Re: [Mageia-dev] Mailing list migration: this list is closing

2013-04-10 Thread EatDirt

On 08/04/13 00:54, Mageia Sysadmins wrote:

When the Mageia project was started, it didn't have any server. Fortunatly
people from proposed to host the basic project infrastructure
(mainly the website, wiki and mailing lists) until the project can have
its own servers. Mageia.Org now have a few servers since October 2010
(thanks to donations for the servers and Lost Oasis and Gandi for the
hosting), but until now the existing mailing lists hosted by
had not been migrated to the Mageia mailing lists server. It is now time
to do it and close this mailing list.

This mailing list will be closed in coming hours and is now replaced by

What does it mean, we cannot access it anymore from newsgroup gmane?

If so, that sucks :-/

[Mageia-dev] freeze push: torque

2013-04-02 Thread eatdirt

Upgrade to which is a bug fix release.

ChangeLog (b=bug, c=crash, e=enhancement)

  b - For cray: make sure that reservations are released when jobs are 
requeued. TRQ-1572.

  b - For cray: support the mppdepth directive. Bugzilla #225.
  c - If the job is no long valid after attempting to lock the array in 
  make sure the array is valid before attempting to unlock it. 
  make sure the array is valid before attempting to unlock it. 
  e - For cray: make it so you can continue to submit jobs to 
pbs_server even if you have

  restarted it while the cray is offline. TRQ-1595
  b - Don't log an invalid connection message when close_conn() is 
called on 65535

  b - Don't strip quotes from values in scripts before specific 
processing. TRQ-1632
  b - Fix a deadlock when submitting two large arrays consecutively, 
the second

  depending on the first. TRQ-1646 (reported by Jorg Blank, 4.2.1).
  b - Changed communication between clients and trqauthd to use only 
unix domain sockets

[Mageia-dev] Freeze push: python-scipy

2013-03-28 Thread eatdirt

Remove dependency in "atlas" and replaced by lapack/blas.

atlas is one of the 26 not rebuilt since mga1 (checkout the spec to be 
scared) and, unless objections, we should drop it, at least for this 
rational reason:


Re: [Mageia-dev] Packages not rebuilt since Mageia 1

2013-03-28 Thread eatdirt

On 28/03/13 23:00, eatdirt wrote:

On 28/03/13 13:15, David Walser wrote:

eatdirt  writes:

On 26/03/13 15:24, Pascal Terjan wrote:

There are 26 packages.


I think, and unless someone complains, this one should be dropped. Atlas
is supposed to provice fast routines already provided by blas and lapack

Interesting, thanks for this.  libatlas3-sse3 had been pulled in on my
by python-numpy, but liblapack3 provides the same library and can be
in place of libatlas3-sse3.  I don't know why libatlas3-sse3 was
chosen ahead
of liblapack3 in the first place.  What should we do about systems
that already
have libatlas3-sse3 installed?

On my system python-numpy is linked to blas/lapack only, so it is fine.
But python-scipy is linked to libatlas. I tried to rebuild it without
but it fails at various stages (on has to had -DNO_ATLAS_INFO)

I cc the maintainer; lebedov, can we rebuild it without atlas?


Ok, that is solved. I patched python-scipy, it requires only lapack/blas 
now. I'll ask for a push.

Re: [Mageia-dev] Packages not rebuilt since Mageia 1

2013-03-28 Thread eatdirt

On 28/03/13 13:15, David Walser wrote:

eatdirt  writes:

On 26/03/13 15:24, Pascal Terjan wrote:

There are 26 packages.


I think, and unless someone complains, this one should be dropped. Atlas
is supposed to provice fast routines already provided by blas and lapack

Interesting, thanks for this.  libatlas3-sse3 had been pulled in on my system
by python-numpy, but liblapack3 provides the same library and can be installed
in place of libatlas3-sse3.  I don't know why libatlas3-sse3 was chosen ahead
of liblapack3 in the first place.  What should we do about systems that already
have libatlas3-sse3 installed?

On my system python-numpy is linked to blas/lapack only, so it is fine. 
But python-scipy is linked to libatlas. I tried to rebuild it without 
but it fails at various stages (on has to had -DNO_ATLAS_INFO)

I cc the maintainer; lebedov, can we rebuild it without atlas?


Re: [Mageia-dev] Packages not rebuilt since Mageia 1

2013-03-27 Thread eatdirt

On 26/03/13 15:24, Pascal Terjan wrote:

There are 26 packages.


I think, and unless someone complains, this one should be dropped. Atlas 
is supposed to provice fast routines already provided by blas and lapack 
(that we have), but:


"Many users ask how ATLAS can be used to build libraries that will run 
on all x86 platforms. In general, this is a bad idea: ATLAS gets its 
speed by specializing for particular platforms, so the more generic a 
library is the less performance it will achieve!"

and this is what we are doing. We even compile it with sseX options 
which is soon worse than doing nothing:

Never use these libraries unless this portability is absolutely 
required. They must use portable settings for blocking, for instance, 
which will mean that on many platforms they will use only a fraction of 
the actual cache, causing large performance drops. Even worse, peak 
performance may by reduced by as much as factor of 8, due to not using 
the proper ISA extension. The most portable ISA uses only the x87 unit, 
which has a much lower peak rate on most modern machines (eg., an Intel 
sandy bridge can do 16 flops/cycle using AVX in single precision, but 
only 8 flops/cycle if using SSE, and only 2 flops/cycle using the x87 unit).



Re: [Mageia-dev] mageia 3 beta 4 installer infinitely slow?

2013-03-27 Thread Eatdirt

better to have a bug and mark it release critical

A side effect is that the mirror changed in between and the installation 
ends up failing after a few hours.

Interestingly enough, it looks like we are installing the important 
packages first because I rebooted on the harddrive and ends up having a 
graphically bootable mga3 distro and was able to run a urpmi 
--auto-update which installed more than 1000 packages!!! I don't know if 
this is wanted, but that is cool :)

[Mageia-dev] mageia 3 beta 4 installer infinitely slow?

2013-03-27 Thread Eatdirt

just tested a boot.iso with network upgrade from mga2->mga3.

That's completely unusable even on a 10Mb connection. It announces more 
than 10h of upgrade even by selecting the minimal number of media (core 
release only).

Playing with the CTRL+ALT+Fx, the packages are downloaded fast (up to 
10Mb/s) but the installer looses *a lot* of time doing this:

"workaround bug in rpmlib by removing /var/lib/rpm/__db*"

is that pb fixed already or shall I open a bug report?


Re: [Mageia-dev] Another try at IRAF?

2013-03-06 Thread EatDirt
Congrats if you succeed, those guys are cool but really old 
non-conventional monsters.

If you fancy, those are use in everyday business too, and much easier to 

While this one is fantastic:

I succeed to compile it under mga2, but unfortunately it is qt3 based 
and we have moved to qt4. Anyway, I am happy to help if needed.


Re: [Mageia-dev] packages not rebuilt since Mageia 1 with old src.rpm building fine

2013-03-04 Thread EatDirt

On 04/03/13 00:07, Pascal Terjan wrote:


That is useful and I see it has a maintainer, aka mitya.

Source are at 3.10.1


Re: [Mageia-dev] EFI/GPT

2013-03-03 Thread eatdirt

On 01/03/13 22:13, Thomas Backlund wrote:

Well, I dont drink the MS cool-aid...
so I wont spend a minute worrying about that crap.

the "secure boot" crap is a vendor lock-in thought up by MS disguised
as a security feature so they can "own" your hw and tell you what you
can and cannot run...

sure, it can currently be disabled... but as soon as people start
accept this there will soon be a "Secure Boot v2" mandating it
be enabled all the time, and those that want complete freedom will
be screwed as MS gets in a position to control what can boot on your

We are promoting freedom and open source, not MS crap.

