Re: Qt application crashes after 2 minutes if started from app grid

2011-05-09 Thread Ian Stirling

On 05/09/2011 03:04 PM, Cornelius Hald wrote:

Hi all!

I've got a bit a weird problem. I'd we happy if anyone could give me a

My Qt (QML/C++) app terminates after exactly 2 minutes if it was started
via the graphical launcher. If I start it from the terminal it runs fine
for hours. I think this could be connected with D-Bus, but I'm not sure
how/where to look.

I remember this being talked about on IRC yesterday - maybe look at the 

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: is wireless modem tivoizated?

2011-03-04 Thread Ian Stirling wrote:

what does mean memory is signed and signature?

Some number (hash) is calculated for memory of modem,
and stored where?

Modem re-calculate hash at booting and compare with number,
stored in some place?

As I understand it, the modem CPU has a small internal boot
It boots from this, and verifies the first stage bootloader
on the external flash (which is not part of the normal flash).
Only if the
matches is the bootloader executed.

This then runs the modem 'main' OS - which is not linux.
The modem then boots, and communicates with the main
processor running linux for commands.

(dial, login to network, ...)

The signature is stored in the ROM of the modem CPU.

It is very difficult to extract the key from the ROM,
as it is not meant to be readable external to the processor.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Is wireless modem support police functions

2011-03-01 Thread Ian Stirling wrote:

*) Is wireless modem specify in packages the factory number of equipment like 
(this number in Ethernet-packages has cynical name MAC-address)

All of the low level functions are dealt with by the modem firmware.
This can be flashed.
However, it will not operate unless the signature is correct.
Even if you replace the (as I understand it) package-on-package
flash memory, the chip still verifies the signature before booting.

So, you basically can't, unless you can crack the signature.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: chip of cellular/wireless modem

2011-02-26 Thread Ian Stirling wrote:

If there is a need for:
*) catch packages of another phones,

You can't do this generally - the hardware cannot do general purpose 

For various technical reasons - there are hundreds of channels,
and the modem can be tuned to only one, amongst others.

Also, for legal reasons the software which runs on the modem chipset
will not support this. This software is completely seperate from the
application softwae - maemo/meego.

*) send package with abnormal AKEY (or abnormal SIS)
than it is necessary to patch code of pnatd,
working directly with modem, or some other code?

You would need to break the signature algorithm in the modem code
signing, reverse engineer the interfaces, and then binary patch
the modem code to add this functionality.

Distributing this code - in the UK - for example - would then be
a criminal act - once it's first used to do criminal acts, and
you've been notified of this.
'manufacturing' this code for the first time would be a seperate

In short - find another platform where it can be done.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Neighboring Cell Towers

2011-02-23 Thread Ian Stirling

Neal H. Walfield wrote:


I'm writing a context-aware application.  I want to learn the current
location using any visible cell towers and their respective signal


I can get the currently associated cell tower using the Phone.Net API,
but I have not found an interface to obtain the visible, non-connected
cell towers.  Is there one?  Do I have to interface with the SIM card
or modem directly?  If so, do you have any pointers on how I should go

As far as I'm aware, there is no way to do this.

ssh root@phone

Nokia-N900:~# pnatd
+COPS: (2,T-Mobile,,23430,0),(2,T-Mobile,,23430,2),
(3,O2 - UK,,23410,0),
(3,3 UK,,23420,2),,(0,1,3),(0,2)
+CSQ: 6,99

Is about the closest we get.
There isn't as I understand it a way to get the unconnected cell tower

Various events you can listen to are sent over dbus. for example.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: chip of cellular/wireless modem

2011-02-21 Thread Ian Stirling wrote:

What is the concrete name of chip of cellular/wireless modem
in Nokia 770, Nokia N800, Nokia N810, Nokia N900 ?

E.g. for Nokia N900:
As i read, TI OMAP 3430 SoC does not contain integrated modem?

No, it doesn't.
The n900 has no available documentation on the modem.
There is limited information on the chipset - codename Rapuyama.

