[Mac-access]: List Eticate; Please Read

2015-02-04 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Good afternoon all

I really hope I don’t have to say this all that often; but there will be some 
new members on list who haven’t yet have the dubious pleasure of reading one of 
my rants yet. So, in the hope that I can address that issue, and in the hope 
and expectation that the core issue will also be corrected, please read on.

We have noticed recently that there have been some comments posted in response 
to a number of users’ questions which really were just a tiny bit overkill, 
bordering on flame.  Flame, fire, call it what you will, is something which 
this group prides itself on not being afflicted by. The fact, therefore, that 
there has been just a tiny weeny little bit of it recently has given us cause 
to pour water on the troublesome oil.

I can only hope that we don’t end up having to pour oil on to the troublesome 
water, and cure this problem by taking action against any member.  But let me 
please abandon the rhetoric, and address the issue directly, in plain english.

There have been just a few questions posted recently which have triggered 
responses whose content could, and has been, taken by sone on a quite personal 
level.  I don’t want to name names, or even be specific regarding the subject 
matter, in order to try and calm the storm before it actually brews up into a 
major tornado, or hurricane.  Both the twister and the howler can do real 
damage, and so they can in terms of offensive messages.

So, to be totally blunt, at last.  Please, quit the coy remarks unless you want 
to take the time to make it very very clear that your comment is very 
tongue-in-cheek.  Really, the question of a person’s intelligence or otherwise 
is an entirely personal issue, and I would hate to question that of any member. 
 I’m sure, therefore, given that we are all intelligent and mature individuals, 
that we are capable of living together in a group whose goals and aims are 
mutual self-help.  It is not for me, nor is it for any one person here, to 
question the intelligence of another member.  If you really wish to do so, 
kindly use your own undoubted intelligence and take your response off list, in 
order to preserve a harmonious atmosphere on list.

On the other hand, I hope that we are all mature enough to take a comment whose 
nature is clearly made tongue-in-cheek as just that.

So, in the words of a very famous, (or should that be infamous) pointed-eared 
Vulcan, “Health and long life” and, in the words of his equally famous or 
infamous side-kick human, “Peace be with you”.

I have deliberately tried to keep this post very much tongue-in-cheek, and I 
hope that by doing so I have managed to get my point across without stamping my 
clumsy old foot on anybody’s toes.

Generally speaking, the list seems to function quite well these days on 
auto-pilot.  That’s probably a good thing, since we just don’t have the tine to 
sit and spoon-feed it. ;-)

Thank you all for your cooperation and brotherly (not to mention sisterly), of 
course, understanding.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
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As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

[Mac-access]: Gentle Reminder To All Subscribers

2014-11-30 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Just a very gentle reminder. We are still in the protracted process of moving 
over to new servers, in order to expand and enhance the services with which we 
are able to provide to the sensory impaired, as well as to our commercial 
clients – without whom we could not survive.

 As a part of this ongoing process, we are endeavouring to maintain a current 
database of members who are subscribed to Mac Access, as well as to our other 
email groups and other services; If we notice somebody has either joined or 
left the groups, we try to modify the database, adding or removing their email 
address, so as to ensure that they are re-subscribed, or not, as may be 
appropriate when the servers do finally change.

However, it is possible that we might miss your modification of membership 
status; in the light of which, we kindly ask that you please drop us a message 
to  when you either subscribe or leave the group. That 
will help us to maintain an accurate listing of members.

 obviously, those who subscribe after this post will not see it. We are, 
therefore, modifying the subscriber message so that this text is included there 
as well; and also in the unsubscribe confirmation message.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Warm regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

[Mac-access]: Quick Note

2014-10-31 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Just a quick note to let you all know that I am almost ready to bring the new 
servers on stream.  This will probably result in your receiving new messages 
confirming your subscription to the group.  If this happens, please don’t 
worry, you don’t kneed to do anything unless you require custom options such as 
digest message volumes. In this case, the procedure for switching between 
normal, digest and back again, has been greatly simplified in our new server 
solution.  More on that on our blog shortly.  Anyway don’t panic if you get 
these new announcement messages. Regarding email addresses, we are still 
offering them up for those who want them. Feel free to contact us. We do have a 
database containing most of the info for existing clients. Therefore, the 
transition will be smooth. I will write to you individually during the next 
couple of days.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

[Mac-access]: Changing Subscriber Options

2014-10-26 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

I have been working at an increased pace on our long overdue server platform 
changes.  I am hopeful that they will take place within the next couple of 
days.  However, there is one thing which keeps distracting me from the task in 
hand, and that is when people opt to leave the group, or to change their 
subscriber details in one respect or another.

So this is just another gentle reminder, (OK, call it a kick up the rear end if 
you like). ;-)

If you are planning t modify your subscriber options for the group, would you 
please, please, pretty please, let me know about your intended course of 
action.  Currently, I am having to continually monitor the support address 
sub-folder where we have such emails routed too so that we know when somebody 
has left the group, or otherwise changed their subscription options.  Soon, 
very soon I hope, will come the radical changes we’ve been talking about for so 
many weeks.  It has been, and still is in som respects, a massive undertaking 
because of the horrendous amount of settings, options and consequential 
database modifications which every single little change of a subscriber 

Our Open Directory database is ill, gravely ill, (I was about to say 
“Terminally” ill, but that really would be pushing my luck just a bit too far I 
think. :) But seriously, folks, we’re on the point of implosion on our current 
server.  To be totally fair, it’s been up there by itself, doing its stuff and 
serving the millions of messages which pass through it each month.  That really 
is no exaggeration, we do see millions of messages each month.  The vast 
majority of them are spam, junk, attempted relay hacks, mail bombs, mailbots 
and other little nasties.  The vast majority of messages are, therefore kicked 
into touch without us having to do a thing to have that happen.  But as I said, 
we are reaching a point where, one day soon, the database will break and I 
won’t be able to recover it, as I have so many times in the recent past.

My boss at work has asked me to take over a similar duty there because one of 
the technicians has left as of last week, leaving a hole which they cannot 
afford to fill just at present.  But I am waffling, yet again.

So anyway, please do feel free to make these changes to the subscriber pages 
for your account as you see fit.  But if you wouldn’t mind just dropping me a 
quick lie before you do so, I would be grateful.

Thank you, I shall stop there.

Kind regards

Gordon Smith, Mac Access Dot Net Support and systems specialist.

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

News! Please Read

2014-10-02 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello  everybody

Right!  I know, you’ve heard it all before! But I need to  tell you that this 
time, it is official, for definite, for sure, for certain, forever! Our current 
E-Mail and WWW "server will be officially decommissioned  at 17:00 BST, (which 
is 16:00 (UTC)) this afternoon.  That is to say, Thursday, the second of 
October, (or October  Second), which ever tickles your fancy.

The reasons I delayed again yesterday was that it occurred to  me that our c 
connectivity host  had not come up with a promised modification to our service 
which is essential.  As of 10:00 this morning, that change has now been 
implemented which makes it technically possible for me to roll out the change.

Regrettably, there will be some down time for our E-Mail systems, and for all 
of our other services and facilities.  That is, I’m sorry to say, unavoidable.  
I need to physically re-configure the hubs on all three of our out-facing 
networks in order to fully accommodate our new hardware systems.  I currently 
have it all on a temporary test network.

As I said, This will impact on all of our services and facilities, so we 
apologise for the unavoidable outage.  But this time, there’s no going back.  
This tine the tat-bbs.co.uk mail service is set to auto-destruct, and there’s 
nothing that any person on earth can do to prevent it.

Now, some exciting new news.  If you have been receiving the Panic newsletters, 
you with know that Transmit for IOS8 and many more Panic software developments 
are set to his the Apple and PC world.  Accordingly, we are revamping our 
server systems and will soon be able to offer secure storage for members if 
there is a need. Cloud systems are fine, but you have no idea where your data 
is being stored.  Our system is not a cloud.  It is a permanent and secure 
server where nobody, not even I myself have access to a member’s directories 
and files.

If you took our services before, or would like to again for the first time, 
contact either supp...@mac-access.net or our emergency address which is 
maciosacc...@me.com for further information.

Thanks, and again we are sorry for any inconvenience.  Whenever we do this it 
will inconvenience somebody so all we can do is to do so outside of local 
office hours.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

We're Still Here!

2014-10-01 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

OK, so my scheduled shutdown didn’t happen as arranged and anticipated at 
Midnight UTC this morning.  Alright!  I shall initiate the shutdown process 
manually this afternoon, so if you need to contact me during the outage, please 
use our emergency E-Mail address which is:

I anticipate the shutdown of the current service within the next 60 minutes.

Kindest regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Almost Time For Switch-Over

2014-09-30 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy

Kind regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Mac Access Dot Net | The mac Access Dot Net Weblog

2014-09-23 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
It is time to let you in on some of what we’re doing regarding our systemic 

> http://mac-ios-access.net/ 
<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Server Going Down

2014-09-22 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Just to let you know that the Mac Access Server will be unavailable for a 
period of time which I would estimate at around a couple of hours, from approx. 
12:00 BST, (11:00 UTC) today, Monday 22 September 2014.

This is to permit us to perform essential work on the system which is severely 
broken at this time.

You may receive some odd mail in the time before this server comes up again.  
Please disregard.

Many thanks.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Another Reminder, Please Help Us To Help You!

2014-09-18 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Just a quick reminder.  As I am currently in the process of migrating our mail 
services to a new system platform, I would much appreciate it if, in the event 
that you opt to leave the group  before the work is done, you would please 
alert us to the change of status by way of the support address.  Failing to do 
this will result in your being inadvertently re-subscribed when the new 
platforms come on stream.  So save yourself the irritation. :)



<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Mac Access Dot Net | The mac Access Dot Net Weblog

2014-08-19 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Gordon just posted the below to our blog:

> http://mac-ios-access.net/ 

Warm regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Mac Access Dot Net; Service Upgrade For Mid To Late 2014 | Mac Access Dot Net

2014-08-12 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Rather than us keep posting reminders on here, we are going to trial using our 
Blog for some of them.

Accordingly, find the below link which you may wish to follow. It explains a 
little of what we’re up too and why Gordon is working such long hours when he’s 
supposed to be on holiday, (vacation).

Warmest regards



<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Subscription Requests

2014-08-11 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

Just a quick one on the subject of moving to the new server.  If anybody still 
needs to submit a request, would you mind please including the address you want 
subscribed in the body of your message, please don’t just say “This is my 
address”, as that way we have to go back to the sender field and it makes the 
job more laborious.  If you’ve already written, no need to do so again.  But 
for future reference, that would help to cut down the time it takes us to 
import almost 350 addresses on to the new platform.

Many thanks.

Kindest regards

<--- Gordon Smith --->

Information Technology Accessibility Consultant;
Proudly Providing Braille And Alternative Format Transcription Services, Plus 
I.T Help & Support To The Staff And Students Of the Visually Impaired 
Department at:
Sunnyside Academy
Manor Farm Way
Colby Newham
United Kingdom
[Currently In Summer Recess]

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

A Big Week Ahead, Please Read

2014-08-10 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Well, if you haven’t as yet advised us regarding your subscription intentions, 
as in whether or not you want to stay long term, you’ve not got a lot of time 
left to do so.  I have just begun the configuration work on a new server 
platform to run alongside of the ones I previously mentioned.  All of Mac 
Access.net services will be ported over to that new server solution which will 
also offer us enhanced security, plus greatly enhanced support functionality 
which may help those who write to us periodically with support requests, such 
as E-Mail address changes, etc.  You’ll find out more about that shortly.

Although I haven’t had the time to respond to you all individually, rest 
assured that I do still have your messages requesting subscription porting.  
Those requests will be honoured, so many thanks for taking the time to let us 

This week will see the public roll-out of quite a few new solutions here 
actually, and amongst them I am hoping will be in-house blogging.  But more 
later.  I spent some of last week in hospital which delayed me somewhat but I’m 
fine now so it’s time to press on.

Just one more time, if you want to make any changes to the way we have your 
subscription set, let us know as quickly as possible please.  If we don’t 
include your changed info or if you’re not on file with us before we switch, 
you’ll then have to make your own changes because I’m not going to have the 
time to keep running backwards and forwards.  I need to get as much as possible 
of this done before I return to work at the beginning of September.

Please post requests off list, not in this forum.  The address is 
supp...@mac-access.net and, again, time is running short, the proverbial clock 
is ticking.  If you already wrote to us, no problem, your info has been 
included in the database as per your requests.

Many thanks.

Kindest regards


In advance of our migration to the new server, our members database is now 
complete. Therefore, if you are planning to make changes to your Mac Access 
subscription preferences, please be advised that you'll now need to contact us 
manually if you wish your changes to be migrated to the new server. This is 
extremely important, if you want to avoid the frustration of bouncing messages; 
so please don't say "I didn't know] if things go wrong because you never told 
us. If you just joined the group and want to know what this is about, please 
contact supp...@mac-access.net for information. This irritating little message 
will be removed shortly; but we need to ensure that the message gets through!

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Backlog Of Support Requests; Our Apologies

2014-08-07 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

We are aware that there are some who are awaiting responses from Gordon 
regarding support issues. He was taken into hospital following a panic attack 
resulting in severe breathing [problems on Mondaynight and just got home this 
afternoon under doctor's orders to rest for a couple of days. So he's asked me 
to pass on his apologies. He'll be able to start catching up tomorrow.


This Message Was Written Using One Hundred Percent Recycled Electrons;On 
Gordon's iPhone 4S:


In advance of our migration to the new server, our members database is now 
complete. Therefore, if you are planning to make changes to your Mac Access 
subscription preferences, please be advised that you'll now need to contact us 
manually if you wish your changes to be migrated to the new server. This is 
extremely important, if you want to avoid the frustration of bouncing messages; 
so please don't say "I didn't know] if things go wrong because you never told 
us. If you just joined the group and want to know what this is about, please 
contact supp...@mac-access.net for information. This irritating little message 
will be removed shortly; but we need to ensure that the message gets through!

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

When you see "Bulk"

2014-07-31 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

We have been experiencing problems with some providers, primarily BT over here 
in the UK, who insist on putting group mail with the precedence marked as 80 
into spam folders, and adding the “Bulk” flag to the subject line of subsequent 

This has been occurring quite a lot lately on list.  So we need to ask for your 
cooperation on this issue because it threatens the group as a whole.  If you 
respond to a message which has “Bulk” in the subject line, we need you to 
please take the time to remove it.  This issue is an important one, so much so 
that we will have to consider taking remedial action against those who do not 
cooperate on this issue.

At the moment, I prefer to rely on voluntary cooperation.  I shall try to 
develop a filter so that the subject line is edited at the server level.  
However, effective as of now, if a user persistently doesn’t cooperate with us, 
we shall have to consider putting them into moderation mode until they do.  
This is something which we’d really rather not have to do as it causes us work. 
 But we do need to think about the group as a whole, and we need to ensure that 
we don’t get spammed by other providers.

We would also suggest that BT users consider other options regarding mail 
providers when they join groups such as ours.  I would remind them that we 
offer free E-Mail accounts to those who would like them, as long as they agree 
not to abuse the service.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Kindest regards


In advance of our migration to the new server, our members database is now 
complete. Therefore, if you are planning to make changes to your Mac Access 
subscription preferences, please be advised that you'll now need to contact us 
manually if you wish your changes to be migrated to the new server. This is 
extremely important, if you want to avoid the frustration of bouncing messages; 
so please don't say "I didn't know] if things go wrong because you never told 
us. If you just joined the group and want to know what this is about, please 
contact supp...@mac-access.net for information. This irritating little message 
will be removed shortly; but we need to ensure that the message gets through!

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
the list's public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we always strive to ensure that the 
Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and worm-free.  
However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  We assume 
neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable happen.

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

A Word To The Wise

2014-07-28 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
hello everybody

You may recall that earlier this week I informed the group that I was compiling 
a database of list members to ensure that those who wished to remain members of 
this group will be imported into the new configuration when we move Mac Access, 
lock, stock and barrel, to its new home. I am writing now to update the group 
on this topic, and of one other change which we have decided to make.

Effective as of Monday, 28 July 2014, at 20:00 (UTC), the list membership 
database which I have compiled for use by our webmaster when porting the group 
is now complete.  That is to say that, unless things change, (see below), we 
will use the current list membership configuration when we move.

In other words, if you are receiving this message, HEY! – WOW! – WOOPEE-I-O! – 
congratulations! You are clearly a member of the group and will remain so 
unless you express a desire to the contrary by means of a manual message to the 
support team. As of now, therefore, even if you remove yourself from the group, 
and do not inform us, you will be re-added when the group moves. All 
subscription information updated within the last 24 hours has been ported into 
the database, or removed from the database, as appropriate. But unless we 
receive a manual request to have information updated or removed from a list 
member, (not from somebody else on that member’s behalf), we will not be making 
any further changes before we move.

Also, we are modifying our web presence so that the new groups information will 
appear on the list’s website. If you should happen to click on a link on our 
web page, and it is broke , please don’t worry. When the move is complete, the 
data will once again be accurate.

Now, the next major change. Owing to the fact that we now have a presence on 
the public list archive database administered by Google, we have decided that 
there is little point in replicating the archive on our own site. Our logs 
indicate no use of these archives having been made within the preceding 28 
days, which is the maximum time for which we retain active logs. Therefore, the 
list archives held here are probably of no value, and it’s time to take a 
little strain back off the servers, by removing the local archives.

This latter decision is still open for review. So if you think we are making a 
mistake by doing this, or if you are somebody who uses the local archive pages, 
please do feel free to write to us off list and let us know. If it is helpful 
to do so, we will retain the local archives. But we are aware that there are 
difficulties when using VoiceOver on those pages anyway, which would probably 
account for their non-use.

We have also set up an auto-responder which you’ll be sent in the event that 
you send a message to the list server, just reminding you of the database 
issue. Oh yes, and there’s a small addition to the message footer pages. That 
aside, we hope very much to minimise intrusion to our members as we carry out 
the changes we have been working on for some time, and bring our new services 
on line. Gordon, our technical guru, has invested significantly in time and we 
have invested significantly in monetary terms in order to ensure the prosperous 
future of Mac Access. We have, for instance, invested in new hardware of both 
OS X and Windows Server flavours in order to better serve both our clients, 
commercial and otherwise, and also our list members who we value greatly. We 
have also finally got around to reviving our SSL encryption technologies. When 
the new servers come on stream they will be equipped with the latest SSL 
encryption in order to keep our data, and that of our clients and friends, safe 
for the next 4 years at least.

