Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-04 Thread Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop
Dnia  4.06.2021 o godz. 09:07:09 yuv via mailop pisze:
> What is more important is that intentional or not, this behavior is
> detrimental to internet email and has to stop before internet email
> becomes even more irrelevant.  How many shops and other services have
> you visited that have downgraded email from absolutely necessary to
> secondary, e.g. by replacing email with phone/SMS for login and
> messaging?

Most of them still communicate primarily by email. SMS is generally used
only for most important and urgent messages, like "your package is going to
be delivered today". And these usally come directly from courier companies
that are delivering the packages, not from the shops themselves.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-04 Thread yuv via mailop
On Fri, 2021-06-04 at 11:16 +0200, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
> Sometimes, just out of curiosity, I'm checking MX-es for eg. Internet
> shops in which I shop or other entities I communicate with. Most of
> them have e-mail hosted by their hosting companies (at least MX
> points to the hosting ISP server), as part of the hosting package
> probably.
> So I guess there are still many that are neither Microsoft nor
> Google.

I am sure you are guessing right.  Do you also check their SPF records?

Here in Canada, internet shops are being taken over by Shopify.  I am
not saying that big service providers like Microsoft, Google, Shopify,
etc. are inherently bad.  Economies of scale predict that such large
outfits can be very competitive.

What I am saying is that where network effects are important, or as in
the case of internet email, critical, these large outfits have an
incentive to use their scale for anti-competitive behavior, such as
arbitrarily rejecting mail from competitor's services.  Nothing
prevents you or me from developing an online retail solution and
compete with Shopify.  But if we try to operate a mail server and can't
deliver emails to a large number of potential recipients, no one will
contract our services and we will be prevented from making a run on

I am not saying Microsoft is doing that -- there is ample evidence that
its filtering service is going ballistic against mail coming from its
own cloud.  I am saying that the unintended consequences of Microsoft's
filtering are difficult to distinguish from intended anti-competitive

What is more important is that intentional or not, this behavior is
detrimental to internet email and has to stop before internet email
becomes even more irrelevant.  How many shops and other services have
you visited that have downgraded email from absolutely necessary to
secondary, e.g. by replacing email with phone/SMS for login and

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-04 Thread Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop
Dnia  3.06.2021 o godz. 22:59:18 yuv via mailop pisze:
> What volume of maiboxes is handled by the three biggest service
> providers in your country?  Not talking free consumers services.  It
> has been a long time since I have dealt with another business whose
> mailboxes were not handled by either Microsoft or Google.  Choose your
> poison.

Sometimes, just out of curiosity, I'm checking MX-es for eg. Internet shops
in which I shop or other entities I communicate with. Most of them have
e-mail hosted by their hosting companies (at least MX points to the hosting
ISP server), as part of the hosting package probably.

So I guess there are still many that are neither Microsoft nor Google.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-03 Thread yuv via mailop
On Thu, 2021-06-03 at 12:20 -0400, Bill Cole via mailop wrote:
> On 2021-06-01 at 21:46:43 UTC-0400 (Tue, 01 Jun 2021 21:46:43 -0400)
> yuv via mailop 
> is rumored to have said:
> > I do like the fact that if someone puts
> > a letter with my address in a post office box anywhere in the
> > world, 
> > it
> > makes its way to my snail box within a reliable service standard.
> [...]
> The direct corollary to that factoid is that all email should
> therefore be run by government entities with nationwide monopolies.

No.  Internet email suffers indeed a governance problem that result in
interoperability or deliverability difficulties, but government
monopolies are not the solution.  Government's role is to set the rules
and police them, not to provide the service that can be competitively
provided by private enterprise.  The corollary you envision is the
phone network of the Seventies.  Today, in advanced countries, the
phone network is a more or less competitive market, that unlike
internet email is *regulated* by government and *co-ordinated* at the
ITU-T, a UN agency.  I am not proposing that exact model (a license is
required to operate a telecom and I rather see less red tape than more)
but I am proposing that standards be enforced, and extended to include
a sufficient level of deliverability.

Today, "standards" are imposed by the big players, and they do so very
much in the bad Microsoft way of the nineties: Embrace, Extend, and
Extinguish.  Internet email may not be extinguished any time soon, but
it is becoming less and less relevant, replaced by SMS/MMS and other
proprietary messaging platforms (iMessage, Whatsapp, Telegram, etc.)
that do not suffer the governance problems that come with the
cacophonic fragmentation of internet email space where sender
identification flaky and filtering is not only not standardized, but
also spurious to a point of unreliability.

> I do not expect this to garner much support by anyone currently
> running any sort of commercial mail service on either end.

Of course not.  There is more money to be made in a world of
deliverability issues and in the long term using deliverability as a
way to squeeze out of the market the smaller players and aim for an
oligopoly or even a monopoly, resulting in higher prices and less

What volume of maiboxes is handled by the three biggest service
providers in your country?  Not talking free consumers services.  It
has been a long time since I have dealt with another business whose
mailboxes were not handled by either Microsoft or Google.  Choose your

Internet email in its pure form was/is a sore pain for profitability:
there is an unlimited number of domains available (unlike the limited
and controlled range of phone numbers or IP addresses) and barriers to
entry were very low.  Let's make them high by complicating things and
we can make more money /s.

