Re: Hi at all -- Amatex with BibEdt in LyxWin

2005-05-17 Thread Ekkehart Schlicht
Amatex is great. Thank you for the hint.
If you are using Windows, you can copy the Bibtex
information obtained through Amatex and insert
it into your bib file by opening it with Bibedt and
select Record - Insert

Re: Hi at all -- Amatex with BibEdt in LyxWin

2005-05-17 Thread Ekkehart Schlicht
Amatex is great. Thank you for the hint.
If you are using Windows, you can copy the Bibtex
information obtained through Amatex and insert
it into your bib file by opening it with Bibedt and
select Record - Insert

Re: Hi at all -- Amatex with BibEdt in LyxWin

2005-05-17 Thread Ekkehart Schlicht
Amatex is great. Thank you for the hint.
If you are using Windows, you can copy the Bibtex
information obtained through Amatex and insert
it into your bib file by opening it with Bibedt and
select Record -> Insert

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
Hi again, and thanks for all your answer.

I will try to answer to all your email.

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
  1) i selected the book style, is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
  sure of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this
  question seeing the other problems. (I hope...)


Does your university have either A) a defined thesis format or B) LaTeX
 class for that format?

I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know how to 
ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has a good 
layout or not, but we don't know the name of the good layout with lyx...for 
this reason i asked to this mailing-list.

  2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
  the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
  bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
  decide where the page number must be printed?

Yes. The fancyhdr package lets you control what information is seen.

I will search for it. thanks

  4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
  As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some
  books (of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not
  that books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy
  the name of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?

Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.

This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must install 
another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway i will 

  5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
  images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments
  that i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it
  is between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element
  after the wrapped area, but it does not work :( I use the wrapped
  area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure list too.

Use a figure float for your figures. This lets the software determine
 the best placement. You can center the figure by using
 Layout-Paragraph-Center. In most books, the figure caption is placed
 beneath the figure and the table caption is placed on top of the table.

I tried as you told me, but it does not work alwaysFor the moment i has 
two images. The first is immediately followed by a different section. It that 
case the float does not appear (while the wrapped area works). In the second 
image the float works and wrapped area not. I think that i'm wrong something 
(sure with lyx works either or at least one of two ways, but i'm not able to 
use lyx as we can see)

  Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i

No. At least, that's what most of us think. However, if your university
 has format requirements that would take a lot of effort to enable in LyX
 then perhaps OO.o would be quicker for you.

I will remember of this. 

Thanks for your answer!

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
 3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put 
 names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
 cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use only one author paragraph and separate the names by a forced line 
break (shortcut C-Enter).

regards Uwe

Thanks this work perfectly! 

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Subir Singh Lamba wrote:

I have been using lyx since some time and at present I am writing my 
thesis. For that I have downloaded a sketch of thesis from University of 
Durham. If you need I can send you in email and you will have to just 
tweak it according to your requirement as the file is really a good find.


Of course. I will appreciate that a lot. 
P.S. You can mail me at the following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
 I tried to use lyx some years ago, when i installed it, and now. I have
 mainly these problems:

 1) i selected the book style, is that correct for my thesis? i'm not sure
 of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this question
 seeing the other problems. (I hope...)

IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main classes 
(article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a new page.
I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook (that is book 
(koma)) or memoir, because these two are much more flexible. KOMA has been 
designed with regard to European typesetting conventions.

Ok. I will try that too...I observed that changing from book style to some 
other styles i obtain some errors. I suppose that this is due to use 
different style imply use different headers (for section, chapter, and so 
on). So i changed the headers, but the 

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Alberto wrote:
 IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main
  classes (article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a
  new page. I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook
  (that is book (koma)) or memoir, because these two are much more
  flexible. KOMA has been designed with regard to European typesetting

 Ok. I will try that too...I observed that changing from book style to some
 other styles i obtain some errors. I suppose that this is due to use
 different style imply use different headers (for section, chapter, and so

Yes, LyX yields an error if the new document class doesn't have some layouts 
elements of the old one (e.g. article doesn't have chapters, in contrary to 
book). A switch between book and book (koma) should be no problem, though 
(but vice versa, if you use koma's bonus features).

 So i changed the headers, but the errors remains. 

Do you mean the red error boxes or the error when you try to view 
dvi/postscript/pdf? The latter shouldn't be the case. Normally, the error 
boxes disappear automatically with the next latex run. 