The future of Mac Access is bright. We recently hit the 500 members mark, 
although we’ve lost a couple of the new subscribers since then. We don’t 
publish members’ details, so please don’t anybody ask us for a listing. But we 
want you all to know that we remain absolutely and totally committed to 
ensuring that our thus far unblemished record continues in the same vain for 
the foreseeable future.

As always if you wish to comment, our front door is open, so to speak, you can 
find it by sending an email to supp...@mac-access.net or my personal front door 
is at ly...@mac-access.net – just open the letterbox and yell through it; 
although if you wake me up at 3 in the morning, don’t expect anything other 
than a bucket of cold water over your head before you leave the premises. ;-)

Warm regards


In advance of our migration to the new server, our members database is now 
complete. Therefore, if you are planning to make changes to your Mac Access 
subscription preferences, please be advised that you'll now need to contact us 
manually if you wish your changes to be migrated to the new server. This is 
extremely important, if you want to avoid the frustration of bouncing messages; 
so please don't say "I didn'

OS X 10.10 [Yosemite] Public Beta

2014-07-25 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

As many of you will know by now, Apple recently released a public beta for the 
first time in over a decade. This is a beta version of the upcoming OS X 10.10 
[Yosemite] release. I just wanted to clarify a point. If Apple has stipulated 
that all discussion of the beta be in their own forum, then discussion of the 
beta on this forum is strictly prohibited. If, however, they have made no such 
stipulation, then you may by all means compare notes on list.

At this point we’re not sure of Apple’s stance on this, so we’ll have to check. 
But please exercise discretion and comply with any NDA agreement which Apple 
stipulated when you downloaded the beta. Thank you for your cooperation.

Warm regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Important Reminder; Please Read!

2014-07-24 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Good Thursday/Friday everybody!

Unfortunate as it is, we are still encountering a lot of situations where 
people on this list are deliberately, so it seems, using implicit destinations 
when writing to this group.  That, for those who do not understand this issue, 
means that they either add us as a secondary destination in the “To:” field, or 
even a primary one, or they do the same thing in the “CC:” field.

Whilst some groups tolerate this behaviour, carbon copying or sending to 
implicit destinations is actually an infringement of RFC list rules, on the 
part of the list owner, and neglect on the part of the sender. If all group 
moderators were to adhere to RFC guidelines more stringently, this problem 
would not exist because list members would be educated not to be so sloppy.

However, regardless of what other list owners do, we here at Mac Access have 
our group configured not to permit our members to send to implicit 
destinations.  This is about to change, although not so that we permit the 
behaviour. We’re going to make it actually more stringent because 
unfortunately, by sending to implicit destinations, you cause us a lot of 
unnecessary work because we have to manually go in and exercise our discretion 
as to whether to permit the post to reach the group or not.

OK, so it seems that we do need to make it more stringent. I have, therefore, 
discussed this with gordon and we have agreed that the only solution is to have 
the list server automatically bounce, reject the post irrespective of who sent 
it and why they opted to use implicit destinations.

It isn’t often that there is a good reason for doing this, so it’s time, we 
feel, to close the loophole once and for all. Therefore, when we make the 
change, (which will be very soon), your messages will bounce if you attempt to 
send to multiple destinations of which Mac Access is just one.

This is a decision we reached following repeated transgressions on the part of 
one member, and a couple on the part of a couple more. We clearly state in the 
list policy document that this behaviour is not acceptable here; although it 
would appear that most people just delete the document we send them when they 
join without reading it through first.

Short of developing a script with a questionnaire which people need to complete 
when they join the group, this seems to be the only way to enforce good 
behaviour. Such a questionnaire would, I am sure, be tedious for the 
prospective member and it would very definitely be so for us to develop. So 
we’d rather not go down that road.

OK, so you’ve forced our hand. We now have little choice but to play it. This 
change will, therefore, be implemented by me very shortly, and will be there 
from the start when the new server comes on line to replace this one.

That leads me to the next point I’d like to make you aware of. Now that Gordon 
is in the summer recess from his post at a local academy of excellence, he has 
been working hard on the new server. We have invested heavily in new hardware 
for the server, as in a 12-core Mac Pro with 16GB of RAM, and 5TB of internal 
storage. it also is being deployed across two of our networks rather than just 
the one as is currently the case so that we can try to improve still further on 
our 97% uptime for the last 12 months. The other 2.5% of the time, those tines 
when we were off line, were all due to problems with our connectivity providers.

We have also invested in new SSL technologies, and will shortly update that. We 
also now have a power-packed PC which is to be used as a dedicated server for 
other functionality, and to improve still further our load balancing strategy 
behind the scenes.

At some point during the next year, we also plan to upgrade our network to the 
equivalent of what they used to call a “T1” connection. In other words, our 
servers will sit behind a bi-directional 100Megabyte Fibre-optic POP. That will 
very definitely improve our services.
 But that’s for the next few months.

We have received an excellent response off list from those members who wish to 
remain participants of the group. We are also aware that there was a recent 
unfortunate thread on list predominantly cause by members who simply 
disregarded what we asked about posting off list only, and who bandied it about 
on list. We have not added any of the addresses of those who posted on list 
requesting to be ported over, so if you have not written to us off, not on, off 
list, you’re running short of time in which to do so if you do not wish your 
membership to be disrupted. Oh yes, and if you happen to receive unexpected 
copies of the welcome packet into your inbox, don’t worry. That just means 
you’ve been added to the new service and do not need to take any action.

Gordon is working very hard in order to try and come as close to our 
self-imposed deadline regarding moving dates.  However, it may have to be put 
back by a couple of days owing to a couple of techni

List Membership, please read

2014-06-29 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Firstly, the response to our recent request for confirmation from members who 
wish us to remain on the service has been phenomenal, and we are very grateful 
for that, thank you. However, there’s just one slight problem with the 
responses we’ve received from some members. In the original request, I did make 
it clear that we require the email addresses of those who wish to remain on the 
list, and I asked for the address to be placed in the body of the message.

In some cases, we have received mail with subject lines such as “Stay”, “Yes”, 
and similar things. Also those messages and others besides didn’t contain the 
address within the body of the message. If you think that you may be one of 
those who omitted to place their address within the body of their request, 
would you mind please repeating the exercise, this time making sure to include 
your address within the main body of the message; email address, I mean, not 
your geographical address. :) it would also be helpful if you’d add a 
meaningful subject line such as “I’d Like to stay on”, which ever list or lists 
you wish to remain with.

If you take more than one of our groups, such as Mac Access and Techno-Chat, 
please feel free to include both in the same message if you wish. Again, if you 
are one of those who did put their email address in the body of your message, 
and if you made it clear which list or lists you wish to remain a member of, 
then you may safely disregard this request.

Thank you for your time, and my apologies for the repeated request to those of 
you who either complied with the original address or who do not wish to be 
ported over.

Finally, as I said, the response has been phenomenal and we appreciate that. 
Please understand that we don’t have the time to respond to them all 
individually. Be assured, however, that your request has been noted and will be 
acted on shortly. When the new list is created, you may receive a greeting 
message from the server. Please don’t respond to that message, and please just 
wait for one of us to announce that the new list has gone live before you post 
to it. Gordon is, as I speak, working on the project. We have today acquired 
new hardware and he’s in the process of deploying and configuring it all as I 

Warmest regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

More On Our Plans

2014-06-24 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

The responses are still flooding in with requests to remain subscribed. That is 
just excellent, many thanks to all of you who have written to us.

This post is just to let you know what will happen when Gordon creates the new 
group. As you’re subscribed to it, you will be sent an Email just as you were 
when you joined the group. Despite this, please don’t start posting to the new 
address until we tell you that it’s operational. Further, there will be a short 
outage of service. This is inevitable as Gordon changes the DNS settings for 
the domains over to the new servers. Usually, your provider will pick up the 
change quite quickly; but it isn’t unknown for it to take between 12 and 24 
hours for it to happen with some of the most rigid providers whose DNS systems 
only poll one of the 13 global NS systems once or twice a day. In the norm, 
however, it only takes a matter of minutes.

Also, it is possible that, if you have used the group at one address in the 
same session as it changes to a new one, you may get an outage until you 
reboot. This is because most systems retain temporary caches of name servers 
and IP addresses so that they don’t have to keep continually polling the 
provider’s servers. This happens behind the scenes and, unless you know how to 
disable or modify this behaviour in your operating system’s IP stack rules, 
there isn’t much that you can do about it other than rebooting.

Anyway, please don’t panic if you see new subscription messages but mail 
bounces or other odd things happen. Things will settle themselves down 
eventually and I will make a point of writing to each and every one of you to 
tell you when the change-over is complete. Please know that we do care about 
our members and we will make this transition as seamless as possible for 

Warmest regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Keep On Trucking'

2014-06-24 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

At this point it is a little difficult to know where to start with individual 
responses. However, I shall respond to all of you who have taken the time to 
respond to my request. This is excellent – and what is just as good is that you 
all, absolutely unanimously, have expressed a wish to remain on list.

Thank you very much for this. Believe me, it is a appreciated by both Gordon 
and myself.

I am currently in the process of compiling two databases for him; one on the PC 
and one on his BrailleNote Apex using KeyBase.

Just one more small request for now. Would anybody who requires special 
settings such as digest please let us know? Otherwise we will assume that 
you’re happy with standard settings.

Oh yes, and finally, so far I haven’t seen any opinions regarding the list’s 
name. But I haven’t had the time as yet to thoroughly go through all mail. If 
you have an opinion, or a suggestion regarding anything we could do better, 
please feel free to let us know.

And double finally, so to speak, we would like to invite you to our free E-Mail 
system. If you’re looking for a new E-Mail address, or if you’d just like one 
to use with your friends and for our groups, we are happy to allocate free 
accounts as long as they are non-commercial.

Feel free to get back to us if you’re interested.

Warm regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Server Transition: IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ!

2014-06-22 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

As some of you may be aware, we have been planning for some time to migrate the 
Mac Access server to a new physical server system and also to a new DNS host. 
This involves a very great deal of work on our part and I’d like to tell you a 
little bit about why that is the case.

For some time now, we have been experiencing a problem with the server 
administration tools we used to use to help us administrate both the member 
listing for all of our groups, and also other vital server configurational 
data. The net result of these problems is that the member listing is not 
visible to us at all, neither is any of the other server data, or the list data 
itself.  Therefore, the only access we have to the list configuration is that 
which every user has to their own specific configuration. Without going into 
too much technical detail, Gordon keeps having to manually rebuild the Open 
Directory database because there’s a problem somewhere in the system and it 
keeps causing corruption. The GUI-based administration tools are useless so 
Gordon needs to use the Terminal and command line tools to keep this airplane 
flying! Indeed, Apple’s own engineering staff have been unable to determine the 
cause of the problem and their ultimate advice was to simply trash the server 
instance totally and rebuild it from the ground up with a new OS install. That 
is fine in principle, but we are keen to retain as much information as possible 
in order to minimise inconvenience to our clients and group members. Please 
know that even those of you who are not our direct clients are important to us. 
Although our first duty is to those for whom we host services, we regard all of 
our members as part of what we do. Anyway I am babbling. e h

This means that, in order to obtain the address of each user, along with any 
specific configuration settings they may have set, we have to effectivelyΩzsw 
log in as though we were that user via the web interface at 
 Aside from this, we’re going to have to manually replicate all of the generic 
list data on the new server for every single one of the groups hosted here. 
This, believe me, is no easy task; as some of the groups used by our commercial 
clients use very highly configured virtual hosts. One of our most valued 
non-commercial clients has multilingual options configured which we are also 
very keen to replicate. We shall be in touch with that client directly shortly 
to discuss the way forward for them.

Gordon has spent most of this weekend working behind the scenes in the room 
from which we run all of our servers; (I’ve almost forgotten what he looks 
like! ;-)); on the new system, and even as I write he estimates that several 
more days will elapse before we’re ready to even test the new system locally, 
let alone expose it to the Internet. Why am I telling you all this? It’s really 
quite simple. We require, and would very much appreciate, your assistance.

It would make our lives far easier if you as list members would take a moment 
to drop us a line privately, using the support address  
to let us know whether or not you anticipate or intend to remain a member of 
this group in the medium to long term, or even whether you wish us to add you 
to the new system at all. As well as this, we would be grateful if you would 
please let us have details of any specific settings you have configured on our 
server. For instance, if you are using digest mode to receive messages in bulk, 
whether you have a system password configured which overrides the default, 
etc.. Of course, when the new instance goes live, you will be able to modify 
your own configuration once you’ve been subscribed. We are simply trying to 
save you the work and minimise your inconvenience. :)

We have not far short of 500 members in this group alone now, and it would be a 
horrendously laborious task for Gordon to use the web interface to inspect 
every single user’s individual configuration; especially since the majority of 
users have never changed any settings. You may say “why not just use the 
defaults then?” That in theory may save time. But we are anxious to have the 
transition be as seamless as possible for everybody and, therefore, we’d like 
to have this data available in a database which I shall be compiling for Gordon 
as and when we receive each member’s response. We plan to maintain this 
database in the longer term, so that we do have a permanent record of who is 
currently a member of our groups, and any specific configuration they may be 

Sadly, as I’ve already indicated, it simply is not practical to expect Gordon 
to spend the time trawling through the web interface like that. Therefore, for 
those users who do not respond to this request, we will assume that they no 
longer wish to be a part of our group and as such we will not include them. It 
is vital that we h

Re: WWDC From Monday, 2 June 2014

2014-05-31 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne
Hi sara Actually, what I got wrong was the time zone. I said 10:00 Central, 
rather than PST.  Taking the correction into account, is that the same  
timezone as where Apple is based?  I always get US timezones mixed up.  some 
how many hours is PST behind UTC? Yes, I am aware of what you posted during the 
week.  The reason I brought this app into the spotlight is because it allows 
you to listen too or watch specific events, as per your interest. This isn't 
possible if you just put the stream audio out via the website stream. 


This Message Was Written Using One Hundred Percent Recycled Electrons; On 
Gordon's iPhone 4S:


On 31 May 2014, at 16:49, Sarah k Alawami  wrote:

Actualy the key note starts at 10 am pst. I thihnk you said EST or something 
like that.

You can listen to the key note on apple's page. I gave streaming details 
earlier this week..

Take care

> On May 31, 2014, at 4:38, Gordon Smith  wrote:
> If, like most or even all of us, you cannot attend  the 2014 WWDC, you might 
> like to download the iPhone and iPad WWDC app so that you can follow along 
> with the events which interest you.  This conference starts, I believe, at 
> 15:00 UTC or 10:00 Central.  I think I have that right, although somebody 
> else might know better.  I believe that it starts at 16:00 BST which suits me 
> great, as I’ll be home from work by then and so can follow all the exciting 
> developments as they happen.
> I just wish there was a Mac version of this app as well as that would be 
> easier for some of us.
> Anyway, here’s a link to the app in the UK App Store, and my apologies if 
> it’s already been posted.
> I presume that the US App store URL would be:
> Kindest regards
> <--- Gordon Smith --->
> Information Technology Accessibility Consultant;
> Proudly Providing Braille And Alternative Format Transcription Services, Plus 
> I.T Help & Support To The Staff And Students Of the Visually Impaired 
> Department at:
> Sunnyside Academy
> Manorfarm Way
> Colby Newham
> Middlesbrough
> Cleveland
> ==
> Telephone:
> United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
> 0800 8620538
> United Kingdom Geographic:
> 01133 280547
> Mobile:
> +44 7907 823971
> Europe and other non-specified:
> +44 1642 688095
> United States Of America And Canada:
> +1 646 9151493
> Or:
> +1 209 436 9443
> Australasia:
> +61 38 8205930
> Or:
> +61 39 0284505
> Fax:
> +44 1642 365123
> Follow Us On Twitter:
> Skype:
> --
> <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->
> To reply to this post, please address your message to 
> mac-access@mac-access.net
> You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
> either the list's own dedicated web archive:
> or at the public Mail Archive:
> .
> Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:
> As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
> the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
> worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security 
> strategy.  We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something 
> unpredictable happen.
> Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by 
> visiting the list website at:
<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access fo

Re: *** No More Windows *** [Was "help with windows problem on my mac."]

2014-05-26 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne
Hello everybody

Whilst we appreciate that this thread is now quite old, it is an opportune 
moment to remind everybody of list policy.  The area of Windows on Mac has long 
been one which has caused some debate.  However, our policy on this is quite 
clear; this group exists for the benefit of those using iOS and OS X. Windows 
is most definitely off topic for this group, as long-time members should be 
very well aware.

I am sorry to be so blunt, but we don't have the time right now to start 
debating this on list.  My time for administrating this group is somewhat 
limited now by my obligations to my employers.  So, here's the deal.  Anybody 
who persistently brings up the discussion of other non-Apple operating systems 
in this forum will be placed into moderation mode, no questions asked.

Our policy on this has always been clear.  Discuss the configuration of a VM, 
or any OS X or iOS issue.  But not, very very definitely not, operating system 
issues inside of Windows or other non-Apple environments.

This thread is clearly off topic for this group, and had I noticed it sooner, 
or had it been brought to our attention, we would have taken the appropriate 
action.  However, on this very rare occasion, since the thread is now dead I 
think, I'm going to let it serve as just one more final reminder to all 
members.  Those who respond to such messages are equally guilty if they 
continue the discussion.

So let's have no more of this please, otherwise we will act for the overall 
good of the group.  I would also invite anybody who notices such contraventions 
of policy to bring them to our notice, but please, not on list.

This reminder will not be repeated. Next time, we shoot first and ask questions 
later. :)

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

CleanMyMac and related Apps

2014-04-17 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

As you may be aware, from time to time, we here at Mac Access are able to offer 
our members promotional deals which bring them discounted purchase prices on 
software.  In the very near future, CleanMyMac is headed for a major update.  
We are pleased to be able to tell you that, at or just after the time of its 
release, we will be working with the company to bring our members discounts on 
their software.  We are also going to be working with the company on 
accessibility changes to their product.  So stand by and if you are a member of 
the group at that time, we will be happy to offer you a promotional deal.

