Re: long standing annoyance with tables

2006-06-08 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
Given those two choices, I prefer the current settings.  I nearly  
always make some small adjustment, but the adjustments are much fewer  
this way than the other.

On Jun 8, 2006, at 12:10 PM, Leuven, E. wrote:

Dear LyX-users,

On the developers list we are presently discussing default behavior  
with respect to how lines are set when inserting a new tabular.

There is some reluctance to change default behavior even if the  
rationale behind the default is not that clear.

To move the discussion forward I would like to know what default  
lyx-users would prefer when they insert a tabular:

1. The current line settings
2. A blank tabular (ie no lines set)

Thanks for letting me know.


Re: Easing the editing/correction of LyX documents

2006-06-19 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

This ties in closely with the ongoing discussion of the goals of LyX.

The LyX editor itself is to put in the content/hierarchical  
organization of a document.  When I need to preview the actual  
document, I use that option in LyX (cmd-T on a macintosh, View- 
>update->pdf on the menu) which lets me see the current .pdf file  

I've come to LyX from the opposite end of many of the people writing:  
I started with LaTeX, ideal for writing mathematical papers/ 
bibliographies, and now find LyX a wonderful way to simiplify  
document formatting and preparation.  I only use WYSIWYG editors for  
quick-hack items that things like MS Word can do more easily than  
LyX.  (That's an increasingly rare event for me.)

LaTeX's document formatting reminds me of what Henry Ford said long  
ago about the Model T car: "You can have it in any color you like, as  
long as it's black."  LaTeX and, by consequence, LyX, do what the do  
very well, but their purpose and use is quite different from  WYSIWYG  
document preparation.


A S Hodel

On Jun 19, 2006, at 3:00 PM, Peter Bowyer wrote:


I am one of  the people who cannot finds editing documents hard on  
screen - I end up printing a copy and then working through it with  
a pen, making changes and restructuring, and then typing the  
changes up.

I didn't find this a problem when using Word because what was on- 
screen looked like the paper copy, so I didn't have to think hard  
about which parts matched up.  However with LyX this has become  
much more difficult, because the printed copy and the editable copy  
don't look similar.

Now I know that people have been writing documents this way for  
much longer than word processors have been around, (think of raw  
TeX) which suggests it's a problem with my approach.  Do you have  
any tips or suggestions for making the editing process smoother?


Re: Centrage horizontal des figure dans lyx 1.4.2

2006-08-02 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
If I understand the question correctly, you need to change the  
paragraph setting within the figure to be "centered" instead of  

On Aug 2, 2006, at 10:27 AM, THIBAULT Florent wrote:

Bonjour à tous ,

Je suis en train de rédiger mon mémoire de thèse sous Lyx, tout se  
passe très bien à l'exception d'un détail : je n'arrive pas à  
centrer horizontalement les figures que j'insère dans les espaces «  
figure flottante »

A part l'utilisation, lourde et génératrice d'erreurs, de deux  
ressorts horizontaux, je n'ai pas trouvé de solution comme dans le  
cas des tableaux où il suffit de cocher l'option « tableau long ».

Quelqu'un pourrait il m'aider ?

Merci d'avance,


Re: changing Xfig figures in LyX

2007-02-01 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
I use the fig2ps script (available on sourceforge) to convert xfig to  
eps, and then use the eps file in LyX.  My makefile has entry:

%.eps : %.fig
@echo "Making $@ from $<"
@fig2ps --forcespecial --add=epsfig --input=../../2120/notes/ 
2120head.tex --bbox=dvips --eps $<

rm *.tmp.*

which I use to convert from .fig to .eps files. This usually gives  
pleasing results.