 So to fix this  
 problem i opened a new file and i copied into that new lyx file the text.
 Isn't it a way too heuristic? ..yes of course to obtain something good from
 anything i should at least know the tools...but lyx is a pointclick
 tool so i think that user should be obtain all that they wish using the
 same policy. Am i wrong? (probably there is the way, but i don't know

No, this shouldn't be necessary.

 Thanks...i found (i think) the right page style. I selected
 Layout-Document-Layout (from the left frame) and on the right frame at
 the text-area: page style i choosed: playn. Now all the pages of my
 document are written at bottom. The fancy option is good too, but if i has
 a long section title then the left part (in the header) overwrites the
 right part. 

You can use Insert-Short Title to pass a short version of the section title 
to the toc and the headers. Or you can tweak fancyhdr to delete one of those 
parts. But I'd postpone those things until your thesis has been written. Just 
be aware that this is all possible.

 Does this help?

 Yes. I read it. It suggest to use C-return. Thanks.

The \and trick puts the authors side by side.

  5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
  images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments
  that i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it
  is between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element
  after the wrapped area, but it does not work :(
  I use the wrapped area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure
  list too.
 Can you send a small example showing the misbehaviour?

 At this mailing list? I would not spam you. Can i send it?
 At present my document is 32kb weight.

Try to make a minimal example of it, i.e., remove all that is not necessary 
to reproduce the error. And send it to the list please. Or, if you have 
webspace available, post a link.


RE: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can be 
accept from the server of this ml. 
thanks and bye

Description: application/tbz

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Rich Shepard
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know how
to ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has a
good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the good layout with
lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.
  It's been a couple of decades since I left grad school so things may have
changed. But, each of the two universities where I earned graduate degrees
has a 'graduate college' and that office provides a style guide for theses
and dissertations. It defines page size, margins and other details so that
each submission is exactly like all the others. Your thesis advisor can
tell you which office has these details.
   Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.
This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must
install another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway
i will search!
  No, bibtex is part of the LaTeX distribution used by LyX.
Good luck!
Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Alberto wrote:
 i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can
 be accept from the server of this ml.

You have to put the image _inside_ the float (above the caption text). Put the 
cursor at the beginning of the caption text and press enter. Then insert the 


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
On Thursday 06 January 2005 16:04, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
  I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know
  how to ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has
  a good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the good layout
  with lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.


It's been a couple of decades since I left grad school so things may
 have changed. But, each of the two universities where I earned graduate
 degrees has a 'graduate college' and that office provides a style guide for
 theses and dissertations. It defines page size, margins and other details
 so that each submission is exactly like all the others. Your thesis advisor
 can tell you which office has these details.


i wish to assure you that the things are not changed in these years. But 
probably you could not understand,  due my bad english, that i does not told 
you that there aren't layout conventions, instead i meant that i don't know 
how to setup lyx to understand what i wish
Infact i told:

Probably my professors as me can see if the document has
  a good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the good layout
  with lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.

While when i wrote this:

  I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know
  how to ask this.

I done an error! I know the style, but i don't know its lyx name. 
Sorry for my error. 
 Is it a book, a koma-book, a newspaper article, a seminar?
With lyx i see only the layout names, not what a layout implies tooso must 
i prove all them? I hope i could use a more scientific approach
Isn't there an official guide that explains the margin convenction that a 
style implies?
I tried with the lyx site, but i was not able to see what i'm looking for...
So i just asked to the Lyx mailing listif I offended you, i'm sorry.
It was not in my intentions.

 Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.
  This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must
  install another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway
  i will search!

No, bibtex is part of the LaTeX distribution used by LyX.

But if i installed lyx, i should have installed LaTex too.
...or not?

 Good luck!

thanks i need it.



Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
On Thursday 06 January 2005 16:10, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
 Alberto wrote:
  i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can
  be accept from the server of this ml.

 You have to put the image _inside_ the float (above the caption text). Put
 the cursor at the beginning of the caption text and press enter. Then
 insert the image.


Thanks i will try.

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
Hi again, and thanks for all your answer.

I will try to answer to all your email.

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
  1) i selected the book style, is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
  sure of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this
  question seeing the other problems. (I hope...)


Does your university have either A) a defined thesis format or B) LaTeX
 class for that format?

I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know how to 
ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has a good 
layout or not, but we don't know the name of the good layout with lyx...for 
this reason i asked to this mailing-list.

  2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
  the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
  bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
  decide where the page number must be printed?

Yes. The fancyhdr package lets you control what information is seen.

I will search for it. thanks

  4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
  As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some
  books (of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not
  that books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy
  the name of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?

Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.

This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must install 
another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway i will 

  5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
  images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments
  that i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it
  is between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element
  after the wrapped area, but it does not work :( I use the wrapped
  area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure list too.