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-03 Thread Bill Cole via mailop

On 2021-06-01 at 21:46:43 UTC-0400 (Tue, 01 Jun 2021 21:46:43 -0400)
yuv via mailop 
is rumored to have said:

I do like the fact that if someone puts
a letter with my address in a post office box anywhere in the world, 

makes its way to my snail box within a reliable service standard.

For a very unusual definition of "anywhere" I guess that's true. I would 
guess that you have not tested Venezuela, Turkey, Gaza, Borneo, or North 
Korea for inclusion in "anywhere" but I suppose that most of North 
America and Europe work that way, usually.

The direct corollary to that factoid is that all email should therefore 
be run by government entities with nationwide monopolies. I do not 
expect this to garner much support by anyone currently running any sort 
of commercial mail service on either end.

Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-02 Thread Stefano Bagnara via mailop
On Tue, 1 Jun 2021 at 21:39, John Levine via mailop  wrote:
> No, it's to deliver the mail that the users want. One point that bulk
> mailers often miss is that, while the recipients at large providers do
> not object to getting the bulk mail, they also do not really want it.

I received Microsoft Office 365 invoices in the Junk folder of my
untrained/verbatim Office 365 inbox, because of SmartScreen.
No one likes invoices, i guess...

Stefano Bagnara
Apache James/jDKIM/jSPF
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-02 Thread Carl Byington via mailop
Hash: SHA512

On Tue, 2021-06-01 at 21:46 -0400, yuv via mailop wrote:
> but I do like the fact that if someone puts
> a letter with my address in a post office box anywhere in the world,
> it
> makes its way to my snail box within a reliable service standard.

Your mileage may vary. Around here several clients and vendors moved to
Zelle or other electronic payment mechanisms due to persistent problems
with snail mailed checks never arriving. Some parts of the US Post
Office seems to be dropping some of the mail on the floor.



mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-02 Thread Michael Rathbun via mailop
On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 10:50:05 +0100, Laura Atkins via mailop 

>I think the system has accreted and evolved to a point where not even the 
>folks inside Microsoft can tell you why a mail was delivered where it was. I 
>mean, that’s been true for more than a decade now. It’s not, somehow, that the 
>folks answering sender support mail won’t tell you, it’s that they can’t tell 
>you. I suspect that even the system developers couldn’t tell you exactly why a 
>mail went to bulk or was discarded or was rejected. 

Toward the end of my careen at MS, my analysis of the architecture that the
system was evolving toward (on the O365 side) told me that it should be
possible for a message to completely disappear without the possibility that
any plausible investigation process would reveal why (or even if) a particular
message met a particular fate.

This architecture has been carried over into the "unified" system, with
considerable elaboration.  I often use the term "apparently occasionally
non-deterministic" for the platform.

Having watched the system behaviour from the outside for the past eight years,
I have found no reason to alter this impression.  I doubt strongly that there
is any individual with a full synoptic grasp of the System itself.

>With that being said, they try to help senders, much more than a lot of other 
>mailbox providers. 

Certainly most of the individuals I worked with had a keen understanding of
the issues facing all the parties.  The problem is that those who make budget
decisions or control the deployment of resources in the Corporation will often
have disjoint understandings and a different set of primary objectives.

(Then there was our Search for that individual or group who were actually
required and empowered to read and answer abuse@ and postmaster@...)

>Filters are not static, they are adjusting all the time. Sometimes ‘just keep 
>trying’ is the right thing to do. Sometimes ‘give it a rest for a week (or 2 
>or 3) and let your reputation reset’ is the right thing to do. Sometimes it 
>feels like there is nothing the sender can do to change delivery. 

The advice that MJW gave a while back (If you see significant deferrals, STOP
ALL SENDING for at least an hour.  If the problem persists, stop for 24
hours.) has proved to be worthwhile.  Fortunately, on the platform my clients
are using, implementing that for any recipient system is trivial.

>MS users and MS policy makers are about the only folks who are going to be 
>able to change what MS is doing. It sucks for those of us who are looking at 
>the mail in our outbound queues and going ‘yknow, this person paid for this 
>email and MS isn’t letting me deliver it” or “this person probably really 
>wants their appointment reminder, but MS isn’t letting me deliver it” or 
>“Auntie susie really wants to hear from cousin joan, sucks microsoft doesn’t 
>like this” but complaining on mailop isn’t going to change any of that. 

"Microsoft" and "Systems Microsoft is presently running" are distinct
entities, often with no discernible connection other than the accidental.
When it was possible to do so, I spent a considerable amount of my work day
investigating reported false positives, and fixed a lot of unneeded damage.  

Eventually I was reassigned.

In the end, however, "How to prevent CEOs of large client corporations from
calling Rajesh Jha in the middle of the night because of massive spam
problems" will become "How to prevent Rajesh Jha from calling ME in the middle
of the night due to client spam problems", which will then tend to drift to
the top of one's priorities.  (Rajesh Jha was $BIGNUM pay grades above us all,
at the time.)

I will point out to the assembled multitude that the world of email
experienced by a spam analyst at Microsoft or Y!/AOL or gmail is remarkably
different from the world of email experienced by someone trying to operate an
ethical and effective email sending operation, or to advise those that do.  

Then add, on top of that, designers and developers who personally are
relatively unconnected to actual email operations as a whole...

Your world (and mine, now) could actually be considerably worse.