I’m not able to give you specifics at the moment, but I’ll be happy to let you 
know when the time is right.

Kindest regards and, of course, a happy Easter to all.

Mac Access Dot Net Support

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Take Control Book Owners: Important Service Message: Please Read!

2014-04-10 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

This message applies to those of you who have purchased Take Control books via 
Mac Access.  Important:  If you have purchased books on our 80% discount 
promotion, but you purchased via Travis Siegal at SoftCon.com, this does not 
apply to you unless you notified us of your request for an online bookshelf to 
be hosted here.

I am sorry to have to report that we have, at some point in the not too distant 
past, suffered from a catastrophic systemic failure at one of our power supply 
units.  This unit appears to have gone over-voltage before it finally expired, 
taking two large capacity hard drives with it.

The net result of this failure was that our file transfer service and all of 
the Take Control Books data have disappeared into oblivion.

The server itself can be, and is in the process of being restored.  That will 
come back on line later today.  But the Take Control books issue is somewhat 
more serious.  Our databases are backed up in 3 places or, should I say, they 
were backed up in three places.  Sadly though, it appears that I somehow 
neglected my usually rigid policy of total isolation once the backup is made.  
The only time it usually comes back on stream is when the databases have 
changed radically, and are, therefore, obsolete at the backup point of 
presence.  However, it appears that as a result of my current workload, I 
neglected to take them off line and so the backups have also disappeared into 

Therefore, I would request that if you have purchased books from us, and 
assuming you still have documentation to that effect, would you please be so 
kind as to forward any appropriate information to the support address, so that 
I can rebuild the database and, therefore, restore your service.  Server 
passwords are not necessary, we do not require that information as the server’s 
database itself is currently in the process of being restored.

As for me, I can only apologise for my sheer negligence on this occasion.  I’m 
aware of the impact that this could have regarding the confidence of our 
clients.  However, rest assured that nothing of a confidential nature has been 
affected by this blunder, for want of a better word.  I have already been 
severely reprimanded by my better half, but feel free to repeat the exercise 
off list if you wish.  I would, however, request that any such reprimands be 
dealt using socially acceptable language.  I never respond to verbal abuse if 
it contains fowl language.  Indeed, that only gets my back up further. :)

On a serious note, however, by way of an apology for any inconvenience, I have 
been authorised by Lynne to make available any updated versions of books which 
you have purchased, purely at our expense.  This in itself is going to cost us 
quite a lot of money I would think, but I wish to ensure that all of our 
clients know just how seriously we view this issue, and that they are aware of 
our intention to make reparation for any lost confidence which has ensued as a 
result of this issue.

If you don’t contact the support address, I will have to assume that either you 
no longer require this service, or else you have obtained replacements 
elsewhere.  And finally, I would request that you contact us as quickly as 
possible.  Once the new academic term begins on 22 April, I simply won’t have 
the time to action this for you immediately, so you’ll then have to wait until 
my next available free time slot.

Kindest regards

<--- Gordon Smith --->

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Reminder Regarding List Policy

2014-03-23 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Recently we have been receiving a number of complaints regarding the on-list 
behaviour of certain members. I would like to point out a few small items 
regarding the behaviour of group members because it would appear that list 
policy is sometimes not at the forefront of members minds when they write.

First of all, however, I’d like to address an issue which is persistently 
arising. That is, members who are trying to carbon copy, (CC) other addresses, 
or adding other addresses to the “To:” field. Either of these methods of 
posting is what is known as “Implicit destinations”.

Many lists do not enforce the implicit destination control. But we had to 
enable it some time ago due to the fact that a member joined our group and 
attempted to use us as a spam relay. Implicit destinations is a technique which 
spammers use to propagate their malicious or otherwise offensive content.

So basically, let me spell it out for the benefit of new or recently new 
members. You cannot add Mac Access as either a secondary or a primary address 
in a message which you want to send to other groups or to individuals. Both of 
these methods are trapped by our server and are flagged for our attention.

If you believe you have a good reason for doing this on a specific occasion, 
you are free to contact us to provide an explanation, and we may opt to use our 
discretion and allow the message through that time. However, routinely we 
indiscriminately reject such messages without question.

So, if you want your message to hit the group, don’t use implicit destinations. 
It really is as simple as that.

Next, I’d like to remind members that it is not appropriate for group members 
to reprimand others for their comment/suggestions/whatever on list.  If you 
have any issue with another member’s post, please, in the first instance, take 
it up with the author of the message privately. If you still cannot reach a 
satisfactory resolution, feel free to write to us here at Mac Access Support, 
including a copy of the message which gave you cause for complaint. Including 
the message in question is always helpful now because there is a very much 
higher volume of traffic on this list now than there was 12 months ago. Also, 
we don’t have as much time to administrate the group as we once did, and we 
currently have no assistance in this regard from others. The time factor is the 
primary reason for our silence on list of late.

Thirdly, I’d like to remind list members that it is not appropriate for 
sarcastic or demeaning responses to people’s questions on this list. Usually, 
if somebody asks a question, it is for genuine reasons. Not everybody has the 
time or even the ability to trawl through dozens of websites and web pages 
looking for the answers to their questions. This list exists as a mutually 
beneficial self-help forum. What may seem obvious to one person may not seem so 
to another. It is totally wrong for more experienced or more abled members to 
demean others who are less so because they ask a question.

That having been said, I would like to point out that this group does have two 
very extensive archives which members may find useful in their quest for 
information. Sometimes, just posing a question in the search engine at the 
archive sites can prove to be the jackpot and provide the answers which saves a 
lot of time and frustration on the part of the member with the question. The 
archive addresses are at the foot of each and every message posted to this 
group. As are the self-help addresses for those wishing to amend or even remove 
their subscription.

Rudeness to others will also not be tolerated on this list. We clearly state 
this in the list policy document which each and every member was sent when they 
joined the group. Should you need to review the most up-to-date list policy 
document, feel free. There are a couple of ways to do this. You can request 
that the list policy document be sent to you again by E-Mail using the server’s 
request address. Alternatively, you can visit the web page containing the 
policy document directly buy pointing your browser to:

which is always the most up-to-date policy document.

We are currently undertaking a review of recent traffic and will take any 
appropriate action based on any on-list behaviour which constitutes a 
significant breech of list policy. Mac Access was founded in 2007 by Gordon 
because he wasn’t happy with the alternative resources out there. We want Mac 
Access to remain a portal where members new and old may interact in an 
easy-going and friendly fashion. The personal touch, in other words, not just 
the flaming and bad-mouthing which we know happens in certain other groups.

Thank you for your time, and we hope that you continue to enjoy your membership 
of Mac Access. You can be assured that there’s always somebody on the other end 
of the line, so to speak, if you reall

Re: New Voice Synthsiser For OSX

2014-03-13 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne
We have been advised that the URL below leads to what I will call an unfriendly 
website.  I would remind the group that we take no responsibility for any 
malicious activity on the part of other developers or providers.

I would, however, like to point out that Eloquance is still a licensed 
commercial product and if it has been hacked, for want of a better word, I can 
only hope that the person responsible if there's any breach of intellectual 
property rights, is suitably chastised.


This Message Was Written Using One Hundred Percent Recycled Electrons; Sent 
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On 11 Mar 2014, at 01:21, Dane Trethowan  wrote:


Sent from Dane's iPhone +613400494862

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Very, Very Important, Please, Please, Read!

2014-02-17 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Good Tuesday morning, everybody

Please read this message carefully, as it will impact on every single member of 
this group to varying degrees.  In other words, if you’re reading this message 
and are, therefore, receiving Mac Access Dot Net traffic, you!

Firstly, we have been asked on several occasions how many members there are in 
this group.   Because we choose to protect the E-Mail addresses of members and 
do not make listings available to outside persons, this is a question which can 
only be answered by us.  To satisfy the curiosity of those who have asked this 
question, as of right now we have 336 members; not all of them actively 
posting, but there we are.  OK, now down to the really important stuff.

This message is to inform you that we have just begun the process of porting 
the entire contents of our logistical operations over to a new server array.  
This process needs to be completed by April and, although that probably sounds 
like a long way off to you, because of our very hectic schedules at the moment, 
professionally speaking, that actually is going to be quite a difficult target 
to meet, even if everything goes smoothly.  There is much much more to Mac 
Access than meets the eye, and a total of 9 servers have to be re-deployed, 
re-built or replaced by the middle of April.  Most of these hardware 
configurations are used for load balancing to accommodate both our public 
services and also those which we host for commercial clients.  As I said, 
during those times when we’re working on professional commitments, we cannot 
also be working on this task.  So we need to do it now, whilst we do have some 
time when I can use my sleepless nights to good effect.  I don’t do all of the 
work myself, but the core migration tasks are down to me.

You may well ask, what does this mean to me?  Why should I care what is 
happening at Mac Access Dot Net.  Well, the reason is basically this.  On 
block, we are taking the liberty of porting all 336 members’ E-Mail addresses 
currently subscribed to the group over to the new front-end server.  The 
problem we face here is that it would simply not be practical for us to trail 
through the list of every single account in order to find and duplicate any 
special options which may be set for that account.  Therefore, if you require 
any specific settings to be associated with your E-Mail address which we have 
on file for you as a member of this group, you will need to contact the support 
address which I’ll give you in a moment in order to let us know, or to directly 
modify your settings, post-migration, yourself.

By special options, I mean if you require digest mode, if you have any other 
special delivery options configured  for your account, if you have your name 
associated with the account, that kind of thing.

We will give you the opportunity to configure your own optional parameters once 
the new server comes on stream, of course.  We're simply offering to do some of 
this work for you as a courtesy when we migrate the member list.  But there is 
a limit to how much I’ll be either able or willing to do.  This is a massive 
undertaking even as things stand, and we are hoping that we can delegate most 
of any custom work on your account to you.

If, of course, you do not plan on remaining a member of this group, (and we are 
well aware that some members do come and go periodically), you will also need 
to let us know because we are using the current database as a template from 
which to work.  That includes all addresses currently subscribed.  Therefore, 
if you leave the group between now and migration time, you will find your 
address has been automatically re-subscribed unless you take the time to inform 
us that you do not wish this to happen.

So, I hear you ask, what do I need to do?  Simple.  Sent a message to:
specifying which address your request pertains too, and what action you would 
like taken on that address.  By default, we will just use the standard delivery 
options for everybody.  We will, as I’ve already said, provide the group 
options to configure your own profile once the migration has happened.  If 
possible, we will actually make the new interface available before we actually 
dump the old system, so that you can log into it and make any required changes 
to your account.

Important, attention please!

When this interface goes live, you will be sent a new welcome message.  This 
welcome message will contain your new account password.  You will be asked for 
this password automatically when you make any configuration changes to the 
account, either via the E-Mail transport mechanism itself, or via the web 
interface.  So please please save this information until such time that you are 
satisfied with the configuration of your account.  We will not be able to spare 
the time to keep modifying this information for you, or to keep configuring 
individual accounts one the migration is complete.  Theref

Services Reinstated; Please Read

2014-02-16 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Some time ago, we were unfortunate enough to suffer a catastrophic systemic 
failure on one of our servers. This meant that our file manager server went 
down and we were unable to do anything about it owing to the extent of the work 
required and also the significant hardware replacement costs.

I am pleased to be able to tell you that this service has now been reinstated, 
using brand new hardware, and with a brand new and, we believe, better 
navigation interface.  This means that with immediate effect, all those who had 
accounts here at Mac Access Dot Net have their services reinstated with the 
same content as they had when it went down.

This last point is subject to the data being stored when we had the systems 
failure occur. We are unable to verify this 100% owing to the fact that user 
data is inaccessible to us as we believe that it is confidential to the person 
who owns the account and we as system administrators have absolutely no 
business knowing what that data is or contains.

If you had a account here, please feel free to check the server for yourself.

On a different though related issue, it would seem appropriate to remind 
members that we are offering free E-Mail accounts to those members who would 
like them, and who genuinely would use them for legitimate purposes.  If you’d 
be interested in having an account set up for you, now is the time to contact 
us. Gordon is off work for the academic half term break this week. That means 
that, although he will be available most of the time, I will not. My workplace 
remains very busy. Anyway if you’d like more information, please contact the 
support address.

Finally, we apologise most sincerely to those who have been impacted by the 
server outage. We are doing everything possible to ensure that it does not 
happen again.

Warm regards

Lynne [Mac Access Support]

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: ot: deleting all mail in gmail, a tutorial.

2014-01-12 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy

Just for future reference, If you know something is off topic for this group, 
please do not post it to the group without first asking the list owners, i.e., 
Mac Access Support, if it’s alright to do so.  However, since your post is very 
specifically related to Apple’s platform, it is not, in actual fact, off topic 
at all.  :)

So, there’s no issue.  The tutorial is very specific and that’s fine, postings 
like this which directly deal with Apple’s hardware/software are perfectly 
acceptable and, indeed, very much welcomed within the group.  We would 
certainly not wish to deny the members of this group the opportunity of trying 
your recommendations.  So, thanks for the post.

On 12 Jan 2014, at 04:40, Devin Prater  wrote:

Hi all. After doing this, I thought I’d share with you all who I managed this. 
Yes this is off topic, but you all can spread it around, I’m sure. First, I go 
to gmail.google.com, with standard view. I press left and right arrows to turn 
quick nag off, and press up and down arrows to focus  on the table of messages. 
Er, that’s Quick Nav, not quick nag. Anyway, I press star, that’s shift 8, then 
A. This selects all the messages on the page. Then, I press number, or hash, or 
pound, which is shift 3. That deletes all selected messages. Now, this is in 
the inbox, and while it will be helpful on android devices and gmail web views, 
Apple mail, apparently, shows all mail that is not from you or in its trash 
folder. So, you’ll have to go to all mail. So, press right or left arrow until 
you hear something like inbox link. Keep quick Nav off throughout this whole 
thing. While these are links, which you can click on with VO space, you arrow 
down through them, like menu options. Then, when you’ve reached All Mail, press 
enter. You’ll be placed in the list of all your mail, every last one, including 
google chats and such. Here, select all as described above, star then A. Then, 
move out of the table, and you’ll find “all X of the messages on this page are 
selected. Click to select all Y in all mail.” X being the number of messages 
you have set to display per page, and Y being the total. So then, click the 
link, and you have all 8 or so emails and chats selected. Then, press the 
hash/pound/number, and you’ll be presented with a dialog. Click okay. Another 
dialogue will proceed it, click okay. Then, close the tag and wait for an hour 
or so, and your gmail will be cleansed of all the mutterings of a 
long-abandoned email list and exs and all the other memories you’d prefer not 
to have lingering around.

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Finally Fixed!

2013-12-30 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

You may have noticed, if you are an account holder here at Mac Access that our 
file server has been out of action for a while. We actually were only made 
aware of this problem 48 hours ago, but we traced it to a hardware failure. 
Gordon has just put the server back on line, all data reinstated ; including 
that data to which we have no access. In other words, if you’re a subscriber to 
our Drop Ship service, or if you have spoken to us about using our cloud 
service, your data is intact, and remains private and locked from prying eyes. 

We apologise for the inconvenience, but you should find that all is well now.

Warm regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

New Partnership Announcement; Saturday 30 November, 2013; for immediate release! | Mac Access Dot Net

2013-11-30 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy

Members may like to read the following.  We welcome any comment, maybe though 
it would be best off list, at your discretion.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Test Messages; This Has To Stop!!

2013-10-24 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Would those members sending “Test, Please Ignore” please refrain from doing so. 
 The list is currently seeing rather too many of these, and they have to stop 
as they have nothing whatever useful to contribute.  Those who continue posting 
such messages as of now may be moderated.

I appreciate that the purpose of sending tests is not in any way malicious or 
with the intention of creating issues.  However, they do not have any real 
purpose.  Put simply, if you can receive from the group you’ll be a member.  If 
you can post a useful message, you’ve already completed your test so there’s 
nothing to be gained by descending “Test, please ignore” messages.

This may seem churlish to some, but we also have to think about the list 
archives.  Your cooperation would be appreciated.

Kind regards

<--- Gordon Smith --->

Information Technology Accessibility Consultant


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<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Recently Received Support Requests

2013-10-24 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello all

I just thought I’d post to the group to apologise for our recent delays in 
responding to your support requests.  These have been due to a lot of activity 
here at Mac Access home base regarding work commitments and contract 

We are aware of the requests, and we ask you to please be a little patient.  We 
will get to your issues just as quickly as possible.  We share the frustrations 
which some have expressed with our unusually slow response time.  We ask you to 
please understand that we have to prioritise our commercial activities and work 
commitments because without them, Mac Access would simply not exist.  Funds are 
very tight at the moment, and we are having to use our own personal money to 
keep the groups running.  We will do this, but it would be to the benefit of 
all of us if we could revert to 100% external funding which we will hopefully 
do as of the beginning of November.  We’re currently engaged in tying up the 
loose ends, then we will hopefully have a week’s grace before things really get 

I, (Gordon), will try to deal with outstanding support issues today while I’m 
at home awaiting telephone confirmation calls.  I’ll get to as many as I can, 
but if yours is not one of them, I apologise and I assure you that one of us 
will try to resolve your issue quickly.

Kind Regards

<--- Gordon Smith --->

Information Technology Accessibility Consultant

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: Is VMWareFusion on topic on this list?

2013-10-13 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy

Your response is not entirely accurate, see my previous message.  The policy 
document which everybody is sent when they join is very clear on this point.  I 
will repeat what I said earlier, just so the message is clear in everybody’s 
mind.  The discussion of the Mac side of Fusion is on topic.  The configuration 
of the virtual machine is on topic.  But the configuration of the guest 
operating system, (usually Windows) is off topic.  The exception to this being 
when the guest operating system is another instance of OS X.

I hope that clarifies the position.


On 2 Oct 2013, at 00:49, Phil Halton  wrote:

> It's not on-topic at this list. But the Macvisionaries List does allow for 
> talking about fusion. Check out macvisionar...@googlegroups.com

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: Is VMWareFusion on topic on this list?