A. Scottedward Hodel, 334 844-1854, fax 334 844-1809

On Jan 31, 2007, at 12:41 PM, Philipp Fleig wrote:

Hello everybody,

I am not sure whether this forum is the right adress for my  
question, but I will give it a try anyway.
I have created a number of images using Xfig, which all have labels/ 
text in them.
Unfortunately the text does not come out very well and I would also  
like to include some math symbols, which Xfig cannot do anyway.
Therefore I would now like to edit the latex files of the images,  
which I exported in Xfig.
The only problem is that when I try to convert the edited latex  
file in LyX back to a pdf or postscript, I get lots of errors  
saying things like 'undefined sequence' ...
I guess the problme is that I am missing some package, but I do not  
really know which one.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Should say that I am a beginner.
Thank you.

Best Wishes,

LyX beta 2.0 on Mac

2007-05-18 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
I had a few spare moments and decided to try the new 1.5 beta on an  
Intel Mac.  I like the new layout; I quickly found a possible bug.

I attempted to load an old LyX file that had many (in excess of 40)  
child documents. The beta opened all of them, and as a result I have  
a "document bar" composed of more than 40 document buttons, the total  
of which are now wider than both screens on my mac put together.

I suppose that the preferable behavior would be to wrap the document  
"buttons" onto separate lines.

I want to echo the praise for LyX given earlier.  I I've used LyX in  
lecture and they are impressed with the quick entry of equations,  
promptly followed by a legible on-screen preview of the equations.   
It's a wonderful tool.

A. Scottedward Hodel, 334 844-1854, fax 334 844-1809

On May 18, 2007, at 9:27 AM, José Matos wrote:

Public release of LyX version 1.5.0 (beta 3)

We are glad to announce the release of LyX 1.5.0 (beta 3).

Compared with the previous beta release we have fixed several bugs
and added some improvements, namely a new inset to support code  

We have enabled the converter file cache by default.

Internally we have renamed files to follow a consistent name pattern,
this will allow an easier navigation of the source code thus  

bug fixing.

Compared with the latest stable release, this is the culmination of
one year of hard work, and we sincerely hope you will enjoy the
results. The changes are too numerous to summarize in a few words,
with initial unicode support being the flagship among the new
features, see the end of this announcement for details.

As usual with a major release, a lot of work that is not directly
visible has taken place. The core of LyX has seen more cleanups and
some of the new features are the direct results of this work.

The file RELEASE-NOTES lists some known issues with this release
compared to the latest stable release (LyX 1.4.4). An updated list of
issues might later be found at

In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what has to say on the subject:

   LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
   based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
   is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.

   LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
   right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
   details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around  
with page
   boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's  

   TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.

   On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output  
-- or

   richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks like
   nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs, all
   looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
   different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes  

   your dissertation the evening before going to press.

   LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
   internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux and  

   Macintosh and modern Windows platforms.

You can download LyX 1.5.0beta3 here (the .bz2 are compressed with
bzip2, which yields smaller files):

Note that due to the amount of changes no patch is provided to upgrade
from version 1.4.4.

Prebuilt binaries (rpms for linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows
installers) should soon be available at

If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.5.0beta3, you may either
e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel @, or open

a bug report at

If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a  
first check out If you can't find the  
answer there,

e-mail the LyX users' list (lyx-users @


The LyX team.

What's new in version 1.5.0 (beta 3)?

* Unicode

LyX 1.5's big goal was to use unicode internally and so resolve a slew
of existing problems with special characters and non-alphabetic
languages. LyX 1.5 is able to output unicode (in addition to
encodings current available), so that you can use LaTeX's new utf8
encoding or such brand new typesetting systems as XeTeX.
Since the change to unicode touched much of the code base and some
areas still need a cleanup it is very likely that some bugs related to
the unicode transition still exist. Please have a look at the Known
bugs in LyX 1.

Re: Drawing graphs in lyx

2008-04-19 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
I'm entering this conversation late, but another way to generate  
graphs is with octave, a numerical package very similar to MATLAB.   
I've used octave to generate eps files directly, or to generate files  
in xfig format which can also be translated to fig so that they can  
be incorporated into LaTeX (i.;e., LyX) with similar fonts.

