Re: EPUB converter

2022-03-07 Thread Guenter Milde via lyx-users
On 2022-03-07, Murat Yildizoglu via lyx-users wrote:

> When I have contacted Alex last year when I was converting my book, I
> have understood that he is not continuing to work on this project
> anymore. Fortunately, ElyXer continues to be functional with LyX. But I
> have met some quirks during the translation. I had to correct them by
> custom scripts that I execute ex-post, after the first conversion. It
> is a pity because Elyxer continues to give the most beautiful output to
> my taste. For example, math is beautifully converted using Mathjax.

elyxer was last updated at the time LyX 2.1.n was the stable release,
hence it fails with features in the lyx file format that are more recent.

I was able to fix some/most issues by adapting the settings:

In Tools>Settings>File Handling>Converter I set up a converter

from: LyX 2.1.x
to:   HTML (elyxer)
converter: elyxer --nofooter --html --directory $$r $$i $$o

Now, file>export>HTML (elyxer) uses the route LyX > LyX 2.1.x > HTML

lyx-users mailing list

Re: no ^99 font

2021-02-02 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2021-02-02, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Exporting to pdf I get this error:
> Missing character: There is no ^^99 in font 
> [lmroman10-regular]:mapping=tex-tex
> I am on Debian, non tex fonts.
> I guess I should change to another font, but don't know which one. Any 
> suggestions?

Have a look which characer in the document is responsible (evt. deleting 
or commenting part by part).
It may also be an unprintable character that somehow crept in.

If it is something like Greek or some other non-latin character, you should
switch to a font with wider coverage than LatinModern. Which one depends on
the side conditions like used packages or math content, personal taste,
type/audience of the document, ... Debian provides a wide range of free fonts.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Inline enumerate

2020-12-04 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-12-01, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 7bit --]

> On 12/1/20 7:39 AM, Hal Kierstead wrote:
>> All -

>> I know how to use inline enumerate (enumitem[enumerate*]) in LaTeX. Is there 
>> a good way to use it in LyX without ERT? Among other problems, it seems that 
>> in order to use the  enumitem[enumerate*] package option I need to turn off 
>> the enumitem module.

> The attached is a hacked version of the enumitem module with additional
> list types, including inline. You can either put it into your layouts/
> directory as is, in which case it will replace the official version, or
> rename it and put it there, in which case it will give you a different
> option.

Instead of modifying the existing layout, I recommend writing an additional
one that builds on it. This way, changes/fixes to the original will not be
masked by your local version.

I have e.g. in "~/.lyx/layouts/gm-lists.module" the code below.


# Adds quoted-list and condensed list environments.
#Requires: enumitem
#Author: Günter Milde 

# date: 2008-12-04
# last update: 2016-07-21

Format 49

# Style Variants
# ==

Style Enumerate-Alpha
  LatexParam   "[label=\emph{\alph*}),ref=\emph{\alph*},fullwidth,itemsep=1ex]"
  Margin   First_Dynamic
  LabelCounter enumi
  LabelString  "\alph{enumi})"
Series  Medium
Shape   Italic

# Dense (condensed/compact) list environments
# ===

Style Itemize-Compact
CopyStyle Itemize
Argument 1
LabelString   "Enumerate Options"
Tooltip   "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem 
PresetArg noitemsep
BottomSep 0.4

Style Enumerate-Compact
CopyStyle Enumerate
Argument 1
LabelString   "Enumerate Options"
Tooltip   "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem 
PresetArg noitemsep
BottomSep 0.4

Style Description-Compact
CopyStyle Description
Argument 1
LabelString   "Enumerate Options"
Tooltip   "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem 
PresetArg noitemsep
BottomSep 0.4

# Indented compact LyX-List environment
Style Quoted-Labeling
CopyStyle   Labeling
LatexName   qlyxlist
ItemSep 0
ParSep  0
LabelIndent MMM
% labeling-like list based on enumitem's description list with
% mandatory second argument (label-pattern) and indent of 2em:
 noitemsep, labelindent=1.5em,


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Changes to LaTeX

2020-10-30 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-10-14, John White wrote:
> Isn't git owned by Gates?

Git (the program) is open source, the hosting site github
includes non-free parts and is owned by Microsoft (so, if you bye
Microsoft shares also by you, partially).


lyx-users mailing list

Re: A general layout/ layout-less lyx file

2020-09-29 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-09-28, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Le 28/09/2020 à 14:25, Guenter Milde a écrit :
>> A "don't warn about different documentcalss" button in the
>> Isert>File>Child Document pop-up seems an easy thing to add.

> Except that we do not know how to add widgets to file dialogs.

However, the "Child Document" dialogue seems to be LyX-native
it allows to select the Include Type, has "Browse" and Edit buttons
and a formular to configure the Listing Parameters.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: separate child-documents?

2020-09-29 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-09-28, M.B. Schiekel wrote:
> Am 28.09.20 um 14:35 schrieb Guenter Milde:
>> On 2020-09-25, M.B. Schiekel wrote:

> What do you mean by 'print to a file'?
> In the moment I use LyX -> pdflatex for to produce the big PDF.
> So what is your suggestion to produce a PDF of the last 50 p.?

I am working on Linux and use the "evince" document viewer to view the
PDF on-screen. The viewer supports printing and the print dialogue offers
the choice of several printers which includes the virtual printer "print
to file". It also provides for the selection of the pages to print, so it is
all just point and click for me.

Alternatively, LyX supports Insert>File>External Material>PDF pages.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: separate child-documents?

2020-09-28 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-09-25, M.B. Schiekel wrote:


> thank you for your comments. What is my actual issue?
> Some time ago I've uploaded a 800 p. LyX-generated PDF-file as an
> OpenAccess document to our uni-server. And now I'm writing
> an new separate appendix to this document and in this appendix I want
> references to many formula of my published 800 p. PDF-document.
> So I tried the Master-Child feature but in the separate compiled child
> the references are not available.

Yes, this is not the use case for Master/Child.

> If LyX doesn't support such an application I see only the possibility of
> creating the 50 p. appendix in the 800 p. master document and then
> cropping the 800 p. with a PDF-editor, because I cannot upload for each
> new appendix a new edition of the big PDF.
> But maybe there is a better way to handle this :-)

It should work with "includeonly" if you have a Master document that includes
the existing documents source(s) + the new appendix.
After a first run which includes all sources (to get the references right),
you may exclude the main document and re-compile.

However, I would rather print the last 50 pages of the combined document to
a file and upload this.

In any case, you may have to add some advanced LaTeX code to restart the
page numbers etc. or live with the appendix document starting at 801.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: A general layout/ layout-less lyx file

2020-09-28 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-09-27, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 01:38:18PM +0300, wrote:
>> Hello,

>> I maintain a file with many macros which I use in all of my projects.
>> My projects usually differ in their layout (e.g., due to submitting to
>> different journals) so I commonly get a warning of mismatch between the
>> layout of the macros file and the layout of the project file.

> Seems like a common workflow and I can see how that would be annoying.


>> Is there a way to define the macros file to be layout-less (since it is not
>> a stand-alone file so I never compile it) or maybe define it to be of a
>> user-defined layout that will be compatible with any article layout I will
>> be using (of course, I guess I'll need to manually define and extend this
>> list of compatible layouts).

> Not that I know of but I think it's a good idea. We do have the concept
> of "no color" and "no language". You make a good argument in my opinion
> for something like "no class". 

> A related idea we've discussed before in different contexts is the idea
> that child documents could share document settings of master documents.
> In this case, you want the child document to inherit the document class
> of the master document. This is not implemented yet, but there are a
> few different use cases we would want that general framework.

I think this is the better approach. Besides beeing more general, it
saves us from having to decide which "documentclass" the "no class"
should get or if we should raise an error with any attempt to compile
this "no class"-document.
A "don't warn about different documentcalss" button in the 
Isert>File>Child Document pop-up seems an easy thing to add.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Get unicode output for quotation marks

2020-04-07 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-04-07, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

> Am Dienstag, den 07.04.2020, 06:39 + schrieb Guenter Milde:
>> Why not using Unicode literals generally, 
>> converting them with "unicodesymbols" if literals are not supported?

> We've had this discussion more than once. Please consult the (lyx-
> devel) archives why literal quote chars are inferior to quote insets,
> particularly if we try to extend support eventually (think csquotes,
> quote balancing check, etc.).

> I won't go into this discussion any more.

Sorry for not beeing clear: I see the advantages of the quote inset and do
not want to replace them.

Instead my suggestion is to let the quote inset write literal characters
instead of macros or ligatures whenever possible.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Get unicode output for quotation marks

2020-04-06 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-04-06, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

> Am Montag, den 24.02.2020, 11:38 +0100 schrieb Daniel:
>> Hi,

>> Is there a way to get LyX to use unicode for quotation marks?

>> In particular, I am using quotation marks in a section title which 
>> generates the following LaTeX code:

>> \section{``Test''}

>> However, I would like it to generate

>> \section{“Test”}

>> The problem is that otherwise the bookmarks in PDFs also show
>> ``Test'' 
>> instead of “Test”.

>> Minimal example attached.

> Fixed in master at

> We use now the macros with headings in hyperref.

Why not using Unicode literals generally, 
converting them with "unicodesymbols" if literals are not supported?


lyx-users mailing list

Re: lyx file from 2015 not converted to pdf

2020-03-22 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-03-20, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Am 19.03.20 um 22:20 schrieb Guenter Milde:
>> On 2020-03-19, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>> On 3/19/20 12:20 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>>> On 3/19/20 12:03 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>>>>> I am trying to export from a lyx file produced in 2015 a pdf file,
>>>>> but get this error:
>> ...
>>>>> further errors:
>>>>> Error 84 returned from iconv when converting from UCS-4LE to
>>>>> ISO-8859-15: Ungültiges oder unvollständiges Multi-Byte- oder
>>>>> Wide-Zeichen

>> This seems to indicate that there is an invalid utf8 multi-byte character
>> somewhere in the *.lyx file.
>> Keep the original file, and from a copy remove parts until it compiles.


> I tried to remove parts of the original.
> It turned out that a nomenclature lead to the error

> However, I can't find any mistake in it (and as said before, it compiled 
> in 2015) >
> VIVID is a small flavin-binding blue-light photoreceptor and consists of 
> a LOV domain and an N-terminal cap

> I put it in a lyx Note and the part converted.

> Than I found an other nomenclature causing trouble.

> removed it, but now a nomenclature which went through alright before was 
> causing troubles.

This may be due to the error reason beeing at a different place than the

> I gave up after spending hours.

> Questions:
> If I remove the nomenclature after bibtex and index at the end of the 
> document, that does apparently not prevent the nomenclatures in the text 
> to be neglected during compiling, since lyx clashes. This is in contrast 
> to the bibtex produced references, which, if removed, prevents clashes 
> if references are giving troubles. I.e. I have to remove (or put in Lyx 
> notes) the nomenclatures. Perhaps I should work with a latex file, where 
> I could remove the nomenclatures more easily with a text editor (or use 
> the lyx file with an editor).
> For the time being I have to recover - otherwise I might get the corona

Working with the exported LaTeX file may be a good idea, one layer less that
may confuse things.

If you have an old LyX version lying around, you may also try this. Evt.
also export to LaTeX with the old version and re-import into current LyX.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: lyx file from 2015 not converted to pdf

2020-03-19 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-03-19, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 3/19/20 12:20 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> On 3/19/20 12:03 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>>> I am trying to export from a lyx file produced in 2015 a pdf file,
>>> but get this error:


>>> further errors:
>>> Error 84 returned from iconv when converting from UCS-4LE to
>>> ISO-8859-15: Ungültiges oder unvollständiges Multi-Byte- oder
>>> Wide-Zeichen

This seems to indicate that there is an invalid utf8 multi-byte character
somewhere in the *.lyx file.

>>> How should I proceed?
>> The last message (error 84) suggests that there may be a problem with
>> character encoding. If it is in a preview snipped, that could explain
>> the preceding message.

>> You can try to isolate the problematic portion of the document by
>> bisection. Once you know where the problem is, we may be able to offer
>> more specific advise.

> It's weird that you'd see the problem now and not in 2015.  As Paul
> suggests, this is a problem with one of the characters in the document:
> We're trying to convert it to the right encoding and that's failing.
> LyX should not crash when that happens, but sometimes it does.

It may be due to a lyx2lyx problem, some mistake when converting the
document from an old lyx format to the current one.

Keep the original file, and from a copy remove parts until it compiles.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Get unicode output for quotation marks

2020-03-16 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-03-14, Daniel wrote:
> On 2020-03-14 13:25, Guenter Milde wrote:

>>>> Is there a way to get LyX to use unicode for quotation marks?