2013-10-13 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy

I’m sorry, we are miles behind on mail.

We state this in the list policy document.  The configuration of everything on 
the Mac side of things in Fusion is on topic.  But the Windows configuration is 
not.  You might like to join our sister groups, Techno-Chat and Windows-Access 
if you’d like to discuss the Windows side of things.


On 1 Oct 2013, at 22:55, Tere Codina  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am having troubles with VMWare Fusion and I doubt if this thread is on 
> topic.
> Please let me know if I can explain what happens to my Mac, or perhaps you 
> can give me any place for me to post my question regarding this problem.
> Thank you all. 
> <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->
> To reply to this post, please address your message to 
> mac-access@mac-access.net
> You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
> either the list's own dedicated web archive:
> or at the public Mail Archive:
> .
> Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:
> As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
> the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
> worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security 
> strategy.  We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something 
> unpredictable happen.
> Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by 
> visiting the list website at:

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

New Member Welcome

2013-10-07 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Please do not reply to this message on list. If you wish to comment, please 
contact the new member personally.

It is traditional when new members join the Mac Access Dot Net email forum that 
Gordon, Tracy and I try to welcome the new member(s) personally. In keeping 
with that tradition, we are delighted to welcome two new members:
Leo Bissonnette
Ray Campbell
to our number. We are gratified by the fact that Mac Access is growing 
globally. We hope that you will find Mac-Access@mac-access.net a pleasant, 
friendly and worthwhile place to be.

In here you will find a wealth of knowledge, and people with a variety of skill 
levels ranging from the total novice to the application developers with 
advanced skills. Then there are those who don't yet own a Mac, but have a keen 
interest; and those who just  use iOS devices but who are keen enthusiasts. We 
hope you will feel free to post your questions and constructive comment, 
whatever your skill levels may be. Be assured, there will be none of the 
ridiculing and flaming which we know takes place in other groups. That kind of 
behaviour is not tolerated in Mac-Access.

Anything Mac OS and iOS is on topic for this group. In the case of 
virtualisation applications such as VMWare Fusion and Parallels Desktop, the 
configuration of the applications themselves, plus the configuration of the 
virtual machines is on topic. However, the configuration of Windows or any 
other operating systems within that virtual machine is off topic. The exception 
to that is if you're using another instance of OSX within the virtual machine. 
This has always been a bit of a grey area; but we hope this clarifies the 
position. We should also make clear the fact that Apple's Windows applications 
are off topic for this group. This is strictly an iOS and Mac OS discussion 

If you have any list-related queries, please do not hesitate to contact Gordon, 
Tracy and myself, (the list owners), at , and we will 
be happy to help you.

Finally, I thought you might like to know that currently we are offering all 
Mac-Access. members the opportunity to purchase the Take Control Of Your Mac 
publications, published by Tidbits.com, at an 80% discount. If you want to know 
more, please contact the above support address. For a listing of the books 
available please visit:

Don't buy from there, get back to us with a list of books or the name of the 
book that interests you and we'll tell you how to proceed.

Once again, a very warm welcome to the group. We hope you find your membership 
an enjoyable, instructive and stimulating experience.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

New Member Welcome

2013-10-04 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Please do not reply to this message on list. If you wish to comment, please 
contact the new member or the support personnel directly.

It is traditional when new members join the Mac Access Dot Net email forum that 
Gordon, Tracy and I tried to welcome the new member(s) personally. In keeping 
with that tradition, we are delighted to welcome:
Martin corr
to our number. We are gratified by the fact that Mac Access is growing
globally, and we hope that you will find Mac-Access@mac-access.net a pleasant, 
friendly and worthwhile place to be. We hope also that you will spread the word 
about Mac Access amongst your friends, and look forward to welcoming them.

In here you will find a wealth of knowledge, and people with a variety of skill 
levels ranging from the total novice, to the application developers with 
advanced skills. Then there are those who don't yet own an Apple device, but 
have a keen interest; and those who just  use iOS devices but who are keen 
enthusiasts. We hope you will feel free to post your questions and constructive 
comment, whatever your skill levels may be. Be assured, there will be none of 
the ridiculing and flaming which we know takes place in other groups. That kind 
of behaviour is not tolerated in Mac-Access. Also, please do not try to CC 
messages intended for other groups to Mac Access, or visa versa. Doing so will 
cause your message to bounce, and may result in us having to place you into 
moderation mode which would be tedious for us, and frustrating for you.

The list policy document is always available for review. You can find it here:

Anything Mac OS and iOS is on topic for this group. In the case of 
virtualisation applications such as Fusion and Parallels Desktop, the 
configuration of the applications themselves, plus the configuration of the 
virtual machines is on topic. However, the configuration of Windows or any 
other operating systems within that virtual machine is off topic. The exception 
to that is if you're using another instance of OSX within the virtual machine. 
This has always been a bit of a grey area; but we hope this clarifies the 
position. We should also make clear the fact that Apple's Windows applications 
are off topic for this group. This is strictly an iOS and Mac OS discussion 

If you have any list-related queries, please do not hesitate to contact Tracy, 
Gordon and myself, (the list owners), at , and we will 
be happy to help you.

Finally, I thought you might like to know that currently we are offering all 
Mac-Access. members the opportunity to purchase the Take Control Of Your Mac 
publications, published by Tidbits.com, at an 80% discount. If you want to know 
more, please contact the above support address. For a listing of the books 
available please visit:

Get back to us with a list of books or the name of the book that interests you 
and we'll tell you how to proceed. We should make it clear that under the 
current rules, group members must have ben, and agree to remain a member of Mac 
Access for a period of no less than 28 days prior to their first purchase. This 
rule now exists because, sadly, we were getting some members joining to exploit 
the system and then leave.

Once again, a very warm welcome to the group. We hope you find your membership 
an enjoyable, instructive and stimulating experience.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

New Member Welcome

2013-10-03 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Please do not reply to this message on list. If you wish to comment, please 
contact the new member or the support personnel directlyy.

Until quite recently, it was traditional when new members joined the Mac Access 
Dot Net email forum that Gordon, Tracy and I tried to welcome the new member(s) 
personally. Sadly, due to time constraints, we have let that tradition lapse. I 
believe that it should now be revived.

 In keeping with that tradition, we are delighted to welcome:
Abdelkader Belaouni
to our number. We are gratified by the fact that Mac Access is growing
globally. We hope that you will find Mac-Access@mac-access.net a pleasant, 
friendly and worthwhile place to be. We hope also that you will spread the word 
about Mac Access amongst your friends, and look forward to welcoming them.

In here you will find a wealth of knowledge, and people with a variety of skill 
levels ranging from the total novice, to the application developers with 
advanced skills. Then there are those who don't yet own a Mac, but have a keen 
interest; and those who just  use iOS devices but who are keen enthusiasts. We 
hope you will feel free to post your questions and constructive comment, 
whatever your skill levels may be. Be assured, there will be none of the 
ridiculing and flaming which we know takes place in other groups. That kind of 
behaviour is not tolerated in Mac-Access. Also, please do not try to CC 
messages intended for other groups to Mac Access, or visa versa. Doing so will 
cause your message to bounce, and may result in us having to place you into 
moderation mode which would be tedious for us, and frustrating for you.

Anything Mac OS and iOS is on topic for this group. In the case of 
virtualisation applications such as Fusion and Parallels Desktop, the 
configuration of the applications themselves, plus the configuration of the 
virtual machines is on topic. However, the configuration of Windows or any 
other operating systems within that virtual machine is off topic. The exception 
to that is if you're using another instance of OSX within the virtual machine. 
This has always been a bit of a grey area; but we hope this clarifies the 
position. We should also make clear the fact that Apple's Windows applications 
are off topic for this group. This is strictly an iOS and Mac OS discussion 

If you have any list-related queries, please do not hesitate to contact Tracy, 
Gordon and myself, (the list owners), at , and we will 
be happy to help you.

Finally, I thought you might like to know that currently we are offering all 
Mac-Access. members the opportunity to purchase the Take Control Of Your Mac 
publications, published by Tidbits.com, at an 80% discount. If you want to know 
more, please contact the above support address. For a listing of the books 
available please visit:

Get back to us with a list of books or the name of the book that interests you 
and we'll tell you how to proceed. We should make it clear that under the 
current rules, group members must have ben, and agree to remain a member of Mac 
Access for a period of no less than 28 days prior to their first purchase. This 
rule now exists because, sadly, we were getting some members joining to exploit 
the system and then leave.

Once again, a very warm welcome to the group. We hope you find your membership 
an enjoyable, instructive and stimulating experience.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Reminder; List Conduct

2013-10-02 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

An incident has arisen whereby a group member has had cause to complain 
regarding the content off another member’s response to his post. There was a 
remark in this response which cast doubt upon the intelligence of those who had 
previously joined the thread.

Please be aware that this kind of personals sniping is not tolerated in this 
group.  We shall be watching closely from this point onwards and if this is 
repeated, we will take the necessary action. Please don’t make us do that, it 
would be irksome for us and frustrating for the person involved.

Thank you for your time.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

New Member Welcome!

2013-10-01 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Please do not reply to this message on list. If you wish to comment, please 
contact the new member or the support personnel directly.

Until quite recently, it was traditional when new members joined the Mac Access 
Dot Net email forum that Gordon, Tracy and I tried to welcome the new member(s) 
personally. Sadly, due to time constraints, we have let that tradition lapse. I 
believe that it should now be revived.

 In keeping with that tradition, we are delighted to welcome:
ileen Misrahi
to our number. We are gratified by the fact that Mac Access is growing
globally. We hope that you will find Mac-Access@mac-access.net a pleasant, 
friendly and worthwhile place to be. We hope also that you will spread the word 
about Mac Access amongst your friends, and look forward to welcoming them too.

In this forum you will find a wealth of knowledge, and people with a variety of 
skill levels ranging from the total novice to the application developers with 
advanced skills. Then there are those who don't yet own a Mac, but have a keen 
interest; and those who just  use iOS devices but who are keen enthusiasts. We 
hope you will feel free to post your questions and constructive comment, 
whatever your skill levels may be. Be assured, there will be none of the 
ridiculing and flaming which we know takes place in other groups. That kind of 
behaviour is not tolerated in Mac-Access. Also, please do not try to CC 
messages intended for other groups to Mac Access, or visa versa. Doing so will 
cause your message to bounce, and may result in us having to place you into 
moderation mode which would be tedious for us, and frustrating for you.

Remember that no question is too trivial. The beginning of wisdom is “I Do Not 
Know!”. We do, however, encourage members to use the list archive pages. They 
may well contain the answers to your questions which would mean that you have 
what you need more quickly. The archive addresses are listed at the bottom of 
every message posted to this group.

Anything Mac OS and iOS is on topic for this group. In the case of 
virtualisation applications such as Fusion and Parallels Desktop, the 
configuration of the applications themselves, plus the configuration of the 
virtual machines is on topic. However, the configuration of Windows or any 
other operating systems within that virtual machine is off topic. The exception 
to that is if you're using another instance of OSX within the virtual machine. 
This has always been a bit of a grey area; but we hope this clarifies the 
position. We should also make clear the fact that Apple's Windows applications 
are off topic for this group. This is strictly an iOS and Mac OS discussion 

If you have any list-related queries, please do not hesitate to contact Tracy, 
Gordon and myself, (the list owners), at , and we will 
be happy to help you.

Finally, I thought you might like to know that currently we are offering all 
Mac-Access. members the opportunity to purchase the Take Control Of Your Mac 
publications, published by Tidbits.com, at an 80% discount. If you want to know 
more, please contact the above support address. For a listing of the books 
available please visit:

Get back to us with a list of books or the name of the book that interests you 
and we'll tell you how to proceed. We should make it clear that under the 
current rules, group members must have ben, and agree to remain a member of Mac 
Access for a period of no less than 28 days prior to their first purchase. This 
rule now exists because, sadly, we were getting some members joining to exploit 
the system and then leave.

Once again, a very warm welcome to the group. We hope you find your membership 
an enjoyable, instructive and stimulating experience. And remember that, should 
you need list support or have any questions regarding list content, help is 
always on hand. Feel free to contact the list owner and support personnel on 
 at any time.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: how can you tell when Jambox needs updated

2013-09-28 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
This is off topic for the Mac Access Group.

On 27 Sep 2013, at 17:18, meadowlark77  wrote:

> I'musing a Windows XPPro computer.

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Software Service, Status Update

2013-09-17 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

Finally, we have our servers properly up and running.  Some of you we have 
contacted already but those of you who have not yet heard from us, if you’re 
still interested, would you please drop another line to supp...@mac-access.net 
and accept our apologies for the prolonged delay.  Please include in your 
message a user ID which you’d like to use, and also a case-sensitive password 
if you don’t want us to automatically assign you one.  Oh yes, and I almost 
forgot to add, messages about this which arrive in my personal inbox will be 
discarded.  So please ensure you respond off list to supp...@mac-access.net.

Kind regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

List Behaviour

2013-08-26 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

This is just a reminder, but please consider it formal.  When somebody asks a 
question, if you only have a comment to make such as “Haven’t you heard of 
whatever”, it really would be better if you simply don’t post at all.  That 
kind of remark is hardly helpful and does nothing to encourage the questioner 
to ask questions again.  We all ask questions at times and we are undoubtedly 
all guilty of failing to explore all resources available at times.  But this 
list exists so that people may ask questions and, by doing so, may learn and, 
by doing so, help others.  Point somebody to a resource, by all means.  But 
please don’t make that kind of comment in this context.

There have been a few instances recently where people have made that comment, 
and others besides.  Until now we have not intervened, in the hope that such 
behaviour will cease of its own accord.  However, it isn’t, and some people, 
unintentionally I’m sure, are coming across as a little bit arrogant.  Flaming 
is, as we state in the list policy document viewable here:

against list policy.  I’m absolutely sure no offence is intended.  However, I 
would request that people please desist from making those kinds of comment.  If 
you have no positive contribution to make in response to those who ask 
questions, please don’t respond at all.  If, on the other hand, you wish to 
make a comment which would help others, then by all means do so.  We all make 
the mistake of responding too quickly, heaven only knows I’ve done it countless 
times and wished that I could just fall into a hole somewhere never to be seen 
again.  The same is true of those who ask questions, and I’ve been on that side 
of things as well countless times.

OK, that having been said, I hope that we can all coexist happily together in a 
spirit of mutual self-help.  That is what this group exists for and we do  not 
want any animosity on list.

Thanks for your time.

Kind regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Software Service; [Status Update]

2013-08-21 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Those of you awaiting accounts on our software server will be pleased to hear 
that Gordon has now resolved the issue which was preventing us from offering 
the service. This was primarily due to an issue which prevents administrators 
from totally disabling web functionality in Apple’s 2.2.1 Server incarnation. 
Because of this, the port we need to use the third-party software on was being 
blocked by Apache, even though all of the associated services were disabled. 
Finally, Gordon has found a way to prevent Apache from starting up even when it 
isn’t needed. This now exposes the ports we need to our software.

Therefore, you can expect to receive an E-Mail from the server shortly, 
presenting you with your credentials. Those who have been kind enough to make a 
small donation to Mac Access will be given full read/write access to your own 
folder. Note: This does not in any way mean that those who have purchased books 
from us, or who had previously been given access will be in any way affected.

Finally, we would like to apologise for the delay in getting this up. Gordon 
has tried lots of fixes, all of which have failed until now. But we are quietly 
confident that this one will work. Certainly, at this time, access is restored.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Scheduled Maintenance Outage, Please Read!

2013-08-19 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello all

Owing to the fact that our server has developed a small problem,  I need to 
take Mac Access and all other services off line for a short period early this 
morning whilst I work to rectify the issue.  This is not, incidentally, related 
to our file manager although I’m planning to totally overhaul that today as 
well in order that I can get it back on line.

Basically the reason is that files which I need to modify are frequently 
accessed by MailMan and PostFix and if I try to edit them whilst the service is 
running, I will create further problems.

To be safe, I am also taking Apache services off line because they are also 
used for some essential internal tasks and Apache services need to be stopped 
as well to ensure that there is no conflict.

Please be aware that this is a necessary maintenance outage.  I promise you 
that I would not consider taking the servers down unless it was absolutely 
necessary.  Hopefully, the outage will be brief, maybe about 30 to 60 minutes 
at most.

As you will be aware I think, we remain absolutely committed to providing a 
high level of service to all of our clients, irrespective of the level at which 
they use our services.  We regard our group membership as indirect clients, but 
still clients.  Therefore, they have a right to be informed regarding what is 
about to happen.

Since April 2010, we have managed to maintain an up-time level in excess of 
98%.  Considering that we are a very small organisation with limited resources, 
I personally thing that is quite a staggering achievement and I’m very proud of 

I have been putting this task off, to be honest, in the hope that it wouldn’t 
be required.  However,  because of continuing problems with Apple’s new Server 
platform, I have still not updated our service from Snow Leopard Server.  This 
in itself could bring a problem, and it is why I am now considering this 
maintenance.  Security updates for Snow Leopard Server are sparse now, and that 
is putting it mildly.  We all know about what happened with Apple’s own 
developer portal a week or two back and I do not wish Mac Access or any of our 
clients’ services to be in any way compromised.  So, this task is actually one 
of prevention, rather than cure.

All of our clients, whether they are commercial clients, visually impaired 
clients for whom we are proud to be able to provide services, or even just list 
members.  You’re all important to us.  We know that we don’t always get things 
spot on right.  But be assured, I’m only doing this to enhance your security.  
Please be assured that no contact data or other confidential material regarding 
our clients has been, or ever will be, put at risk.

We very much regret any inconvenience this may cause you.  If you’re a direct 
client of ours, be assured that our secondary MX servers are up and running so 
mail will hopefully not bounce.  If by any chance it does, because the sending 
server doesn’t check the entire MX chain to locate secondary services, I am 
very sorry for this.  Feel free to get back to me should you require further 

The outage is scheduled to start at 05:30 UTC today, Tuesday 20 August, and 
should hopefully last no more than a maximum of 60 minutes.  All being well, 
services should resume well within that time.  But I have to allow for possible 
complications and I don’t want to make promises I cannot keep.  So in the event 
that the outage lasts longer than 60 minutes, please understand that I’m doing 
my very best and will get things back up on line as quickly as possible.