Use a figure float for your figures. This lets the software determine
 the best placement. You can center the figure by using
 Layout-Paragraph-Center. In most books, the figure caption is placed
 beneath the figure and the table caption is placed on top of the table.

I tried as you told me, but it does not work alwaysFor the moment i has 
two images. The first is immediately followed by a different section. It that 
case the float does not appear (while the wrapped area works). In the second 
image the float works and wrapped area not. I think that i'm wrong something 
(sure with lyx works either or at least one of two ways, but i'm not able to 
use lyx as we can see)

  Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i

No. At least, that's what most of us think. However, if your university
 has format requirements that would take a lot of effort to enable in LyX
 then perhaps OO.o would be quicker for you.

I will remember of this. 

Thanks for your answer!

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
 3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put 
 names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
 cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use only one author paragraph and separate the names by a forced line 
break (shortcut C-Enter).

regards Uwe

Thanks this work perfectly! 

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Subir Singh Lamba wrote:

I have been using lyx since some time and at present I am writing my 
thesis. For that I have downloaded a sketch of thesis from University of 
Durham. If you need I can send you in email and you will have to just 
tweak it according to your requirement as the file is really a good find.


Of course. I will appreciate that a lot. 
P.S. You can mail me at the following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
 I tried to use lyx some years ago, when i installed it, and now. I have
 mainly these problems:

 1) i selected the book style, is that correct for my thesis? i'm not sure
 of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this question
 seeing the other problems. (I hope...)

IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main classes 
(article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a new page.
I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook (that is book 
(koma)) or memoir, because these two are much more flexible. KOMA has been 
designed with regard to European typesetting conventions.

Ok. I will try that too...I observed that changing from book style to some 
other styles i obtain some errors. I suppose that this is due to use 
different style imply use different headers (for section, chapter, and so 
on). So i changed the headers, but the 

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Alberto wrote:
 IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main
  classes (article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a
  new page. I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook
  (that is book (koma)) or memoir, because these two are much more
  flexible. KOMA has been designed with regard to European typesetting

 Ok. I will try that too...I observed that changing from book style to some
 other styles i obtain some errors. I suppose that this is due to use
 different style imply use different headers (for section, chapter, and so

Yes, LyX yields an error if the new document class doesn't have some layouts 
elements of the old one (e.g. article doesn't have chapters, in contrary to 
book). A switch between book and book (koma) should be no problem, though 
(but vice versa, if you use koma's bonus features).

 So i changed the headers, but the errors remains. 

Do you mean the red error boxes or the error when you try to view 
dvi/postscript/pdf? The latter shouldn't be the case. Normally, the error 
boxes disappear automatically with the next latex run. 

 So to fix this  
 problem i opened a new file and i copied into that new lyx file the text.
 Isn't it a way too heuristic? ..yes of course to obtain something good from
 anything i should at least know the tools...but lyx is a pointclick
 tool so i think that user should be obtain all that they wish using the
 same policy. Am i wrong? (probably there is the way, but i don't know

No, this shouldn't be necessary.

 Thanks...i found (i think) the right page style. I selected
 Layout-Document-Layout (from the left frame) and on the right frame at
 the text-area: page style i choosed: playn. Now all the pages of my
 document are written at bottom. The fancy option is good too, but if i has
 a long section title then the left part (in the header) overwrites the
 right part. 

You can use Insert-Short Title to pass a short version of the section title 
to the toc and the headers. Or you can tweak fancyhdr to delete one of those 
parts. But I'd postpone those things until your thesis has been written. Just 
be aware that this is all possible.

 Does this help?

 Yes. I read it. It suggest to use C-return. Thanks.

The \and trick puts the authors side by side.

  5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
  images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments
  that i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it
  is between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element
  after the wrapped area, but it does not work :(
  I use the wrapped area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure
  list too.
 Can you send a small example showing the misbehaviour?

 At this mailing list? I would not spam you. Can i send it?
 At present my document is 32kb weight.

Try to make a minimal example of it, i.e., remove all that is not necessary 
to reproduce the error. And send it to the list please. Or, if you have 
webspace available, post a link.


RE: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can be 
accept from the server of this ml. 
thanks and bye

Description: application/tbz

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Rich Shepard
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know how
to ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has a
good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the good layout with
lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.
  It's been a couple of decades since I left grad school so things may have
changed. But, each of the two universities where I earned graduate degrees
has a 'graduate college' and that office provides a style guide for theses
and dissertations. It defines page size, margins and other details so that
each submission is exactly like all the others. Your thesis advisor can
tell you which office has these details.
   Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.
This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must
install another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway
i will search!
  No, bibtex is part of the LaTeX distribution used by LyX.
Good luck!
Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Alberto wrote:
 i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can
 be accept from the server of this ml.