>>>> In particular, I am using quotation marks in a section title which
>>>> generates the following LaTeX code:

>>>> \section{``Test''}

>>>> However, I would like it to generate

>>>> \section{“Test”}

>>>> The problem is that otherwise the bookmarks in PDFs also show ``Test''
>>>> instead of “Test”.

>>> I just learned about the LaTeX command \texorpdfstring. Basically, one
>>> gives it two arguments where the first is the tex and the second is the
>>> one to be used in the bookmarks (pdf). Doesn't look nice in LyX but gets
>>> the job done. However, I had to manually switch to unicode encoding to
>>> get it to work with the "fancy" quotation marks (Document > Settings >
>>> Language). See the attached file.

>> With Unicode (utf8) encoding, there should be no need for
>> \texorpdfstring, as the typographical quotes are used in the latex
>> source:

>>   >> \section{“Test”}

>> (This is one of the reasons why utf8 is the new default encoding in LyX 2.4.)

> No, even with utf8, \section{``Test''} is produced in the latex source.

I see: 

* The Unicode literals are used in the LaTeX source when
  - input uses Unicode literals (with either system key-combinations or
custom LyX keybindings) and

  - Document>Settings>Language>input encoding is set to one of the Unicode
encodings or "pass-through".

  or with "non-TeX" fonts.

* the "quote inset" still uses the LaTeX ligatures instead of Unicode with
  8-bit TeX fonts. 
  This was sensible with "input encoding" defaulting to latin1 (or some
  other language dependent 8-bit encoding) where the literal charater "“"
  would have become "\textdblquote" in the LaTeX source.
  As the new default "input encoding" is utf8, this reason no longer holds.

Could you file an enhancement request ticket at


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Get unicode output for quotation marks

2020-03-14 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-03-14, Daniel wrote:
> On 2020-02-24 11:38, Daniel wrote:
>> Hi,

>> Is there a way to get LyX to use unicode for quotation marks?

>> In particular, I am using quotation marks in a section title which 
>> generates the following LaTeX code:

>> \section{``Test''}

>> However, I would like it to generate

>> \section{“Test”}

>> The problem is that otherwise the bookmarks in PDFs also show ``Test'' 
>> instead of “Test”.

> I just learned about the LaTeX command \texorpdfstring. Basically, one 
> gives it two arguments where the first is the tex and the second is the 
> one to be used in the bookmarks (pdf). Doesn't look nice in LyX but gets 
> the job done. However, I had to manually switch to unicode encoding to 
> get it to work with the "fancy" quotation marks (Document > Settings > 
> Language). See the attached file.

With Unicode (utf8) encoding, there should be no need for \texorpdfstring, as
the typographical quotes are used in the latex source:

 >> \section{“Test”}

(This is one of the reasons why utf8 is the new default encoding in LyX 2.4.)


lyx-users mailing list

Re: single quotes in xhtml output

2020-03-05 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-02-29, Cuyahoga Falls wrote:

> I often want to export to xhtml. However, when I do so, single quotation 
> marks and apostrophes (`) and (') do not get converted to curly 
> typographic quotes. Double quotes get converted just fine. 

Which keys or key-combinations do you use to insert the quote signs?

By default, the »"«-key, inserts an "outer" „smart-quote inset“ which is
converted to a typographical quote according to the document language's
conventions (configurable in Document>Settings>Language).

The default binding for "inner" „smart quotes“ is Alt-". Alternatively, you
can use the Menu Insert>Special Character>Inner Quotation Mark.

The ` and ' keys, in contrast default to inserting ASCII GRAVE ACCENT
and APOSTROPHE respectively. Most LaTeX fonts show them in the shape of
typographical curly single quotes but most fonts used in web browsers show
them in the "neutral" shape.

> Also, when exporting to html, all quotes are properly converted, 

Probabely, the external converter implements a "smart quotes" feature.

> but I prefer the single file output of xhtml.

I suppose with "xhtml" you mean the native "LyXHTML" export route?

There is no plan to add such a smartquotes feature to the LyXHTML export,
rather users should input typographical quotes either as literal characters
or "quote insets".

You may consider binding the '-key or the `-key to "quote-insert inner"
(with Tools>Preferences>Editing>Shortcuts),
use Alt-" or your systems keybindings for the literal curly quote Unicode


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Get unicode output for quotation marks

2020-02-24 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-02-24, Daniel wrote:
> On 2020-02-24 14:08, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> Le 24/02/2020 à 13:34, Daniel a écrit :

>>> Ah, I see. LyX actually does not use the unicode characters “ and ” 
>>> but \textquotedblleft and \textquotedblright{} when I insert the 
>>> unicode character. 

This is because in older versions of the inputenc package, the literal
characters were not supported.

You may try to copy the file "unicodesymbols" from the LyX library directory
(here /usr/local/src/lyx/lib/) to your personal lyx directory (here ~/.lyx/)
and comment out the lines

#0x201c "\\textquotedblleft"   "" "" # LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
#0x201d "\\textquotedblright"  "" "" # RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK

and try again.

Hope this helps,


lyx-users mailing list

Re: "LaTeX3 Error: Command '\textsi' not yet defined!"

2020-02-16 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2020-02-16, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 2/15/20 5:52 PM, David Pesetsky wrote:
>> I was using Lyx for Mac rather extensively to write a long-ish
>> manuscript about a year ago, but have been away from it for a while.

>> In the interval, a problem has arisen, though nothing has changed in
>> my setup besides updating Lyx and Latex via TexLive.  I install the
>> embrac package, which ensures non-italic brackets in otherwise
>> italicized environments.  This used to work without a problem, but now
>> generates the error message:

>> LaTeX3 Error: Command '\textsi' not yet defined!

>> I am sure of my trouble-shooting, since commenting out the usepackage
>> command eliminates the error. 

Aside: It might also be a (new) incompapatibility with some other package
which would be solved by commenting out the other one...

> This is pretty suspicious. It suggests, to me, that LaTeX3 is being used
> to compile this file, which will almost certainly cause major problems
> with LyX. 

More probabely, one updated package (embrac, one of its dependencies or some
other) now uses the LaTeX3 syntax in LaTeX2e package (expl3.sty or so)
which generates the error. Looking at the first line(s) of the LaTeX log
will show the used LaTeX version.

> Then again, it's possible that the problem is just local to
> the embrac package. You might try writing the maintainer at

A minimal example would be helpfull there as well as here...


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Import utf-8 encoded latex

2019-11-19 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-11-18, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2019-11-18, Neal Becker wrote:
>> I'm trying to import a latex table that is in utf-8 and includes some 
>> non-ascii
>> (specifically, the π character).

>> When I try to import to lyx, this character is mangled.

>> If I run tex2lyx manually I get the same result.

>> Both emacs and 'file' say my latex is utf-8.

>> Any ideas?

> Manually convert with `tex2lyx -e utf8` ?

Also, while the preamble line 

is no longer required since utf8 became the fallback encoding, it is still
wise to include it to clearly mark the intended encoding.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Import utf-8 encoded latex

2019-11-18 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-11-18, Neal Becker wrote:
> I'm trying to import a latex table that is in utf-8 and includes some 
> non-ascii
> (specifically, the π character).

> When I try to import to lyx, this character is mangled.

> If I run tex2lyx manually I get the same result.

> Both emacs and 'file' say my latex is utf-8.

> Any ideas?

Manually convert with `tex2lyx -e utf8` ?


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Utopia (Fourier) font in Article class uses inconsistent integral signs

2019-09-18 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-09-18, wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

> I am using the Article class with the Roman font set to Utopia
> (Fourier). I believe that “Fourier” indicates a compatible math font,
> complementing Utopia.

> The integral signs for single and double integrals are different! I
> don’t think this is correct typesetting. Is there a way to fix this or
> is this a problem in the Fourier fonts?

It is a problem in LyX, which loads the "esint" package for the double
integral automatically.

You can fix this in your document in Document>Settings>Math Options:
select "do not load" for the esint package.


Re: lyx disk: error: LyX could not create the temporary directory '/tmp/lyx_tmpbuf1'

2019-09-04 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-09-03, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:


> Thanks, John, but there seems to be a bigger problem which I am  
> facing. I can't open an usb stick, tells me, that it can't be invoked  
> (kann nicht eingebunden werden in German). Trying to start Jabref it  
> tells me 'read only file system', lyx disk: error as before: LyX could  
> not create the temporary directory '/tmp/lyx_tmpbuf1' (Disk is full  
> maybe?).
> df tells me there is enough storage on the disk. Firefox tells me if I  
> want to send a mail: Unable to save your message as a draft. Sending  
> of the message failed.
> Fortunately webmail works.

This looks like some IO-failure triggered a mounting of the main disk as

> I am on Linux Mint. I am afraid I have to try to get help from the  
> Tuebingen Linux User Group.

This would be the best option.


Re: KOMA-Script Report: titlehead and title on two pages

2019-08-19 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-08-19, Rich Shepard wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding:  --]

> Here LyX-2.3.3 runs on Slackware-14.2.

> Commonly, when I put the company letterhead (titlehead environment) above
> the report title and set the size at 100% of text width the letterhead is
> immediately followed by the title, date, and beginning of the document body
> text. This current report does not follow this pattern.

> When I preview the attached mwe.lyx the letterhead is on page 1, the title
> and data on page 2, and the introduction on page 3.

> I need to learn why this happens and how to both fix it here and prevent
> recurrence in future reports.

> Need more information? Ask and you shall be given answers.

Reading the KOMA doc scrguiden.pdf might give some answers.

Experimenting with the size (especially hight) of the letterhead, too.


Re: LaTeX Error: Too many math alphabets used in version normal.

2019-08-18 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-08-06, Patrick Dupre wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

> Hello,

> I got the message:

> LaTeX Error: Too many math alphabets used in version normal.

> How can I fix the issue?

This limitation is lifted in LuaTeX, so compiling with LuaTeX instead of
pdfTeX is a possible solution.

In principle, LuaTeX works fine with traditional TeX fonts and LuX supports
this well. 

However, some 3rd party packages check for the TeX engine
(pdftex/xetex/luatex) and assume Unicode-encoded "non-TeX fonts" are used
with the latter two. This may lead to errors in complex documents.


Re: /tmp file

2019-07-18 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-07-18, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> I have difficulties with references in the export of a document under 
> biber/biblatex (linuxmint, Lyx 2.3.3.deb). They are shown in bold and no 
> Bibliography is given (pdf, dvi).

> The error message is

> [4664]> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: 
> /tmp/lmgHyZGRGX/0_mnt_sdb_we_Publikationen-eigene-20170530_PBR-4thEdition_PBR4.bib_8322.utf8,
> line 12384, syntax error: found "eill2011", expected ","

> Note that this "eill2011" refers to the part of a reference which is in 
> my bib file, but not cited .

> Where is this /tmp file? 

You can open the /tmp/ directory from the full log dialogue window:

 * in the error popup click: !show full log" button
 * in the full log click "open temporary directory" button
This should open the dir in a standard file browser.

> Can I delete all the tmp file made by lyx from 
> lyx? 


This also happens if you close and re-open the file (or, if this fails LyX).

> I have tried to change the name of my document and of the bib file, 
> but get the error in spite of it.

> User directory: ~/.lyx/

> If I created a new bib file with just one entrance, the output is ok.


Re: beamer - list too deeply nested

2019-05-20 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-05-20, Neal Becker wrote:
> Does lyx offer any solution to 'too deeply nested' for beamer + itemize?
> itemize allows just 3 levels.

You may try the "enumitem" module and customize the lists, but it is
possible that this will not help because of a clash with the beamer list

Then, changing your lists to not use so many levels or using simple
paragraphs on excessively nested parts is the only way out that I know of.


Re: insert listing so it can be copy/pasted from pdf

2019-05-06 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-05-06, Bob Alvarez wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

>>Which fonts does your PDF use?
> Here is what Pdf-Xchange viewer reported:

> CMSY9 (Embedded Subset)
> Type: Type 1 Encoding: Built-in Object Number: 5

> LMRomanlO-Regular (Embedded Subset)
> Type: Type 1 (CID) Encoding: Identity-H Object Number: 6

> LMRoman9- Regular (Embedded Subset)
> Type: Type 1 (CID) Encoding: Identity-H Object Number: 4

This looks good. (I get CM Roman instead of LM Roman with your
example but this should not have any influence on - and *.)

>>Is this with non-TeX fonts or with TeX fonts?
> Either one gives same result

>>Which output format?
> I tried several, luaTex and pdfLatex. All gave same problem.