I have tried to schedule this outage at a time which I believe will bring the 
least inconvenience to our clients.  It’s late night in the US, early evening 
or late afternoon in Australasia and early morning in Europe, before most 
businesses open their doors for the day.

Finally, I am sending this to all of our E-Mail groups, so my apologies of you 
see this more than once.  It’s important to let everybody we serve know what’s 

Kind regards

<--- Mac Access Support, supp...@mac-access.net --->

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiti

Status Update On Software Server

2013-08-06 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

Firstly, to those awaiting account configuration on our servers, our apologies. 
 Apple Server is giving us a bit of a hard time at the moment in quite a few 
ways.  But we will get things fixed up for you eventually.  Of course, if you 
wish to discuss this or need further information please feel free to contact 
supp...@mac-access.net and we'll try to give you the answers you want.  On the 
other hand, if you don't know what I'm talking about and want too, feel equally 
free to contact us.

Thank you.

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Off Topic: Please Do Not continue This Thread: [Was Re: iSangean, An App Full Of Surprises]

2013-07-31 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello Dane

This is a Mac and iOS group, not a general technology group.  Please be more 
careful when posting to lists. :)

On 31 Jul 2013, at 06:45, Dane Trethowan  wrote:

> Last week I wrote a brief introduction to the Sangean WRF-28D Dab/FM/Internet 
> Radio, I've been playing with the set for a week now and here's my notes, 
> comments and observations.

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

All; Please Read [Rejected Posts]

2013-07-26 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Good Friday morning all

Recently we have noticed an alarming increase in the number of posts to this 
group which we are having to process because they are too large.  This is 
because people are being lazy and, once again, an item in the list policy is 
being overlooked or forgotten.  Because we are aware that a significant number 
of members of this group are subscribed to data plans with their ISP which put 
caps on the amount of throughput they can accept each month, we have a policy 
item in place which states that members should not quote entire chains of 
messages when responding to a thread. To discourage this further, we have a 40K 
restriction on the size of every message posted to the list, which should be 
enough for anybody to make their point clearly.  However, if you just leave all 
of the chain of messages present in your reply, your message will inevitably 
eventually become too large to post, which is what is happening.

In list policy, we request that you only quote what is relevant, or what you're 
specifically responding too.  It only takes a moment to be selective.  All you 
need to do on OS or Windows is use your cut and paste option, Command+X or 
Control+X respectively after selecting the old text.  For the sake of the 
support people, and also to ensure that your message reaches the group, please 
try to comply.  It is worth pointing out to you now that we indiscriminately 
reject all messages which don't make the group because they are too large.  So, 
if you want to be sure that your voice gets heard and your point is made, 
please comply with list policy.

We do appreciate that it's easy to forget these things sometimes.  But it is 
irksome to list members and tedious to us when we have to keep posting these 
reminders.  On a final note, we do monitor this carefully and, if the same 
person commits the same oversight repetitively, despite these reminders, we 
will place that person in moderation mode until they come to understand the 
seriousness with which we view these repeated transgressions.  In all the time 
that Mac Access has existed, we have never yet had to place anybody into 
moderation mode, although one or two have come close.  Please, don't let 
yourself become the first member to whom we have had to do this.  Believe me, 
it would give us no pleasure or satisfaction whatsoever for that to happen.  
Please try to cooperate with us for our collective and mutual benefit.

If you'd like to refresh your memory regarding list policy at any time, feel 
free.  You can find the document at its new home, which is here:

Thank you for your time and cooperation.  If you have any questions regarding 
this or any other list issue, please don't hesitate to contact us at the usual 
support address:

Kind regards

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

This awaiting Credentials

2013-07-17 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

Just a quick note to let you know that, if you are awaiting credentials for 
access to our software archives, I've been snowed under with employment 
contract talks until yesterday.  I will have more time today so I will get some 
of the backlog sorted I hope.  My apologies.

Kind regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Urgent Service Information, Please Read!

2013-07-12 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

This is just one of those occasions when I really wish I could just bury myself 
under a rock and disappear.  it's an error on my part which was probably due to 
a typo when I created the database entry way back in 2010.

Unfortunately, tomorrow it seems that our SSL certificate for the mail server 
mail.tft-bbs.co.uk is due to expire.  As you may or may not be aware we are 
gradually phasing out the tft-bbs domains.  2 Of them have already expired; 
tft-bbs.com and tft-bbs.org.uk.  It was intended that by the time the 
tft-bbs.co.uk certificate elapsed, (which I had on record as 13 July 2014), the 
mail and other services would have been switched over to a new domain more in 
keeping with what we are doing at present.  In fact, I had intended that 
mac-access.net would replace the tft-bbs.co.uk domain for all services.

And it is there, in the year column of the database, where I have made the 
error.  Instead of expiring on 13 July 2014, the certificate actually expires 
on 13 July 2013 which, as you obviously are aware, is tomorrow.

Even with this error in place, the switch-over would have been completed by now 
if, and it's a big if, Apple had not tinkered around with all of the 
server-side applications, making it far more difficult for an administrator who 
requires more than what Apple considers the standard services required by a 
company operating an Ingtranet.  In other words, Apple has removed many of the 
useful elements of its server application and made others much more difficult 
to customise.  The latter group includes both mail and web applications.  
Apache is one area where Apple has tinkered so much with the configuration data 
that it's becoming almost impossible to find it to make manual adjustments to 
services.  They seem to think that all administrator will require no more than 
the jazzy new graphical tools they provide one with which to work in a 
corporate environment.  Thus, I am having problems configuring websites to 
function in the new incarnation of Server.

I would have been quite happy to simply renew the certificate and continue 
using the existing service.  However, we have a problem there too.  Since we no 
longer possess such a thing as a USB mouse, it is impossible for Lynne to 
upgrade the certificate for me.  The process of doing that is, and has always 
been, inaccessible under Snow Leopard and earlier versions of Server.

All this leaves me in a really difficult situation.  Since I cannot cross-grade 
and I cannot upgrade, I'm stuck!  Until I can find some way of having somebody 
with vision help me to upgrade the certificate on the old system remotely, or 
unless we can find a version of Apple Remote Desktop which is Mountain Lion 
compatible so that Lynne can access the server remotely, I'm stuck.

All this means that there may bee some undesirable behaviour regarding mail and 
your clients for a while, until I can get this darn thing fixed!  I am prepared 
to extend the lifetime of the tft-bbs.co.uk certificate by 12 months which, I 
hope, should make it possible for me to finish the task of switching over the 
services we offer to a new server.  In the mean time, please accept my humble 
apologies for the error.  It was a simple typing error, but it has now resulted 
in possible kayos for a while.  OK, let me go find that rock under which I can 
curl up and hide for a while.  You're within your rights to call me a bungler 
on this occasion, I really stuffed up big time!

Kind regards

<--- Gordon Smith --->

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

List Owner's Return

2013-07-08 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Those of you who know us will be aware that we always set aside the Wimbledon 
tennis fortnight for our annual holidays. That fortnight has just ended and 
what a fortnight it has been! But aside from that I'd like to take this 
opportunity to welcome all of our new members, and welcome back our returning 
members. I was delighted to see so many new subscribers to the group.

Now, on to another related issue. Gordon has received many requests for 
accounts on our new Software page. In actual fact, the response has been 
amazing. He's slightly overwhelmed at the moment by a mountain of work that's 
been awaiting his return. But he'll get to your account shortly. I just wanted 
to write and let you know that we haven't forgotten you or lost your mail. We 
only got home earlier this afternoon, having prolonged our stay in London by 
just under a day. Gordon is actively working on your requests as I write, so 
you can expect to hear from us within the next not very long.

Once again, if you'd like an account you have only to ask. All we ask in return 
is a little common sense and fair play. If you'd like to contribute something 
to the collection which you think would be good for others, we are creating an 
uploads section for that purpose. You'll be able to upload to it, but not 
delete anything or see other people's uploads. All we ask is that you either 
mail us a message describing what you've uploaded, what kind of application it 
is, etc., or else include a text file. Please, it goes without saying, do not 
upload anything commercial to which we have no right. We want to keep this 
above board and we will have no association whatever with software piracy. All 
we ask in return is a little common sense. Please don't, for example, try to 
download an entire folder of files where that folder comprises several 
gigabytes. If we detect behaviour like that we'll have no option but to suspend 
the account pending further explanation.

Anyway, it is good to be back. Thank you all for your responsible use of our 
mailing list. We appreciate it greatly. It's a pleasure for us to provide this 
resource for you all to use.

Many thanks.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Change Of Plan; Regarding Our New Service

2013-07-01 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Regarding the new software updates service; Gordon and I were supposed to be 
heading off back to London this morning. However, a second medical appointment 
has just been confirmed by telephone and we are now obligated to postpone our 
departure until Wednesday evening. This means that Gordon will have time to 
work on the new service before we go so we may be able to get some of you set 
up. Interest has been far greater than we had anticipated so thank you 
everybody. We will contact you individually when we get you set up.

Just a quick one which may be of interest to some. The reason for all this 
medical stuff is that Gordon is in line for a cochlea implant in September or 
October, all being well. This should have a very big impact on his life. We'll 
tell you more about this either individually (contact me at 
ly...@mac-access.net for more info) or on our other group, Techno-Chat; I'd 
rather not clutter this group up with off-topic stuff but I know there are 
several hearing-impaired members of this group. If you want to join 
techno-chat, the website is at 
or else send a message to  with the word 
"subscribe" without the quotes in the subject line.

Anyway, when Gordon gets home this afternoon he will be working on the new 
software stuff.

Thank you for reading this.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Software Backup Solution

2013-06-29 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

Please read all of this message if you're interested in the software service 
I'm going to set up.

Alright.  Those interested in the software backup service, if you'd like to 
join it now, send us a unique user ID that you'd like to use.  The user IDs are 
case sensitive, and the passwords are server-generated, but we do have a 
"Forgot My Password" facility should you need it.  Our servers are SSL secured, 
running the very latest in SSL encryption so you can be sure of no prying eyes. 
 We have invested heavily in security encryption, entirely at our own expense.  
We support FTP, SFTP, FTP with implicit Encryption, https and WebDAV so you 
could log in directly from the Mac's Finder which is a pretty cool feature.  So 
you could add the server as a volume from your desktop.

Again, if you want to join us, we need a user ID, oh yes, and we also need an 
E-Mail address where we can contact you.  That is crucial since the server 
needs to send you account info as a security mechanism, so you must must must 
use an email address to which you have access.  Oh yes, and just two more 
little things.  We will support software for both OS X and the other platform 
where appropriate.  Most of the updates will be on the Mac side, but we'll try 
to do some Windows stuff as well.  If you want us to include a specific 
application, send us details off list.  So again, we need a user ID and E-Mail 
address and then our servers will be in touch with you.

Finally, please be aware that account sharing is strictly off limits.  If we 
discover that an account has been shared, we will delete it no questions asked. 
 We do maintain extensive logging.  So do the right thing by us and we will by 
you.  And super super finally, absolutely nothing illegal is permitted.  Don't 
ask us to host cracked or hacked applications because we simply won't do it.  
Music and video are also off limits for this facility.

Kind regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

As An Adendum

2013-06-29 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello again everybody

I forgot to tell you that, if you subscribe to our updates service we will 
automatically send you an email when an update is added to the system so you 
won't have to continually keep checking in. This way we think we can do the job 
more efficiently. We could also utilise DropBox as part of our system so that 
could possibly be another way you can download from us.

Warm regards


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

To All Mac Access Dot Net members, and all Mac Users; An Invitation, And A Suggestion

2013-06-29 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Good afternoon as it is here, everybody. We are just home from London for a 
couple of days as Gordon has an appointment on Monday morning, then it's strait 
back down there for the tennis on Monday afternoon. Anyway, to the point.

We have decided to implement a little idea which we've been talking about for a 
while, but never got around to doing.  We regularly update software on our 
systems and, as some of you know, we run a small server to host a number of 
services; most notably our Take Control books. But what we've decided to do is 
to add a new section to our software site where we will include every piece of 
software which we ourselves update. That would mean that it's all available in 
a one-stop location. Would anybody be interested? We invite you all, as this 
service will be a public access service as long as those using it are members 
of 1 or more of our groups.

It'll take Gordon a little setting up, but he's willing to do it before we head 
off back to London if there is any demand. One of the titles we will be 
including for definite is VMWAre Fusion. We are aware that many have difficulty 
downloading that application from the VMWAre website. So this would be an 
alternative method of staying up to date. If there are other titles which 
members use, although we cannot promise to maintain the updates we will 
certainly look into the possibility of doing so.

If you're interested please drop us a line at the support address, 
 so as not to clutter up the group. We would be happy 
to answer any questions you may have, use the same contact address.

Warm regards

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

New Member Welcome

2013-06-23 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Please do not reply to this message on list. If you wish to comment, please 
contact the new member or the support address directly.

It is traditional when new members join the Mac Access Dot Net email forum that 
Gordon, Tracy and I try to welcome the new member(s) personally. In keeping 
with that tradition, we are delighted to welcome:
Amy Beatty
to our number. We are gratified by the fact that Mac Access is growing
globally. We hope that you will find Mac-Access@mac-access.net a pleasant, 
friendly and worthwhile place to be.

In here you will find a wealth of knowledge, and people with a variety of skill 
levels ranging from the total novice, to the application developers with 
advanced skills. Then there are those who don't yet own a Mac, but have a keen 
interest; and those who just  use iOS devices but who are keen enthusiasts. We 
hope you will feel free to post your questions and constructive comment, 
whatever your skill levels may be. Be assured, there will be none of the 
ridiculing and flaming which we know takes place in other groups. That kind of 
behaviour is not tolerated in Mac-Access.

Anything Mac OS and iOS is on topic for this group. In the case of 
virtualisation applications such as Fusion and Parallels Desktop, the 
configuration of the applications themselves, plus the configuration of the 
virtual machines is on topic. However, the configuration of Windows or any 
other operating systems within that virtual machine is off topic. The exception 
to that is if you're using another instance of OSX within the virtual machine. 
This has always been a bit of a grey area; but we hope this clarifies the 
position. We should also make clear the fact that Apple's Windows applications 
are off topic for this group. This is strictly an iOS and Mac OS discussion 

If you have any list-related queries, please do not hesitate to contact Tracy, 
Gordon and myself, (the list owners), at , and we will 
be happy to help you.

Finally, I thought you might like to know that currently we are offering all 
Mac-Access. members the opportunity to purchase the Take Control Of Your Mac 
publications, published by Tidbits.com, at an 80% discount. If you want to know 
more, please contact the above support address. For a listing of the books 
available please visit:

Get back to us with a list of books or the name of the book that interests you 
and we'll tell you how to proceed. We should make it clear that under the 
current rules, group members must have ben, and agree to remain a member of Mac 
Access for a period of no less than 28 days prior to their first purchase. This 
rule now exists because, sadly, we were getting some members joining to exploit 
the system and then leave.

Once again, a very warm welcome to the group. We hope you find your membership 
an enjoyable, instructive and stimulating experience.

Season's greetings to all members.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

New Members Welcome

2013-06-21 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Please do not reply to this message on list. If you wish to comment, please 
contact the new member personally.

It was, until a little while ago, traditional when new members join the Mac 
Access Dot Net email forum that Gordon, Tracy and I tried to welcome the new 
member(s) personally. Sadly we've been unable to do that of late; but hope to 
revive the tradition now that our work load has decreased.

In keeping with that tradition, we are delighted to welcome:
Timothy Emmons
Fresco Sam-Sin
to our number. We are gratified by the fact that Mac Access is growing
globally. We hope that you will find Mac-Access@mac-access.net a pleasant, 
friendly and worthwhile place to be.

In here you will find a wealth of knowledge, and people with a variety of skill 
levels ranging from the total novice, to the application developers with 
advanced skills. Then there are those who don't yet own a Mac, but have a keen 
interest; and those who just  use iOS devices but who are keen enthusiasts. We 
hope you will feel free to post your questions and constructive comment, 
whatever your skill levels may be. Be assured, there will be none of the 
ridiculing and flaming which we know takes place in other groups. That kind of 
behaviour is not tolerated in Mac-Access.

Anything Mac OS and iOS is on topic for this group. In the case of 
virtualisation applications such as Fusion and Parallels Desktop, the 
configuration of the applications themselves, plus the configuration of the 
virtual machines is on topic. However, the configuration of Windows or any 
other operating systems within that virtual machine is off topic. The exception 
to that is if you're using another instance of OSX within the virtual machine. 
This has always been a bit of a grey area; but we hope this clarifies the 
position. We should also make clear the fact that Apple's Windows applications 
are off topic for this group. This is strictly an iOS and Mac OS discussion 

If you have any list-related queries, please do not hesitate to contact Tracy, 
Gordon and myself, (the list owners), at , and we will 
be happy to help you.

Finally, I thought you might like to know that currently we are offering all 
Mac-Access. members the opportunity to purchase the Take Control Of Your Mac 
publications, published by Tidbits.com, at an 80% discount. If you want to know 
more, please contact the above support address. For a listing of the books 
available please visit:

Don't buy from there, get back to us with a list of books or the name of the 
book that interests you and we'll tell you how to proceed. We should make it 
clear that under the current rules, group members must have ben, and agree to 
remain a member of Mac Access for a period of no less than 28 days prior to 
their first purchase. This rule now exists because, sadly, we were getting some 
members joining to exploit the system and then leave.

Once again, a very warm welcome to the group. We hope you find your membership 
an enjoyable, instructive and stimulating experience.

Season's greetings to all members.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Subject Lines

2013-05-08 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Gordon and I are seriously behind on mail at the moment. But despite what feels 
like millions of times reminding the group we are still seeing a degree of 
inappropriate subject line selection. For instance, things like "Odd 
behaviour", "Yes", tell nobody anything. When composing your subject lines 
please make it clear what you are talking about. I would also like to remind 
the group that those responding to such messages have an equal responsibility; 
please please play the game. Those not doing so spoil the list archives not to 
mention wasting people's time. Oh, and whilst I'm here, if you want to discuss 
Jaws, Window-Eyes or anything else Window even in the context of a virtual 
machine environment, please use our sister groups Windows-Access or 
Techno-Chat. If you need details of those groups write to us. But your 
cooperation on list would be very much appreciated. Thanks.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Keep Your Subject Lines Topical: [Was "Tips Please!"