You have to put the image _inside_ the float (above the caption text). Put the 
cursor at the beginning of the caption text and press enter. Then insert the 


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
On Thursday 06 January 2005 16:04, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
  I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know
  how to ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has
  a good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the good layout
  with lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.


It's been a couple of decades since I left grad school so things may
 have changed. But, each of the two universities where I earned graduate
 degrees has a 'graduate college' and that office provides a style guide for
 theses and dissertations. It defines page size, margins and other details
 so that each submission is exactly like all the others. Your thesis advisor
 can tell you which office has these details.


i wish to assure you that the things are not changed in these years. But 
probably you could not understand,  due my bad english, that i does not told 
you that there aren't layout conventions, instead i meant that i don't know 
how to setup lyx to understand what i wish
Infact i told:

Probably my professors as me can see if the document has
  a good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the good layout
  with lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.

While when i wrote this:

  I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know
  how to ask this.

I done an error! I know the style, but i don't know its lyx name. 
Sorry for my error. 
 Is it a book, a koma-book, a newspaper article, a seminar?
With lyx i see only the layout names, not what a layout implies tooso must 
i prove all them? I hope i could use a more scientific approach
Isn't there an official guide that explains the margin convenction that a 
style implies?
I tried with the lyx site, but i was not able to see what i'm looking for...
So i just asked to the Lyx mailing listif I offended you, i'm sorry.
It was not in my intentions.

 Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.
  This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must
  install another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway
  i will search!

No, bibtex is part of the LaTeX distribution used by LyX.

But if i installed lyx, i should have installed LaTex too.
...or not?

 Good luck!

thanks i need it.



Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
On Thursday 06 January 2005 16:10, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
 Alberto wrote:
  i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can
  be accept from the server of this ml.

 You have to put the image _inside_ the float (above the caption text). Put
 the cursor at the beginning of the caption text and press enter. Then
 insert the image.


Thanks i will try.

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
Hi again, and thanks for all your answer.

I will try to answer to all your email.

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
> > 1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
> > sure of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this
> > question seeing the other problems. (I hope...)
> Alberto,
>Does your university have either A) a defined thesis format or B) LaTeX
> class for that format?

I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know how to 
ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has a good 
layout or not, but we don't know the name of the "good layout" with lyx...for 
this reason i asked to this mailing-list.

> > 2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
> > the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
> > bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
> > decide where the page number must be printed?
>Yes. The fancyhdr package lets you control what information is seen.

I will search for it. thanks

> > 4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
> > As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some
> > books (of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not
> > that books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy
> > the name of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?
>Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.

This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must install 
another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway i will 

> > 5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
> > images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments
> > that i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it
> > is between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element
> > after the wrapped area, but it does not work :( I use the wrapped
> > area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure list too.
>Use a figure float for your figures. This lets the software determine
> the best placement. You can center the figure by using
> Layout->Paragraph->Center. In most books, the figure caption is placed
> beneath the figure and the table caption is placed on top of the table.

I tried as you told me, but it does not work alwaysFor the moment i has 
two images. The first is immediately followed by a different section. It that 
case the float does not appear (while the wrapped area works). In the second 
image the float works and wrapped area not. I think that i'm wrong something 
(sure with lyx works either or at least one of two ways, but i'm not able to 
use lyx as we can see)

> > Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i
> > wrong?
>No. At least, that's what most of us think. However, if your university
> has format requirements that would take a lot of effort to enable in LyX
> then perhaps OO.o would be quicker for you.

I will remember of this. 
> Rich

Thanks for your answer!

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
>> 3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put 
>> names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
>> cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Use only one author paragraph and separate the names by a forced line 
>break (shortcut C-Enter).
>regards Uwe

Thanks this work perfectly! 

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Subir Singh Lamba wrote:
>I have been using lyx since some time and at present I am writing my 
>thesis. For that I have downloaded a sketch of thesis from University of 
>Durham. If you need I can send you in email and you will have to just 
>tweak it according to your requirement as the file is really a good find.

Of course. I will appreciate that a lot. 
P.S. You can mail me at the following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
>> I tried to use lyx some years ago, when i installed it, and now. I have
>> mainly these problems:
>> 1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not sure
>> of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this question
>> seeing the other problems. (I hope...)
>IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main classes 
>(article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a new page.
>I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook (that is "book 
>(koma)") or memoir, because these two are much more flexible. KOMA has been 
>designed with regard to European typesetting conventions.