I tested again with your example as well as the printable characters from 
Unicode Blocks Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement. The result when copying
back into text is:


30 ! ” # $ % & ’
40 ( ) * + , − . / 0 1
50 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;
60 < = > ? @ A B C D E
70 F G H I J K L M N O
80 P Q R S T U V W X Y
90 Z [ \ ] ^ _ ‘ a b c
100 d e f g h i j k l m
110 n o p q r s t u v w
120 x y z { | } ~

¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ §  ̈ ©
170 a « ¬ ®  ̄ ° ± 2 3
180  ́ μ ¶ ·  ̧ 1 o » 1⁄4 1⁄2
190 3⁄4 ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç
200 È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ
210 Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û
220 Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å
230 æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
240 ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù
250 ú û ü ý þ ÿ

So I expect this to be a problem of your PDF Viewer or clipboard or OS.

Could you try with another viewer?

With Postscript instead of PDF?

On a different computer?

Send the PDF as pm?


Re: insert listing so it can be copy/pasted from pdf

2019-05-06 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-05-06, Bob Alvarez wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

> Guenter and Joel

> I appreciate your help but I am coming to the conclusion that the pdf
> file format is not well enough defined to be able to reliably embed
> software listings that the reader can copy/paste into a file and then
> be able to compile the results.  I will have to continue as I have done
> in the past to include a listing in the pdf but also to provide a link
> to a supplementary online zip file with the source code in text files.

> Bob

> p.s.
> Guenter, here are the answers to some of the questions in your response:

>>Does it show up as hyphen or as question mark in the PDF?
> It is displayed as a '-' in the pdf but copy and paste of the 3 characters in 
> the listing results in x?y with '?' being 3F hex according to my editor.

OK this points to an encoding issue.

>>Which fonts does your PDF use?

> I do not know how to answer that question. How do I find out what fonts
> it uses?

In the "evince" PDF viewer, there is a menu entry "Properties" with a tab
"Fonts". Something similar should be possible with other viewers, too.

>>What is the result if your listing contains: ...

> Here is what I get if I enter your list into the listing, create a pdf
> then copy and paste the text in the listing.

> 30 ! " # $ % & '
> 40 ( ) ? + , ? . / 0 1
> 50 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;
> 60 < = > ? @ A B C D E
> 70 F G H I J K L M N O
> 80 P Q R S T U V W X Y
> 90 Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c
> 100 d e f g h i j k l m
> 110 n o p q r s t u v w
> 120 x y z { | } ~
> 160 ½¢¿¤¥¦?¨ c ?
> 170
> a ?¬­
> R ?¯°±²³
> 180 ´µ¶· ¹ o ?¼½
> 190 ¾¾ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇ
> 220 ÜÝÞÿàáâãäå
> 230 æçèéêëìíîï
> 240 ðñòóôõö÷øù
> 250 úûüýþ¸

This looks not good: besides the "-", also "*" is mapped to "?".
And non-ASCII is even worse.

Is this with non-TeX fonts or with TeX fonts?
Which output format?


Re: insert listing so it can be copy/pasted from pdf

2019-05-05 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-05-06, Bob Alvarez wrote:

>>>Does using "non-TeX" fonts in Document>Settings>Fonts help?(This
>>>allows all Unicode characters in listings and uses Unicode-encoded
>>>fonts in the output.)

> There was no change. The '-' character on the clipboard is still
> encoded as 3f hex.

Does it show up as hyphen or as question mark in the PDF?

Which fonts does your PDF use?

Maybe it is a lookalike character in the source?
Which character code do you get when copying from the LyX-GUI?

Are there similar problems with other characters in listings?
What is the result if your listing contains:

   30 ! " # $ % & '
   40 ( ) * + , - . / 0 1
   50 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;
   60 < = > ? @ A B C D E
   70 F G H I J K L M N O
   80 P Q R S T U V W X Y
   90 Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c
  100 d e f g h i j k l m
  110 n o p q r s t u v w
  120 x y z { | } ~

  160   ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ ©
  170 ª « ¬ ­ ® ¯ ° ± ² ³
  180 ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½
  190 ¾ ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç
  200 È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ
  210 Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û
  220 Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å
  230 æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
  240 ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù
  250 ú û ü ý þ ÿ

> p.s. I copied the text at the bottom of my email and pasted into a text
> editor then saved as example2.lyx. When I tried to open it with my Lyx
> 2.1.3 I get a pop-up saying

> ...example2.lyx is not a readable LyX document.

> where ... is the path on my computer

Here, I was able to save the example from my text editor to a file, open it
in LyX and compile: 

Drag-and-drop from the PDF results in:

With the - beeing the ASCII Character (45, 0x2D) 002D   HYPHEN-MINUS


Re: insert listing so it can be copy/pasted from pdf

2019-05-05 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-05-05, Bob Alvarez wrote:

> I want to insert text code listings into Lyx so readers can copy and
> paste from the pdf document into their plain text editor software.
> To replicate my problem use the example lyx file belo. Export as pdf
> (LuaTex). In the pdf select the listing text 'x-y', copy onto the
> clipboard, then paste into a text editor.
> My editor complains that it cannot represent some of the characters.
> The '-' character in the listing is encoded as 3f hex instead of 2d hex
> as it would be with ASCII.

This is really strange, as 2f is a question mark.

> As you can see in the example, I tried fooling around with the listings
> parameters by setting extendedchars=false but that did not help.
> Any suggestions as to how to fix this?

The document uses TeX fonts with LuaTeX:

> \use_non_tex_fonts false

Does using "non-TeX" fonts  in Document>Settings>Fonts help?
(This allows all Unicode characters in listings and uses Unicode-encoded
fonts in the output.)


Re: Help for Help > was Fwd: Lyx Help in German, although set for English

2019-05-02 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-05-02, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> I wanted to compare my settings of the Lyx document with the one of a 
> Help file (i have chosen Users Guide). However, the Text there is in 
> German, although I have set the language under 
> tools>preferences>language settings>English 

Under normal conditions, this would make the menu entries under
Help>... look for the English version of the documentation.

OTOH, it will have no influence on the files opened with File>Open. 
(There, you can select the several language subdirectories like "de/" for

What is the proposed path if you try "File>Save As" on the opened UserGuide
with German text?

> and under Document settings>Language>English (USA).

With this setting, you change the language declaration, i.e. you tell LyX
which language's conventions to use when processing the document. This
influences hyphenation, auto-generated text parts and spell-checking but
does not traslate the literal text.

Sometimes, even more changes occure, e.g. changing 
Document_settings>Language> to Greek will render the output in Greek letters
(unless you are using non-TeX fonts).


Re: Using new enumerate environment without ERT

2019-04-27 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-04-26, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> On 4/26/19 4:16 PM, Paul Smith wrote:
>> Dear All,

>> Suppose that I have created a new enumerate-like enumerate, say
>> xenumerate. How can I use it from inside LyX without recourse to ERT?

>> Thanks in advance,

>> Paul
> A couple of possibilities come to mind. If you want to use the new 
> version exclusively (and not use good old "enumerate"), you could 
> redefine the enumerate environment itself. Assuming you want xenumerate 
> to coexist with enumerate, you can define a layout for it, either in the 
> Local Layout portion of the document settings (if you only want it for 
> one document) or in a module file installed in your local layouts directory.

> Guessing that you want the last one (i.e., add this along side regular 
> enumerations and make it available to any document that wants it), I 
> would suggest looking at /usr/share/lyx/layouts/ for 
> inspiration. (That's the Linux path; on other OSes, your path may 
> differ.) Look for the section that begins "Style Enumerate" and copy it 
> to your local module file (which will also need the proper header 
> stuff). Change the first line of the style to "Style Xenumerate" (or 
> whatever), change the LatexName entry to "xenumerate", and see if 
> anything else needs tweaking (quite possibly not).

It may help to have a look a the "enumitem" module that enhances enumeration

The appended gm-lists.module requires and uses enumitem to define
additional list types. It is a bit dated, though.

> Help > Customization has lots of details about creating your own modules 
> and paragraph styles. Note that you will have to expressly include the 
> module in any document where you want to use the style. (You could hack 
> itself, but then you would need to repeat the hack any time 
> an upgrade/reinstallation overwrote /usr/share/lyx/layouts.)


# Adds quoted-list and condensed list environments.
#Requires: enumitem
#Author: Günter Milde 

# date: 2008-12-04
# last update: 2016-07-21

Format 49

# Style Variants
# ==

Style Enumerate-Alpha
  LatexParam   "[label=\emph{\alph*}),ref=\emph{\alph*},fullwidth,itemsep=1ex]"
  Margin   First_Dynamic
  LabelCounter enumi
  LabelString  "\alph{enumi})"
Series  Medium
Shape   Italic

# Dense (condensed/compact) list environments
# ===

Style Itemize-Compact
CopyStyle Itemize
Argument 1
LabelString   "Enumerate Options"
Tooltip   "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem 
PresetArg noitemsep
BottomSep 0.4

Style Enumerate-Compact
CopyStyle Enumerate
Argument 1
LabelString   "Enumerate Options"
Tooltip   "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem 
PresetArg noitemsep
BottomSep 0.4

Style Description-Compact
CopyStyle Description
Argument 1
LabelString   "Enumerate Options"
Tooltip   "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem 
PresetArg noitemsep
BottomSep 0.4

# Indented compact LyX-List environment
Style Quoted-Labeling
CopyStyle   Labeling
LatexName   qlyxlist
ItemSep 0
ParSep  0
LabelIndent MMM
% labeling-like list based on enumitem's description list with
% mandatory second argument (label-pattern) and indent of 2em:
 noitemsep, labelindent=1.5em,


# Backwards compatibility aliases:

Style Compact-Itemize

Style Itemize-Dense

Style Compact-Enumerate
  ObsoletedBy   Enumerate-Compact

Style Enumerate-Dense
  ObsoletedBy   Enumerate-Compact

Style Compact-Description
  ObsoletedBy   Description-Compact

Style Description-Dense
  ObsoletedBy   Description-Compact

# Description with italic label was a failed experiment:
Style Description-Italic

Re: No Integrals?

2019-04-26 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-04-26, UD Kap wrote:
> I am sure I am doing something REALLY silly, but my Lyx (2.3.2, running 
> under Linux Mint-XFCE) refuses to show integrals, pi, etc. 
> Instead, it shows some other symbols (O with an accent for integral,
> bold letter P for \pi, etc.).  

Wrong font or wrong font encoding.

> Latex works fine-- if I use ERT in Lyx
> or Texworks without Lyx everything is correct, but not if I Insert an
> equation into Lyx.

Is this on screen or in the output?

> Where did I screw up?

Hard to tell without more info:

* if it is on screen: what is your GUI font?

* if it is in the output, give a minimal example (very samll lyx file
  that shows the problem).
  Also, try to export the example to LaTeX, look for differences between
  ERT and math-inset.


Re: Quicker build

2019-04-25 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-04-23, Daniel wrote:
> On 23/04/2019 14:09, Steve Litt wrote:
>> On Sat, 20 Apr 2019 15:51:11 +0200
>> Daniel  wrote:

>>> My manuscript takes very long to fully compile, a couple of minutes.
> It takes about 5 minutes for 200 pages.


>>> Since LaTeX is running several rounds in order to get all the
>>> references and such right, is there a way to get LyX to run less
>>> rounds?

>> I'm pretty sure you need exactly two runs of LaTeX.

Sometimes also three:
1. create aux file with references, toc, ...
2. use aux file to fill in references, toc, ...
2. rerun to get the page number correct after insertion of toc, ...

> LuaTeX is still typesetting my document. Seems to take ages.

You may try with another "engine", LuaTeX is known to be the slowest option.

Another idea is to split the document and "include" (not "input") the
parts. For the work on some part only compile this part with
"\includeonly". This keeps cross-references kind of up-to-date when
compiling the complete document every now and then.  A bit complex
but it helped me a lot when working on a specific chapter of the thesis.
(Read about the details in a LaTeX documentation.)

This mechanism was invented exactly for combating long compilation times
during the editing of large documents in the early LaTeX years where
computers were small and slow.


Re: One more thing about LyX compile speed

2019-04-25 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-04-25, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,

> My 377 page "Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
> Technologist", compiled from a shellscript that starts by adding
> customization material and ends by displaying the finished PDF, takes
> 18 seconds on my 16GB RAM, AMD A6-6400K APU with Radeon(tm) HD
> Graphics, dual core at 3.9Ghz.

I suppose you don't use LuaTeX.