2013-04-27 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi Desi

Just a gentle remoinder, plea keep your subject lines topical.  Tips Please, 
doesn't tell people what you're asking about so they have to open every message 
even if they cannot help you.  Again , just a gentle reminder.


On 27 Apr 2013, at 00:57, Desi Noller  wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I am having trouble answering an incoming call while already on a call.  The 
> problem is, that there's never a chance to practice this until you need to do 
> it!  Can some of you who do this often, let me know how you do it?  Thanks!
> Desi
> <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->
> To reply to this post, please address your message to 
> mac-access@mac-access.net
> You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
> either the list's own dedicated web archive:
> or at the public Mail Archive:
> .
> Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:
> As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
> the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
> worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security 
> strategy.  We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something 
> unpredictable happen.
> Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by 
> visiting the list website at:

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Official Assistant List Controllers Now In Place

2013-04-24 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy

I have great pleasure in being able to announce that Zachary Cline and Roger 
Firman are now assistant list controllers of this group.  Roger and Zach very 
kindly offered a couple of weeks ago  but this has been the first free day I've 
had to do anything about it.

I hope that one other will be joining shortly.  But I need to confer with that 
person before I announce their identity.  Once again though, welcome Zach and 
Roger.  I will update the list guidelines documents accordingly shortly.

<--- Gordon Smith --->


United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

+44 7907 823971

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493
+1 209 436 9443

Vic.  Australia:
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<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

A Recent Example Of Messages to multiple destinations

2013-04-06 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
I approved this message on this occasion but please would you all remember that 
you may not send to multiple destinations when writing to this group.  The next 
person to do so will be placed into moderator mode, no questions asked.  Don't 
post to Mac Visionaries and Mac Access at the same time, and expect to get away 
with it. I'm tired of warning people so this is where it stops, you have been 
warned for the very last time. ;-)

Kind regards
Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

<--- supp...@mac-access.net --->

Telephone Support is now available by arrangement with Mac Access Dot Net

If you require assistance and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail 
mechanism, you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you.

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493
+1 209 436 9443

Vic., Australia:
+61 38 8205930
Vic., Australia:
+61 390284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:


<--- Gordon Smith --->


United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

+44 7907 823971

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
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On 6 Apr 2013, at 03:02, Danny Noonan  wrote:

I've just started to play with GB after well over a year and am quite 
impressed. If anyone has done or even better still is using it ive got a few 
questions and will probably have more so if willing would love a mail chat off 
list. If there is a more appropriate list to ask, please let me know. 


Sent from my iPhone
<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

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As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Mac Access Welcomes New List Moderators

2013-04-06 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Good morning all

This message is to officially welcome the new members of our team who have 
kindly offered their services as list controllers. But first I would like to 
thank them all publicly. These three persons are:

Roger Firman
Sean Murphy
Zachary Cline

We are in the process of updating the list policy document as appropriate; but 
we'd like you all to know that the three individuals named above may now also 
be contacted for resolution of list queries in our absence.  We suggest, in 
order to expedite your query resolution more quickly that you try us first; but 
if we don't respond, please accept our apologies, understand that our lives are 
now very hectic indeed, and feel free to contact one of the above.

Kind regards
Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

<--- supp...@mac-access.net --->

Telephone Support is now available by arrangement with Mac Access Dot Net

If you require assistance and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail 
mechanism, you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you.

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493
+1 209 436 9443

Vic., Australia:
+61 38 8205930
Vic., Australia:
+61 390284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:


<--- Gordon Smith --->


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<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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or at the public Mail Archive:
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As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Our NSW contact number now works.

2013-03-29 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

I'm delighted to be able to tell you all that our NSW telephone number now 
works, and we are happy to use that number for support requests for our many 
Australian members if it would be of help. Please only call by arrangement. You 
can find the now functional number below.

Kind regards

Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

<--- supp...@mac-access.net --->

Telephone Support is now available at schedule from Mac Access Dot Net

If you require assistance and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail 
mechanism, you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you.

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

Vic., Australia:
+61 38 8205930

NSW., Australia:
+61 390284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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or at the public Mail Archive:
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As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Fwd: 2 step berafication

2013-03-24 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
I'm forwarding this on behalf of George.

I'm having trouble with apples 2 step verification. 
I've gone to the my apple site,  and logged in. 
I've than clicked on password and security. 
I can't see the link for 2 step verification. 
Is this a topic I can post to the list? 
Or can you please help me? 


 Sent from my iPad

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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or at the public Mail Archive:
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As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

List Controller Position

2013-03-24 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

Believe it or not, this is Gordon once again in the support pilot's chair. :)

First of all I would like to say thank you to those who have offered their 
services in the capacity of assistant list controller.  We very much appreciate 
your kind offers.

Later today we will be appointing three assistants.  Lynne and I feel that it 
would be a help to have one in as many different major time zones as possible 
so that, in the event that we are not available which, given what is coming up 
in our lives, (more on that privately if you're interested), will probably be 
quite frequent, there is somebody on hand to resolve issues.

Please don't panic if we haven't already acknowledged your message. We had a 
provider outage during the night which caused significant problems. That is now 
fixed. Also, we want to sit down and talk this through properly this time, so 
as not to make the same erros we made last time we did this.  Yes, we have 
learned important lessons from that episode so it wasn't a waste of time.

Anyway folks, we will make the announcement regarding who we have selected 
after we have spoken to the individuals concerned privately.  We believe that 
is the courteous way forward, and we are anxious not to offend.

Kind regards


Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Evaluating Assistant List Controllers

2013-03-22 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Firstly, I would like to publicly thank all of those who have, during the past 
24 hours, responded to our initial invitation to apply for list assistant 
controllers positions. The response has been far more positive than I had 
expected, and I am humbled by the amount of interest there is from members to 
help up run the group efficiently.

Gordon and I have been mulling this one over and we believe now that it would 
be best to have maybe a minimum of three controllers in different time zones to 
us, as well as perhaps, one in the same time zone to cover those times when we 
simply don't have the ability to monitor any longer.

I shall be contacting all of those who have so far responded to the call. 
Gordon is suggesting that possibly you might like to do a short Skype or 
telephone chat with him about what you see your role as and how you'd feel you 
can fit in. Does anybody have any issues with that? If so, please feel free to 
raise them off list when I respond to your message.

Many thanks yet again.


Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

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<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Seeking Responsible Individual Willing To Help Out

2013-03-21 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Owing to the now very much higher traffic levels on this list, Gordon and I 
have decided that we need to try to recruit a responsible individual who has 
the same goal as we do; to promote this group and maintain orderly and, by 
inference mutually beneficial discussions. Some time ago we had a couple of 
people who were kind enough to offer their services when Gordon was in poor 
health and I did not have the time to devote to the group. Our reasons this 
time are very different. Gordon, now that he has mastered the art of pain 
management, is bursting with rood health and is also now entering stage two of 
his quest for full-time employment. I too am full-time self-employed, and our 
colleague Tracy is also.

Therefore, we are now actively seeking a list controller who will assist in the 
moderation of the group. I don't actually like the term moderation, but that 
seems to be the accepted terminology. So be it. We are seeking an assistant, 
call it what you will.

The last time we did this, one of our assistants resigned his commission 
because we took an action of which he didn't totally approve, and, to put it 
more plainly, because we didn't consult with him before the event. At the tine 
we didn't feel we had acted improperly; but on reflection, perhaps we were a 
little hasty. That, however, is now history and we can only learn by the error.

We will endeavour to consult with whoever is kind enough and technically 
knowledgeable enough to be appointed for the post. This is a responsible post 
and we'd like to get it right this time. We wouldn't want any of the 
misunderstanding of last time to recur this time. We are, therefore, offering 
the chance for list members who feel they could spare us the time and, 
naturally, who would be willing to fit in with the list's policies and also be 
capable of taking responsibly arrived at decisions in a capacity of assistant 
list controller in our absence.

I should perhaps make it clear that, although we do plan to give the 
responsible applicant who we feel best suits the job, access to the list's 
moderation interface, we, as in Gordon, Tracy and myself, retain the right to 
make the final decision in the event that a controller decision is disputed. 
That is most unlikely to happen, however. We will, thanks to the lessons 
learned on previous occasions, do our utmost to consult whoever we appoint 
before we take any drastic decisions related to list policy or list actions.

If anybody is willing to give a little back to the group, please firstly accept 
our thanks, and secondly feel free to reply to this post, using the support 

We look forward to hearing from you if you believe you have what it takes. You 
don't have to be a technical wizard, nor do you have to possess a masters 
degree in computer sciences. All we ask is a little technical experience, plus 
a responsible and mature attitude to dealing with other people.

Kind Regards



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

New Take Control Books

2013-03-16 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Well, it's taken us a little time to get to this; but the new TC books are now 
available from here, including the latest edition of "Tak Control Of Your iPad, 
Second Edition", "Tak Control Of Working With Your iPad" [Second Edition], and 
"Take Control Of Mountain Lion Basics" MacWorld Superguide.

If any of these interest you, please do let us know via the usual channels. By 
the way, the Mountain Lion book and the working with your iPad books are rather 
more expensive than the majority of titles for whatever reason.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:



<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Off Topic

2013-03-09 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Please refrain from discussing applications for operating systems other than 
iOS or OS X in this forum. The list policy document which everybody receives 
and, presumably, reads when they join this group is taken as an agreement to 
remain within the list's guidelines.

Gordon, Tracy and I are some way behind on mail just at the moment but we are 
making an effort to catch up over this weekend and, if we discover persistent 
breeches of guidelines by a specific individual or group of individuals, we 
will take action.

Many on list have understandably grown tired of the "Softly Softly" approach, 
and we don't have the time to adopt it any longer anyway now that all three of 
us are effectively in full-time employment. Therefore, we will be left with no 
option other than to restrict posting access to repeated offenders in order to 
maintain the list as an orderly place for our members to discuss everything 

Finally, a reminder that it is also unacceptable for members to discuss details 
of as yet unreleased products or applications if that information is not 
legally within the public domain.  If we receive information that this is 
happening, and we do encourage members to inform us of any post which they 
believe to b in breech of list policy, we will firstly follow up that 
information by initiating our own investigation and, if at the conclusion of 
that process we believe that the informant was justified in his or her 
concerns, we will take action. Rest assured that we will protect the anonymity 
of any informant, as we recognise that their motive was merely to hop us keep 
the list on policy.

So please, don't make it be you who is the first to be placed into moderated 
mode!  We really don't relish the prospect of having to take that kind of 
action.  But be aware please that, if we have to take it, then take it we will!

Thank you for your time and understanding.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: Support Reminder: [Was ": Airport Express set up with Airport Utility and Voiceover question"]

2013-03-02 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

I'm posting this on behalf of the owner because it looks as though she CC's 
this message to another group, which you cannot do when posting to Mac Access.  
So, a gentle reminder.  Please do not CC other destinations when sending to 
this group.  It will result in a bounce which will usually just be deleted by 
us and which, therefore, means that your message does not make the group.  if 
we receive excessive messages of this type from the same originating member, we 
will place the member into moderation mode which we, not to mention the member 
themselves, would rather didn't have to happen.  But now especially, when we 
are about to start searching for a responsible person to assist us with list 
traffic owing to a lack of time on our part, we simply don't need to have to 
take this type of action.  I know that Debbie is new to the group so I'm taking 
a very liberal view at this time.  But I strongly urge that everybody who 
hasn't done so take a few minutes to familiarise themselve
 s with the list policy document.  It will pay dividends.  OK, here's Debbie 

From: "Debbie April Yuille" 
Subject: Airport Express set up with Airport Utility and Voiceover question
Date: 2 March 2013 00:27:08 GMT

Hi All

I'm thingking of getting an Airport Express to use as a wireless range
extender. Has anyone managed to set it up completely using the Airport
Utility with Voiceover. If so, how usable did you find Voiceover to be and
did you require any sighted assistance.

Thanks in advance

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: Announcement, For Immediate Release

2013-03-02 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

We at Mac Access would love to be affiliated with this group.

I am posting this on behalf of Marcy who contacted us yesterday. Marcy, I 
apologise for the delayed response. Life is incredibly hectic for us now that 
Gordon is back in employment and we are finding it quite a difficult juggling 
act to fulfil our responsibilities to the group. Anyway, yin order to minimise 
the delay, I am posting on your behalf.


Justin Romack, Fedora Outlier, LLC
Phone: 817.727.8542
Email: jus...@fedoraoutlier.com

ATLANtA, Georgia (Feb. 27, 2013)  --  In conjunction with the release of the 
first ever multimedia ebook created for the blind, by the blind, Fedora 
Outlier, LLC, is offering an opportunity to win a free 16GB iPad Mini to those 
who enter the giveaway and answer the question, "What was your biggest 
challenge when learning to use your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch?" Anyone 
interested in entering can find a registration form and official rules by 


The book, "The Old Hat Guide to iPhone Accessibility," is slated for release 
sometime next month, and the winner of the iPad Mini will be announced during 
the company's first Twitter chat, #AccessChat, held on April 2nd at 8:00PM EST.

"Our team is beaming over the opportunity to share this book with the 
community," Scott Rumery, a senior partner with the company, said Tuesday. 
"This release is part of the direction we've wanted to head for a long time, so 
it's exciting to finally release the book and giveaway to the public."

Fedora Outlier, LLC, is a nationally-recognized teaching and support firm based 
in Atlanta, GA, and is one of the first agencies to focus on support and 
education for the array of accessible devices made available by Apple 
Incorporated. #AccessChat is the first blindness-oriented Twitter chat 
committed to highlighting accomplishments and innovations by mainstream 
developers, assistive technology vendors and educators working with blind and 
low vision students.

For more information about the upcoming book release, the iPad Mini giveaway or 
Fedora Outlier, LLC, please contact the company's president, VaShaun Jones, at 
(678) 404-2635, or via email at excelle...@fedoraoutlier.com.


Marcy weinberg
Junior Partner
Fedora Outlier, LLC
Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
888-958-6979 ext.3801

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: proximity sensor?

2013-02-01 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello all

This thread has absolutely no relevance to the topics of this group. Please do 
not continue this discussion. If you wish too, please take it off list. This 
group is an Apple discussion forum, not a mobility or other non-Apple group. 
Your compliance with group policy would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards
Mac Access Support


Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Those In DDijest Mode

2013-01-30 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

As you know, we ask everybody to be mindful of subject lines.  However, we are 
getting quite a few messages on list which not only use the digest subject 
line, but which also contain the entire daily digest of which the message they 
are responding too is a part.  Please try just a little harder for the benefit 
of your fellow members, and follow the instructions within your digest packet.  
Your cooperation will be very much appreciated.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Reminder Header Removed

2013-01-28 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
OS X group; Windows Discussion is strictly off topic and will no longer be 

Hi all

You may recall that at the weekend there was an issue on list where we were 
seeing a lot of Windows off-topic discussion.  At that time, we introduced a 
header which was prepended to all messages posted to the group reminding 
members that Windows traffic is not appropriate for this group.

We always intended that this would be a temporary measure and, in the light of 
subsequent events, we have now removed that header.

Please all let's work together to make Mac Access a profitable place to be for 
all members.  That means refraining from straying off topic as far as is 
possible.  However, I just wanted to reiterate where we stand on the topic of 
verbalisation.  As we make clear in the list policy document sent to all users, 
if you wish to discuss the configuration of your Mac-side virtual machine 
within Fusion, Parallels Desktop, Crossover or whatever verbalisation platform 
is your preference, that is absolutely fine.  Since Fusion, Parallels etc. are 
Mac applications, you're at perfect liberty to discuss them.  Where we draw the 
line is When it comes to discussing the Windows applications, including 
screen-readers, within your virtual machines. Those are clearly Windows or 
guest operating system applications and, unless we're talking here about a 
virtual instance of VoiceOver, they are off topic.

I should also mention in order to curtail any personal ill-feeling which may 
exist towards us that we never, at any stage, instead to make this a personal 
issue.  It is true that Lynne got a little frustrated over the weekend by 
certain comments made off list.  However, we harbour absolutely no ill-feeling 
towards anybody.

I trust that this message will serve to clarify the position but, if you still 
have issues which you wish to raise with us, by all means contact us off list 
and we will do our best to address them for you.

As of now though, as far as we are concerned the issue is closed. Yes, we do 
intend to reduce the "softly softly" approach a little where breeches occur but 
we also recognise that sometimes breeches occur inadvertently and we are more 
than willing to acknowledge that fact.

Anyway, you'll notice that there is no longer a reminder header and here's 
hoping that it can stay that way.

Kind regards


Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: This Is The Final Reminder: [Was "how to install JAWS on a mac using VM fusion and windows 7"]

2013-01-27 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Please keep in mind that .Mac-Access is an iOS & OS X group; Windows Discussion 
is strictly off topic and will no longer be tolerated.

Hi Lyn

There are actually some valid reasons why people need to install the other OS. 
And we would certainly not try to dispute that. However, we provide other 
areas, (most especially our sister group "Windows-Access") where people are 
free to discuss this stuff. We too are becoming tired of the sometimes flagrant 
breeches of list policy. We also are going to find our time far more thinly 
spread in the coming weeks. Therefore, the only solution is that of 0 tolerance.

So, we now formally invite anybody wishing to discuss Windows either under Boot 
Camp, Fusion, Parallels or anything else, to join both or either of our sister 
groups. I will only send this once.

Our general technology group is called "Techno-Chat". That group covers 
absolutely anything related to technology, including Windows. The group's 
address to join is:
and anybody is more than welcome.

Our other group is a dedicated sister group to Mac Access. Dealing exclusively 
with Windows-related content, this group is small but growing. Again, we 
cordially invite any member to join that group. The subscription address is:
and again, we invite all members to join. We have received a number of feedback 
messages on this topic off list and we are seriously considering all of them. 
In the mean time, to keep this issue at the forefront of the mind when posting 
messages, I have added a small header which, I hope, will be unobtrusive yet 
still sufficiently visible.