This modem has its own RAM.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Nokia and MS

2011-02-13 Thread Ian Stirling

Jeremiah C. Foster wrote:

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 09:01:23PM +0100, Klaus Umbach wrote:

Don't be silly. Intel has to _compete_ with Android - Android doesn't run on
x86 hardware! MeeGo is Intel's embedded OS, and they are spending 100 million
US to support just the IVI vertical. I think you're barking up the wrong tree

Of course it can.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: need code for decoding cell broadcast SMS messages

2011-02-13 Thread Ian Stirling

Jonathan Wilson wrote:
I am looking for some code that can decode cell broadcast SMS messages, 
anyone know of any?

ofono has some but its too hard to separate from ofono itself.
Regular SMS decoders wont work as the cell broadcast SMS message format 
is different.

Have you considered posting on the osmocombb or mailing 
lists or IRC?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Nokia and MS

2011-02-12 Thread Ian Stirling

Andrew Flegg wrote:

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Sivan Greenberg wrote:

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 9:00 PM, Andre Klapper wrote:

On Fri, 2011-02-11 at 13:25 -0500, Demetris wrote:

How does this affect the future of Maemo on Nokia's devices?

I've three hats to wear:

I only have one hat. :(

But there is a benefit to this that I can see. With no clear successor
for the N900, some people will keep theirs for a bit longer, others -
who may have been waiting for the Harmattan device - may now buy one.
This means the Community SSU can have more users, more developers and
more polish:

The graph on would seem to
indicate that n900 use is crashing.

From one point of view this is depressing.
From another viewpoint, users who have 'upgraded' after 12 months with
the n900 may dump their phones on ebay. And the non-hardcore were not
to some degree the 'important' userbase for things like CSSU.

And as it's a 'dead' platform, it may be fairly cheap. There are many
semi-interested hackers that haven't been able to justify a
comparatively expensive phone.

Added to the promise of the CSSU, and related efforts, as well as the
increasing potential freedom both from reverse engineered bits, as well
as documentation that should have been found ages ago, but for various
reasons hasn't been - and code 'newly' released for meego - the platform
could be an interesting one for hackers for some time to come.

Even in the absence of a nice shiny new meego phone.

I had aspirations to fly concorde one day - if only once.
The closest I came was hearing the sonic boom, as it zoomed on its
last flight past the east coast of Scotland.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: How to ensure only HTTP requests from the device can be accepted in a web app?

2010-11-08 Thread Ian Stirling

Sivan Greenberg wrote:

Hi list,

 I'm developing and application that sends very small amounts of data
over HTTP ReST to an http server, and want to restrict request to
those only coming from the device itself (the N900 running
Maemo/MeeGo). This will be of-course complemented with a user login
and limitation of how many pings such a user can do to the server a

 What would be the way to achieve this? Has anyone done/ tried
something like this before? (I thought about reading some hardware
identified off the device, but then again- how do I make sure an IMEI
is an RX-51 one?

Several issues occur.

Firstly - why on earth do you care?
If a user is authenticated, why does it matter if they are breaking any 
agreements they may have made with you to only access content on their n900.

Bearing in mind that the absolute maximum possible deterrance is the 
cost of a 'new' n900 on ebay.

The silly hack that comes to mind is to go to the firmware download 
page, and use that as an authenticator, but that would be insane.

Also - as a user, I would be hesitant at giving out my IMEI.
While there are few risks at the moment, open-source GSM platforms are 
becoming available to the hacker community, and the protocol was not 
really designed for security.

I will note that shows a pleasing sparseness 
of design, that many websites would do well to imitate.

No flash ads, no slow javascript, and at 0 bytes, quick to transfer!
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: How to ensure only HTTP requests from the device can be accepted in a web app?

2010-11-08 Thread Ian Stirling

Sivan Greenberg wrote:

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Ian Stirling wrote:

Firstly - why on earth do you care?
If a user is authenticated, why does it matter if they are breaking any
agreements they may have made with you to only access content on their n900.

Never post to public list when you are going over your 5 tasks in the
same time limit. This is perfectly true and holds! Moreover, the
client for the service would only run on the N900 (well until I
develop a desktop version of it) . but for all purpose a user account
would suffice.