So the time to speak up is _now_ and fight this vendor lock-in.

+ 1 (or + infinity if I could)

Re: [Mageia-dev] EFI/GPT

2013-03-01 Thread eatdirt

On 01/03/13 19:47, Oliver Burger wrote:>
> Do we have support for EFI/GPT in Mga3? Bernd Hentig from ixsoft says
> something about GPT partitions and EFI (without the secure boot stuff).
> I have not looked into that topic at all until now and don't know
> anything about it.

Hello Master,
I don't know about EFI, but there is a thread around with it.

For GPT, that works perfectly since a long time, and with more than 2TB 
there is not choice on old hardware, but that do work without trouble


Re: [Mageia-dev] freeze push: openmpi 1.6.4

2013-02-28 Thread eatdirt

On 28/02/13 21:39, Arnaud Patard (Rtp) wrote:


Please push openmpi 1.6.4. It's a bug fix release and this one is
building on arm. Amongst the various fixes, it's fixing some accidental
abi breaking on the f90 librarie (it's putting back the right lib
version number so would be annoying to release with wrong version).


an email to the maintainer could have been welcome too... ?
thanks anyway.

Re: [Mageia-dev] Corrupt packets with ath5k

2013-02-20 Thread eatdirt

On 20/02/13 20:14, JA Magallón wrote:

Will Google this while I expect it rings any bell for anyone in the list...


Not same hardware, but indeed similar symptoms:

[Mageia-dev] "created as .rpmnew" lies?

2013-02-12 Thread EatDirt

Within today update of cauldron:

 7/232: Default-kde4-config   ###
warning: /var/lib/mageia/kde4-profiles/Default/share/config/kdm/kdmrc 
created as 

Now if I go to that directory, I see this is not the case:

 ls -trl
total 80
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   347 May 21  2011 backgroundrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21677 Jun  6  2012 kdmrc.rpmsave
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  4096 Feb  6 22:29 themes/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21689 Feb 12 11:02 kdmrc.ccpbackup
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21630 Feb 12 11:02 kdmrc

It has been created as kdmrc, with a rpmsave. It seems we have a problem 
in between the message and what is actually done?


Re: [Mageia-dev] [RFC] rsyslog vs journalctl

2013-02-09 Thread eatdirt

Are you sure that there still is a problem? There were some bugs that
have been fixed months ago. Aside from that the memory usage could be
off as journal uses mmap.

But systemd always uses the journal (not runtime configurable IIRC), so
best to make it efficient. It should also somehow be low maintenance.
Meaning: maybe it will use less memory when there is less available

I don't know about mmap, but that's what a top gives on the current cooker:

 326 root   1   0 1064m  37m  36m S0  1.9   0:14.73 systemd-journal

even though it is only virtual, that's sound crazy to go up 1GB.
rsyslog never goes above 1M.


Re: [Mageia-dev] [RFC] rsyslog vs journalctl

2013-02-06 Thread EatDirt

On 06/02/13 09:52, Olav Vitters wrote:

By default Mageia 3 should only have journalctl. Optionally you can
still install rsyslog. Any syslog package will store the same
information as journalctl does. Installing this by default provides
little benefit, so it was decided that we only do journalctl by default.
If installed, you double the storage used for logs.

Something I mentioned a while ago is the memory resources taken by 
systemd-journald vs rsyslog; it is an order of magnitude greater.

We don't care with modern machines, but I would let the option available 
for old small RAM computers (or reduce the systemd-journal mem resources).


Re: [Mageia-dev] GNU Data Language

2013-01-31 Thread EatDirt

On 29/01/13 20:34, Joseph Wang wrote:

Found it under gnudl

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 3:22 AM, Joseph Wang  wrote:

Just wondering if/where the GNU data language is being packaged with
Mageia 3.  It's listed as being in Mageia

But the package gdl is something else.

yep, hope you liked it :) Let me know if something needs to be 
improved/fix, I am the guy in charge.

Re: [Mageia-dev] URGENT: FOSDEM restaurant [input needed from everyone]

2013-01-24 Thread EatDirt

On 24/01/13 08:27, Oliver Burger wrote:

Am 24.01.2013 01:11, schrieb eatdirt:

Indeed. The other suggestion would be to bet a lot of Belgian beers,

That's an option for after dinner :D
See you next week for some talking and Belgian beers...

YES Master!!!
let the beers be with us!

Re: [Mageia-dev] URGENT: FOSDEM restaurant [input needed from everyone]

2013-01-23 Thread eatdirt

On 24/01/13 00:23, AL13N wrote:

This time, i had actually tried to find an option to use a good caterer i know
well, but location proves a big issue, most places i checked didn't allow
external catering... :-( or the price had to be right...

Indeed. The other suggestion would be to bet a lot of Belgian beers, 
then nobody will pay attention any more to the food :)

Re: [Mageia-dev] URGENT: FOSDEM restaurant [input needed from everyone]

2013-01-23 Thread eatdirt

On 23/01/13 14:01, AL13N wrote:

sorry, i figured i was supposed to do it like last time, i'll clear the
wiki again.

I hope you can do better than what i got last year :-)

Hey buffoon !!! :)

you mean like *I did* last time, right

I reckon it was a bit shit but that's difficult to fit 25 nerds + 1 veg 
in a room ;

Looking forward to see you soon my dear!


[Mageia-dev] Freeze push wxsvg for bug#8727

2013-01-19 Thread eatdirt

Hi there,
please push wxsvg, that's a bumped version to 1.1.11 that fixes

on dvdstyler. As far as I can test, dvdstyler does not need a rebuild, 
but feel free to do it if you juge so.

urpmq --whatrequires lib64wxsvg0

so nothing else should be affected.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Minimal mageia install

2013-01-18 Thread EatDirt

On 18/01/13 18:19, Bruno Cornec wrote:

I don't know who did that great job, but I'd like to congratulate this
community, as with the beta of Mageia 3 I'm now able to install a very
minimal distro for a firewall with 340 packages "only" without doing any
urpme in my postinstall script !! Very happy about that, please keep up
the good work !

YEAA! Mageia got the systemd-Colin Machine that seriously rocks!

Re: [Mageia-dev] ANN: kernel-3.8-rc3 landing in Cauldron...

2013-01-10 Thread eatdirt

On 10/01/13 22:56, Charles A Edwards wrote:

On Thu, 10 Jan 2013 12:27:01 +0200
Thomas Backlund wrote:

Booted without issues here.
Nvidia driver works and everything appears to be performing

Well, it does not build dkms-nvidia-current for me! But the nouveau 
driver automatically came as a rescue without trouble.

/var/lib/dkms/nvidia/current-310.19-1.mga3.nonfree/build/nv.c: In 
function ‘nvidia_init_module’:
error: implicit declaration of function ‘NV_KMEM_CACHE_CREATE’ [-Werror=i

error: expected expression before ‘nv_stack_t’
error: implicit declaration of function ‘NV_KMEM_CACHE_DESTROY’ [-Werror=

error: expected expression before ‘nv_pte_t’
error: expected expression before ‘nvidia_p2p_page_t’
/var/lib/dkms/nvidia/current-310.19-1.mga3.nonfree/build/nv.c: In 
function ‘nv_kern_open’:
warning: passing argument 2 of ‘request_irq’ from incompatible pointer

type [enabled by default]
In file included from 

Re: [Mageia-dev] rpmrc [5221] build with -fPIC on x86_64 too (pok, mdv)

2013-01-10 Thread EatDirt

On 10/01/13 02:54, Anssi Hannula wrote:

I have to strongly disagree with this.