On 27 Jan 2013, at 05:21, Lyn & her faithful furry friends 

Thanks for that…personally really getting tired of all this windows stuff on 
this list. Thought of leaving the group but I learn so much from it so won't do 
that. I still don't understand why people get a mac if they are going to 
install windows on it, why not just stick to a PC in that case? You'll never 
learn how to use your mac if all you want is to use Windows on it.
Sorry for my rant.
Lyn, Canelle & Epi
On Jan 27, 2013, at 4:14 AM, "Gordon, Lynne & Tracy"  

> Hello everybody
> Please refrain from discussing Windows material on this list. Be aware that 
> this is a Mac group and, as is clearly stated in the list policy document 
> which every member was sent upon subscription to this group, we do not accept 
> the discussion of Windows configurations or any other non-Apple material.
> Please don't take this in any way personally. But we have to implement list 
> policy strictly otherwise we would find the group rapidly losing members. We 
> do not want this group to follow so many others which have fallen into kayos 
> because they permit anything at all regardless of topical guidelines. So, if 
> you wouldn't mind, please do not continue this thread. Anybody who responds 
> to this thread with advice pertaining to Windows is equally at fault here. 
> Unfortunately we are going to have to come down hard on repeated offenders. 
> Please don't make that something we have to do here because we really don't 
> want to do it. But we must stress very strongly the need for this group to be 
> disciplined for the good of the group as a whole. We know that there are 
> members who are really tired of this sort of reminder being posted and 
> equally tired of the Windows stuff being raised. So let's try not to have 
> this happen again, please! The next person to offend in this way will most 
> likely fi
> nd themselves in moderation.
> It's true that the configuration of a virtual environment is a bit of a grey 
> area. However, we do clarify this in the list policy document. We just don't 
> know what else we can do to persuade people to comply!
> I'm sorry to sound so harsh, but this really is becoming a very tedious 
> reminder to have to post. Everybody was sent the list policy document, so we 
> cannot accept "I didn't know", or ignorance as an excuse. If the member 
> concerned did not bother to read the list policy document when they joined, 
> that isn't our fault. So please, everybody, no more Windows questions. This 
> really is not the place. Ask about Fusion, Parallels, things like that, by 
> all means. But definitely not Jaws, Window-Eyes, NVDA and all the rest of it. 
> It's off topic and won't be tolerated any longer.
> To clarify, just one more time. You can discuss how to set up your virtual 
> machine. You can discuss how to configure VoiceOver or anything else on the 
> Mac side. But the configuration of Windows or any other non-Apple 
> applications within a non-Apple guest operating system is definitely

This Is The Final Reminder: [Was "how to install JAWS on a mac using VM fusion and windows 7"]

2013-01-26 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Please refrain from discussing Windows material on this list. Be aware that 
this is a Mac group and, as is clearly stated in the list policy document which 
every member was sent upon subscription to this group, we do not accept the 
discussion of Windows configurations or any other non-Apple material.

Please don't take this in any way personally. But we have to implement list 
policy strictly otherwise we would find the group rapidly losing members. We do 
not want this group to follow so many others which have fallen into kayos 
because they permit anything at all regardless of topical guidelines. So, if 
you wouldn't mind, please do not continue this thread. Anybody who responds to 
this thread with advice pertaining to Windows is equally at fault here. 
Unfortunately we are going to have to come down hard on repeated offenders. 
Please don't make that something we have to do here because we really don't 
want to do it. But we must stress very strongly the need for this group to be 
disciplined for the good of the group as a whole. We know that there are 
members who are really tired of this sort of reminder being posted and equally 
tired of the Windows stuff being raised. So let's try not to have this happen 
again, please! The next person to offend in this way will most likely fi
 nd themselves in moderation.

It's true that the configuration of a virtual environment is a bit of a grey 
area. However, we do clarify this in the list policy document. We just don't 
know what else we can do to persuade people to comply!

I'm sorry to sound so harsh, but this really is becoming a very tedious 
reminder to have to post. Everybody was sent the list policy document, so we 
cannot accept "I didn't know", or ignorance as an excuse. If the member 
concerned did not bother to read the list policy document when they joined, 
that isn't our fault. So please, everybody, no more Windows questions. This 
really is not the place. Ask about Fusion, Parallels, things like that, by all 
means. But definitely not Jaws, Window-Eyes, NVDA and all the rest of it. It's 
off topic and won't be tolerated any longer.

To clarify, just one more time. You can discuss how to set up your virtual 
machine. You can discuss how to configure VoiceOver or anything else on the Mac 
side. But the configuration of Windows or any other non-Apple applications 
within a non-Apple guest operating system is definitely, absolutely most 
definitely, off topic.

Again, this is nothing personal, but this is the final reminder we will post to 
the group. The next person to re-offend in this way goes into moderation mode. 
That option is outlined in the list policy document which, if you didn't read 
it when you were sent your welcome pack, you may view at any time by browsing 

Alright, that's the end of the final reminder. Yet again I am sorry to sound 
harsh; but we simply don't have the time, let alone the patience, to keep 
posting gentle reminders to this effect over and over again. Clearly the 
message is not getting through. So next time, there's no warning, it will just 
be actioned.

If you wish to discuss this with us off list, by all means feel free to contact 
us at  and we will try to explain a little  I am 
deliberately not quoting Laurel's post below because I don't want there to be 
anything personal. This is a general group reminder, and it's the final time it 
will be posted. Thank you for your understanding.

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

off Topic, please discontinue; [Was Re: "Windows Fusion questions"]

2013-01-26 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
This question is off topic for this group. Please do not continue this thread.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Just a gentle little reminder

2013-01-14 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

We have several new members who have joined since we last posted on this topic. 
 So here's just a gentle reminder, which won't be repeated on list too 
frequently I promise you..

Please put a bit of thought into your subject lines.  We've had some pretty 
meaningless ones lately which don't help others to help the person with the 
problem or question.  I will not nam names or point the finger at any 
individual, this is just a general gentle reminder.  If you keep your subject 
lines topical and, throughout the course of a thread, if the thread wanders 
away from the initial subject line, it's down to everybody who responds to take 
responsibility for making sure that their subject line is relevant to what is 
being discussed in the response.  This kind of good procedural behaviour would 
make a huge difference to searching power in the list archives, not to mention 
save people the bother of opening messages in which they have no interest.

So, please everybody, can we all try just a tiny little bit harder please to 
take responsibility and not just automatically hit the send button after a 
totally off topic response.  Let's start the new year in a good way and, by 
doing so, help one another to help one another, if you get my meaning.

I am aware that 99.999% of members probably couldn't be bothered to read the 
list policy document that they were sent upon successfully subscribing to the 
group. This is an unfortunate fact. We are looking into ways to try and improve 
that percentage. If you are interested in reading the official list policy 
document, you can always find the most up-to-date and, therefore, the currently 
applicable policy document at this URL:

Thank you for your time and, even more importantly, thank you for your 



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: Mac Windows and JAWS

2013-01-02 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne

Just to remind the group before anybody does respond to this, we don't discuss 
Jaws and Windows configurations here.  However, it is safe to tell you that 
when in Windows you do as you do on a PC.  Forget Parallels andm, in my 
opinion, Boot Cam as well.  Fusion will probably give you the best MS 
experience on a Mac.


This Message Was Written Using One Hundred Percent Recycled Electrons; On 
Gordon's iPhone 4S:


On 2 Jan 2013, at 20:26, "Todd"  wrote:

Hi Everyone,
If you use parallels to set up windows on the Mac, can you still use Voiceover 
or do you have to use JAWS when switching to windows?  Does Bootcamp work 
better then parallels or are they the same? I'm just trying to eliminate a 
second computer while I make the transition to the Mac mini.
<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: sighted mouse actions

2013-01-02 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne

Whose site are you referring too here?



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On 2 Jan 2013, at 18:36, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

I have a little residual sight, and with the great monitor on the iMac and the 
right contrast I can sometimes track the mouse pointer. I'd like to know, what 
it means to:
1) select multiple items with the mouse. 
I know that clicking the left mouse button is synonamous with VO shift 
spacebar. How would I (or a sighted person) select multiple adjacent or 
non-adjacent items? Does one hold down the left button and drag across the 
items? And, if the items aren't adjacent to each other, does one Control 
left-click each item?

2) how about drag and drop? is that done by holding down the right mouse button 
and releasing it on the spot to drop?
<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

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either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

Re: iTunes 11

2013-01-02 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne
Hi Zack

OK, perhaps one of these people who say they like the interface better now 
might care to explain how one would do things like search for items.  When I 
tried that, it failed to find the item even though I knew it was present in my 


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From Our Third Generation iPad.

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On 2 Jan 2013, at 18:31, Zachary Kline  wrote:

I agree. It's important to give it time, and not dismiss the whole project as 
dreadful without fair examination. One of the things I've noticed about 
VoiceOver as I've used it this past year is that it tends to make it possible 
for two people to have utterly different user experiences, based purely on the 
techniques they employ. I favor interacting whenever possible, and embracing 
the "groups of objects," metaphor which Apple seems to encourage. Is this 
necessarily the most efficient way to go about things? Probably not. However, 
it suffices for me, and I find the new interface more than workable. I wouldn't 
consider using any alternative media player myself.
As for locating tracks in the library, I tend to use the search box, but the 
radio buttons are certainly another option. Think of them as very much like the 
row of buttons at the bottom of your iPhone music player. They might actually 
resemble an iPad interface more than the iPhone, for all I know.
On Jan 2, 2013, at 10:25 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> I actually prefer the new interface. It took me a little while to understand 
> the layout, but everything is doable and quite accessible. I listened to a 
> very good podcast on iTunes 11's new interface from AppleVIS, and that also 
> helped a good deal.
> - Original Message - From: "Gordon Smith" 
> To: "Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility" 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 10:31 AM
> Subject: iTunes 11
>> Hi all
>> Today is really the first opportunity I have had to sit down and play with 
>> iTunes 11.  My first impressions, and this view could well change over time, 
>> is that the interface is now utterly dreadful for the VoiceOver user.  
>> Unless I am totally missing something here, without having to fool around 
>> with all of the radio buttons, How on earth is one supposed to find a track 
>> in the library?  When I tried highlighting an album and pressed the "Play" 
>> button, it started playing on my iPad.  That was not at all what I expected 
>> to find.  To be honest, unless I'm totally missing the point here, which is 
>> perfectly possible, I think this year may see me join the ever increasing 
>> number of people who are using alternative audio and media players on their 
>> Macs.
>> <--- Gordon Smith --->
>> If you wish to contact me privately, please use E-Mail in the first 
>> instance, before you try the below.  Please also observe time differences. I 
>> prefer telephone calls by prior arrangement where possible.
>> E-Mail:
>> Telephone:
>> United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
>> 0800 8620538
>> Europe and other non-specified:
>> +44 1642 688095
>> United States Of America And Canada:
>> +1 646 9151493
>> Australia:
>> +61 38 8205930
>> Or:
>> +61 39 0284505
>> Fax:
>> +44 1642 365123
>> Follow Us On Twitter:
>> Skype:
>> --
>> <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->
>> To reply to this post, please address your message to 
>> mac-access@mac-access.net
>> You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
>> either the list's own dedicated web archive:
>> or at the public Mail Archive:
>> .
>> Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:
>> As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
>> the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
>> worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security 
>> strategy.  We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something 
>> unpredictable happen.
>> Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by 
>> visiting the list website at:
> <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->
> To reply to this 

Re: iTunes 11

2013-01-02 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne
Hi Phil

I agree that one can keep moving the radio buttons to change the lighlighed 
options.  But to be honest, at this time, I would go so far as to say that it 
isn't an upgrade, it is a significant downgrade.


This Message Was Written Using One Hundred Percent Recycled Electrons; Sent 
From Our Third Generation iPad.

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You can contact us here:

Telephone, by prior arrangement only please:

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0800 8620538

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+61 38 8205930
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Follow Us On Twitter:


On 2 Jan 2013, at 18:25, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

I actually prefer the new interface. It took me a little while to understand 
the layout, but everything is doable and quite accessible. I listened to a very 
good podcast on iTunes 11's new interface from AppleVIS, and that also helped a 
good deal.

- Original Message - From: "Gordon Smith" 
To: "Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 10:31 AM
Subject: iTunes 11

> Hi all
> Today is really the first opportunity I have had to sit down and play with 
> iTunes 11.  My first impressions, and this view could well change over time, 
> is that the interface is now utterly dreadful for the VoiceOver user.  Unless 
> I am totally missing something here, without having to fool around with all 
> of the radio buttons, How on earth is one supposed to find a track in the 
> library?  When I tried highlighting an album and pressed the "Play" button, 
> it started playing on my iPad.  That was not at all what I expected to find.  
> To be honest, unless I'm totally missing the point here, which is perfectly 
> possible, I think this year may see me join the ever increasing number of 
> people who are using alternative audio and media players on their Macs.
> <--- Gordon Smith --->
> If you wish to contact me privately, please use E-Mail in the first instance, 
> before you try the below.  Please also observe time differences. I prefer 
> telephone calls by prior arrangement where possible.
> E-Mail:
> Telephone:
> United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
> 0800 8620538
> Europe and other non-specified:
> +44 1642 688095
> United States Of America And Canada:
> +1 646 9151493
> Australia:
> +61 38 8205930
> Or:
> +61 39 0284505
> Fax:
> +44 1642 365123
> Follow Us On Twitter:
> Skype:
> --
> <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->
> To reply to this post, please address your message to 
> mac-access@mac-access.net
> You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
> either the list's own dedicated web archive:
> or at the public Mail Archive:
> .
> Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:
> As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
> the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
> worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security 
> strategy.  We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something 
> unpredictable happen.
> Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by 
> visiting the list website at:

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

As the Mac Access Dot Net administrators, we do our very best to ensure that 
the Mac-Access E-Mal list remains malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security strategy.  
We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something unpredictable 

Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by visiting 
the list website at:

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:

Re: iTunes 11

2013-01-02 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne
Hi Donø

Unfortunately, I have so far seen absolutely nothing which I can honestly say I 
like about what Apple has done to iTunes.In fact, I am finding myself even 
lowering myself and going over to W*s gto do simple things like play music.

Again, my views may change radically over time, it has happened before.  But at 
this point, although I wouldn't ever use the description which you hinted at, 
not in public anyway, I would certainly describe it as the work of desuign 
engineers who clearly had nothing better to do in their spare time, or who just 
wanted to drive us all away from their product and who decided that the best 
way to do that was to ruin the product totally,.

Doubtless others will disagree.  But that is my take.  Come back Winamp, all is 
forgiven, and that's saying something!


This Message Was Written Using One Hundred Percent Recycled Electrons; Sent 
From Our Third Generation iPad.

If you wish to contact us privately, please use E-Mail in the first instance.  
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On 2 Jan 2013, at 16:06, Dónal Fitzpatrick  wrote:

Hi Gordon,

There is only one thing worse than iTunes 11, and that's the Podcasts app on 
IOS.  I described iTunes 11 on twitter recently thus:

"if an undergraduate submitted this as a final year project I'd fail it".

I stand by that assertion.  Leaving voiceover out of it, the UI doesn't work.  
I've had all kinds of problems, not the least being my failure to create a new 
Apple ID for my mother recently because fields were removed from the tab order, 
and VO wouldn't put the correct data in the correct field.  For example, I was 
entering my mum's city of residence followed by the county, however I couldn't 
get to the county at all.

So you're not alone, iTunes 11 is  (four letter word comprising the letter 
S followed by the word hit).

On 2 Jan 2013, at 15:31, Gordon Smith  wrote:

> Hi all
> Today is really the first opportunity I have had to sit down and play with 
> iTunes 11.  My first impressions, and this view could well change over time, 
> is that the interface is now utterly dreadful for the VoiceOver user.  Unless 
> I am totally missing something here, without having to fool around with all 
> of the radio buttons, How on earth is one supposed to find a track in the 
> library?  When I tried highlighting an album and pressed the "Play" button, 
> it started playing on my iPad.  That was not at all what I expected to find.  
> To be honest, unless I'm totally missing the point here, which is perfectly 
> possible, I think this year may see me join the ever increasing number of 
> people who are using alternative audio and media players on their Macs.
> <--- Gordon Smith --->
> If you wish to contact me privately, please use E-Mail in the first instance, 
> before you try the below.  Please also observe time differences.  I prefer 
> telephone calls by prior arrangement where possible.
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> +61 38 8205930
> Or:
> +61 39 0284505
> Fax:
> +44 1642 365123
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> --
> <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->
> To reply to this post, please address your message to 
> mac-access@mac-access.net
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> worm-free.  However, this should in no way replace your own security 
> strategy.  We assume neither liability nor responsibility should something 
> unpredictable happen.
> Please remember to update your membership preferences periodically by 
> visiting the list website at:

Dr. Dónal Fitzpatrick,
School of Computing, 
Dublin City University,
Dublin 9, Ireland
Tel. +353-(0)1-700-8929
fax: +353-(0)1-700-5442
email: dfitzpat (at) computing.dcu.ie

Email Disclaimer
"This e-mail and any files transmitted w

Re: an introduction

2012-12-28 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

Just a reminder.  Please do not respond just to say "Hello and welcome".  This 
is nothing personal but it would be appreciated if you would reply to intro 
messages privately if you just wish to welcome the new member.  I have actually 
done that on this occasion.

Thank you for your understanding.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

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The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 

Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the 
list website at:

New Members Welcome

2012-12-17 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

Recently we have not posted these welcome messages, because we've had so many 
new members join and some leave, and we felt it would have been tedious to 
continually post new member welcomes and group members would have been 
justifiably irritated by them. However, we feel that the time has come to post 
just one of them so that new members may know what we have to offer besides 
just list membership. So we hope that the rest of the group will tolerate just 
one new member welcome message. Important: Please do not reply to this message 
on list. If you wish to comment, please contact Mac Access Support or the new 
member personally.

It was, until recently, traditional when new members join the Mac Access Dot 
Net email forum that Gordon, Tracy and I try to welcome the new member(s) 
personally. In keeping with that tradition, we are delighted to welcome Judy 
Pryor to our number. We are gratified by the fact that Mac Access is growing 
globally. We hope that you will find Mac-Access@mac-access.net a pleasant, 
friendly and worthwhile place to be.

