name, the title of the work and the date in the header
\markright{Hilary Spencer, The first report on my work, \today}

%must appear after the preamble and before the text of the report

\title{The First Report on my Work}
% Acknowledge your supervisors
\author{Hilary Spencer \thanks{University of Reading, Department of
Meteorology, supervised by Prof J Slingo and Dr MK Davey at the
Hadley Centre}}
% Fix the date to when this report was due if you want (note this is
% different to the date in the header)
\date{Thursday 7 December 2000}

% Articles have sections, subsections, subsubsections etc
% Label all sections etc so you can refer to them and LaTeX will
% automatically get the numbering right

The cubic equation:
% (I've put a comment line here so that the equation is not a new paragraph)
\alpha x^3 + \beta x^2 + \gamma x + \delta = 0
has an analytical solution which will be presented. It will be
calculated for a number of cases and plotted on a graph.


In section \ref{secn:intro} the cubic equation, equation
\ref{eqn:cubic}, was presented. Solutions will be found using the
analytical solution:
p = \frac{\gamma}{\alpha} - \frac{\beta^2}{3 \alpha^2},  \quad
% \quad creates a space in maths mode
q = \frac{2 \beta^3}{27 \alpha^3} - \frac{\beta \gamma}{3
\alpha^2} + \frac{\delta}{\alpha} \\ \\
D = (\frac{p}{3})^3 + (\frac{q}{2})^2 \\ \\
u = \sqrt[3]{-\frac{q}{2} + \sqrt{D}}
, \quad
v = \sqrt[3]{-\frac{q}{2} - \sqrt{D}} \\ \\
\text{number of roots} = \begin{cases}
1 & \text{if } D > 0 \\
2 & \text{if } D = 0 \\
3 & \text{if } D < 0 \\
\end{cases} \\ \\
x_1 = u + v, \quad x_{2,3} = -\frac{u+v}{2} \pm \frac{u-v}{2} i \sqrt{3}

% if you want to include maths in the main part of the text, enclose
% in $ signs
The roots will be found for the values of $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$
and $\delta$ given in table \ref{tbl:abcdVals}. 

% a table is a floating object that contains table
\begin{table} \centering
% a tabular specifies how many columns the table should have and how
% they should be aligned. This tabular has 1 left justified and 4
% centred columns with a vertical line outside and between each
\hline% a horizontal line
Case & $\alpha$ & $\beta$ & $\gamma$ & $\delta$ \\
\hline \hline 
1& 1& 2   & 3& 4\\
2& 2   & 3& 4& 5\\
\caption{Values of the coefficients of the cubic equation for which
roots are sought}


I couldn't be bothered to find roots of the equation or draw a graph,
so a completely different plot is shown in figure \ref{fig:curve}. 

\begin{figure} \centering
\epsfig{file = drawing.eps, width=3in, angle=11}
\caption{A pretty dodgy graph}

% must appear once at the end of every document

Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Rich Shepard wrote:

> What did I miss, please?

No idea, to be frank. I never used it personally. But according to the LaTeX
FAQ, \usepackage{cite} does something similar.
Maybe you have more luck with that?


Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

No idea, to be frank. I never used it personally. But according to the
LaTeX FAQ, \usepackage{cite} does something similar. Maybe you have more
luck with that?


  I'll give that a test run and see if it works better. But, for the present,
I've changed the labels to numbers rather than names and dates because the
latter produces rather ugly output in the bibliography section.

  When I use BibTeX and select the name-date format for the in-text
citations, the bibliography listing at the end of the document has the
references in alphabetical order. Using the bibliography environment, the
label is placed along the left margin, then the full reference is typeset in
what appears to be a right-side column. But, if the in-text citation is long,
for example, "Wallace and Grommit 1990," then that's what's printed along the
left and all references are pushed far to the right side. Ugly and not
expected -- by me at least.

  However, when I change the in-text citations to numbers, then the number is
printed along the left margin and the body of the reference inset by what
appears to be a tab stop. Much nicer.

Many thanks,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Starred Sectioning In Headers

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Rich Shepard wrote:

Writing an article class document and using the starred sections cleans
them out of the fancy header. I'm sure that one of you pointed me to the
proper addition to the preamble (or body of the document) so that the
section/subsection names are displayed, but I cannot find that information
here. I've also gone through 5 or 6 pages of the archives but cannot find
it there, either.