- This hides problems in build scripts. Shared libraries should normally
   be linked with -fPIC on *all* architectures. Not doing this causes
   some issues, like the library to actually become unshareable across
   different processes. Since these are allowed in iX86 but not on
   x86_64, building all objects on x86_64 with -fPIC will hide any
   "missing -fPIC from build script" issues.
   Note that there can't be very many problematic failing packages, since
   we and mdv have managed this far without it.

- It is not needed except on shared libraries, and will cause a small
   performance penalty (due to one less register being available when
   using relative addressing). (AFAIU it is negligible, but still..)


That's killing flies with a steamroller.

Re: [Mageia-dev] Kernel Panic after latest Mageia-3-Alpha2 s/w update c

2013-01-09 Thread eatdirt

On 09/01/13 20:13, Maurice Batey wrote:

and - in menu.lst - replaced:



   initrd /boot/initrd.imgwith
   initrd /boot/initrd-3-7-0-desktop-1-mga3.img

in a clone of the 'official' (but kernel panic) stanza.

But although a reboot starts well, after 6 lines the action *hangs* at
the 'initrd' line.

Weird, that should work. Check for typos in the names. For instance you 
have one above: 3-7-0 instead of 3.7.0.

Re: [Mageia-dev] Kernel Panic after latest Mageia-3-Alpha2 s/w update c

2013-01-09 Thread EatDirt

On 09/01/13 16:24, Maurice Batey wrote:

On Wed, 09 Jan 2013 13:21:06 +, Colin Guthrie wrote:

If you are lucky you will have *.old initrds so just edit your grub prompt
to use initrd.img.old rather than initrd.img (via text mode in grub)

   Where are such initrd.img.old files found?

We all assume that, with a boot cd, live dvd, you can mount your root 
partition /somewhere

ls -trl /somewhere/boot/

and try to find a initrd-x.x.x which has been generated before the bug. 
In my case, I got:


and I have also the kernel


(thanks to master tmb)

Now add a new entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst referring to compatible 
versions of initrd (not corrupted) and vmlinuz (be inspired by the ones 
already written in this file)

Reboot et select these ones.

Re: [Mageia-dev] PXE boot on cauldron failed

2013-01-08 Thread eatdirt

On 08/01/13 20:51, AL13N wrote:

Any idea ?

huh, i never knew that you could specify URLs in pxe configs... for kernel and

Me neither, this is very cool actually. If you make it work again 
Olivier, that would deserve a mini wiki somewhere...

Re: [Mageia-dev] Minimal mageia install

2013-01-07 Thread Eatdirt

On 10/23/2012 02:53 PM, Bruno Cornec wrote:


I'm in the process of redeploying automatically my firewall machine,
using Mageia. For that I'd like to have a very minimal install.

However, I'm ending up with 580 packages, among them a lot of X11
content, whereas I want a text base install only.

I agree with this, we have some "bugs" in package dependencies. Please, 
don't hesitate to report them on bugzilla for the next bugfest!

We should also try to fix them. I reported this one months ago, Colin 


Re: [Mageia-dev] Booting on GPT + UEFI + Secure Boot...

2013-01-07 Thread Eatdirt

On 01/07/2013 12:31 PM, Olivier Thauvin wrote:

So questions:
- is it possible to boot Mageia using legacy boot on GPT disk ?

Yes, was working fine for me with various harddrives of 2T and more (grub)


Re: [Mageia-dev] DVD install feedback for mga3 beta 1

2013-01-01 Thread Eatdirt

On 12/31/2012 08:38 PM, Eatdirt wrote:

Hi there,
I have just installed mga3 beta1 on a brand new machine for my folks and
everything went fantastically fine in a first try. Congrats.

Hi again,
I am reporting here some post-install bugs:

1a) gnome-shell-extension does not work, it is impossible to add or 
configure any of those. In .xsession-error, there are some logs claiming 
that gnome-shell version cannot be determined

1b) Plugging an usb external drive, or digital camera, triggers 
audacious, or if I remove audacious, triggers konqueror, or if I remove 
konqueror triggers baobab, and at last, if I remove baobab trigger 
opening the file manager nautilus This happens whatever the settings 
I add in the configuration panel for photo device, and there is no 
visible choice for USB drive.

[after this, my personal opinion is that gnome 3 deeply sucks and my 
folks are now lost even with the gnome-classic interface :)]

2) a neeeded scsi module is properly loaded (film scanner)

aic7xxx : Adaptec|AIC-7850 [STORAGE_SCSI] (rev: 03)

but the corresponding device is not created making xsane and other 
software not finding the scanner. After some searches, this is because 
the scsi modules (sg) are never loaded; so adding "sg" in 
module.preload.d is enough to fix the issue, but some udev rules are 
screwed up maybe.

3) there is no /dev/dvd symlink to the only dvd device (/dev/sr0), 
although /dev/cdrom symlink is properly created. So all dvd applications 
fail, like xine, smplayer, mplayer etc...

4) A Kernel trace in the logs, which does not seem to prevent the 
graphic working though:

 [   37.846873] [ cut here ]
[   37.846885] WARNING: at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:392 
intel_dp_aux_ch+0xe1/0x390 [i915]()

[   37.846886] Hardware name: System Product Name
[   37.846886] dp_aux_ch not started status 0x8145003f
[   37.846887] Modules linked in: i915(+) drm_kms_helper drm 
i2c_algo_bit joydev hid_generic eeepc_wmi asus_wmi usbhid snd_usb_audio 
snd_usbmidi_lib snd_rawmidi coretemp hid sparse_keymap crc32c_intel 
ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel aes_x86_64 uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc 
videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core videodev media sg snd_seq_device 
iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support rfkill pci_hotplug ablk_helper evdev cryptd 
cpufreq_ondemand cpufreq_conservative cpufreq_powersave acpi_cpufreq 
mperf snd_hda_codec_hdmi snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_intel 
snd_hda_codec snd_hwdep snd_pcm snd_page_alloc snd_timer snd lpc_ich mei 
i2c_i801 i2c_core serio_raw xts lrw gf128mul thermal fan video soundcore 
wmi button processor r8169 mii kvm ipv6 autofs4 ext4 crc16 jbd2 ehci_hcd 
xhci_hcd usbcore sd_mod sr_mod crc_t10dif usb_common
[   37.846910]  ahci libahci ata_piix libata aic7xxx scsi_transport_spi 
scsi_mod [last unloaded: microcode]
[   37.846914] Pid: 1049, comm: modprobe Tainted: GW 
3.7.1-desktop-1.mga3 #1

[   37.846914] Call Trace:
[   37.846917]  [] warn_slowpath_common+0x7f/0xc0
[   37.846919]  [] warn_slowpath_fmt+0x46/0x50
[   37.846927]  [] intel_dp_aux_ch+0xe1/0x390 [i915]
[   37.846933]  [] 
intel_dp_aux_native_read_retry+0xb5/0x140 [i915]

[   37.846939]  [] intel_dp_get_dpcd+0x24/0x80 [i915]
[   37.846944]  [] intel_dp_detect_dpcd+0x1d/0x110 [i915]
[   37.846949]  [] intel_dp_detect+0x58/0x2a0 [i915]
[   37.846952]  [] 
drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes+0x27a/0x330 [drm_kms_helper]
[   37.846953]  [] 
drm_fb_helper_probe_connector_modes.isra.2+0x50/0x70 [drm_kms_helper]
[   37.846955]  [] 
drm_fb_helper_initial_config+0x1a3/0x230 [drm_kms_helper]