 "There are no laws here, only agreements."  
-- Masahiko

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-02 Thread Laura Atkins via mailop

> On 2 Jun 2021, at 10:17, André Peters via mailop  wrote:


> They _DO_ block whole networks (not just subnets within an AS).
> It might not be the case in the example above, but it does happen.

I am reasonably familiar with Microsoft’s anti-spam systems and how they work. 
They do block ranges, and subnets, but anyone claiming that AS(whatever) means 
that MS is blocking autonomous system number(whatever) is flat out wrong. That 
is not what that diagnostic code means. 

> Or silently discarding mail... come on, that's just the worst practice ever.

I silently discard mail all the time. No one, absolutely NO ONE, is entitled to 
my time or attention or mailbox space. That goes double when the mail is 
actively harmful. If MJW says that shouldn’t be happening in the freemail 
domains any longer, I believe him. On the O365 side, individual administrators 
have the ability to discard mail on their own systems for their own domains. 
Neither you nor I have any right to tell those administrators they cannot do 
that. Not our systems, not our rules. 

Look, Microsoft has tons of flaws. They have an aggressive blocking system that 
upsets a lot of senders. They have stupid rules and implementations that I 
don’t think do what they think they do or even what they’re intended to do. I 
think the system has accreted and evolved to a point where not even the folks 
inside Microsoft can tell you why a mail was delivered where it was. I mean, 
that’s been true for more than a decade now. It’s not, somehow, that the folks 
answering sender support mail won’t tell you, it’s that they can’t tell you. I 
suspect that even the system developers couldn’t tell you exactly why a mail 
went to bulk or was discarded or was rejected. 

Machine Learning filters (and it’s all ML filters these days) simply don’t work 
that way. 

With that being said, they try to help senders, much more than a lot of other 
mailbox providers. They were the first company to offer data directly to 
Senders (SNDS). They were one of the first groups to offer FBLs. They are the 
ONLY group I am aware of that actually asks their users directly whether or not 
their spam filters are doing things right in that user’s mailbox. Not some 
random ‘do you like our filters’ but a specific pop up window that says to a 
user: "We put this email in your spam folder (or inbox). Did we get this right?"

It is phenomenally hard for a new sender to break into the MS inbox. For client 
reasons I ended up doing a bunch of tests yesterday and the first mail from my 
IP went to bulk. I hit ’this is not spam’ and the second mail from that same IP 
and sender combination went to the inbox. The third email from a different 
sender but the same IP went to spam. That’s basically what I needed to know so 
I stopped testing at that point. Yeah, Microsoft hates low level senders. 
Microsoft hates new IPs. Complaining on mailop isn’t actually going to change 
anything about that. Complaining to the developers over beer in the pub isn’t 
going to change that. Complaining to the product managers isn’t going to change 
that. O365 is widely used and we’re stuck with it. The free domains are less 
widely used than Gmail but they’re still in the top 5 per volume for most 
mailing lists. 

A few additional facts:

SmartScreen is partially based on the above mentioned ‘did we filter this mail 
correctly’ questions. It’s also based on user complaints. It’s based on the 
content of the mail, it is unrelated to IP or even domain reputation. Call it 
stupid all you want but the reality is: Smart Screen is a measure of how much 
recipients want a particular email stream. If they’re saying they don’t want 
it, then Microsoft is going to listen to what their users tell them. Some of 
the measurements are based on explicit user questions, others are based on user 
interactions with mail. 

Filters are not static, they are adjusting all the time. Sometimes ‘just keep 
trying’ is the right thing to do. Sometimes ‘give it a rest for a week (or 2 or 
3) and let your reputation reset’ is the right thing to do. Sometimes it feels 
like there is nothing the sender can do to change delivery. 

MS users and MS policy makers are about the only folks who are going to be able 
to change what MS is doing. It sucks for those of us who are looking at the 
mail in our outbound queues and going ‘yknow, this person paid for this email 
and MS isn’t letting me deliver it” or “this person probably really wants their 
appointment reminder, but MS isn’t letting me deliver it” or “Auntie susie 
really wants to hear from cousin joan, sucks microsoft doesn’t like this” but 
complaining on mailop isn’t going to change any of that. 

If complaining on mailop fixed MS filters, then they would have been fixed a 
decade ago. We’ve been having this same discussion for that long. 

Having an Email Crisis?  We can help! 800 823-9674 

Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise
(650) 437-0741 

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-02 Thread André Peters via mailop

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Laura Atkins via mailop" 
An: "mailop" 
Gesendet: 02.06.2021 10:55:31
Betreff: Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail 
with misleading temp error message

I know! I saw a bounce message JUST THIS MORNING from a client that 
blocked AS(201806271). How granular is that?

Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.4.1 All recipient addresses rejected : 
Access denied. AS(201806271) 

laura (FYI: the AS in the blocking message stands for Anti-Spam and the 
number is an internal MS diagnostic code. It is not referencing an 
Autonomous System number)

On 1 Jun 2021, at 11:54, J. Hellenthal via mailop  

Oh man! They got the whole ASN !

Not just the A but the S and the N too!

Thorough 🤪

J. Hellenthal

The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven 
says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.