Yeah - seems more sane to apply it on a per-user basis, as a filter at 
the server, unless I'm missing something.

The silly hack that comes to mind is to go to the firmware download page,
and use that as an authenticator, but that would be insane.

Out of *pure* technical curiosity how would that work? I mean, how can
I ask tablets-dev to authorize someone when it authorizes it due to
knowing that IMEI he/she provided is indeed a nokia device?

As simple as go to the firmware download page (with a script) enter the 
IMEI the user supplies, see if it authenticates.

Though not specifically answering that point, I suggest

Also - you can bar the phone in many instances with only the IMEI, by 
reporting it stolen.

My concern is not so much that you might do something nefarious - but 
that you might screw up, and my IMEI turns up along with my name, 
address, and possibly CC/paypal details on thieftorrent.

There are - as I understand it - limited attacks that are possible using 
the IMEI at the moment.
GSM very much is not designed as a secure protocol, so I wonder if with 
the increasing ease of access, if that will remain so.

Also - as a user, I would be hesitant at giving out my IMEI.
While there are few risks at the moment, open-source GSM platforms are
becoming available to the hacker community, and the protocol was not really
designed for security.

I never gave thought to this, what would it help in abuse to have your IMEI ?

I will note that shows a pleasing sparseness of
design, that many websites would do well to imitate.

Thanks! I try ;-) Even if it had a design it would most probably be
very minimalistic on the brink of a text document

No flash ads, no slow javascript, and at 0 bytes, quick to transfer!

Cellular data consumer kept in mind! :-p



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Trying to switch GSM provider by API

2010-11-01 Thread Ian Stirling

Filip-M. Brinkmann wrote:

Hi Faheem,

thanks for the awesome answer. Due to several reasons, I got into coding
not until this week. Your code led to much insight on my side ;)
However, It seems that the get_operator_name method on does not exist (anymore).

I verified by issuing

dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/phone/net

Seems like my problem got a lot more difficult now.
You have any idea what happened? Maybe the Nokia DBus API changed in

dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/phone/net 

Error rpc.Error: can't find method Phone.Net::get_operator_name
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: listenning for orientation changes using dbus

2010-10-19 Thread Ian Stirling

David Hautbois wrote:

I'm looking for a way to listen for orientation changes using dbus.
the subscription to the mce dbus service sig_device_orientation_ind
works fine, but only when the device is unlocked.
I'm using this to avoid battery draining.

I also tried Qmobility, but this uses 10% of CPU.
I don't think that an infinite loop querying the orientation is the good

How to enable this signal when the device is locked ?
Is there another way ?

The good news is the hardware can interrupt on orientation change. 

The bad news is that the kernel driver does not do this.
The only way to read the accel is to poll.

Depending on the latency you need, polling may not be too bad.
A 5s poll isn't _too_ nasty on battery life.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Using N900 accelerometer with 8g

2010-09-04 Thread Ian Stirling

ds wrote:


as far as I can read from wiki the accelerometer should be usable in a
2g and 8g mode.

Does anybody know how to switch the modes?? Standard mode is 2g I think.

echo full /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/scale

Pops it into 8G mode. lists some other APIs 
- I'm unsure if rthese implement that.

Thanks a lot

D. Schmicker

maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: how to get crash stack trace in Maemo 2.2 (Nokia 770)

2010-08-31 Thread Ian Stirling

Han wrote:

I am using Maemo 2.2 to develop some programs for Nokia 770. Things
run pretty well except sometime my program would crash for unknown
reason. Normally I start the program from x terminal, and  it would
crash with only message Killed.

I am wondering if possible to get a stack trace when the program
crashes?  so that I can find out where the crash happened in the code.

I tried to reproduce the issue with i386 in scratchbox, but did not
repro yet...

My exposure to 2.2 is limited to seeing a 770 once.

Have you tried simply starting the program under gdb?
Also- might it be the OOM killer?
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: backgrounding/lock QA fail

2010-08-16 Thread Ian Stirling

Attila Csipa wrote:
I see we have a few apps (especially ports and stuff using SDL) that do not 
know how to suspend themselves and therefore it fails the QA. 