Re: Personal dictionary

2019-03-21 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-03-21, Daniel wrote:
> On 22/12/2018 18:36, Daniel wrote:
>> Hi,

>> Does someone know where the personal dictionary entries are saved under 
>> Windows (10, Hunspell)?

>> Daniel

> As I have recently learned, it's location is (hard coded) in the LyX 
> user directory.

With decently up-to-date LyX versions, you can see these locations in
Help>About LyX.


Re: UTF8 error

2019-03-07 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-03-07, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> I use under tools>preferences>output>latex>font coding UTF8

The *font* must not be confused with the LaTeX *input*
encoding (encoding of the *.tex source file).

The font encoding uses special names, valid values are "T1", "OT1", ...
(see `texdoc fontenc`). 

The encoding for Unicode-fonts (with Xe/LuaTeX and the "fontspec" package is
"TU" (earlier versions used "EU1" and "EU2"). But this is not used by LyX.

However, this setting is a legacy from the LyX change of the legacy OT1
encoding to the still old T1 and should be best left unchanged. 

You may set the font encoding in special cases per document with

> and this works with the current document. 

Does this document use "non-TeX fonts"? Then the "default_fontenc" setting
is ignored.

> With an old document from 2009 
> i get with the same setting this error:! Package fontenc Error: Encoding 
> file `utf8enc.def'

> not found.

> (fontenc) You might have misspelt the name of the encoding.

You did.

> See the fontenc package documentation for explanation.


Re: excessive spacing between sections, quotations etc

2019-03-05 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-03-04, John White wrote:
> On Thursday, February 7, 2019 2:04:22 AM PST Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> On 2/7/19 12:35 AM, John White wrote:
>> > 2.3.0 on debian stretch. Article class.
>> > 
>> > I love lyx, but for years I have been bothered by its tendency to
>> > often put too much blank space between different paragraphs, sections,
>> > quotations, etc.
>> > 
>> > Far as I know, the only way to fix this is to insert vertical space,
>> > e.g. insert/formating/vertical space/custom -.2 in or some such. Quite
>> > time consuming.
>> > 
>> > Anyone know a better way?

Do you use indendation or vertical space (parindent vs. parskip) to separate

There is a long-standing bug with parskip:


Re: Integral sign appears in the wrong location inside lyx

2019-02-26 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-02-26, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Le 26/02/2019 à 17:26, Anand Rangarajan a écrit :
>> The screenshot didn't appear in the previous email.

> It did actually.

> Anyway, what is your environment? Where did you get LyX from?

It may be a problem with the screen fonts. You could play with different
fonts in Tools>Preferences>Look and Feel>Screen Fonts (and report success or
failure with various fonts).


Re: Bold lower case Greek letters in Times Roman font

2019-01-29 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-01-29, wrote:
>> On Jan 28, 2019, at 5:45 AM, Guenter Milde  wrote:

>> You can get a rich choice of mathematical symbols/characters matching
>> Times Roman (including bold Greek letters) with the selection "Times
>> Roman (New TX)" in Document>Settings>Fonts>Maths.

> Oh, thanks. I didn’t think of that (Times Roman (New TX)). That is a
> useful workaround. Surely publishers have a different workaround if in
> fact Times Roman is deficient. I just wonder if this workaround is
> compatible with their workaround, if any. 

Commercial mathematical fonts matching Times are available from
Micropress with TeX support by the package tmmath:

The "newtx" package ( is not just a workaround
but the recommended free maths font package to match Times text fonts.

Alternatively, you can use the "STIX fonts"¹ (either for both, text and maths
oder in combination with Times as text font.

With XeTeX/LuaTeX, you can use non-TeX fonts and unicode-math with, e.g.
TeX Gyre or STIX¹


*Mathematicl* font setup is conceptually and functionally different from
*text* mode fonts.  Unless your document contains Greek text parts or
words, you may skip the setup of Greek text fonts (but it may help to get
letters for, say, π-mesons).

>> For text, you can use the Times lookalike "Artemisia" from the Greek Font
>> Societey, e.g. via

> I didn’t try your Artemisia suggestion yet but I see that you are the
> maintainer, so thanks for that.

Actually, I just created and maintain the "substitutefont" package. It is
intended to combine matching 8-bit fonts for different scripts, because
quite often font developers for, say, Greek miss advanced Latin features
(letter ß or ð, say) while fonts for Latin have only basic or no Greek or
Cyrillic support.

> It does look like a nice font although it is not a Times lookalike to
> my eyes.

You are right, Artemisia is not a lookalike.

  GFS Artemisia is a relatively modern font, designed as a ‘general
  purpose’ font in the same sense as Times is nowadays treated.

However, it is just an example. You can try any Greek font with 8-bit TeX
support (cf.,,

Again, you can also use XeTeX/LuaTeX with any Unicode (non-TeX) font that
contains all required characters. LyX will tell you if characters are missing.



Re: Bold lower case Greek letters in Times Roman font

2019-01-28 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-01-28, wrote:

>> On Jan 27, 2019, at 6:07 PM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:

>> On 1/27/19 7:09 PM, wrote:

>>> Am I correct in thinking that the Times Roman font has no bold lower
>>> case Greek characters?

You can get a rich choice of mathematical symbols/characters matching
Times Roman (including bold Greek letters) with the selection "Times
Roman (New TX)" in Document>Settings>Fonts>Maths.

For text, you can use the Times lookalike "Artemisia" from the Greek Font
Societey, e.g. via
with the following preamble code

% Serif
% Sans
% \substitutefont{LGR}{\sfdefault}{neohellenic}
% Monospaced
\substitutefont{LGR}{\ttdefault}{cmtt}  % CB fonts


Re: pdf file generation

2019-01-09 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2019-01-07, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Hello,

> I still have the problem that I can generate the pdf file from Ctrl+R,
> but if I first generate the latex file (plain), then I get an error if
> I run latex mylayexfile.tex, because of the pictures:
> Typically
> ! LaTeX Error: File `Pictures/' not found.

> All my pictures are eps.gz files (actually, links)
> located in Pictures

> Any help?

The .bb is a bit strange here. Is it in your original file name?

Maybe plain `latex` does not accep g-zipped files?


Re: LyX 2.3.1: bug in "\text" mode of equations

2018-11-29 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-10-30, Bernt Lie wrote:
> Hm... I opened a new document of the template, and in this new
> template, the preview works. But it does not work in another document
> from the same template, where I'm in the process of inserting text from
> an OCR scanned paper copy of a document I wrote 30 years ago... (using
> Adobe Acrobat for OCR).

> This is weird. Maybe some junk from the imported, scanned document?
> I'll test some more.


>>> I need to insert some text in an equation. Two options:
>>> * \text{my text}

This is text-in-maths mode (using the active text font)

>>> * \mathrm{text}

this is the "roman" (upright serif) math alphabet (maths mode).

>>> There is a problem with \text{} if I use Instant preview *on*...: if
>>> I include character "ø" in the text string, it shows if I turn
>>> Instant preview *off*, but is removed if I turn Instant preview
>>> *off*.

Test, whether this "ø" in your source is really
or some other similar looking symbol which may be missing in the text font
used for the instant preview.


Re: Datalisting -- suddenly changes font to *italic*??

2018-11-29 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-11-18, Bernt Lie wrote:
> LyX 2.2.3 under 64 bit Windows 10...

> I'm trying to insert an in-line data listing with a url address. The
> url starts with "";

What Style or Inset are you using?

> Problem: *after* the double slash ("//"), the typewriter font is
> changed from roman to italic... WHY?

> (I have not specified any language. Could it be that the system assumes
> Python, and that "//" implies *comment*? If I Would there be a way to
> avoid this? If I set the language to Matlab, the problem disappears...
> and Matlab uses "%" as comment symbol...)

Python uses "#" as comment separator, // is used by C++ and several other
programming or markup languages...


Re: Formula in Section title

2018-11-16 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-11-07, Patrick Dupre wrote:

>> On 2018-11-07 07:21, Patrick Dupre wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> > 
>> > I used to use small formula in section or sub-section title.
>> > Unfortunately, if latex manage the font of the Titles (by typically
>> > using a bold font) for the regular text, it just use the "standard"
>> > font for the formula.
>> > The transition from bold to regular is just ugly. Is there a way to
>> > coordinate the fonts?
>> > 
>> > Thank.

>> Hi,

>> Just to be sure: So just using \boldsymbol manually for formulas in the 
>> title and headings does not work for you, right? You want it to switch 
>> automatically whenever the surrounding text is bold?

>> Daniel

> Yes, I could edit each formula of the section title, but I would like to find
> an automatic way to have these formula, let say in \boldsymbol.
> Actually, my formula are already in \rm (Chemistry formula for example).
> They cannot be switched in \boldsymbol, but probably in \mathbf

The LaTeX tool for adapting a math formula to bold text style is switching to
the math version "bold" *before* the formula.

The switch is valid until another \mathversion command or the end of the
current group (e.g. a section command argument):


\section{$\mathrm{H_20}$ \mathversion{bold} $\mathrm{H_20}$}

back to normal math version $\mathrm{H_20}$
switch to bold math version \mathversion{bold} 
test $\mathrm{H_20}$


Some symbols don't exist in a bold version, so it may become a strange mix
of bold and normal characters, though.

There are packages that allow to define a default command for each section,
so you can automate the math version switch. If you are using the
KOMA-Script document classes, see their documentation for details.

Hope this helps,


TeX comments in preamble (was: Biblatex in LyX 2.3 and newer)

2018-11-16 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-11-10, jezZiFeR wrote:

> Also the lines:
> \urlstyle{%}
> \usepackage{%}
> \begin{%}

> caused some errors – do I really have to remove all of them? Is there
> is one obvious reason for this?

In TeX (and the LyX-user-preamble), a % starts a comment that stretches till
the end of line. Therefore, all these lines produce unbalanced braces, for
TeX the code becomes:



Re: Different textclasses warning

2018-10-04 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-09-27, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 9/26/18 2:51 AM, Daniel wrote:
>> On 25/09/2018 18:16, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>> On 9/25/18 10:21 AM, Daniel wrote:

 When a document with a child document with different textclass is
 typeset LyX warns about this. I am wondering why that is since as far
 as I understood the child document does not incorporate any class
 information into the master document. So, is this warning because I
 could have used commands incompatible with the master document, like
 chapter when the master is an article?

>>> Yes.

 But then LyX would warn me anyway, or?

>>> What do you mean? When might it warn you otherwise?

>> For example, if I compile an article master with a child book that has
>> a chapter, then LyX will throw an "undefined control sequence" error.

> True. The 'different textclasses' error is meant to be a pre-warning in
> a way about that. The LaTeX warning might be harder for some users to trace.

How about making this an additional info only shown in case there is a
LaTeX error?


Re: Rasterized PDF output with default font

2018-10-02 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-09-21, Daniel wrote:

> When I typeset a PDF with the default font settings (under Windows 10), 
> the output text is rasterized (source and output files attached).

> I haven't used the default font settings for a while, so maybe this is 
> normal? But it seems strange to me.

It is a known problem:


Re: Sharpness of lyx characters

2018-08-27 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-08-23, Pol wrote:
> screen characters in lyx on hp-elitebook x360, appear unclear, i would 
> say that 'ink density' is not uniform. 

Is this about the LyX window or the PDF output?

> No change switching to different fonts.

For PDF in a screen-viewer, you may try using "non-TeX fonts" with
XeTeX/LuaTeX. In print, the fonts are usually OK.


Re: Metadiscussion

2018-04-25 Thread Guenter Milde
Dear Dr. Lisse,

On 2018-04-24, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> T-Bird sends to and posts to
> gmane.editors.lyx.general (which may, or may not, have an identical
> audience).  

Actually, gmane.editors.lyx.general is a mirror of the mail group, so every post to one of these will end up in
both, the list and its news mirror at gmane and every subscriber to one of
these outlets will get two copies of your posts/mails.

While some subscribers use filters so that they don't see both copies, it
would be a better approach to configure your mail app not to send to both
input channels.


Günter Milde

Re: lambda > solved, but font question

2018-04-19 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-04-18, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Am 18.04.2018 um 19:11 schrieb Guenter Milde:
>> On 2018-04-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>>> Am 16.04.2018 um 10:06 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

>>>> I select in lyx (2.3.0) in math
>>>> \lambda_{max}=528nm
>>>> but get in the pdf output
>>>>    ̆max = 528nm
>>>> why? (Debian stretch)

>> Can you test with View>Source whether the "mathpazo" package is used?

> I could, however,  not find View>source, to check for mathpazo
> I am using Lyx2.3.0 Debian/TeXlive2017
> perhaps this is what you ment:
> Code-preview pane

Yes, the name was changed.