Ok. I will try that too...I observed that changing from book style to some 
other "styles" i obtain some errors. I suppose that this is due to use 

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Alberto wrote:
> >IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main
> > classes (article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a
> > new page. I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook
> > (that is "book (koma)") or memoir, because these two are much more
> > flexible. KOMA has been designed with regard to European typesetting
> > conventions.
> Ok. I will try that too...I observed that changing from book style to some
> other "styles" i obtain some errors. I suppose that this is due to use
> different style imply use different "headers" (for section, chapter, and so
> on). 

Yes, LyX yields an error if the new document class doesn't have some layouts 
elements of the old one (e.g. article doesn't have chapters, in contrary to 
book). A switch between book and book (koma) should be no problem, though 
(but vice versa, if you use koma's bonus features).

> So i changed the headers, but the errors remains. 

Do you mean the red error boxes or the error when you try to view 
dvi/postscript/pdf? The latter shouldn't be the case. Normally, the error 
boxes disappear automatically with the next latex run. 

> So to fix this  
> problem i opened a new file and i copied into that new lyx file the text.
> Isn't it a way too heuristic? ..yes of course to obtain something good from
> anything i should at least know the tools...but lyx is a point
> tool so i think that user should be obtain all that they wish using the
> same "policy". Am i wrong? (probably there is the way, but i don't know
> it!)

No, this shouldn't be necessary.

> Thanks...i found (i think) the right page style. I selected
> Layout->Document->Layout (from the left frame) and on the right frame at
> the text-area: "page style" i choosed: "playn". Now all the pages of my
> document are written at bottom. The fancy option is good too, but if i has
> a long section title then the left part (in the header) overwrites the
> right part. 

You can use "Insert->Short Title" to pass a short version of the section title 
to the toc and the headers. Or you can tweak fancyhdr to delete one of those 
parts. But I'd postpone those things until your thesis has been written. Just 
be aware that this is all possible.

> >Does this help?
> >
> Yes. I read it. It suggest to use C-return. Thanks.

The \and trick puts the authors side by side.

> >> 5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
> >> images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments
> >> that i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it
> >> is between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element
> >> after the wrapped area, but it does not work :(
> >> I use the wrapped area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure
> >> list too.
> >
> >Can you send a small example showing the misbehaviour?
> At this mailing list? I would not "spam" you. Can i send it?
> At present my document is 32kb weight.

Try to make a "minimal example" of it, i.e., remove all that is not necessary 
to reproduce the error. And send it to the list please. Or, if you have 
webspace available, post a link.


RE: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can be 
accept from the server of this ml. 
thanks and bye

Description: application/tbz

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Rich Shepard
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know how
to ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has a
good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the "good layout" with
lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.
  It's been a couple of decades since I left grad school so things may have
changed. But, each of the two universities where I earned graduate degrees
has a 'graduate college' and that office provides a style guide for theses
and dissertations. It defines page size, margins and other details so that
each submission is exactly like all the others. Your thesis advisor can
tell you which office has these details.
   Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.
This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must
install another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway
i will search!
  No, bibtex is part of the LaTeX distribution used by LyX.
Good luck!
Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Alberto wrote:
> hi,
> i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can
> be accept from the server of this ml.

You have to put the image _inside_ the float (above the caption text). Put the 
cursor at the beginning of the caption text and press enter. Then insert the 


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
On Thursday 06 January 2005 16:04, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
> > I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know
> > how to ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has
> > a good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the "good layout"
> > with lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.
> Alberto,
>It's been a couple of decades since I left grad school so things may
> have changed. But, each of the two universities where I earned graduate
> degrees has a 'graduate college' and that office provides a style guide for
> theses and dissertations. It defines page size, margins and other details
> so that each submission is exactly like all the others. Your thesis advisor
> can tell you which office has these details.


i wish to assure you that the things are not changed in these years. But 
probably you could not understand,  due my bad english, that i does not told 
you that there aren't layout conventions, instead i meant that i don't know 
how to setup lyx to understand what i wish
Infact i told:

>>Probably my professors as me can see if the document has
> > a good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the "good layout"
> > with lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailing-list.

While when i wrote this:

> > I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know
> > how to ask this.