On Jun 1, 2021, at 05:38, André Peters via mailop  

Von: "Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop" 
Gesendet: 01.06.2021 12:04:54
Betreff: Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail 
with misleading temp error message

Am 28.05.21 um 15:22 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
Am 28.05.21 um 13:47 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:

Anyone from Microsoft/Outlook available to look into the matter?
Seems everything is ok now - either someone looked into the matter 
(thanks!) or some timeout ran out :-)

Same problem again, for no discernible reason. No contact from MS, 
no explanation, no abuse complaint.

Given the ongoing flood of spam from bot-created hotmail accounts 
this is a bit odd...


This is a never ending story. :-D

Pretty annoying. One of our ASNs was blocked for a day recently, 
there was no difference in mail volume or content, it is a 
low-traffic ASN for little communication. The whole ASN. Once in a 
while these things happen with MS. It's normal.

Yes, given the amount of outbound spam I don't understand how their 
filter or intelligence works at all. I guess nobody knows anymore at 
this point.

mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Having an Email Crisis?  We can help! 800 823-9674

Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise
(650) 437-0741

Email Delivery Blog:

They _DO_ block whole networks (not just subnets within an AS).
It might not be the case in the example above, but it does happen.

Or silently discarding mail... come on, that's just the worst practice 
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-02 Thread Florian Effenberger via mailop


I'm rather new to this list, so I hope it's okay to jump in directly in 
this discussion and share some thoughts. :-)

I just recently faced a very similar problem with one of the new IPs I 
got assigned. Likely, the IP was in use by someone else previously or 
there are spammy neighbours (not surprising when it's a big provider 
with some customer turnaround). I got all deblocking done in the various 
blocklists, the status was clean everywhere, including SNDS, but still, 
Microsoft 365 mailboxes (* blocked it.

It seems there are various independent blocklists - one set is covering 
consumer Outlook/Live/Hotmail, the other set is covering Microsoft 365. 
SNDS seems to only query the former one, and the web form 
only unblocks on these domains, so neither of that helps for Microsoft 
365 mailboxes.

For Microsoft 365, there seem to be various levels of blocking. 
Sometimes, you can unblock yourself at, but I hit the 
infamous "Write to delist@" message. I managed to create a ticket there, 
they asked for some details, but then radio silence, all follow-up mails 
ignored, for over a month now. Various ways of contacting them went 
without any outcome, and I sense that on their end there is also some 
confusion as to the existing blocklists - I got repeatedly told the IP 
is not listed (which is what told me too), or to use 
the form, that obviously didn't help for my problem at hand.

In the end, via way one of the communication channels I tried, I somehow 
managed to get a supporter who was really engaged and managed to helped 
me out, but I must admit that the whole process was not straightforward 
and took me a month in the end. At least when people provide full 
contact data/imprint and proof that the IP was freshly assigned, some 
feedback would be good to not be left in the dark.

Problematic is also that there is no actual way to test if your new IP 
is blocked before using it, apart from sending to an actual e-mail 
address hosted there.

Hope to help,
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-02 Thread Laura Atkins via mailop
I know! I saw a bounce message JUST THIS MORNING from a client that blocked 
AS(201806271). How granular is that?

> Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.4.1 All recipient addresses rejected : Access 
> denied. AS(201806271) [ 
> <>]

laura (FYI: the AS in the blocking message stands for Anti-Spam and the number 
is an internal MS diagnostic code. It is not referencing an Autonomous System 

> On 1 Jun 2021, at 11:54, J. Hellenthal via mailop  wrote:
> Oh man! They got the whole ASN !
> Not just the A but the S and the N too!
> Thorough 🤪
> -- 
> J. Hellenthal
> The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says a 
> lot about anticipated traffic volume.
>> On Jun 1, 2021, at 05:38, André Peters via mailop  wrote:
>> Von: "Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop" 
>> An:
>> Gesendet: 01.06.2021 12:04:54
>> Betreff: Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with 
>> misleading temp error message
>>>> Am 28.05.21 um 15:22 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
>>>> Am 28.05.21 um 13:47 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
>>>>> Anyone from Microsoft/Outlook available to look into the matter?
>>>> Seems everything is ok now - either someone looked into the matter 
>>>> (thanks!) or some timeout ran out :-)
>>> Same problem again, for no discernible reason. No contact from MS, no 
>>> explanation, no abuse complaint.
>>> Given the ongoing flood of spam from bot-created hotmail accounts this is a 
>>> bit odd...
>>> Cheers,
>>> Hans-Martin
>> This is a never ending story. :-D
>> Pretty annoying. One of our ASNs was blocked for a day recently, there was 
>> no difference in mail volume or content, it is a low-traffic ASN for little 
>> communication. The whole ASN. Once in a while these things happen with MS. 
>> It's normal.
>> Yes, given the amount of outbound spam I don't understand how their filter 
>> or intelligence works at all. I guess nobody knows anymore at this point.
>> ___
>> mailop mailing list
> ___
> mailop mailing list

Having an Email Crisis?  We can help! 800 823-9674 

Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise
(650) 437-0741  

Email Delivery Blog: 

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread André Peters via mailop

> Am 02.06.2021 um 06:08 schrieb Jay Hennigan via mailop :
> On 6/1/21 20:55, John Levine via mailop wrote:
>> You really REALLY do not want your mail provider to deliver every message.
>> At large mail systems, typically 90% or more of the incoming mail is spam.
>> Without aggressive filtering, e-mail would be unusable.
> Agreed 100%. Another thing that you really REALLY do not want is for your 
> mail provider to silently discard messages. Either block at IP level and 
> don't accept them at all, reject them, deliver them to the inbox, or deliver 
> them to the spam folder.