> it showed

> $\mathrm{\lambda_{max}=528nm}$

Now, if you change in the code preview the "viewport" (second drop-down list
on the left) from [Current Paragraph] to [Complete Source] or [Preamble
only], you will be able to see the LyX-written LaTeX preamble.

With Document>Settings>Fonts as

Roman:  Palatino
TT  Default
Math:   Automatic

I get the preamble:


i.e. there is no need for

> \usepackage{mathpazo}

in the custom LaTeX preamble (Document>Settings>LaTeX Preamble).

>> You can also try with setting Fonts>Mathematics: Times Roman New TX
> I tried this, but \lambda is not shown

Now found the difference: You put \lambda in \mathrm.

Unfortunately, support for upright Greek letters in mathematics is
limited in traditional TeX. Standard TeX and most mathematical packages
use either italic Greek characters or a text font without Greek letters
with \mathrm. This is why you get an italic lambda with LatinModern or
Times but a wrong (text) character with Palatino.

For background and details, see

Do you really want an *upright* Lambda? This would indicate a
constant value or a physical unit (see, e.g.

If you put only the "max" and the unit into \mathrm, everything should be
fine (except for the missing space between value and unit).

Otherwise, see
for options to get upright Greek in 8-bit LaTeX maths or use non-TeX fonts
with Xe/LuaTeX.



Re: lambda > solved, but font question

2018-04-18 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-04-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 8bit --]

> Am 16.04.2018 um 10:06 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

>> I select in lyx (2.3.0) in math
>> \lambda_{max}=528nm

>> but get in the pdf output

>>   ̆max = 528nm

>> why? (Debian stretch)

>> Wolfgang

> just changed the fonts in settings from
> palatino
> helvetica
> computer modern typewriter

> to computer modern, which displaces the \lambda correctly.
> But I don't like the font too much. Any alternatives?

It works here LyX 2.2.2, Debian/TeXlive17, Palatino

Can you test with View>Source whether the "mathpazo" package is used?

You can also try with setting Fonts>Mathematics: Times Roman New TX


Re: epsilon/varepsilon & Times Roman?

2018-04-18 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-04-18, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 8bit --]

> On 04/18/2018 11:19 AM, Bernt Lie wrote:

>> I use Lyx 2.2.3, with Times Roman font.


>> Is it correct that Times Roman does not distinguish between “\epsilon”
>> and “\varepsilon”?

> I do not see a difference, with or without:
>     \usepackage{mathptmx}

Mathptmx is used for Times Roman by default. It is a stop-gap measure
combining several fonts for maths.

Better support is gained with newmathtx: select 
Document>Settings>Fonts>Maths: Times Roman (New TX)

The \epsilon vs. \varepsilon problem is also solved when selecting the
extended Times-Roman version "TeX Gyre Termes".


Re: lambda > solved, but font question

2018-04-17 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-04-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 8bit --]

> Am 16.04.2018 um 10:06 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

>> I select in lyx (2.3.0) in math
>> \lambda_{max}=528nm

>> but get in the pdf output

>>   ̆max = 528nm

>> why? (Debian stretch)

>> Wolfgang

> just changed the fonts in settings from
> palatino
> helvetica
> computer modern typewriter

> to computer modern, which displaces the \lambda correctly.
> But I don't like the font too much. Any alternatives?

Many: see

For palatino, I recommend newtxmath.


Re: Smaller font in floats in the working area

2018-04-12 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-04-11, racoon wrote:
> On 09/04/2018 11:25, Guenter Milde wrote:
>> On 2018-04-05, racoon wrote:
>>> Hi,

>>> Is it possible to get a smaller font for floats in the working area? So,
>>> I don't want to change the LaTeX output but the float inset. For
>>> example, larger tables often would fit better with a smaller font.

>> This should be possible with a custom layout or module. See
>> Help>Customization.

> Thanks. A bit more specific information would be very helpful.

> One can use

> Font [or LabelFont or DefaultFont]
>Size small
> EndFont

> to set the font size to small. However, this is not recognized within 
> the Float layout. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, it seems font settings are ignored in objects of type "Float".

> Maybe I could write a new inset for floats but I guess I would lose some 
> functionality that way, like the positioning via the label menu.

> So maybe you had something else in mind?

No, it was just a guess ("should be possible") gained from my experience
with insets and layouts.

Maybe you can file a feature request?

Sorry for the noise,


Re: Smaller font in floats in the working area

2018-04-09 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-04-05, racoon wrote:
> Hi,

> Is it possible to get a smaller font for floats in the working area? So, 
> I don't want to change the LaTeX output but the float inset. For 
> example, larger tables often would fit better with a smaller font.

This should be possible with a custom layout or module. See


Re: Recommendations for metadata storage in Stylz

2018-04-09 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-04-03, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Apr 2018 10:34:19 +1000
> Alan Tyree  wrote:

>> Hello Steve,
>> I would think YAML is the best choice here. It is easy to type and
>> easy for the beginner to understand. You could provide simple
>> templates for the most common cases. My own feeling is that anything
>> more complicated is going to turn off would-be authors.

> Thanks Alan (and you too Shay)!

> Both of you recommended for YAML and against JSON, made your points
> powerfully, and convinced me not to go with JSON (at least directly).

> I decided not to go with YAML because it's to easy to forget a colon or
> a dash and crash the program. The program would need to be too much of
> a mind reader.

> Instead I'm using several files consisting either of key-value pairs
> separated by an equal sign (people are used to those), or a few of the
> files are lists. I wrote a Python program to turn those files into a
> big, deeply nested dict that can run the program. Also, it will probably
> output a JSON file of the big, deeply nested dict, so all the other
> programs can use it.

If you are using Python anyway, consider the configuration file syntax and
module. It accepts some variations in the input syntax and normalizes this
to Python datatypes.


Re: Change Latex Math Code

2018-03-24 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-03-20, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

>> Ok. I was wondering if it was possible to do it from within LyX,
>> without editing the LyX file. I guess, it is not possible.

>> Editing LyX file is fine, but it would have been really nice if it had
>> the capability of making minor changes to the TeX code.

> I believe there are open enhancement requests about this. There really
> should be a way
> to do it in the case of math. I don't even think it would be that
> difficult. We have the LaTeX
> code. We just need a way to say "Display that, instead of the WYSIWYM
> stuff". Unfortunately,
> I do not know my way around the math code nearly well enough to do this.

We could offer conversion between ERT and Math insets.

(As a workaround, you can already copy-paste between the math editor and
text or ERT. But this will not speed up minor edits, of course.)

> Maybe another option would be for us to extend the "external editor"
> model to math insets.
> I believe we will soon have the ability to open ERT with an external
> editor, for cases where
> the ERT is fairly complex.


Re: importing a LaTeX template

2018-03-24 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-03-21, Полина Пруцкова wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

> Dear LyX experts,

> I am trying to use/import a LaTeX template for the ISMIR proceedings
> from here:
>  It has .sty files but also a
> .tex, a .pdf and a .bib file. Which of them do I use and how?

The .sty file is a document style -- either a very very old
document class (for latex 2.09)
or a "package" (extension for another document class).

The .tex file is most likely a template document.

The .bib file is a bibliographic database

The .pdf is a documentation or the result of "LaTeXing" the template .tex.

For LyX, you may need a new "layout" or "module". This depends on the
content of the template .tex file: if the line starting with

lists a standard document class (or one already supported by LyX) you have
luck and can simply try to import the .tex file into LyX.   

> I’ve googled and there are some solutions a couple of years old which
> seem to work for some and not for others. What is the latest wisdom on
> this?

The expansion of LyX to support new classes and modules is described in detail
in Help>Customization.


Re: lyx export for word users

2018-03-24 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-03-23, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I am working with a  word user who tells me he can't read the odt file 
> exported from lyx via elyxer. not readable, Microsoft cannot open, file 
> is corrupt.

> The doc export is empty with this on the terminal

>   * Warning: unsupported new format version 544


Elyxer supports LyX formats up to LyX 2.1.

You can easily fix export via elyxer in
Tools>Preferences>File Handling>Converters:

* Go to LyX -> OpenDocument (eLyXer)

* Change From format [LyX]
  to From format [LyX 2.1.x]
* Click [Add]

* Go back to  LyX -> OpenDocument (eLyXer)

  Click [Remove]

Feel free to add a Track ticket for fixing the config script.


Re: latex to lyx

2018-03-12 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-03-12, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Thank,

> But there is a gap between the file 
> /usr/share/lyx/layouts/article.layout
> and the 
> class-OP18.cls file that I have.

> I really do not see how I could get a correct 
> class-OP18.layout

Read Help>Customization, the chapter about creating layouts.


Re: Probleme bei der Erstellung einer PDF

2018-02-22 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-02-21, Tobias Malterer wrote:

Dear Tobias,

> Leider kann ich seit neustem keine PDF Datei erstellen, da diese
> Fehlermeldung erscheint.


> [-- Skipped Type: text/html --]
> [-- Skipped Type: image/png, Filename: image.png --]

is all I can see from your attachments (reading this via the GMANE news
interface). Other users might hesitate to open attachments from unknown

Please copy the text of the error message (maybe you need to open the
complete log and go to the error there to be able to copy/paste).

> Ich verwende die LYX-Version 2.2 und habe diese heute neu installiert,
> da der Fehler aufgetreten ist.

> Vor der Installation habe ich MikTex und LYX komplett deinstalliert.

Did you also re-install MikTeX?

As this is an English mail list you will get wider reach when writing in



Re: older lyx file (around 2009) gives error in lyx2.3.0beta1

2018-02-20 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-02-20, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> I found masses of these when switching to 2.2 (I think) and I resolved
> this with a perl script if I remember correctly :-)-O

Do you still have the originals? This could help us a lot to test whether
the fix is correct.


Re: Text output encodings

2018-02-20 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-02-19, F M Salter wrote:

>     To explain in more detail.    LyX uses utf-8.   utf-8 is standard on
> most operating systems.

>     RTF is obsolescent and is not a text file.

>     If I insert utf-8 italic characters into a LyX file, the plain text
> output contains italic characters.


You mean the italic characters in the "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols"
block , right?

>     I wanted to know if there was a LyX method which would produce
> italic utf-8 characters from emphasised text.

No. This would go against the intended use of the
Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols. The Unicode standard says:

@@  1D400   Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols   1D7FF
@+  To be used for mathematical variables where style variations
are important semantically. 
For general text, use standard Latin and Greek letters with markup.

Most fonts will also display these mathematical letters different from
text (no kerning, wider spacing) and there are many missing characters
(Umlauts ...).

>     If not, this would become a feature request.

An Unicode-compatible option would be to underline emphasized text with
compose-characters, but I don't know whether this would be regarded a good
idea by the developers.

I could rather imagine export to a minimalistic markup format like
reStructuredText or MarkDown.


Re: lyx2.3.0beta1 lyx-file export not taken by lyx2.2.3

2018-02-15 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-02-15, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 8bit --]

> Is it true, that a lyx-file produced by lyx2.3.0beta1 is not taken by 
> lyx2.2.3?

Yes. However, you can use File>Export>LyX 2.2 to save a version that can be
opened by LyX 2.2.

> and, if so, which lyx2lyx shown in lyx-2.3.0beta1/*lib/lyx2lyx* should 
> be used for conversion:


This is the Python module with the conversion functions for 2.2 <-> 2.3.

>     .pyc

.pyc files are pre-compiled "object code" files. You don't need them, they are
auto-generated if not present from the corresponding *.py file.

> lyx2lyx

lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx is the conversion script that should be called (e.g. with
--help). It loads the other modules in lib/lyx2lyx as required. (I placed
a symlink to usr/local/src/lyx23/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx in my PATH, so that
I can call it from everywhere.)

(You can even copy/link the complete lyx23/lib/lyx2lyx directory to your
2.2 user dir and then open 2.3 files with 2.2 directly.) 


Re: Install lyx 2.2.3

2018-02-15 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-02-15, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> I use to start my lyx with

> /src/lyx -dbg info

> but I get apparently interferences, if I do this with 2.2.3 (in the 
> 2.2.3 lyx folder) and 2.3.0beta1(in another folder), perhaps via the 
> .lyx stuff (??).

> Therefore I would like to install 2.2.3 with the instructions given 
> below the ###).

> I added

> deb stretch-backports main

> to my sources.list

> (did I choose something wrong here??)

> and ran

> sudo apt-get -t stretch-backports install lyx 2.2.3

> but get this (see the *bold* sentence below)

> Coud somebody tell me what I am doing wrong or what is missing?