  When the temperature dropped a bit last night I realized that I can set up
fancyhdr to print the sections and subsctions as I want them. That will do
the job.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Rich Shepard wrote:

> Jürgen,
> I'll give that a test run and see if it works better. But, for the
> present, I've changed the labels to numbers rather than names and dates
> because the latter produces rather ugly output in the bibliography
> section.


if you can live with that, just use it instead of wasting your time
(although I'm sure it can be tweaked to your needs).

Personally, I never use the Bibliography environment, not even for small
papers. BibTeX is just much more convenient, and I got used to enter every
reference to the database anyway.


Re: What's on YOUR BibTeX Wish List?

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Richard Heck wrote:

> There's more work to do. In particular, I'm working on an alternative to
> makebst that is intended to be more flexible but not much harder to use,
> especially for those of us who need more customization than the question
> and answer format offers.

Note that there have been attempts to add a kind of makebst support to
jurabib (which never has been finished IMHO). I think that a combination of
jurabib and makebst would be very much the thing most humanists need. So if
you intend to do something like that anyway, why not joining the jurabib
team and continuing that work?


Re: Suggesting Hyphenation Within Bibliography Environment

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

Personally, I never use the Bibliography environment, not even for small
papers. BibTeX is just much more convenient, and I got used to enter every
reference to the database anyway.


  I've not used it before, but I'm updating an article I wrote six years ago,
so I thought this would be a good opportunity to try the new environment.

  Now that I have RefDB fully functional, I have about 5,000 references to
add to it. That will take a lo-o-ong time.

Many thanks,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: What's on YOUR BibTeX Wish List?

2006-06-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

> Note that there have been attempts to add a kind of makebst support to
> jurabib (which never has been finished IMHO). I think that a combination
> of jurabib and makebst would be very much the thing most humanists need.
> So if you intend to do something like that anyway, why not joining the
> jurabib team and continuing that work?

Yes. I've looked a little bit also the makebst program. It is very crude. 

I would have tried to create something similar in Python if I had some free
time. But with a book to finish and two small kids, I do not have enough
free time.  


Re: Serious performance problem with LyX 1.4.1 on OS X

2006-06-27 Thread Yaron Y. Goland
First, THANK YOU! I love LyX! And the integration that 1.4.x provided  
into OS X is great. It is still too slow for me to use but the  
direction is great and in the meantime I can use 1.3.7 which performs  
just fine on my mac.

Second, any idea when 1.4.2 might be released?



P.S. If I can make a feature request for 1.4.2 what about native  
support for hypertarget and hyperlink? Having to enter and manage  
these manually as ERT is a nightmare!

On Jun 26, 2006, at 8:42 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

On Jun 26, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi Yaron,

I've never used LyX 1.4.x, but from what I understand they've made  
LyX support
multiple graphics libraries, whereas in the old days it was just  
Xforms. See
if there's any way to configure your LyX so it uses Xforms rather  
than KDE

bloated stuff like that.

This is not possible on Mac (natively).

1.4.2 -- currently still undergoing testing -- will be much better  
for speed on Mac. (It's acceptable for me on a 466 MHz iBook, which  
was impossible to use with 1.4.1.)


Running Header Text With Starred Sections

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

  I'm stumped. I read the fancyhdr section in TLC2, tried all relevant
examples, and still cannot get the running header to display the appropriate
section and subsction _titles_ when using starred sectioning. If I use
\thesection and \thesubsection, I get 0 and 0.0 in the correct positions, but
I cannot extract the names. I've tried the extramarks package, and redefining
\sectionmark and \subsectionmark, but without success.

  Is it possible to get a running head with the section and subsection names
when using unnumbered sectioning?



Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Running Header Text With Starred Sections

2006-06-27 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Rich Shepard wrote:

>Is it possible to get a running head with the section and subsection
> when using unnumbered sectioning?

Do you use unnumbered sections only (i.e. no numbered sections at all)? If
so, use section (not section*) and put the slider in
Layout->Document->Numbering to the very left.


> Thanks,
> Rich

Re: Lost Keybindings in 1.4.1

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Did you make your own bindings file? Some of the LyX functions changed


  That was it: names changed from prior versions. In a few cases, the words
were reversed in the latest cua.bind, in others 'dialog-show' was prepended
to the word. Sigh.

  It's all better now. Many thanks.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Running Header Text With Starred Sections

2006-06-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

Do you use unnumbered sections only (i.e. no numbered sections at all)? If
so, use section (not section*) and put the slider in
Layout->Document->Numbering to the very left.