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Apr 13, 2008, at 1:51 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Ola Vestad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
 Is there a simpler way to do this? More specifically; is it  
possible to draw

 graphs directly in lyx?

Dia [1] may suit your needs:
"Dia is roughly inspired by the commercial Windows program 'Visio',
though more geared towards informal diagrams for casual use. "



Preamble order and LyX layouts

2008-04-19 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

I am trying to write a textbook layout file (current version is attached) that will let me set a "switch" in the preamble of my LyX file so that I can easily generate both a teacher's version (with solutions) and a student version (without homework solutions).What I've attempted to do is to put the command\def\notestype{teacher}in the Document -> Settings -> LaTeX preamblewindow of LyX.  However, this seems to be loaded after the layout preamble is set.   Is there a way for me to have at least a part of the layout preamble processed after the Documents -> Settings preamble?  If I can do this, then I will be able to work within LyX rather than LaTeX, which I would like to do.Yours, A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Description: Binary data

Re: Preamble order and LyX layouts

2008-04-19 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

On Apr 19, 2008, at 8:33 PM, rgheck wrote:

A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:
I am trying to write a textbook layout file (current version is  
attached) that will let me set a "switch" in the preamble of my  
LyX file so that I can easily generate both a teacher's version  
(with solutions) and a student version (without homework solutions).

What I've attempted to do is to put the command


in the Document -> Settings -> LaTeX preamble

window of LyX.  However, this seems to be loaded after the layout  
preamble is set.   Is there a way for me to have at least a part  
of the layout preamble processed /after/ the Documents -> Settings  
preamble?  If I can do this, then I will be able to work within  
LyX rather than LaTeX, which I would like to do.

At present, no, you can't do that, but I'm not sure why you really  
need to do so. Can't you just do something like this:

in the environments (or commands) themselves? Then it doesn't  
matter what gets loaded first. (If this isn't clear, post your  
layout, and we can work on it together. All of us!!)

The other possibility is to use branches, which are designed for  
precisely this sort of use.


Thanks.  I've tried a number of \ifthenelse environment definitions  
in the LaTeX version, including the use of xcomment, but so far  
nothing that works "cleanly."  My current workaround (temporary) is  
to just edit the layout and then reconfigure LyX when I want to  
change version.  Since I won't be changing edition that often, that's  
fine for me, but not really appropriate for general use.  I think I  
may be able to isolate the "offending" commands to fall in the LyX  
preamble by themselves, but I'll work on that later.

The layout file is in my original note as an attachment, but for  
convenience I'm including it at the end of this email as well.  (Unix  
style end of lines.)  I'm adding an example LyX file that shows the  
use of Example and Question (homework) environments with solutions.   
(For whatever reason, I want to use the same environment for each.)

I've not used branches in LyX yet; I'll look into that.  Thanks!

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

LyX file: verison 1.5.4, on a mac
myTextBook.layout: Unix style end of line marker.

Re: Preamble order and LyX layouts

2008-04-20 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

On Apr 19, 2008, at 10:17 PM, rgheck wrote:

A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:

On Apr 19, 2008, at 8:33 PM, rgheck wrote:

A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:
I am trying to write a textbook layout file (current version is  
attached) that will let me set a "switch" in the preamble of my  
LyX file so that I can easily generate both a teacher's version  
(with solutions) and a student version (without homework  

What I've attempted to do is to put the command


in the Document -> Settings -> LaTeX preamble

window of LyX.  However, this seems to be loaded after the  
layout preamble is set.   Is there a way for me to have at least  
a part of the layout preamble processed /after/ the Documents ->  
Settings preamble?  If I can do this, then I will be able to  
work within LyX rather than LaTeX, which I would like to do.

At present, no, you can't do that, but I'm not sure why you  
really need to do so. Can't you just do something like this:

in the environments (or commands) themselves? Then it doesn't  
matter what gets loaded first. (If this isn't clear, post your  
layout, and we can work on it together. All of us!!)