[   37.846958]  [] ? request_threaded_irq+0xaf/0x1b0
[   37.846960]  [] ? __kmalloc+0x13d/0x170
[   37.846961]  [] ? drm_fb_helper_init+0xfe/0x200 
[   37.846963]  [] ? drm_fb_helper_init+0xfe/0x200 

[   37.846964]  [] ? kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0x11f/0x130
[   37.846966]  [] ? 
drm_fb_helper_single_add_all_connectors+0x47/0xf0 [drm_kms_helper]
[   37.846968]  [] ? 
drm_fb_helper_single_add_all_connectors+0x47/0xf0 [drm_kms_helper]

[   37.846976]  [] intel_fbdev_init+0x8c/0xc0 [i915]
[   37.846983]  [] i915_driver_load+0xd6b/0xee0 [i915]
[   37.846990]  [] drm_get_pci_dev+0x186/0x2d0 [drm]
[   37.846999]  [] i915_pci_probe+0x78/0x81 [i915]
[   37.847001]  [] local_pci_probe+0x79/0x100
[   37.847003]  [] pci_device_probe+0x111/0x120
[   37.847005]  [] driver_probe_device+0x8b/0x3a0
[   37.847007]  [] __driver_attach+0xab/0xb0
[   37.847008]  [] ? driver_probe_device+0x3a0/0x3a0
[   37.847009]  [] bus_for_each_dev+0x55/0x90
[   37.847011]  [] driver_attach+0x1e/0x20
[   37.847012]  [] bus_add_driver+0x1a0/0x290
[   37.847015]  [] ? 0xa0622fff
[   37.847016]  [] ? 0xa0622fff
[   37.847018]  [] driver_register+0x77/0x170
[   37.847020]  [] ? 0xa0622fff
[   37.847021]  [] __pci_register_driver+0x48/0x50
[   37.847025]  [] drm_pci_init+0x11a/0x130 [drm]
[   37.847027]  [] ? 0xa0622fff
[   37.847033]  [] i915_init+0x66/

Re: [Mageia-dev] acpid under systemd

2012-12-31 Thread Eatdirt

On 12/31/2012 09:46 AM, Olav Vitters wrote:

systemd starts daemons in a clean environment. I'm guessing some
environment variables are missing. Most likely DISPLAY, maybe others.

I see, although I tried to set up the DISPLAY variable without success :-/


[Mageia-dev] DVD install feedback for mga3 beta 1

2012-12-31 Thread Eatdirt

Hi there,
I have just installed mga3 beta1 on a brand new machine for my folks and 
everything went fantastically fine in a first try. Congrats.

So I decided to test other options and managed to end up in an infinite 
loop that hung the installer. There how to do it:

1) choose additional sources with http

2) accept the default mirror chosen (which was in Germany). 
Unfortunately that default mirror was very very slow

3) Many packages got downloaded from that mirror with an estimated time 
of 3-4 hours, so I clicked on "Annuler" (french install)

4) The installer went on with only the DVD package but ended up being 
frozen soon after.

Playing with the CTRL+ALT+Fi, the do loop was due to pango packages 
already installed from the network before the "annuler" and more recent 
that the ones on the DVD.

The log were incessantly showing:

"Chosen pano-1.32.4... for pango
more recent pango-1.32.5... is installed
but does not provide 1.32.4...
Selecting pango 1.32.4...
Unselecting pango 1.32.4..."

and the same message repeted forever

Hope it helps!


[Mageia-dev] acpid under systemd

2012-12-28 Thread Eatdirt

Hi Colin :)
I have a funny issue with acpid as it is started under systemd (on mga2)

I have a little script on my laptop in /etc/acpi/actions that starts

xset -display dpms force off


xset -display dpms force on

according to the lid state. That commands used to work in the 
pre-systemd era but now does nothing when acpid is started by systemd.

Now, if I start acpid manually from a terminal it works, I can only see 
some eventual permission isssue with cggroup, Any idea how I could debug 


Re: [Mageia-dev] Problem with urpmq ??

2012-12-26 Thread Eatdirt

On 12/26/2012 11:42 PM, AL13N wrote:

i think this is fine, escpecially considering there's scripts that could use
this, so exact match is much better as default.

there's nothing worse than mistyping and a different package is installed
because it matched...

Ok, but the behaviour and man of urpmq -a is now a bit 
counter-intuitive, why not defaulting -y into -a?


Re: [Mageia-dev] Problem with urpmq ??

2012-12-26 Thread Eatdirt

On 12/26/2012 04:29 PM, Pascal Terjan wrote:

I think you have to use urpmq -y ssh
Or --fuzzy if you like the long version.

Yes it seems the default has changed, I noticed it recently...

So do I, I was also wondering why?

In particular, any usage of
urpmq blabla
has now a high probability to return
No package named blabla



Re: [Mageia-dev] r8169 eth0 link up/down

2012-12-15 Thread eatdirt

On 15/12/12 16:40, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
> Did you actually check your cable?
> Did you try booting back to 3.6?

Yes, cable/router are fine and it works normally with 3.6.5

I also got a kernel trace under 3.7.0 by stressing the eth0 with 
torrents. I can open a bug report if this is not only me:

[22184.720131] Pid: 0, comm: swapper/0 Not tainted
3.7.0-desktop-1.mga3 #1
[22184.720133] Call Trace:
[22184.720147]  [] warn_slowpath_fmt+0x46/0x50
[22184.720152]  [] dev_watchdog+0x240/0x250
[22184.720156]  [] ?
[22184.720161]  [] call_timer_fn+0x3a/0x120
[22184.720166]  [] ? scheduler_tick+0x109/0x140
[22184.720169]  [] ?
[22184.720173]  [] run_timer_softirq+0x1fe/0x2b0
[22184.720177]  [] ? ktime_get+0x52/0xe0
[22184.720181]  [] __do_softirq+0xc8/0x200
[22184.720186]  [] ? tick_program_event+0x24/0x30
[22184.720191]  [] call_softirq+0x1c/0x30
[22184.720196]  [] do_softirq+0x75/0xb0
[22184.720199]  [] irq_exit+0xa5/0xb0
[22184.720205]  []
[22184.720208]  [] apic_timer_interrupt+0x6d/0x80
[22184.720210][] ? hrtimer_start+0x18/0x20
[22184.720218]  [] ? mwait_idle+0x91/0x1e0
[22184.720222]  [] cpu_idle+0xfe/0x120
[22184.720227]  [] rest_init+0x72/0x80
[22184.720232]  [] start_kernel+0x3a5/0x3b2
[22184.720236]  [] ? repair_env_string+0x5e/0x5e
[22184.720240]  []
[22184.720244]  [] x86_64_start_kernel+0x100/0x10f
[22184.720247] ---[ end trace 11b4cb5ae1abd116 ]---

[Mageia-dev] r8169 eth0 link up/down

2012-12-15 Thread eatdirt

I am running into trouble with the ethernet adaptater within 
3.7.0-desktop-1.mga3. My eth0 connection goes up and down all the time; 
the logs are full of

[167751.720286] r8169 :02:00.0 eth0: link up
[167763.726287] r8169 :02:00.0 eth0: link up
[167811.720288] r8169 :02:00.0 eth0: link up
[167823.720282] r8169 :02:00.0 eth0: link up
[167835.717284] r8169 :02:00.0 eth0: link up
[167853.719293] r8169 :02:00.0 eth0: link up
[167907.720290] r8169 :02:00.0 eth0: link up
[167949.720291] r8169 :02:00.0 eth0: link up
[167961.724301] r8169 :02:00.0 eth0: link up

Any idea? Was working fine a week ago on cauldron!