  Ah, that's also new; it used to be a set of numbers, but I didn't think of
looking there in any case.

  Works like a charm.

Many thanks,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Lost Keybindings in 1.4.1

2006-06-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"Rich" == Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Rich>   This is frustrating: in 1.4.1 (linux), some of my shortcut
Rich> keys no longer work. Same bind file as before. Some that do work
Rich> include: C-d View dvi output C-i Italics (emphasize) C-b Bold
Rich> C-h Compile with pdflatex

Rich>   Some that no longer work include: C-f Find F7 Spellcheck C-s
Rich> Save

Rich>   Can someone help me understand why, and what I need to do to
Rich> get back the full functionality of my keyboard?

What does your preference file look like?

Did you make your own bindings file? Some of the LyX functions changed


Is there (or will there soon be) an updated list of function names on 
the Wiki?


Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Eitan Gurari


The command

 htlatex demoarticle "html,jpg"

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...
   System return: 0 


 > Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
 > changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search & Replace.
 > But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
 > 1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo
 > 2. "htlatex demoarticle.tex" to produce the .png files and html.
 > 3. "htlatex demoarticle.tex "html,jpg" changes the names in source code
 > 4. "mogrify  -format jpg  *.png" change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
 > ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:


The command

 htlatex demoarticle "html,jpg"

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...

   System return: 0 


 > Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
 > changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search & Replace.
 > But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
 > 1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo

 > 2. "htlatex demoarticle.tex" to produce the .png files and html.
 > 3. "htlatex demoarticle.tex "html,jpg" changes the names in source code
 > 4. "mogrify  -format jpg  *.png" change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
 > ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

Here is the output after conversion, as you see no .jpg files, only some 
pngs, and not demoarticle0x.png, demoarticle1x.png, demoarticle2x.png

The html source code in demoarticle.html refers to .jpgs though.

I will attach tex4ht.env and the piped demo.txt in this post.
In the next post, the demoarticle.log file.

I think the problem may be due to my older version of ImageMagick.
I will test both of the new 6.2.8 releases for quality of .png
image and to see if the .jpg generation has been fixed. It works
for Ares who has 6.2.8 which is why I suspect this.

C:\ImageMagick 7,176,324 ImageMagick-6.2.3-2-Q16-windows-dll.exe

C:\ares\lyxdemo\lasttest> htlatex demoarticle.tex "html,jpg" > demo.txt

06/27/2006  02:11 PM14,286 demo.txt
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   670 demoarticle.4ct
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   662 demoarticle.4tc
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   556 demoarticle.aux
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 5,253 demoarticle.css
06/27/2006  02:11 PM20,048 demoarticle.dvi
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 7,988 demoarticle.html
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 3,004 demoarticle.idv
06/27/2006  02:11 PM 6,875 demoarticle.lg
06/27/2006  02:11 PM15,350 demoarticle.log
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 3,720 demoarticle.tex
06/27/2006  02:11 PM16 demoarticle.tmp
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   472 demoarticle.xref
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 7,434 drawing.eps
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   264 hzfx0a0b.png
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   302 hzfx0a0c.png
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   264 hzfx0a0d.png
06/27/2006  02:11 PM   265 hzfx0a0e.png

This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ge
rman, ngerman, french, loaded.
(demoarticle.tex (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\article.cls
Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\size12.clo)) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\tex4ht.sty)
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\graphics.sty (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\trig.sty
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\00miktex\graphics.cfg)
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amstext.sty (C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amsgen.sty)
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amsbsy.sty)
 TeX4ht info is available in the log file 
) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\tex4ht.sty
--- needs --- tex4ht demoarticle ---
l.1388 --- TeX4ht warning --- No file demoarticle.xref ---
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\latex.4ht (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4.4ht)
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\article.4ht (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4.4ht
) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4-math.4ht))
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\epsfig.4ht (C:\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\html4.4ht)

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:


The command

 htlatex demoarticle "html,jpg"

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...

   System return: 0 


 > Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
 > changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search & Replace.
 > But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
 > 1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo

 > 2. "htlatex demoarticle.tex" to produce the .png files and html.
 > 3. "htlatex demoarticle.tex "html,jpg" changes the names in source code
 > 4. "mogrify  -format jpg  *.png" change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
 > ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

I tried again with the newer 6.2.8 ImageMagick.exe about 6.7mb.
It fails like in the first effort. Also attached is the
demoarticle.log from the previous Imagemagick install,
Next I will try the Imagemagick static.exe which is about 20mb.