The other possibility is to use branches, which are designed for  
precisely this sort of use.


Thanks.  I've tried a number of \ifthenelse environment  
definitions in the LaTeX version, including the use of xcomment,  
but so far nothing that works "cleanly."  My current workaround  
(temporary) is to just edit the layout and then reconfigure LyX  
when I want to change version.  Since I won't be changing edition  
that often, that's fine for me, but not really appropriate for  
general use.  I think I may be able to isolate the "offending"  
commands to fall in the LyX preamble by themselves, but I'll work  
on that later.

I'd have to think about this for a while, but my idea was to define  
a LaTeX command that either (a) just repeated its argument or (b)  
basically ate its argument, and then to make the solution  
environment wrap the command. But I'm not absolutely sure how to do  
that. Basically, I want

   \begin{solution}stuff here\end{solution}
to turn into something like:
   \solutioncmd{\par\noindent{\bf Solution}stuff here}
and then we have:
So either we get
   \par\noindent{\bf Solution}stuff here
or we get nothing. But I'm not sure how to do the environment  
definition. Probably we need some "group" business.

Uwe, if you're reading this, do you have an idea? (Uwe is our  
resident expert on the user list.)


I may just be being too picky.  I was able to \def a LaTeX command  
with \ifthenelse very similar to what you describe: I just wanted to  
make in a \newenvironment, and these sort of commands don't seem to  
mesh well with that macro.  My command was

  { \ifthenelse{\equal{\questxenv}{example}} {#2}{#1} } }

The variable \notestype determines whether this is the student or  
teacher version, and the variable \questxenv indicates whether this  
solution is in a worked example, a homework problem, or an exam  
question.   (I've been using  a single LaTeX file that is \input  
inside a question/example/examQuestion environment so that the  
questions are modular and formatted according to how they're used.)

Suppose I use the \solutioncmd or \questxsol in LyX rather than a  
\newenvironment.  How do I incorporate that command into a LyX  
paragraph environment, or is that cleanly possible?

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Preamble order and LyX layouts

2008-04-20 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

On Apr 20, 2008, at 11:20 AM, rgheck wrote:

A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:
I may just be being too picky. I was able to \def a LaTeX command  
with \ifthenelse very similar to what you describe: I just wanted  
to make in a \newenvironment, and these sort of commands don't  
seem to mesh well with that macro. My command was

{ \ifthenelse{\equal{\questxenv}{example}} {#2}{#1} } }

The variable \notestype determines whether this is the student or  
teacher version, and the variable \questxenv indicates whether  
this solution is in a worked example, a homework problem, or an  
exam question. (I've been using a single LaTeX file that is \input  
inside a question/example/examQuestion environment so that the  
questions are modular and formatted according to how they're used.)

Suppose I use the \solutioncmd or \questxsol in LyX rather than a  
\newenvironment. How do I incorporate that command into a LyX  
paragraph environment, or is that cleanly possible?

You can define a paragraph to be of "command" type. Section  
headers, for example, are like this. This just determines whether  
LyX outputs:

or instead:
That might not be the cleanest thing in the world, but it might  
still work.


I'll look for examples in the other layouts and give this a try.   
When I get success (optimism!), I'll post the layout and an example  
to the list.  Thanks!

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Preamble order and LyX layouts

2008-04-20 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

On Apr 20, 2008, at 11:30 AM, A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:

On Apr 20, 2008, at 11:20 AM, rgheck wrote:
You can define a paragraph to be of "command" type. Section  
headers, for example, are like this. This just determines whether  
LyX outputs:

or instead:
That might not be the cleanest thing in the world, but it might  
still work.


I'll look for examples in the other layouts and give this a try.   
When I get success (optimism!), I'll post the layout and an example  
to the list.  Thanks!

Victory!  Thanks very much for your suggestions and help!

Attached is a sample LyX file (a bit convoluted, but it shows the  
features) and the layout file.