 Now, I was thinking, as this sort of
bug is a kind of a 'be aware' type, is that maybe we could allow these to pass 
if they made it clear to the user they are not able to suspend themselves. A 
popup after install, or a Hildon banner before/during startup... that sort of 

I would with some hesitation agree to this.

For some apps, it's probably the only sensible route.
Expecting the porter of a huge app that did little more than simply 
package it, and write 3 or 4 lines of description to take the leap to 
screwing with core portions of the event loop is hard.

It should not be a blocker if there is no practical way to change it.
But for apps where it should be possible to change this easily, it 
should remain. - I'm planning to 
populate with links to info on how to change, as well as flesh it out 
some more.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: How can I get Display Resolution in N900 maemo5?

2010-08-10 Thread Ian Stirling

praveen koduru wrote:

Hi Ian,
I have tried apt-get install xrandr on my N900, Errror: couldnt find 
the package.
Can you tell me which package you installed to make xrandr work for you 
on N900?

I diddn't.
open a terminal on the phone.
ssh -X yourdesktop

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: is there a way to make N900 Display doesnt OFF?

2010-08-09 Thread Ian Stirling

praveen koduru wrote:
is there a way to make N900 Display doesnt go OFF? 

I am able to set it maximum to wait for only 2 mins. I need it for long 

I recall from browsing the docs that the general way to do this is for 
the app to say every minute 'keep screen on for a couple of minutes'.

This is what the media player and ... does.

I don't have a link to this in the docs though.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: n900 debugging techniques

2010-08-08 Thread Ian Stirling

Martin DeMello wrote:

So I installed kernel-power, which appears to have killed my gps (even
when I reverted to the stock kernel), and I'd like to try finding out
exactly what's wrong, rather than just reflashing. What are the
general techniques to debug this sort of thing? dmesg has nothing, and
I can't see anything promising in /var/log/* either.
may be of use.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Controlling N900 Display Brightness Display turn on

2010-08-03 Thread Ian Stirling

praveen koduru wrote:


I need to control the Display Brightness  Display Turn off(While it 
went to standby).
For Display Turn on, I have increased the standby timer to 2 mins(max). 
But I need to increase it further more say 10 mins. Can I control that?

As I understand it, the general way to do this is to tell the system 
every 30s to keep the display on. This stops software accidentally 
leaving the display on.

For Display Brightness, I need to dim and bright the Display 
programatically, like using dbus commands.

I'm unsure if this is possible, I haven't investigated it.
I'd look at the source of simple-brightness-widget.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Unable to write to the serial port /dev/ttyS0 using QextSerialPort on Maemo device

2010-07-02 Thread Ian Stirling wrote:
OK, I understood, Thanks for the explanation Denis but I have one more question? 
IWe decided this approach as we have already implemented serial communication of Nokia N95 and PC (connected via USB cable). We simply used the symbian APIs for writing the information to the COM1 port and received the same on the windows PC's COM1 port and read it from there thus establishing a successful serial communication.

That's why I was trying the same for Maemo. The serial port is not visible 
physically on N95 also but somehow we managed the serial communication between 
device and PC using this approach.

Also, if the serial communication is not possible in this way, can you suggest 
me some other way/ sample code to achieve the same.

That wasn't really USB, it was RS232, with a wierd connector.

There are some RS232-over-USB-port capable phones - but absolutely no 
desktop hosts support this.

Serial (RS232) and Universal Serial Bus - have about as much in common 
as man and manatee.

You need to configure the n900s USB port to emulate a RS232-USB 
converter - in some way. is an 
overview of how it would be setup.

Unfortunately, I'm unaware of how this would interact with the default 
process that enables the requisite USB drivers.

I know hald-addon-usb-cable monitors the lowest level of this, and sends 
an event on dbus, but I'm unsure what watches for this event, and 
configures USB gadgets.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: GoogleCL

2010-06-19 Thread Ian Stirling

Sivan Greenberg wrote:

Looks cool, I think I'll give it a try but most surely someone else
here will already have packaged it faster than me :) Actually even if
that is the case, I think this now enabled providing lean UI to do all
that common tasks with google services, especially bulk uploads of
photos or creating blogger posts with the html ready so you don't have
to fight with blogger's terrible handling of inline code snippet.