I done an error! I know the style, but i don't know its lyx name. 
Sorry for my error. 
 Is it a book, a koma-book, a newspaper article, a seminar?
With lyx i see only the layout names, not what a layout implies tooso must 
i prove all them? I hope i could use a more scientific approach
Isn't there an official guide that explains the margin convenction that a 
style implies?
I tried with the lyx site, but i was not able to see what i'm looking for...
So i just asked to the "Lyx mailing list"if I offended you, i'm sorry.
It was not in my intentions.

> >>Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.
> >
> > This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must
> > install another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway
> > i will search!
>No, bibtex is part of the LaTeX distribution used by LyX.

But if i installed lyx, i should have installed LaTex too.
...or not?

> Good luck!

thanks i need it.

> Rich


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-06 Thread Alberto
On Thursday 06 January 2005 16:10, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Alberto wrote:
> > hi,
> > i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can
> > be accept from the server of this ml.
> You have to put the image _inside_ the float (above the caption text). Put
> the cursor at the beginning of the caption text and press enter. Then
> insert the image.
> Jürgen

Thanks i will try.

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Alberto wrote:
 Hi at all,

Hi Alberto,

 as i subscribed this mailing list some years ago. I'm posting now my first
 mail, principally for two reasons. As first i'm italian and i don't speek
 very well english; as second i'm obliged to use lyx for my thesis...and i
 need help! :)

 I tried to use lyx some years ago, when i installed it, and now. I have
 mainly these problems:

 1) i selected the book style, is that correct for my thesis? i'm not sure
 of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this question
 seeing the other problems. (I hope...)

IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main classes 
(article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a new page.
I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook (that is book 
(koma)) or memoir, because these two are much more flexible. KOMA has been 
designed with regard to European typesetting conventions.

 2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
 the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
 bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
 decide where the page number must be printed?

This is a feature. There is a convention in book typography that the first 
page of a chapter has no headers and either no page numbering at all or in 
the footer. You can change this to whatever you need. The overall style can 
be changed with Format-Document-Page Style. Then You can do some fine 
tuning with LaTeX magic. Just ask!

 3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put
 their names on the authour field. i would like something like this:

 cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (on the middle of the screen) but if i put all these lines into the author
 field i obtain a line that is printed on a single line but it is too long
 so it is cutted at the end of the screen.
 But if i create more author fields i see only the last field (in the above
 example i see only: lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Does this help?

 4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
 As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some books
 (of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not that
 books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy the name
 of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?

Do you use bibtex? I'd recommend that. You can use a graphical tool (e.g. with Linux) to edit the database. The database 
has file has to be placed in a directory where LaTeX can find it 
(~/texmf/tex/bibtex/bib/) or in you documents directory and then included 
with Insert-ListsToC-BibTeX Reference). Then Input-Citation...
There's even a nifty tool where you can generate bibtex entries from an query (the site is in german, but that should not matter):

 5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
 images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments that
 i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it is
 between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element after
 the wrapped area, but it does not work :(
 I use the wrapped area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure list

Can you send a small example showing the misbehaviour?

 Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i

This list is probably not a good place to ask that ;-)


 If you need everythingmy document, some other details, anything, ask! I
 will answer as soon as possible.
 Some advices will be appreciated...
 Thanks in advance

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread M.B. Schiekel
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:

 There's even a nifty tool where you can generate bibtex entries from an query (the site is in german, but that should not matter):

Hi, Jürgen,

thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
working :-(

And another BibTeX-beginner question:
is it possible to reference single fields of an BibTeX-entry like:
  key.title or key.abstract ?


GPG-Key available: GnuPG-1.4.0

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2005 12:13 schrieb M.B. Schiekel:

 Hi, Jürgen,

 thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
 working :-(

My fault. It's

 And another BibTeX-beginner question:
 is it possible to reference single fields of an BibTeX-entry like:
   key.title or key.abstract ?

Yes, if you are using jurabib. It provides \citetitle{key} and 
\citefield{field}{key} IIRC. Have a look at the jurabib documentation for 


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread Georg Baum
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

 Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2005 12:13 schrieb M.B. Schiekel:

 Hi, Jürgen,

 thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
 working :-(
 My fault. It's

Another good tool is cb2bib:


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Alberto wrote:
 Hi at all,

Hi Alberto,

 as i subscribed this mailing list some years ago. I'm posting now my first
 mail, principally for two reasons. As first i'm italian and i don't speek
 very well english; as second i'm obliged to use lyx for my thesis...and i
 need help! :)

 I tried to use lyx some years ago, when i installed it, and now. I have
 mainly these problems:

 1) i selected the book style, is that correct for my thesis? i'm not sure
 of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this question
 seeing the other problems. (I hope...)

IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main classes 
(article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a new page.
I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook (that is book 
(koma)) or memoir, because these two are much more flexible. KOMA has been 
designed with regard to European typesetting conventions.

 2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
 the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
 bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
 decide where the page number must be printed?

This is a feature. There is a convention in book typography that the first 
page of a chapter has no headers and either no page numbering at all or in 
the footer. You can change this to whatever you need. The overall style can 
be changed with Format-Document-Page Style. Then You can do some fine 
tuning with LaTeX magic. Just ask!

 3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put
 their names on the authour field. i would like something like this:

 cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (on the middle of the screen) but if i put all these lines into the author
 field i obtain a line that is printed on a single line but it is too long
 so it is cutted at the end of the screen.
 But if i create more author fields i see only the last field (in the above
 example i see only: lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Does this help?

 4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
 As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some books
 (of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not that
 books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy the name
 of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?

Do you use bibtex? I'd recommend that. You can use a graphical tool (e.g. with Linux) to edit the database. The database 
has file has to be placed in a directory where LaTeX can find it 
(~/texmf/tex/bibtex/bib/) or in you documents directory and then included 
with Insert-ListsToC-BibTeX Reference). Then Input-Citation...
There's even a nifty tool where you can generate bibtex entries from an query (the site is in german, but that should not matter):

 5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
 images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments that
 i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it is
 between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element after
 the wrapped area, but it does not work :(
 I use the wrapped area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure list

Can you send a small example showing the misbehaviour?

 Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i

This list is probably not a good place to ask that ;-)


 If you need everythingmy document, some other details, anything, ask! I
 will answer as soon as possible.
 Some advices will be appreciated...
 Thanks in advance

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread M.B. Schiekel
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:

 There's even a nifty tool where you can generate bibtex entries from an query (the site is in german, but that should not matter):

Hi, Jürgen,

thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
working :-(

And another BibTeX-beginner question:
is it possible to reference single fields of an BibTeX-entry like:
  key.title or key.abstract ?


GPG-Key available: GnuPG-1.4.0

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2005 12:13 schrieb M.B. Schiekel:

 Hi, Jürgen,

 thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
 working :-(

My fault. It's

 And another BibTeX-beginner question:
 is it possible to reference single fields of an BibTeX-entry like:
   key.title or key.abstract ?

Yes, if you are using jurabib. It provides \citetitle{key} and 
\citefield{field}{key} IIRC. Have a look at the jurabib documentation for 


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread Georg Baum
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

 Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2005 12:13 schrieb M.B. Schiekel:

 Hi, Jürgen,

 thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
 working :-(
 My fault. It's

Another good tool is cb2bib:


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Alberto wrote:
> Hi at all,

Hi Alberto,

> as i subscribed this mailing list some years ago. I'm posting now my first
> mail, principally for two reasons. As first i'm italian and i don't speek
> very well english; as second i'm "obliged" to use lyx for my thesis...and i
> need help! :)
> I tried to use lyx some years ago, when i installed it, and now. I have
> mainly these problems:
> 1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not sure
> of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this question
> seeing the other problems. (I hope...)

IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main classes 
(article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a new page.
I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook (that is "book 
(koma)") or memoir, because these two are much more flexible. KOMA has been 
designed with regard to European typesetting conventions.

> 2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
> the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
> bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
> decide where the page number must be printed?

This is a feature. There is a convention in book typography that the first 
page of a chapter has no headers and either no page numbering at all or in 
the footer. You can change this to whatever you need. The overall style can 
be changed with Format->Document->Page Style. Then You can do some fine 
tuning with LaTeX magic. Just ask!

> 3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put
> their names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
> cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> (on the middle of the screen) but if i put all these lines into the author
> field i obtain a line that is printed on a single line but it is too long
> so it is cutted at the end of the screen.
> But if i create more author fields i see only the last field (in the above
> example i see only: lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Does this help?

> 4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
> As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some books
> (of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not that
> books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy the name
> of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?

Do you use bibtex? I'd recommend that. You can use a graphical tool (e.g. with Linux) to edit the database. The database 
has file has to be placed in a directory where LaTeX can find it 
(~/texmf/tex/bibtex/bib/) or in you documents directory and then included 
with Insert->Lists>BibTeX Reference). Then Input->Citation...
There's even a nifty tool where you can generate bibtex entries from an query (the site is in german, but that should not matter):

> 5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
> images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments that
> i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it is
> between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element after
> the wrapped area, but it does not work :(
> I use the wrapped area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure list
> too.

Can you send a small example showing the misbehaviour?

> Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i
> wrong?