Standard and backport Debian lyx packages assume that only one version of
LyX should be installed ont the system. They do not use a version suffix for
configuration data and user directory.

I use a debian packaged lyx for productive work and a home-compiled one (with
version suffix) for development.


> E: Probleme können nicht korrigiert werden, Sie haben zurückgehaltene 
> defekte Pakete.

It seems there is some installed package/program that depends on the
non-backport version of a library while lyx-backported depends on the newer,
backported version of this library. This may be solved by upgrading more
packages to the backported version.

I use aptitude to check and resolve such conflicts.


Re: html output --- LyX 2.3.0rc2

2018-02-04 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-02-04, F M Salter wrote:

>     I am answering Guenter Milde's questions (3 Feb - 12.34) on my
> original email to produce a more coherent explanation.

>     I simply used export to html (Alt-feh).  

OK this is the export via elyxer. (Elyxer is a 3rd-party program with
separate documentation and configuration, see

I tried with a minimal example (file with just a displayed formula
containing dotted q and Q).

> The variables were /q/ and
> /Q, / the png 's were generated by this process.  

Here, if I chose Alt-feh, the generated HTML has no PNGs included (see
below). I can drag-and drop »Q̇q̇« from Firefox.

This may depend on local elyxer setup.

> There was no separation between the variables and the dot.

For both or only the capital Q?

> The pdf version (ALT-fef) has a separation between the variables and the
> dot.

Fine, so this seems to work fine at least. I wonder why the PNG should
differ... Do you use custom fonts?

>     I also exported to xhtml (ALT-fey).  Here the dot was not placed
> above the variable but as a separate character following it.

> Here the relative height of the dot changes.  For the lower case /q/ it
> is above.  For the upper case /Q/ it is at the same height as the top of
> the /Q/ .

LyXHTML export works fine here as well and Firefox shows the dots at the
right hight and above the variables. (Display may be different in
browsers that have missing or deficient MathML support.)


Here is the example output from elyxer:";>"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">"/>"; type="text/css" 
Converted document


Re: html output --- LyX 2.3.0rc2

2018-02-03 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-02-03, F M Salter wrote:
> Hi

>     I generated html output for display equations with \dot.  The png's
> generated had the dot in contact with the symbol.  Is this what is to be
> expected or is the dot too close to the symbol?

Both;) It also depends on the symbol under the dot.

Does it look better in the PDF output of the same document?

How do you produce the HTML? elyxer or LyXHTML?

Why do you use PNGs? Nowadays most browsers support maths.

Sorry, but I cannot tell more without a minimal example.


Re: lyx-2.3.0 and lyx2lyx

2018-02-02 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-02-01, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Am 01.02.2018 um 15:33 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
>> Hallo,
>> I have several lyx files made under lyx-2.3.0beta1, but decided to use 
>> lyx-2.3.0.
>> I moved the lyx2lyx folder of the beta1 folder to my 2.3.0, but did 
>> not find in the lyx help books a description how to use it. Could 
>> somebody point to a place where to find a description?
>> Thanks,
>> Wolfgang
> I have reinstalled lyx-2.3.0beta1 parallel to lyx-2-3-0 and use it to 
> export my files for it (and to test the version). But would still like 
> to know how to use lyx2lyx, although its not urgent anymore.

You will get a help text when calling the lyx2lyx script in lyx2lyx/ from
the command line with the -h option, e.g.

 #> /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -h

 #> python /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -h


Re: “Missing Glyphs!” / LinLibertine

2018-01-31 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-01-30, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 09:42:14AM +0000, Guenter Milde wrote:
>> On 2018-01-29, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> > Am Montag, den 29.01.2018, 10:55 +0100 schrieb S. Noble:

>> >> Thanks, Scott and Günter, for your quick, helpful replies.
>> >> I had followed Scott’s advice and found the offending character. It
>> >> was indeed the lower-case Greek letter “sigma”, not in a word-final
>> >> position (i.e., “σ”). (There was just one of them in the document).
>> >> I was then puzzling over LyX’s error message — “There is no v in font
>> >> LinLibertineT-osf-lgr”. 

>> > That's not LyX's error message, but LaTeX's (or polyglossia's for that
>> > matter).

>> While Polyglossia is known for a lot of false positives when checking
>> character support, it is not to blame here. Polyglossia tests for script
>> support in the used fonts, relying on often missing information in the
>> font metadata and gives errors (not just warnings).
>> The "There is no … in font …" warnings are from TeX.

> Do you think it is worthwhile to report bugs regarding missing
> information in the font metadata, or in your experience is it not likely
> to lead to fixes? I suppose I would need to find the upstream font
> definitions and report them there, for each individual issue?

This is about Polyglossia and system fonts, so one may try this but it may
be any font on your computer...

More important would be a fix for the test (making it a warning only)
in Polyglossia.


Re: “Missing Glyphs!” / LinLibertine

2018-01-30 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-01-29, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Montag, den 29.01.2018, 10:55 +0100 schrieb S. Noble:

>> Thanks, Scott and Günter, for your quick, helpful replies.
>> I had followed Scott’s advice and found the offending character. It
>> was indeed the lower-case Greek letter “sigma”, not in a word-final
>> position (i.e., “σ”). (There was just one of them in the document).
>> I was then puzzling over LyX’s error message — “There is no v in font
>> LinLibertineT-osf-lgr”. 

> That's not LyX's error message, but LaTeX's (or polyglossia's for that
> matter).

While Polyglossia is known for a lot of false positives when checking
character support, it is not to blame here. Polyglossia tests for script
support in the used fonts, relying on often missing information in the
font metadata and gives errors (not just warnings).
The "There is no … in font …" warnings are from TeX.

>> It didn’t seem to make sense, for two reasons: (1) the problem
>> was certainly the letter “sigma”, but in principle it has nothing to
>> do with a “v”; and (2) in the PDF print-out, the letter “sigma” is
>> printed correctly. So, all in all, nothing is missing. I couldn’t
>> figure it out or find anything about it, and then came Günter’s
>> explanation.

The problem is that currently, in LyX's Unicode translation file we use the
Latin transcription for Greek:

In the Latin transcription, "s" stands for "\textautosigma", which
depending on the next characters is printed as "sigma" or "finalsigma".
This is fine if you type Greek text using Latin characters but bad if in
a document you write a single literal "σ" and in the PDF you get a single
"ς". Therefore, LyX uses the "never-to-become-finalsigma" transcript "sv"
with the "LGR ligature break character" "v" (cf.

 0x03c3 "\\textgreek{sv}" "textgreek" 
"force=iso8859-7;cp437;cp437de;cp865,mathalpha" "\\sigma" "" # GREEK SMALL 

That "v" is missing in Libertine LGR is a bug in this font. May be they call
it a feature, because the effect of a missing character is almost the same
as a "ligature break" character: it prevents ligating (fine) but
* it also triggers a warning
* there is a/no ligature break in the text if you copy-paste from the PDF.

LyX turns warnings about missing characters into errors for good reason.
Unfortunately this can give rise to false positives in rare cases.

We had a similar problem with Unicode fonts lacking the ligature break
character (u200C, ZWNJ). However, we cannot tell LyX to ignore missing
"v" characters (which stand for ZWNJ in the LGR font encoding but are
printable characters normally).

The proper solution is to use the LaTeX internal character representation
(LICR) in the Unicode translation file:

 0x03c3 "\\textgreek{\\textsigma}""textgreek" 
"force=iso8859-7,mathalpha" "\\sigma" "" # GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA

A patch is ready since some years but hold back because Greek LICR macros
were a new feature at this time. I believe it is time to apply the patch
now. It works stable on my local installation and fixes the problem + some

>> So at least I’ve understood (sort of), but this is strange behaviour
>> from LyX. LaTeX, on the other hand, doesn’t complain and prints the
>> “sigma” identically.

> You get the message as well, LaTeX is just not aborted (since it's a
> warning, actually).

This depends: If you use literal Greek characters in the LaTeX source, there
is no warning.

A simple workaround in LyX is to set the LaTeX input encoding to UTF-8:

 Document>Settings>Language>Encoding>Other: Unicode (utf8)
("Language default" does not work, because we force-convert sigma to
override inputenc's "iso8859-7.def" replacing it with "autosigma".

>> I'm wondering if the problem might be solved by LyX following LaTeX's
>> advice. If, as LaTeX complains, "The libertine-type1 package is
>> obsolete", then perhaps LyX should be using, as
>> LaTeX's suggests, "\usepackage[type1]{libertineRoman}" in the
>> Preamble instead of "\usepackage{libertine-type1}". 

This will not solve the warning issue (the font itself is the same).
Nevertheless, it may be a good idea to update the font call once we can
safely expect users to have the new interface or after a test in the LaTeX



Test document:

#LyX 2.2 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 508
\save_transient_properties true
\origin unavailable
\textclass scrartcl
\use_default_options false
\maintain_unincluded_children false
\language ngerman
\language_package default
\inputencoding utf8
\fontencoding global
\font_roman "default" "default"
\font_sans "default" "default"
\font_typewriter "default" "default"
\font_math "auto" "auto"
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts false
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100 100
\font_tt_scale 100 1

Re: “Missing Glyphs!” / LinLibertine

2018-01-28 Thread Guenter Milde
> On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 04:03:24PM +, S. Noble wrote:
>> Hello, List Members, 

>> I'm experiencing strange issues with LyX's "Libertine" font when I
>> attempt to compile a document. I'm now using LyX 2.2.2 on Mac OSX
>> 10.11.6 (El Cap.). I didn't have these issues in the past, when I first
>> created the documents. (I can't remember on which version of LyX they
>> were created, but it was't that long ago).

>> One of the documents, for example, is in French and German, with French
>> being the main language. When I hit "View" or "Update", LyX gives me the
>> following error:

>> - "Missing Glyphs!"

>> with the following description:

>> - "Missing character: There is no v in font LinLibertineT-osf-lgr!"

I could reproduce:

LinLibertineT-osf-lgr is a font in LGR (logal GReek) encoding, so the
problem seems to be in a Greek text part.

The v is defined as a "ligature break" (\textcompwordmark in LaTeX)
in the LGR font encoding. It is, e.g. used to prevent sigma (σ) becoming a
final sigma (ς) at the end of a word.

It is missing in Libertine LGR. 
As the ligature break is an invisible character, it may be there is no
problem with you file. Just check Greek parts -- maybe combined with the
method proposed by Scott.


Re: LyX-to-LyX pasting from "English" to "English (USA)" annoyances

2018-01-22 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2018-01-22, José Abílio Matos wrote:
> On Saturday, 20 January 2018 22.39.46 WET Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> Does anyone else run into this annoyance, e.g., with other forms of
>> English, French, German, etc? If not, then I don't think we should
>> change anything.

> I do with the different variants of English, sometimes I use the UK
> variant mainly because of the spelling (it is more natural to me to use
> colour than color) and I incur in the same problems you described.


I used to have this problem with de-1901 (german) vs. de-1996 (ngerman) but
now almost all my documents use the new spelling.

Still suffer from a related problem when copying a formula from an English
document to a German one, say. Unless there is text in it, a formula should
be language agnostic, IMV.


Re: Unable to open file on older version

2017-10-03 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-10-03, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

> On Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 11:29:50PM +, Tim Q wrote:
>> hi,

>> "" Myreading.lyx is from an older version of LyX and the lyx2lyx script
>> failed to convert it. ""

>> This is the message i got when i tried to open a Lyx file from an older
>> version that i have been using and I have Ubuntu 14.0. This file is
>> extremely important to me as i have been working on it for 2 years. I
>> desperately need help on opening up this file.

> Hi Kim,

> The first thing to do is to make a backup of the file. Opening and
> saving with newer versions could change something you don't want.

> Did you create the file using Which version of LyX are you
> using now? How did you install that version? (e.g. from Ubuntu PPA?).

In addition, you can try to open lyx from a command line (x-terminal window)
and see if there is a more specific error message from lyx2lyx.

It is also possible to run lyx2lyx from the command line and configure it
with options (in Debian, it is not in the PATH, though, so you must call it
with the complete path):

  /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx --help

Re: Backtick in LyX's "LyX-Code" mode

2017-09-28 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-09-27, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 12:41:27PM -0400, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:24:47PM +, Bruce Momjian wrote:
>> > I am using LyX 2.1.2 on Ubuntu 14.04.
>> > 
>> > If I enter this:
>> > 
>> > ab'c de`f
>> > 
>> > in "Standard" mode I get PDF output with proper left/right single
>> > quotes.  However, if I switch to LyX-Code mode for that text, I get as
>> > PDF output:
>> > 
>> >ab'c de'f

>> Testing on 2.1.0 and on 2.3.0dev, I get the following as PDF output:

>>   ab’c de‘f

>> which is different from what you get, but also not what you want.