[Mageia-dev] service dm restart go on tty3

2012-12-13 Thread eatdirt

Hi (Colin) :D
I don't know if this is because I still have obsolete files, but if I do a

service dm restart

just after boot on the console of tty2, then the X server restarts but 
on tty3, dunno if this is wanted, but I would have expected it to 
restart on tty1.


PS :I can explain why I do this, up to an unrestrained desire of testing 
the improbable!

I really do not like the kdm login screen displaying the name of users, 
and I have a tuned


that I update by hand each time kdm is updated :-/

PS^2: I suggested during my mandriva time that we have the option to 
choose this, if someone is also interested, I am happy to provide this file.


Re: [Mageia-dev] systemd-journal

2012-11-27 Thread eatdirt

On 27/11/12 23:10, Colin Guthrie wrote:

Doesn't look too big to me. While 19megs isn't tiny, it's also not
crazy. For me here I'm on about 2.5megs, but it's only been up a day and
a half, so it might creep up from here.

How long have you been up?


not too much, just one day; do you have a tail where I can check what 
systemd-journal actually logs in my system?



[Mageia-dev] systemd-journal

2012-11-27 Thread eatdirt

385 root  20   0  278m  20m  19m S0  1.0   0:00.24 systemd-journal

This looks huge to me; actually it takes more memory that my 
windowmanager (fvwm2) just for logging?

We're back to devfs? :)


Re: [Mageia-dev] [Bug 8177] rm command can't delete file, unless using the full path for the rm binary "/bin/rm"

2012-11-22 Thread EatDirt

On 22/11/12 15:45, Michael Wood wrote:

Or if you happy to run rm as it was written and risk deleting something
you didn't want too, then comment out the alias (and any others that get
on your nerves:) ) from /etc/profile.d/

did that too, old school, when I do rm, I want to do rm :)

Re: [Mageia-dev] Welcome Götz!

2012-10-24 Thread Eatdirt

On 10/22/2012 11:15 PM, Olivier Blin wrote:


After uncountable years as a packager and maintainer in the Mandriva
Linux distribution, providing a huge number of impeccable contributions,
Götz Waschk is now joining us as a Mageia packager.

Please welcome him aboard!


Re: [Mageia-dev] version scheme blocks mgarepo submit

2012-10-04 Thread EatDirt
As I guess all new packagers make the mistake, as I did recently too; 
please check out:

once the mistake done; it is either package removal of adding an epoch 
number (that can not be removed later)


Re: [Mageia-dev] new fonts?

2012-09-26 Thread EatDirt

On 25/09/12 21:54, David Walser wrote:

This topic came up in the packagers meeting.  It was stated that:
- the change was initiated by Thierry Vignaud (tv)
- the change was also done in Fedora

Ah, thanks for the infos!
Although I think the first reason is a good reason (tv), the second is 
not. Have you seen their logo, it looks like facebook :)))

1) revert this change
2) someone put their foot down and decide we're sticking with this
Also, if it's really that bothersome for some people, maybe it would
be good to have an easy way for users to change this locally.

Personally 1); but 2) + a user-friendly way to change it is good too.


Re: [Mageia-dev] new fonts?

2012-09-24 Thread EatDirt

On 24/09/12 14:58, Dimitri wrote:

Hi guys,

The changes in default fonts might be related to recent
fonts-ttf-liberation update. Since 2.00, this package ships fontconfig
settings that by default substitute Liberation fonts for "sans-serif",
"serif" and "mono" families. This is done
by /etc/fonts/conf.d/59-liberation-*.conf files (in fact, just symlinks
to /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/59-liberation-*.conf). I am too much
accustomed to my usual font set, so I trashed those symlinks
immediately :)

Fantastic, thanks for the tips.

I think we should pay attention to the default fonts we will choose for 
mga3, indeed. That's the very first reflex of any user, either you like, 
or you don't, that would even deserve a contest may be.


Re: [Mageia-dev] new fonts?

2012-09-24 Thread EatDirt
On 23/09/12 14:28, 

I noticed the change...
but on my machine it looks like an improvement

I don't know if just my eyesight or the change is having different effects on
different set ups.

I'm using X86-64 with a Radeon graphics card

On 24/09/12 08:31, Liutauras Adomaitis wrote:

It is not ugly for me, but some char like ", : are not displayed
correctly on Firefox. Not sure if this is related.

Thanks for your answers!
On my system it is indeed quite bad, the font is smaller than before and 
aliased which makes it tiring to read. I am using "ati" driver.

Does someone knows how to set the font, or revert to the old one?


[Mageia-dev] new fonts?

2012-09-23 Thread eatdirt

is that a bug that all default fonts on kdm, firefox, terminal titles 
changed to an ugly one? ;)


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mageia 3 final set of isos

2012-09-20 Thread EatDirt

On 19/09/12 10:31, Thomas Backlund wrote:

I'd suggest for livecds:
2 liveCDs:
- 1 GNOME 700M i586 - english only - for FOSDEM & co
- 1 KDE 700M i586 - english only - for FOSDEM & co
4 liveDVDs:
- 1 GNOME DVD i586 - all locales-*
- 1 GNOME DVD x86_64 - all locales-*
- 1 KDE DVD i586 - all locales-*
- 1 KDE DVD x86_64 - all locales-*


but I would suggest that all those guys get a network install option. In 
particular the live CDs, in that case they could replace the boot.iso. 
It is true that it takes 10x times to download a full CD compared to 
boot.iso, but that's still tractable?

do we need to provide XFCE (or LXDE) for those that does not like
the GNOME/KDE bloat (and "phone/pad" gui) ?

I belong to those guys, and I would say NO. :)

Just because, if you don't like KDE, you won't like LXDE for aesthetic 
reasons, and XFCE is practical but neither nice in my opinion. However, 
if would not have a size issue, I'll say YES only if we include all the 
small desktop environments; because that's a great stuff about Mageia 
that we have almost all of them.


[Mageia-dev] umask=0 in cdrom fstab options?

2012-09-17 Thread eatdirt

this line was set by drakconf a while ago (clicking on local disk -> 
dvdrom etc..)

/dev/sr0 /media/cdrombot auto 
umask=0,users,iocharset=utf8,noauto,ro,exec 0 0

but since a few days, mounting sr0 now fails with:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0,
   missing codepage or helper program, or other error
   In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
   dmesg | tail or so

If I remove the option "umask=0", everything works fine again. It looks 
like umask=0 is no longer accepted???  Anyone aware of this, or this is 
a bug in mount?


Re: [Mageia-dev] [RFC] x11-server-1.13

2012-09-13 Thread EatDirt

On 08/09/12 13:02, Thierry Vignaud wrote:


x11-server-1.13 and rebuild drivers are in */update_testing.

Please test.

Tested with AutoAddDevice Off and works fine with:



[Mageia-dev] /sbin/poweroff & kdm

2012-09-13 Thread EatDirt
seems to have been replaced by /bin/poweroff making kdm failing to 
poweroff. I can open a bug report if needed.


[Mageia-dev] pthread segfaults?

2012-09-08 Thread eatdirt

am I alone to get pthread segfaults in the log for various programs??

upowerd[759]: segfault at 0 ip 7f7a03efbfe0 sp 7fff5497d498 
error 4 in[7f7a03dfc000+1a2000]

motion[3066]: segfault at 18 ip 7f98abe78b80 sp 7fffdbfa6678 
error 4 in[7f98abe6f000+16000]


[Mageia-dev] 29522 broken dependencies...