I was playing with this eaarlier on the phone uploading photos to picasa.


I'd not been using picasa for a while, as there was no easy way of
uploading pics from linux.

Interesting to some will also be the calendar and youtube options!

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Low Latency Audio Capture on the N900, QAudioInput BUG: has 5000msec latency, Meego audio future

2010-06-19 Thread Ian Stirling

Benno Senoner wrote:

Thanks to all for your responses, yes I agree with what you said.
I will try to track the evolution of the  audio subsystem on meego and
provide my feedback and findings.
I'll discuss the issue with the JACK authors too what they think about
it, about adding power management to jack etc.
(the main author of Jack2, Stephane Letz is one of the coauthors to
LinuxSampler too).

It's understandable that Nokia will probably not change the audio
subsystem for the current Meego version, so at least
they should try to provide a stable working system, giving developers
a way to achieve 50msec mic to speaker latency.

As I understand it, pulseaudio on the n900 achieves 5ms latency, and a 
few dozen microseconds of jitter.

It's just not for normal users.

I point you at:
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: How many times each application is downloaded from extras-devel

2010-06-17 Thread Ian Stirling

Andrew Flegg wrote:

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 17:40, Felipe Crochik wrote:

Is there a way to find out how many times each application was downloaded
from extras-devel? It would be a valuable tool to help access if the
applications are being used (and/or are useful) and decide on how to
invest on each one.

Not sure - there is once you get to Extras; click Download
Statistics on the page.

No, there isn't, that's misleading.

wget --quiet$1os=Maemo5; -O -|\

awk -F'[' '/^ *var d/{for(x=1;xNF;x++){split($x,a,,);
total+=a[2]}}END{print total}'

(also at

This says - for ecoach - 105529. 
is  the page which it pulls this info from. says 108000

But. - gives several dates, if you 
look at the package events, and glance at the graph, you can see that 
both the 'download-stats', and the '' page must 
be counting downloads from extras-devel and testing too.

For some preliminary analysis that I did for fmms - as many users have 
testing enabled as extras.

The download number is also misleading - as it's really 'total downloads 
and updates'.

ecoaches headline number is 100K.
In reality, it seems likely that the real number of users is more like 10k.

(integrate the size of the spike after each package event, and you can 
see how many updated. If you look at the shape of this when there are no 
external events, then you can decipher stuff.

For example - a upload of a fresh version to testing - if over the next 
5 days, there are 5K downloads, and then 12 days later when it's pushed 
to extras - there are 3K - then it's probably reasonable to assume there 
are around 5000 users with extras-devel enabled, and 3000, with extras only.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: QT map widget

2010-06-13 Thread Ian Stirling

Till Harbaum / Lists wrote:


Am Samstag 12 Juni 2010 schrieb Joerg Reisenweber:
It's rather moot, as this isn't a movie at 25fps, so an occasional image 
refresh, no matter how it's done, will take magnitudes less energy per time in 
average, than the backlight eats to display the image. When screen is dimmed 
(or the widget invisible/hidden/background) then of course all gfx workload 
should suspend, for obvious reasons

100% CPU load is bad no matter if this is for a 25fps movie or a 0.5fps 3d map
widget. Believe me, i have these discussions regarding maep. People _do_ care
for CPU load and battery consumption. And this is good.

I believe the point is not that battery life is unimportant, but that 
with the backlight on, the CPU using 200% of nominal for 2/25th of the 
time, this increases the total CPU power by 8%.

But - using numbers from - with the screen 
on dim, and the GPS on, this 8% drops to 4% of total system load. - with 
the backlight on bright, it's only an increase of 2.5% or so.

The main point I was attempting to make was not this one anyway.

It was that while 3D may be possible on platforms similar to the n900, 
it is undesirable, even if it performs perfectly, if the widget may also 
be wanted to run on the increasing number of low end phones that may 
have limited or no 3D capability.