> Actually, that would be fine output, as long as they look different.

>> > This is a problem for text of shell scripts.  I the want backticks
>> > because backtick means 'execute' in the shell.
>> > 
>> > What I have done instead to get literal backticks output is to use a
>> > TeX Code URT (Ugly Red Text) block inside the "LyX-Code mode" block and
>> > used \char18, which properly outputs the backtick.
>> > 
>> > Is this expected behavior?  Is that the recommended solution for this?

>> I have not seen a report of this, but I haven't seen an indication that
>> a lot of people are using LyX-Code, so I'm not sure if is known.

> OK, not sure what could be the cause then.  I am using ps2pdf to produce
> the PDF.

The view in PDF depends on the selected fonts rather than export route. I
get identic results with PDF (pdflatex) and PDF (ps2pdf).

You may experiment with different fonts, as well as checking the result of
drag-and-drop from the PDF. Here, it is
 ab'c de`f  with PDF(pdflatex) and ab' de`f with PDF(ps2pdf).

> What I have done as a work-around is to warn in my Makefile if a
> backquote is used in the LyX document.

Did you try with listings?


Re: tex2lyx

2017-09-25 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-09-25, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> On 09/25/2017 10:35 AM, Patrick Dupre wrote:
>> No, It do not have the layout!

> Well, there's your problem. No layout, no using the class with LyX. If 
> you can find an osajnl.layout file somewhere online, deposit it in your 
> local layouts folder, reconfigure and restart LyX, and you should be 
> able to continue. If not, I suspect you will need to cobble one 
> together. Typically, one starts with a layout file for a similar class 
> and modifies it as needed to handle specific features of the new class.

The the documentation in Help>Customization, chapter 5
Installing New Document Classes, Layouts, and Templates


Re: Backtick in LyX's "LyX-Code" mode

2017-09-25 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-09-25, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I am using LyX 2.1.2 on Ubuntu 14.04.

> If I enter this:

>ab'c de`f

> in "Standard" mode I get PDF output with proper left/right single
> quotes. 

This is a feature of LaTeX fonts: the ASCII quote and backtick are mapped
to "typographical" quotes u2019 and u2018:  ab’c de‘f

> However, if I switch to LyX-Code mode for that text, I get as
> PDF output:

>   ab'c de'f

Here, I get the "typographical" quotes u2019 and u2018 in a teletype
font: ab’c de‘f

With Document>Settings>Fonts>non-TeX fonts, the PDF output is as expected: 
ab'c de`f

> This is a problem for text of shell scripts.  I the want backticks
> because backtick means 'execute' in the shell.

> What I have done instead to get literal backticks output is to use a
> TeX Code URT (Ugly Red Text) block inside the "LyX-Code mode" block and
> used \char18, which properly outputs the backtick.

In case using Unicode fonts is not an option, you may also try the
"listings" package (Insert>Program listing) with the options


in Document>Settings>Program listings. In a minimal document, you may
need to add \usepackage{textcomp} to the LaTeX preamble.

A a last ressort, you can use the macro \textasciigrave (instead of
\char18) in raw LaTeX (ERT).


Re: Lyx Babel issue

2017-09-22 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-09-22, Peter Drummond wrote:

> I get the following problem running
> LyX Version 2.2.3 on a Mac with OSX El Capitan 10.11.6.

> If I simply open the Lyx program with a new file, type in 'test', and try
> to view the results, I get an error message in the log panel that opens:

> `Package babel Error: Unknown language `english'. Either you have'


> Note that these errors occur in a completely new Lyx file, just
> created, with only one word in it, and only default settings.

The default settings can be configured via a "defaults.lyx" template
in one of the LyX-Dirs. Could you send the minimal test LyX file?

> Similar spellcheck/babel errors occur in almost every other Lyx file I try.
> Many are more serious than this, and don't allow me to proceed. This
> creates problems with files shared with other researchers, who create Lyx
> files that I edit.

> I do not get this problem on other Macs I have access to, with the same
> version of Lyx. However, there is no obvious clue to what is causing
> it. Presumably a language setting either in Lyx or the Mac is
> incorrect, but I have no idea what it could be. Whatever it is, the
> error message is not very useful.

It may also be a problem with the LaTeX installation/setup.
Does a LyX file produced on other Macs run on the "faulty" one?
Does a failing LyX file run on the other Macs?


Re: xunicode layout option?

2017-09-14 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-09-14, John Parejko wrote:

> Is there a way to get LyX to not add \usepackage{xunicode} to the
> resulting LaTeX output? 

Unfortunately not (at least not easily).

Let's look for workarounds:

xunicode is only added for phonetic symbols with Unicode fonts ("tipa"
emulation via Insert->Special characters->Phonetic symbols): you may
consider inserting phonetic symbols as literal Unicode characters instead.

> Unicode support is already provided by our document class (currently
> also via xunicode). 

Usually, loading a package twice means the second call is just ignored. Only
if there are different package options, this fails. 
Are you using options? What is the error message?

Does your document class try include/require "tipa" functionality?
Otherwise, it should not require xunicode with an up to date fontspec package.


Re: Have you tested 2.3.0beta1?

2017-09-07 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-09-06, Richard Heck wrote:
> On 09/06/2017 02:08 AM, Anders Ekberg wrote:

>> Tested briefly on Mac latest OS and fresh TeX installation. Only
>> problem was that the welcome document complains about unknown image
>> format (svgz?) If that is ignored the document compiles fine except
>> for that image, but it should preferably be fixed.

> I'm pretty sure this got reported earlier and was fixed recently.

Reported: yes, fixed: ???

Workaround: install Inkscape and run Tools>Reconfigure.

Problem: when using rsvg (or an rsvg based application??) as SVG->PDF
converter, the pdflatex output freezes the Mac PDF previewer if several,
originally SVG, graphics are on one output page. 
(The adventurous may try with the LyX UserGuide)


Re: Strange compile error

2017-09-03 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-09-03, Steve Hnizdur wrote:

> Attached is a lyx file which when complied with ctrl-R gives the error 
> below copied from the error log. It also fails if I try to compile it as 
> a native .tex file.

I tried the example you posted later and it runs without problems here
(Debian/stable with pre-packaged TeXLive 2016).

> The error goes away if the \dots is removed and it also goes away if the 
> "Number Equations by Section" Module is removed.

> Any thoughts.

I know that amsmath re-defines \dots to be context sensitive. It may be
that \numberwithin{equation}{section} interferes with this re-definition in
some way (in the version used by you) and the bug is solved in current

You may try to use \ldots instead of \dots or to update your TeX installation.


Re: all-inclusive file format

2017-08-21 Thread Guenter Milde
Dear Lyx users,

On 2017-08-17, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Aug 2017 15:41:17 +0200 Roberto  wrote:
>> On 04/08/2017 17:35, Cris Fuhrman wrote:

> Are you ever going to let this thread die? 

I am not sure whether it is better to let this thread die or to bring it to
a good end.

* a lot of blaming, bashing and bad feelings have been exchanged, but

* a lot of good implementation ideas about an all-inclusive file format came
  up as well.


> You've been informed it will break existing things 

Well done, an all-inclusive file format will not break anything.
(There is no need to *replace* the existing format with a new one.)

However, given how counter-productive it is to insult developers that
spend their spare time on a project, it may be that

> your best move now is to let this thread die.

and sum up the good points in a feature request at trac.


Re: lyx to latex

2017-08-03 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-08-03, Patrick Dupre wrote:

> When I generate the pdf file from lyx, every thing is OK.
> If I generate a tex file (plain latex), and then, if I compile it
> with latex, I get:

> ! LaTeX Error: File `Pictures/' not found.
> l.1163 ...raphics[scale=0.51]{Pictures/17ubar_pub}

> The issue is with the pictures.

Yes. Different latex "flavours" accept different graphics formats:

`latex` accepts EPS but no PDF
`pdflatex` accepts PDF, JPEG, PNG, ... but no EPS

What is the original format of the picture 17ubar_pub?

If it is PDF or PNG, then try to export to "LaTeX (pdflatex)" and compile
with pdflatex.

> What does lyx, that latex does not do?

* LyX runs latex and, if required auxiliary commands like bibtex,
  makeindex, ... and again latex (up to three times).

* LyX converts pictures so it is accepted by the converter program
  (latex, pdflatex, xelatex, or lualatex).

* LyX runs postprocessors like ps2pdf to get a PDF from the Postscript
  document generated by "plain" latex.

* ...

In short, everything required to generate the output document.
There are advanced LaTeX editors that do the same.


Re: cannot produce PDF from classicthesis-Lyx-v4.2_biblatex-biber in Mageia6

2017-07-31 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-07-31, Michael Berger wrote:

> Hi Günter,

> let me recall: with 'Tools > Reconfigure' done I still see
> in 'Documents > Settings > Bibliography > Bibliography Generation >
>  > Processor'

>   * Default
>   * bibtex
>   * bibtex8

> wheras I should have

>   * Default
>   * biber
>   * bibtex
>   * bibtex8

> Is 'biber' installed or not: see the screenshot

The screenshot and it does not help. I don't have any idea about Mageia6.

But if reconfigure does not make "biber" appear, biber is not installed---at
least not in at a place where LyX can find it.

> I have Mageia 6, KDE

You may try in a terminal the commands `biber --help`
and `which biber` to see whether it works and where it is installed (if it
Ultimatively, you should look for help with someone knowing Mageia and TeX
at Mageia.


Re: cannot produce PDF of classicthesis-Lyx-v4.2_biblatex-biber in Mageia6

2017-07-31 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-07-31, Michael Berger wrote:

> I found that classicthesis-Lyx-v4.2_biblatex-bibtex8 compiles to PDF in 
> Mageia6  whereas classicthesis-Lyx-v4.2_biblatex-biber does not.

> 'Documents > Settings > Bibliography > Bibliography Generation > 
> Processor' is expected to show

>   * Default
>   * biber
>   * bibtex
>   * bibtex8

> This is what I see in openSUSE Leap 42.2 and accordingly 
> classicthesis-Lyx-v4.2_biblatex-biber produces a perfect PDF.

> Whereas in Mageia6 I can only see

>   * Default
>   * bibtex
>   * bibtex8

> so, 'biber' is (still) missing and therefor (in my opinion as an 
> ordinary user) no PDF output is generated.

The list shows what is (was) available on the system the last time you run

> Are the developers aware of this and will "biber" be made available in 
> Mageia6 soon?

Making "biber" available in Mageia6 is not the task of LyX developers.
Maybe it is alredy available but not installed as LyX dependency, maybe it
is missing. Ask the distribution packagers or file a bug to Mageia6.

After installing "biber", you must make LyX aware of this: open LyX and run


> I should mention that in the earlier days of openSUSE Leap 42.2 neither 
> classicthesis-Lyx-v4.2_biblatex-bibtex8 nor 
> classicthesis-Lyx-v4.2_biblatex-biber did compile to PDF.

> Cheers and thanks,
> Michael

> [-- Skipped Type: text/html --]

Re: How to avoid breaking an item of enumerate?

2017-06-27 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-06-25, Paul Smith wrote:

> How to automatically avoid breaking the page in the middle of the
> inner items? For instance:

> Page 1

> 1. blablabla
>a) blablabla

> Page 2

>b) blablabla
> 2. blablabla
>a) blablabla
>b) blablabla

> In this example, the page break should be like the following:

> Page 1

> 1. blablabla
>a) blablabla
>b) blablabla

> Page 2

> 2. blablabla
>a) blablabla
>b) blablabla

> Thanks in advance,

It works here when I include the second sub-list in a minipage


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\begin_layout Enumerate

\begin_layout Enumerate



\begin_layout Enumerate

\begin_layout Enumerate

\begin_layout Enumerate


Re: how to input Chinese in ERT?

2017-06-24 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-06-24, subaochen wrote:

> I can not input any Chinese in ERT, but can copy from others, if I
> missing some tricks to handle Chinese in ERT? 

You stumbled about a bug in LyX. 

In ERT, it prevents you from input of characters that required conversion by
LyX for LaTeX export (fine). 

Unfortunately, LyX is overly cautious here, e.g. with the "latex input
encoding" (Document>Language>Encoding) set to utf8, there should be no
restriction --- but I can only input latin1 characters, not the rest of


Re: Google Analytics (or other)

2017-06-06 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-06-04, Cris Fuhrman wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding:  --]

> On Jun 3, 2017 19:23, "Joel Kulesza"  wrote:

> > However, I would want to see an option in the installation process to
> > disable "anonymous usage statistics" from being collected.