2012-08-30 Thread eatdirt


Re: [Mageia-dev] date/time on the BS?

2012-08-29 Thread EatDirt

On 29/08/12 10:51, Pascal Terjan wrote:

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:04 AM, EatDirt  wrote:

Then the proper fix is to fix the makefile and send it upstream

Ok! I have simply reported the bug upstream for the time being...


Re: [Mageia-dev] date/time on the BS?

2012-08-29 Thread EatDirt

On 29/08/12 00:42, Pierre-Malo Deniélou wrote:

Maybe it's because of the -j24 in %make: try 'make' instead.

Fantastic, that was it, you saved me too!! :)


[Mageia-dev] date/time on the BS?

2012-08-28 Thread eatdirt
Sorry to ask for help (again) but I have a locally unreproducible build 
failure on the BS, I am so desperate that I am suspecting a date/time shift:

Does this suffix shows the time on the BS?


Is it 28/08/2012? If yes, that's a few hours late and would explain my 
build failures, never at the same file/location:

Error: Corrupted compiled interface

for which the ocaml user manual says:

The compiler produces this error when it tries to read a compiled 
interface file (.cmi file) that has the wrong structure. This means 
something went wrong when this .cmi file was written: the disk was full, 
the compiler was interrupted in the middle of the file creation, and so 
on. This error can also appear if a .cmi file is modified after its 
creation by the compiler. Fix: remove the corrupted .cmi file, and 
rebuild it.


Any ideas or hints welcome!


Re: [Mageia-dev] how to upgrade a package with %_preun_service ?

2012-08-27 Thread EatDirt

On 26/08/12 22:53, Thierry Vignaud wrote:

look for %triggerpostun or %posttrans

Fantastic! You saved me!!


[Mageia-dev] how to upgrade a package with %_preun_service ?

2012-08-26 Thread eatdirt

Hi there,
package A is on mga2 and run at uninstall
%_preun_service myserv

package B (different name) obsoletes package A and at install run
%_post_service myserv

same name for "myserv".

When I run this, the old package %preun section remove the new service 
installed by package B. Any idea how to fix this?


Re: [Mageia-dev] updating torque?

2012-08-24 Thread eatdirt

the obvious question

Do we really need 2 branches of torque ?

Why not simply say bye-bye to 2.* series ?


Agreed! I was just avoiding to do a big jump as 2.5.x is still 
maintained upstream, but ultimately that could be the plan.

As we have some bugs on the current 2.5.3 version on mga2, we could also 
fix them by upgrading to 2.5.12, drop 2.5.12 in cauldron and move the 4.1.

The folks at torque says:

The 2.5.x branch is the current maintenance build and will continue to 
have minor features and functionality added to it. The build has been 
deployed successfully in many environments and is considered reliable. 
Build torque-2.5.12.tar.gz is the latest release and the one we 
recommend most sites use.


For the branch 3, the summary is not very encouraging :)

The 3.0.x branch has all 2.5.x functionality plus support for NUMA 
architectures, such as SGI. The 3.0.x branch is not backward compatible. 
Even though the 3.0.x code branch will work on all platforms we 
recommend 2.5.x for sites that do not need NUMA. Build 
torque-3.0.6.tar.gz is the latest release for the 3.0.x branch and will 
be the last release in the 3.0.x branch. Adaptive Computing support for 
the 3.0.x branch will end on December 31, 2012.


4.1 is indeed the next step:

The 4.1.x branch has added significant enhancements and a streamlined 
architecture for managing workload faster, more reliably and with easier 
administration on Cray systems. It also features fixes and updates from 
the 4.0.x branch. It is the latest TORQUE release and the one we 
recommend customers use



Re: [Mageia-dev] updating torque?

2012-08-24 Thread eatdirt
So torque-2.5.12-1mga3 landed; please open bug reports if it doesn't 
work for you.


Re: [Mageia-dev] problem building grass - changes in ffmpeg

2012-08-24 Thread EatDirt

On 23/08/12 15:32, Oliver Burger wrote:

No comments on that? If I don't get any replies in the next days, I will
disable ffmpeg support in grass for the time being until upstream gets
it sorted out.
If this shouldn't happen before the Mga3 freeze, I will note it in the

Hi Master,
In my opinion, you should disable ffmpeg because the new ffmpeg 0.11 is 
a completely new API. This kind of fixes should come from upstream.

I got into the same problem with "motion" and I had to disable 
temporarily ffmpeg till it was fixed in git upstream.


[Mageia-dev] updating torque?

2012-08-23 Thread EatDirt

torque package is not maintained by anyone. The version we have on 
mageia is 2.5.3 which is *very* old. Torque comes in various branches, 
the version 2 is now at 2.5.12 wheras the last version is 4.1.0

The spec file is an old monster from mandriva that would need cleaning. 
Some scripts have been extracted from the very old source files, and 
then edited by hand, moved to SOURCES/ and are still in use to overwrite 
the new ones coming with the new version. If by chance this is still 
working, it won't at some point :)

I am actually using torque at work (but from centos...), so I can give 
it a try; unless someone has a peculiar interest in doing it instead.

My plan is:

1) Upgrade 2.5.3 -> 2.5.12 + drop old scripts + clean specfile

2) Import torque 4.1.0 and create torque2 branch

3) Eventually drop torque2 branch at some point

Please let me know if you disagree or have any comments! Any suggestions 


Re: [Mageia-dev] no mouse in cauldron boot.iso

2012-08-22 Thread EatDirt

On 21/08/12 14:54, Thierry Vignaud wrote:

On 15 August 2012 19:28, eatdirt  wrote:

Can you check if mga2 installer was OK on your machine?

Yep it works fine actually ! The mouse is found.


[Mageia-dev] no mouse in cauldron boot.iso

2012-08-15 Thread eatdirt

Hi there,
I know it is very early to test the installer; but after screwing up the 
/usr migration I reinstalled cauldron from thye current boot.iso; which 
was not finding any mouse on my machine.

Let me know if you want me to open a bug report.


lspci output>

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ/P/PL Memory Controller 
Hub (rev 02)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ/P/PL PCI Express Root 
Port (rev 02)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition 
Audio Controller (rev 01)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 
1 (rev 01)
00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 
4 (rev 01)
00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI 
Controller #1 (rev 01)
00:1d.1 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI 
Controller #2 (rev 01)
00:1d.2 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI 
Controller #3 (rev 01)
00:1d.3 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI 
Controller #4 (rev 01)
00:1d.7 USB controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB2 EHCI 
Controller (rev 01)

00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev e1)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GB/GR (ICH7 Family) LPC 
Interface Bridge (rev 01)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) IDE 
Controller (rev 01)
00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation N10/ICH7 Family SATA Controller 
[IDE mode] (rev 01)

00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family SMBus Controller (rev 01)
01:00.0 USB controller: ALi Corporation USB 1.1 Controller (rev 03)
01:00.1 USB controller: ALi Corporation USB 1.1 Controller (rev 03)
01:00.3 USB controller: ALi Corporation USB 2.0 Controller (rev 01)
01:00.4 FireWire (IEEE 1394): ALi Corporation M5253 P1394 OHCI 1.1 

01:01.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI
01:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10)
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 
RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 01)
04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R580 [Radeon 
X1900 XT] (Primary)
04:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc R580 [Radeon X1900 XT] 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Dropping hal from Mageia 3

2012-07-19 Thread Eatdirt

On 07/17/2012 04:10 PM, Damien Lallement wrote:

If packagers can check their packages to remove hal deps, I will add it
to task-obsoletes before first alpha.