6,815,492 ImageMagick-6.2.8-0-Q16-windows-dll.exe

t4ht.c (2004-04-21-00:17 Windows MiKTeX)
t4ht demoarticle.tex
Entering demoarticle.lg
System call: if exist DEL >nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0e.png DEL hzfx0a0e.png >nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 6 >

System return: 0
System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0e.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit

System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL >nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL >nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0d.png DEL hzfx0a0d.png >nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 7 >

System return: 0
System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0d.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit

System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL >nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL >nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0c.png DEL hzfx0a0c.png >nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 8 >

System return: 0
System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0c.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL >nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL >nul
System return: 0
System call: if exist hzfx0a0b.png DEL hzfx0a0b.png >nul
System return: 0
System call: dvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f demoarticle.idv -pp 9 >

System return: 0

System call: mgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=hzfx0a0b.png 
-r110x110 -dEPS
Crop -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 
-q -dba

tch -dNOPAUSE -c quit
System return: 0
System call: if exist DEL >nul
System return: 0
Entering demoarticle.css
Entering demoarticle.tmp


06/27/2006  02:57 PM   670 demoarticle.4ct
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   662 demoarticle.4tc
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   556 demoarticle.aux
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 5,253 demoarticle.css
06/27/2006  02:57 PM20,048 demoarticle.dvi
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 7,988 demoarticle.html
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 3,004 demoarticle.idv
06/27/2006  02:57 PM 6,875 demoarticle.lg
06/27/2006  02:57 PM15,350 demoarticle.log
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 3,720 demoarticle.tex
06/27/2006  02:57 PM16 demoarticle.tmp
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   472 demoarticle.xref
01/31/2003  11:35 AM 7,434 drawing.eps
02/01/2003  10:06 PM41,878 essential.tex
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   264 hzfx0a0b.png
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   302 hzfx0a0c.png
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   264 hzfx0a0d.png
06/27/2006  02:57 PM   265 hzfx0a0e.png
06/27/2006  04:34 AM 2,676 imagemagick.txt
This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=latex 
2006.3.13)  27 JUN 2006 14:11

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Eitan Gurari wrote:


The command

 htlatex demoarticle "html,jpg"

asks for bitmaps in jpg format.  Looks like an improper G
configuration in tex4ht.env forces png code.  Can you show me the
tex4ht.env file in use and a segment of messages of the following form
issued onto the stdio stream.

   System call: dvips 
   System return: 0 
   System call: /usr/local/magick-6.2.4-6/bin/convert -trim +repage ...

   System return: 0 


 > Yes, I found that in the log file after you pointed it out, thanks. It 
 > changes the html source code properly, so no need of Search & Replace.
 > But first it seems it is needed to generate the .png files with htlatex.
 > 1. copy demoarticle.tex (or something.tex) and drawing.eps to C:\demo

 > 2. "htlatex demoarticle.tex" to produce the .png files and html.
 > 3. "htlatex demoarticle.tex "html,jpg" changes the names in source code
 > 4. "mogrify  -format jpg  *.png" change all the .png to .jpg keeps .png
 > ImageMagicks mogrify batches a wizard's spell within the htlatex potion.

ImageMagick-6.2.8-0-Q16-windows-static.exe about 20mb
also failed the same way. I had to run htlatex demoarticle.tex,
then mogrify to change the .pngs to .jpg in order for it to work.


Help with Bibliography for book class

2006-06-27 Thread LB


I'm using document class "book(mwbk)" with Lyx 1.4.1 on Win XP.  The latex 
forces the bibliography to start on a new page, as it supposed to do. 
However, I would like to have the bibliography to start immediately after 
the text.  I have tried different, but not all, bibliography styles with no 
success.  My citation style is default (I'm not sure whether that changes 

Can anybody help me with this?

Thank you

Re: Converting in rtf or openoffice for windows

2006-06-27 Thread Steve Harris

Stephen Harris wrote:
> htaltex which comes with the tex4ht package converts to html. from
> the command line: "htlatex something.tex" makes something.html,
> Conversion quality varies and outputs need to be proofread.

No, use the oolatex macro in tex4ht. It will convert your file to the
openoffice format. Much better. You will keep footnotes and have text 
with a stylesheet that you can adjust inside your wordprocessor.

Going through html is a mistake except for very simple documents.