Wow, they still do that? Can be really, really problematic (in some countries) 
for legal reasons.

> -- 
> Jay Hennigan -
> Network Engineering - CCIE #7880
> 503 897-8550 - WB6RDV
> ___
> mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread yuv via mailop
On Tue, 2021-06-01 at 23:55 -0400, John Levine via mailop wrote:
> > All what recipients AND mailers want is a reliable email service,
> > 
> You really REALLY do not want your mail provider to deliver every
> message.

Agree.  What I do want (but probably not even Santa can give me) is to
make ISPs liable for every bit that emanates from their network the
same way a land owner is liable for the pollution emanating from their
land, and to block out completely countries that do not enforce such
stringent standard.

> Spammers really do ruin everything.

Slackers do too, and our governments have been giving too much slack to
the industry who lobbied so successfully for a hands-off approach to
encourage innovation.  That industry is no longer in its infancy and
self-regulation has failed.
Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer
https ://
Tel: 519.488.1783 (does not receive MMS)
Tel: 1.844.234.5389
Fax: 1.888.900.5709
2201-323 Colborne Street
London, ON N6B 3N8

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Jay Hennigan via mailop

On 6/1/21 20:55, John Levine via mailop wrote:

You really REALLY do not want your mail provider to deliver every message.
At large mail systems, typically 90% or more of the incoming mail is spam.
Without aggressive filtering, e-mail would be unusable.

Agreed 100%. Another thing that you really REALLY do not want is for 
your mail provider to silently discard messages. Either block at IP 
level and don't accept them at all, reject them, deliver them to the 
inbox, or deliver them to the spam folder.

Jay Hennigan -
Network Engineering - CCIE #7880
503 897-8550 - WB6RDV
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread John Levine via mailop
It appears that yuv via mailop  said:
>> It's not just bulk mailers who overestimate how much their recipients
>> want their mail.
>All what recipients AND mailers want is a reliable email service, like
>snail mail.  I don't like the invoices, solicitations, and other things
>that land in my snail box, but I do like the fact that if someone puts
>a letter with my address in a post office box anywhere in the world, it
>makes its way to my snail box within a reliable service standard.

You really REALLY do not want your mail provider to deliver every message.
At large mail systems, typically 90% or more of the incoming mail is spam.
Without aggressive filtering, e-mail would be unusable.

Spammers really do ruin everything.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread yuv via mailop
On Tue, 2021-06-01 at 21:22 -0400, John Levine via mailop wrote:
> if the recipients of the mail don't complain when they
> don't get it, it's hard for the mail system operator to feel very
> motivated

The recipients don't even know they have a reason to complain.  The
motivation *should* come from service standards, RFCs, and
professionalism.  Not from complaints.

> It's not just bulk mailers who overestimate how much their recipients
> want their mail.

All what recipients AND mailers want is a reliable email service, like
snail mail.  I don't like the invoices, solicitations, and other things
that land in my snail box, but I do like the fact that if someone puts
a letter with my address in a post office box anywhere in the world, it
makes its way to my snail box within a reliable service standard.

The result of this attitude is that users are pushed to alternatives. 
iMessages, Telegram, SMS, you name it.  It is still an electronic
signal traveling through the wires, but the intermediary has much more
power over the users than in a federated internet email system.

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread John Levine via mailop
It appears that Scott Mutter via mailop  said:
>The issue - at least to me - has always been that Microsoft is viewed as
>this big, huge company that can do no wrong.

I don't think anyone has said that.  Microsoft's mail systems have accreted
over the years and are held together with chewing gum and baling wire.

On the other hand, if the recipients of the mail don't complain when they
don't get it, it's hard for the mail system operator to feel very motivated
to do anything about it, whether Microsoft or anyone else.

It's not just bulk mailers who overestimate how much their recipients
want their mail.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread J. Hellenthal via mailop
Oh man! They got the whole ASN !

Not just the A but the S and the N too!

Thorough 🤪

 J. Hellenthal

The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

> On Jun 1, 2021, at 05:38, André Peters via mailop  wrote:
> Von: "Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop" 
> An:
> Gesendet: 01.06.2021 12:04:54
> Betreff: Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with 
> misleading temp error message
>>> Am 28.05.21 um 15:22 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
>>> Am 28.05.21 um 13:47 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
>>>> Anyone from Microsoft/Outlook available to look into the matter?
>>> Seems everything is ok now - either someone looked into the matter 
>>> (thanks!) or some timeout ran out :-)
>> Same problem again, for no discernible reason. No contact from MS, no 
>> explanation, no abuse complaint.
>> Given the ongoing flood of spam from bot-created hotmail accounts this is a 
>> bit odd...
>> Cheers,
>> Hans-Martin
> This is a never ending story. :-D
> Pretty annoying. One of our ASNs was blocked for a day recently, there was no 
> difference in mail volume or content, it is a low-traffic ASN for little 
> communication. The whole ASN. Once in a while these things happen with MS. 
> It's normal.
> Yes, given the amount of outbound spam I don't understand how their filter or 
> intelligence works at all. I guess nobody knows anymore at this point.
> ___
> mailop mailing list
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Scott Mutter via mailop
The issue - at least to me - has always been that Microsoft is viewed as
this big, huge company that can do no wrong.