Yep. I take charge of wmbattery!


Re: [Mageia-dev] [help] does openmpi works under iurt?

2012-06-24 Thread EatDirt


Ahem, either it was a trivial question, or a too much non-trivial 

May someone managing the bs could simply test if, under iurt, after 
having installed the package "openmpi", those commands work:

"mpirun --version"

"mpirun -np 2 /usr/bin/pwd"

the result should be something like:

mpirun (Open MPI) 1.6

Report bugs to

and 2 times the result of "pwd".

and not

It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your parallel process is
likely to abort.  There are many reasons that a parallel process can
fail during orte_init; some of which are due to configuration or
environment problems.  This failure appears to be an internal failure;
here's some additional information (which may only be relevant to an
Open MPI developer):

  orte_plm_base_select failed
  --> Returned value Not found (-13) instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
in file runtime/orte_init.c at line 128


[Mageia-dev] [help] does openmpi works under iurt?

2012-06-17 Thread eatdirt

Hi venerable masters,
I am going into trouble and need some help in compiling mpi support for 
fftw3. Checkout my failure logs:

That's during the test section, "make check" run various calculations 
using the freshly compiled library, and fails when using "mpirun" from 
openmpi. Locally, everything works fine, the tests are passed without 

I found this thread on debian claiming that openmpi fails under chroot; 
might it be possible that we have similar pbs with iurt on the build 

As a temporary solution, I have disabled the checks, but better to have 
them as the library is quite used in other packages. Any help welcome!


Re: [Mageia-dev] openssl install conflicts?

2012-06-13 Thread EatDirt

On 13/06/12 14:45, Guillaume Rousse wrote:

It was available for a short period, tough, it could have been installed
at this moment. Using --force if needed.

yep, that was indeed the case... sorry :-/

[Mageia-dev] openssl install conflicts?

2012-06-13 Thread EatDirt

How this is possible? That file should be updated no?


Installation failed:file /usr/lib64/ from install 
of lib64openssl1.0.0-1.0.1c-2.mga3.x86_64 conflicts with file from 
package lib64openssl1.0.1-1.0.1c-1.mga3.x86_64


Re: [Mageia-dev] Bugzilla mass ping

2012-05-28 Thread eatdirt

On 26/05/12 12:20, Marja van Waes wrote:

I plan to do a mass ping today, because we need to find out whether they
are still valid for Mageia 2

Thanks, I think it is good idea, let's make mga2 almost bugfree before 
making Cauldron bugfull ;)

Re: [Mageia-dev] Strange system stalls - neep a tip

2012-05-21 Thread eatdirt

On 21/05/12 18:11, Robert Fox wrote:

Any hints what I could check?

At first I though this was Firefox related (like flash
problem or something) because it was most noticeable when I surfed -
firefox freezes off and on and it is really frustrating.

Nope, but I got into same pb during a while, the freezing occurred 
during a few secs and only when I was surfing, so I ended up also 
suspecting firefox and plugin stuff. It disappears in my case with 
recent updates though.


[Mageia-dev] Freeze push: pam_mount

2012-05-15 Thread eatdirt

please submit pam_mount. I have added a "minimal" patch to fix bug 5787:

The patch adds one line into the default configuration file 
(/etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml) to force the usage of umount.crypt 
for crypted volumes. Successfully tested locally.


Re: [Mageia-dev] RFT: nvidia-current 295.49

2012-05-13 Thread eatdirt

On 06/05/12 19:46, Thomas Backlund wrote:


nVidia released a 295.49 wich fixes performance regressions introduced
in 295.40.


So test them out and respond to this thread if it works or not.

Works for me on:

Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6100 to GeForce 360: nVidia Corporation|G92 [Quadro 


[Mageia-dev] Freeze push: gv

2012-04-27 Thread eatdirt

Please submit gv.

Just added a missing Requires to "ghostscript", this is bug #5648.
Tested, fixes the pb.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Deprecating startx

2012-03-10 Thread eatdirt

On 10/03/12 10:12, Maarten Vanraes wrote:

I have a pentium 66MHz (not MMX)

With the turbo button 33 -> 66 ? Man, that's a proper collector :)

Re: [Mageia-dev] Deprecating startx

2012-03-09 Thread eatdirt

On 09/03/12 00:58, Colin Guthrie wrote:

If no one has a problem, I'll look to include the patch

Well done!

[got another reason for startx, my pentium 133MHz running mga.1 does not 
like kdm, even xdm :)]



Re: [Mageia-dev] Deprecating startx

2012-03-07 Thread EatDirt

On 07/03/12 12:12, Colin Guthrie wrote:

You can still debug X but only for an actual X server.

Anyway even when I was maintaining X a few years back, I don't think I
ever started it from the text console. I always used the official
methods for starting X (service dm restart in those days). So not sure
it's really all that needed for debugging.

Thanks for the explanations. If this is a matter of ACL only, I would 
let startx existing even of sound or acceleration is not working.

I also remember mandriva times for which the dm was not working. Or 
simple than that, when hald was switched off and autoadddevice=false, 
startx was usefull to open a X session.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Deprecating startx

2012-03-07 Thread EatDirt

On 07/03/12 10:26, Colin Guthrie wrote:


Unless someone comes along and does a reasonable amount of coding before
mga2, I think we'll have to deprecate supporting startx (it can still be
used in some circumstances, but audio and accelerated graphics will not
be available).

See this comment (and the link therein) for more info on the issue:

Hi there,
as many, I don't understand (yet, it not ever) systemd :)
But what do you mean?

An user could no longer starts in runlevel 3 and start an X session 
directly ? This is the way we actually debug X, that sounds very 
unreasonable to me.


Re: [Mageia-dev] NVidia fallback to Nouveau after latest Kernel updates

2012-03-06 Thread EatDirt

On 02/03/12 22:44, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

AFAIK you need to reconfigure your system to use the proprietary modules...

Yes, that's to be expected anyway. Thx

Or tweak harddrake to let you in peace with X and video;

checkout /etc/sysconfig/harddrake2/service.conf



Re: [Mageia-dev] NVidia fallback to Nouveau after latest Kernel updates

2012-03-02 Thread EatDirt

On 02/03/12 09:38, Robert Fox wrote:

Since last Cauldron kernel update, I have two nvidia based system which
now fallback to nouveau when starting X - stating nvidia cannot be

Recurrent pb for me as well. Did you try to add


in the boot arguments?


Re: [Mageia-dev] xinit upgraded to 1.3.2

2012-02-27 Thread EatDirt

On 27/02/12 12:17, Colin Guthrie wrote:

I don't think it's a problem and the commit looks good to me. I wouldn't
have changed the %patch0 line, but that's just a very minor comment.

Cool, thanks!
Ah ok, you mean the suffix?

I though it was a bit unclear as the file itself is called startx.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Replace Gqview by Geeqie

2012-02-26 Thread eatdirt

On 26/02/12 16:36, Julien wrote:


I would like to drop gqview (the image viewer) in favor of geeqie
( ). The latter is a fork of the former and is a bit
less unmaintained.
At least fedora and opensuse have already done it.

Any objection ?

I am using gqview in everyday life, but geegie looks even better. Did 
not know it existed! Go on!


Re: [Mageia-dev] Default graphics software

2012-02-25 Thread eatdirt

On 25/02/12 16:52, zezinho wrote:

+1 : I had a friend who asked me for help when he received .AI files, simply
because Inkscape was not in the default KDE install.

+1, a must even on fvwm2 :D

[Mageia-dev] xinit upgraded to 1.3.2

2012-02-25 Thread eatdirt

Hi people,
xinit has no maintainer, I am happy to do so but the spec is a bit scary 
as it has a lot of patches, some quite old and maybe no longer needed?