In here you will find a wealth of knowledge, and people with a variety of skill 
levels ranging from the total novice, to the application developers with 
advanced skills. Then there are those who don't yet own an Apple device, but 
have a keen interest; and those who just  use iOS devices but who are keen 
enthusiasts. We hope you will feel free to post your questions and constructive 
comment, whatever your skill levels may be. Be assured, there will be none of 
the ridiculing and flaming which we know takes place in other groups. That kind 
of behaviour is not tolerated in Mac-Access.

Anything Mac OS and iOS is on topic for this group. In the case of 
virtualisation applications such as Fusion and Parallels Desktop, the 
configuration of the applications themselves, plus the configuration of the 
virtual machines is on topic. However, the configuration of Windows or any 
other operating systems within that virtual machine is off topic. The exception 
to that is if you're using another instance of OSX within the virtual machine. 
This has always been a bit of a grey area; but we hope this clarifies the 
position. We should also make clear the fact that Apple's Windows applications 
are off topic for this group. This is strictly an iOS and Mac OS discussion 

If you have any list-related queries, please do not hesitate to contact Tracy, 
Gordon and myself, (the list owners), at

 and we will be happy to help you.

Finally, I thought you might like to know that currently we are offering all 
Mac-Access. members the opportunity to purchase the Take Control Of Your Mac 
publications, published by Tidbits.com, at an 80% discount. If you want to know 
more, please contact the above support address. For a listing of the books 
available please visit:
Don't buy from there, get back to us with a list of books or the name of the 
book that interests you and we'll tell you how to proceed. We should make it 
clear that under the current rules, group members must have ben, and agree to 
remain a member of Mac Access for a period of no less than 28 days prior to 
their first purchase and subsequent from their current purchase. This rule now 
exists because, sadly, we were getting some members joining to exploit the 
system and then leave.

Once again, a very warm welcome to the group. We hope you find your membership 
an enjoyable, instructive and stimulating experience.

Season's greetings to all members.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

Re: People: Please Stops Forwarding Messages!

2012-12-10 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello Chris

I would prefer to discuss this off list if that's alright. However, I'm going 
to answer your questions on this one occasion. if you wish to continue the 
discussion, that is fine. Please use the support address:

and we will be happy to discuss with you, same goes for anybody.

There is a very good reason behind the policy of not allowing forwarded 
messages. Actually, there are more than one; but I'll try and keep this brief.

Firstly, Mac Access was established as an independent group, where people don't 
have to tolerate all of the issues which happen elsewhere.  We do not wish to 
be seen as a "Dumping Ground" for all of that stuff which appears on similar 
groups. That issue is the most common reason why members who leave this group 
have given for doing so. They just don't want to see echoes of traffic.

Further, we are very aware that many of our European and Australian members are 
restricted in terms of their broadband throughput. We do not think it is fair 
that they should have to download the same stuff over and over again.

That is why we request that people remove the headers from anything they send 
to the group. We make very clear our policies in the policy document which we 
send everybody upon their subscription to this group. ignorance isn't an 
excuse. If people don't read the document that isn't our fault. Further, it is 
always available here:
so anybody can view that document at any time.

It would appear though, and I am sorry to have to say this, that the "Softly 
Softly" approach where we ask for cooperation is not working. People are simply 
ignoring our requests. So, when we get time, it's going to be enforced. Our 
technical person will sort that out. But we feel that the "Softly Softly" 
approach, where we simply issue a gentle reminder, is just not working. So 
henceforth, persistent offenders will be placed into moderation mode. We'd 
rather not do that as our life style is now very busy. But it seems we have 
little option. Like it or not, the policy document is going to be more 
rigorously enforced for the good of the group as a whole. If people which to 
send information to our group regarding something they think people should know 
about, all they need to do is write to us first and then, on the assumption 
that their message is okayed and the relevant consent obtained from the 
original author, wee will advise them as to how to proceed.

That's all I want to say on list. If you wish to discuss this further, feel 
free to use the above reply address.


On 9 Dec 2012, at 02:45, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

I don't mean to be rude, please don't take it as such, and if I seem a bit 
snappy, please know, that there have been otherpet peavs tonight which have 
done by far and away more than tick the heck outta me, so just know before I 
ask this, I am not trying to sound rude, if I do.

What exactly though is the point of not forwarding msgs to the list?  I mean, 
the way I see it is, if there is useful information, then it may be worth 
others to read.  Also, Gordon, don't take this rudely, but from an i t tech 
standpoint, as I am i t certified, allow me to remind you something that you 
probably didn't consider.  Remember that copy and paste is a really nice thing. 
 Also, I don't think it's gonna be possible to filter forwards, mainly for the 
reason that you could make a script, or filter, or server sided c g i, or php 
or whatever script to handle this by means of a boolien statement while loop, 
that says if this variable is true, then, delete the message, else, let it 
through.  Then in the variable, you could say something like let variable="fw" 
or "fwd" but even doing this could easily be hacked.

People easily could either delete f w / fwd out of the subject field.  Boom! 
There went your filter.  Or, they could delete the forward indicator, fw, fwd, 
whatever, out of the subject, then could even go as far as to then just grab 
the mail to be forwarded, do a select all in the body, compose a new mail with 
command+n, type the list address, tab to the subject, call it whatever, tab to 
the body, and command+V, then delete the person's name from the bottom, put 
their name in place instead, then command+shift+D to send it off, and for all 
everyone else knows, it wasn't even a forward to start with.  It would look as 
if they themselves typed it from scratch.  The bottom line is, I don't see much 
point in this polacy, as though I understand maybe it not being good netiquet, 
you! all have to understand that trying to not allow this probably is gonna be 
very difficult to implement at best.  I didn't say you and Lynn had to agree 
with my opinion, but at least consider it.  I think you'll find, much as you 
both hate 

People: Please Stops Forwarding Messages!

2012-12-08 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
It has come to our attention that the practice of forwarding messages to this 
group is still happening, despite our repeated requests for people to desist.  
Forwarding messages to this group is not within our list policy.  We've made 
this clear time and time again, but people just take no notice it seems.  OK, 
people may forget, but it seems i'm going to have to reinforce my efforts to 
develop filters to prevent forwarding.

I didn't want to have to do this because I had hoped for member co-operating.  
Everybody, without exception, agreed to abide by the list policy document which 
they were sent, by virtue of the fact that they remained a member of this 
group.  However, it seems that people are either being forgetful or just 
disregarding our requests not to forward.  OK, so this was done in the best of 
spirit, that isn't in dispute.  But it contravenes list policy.  So, I'm gong 
to have to find the time to develop a mechanism to prevent forwarding.

I don't mean to in any way victimise anybody, nor do I mean to vilify anybody.  
However, this has to stop!  So please, all, abide by the policy document which 
you were sent upon joining.  If you have lost, deliberately deleted or simply 
didn't read that document and you'd like too, you can always find the latest 
revision of it here:

Meanwhile, I will redouble my efforts to enforce compliance unilaterally.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

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Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 

Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the 
list website at:

Policy Reminder; [Getting To Know You]

2012-11-29 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

This is only a gentle reminder. Whilst we have not, in recent times, posted our 
personal welcome messages to Mac Access when new members join and reveal their 
names, we would request that people please not follow up on initial 
introduction messages on list by new members. We discontinued the policy of 
sending personal welcome messages, against our preference, when we began 
receiving private complaints from members regarding them. We will review that 
policy again if list members think it a good idea). However, in the light of 
the complaints which we received earlier this year, may I ask that should you 
wish to personally welcome a new member to the group, you please do so 

This is not intended as a rebuke, a snug, and definitely not as an attempt to 
"dictate", of which we have been accused by mostly now former members in the 
past. We are merely attempting to minimise the amount of off-topic messages in 
this forum which members have to wade through as traffic on the list is now far 
higher than it used to be. Again, if members believe that we, as the owners and 
administrators of Mac Access, should resume our former policy of issuing a 
personal welcome message when a new member joins the group, then do by all 
means drop us a line privately. The address to contact is

and we welcome your input, as always, on this or any other group-related 
policy. This group exists for the sole purpose of helping the community of Mac 
OS, iOS and accessibility tools users and we always welcome your constructive 
input regarding list policy as long as it is sent to us privately. Tracy, 
Gordon and I would like to make it clear that we are, and always will be, 
approachable to group members and that we do listen to your views. We may not 
always be able to implement them but, if you have any suggestions regarding 
group policy, please write to us at the above address and explain why you think 
your suggestion would be to the benefit of the group as a whole.

Please understand that the reason we discourage public "Getting To Know You" 
type messages is that we try to maintain the list archives as well as the list 
itself with topical discussion being the only form of traffic. This is in no 
way personal as I said earlier, and I sincerely hope nobody will take it as 
such. It is merely a gentle reminder for the good of the group. As one of the 
characters in a favourite movie of Gordon's once said: "The needs of the many 
outweigh the needs of the few; or the one!". Thank you kindly for your 
cooperation and understanding.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

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or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

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Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the 
list website at:

Re: Patricia's Post

2012-11-20 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi Patricia and all

Patricia, we had to forward your post to the list because the server 
interpreted your subject line, "help" as an administrative syntactical command. 
Please avoid using subject lines like "help" because in future we will be 
rejecting messages like that without notification. I know it was innocent and 
you didn't mean any harm, which is why I opted to let this one through. But 
from now on we won't be doing so. This is to cut down the amount of time I have 
to spend each day on list admin.

Your cooperation would be appreciated.


On 20 Nov 2012, at 17:13, Patricia Taylor  wrote:

hi all the apps you are talking about , being novice with Apple system how can 
I get any apps onto my iPhone do I have to attach it to my iMac? Any help will 
be gratefully received it is helping me quietest deal with understanding our 
Apple system by reading your email thanks again folks


The past is history 
the future is a mystery
the  pressants is a gift .

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

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Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the 
list website at:


Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

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either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 

Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the 
list website at:

List Behaviour

2012-11-19 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello everybody

We have received a notification that certain list members are now writing to 
others and telling them how they should and should not behave on list. 
Furthermore, they are recommending that the member in question first asks on 
another list.

We would like to make it clear that it is not acceptable for list members to 
dictate to others how they should behave on list. That, as list owners and 
moderators, is our job and nobody els's. So, would those people who are doing 
this please refrain from doing so. If you have problems with the actions of 
another list member, please bring the matter to our attention rather than 
approaching the person directly. It isn't the job of any third party to tell 
others not to ask for help on list.

Your cooperation would be very much appreciated. Again, if you have concerns 
regarding another group member, please approach us and do not take it up with 
them. We define list policy; nobody else has that function.

Thank you.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
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The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 

Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the 
list website at:

Re: List Policy gentle reminder, [Was: Accessible DVR]

2012-11-18 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Can't you use any of NCH Software's video tools, in conjunction with Air Play?

By the way folks, just a gentle reminder.  You are all quoting entire threads 
here plus everybody's lengthy signatures over and over and over again.  Please 
let's all try to stop being quite so lazy when responding to messages.  You'd 
also make it easier on your friendly list administrators as we wouldn't have to 
explain quite so many bounced messages to their authors.  There is a 40K size 
restriction on messages to this group, and we see no reason to increase that 
value.  After all, the actual response is only usually a couple of sentences at 
most, so why waste all that throughput?
Sorry to harp on about this kind of thing but it was stipulated in the list 
policy document which you were all sent upon subscribing.  By virtue of the 
fact that you're still here, you were deemed to have agreed with that policy 
document.  In case you didn't read it, you can find that document at:

This is nothing personal, but let's all please try just that little bit harder 
to play fair with those members who have capped data throughput. We have lost a 
number of members recently because of this problem so we are keen to see it 
resolved.  Thanks for your understanding.



Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 

Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting the 
list website at:

One-Line messages, [Was "Spaces on Mountain Lion"]

2012-11-09 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

This is nothing personal, I just happen too be responding to Patricia's 
message.  This message was a one-line question, yet the entire thread was 
quoted.  Could we all please try a little harder to have some consideration for 
those whose ISP imposes caps on throughput.  Quoting entire chains of messages 
just to ask a one-line question is wasteful in the extreme, and, again this is 
nothing personal, but the quoting of all that extraneous text is wasteful in 
the extreme.

This issue is one which is mentioned in the list policy document, but out is 
one which is frequently disregarded by members.  So please, could we all try a 
little harder to have some consideration for our fellow list members who are on 
capped monthly tariffs.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


On 9 Nov 2012, at 11:22, Patricia Taylor  wrote:

Hi all ,can you please tell me what do you mean by Spaces on mountain lion ?

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

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Re: Microsoft to Close Messenger and consolidate Im Services on Skype

2012-11-07 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy

This is not a Mac issue as such.  Please also be mindful of list policy, 
messages should not be forwarded from one group to another.


Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

To reply to this post, please address your message to mac-access@mac-access.net

You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
either the list's own dedicated web archive:
or at the public Mail Archive:
Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:

The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 

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2012-11-02 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hi all

I probably don't need to post this, but I'm going to do so just to cover our 
backs. :)

The topic of iOS6.1 is not open for discussion or debate within this forum 
until Apple sees fit to release the product and or information into the public 
domain.  I'm not interested in how many people may care to speculate on the 
subject or release hacked versions into torrents or newsgroups.  This forum is 
not to be used in that fashion.
But as of now the thread is closed until release time.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Dónal acted entirely innocently and we have discussed that privately.  


Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

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Re: Accessible Version Of Take Control Catalogue

2012-11-01 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne
You have a very misguided or missinformed impression of what we have to offer. 
If you look at the catalogue you will understand that you do not download the 
books or buy them from the TC website, you buy them them from us.  You also get 
an 80 percent discount, and you download them from outr accessible bookshelf.  
So, I am sorry, but just ask anybody who uses our service whether they find 
them inaccessible.  If they do I would like to know about it.


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On 1 Nov 2012, at 15:19, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

I look forward to seeing this catalog. I would like to buy and read some of 
these "take control" books, but the means of buying and recieving them seems 
fraut with problems. It's probably just my perception, but all I want is to be 
able to buy the book, download it to my machine and read it like any other PDF, 
either with VO or another screen reader on that other OS.
My impression is that buying it is difficult, and getting it in your hands is 
even more so - something about having to store the books on the seller's rather 
inaccessible bookshelf system and read it from there? That probably isn't 
right, but its the impression I got somehow.

Make the procedure simple enough for even someone like me and it'll sell like 

- Original Message - From: "Mrs. Lynnette Annabel Smith" 

To: "Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility" 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:21 AM
Subject: Accessible Version Of Take Control Catalogue

> Hello everybody
> I am pleased to be able to repot that I am now at an advanced stage of 
> producing an accessible and complete catalogue of the Take Control 
> publications. This catalogue has been tested by an external and independent 
> VoiceOver user whose judgement we know to be sound. The document has been 
> passed as totally accessible and very easy to navigate with any 
> screen-reader, especially VoiceOver. The only thing I elected not to do, at 
> least in the first version of this catalogue, is to provide you with links to 
> the books on the TC website. This is just a catalogue outlining the book 
> title, release date, number of pages, price pre-discount and price 
> post-discount. I hope that will suffice for the time being. I have put a 
> great deal of work into this so I really hope some people do find it helpful.
> Lynne
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Re: Take Control; A Question

2012-10-27 Thread Gordon, Lynne & Tracy
Hello Esther

Oopse! I totally forgot about that URL. It was actually created when Gordon 
talked with Adam on this subject a while ago. Lynne, hanging her head in shame 
and embarrassment! Thank you for saving me an awful lot of unnecessary work 


On 26 Oct 2012, at 19:31, Esther  wrote:

Hi Lynne, Wayne, Jim, and Others,

There is a more accessible version of the catalog of Take Control titles at 
their web site.  I'll just excerpt from the end of the reply I wrote to Mark 
yesterday (on the subject of upgrading to Lion):

For a more accessible list of their titles than the default Take Control 
catalog list display provides, check out this URL:
The table columns are simpler to negotiate with VoiceOver, and you can just 
activate links of titles you want to view in more detail with VO-Space or by 
pressing your up + down arrow keys if you're in QuickNav mode.

Does this work for people?

HTH.  Cheers,


On Oct 25, 2012, at 10:20 PM, "Mrs. Lynnette Annabel Smith" 

> Hello everybody
> Those interested in the Take Control titles, could you please answer me a 
> question? Would anybody find it beneficial if I were to create an accessible 
> catalogue of the Take Control titles and put it up on our website? This is a 
> huge ask, but I'm willing to do it if there is a need. We will also clear it 
> with the publishers of course.
> Lynne

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Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
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Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
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Re: DJay4 Mac

2012-10-15 Thread Gordon &amp; Lynne
Hi Chris

Unfortunately no, it isn't available as trialware any longer because it's in 
the Mac App Store.  It uses yaour iTunes library and playlists which gives you 
to ability to mix and play your music collection like a professional.  For just 
£13.99 I considder it a total bargain!



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On 15 Oct 2012, at 12:00, Chris  wrote:

Hello all is it possible to try this software before buying? Thanks!

Christopher Hallsworth

On 15/10/2012 09:08, Gordon Smith wrote:
> Hi all
> I would like to recommend that if anybody is contemplating broadcasting via 
> Mac, they take a peek at this software.  It's truly excellent now!  DJ3 was 
> quite good, but the improvements in DJ4 are mind-blowing!  The mixing 
> functionality has been improved out of sight, and I really like the way you 
> can now totally isolate the various audio devices so that you can queue on 
> the fly, without impacting on any other output.  And, of course, the fact 
> that you can assign multiple outputs means that you can also use this thing 
> with VoiceOver without impacting on what your listeners here.  We have 2 
> different imix devices and I now have one set up for queueing audio, the 
> other set as the primary output and the main sound device set for VoiceOver.  
> This means that nothing gets in the way of anything else.
> Until this morning I was planning to use OTS AV DJ Pro Classic for my 
> broadcasts.  But this revelation has changed my plans totally and made life 
> much more simple for me.  Magic, I am really really excited about this 
> software.
> <--- Gordon Smith --->
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