When our users have issues sending to Microsoft email servers - it's
obviously because *we're* stupid and something is wrong with *our* server.
It can't possibly be a Microsoft issue.  Microsoft made Windows, what did
we make?

That's the narrative that needs to change.  If end-users would somehow
start to realize that Microsoft has a horrible email system, fewer people
would be inclined to use Microsoft based email accounts.

That's basically what we have done.  I'm sure we've probably lost some
clients over it.  But if you're using a Microsoft based email address for
anything mission critical, then I'm sorry, you're probably missing stuff.
And not just stuff from us, but from any number of other places.  Missing
stuff could be because of a no reason block/blacklist or just a silent
deletion of the message.

On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 3:50 PM Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop <> wrote:

> Am 01.06.21 um 21:39 schrieb John Levine via mailop:
> >
> > No, it's to deliver the mail that the users want. One point that bulk
> > mailers often miss is that, while the recipients at large providers do
> > not object to getting the bulk mail, they also do not really want it.
> We're not talking about bulk mail here. We're talking about messages
> between individual users, including such things as
> doctor or vaccination appointments, meeting schedule coordination, etc,
> which both affected parties consider important.
> Some occasional small mailing lists for group information exchange, too.
> No marketing stuff, social media notifications
> or other noise that people wouldn't miss.
> I'm pretty strict myself when it comes to blocking spam-emitting sites.
> And of course, it also happens that we block
> some IPs or IP ranges due to spamming and some time later it turns out
> that the same hosts are used by legitimate
> senders. We have several mechanisms in place to detect and remedy such
> situations quickly. And when we notice spam
> floods (such as the current hotmail bot flood) from mail systems we're
> going out of our way to implement very specific
> filters that keep out the drek while allowing legitimate mails through.
> It's really not necessary to play devil's advocate here. It's the devil,
> he can defend himself quite well if he chooses
> to speak.
> Cheers,
> Hans-Martin
> ___
> mailop mailing list
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Graeme Slogrove via mailop

It's unfortunate to see others experiencing the same issues we've had with 
Microsoft in general. We're not a massive player in the market and constantly 
experience these service-disrupting incidents with MS and Office365.

(Side note - I am also personally a paying premium customer of outlook, so I 
expect MS to do a proper job with that platform. It's not a "free, so we don't 
care" system)

A thought - Has anyone approached Microsoft/Hotmail and suggested a working 
group with them?

The working group would be representatives of trusted mail host operators and 
senior admins in MS, understanding that by creating this group, we're reducing 
both their workload and increasing their customer satisfaction.

The goals would be to find solutions for

1. A way to quickly escalate any blocking issues from our IP ranges
2. Establish valid mail trust with our IP ranges, knowing that we are doing 
everything in our power to limit spam.
3. Establish that mail from these IPs may vary in volume
4. Have the ability to inform MS of new IP addresses, so they don't block them 
for sudden rate change
5. Help understand ways we can change our systems to reduce the chances of 
being blocked/deleted/listed

I could approach some contacts at Microsoft and see if they're willing to do 
such a thing?

Pinch me if I'm dreaming.

Graeme Slogrove

This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential, 
and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended 
recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, 
or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is 
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immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, 
whether in electronic or hard copy format.
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop
Am 01.06.21 um 21:39 schrieb John Levine via mailop:
> No, it's to deliver the mail that the users want. One point that bulk
> mailers often miss is that, while the recipients at large providers do
> not object to getting the bulk mail, they also do not really want it.

We're not talking about bulk mail here. We're talking about messages between 
individual users, including such things as
doctor or vaccination appointments, meeting schedule coordination, etc, which 
both affected parties consider important.
Some occasional small mailing lists for group information exchange, too. No 
marketing stuff, social media notifications
or other noise that people wouldn't miss.

I'm pretty strict myself when it comes to blocking spam-emitting sites. And of 
course, it also happens that we block
some IPs or IP ranges due to spamming and some time later it turns out that the 
same hosts are used by legitimate
senders. We have several mechanisms in place to detect and remedy such 
situations quickly. And when we notice spam
floods (such as the current hotmail bot flood) from mail systems we're going 
out of our way to implement very specific
filters that keep out the drek while allowing legitimate mails through.

It's really not necessary to play devil's advocate here. It's the devil, he can 
defend himself quite well if he chooses
to speak.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop
Dnia  1.06.2021 o godz. 15:39:15 John Levine via mailop pisze:
> No, it's to deliver the mail that the users want. One point that bulk
> mailers often miss is that, while the recipients at large providers do
> not object to getting the bulk mail, they also do not really want it.
> So if the provider doesn't deliver it, and their users don't care, that is
> not necessarily a mistake.

Why do you always assume that the issue only refers to bulk mail?

I ran once, a few years ago, into an issue where my purely personal
messages, to someone I know, who had email hosted on O365, have been just
silently discarded by MS. Neither me nor the recipient knew about this,
until we figured out something is wrong and managed to contact using another
means. (A similar situation is with Gmail putting my messages into Spam
folder, which happened to me a few times).

So using your (and Microsoft's) logic, the recipient "did not want" that
mail, and "didn't care" that she didn't get it, because she didn't complain
to MS that she didn't get it. Which was obviously not the case. And she
couldn't complain because she didn't know in the first place that I send her
that email.