SH: I don't agree with you. Look at this html file created by htlatex.

Perhaps it is a subjective matter, but I don't most people would
consider this file a "very simple document". Word is able to import
the file just about perfectly and save it as .doc. I didn't test
this with OpenOffice-> as I'm accepting the claims made on its behalf.

The OP didn't seem to know much about portability as he mentioned .rtf.
So I addressed portability needs he might not have thought about. One
can make a good .doc using htlatex first to generate an html file. But
you can't make a good html conversion from a file that has equations
using expensive software, Word 2003 or Adobe Writer Pro, and I very
much doubt the ability of OpenOffice to do this. Actually the best
word to describe such a conversion to html is horrific.

So I consider htlatex as a commendable alternative depending on the
unstated future uses for his conversion needs. I didn't say to use
htlatex because it is better than your suggestion, you read that
into my post. I contributed useful information, IMO. Besides, Yaron
Goland finds htlatex useful for his blog, and such conversions can
later find a home on a company/edu web site. Just to be clear,
your choice may be better for the OP, I'm disagreeing with your
dismissing htlatex so readily. :


8 Making Pretty HTML

"The easiest way to generate HTML output is to go to File->Export->HTML.
This produces great quality HTML but unfortunately the output does not
properly support BibTex. So if BibTex is used there will be no
bibliography and the citations will all show up as [?].

To get around this I go to File->Export->LATEX to generate a .tex file.
Let's assume that file is called "myfile.tex". I next open a terminal
window, navigate to the directory containing myfile.tex and type in the
following commands:

latex myfile

bibtex myfile

latex myfile

latex myfile

htlatex myfile 'XHTML'

Notice that the extension ".tex" is not used. Then end result will be
a file called myfile.html that will contain a full HTML representation,
with a bibliography and will generate gifs for any math formulas."

SH: I don't use LyX's export as HTML, but rather export as .tex
and then run htlatex on that. The current default is .png which
can be changed. My purpose is to show that htlatex is not as limited
as you represented it, to "very simple documents". Also htlatex may
not be the most convenient, but is a useful option to keep in hand.
If you want to rebut that, criticize the value of my example file,
Using_XYpic_in_LyX.htm, which I think is surpasses simplistic. Or
if OpenOffice also can produce html output of the same quality as
htlatex, then that would excuse the option of keeping htlatex alive.
Obviously, I didn't offer htlatex in the context of continuing to
develop a document, the purpose of LyX, unless OOo replaces LyX.

I meant no dichotomy,

Re: lyx-users Digest 26 Jun 2006 15:12:57 -0000 Issue 1937

2006-06-27 Thread Eitan Gurari

 > I think the problem may be due to my older version of ImageMagick.

ImageMagick works fine.  The problem is in how tex4ht is configured.

 > tex4ht.c (2004-10-23-18:53 Windows MiKTeX)
 > tex4ht demoarticle.tex 

 > ] [2] [3] [4
 > Renaming `cmmi12.png' to `hzfx.png'

The above comment is wrong regarding the output format and can be
ignored.  I fixed the source tex4ht.c to provide correct notices.  The
comment has no bearing on the output format.

 > %%
 > % tex4ht.env (MiKTeX 2.4.1771)   %
 > % Copyright (C) 1997--2004Eitan M. Gurari%

 > G.png
 > Gif exist DEL >nul
 > Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 >nul
 > Gdvips.exe -E -q -Ppdf -f %%1 -pp %%2 >
 > Gmgs.exe -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=%%3 -r110x110 -dEPSCrop 
 > -dBackgroundColor=16#ff -dTextAlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 -q 
 > -dbatch -dNOPAUSE -c quit
 > Gif exist DEL >nul 
 >  G.
 >  Gif exist DEL >nul
 >  Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 >nul
 >  Gdvips.exe -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2 >
 >  Gconvert.exe -trim +repage -density 110x110 -transparent "#FF" 
 > %%3
 >  Gif exist DEL >nul

Can you try in tex4ht.env the following code segment instead of the above one.

Gif exist DEL >nul
Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 >nul
Gdvips -E -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2 >
Gconvert -trim +repage -density 110x110 -transparent "#FF" %%3
Gif exist DEL >nul 

 >  g.png

Also, in tex4ht.env, replace the above record with


Note: the G and g records shouldn't contain leading spaces.

It might also be worth noticing that tex4ht got quite a few
improvements since 2004:
=> [1 Mar 05] [12 Nov 04]