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: Preamble order and LyX layouts

2008-04-20 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

On Apr 20, 2008, at 4:28 PM, A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:

Victory!  Thanks very much for your suggestions and help!

Attached is a sample LyX file (a bit convoluted, but it shows the  
features) and the layout file.

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alas, I spoke too soon.  If my solution has more than one paragraph,  
the Command paragraph type starts a new solution environment, i.e., I  
get the word "Solution" at the start of each paragraph.  I'll keep  
plugging at it...

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: Preamble order and LyX layouts

2008-04-23 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
i agree that the command paragraphy type ought to have some more  
flexibility.  However, in the interim, I've gotten less picky and  
have moved my environment definitions into the LyX Document settings  
preamble, where it's very easy to change from teacher to student,  
etc.  For now I'll just have to remember that when I change from an  
Example to a homework problem that I also have to change the solution  
type from an environment (Answer) that is always displayed to another  
environment (Solution) that is conditionally displayed.

Reasonable solution, and very easy to work with.

(Does the software serve me or do I serve the software ... there's an  
interesting question of life!)

Thanks for your help, RG!

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Apr 21, 2008, at 10:45 PM, rgheck wrote:

A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:

On Apr 20, 2008, at 4:28 PM, A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:

Victory!  Thanks very much for your suggestions and help!

Attached is a sample LyX file (a bit convoluted, but it shows the  
features) and the layout file.

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alas, I spoke too soon.  If my solution has more than one  
paragraph, the Command paragraph type starts a new solution  
environment, i.e., I get the word "Solution" at the start of each  
paragraph.  I'll keep plugging at it...

I'll have a look at this. There needs to be some kind of "multipar"  
option here.


Re: Xfig and LyX

2008-07-03 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

On Jun 25, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Could somebody kindly point me to an understandable explanation of  
how to use

xfig produced figures in LyX?
Help file Userguide tells me to check for detailed explanation under
ImbeddedObjects but there I can´t find any detailed explanation.

I have quite a number of xfig produced files which are all exported  
as .eps

files and inserted in the LyX document as floats.

My aim is to have the text of my fig files in the same font and size  
as the

text in the document. This is not the case now.

Do I have to use for all my fig files the xfig -specialtext or is  
there a

global command to do that for all files in one run?

And how exactly do I get it into the document? Is it the pstex or  
the pstex_t
file or both? Or is this done internally by LyX? With Enter  
(Einfuegen) File
(Datei) external Material I get the fig file but the text of the pdf  
is not scaled correctly (nor the fonts). Somehow I haven't caught  
the way of

entering it.

I am using version 1.5.4 of LyX
Has 1.5.5 or 1.6 a feature to insert fig files directly and the rest  
is done

by the program?

Thanks a lot


I have often used fig2ps (from sourceforge) to transform .fig files  
to .eps and then include the resulting eps file in LyX.  (I don't  
remember what started me doing this; there was a problem of complexity  
in my figure a few years ago and this provided the solution.)

It is possible to force specialtext from hte fig2ps command line.

The entry in my Makefile (running X-windows on a Mac) is
%.eps : %.fig
@echo "Making $@ from $<"
@fig2ps --forcespecial --add=epsfig \
  --input=$(HOME)/aub/2120/notes/2120headf.tex \
  --bbox=dvips --eps $<
rm `find . -name "*.fig2ps.tmp.*" -print`

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

algorithm2e in LyX 1.5.6: algorithm already defined

2008-09-22 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
I'm importing a student's PhD dissertation into LyX to use the "track  
changes" function for markup.  Unfortunately, there seems to be a  
conflict between some LyX default behavior and the algorithm2e.sty  

! LaTeX Error: Command \algorithm already defined.
   Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

I used the command line to translate LyX to LaTeX,
lyx --export latex WahbaSummary.lyx
and found the following code in the .tex file:

%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline

%% User specified LaTeX commands.

If I comment out the \newfloat and \floatname commands, then the error  
goes away.  Is there a way to get rid of them without manually editing  
the .tex file?