This list is probably not a good place to ask that ;-)


> If you need everythingmy document, some other details, anything, ask! I
> will answer as soon as possible.
> Some advices will be appreciated...
> Thanks in advance
> Alberto

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread M.B. Schiekel
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:

> ... 
> There's even a nifty tool where you can generate bibtex entries from an 
> query (the site is in german, but that should not matter):

Hi, Jürgen,

thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
working :-(

And another BibTeX-beginner question:
is it possible to reference single fields of an BibTeX-entry like:
  key.title or key.abstract ?


GPG-Key available: GnuPG-1.4.0

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2005 12:13 schrieb M.B. Schiekel:
> >
> Hi, Jürgen,
> thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
> working :-(

My fault. It's

> And another BibTeX-beginner question:
> is it possible to reference single fields of an BibTeX-entry like:
>   key.title or key.abstract ?

Yes, if you are using jurabib. It provides \citetitle{key} and 
\citefield{field}{key} IIRC. Have a look at the jurabib documentation for 


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-05 Thread Georg Baum
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2005 12:13 schrieb M.B. Schiekel:
>> >
>> Hi, Jürgen,
>> thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
>> working :-(
> My fault. It's

Another good tool is cb2bib:


Re: Hi at all

2005-01-04 Thread Rich Shepard
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
1) i selected the book style, is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
sure of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this
question seeing the other problems. (I hope...)
  Does your university have either A) a defined thesis format or B) LaTeX
class for that format?
2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
decide where the page number must be printed?
  Yes. The fancyhdr package lets you control what information is seen.
3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put their
names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some books
(of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not that
books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy the name
of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?
  Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.
5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments that
i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it is
between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element after
the wrapped area, but it does not work :( I use the wrapped area so i
can put at the end of my thesis a figure list too.
  Use a figure float for your figures. This lets the software determine the
best placement. You can center the figure by using
Layout-Paragraph-Center. In most books, the figure caption is placed
beneath the figure and the table caption is placed on top of the table.
Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i
  No. At least, that's what most of us think. However, if your university
has format requirements that would take a lot of effort to enable in LyX
then perhaps OO.o would be quicker for you.
Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-04 Thread Uwe Stöhr
Alberto wrote:
3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put their 
names on the authour field. i would like something like this:

cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Use only one author paragraph and separate the names by a forced line 
break (shortcut C-Enter).

regards Uwe

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-04 Thread Rich Shepard
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
1) i selected the book style, is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
sure of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this
question seeing the other problems. (I hope...)
  Does your university have either A) a defined thesis format or B) LaTeX
class for that format?
2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
decide where the page number must be printed?
  Yes. The fancyhdr package lets you control what information is seen.
3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put their
names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some books
(of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not that
books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy the name
of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?
  Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.
5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments that
i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it is
between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element after
the wrapped area, but it does not work :( I use the wrapped area so i
can put at the end of my thesis a figure list too.
  Use a figure float for your figures. This lets the software determine the
best placement. You can center the figure by using
Layout-Paragraph-Center. In most books, the figure caption is placed
beneath the figure and the table caption is placed on top of the table.
Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i
  No. At least, that's what most of us think. However, if your university
has format requirements that would take a lot of effort to enable in LyX
then perhaps OO.o would be quicker for you.
Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-04 Thread Uwe Stöhr
Alberto wrote:
3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put their 
names on the authour field. i would like something like this:

cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Use only one author paragraph and separate the names by a forced line 
break (shortcut C-Enter).

regards Uwe

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-04 Thread Rich Shepard
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
sure of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this
question seeing the other problems. (I hope...)
  Does your university have either A) a defined thesis format or B) LaTeX
class for that format?
2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
decide where the page number must be printed?
  Yes. The fancyhdr package lets you control what information is seen.
3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put their
names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some books
(of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not that
books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy the name
of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?
  Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.
5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments that
i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it is
between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element after
the wrapped area, but it does not work :( I use the wrapped area so i
can put at the end of my thesis a figure list too.
  Use a figure float for your figures. This lets the software determine the
best placement. You can center the figure by using
Layout->Paragraph->Center. In most books, the figure caption is placed
beneath the figure and the table caption is placed on top of the table.
Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i
  No. At least, that's what most of us think. However, if your university
has format requirements that would take a lot of effort to enable in LyX
then perhaps OO.o would be quicker for you.
Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Hi at all

2005-01-04 Thread Uwe Stöhr
Alberto wrote:
3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put their 
names on the authour field. i would like something like this:

cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Use only one author paragraph and separate the names by a forced line 
break (shortcut C-Enter).

regards Uwe