I have just upgraded it to the latest keeping (and fixing) all orignal 
patches; please if you have a request of warning, make a comment here.

tv seems to be the last one having upgraded it, let me know if there is 
something I should do or not do!


Re: [Mageia-dev] Volume mixer for Window Maker

2012-02-25 Thread eatdirt

On 25/02/12 08:41, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:


I'm going to add a volume mixer for a default desktop in Window Maker.
What is the name of the binary of the gnome mixer applet? I am looking
for something modern against pulseaudio.


Re: [Mageia-dev] proposition to drop xedit

2012-02-21 Thread EatDirt

On 21/02/12 09:49, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 21.02.2012 09:50, EatDirt wrote:

Just a naive question, but emacs uses aspell too no?

It was changed to enchant, see

Ah cool, thanks!

Re: [Mageia-dev] proposition to drop xedit

2012-02-21 Thread EatDirt

On 21/02/12 09:37, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

My proposition is to drop it. (And the side effect will be to eliminate
one of the last things that is based on Aspell)

Just a naive question, but emacs uses aspell too no?


Re: [Mageia-dev] chroot for mageia 1; db42_load?

2012-02-19 Thread eatdirt

On 18/02/12 19:54, Anssi Hannula wrote:

On 18.02.2012 19:27, eatdirt wrote:

I thought mga1 uses Hash v9, maybe urpmi wrongly tries to perform a

And AFAICS mga1 rpm uses db4.8 anyway, so using db42_load seems wrong.

Yes, it does indeed that. I installed mdv db42-utils packages and urpmi 
logs that it downgrades Hash v9 to 8. The rpm db gets indeed destroyed 
at the end. I'll open a bug.


[Mageia-dev] chroot for mageia 1; db42_load?

2012-02-18 Thread eatdirt

Hi there,
I got this warning by trying to setup a chroot of mageia 1, being under 

can not migrate rpm db from Hash version 9 to Hash version 8 without 


The rpm data base is corrupted under the chroot, as expected. urpmf 
db42_load gives nothing, as I can find only db47 or 48.

Any suggestion welcome!


Re: [Mageia-dev] WindowMaker themes

2012-02-17 Thread EatDirt

On 17/02/12 03:17, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

I'm planning to exclude built-in theme(s) from the windowmaker package.
Are there any objections?

no, very good!


Re: [Mageia-dev] OSS sound support

2012-02-06 Thread EatDirt

On 10/10/11 11:20, Guillaume Rousse wrote:

Just for curiosity, where is OSS support needed nowadays ? Quake and co ?

At least for wmix and wmsmixer too :)


[Mageia-dev] oxygen-gtk tabs freezed?

2012-02-01 Thread EatDirt

Hi there,
am I alone to get frozen tabs with our wonderful (ironic) and still 
compulsory oxygen-gtk theme???

Seriously, try userdrake, I cannot click on the "group" tab. This 
happens also with some menus in gkrellm and some other gtk applications.

If I force remove rpm -e --nodeps oxygen*, this works fine again. I can 
fill a bug report if this is not some funny issues on my side only.


[Mageia-dev] [FOSDEM] saturday evening dinner

2012-01-31 Thread EatDirt

Hi people,
as far as I am able to count, 28 registered for the binge drinking 
evening...ooopss!! ... sorry to attend the diner!!

As we need to give a precise number for the restaurant today, please do 
a last check that you are indeed registered on the wiki if you were 
planning to join:

The converse is also true, we are gonna catch anyone registered that 
will not come ;)


Re: [Mageia-dev] Too many tmp directories

2012-01-23 Thread EatDirt

On 21/01/12 20:06, Colin Guthrie wrote:

What's wrong with this? It's showing you the mounts that are active...
would you rather it filtered out e.g. /sys etc?

Generally speaking df is a more useful command than mount IMO anyway,
and it's always been the command I use when I'm just wanting a quick

Nothing wrong, just unusual and not very informative. I have always used 
mount to see what was actually mounted as disk or media. Now, it looks 
more informative of kernel and system stuff than user stuff; but df 
still fine indeed!


Re: [Mageia-dev] Too many tmp directories

2012-01-21 Thread eatdirt

On 21/01/12 18:21, Oliver Burger wrote:

I found at least three different tmp directories:
~/tmp/ (one for every user)

I am taking the opportunity of this thread to also mention the 
incredible number of shit mounted by systemd that completely render the 
output of a mount command unreadable :)

> mount

rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs 
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts 

tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime)
/dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,data=ordered)
/dev/sda7 on /usr type ext4 

tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,mode=755)
tmpfs on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs 
cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup 
cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset type cgroup 
cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct type cgroup 
cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/memory type cgroup 
cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/devices type cgroup 
cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer type cgroup 
cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls type cgroup 
cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio type cgroup 
systemd-1 on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type autofs 

mqueue on /dev/mqueue type mqueue (rw,relatime)
hugetlbfs on /dev/hugepages type hugetlbfs (rw,relatime)
debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,relatime)
securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /media type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=755)
/dev/sda8 on /opt type ext4 
/dev/sda6 on /home type ext3 

fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw,relatime)

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mageia 2 Alpha 3 available for tests

2012-01-13 Thread EatDirt

On 12/01/12 21:04, Anne nicolas wrote:

Hi all

Mageia 2 Alpha 3 is now available for tests:

tested the boot.iso with network install; everything went fine.

At boot however, systemd exhibited some failures (apparently they are 
harmless though):

fedora-loadmodules.service loaded ESC[1;31mfailed failedESC[0m 
Load legacy module configuration
systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service loaded ESC[1;31mfailed failedESC[0m 
Cleanup of Temporary Directories
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service loaded ESC[1;31mfailed failedESC[0m 
Recreate Volatile Files and Directories
udisksd.serviceloaded ESC[1;31mfailed failedESC[0m 
UDisks Daemon
upowerd.serviceloaded ESC[1;31mfailed failedESC[0m 
UPower Daemon


Re: [Mageia-dev] Welcome to tthe packager team: eatdirt

2011-12-13 Thread EatDirt

On 13/12/11 17:35, Oliver Burger wrote:

It seems I forgot something.

I'd like to welcome Christophe Ringeval ("eatdirt") to the Mageia packager

Welcome and continue the good work, you already did.


Hi there
Thank you Venerable Master, I owe you everything and will do my best to 
not turn to the dark side, of course, and honour your teaching with 
dignity!! :)

There is a fantastic atmosphere around, I should thank everyone who 
helped me, as Colin for his patience and others for their answers to 
boring questions (now I can think of a few that were indeed jokes).

Anyway, even if I am now able to not piss on myself doing a mgarepo 
"hello word", I'll still ping you, people, for some help I guess :)


Re: [Mageia-dev] [changelog] [RPM] cauldron core/release sauerbraten-2010_07_28-1.mga2

2011-12-09 Thread EatDirt

On 05/12/11 12:53, Thomas Backlund wrote:


Our policy is that core _must_ be selfcontained.

Hi there,

what's about quake2 which is currently on the core and cannot work 
without pak files?


Re: [Mageia-dev] ANN: gcc-4.6.2 landing on Cauldron

2011-12-06 Thread EatDirt

On 06/12/11 17:03, Oliver Burger wrote:

So did I understand you correctly, that your problem is resolved now?

Yes Master :)

But, as Funda said, gcc-gfortran should Requires quadmath; otherwise 
installing gcc-gfortran alone is not enough for linking fortran progs.


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