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: algorithm2e in LyX 1.5.6: algorithm already defined

2008-09-29 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
Thanks for your suggestion.  Since you CAN use algorithm2e, I know  
that a solution exists.

Actually, I had the problem with 1.5.5 and then upgraded to 1.5.6.  I  
am guessing that there is something else in the original imported  
LaTeX file that is triggering this code to be written.  I'll see if I  
can track it down.



On Sep 24, 2008, at 4:42 AM, Nicolás wrote:

This seems to be a problem with version 1.5.6, since I have used  
algorithm2e with Lyx 1.5.5 and had no problem. Since I do not have  
installed v1.5.6 (don't know why :-)), I cannot say if you can do  
anything to solve your problem. Take a look at Document Settings to  
see if there is any option concerning algorithms. Unless anyone else  
gives a solution, I suggest that you file a bug in
A possible workaround is to install v 1.5.5. I think it should be  
able to coexist with your current version.


A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:
I'm importing a student's PhD dissertation into LyX to use the  
"track changes" function for markup.  Unfortunately, there seems to  
be a conflict between some LyX default behavior and the  
algorithm2e.sty package:

! LaTeX Error: Command \algorithm already defined.
  Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.
I used the command line to translate LyX to LaTeX,
   lyx --export latex WahbaSummary.lyx
and found the following code in the .tex file:
%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline
%% User specified LaTeX commands.
If I comment out the \newfloat and \floatname commands, then the  
error goes away.  Is there a way to get rid of them without  
manually editing the .tex file?

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: algorithm2e in LyX 1.5.6: algorithm already defined

2008-10-01 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

On Sep 29, 2008, at 8:28 PM, A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:
I'm importing a student's PhD dissertation into LyX to use the  
"track changes" function for markup.  Unfortunately, there seems to  
be a conflict between some LyX default behavior and the  
algorithm2e.sty package:

! LaTeX Error: Command \algorithm already defined.
 Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.
I used the command line to translate LyX to LaTeX,
  lyx --export latex WahbaSummary.lyx
and found the following code in the .tex file:
%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline
%% User specified LaTeX commands.
If I comment out the \newfloat and \floatname commands, then the  
error goes away.  Is there a way to get rid of them without manually  
editing the .tex file?

I found in the source code two files where the algorithm environment  
is described in the comments:

~/Desktop/lyx-1.5.6 $ grep floatname{algorithm} `find src -type f`
src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp://   \floatname{algorithm}{Algorithm}
src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp:  // \floatname{algorithm}{Algorithm}

the actual work appears to be done in the second file  
(LaTeXFeatures.cpp) starting around line 834 (LaTeXFeatures function  
getFloatDefinitions).  I saw that this method is triggered by the  
command "\listofalgorithms," so I tried commenting out that command,  
but with no success.

After further testing, I duplicated the problem by using  Insert ->  
Float -> algorithm to create a float inset: in this circumstance the  
code above is written.  When the LaTeX code was imported, the  
algorithm environment was recognized as a float, a corresponding inset  
was created, and the algorithm environment was defined based on  

I have a workaround on my machine with a Makefile, and I'll take your  
advice to post a bug report.

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Can you suggest a good way to draw pictures with latex code?

2008-10-15 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
Under Mac OS X and Linux I've used xfig for many years.   fig2dev  
allows direct translation to LaTeX code as either picture, epic, or  

On Oct 15, 2008, at 12:47 PM, Robert Orr wrote:

LaTeXDraw is something else you could try

--- On Wed, 10/15/08, Julio Rojas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Julio Rojas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can you suggest a good way to draw pictures with latex  

To: "LyX User" 
Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 12:08 PM
Inkscape. Not direct latex code, but very very good.
Julio Rojas

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Erez Yerushalmi

Hi All,

I'm an intermediate lyx user (1.5.5, windows).
So far, I draw various pictures on MS PowerPoint,

convert to jpg, and

finally import to my LyX document.

For example, see jpg drawing I've attached.