It was good that I had a different way of contacting that person. But what
if the only contact was email? Let's assume for example that the recipient
is you. You are quite a famous person ;), among others because of a few books
you wrote. Some of those books contain your e-mail address, so it's quite
normal that you can expect e-mails from your readers. Assume I'm a reader
who wants to contact you - for example to ask about something I read in your
book or just to express my opinion. But my email gets discarded or rejected.
You don't know that I wanted to write to you, so you can't even tell whether
my e-mail was wanted or not (according to my criteria, an author can never
call messages from his readers "unwanted", even if they just hate him). But
according to your logic, since you never worried that you didn't get my
email (which you didn't know about at all), you didn't want that email. See
the absurdity?
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread yuv via mailop
On Tue, 2021-06-01 at 15:39 -0400, John Levine via mailop wrote:
> It appears that Johann Klasek via mailop <
>> said:
> > the aim is, that everyone on the recipient site
> > is obligated to provide best possible reachability.
> No, it's to deliver the mail that the users want. One point that bulk
> mailers often miss is that, while the recipients at large providers
> do not object to getting the bulk mail, they also do not really want
> it.

I am by no way a bulk mailer.  My server sends only legal documents and
invoice, all as PDF attachment and with no HTML or other eyecandy or
trackware.  And yet Microsoft's StupidWhatever(TM)  eats the mail
without notice to either recipient or sender.  How can the recipients
know that this is what they want?

On Tue, 2021-06-01 at 21:19 +0200, Johann Klasek via mailop wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 01, 2021 at 02:48:23PM -0400, John Levine via mailop
> wrote:
> > 
> > You should definitely demand a full refund of all the money you've
> > paid Microsoft to deliver your mail.
> > Oh, wait, ...
> Sorry, I can't here this capitalistic sarcasm anymore

That reply has nothing to do with capitalism, and even as sarcasm it is

The capitalistic answer is to make the provider responsible / liable
for the damages caused by its non-reacheability.

It is plain wrong to substitute the provider's StupidWhatever(TM) whims
for the individual recipient's decision what is spam and how to deal
with it.  The individual recipient is the only person entitled to have
whims and to ignore incoming mail, at his own responsibility.

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread John Levine via mailop
It appears that Johann Klasek via mailop  said:
>Sorry, I can't here this capitalistic sarcasm anymore ... maybe I got
>this wrong anyhow, but the aim is, that everyone on the recipient site
>is obligated to provide best possible reachability.

No, it's to deliver the mail that the users want. One point that bulk
mailers often miss is that, while the recipients at large providers do
not object to getting the bulk mail, they also do not really want it.

So if the provider doesn't deliver it, and their users don't care, that is
not necessarily a mistake.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Johann Klasek via mailop
On Tue, Jun 01, 2021 at 02:48:23PM -0400, John Levine via mailop wrote:
> It appears that Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop  said:
> >Glad to hear that they could help you but I'm of the stubborn kind - we're 
> >not doing anything wrong, we're not spamming,
> >we're not in a spammy neighborhood (afaik). That StupidScreen® Filter or 
> >whatever is deciding that our mail should be
> >temp rejected for a day is the thing that's wrong. And I just refuse to 
> >"fix" something that's not broken to work around
> >the brokenness of something else that can be fixed.
> You should definitely demand a full refund of all the money you've paid 
> Microsoft to deliver your mail.
> Oh, wait, ...

Sorry, I can't here this capitalistic sarcasm anymore ... maybe I got
this wrong anyhow, but the aim is, that everyone on the recipient site
is obligated to provide best possible reachability. What does MS pay to
others that their customer's mail get delivered? Is this some game to punish
each other, to drive all theirs customers and mail admins crazy?

Johann K.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop
Am 01.06.21 um 20:48 schrieb John Levine via mailop:
> You should definitely demand a full refund of all the money you've paid 
> Microsoft to deliver your mail.
> Oh, wait, ...

Well I'd be happy if they just paid a little bit for the time that I had to 
spend to protect our users from their spam


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread John Levine via mailop
It appears that Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop  said:
>Glad to hear that they could help you but I'm of the stubborn kind - we're not 
>doing anything wrong, we're not spamming,
>we're not in a spammy neighborhood (afaik). That StupidScreen® Filter or 
>whatever is deciding that our mail should be
>temp rejected for a day is the thing that's wrong. And I just refuse to "fix" 
>something that's not broken to work around
>the brokenness of something else that can be fixed.

You should definitely demand a full refund of all the money you've paid 
Microsoft to deliver your mail.

Oh, wait, ...

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Bjoern Franke via mailop

> Glad to hear that they could help you but I'm of the stubborn kind - we're 
> not doing anything wrong, we're not spamming,
> we're not in a spammy neighborhood (afaik). That StupidScreen® Filter or 
> whatever is deciding that our mail should be
> temp rejected for a day is the thing that's wrong. And I just refuse to "fix" 
> something that's not broken to work around
> the brokenness of something else that can be fixed.

Ack. Recently I had to create a ticket because a friend of mine (having
an account on my private mailserver) replied to a mail from a Hotmail
user and it was denied. Seems to be very Smart® when it does not even
recognize replies to mails sent from their own users.