(Unless of course it can also do 2D optimally - but that seems like lots 
more code/work.)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: QT map widget

2010-06-12 Thread Ian Stirling

Till Harbaum / Lists wrote:


Am Freitag 11 Juni 2010 schrieb Marijn Kruisselbrink:
You might also want to look at the marblewidget ( 

I did. On the n900 as well as on the linux desktop. While i really think this
is great for desktops i also think that it isn't the right thing for mobile
devices. There are several issues:

- It is big and installs ~10MB data
- It is pretty complex and doesn't really fit on the small screen
- It takes several seconds to load
- It runs pretty slow


I have read that poeple are working on the speed issue. But speed alone isn't

And speedups may be very possible - if for example you can offload 
portions of the workload onto a GPU.

But, for the forseeable future, 3D will not always be available on the 
mobile platform.

Especially as I wouldn't expect the future of featurephones to be a 
simple race to 2GHz/GPU/...

Yes, that'll be happening - but in parallel will be soon coming out (I 
predict - regrettably I have no inside info) n900-lite devices based on 
whatever can be gotten that week in china.

It's also not impossible that as capacities of cheap phones rise - take 
a look at - 
for example - and even phones at the very bottom of the market are 
starting to include 'web browsers' - capabilities of the processors and 
GPU will not be up to n900 levels for some years.

The ability for such a widget to be 'cross platform' - and run on small 
devices would be a valuable one.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Quality assurance of stable software: my battery drained in few hours

2010-06-06 Thread Ian Stirling

Jan Knutar wrote:

Doesn't the userland carry some sort of process monitoring, killing
malignant processes ? If not, we should develop something like this
for MeeGo.

It's pretty hard to find out what's eating the battery on N900. First 
you have decide that the battery is being consumed too fast. The default 
charge meter occasionally realizes it's very wrong, and rapidly 
readjusts itself, giving potential misreadings there. bq27200 certainly 
helps there, though there's no production quality software available 
to use it yet. Nokia Energy Profiler still shines with its absence ;)

I'm trying to develop something like this.
An energy profiler.

The ideal would be 'top' - sorted by power use.
But this is hard. :)

Initial stages are looking like something rather more modest.
Basically porportion out to every job that ran in a measured period a 
best guess at a 'fair' proportion of the power use during that period.

Further break this down by subsystem.
It's not 'fair' for example to count the power usage of xterm as very 
high, due to the backlight/display being on, when that's the users fault.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Quality assurance of stable software: my battery drained in few hours

2010-06-06 Thread Ian Stirling

Robin Burchell wrote:

On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Ian Stirling wrote:

It's pretty hard to find out what's eating the battery on N900. First you
have decide that the battery is being consumed too fast. The default charge
meter occasionally realizes it's very wrong, and rapidly readjusts itself,
giving potential misreadings there. bq27200 certainly helps there, though
there's no production quality software available to use it yet. Nokia
Energy Profiler still shines with its absence ;)

I'm trying to develop something like this.
An energy profiler.

The ideal would be 'top' - sorted by power use.
But this is hard. :)

You mean, like, powertop?

No, fairly unlike powertop.

Powertop sorts by wakeups, which is not useless.

Consider a compute intensive task that uses 99.95% of the CPU.
At the same time, you've got a lightweight task that polls some 
descriptor 10 times a second.

This will appear above the application that's really causing most 
battery drain.

Powertops metric - wakeups per second - is arguably for some loads 
better than top, but it can be horribly misleading for a number of reasons.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: DBus Methods and Signals Introspection or Documentation

2010-06-06 Thread Ian Stirling

Wei Li wrote:

Hi all,

I am doing a project of middleware on Maemo/N900. I need to find the 
methods and signals related to the hardware, for example, HAL 
(especially the objects under /com/nokia since it is somehow 
proprietary). However, I couldn't find a detailed documentation on that. 
And I also used tools such as mdbus2, but since it lacks documentation 
and so does DBus itself, I couldn't figure out how to do the 
introspection to find the information I want. Anyone knows how to find 
that? Thanks!

As I understand it, many of these mrhods do not support introspection, 
and there is no documentation.

For example - the dbus 'backend' of liblocation.
It's possible I'm confused, and have simply missed the docs.
maemo-developers mailing list