However, this is bad since Power Point is not good for


It would also be much easier to just copy and paste my

LyX/latex code into

the PowerPoint presentation if possible.

Can anyone suggest a good drawing program?
Can Beamer do this??  I haven't used it yet (I


Thanks, Erez

Erez Yerushalmi
PhD Student
Warwick University, UK

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: missing $ inserted : what does that mean?

2008-10-31 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
That's a LaTeX error.  Something is odd with the way you're putting in  
your equations.   I often find it useful to export the LyX document as  
LaTeX and then see where the error comes from there.  You can also  
click on the error message in list and see the line in the original  
LyX document that causes the problem.  Either way should give you some  
insight into the problem.

On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:21 AM, Erez Yerushalmi wrote:

Dear All,

I have been working on a document for a long time.
I regularly pdf it.

I didn't do anything to it, and now suddenly screams

This happens on the first line of the document, with line as  

I'm using lyx 1.5.5 , xp.

See below the error...

It complies 1 run, and then 2nd run, and then gets stuck...

Any suggestions would be greatful


*missing $ inserted*


I've inserted a begin-math/end-math symbol since I think

you left one out. Proceed, with fingers crossed.

*Extra }, or forgotten $.*


I've deleted a group-closing symbol because it seems to be

spurious, as in `$x}$'. But perhaps the } is legitimate and

you forgot something else, as in `\hbox{$x}'. In such cases

the way to recover is to insert both the forgotten and the

deleted material, e.g., by typing `I$}'.

*Missing $ inserted.*

I've inserted a begin-math/end-math symbol since I think

you left one out. Proceed, with fingers crossed.

and so on...

Erez Yerushalmi
PhD Student
Warwick University, UK

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2008-11-12 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

Before I say anything else:

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all who worked on LyX 1.6 and who  
ported it to Mac/fink, etc.  This is a fantastic piece of software  
that I love to demonstrate to students and colleagues.

Mac OS X 10.5 / .dmg install

I had to make two changes in my mac.bind file.  (I don't know if these  
are faults in the distributed mac.bind file, or if they were copied  
from my LyX-1.5 folder when I installed.)

(1) In my mac.bind file for LyX 1.6 I had to make the following change:

\bind "S-Right" "forward-select"
\bind "S-Left"  "backward-select"

change to

\bind "S-Right" "char-forward-select"
\bind "S-Left"  "char-backward-select"

(2) I also had to make the change

\bind "C-Return"       "break-line"


\bind "C-Return""newline-insert"

A. Scottedward Hodel, 334 844-1854, fax 334 844-1809

Re: underlining in a matrix

2008-11-28 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel

On Nov 25, 2008, at 7:34 AM, Robert Neumann wrote:

I'm looking vor a way to unterline one line of a matrix.
I use the matrix for an equation and the last line should be  
\underline works only for the single entries but not for the whole  

(Lyx 13.7 on SuSE Linux)

This macro gives both a vertical line and a horizontal for an entire  
matrix.  It's crude, but it works.  You should be able to do something  
similar.  It may require ERT, I haven't tried setting up array  
formatting in LyX yet.

\newcommand{\system}[4]{ \mbox{$\displaystyle \left[
\begin{array}{c|c} {#1} & {#2} \\ \hline {#3} & {#4} \\
\end{array} \right]$} }

A. Scottedward Hodel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Feature request: Insert->TODO

2008-12-06 Thread A. Scottedward Hodel
I use margin notes for this purpose. The string (TODO in your case) is  
easily searchable to find the next item.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2008, at 1:56 PM, Manoj Rajagopalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

 It would be nice to have an insert action where we insert a TODO  
item. Right now I am managing with Insert->Note->Lyx Note but there  
is no way to view just the TODO notes in the outline list-box.

 I am using LyX v1.6.0

One hack to get this working now would be start each TODO note with  
a "TODO" string and then to use the sort option on the outline  
listing. The suggested feature would however be a cleaner document  
management provision.