Sometimes ranting seems like the right thing to do ;)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Paul Ebersman via mailop
jay> Jay's Law: Any product released by a technology company with
jay> "Smart" in it's name will do stupid things.

I find the following definition of "smart" from to be
almost perfect in this context:

  "to be the cause of a sharp, stinging pain, as an irritating
  application, a blow, etc."
mailop mailing list

[mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Jay Hennigan via mailop

On 6/1/21 03:39, Daniel K. via mailop wrote:

It turned out that my ISPs email servers was on the Microsoft shit-list,
and that, quote:

messages are being filtered (i.e. sent to the Junk folder) based on the
recommendations of the SmartScreen® Filter.

I propose an Internet law:

Jay's Law: Any product released by a technology company with "Smart" in 
it's name will do stupid things.

Jay Hennigan -
Network Engineering - CCIE #7880
503 897-8550 - WB6RDV
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop
Am 01.06.21 um 12:39 schrieb Daniel K. via mailop:
> ...
> I don't know anything about the specific error code you showed upthread,
> but I finally managed to get in touch with Hotmail sender support
> regarding my own problem - by using another email address than the one
> used in the form.
> It turned out that my ISPs email servers was on the Microsoft shit-list,
> and that, quote:
> messages are being filtered (i.e. sent to the Junk folder) based on the
> recommendations of the SmartScreen® Filter.
> So, I reckon that maybe the smartscreen filter decided to send all my
> previous replies directly to the junk folder, since I also got no reply
> until I sent the same message from another account.
> Maybe something similar is the case for you too?
> Hotmail support was helpful when I finally got hold of them.

Glad to hear that they could help you but I'm of the stubborn kind - we're not 
doing anything wrong, we're not spamming,
we're not in a spammy neighborhood (afaik). That StupidScreen® Filter or 
whatever is deciding that our mail should be
temp rejected for a day is the thing that's wrong. And I just refuse to "fix" 
something that's not broken to work around
the brokenness of something else that can be fixed.


(yes I know I'm ranting, sometimes I feel like ranting is the thing to do :-) )

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Daniel K. via mailop
On 6/1/21 10:04 AM, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:
> Am 28.05.21 um 15:22 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
>> Am 28.05.21 um 13:47 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
>>> Anyone from Microsoft/Outlook available to look into the matter?
>> Seems everything is ok now - either someone looked into the matter (thanks!) 
>> or some timeout ran out :-)
> Same problem again, for no discernible reason. No contact from MS, no 
> explanation, no abuse complaint.

I don't know anything about the specific error code you showed upthread,
but I finally managed to get in touch with Hotmail sender support
regarding my own problem - by using another email address than the one
used in the form.

It turned out that my ISPs email servers was on the Microsoft shit-list,
and that, quote:

messages are being filtered (i.e. sent to the Junk folder) based on the
recommendations of the SmartScreen® Filter.

So, I reckon that maybe the smartscreen filter decided to send all my
previous replies directly to the junk folder, since I also got no reply
until I sent the same message from another account.

Maybe something similar is the case for you too?

Hotmail support was helpful when I finally got hold of them.

> Given the ongoing flood of spam from bot-created hotmail accounts this is a 
> bit odd...

Maybe they got Postel's law the wrong way around?

Daniel K.
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread André Peters via mailop

Von: "Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop" 
Gesendet: 01.06.2021 12:04:54
Betreff: Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail 
with misleading temp error message

Am 28.05.21 um 15:22 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:

 Am 28.05.21 um 13:47 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:

 Anyone from Microsoft/Outlook available to look into the matter?

 Seems everything is ok now - either someone looked into the matter (thanks!) 
or some timeout ran out :-)

Same problem again, for no discernible reason. No contact from MS, no 
explanation, no abuse complaint.

Given the ongoing flood of spam from bot-created hotmail accounts this is a bit 


This is a never ending story. :-D

Pretty annoying. One of our ASNs was blocked for a day recently, there 
was no difference in mail volume or content, it is a low-traffic ASN for 
little communication. The whole ASN. Once in a while these things happen 
with MS. It's normal.

Yes, given the amount of outbound spam I don't understand how their 
filter or intelligence works at all. I guess nobody knows anymore at 
this point.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-06-01 Thread Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop
Am 28.05.21 um 15:22 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
> Am 28.05.21 um 13:47 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
>> Anyone from Microsoft/Outlook available to look into the matter?
> Seems everything is ok now - either someone looked into the matter (thanks!) 
> or some timeout ran out :-)

Same problem again, for no discernible reason. No contact from MS, no 
explanation, no abuse complaint.

Given the ongoing flood of spam from bot-created hotmail accounts this is a bit 


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-05-28 Thread Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop
Am 28.05.21 um 13:47 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop:
> Anyone from Microsoft/Outlook available to look into the matter?

Seems everything is ok now - either someone looked into the matter (thanks!) or 
some timeout ran out :-)


mailop mailing list

[mailop] refusing to accept mail with misleading temp error message

2021-05-28 Thread Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop

for a couple of hours Office365 recipients are unreachable from our server (not, another one) due to SMTP
rejections of this kind:

(host[] said: 451 4.7.500 
Server busy. Please try again later from
[...]. (S77719) [] (in reply 
to end of DATA command))

"Server busy" is a blatant lie, the server accepts the mail without issues from 
another IP address.

Anyone from Microsoft/Outlook available to look into the matter?


mailop mailing list