> I totally agree. I mentioned this point in my first post in the other
> thread about the preferences file. Many applications have a preference to
> turn on or off usage data collection (it's often phrased "help improve this
> application by contributing anonymous usage data").

Actually, if ever done by LyX, I strongly want this to be opt-in, not a


Re: Problems with Unicode and Greek letters

2017-06-06 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-06-05, Juanjo ML wrote:


There are many ways to get Greek letters in LaTeX. The correct way(s)
depend on whether it should be a text letter or a mathematical symbol.

> When I try to write a greek character such as delta, an error shows up.

> I've tried two different ways:

>- writing it in Latex Code (Ctrl + L) (a simple Latex block with
>"\delta" within): it says "Missing $ inserted." and doesn't do anything
>further. When I click "do it anyway", Latex code seems to affect the whole
>line, till it finds a "special character", but my greek letter does not

The LaTeX macro \delta (as any other Greek letter name) generates the
mathematical symbol. It is a "math mode command", i.e. it only works if
LaTeX is in "math mode" (inbetween $ $ or an equation.

In LyX, you could use Ctrl-L: $\delta$, but the better way is using mathed,
as you did here:

>- writing it as an inline equation (Ctrl + M) ("\delta" in a blue
>square): "Package inputenc Error: Unicode char...", but pdf is shown
>without clicking anything. It works, but I strongly believe these errors
>shouldn't be there...

I agree that the errors are not right. They don't show up normally.

Maybe you inserted a literal Unicode delta δ into the "math square" or
you have some unusual document settings and/or incomplete LaTeX installation.
Hard to tell without a minimal example.

You may try again, evt. also with Alt-M G  or with the "Greek" math toolbar.

If you want Greek *text*, don't use math mode but
literal Greek unicode characters in text mode.

With XeTeX/LuaTeX, you need to set a font that contains Greek letters.

With pdfTeX, you need to install Greek language support. 
If the text language is set to Greek and TeX fonts are used, you can also
use the ASCII transliteration provided by Babel instead of literal Greek


Re: texlive in Debian

2017-04-26 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-04-25, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I am frequently reminded by the Debian system to install texlive, which 
> is, however, of 2014, whereas I am using the one of 2016.

> If I click the various texlive packages away (a bit cumbersome, around 
> 14 or so packages) I am told that it is needed for removing a security 
> risk.

> What should I do? I would rather like to stick to the 2015 version. Does 
> this version give me the security? Or should I install the 2016 version? 
> Or wait for the 2017 version?

You could install texlive 2016 from Debian/testing
--- or a "dummy texlive" to meet dependencies.


Re: Adding a Local Layout for a \newcommand

2017-04-24 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-04-22, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> Thanks.

> It did help to come up with:

> in the Preamble:

> \newcommand\LMP[1]{#1}

> In Settings->Local Layout:

> Format 60
> Style EDD
>CopyStyle Date
>Series Bold
>Color Red
>LatexName renewcommand
>LatexParam {\LMP}
>LabelString "LMP:"
> End

> which does exactly what I want, and with the look I wanted.

To have it all in one place, you can move the preamble definition into
the Style

Style EDD
   CopyStyle Date
   Series Bold
   Color Red
   LatexName renewcommand
   LatexParam {\LMP}
   LabelString "LMP:"


Re: Extra long chapter title causing problems in TOC

2017-04-24 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-04-24, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> Am 24.04.2017 um 13:51 schrieb PhilipPirrip:
>> On 04/23/2017 08:14 AM,  Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या 
>> *فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:
>>> Dear all,

>>> Could you kindly help me with a tip on how to insert a 
>>> carriage-return/line-break in my table of contents, for a very long 
>>> title? I'm using Lyx 2.2.0

>>> The problem text is below (and neither \\ nor \newline works) :

>>> \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{How Goan Identity and India's 
>>> Independence \\ Put Britain in a Diplomatic Dilemma}
>>> \addtocontents{toc}{Victor Rangel-Ribeiro \par}

>> Hi Frederick,
>> I don't quite understand why you're using these low-level commands 
>> instead of ordinary sectioning ones, but here's the answer:
>> in order for \newline to survive writing into the .toc file, you need 
>> to protect it, thus
>> \protect\newline should work (not sure how well).

> What about using a short title in the TOC?
> >insert>short title

Note, that this box generates just an alternative title for the toc
which may actually also be longer or 
contain a hard line break :-)


Re: How do I copy text from LyX to xterm/rxvt?

2017-04-20 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-04-20, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

>> Copying from the document Xwindow-style (middle button) does indeed not
>> work. Interestingly, it does work from the Source Pane, as does from
>> Document Settings.

> middle-button paste work fine for me on Ubuntu with LyX 2.2.2. I'm not
> sure what's going wrong.

I can reproduce both: (lyx 2.2.2 on Debian, XFCE, no clipboard manager)

Sometimes, select and middle-paste works, sometimes not!

* Short text parts without special markup work.
  Paragraph breaks work, too.
  ERT works.
  Layout list works.
* Footnotes in the selection -- fail
  Selection in a heading -- fail
  Line with Newline inset or Space inset -- fail

No error in the terminal, nor in xsession-errors.


Re: Unable to open file........

2017-04-09 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-04-08, John White wrote:
> I have found that the newer lyx versions open files created in an older 
> lyx version, but not visa versa.

This is true, because the older lyx version cannot reliably handle
features added in a new lyx version.

Exception: the last maintenance release of a major release can open files
from the next major release.

OTOH, you can export files to older LyX formats with File>Export...

Advanced users can also just install a new lyx2lyx script for the old lyx.


Re: rename name index and subject index

2017-04-02 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-04-01, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 7bit --]

> I would like to rename my 'name index' and 'subject index' to the German 
> 'Namensverzeichnis' and 'Stichwortverzeichnis' with

> \renewcommand{\indexname}{Sachverzeichnis}

> in the preamble, but this does not give the desired output in the pdf 
> file. What would be the appropriate way of doing it?

Probably, this is overwritten by babel. You may try with ERT in the
document body or \AtBeginDocument. 

Re: Consultation about editing CLS file

2017-03-31 Thread Guenter Milde
Dear Adrian,

On 2017-03-30, Adrian Dario Zambrano Fuenmayor wrote:

> I am currently writing my thesis book, and I was provided with a .cls file
> by my previous university to comply with the parameters needed for writing
> my undergraduate thesis. This time I am intending to use the same .cls file
> to write my master thesis, but I would like to edit certain lines of the
> code of the mentioned file.

> I tried to do that by directly editing the file using the Notepad, but when
> I try to compile it with Lyx, it immediately launches an error.

> I would like to know if it is possible to edit the contents of a class file
> (.cls), so that I can customize some of the code lines to comply with the
> new format of my master thesis book.

a) You can edit a *.cls (LaTeX document class) file with any text editor.

   You need to make sure the content stays valid LaTeX code, though.
   You may need to consult a LaTeX book or online documentation, e.g.,
   the starter "clsguide.pdf" that comes with every LaTeX distribution.

b) The cls file cannot be compiled directly, only documents using it can be
   compiled (this holds for both, LaTeX and LyX documents).
   To test your *.cls file, create a small LaTeX document and compile this
   "by hand".
c) LyX adds a layer, the *.layout file that is an interface between the
   definitions in the *.cls file and what you want to see in LyX.
   See Help>Customization for details.
Hope that gets you started. In case of problems, please ask giving a
*minimal* example and the error message.


Re: Math Blackboard (or Blackboard Bold) 1 Insertion?

2017-03-28 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-03-28, Joel Kulesza wrote:

> Is there a recommended method to insert a glyph for a blackboard (or
> blackboard-bold) 1?

> I've tried \mathbb in math-mode, but then when I insert "1", I instead get
> a [image: \mathbb{1}].

It is a known limitation of most LaTeX mathbb fonts to only support
uppercase Latin letters.

Exceptions include STIX fonts, some Unicode math fonts
and the packages fourier, fouriernc, and mathbbol.
The "symbols.pdf" document may also help
  texdoc symbols
on the command line if you have TeXLive.


Re: lyx to latex

2017-03-20 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-03-20, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Is weird,


> In preference, I have:

> From format lyx to format reach text Font:

> 'latex2rtf -p -S -o $$o $$i'

To "text Font"?

Which "preference" file?

Is latex2rtf in your PATH?

> But when I export it does a pdflatex

How do you start the export?


Re: Missing glyphs! Missing character: There is no , (U+2028) in font [XXX]:mode=node;s

2017-03-20 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-03-20, Bernt Lie wrote:
> On 2017-03-20, Bernt Lie wrote:
>> Sent: søndag 19. mars 2017 16.28

>> I have a problem with LuaTeX / XeTeX

>> Not completely related, but I get a "Missing glyphs!" (two times) with 
>> LyX 2.2.2 on Windows 10. The source of this missing glyphs are two 
>> occurrences of BibTeX references containing the character {\AA} (I 
>> assume this is the source – the error message showed up after I 
>> included these references…).

> The latex macro \AA is translated to 

>   * non SI length unit (=0.1 nm) named after A. J. Ångström, Swedish 
> physicist

> The Unicode standard says:

>   * preferred representation is 00C5


> Both character look the same but some fonts only contain 00C5.

> You can solve this by changing \AA to \r{A} in the bibtex file or by
> selecting a font with 212B.

> Günter
> --

> Hm. The LaTeX macro \AA *should* be translated to the Scandinavian
> letter Å, at least according to some LaTeX manuals I have read through
> the years. 

* 8-bit TeX does not distinguish Å and Å.

* With xunicode sty, it is LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE for both:


* With tuenc.def \r{A} is Å, too:

  \DeclareTextComposite{\r} \UnicodeEncodingName{A}{"00C5}

  but \AA is not defined.

> As in Ångström (Swedish name) or Årdal (Norwegian name).
Jag vet.

> Danes tend to use Aa instead of Å, but the Danish alphabet includes Å.

Aa is the transkription in case there are no accents (like ue for ü).

> I tried the suggestion of replacing \AA with \r{A}. Result?
> * The typesetting in the bibliography is correct and the same as for
>   when I used \AA


> * I still get the same missing glyphs message

Strange. What engine and font do you use?

> * Now, I cannot search for Å in JabRef -- if I use \AA, I can search
>   for Å in JabRef.

This is a JabRef shortcoming. Maybe you can use a literal Å?


Re: lyx to latex

2017-03-20 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-03-20, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Hello,

> If I remember correctly, I was able to convert directly a lyx file to a
> rtf file in the past. Did this option disappear ?

It seems to be still in LyX but depends on the external program latex2rtf: contains the code:

checkProg('a LaTeX -> RTF converter', ['latex2rtf -p -S -o $$o $$i', 
'latex2rt -p -S -o $$o $$i'],
rc_entry = [ r'\converter latex  rtf"%%""needaux"' ])


Re: Conversion Problem

2017-03-20 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-03-20, subhuman wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Mar 2017 15:19:19 + (UTC)
> Guenter Milde  wrote:

>> > after upgrading LyX from version 2.1.4 to 2.2.2, paragraphs in a
>> > 2.1-document are no longer recognized. 

>> Does this mean several paragraphs are

>> * merged into one in the GUI / output
> Only in the output. The whole text appears in one single paragraph.


>> Does the same unwanted effect happen with a new document?
> I'm unable to tell, because in want to have a working application I
> downgraded back to the earlier version of LyX.

>> Does it affect more than one document?
> See above.

Where? I can't find any mention of this.

> Since the effect only appears in the output I fancy the failure might
> lay in changes in the way LyX reads and interprets layouts. 

This depends, it may be the layout (if the failure is specific to all
documents using a specific layout) or a specific document or configuration...

> I've attached the layout file in question to this message. 


I see some differences comparing your custom keuchusten layout and the
current standard ones:

* version: 35  vs. 63

* in keuchusten:Standard
   ParbreakIsNewline 1

  missing in standard:Standard
I suggest, in order to be up-to-date to mimic a standard book layout and
instead of

  # basic definitions, adopted from -
  # however, that include calls too many other inc's
  # we won't need.


  # the same, now from - we could as
  # well CopyStyle from Quotation, but then we'd have
  # to live with an element in the dropdown menu we
  # don't need. hence, for the sake of perfection,
  # we go on foot.

use the same method as in handling stdsections --- delete unwanted style with

After converting your custom layout this way, you may try again with LyX 2.2.
(There is a way to instal different lyx versions side-by-side...)


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